#and a massive amount of shit going on with the rescue. one of the dogs we’ve had the longest got adopted but he got out the owner’s door and
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oliveish · 5 months ago
No breaks? Never? Really?
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nathank77 · 3 months ago
4:29 a.m Added to Significantly 4:50 a.m bc clearly the useless pile of shit brain i have can't sleep.
I woke up at like 3:10 a.m tried to fall back to sleep. I needed to pee but not badly.. and all of a sudden I got hungry. I ignored it until about 3:40 still couldn't sleep so now I have eaten. I am smoking a cigarette.... I peed, Before I lite my cigarette, I had a protein bar, benadryl, Hydroxyzine and Melatonin and laid there for an additional fucking 25 minutes.
I'm about to end it all. Life is pointless..If I can't fall back to sleep when I barely need to pee and i keep my eyes closed, every night will be Torture.....
I just want to die already and stop trying. My brain is a useless pile of shit incapable of sleep without massive amounts of fucking sedatives.... and all it does is hallucinate...
When i first woke up it was quiet... and I thought i could fall back to sleep... then my hallucination started popping off and I had to turn on the TV to stop myself from killing myself...
Hopefully the useless pile of shit figures out how to fall back asleep otherwise I'm set up for constant auditory hallucinations all fucking day. Getting 7 hours is virtually impossible now with this pile of useless shit.
I want to die. I'm a no one and no one is going to date me. I have no happiness in my life. I have nothing to look forward to. All i do is struggle to sleep, stay asleep and then hallucinate. All I do is live in a toxic environment... that'll I will never escape and it's pointless....
And at this point it may be easier to not even bother surrendering Riley bc my sister and liv will likely lie, take Riley out of the house for the day claiming they found her a home and then bring her back and make sure the rescue can't rescue her and then I'll have to worry about liv rubbing shit on my food and pouring piss in my fucking juices left in the fridge. They'll fucking despise me and treat me like fucking shit for trying to save her. NOT THAT THEY DON'T TREAT ME LIKE SHIT ALL THE TIME ANYWAYS... BUT I MEAN ITLL GET WORSE. AND THAT SNAPPLE.. YOU MAY THINK IM CRAZY SAYING THAT ABOUT LIV BUT I ACTUALLY BELIEVE SHE TOOK THE BOTTLE OUT OF THE TRASH AFTER THE RACOONS GOT INTO THE TRASH I LEFT ON THE PORCH AND SHE POURED MY OTHER SNAPPLE INTO IT AND MIXED A LITTLE BIT OF RILEY'S PISS IN IT BC SHE RESENTED ME FOR BEING TOO MENTALLY ILL TO CLEAN UP AFTER MY MOTHERS DOG.
And I have Thanksgiving to look forward to where I'll sit there silently as the scapegoat and won't be able to talk about anything. I'm fucking so unwanted and that's if I cancel the rescue and never tell skye and we keep fucking Riley. If the rescue is revealed to her before then it'll be even worse.
My life is pointless and it's never going to get better. At least if I kill myself and write a bang up suicide letter Kristen will lose her license when my father pursues her in court and my life will have some form of a purpose.
I never had an issue falling asleep or staying asleep before psychosis when I could smoke weed. And tbh I think suicide makes the most sense December 1st I'm going on that trip and once I pay for the fucking cabin I'll be locked into my decision bc I can't make noises in my room and be fucking saved...
So I mean yea but hey at least I'll be able to have one thing to look forward to a fucking tiny vacation. And a peaceful SILENT death.
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nautilusopus · 3 months ago
like even without googling anything and finding out about the fucked up shit with the jackals and the snakes and the god knows how many other animals died or were injuried, there were a lot of red flags right off the bat. these are good things to look for in general when trying to glean what rehabilitations centres and sanctuaries are worth their salt. this is all stuff i noticed in the videos without digging deeper, and that you can keep an eye out for in other organisations too:
it's repeatedly mentioned that most of the foxes they have are purchased from fur farms. not rescued (though they keep saying rescued), purchased. setting aside for the moment the ethics of funneling money back into a practice that will ultimately just lead to more foxes being bred for fur farms, rather than doing anything that would bring about structural change, the fact that they keep trying to prompt people to purchase these animals that were not bred to be pets as pets is massively irresponsible. these animals 1. DO NOT MAKE GOOD PETS no matter how cute they are, 2. were bred to be big and have good coats and not to have long lives with any sort of quality, and quite often have to be put down, making them a bad pet experience for not just the animal but the owner, and 3. will often have behavioural issues due to the conditions they were raised in. they might not be releasable because of this and that's always sad, but that doesn't mean the opposite of "non-releasable" is "well-suited to be a pet".
fund allocation seems questionable? they claim to be constantly on the bring of bankruptcy as they repeatedly take foxes back in for more and more surgeries, and buying foxes from fur farms does not seem to be a good use of that money, once again setting aside the issue of this just funneling massive amounts of cash back into these unethical breeders that you claim to be combating. also at one point there was a line about "i was supposed to get x many foxes and i came back with two extra, my husband doesn't know" that made me do a huge double take because what do you mean he doesn't know??? you're taking these animals with intent, right? you allocated the space beforehand, right? how do you impulse-rescue a fox like it's a root beer in the fridge right by the checkout counter?
CATS AND DOGS AND FOXES KEPT TOGETHER IN THE SAME SPACE NO NO NO NO NO. i may have never rehabilitated a fox before much less over 500(???!?!!!??!) but absolutely no this is my number one pet peeve in Cute Animal Videos, you don't fucking mix animals in those circumstances at the BEST of times because it can lead to unintentional injury, and you ESPECIALLY don't fucking mix animals with traumatised fur farm purchases that probably have behavioural issues. i kept thinking "oh man this is a recipe for disaster" even before i googled it and got that basically confirmed.
as mentioned the comments are full of people going "omg i'd tolerate the smell just to have an animal this cute" and "omg i want one ❤️❤️" and normally in these kinds of videos there's an emphasis that "yes they're cute yes they're in my house, THEY DON'T MAKE GOOD PETS, LOOK AT WHAT THEY WILL DO TO YOUR HOUSE" and there's just none of that mitigation happening here, in the video itself or in the comments section. this is a huge failing on the part of any sort of rescue. i know the line between "showing off this ambassador animal to raise awareness and generate sympathy" and "glorifying owning a bear" can be tricky to walk at times, especially with a pet surrender that doesn't know anything but being a pet, but this i think is over it.
i'm not going to comment about things like diet and shelters because i mostly worked with birds and reptiles and a handful of native mammals, but i will note that despite the fact that there are litterboxes available in the animals' rooms, they rarely seem to actually use it, and that's all i'll say on that.
there were warning signs the whole way through and you can train yourself to notice them.
watch one cute video of an animal shelter, go looking at the others, notice some odd red flags in how she refers to and treats some of the animals and where they're coming from (almost none seem to actually be pet surrenders or wild rescues?). i've worked with non-releasable wild animals and former exotic pet surrenders before so a lot of it felt REALLY off from my own experiences, but i haven't worked with foxes specifically so i brush it off and assume she knows better
but also the fact that there are so many people in the comments going OMG I WANT ONE and there's no visible effort on the part of the shelter owner to get people to stop saying that because it's one of the biggest threats to animal welfare, is people thinking that and encouraging the exotic pet trade. no comments in the video about how these things don't make good pets, no corrections in the comments section itself, nothing.
eventually i get curious about where the fuck she got that jackal and why it sleeps in the owner's fucking bed and she keeps bottle feeding it and eventually i google it and HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOY
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cowboymirio · 4 years ago
They Want To Get A Pet - Headcanons
Summary: Your S/O wants a pet and adorable antics ensue~ 
Characters: Hizashi Yamada, Taishiro Toyomitsu, Aizawa Shouta, Eijiro Kirishima, Tenya Iida, Hanta Sero, Takami Keigo
Contains: Gender neutral reader, lotsa fluff, Reader has arachnophobia in Sero’s part! Crackheadery in Aizawa’s part
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Hizashi Yamada - Cockatoo
📣 You guys totally didn’t plan on getting a cockatoo, or any pet for that matter. Y’all just moved into your new place for christ’s sake! 
📣 But after a visit to a lil exotic pet store downtown, your plans changed. And now you’re stuck with a bird with the intelligence of a toddler
📣 According to Yama, the bird just ‘called to him’ and by that, he means the bird literally screamed at him
📣 They’ve got the most bougie cage ever like MTV cribs hit them up. 
📣But he doesn’t spend too much time in there as you guys let him roam around the house all day until it’s time for bed or if you leave for a while
📣 If they’re not attached to Yama’s shoulder, you often find them waddling around the house, picking things up off of the floor and throwing them, and squawking at you when they want attention
📣 Sounds like someone else you know huh…
📣 Yama and the bird dance together so much omg. They do the lil head bobs together, he’ll blast some music for them and they go to town he even chirps along to the lyrics omg-
📣 He doesn’t even have to teach them words, they just pick them up on their own… and then never stop saying them… ever 
📣 ‘YEAHHHHH’ then from the other side of your home you hear another ‘YEAAHHHHH’
📣 Make it stop
📣 You taught them cuss words for the shits and giggles though
📣 Yama finds it funny too though because he’s got that 8-year-old sense of humor… you all do to be honest 
📣 But when the bird chooses to sit on your shoulder you bet your ass Yamada’s gonna fawn over the two of you for the next hour :’) 
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Taishiro Toyomitsu - Pyrenean Mastiff
🍢 Really wants a pet 
🍢 But also really scared of crushing them so…
🍢 You guys settle for a big ‘ol Pyrenean mastiff!
🍢 And when I say they’re big they are big like… I mean knock you over if you’re not careful big
🍢 They’re literally perfect for each other
🍢 They’re both massive units, insanely adorable, and they for sure share the same appetite
🍢 Speaking of food, he makes sure he’s feeding them the best of the best foods even if that means y’all are making it yourselves
🍢 Not as afraid to roughhouse with them as he thought he’d be
🍢 Lots of fetching, frisbee throwing, ‘wrestling’ even?? They’re so rowdy and for what? My heart, that’s what <3 
🍢 The dog definitely sleeps on top of him I don’t make the rules
🍢 Mf just hops on up, curls up and they’re ready to go like--- Is that- is that not y’know,,, HEAVY?? 
🍢 I mean,,, you sleep on top of him too so I honestly don’t think Tai cares too much
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Aizawa Shota - Cat
💤 You guys already know…
💤 If he were to get any kind of pet it’d be a cat.
💤 They’re chill, independent, and sometimes want attention. Just how he likes it.
💤 Well… that’s how he thought that things should be but-
💤 BOY was he wrong
💤 After living together for quite a while, stalking animal shelter websites for the perfect cat, and finding the right one, you bring them home!
💤 When you met them at the shelter, they were a sweet lil baby with an aloof attitude that you both fell in love with
💤 But when you brought them home… They became an absolute crackhead.
💤 Forget having ANYTHING on the tables or countertops. It’s on the floor now thanks to them. Fuck your water glass, fuck those papers you were helping Aizawa grade, they’re gone! Shredded! Positively destroyed :)
💤 Forget having free hands, they’re literally attached to his side and won’t stop rubbing against his hands while he’s grading papers and such
💤 If you’re not watching his little dude/ette will try and eat food WHILE YOU’RE COOKING oh my fuckingf god
💤 Heaven forbid this dude tries to leave the room. They’ll ‘cry’ until he comes back.
💤 ‘Go to your other parent, they’ll give you attention.’ ‘mEEEOWWW’ ‘Oh my god fine come here.’
💤 Honestly though he really appreciates when they’re down to sleep. Their purrs and their cuddles are very appreciated
💤 And literally just imagine seeing them curled up on his chest while they sleep on the couch ;; im so somft
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Eijiro Kirishima - Bearded Dragon
🏮 This man wants to get THE manliest pet of all,,, a bearded dragon
🏮 He probably saw one on a movie or something and immediately came to you like
🏮 ‘Okay but we neeeeed one just look at their lil beards!! And their tongues!!!’
🏮 You tell him to put it off for a bit, do some research, and see if he still wants one later
🏮 Homeboy is DEDICATED so he puts in the time and ofc he still wants one after the fact
🏮 After a good amount of time, he comes back with a books worth of reasons as to why you guys should get one and you’re honestly shocked
🏮 You just can’t say no to those eyes </33 so you oblige and go out and get one from an owner who’s surrendering it (Because we don’t support chain pet stores in this household)
🏮 You guys can’t pick a name for them so for the longest time they’re just called ‘the lizard’ or ‘little fella’ or whatever else you guys come up with
🏮 Anyways- he’s infatuated with them it’s so funny. He spends all of his freetime watching them get used to their new habitat like,,,, all of it. It’s 1am and he’s just watching it hang out and you’re like ‘Kiri if you love it so much then why don’t you sleep with it’ (not in that way ya nasty)
🏮 Next thing you know he hops out of bed, brings them back and puts them between your pillows.
🏮 Lil homie’s just vibin there.
🏮 You’re done tbh but if Kiri’s happy then you’re happy <33
🏮 Absolutely lets it sit on his shoulders when he’s walking around the house
🏮 He has a leash for them and he takes them out during the warmer months
🏮 Dedicates a good portion of his day to clean out their habitat when need be
🏮 Their relationship is just so cute you can’t help but melt every time you see them together
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Tenya Iida - Tropical Fish
🌟 After a particularly rough finals season, you figure that Iida needs to have some sort of hobby that can help him chill out, but also has some sort of brainwork in there because that’s your boyfriend for ya
🌟 You suggest getting some fish!
🌟 He rly said ‘I’ll think about it’ then proceeded to do a shit ton of research on it because he literally does that every time you express interest in something. King behavior!!
🌟 You guys settle on getting a few tropical fish and a super nice fish tank for ‘em
🌟 He lets you name all of them and of course you have to name one ‘Iida junior’ like how could you not-
🌟 But seriously though he finds it so endearing and sweet ;;
🌟 You can’t tell me he doesn’t buy all of the nicest shit he can for their tank too.
🌟 Fresh aquatic plants, huge rocks for them to swim through, a nice ass heater, the WORKS
🌟 He’s gotta treat yall’s babies right like what did you expect
🌟 Constantly checking their water to see if it’s alright for them
🌟 He’s usually the one to feed them so whenever he comes up to the tank, they all crowd up by the top like doggies when their owner comes home omg
🌟 He finds the noises from the tank to be really good background noise when he’s reading or studying
🌟 Iida’s honestly glad that you suggested to get fish ‘cause taking care of them is such a relaxing hobby and lord knows he needs some of those
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Hanta Sero - Rose Haired Tarantula
🧵 So he wants a Rose Hair Tarantula...
🧵 ‘Absolutely not’ - You, 2021 (sorry if you actually like spiders lol, if a singular person wants hcs where y’all both like spiders please @ me)
🧵 Lots and lots of begging and promises
🧵 ‘You won’t even have to clean the cage, I’ll do it!!’ ‘We can keep them in the spare room’ ‘c’mooon pretty please???’
🧵 He had to bust out the puppy eyes for you to say yes
🧵 And with that, you’re now the proud parents of a demon rose hair tarantula!
🧵 ‘We can keep them in the spare room’ your ass. He lets it climb all over him while he’s walking around the house!!
🧵 Not you actively avoiding him when you see them coming down towards you
🧵 ‘But I wanna kiss!!’ ‘Kiss your tarantula smh’
🧵 After he realizes he’s not gonna get any with his lil buddy (yes, that’s what he calls them) he tries his best to help you familiarize with em
🧵 I’m sorry but he’s trying so hard not to laugh as you freak out when they crawl up your arm
🧵 He takes things more seriously after that though. He’ll give you lil words of encouragement, back pats and such
🧵 He’s so happy that you become… tolerable after a while of you guys just hangin’ out that you can’t help but feel proud too.
🧵 You still can’t stand spiders though.  
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Keigo Tamaki - Bunnies
🐤 Just like Aizawa, he wants something that’s quiet and can be independent since his schedule is a bit busy but he still wants to have a lil buddy to love on
🐤 You’re actually the one to bring up the idea to get a bunny, it’s part of a long list of ideas you had come up with, but for whatever reason, the bunny idea just stuck with him
🐤 You two hop (im a comedic genius hi <33) on over to the nearest rescue you can find, and browse through the enclosures looking for the perfect bunny for you guys 
🐤 Ok so like- here’s the thing,,,
🐤 You totally didn’t plan on getting two bunnies… But you guys found a pair that were literally inseparable and y’all had to have them
🐤 He’s already calling them ‘Our children’ straight off the bat like- y’all JUST got home and he’s already giving you baby fever UGH
🐤 He bunny-proofs the FUCK out of the house so they can roam freely ‘cause he didn’t just get these babies to stick them in a cage smh
🐤 Will lay on the floor and just watch them romp around cus he finds it relaxing and funny 
🐤 Also please get on the floor and watch them with him. Prime cuddling hours
🐤 They burrow under his wings… I repeat- THEY BURROW UNDER HIS WINGS
🐤 They WILL flop together don’t @ me 
🐤 They (and by they I mean all three of them)  flop on you when they want attention can I jst--- *cries*
🐤 Have fun trying to get up, this is your life now. 
🐤 But are you really complaining? You shouldn’t be smh 
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clickbait-official · 4 years ago
from @artwitch28's headcannons
tw: implied/referenced abuse, depressive themes, and transphobia
Endeavor was a stuck up little bitch.
Not that a lot of people knew.
Oh well. He’ll get his revenge one day.
Touya sighs, setting his keys on the counter.
“Keigo! I’m home!”
The house was big- airy, if that was a word. Birdboy hated closed spaces. Touya couldn’t blame him, either; he couldn’t stand anything that looked like his “training” room.
There was a thunk upstairs as Keigo ran down to greet him.
“How was work? How was Dad?” He asks.
“Dad”, Atsuhiro Sako, was Touya’s adopted dad. They worked together under their agency, the League of Heroes. The League of Heroes were made up of heroes who were told they were villains, or considered outcasts.
“It was alright, Big sis Magne started asking people if they wanted interns.” Touya responds to his fiance.
Keigo comes up behind him, hugging him and wrapping his wings around Touya.
“Hmmm. Did you look for an intern, dove? You could get your brother~”
“I didn’t think about it, no. But there’s Toga already. Did you?”
Touya can feel Keigo smile into his shoulder.
“There’s one with a bird quirk.”
“Oh, I see.” Touya smirks.
His stomach rumbles as he does.
“Aww, does my little birdie need some food?” Keigo says, a twinkle in his eye. “I’ll go get you some.”
He grabs his hand and leads him to the kitchen.
They look through the fridge, then the freezer.
“Chinken nuggets?” Keigo asks, after a beat of silence.
“You did not just reference that, again.”
And Keigo laughs, loud and clear. Touya thinks it’s the prettiest thing he’s ever heard.
God, he’s in deep, isn’t he?
They sit together at the counter while they wait for the food to cook. They don’t talk for a bit, just enjoying each other’s company.
“Speaking of Shoto, how’s the family? Rumi’s been talking ‘bout Fuyumi a lot.” Keigo says, taking the pan out of the oven.
“Oh my goodness- remember that crusty kid I was talking to you about? He’s dating Natsuo.” Touya deadpans, and Keigo bursts into giggles.
“God, he could do so much better! And he chose the crustiest kid on this side of Japan!” He rants, Keigo staring from across the table.
“Hana’ll kill you for that.”
Touya sighs again, knowing that he was right. “Yeah, I know. I still don’t know why Natsuo chose her crusty brother, but he’s happy. And it gets him out of the house, too.”
Keigo nods. “Away from Endeavor.”
“Away from Endeavor.”
They sit for a while in silence at that. Touya knows Keigo used to idolize Endeavor, and he knows why.
God, out of all people, couldn’t Keigo have a good childhood?
At least he’s not hurting now.
The sun has fallen, and they’re laying on their bed.
The moonlight filters through the curtains. Keigo’s been asleep for a while now.
The slightest breeze drifts into the room.
If we lived in a harsher world, we’d be so much more cruel.
Oh, what a beautiful night to be alive with you.
Touya brings Keigo into the agency. He’d been curious about how it worked- the League was unprecedented.
Touya hoped he’d want to join too. He wouldn’t mind his soon-to-be husband patrolling with him.
Hero work is a dangerous game to play, after all.
The League of Heroes’s building is not very intimidating. It’s survived thunderstorms, 52 mental breakdowns (not by the same person), and now the prank the entire League is in on.
It’s time for the hero charts.
It had taken so much bribing, from the poor intern that worked for one of the higher ups, to one of the higher ups themselves.
Touya could only hope it was worth it.
Oh, it was worth it.
On live television, in front of nearly the entire world, Enji Todoroki, known as Endeavor, had gotten massively pranked.
First, it was the glitter. Then, the water balloons and the rainbow slime. After that, it was the chicken and the three fire extinguishers.
And of course, copious amounts of cheese.
And it was all filmed. It was all broadcasted to a live audience.
Oh- and everyone knew who did it.
But there was no evidence.
God, Touya loved trashing Endeavwhore (and that’s an insult to sex workers).
It was the night after when Twice suggested something Touya had never thought of before.
The night was young, fireflies just beginning to come out. They were on the balcony, drinking and catching up like family would.
“Hey,” He said, “Why don’t you sue him? Get your bro outta that place and over here.”
Twice was a genius.
Twice was a goddamn genius.
Headlines were all over the place. “Endeavor gets sued?” “Enji Todoroki- an abusive piece of shit?” “Endeavor loses custody!”
God, the journalists were having a fucking field day with this. Touya can’t blame them, though.
The day was beautiful. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and little kids were running around outside. Keigo was sitting next to him, listening to his music. Touya finished up some paperwork to finally, finally get his siblings out from under Endeavor.
Thankfully, there was enough evidence to prove he was at least neglectful. People could finally see just how much of an asshole he was, and how high his civilian casualty and endangerment rates are.
There was one teeny, tiny, thing.
The Commission.
The only reason Endeavor was still in the top ten is because of that fucking Commission.
God, he hated the Commission. The things they did to Keigo, the scars that still remain on his psyche.
Fuck the Commission.
It just- It made him so angry. The way Toga and Spinner were treated, how Twice wasn’t able to get help until he became a hero- God, he hated it.
And he didn’t even know how bad it was! He was sheltered from Quirkist attitudes. Well, as sheltered as you can be, living with Endeavor as a dad.
He only knew a little bit of how much they had suffered under this system. He knew there was something more to how Twice always stayed in his hero costume, or how Magne avoided that one part of town. How Toga stared at that one schoolyard for a little too long before walking away.
And he hated it. So, so much.
Fuck the Commission.
It’s Touya’s first free day. The hecticness of moving all of his sibling’s stuff into their house was crazy. Who knew that keeping a house was so hard? Not him, that’s who.
So, like any rational person, he goes out to catch up with a close friend.
He had met her during his time at U.A. Her name was Hana Shimura. They bonded through their shitty parents. She was the older sister of the crusty fuck, Tenko.
Why did Natsuo decide to date him? He'll never know.
Somehow or another, the conversation went from how their days went to when Tenko got his quirk.
“Yeah, he decayed the dog! Thankfully he froze up after, so I got Mom. If he didn’t freeze up, I’d be dead.”
The way she had said it- so casually...She probably was terrified at the time.
“There was a UA student that helped him, too. Oboro? I think that was his name...Anyway, Oboro really helped him! He’s kinda a father to him, if I’m being honest.” She went on, telling Touya how proud of Tenko she was.
How he had become a search and rescue hero, which he already knew, and using his quirk he had helped so many people! Because he can decay the debris trapping civilians and rescue them!
They walk down the street, still talking about their siblings and generally how life was going.
They were gonna meet up with Twice. There was a new restaurant that he noticed during his patrols.
Touya heard it was pretty good from Fuyumi and Rumi.
It looked pretty nice, too. He’d walked by it a few times.
“So how is Twice, anyway? I don’t hear much from him these days.” Hana says, pushing open the door to the restaurant.
“Guess you’ll find out, huh?”
Twice is sitting at an empty table in a corner. He was smart enough to change out of his hero costume, just like Touya and Hana.
He lifts his head as they get closer to the table.
“Hey guys! How’ve you been!” He greets them as they sit down.
“Good, good. We were talking about my brother, Tenko.” Hana says. Touya nods in agreement.
“And also how he got to be a hero, too.”
“Did I ever tell ya how I got to be a hero?” Twice asks them, barely containing a smile.
He never told them, well, not Touya.
Turns out, when he was having trouble with his Quirk, one of his doubles went and got a hero license. At the time he was barely of the streets, so he became a hero, joining up with Mr. Compress and Magne to create the League of Heroes.
Because why not? It kept him off the streets and he could help people like him.
A win-win for Twice.
Touya hated how his weird uncle was treated before he became a hero.
Because he was a person, like anyone else. Just a person.
So why was he treated so differently? Why didn’t people help him when he needed it?
God, Touya was so tired.
It’s late one night. Touya is alone with his adopted father.
“Dad, why’d you decide to be a hero?” He asks out of the blue.
Atsuhiro’s eyes mist over, and Touya worries for him. Touya’s told him all about the horrific shit he’s gone through, and he can’t help but wonder if he had gone through something horrible too.
Atsuhiro takes out a silver locket, and gently pries it open. He points at the picture inside.
“Look! It’s them…My perfect little family... That’s them! There’s my little girl, and the most beautiful person to ever exist. There they are…”
It’s silent for a moment, the only thing one could hear were the cicadas far away from here.
Touya opens his mouth, “What...What happened to them?”
“A hero. He didn’t care for protocol. He killed- He killed them! And no one believed me…” Atsuhiro trails off, looking down at the floor.
Touya can’t help but feel sorrow, too. He could’ve had a mom, another sister...
He really needs to stop adopting people.
He can’t imagine the pain Mr. Compress must’ve been in. To lose a lover, a child? Oh, it must hurt- so, so much. To lose what was essentially a part of you?
Oh, it hurts to even imagine.
“...They’re really pretty, Dad.”
“They...were both so beautiful in this picture. Toga reminds me of her, y’know? They are both so pretty, so grown-up, and have that same sense of humor…”
Touya’s not sure to who he’s referring to, but nods anyway.
Who’s he to question grieving old men?
“And the days fly by so fast now, I can’t help but feel as though I’m supposed to be insulted by it. But I can’t bring myself to care anymore…It hurts, Touya, it hurts. Sometimes...I can hardly bring myself out of bed...I feel like a ghost…”
It’s silent for a moment, before Touya speaks.
“Dad, I think you need to get help. This isn’t normal. And…I think they’d want you to be happy too, Dad. Don’t you deserve to be happy, too?”
“...I don’t know.”
“You don’t...know?”
“I don’t think I am. But...I want you to be happy. And Tenko, and Hana, and Twice, and Magne...But it’s so tiring, being happy. And I don’t know what to do!”
His sobs seem to echo through the building.
“Come on, Dad. Let’s get you help. You can get some rest.”
He leads Sako back to his house, Atsuhiro being half-asleep by the time they get home.
Mr. Compress takes the spare bedroom, and falls asleep as soon as he hits the pillow. Keigo notices Touya, and walks over to him.
“Heya dove~ How was your day?”
“Worrying. Dad...Dad needs some help. He’s got some shit going on...He’s so tired, Kei. We need to get him therapy or something.”
“Oh, baby…” Keigo whispers, but Touya is too tired to hear.
He falls asleep in his fiance’s arms, safe and sound.
The house is abuzz with activity when Touya wakes up. Keigo’s laughter echoes around the place, filling the air with a sense of home.
What a beautiful way to wake up.
Touya gets dressed and walks downstairs. Keigo’s in the kitchen, talking amicably with his sister, Fuyumi. Dad was smiling fondly at the sight, picking at his food. Natsuo was talking on the phone with someone, blushing a little.
Keigo turns towards him, and oh, he was so handsome.
“Good morning, dovely~”
Unbelievable. It was too early for puns.
“Ugh, no. Don’t ever make puns this early. Dad, you doing okay?”
Atsuhiro looks over at him, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
“I’m doing just fine, sonny boy~”
“God, it’s too early for this shit. Keigo, get me some coffee, will you?”
“Language!” Fuyumi scolds.
Eventually the coffee is made, and tables cleaned. Breakfast is done.
Keigo helps set up an appointment with Fuyumi. She’s a part time therapist, part time substitute teacher.
Touya takes a deep breath. One day, Dad will be okay. He’ll be alright.
Time for work.
It’s a beautiful, sunny day when Touya goes on patrol again. This time with Magne and the new intern, Toga.
He already knew somewhat what the girls had gone through.
“Good morning, Magne, Toga.” He greeted them.
“Good morning!” Toga says, and then they go off.
Touya’s stuck in his thoughts as they walk to a coffee house while on break. He listens in as he reaches for the door.
“Yeah, my parents threw me out cause they didn’t think I was a girl.”
“My parents threw me out, too! I had to run away, they didn’t like my quirk very much...I got lucky, and Mom became my mom! That’s how I became a hero! How did you, big sis Magne?”
“Mr. Compress saved me from one of those fucking creeps. He let me stay with him for a while, and helped me get back on my feet. I decided to be a hero then, to help people like me.”
They sit down at one of the tables, still talking about their lives. Touya takes a bite of his muffin.
Ah, life was alright, if just for a little while.
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spinnin-burnice · 4 years ago
Watch Dogs: Legion x AmRev
@burgoyned Chapter 4 out! Feedback if you wish ^^
Chapter 4: One Of Us, Many Of You!
Burgoyne browsed through the mask shop in the Safehouse, per requested by Bagley. “Welcome to DedSec, Johnny! Now, how about you make yourself a team player and purchase a mask?” There is so much to choose from. Browsing through various choices of masks gave the playwriter a migraine. I don’t know which is good. He finally settled on a mask that is a modern “knight” helmet with a holographic golden “Lōng” teeth glowing. The entire front was a black visor encased by gold lining. “Knight of Avalon” the description read. Fancy, fancy! Burgoyne scanned 200 ETO and the mask was instantly dropped from the machine. He picked it up and placed it over his head. The visor obscured 90% of his vision, but he can still make out the room. This is pretty neat! Hearing the front door opened, Burgoyne removed his helmet and saw both André and Clinton arrive, dropping their gear on the table.
Bagley spoke up. “Welcome back Operators! Are you ready for your next mission?” “NOW HOLD ON!” Burgoyne quickly rushed downstairs to greet his friends. He spun Clinton around and began shaking his hand. “It is an honor to meet you, sir. What brings you here on this fine day?” Clinton gave him a fake glare. “Do you know how to address your superiors?” “I don’t need to. You are NOT my superior and I don’t HAVE to address you as anything,” smirked Burgoyne. A smirk also crept across Clinton’s face. “Pleasure seeing you here, Burgoyne.” “Indeed. Such a friendly reunion that I forgot to add you don’t have permission to be accessing DedSec technology until you are fully recruited,” the playwriter taunted, showing off his new mask. “I don’t believe in holding an initiation ceremony unless you want a repeat of what happened before,” chided Bagley sarcastically. “Hey, hey, that was once a lifetime thing,” Burgoyne retorted.
“Regardless, André has already informed me that Clinton was able to access all of Clan Kelley’s information regarding the human organ harvesting as well as an auction. Some of them are victims of the bombings. This one piece of information is vital, however, there is more,” Bagley said, pulling up the data. The three men read through Kelley’s documents, each growing more disgusted with the paper detailing everything. “That bitch. Always kissing up to some higher up,” growled André. “Those poor victims. How are we going to find them? We need to rescue them from those bloody bastards!” Clinton added. “Perhaps. I can’t quite pinpoint where Clan Kelley is operating right now, but I do know we need to find more information about those victims starting from one of the bomb sites.”
“How would that give us any information?” André asked curiously. “Perhaps the bombs were set off internally. It’s best if you try recovering a clue first then we can proceed with the next step,” Bagley said, opening up a map of London and marked one of the bomb sites. It was located in the City of London. “You’ll need to sneak in with caution. Albion secured the location to make sure no one gets in.” André pouts his face. “This will be rough.” “Quite certainly. Although there is a way of tackling this,” Bagley said. The Operators looked at him with a confused expression. He continued. “I propose one of you stay behind and monitor the site through the cameras. The rest of you travel to the site and recover the evidence.” “I’ll stay. I know the ins and outs of every part of the location,” André said, sitting down in front of the computer.
Clinton and Burgoyne looked at each other. “I guess that’ll be us. Alrighty, let’s head out,” Clinton said as he headed for the entrance upstairs. “Now hang on a second, have you picked out a mask yet? You can’t be going out somewhere with your face exposed,” Bagley stated matter of factly. The Operator raised his gasmask. “Already have one,” he chirped. “Oh well, fantastic then. Looks better than the others ones I’ve seen.” “HEY!” André and Burgoyne protested together. “Alright, alright. Now time is running short. Do hurry.” Burgoyne and Clinton climbed up the staircase and left the Safehouse. André began accessing connections to the bomb site. “I’ve never imagined it to be this horrendous,” he said, scanning the whole site through different camera angles. “You can’t imagine being this horrendous? I wonder if it is any worse than the plays you write.” “Those ideas are scraped, my dear Bagley,” retorted André. The AI chuckled, remaining silent for the remainder of the mission.
Clinton’s eye widened when the men approached their destination. Half of the stadium was blown to smithereens. A construction fence was set up all around where the incident took place, some heavily constructed by Albion to prevent outsiders from looking in. A memorial to those who lost their lives was placed at the front entrance, covered with flowers and candles. Burgoyne let out a sob. “This is heartbreaking. I feel for the victims of this tragedy.” “You weep for the civilians while Clan Kelley and the others laugh at our misfortune,” Clinton softly replied. As they approached the heavily barricaded walls, a small ctOS drone can be heard buzzing above them. Burgoyne quickly put his helmet on as Clinton strapped his gas mask on. Both men quickly slipped behind a small barricade and watched the small drone look around before entering the site.
“That’s odd. That drone would usually chase outsiders out. I wonder who is controlling that?” Burgoyne wondered. He felt a tug from Clinton who motioned towards a small opening. Nodding, the two men crawled through the hole and found themselves standing in front of a large crater where the explosion took place. Debris covered every part of the broken stadium; chunks of metal, concrete, as well as aluminum, splayed across the ground. The interior of the stadium was exposed, so the men can see Albion guards patrolling the inside of the building. ctOS drones flew everywhere amid large cargo drones occasionally flying in and out to drop off necessary materials. Burgoyne stared in disbelief at the amount of damaged caused. Adjusting his mask, Clinton began quietly prodding his way towards the epicenter. A few guards walked by, but one of them spotted the men. “HEY, YOU! STOP RIGHT THERE!” he yelled, raising his gun. “OH SHIT! RUN” Burgoyne pushed Clinton and the two began the run.
The site became alerted and all Albion guards began pursuing the intruders. Spotting a small opening, Clinton grabbed Burgoyne by the arm and they slipped into the crater. They hid behind a massive concrete building, away from their pursuers. The ctOS drone that they saw earlier slipped into the crack and hovered next to Burgoyne. He tapped the little drone. “You could’ve helped us drive those bastards away, you know.” “I don’t think that’s André. He doesn’t know how to operate a drone yet,” Clinton whispered. “Wait, if this isn’t André then…” Sweat began to break out as Burgoyne nervously checks the drone. Whizzing past the men, the ctOS drone began scanning the nearby area. It shone its light on a small object lying on the floor. A small sigh escaped Burgoyne but with his helmet is made it sound suffocating. Clinton emerged from his spot and approached the object. From the drone’s flight, he can tell it was part of a Spiderbot.
Bagley pinged the earpiece. “That’s it. You’ve recovered the first clue. It looks like a Spiderbot. I’m sending out an AR replicant so we can have a detailed visual of what exactly happened here.” “Great. But just a question, is André piloting this drone? There is a drone that has been following us around and I wonder if it’s André.” André spoke up. “No sir, it’s not me!” Clinton froze. Bagley took over again. “You’ll need to proceed with caution. I’ll track the user of this drone for the time being. For now, take a look at this AR video and tell me what you think.”
As Bagley pinged off, a holographic display began to play. It showed three people walking down the tunnel as one of them carried a suitcase. Hiding within the small vent above Clinton was a Spiderbot. Both Clinton and Burgoyne observed the holographic Spiderbot proceed down the vent, entered a room adjacent to the main tunnel and the AR stopped. Bagley pinged again. “So it appears that one of the people has access to the explosion that attached itself to the Spiderbot. You’ll need to bring the bot back to have more data processed.”
“And this drone?” “I’ve traced it back to a user not far from the site.” “Great. We’ll head out there now. Much appreciated.” Tapping his earpiece, Clinton turned to Burgoyne who was still hiding behind the concrete. “We got what we came for let’s head out.” Picking up the bot, Clinton put it inside his bag then dragged the somewhat frightened playwriter out of hiding. The ctOS drone followed them, buzzing softly in the sky. Making their way back to the entrance, Clinton and Burgoyne ran until they’re out of range of suspecting Albion guards. Removing his gas mask, the hacker looked around. Burgoyne, upon removing his helmet, began combing his brown hair which was sticking up from the static of the helmet. “Damn, that was a close one. I guess we now know what happened?” “Yes. This Spiderbot might still hold some key data on how the bomb was processed. We’ll need to head back now.” The ctOS drone buzzed towards a man approaching them. He was wearing a hacker-esque jacket with black leather pants covered with binary code and grey low-cut boots. The man took off his hood, revealing a surprising face that both Clinton and Burgoyne stopped then burst out laughing.
“Ara-ara, if it isn’t SIR William Howe,” snickered Burgoyne as punched his friend on the arm. “What are you doing here on this fine evening hmm?” questioned Clinton in a mocking manner. Howe rolled his eyes. “Same as you. Trying to find information about what has happened here.” “Ah, I see. Did André recruit you to help or you’re just on your own?” Burgoyne inquired. “André? I’m on my own. The two of you are with DedSec I presume?” Howe said, pointing towards the DedSec fox logo on the men’s jacket. “Yes we are,” Clinton said. Their friend narrowed his eyes a tad bit and Clinton could tell this wasn’t going to be good. “Siding with a terrorist organization? I’d rather leave this country than to join a terrorist organi-“ Clinton cut him off. “How about you follow us and we’ll show you what DedSec is.”
Howe bit his lip before shrugging his shoulders. “Alright.” And followed the men back to the Safehouse.
After arriving at the Earl’s Fortune, Clinton dragged Burgoyne and Howe into the Safehouse where they saw André sitting on the couch looking at the London Tube system while discussing transportation with Bagley. Bagley closed the map and said, “Oh hello there Operators. I see we have a recruit. Is he a playwriter? How sexual is his mind?” “No and my brain is NOT sexual”, Sir William retorted at the AI. Burgoyne and Clinton looked at each other before bursting out laughing. “Oh haha, very funny. VERY funny,” the drone flyer rolled his eyes. André hid his face behind his hands to hide his snicker but was nevertheless happy to have another close friend recruited into DedSec. Recruitment Complete.
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prorevenge · 4 years ago
Dung Log to the rescue: a tale of two neighbors
I live in an apartment complex in a fairly busy city. We pay a solid chunk of money to live in an apartment that is dog friendly, close enough to our university, and big enough to house a dog and my roommates two cats.
Now, I’m a fairly laissez-faire neighbor. I don’t bother you, you don’t bother me. We’re friendly enough that I know your name. I’ve never called my management on another tenant. I’d much prefer to talk to other tenants and make sure we talk it out. I’ve asked others not to smoke weed in front of my patio, to not play music loud enough under me that I hear it through my headphones as I try to work, and it’s all ended up fairly amicably. No issues. Until this woman in apartment, let’s call it 3V, while I was in apartment 1F.
My dog is small, 10-11 lbs. when I take her out, I always clean up after her, and we’ve never had any complaints.
3V comes knocking on the door, and is on the phone when I open. She was calling management to tell them my dog left poop outside the door. I’m a bit confused and I asked her what she was talking about to which she replied that as the only dog owner in this one building of the apartment complex (there are about 7 buildings all connected by the gated garden) my dog must have pooped outside the front door. I assured her that it wasn’t my dog, but I would be glad to pick up whosever dog poop that was. She hangs up on management. I go downstairs and there’s a massive dog poop piece. And I just stare at it, stare at my tiny yapper, and I’m like, whatever. Better to just calm her down and pick it up.
Things progress with no further confrontations until I come back in from taking my dog out in the morning to a sign that says “I SAW YOUR DOG POOP, I TOOK PICTURES AND IM SENDING THEM TO MANAGEMENT”. I’m so confused. It’s 8am, I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet, I’m wearing a bright yellow bathrobe whose belt I lost and I have to hold it together with one hand. But this woman is convinced she caught my dog in the act. So I go to her door, knock, and she shows me pictures of... some random dog poop in the grass of the shared garden. I promise her that’s not mine, offer to pick it up, and say that we can access the managements security cameras if that would be enough to prove my dog’s innocence. She tells me to pick it up and closes the door in my face. I get an email from management giving me a warning.
A few months go by without confrontation. Her children come and ask to borrow my laundry cards on occasion and I’m happy to let them. It’s not their fault their mom is a bit insane. I’m also very nervous because I’m a college student. I can’t afford to lose this housing that we got lucky to find. I go to visit my family, taking my dog, in Europe (where my family lives). A few days later, I get a call from management at 2am my time telling me that there is a report that my dog peed in the lobby of our building. Now I’m getting a bit pissed. I’m not in the country. My dog is not in the country. And this woman is trying to blame what must have been a drink spill or water (since it was winter) on my dog. I call back and tell them exactly that, and they reply in a tired tone that since I was the only dog owner in that building, there was no one else to blame. I explain I’m out of the country, that I can send them my tickets, that they have no idea it was urine and offer when I get back to keep track of all of my dog’s ins and outs. They drop it and tell me that if they get another complaint, they’ll have to move to more serious repercussions. I’m scared, pissed, and really pissed.
I start keeping a daily diary with time stamps and pictures of my dog’s comings and going’s, the Dung Log. I’m very, very careful. I pick up other dog’s poop when I see it. I really don’t want to get evicted for something that wasn’t my fault. My sister comes to stay with us for the first part of COVID, and we give the dog a summer groom. A tiny dog, she didn’t produce much fur, but my sister was unaware of the neighbor and chose to put the fur outside on the patio and expected the wind to whisk it away. Then the door starts banging, and I go to check and Lo and behold, it is 3V. She’s telling me that I have to clean up the dog fur, I apologize and tell her that it was an accident. She tells me that she has a cat who will get upset if she comes back up the stairs smelling of dog. I’m a bit dumbfounded that this is her logic, but apologize and sweep the fur away.
The last straw. The straw the broke the camels back. The tip of the mother fucking cherry on top.
Reminder that I keep a detailed report of my dog’s ins and outs. I was going on a birthday celebratory hike a few hours out with my girlfriend for her COVID birthday. We needed to drive there nice and early, the hike was 6 hours total, and the drive was 2, so we were ready and getting the car from a leasing agency. Not a few minutes in, I get a panicked call from my roommate. I hear yelling on the other side and my roommate gets across to me that 3V is screaming at them about a smear of dog poop in the lobby that was clearly my dog. At this same time, my roommate was alone at home, a small college aged person talking very calmly to a older woman screaming in their face with their child next to them, just staring at the floor. I’m speechless. I can’t leave my roommate, so my girlfriend and I cancel our plans ON HER BIRTHDAY, and go back to help. By the time we come back, 3V is gone, but the cops have just left, because 3V called the cops on my gender fluid, 5’4” POC roommate because 3V claimed my roommate was harassing her. I was enraged. I called management and they told me that they’re putting a warning on our account and expect us out after our lease ends.
Not today, management. I biked my ass over with my roommate to the leasing offices and sat down with them. Before I left, I got our other neighbor’s accounts that 3V was screaming at my roommate, I took a picture of the “smear of dog poop” which resembled a wheel squeak on the ground (as two people were moving in to our building), and came armed with my poop diary (that I affectionately nicknamed the Dung Log). I showed them my evidence, backed with neighbors statements and they seemed shocked. To be fair, I had never complained back against this woman who that morning had called my roommate delusional, a bitch, and said that she pays too much to walk on shit floors. Like we didn’t pay the same amount. After running through it all, management took all the warnings off our account, put a warning on hers and told her if she bothers us again they would evict her, and even comped us some things.
I haven’t heard from 3V again, but the Dung Log lives on in infamy. Log may it reign.
(source) story by (/u/XtinaChaos)
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sweetness47 · 5 years ago
Karma is a Bitch
Theme: smutty filth, criminal activity, virgin reader, etc… MATURE 18+ READERS ONLY!!!!
Pairing Criminal!Steve Rogers x Nurse!Reader
This is for @sherrybaby14​ and her Reader-insert smut prompt challenge - Steve Rogers Prompt #16
A/N: I hope you like this @sherrybaby14 (hugs)
Final word count: 3898
Summary: After finally getting her freedom from mob life and putting her brother, James “Bucky” Barnes, behind bars with her testimony, a chance encounter with a wounded man puts everything she’s built for herself in jeopardy.
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Steve’s POV
This just wasn’t my day. I’d just pulled off a brilliant jewelry heist, only to get noticed by a passing patrol car while exiting the store.
Fuck my life.
It wasn’t always bad, at least not while I worked for Bucky. He was one hell of a crime boss and was more than fair to his employees, myself included. But now? He was in prison for 25 to life, because of a whack load of evidence and some pretty hefty testimonies. What was left of the empire he’d built was trying to survive.
That being said, fast forward to tonight. I make a beeline for the alley, my escape car parked two streets over, two-minute sprint through the back lanes. The cops started firing at me, I fired back. I managed to make it to the car and unlock the door before they rounded the final corner, weapons still drawn, bullets still flying everywhere.
Adrenaline was pumping wildly through my veins as I took off down the street, my unmarked Firebird screeching over the pavement. Taking back alleys and dark roads as much as possible, I finally managed to pull into a dark lot and ditch the car. I grabbed the jewels and ran for the underground sanctuary I had for emergencies.
I never made it there.
Reader’s POV
There are pros and cons to being a nurse. I get to help people, save lives, but the hours are shit. The only reason I stay is to help the patients. Well, that and money helps. Not that I need it. But I don’t like to use the other funds I have at my disposal, except in a dire emergency. They remind me too much of my brother and the life he had before my testimony put him away for life.
I was able to get into the witness protection program and have my name scrubbed from the testimony. I loved my brother, don’t get me wrong, but it was too much danger. My life almost ended a few times, but the last time was what made me turn. Not only did a rival family kidnap me, one of them almost raped me, and threatened to execute me. NOT FUN!
My brother killed them and rescued me, but I’d had enough. All I wanted was to live peacefully and without constant fear of being targeted by someone else. I changed my hair, my clothing, my looks, and my name, got a place in a different area of town, and was finally at a place in my life where I could just be me.
Well I was.
I went for a walk late, my German shepherd decided to fancy a stroll, and of course, how could I say no to that beautiful puppy face. I wasn’t worried about being attacked or anything, mostly because one look at Bowser (yes I named him Bowser), and most people crossed the street to avoid me. It was a nice feeling.
It was Bowser who noticed him first. I was completely in my own little world, enjoying the evening air, the stars. Bowser barked, whining as he strained against his leash, desperate to get to whatever was in the parking lot. I frowned. Bowser never behaved like this. It was unnerving to say the least. I followed my dog’s lead, and my jaw dropped at the sight of the man on the ground, unconscious, blood pooling from a wound in his side. I knelt down and check his pulse, and breathed a sigh of relief upon finding he wasn’t dead.
I went to call 9-1-1 and get an ambulance, but a hand reached out to stop me. “No cops. Please.” He croaked before passing out once more.
I frowned. I didn’t like the road this evening was heading down, and I certainly didn’t need to draw attention to myself. But I couldn’t walk away either. This man needed help, and I was the only person around who could get him the help he needed.
I checked around for security cameras around the lot, finding none close by, then checked the street. It was almost a god send that the streets were empty at the moment, and that my home was close by. I grabbed him by the arms, and dragged him back to my house, Bowser sticking close by, in case something bad happened.
Steve’s POV
I winced at the sunlight pouring in, it’s brightness blinding me something fierce. I had a massive headache, and on top of that, every movement shot burning pain through my abdomen. I gingerly moved my hand over the area and felt a bandage. Then I remembered seeing the blood seeping through my clothing right before I collapsed.
I’d been shot.
But I wasn’t in a hospital, nor was I in a prison medical facility. I was in a house. Whose house, I couldn’t say, but it looked feminine. The room I currently occupied had sunshine yellow walls, with decorative floral art pieces hanging from them. The furnishings were dark mahogany to contrast the yellow, and the bedding was a mix of pink and grey, with a quilted floral bedspread. It was actually quite breathtaking.
I tried to move, desperate to take a leak, only to realize three things.
1.       I was naked.
2.       It hurt to move.
3.       There was a massive German shepherd sitting at the foot of the bed watching my every move.
The dog whined and barked, drawing in a woman, no an angel. Her (H/C) hair flowed about her with fluid grace, in time with her body movements. Her skin was radiant, almost glowing in the sunshine lit room. Her (E/C) eyes were magnets, drawing me in like a ship to a siren.
My body certainly had no problems with her looks either, I could feel myself growing hard, and had to shift the covers to hide my obvious attraction.
“Going somewhere?” she asked, raising her eyebrow.
“I need to use the washroom.” I managed to speak with a somewhat normal tone. My other brain was screaming for me to take her and do wicked things to that delectable body of hers.
She cocked her head to one side, as if studying me. “Hmm. Ok. Here,” she tossed me a robe. “Put this on and I’ll help you to the bathroom.”
I nodded and slipped the white terry bath robe over my broad shoulders. It was actually quite roomy and comfortable. She blushed and turned away while I awkwardly stood and wrapped the plush material around my torso to cover my hard-on.
Once I was ready I cleared my throat and she turned back to me, then came to put my arm around her shoulders to support me while we journeyed to the washroom. Once there, she released my arm. “I’ll be here when you’re done. There’s a new toothbrush in there, and shaving products should you want to use them.”
I nodded and closed the door. After relieving myself, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I didn’t shave, but made sure my beard was trimmed and clean. Once I was done, I ran my fingers through my hair, using a small amount of water to smooth down the stray hairs.
Satisfied with my appearance, I opened the door and, true to her word, the woman was leaning against the wall, waiting for me. She positioned herself on my sore side, taking my arm and wrapping it around her shoulders once more, and walked me back to the room.
My body reacted to her close proximity, her scent was intoxicating. Citrus and floral, a hint of vanilla and sandalwood. I fought the urge to take her against the wall, fuck her senseless, pound into her so hard that she wouldn’t walk straight for a god damned week.
Only the pain from the gunshot stopped me from my current fantasy. Carefully I sat on the bed and she helped me swing my legs up so I could lay back on the pillows she’d placed behind me.
“Stay.” She ordered, before disappearing from the room. Minutes later she returned with a tray containing a sandwich, some soup, and what smelled like coffee, along with a glass of water and what I perceived to be pain meds. “Do you take cream or sugar, and do you have any allergies?”
When I shook my head, she continued. “Here’s some T 3’s. They’ll help take the edge off the pain. After you’ve eaten, we’ll get you set up for a shower, then I’ll check and redress the wound. You’re lucky, you know. It was a through and through shot, and didn’t hit any major organs.”
I arched a brow. “How did you know it was a gunshot?”
“I’m a nurse.” She said simply. “Besides, I’ve seen enough of those kinds of wounds to last a lifetime. It’s not my first rodeo with this shit.”
I wanted to ask what she meant but decided against it. It wasn’t any of my business. But I could see a hint of what looked like regret in her gaze, along with sorrow, like she missed someone, family perhaps. She turned away and strode out of the room, leaving me to dig in to the feast before me. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until now, the homemade broccoli and cheddar soup invading my senses, and the turkey bacon club sandwich that accompanied the hot liquid was divine. I took the analgesics and then quickly polished off the food before me, my stomach rejoicing as it received the tantalizing offerings.
My mind wondered briefly to the other things she’d said. Mostly, setting me up for a shower. I could barely stand on my own right now, maybe I could lean against the shower tiles for most of it, but getting in and out would be a challenge. What I wouldn’t give to have her in there with me, her hands sliding over my skin as she lathers soap over my body, caressing my shoulders, my abs, my aching cock. It was a wet dream right now, but damn, what I wouldn’t give to make it reality. To take her and make her mine. Permanently.
Reader’s POV
I pride myself on my self-control, and my ability to do my job. Mr. Hunk wasn’t making my life or my job easy, that’s for sure. He’d been unconscious for two damn days, and I can’t even begin to count how many times I’d imagined what he’d feel like. I’m embarrassed to admit I’d masturbated a few times with him in my thoughts. It took every ounce of will power I possessed to clean and bandage his wound without running my fingers over his firm torso or those rock solid abs.
Last night I’d been so bold as to masturbate while watching him sleep. I imagined his fingers parting my folds, his tongue fucking me, his hard cock driving into me with wild abandon. I’d never reacted to any man like this. It was new and a bit frightening.
I’d kissed a few men in my 22 years, but I’d never actually done anything beyond that. James was very protective, and very intimidating. Any guy who met him usually took me on a very polite date, then I never heard from them again. After my brother’s incarceration I’d been so engrossed in work and changing my identity and address, I hadn’t really put any thought into dating
But now, with my overbearing sibling in prison, and this gorgeous man in my bedroom, the thoughts were most definitely there.
I walked back to the room after about half an hour, smiling when I see the empty tray. He was famished, as I’d guessed, and polished off the entire meal. “How was the food? Satisfactory, I hope?”
He grinned. “Beyond satisfactory. It was spectacular. Thank you. For all of this.” He gestured to his bandage and the tray.
I blushed and nodded, my eyes raking over his bare chest. “Your welcome. Now, we should get you showered and cleaned up so I can check that wound.”
He glanced at me, and I quickly averted my eyes. Had he seen me ogling him? Fuck.
“You should tell me your name. I want to know the name of my savior.”
My cheeks were crimson now. “YN.” I managed, my voice shy now.
He looked me over. “YN. It’s a beautiful name. I’m Steve.”
He held his hand out to me, and I took it. Instantly, sparks flew between us. He studied my reaction, and I couldn’t tear myself away from his blue eyes, sparkling like sapphires in the gleam of the afternoon sun.
I cleared my throat. “We should get you to the shower now.”
He nodded and I helped him stand. He turned to face me for a moment, and his head bent toward me, his lips brushing lightly across mine. He quickly straightened and apologized. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
I frowned and helped him to the washroom. Had I done something wrong? Was I supposed to react differently? My hormones were screaming at me to kiss him, to inform him he hadn’t been out of line at all. I was simply surprised by the gesture. I wanted him to kiss me again actually.
My panties were wet with the thought.
I started the shower then blushed furiously as I turned to him, only to find that he’d removed the robe and stood in front of me in all his naked glory. Fuck! My panties, if they weren’t ruined before, certainly were now. I was gushing. I’m pretty sure I orgasmed from the sight of him.
As if sensing my lustful thoughts, he stepped closer to me, and gently wrapped his hand around the back of my head, tilting it up to meet his lips once again. The second our mouths connected I melted, and any resolve I’d been having went straight out the window. He lifted my shirt and tossed it behind him with his good side, then went to remove my bra. I worked swiftly at removing my jeans and my ruined undergarments, then I put my hand in his and led him to the shower. The steamy liquid washed down over us, and Steve winced as his wound made contact with the water.
“Careful. Just turn slightly away from the water. Partial contact will be easier to endure.” I whispered.
Steve shrugged. “I’ve got something to distract me from the pain.” He pulled me into his arms again as his lips crashed into mine. There was no gentleness there, just raw, savage need. I could feel the thick bulge of his arousal pressed against my belly as I pressed closer to him. God this man was fucking incredible, well endowed, and at this moment…mine.
Steve’s POV
Pain was about the furthest thing from my mind. I was pretty sure this was heaven as I watched YN take some soap and lather it over my body, taking extra care around the bullet wound. Her hands caressed my back, my front, then she moved lower, giving my hard cock some much wanted attention. Her tongue flicked over my length, then dipped into the tip, swirling around the large head, causing it to jerk. I almost came right there.
“Careful sweetheart. You might make me come too soon.”
She stood and grinned while blushing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
I stopped her right there. “I wasn’t stopping you because I wasn’t enjoying your attention. Quite the opposite, actually. I was very happy with what you were doing. But I was hoping to finish in a different way.”
Her lips formed an ‘Oh’ while she turned a bright crimson. Could she really be that innocent? I was beginning to think she’d never done anything like this before.
We rinsed off and exited the shower, YN bending down to retrieve the robe from the floor. She wrapped it around me, then grabbed a towel for herself. Taking my hand, she walked with me back to the bedroom, where she had me lay down, minus the robe, while she put a fresh bandage on my wound. Once that was taken care of, she removed her towel and came to join me on the bed.
“How do you want to do this?” she asked.
I thought for a moment. I was in good enough shape to support myself with my good side, but I didn’t know if I could get all the momentum needed. The best option would be her on top.
“Straddle my hips.” I motioned with my hands, then I reached between us and felt her tight heat. She was so wet. Fuck! I slid my fingers along her slit, and she gasped when I slipped two of my thick digits inside her. Tight was in fact an understatement. I cursed then she moaned. My control was all but gone now, I wanted nothing more than to dive in.
So I did.
I lined up my cock with her entrance and after looking into her eyes, thrust inside. Her tight walls contracted as she struggled to adjust to my size. There was a brief flicker of pain in her eyes, but her smile told me all I needed. Then I was thrusting, slowly at first, making sure she was still ok, then I picked up speed.
She chanted my name over and over as she felt the first orgasm hit, throwing her head back as it washed over her. Her cries filled the room as my thrusts became more urgent, giving her more aftershocks.
“Steve…Oh God!”
Her words sent me into a frenzy as I hit my own climax, spilling inside her as her walls clenched around my cock.
Panting, she collapsed on top of me, then scurried to the side when I groaned. “Oh my god, sorry.” She immediately felt horrible for the faux pas.
“No worries.” I reassured her. I pulled her close to me our bodies relaxed from the mind-blowing sex we’d just participated in.
“Ok.” She said quietly as her eyelids closed, along with mine, our bodies resting together.
Reader’s POV
I woke first, glancing beside me, my cheeks flushed as I recalled what I’d done with this man. Carefully maneuvering out of his arms, not that I really wanted to, I got off the bed and went to check his wound. The vigorous sex we’d had last night hadn’t opened the stitches thankfully, nor had it caused any weeping. I breathed a sigh of relief and tugged on some sweats and a t-shirt. Padding to the kitchen, I set about making some breakfast, quickly deciding on pancakes and bacon.
Maybe it’s my inner consciousness chiding me, but I realize I know nothing about the man in my bed. I don’t know who he is or why he was shot. I don’t know fuck all really, apart from his first name. There’s a small part of me that thinks he looks familiar, but for the life of me I can’t place him. I shake the thought from my brain as I mix the batter and start frying the bacon.
I have coffee going and most of the food made when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and I’m greeted with soft lips on mine. “Morning.” His voice is husky and I feel myself growing damp once again. I never knew one man could have such a profound effect on me.
I smile and hand him a mug of coffee. “Morning yourself, sleepyhead. How do you feel today?”
He sat down at the table. “Not bad, better than yesterday for sure. Considering the activities of last night, I feel pretty damn good.”
I nodded as I put out the food. “That’s good.” I pause as I sit down across from him. “We should probably talk.”
He seems to think on that idea. “Yeah, probably. I’m sure you’ve got a shitload of questions about everything.”
“I do, though I probably don’t want to know the answers to them.” I answer truthfully. And I really don’t, for numerous reasons. What I don’t know can’t hurt me, well not directly. Or at least, that’s what I told myself.
He nodded. “I was seen by a patrol car leaving the scene of a jewelry heist. I was seconds away from a clean getaway. I ran, they chased, they shot at me, I shot at them…blah blah blah. You get the idea. Anyways, I got to my car and drove off, only to get out, make it about 20 feet, and collapse behind the dumpsters. You know the rest.”
I pursed my lips. “How did you get into this life? You’re smart, strong, and you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. You don’t seem like the type to just choose crime as a life goal.”
He looked down at his plate. “I was a street kid, orphaned when I was 11. This guy found me and took me in, gave me a place to stay and food to eat. I guess it was kind of like adopting, but he was only two years older than me. He had a family.”
My eyes widened. “Wow. So you stayed with his family?”
He shook his head. “No. He hid me at their family guest house for some years. No one ever used it, it was kind of like a prop on their land. So I had heat, running water, and shelter. The boy who’d helped me brought me some of his clothes and always visited me. My life would probably have ended years ago if he hadn’t found me.”
That uneasy feeling popped into the back of my mind again. I really hoped I was wrong with that thought. I remembered my brother spending a lot of time in our guest cottage. He never let me tag along, mostly cuz I was 4 and completely annoying at that age. But, he’d also warned me to never go near the cottage, else he’d beat me. Not that he ever laid a hand on me. It was just a warning, but one I took seriously at the time. He’d also warned me to never tell mom or dad about his frequent visits to the guest house. And I hadn’t.
I held my breath, debating whether or not I should ask the next question, the one that burned on the tip of my tongue. I would hate myself for asking, but I would hate myself more for not asking.
“What was the boy’s name?”
My blood froze when he answered, and not just from the answer, but from the tone of his voice. “You probably know him, since I saw a picture of him on your dresser this morning YN. His name was James, but everyone always called him Bucky.”
@sherrybaby14​ @legion1993​
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codenamesazanka · 5 years ago
Geten (Part 2)
(Part 1)
Specifically, focusing Geten in Chapter 271/during this current ‘War’ arc:
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Look at his face! Bloodshot eyes and a vein about to pop. Geten’s ferociously  livid and about to slaughter some Heroes. (also I wanna point out that they’re actually addressing him as ‘Geten-sama’ still.)
In the Paranormal Liberation Front, Geten serves as one of the nine Lieutenants, and with Dabi, they lead the the ‘Violet’ Vanguard Action Guerilla Warfare Regiment.
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It’s a mouthful! Dictionary.com defines ‘guerilla warfare’ as: “the use of hit-and-run tactics by small, mobile groups of irregular forces operating in territory controlled by a hostile, regular force.” 
We’re aren’t told exactly what the Violet Regiment does, but I’m guessing they’re sort of first attacking force of the army - on the offensive; aiming at weak spots and key areas of Hero society; being quick, brutal, and unexpected to cause as much damage (to infrastructure, morale, personnel, etc) as possible to the Heroes. 
Which makes sense! Dabi’s fire can destroy a good part of a city, as can Geten’s ice. 
Making the two of them leaders, though. Well, it’s as one of the MLA member Sanctum said to Twice, they’re kinda figureheads handed their position (it’s true of the whole League save Shigaraki, really) - true for Dabi, definitely; and it seems true for Geten too, although he at least had some history of being a superior in the army. Still. 
Geten as a commander 
Despite being “central to the Liberation Army’s success” and being greatly respected, Geten never was given any leadership position that we knew of during My Villain Academia. 
It’s probably because he’s shit at caring about his fellow warriors. Mr. Compress notes this in Chapter 230. 
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His massive ice attacks are indiscriminate, destroying whole streets and anyone unlucky enough to be there, friends and foe alike. It doesn’t seem to be calculated sacrifice for a larger goal - Geten is simply callous and reckless.
He’s still the same about three months later, despite having a regiment under his responsibility and in the middle of a battle where the army probably should keep as many of their numbers as possible. 
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Here’s him essentially destroying what’s left of the mansion, tossing everyone - allies and heroes - into the air; and interrupting Dabi’s attack that would have at least taken out the Number 2 Hero. 
The irresponsibility extends off the battlefield - here’s Geten missing from a PLF meeting:
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(Even Gigantomachia is there! idk, maybe he forced his way in and no one can make him leave, and I’m not quite sure the significance of this, but it says something that Machia is attending and Geten is just not.) 
So it’s safe to say he isn’t very leadership material; he doesn’t know or ignores what leadership entails, and if he keeps up his preferred method of destructive attacks, he’s not going to have anything to lead either. 
He does know how to “command” at least somewhat, however - or that’s what I think is implied in Chapter 271.
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(Same image as above, except Viz translation + another panel)
Who could forget this awesome scene? Geten doing a signature ice explosion, wrecking everything - and there he is, on the battlefield, attention all on him, calling the Heroes “dogs of the state” and telling them they will not die peaceful deaths. Damn. He has correctly assessed the situation! He’s giving orders! Got a strategy! 
A sound strategy - and an actual one discussed in real military tactics: concentrate combat power on one location and rupture the enemy line. 
(info I found through googling here, here, and here.)
An encircled force attacks by using the rupture force to penetrate the enemy defensive positions in at least one location. The commander must produce overwhelming combat power at each breakout point... 
...The mission [is] to penetrate the enemy's encircling position, widen the gap, and hold the shoulders of the gap until all other encircled forces can move through.
It’s simplified here, and it’s kinda obvious, but it’s still exactly what one should do when they’re in a siege-like situation, i.e. surrounded, all routes, communication and reinforcement blocked and cut off. 
I’ve half-joked about him being dumb and maybe illiterate because he bragged about not going to school, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he wasn’t taught things and given an education. (Like Shigaraki!) He’s obviously learned some military tactics and commanding along with his quirk training.
So yeah, Geten is doing everything right. 
The prospect of such a grouping of forces, placed in a confusing and desperate situation, makes unity of command and unity of effort absolutely essential. The most senior combat arms officer must establish his authority immediately. 
Especially in rallying the troops. It could be coincidental, he’s just angry and shouting at his soldiers to do finally something right; yet he’s still done it. 
And Geten does it alongside another action: he removes his hood. 
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In a meta sense, it’s likely to establish Geten as a character - he’s not a faceless mook, he’s not creepy ‘two glowing eyes in darkness’ enemy; he’s a character with a name and a (very pretty) face, that we can relate to and maybe even like. (That he mentions Re-Destro, the only person we know he cares about, and shows protectiveness/concern, adds to that.) He’s portrayed here in a way to make him badass, in a defining moment where the PLF gains some control of the situation, for us to cheer on. 
In-story though, the reason is more unclear? to me, anyways. During his battle with Dabi, he never removed his hood then. Here, is it to literally face the Heroes, to show that he doesn’t care if his face is known, to go head to head with them? Is it to show his men that he’s here, let the sight of his pretty face re-energize them, he’s at the frontlines fighting too? His quirk makes it obvious who he is, he needn’t show his face. 
Despite his disregard for other soldiers of the army, I’ve got a feeling that this is some sort of symbolic gesture to motivate them. Get their attention, establish his authority, finally be a bit of a leader. Cuz, man, the situation really calls for it. 
The Ice
When the attack began, we see Geten running towards the frontlines (chapter 263):
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(tiny note: Dabi is heading the opposite direction from everyone - going to help out Twice - but Geten, his co-leader, doesn’t pay attention to him at all. No ‘where the fuck are you goin’, nothing. Feel like they would’ve noticed each other, but no interaction here.) 
From what we can see, Geten doesn’t show up until Chapter 271, a length of time enough to have Hawks confront Twice, Dabi intervene, Hawks kills Twice, Dabi fanboys Stain, Tokoyami to the rescue, and a little more. Let’s say... 15, 20 minutes? 
So he’s missing from the frontlines at the start of the battle - I say he was probably trying to generate an absurd amount of ice during that time. This villa probably has a kitchen with some ice, but not enough. I’m guessing Geten went to find a water source (multiple of water sources?), froze it all, in preparation for the ice explosion. In preparation for him to create a battlefield to his advantage.
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So it looks the ice has engulfed the mansion, going up several stories, as well as spreading out to the mansion’s surroundings. A bunch of people are surrounded by ice - like Gang Orca there, right next to a wall of it. 
We know Geten has fine enough skill to shape ice to whatever he wants, and his range of control (and sense?) is massive. Whoever is standing on or is close to the ice - they’re in Geten’s territory, he controls the very ground they’re standing on. 
Go get ‘em, Geten. 
Part 3 is next! Will be focusing on Geten’s relationship with ReDestro, and other miscellaneous details. Feel free to suggest anything too.  
I could very much be over-estimating Geten’s intelligence! So don’t my word here too much. I’m sure there are a couple reaches here to. Constructive criticism is always appreciated! 
Note: a friend pointed out a reach in Part 1, which will be edited:
I think the fact that [Geten] targeted Dabi as his opponent, despite the obvious weakness his ice has to Dabi’s high-temperature flames, means he was looking for a challenge. Trying to show off, trying to prove that he can go up against his greatest enemy (as in, heat and fire) and come out on top.
It’s more likely that ReDestro had assigned Geten on the Dabi-hunt, given the panel from Chapter 238 where ReDestro is telling Geten to be wary of Dabi’s long-range flames. If there was any strategy to having Geten target Dabi, it could’ve been the general plan, rather than Geten’s own thing. 
thanks for reading! 
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #357
“your magic white rabbit has left its writing on the wall  /  we follow like alice, and just keep diving down the hole”
Are you better at telling stories or writing them? Writing, by a long shot. What’s one song you hate, but know every word to? i'm a barbie girl in a fckn barbie woooooorld What’s your favorite magazine? I don’t read magazines. If you could be an animal for one day, which animal would you choose? Probably a house cat. Be indoors and safe, able to just nap... lol. But I'd want another cat as a friend, too! Do you prefer outdoor or indoor concerts/events? Indoors, by a mile. I get hot outside way too easily. Do you know if you were a planned child? I don't know. What’s your favorite gem? Dragon's breath opal. As an adult, do you want to live in an apartment or a house? I'd like to live in a house, especially with the pets I want. I doubt many apartment complexes would allow multiple reptiles and inverts. Do you like the stem or leafy part of the broccoli? It doesn't matter much to me, but I prefer the stem. The texture is more likeable to me. Do bats frighten you? No, I adore bats! Does Paris appeal to you? Yeah, it's a pretty place. Are you a KPOP fan? No, I've never really checked it out. How long was your longest relationship? Over three and a half years. First time you kissed the last person you kissed? We were outside roasting marshmallows one night. Do you have to really know someone to kiss them? Absolutely. I don't dish 'em out for nothing. Were you anyone’s first kiss? No. If you had to be named after one of the 50 states of America, what state would you WANT to be named after? I actually think "Nevada" would be kinda pretty as a name? Do you think morals are universal or relative to the beliefs, traditions, or practices of individuals or groups? I've wondered this for a long while, really. I lean towards it being a mix, maybe? But more towards universal, I think... with some exceptions. This answer is all over the place, I honestly don't know. Is torture ever a good option? If no, why not? If yes, when? No? I think the "why not" is obvious... You just don't. What do you think is one one of the most undervalued professions right now? Teachers, garbagemen, retail and food workers... There's a lot. Have you ever seen anyone have a heart attack? Thank Christ no. Have you personalized your answering machine/voicemail? No. Have you ever had Fiji brand water? I actually don't believe I have, though it's always looked appealing to me, haha. What’s your favorite horror movie? The Crazies and the first Silent Hill, as well as both Blair Witch Projects. What was the worst thing a friend has either done or said to you? I'd rather not even think about things the bitch said to me. Are you biracial? No. When was the last time you got mad and broke something? I've never broken something when mad. What color dress did you wear to prom? My first was maroon, second one was black. Who is the cutest baby you know? My friend has a daughter named Scarlett who is absolutely gorgeous. Have you ever thrown a rock at a window? No, because I respect people's fucking property. Has anyone ever thrown a rock at your window? No. Does your hair react well to dye, or does it damage it? It likes to not take dye at all. >.> I have only had one instance where a friend dyed it red and it stuck for months and months, but we kept it in for a couple hours, I think. My normal hairdresser says it's because my hair is really healthy and I guess rejects it. What kind of pet do you wish you had? I ramble plenty about how I want tarantulas and more reptiles, haha. I also DESPERATELY want to rescue or foster an opossum. When was the last time you were diagnosed with something? Are you concerned about anything regarding your physical or mental health at the moment? I haven't been diagnosed with anything in quite some time, I believe, but as I'm going through the process of being approved for TMS therapy for my depression, my bipolar diagnosis is being questioned, which is... strange to me. It's been acknowledged by many a doctor that I have bipolar 2, but if insurance recognizes my primary diagnosis as bipolar, they won't cover TMS because it can massively excite the mania portion of bipolarity, and therefore I can't do it because we can't manually afford it. I'm willing to take the risk by far, as I've never had issues with mania, but I can't without insurance. I'm just waiting to hear back from them... What is one blanket judgment you tend to make about people (like, you judge all people who live at home, all people who drink, etc)? Does this judgment come from a particular personal experience? I really don't know. How do you react to other people yelling or slamming doors? Is this something you ever do too? I get very scared if it's a man. I don't like anyone doing it, and my anxiety will spike regardless, I'm just terrified of angry men. Have you ever lost your cool at work or somewhere else important? What happened as a result? No. Who has the power to break you? Jason still might. I don't know. Is anyone in your family blind? My sister is legally blind in one eye. Do you believe in evolution? Yeah. I do find the concept odd, that ALL LIFE originated from one thing, but I sure ain't got a better explanation, so. What job do you think people should be paid the most for? Surgeons, maybe? I dunno, that's a big question. Were you ever held back a year in school? Did you ever skip a grade? No. Have you ever been given a hickey? Have you given one? Yeah to both. What is your least favourite thing about your full name? I have the most basic white bitch middle name in the world, lol. Do you like the age you are? Eh, I don't mind it much, but I think it'd be better to be in my early 20s versus mid 20s. I'm just always so tired now. I can't believe I used to refuse to go to sleep before 10:30. What’s your favourite kind of poptart? The chocolate sundae one. If you had to eat one type (Chinese, etc.) of food which would it be? American bc I'm not very adventurous with food at all. When did your family immigrate to wherever you live now? *shrug* Are your fingers long, or short? Long. Mom's always said I have "piano fingers." Do you play Pokemon Go? If so, what level are you and who’s your buddy? Yeah, I love it, but don't play it nearly as much as I want because I don't exactly go anywhere, lol. My bud's Charmeleon, and I'm probably like five EXP from level 28. Do you ever sit indoors and wear sunglasses or a hat? I don't own either, so. Do you know how to read animals’ behavior? I honestly think I'm very good at it. Do you like playing video games? If so, what do you usually play? Yes, but not as much as I used to. All I really play nowadays is World of Warcraft. The only working console I have is a PS2, and I haven't bought a new game in probably a couple years, but there are definitely ones I want to play, mainly on PS4. Just can't afford it right now. Have you ever viewed the moon through a telescope? No. Do you know how to properly eat food with chopsticks? No. There's no way I could, given my tremors. Do you prefer reading books, comic books, manga/graphic novels, magazines, or the newspaper? Books. When is the last time you ate donuts? It's been months, man. I've seriously been craving a glazed one, though. Krispy Kreme sounds amaaaaaziiiiiing. Has anyone ever called you sexy? Somehow. Do you like raisins? NO NO NO NO NO. Have you ever overheard a conversation you weren’t supposed to? More than once. Do you like ants? They're genuinely extremely fascinating animals, but they're seriously annoying nevertheless. Did you like the movie Antz? I loved it as a kid. What was your favorite ice cream flavor when you were little? Chocolate. Is it still your favorite? Eh, depends on the day. By the way, what is your name? Brittany. What time zone do you live in? EST. Do you like cats? I love cats. What’s the most creepy experience you’ve ever had? One night when my mom and sister were at the beach for a dance competition, I was having trouble sleeping, and it only got worse when my dog Teddy started freaking the fuck out, barking loudly and staring intently at the foot of the bed. I was so scared that I tried to force his head to lie down, but he fought against me. I was terrified, but got up out of the bed and went into the living room to call my mom at like 3 in the damn morning, and she had to have our neighbor come over to sleep in the house with me (I was in a different room that night). You can't convince me that there wasn't paranormal shit going on. I think the house was haunted honestly, for multiple reasons. What’s the most boring game to exist? Why do you dislike it so much? Hm, I dunno. What’s the coolest place that you've ever been to? What’d you do there? Disney World was very memorable as a kid. We just went around collecting signatures, going on rides, all that fun stuff. I'll never forget fireworks at the castle. If you’re interested in having a long-term relationship with someone, do you think that waiting a certain amount of time before you first have sex is a good idea? Or does it not matter? I think it's a good idea, personally, mostly for the sake of reducing the spread of STDs. Just because you think you'll be long-term, doesn't mean you will be. Besides that, isn't there a science that sex and feelings of love are connected? Like, sex is impossible without at least some underlying emotions? I might be entirely wrong, in which case forgive me for spreading misinformation, but if that's so and things don't go as planned, you've gotten emotionally invested in someone too early and wind up getting hurt. You do you, I just don't think it's smart. Have you ever discovered something big by looking through someone’s phone, Facebook, email, etc.? No. Have you kept anything from your past relationships? (Things they left at your house, gifts, notes, etc) Do you think that’s a big deal for future relationships or not? Yeah, like plushies and little stuff like that. When it's tiny things like I just mentioned, I really don't think it matters. I think some things might be questionable to keep, but at the same time, I don't think it's really wrong to keep memories of a happy time, if the thing still brings you joy and has been emotionally disconnected from the ex? Idk. Do you have any financial regrets? Either way, what’s an example of a GOOD financial decision you’ve made? Going to and dropping out of college three fucking times. I don't know about a good financial decision seeing as I'm not even in charge of my own finances, nor really have any to begin with. Are you a believer in “signs” from the Universe about things in your life? If you are, can you think of a particular example? No. Name some things that one or both of your parents are really good at or really interested in. Mom LOVES medical stuff, like watching surgeries and stuff like that. She is also absolutely incredible with children. Dad likes sports a lot, hockey and football especially. Think of a good friend of the opposite sex (currently or in the past). Have you ever had any sort of “more than a friend” or sexual thoughts about them? If not, can you explain why? Well, we dated briefly, so... It was awkward to, but I let myself imagine sexual situations a few times to help myself understand if I really did like-like him, or if he was truly just a brother to me. Turns out, he's a bro. If someone told you that you would never achieve something and you ended up doing it, would you have any interest in finding that person and showing them? I'ma be honest, yes. I wouldn't actively seek them out, but rather just hope they somehow find out or I run into them or something. What is the most jealousy-induced thing you’ve ever done? Apparently, be the girl Juan liked instead of this girl that literally threatened to deck me. Guess what? We're friends now lmaoooo.
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20. Sink
Word Count: 3989 Trigger warnings for religion and mentions of child pornography
Lord, if it’s you,” (Simon) Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then (Simon) Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Matthew 14:28-30
Simon had never been very religious. Scratch that… Simon had never been very mystical about religion. Whenever he was younger, his family went to church and he was quite studious and learned a lot in that time period. His father still believed in God and country or whatever and his grandmother, he imagined was praying over his mom every single day. But, he had never really known what it felt like to have that kind of faith in anyone or anything… until he was given Grace. It wasn’t lost on him the religious implications of being a boy named Simon (like Simon Peter, aka The Apostle Peter - huge name in the Bible world) being granted a savior, being blessed with Grace after a terrible sin, whether intentional or not, of killing Hope… His mind was in a daze right now. 
It was the fourth religious dream he had since that interview, and in this one, he was Simon Peter, calling to his Savior in the storm. Grace was just across the water. All he had to do was get to her and she would rescue him from all of this, just like she always used to. But, he looked at the impending storm, instead. He had Grace, but he was focused on the storm, and he sank… He jumped up from his sleep and literally felt like he had been drowning. Ugh. 10 years of church and 4 years of private school could definitely mess with one’s mind. Then again, so could 6 years of Grace and 5 years without it… her… 
He had begun to try to stop rationalizing that she wasn’t human. Unfortunately for him, before he considered her the void, she hadn’t been human for him either, then. She had been a deity. He worshipped her. She had been a vessel to save him, to help him, to comfort him. She had been what he built his faith system upon, his religion, his Apex, his lifestyle… Then, she was gone and he tried to continue without her. He tried to rebuild in his own image, in his own name. He tried to walk on water, as he had seen her do, now all he was doing was sinking…
In the aftermath of the interview, Simon noted that his faithful followers went on one of their ravenous attacks in Shana’s comment sections. She could even just post a photo of herself in the newsroom at Spelman as an inspirational post and they appeared in her comments to berate her for speaking about inspiration when she would attack an abuse survivor and have his abuser on her show, trying to make her sympathetic. Shana seemed entertained for some of the comments, replying things like a simple “K” or “Lol” and never addressing the person again, even if they supplied a melee of character attacks at her.
But, on the video link, whenever people started also attacking Grace’s fakeness and the fact that she still gets to abuse Simon indirectly by doing things like this, Shana had enough. She let them know that she had no regrets about the interview with Grace, no regrets about anything that she said about Simon, and none about all of her opinions of him. “Even if he’s a different person today, considering that he never got any backlash for the sex tape from high school, which i firmly STILL believe that he should be held accountable for, which I am convinced that he leaked, and I think that if he’s truly changed, he would have wanted to make that right at some point and free Grace from the uninvited attacks for that CRIME AGAINST HER, committed by him.”
There was an explosion of mixed reactions. Everything from, “This is the first that I’m hearing of this” to “Simon would never have done anything like that to Grace” to “WHERE CAN I FIND A SEX TAPE OF SIMON AND GRACE???” Many people were blocked. Many people were rocked, as Shana went live to address the massive amount of comments coming from her spilling that tea.
She made mention of the facts that while the statute of limitations of revenge porn had been exceeded, they didn’t exist for child porn. “And in case anybody is confused, yes, I am including links to inform you about how what he did is in fact child pornography creation, possession, and distribution, AND what the law says concerning them.” After replying to many of the comments, mostly in an amused fashion, she got bored. 
“Listen, I’m getting ready to go chill with my lady and get ready for class tomorrow, but I’ll just say this one more thing, “I’m not taking my foot off of Simon Laurent’s neck. As long as Grace has had to suffer in silence, because she’s no longer the vengeful type or whatever, she’s on right now in her journey, the journalist in me and the enraged victim in me will always come for Simon and the way he used the privilege that he did have - not to say that he didn’t lack in certain areas like money and common decency, but the ones he DID have - his race, his gender, his orientation, his proximity to education, etc, in order to vilify and humble this girl with false accusations of crimes, and get away with unconfessed crimes. Yeah, this IS about my Sassy Strawberry keychain, Simon you bitch! I know you watching. To those of you who can’t be bothered to use your Googles, I don’t know what to tell you, kinfolk. Shady Shana has said all that she needs to say for now. Tata, from the perfect place for shade.”
Then her accusations, the search for the information of said accusations and the buzz from back then resurfacing went even more viral than the things that he had said about Grace whenever he reached notoriety from the stories. Now that the Internet and social media were even bigger and just kept growing with time, Grace still being a huge public persona, despite the few short years that she wasn’t online and the time she had been inside, she made an explosive comeback at least as an Internet personality, and Simon was never as frequent online as he was a short time in the eye of the public to get himself established, but several professors had used his story for various seminars and lectures, his books did pretty well, and he was a very established young mind in his academic circles… So, he was a big deal in his world, but on the grand scale becoming infamous for this new attention. 
Shana and Grace’s worlds were very large, and both of those were combining to infiltrate his world with these not necessarily new pieces of information, but things that he thought would have been forgotten or left alone. He had not even considered that Shana would ever… Like… why was SHE so damn upset? Because of a small scuffle? Because of somebody else’s alleged injustice? Somebody that she didn’t even LIKE for most of her life? “Journalist” she was a shit-stirrer! All of her muckraking was making things complicated for simple Simon. He didn’t like that. He didn’t like dreaming about Grace as his savior. He didn’t like the idea of reaching out to her to get her to grab her dog. He didn’t like that he was suffering from nights more sleepless than usual and beginning to become counterproductive in his work.
Worrying about ramifications of the words “child pornography” and “sexual predator” being tossed about in conversations with his name led to nightmares, paranoia, guilt, intrusive thoughts, and mistakes in class and at work. One of them turned out big…
Amelia came up to him in her lab, with her arms folded and her face stern, “Is there anything you think we should discuss, Mr. Laurent?” He frowned and glanced her way, still working on the formula for the next tests in the prosthetics serum they were spending time discussing as one of his potential next big things. She raised her eyebrows and asked, “Not even an acknowledgment of what I’m speaking of?”
“I know what you’re speaking of and I decided that no, we don’t need to discuss it. It’s a personal matter.”
“A personal matter? Simon, you are supposed to be seeing a counsellor once a week, and now I find out that not only did he recommend that you see him twice a week, but that you haven’t seen him in several weeks! It is part of your ability to stay here, and I don’t appreciate that you’ve ducked out on this requirement, especially considering the personal matter you’re referring to.” 
He furrowed his eyebrows and set down his supplies. “This is about the shrink? I haven’t been able to see the guy, because I’ve been working on the new formula nonstop. I need a breakthrough, and if I can get the formula right for enhancing the prosthetics, I’ll be famous for that. I’ll be closer to the goal of enriching artificial organs, maybe even organic ones!”
“I know what this work would mean if successful. That isn’t the point. The point is that you are not allowed to be here without the help that you need and you agreed to. I’m going to have to speak to the committee, now that I know you haven’t been…” She turned and he caught her wrist really hard. The woman jerked away. She was stronger than he thought.
“Amelia… Please. I need this. People are out to get me. Out to destroy everything that I’ve built for myself, without parents, without love, without an inheritance. I got here on my own merit, my own mind! I can’t have it be the thing that gets me sent away.”
“You needed to consider that after we gave you another chance! We can’t keep going back and forth with you while you refuse to take the help that you need in order to get to your next rung!” She was loud. He felt like she was yelling at him. He didn’t like people yelling at him, especially women, especially older ones… It made him extremely angry and he yelled right back at her, only to find that she either hadn’t been yelling or she had an even louder yelling setting.
And in addition to the yelling, the thing yelled was extremely hurtful. But, Simon was an angry hurt type. So, he was hurt, but it manifested in anger, “LIKE YOURS WASN’T! YOU HATE ME BECAUSE I CAN BE A BETTER YOU!” She laughed. That made him even angrier. “ADMIT IT! YOU’RE SO HARD ON ME BECAUSE I AM BETTER THAN YOU!”
“Simon, you’re a child. A foolish, often incorrect child. There are many things that I credit as better than me. You aren’t one of them.” He was breathing hard and clenching his fists. “I advise you to immediately set an appointment with your therapist and I demand that you leave the lab at once. At the very least, you need to take a break. At worse… you broke our agreement, Simon.” She began to touch his research, to put everything away, as he stormed out, trying not to let her see him cry and trying not to explode in the lab and further mess things up for himself. He didn’t get far before there was a different explosion in there. Not an extremely loud one, but loud enough that he turned around as others rushed in. 
Simon got on the phone, calling the last counselor that he had spoken to as everyone else scurried about trying to get help and rushing in various directions. “She was just arguing with Laurent, he rushed out and then this happened,” he heard someone say and he watched the three students who had been talking stop and look right at him.  “Are you calling 911?” One of them asked. He shook his head, because he hadn’t been. Once again, it wasn’t his first thought when he witnessed an emergency. One of them grabbed their phone out, presumably to do so and he… left. He probably should have stayed, but he couldn’t breathe and needed some space and needed to rage.
It didn’t take others long to start whispering. Simon had found a dumpster to kick for a while before returning to the scene and seeing them rushing Amelia into an ambulance. Police were there and wanted to talk with him. He knew that people would talk. They had been talking. He also knew that sometimes he imagined that people were talking more than they actually were and he hoped that perhaps, this would be one of those times that he imagined the criticism. It was not.
On top of the internet’s allegations of child pornography, learning that the state of California might be investigating these allegations, for the Monroe Estate, and being questioned about his chemical engineering “mistake” with the formula that became unstable as Professor Hughes attempted to put it away… 
Simon was whatever the opposite of numb was. He felt all things, everything, anything, all at once and at a peak. He hadn’t felt this way in a really long time and the only times he had, he had Grace to think of and settle him. After that, he had his own greatness to reflect upon… but that was slipping away from him and Grace had slipped away… No… He had shoved her away, and he needed her so much right now. Because he didn’t know if he could pull himself up from sinking. “Lord save me!” He heard himself yelling from the water in the storm… But Grace couldn’t hear him. She was too far away, and she wasn’t his savior anymore. He looked up for something to latch onto, but all there was, was the Void.
Its big black, form, with an aura of fluid black smoke, and hovered over him and charged at him, its face stopping just short of his own and he looked up to see it. It was nothing but a pale mask, much like one of the ones that Grace used to wear. Maybe… Maybe she was still inside of the void somewhere. Maybe she would rescue him after all. “Grace?” he called, “Is that you?” It had nothing in it’s face. No feeling, no warmth. There was no way that Grace was there. It had no reply. He blinked it away and looked at the police. They had just released him… so… something had saved him… for now. Probably just dumb luck, or lack of evidence. There had to be a lack of evidence, because he knew that he had done nothing wrong.
Despite having done nothing wrong, he had apparently made some type of mistake with the formula, but he figured it was more likely that Amelia had made some mistake in putting it away. It was too soon to voice that opinion. Students were upset, like she was some lovable figure. She was a bitch. He didn’t feel bad at all that she was hurt and he hoped that nobody expected him to act like he did. But, they were talking again. He felt like whenever he was a freshman at the academy and the staff and students didn’t appreciate him because they hadn’t seen his value yet… but these people knew him. He was important! He was significant now! He had done everything to become valuable and honored, including giving up Grace when she was holding him back! 
“Simon, it sounds like you’re just blaming everyone else for your problems again.”
“I’m only saying what happened. I matter, and they treat me like I don’t. They look at me like I’m a criminal. They’re handling me like I haven’t done great things! Like they haven’t heard of me or something! Who do they think they are?”
“To not value you? Maybe they’re just strangers, Simon. You’ve spoken to me a few times, and I don’t know you, either. That doesn’t take away from anything that you might have done, but it doesn’t give me the insight that you have of yourself. The same can be said about any of the people here,” the counsellor said. Simon resumed his meetings, but it was too little too late, as he was called back to the committee.
Grace was really just trying to enjoy her life. She only did the interview with Shana because Shana had REALLY come through in finding Hazel for her. She explained to the people keeping Hazel how she knew her and how she found her (not mentioning Shana’s name, but that she “hired an investigator”) mainly because she just wanted to see how Hazel was doing. The short answer was “not great,” but the long answer was Grace hated the fact that everyone that she talked to about Hazel didn’t seem to really know her or how to deal with her. That made her afraid that Hazel would continue to get bounced around, and eventually be lost to her again. After being approved as someone who could visit and spend time with Hazel (a longer process than she would have liked, and one that she knew could have been shortened if she just went crawling back to her parents), but one that was worth the work, because not only was she able to see Hazel and talk to her, but she also got her a phone, in case they were separated again and Hazel needed to reach out to her. 
The last thing that Grace wanted to do was be dragged into Simon’s situation. So, whenever people asked her about him, sent her messages, intruded into her comments, @ her in posts… she declined from responding. She made a statement on her linked social media accounts, reminding everyone that 1. She doesn’t speak about Simon. 2. She said everything that she intended to say to people outside of the situation to Shana in the interview. 3. She is not responsible for Shana’s feelings about the incident in question (the recording and sharing of the recording) 4. She has never spoken to anyone but Simon about the incident in question and doesn’t plan on going much more in depth with anybody about it any time soon. 
Whenever asked about the recording, since she did say in the statement that she had spoken with Simon about it, and it was presumed that meant that maybe they had made it together and it got leaked, as those things tend to do, she confirmed that she didn’t know anything about the recording until after everyone else had seen it, that she doesn’t like to think about it or that time in her life because it was one of her most embarrassing and painful experiences and she doesn’t want to have to relive it simply because people are curious about these details that don’t affect them one way or another…
People were relentless and dedicated to being in other people’s business. What about Simon? It affects Simon! Why aren’t you helping clear Simon’s name? Why are you still hurting Simon? What about affecting Simon? She’d punch every last one of these people in the mouth, just like she did Simon when she found out, if they were in front of her. Even, now, being  someone trying very hard to be peaceful and patient… “Simon already knows everything about that time that I would be able to say, so telling anyone else anything wouldn’t help him or me. If I was silent about it whenever it might have actually changed my trajectory in a favorable way, I’m certainly not going to begin going off about it now that I’ve been given another chance at a positive life, despite the things that caused me pain. Simon knows more than I do and more than you. Perhaps you should ask him, if you want someone who doesn’t seem to mind speaking about these subjects.”
That was what did it. Simon watched in a panic as former Apex members, arose to defend Grace and admit that during the time, Simon was open with certain people about having orchestrated the recording and using it to oust Grace from her throne. “We were mean kids, and I don’t know if we thought far ahead enough to really see what something like that could do to somebody. We all found it either funny or scary and weren’t brave enough to stand up for her back then, but Grace did nothing wrong and people should let her live her life instead of bringing this back up and hurting her again.” They basically all said some variation of that.
He became immediately notorious as #GraceDidNothingWrong began trending and multiple Apex members, former nonessentials, declared nulls, and actual victims of some of Simon’s direct attacks come forward, opening up about their experiences with Simon’s Apex, the Apex in general, including anecdotes, quotes, confessions, etc to further prove Simon’s guilt. To top it off Simon was put on academic probation as everything unfolded including the way he had been handling his psychiatric deal with the committee being unmet and the negligence that led to Professor Hughes’ accident. When he began losing various deals, gets major backlash for the accident, on top of the allegations of child pornography being investigated, he began to spiral as he considered possible charges from CA to MA. He deleted all of his social media accounts and shadow cyberstalked Grace, only to see that she really wasn’t participating in all of this.
He was SO CLOSE to his first Master’s degree. He couldn’t let all of this throw away his future! He was young and stupid and maybe he was wrong, but he wasn’t going to say that and he definitely didn’t feel like he deserved to be punished for it right now! 
He had been trying not to think about that interview, but the more he tried not to think about it, the more he obsessed over it - over her wondering how he was doing, over the potential for her to actually still care. It was so stupid. It was foolish. There was no way that she really felt like that, but all of his distraction had caused him to possibly make some type of stupid mistake. The police were investigating, but he was the main one working in the lab, so whatever happened was most likely due to some type of misstep on his part. He certainly had not rigged anything to explode in Professor Hughes’ face, like some seemed to be trying to suggest! 
The fact that they did not get along wasn’t very helpful to him. The argument right before it happened made it even more suspicious, and where they should have been able to speak with his psychiatrist to ensure that he was doing fine… he hadn’t been consistent with any long enough for them to know that he was doing fine… which brought attention back on him from the committee, which he guessed felt like he was jumping through loopholes in their deal. He saw the Void again, it's voice like a chorus of succubi singing, “I’ve come to take everything from you. It’s what you deserve.”
He rushed to the airport. He didn’t even have a place to stay. He rushed to the Monroe’s, snuck into their gate and beat on the door. It was 2 am, but he couldn’t wait. The Void was after him, and he NEEDED his Grace.
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voreconnoisseur · 5 years ago
Desert Life
I got an anonymous request for monster protection vore. Then I had a dream that there were additional requirements, for some reason, and thought they were pretty unique so I included them. I’m also playing around with first person perspective here. Safe, soft vore.
Out of all the places for my plane to go down, it had to be one of the more deadly ones.
I’d been doing a pretty routine flight, and typically the arid skies wouldn’t cause my little Cessna any trouble. I’d been all over the world, and typically what made me nervous was stormy weather; some countries were more unpredictable in that regard. Never had I imagined that my luck would run out from a stalled engine over the Sonoran desert.
I’d managed to keep control of the plane despite everything, and I’d landed on a relatively flat stretch of land with nothing more than a few bumps and bruises on myself to show for it. But the plane was totalled, and with it, my radio. As for my cell phone, I had no signal.
Of course there was no signal. I was in the middle of goddamn nowhere.
Trying not to panic, I assessed my options. Going off into the desert would be a death sentence. The exertion on my body combined with the heat would kill me in less than a day. Here, I could at least stay in the shade of my crashed plane, and it’d be more likely for a rescue team to find me.
I took a sip of the water I’d packed. Not too much; might need to ration it. I watched in a haze as the sun began to set. The distortion of the heat interrupted the sunset, but despite that, the desert sunset was gorgeous.
My trance was broken as the sounds of howling and barking started to materialize in the distance. Search and rescue dogs?
No. Didn’t sound right. And there were too many of them.
Coyotes, then.
I took another sip of water, wishing it was gin. Should I stay here? The door had been blown off the plane entirely, and the windows shattered, so it wasn’t like it would provide me any protection from hungry wild dogs.
Should I run? I could make it farther in the cool of the night, and in that amount of distance something else might catch their attention.
The howling drew nearer. Overcome by panic, I grabbed my water and broke into a run, hoping to God none of them had my scent.
My heart raced as I ran through the rough terrain, dodging every rock and cactus like they’d been intentionally placed there to trip me up. And yet, the sounds grew louder. I shouldn’t have run. Dogs chase you when you run.
I darted toward a rocky hill, hoping to find some place to hide. I spotted a large, rocky outcropping. Maybe there. Though I’d need to be careful of scorpions. And maybe tarantulas, too.
I glanced behind me. Shit! I could see them now on the horizon. At least a dozen. And I’d come entirely unarmed!
Still running as I looked behind me, I came to a grinding halt as I crashed into something enormous. Something...reptilian?
I gazed up at this new threat. It looked, for the most part, like a Gila monster, with dark scales and patches of orange. On the other hand, it looked like this Gila monster had fused with Godzilla, because it was upright, and two or three times my size.
I backed away slowly, still in shock. Gila monsters were venomous. Not deadly venomous, but at this size, venomous or not, if it bit me I’d be dead.
The creature looked at me, and then past me at the oncoming swarm of coyotes. Surprisingly, it moved its arms as if making some kind of gesture: first, placing a hand on my chest as I flinched, then onto its own.
“What?” I didn’t expect the monster to understand, but the word slipped out anyway. It then pointed fiercely toward the coyote pack, stomped one of its massive feet into the sand, repeated the first gesture, and opened its mouth, lowering it toward me. The inside was dark; the flesh was black. A comparatively thin forked tongue flicked outward at me.
It—no, they—were clearly intelligent, but I couldn’t understand what they wanted me to do. Hurriedly, they pointed at me, and then at their open mouth.
“You want me to... get in?”
The creature nodded.
Despite every instinct I had telling me otherwise, and the thought that I was going to be made an easy meal of, I complied. After all, anything had to be better than being torn apart slowly by wild dogs.
As soon as my second leg had entered the lizard’s maw, their jaws snapped shut around me. My center of gravity shifted as the creature lifted their head upward. I could only panic a little as I dropped to the back of their throat and muscles began to pull me in deeper. My adrenaline had already run dry.
I let the monster swallow me without any struggle. I recalled halfheartedly, as I was pushed down their gullet, that the real Gila monsters—that is, the tiny ones—typically swallow their prey whole.
My entire body was squeezed and pushed through the darkness until I reached a larger, more lenient depth. I’d officially been eaten. This should have scared me more than it did, but something was nagging at the back of my mind.
The venom. They hadn’t used any venom on me.
I didn’t appear to be bathing in stomach acid, either.
That, combined with the fact that the creature seemed intelligent, lead me to one conclusion.
They were protecting me.
I felt around my new surroundings. They were damp, squishy—essentially what you’d expect. The smell, on the other hand, was fairly neutral; thankfully not of vomit or death or any other awful thing.
Suddenly things around me lurched, and though muffled, I could hear the scream of a coyote. Vibrations rippled through the flesh after an impact of some kind. The coyotes and my saviour were having some king of fight.
The skirmish was over quickly, however. I can’t imagine the coyotes would have stood a chance against something so huge and well armoured. And deadly.
The monster let out a soft hiss. I wasn’t sure if they were trying to talk to me or if they were sending a warning to the fleeing coyotes, so I responded.
“Hey, can you hear me? Are you gonna let me out?”
At this, I felt something push up against the stomach wall. It moved up and down. I was pretty sure this creature couldn’t talk, so we weren’t getting anywhere like this, but maybe it could understand me. I shouted as loud as I could muster.
“Hiss once if you can understand me.”
“Okay, great, are you gonna let me go now? Once for yes and twice for no.”
“Hssss SSsss.”
“Shit, what?” I kicked the flesh in front of me, determined to make a noticeable annoyance. “Why? Are you going to kill me?”
“SSSSSSss sss.”
Oh, right. It was still night time. I’d likely just wind up in the same situation.
“Can you let me out in the morning?”
I signed in relief, leaning back into the soft confines. Still not digesting or suffocating, it seemed I’d be safe here. On the downside, I was now far from my plane, as well as inside a monster, so any rescue teams looking for me wouldn’t have any luck. But it was better than death by coyote.
Despite the odd circumstances, I let myself relax. I was protected from the harsh cold of the desert night and any creatures that might harm me. I might even get a decent rest.
I rubbed my hand against my new friend’s insides and called out:
“D’you think you can take me to my plane tomorrow?”
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willow-salix · 5 years ago
Another work of the genius that is my kid. She wrote this, I'm just sharing it. Revel in the awesomeness of this...
[AU] Four of the Tracy Brothers are all adopted by Jeff after being orphaned when he is unable to save their parents during rescues from the VERY early days of International Rescue (yeah I know the canon but whatever this is an au). Also this is total trash but I'm too lazy to write this proper proper so here ~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
SCOTT: The first of the boys to get adopted by Papa Jeff is originally from Scotland (Scott-Land), and was orphaned after the tail end of a hurricane left his family home as nothing more than a pile of rubble - and since it wasn't anticipated, the extent of the damage done wasn't heard about until later, after a series of rescues in higher risk locations. By that time, it was too late. When J.T. finally got to the scene, he spent a few hours sifting through the debris for any survivors. By the time the sun had set, seven bodies had been discovered and he was giving up hope, until he heard the unmistakable sound of a baby crying. Wading through to where the nursery used to be, as if by some miracle, there was a perfectly in-tact crib and an infant inside, blocked from the destruction by a large ceiling tile that had fallen, and effectively acted as a shield as the rest of the home toppled down around them. Jeff took the baby in his arms and rushed to the basecamp, refusing to let go of the child during his check-up and the search for any living relatives for him to go to; but all of his living relatives were in the same house, and the little boy had nowhere to go. As J-Dog looked down at those big blue goo-goo eyes, he felt an overpowering sense of guilt, before it was replaced by total determination. He couldn't save his family, so the least he could do was give him a new one - and that's exactly what he did.
VIRGIL: The pilot of the mean, green, thicc flying machine gained all of his culture and artistic tendencies from his country of birth, Italy. A heavy rainstorm saw the canals of Venice break their banks and caused floods throughout the city (it would take them three years to get over it entirely). When Jazzy Jeff arrived, it was a matter of evacuating everyone and minimising the amount of accidents/casualties as much as possible. As roads cracked and buildings became submerged more and more with every passing second, the evacuation order soon developed into a time-sensitive rescue mission. By the time he finally reached Virgil's family, their car was teetering on the edge of a broken road, under which was several feet of water. They handed their newborn son over to him, only just in time before the concrete gave way and the car fell into the murky depths. Another member of the crew attempted to rescue them as Jeff held the child, deja-vu hitting him when his teammate came back to the surface and mournfully shook his head. They were unable to get them out in time, and, same as last time, there were no relatives to take the boy. Ever since the mother handed her son over to Jeff, he had felt a sense of responsibility over the welfare of the child. One look at the chonky little thing confirmed what he had been feeling in his heart all along: Scott now had a brother.
JOHN: Irish-born John's adoption was a little different to the other two, but a rescue all the same. Big Daddy J had a conference in the Emerald Isle, and on his way back to his hotel the same night, he came across a car that had crashed into a tree on a fairly deserted road. The only survivor was in the back seat, and was the toddler son of the two adults in the front. The child was old enough to be semi-aware of what was going on around him, so while Jeff attempted to remove him from the wreckage, he told him to "just do one thing" for him - "look at the stars, just look at the stars". The blonde boy did so obediently, and as they waited for the emergency services to arrive, he told the tot about all of his adventures in space. Even though he probably didn't understand what he was saying, tiny John was still absolutely hooked. Once at the hospital, the parents were confirmed deceased and further checks revealed that his grandparents were unable to look after him. Just because he wasn't wanted by his family, however, didn't mean he wasn't wanted by others. After cancelling his flight back the next day, Jeff once again went through all the necessary steps. When he returned back to America, his seven-year-old and his four-year-old were greeted with their new brother, and his wife and mother with a new son and grandson, respectively.
GORDON: Born and raised in Australia, Gordon's parents were adventurers that never seemed the type to settle down and stay in one place for one time. When International Rescue was called for an outback recovery, it seemed like a stupid prank when the campsite the call originated from was found to be empty. The fire had burnt out, several items had just simply been discarded on the floor, and it appeared that the tents were empty at first glance - but on closer inspection, it revealed that the bundle of cloth in the corner was actually a sleeping baby. They waited for any other people to arrive, but after a few hours, decided to take the baby to the hospital. With no records of him, there wasn't much they could do except confirm that he was healthy. All it took was one look into those big, brown, cow-like eyes and Jeffo knew that for the fourth time in ten years he was bringing home another baby.
ALAN: The youngest son, and the only biological one of Jeff and Lucille. When they first learnt of his conception, they were quick to assure the other boys that they weren't any less special than him because they weren't related by blood. The only response they recieved came from an eleven-year-old Scott remarking that yeah, they knew, because they had been chosen, which made it even more special. Each of the boys came from different backgrounds, but thanks to Jeff and his "Batman Syndrome", they were all united as a single family (until Lucille died and shit went down). The End.
BONUS: After rescuing Buddy and Ellie for the umpteenth time, they and Gordon dissolved into small talk as Virgil flew them home in Thunderbird Two. It was the first time they had rescued them in Australia, and the second-youngest Tracy couldn't help but notice that there was something odd about the couple's demeanour this time around. Usually, they were high-spirited after a rescue, talking about their next dangerous adventure or the new season of their show. They still spoke with a certain degree of excitement, but their hands were interlocked on Buddy's knee, and there was something that looked like... sadness? in both of their eyes when they looked at each other. Eventually, he couldn't help himself. "Hey, listen, I know it's not my place to ask, but... are you two alright?" Buddy opened his mouth to respond, but he was quickly interrupted. "I don't mean because of the rescue. I mean that you two are just acting a little - well, different."
Before he could make another comment about it 'not being his place to ask', Ellie gave a wan smile and sighed, ducking her head for a moment. "It's nothing. Only - the last time we were out in that direction, we had to call International Rescue out, too. It was a long time ago, when we were just starting out. I think it was when you were just starting out, too."
Gordon glanced over to Virgil, who reminded him that "International Rescue existed before us, remember?". He nodded before looking back to Ellie; a silent invitation for her to continue her story. Buddy's hand tightened around hers, and she sighed again.
"We had set up camp, had a fire going and was starting to unpack when the wind picked up. It just started latching onto everything, and soon there was this massive dust storm. We tried to stay together, radio'd for help, but we couldn't see anything, we just couldn't. There was no way that International Rescue could have gotten to us, but we didn't care. We just wanted-"
"We wanted them to save our son." Buddy finished for his wife. Gordon nodded, but internally, he was shocked. He had no idea that they had a child. He was about to ask, when Buddy started to talk again. His voice was steady despite the slight waver in it, and his eyes seemed glassy. "He was only young, so - small. We left him in the tent for shelter, tried to find a way to signal for the ship if we could. We didn't even realise we had been walking, until the storm died down and we found that we were nowhere near our camp. And when we got back..."
"Little Stevie was gone." Ellie whispered. "That was our boy, Stevie. Steve. And he was gone."
"What was the year?" Gordon found himself asking, his throat dry. The reply was instant, and it made him swallow heavily to try and remove the lump from his throat. Their dad - Jeff - had never kept anything from them about the way they came to the family. Buddy and Ellie's story, along with the recollection from Jeff and the date... there was only one conclusive answer.
Before he could stop himself, he blurted it out. "I think I'm your son."
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savsfm · 5 years ago
madelaine petsch, twenty-three, cisfemale, she/her. —  SAVANNAH WALSH was just spotted out and about in los angeles with their signature VINTAGE DENIM OVERALLS. the paparazzi tried to be subtle, but the ACTRESS caught them snapping pictures and DARTED INTO THE NEAREST SHOP. they jetted off to A SECLUDED, PRIVATE BEACHFRONT before getting asked about HER UPCOMING SERIES FINALE this time, which kinda coincides with their notorious WARY attitude towards fame, doesn’t it? 
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HELLO hello , i’m bay & this is my sweet lil savannah ! actress , sports fanatic , dog lover , confirmed adhd ball of energy ( as far as you know ) . if she had a label , it’d be the benevolent , and . . . well , let’s just get right into this ! 
·   ☆     .    𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚜  !
full  legal  name :  savannah raine walsh . –– her mother had a hand in her middle name , and boy was that woman a hippie . age :   twenty  three  .   gender :   cis-female . nicknames : sav , savvy , little walsh ( when in context with her older brother )   pronouns : (  she/her  ) occupation : actress ; sophie turner career claim . inspiration : listen . . . there’s a reason i chose sophie . also jane sloane . details : growing up with just her father and her brother , for the most part , sav was very much the tomboy type , and despite her father’s history in the mlb , the walsh kids often spent time away from him and lived a relatively normal life . this made sav’s climb to fame a bit more of an adjustment , but people seem to love the down - to - earth way she has about her . after wrapping an iconic fantasy series ( think game of thrones ) and starring in a blockbuster ( think dark phoenix ) , everyone seems to be wondering what’s next for america’s favorite sweetheart .
·   ☆     .    𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍  !
micah “mickey” walsh came from nothing . he was a natural born athlete with the drive of a kid who had nothing to lose and everything to gain , and he could’ve stepped right out of high school and onto a minor league baseball diamond , but his parents –– loony as they seemed –– insisted he go to college first , and he spent four years playing for vanderbilt , where he met his wife marnie . they fell in love , hard and fast , and by their senior year , they were throwing together a shotgun wedding in order to say their vows before her baby bump began to show . 
the first few years were a whirlwind with mickey never giving up his dreams of having a family and having a professional baseball career. two years in , he was called up to the big leagues , and thus began the ICONIC career of mickey walsh , second baseman and a monster at bat . after three years in the mlb , the walsh family grew , and when SAVANNAH RAINE was born in chicago , illinois , wrigley field filled to capacity celebrated . 
three years later , mickey was traded to the boston red sox , and the walsh family moved again . for some time , things were well , and they appeared to be living the dream . mickey loved boston , and boston loved the walshes , so much so , that contract after contract was renewed at fenway . when savannah was five , however , tragedy struck and her mother fell ILL . by the time sav was six , she’d succumbed entirely to her illness , leaving her and her brother , luke , to grow up without a mother .
the walsh family was devastated , mickey taking indefinite time off from his career to be with his children . his parents moved to boston shortly there after to help out with things around the house . mickey tried to keep a happy way about him , but after a season out , everyone could tell he was itching to get back , if only for the DISTRACTION of the game . . . so luke & sav grew up darting around fenway park . they attended every home game , stayed up to watch all of the away games , and they genuinely loved it . babysitters chased after them in exhaustion , and their grandparents did the most they could to raise them right .
savannah was always a FIERY little thing , and it had nothing to do with the red locks she’d inherited from her mother . she was joyful and playful , kind and a lot for any one person to handful . she asked too many questions and had QUITE a knack for theatrics . most of all , though , from a young age , she was simply good . . . and she really never expected to get into acting .
all of that energy had to go somewhere , though , and seeing as she was dramatic as is . . . she was enrolled in dance classes and school theatre projects . she took a liking to acting , starring in school plays and toying around writing her own short films . in high school , savannah was everywhere . . . spread far too thin . but hey ! keeping busy is what this girl lives for ! 
at sixteen , she enrolled at an acting camp during the summer in los angeles , and this is when she found out that her family and friends weren’t simply full of shit ,  like she’d assumed .  she had talent , and she could make a career of acting . . . and unlike others , her rise was a bit too quick . she spent the summer going to auditions , and her BREAKOUT role was one of her first . . . v much a sansa on game of thrones type of deal .
sav finished off high school through a personal tutor and online schooling , but NOT going to college , for either of the walsh kids , was never an option . so she wagered a gap year from her father ,  so she could film seasons 2 & 3 of her show . other seasons were filmed during summer months , on breaks , and on long weekends . she SPED through her degree at new york university , and graduated in 3 , freeing up time to act full time .
there’s a GENUINE way about her that just . . . captures people , when she isn’t in character . in interviews , on talk shows , on red carpets . . . she’s just blatantly very soft , very sweet . skeptics think it’s an act , but anyone who KNOWS savannah knows that the only thing she fronts for the camera is constant energy . ya girl is tired . . . all the time , but will never admit to it ! 
after one of the most watched television series finales of all time and a franchise film –– along the lines of x-men/marvel –– stunning the box office , savannah is taking a moment to SLOW DOWN , because she’s never exactly done so . . . right now ,  she’s trying to figure out where to take her career next with a pile of scripts sitting at home and the world of the silver screen at her fingertips . 
·   ☆     .    𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 & 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚜  !
like i said , miss savannah is very outgoing , very bubbly . she’s good with people . . . but let it be known that she’s an introvert at heart . my girl is queen of leaving parties early . 
definitely the lost-in-a-daydream type , and she’s always been a bit of a QUIET hopeless romantic . less grand gestures and magnificent romantic adventures , more of just . . . a genuine believer in love . which . . . CERTAINLY lines up with the way her life threw her for a loop , just after nineteen , and one (1) nate carpenter absolutely turned her world upside down . it took all of one chance meeting , and sav was completely smitten . despite the fact that their dads kind of sort of ?? hate each other , they are happily planning on spending the rest of their lives together , dipping out of Famous People Things by 9:30pm at the latest .
painfully honest . . . maybe a little too honest. if she’s not careful ,  she can occasionally say too much and put her foot in her mouth . no amount of media training can REALLY rein it in . . . so her publicist is well paid and honestly . . . she has a hell of a time keeping spoilers to herself , so a lot of interviews regarding big plot lines are often with castmates aksdjfha
has a dog named hercules ! not named after the greek hero . . . or the disney movie . . . but rather named after the massive beast in the sandlot . her hercules is a mutt she rescued as a pup . they’re not really sure what he is . . . only that he’s kinda big and definitely has some german shepherd in him . 
sports fanatic af . her dad played professional baseball , and now he coaches for the new york yankees . her brother is a household name for hockey fans . . . and , well , catch her in a bright blue dodgers jersey with the name carpenter on the back , every baseball season !! 
she hasn’t TOTALLY grown out of her tomboy-ness . she still wakes up early to go surfing , still does far better in beat up converse than she does in HEELS , insists on the thrill of doing her own stunts , curses like a damn sailor , and loves a good worn in denim . queen ! of ! rocking ! overalls ! 
thinks about her mom a lot , but tries not to do to the fact that it just fuckin . . . makes her sad and anxious . the grief , she can handle , but the nerves ? her mother died of breast cancer , and savannah STUBBORNLY refuses to get tested to see if she’s got the genetic marker for it .
still visits her grandparents in boston often 
has a very .. . strange relationship with fame . she knows it’s fleeting , and she doesn’t really care for her private life being prodded into . in fact , that’s the worst part of it all . it’s taken a toll on her self - esteem , here and there , but for the most part. . . . she tries not to let it get to her . if she could do the acting thing without the fame , she honestly would . 
ok that is . . . my girl savannah . i hope y’all love her as much as i do bc i am vERY EXCITED ok !!  HIT ME WITH A LIKE & I’LL COME SWOOPING IN FOR PLOTTING !! 
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sunmoonandeddie · 6 years ago
little ballerina (4/16)
pairing: peter parker x reader
word count: 2,669
summary: After The Snap was reversed and the world went back to normal, Natasha Romanov had one request of her team: to infiltrate and destroy the Red Room.
chapter warnings: Swearing.
a/n:  Let me know what you think!
The next time you woke up, the pain in your body had subsided to a dull ache.  Your eyes fluttered open slowly to the soft light of the hospital room.  You moved your hands slightly, surprised to find that they weren't attached to the sides of the bed.  Instead, two metal bracelet-type things were around your wrists.  You felt in your gut that they had trackers on them and would prevent you from leaving... where ever you were.
Well.  Looks like you were going to have to play along with whatever game the people here were playing.
You slowly swung your legs over the edge of the bed, holding onto the IV as you stood.  The tile almost froze your feet as you completely stood up.  The ache intensified as you took a few steps and you ignored the thought of why you were feeling that ache.  Pushing past it, you walked towards the door, taking extremely slow steps.
"There's sleeping beauty," Tony said as he came into your line of vision, his arms crossed over his chest.  He had a warm smile on his lips as he stopped a few feet from you.  "You've been asleep for eighteen hours, you know."
Your eyes widened as you stood there.  "I...  What?"  You don't think you'd ever slept for so long.  Sometimes you only got two or three hours while you were training at the Red Room.
He waved you on, motioning for you to walk with him.  "Seemed like you needed it.  But I doubt that the hospital bed could've been that comfortable."  Shoving his hands in his pockets, he pointed towards a set of doors.  "We've got a room set up for you to move into tonight.  That is..."  Tony took a long look at you.  "That is, if you're not going to run again."  He seemed to want you to say something.  To promise that you weren't going to make a break for it.
As much as you hated if, if you were going to beat them at their own game, you'd have to do just that.  "I'm not going to run."  After a pause, you added, "I promise."
The older man seemed satisfied as he led you to the doors he had motioned to before.  You jumped a little in surprise as the doors opened automatically.  "Welcome, Tony Stark," an automated woman's voice said and you looked around for the source of it.  You knew about A.I.'s, of course, but nothing as advanced as this, apparently.
"That's just F.R.I.D.A.Y.," he said, waiting for you to follow him through the doors.  "This is where the Avengers live when we're at the compound."  Tony was pointing out the different areas: the kitchen, the living area, the private gym.  You were barely paying attention, focusing on possible hiding areas and escape routes.  "Everyone is most likely either in training or in their rooms.  We can head on up and I can show you yours."
You vaguely nodded, still pulling along the IV.  "Is there any chance there's a change of clothes upstairs?"
"Shit, I completely forgot.  You only had the hospital gown you were in at the Red Room when you came here."  Tony brings you into the elevator, hitting the up button.  It moved seamlessly and you almost asked if the elevator even worked before the door opened up to the second floor.  It was shaped like a circle, so that the elevator was in the center and the rooms surrounded it.
Tony walked over to a door back behind the elevator, opening it.  "This is yours for however long you're here."  He watched as you walked inside, taking it all in.  "I'm going to go find you a change of clothes while you look around."
It was massive.  You hummed as you fell onto the ginormous bed, practically sinking to the floor.  It felt like a giant marshmallow.  You don't think you'd ever had something so soft.  The beds back in the Red Room were like rocks.  They were meant for getting the minimum amount of sleep you needed to survive, not enjoyment.  There was no such thing as comfort or sleeping in, for that matter.
You stood up, dragging the IV along with you as you opened up a door that led into a massive walk-in closet.  "Why the hell do they need such big closets?" You asked yourself quietly.
"It comes in handy to have an array of clothes for missions.  You never know when you'll need to be black-tie ready."
You turned to see Tony standing there, holding a folded up pile of clothes.  "Really?"
He nodded, looking at the empty closet you were standing in.  "We'll get you some stuff to fill this thing up in no time."  The man then handed you the pile of clothes.  "There's leggings in there from Natasha and I managed to steal a sweatshirt from the laundry room.  There's undergarments from the go-bags that we keep for agents that need things for an extended stay."  He moved his hands in a weird, kind of awkward circle, like he wasn't sure how to exit the conversation.  "I'll let you get changed.  Feel free to shower and all that.  Just come out whenever you're ready.  The others should be getting back soon and we can all eat together."  Right before Tony leaves, he turns and points at you.  "Do you have preference for any kind of take out?  Chinese?  Mexican?  Thai?"
You simply shook your head and he nodded, mumbling to himself before shutting the door behind him.  You tugged the IV needle out of your arm with a slight wince.  Not like you really needed it anymore.  You then padded over to the private bathroom that was attached to your room.  Opening up the cabinet, you found it fully stocked with every toiletry you could ever need.  "Okay, but how do I turn this thing on?" You asked yourself as you stood in front of the shower, having decided against taking a bath in the giant tub to your left.
"May I be of assistance?" The A.I. person thing asked.
"Uh...  Yeah.  How do I turn this thing on?"  You looked up at the ceiling, once again looking for the source of the voice.  You couldn't even see speakers.
"All you have to do is say you want it on and what temperature you want to start off with.  You can change said temperature simply by saying 'hotter' or 'colder.'"
You frowned as the water came on, pouring like a waterfall from the ceiling.  It was much different from the rickety old dorm showers at the Red Room.  This, much like the bed, was built for enjoyment.  "Thank you, uh..."
"Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y."
You took a quick shower, making it out it under five minutes.  It was the time limit at the Red Room.  Once out, you wrapped yourself in the fluffiest towel you've ever seen and pulled on the clothing that you had left on your bed.
By the time you left your room and went back down the elevator, the communal living area was teeming with these so-called Avengers.  You froze in your tracks.  You were suddenly extremely aware of how many eyes were on you.  Despite the fact that you were used to standing out at the Red Room, this was different.  After all, they apparently knew you, but you had no idea who any of them were.
"Y/N, we ordered Chinese," Natasha said as she slowly walked over to you from where she had been sitting at the bar with Bruce.  "I ordered you stir-fry vegetables, if that's okay?"  You nodded slightly, your teeth worrying your lower lip.  "Good.  It should be here within thirty minutes.  I hope you're hungry."  She then began to introduce you to the different people around you.  "This is Wanda, Thor, Vision, and Clint.  Over there..."  She pointed to the couch.  "That's Steve, Sam, Bucky, Peter, Rhodey, and Pepper.  And you already know Tony and Bruce."
You didn't even realize your hands were shaking until she reached down and grabbed one, squeezing softly.  Your eyes raised to meet hers and she smiled faintly at you.  "Why are you being nice to me?"
Her smile faltered, like she was surprised that you'd be so forward.  "Because..."  She paused.  She looked as though she was steeling herself for the conversation at hand.  "Because I was you."
"You were me?"
You pulled your hand out of her grasp and ignored the way she frowned as she continued, "I was trained in the Red Room.  Then after I graduated, I became the Black Widow.  Which, according to your file, you were about to become."
"Wait, how can there be another Black Widow?" Sam asked, taking a sip of his beer.  "I thought that was your name, Natasha."
The redhead scowled, her eyes rolling as she turned to him.  "The Black Widow is a female assassin chosen by the KGB.  Being chosen means that you're the best of the best."  She crossed her arms over her chest, her voice going monotone.  She had desensitized herself to it, you realized.  "There were two Black Widows before me.  The role has been empty since I left.  That is..."
"Until they chose me."  Your voice came out cold as you glared at her.  "You took me from Red Room without even bothering to ask what I want."
"Y/N...," Natasha whispered.
You shook your head, feeling your blood start to boil.  "You're just pissed that I'm better than you were.  I graduated at nineteen!  Not only did I survive, but I'm the youngest to ever make it through the program and become the Black Widow."
"We rescued you," Tony snapped.
You turned on him, practically shouting, "I didn't ask to be rescued!  I was where I wanted to be!"
"Really?" Wanda's voice drawled.  "You wanted to be alone and dying in an Academy that almost no one knows exist?"  She stood up from where she was sitting at the bar, Vision's hand dropping from where it had been holding hers.  "They saw us coming and they escaped, but they didn't bother to bring you along.  I can't blame them.  You were just out of surgery and bringing along someone like that is a liability.  They sterilized you like a bitch and then left you there to die."  You could feel something pricking your mind and for some reason, you knew it was coming from Wanda.  Her fists clenched by her side as you fought to keep her out of your mind.  "Is that what you wanted to be?  A dog to be left behind at the slightest inconvenience?"
For that...  For that, you had no answer.  You simply turned around, getting back in the elevator.  Once you were back in your room, you slammed the door behind you so hard that you were sure the people in the floor below you could hear it.  You wanted them to know exactly how much you didn't want to be here.  Fuck playing their game.
Tears pricked your eyes as you paced the room, eventually crawling into the bed and dragging the covers over you.  You didn't want to admit that Wanda was right.  It didn't matter how good you were, that you were at the top of all your classes.  After all, there's at least fifteen girls below the age of fifteen that could eventually grow to be just as good, if not better.
You were replaceable.
About thirty minutes or so later, you heard a soft knock on your door.  "Y/N?  It's Peter.  I, uh...  I, I have your food."
You wanted to ignore him, but the growling of your stomach stopped you.  You got up from the marshmallow they called a bed and unlocked the door.  You opened it just a crack, looking up to see the young man you had beat in the staircase standing there.  In his hands, he held several different Chinese take out boxes.
"Is it okay that I brought mine to eat with you?"
You didn't respond, only opening the door wide enough for him to come in.  You sat on the ground in front of the bed, pulling your knees up to your chest as he sat behind you on the bed.  He quietly passed you two take out boxes and a pair of chopsticks.  You two ate in relative silence, and for once, you were happy for the company.  The others...  They liked to talk.  Peter seemed to be able to sense that you needed quiet right now.
"Have they decided what they're going to do with me yet?"
Peter looked up in surprise, though you weren't looking at him.  "What?"
You sighed, leaning your head back against the bed as you set down the take out box.  "Are they going to throw me in a prison or just be done with it and execute me?"
"Why would they do that?"  He seemed genuinely confused as he waited for you to explain.
"Look..."  You ran your fingers through your h/c hair, your foot tapping rapidly from anxiety.  "I'm not going to join their team and I'm not going to tell them about the Red Room.  I'm useless to them.  To you.  You're one of them, after all."
Peter got down from the bed, sitting across from you and leaning against the wall.  "Is that what you think we rescued you for?"  You shot him a withering look, which he made a point to ignore.  "For one, Natasha went through the Red Room.  She already has all the information we need.  Two, we don't rescue people based on how useful they'd be to us."
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head at Peter.  "It's sweet, how naive you are.  But if Natasha had all the information you needed, then the Red Room would be destroyed and there'd be a lot more girls like me wandering these halls."  You grabbed the Chinese take out box, pushing the rice around inside.  "And I can assure you that those guys only keep people that are useful around."
"That's... very pessimistic."
You snorted, smiling down into your Chinese.  "It's realistic."
"Hey."  You looked up at Peter, who was digging back into his food.  "You smiled."
You felt a twinge of annoyance.  "I'm human, you know."
He nudged your foot with his.  "By the way, you look good in my sweatshirt."  Your mouth dropped open slightly as he stood up, smiling softly at you.  "You're welcome to join us downstairs.  If you feel up to it."  Peter stopped by the door.  "I promise that we're not going to throw you in prison.  Or execute you."
He seems sincere, you thought to yourself as you set the Chinese box to the side once again.  You were unsure.  You didn't know these people, for one.  Peter could be lying.  Though, something told you he didn't have the ability to lie that well.
You sat in your room for almost two hours before finally deciding that you were going to go back downstairs.  You were surprised to find everyone still downstairs when you got there, all curled up on the couch and watching a movie on the flat screen that seemed to have come out from the ceiling.  They turned to look at you as the elevator dinged, letting you out.  You were about to run back upstairs, unnerved by the way everyone stared at you, before Natasha patted the space in between her and Peter.  "Come on, Y/N.  You can sit by me."
You were a little shocked that she was willing to let you sit next to her, after what you had said before dinner.  But you walked over anyway, curling into a little ball in between the two spider people.  Glancing over at her, you tried to find something to say.  "I'm..."  You broke off, not sure if you could get it out.  "I'm..."
"I know," Nat insisted as her hand reached over and squeezed yours.
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selfships-in-spanish · 5 years ago
*sneaks on in to eat the food in ur fridge* in the mafia Au Ona probably would easily become a leverage target for other groups or ganga who wanna fuck with Hank and his fam. OwO ooo i wonder how many would end up dead if Ona went missing and the boys went absolutely batshit to get her back.
Anon you’re more than welcome to raid my fridge. I think there’s some gazpacho and tortilla de patatas leftovers :D
BUT ANON OH MY GOD. OKAY. THIS TURNED INTO AN ALMOST 4K WORD SNIPPET. HOLY SHIT OKAY. I’m sorry I took so long! But I really wanted to write this right (at least as right as I can) and give you something to wait until I finish the celebration drawing. I’m swamped with work and I was itching to work on this instead, but :_) duty calls first.
Warnings: there will be blood and some violent details. As expected of a mafia crime-lord son when he goes berserk.
Connor’s keys fell to the polished wood floor with a deafening thud.
Everything was in its place. The cushions of the sofa where they left them the night before, the blanket that Richard neatly folded on Ona’s spot, Connor’s books on the coffee table, the big bouquet of flowers they brought home to her two days ago in their beautiful vase.
Everything was in its place, sans the note on the living room table.
Richard was eerie still, knuckles white.
“She’s a pretty one, we will have fun.”
Connor wanted to shred the note into pieces. He wanted to scream, he wanted to kick the chair and flip the table in utter rage. Instead, he sat down on the nearest chair and held his head in his hands, messing up his perfectly styled hair. He failed in keeping her safe, he failed spectacularly, and the guilt and shame of it was consuming him.
Richard sat down on the opposite chair, his fists trembling. Connor knew that sometimes Richard would have one of his episodes and go berserk, the trembling of his hands was telltale. He will spare no mercy for those who took their precious sunshine away. Good. That’s what they needed now.
Still, how did this happen? How could they have swept her right under their noses? Connor made sure everything was under his control, that not a single detail escaped him, and yet they got her. He could feel the anxiety clawing at his insides, the dread of what they would do to her if both him and Richard didn’t find her on time.
They had to do something, act fast. Connor needed to think clearly.
“We have to call Father.” Richard’s voice was glacial. It would seem calm to anyone listening, but Connor knew the cold fury brewing in it. But he was right. Father had to know.
Connor stood up and tucked the note in his inside pocket, bending down to pick the fallen keys.
“Get the car, I’ll call him on our way.”
Richard followed Connor, closing the door with the upmost care, as if he didn’t want to disturb their flat anymore than it already had been. Connor locked the door and trailed behind his brother, fishing his phone out of his pocket. He took off his leather glove and unlocked it, quickly tapping on Hank’s number. While Richard disappeared into the garage, Connor waited by the door. He heard the dial tone two times before the gruffy voice of Hank spoke. 
“They have her.”
“What?” Connor heard Hank’s armchair creak under his weight as he sat up. “Ona? Who has her? Who is they?”
“I don’t know yet, but she’s not home and they left a note.”
“Dear God.” Connor could hear Hank’s voice being momentarily muffled by the dragging of his hand over his face. “Come home, we cannot waste time.”
As Hank spoke, Richard appeared accompanied with the roar of the engine. 
“On our way.” Connor hanged up. 
“It wasn’t the russians or the triads. Alessandro made a few calls, not them either.” Hank rubbed his temples. “The Manfreds are informed of this as well, they are giving us tech support. Markus is currently on the guest room with all the equipment, North is getting intel.”
“The Manfreds are trustworthy, but how can you be so sure the others aren’t lying?” Connor was pacing on Hank’s office, frown deepening. 
“They aren’t that stupid. If they lie to my face, they know I can crumble everything they have built with a snap of my fingers.”
“Still…” Connor sighed.
“Besides, I went to Alessandro’s daughter wedding. You know how this man values that kind of things.”
“Father has a point. That man follows the code.” Richard piped in, leaning on the massive bookshelves behind Hank’s chair. 
“Then, who?” Connor’s frustration only grew. The note stared at him, mocking him for not being able to solve this. 
The phone rang, startling the three of them. Hank picked it up. His face blanched. 
Richard stood straighter, having a very bad feeling about this. Hank put the call on speaker.
“She is such a pretty little bird, isn’t she?” The voice belonged to a male. Smooth, snobby. New. “Feisty too. She put up quite the fight.”
Connor’s blood froze, but he could feel the pure, unadulterated rage inside him about to spill. Richard’s hand twitched, the trembling from earlier returning.
“It seems you’re new in town.” Hank spoke before Connor exploded. They had to maintain a cool head about this. “And I get a feeling it’s quite useless to ask you where do you have her, am I right?”
“Correct! Two of two!” They could feel the nauseating grin coating every syllable. 
“Then why don’t we all cut the crap and you tell us what is it that you want?”
“Oh, Mister Anderson. I want many things, you see.” The voice chuckled briefly. “Money, power, control. You know, the usual. But there’s something I desire the most right now, and it is to see the King dethroned. Time for new blood to step in, right?”
“Some big words for someone who has no manners and hasn’t even presented themselves.” Connor intervened. Hank gave him a look, pleading for him to not lose it.
“Oh! If isn’t this the prince. Which one, though? Connor? Richard? But oh yes, my bad. You may call us RA9.”
Richard’s knuckles were white, jaw clenched, and an overall hostile posture. This man was mocking them all while they got her locked in someplace. 
“Well, as pleasant as this conversation has been, I must go attend other important matters. You’ll have some news soon. Farewell!”
The sound of the ended call dial filled the room. Hank stood up and went to the liquor cabinet, pouring a significant amount on a glass. He offered some, but only Connor took on his offer. Hank’s phone vibrated on his pocket. He took it out and read the message, brows raising. 
“The good news is that Markus got the location of the call.”
“Where is it?” Richard’s growl didn’t take Hank by surprise. His eyes were filled with a burning determination. 
“Somewhere near the docks, Markus is still working on the exact point, but we have a start.” Hank heard Richard let out a frustrated grunt, turning his back and stomping out of the office. He looked at Connor, taking a sip of his glass. “Better go with him before he hurts himself.”
Connor nodded, knowing how destructive he could get when frustrated and angry. Like a rabid dog yanking on its leash. Connor finished his drink in one go, grimacing at the burning sensation down his throat. It was oddly comforting.
“Don’t do anything stupid you too, son.” Hank’s voice had a softer note.
“I know, father. We won’t.” a sad smile briefly touched his lips as he turned around and left the office, going after Richard who was either in his room or the gym.
As Connor expected, he found his brother on the gym furiously beating a punching bag. His lips were curled on a snarl, white teeth visible, as drops of sweat ran down his face and body. With a final roar, he delivered the last punch that surely would break a rib or two. Richard held the punching bag, panting and not looking at his brother. Connor walked to a nearby bench, sitting down and resting his arms on his legs. He noticed the red smearing on Richard’s knuckles. 
“You know Ona wouldn’t like to see that.” He pointed at Richard’s hands.
Richard turned around, sorrow all across his face. Connor felt a pang in his heart and stood up, walking to his side. He took out a handkerchief and gently pressed it against the fresh wounds. 
“I know I’m not her, but I won’t leave you bleeding.” 
This gesture reminded them both of when they were children. Connor used to clean Richard’s wounds after a fight with another kid, and make him feel better later when he found him silently crying on one of his favourite hiding places.
“We will find her, Rich.” Connor’s voice was a whisper, but it felt loud in the empty gym.
“I will not rest until not even their ashes remain.” Richard was already thinking which tactical gear would he use, what knives to take with him that will help him cut them down like pigs. 
Both brothers sat down on the bench Connor previously sat down. Richard rubbed his temples, sighing wetly.
“I’m afraid, Connor.” Connor knew how hard it was for Richard to express himself, to open up about his emotions and communicate them, even to his own brother, so he let him speak. “I’m afraid that she’s hurt and crying and alone, and… and frightened, too.”
“I know, Rich.” he felt the same dread too, the never-ending feel of desperation.
“What… what if after we rescue her, she doesn’t want to be around us anymore?” Richard looked at his brother, uneasiness all over his face. “What if she… she leaves. I would let her, I would do anything for her and I would never, ever, keep her where she doesn’t want to be. But…”
“I know. I’ve been thinking about it too. I also don’t want to be… lost.” They both knew what it meant. They were never alone, having each other and also Hank and Cole, but she felt like that missing piece inside them, like a fog clearing after so much time of uncertainness. “But Ona is strong, Ona knows, she’s not stupid, and she stayed by our side after all. Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt.”
Richard sighed, knowing Connor was right. Their sunshine was a strong-willed one and would not falter.
“C’mon Rich, let’s get that cleaned up and try to do something useful.”
Richard followed Connor out of the gym, determined to find the cockroaches nest and squash them all.
The news came in the shape of a package on their doorstep.
Upon seeing its contents, Richard teared apart his bedroom. He flipped chairs, tables, smashed whatever object he had closer before heading to the gym where the punching bag surely had to be replaced. Connor was barking orders, calling all his contacts everywhere to gather more information.
Hank still felt his stomach turn at the sight of a piece of cloth, one of Ona’s favourite blouses, with blood on it and attached with another note.
“She screams in such a beautiful way, doesn’t she?”
The mere idea of her being hurt and bleeding made his own blood boil. At this rate he was going to join Richard in punching people and he really hadn’t done that in years. But he would be damned if he didn’t.
It was in the middle of lunch that Hank got another call. It was from Alessandro himself, telling Hank to meet him at the usual café they went when the two of then wanted to discuss important matters in a comfortable place; Alessandro owned the business and they had the best coffee Hank had the pleasure of drinking.
“Hank! Amico mio, how are you?” Alessandro offered his hand, patting Hank’s back when he took it. 
“As good as one can be when your soon to be daughter-in-law gets kidnapped.” 
Alessandro grimaced. 
“I’m so sorry, Hank. I truly am. Please come with me. Also you said soon? When is the wedding?” Alessandro guided them into a secluded booth, away from people and coffee on its way. 
Hank sat down with a sigh. 
“They haven’t asked her yet. The boys have been planning and preparing for the perfect moment to do so.” Hank chuckled, thanking the waiter for the coffee. “You should have seen them, I never saw those two more insecure in their entire lives. But…” Hank stared down at his cup, frowning. “I’m afraid of what will happen if we don’t find her in time.”
“Hank, mio vecchio amico, I’m happy to have the information I managed to gather, then.” Alessandro leaned in, a small smile tugging his lips. Hank mirrored him. 
Amanda was involved.
Hank was beyond enraged.
That wretched, foul woman turned a blind eye when this new organisation did something, even enabling and encouraging to hit weak spots of the other crime families, and of course warning them when there would be police raids.
She was so secretive about it, careful of not being followed… but Alessandro’s men where sharp. Anyone would know that something was off if you saw Mayor Stern in the slums, as she called them privately, and speaking in hushed tones. They took photos and notes of those encounters, and now Hank had enough evidence to blast off that harpy. He also had a lead on where to start knocking doors.
They were getting closer.
The third time ‘RA9’ contacted them was through another telephone call. Markus was already working on pinpointing the exact location of the call, as their men already checked the docks and effectively found activity in them. They were dodgy fuckers with insanely good defences, but Markus’ abilities with computers were beyond excellency.
It was hard for Markus to listen to this call in particular, feeling sick at the sound of the poor girl’s pained whimpers and shouts to leave her the fuck alone, but he couldn’t imagine what the Andersons must be going through. They had to endure the constant mocking, the jabs, their most beloved person in the world being tortured with God knows what methods.
He really hoped the Andersons would make them pay for this.
Richard’s clothes were already covered in blood. He wiped clean his favorite knife on the sleeve of his newest victim, a sneer on his face. Connor was behind him, his gun already missing some bullets. They could hear shouts coming from the next room, the other one on their right being filled by North’s gun going off with her best men following her. Josh was tending those who were injured, making sure there weren’t any more losses. Hank was patiently waiting until the whole place was completely wiped out. It was better to leave the boys with this, to take out the frustration they had of this last week on the men who caused it. Hank had only one request, and it was that they left the mastermind behind this organisation in his hands. He left Cole with Simon, knowing the gentle and soft man was in fact one of the best assassins he ever saw, besides his own son Richard. Hank knew his youngest son was safe in his care.
Bullets passed over their heads and both brothers ducked behind a rusty maritime container. They shared a look and nodded at each other. Connor fired some bullets to distract their shooters, while Richard effectively sneaked around until he had a clear line to throw his knife. Their attacker went down with a wet, gurgling sound. Richard retrieved his knife after he disposed of the poor fool’s comrade who came to his aid, while Connor commanded his men to clean the place and follow them.
They went through doors and rooms, taking down whoever stood in their path, until they heard her.
She was shouting for them, screaming their names so they could know which way to go. She kept going on until her voice was muffled. Both brothers wasted no time. They followed the source of her voice as if they were being called by a siren. 
The door to Ona’s cell was kicked open with the dead body of the goon guarding it falling with it. Everyone inside went still. Ona was on the floor, lip bloody and cheek bruised after biting the hand of the man who tried to make her shut up and the consequential blow she received for it. Her wrists were tied behind her tightly, knees scratched and her shoes missing. Her gaze was on the dark corridor outside, her hope increasing.
A silhouette appeared on the threshold, then a twin one joined it. Ona’s heart beat faster, knowing what this double effect meant. Richard stepped in first, oddly calm, but Ona knew he was calculating the most effective way to dispose of all the captors. The moment his eyes fell on her battered form, the moment that fake calmness transformed into rage. Connor must have seen her too, because the sound of Connor’s gun cocking set them all in motion.
The first one to approach them was met with a bullet on the exact center of his forehead, falling down in a bodily thump. Connor shot the other two on the right corner, first on the knee then on the head. He rejoiced on the pained shouts before their deaths. Richard took care of the left side, sprinting to grab the hand and arm of the closest one who was aiming at them. The guard shot to the ceiling, dust falling on their heads, until Richard twisted the gun out of his hand and broke his arm next. He kicked the goon’s guts with his knee, turning him around so Richard could wrap his arms around his throat and promptly break his neck with a sickening crack.
Surprisingly enough, one of the goons managed to jump on Connor’s back, trying to choke him as Richard did with his fallen comrade. Connor rarely got physical, but he could hold his own ground. Walking backwards, Connor threw himself to the wall, trying to shake the other man’s grip on him. He was succeeding, but the fool was persistent. The guard next to Ona sprung into action, but his plans on aiding his comrade were thwarted by Ona, making him trip on her leg. It fell down with a curse, spitting all kinds of insults aimed at the girl. Richard took that opportunity to headlock his next victim, who managed to hit him with a broken pipe, immobilise them and take his last knife and throw it to Connor’s adversary. Connor wasted no time and shot his last bullet to the organisation’s soldier on the floor, right through his head. With the last of them, Richard bodily threw the soldier on the floor and immobilised him, proceeding into a flurry of crunching punches. He took out his anger, his fear, his distress, everything out on him. He kept hitting until the man stopped moving.
Everything was silent sans Richard’s hard panting. 
Connor walked over Ona and knelt in front of her. He lifted a trembling hand, thinking for a moment that this was just a dream and that he would wake up with a bittersweet taste on his tongue. He stopped inches before her skin, almost afraid, but Ona’s teary eyes and his whispered name made him take a deep, wet breath. Connor gently touched her cheek, thumb caressing her, and he felt all the pent up anger and adrenaline leave him. Without thinking it twice he wrapped her into his arms, embracing her tightly in them. They heard Richard get up, his steps coming closer. Ona felt his hand softly hold her wrists in place, and with a few tugs Richard cut the rope, freeing her arms. 
Ona immediately wrapped her arms around Connor, burying her face in the crook of his neck. Richard knelt next to them, joining the hug, and Ona began sobbing while gripping the front of his blood-soaked shirt. When they managed to calm down a bit, Connor took his phone out and called Hank. Richard made Ona put her arms around his neck as he stood up, holding her in his arms bridal style. While Connor was busy with the call, Richard kissed her head.
Hank picked up at the first ring.
“We have her.” Connor could hear Hank mutter all kind of praises to the Lord.
“Is she okay?”
“I want Josh to take a look at her, but nothing broken at first glance.” Connor looked back at Richard and Ona, how gently he was holding her. He felt a sense of calmness he hadn’t felt for a week. “She’s safe.”
“Good. Bring her home, boys.”
In the end, RA9 had vanished into thin air. But he left behind enough manila folders that incriminated Mayor Amanda Stern with all the criminal activities she was implicit. And with a note, of course.
“Lesson learned, I guess. One cannot defeat a King when said King is truly an Emperor. Accept my humble apologies with this little gift I left behind.”
In the following weeks, Hank was gathering everything he could, checking all the papers and photographs. He wanted solid proof so he could take Amanda down once and for all. It was personal vengeance since he knew this was because of his sons, but he would fight her back even if it was the last thing he did.
He looked out of his office windows in the mansion, a beautiful sunny day outside the garden. Hank spotted the lovebirds walking down to the swing seat gazebo under the oak tree, a tea already waiting for them on the table in front of it accompanied with sweets and pastries. They must have exchanged some words as Ona laughed and shrieked when Richard picked her up and carried her all the way to the swing seat, losing a shoe on the way. Connor picked it up and with his best impression of Prince Charming, he knelt right in front of her feet and put the shoe back on her foot.
Hank smiled, already knowing the answer to the question both brothers were going to ask her.
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