#and a miami betty would have been different than a cartagena betty
ladysophiebeckett · 1 year
Your mind is really superior, your Cartagena head canon is on point. I always wondered why Armando looked so upset when he found out Betty had been in Cartagena during the time she disappeared. I mean I understand that he could have been surprised she was ever outside of Bogotá, but he seemed almost angry to find this out. Or maybe he remembered the time he saw her on TV but thought his mind was playing tricks on him, now he knew it was real, and he didn't deal with it so well 😂😂
he's not necessarily angry, but he is a mixture of shocked and hurt (even tho he has no right to be) as u can see here:
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so shocked by the revelation that he had to take his glasses off. the thing is, he went crazy looking for her, wondering where she could be and to find out that she never even left colombia. she was like, an hour plane ride away the entire time. and he didn't know. and no one would tell him bc she left orders to specifically not tell him. so for him, cartagena is always going to be the place she went to to get away from him. even tho for her, its the place where she healed and learned to forgive him.
i dont even think he remembers seeing her on tv. he doesn't have the full knowledge of how she ended up in cartagena bc when he mentions it to mario, mario says 'oh so she left for cartagena out of spite?'--(rough translation)--and armando nods. which we know isn't completely true. yes, we know she was also planning on leaving ecomoda but she never had a location getaway planned. like armando said, she left all the money and her family is poor. for armando, finding out where she had been this whole time is simply painful for him.
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