#and all I wanted was pasta with chicken is that too much to ask
sinhal · 8 months
I’m going to throw up
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Allergies III
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Lena Oberdorf x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Obi chooses your food
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The first round of preseason right before a round of Euros qualifiers is a little bit annoying for your parents but to you, it doesn't matter much.
You're happy to just be around the team after the short break with your family.
It's not that you don't get along with your cousins but you've always felt a little anxious around kids your age, no matter if you're actually related to them or not.
You feel much more settled at training with a bunch of footballs to keep you occupied.
The girls are nice too.
Obi has joined from Wolfsburg and you really like Obi because she does fun things like swing you around and run around with you on her shoulders.
Momma says that's dangerous.
You think she's silly but Momma's in charge of you so you make Obi stop doing it where Momma can see.
"Princesse!" Magda calls over from her lunch table," Have you got what you wanted?"
"In a minute!" You yell back as Obi makes your plate for you.
You're letting Obi choose your meal today like she did a few time when you were at Wolfsburg together. Obi always chooses really good food like the mac and cheese a few days ago and the creamy chicken you liked so much that Magda had to go and get the recipe off the chefs because it was all you wanted to eat when you got home.
So, all in all, you trust Obi's choices even when she puts yucky salad on your plate because Momma and Morsa say you have to have something healthy.
Obi gets to the end of the line and hands you your plate before looping back around to grab her own food.
You walk carefully to the table Momma, Morsa and Georgia are already sitting at.
Georgia takes your plate as Magda lifts you up into your seat, tucking you in before you're allowed to start gobbling up your lunch.
Obi's chosen very well again as you eat your pasta and pancetta. You really like pasta. You think it's your favourite food even though Momma and Morsa have made sure that you like lots of other food too.
Pernille taps your plate. "Eat some salad too."
You huff.
A love of salad is not something that they've managed to instil in you. You're not a big fruit eater, having favoured vegetables since you were a lot younger but the idea of salad has always been boring and you'll always avoid it if you can.
"Do I have to?"
"Yes," Pernille replies," It'll make you big and strong."
You wrinkle your nose in annoyance as your spear a weird green cube on your fork. It's kind of soft but kind of not. Your fork goes straight through it and you sniff cautiously.
It doesn't smell bad, per say, but you still don't really want to eat it.
You do anyway because Momma is right but it doesn't mean you'll enjoy it.
And you really don't enjoy it.
The weird green cubes you eat make your mouth all itchy and your throat goes all tight again.
You scrunch up your face and put down your fork just as Obi joins the table.
"What's with the face?" She laughs, making everyone turn to look at you," Does the avocado taste weird?"
Magda and Pernille both freeze, food halfway to their mouths as Georgia cocks her head to the side in confusion.
"You're looking kind of red there, y/n. Do you need-"
You never quite hear what Georgia was going to ask as your throat closes up just as Pernille hauls you out of your seat.
Magda tears open the backpack on the back of her seat to grab an epipen, slamming it into your leg suddenly.
You yelp at the sudden pain blooming in your thigh but your throat and mouth feel less itchy and scratchy
"What the fuck?!" Georgia swears, feeling a little queasy as Magda pulls the needle out of your leg. She has to force herself to turn away until Magda puts it down.
Obi is also speechless, mouth opening and closing but no words are able to come out.
A crowd has formed now, after all the commotion and Pernille clutches you to her as the medics check you over.
You epipen works quickly and this reaction was nowhere near as severe as your first.
In fact, Magda reacted so quickly that your face didn't even have the chance to break out in hives fully so your recovery is already happening before you've even realised that you were having an allergic reaction.
"We'll pop an icepack on this," One of the medics say, hand lightly grazing the large bruise developing over your injection site.
"I feel sick," Georgia mutters nearby, having to turn away again when the she catches sight of the mere size of the bruise.
"She's okay?" Pernille checks, still clinging to you and furiously wiping away the few tears that have dripped down her cheeks.
"Keep the icepack on, let her get lots of rest and she'll be right as rain," The medic confirms.
Magda sits slumped on her chair, turning to Obi.
"She's allergic to avocado."
"I didn't know."
"I know. We should have told you. Kiwi and banana too."
"And latex," Pernille cuts in," But only kind of."
The adults are all fussing over you, Pernille especially.
You're still sitting on the floor together with a big icepack on your leg and her arms wrapped tight around you like she's scared to let go.
"Can I have my pasta back please?"
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cloudcountry · 2 months
I just discovered your writing and I love how you write Idia! If requests are open, could you write Idia with an S/O that cooks for him? It's heavily implied that Idia has depression and is very thin do to his lack of self care and malnutrition, but since he started dating he gains some weight and gets a bit insecure about it but reader comforts him because they're just happy that's he's eating healthy
SUMMARY: idia is starting to eat healthier and put on weight, which spawns new insecurities. you help him through it.
COMMENTS: i'm so unhinged about this request please. PLEASE. do not look at me right now im in SHAMBLES. you've saved my life with his request. IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT FOREVER I WROTE THIS IN LIKE 45 MINUTES IM LOSING IT. THIS BAD BOY CAN FIT SO MUCH NON SEXUAL INTIMACY IN IT. CRYING.
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In the beginning of your relationship, getting Idia to eat and drink was like pulling teeth. You didn’t want to force it—Idia knew how he felt far better than you, and making him do something he didn’t want to was just cruel. You knew from the start that if he didn’t want to eat, he wouldn’t, and even after consulting Ortho you didn’t notice any changes in his attitude towards eating. You reminded him to drink water constantly and brought him little snacks, but the water bottles remained mostly full and the snacks were unopened. While you managed to coax another few sips of water out of Idia, the snacks were still a no-go and his vitamin drinks won the day once again.
It took until the two of you were second years for him to consider eating more, and you were so delighted that you began to cook for him. Although he still gained most of his nutrients from those vitamin drinks he’d always drink in place of meals, you were so proud of him when he started eating the small portions you’d set out for him. Each container had four sections, one full of dried fruits, one with nuts, one with vegetables, and the last with meat. You always wrote him a note telling him how proud of him you were, encouraging him to eat the whole thing but letting him know he could stop eating whenever. It was more of a snack than anything, but he’d eaten it, the whole thing, and you felt so moved you’d almost cried.
Idia never thought it was that much a deal, even when you started gradually increasing his portion sizes into your third year at NRC, always replying to your praise with bashful mumbles and scoffs, twisting his beautiful hair into knots as a nervous habit. He would finish his snacks and bashfully ask for more, turning his pink cheeks away from you when you’d beam and tell him you’d be on it right away. Noodle dishes were popular, along with sweet chicken recipes, and anything with rice or pasta. You avoided using meats like pork or beef or anything that wasn’t light like poultry. Idia always favored things that went down easy, not hearty meals that left you feeling stuffed (and, of course, you never fed him sushi due to his dislike of raw fish.)
He was drinking more water as the years went on, too—by the time you came to collect his dishes and figure out if he wanted more food or not, you’d catch a glance of a half empty water bottle and feel your heart fluttering in your chest. It made you so happy to see him eating and drinking healthier. Even if he complained about needing to go pee more often (which took out of his gaming time, oh the dramatics) you could tell he felt better. It had been a journey of three years but you and him were making some serious progress together, and you couldn’t be more proud.
To celebrate just how proud of him you were, you’d gotten Idia a small chocolate cake to go with his lunch, and you were delivering it a bit early to surprise him.
Balancing all of the food on one hand, you bounce on the balls of your feet as you punch in the security code to his room (it changed every day and he always texted you the new one, reassuring you that your messages had been encrypted ten times over so nobody could even chip at the defenses, not that you were worried about someone hacking your phone in the first place.) The door opens with its usual mechanical woosh and shuts behind you the second you step inside, immediately locking again.
“Idia, I bought you a gift today!” you cheer, setting the containers down on his bed.
You turn around to face the rest of his room before stopping dead in your tracks, coming face to face with very wide eyed, shirtless Idia. He’s clutching his shirt to his chest, trying to hide as much of him as he possibly can, but the way the fat of his stomach pinches and rolls at his side could still be seen past the fabric. Your mouth forms a small o shape as you stare, taking him in.
“Stop staring!” he yells, and it's only then that you notice the tears in his eyes and the pink borderline red flickers in his flames, “Get out!”
He throws himself into the gamer chair, spinning it enough so that the back of it faces you. You can see him curling up into a little ball, struggling to get his shirt on in the state he’s in.
“Idia, wait!” you call out, stopping him in his tracks.
Soft sniffles fill the room, and it breaks your heart.
“Why are you here early?” he snaps, still not coming out from his hiding place.
“I bought you a miniature cake. You’ve been eating more lately and I’m proud of you for that.” you say softly, sitting down on his bed, “I’m not going to come over there, darling. Don’t worry. This is a safe space, you know? I would never judge you.”
Idia is silent for a few beats before he speaks again.
“Maybe...maybe I should stop eating.” he murmurs, and the pain that shoots through your heart makes you gasp.
“Idia, no.” you plead, gentle even though you’re panicking, “What’s making you feel this way? You’ve been doing so well, you’ve told me how good you’ve been feeling this past year because you’re eating healthier, what changed?”
“I look like this!” he spits out, and there’s so much self loathing in his tone it brings tears to your eyes as well.
“You look beautiful, darling, you always have. What about yourself do you not like?” you plead, hoping and praying he’ll open himself up to you.
“I’ve gained weight. I’m not as skinny anymore. I look gross.” he peeks out from behind his chair and your heart breaks at how bloodshot his eyes are, “I don’t...want you to see me like this and leave me.”
“My love...” you keep his gaze, leaning as close as you can to him without leaving the bed, “I love you no matter what you look like, you know that right? I love you as a person. You will always, always look lovely to me. I love you. I don’t love a perfect version of you I made up in my head. Every single insecurity you have, I love, because they aren’t flaws. They’re just you.”
You let him take your words in, listening to his heavy breaths before you stand up.
“Darling...can I see you?” you ask carefully, “I want to see you.”
He hesitates.
“Promise me you won’t be disappointed.” Idia’s voice cracks mournfully, like he’s already accepted a fate that will never befall him.
“Never.” you answer immediately.
Your breath catches in your throat when he shamefully moves away from his gaming chair, staring at the ground to avoid looking at you. Your heart hits the ceiling with how light it feels, your lungs contracting and your body growing warm. Oh, he’s ethereal.
You take in the parts that he hates—the creases of his neck and his soft pecs (his nipples are blue, you note, and honestly that doesn’t surprise you), the rolls of his stomach and the fiery trial of hair that leads to his pelvis. You take in the blue glow under his arms and the way the fat of his upper arm folds into his shoulder, and his way his stomach hangs a little over the waistband of his pants. You take it how his arms are bigger now, whether that be from growth or the added weight you don’t know, but what you do know is that all of this beauty was hiding under his hoodie for the past three years. Probably even longer.
“You’re beautiful.”
And your voice breaks as a single hand covers your mouth, hearts in your eyes as you finally, finally make eye contact with Idia, his hair sparking and popping like solar flares as the flames turn pink.
You love that pink.
“B...Beautiful!?” Idia jerks back, looking so scared and ashamed and confused, “What are you talking about!? Beautiful is for men in otomes with eight pack abs, I’m no ikemen but I’m not stupid and how could you ever call me something like that—!?”
“Idia Shroud, you’re beautiful!” you shout, your voice far louder than you intended and it cracks again because oh, you’re so emotional, how could this man think he’s anything but beautiful?
“...what?” he whispers, shirt still clenched in his hands like a lifeline, “You...you don’t want to leave me?”
What you want to do is ask why you ever thought he’d leave you in the first place.
What you do instead, is tell him no.
And you stay.
You don’t make an excuse to leave or try to let him down slowly. You stay in his room and you ask to hug him, you stay in his room and you embrace him so tenderly when he says yes, you stay in his room with him and you kiss his temple, holding all of the extra fat he didn’t come with when you fell in love with him in your arms, loving him all the same even though he’s changed.
He doubts you’ve ever called someone beautiful as many times as you’re calling him that right now.
So Idia shuts his eyes and buries his face in your shoulder, hiding his face and his body and his sobs from the rest of the world in the safety of your arms.
You really will love him no matter what.
He doesn’t know what to do.
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keeksandgigz · 10 months
okay okay, but imagine an older!modern!eddie getting ticked off every time you have your phone on 'do not disturb.'
this was supposed to be a blurb but pls queens turn off your dnd this is loosely based on a true story
eddie munson x fem! reader
word count: 3k
cw: porn with a little plot, spanking with a spoon, oral (f receiving), unprotected piv (pls don't do that), use of nicknames (sweetness, sugar, baby etc), established d/s dynamic (even if there isn't much of it here), no physical description of reader, minors dni, smut below the cut!
Like, it starts off kinda funny like "Honey, c'mon I need you to return my calls if I know you're free. I needa know my girl is safe" he says, voice real sweet. You just apologize and turn it off.
Until it becomes a recurrent thing. He'll call you to ask if you still need to get picked up after class while you're out running errands. You don't see his call until after class and you hurriedly call him to come pick you up.
Or he's at the grocery store to pick up dinner for later and he's texting you to ask what he needs to get for you and you just don't answer him. You don't see his texts.
He tries to call. Voicemail.
He later gets home with whatever he was craving and just starts cooking.
"But I thought we said we were gonna do pasta, Ed? Why're you making chicken?" you ask, literally without a clue as to why dinner plans have changed.
"Well, sweetness, if you don't answer my texts or return my calls how the hell am I supposed to know what kinda pasta you wanted, huh?" he just shrugs, voice a bit hardened. You can tell it's starting to tick him off.
"Oh, shit. Sorry Ed, I don't even know where my phone is, really" you scratch your head, looking around but not really in search for your phone.
"Well, if you didn't have your DnD on you'd know where your phone is once I call or text you. It's starting to get a little frustrating, baby, can you please be a little more mindful and turn off your 'do not disturb' when you don't need it please?" you just nod sheepishly, like you've been scolded for not saying 'thank you' to a gift you didn't like.
And it does end up happening numerous times. Luckily, nothing too insane.
Sometimes he'd ask you if you wanted to call and you just sit there waiting for him to call. After ten minutes, you assume he's gone to sleep (he's a bit old after all), so you turn off your phone and tuck in for the night.
"Why didn't you pick up last night baby? I called you like six times" he asks the morning after.
"Wait, you called? I was waiting for you to call and then you didn't so I just went to bed" you explain, then clocking the issue there. Shit.
"You had your DnD on, didn't you, sweetness?" and he gets close to you. Close enough for you to hold your breath, too entranced by his big presence, filling up every bit of your vision. You feel suffocated by him.
You look down, too much to be looking at him right now, with the aura of calm and cool control that he exudes. It'd be easier for him to swallow you whole than for you to be making eye contact with him right now.
He just takes care of that promptly for you. He gingerly places two fingers under your chin, making you look at him in the eyes.
"You look at me when I talk to you. You know better, don't you baby?" and he puts on this fake pout that makes you blush all over. You imagine the butterflies at the bottom of your stomach tinging a pretty shade of pink with every domineering word that comes out of that man's mouth.
You just nod, he makes a clicking sound with his tongue and teeth, releasing you from the delicious torture of him invading your senses as he takes a step back, letting your chin go before he just goes back to what he was doing.
"Oughta punish you one of these days if you don't turn that damn DnD off" he mutters and then he's back on his computer.
The gruff words make your shaky legs stutter as you decide you cannot be standing anymore and you plop yourself on the couch.
His last straw, however, is when you're out at a club with your friends. You've had one too many drinks and you text Eddie to come pick you up. He has no idea where you are.
Yeah, baby I can pick you up. Where at? 12:34 am
Can't pick you up if you don't tell me where you are, sweetness. 12:42 am
You there? 12:50 am
Turn off your DnD PLEASE 1:00 am
I'm omw 1:03 am
And he pulls up in front of the bar you were helplessly staring out the door of. You're not drunk, just not having fun.
You run into the car, shivering from the biting November breeze.
"Had to call one of your friends to tell me where the fuck you were. Are you drunk?" he asks. Voice stern, laden with what you could only define as barbed wire. Cutting, angry, almost.
"'m not drunk." you mutter "I had, like, a shot, then I decided I wasn't having fun anymore. Didn't wanna go out in the first place" finding the creases and ridges of your hands very interesting all of a sudden.
"Trust me when I tell you you won't be having fun at home either. Fucking sick of that 'do not disturb' thing on. You had me scared to death." he seethes, knuckles tightening around the steering wheel. You notice he's wearing his pyjamas.
Fuck. You made him get out of bed. You shrink in your seat.
"Y'don't wanna be disturbed? I'll fuckin' teach you about being disturbed" and that's the last thing he says before he just speeds home.
There's thick tension between the two of you when he opens the door to his apartment. You sit on his counter, looking at the floor and getting ready for another scolding.
He's leaning on the wall opposite to you, arms crossed.
He breaks the silence "Floor's lookin' clean? You gonna look at me now?" you shiver, then look up to meet his darkened eyes.
He scoffs and takes a few paces towards you, until he's placed between your parted legs.
"What do I gotta do with you, huh? Do I gotta start checkin' your phone to make sure that damn thing is turned off? As far as I'm concerned after your classes you shouldn't have it on at all" he remarks, his hands caressing over the nylon of your tights, toying with the fabric of your dress.
You interject "I just forget, Ed. I'm so busy these days I forget to turn it off" you jut out your bottom lip, trying to coax a bit of sweet sympathy out of him. Something that'll make the punishment a bit lighter.
But he remains unmoved, his lips in a straight line as he moves his hands up, up, up to firmly hold your waist. "So forgetful, aren't you, baby? Maybe you need a reminder, carve some space in that big, busy brain of yours to remember to turn your DnD off, hm?" he chides, playing with the insides of your arm, skin sensitive and waiting as his thick finger moves up and down and you can't help but nod.
Your breath begins to pick up ever so slightly. But he notices, of course he notices. The way your mouth parts and your pupils dilate. The way your chest begins to get closer to him, rising and falling in anticipation.
"So pretty" he teases, his hand moving up to cup your cheek. You lean into the warmth of his palm, letting out a sweet humming sound that makes Eddie's stomach flip despite his hardened facade "Y'wanna play?"
His voice goes to a deep, dark timbre, the question making you shiver. You speak for the first time in what seems like forever.
"Yes, sir" voice thin and quiet as you keep looking at him, not wanting to worsen your precarious position as he undoes the zipper of the short dress you're wearing, helping him out by taking your arms out of the thin sleeves.
"Good girl," he remarks, tapping the sides of your thighs to make you lift your hips, removing the dress off of you completely.
He licks his lips when he finds you're wearing tights. He loves spanking you with the nylon barrier between his hand and the soft skin of your ass. A weird quirk of his.
You feel the hardened pressure of his bulge against the inside of your thigh as his body turns to litter a trail of kisses over your jawline and you keen into his touch, arch towards his chest demanding more, more, more. Even if you're in no position to demand anything.
A whine escapes you as you keep arching your hips towards him. Eddie's quick to stop you with a strong hand pinning you down against the marble of the counter. He tuts.
"Don't be greedy. Hop off and bend over" he commands, and who are you to say no to him as you comply with a meek "Yes, sir," resting your elbows on the cold counter.
His nose skims the length of your spine, taking in the way you smell. Sweet and musky, after a night of dancing among sweaty bodies. The thought intrudes Eddie's head. Did a body press itself against you? Is the scent of a random man now on the skin of your back, the fabric of your dress?
He shakes the thought away as he reaches the waistband of your black nylon tights.
"Pass me that wooden spoon, will you, sugar?" he says sweetly, snaking a hand in your hair. You shiver as you reach for the wooden utensil in the metal bucket next to the stove. You pass it to him, skin pricking up from the anticipation of not knowing what he might do with it.
"Thank you, baby" he kisses your shoulders, as the spoon comes into contact with your ass. Caressing up and down.
"Now, I hate to do this, you know me, but I gotta teach you a lesson, sweetness. Tell me you want this" he says, the utensil snaking its way between your legs, rubbing back and forth. A wicked smile appearing on Eddie's lips when you begin to helplessly whimper, your head lolling on its side against the marble counter.
"I- I want this" you say, loud enough to make him hear you.
And that's all he needs. A green light.
The wooden spoon lands on the meat of your ass. You hiss. The feeling is new, he hadn't spanked you with anything aside of his hand before, but the feeling of the wooden handle cracking on your skin makes your head reel.
"You gonna put your phone on DnD again?" he asks, a question he knows the answer to as he cracks down the spoon again.
"Ah- ow- No, sir. Thank you, sir" you say, sweet and compliant, hoping that it will relieve you of your penance earlier than he'd planned to.
His hand sneaks itself on the seam of your tights, knowing you never wear panties with them, feeling the heat radiating off of your core, a dampness that had been sitting there since you'd climbed in the car.
He chuckles to himself, a dark laugh, a notice that he will not go easy on you tonight.
"You're likin' this?" you can almost hear the wicked smile in his words. "You little slut, you're getting wet from this? Me smacking you with a spoon?" he taunts and your legs quiver as he administers two more cracks to your ass.
You have cotton in your ears. Your skin feels everything and nothing at the same time as you begin slumping against the counter.
"So horny you can't even stand, huh, sweetness?" Eddie smacks you again and then reaches his arm around your waist to pull you up "Little slut didn't want me to disturb her, hat true?" he asks, another smack, this time he expects an answer.
"Fuck- ow- no Eddie that's not-ah" another smack "t-true" you sob, tears beginning to well on the waterline of your eyes.
Your ass feels on fire while Eddie puts the spoon down next to your head. Your legs shaky in your heels as he kneels between your legs.
Two of his fingers hooked on the seam of your tights as he rips a hole in them, exposing you to him. You gasp, more at the suddenness of the motion than at the action itself.
Your tights never had a long enough lifespan when you wore them around Eddie.
"You got so wet, sweetness." He whispers, entranced by the way the skin glistens in the dull kitchen light.
His hands hook around your waist to keep you still as his face narrows into your pussy, and he begins to lick.
Broad stripes of his tongue, slurping and lapping up whatever he missed. Eating like a man starved.
Your back arching to get more, more, greedy in the best way possible as you mewled and cried for him to keep going. As you mewled and cried nonsense, feeling your brain turn fuzzy and your eyes becoming accustomed to going to the back of your head every time his tongue lingered long enough on your clit.
When he begins to suck harshly on it you have no choice but to grab the back of his head and push it further, if there ever was a further, as he is wedged deep between your legs, eating you out like his life depended on it.
He doesn't like it, though, the way you grab and push at his head like you're the one calling the shots.
He unhooks his arms from your waist momentarily to reach for your wrists to pin them behind your back, that's when he stands from his place in between your legs.
"Y'think you're a big girl, huh? Callin' the shots?" he lands a smack on your ass, turning you around to finally face him. Hands still pinned behind you as he pushes you towards him.
"I didn't- I don't-" you try and justify yourself, but he just delivers a smack to your face. Light enough to give you a slight sting.
His chin glistens with your slick, and you can smell it on him.
"Look what you did" he says, taunting you. His free hand comes to squeeze your cheeks, making you look at him.
"Clean me up, since you wanna be so fuckin' messy" and he squeezes harder, your tongue jutting out to lick at the clear wetness on his face, slight stubble scratching your tongue and chin. You lick around his mouth, under his nose, until he pushes you away from him.
"Greedy, greedy" he chants, as he places you on top of the counter, cold marble a relief against your aching ass.
You could clearly see the outline of his cock against his sweats, you bite your lip as he inches closer to you. “Look how hard you made me, baby," he mutters, low and dark "it’s impossible to be in your presence when you look like you want to get fucked all the time." he continues "Goin' out in that tight little dress like you don't want everyone to see your pretty tits" he says, grabbing a handful through the bralette you're wearing.
He moves the cups to the side as he toys with your tits, a hand reaching into your mouth to wet his fingers. You gag and sputter around his digits.
"Theeere you go, sweetness. Y'like having your mouth full?" he asks, Hardened stare urging you to answer. You nod and let out a weak hum in approval as his fingers keep pushing in and out of your mouth.
He removes his fingers from your mouth as he begins circling the sensitive buds of your nipples. You let out a desperate moan.
"So sensitive, aren't you? You wanna cum like that while I fuck you?" he asks, and you can't find the words fast enough to nod your head yes.
"Ask me nicely. You know better" he says sternly as he uses one hand to lower the waistband of his sweats, letting his cock spring free.
"F-fuck, pleasepleaseplease, fuck me, sir" is all you can muster, before he guides his cock to your entrance, sinking in all the way to the hilt. A gasp escapes you. It never gets old.
"That's a good girl. Wasn't so hard, was it?" he teases, both his hands returning to deliver their ministrations on your tits, thumb unforgivingly grazing your nipples. The motion makes you scream as Eddie sets a quick pace.
"That's right, sweetness, keep singin' for me. Lemme hear that pretty voice" he says, his words making you clench around him.
His hands come off your tits to place your legs on your shoulders, making you curl in on yourself as he leaned his body to make your faces touch.
"Kiss me, baby" and you kiss him with such fervor and need. He hadn't kissed you the whole night. You don't know how much you need him to kiss you until you do and it's like fireworks are going off behind your hooded lids.
His tongue slips past your lips as he keeps thrusting, unforgivingly, hitting your g- spot every. single. time. You whine into his mouth, he chuckles at how needy you sound.
"My baby just needed a good fuck to remember to not put her DnD on, didn't you?" he taunts, an especially harsh thrust follows as you feel his breathing become more ragged and his pace begin to stutter.
"Feels good, huh? Shit, baby you're so tight" he begins and you can't help but moan.
"Feels good Eddie- huh- so... so deep" you hiccup, and you feel close. "Hmm so ah big" you groan as your eyes roll to the back of your head when a particularly well- angled thrust deliciously hits your spongy walls.
"You like that, sweetheart? God- fuck- so gorgeous, baby. Look at you" he rambles. He's getting close.
"Oh fuck, Ed, 'mclosesoclose" you cry out and you're seriously teetering on the edge of orgasm. A few more thrusts and you'd be gone.
"Me too, sweetness, c'mon cum for me" he thrusts a couple more times and the coil snaps. You're clenching and whining and screaming his name while he follows after you, finishing inside you.
He stays there even after he's done, laying his head on your sweaty chest while you both try to stabilize your breathing.
"Feel free to disturb me whenever you want" you say, and he chuckles, giving a soft kiss to your shoulder.
taglist: honey-flustered, fracturedarkness, them-cute-boys, ancientcrone-blog, eveybitch, everythingtodayisthoroughly, jennathinker, @vampysstuff, rubyirene, floriscus, mrsmarch64, fairymunson, capricornrisingsstuff, sole-screws, helloweenfiend, flaminggarbagepail, @squigglebottom, @cozmiccass
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adore-laur · 3 months
would love to see how dadrry would react if his girls asked him for a baby brother 🤭
During dinner, after Harry picked the girls up from preschool and daycare, your eldest rambles on about her classroom adventures through spoonfuls of homemade fruit pasta. You smile at her with an undefinable amount of fondness while hanging on to every word. She seems to be loving school and adapting just fine to not seeing her parents as often throughout the weekdays. It could crumble your heart into ruins if you let it, but you focus on the bright side: it's one less thing to worry about when you're away from your babies. She's safe, she's happy, and while you miss her dearly during the day, her independence is blooming beautifully. It's evident in how she can hardly sit still in the morning.
Harry listens intently, only interspersing questions when appropriate so as not to make her lose her train of thought. Your youngest is sitting on his lap, secured by his fingers splayed across her tummy, while his other hand absentmindedly pretends to be an airplane serving applesauce straight into her awaiting mouth. It's a blissfully domestic scene, and you sometimes wish you could view it outside of your body and witness the pure, tangible love surrounding the kitchen table from an outsider's perspective.
The mellow evening sunlight washes the room in a dandelion-colored hue, and the California heat floats through the window to warm your soul. Crashing ocean waves accompany the sound of silverware clinking and the sweet lilt of your daughter's voice. With the weekend ahead, you feel a strong sense of contentedness. Being at home with the entire family, with no obligations pulling you apart, feels like diving into a pool on a hot summer day—it relaxes your muscles and rejuvenates your mind.
In the middle of a story about finding worms on the pavement at recess, your daughter, with unbridled enthusiasm, says, "A friend I talked to today told me she has a baby brother."
"Really?" Harry replies, matching her enthusiasm. "Did you tell her you have a sister?"
"Yeah, and I also told her I want a brother."
The bite of grilled chicken you swallow almost gets stuck on the way down your esophagus. Your eyes shoot to Harry, whose eyes are already locked on yours with humorous shock swimming in them. He hides his smile against the baby's head before kissing it and waving his hand, silently signaling for you to take the lead.
"A brother," you say slowly, fidgeting with the napkin beside your plate. "You want a baby brother. When... sorry, how long have you been thinking about this?"
"Since today at school!" On the high chair, she sits on her knees and beams with excitement. "My friend says her brother is cute and fat. Now I want one."
Harry, your savior, jumps in by saying, "Your baby sister is cute. And, well, she's chubby." He pats her precious little potbelly and bounces her in his lap. "Like most babies are."
"I want a baby sister and brother."
"Why do you want a brother?" you ask, mystified by the unexpected dinner conversation. Before her little sister was conceived, she only asked for a sibling. Now she's getting specific, and you're lost on how to answer adequately.
"Because." Dead silence follows her response as she stabs her silicone fork into the last pineapple tidbit in her bowl.
"Fair enough," Harry says. There's a sneaky glint in his gaze, and you know he's enjoying this subject matter far too much. You never have to worry about bringing up the prospect of having another baby together since you know he's all in. But since you're the one who carries the babies and pushes them out, he understands you're not quite ready yet. Or, at least, your body isn't.
"We can't guarantee you a brother," you say gently. "That's not how it works."
She frowns, looking at you and then at Harry. "How does it work?"
Harry snorts and stands up to begin clearing the empty dishes. "You should save that question for another time, lovebug." He kisses her cheek as he passes by. "C'mon, show me how Mommy taught you to wash your hands."
Later that night in bed, you lay your head on Harry's bare chest and delicately trace your fingers along the length of his bicep. The room is still, and his breathing is a constant sound and rhythm against your skin. Knowing you get to bask in his presence all day tomorrow is a wonderful thought to fall asleep to.
The weekend plans are still in discussion. Maybe you'll all just stay home and have a beach day. Maybe you'll take the kids to the park and fly the kites Harry recently bought for a breezy day. Whatever may come, you know there will be love and laughter in abundance.
"I need your breakfast order for tomorrow," Harry says, his voice gruff. He had a busy day at work, so you took over the kid's bedtime routine while he luxuriated in a long, hot shower and did his nightly stretches.
"I can get up to help," you reply. You know it's quite literally his job to cook meals for people, but you want to take a load off his shoulders. Going into parent mode after a long work week is no easy feat for anyone. It requires teamwork.
"No, you're sleeping in." He wraps you in his arms and buries his nose into your hair. "I'm serving you breakfast in bed with a side of cuddles."
You smile sleepily. "I'd like that. I'll eat whatever you make, by the way. Surprise me."
He squeezes you, slides his thigh between yours, and murmurs, "Think I'll eat you instead."
You lift your head and kiss his mint-flavored lips to shut him up. He always likes to start things right before bedtime. There's something about the intimacy of being alone with the door locked in the quiet of the night with the man who you wake up to every morning. It's rare to indulge in moments like these.
"So, a baby brother, huh?" you say, switching gears to more innocent matters. You need all the sleep you can get tonight.
Harry laughs, his eyebrows raised as he rubs a hand down his face. "She kind of demanded it, didn't she?"
"Oh, don't even start with that." He'll use anything as a way to inspire the idea of baby number three.
"You know my answer. And hers, apparently. I'll be patiently waiting here until you say the word."
"What's the word?"
He hums a deep rumble beneath you. "Um... let's make another baby."
"How discreet," you say, laying your head back on his chest. "Anyway, I think a two-year gap is what works best. It gives me time to, you know, recover from the craziness and sleep deprivation."
"You want another baby with me?"
The fact that he even has to ask is befuddling. There is no one you'd rather do this with. He's the best husband and the best father, and the family you created with him is just beginning.
"Yeah," you say softly, admiring the vulnerable look in his eyes. "One more. Maybe two."
Harry pleasurably groans and shifts his hips, the mere idea of knocking you up again somehow turning him on. You feel his hardness, which makes you roll your eyes. Men are too easy. "Take all the time you need, sweetheart. I'm tremendously happy with what we have right now."
"What if we have another girl?"
"Then consider me the luckiest man in the universe." He tilts his head on the pillow. "Is it bad if I secretly hope that happens?"
"Three princesses to spoil rotten."
"Four," he whispers, tapping his fingers along your spine. With a sigh, he adds, "It's been hard being away from them. From you."
Although he keeps his promise of always being home by dinnertime, he doesn't always get to drop the girls off in the morning. By the time you get them settled in the car, he's already in the trenches at work. To make up for it, he cooks their breakfasts and kisses them goodbye before he leaves.
"We have our trip to Italy next month," you mention.
"Fuck, that's right." Harry seamlessly flips you over so that he's hovering over you. "Perfect time and place for babymaking. Maybe we should start practicing right now."
You place your palm over his mouth and say, "Shut up."
For the next hour, he uses his mouth for… other reasons.
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Hi there, I hope you’re feeling better 🫶🏻🤍
I don’t know if you are taking requests but can you write a one shot where Charles is dating Y/N and she decides to do that tiktok prank where she serves a lot of food on his plate but only serves herself a little bit and she pretends there wasn’t enough food for the both of them? I think it would be hilarious, thank you!
Note: It hasn't been so bad, thank you for asking! Hopefully, you're good too! 🫶 until I say otherwise, my requests are always open and you can send things in anytime you want!
"Charles! Dinner is ready!", you called from the dining table, setting both bowls of pasta down. The one you set for Charles was as full as you could have it, piling the pasta shapes on it like an engineer.
"I'm here, I'm here", he called, encouraging Leo to walk with him and hop onto his bed by your feet, "did you forget your bowl, amour?", he asked once he saw the other bowl which was less than a fourth of the way full.
"Whose bowl do you think this is?", you chuckled.
"Leo's - although I think we should put some more chicken for him so it's not just pasta", Charles said as he was about to get up.
"Oh, that won't be able to happen - we have no more food", you blurted out, "and this my bowl - Leo already had his chicken while I was cooking this, didn't you, buddy?", you cooed, "eat your food, amour, it will get cold".
Charles didn't understand, "you're only eating that? Are you sick? Do you want me to make you something else?", he wondered.
"I thought we had more pasta than we needed, so I gave some to Leo - he thought it was delicious, by the way -, and when I noticed it, this was all we had left", you explained, "but it's fine, I'm not hungry anyway".
Now, the amount of pasta you'd have to have fed Leo to end up in this situation was far bigger than anything you could ever possibly do, so your boyfriend grew suspicious, "love, Leo's tummy is so tiny, he can't eat much, and I can share mine with you, I'm a good boyfriend like tha- oh! This is a prank, isn't it?", Charles groaned.
"I got the idea from Arthur - he sent it to me and said he would like to know what you did!", you hugged Charles, hands going around his neck and stroking his chest while you nuzzled your face on his neck.
"For a minute I was thinking the dog was going to explode - even though you're always the one making sure he's eating right!", Charles chuckled, kissing your hands.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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shegetsburned · 7 months
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐣𝐣𝐤 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | part ii ‧₊˚ 𓐐⋅
• — ft. shiu kong. kinji hakari. choso kamo. atsuya kusakabe. hiromi higuruma.
bon appétit !! @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat
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𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐮 𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐠
so i think this man loves to try new dishes and makes you try new things with him with a giant grin on his face.
normally he’d take you to fancy restaurants, but this time he wanted to do something just the two of you in a calmer place.
hates for you to do anything so he’ll insist on doing everything himself so that you could relax while he cooks.
he already had an idea as soon as you guys agreed on doing this. and you can be sure as hell it involves cheese. man adores cheese, so if you do too, you’ll be served.
this time, just for you, he went out himself on his day off and bought the runniest cheese you’ve ever seen in your life. we all know these are just the best kinds.
this afternoon, you were served a burrata. it’s a soft, white, cow’s milk cheese made from mozzarella and cream. hard on the outside but filled with stracciatella on the inside which is more creamy. served with candied cherry tomato with a piece of buttered and grilled bread.
as you take a bite of the cheese he admires every expression of yours and a warm laugh echoes through the room when you show how tasteful it is.
𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢
honestly, i’m thinking fast food or something.
or maybe just take-outs but in an expensive asf place.
i feel like he loves food but prefers ordering instead of cooking. he finds cooking boring and we know how much this man hates boring stuff.
will buy you whatever the hell you want, doesn't slightly care how much you want to eat, he'd buy the whole restaurant if he could.
you can get whatever you want, there is no way you can be disappointed with the meal. in a way, he ensures you’ll eat something you like by letting you choose what you want, which certainly satisfies him.
also prefers to stay cozily at home with you to eat than actually go out. so expensive take-outs it is. you don’t even have to lift your butt off the seat. it’ll all come to you.
you’ll get your favorite meal and he won’t hesitate a second to buy it for you. might seem boring but he really would buy you anything you want and silently watch you hum with pleasure every time you take a bite of that dish. your happiness is what matters.
𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐨
i have a feeling he has no idea what humans prefer to eat in this day and age so he’d do a thorough internet research to know what you’ll undoubtedly like.
“what is the most liked dish in the world?” “what do humans prefer to eat the most?” “how do i cook chicken?” “what’s the easiest, but best dish to make?”
all of this research would make him think it’s either spaghetti or pizza. and he’ll choose spaghetti, because of you know which flashback with his little bros.
sticks his tongue out while he’s preparing your meal, trying to get every portion down to the tiniest milligram right. he wants it to be perfect. and he probably thinks it’ll ruin the whole dinner if the portions aren’t right.
i’m thinking of carbonara pasta. you know the real version using eggs and pecorino with a touch of lardons.
once you take the first bite, he stares at you, patiently waiting for any sign of distaste or displeasure. there’s no way he botched it. everything is right down to the tiniest detail. and he can tell he’s done it when you quickly finish your plate and ask for more. there’s nothing making him happier.
𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐛𝐞
he’s big on fishing so i’m thinking one of the fish he caught. his favourite.
something simple but still good and he’d find the freshest and best ingredients for you.
he’s been fishing for a long time and has acquired enough knowledge and skills to know which ingredients are best served which certain types of fish. you definitely won’t be disappointed.
will prepare everything in advance, removing the pin bones in advance and every part that isn’t edible. he does it just to be sure it’ll be ready for when you’re here. also, he knows it’s way safer that way, knowing he won’t be rushing to cook it later.
man does not want to mess this up and has never worked so hard to make a perfect meal, brows connecting as he works his tired ass off. he cannot mess this up considering you’ll be the one eating it.
how about braised alfonsino/kinmedai with some rice and avocado on the side? all gently simmered in a flavorful sauce made of soy sauce, sake, mirin and ginger.
he exhales abnormally loud as soon as you finally show a smile after having a taste. all the pressure now off of his shoulders. you don’t know how glad this man is that you enjoy the fish he personally caught for you. i know he’ll now think of you every time he goes out fishing, wondering which fish you’d like most.
𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐚
i just know in my heart, or at least believe, that he’s distinguished and the meal will cost him a fortune.
only the best and most expensive ingredients for you, dear.
don’t be surprised if you come back to a candlelight dinner prepared by your one and only, while he sips the most delicate wine, waiting for you.
by the way, he knows so much about wine and beverages. he knows exactly what you like and what would be a perfect mixture with the meal he prepared.
also when he cooks he likes to take his time, preparing the meal with love and attention knowing it’ll be for his one and only.
so for him, i’m thinking of seafood. he’ll serve you flamed cornish lobster with a yakitori marinade and a ponzu mayonnaise. there’ll be a garnish made of sliced radishes and nori strips. the presentation leaves you baffled. it looks like it came straight out of a five-star restaurant. it smells absolutely divine and you can’t expect less from this man.
when you start digging in, he can’t help but smile while he looks at you with tenderness and love. if he could, he’d look at you through the whole dinner and watch you enjoy that delicious meal he prepared.
© shegetsburned 2024. Please do not repost/edit/or claim my writing as your own.
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damiansgoodgirll · 4 months
lovemaking with damian priest??
damian priest x reader
‼️soft damian and smut so stay away kids‼️
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dangerous night
what started as a simple evening with you cooking dinner while damian showered after his training ended up with you two naked on the floor in front of the fireplace.
there was a thunderstorm outside and the sudden change of weather made you change your plans too.
you were supposed to have a romantic date out, knowing that damian would have left in only two days made the little time you had together even more precious but when the first thunder echoed outside you froze on your step and stopped doing your hair.
in that exact moment damian texted you that he was coming home early from his training as he didn’t want to be stuck in the rain the whole night and after a few texts he convinced you to postpone your date out.
but you were already in your pretty dress, make up done on your face and your hair were almost done. you didn’t want all that work to go unnoticed.
damian definitely noticed your presence when he came back from the gym.
“why don’t we have a date night here? just me and you? cooking together and watching a movie on the couch?” he suggested and even if you were kinda sad of not going out, you agreed with him.
once he was done showering, he dressed up pretty nice. a white shirt and those black jeans you bought him for his birthday became his favourite jeans too and he always wore them in any kind of occasion.
he helped you set the small table in front of the tv while you finished cooking. you both sat down on the floor while the television was playing your favourite movie. you made his favourite tomato pasta, chicken and roasted potatoes and a delicious chocolate cheesecake as dessert.
he ordered you to lay comfortably on the couch while he cleaned up the kitchen and once he was all done he got on the couch with you as the movie was still going.
tangled up in each other’s arms, his lips leaving soft kisses on your neck and cheeks and his hand gently stroking your back, you couldn’t help but to feel a familiar sensation between your legs. you moved softly, thinking he wouldn’t notice it but he knows your body better than you, so, of course, he realised something was happening.
“thank you for cooking this delicious dinner last minute” he thanked you and kissed your neck again “you’re absolutely the best mi amor”
“you’re very welcome…” you smiled.
“uh uh…i don’t think you know how much i appreciated that love…let me show you por favor” he kept kissing your neck, making you shiver underneath his touch.
he kept kissing you, from your lips to your cheeks and down your neck. leaving bites and soft marks that would show for days but in that moment of bliss you couldn’t care less.
“can i touch you pretty girl?” he asked while his hands were playing with the hem of your dress. you nodded and he smiled at you.
he lifted your dress up, your lacey panties in full display for him “is this all for me?” he asked and you nodded again, making him chuckle.
his hands gently removed your panties, revealing to him the little wet spot formed on top of the fabric. he smirked, amused by how easily it was for him to get you turned on. his thumb gently moved around your clit, making you jump a little.
“let me show you how much i love you hermosa” he whispered, his lips still attached to your neck. one gentle finger moved around your clit while another one easily slid into your wet pussy. thrusting in and out, he made your pleasure his priority, wanting to take his time and not rushing anything, even if it meant staying up all night long.
“dam…i want to see you too” you half said half moaned and he took no time to undress himself.
“sit up for me mi amor, let me remove this dress…” you did as he told you and in less than two minutes you were both naked. damian’s fingers were back on your pussy. adding a second finger inside of you was enough to make you cum.
“dams…is too much…” you mumbled when you saw that his fingers weren’t leaving your pussy anytime soon.
“another one please…let me taste you mi amor” he said while his lips softly moved down. firstly teasing your nipples and your belly, moving to kiss your thighs and then teasing your pussy. he took no time to respond to your body, his lips sucking your clit and his fingers still moving inside of you.
“oh fuck…please don’t stop, please don’t stop…”
“i don’t plan on doing so” he whispered against your clit, making you shiver “come for me baby, i can feel you’re close…please, i wanna taste you so bad” and that was enough to make you cum, again.
“so fucking sweet love…i could stay here buried in your legs forever” he said, cleaning you up with his tongue.
you two met for a passionate kiss and you could taste yourself on his tongue.
“i need you inside of me damian…”you said gently stroking his hard and leaking cock.
he moaned “fuck…i want to feel your pussy around me so badly love…”
“the couch is a little uncomfortable tho…” you said. not trying to ruin the mood but your back was killing you and by the position damian found himself in, you could tell he wasn’t that comfortable either.
“say no more…” he smiled before grabbing you and laying you on the carpet on the floor. you both laughed “you’re so pretty when you laugh” he said, making you blush.
“you’re handsome too…”
“oh for what i’m about to do…you won’t think of me of being just handsome…” he smirked making you shiver. you were trapped under his body and you could feel his cock teasing your pussy “you like that uh?” he whispered when he saw you closing your eyes at the contact of his tip with your clit.
“mh…yes…” you moaned.
he moved slowly inside of you, wanting you to feel every inch of him. the way you were squeezing him was enough to make him come - almost.
“you were made for me…you feel so good around me amor” he whispered moving slowly in and out of you. keeping eye contact with you was fundamental. he needed to know how your body was reacting to him. if you were enjoying it or not, if he was hurting you or not. plus, he loved seeing your eyes full of tears of pleasure. he loved seeing how you close your eyes when the pleasure was becoming too much.
“open your eyes baby…look at me, keep your eyes on me” he said. you did as he said and when a tear fell from your eye, his thumb gently wiped it away “you like this?” you simply nodded as you couldn’t form words.
one of his free hands went to tease and squeeze your nipples, the sudden gesture making you slightly jump.
“i’m so close dam fuck…don’t stop fuck…” he kept his movements slow but hard.
“want to feel you squeezing me love…come for me pretty girl…i need to feel you” he whispered, kissing your neck.
those simple words were enough to make you come. squeezing him so hard that he came too, spilling inside of you.
it took you a few minutes to come down from your high “are you with me pretty girl?” he asked while stroking your hair.
“yes…” you breathed out.
“you sure?”
“yes” you laughed “you just tired me out…”
“well, that’s a perfect way to end our date night” he said, a few thunders echoing outside making the atmosphere even more romantic.
“i love you damian”
“i love you more y/n, thank you for this amazing evening” he smiled sincerely at you.
so you both stayed there, naked, cuddled up in each other’s arms while the heat from the fireplace was heating your bodies from the cold outside.
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st4rbwrry · 2 years
SMITTEN ☆ eren yeager.
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★ 𖥻 synopsis. being cuffed to the bed was the last thing eren expected on your date night home.
‍     ‍ ☆. warnings — 3.5k nsfw, pwp, lowercase intended, fem!reader, she/her pronouns, black coded, girly girl reader, mechanic!eren, bondage, established relationship, riding, switch!reader, switch!eren, eren’s sensitive, chubby!reader, readers needy, male oral, finger sucking, eren is fussy, unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, kissing, mutual praise, voice kink, vulgar language, edging, pet names ex. mamas. baby. princess. daddy. minors aren’t welcomed! reblogs & comments are appreciated! <3
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“baby. . . you're in so much fuckin’ trouble when i get outta these.”
eren knows how much you love him. how much you appreciate him, care for him, wanna be with him for the rest of your life. the matching ‘till death’ tattoos imprinted on the inner corner of your ring fingers proving so. he makes sure you're always taken care of financially, mentally, and even physically. works from sunrise to sunset, praises you with kisses all over your precious face for making him a meal every day. buys you whatever your heart desires. runs you bubble baths when you aren't feeling well. gives you full body massages which usually leads to him burying his face between your plush thighs. eren loves you. eren needs you. without you he isn't sane. you complete him. so because he treats you like a queen, it's only right that he receives king treatment.
while eren made his way home to you, the only person he wanted to see after a tiring, stressful day with customers who complained about their cars to him and loud-mouthed, gossipy employees at his auto shop . . . he was surprised to see that you set up a romantic atmosphere. eren is greeted with a soft, neat kiss to his pouty lips. his biceps tensing as he wraps both arms around your body in a tight bear-hug, giggling as he lifts you off the ground.
you've got scented candles lit around the loft with ceiling high windows, a bottle of stella rose black and a classic meal of creamy mafaldine tuscan chicken pasta prepared. strawberry cheesecake in the fridge for desert. eren’s eyes soften, picking you up and carrying you to the dining table to eat your meal, not before showering you with more kisses and a hundred thank you's.
you enjoy your meal under the moonlight, sipping wine and having deep conversations which you envied because there's always something the two of you can talk about without getting fussy. debates, political topics, wellness, issues with each other. remaining mature since you have the best communication. you wanted to let him know that he's been so understanding, so attentive to your needs and you felt like you needed to do more to show him you want him to feel secure. that this is a forever love and you don't take him for-granted, not for a second.
“baby, never think that you don't do enough for me. i make the decision to cater to you and i have no issue in doing so. you deserve this lifestyle. being in my presence is all i could ever ask of you. i pray everyday that i don't fuck up what we have. you're my girl.”
and immediately, you're taking the air from his lungs when you pull him close with your arms lazily thrown over his shoulders while you kiss him deeply. madly in love. it's a scary thing sometimes. and it's crazy how such a sweet moment turned into a salacious act like this. after finishing a film in the living room cuddled up with your pets, a cat for you and a dog for him, you tell eren you have one more surprise. standing to your feet with a cheeky smile, holding both hands out for him to grab. eren is curious, raising his brows before standing to his full height, towering over your figure and it never fails to make your skin heat up.
“don't pull no scary shit,” eren runs a tatted hand through his long hair before holding yours.
“shush, i promise it's not that.”
eren can't see you biting your sanrio themed acrylics with excitement, too busy staring at your bare ass underneath that slutty slip you have on. he recognizes it, in fact. an old piece by victoria's secret you've been searching on depop for like a madwoman. it's a mesh coquette cherry colored slip dress with a ruffled trim tulle skirt and damn did you wear it so good, the slip hugging your curves just right. his mouth waters, instinctively smacking your ass as you step into your shared bedroom.
before you could speak, as you turn to him he's already pulling you in by your waist, using his foot to kick the door closed so the kids wouldn't interrupt. they liked to jump on the bed mid-fuck a lot. you try not to melt in his hold, his lips gliding with yours, molding your ass in his hand, moaning from your taste.
“who said you could look this fuckin’ good, unh?” swatting your ass again, the force knocks you closer into his chest, face burning when you feel his dick thickening in his jeans against your tummy. print evident.
“it's all for you, ‘ren,” chewing your lips with a smile, you give him a quick peck before releasing his hands from your ass. “but first, i need you to take your clothes off.”
“ooo,” he sings. “you feed me some good ass food, get all touchy and cuddly, and now you tryna fuck me?” eren tongues his inner cheek with a smirk. “nasty.”
“shut up and strip.”
“yes ma'am,” eren hums, still giving you those flirty green eyes as he stretches his arms behind himself to tug at his stained white tshirt, usually getting his clothes dirty when working. he still manages to smell so good though. a mix of musk with his daily cologne and body wash. you'll never forget the time when he came home one day, car grease on his hands nearly turning them black. hair messy and a dangerous look in his eye when he caught you in the kitchen with an apron baking a pie. bending you over the sink, hiking your pink sundress up on your waist and holding you still as he fucked you hard. rough hands groping every inch of your aching body. keeping you balanced by your forearms he held back while he ground his cock deep into you, expletives spewing, sweat coating his forehead, and nutting copious amounts of cum. point is, you love when he's fresh off of work. makes the thrill all the more inviting.
jeans come next. and that's when he takes his time, eyeing you as he torturously drags the zipper down before dragging the black fabric down his muscular thighs, dick bulging in his tommy hilfiger briefs. commentary ensues. “gonna kiss it for me?”
you shake your finger at him, a tiny tsk following. “don't ruin the surprise, keep going. wanna see you.”
“i feel like i'm being filmed, there better not be a camera,” he rolls his eyes, finally discarding every clothing piece on his body, your legs clenching tighter together where you stood as he moans when his dick hits his tummy. the tip is drenching precum it's almost inhumane. you needed to lick that up real soon.
“you wanna be?” you question, serious.
eren deadpans. “be for real.”
“you can wear a mask!” you protest, actually enjoying the idea. “mhm, you'd look so good with a balaclava on.”
sucking your teeth, you continue with your plan, walking towards the closet to find a little box with his gift inside. holding the black and red compartment, you face him with a cheshire cat grin. “get on the bed and lay on your back.”
eren’s too horny to argue right now, still anxious about what you're planning, but does what you say nonetheless. naked, heavy, tall figure dipping the bed with black satin sheets and pillows as he sits up against the headboard, tucking some strands of hair behind his ear, wrinkling his pierced nose. “i don't like you.”
“you will in a minute. close your eyes. no peaking or i'm going to bed and your gonna have to fuck your hand instead.”
flaring his nostrils, he closes his eyes. you try your best to be silent with your present, removing the lid to take out the baby pink fuzzy handcuffs you ordered a few days ago. thinking this would be the perfect time to put them to use. he's quiet, leaning his head back when he feels you climb on top of him, stifling a breath when the mesh from your slip grazes the head of his dick. beyond sensitive. taking one of his wrists, you unclasp one cuff and chain him to it, eren’s eyes shooting open before you restrain him to the headboard completely.
“no fuckin’ way,” eren licks his lips as he shakes his head, a menacing glare in his eyes as you sit on his abdomen and keen in achievement. “baby. . . you're in so much fuckin’ trouble when i get outta these.”
“why? scared i'll slut you the fuck out, baby?” a sadistic smile casts your face, eren nearly trembling from your words. what exactly did you have in mind? he had no idea. but he's kind of . . . amused? aroused mostly. it's rare when you tap into your dominant side. loving to be his pretty little submissive.
“if you wanted to bounce on my dick so bad you could've been straightforward.”
“mhm, this is more fun. i get you all to myself. i can do whatever i want. promise it's all for you. just wanna make you feel good, daddy,” you suck on your lip and press your weight down on him, trailing your hands up his chest to his tatted neck, eyes drifting low and moaning from how good the view was. he's truly an ethereal man.
“g’na fuck me empty, princess?” his voice drops an octave, knowing what that does to you. the way his voice summons you to do things will never make sense.
“till your shooting blanks,” you grin.
“well, if that's the case,” eren ponders, inching his face closer to yours, accepting his fate and playing your fantasy. "then put that pussy where it belongs, princess.”
it's not in his position to make orders, so ignoring him, you scoot backwards so his angry dick is in your face and your ass is arched into the air for presentation. “wanna suck it first,” you mumble, delicately wrapping both of your soft hands around the vein protruding, throbbing weapon. just the right thickness to make it impossible to fully engulf it in your throat.
eren spreads his legs, and the act is so sexy yet desperate. hissing as you watched you intently through his long lashes, your lips hovering over the leaking tip before taking it gently into the warmth of your mouth. suckling it like your favorite flavored lollipop.
“goddamn, baby,” he stretches out his arms as a force of habit, ready to hold either side of your face so he can work his pretty cock in nice and easy. but he's irked the minute the chains clink on his wrist, remembering he's bound. he sighs out, fixing to say something until you remove one hand off his cock and massage his balls while taking him further down your mouth. working both hands simultaneously. saliva building, bubbles forming the quicker you bob your head and stroke his dick.
“yea, stroke it while you suck it. mm,” eren's eyes are scrolling back, thighs twitching as he lightly moves his hips as you gag and suck. releasing him with a wet pop, maintaining eye contact as you slick your puffy lips along the sides of his cock, darting your tongue out and moaning deeply. your ass moves in the air as if you're getting fucked from the back, rolling and rocking back. pussy sluice in your thin thong, needing him now more than ever. one more thing though, and it's his damn favorite.
“wait, baby. don't . . .” a gasp flees from his agape mouth as you nudge his balls with your tongue before sucking one of them into your mouth, keeping your rhythm stroking mostly the tip, spreading your fingers languidly, sticky with his precum and your spit. you know that's his sensitive area, the breaths leaving him frantic. you can feel the blood rushing in his cock, rotating your hand and sucking the heavy sack as the whimpers that vibrate in your throat travel to him.
“f-fuck, { name }. g’na cum. keep goin’.” the chains clank along the headboard as he struggles, spreading his legs even wider, his tummy sinking in as he buried his head into the pillow behind him. the ball in his neck protruding and you watch him, so in love, so intrigued . . . you stop. and he whines, which is the last thing you expected to hear from him. it's so needy that it makes your clit throb even harder.
“fuck!” he curses angrily, groaning with pain and pleasure stirring inside. his dick jumping for attention. “don't fuckin’ tease me baby, or i swear to god i'll fuck you sore.”
“yea, whatever,” you giggle, purposely pissing him off further. “you mad, daddy?” you pout, tone teasing. reclaiming your position previously as you hover above him, his jaw clenching, black painted nails balling into fists.
“you know i'm fuckin’ mad. stop playing, { name }.”
he's got a lot to say but he shuts up the instant you tug your lace thong to the side and reach behind yourself to sink slowly onto the tip. both hands lay flat on his stomach as you ease down, eren mumbling ‘slow, slow’ as you sink halfway down before riding back up. your nails dig into his skin briefly, the relief you receive maddening. it's such an easy fix when he's available. eyelids squeezed shut as you accommodate his size, the fire in your chest blazing.
“oh my god,” you suck on your lips, face screwed once you pick your pace, rising and dropping your ass effortlessly, like a mystical creature. your hips move like waves, grinding slow to feel him reach that spot within you, moaning and tossing your head to the side.
“so fuckin’ wet, baby. listen to you. listen,” eren’s eyebrows are knitted, jaw unlocked, completely entranced by the way you move, the two of you panting heavily, listening to your slick coat his dick lewdly. ass clapping onto his thighs you lean back to grab onto with one hand to balance yourself. cupping a handful of your tits and whimpering as you fuck him quicker.
“unh, if you could see what i see, baby,” eren chokes, rocking his waist with yours to heighten your pleasure. it felt so good to take control. “you look s’ good when you fuck me.”
“love how you feel inside me,” your juices drip down his balls and onto the sheets, squealing as you lean forward to angle your faces together, his hands reaching far enough to graze your hair and cheekbone. focusing on the look in your eyes as you steady yourself on the tips of your toes before slamming your ass down harder, the two of you gasping in sync. “fill me so fuckin’ good, baby.”
eren thinks it's so ironic how your lettered necklace dangles over his face, making a noise he's never made before, focusing on the silver swaying. now he gets how you feel when his chain swings over your face when he fucks a dent into the mattress shaping your silhouette. he's succumbing to you willingly, breath hitching from the euphoric roll and dip of your thick hips, wishing so badly he had access to grip and grind you down on his dick harder.
this position weakens you both, your knees buckling and his waist twitching. your voice quakes and you cum without warning him, flopping onto his chest as your hips stirred lazily. eren’s close yet again, can feel it but can't get to where he needs to be without you. he needed you to move.
“c’mon, princess. fuck me, lemme cum,” he sounds incredibly submissive, that whiny tone partaking his usual asshole demeanor. it was such a turn on seeing his face switching from grumpy to ‘please baby fuck me’. eyes low and seductive. begging sounded good on him.
you sit up, cupping either side of his face before kissing him. eren rushing the kiss meaning he's extra greedy for it. gliding his lips over your chin, groaning in your mouth and sliding his fat tongue over yours, a sloppy french kiss. your mind goes blank when you feel his tongue on your neck next, wishing it was between your legs right now. that thing is a demon. the way he fucks you with it makes your soul leave your body every time. he's a gift from the gods, truly.
“not yet.”
“not playing fair, baby,” eren clicks his teeth, bushy brows entwined to showcase his frustration. he's so cute when he's upset. “all i wanna do is touch you. why's that such an issue? if you're gonna fuck me, do it right.
you huff, knowing he's saying anything just so you'll unlock the cuffs. “talking too much, ‘ren.”
a dark glint is in his eyes, those jade irises no longer it's stunning bright shade. his voice becomes gravely as he says, “am i? that's cause i wanna lick your fuckin’ clit. n i can't do that properly without touching you. she's soakin’ all on me.”
“mmm, wanna put your mouth on my pussy?” your voice softens tauntingly, trailing your hand down your stomach to slowly roll your fingers over your engorged clit. eren’s mouth waters.
“yes,” he clenched his jaw. you're so goddamn infuriating.
“she needs more. i wanna stay full while you eat it.”
“i’ll put my fingers in it. you like those, baby, right?” his eyes go all big like a puppy. “taste you while i fuck you open. jus’ like you like it?”
as tempting as that sounded, again, he’s in no position to make demands. ignoring the way your tummy flutters from the delicious thought, you're back to fucking him nice and slow. overstimulating yourself and edging him. it's so painful he just wants to cum. he wouldn't necessarily consider this a gift. you've just gotten in your head and took advantage of the situation. but that's okay, ‘cause he's gonna fuck you sore like he said. your necklace hits his forehead, chest in his face as you clap back on his pulsating dick. sucking his fingers and squeaking unexpectedly, eyes widening as eren plants his feet into the bed and pistons his cock up into you, knocking the wind from your lungs.
“eren, wait. . .”
“shut the fuck up,” eren growls into your neck, fucking you as best he could with his restraint. your screams fill the air, unable to hold him still. there was no point. he was pissed off now and wanted nothing more than to fill you deep with his cum as punishment.
and for some reason you underestimate eren's strength, because in a matter of seconds he's yanking his right arm forward and breaking the cuff with just a blink of your eye. you can't even comprehend what the hell he just did because he's grabbing your neck and pining you beneath him to fuck you deeper. nothings processing in your brain but the sound of his thighs clapping with yours, the grunts from eren and your second orgasm shooting through you. arching your back into him, his hand constricting some air in your esophagus which only intensifies your pleasure.
“i hear you, mamas,” eren releases his grip on your neck just a little, pressing his nose to yours with a clenched jaw, his one arm hanging above you since it's still chained up. eren shifts his body slightly down yours to put your legs over his broad shoulders, slipping his dick back in and folding you in a mating press.
“this is what you get for fuckin’ with me,” the way he's fucking you has your toes cramping and your voice disappearing. you can't scream anymore, sounds of pleasure dying down to cries and whimpers, tiny figure compared to his jolting beneath him. eren’s whines are muffled by the pillow he buried his face into as he shoots his cum into you, filling you up warmly. his orgasm so overpowering he can't help but still fuck through it. wheezes and ragged breathing is all you could hear since you had zero energy to open your eyes.
throwing your arms around him to claw at his backside. eren’s still moving inside of you, your legs shaking the further he pins them down with his one hand after sitting up on his knees, looking down at you, long hair sticking to his fucked out face. he takes two of his slender fingers to tug down your bralette to retrieve the key you stored in there. freeing himself and tossing the cuffs somewhere in the room.
“cheap ass cuffs,” eren says, spanking the outside of your thigh. “gotta give it to you, i enjoyed that.”
you perch up on your elbows, happiness shadowing you. “really?!”
“just don't try that shit again. now lay on your stomach and lemme eat your pussy.”
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© 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖑𝖊. please do not repost, steal, or modify my work simply because it is mine. stealing isn't cute. i'll ruin your life <3
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dduane · 1 year
That paprikahendl recipe
So the first thing to be said is possibly the most important: this is a paprikahendl recipe. (And in this case, it was made with duck, because we were out of chicken... so it's probably paprikaentl, if anything.) :)
Everybody's mom or grandmother would've had her own version of this, which would naturally be the best one in the mind of the person you were talking to. The original dish, though—as @petermorwood has pointed out—would have been a peasant dish of the use-a-moderate-amount-of-flavorful-and-spicy-meat-to-season-a-lot-of-noodles-or-whatever kind. If you're a peasant, after all (and maybe even if you're not, of late...), meat is expensive, so in dishes of this kind it's used as more of a seasoning for what you have plenty of—in this case, the tiny flour-based noodles-or-dumplings called spaetzle. (In its rural beginnings, of course, the meat probably would've been a laying chicken that was too old to lay any more... or even a cockerel that had started shooting blanks, and whose morning racket was starting to get on your nerves.)
Later, though, a small tender chicken (or two) was seen as preferable. Paprikahendl became very popular in Hungary and other parts of central Europe, and in the process—over time—got taken somewhat upmarket. The recipe I used as my basis for this version is one that apparently was (and who knows, maybe still is) served at one of Vienna's famous Sacher establishments. As a result it contains elements I'm none too sure about—such as the last-minute apple—but otherwise seems to me to hold water.
The full recipe is here. Now let me tell you what I did to with it.
(inserting a cut here, so those who don't want to watch a bunch of video clips of things frying and cooking won't have to...)
Normally in the initial stage of this recipe, you'd cut up a whole small chicken (or two) into pieces, color them in your preferred frying fat (in Hungary, possibly lard, but at very least butter) and then set them aside to make the sauce. In this case, since the meat I had to work with was duck, I cooked that as directed and put it aside while we went off to do some other stuff. I also made spaetzle to go on the side, as it's the kind of thing you'd be likely to run into regionally. These we can fortunately buy ready-made, like most other kinds of pasta. Or you can make them from scratch. Since I now have a Magic Spaetzle Machine to do this, I'll show how that's done some other time. (Or you could look at this video...)
Then, to make the sauce, I pulled together:
The zest and juice of a lemon
Half an onion or more, chopped fine (I have to be careful with onions, as too much will set off my IBS)
Off to one side, I asked Peter to do the dry paprika mix for me. This was two very heaping tablespoons of paprika, and about half a teaspoon of cayenne, to mock up the heat of the hotter paprika that would have been used in small villages in the Carpathians.
Then I clarified some butter in the microwave, about three tablespoons of it (you melt it in a tall glass and set this aside until the milk solids settle out, then pour off the clarified butterfat) and dumped that in the big cookpot along with the onions.
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When those had hit the cooked-until-translucent point, I cut the duck up into chunks and got them ready to go in: then added the paprika and (when that had fried a little) the lemon juice. (Paprika can taste a little raw in a sauce if you don't fry it a bit first.)
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Then in went 125 ml of rose wine (I'd have used white if I'd had any, but whatever...) and about 500 ml of chicken stock, and everything got stirred very well together.
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After that, the duck got chucked in and the pot was covered and left to simmer for 45 minutes or so. Normally this would be the time a raw chicken would need to cook, and naturally the duck was well cooked already: but it seemed to me that another 45 minutes getting even more tender couldn't hurt it.
So that was what happened. At the end of 45 minutes, the duck was removed and set aside while I got busy with finishing the sauce. You lower the temperature in the big pot until the pre-sauce liquid is just barely simmering. Then to thicken it, you use about a cup of the thickest sour cream you can lay your hands on, with a third of a cup of flour beaten into it very well with a fork. At which point you should be able to do this with the fork:
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Now you find a big balloon whisk and start whisking this mixture into the pre-sauce, sort of a tablespoon or two at a time...making sure each dose of sour cream + flour is very well beaten in, leaving no lumps, before adding the rest. When it's all in there, you very gently raise the heat, stirring or whisking occasionally, until the sauce starts to thicken. Then add the meat back in and let it warm through in there for a little while longer: ten or fifteen minutes should do it.
Assuming that people are ready to eat, you heat the spaetzle (and toss it with some butter), plate it up, and add the paprikahendl on top. And dig in.
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...Anyway, that was my take. If you go googling for "paprikahendl", you will find many, many more recipes: some far less complex than this approach, some far more so. Pick one that suits you and see what you make of it. This one worked really well, though: so you might like to take a shot at it.
If you do: enjoy!
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nataliasquote · 8 months
Omg I need a pt four with double the trouble on her talking with Wanda and Isla then her dating Maria bc I mean come on Maria> Bucky anytime and also her being a girl boss and I kinda wanna see what happens with her and Bucky and what sorry ass excuse he’s come up with
Double the Trouble [pt. 4] | n romanoff
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Double the trouble au: part 1, part 2, part 3,
Summary: Natasha and Wanda's teenage twin daughters are a lot to handle, but despite their differences and arguments, there's nothing they wouldn't do for each other
Warnings: mentions of cheating
Pairings: WandaNat, O!C x Valkyrie
wc: 3.8k
Y/n had sworn off dating for the foreseeable future. Which was a bonus in Wanda and Natasha’s eyes, who only wanted to keep their not-so-little girls safe. Isla and Valkyrie were different, they were obsessed with each other. But for Y/n’s sake they kept the PDA to a minimum when she was around. Although it had been a week since Y/n found out about Bucky, she was still rather fragile, even if she hated being referred to as so.
She was quieter at home too. It was one of the rare nights where no one had any after school activities and Natasha wasn’t teaching. Wanda had cooked the girls’ favourite meal: tomato and chicken pasta with garlic bread. It was a childhood classic and 7 year old Y/n would have loved it.
But tonight it was different. The usual daily chatter occurred as plates were loaded up with food and everyone began to eat. Natasha and Isla were laughing as the young redhead explained a funny story about her science class, and even though Y/n had been there, her mouth didn’t even twitch into a smile.
She pushed her food around with her fork, stabbing the spiral pasta shapes rather aggressively but never bringing it to her lips. Her actions were repetitive and she zoned in and out without even realising. It’s not like anyone noticed.
But Wanda noticed. She smiled along with Isla’s story but kept her gaze fixed on Y/n the entire time, brows furrowing in a soft frown. She’d seen how much her youngest had drawn in on herself, but there had been little to no improvement, even after a week. Although Wanda wasn’t sure what the general time frame for this was; her first and only love was Natasha.
Her demeanour didn’t change throughout the whole meal time and soon everyone had finished eating, except Y/n. Natasha looked at her wife worriedly who just shook her head.
‘Can you take Isla out of the way for a bit? I need to talk to Y/n alone.’ Wanda spoke in Natasha’s mind. Her wife nodded and made a big deal of collecting up the plates, encouraging Isla to do the same and they both retreated into the kitchen.
“Y/n?” Wanda gently asked, tapping the table in front of the girl whose head was only being supported by her hand. “Sweetheart?”
The young girl hummed and looked up, tired eyes meeting her mothers across the table. She saw the look of pity that she despised so much and rolled her eyes, scraping her chair away from the table in order to leave the room.
“Y/n, wait!” But the teenager didn’t want another lecture on the way she was acting. She just wanted to be alone, didn’t anyone understand that? She didn’t even acknowledge the way her sister and mama fell silent as she stormed through the kitchen. Wanda followed only seconds later and they all watched Y/n’s hunched figure climb the stairs, a door slam following quickly.
“So it went well then?” Isla asked, holding her dripping and soapy hands over the sink as she looked between her moms. “She seemed happy.”
“Shush Isla,” Natasha muttered, handing her another plate to clean. Wanda was chewing on her lip anxiously and even thought Natasha wasn’t the one with mind reading abilities, and still knew what her wife was thinking. “Go talk to her, she isn’t allowed to storm off during a conversation.”
“But, don’t you-“
“Wands,” Nat said, gently holding her wife’s shoulders. “She needs comfort, even if she doesn’t want to admit it. And you’re the best at that, and you know it too.” The witch wasn’t convinced, but a quick kiss gave her a boost of confidence and she ascended the stairs to Y/n’s room, knocking softly.
“It’s me baby, can I come in?” There was the sound of faint rustling and a muttered curse sounded before the door opened slightly.
“I’m fine, I really don’t need-“
Wanda placed her hand on the door. “I know, I just thought you might want some company.” Hesitation was evident across Y/n’s face. “Stop shutting us out, please baby.”
Y/n sighed but opened the door, allowing Wanda to slip inside and close the door behind her. The room was dark, only the small bedside lamp acting as a light source. Y/n crawled onto her bed and leaned against her pillows, blanket pulled high around her body.
“Talk to me sweetheart, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, mom, it’s fine.” Wanda gave her a look. “It’s just- I’m fed up of feeling like shit everyday, but I can���t help it. Every time I start feeling remotely good about myself, I just see that picture and it makes me feel ten times worse. I know I wasn’t with him for very long, but he made me feel on top of the world, and now I feel like garbage.”
“You’re not garbage honey.”
“I know that, but god, why did she have to look like a supermodel?”
“I don’t know, but that’s not a reflection of you, it’s one of him. He made a bad move-“
“I spoke to him today,” Y/n suddenly blurted out. No one else knew what she’d done today, but she couldn’t stop herself.
“Oh?” Wanda couldn’t hide her surprise. She knew it would come eventually, but not this soon. “Was Isla there?”
Y/n shook her head. “No one saw.” She couldn’t stop herself from laughing, which was odd in Wanda’s eyes, though she didn’t dare question it. “I just had to ask why.”
“And what did he say?”
“The most pathetic thing he could think of. He said she came to him and there was nothing he could do, which is bullshit really. So I told him that if he was going to lie, don’t do it straight to my face because my mother is a spy and I see straight through that crap!” Y/n had thrown herself up from the bed and was pacing around, her hands dancing animatedly in front of her as she spoke. “And then- do you know what he said?”
“I think I can guess,” Wanda said with a grimace. “It wasn’t a lie?”
“Bingo!” Y/n yelled, clapping her hands together. “It wasn’t a fucking lie! Now, I wasn’t blessed with your magic but it’s pretty easy to tell how much he was forced into it by where his hands were. Were they by his sides? No! On her goddamn face!”
Wanda had never seen her daughter so riled up before. Sure, Y/n had her outbursts at times, but she’d never been like this. Pacing around the room, her body language was so animated Wanda was sure something was going to get knocked over. Y/n was muttering a spew of nonsense that didn’t even make sense.
She hadn’t spared Wanda much of a glance until her ranting slowly came to a stop and turned around to face her mom, bottom lip quivering as tears welled up in her eyes. This sudden change in demeanour had Wanda rushing over and scooping her into a hug, cradling her head into her chest gently.
“Oh baby it’s ok. It’s ok,” she shushed, rocking their bodies as Y/!n hiccuped into her chest. “Want me to get Mama?”
“I just want you.”
Wanda had to hold back the tears herself. She tightened her grip and pressed kisses to her daughter’s soft red hair. “I’ve got you babygirl, I’ve got you.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t need to be, everything will be ok.”
“No,” Y/n said, pulling away with a whimper. “I’ve let you and Mama down. I’ve been a shit daughter and sister and I’m really sorry.”
“No, baby, listen to me.” Wanda guided them to sit on the edge of the bed, her hands holding Y/n shaking ones tightly. “He was your first love, first loves are messy. They rarely turn out the way we want them to. But you’ve kept your heart through everything which means you love harder and deeper than most people. And that’s one of the most beautiful things about you.” She reached up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind Y/n’s ear. “Keep it for someone special, because one day that person is going to show up and be deserving of everything you have to give them.”
“How will I know?” Y/n asked, her voice hoarse. She really thought she understood love, but now she just felt like a kindergartener. Lost and always looking to others for guidance.
“It’s not something you know, it’s something you feel,” Wanda replied with a soft smile, tapping her daughter’s chest where her heart sat. “You’ll know when the right person comes along.”
“How did you know?” Her mothers’ love story was something of a fairy tale, and no matter old they got, herself and Isla never became sick of hearing it.
“I knew from the second she smiled at me. She always acted so tough around everyone but she let a smile slip and I knew right there that I was going to marry her.”
Y/n was silent for a few moments, mouth screwed up in thought.
“What’s on your mind?”
The young girl shrugged. “What if I never find that? What if there isn’t anyone out there for me?”
Wanda shuffled over and placed her arm around her daughter’s shoulders. “You’re 17 honey, so young. You have your whole life to find your special person. I didn’t meet your mama until I was in my late 20s. It will happen, I promise.”
“Not if I never date again.” Wanda chuckled at her dramatics, making Y/n smile too. “I’m serious!”
“I know, I know.” They both looked at each other before bursting into laughter. Even Natasha heard from downstairs and she smiled. That was her favourite sound. “It will get easier, you know. Suddenly seeing him won’t feel like the end of the world anymore.”
“I know. I just need distractions.”
Wanda’s eyes went wide as an idea popped into her head. “Why don’t you invite Maria around, and you guys can have a movie night downstairs on the couch? I’ll get Mama to fetch snacks and drinks if you want.”
“But it’s a school night.”
Wanda pulled Y/n in for a hug. “And how my daughter feels is a lot more important to me than some lousy school day. Give her a call and let me know what she says. If she can’t make it, then I guess you have to settle for me and Mama.”
“That doesn’t sound like a bad thing.”
Wanda had to stop herself from melting on the spot. She kissed her daughter’s cheek with a laugh. “Thank you for not being a typical teenager. I don’t know what I would do without my cuddles.” Standing up, she collected a pile of cups and plates that had collected in Y/n’s bedroom over the week. She gently closed the door behind her and was met by Isla and Natasha in the kitchen, sharing a bowl of ice cream.
“I heard laughter, so I’m guessing all went well?”
“For now, at least. I told her she could invite Maria over for a movie night tonight as a distraction.”
“Can I invite Valkyrie?” The moms looked at each other. “Please?”
“I suppose. But she can’t stay over, ok?”
Isla reluctantly with an eye roll before Y/n came into the room, the smile on her face a stark contrast from before. “She said yes!”
“Perfect. I’ll get snacks then,” Natasha announced, grabbing her car keys from the basket. “Isla you coming?”
“Absolutely not,” her eldest exclaimed. “It’s freezing!”
“I’ll come.”
Natasha grinned at Y/n and poked her tongue out at Isla who didn’t even notice as she looked at her phone. “That’s my girl, cmon.”
An hour later, everyone was snuggled on the large couch with a multitude of blankets spread out across the large couch. A rom com played on the large flat screen tv and Isla and Valkyrie were having a competition to see who could catch the most m&ms in their mouth at once.
Y/n and Maria cheered them on from their end of the couch, Y/n’s legs thrown carelessly over her best friend’s lap. The brunette didn’t even notice how her hands rested on her ankles or even how close they were to each other.
They all settled down to watch properly but Y/n had a hard time keeping her eyes open. Her head kept nodding back against the couch arm rest but she refused to sleep. She’d dragged Maria all the way out here, it would be unfair if she fell asleep.
But she couldn’t keep sleep away forever. Isla and Valkyrie had disappeared upstairs, leaving Maria and Y/n curled up together. The young redhead was fast asleep, her head resting on her best friend’s chest. Maria had her arms wrapped protectively around her and her chin gently rested on the side of Y/n’s head. Her eyes were fixated on the movie but every now and then they blinked heavily, the dark room not helping her fight the tiredness.
Wanda and Natasha silently observed from the doorway, noticing a lack of their eldest daughter, and their youngest’s current position. Natasha gave her wife a knowing look before looking back at Y/n. Maria had succumbed to sleep just as the credits started rolling, the upbeat music doing nothing to break their slumber.
Wanda reached for the remote whilst Nat tucked another blanket around both bodies to keep them comfortable. Maria stirred and Nat held her breath, but the brunette only adjusted her grip on Y/n and held her tighter before falling back asleep again.
“What about school tomorrow?” Natasha whispered as she rejoined Wanda in the doorway, fingers hovering over the light switch.
“Y/n is happy. Missing a day of school isn’t the end of the world. We’ll let them rest.”
They closed the door and headed towards the stairs, deciding not to check on Isla. She knew the sleepover rules and they both trusted her enough.
“I really do love you,” Wanda sighed at the bottom of the stairs, looping her arms around Natasha’s waist. “I’m so glad I decided to marry you.”
“I don’t know where this is coming from, but I love you, my wonderful wife.” Natasha Romanoff, ever so cheesy.
“I love you and our girls more than anything,” the Sokovian mumbled against Natasha’s lips before they kissed. It was short and sweet and reminded Wanda so much of their first kiss all those years ago.
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wooahaes · 4 months
a healthy change of mind
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pairing: non-idol!hoshi x fem!reader
genre: domestic fluff. established relationship au.
warnings: food mention. mentions that reader didn't enjoy her bday growing up. skinship.
word count: ~1.0k
daisy's notes: domestic fluff i love u i love u i love u-
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There was always an odd sense of intimacy in tying someone’s apron for them. Soonyoung liked it most when it was you, because he could always press a gentle kiss against your neck when he was done… and you would do the same, giving him butterflies in his stomach all over again.
Today was your birthday, and Soonyoung was happy to greet you when you finally came home from spending time with your friends. He liked being the person who saw the way you melted a bit with exhaustion, the person who snuggled with you on the couch as you recharged your battery. He understood how that felt, too: sometimes after he spent his days with his friends, he just needed to rest in your company. There was always something so easy about being around you. He felt special that you could just snuggle up with him and relax. He’d watched you remove your makeup and take off the jewelry (all little things your friends had bought you over the years), and he stole a kiss from you after you’d shed your shirt to change into sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. 
“I don’t wanna go out tonight,” you had sighed against his shoulder. “Soonyoung?” You lifted your head, meeting his gaze. “Can we cook?”
Soonyoung was not a chef. Hell, he didn’t really cook much at all. You’d taught him a little before, but he never felt any good at it. His food never tasted anywhere near as good as yours (although, strangely enough, you said the same when he made you scrambled eggs one morning to surprise you with how much he’d been practicing), and half the time he ended up burning something… But if you wanted him to help you, he would happily help you. It wasn’t the first time you’d ask him to do that anyway. He’d always stay by your side, chopping ingredients and preparing whatever it was that you needed him to do. 
Unfortunately, it did call for a visit to the grocery store. Soonyoung held the basket in one hand, and your hand in the other as you guided him around the store. Another day, you two would do a proper grocery store visit… But that was for another day, definitely. He carried the bags home, still keeping his fingers intertwined with your own. And then he tied your apron, and kissed your neck before you did the same for him. That was what led to now, as you passed him a pair of gloves and asked him to dice chicken for you while you started to work on a sauce for your pasta. 
“You know,” you’d been measuring out heavy cream when you spoke up, “I like my birthday now.” 
He glanced up from where he was carefully cutting chicken. “You do?”
“Mhm. My birthday always kinda sucked when I was growing up,” you shrugged. “I mean—It always kinda felt like they were about other people than just me. My cake always had to be something everyone liked instead of something I liked.” For a moment, you paused, and then looked up, waving a hand. “Not that I didn’t like it! I like vanilla cake just fine,” you shrugged. “But… I dunno. Ice cream cakes are nice. Cupcakes are nice. I just kinda wish it was my decision more often, y’know?”
Is that why you told him not to worry about a cake…? He just watched you for a moment, trying to gauge your thoughts. “It can be your decision now.”
For a second, you just stood there, processing that. “Soonie?” You looked up, voice so small now. “Can we order cake? It can just be two slices for delivery, but—”
He laughed, warm as ever, and nodded. “I’ll pull up the app when I’m done and we can look. Tell me more about your birthdays.”
You shook your head. “Nah. I mean… I never really liked being ‘the birthday girl’ with all the attention on her, y’know? I like what I can do now. Going out with my friends, and then just… getting to come home to you and do something laid-back.” With a blissful sigh, you continued to make the alfredo sauce for your pasta. “I like that I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not.” 
Something ached in his chest at that. You hadn’t told him everything about your past, sure, but you’d told him that you did hide things about yourself growing up. Your interests, your personality, all wrapped up in a tight package of anxiety that you’d say the wrong thing or do something and be hated. It was all irrational, and you knew that now, but as a child with anxiety? Soonyoung couldn’t fault you for struggling so much with it growing up. Yet something softened inside of him as he realized the implications of what you said: you felt safe being yourself around him.
Good, then. He liked being himself around you, too.
The gloves crinkled as they came off, and he tossed them into the bin before making his way over to you. You turned right as he wrapped his arms around you, pressing a long kiss against your lips before drawing away. 
You smiled at him. “Hi?”
“Hi,” he giggled. “Happy birthday. I love you.” 
You kissed him back, soft and sweet, before pulling away. “I love you, too, you dork.” 
Soonyoung drew away, already going for his phone to start looking up dessert places. He would have done this for you a thousand times over if it meant he could see that pretty smile on your face. And he knew he’d kiss that smile again when the night was over and you were back where you belonged in his arms.
Hopefully, you two could spend your next birthday just like this, too.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @synthetickitsune @staranghae @porridgesblog @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @laylasbunbunny @bewoyewo
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redrose10 · 4 months
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Just something fluffy I’ve been thinking about…
“Oh wow, those are absolutely beautiful!”, you exclaimed setting the grocery bags down on the counter. Walking over to get a better look at the large bouquet of tulips you couldn’t help but smile.
“You made a great choice. Tulips are my favorite flower too.”
Your best friend Yoongi walked over, “Yeah the florist did a great job.”
“So I got all the ingredients for the dinner. Luckily it’s pretty simple to make so we should be done in plenty of time for your date tonight.”, you said as you began pulling out the items.
When your best friend told you that he was planning on asking out this girl he really liked and he really wanted you to help him put together the perfect date you just couldn’t say no. Even if hearing that he was going to ask someone out that wasn’t you did cause your heart to hurt a little.
Yoongi had told you that this mystery girl loved tulips and since your favorite flower also happened to be tulips he had asked you to pick out a bouquet. Which you were happy to do.
Then he asked you to help him cook her favorite dinner for the occasion. You thought it was a little odd that his date also happened to love chicken alfredo and double fudge brownies just like you because what are the odds? You were just glad that it was a dish you were well versed in making so you knew she was going to love it.
The brownies were in the oven and the sauce was coming together so while you had a few minutes you encouraged Yoongi to go get dressed.
As he stood in front of you holding up two shirt options so you can help him pick which one looks best with his black dress pants,
“No I think the black shirt looks better. I’ve always told you that you look great in all black.”, you’d replied not noticing the blush creep up his cheeks.
“Put on some of that cologne you have. You know that really expensive Versace one. It smells so good.”, you shouted as he ran back to his room to finish getting ready.
You were finishing up the table setting when Yoongi finally returned. After setting the last wine glass down you looked up loosing your breath for a moment. Your crush on Yoongi has grown exponentially the last year. You never meant for it to be that way, but some things just happen. Seeing him look this handsome, putting this much effort into a date for another woman pained you, but also made you fall a little more in love with him. But you were determined to pushed that all aside just so he could be happy.
“How do I look?”, he asked spinning to give you a 360 view.
He had been working out more recently and it definitely showed by the way the fabric clung to his torso and biceps. The dress pants were tailored perfectly showing off his slim legs. He’d gotten away from wearing earrings lately but you noticed the two hoops you’d given him for Christmas two years ago. And he did put on a little of that cologne you loved. He looked like the man of your dreams.
“Like a chiseled statue of a Greek God carved by Michelangelo himself.”, you quipped.
“Wow Y/N you’re so weird.”, he snorted.
“But seriously, do you think it’s too much? I want her to like it.”
You put on your best fake smile, “You look great Yoongi. She’s going to think you look very handsome.”
The pasta finished boiling so you added it to the sauce and topped it with a little more cheese. The brownies were cooling on the rack and you reminded Yoongi about the vanilla ice cream in the freezer that you thought would be a nice touch.
“What time is she supposed to get here?”, you asked.
“Umm 7:00.”
You glanced at the clock and noticed it was flashing 6:58.
“Yoongi why didn’t you say something?! She’s gonna be here any minute and I don’t think she’s going to be happy to see me here.”, you said frantically running around trying to grab your things.
As you ran towards the door Yoongi followed close behind.
“Remember not to let the brownies cool in the pan too much or they might sink. And remember the ice cream.”
“Y/N”, he whispered.
“Oh and slice the chicken before adding it to the pasta. It looks nicer and will be easier to eat.”
“And show her the flowers when she first gets here. It’ll be a nice surprise. Remember to tell her she looks pretty too.”
“And most of all text me afterwards and let me know how it goes.”, you’d said finally getting your shoe on that you had been struggling with.
“Y/N wait!”, Yoongi finally shouted.
Turning around you looked surprised, “What? Yoongi I have to go before she gets here.”
He chuckled to himself, “Y/N, you can’t seriously be this oblivious?”
“What do you mean?”, you asked confused.
He walked over standing just a few inches away from you, “Y/N I had you get tulips that YOU picked out. They’re YOUR favorite flower. I had you help me cook YOUR favorite meal. I bought YOUR favorite bottle of wine. I had you help me pick out an outfit that YOU would like. I wore the cologne YOU like. I mean I thought I was being obvious but I guess not.”
Looking around the room it did kind of make sense. They were all things that were your favorites, but you were so hung up on the fact that you never thought Yoongi would ever like you that way so you really thought he had a date with someone else.”
You chuckled, “I mean I did notice some similarities, but I didn’t think you’d ever actually like me like that so I thought it was all one big coincidence.”
Yoongi took your hands into his. His thumb lightly running over a small burn you got from the brownie pan, “Y/N, I like you a lot. I have for a really long time. I just didn’t know how to tell you. I guess I was just hoping you’d get the hint. I’d really like to ask you to be an official couple.”
“You’re so adorable.”, you chuckled as you watched him nervously stare at the floor.
“Yes, of course. I’d love that.”, you smiled reaching over and placing a kiss on his lips.
As Yoongi served you the dinner you suddenly had a realization, “So you had me plan our first date and also go to the grocery store and help cook and I had to pick out my own flowers?”
Yoongi nervously scratched the back of his neck, “Yeah um both my smartest and dumbest decision. But at least I know you’ll like everything.”
“Wow you’re definitely doing all of the dishes.”, you laughed.
He leaned over giving you another kiss, “Already planned on it babe.”
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rafeandonlyrafe · 11 months
rafe being an aggressive lover headcanons <3
words: 800
warnings: mentions of violence, rafe being controlling a bit lol
“i love you so much, baby. i would kill everyone on this fucking island for you.” you know he’s serious, but you can’t help the laugh that bursts out of you. rafe pouts, hands tightening on your hips. he goes to duck his head in slight embarrassment, but you stop him, “i love you too baby.” you kiss him. “while i don’t want you to kill anyone, i will definitely keep that in mind if someone is pissing me off.”
“if you don’t want to go, we don’t have to go.” rafe says, admiring your dress as you smooth it out in the mirror for the hundredth time, nervous about dinner with your parents tonight. they’ve never been the biggest fans of rafe, but what upsets you more is how overly critical your dad is of you. he never gives you a break, and rafe knows how his words cut like a knife. “if he starts that shit again, i will deck him in the fucking face.” you roll your eyes, but know rafe absolutely would do that for you.
rafe has been at your back all day, arms around your waist or hands on your hips. it’s cleaning day at the house, and you find it really satisfying to move room to room, organizing and sanitizing, but it’s a bit hard when you have a lovesick rafe following you around. “baby, ow.” you wince in pain as he squeezes you too tightly. rafe backs away quickly. “i’m sorry.” you turn around and wrap your arms around his shoulders. “it’s okay, handsome. just too tight.” you peck his lips. “i know, sorry, just wanna squeeze you until you pop.”
“you’re never allowed to leave me.” rafe says seriously. you roll your eyes as you swipe on your lipgloss. “honey, i’m not leaving, i’m literally just getting dinner with the girls.” rafe pouts as you grab your purse. “you’re going to be gone for hours.” rafe whines. “you’re not going.” you turn to rafe, placing your hands on your hips. “excuse me?” rafe shakes his head, holding firm, “you’re not going.” “i’m going.” you head for the door, but rafe grabs your hand. you interrupt him before he can speak, “and you’re coming too.” rafe gives you a puzzled glance. “i already told the girls that you’d be joining me.”
“call me every hour.” rafe says, kissing you again, moving slightly closer to the door. “rafey, aren’t you gonna be in meetings and stuff?” you ask. rafe has been putting off an important business trip for weeks, and it can’t wait any longer. he really wanted you to come with him, but you insisted you were fine to stay at your house, you’re an adult after all and it’s only three days. “doesn’t matter. let me know whenever you’re leaving the house, i’ll be watching the cameras.” rafe had cameras put up in all of the common spaces, coincidentally a couple of days before he left. “i will call you.” you nod. “annie is coming over tomorrow evening, and i will probably go to the grocery store when you’re on your flight back so i can make you dinner.” rafe kisses you, pauses to open the door, and kisses you again. you’re glad you convinced him to leave an hour early, knowing that rafe actually leaving the house always took forever.
you’re sitting in bed together, having spent the whole sunday just lazing around the house. rafe pulls you onto his lap, pressing your body close to his. his teeth suddenly sink into your bottom lip, making your eyes shoot open. rafe doesn’t let up, gently biting down on your lip, tugging it slightly. you moan against his mouth, letting him know how much you like it.
“chicken?” rafe asks, and you shake your head no, a sour look on your face. “pasta?” another shake of your head. “chips? ice cream? pretzels? baby, you have to eat something. pizza? i’ll order from any restaurant.” “raaaafe.” you stop him, “i’m just not hungry, babe. it’s fine.” rafe runs his hand through his hair, chest puffing up and down, “it’s not fucking fine, honey. you can’t just skip a meal.” rafe pauses, clenching and unclenching his fist. “are you sick? should we go to the doctor?” “not at all honey… why don’t we order in pizza? that sounds good.” rafe can easily tell that you’re lying, but if it’ll get you to eat, he doesn’t care.
“get down!” rafes sudden yell startles you, making you wobble on the ladder. rafe is quick to grab you, literally pulling you off your feet and into his arms. “what do you think you’re doing?” rafe shakes you. “rafe!” you let out a little squeal. rafe sets you down on the couch, pacing the living room, “do you know how easily you could have fallen? whatever you’re doing, next time wait for me to get home and let me do it okay? i can’t have you hurt.” he kneels down in front of you. “you scared me.” you whisper. “sorry, bunny.” he squeezes your knees. “but please, no heights. nothing even a little dangerous. i- i can’t lose you.”
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vncannyvalleygrrl · 2 months
Pim and charlie (seperate headcanons) x janitor gn reader who works at smiling friends is shy until you get to know them pretty pls? I love ur workk
yes ofc!! tysm i cant believe how much attention my stuff is getting recently, im glad people are liking it! hope you like this one too :3
Pim/Charlie x Janitor Reader
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includes: general and dating hcs
He was really excited that he has a new co worker! He even made a little goody-bag full of snacks and cute cat stickers to give you on your first day. Pim really wants you to feel welcome at Smiling Friends.
He knows it's not his job to do this, but on slower days he tends to help you clean around the office, especially after rough misadventures (or bliblie infestations)
He doesn't mind you being shy around him, he's a patient little critter. Willing to listen to your problems with an open heart; only gives advice when you ask.
Do you like coffee? He'll make you some! Prefer energy drinks? He'll get you some from the store! After awhile, maybe a few months or so, he'll ask if you can get lunch with him sometime. Perchance hang out after work? At a cafe maybe?
Whoops he's in love with you.
If you two end up together, he obviously helps you with your job when needed. If you have any sort of pain that day, God forbid being sick, don't even think about getting out of bed that day. He's making you some chicken noodle soup (or some vegetable and pasta soup if you're vegan), he's turning on the TV, and he's making you some tea.
He gets super flustered every time he's reminded that you aren't shy near him, only with others. He sometimes forgets you trust him, and his heart skips several beats when he remembers. Maybe a little nauseous but it's a good nauseous.
He will gladly take you on missions with him if you ask! Doesn't realize until it's too late that most of his missions are either super deadly or super boring. Probably won't take you on adventures after that for your own safety.
Charlie didn't even know that you were hired as a janitor until he saw you (about a week after you were hired) mopping up some spilled water around the office. He asked if you were a client, but he was quickly shot with confusion as you told him that you worked there.
You two shared some laughs, introduced yourself, and went on with your day.
After that, you wouldn't talk much with him, mostly small conversations about the weather or recent news. He was your coworker, yes, but felt more like background noise. Charlie thought that you were a little reclusive, but he didn't mind the quiet between you two.
He always makes sure to clean up after himself though, just out of courtesy. He's worked one of these kinds of jobs before, he knows they suck.
One night you stayed long after to help clean up the aftermath of a very hectic mission, the office being partially destroyed by a pissed off client. You clocked out and stepped out of what remained of the building, finding Charlie sat down on the sidewalk, lighting a cigarette.
You two talked for a little bit, maybe smoked with him if you're a smoker. Charlie talked about how a lot of the time, he regrets working here because of how much of a nightmare people can be. You couldn't blame him for that. He brought up how he especially feels bad for you, because you have to clean up his messes. Now that surprised you.
When midnight struck, he offered to drive you back to your house/apartment, and you accepted. After that, you both grew close to one another. Too close to be considered a friendship anymore.
Officially dating and closer than ever, he would hang out with you after work, mostly at either his or your place. Talk about drama in each others lives or online, eat junk food, play video games, watch movies, all until the break of dawn. Maybe a few beers get involved during the weekends.
Overall, he's just glad you have someone to confide in now, someone you can trust and be yourself around, not hide behind any walls. Every time he sees you he just wants to run up and hug you, and he does (unless you're in public, he just holds your hand).
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omgrachwrites · 10 months
The Beginning of Something - Carmy Berzatto
Pairing: Carmy Berzatto x Reader
Summary: A chance encounter with your neighbour changes everything.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, probs ooc Carmy (I've only seen season one)
A/N: I've fallen in love with someone else oops. I'm thinking about turning this into a lil mini series. I hope you guys enjoy, please let me know what you think! I love you all! xxx
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The smell of burning made you swear beneath your breath as you put your glass of wine on the coffee table and you rushed into the kitchen. You groaned as you realised your dinner was definitely burning. With a sigh, you pulled open the oven, coughing as thick smoke billowed out and with a tea towel you pull out the dish.
If burning your food wasn’t enough, it also set off the smoke alarm. You winced at the high pitched noise and quickly waved the tea towel at the smoke alarm, trying to get the smoke away. When that didn’t work you opened the door to your apartment and willed the noise to stop. Thankfully, you were so high up in the building that there was only one other apartment on this floor and the owner worked all the time.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You heard a voice shout over the noise and you looked up to see a man lingering in the doorway to your apartment. You recognised the curly hair straight away, it was your neighbour, the one that worked all the time. You didn’t even realise you were crying until you wiped your eyes.
“I can’t get the alarm off.”
“Mind if I try?” he asked and you nodded with a watery smile as you let him into the apartment.
He walked into the kitchen, he wasn’t that much taller than you but he had longer arms and within minutes he managed to get the noise to stop.
You breathed out in relief, “thank you so much, I’m sorry for disturbing you,” you bite your lip, thinking he’d helped you because the sound was pissing him off.
“Oh, no, no! I don’t particularly mind but I was walkin’ past and you looked upset so,” he trailed off shoving his hands in his pockets, “I’m Carmy.”
You smiled, you knew who he was, he owned the restaurant a couple of blocks away, “Y/N,” you offered.
He nodded, a pretty flush spreading out across his cheeks as he looked over to where your dinner lay burnt and ruined. You suddenly remember that he’s a world renowned chef so you quickly throw it in the trash.
Though it was too late, he’d already seen it, so you decided to make a joke, “it was supposed to be Chicken en Papillote,” you laugh.
An indulgent smile spread across his lips, “well, it’s not an easy dish,” you knew he was humouring you so you rolled your eyes and looked at him. He laughed somewhat nervously, “okay, it’s a really easy dish. Look, I always make too much for dinner, y’know I um I could drop something off for you?” the flush on his cheeks was back.
“Oh no, really that’s okay!” you smiled, he was very sweet.
“You sure?”
“I’m sure,” you nodded, “thanks for your help, Carmy.”
He nodded with a smile, “no worries, I’ll see you around, Y/N,” he waved as he walked out of the apartment.
As it turned out, you were far too broke to order out so you settled on a grilled cheese. It was the only meal you could make without nearly burning the apartment down.
After dinner, you settled on the couch with a glass of wine to watch some trash TV, a couple of hours passed before there was a knock on your door. Concealing a groan, you get off the couch and pad across to the door, pulling it open. You were surprised by who was on the other side.
“Carmy? What are you doing here?”
He held up a dish wrapped in foil, “I er, I know you said that you didn’t want anything and that you were okay but I thought I’d bring some over anyway. You like pasta right?”
“Yeah,” you giggled, “I like pasta, thanks Carmy,” you beamed as you took the dish from him, he’d saved you twice in one night.
He nodded as he pushed a hand through his curls, “I’ll see you around, I mean it this time,” he chuckled and you shot him a wave as you closed the door.
Over the following couple of weeks, you and Carmy were hanging out regularly, only ever in bars, you’d never been inside his apartment. However, that was all going to change because tonight he’d invited you to his apartment for dinner and a movie.
You met him at the apartment he was completely revamping, you waved at Richie as he let you in, “hey, Y/N. Whatcha doin’ here?” he asked as he pulled you into a one armed hug.
“I’m meeting Carmy, we’re ordering pizza.”
Before Richie could smirk and say something lewd, you heard Carmy scoff and he walked out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel, “ordering pizza? Nah, we’re not doin’ that shit, we’re making it.”
You groaned, the embarrassing memories of when you and Carmy first met ran through your head, “I don’t wanna make pizza.”
His lips quirked up into a smirk, “my apartment, my rules,” he shrugged on his jacket and you scowled as you followed him out of the door.
“Look, Carmy! Mine looks deformed compared to yours,” you complained as you pointed to his perfect circular pizza base, yours didn’t look anything like his.
Carmy burst out laughing as he flung a towel over his shoulder, failing to conceal his laughter when you glared at him and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, “it’s okay! We can fix it; can I show you how?”
When you nodded, he took your hands in his, making you both flush as he guided you to spread out the dough and as you worked together, you quickly had something you could work with. You were spreading the tomato base that Carmy made onto the uncooked dough when he asked you something that made you pause.
“Why were you so bothered over the pizza not looking perfect?” he laughed as he took a sip of his beer and you could tell he wasn’t teasing you, he actually wanted to know.
You sighed, “I don’t know, I just get embarrassed I guess, I mean you’re such a good chef but I would manage to burn water.”
Carmy smiled as he pushed his curls out of his eyes, “I’ve been doing it all my life, Y/N. Cooking isn’t easy, whoever says it is, is full of shit,” he commented, making you giggle as you put the toppings on your pizza and Carmy slid them into the oven, “don’t worry about it, okay?”
“Okay,” you smiled, “thanks, Carmy.”
He nodded, “you have some flour on your cheek,” he laughed as he wiped it off, his blue eyes darting to your lips. You knew he wanted to kiss you but when he looked away quickly with a flush on his cheeks you knew he was far too shy.
You watched Carmy’s face as he checked on the pizza’s every now and then, the happiness on his face wasn’t hard to place. You knew he was happy he finally had someone to share this with. Someone who knew fuck all about that world.
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