#and a 'gummy sushi' thing which made me giggle
landofgay · 2 years
silly goofy that me and my bf had to meet on Tinder. he was right there
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Twinkle Trust (Yuta x reader)
hello! I am here with a fluff happy end Yuta imagine / one shot! 
So far Yuta has been the character for my angst stories, but not here! 
warning : none i guess. YUTA IS A FLIRT HERE, BUT A NICE ONE. He is also sweet.
You reach the front door of your best friend’s house. Passing the weight of the flavoured milk tea from one hand to another, you wait while mumbling how slow your friend is despite his young age.
You almost press the bell again just to be stopped when the doorknob turns and a young man with a big apologetic smile greets you through his fluffy pink bangs.
You gulp from the unfamiliar face; you remember Mark did not look like that he’s definitely taller and hit the gym more frequently than Mark. And when he flashed a second smile, you swore that was the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen in the entire universe. You never knew a man could give a gummy smile that charming.
“Oh! Sorry we were watching a film and did not hear your ring.”
“You must be (y/n)!” he opens the door wider and naturally offers you his hand to transfer the heavy drinks. You thank him for realizing the heavy load you have and being a gentleman for helping you take over it.
“I’m Yuta, oof these drinks are heavy I wonder why Mark told you to grab these all by yourself.” He questions as the two of you come into the house and drop the beverages to cool for a while in the refrigerator.
“Nah… That won’t happen between Mark and me, we’re as close as a sibling and he won’t bother making me bring all those heavy things.” You giggle, realizing how Mark never treat you special as a girl.
“Don’t trust him then,” Yuta smirks
It came out of the blue, but it triggers something inside your mind. Your body freeze and you popped your eyes out.
“Woah, funny.” You fiddle with the rope on your sweater, “That’s exactly what Mark said about you.”
Yuta grins and leans back over one of the counters, “Interesting! Mark is my favourite brother here.”
There’s something intriguing coming from this man with a healing smile, some sort of invitation to “come and try me, proof it whether Mark is right or wrong”
“Well, don’t be afraid… I am not harmful. Now shall we join the others. I’m pretty sure they’ll look for us if in five minutes we’re not back yet.” Yuta winks and you laugh from his quirky remark.
“Sure! I also want to beat Mark for not sending anyone of you to pick me up from the bubble tea place.”
“Well next time, you can always call me, and I’ll carry them for you.” Yuta walks in front of you and the two of you ascend to the second floor.
Mark and the boys greet you with big cheers, it’s been a while since you come to join Mark and his gang’s monthly movie night. Usually you join him and went for a sleep over, but as the two of you mature you skipped that part to keep you and your friendship relationship healthy.
Mark now lives alone for half a year, since his parents are away for a business trip. It’s been three months since you last step into this house. Lately you’re busy with college and you only meet Mark on impromptu library meet up, sudden appearance in your flat while he brings Chinese take outs, and of course whenever you two cross paths on a class or just between breaks.
“Hey there you are! Thought you’re still queueing for the drinks.” Doyoung remarks as he engulfs you into a hug. He’s one of the savage members that acts as if he doesn’t care about you when he’s the most overprotective one about your wellbeing.
“Well if Mark here knows how to treat me like a lady, I won’t be this late! Imagine walking two blocks under the scorching sun with one heavy bag of 10 drinks?! He did not even open the door for me and instead Yuta here, the sweet smiling man you all hide from me, is the one helping me.” You quacked as a matter of fact. You throw Mark a death glare and the man only pulls out his innocent smile and peace sign.
“Let’s have Johnny and Winwin take the drinks upstairs.” Jaehyun commands from a blanket fortress he is comfortable in.
“Oh wow didn’t see you there…” You shook your head and took a dive into that one empty space. The one and only spot always reserved for you, the right-hand side of the sofa.
“Remote is yours I guess; coz we’ve chose a lot of film and you’re coming back after like three months?” Taeyong tosses you the remote he has been holding.
The movie room Mark’s parents made for the group is spacious. With one big screen and a projector, one big sofa for seven adults, a fluffy carpet and of course four big bean bags. The lighting option also provide a calming and comfortable ambience. The built-in speakers are also enough to consider this room as a cinema!
You make yourself comfortable and choose a favourite movie of yours. The opening song echoes through the room and as the three guys distribute the drink, Jungwoo dimmed the lights.
Yuta takes the empty spot next to yours, since there was no other room and Mark doesn’t seem to not allow him. Though you did glance for a second at Mark, like naturally asking him through a glance if this is okay. Like a good brother, Mark frowned and wants to just jump and sit between the two of you. He doesn’t like the flirty look Yuta is giving to you, but who is he to forbid Yuta?!
An hour and a half into action, you found yourself already leaning so close to Yuta’s shoulder. You did not realize if that’s because of the movie, or you’re sleepy, or just because your body is attracted to him. You think it’s the tiredness that made you naturally leaning into whoever is beside you. In the dark room, you feel his warm hand creeps slowly into your shoulder, when you did not move nor reject him, he confidently pulls you closer into his embrace.
Your fingers press the blanket’s edges tightly as you feel Yuta’s hand slowly rubs soothing circle into your shoulder. His eyes were glued to the screen and not for once he spares a glance to you. You’re no longer focus on the film, bleh you remember every detail already and that’s why you’re so distracted with this tingling fluttery thing Yuta did to you.
You did not slap his hands nor pull away; no this is a different sense of affection and attention. His touches are not harassing, not naughty. His ghosting fingers are just tracing friendly lines over your arms, giving it some frictions and attentions. The quick gasp escaping from your mouth did not even surprised him. He only stops for a second, thinking you did not like it, but your stupid hand automatically reaches for his and the Japanese boy smirks.
He knows you did not mind, you like it. You’re blushing so hard right now, you feel so embarrassed and you just hope the sofa could eat you alive right now and then disappear.
Sadly that couldn’t happen and you’re still there going red in the dim room surrounded by ten men who are preoccupied by the film or at least by their foods. Judging how Jungwoo is pouring the popcorn bowl into his mouth and looking for more chips to swallow.
“You choose a nice movie (y/n)!” Johnny surprises you when the ending credit rolls and the lights are bright again.
You did not realize the movie had ended; well your mind is busy processing your heart. Yuta had stopped drawing abstract circles on your arms, no he stopped that long way ago. However, you feel your skin longing for his finger tips again. He is already sitting back in his normal position pretending he is focused on the movie, or he really did. No body caught the steamy action between you and Yuta, no body even has the slightest hint that your red cheeks were not result of the hot room. They’re blunt or they’re good brothers who did not want to be a cockblock.
“Shall we go out and eat? I’m hungry and I’m craving sushi!” Jungwoo breaks the silence since some of the boys are starting to yawn.
“Great I love sushi!” Yuta enthusiastically jumps from his couch.
“You wanna join?” Mark asks you, to which you nod eagerly.
“Let’s go, how do we split the cars?” You grab your phone and tidy up your shirt.
“You can join me in my car; I have one free seat.” Yuta quickly takes you as his partner and guess what, no one else is going into our car.
You thought they were being so considerate, or just don’t want to be a third wheeler.
No. apparently Yuta drives a two-seater sport car! Sexy!
The short journey to the sushi bar several blocks away from Mark’s house is heart-fluttering. Yuta looks so cool driving in his sport car, looking so ethereal when the wind blows his hairs through the open sunroof. You exchange laugh, jokes, and get to know each other well.
“So, we’re here!” He smiles to you after parking his car and closing the sunroof back.
You smile, “Thanks for the ride,”
“Ah the ride was nothing, what do I get for making the trip entertaining and the movie time .. how do I say it- fluttering?” he leans his body boldly to face you.
You giggle, this man is so bold and you did not wonder why Mark told you to be careful with him.
“Okay, what do you want? I can give you something for being a good companion today.” You give up and give in.
Yuta brings his hand to one lose strand of hair on your face. His big hand tucks them nicely behind your ear, then he whispers by your ear shell. His deep voice resonates and vibrates through your bones.
“Mind to give me your number?”
You feel goose bumps and shiver down your spine. This man over here, sure can make a girl or even man froze and die from heart attack. He is so unexpected and unpredictably flirty.
You smirk and open your palm, “Want me to type it in, or you want me to read it out loud?”
Yuta brings his gummy smile back and hands you his phone. You easily go to his phone book and add your number.
You quickly type in your number and name it under your favourite nickname.
Your phone then rings and you save his number to your phone.
“Angel?” Yuta questions when he sees you type in Angel as his contact name.
You shrug your shoulder, “Coz your first appearance was helping me? Then your smile really heals me.”
He nods his head slowly, ”I like that, hmm cute.”
“And what did you put in as your contact number?” Yuta scrolls his phone when you return it to him.
“Twinkle,” he reads in confusion but a small smile pops through his lips, “twinkle? Coz like your entire nature is dazzling in my eyes?”
You gasp and give him a thumb up “That is a better explanation than what I have in mind! I simply wrote Twinkle coz I see twinkle in your eyes when we’re together. I know it sounds lame, but we’ll go with yours.”
Yuta’s smile grows wider and you wish time can stop there, because whenever this sweet man smiles, you feel all of your problem disappear!
“Twinkle and Angel, hmm can’t imagine what cute pet names we will have when we’re together one day.” Yuta winks and leaves you speechless inside the car. He stands outside the door, laughing for a moment when he peeks into the window and sees you still shocked.
He waltz to your door and like a gentleman he is, opens the door for you.
You realize you look so stupid and probably everyone is already inside, quickly you step out of the car and walk side by side with Yuta into the restaurant.
The rest of the night, you sit beside Mark and Taeyong. Yuta takes the vacant seat beside Winwin and Jungwoo. You believe if he sits next to you, you won’t be able to focus on the dinner.
Mark keeps you entertained and ensures you’re eating well since the men here basically gobble things up. You laugh at Mark, for you know you will not go home unless your stomach is full.
Amidst the chaotic jokes and story time from the boys, your eyes meet Yuta’s and he just stares back at you while smirking and shrugging his shoulder lightly. He then focuses back on the fun and loud conversations, while you… you’re once again questioning your beating heart. Come on why are you like a teenage girl?!
Mark drives you home that night, since the other men are still new friends for you. Mark felt he is responsible for you. You thank him though and the ride back home was enough for you to catch on with one another.
You wave him good bye and as you’re about to step into your house, Mark stops you in your track.
“You know what, forget the time I told you to be careful around Yuta. He’s the most trust-worthy guy in the squad. Good night!” Mark pats your shoulder and dutifully returns to his car and with a big grin, he waves to you and presses his gas back to the road.  
the end ✨
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by calligomiles)
“Alright, Kit-Kat, you can do this.” Swire leaned over her sink, looking at herself in the mirror. “You met a cute girl at the bar yesterday, she and her friends thought you were cool, and now you get to take her out somewhere nice and show her that’s true. You’re cool, right? Yeah, you are. So there’s nothing to worry about. She’ll be here soon, and-”
*Knock knock* “Swire? Sorry if I’m a bit early, I just couldn’t wait to see you again!”
“Shit she’s here already.” The Feline ran a brush through her hair one last time and tried to rein her heartbeat in as she walked out of her bathroom and out to answer her front door.
“Hi!” There was the blonde Ursus girl, in all her cutesy glory. “Ready to go?”
She nodded. “Definitely! Have you had sushi before, by any chance?”
“No, but I know someone who makes it,” Gummy replied, practically a living beam of sunshine walking beside her.
“Oh! Well, I grabbed us a couple seats at a Lungmen steakhouse; the chef there is absolutely amazing, and I can show you the ropes while we’re there.” Thinking about that made her blush. “I mean, like, how to order and stuff.”
The chef giggled. “I figured that’s what you meant. You can relax, Swire.”
“Right, right.” All she heard was ‘try harder,’ and so she would.
It was a bit of a walk to the restaurant, so they made small talk: how work had gone that day, thoughts on the upcoming mission rotation (they were slated for fieldwork soon), that sort of thing. Along the way, Swire felt herself gaining ground, recovering a measure of self-respect in the way she responded, until they finally arrived at the restaurant, and she had enough faith in herself to carry on the night as a mature, put-together member of society.
“Good evening.” The Feline smiled at the front desk person. “Two seats around the grill, please.”
“Of course. Back left side; feel free to order whenever you like.” They passed along two menus as Gummy and Swire continued inside.
Immediately upon seeing the man at the grill, the Ursus gasped. “This is his place! I thought it was, but I wasn’t sure, but he’s working tonight! How convenient!”
“I did a little research.” Complete and utter lie; she’d just wanted sushi. “Those should be our seats there.”
“Great! Hey, when she said we order whenever we like, do we just need to get Jaye’s attention?”
Swire nodded. “It’d be rude to shout at him, so raise your hand when he’s looking in your direction once you know what you want. You know him pretty well, then?”
“Yeah! We work together at the cafeteria on lunch shift when we’re serving fish meals; he does the fillets, Bagpipe makes fries, and I prep the other sides. He looks a lot meaner than he is.” Gummy looked at the menu, but her head started to spin soon after. “Wow...So many options...”
“If I could make a suggestion?” The Feline pointed to the ‘Lungmen Street Specials’ section.
The chef cocked her head. “‘Street specials?’ This is what he serves at his cart, right? They let him serve that here?”
“There’d be riots if they didn’t,” she chuckled briefly before clearing her throat. “His balls are a great appetizer.”
“...” Rada held in her laughter for all of five seconds before bursting out laughing, clapping her hand on the counter and lifting it high between every other impact to avoid the third-slap power chop- 
-which summoned Jaye to their section. “Good evening, Miss Swire, Miss Gummy. Enjoying yourselves?”
“Oh, very much, Mister Jaye,” Gummy beamed back. “You can order first, dear, I’m still deciding.”
“I’d like my usual order, please.” The Feline grinned confidently.
The fishmonger nodded. “Order of fishballs and a small variety platter. Miss Gummy?”
“I’ll have what she’s having.” She was still giggling. “One question, though: are fishballs an appetizer or a meal?”
“They are whatever the customer needs them to be, Miss Gummy.” And with that, he drifted back to his workstation.
Swire was doing her best to stifle a laugh. “I can get us something to drink while he’s working on those.”
“Oh, thank you! I was going to get up in a little bit for that.” Rada thought for a moment. “Do they have alcohol here?”
“They have sake,” she replied casually.
The Ursus blinked. “That’s how you say it?”
“Indeed.” The Feline’s ojou side was running things while her softer side was rolling on the floor of her cranium. “Shall I get us a bottle?”
“Ooh, yes, please! It’s not a proper meal without a little bit to drink.”
The walk to the bar gave her enough time to release her pent-up excitement; right now, she wanted to skip and jump like a fool, but now wasn’t the time. She called her dear! On their first date! That’s the most progress she’s made in one night since college! Feeling good, she approached the bartender, wallet in hand, and gave him a bright smile. “Good evening! One bottle of sake and a pair of masu, please.”
“A pair? You have a date tonight, then, Miss Swire?” He returned the smile as he grabbed the bottle and box-shaped cups. “I hope she realizes how lucky she is.”
“Oh, stop that; I’m on top of the world already.” She handed him a large bill as he set a tray on the counter with everything she needed on it.
The bartender took the bill, ogled at the size, and set it aside. “Are you sure you don’t want change?”
“Nope! Keep it!” The Feline sauntered off. “Have a good one!”
“You, too...especially since you just tipped over a week’s wage for one bottle...”
Swire didn’t hear that, though, as she swaggered back to her seat with the tray; their food had already arrived, but Gummy had started eating yet. “Oh, you waited for me? You didn’t have to do that, Gummy.”
“I didn’t want you to miss anything, though!” The Ursus beamed at her. “You can call me Rada, by the way.”
“Rada, Rada...where have I heard that before? Anyway, we should start with a toast, I think. Tradition says I pour your first cup, and you pour mine.” The Feline opened the bottle and did just that before passing off the sake to the chef.
Rada gingerly held the bottle as she poured. “How often do you come here, Swire?”
“Oh, every now and again.” If you counted delivery orders, every day. She’d picked up her glass by this point. “Why do you ask?”
“When Jaye set our food down, he mentioned something about taking you to the convenience store for a snack afterwards? Do you know what that means?”
No...No, he DIDN’T. “I have an idea of what he meant. Son of a bitch.”
“Oh, is it bad?” Gummy frowned. “Sorry, I didn’t know.”
“No, no, it’s not like it’s bad, it’s just-” Her arm, deciding it was time for her to take a drink, moved despite the fact her mouth was still moving, which had the unfortunate result of causing her to gargle sake. Trying to get a grip on herself, she accidentally set her glass hand on the tip of the tray, causing it to tip-
And sending it, and her, crashing onto the floor as gravity and inertia worked themselves in knots to embarrass her. From the ground, the Feline sneezed. “Every time,” she muttered, not quite able to stop tears from coming to her eye.
“...Excuse me, waiter? Two to-go boxes, please?” Rada pulled out a decently-sized LMD stack from her wallet, set it on the counter, and hopped off her chair to kneel next to Swire. “We should get you home, dear.”
“Sorry I made a mess,” she managed, wiping at her face with her damp-but-not-soaked left sleeve.
Gummy just smiled at her. “You’re a lovely mess in my book. Ah, the to-go boxes. I’ll pack this up, and then we can go back to your place. Sound good, Kit-Kat?”
“He really did tell you, huh...” Swire sighed, standing up. “It’ll do.”
“Great! We can watch TV while we eat that way. Besides, it’ll- nope, it’s probably still too early for that.” The Ursus’ face burst into a tomato-red blush.
Unfortunately for, the money-cat was focusing entirely on her. “Besides?”
“Um...I’ll tell you later.” She glanced around the restaurant before leaning closer to whisper, “But since you have to wash your clothes, it’ll be, um...easier.”
“Oh!...Ohhhhh.” The Feline was blushing too, now.
Maybe she hadn’t needed to worry about being the mature one after all.
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appledashieeus · 4 years
“We don’t talk together” - Heize but it’s about Rainbow Dash’s feelings for her crush.
At Sweet Snack Cafe...
Sunset: So... How are you guys doing?
Rainbow: Nahh I’m doing just as awesome as usual
Applejack (smirk): Huh? Ah’m good. So how about you Sunset?
Rainbow: Yeah, how are you AND Pinkie doin’?
Sunset (darting her eyes away from the girl, replying shyly): We’re alright.. I guess.
Sunset: Talking about relationships, how are you and Rarity? Didn’t you two decide to get back together after that ​Starswirled Music Festival​, right?
Applejack (awkwardly): Yeah, righ- ah mean... things are really not that clear yet. *blushing hard, and immediately gulped the water in her glass to relieve her awkward state*  Rare said she needs more time but ah’ think we’re doin’ alright?
Sunset (confused): But didn’t you two spent major time together at that festival?...
Rainbow (thinking in her head): Not all the time
Sunset:...You even rolled her sushi...
Rainbow (muttering): She makes food for everyone.
Sunset:...you made her mud-mask...
Rainbow (still muttering):She didn’t, it was real mud tho
Sunset:...And that Ponygram’s video ya two made together about camping must have, it has like, millions heart icons in it!
Rainbow (keep muttering but smaller volume): Rare likes heart icon, that’s all.
Applejack (thinking about it and start blushing): A-ah’ guess yall did have sum point.
Sunset (smirk in champion way): Hah, see.
AJ *smiled nervously while her cheeks turn in beet-red*
Sunset (notice RD’s gloomy face): So how about you Rainbow? How’s your relationship status?
Rainbow (startled): Oh.. um am alright. Too busy being captain of all the sport team in school at the moment, no time for that mussy love thing *acts careless*
Sunset: Hmm.. I see. But how about Fluttershy, don’t you take care of her a lot? Like whenever were hangin’ out you’re always with her, and last summer your fam and her fam even went on vacation together, right?
Rainbow: There is n-
Applejack: There is no way RD and Fluttershy having anything for each other ah’m tellin’ ya *chuckle* They are childhood friends, more specifically they parents are friends, even tho they don't seem like they have anything in common but Fluttershy’s parents trust RD a lot. They asked her to look after their daughter, am ‘ah right sugarcube?
Rainbow (smiled nervously): Yeah, that’s everything Sunset. By the way Fluttershy already has a crush on this tree-nerd, what’s her name again? Ahh yeah Tree Hugger. Don’t you know about that?
Rainbow: Besides, she isn’t my type anyway so yea, that kind of relationship is impossible for us. We’re more like sister if you ask me tho *placing the straw in the cup she was holding on her lips, drinking her cool rainbow ice-blended to dispel the tense*
Sunset (confusion): Ah yeah, right, Pinkie might mentioned it before but I wasn’t paying much attention haha *chuckle shyly*
🎶 Get in the group, you bring that dancing shoes~ I’ll bring that attitude, you bring the crew so we can move~ 🎵
Applejack (startled): Ohh that was mah phone. *pick up the phone* Yea Rarity?....
Sunset looking at RD’s frowning face , “there must be something wrong here” she thinks.
Applejack (hang up her phone): Uhm.. Sorry you guys, it’s time for me to go to Rare’s house. Ah’ promised her ah’ll build her closet-room today. And ah gonna post it on Ponygram so remember to check ‘em out *chuckle shyly*
Applejack (pack up her thing and finish her apple smoothie): Okay ah’ gotta go now, see yall later.
Sunset: Yeah take care AJ
Rainbow (back to earth): Ah right, bye AJ see you around.
Sunset (waving): Have fun!
After Applejack left, The atmosphere became dull for the Speedster. Dashie’s face formed a noticeable gloom which Sunset recognized.
Sunset: Hey Rainbow, you alright?
Sunset: Heyy *wave her hand at RD’s face*
Sunset: (do and say random thing) Back to earth Rainbow Dash
Sunset (lose her temper): RAINBOW DASH!!
Rainbow (startled): Huh? I’m here am here. Oh it was you, Sunset Shimmer. You don’t need to shout that loud you know. *takes a sip from her ice-blended*
Sunset (pats Rainbow’s shoulder): Is there anything wrong Dash? *she said in a worrying tone*
Rainbow (sigh): It’s nothing Sunset, I just...
Sunset stopped for a moment and thought about the conversation the three of them had earlier. Not long after studying the moment shared, Sunset finally realized what the actual problem really was
Sunset (slightly serious voice): You have a crush on AJ don’t you?
Rainbow (got startled, nervously looking around while quickly uses her hand to shut Sunset up): Wh-what? What are you saying! pfft.. tsk.. I don’t have feelings for Applejack, Sunset.
Sunset (takes RD’s hand off her mouth): Ugh.. Chill out Dash, It’s not like Pinkie’s here today to bounce and talk non-stop about this. Gummy caught a stomach ache, she had to bring him over to Fluttershy.
Sunset (looking around): And it seems like there is no one we know is sittin’ in. So Rainbow Dash, calm down.
Rainbow (finally making herself calm down a bit and sitting down): Yeah you’re right *sigh, looking down* So you know my secret huh? Now what, are you going to tell everyone about it?
Sunset: No Dash that’s not what I mea-
(The original was in Korean but I decided to use the translation. Suggest yall to listen to this song while continue reading)
🎵~ Do you feel the same now? It’s strange
This night we’ve been walking a long time ~ 🎶
Rainbow Dash froze upon hearing the song. She knows this song. She felt her heart clench inside her chest as if it was stabbed with a sword
Sunset sensed how uneasy her rainbow headed friend had become and as her friend. she scooted closer to show comfort
Sunset (patted her friend’s back): Hey RD, I know that you feel uncomfortable about all of this, but if you need someone to talk to.. I’m right here you know? I’ll be all ears.
Rainbow (looking at Sunset then look down at her ice-blended , her voice got softer than ever): You see Sunset...
Sunset: (listening)
Rainbow (sigh): I did something I shouldn’t. I have a crush on my best friend, and that friend is even DATED my other best friend. I’m a real mess ain’t I. *dugs her face in both of her hands releasing a heavy breathe of sigh*
Sunset (surprisingly and hesitantly): Dash i-
🎶~ Without any fear
I don’t know, I don’t know
Maybe back then 🎵
I just relied too much on Believing you would comfort me ~ 🎶
The feels that Rainbow Dash is feeling right now, she hated it.
Sunset (still patting RD’s back in comfort): You know RD, there is nothing wrong with you or your feelings. At all.                                                                           It’s something natural and you can’t just abandon or run away from it. I’m sure those feelings are reasonable same as everyone else’s
Sunset: Again, I am here if you need me.
🎵 ~ ​I know
We love each other 🎶
We don’t talk together I’m always yours
Why don’t you? 🎵
I don’t want to admit it Why don’t you?
🎶 I can’t send you away ~
RD’s shoulders trembled, her tears began to flow down her face
Sunset (surprised): Rainbow i-
Rainbow (slightly sobbing): Sunset I don’t know anymore. I shouldn't feel this way but I just can’t stop it. I love Applejack... a lot. *her voice getting weaker and sobber* It’s way too hard for me to control this damn feeling, I just think about that girl every time, every-freaking-second. Like, even when I play my game, if she doesn’t show up i’ll get distracted because i keep thinkin’ why or what happened. It’s too much for me Sunset, way too much.
Sunset got surprised, she never expected this, that one of her cool tomboy and stoic friend could be this soft and fragile. It... makes Sunset remember her past, she feels empathy.
Without saying anything, she continued on stroking her friends back.
Rainbow (still sobbing): Y-you know Sunset...
Sunset (starled): H-huh? *she just got back from her thinking space*
Rainbow (raises her face up, using a napkin to wipe the tears on her face away): AJ is something, she truly is something special, to me. I love a lot of things about this cowgirl. She’s the only person that could be as awesome as I am. Oh no offense Sunset.
Sunset (slightly smile): Non taken. I get what you’re saying, I thought that kind of way about Pinkie too.
Rainbow (finally giggle a bit): You see Sunset, me and AJ do a lot of things together. We’re even friend before I met the other girl, well not Fluttershy since my parents know her for a long time already. But yeah, Applejack and I spent most of the time together since we have tons of common interests, we shared the same hobbies and we’re always doing silly competitions together.
Sunset (giggled a bit): I can tell. But is that the only thing makes you trippin’ for Applejack that hard, I think there is more? *leaning her back to the chair*
Rainbow (chuckle a bit): You’re reading my mind aren’t you
Sunset (shrugs): I’m not touching you tho
They both stopped for a moment and then cracked smile together.
(I recommend yall to listen to “Some” by BOL4 or “Honey” by Kehlani while continue reading Rainbow’s thought on AJ)
Rainbow: Yeah yeah you are right. It’s not the only thing.
Rainbow (starts blushing): Well... I love Applejack because she is who she is. I love how she’s really responsible you know? She’s completely the exact opposite as I am. She’s smart and dependable to everyone… she knows how to handle her friends, family and... (blushing harder while muttering) me. She’s really strong as well, both physical and emotional, you know after what happened to her parents.
Sunset (nodding): I can tell.
Rainbow (takes a big gulp of her ice-blended and continuing): Okay this is awkward and idk what you think but Applejack is *shyly blushing* the apple of my eyes.
Sunset (interested face): Ooooo
Rainbow (embarrassed): I-i mean she is pretty tho, like nature pure pretty. She don’t even need any of that Rarity’s makeover thing *sarcastically voice*.   
She’s just naturally gorgeous.
Sunset (drinking her juice and raises her eyebrow): Hmm... I see.
Rainbow (blushing shyly): Like, have you seen those freckles on her cheeks, they make AJ looks so freaking adorable. Her voice is funny and beautiful at the same time, I don’t care what other think but her country puns are hilarious and I like it when she called me “sugarcube” or “hun”, yes I do know she say that to everyone but still...
Sunset: (chuckling secretly)
Rainbow (continuing): And gosh, her emerald eyes are something unreal for sure im tellin’ ya, they are so mysterious, deeply and shiny like the aurora light in Arctic. I don’t know why but her looks for me are somehow so powerful, especially when she raises her eyebrow. It’s like she’s reading every ounce of me making me can’t lie to her.
Sunset (nodding): I gotta agree with you on that, Applejack’s look truly is something powerful tho.
Rainbow (sign and smirk in sarcastic): Yeah, she can easily tell when someone’s lying, but couldn’t tell how much I’m going nuts over her
Sunset: Woah RD, it sounds hurtful when you say it that way.
Rainbow: It is what it is.
Sunset (curiously): But now AJ is single, why don’t you just go hit on her?
Rainbow (hide her nervousness): Seriously Sunset? Aren’t you the one who just brought up all those Rarijack moments to Applejack and makes her blush as heck? *sarcastically voice*
Sunset (feeling guilty): Oopsie! Sorry Dash, I didn’t know...
Rainbow (sign): It isn’t your fault anyway. If anyone is at fault here, it’s me.
Sunset: No Rainbow, why would you even think ‘bout it that way? It doesn’t sound like the awesome Rainbow Dash I know at all.
Rainbow (smirk): I could be awesome at a lot of things, but in this mussy love thing Sunset. I am a loser, a betrayal to my friendship with Rarity and Applejack...
Sunset (pity voice): Dash...
Rainbow (chuckle in sarcastic): Isn’t it funny Sunset, fallin’ in love with my best friend who is taken by my other best friend, how much of a jerk am I?
Sunset: Stop Rainbow, you are being negative. Besides, AJ and Rare broke up for a while now. Hey, if that Ragamuffin Rare met on the spring yatch have social media, they’re probably dating by now. And remember one thing, Rarity is you best friend , she’ll understand.
Rainbow (looking at Sunset with surprisingly then looking down at the table again): B-but what if the two of them actually still have feelings for each other… You’ve seen how blushed AJ was when you brought up Rarijack stuffs to her...
Sunset (sign): RD-
*Tingg* (coming from Sunset’s phone)
Rainbow: Is that Pinkie?
Sunset (check her phone): Yeah, her appointment with Fluttershy just finished.
Rainbow (playing with her straw): Yeah you should probably go pick her up
Sunset: Dash i-
Rainbow (rest her chin on her hand): Don’t worry for me I kinda need to head home too. Go take care for your little ​chaos.
Sunset (chuckle): Yeah yeah you’re right.
Sunset (pack up her things): I was actually surprised, RD. It’s not about your feelings for AJ, more like because I’ve never seen that soft part of you like this, at all. Not until now, that’s ju-
Rainbow: Uhm... Sunset Shimmer, talking about that...
Sunset: Yea?
Rainbow (hesitantly): Can you keep our conversation today as a secret, especially to AJ or any of the girl, or just anyone we know. You see, it’s not just  because I don’t want anyone to know about my feelings..
Rainbow (sheepishly): My reputation is kind of at stake too you know? Who would want to know that the ever so awesome Rainbow Dash being like this when it comes to this lovey-dovey things *smiled nervously*
Sunset (slightly smile. sign): I get it Dash, your secret is safe with me. Pinkie promise.
Rainbow (lightened up a bit): Thank you Sunset, for everything. I really appreciate that.
Sunset: No big deal RD, I'm glad that you shared with me too. Hey if you need a company, just know that I’ll always be ready for *sarcastically voice but in a good way* mussy love talk, okay?
Rainbow (giggle): Yeah yeah, I will. Now you better go if you don’t want to keep your pink cotton candy waiting for her *sarcastically voice but in a good way* mussy girlfriend.
Sunset (chuckle): Chezz Rainbow Dash, okay see you tomorrow *waving and leaving*
Rainbow (waving back): Yeah see you ‘round
To be continued...
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twoblueheartslocked · 4 years
Seblaine Para- Present Day(Mid February)
Para: I Wanna Sleep Next To You (But That’s All I Wanna Do Right Now)
Rating: PG-13.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Present Day- Mid February, Friday. About two and a half weeks after- (Kiss Me On the Mouth And Set Me Free)
Location: Blaine’s Apartment- Brooklyn, New York
Info: Blaine and Sebastian spend their belated Valentine’s Day date learning their way around each other’s lips again.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse(Physical, mental and some sexual), anxiety, depression, drug use, alcohol use, cussing, death(parents).
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Notes: Some canon events remain in place while others have been changed. Some things may even be out of order. You can consider this sort of canon divergent AU. A few changes are that Blaine’s parents are different from the show (His mother is Filipina), he didn’t cheat on Kurt or date Dave and Sebastian is younger than Blaine. Feel free to send a message if you have any questions!
Extra Notes: Under Cut because of length and some sensitive content.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had not planned on having anyone to spend Valentine’s Day with so he’d offered to work at Bookish the night of and soon grew to regret it as a certain green eyed man walked back into his life. He cursed himself, knowing that he could have spent the night working up the courage to ask Sebastian for touches and maybe even kisses and instead had spent it making lovey dovey drinks for giggling couples and sneaking glances at his phone, fighting a smile every time he had one from Seb. The feeling of said smile still felt strange on his face after years of forcing them, but he supposed he needed to get used to it now that Sebastian, stubborn and beautiful, was taking up occupancy in his heart again. (Had he ever really left?) he’d loved Valentine’s Day once, maybe with Sebastian around he would again even if their celebration was belated. 
He’d been forced to wait four days after the couple’s holiday to get what he wanted, but when he finally did his whole body and mind seemed to soar like it hadn’t done in years. It was Friday evening and Sebastian was in his arms, on his sofa with glittering fairy lights twinkling around them and the sounds of Disney’s Aladdin playing in the background. (Seb loved Princess Jasmine.) They had been out to dinner, Seb’s very expensive treat, and Blaine had even managed not to talk himself out of the winter flowers he’d purchased for Sebastian. His face hot and red as he handed them to him. They sat on Blaine’s coffee table waiting for Sebastian to take them home and nourish them. He’d smiled like Blaine had given him the world when he’d handed them to him and Blaine felt seventeen again.
Sebastian had been so sweet tonight, each time he’d reached for Blaine he made sure to show his hands, his fingers gentle anytime he touched him. And when he cupped his face a few minutes ago for their first real kiss since their sushi date, goodbye pecks from the two times they’d met for coffee not included, Seb’s fingers were kind and soft on his jaw as he pulled Blaine’s face in and pressed his lips so sweetly against his that Blaine thought he might cry from the sheer joy of it all. It was like Sebastian was slowly bringing him back to life. He knew they had such a long way to go, but each tentative slide of tongues and each little noise of pleasure that they elicited from each other, was one step closer and Blaine was clinging to it harder than he clung to Seb’s shoulders now.
His cheeks were flushed and his lips were kiss swollen and he could feel Seb’s kisses all the way down to his core, he was uncomfortable against his pants and wanted to press against Seb so badly. He knew he wasn’t quite ready for that, but that didn’t stop him from wanting it.  Their kiss seemed to go on and on for hours in a tangle of giggles, and tongues and accidental nose bumps and probably would have gone on for longer but Seb’s slender and long fingers- that had been resting on Blaine’s shoulders had fluttered against the back of Blaine’s neck for the briefest of moments and suddenly Blaine was back in his old apartment he shared with Kurt and Rachel and he and Kurt were kissing and Blaine was thinking they were having one of their “good days”, when Kurt's lightly pressing fingers would just suddenly turn harsh and grab his neck so hard Blaine could hardly breathe.
He tensed and gasped and he hated himself for it because he knew, he fucking knew that Sebastian was not Kurt. He was nothing like him, never had been and never would be. But, Blaine tensed anyway, tearing away the joy of their incredible journey of relearning each other. He reached up and placed his hands over Seb’s to stop him, moving them from his neck and holding them both in his hands like a lifeline. He bit his bottom lip and looked nervously up at Seb, hoping he hadn’t ruined the whole mood and trying to keep his emotions inside.
“God, I’m sorry.” He worried at his bottom lip, and let his fingers worry at Seb’s fingers. “I’m trying so hard and that was amazing and I��m fucking it up. I used to love being touched there and now one fucking slip and I’m yanked back into the past.” He wanted nothing more than to put Seb’s hands back on his neck, let him take away the pain. But, he was terrified that he’d panic. They were new again and he was still so afraid of Seb running away. He wouldn’t blame him.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had never really cared about Valentine’s Day. What was the point? It was a greeting card holiday and did you really love somebody if you only showed it once a year? It was just straight dudes cramming into grocery stores, grabbing random flowers and whatever chocolates were left in an effort to summon mediocre blow jobs. Women squeezing into lingerie that they didn’t pick out for themselves, couples on Instagram showing off expensive rose petal covered hotel rooms and bubble baths to prove I’m loved I’m loved I’m loved, look at me I matter. 
But of course, Valentine’s Day was something that Blaine liked and had made Sebastian’s bitter view change a little bit. He pointed out the colors and how friends could celebrate together and the heart shaped sweet treats his coffee shop sold. Sebastian gave in (because he would always give in for B) and promised that they would hang out on his next free night after the special day. He made reservations at a nice place in Brooklyn, bought Blaine a bunch (too much) clearance chocolate and red and pink gummies. Blaine had even bought Seb a bouquet which really surprised him and made him grin because it didn’t feel like a forced act.  “I’ve never been given flowers before.” 
They turned on the movie and hardly made it into ‘One Jump Ahead’ before they were kissing and touching. It felt like they were kids again-picking a movie that they knew they wouldn’t pay attention to, kissing on a couch in the blue light of a television screen.  
Seb hadn’t even meant to touch the other man’s neck. He had worked so hard on being gentle and showing his hands all night but he was caught in the moment and his hand just naturally moved to touch the skin showing just above Blaine’s neckline. Sebastian felt Blaine tense up and pull away and his stomach fell all the way to the bottom floor of the apartment building. He blinked  a few times and tried to clear his hazy mind, let Blaine grasp his fingers. Sebastian felt like he was experiencing whiplash, one minute he was unbelievably turned on and the next he was embarrassed and upset with himself. “No, no. I’m sorry. Um...I’m so sorry.”  Sebastian shook his head, “I was caught up. I know better. You didn’t mess anything up. We can stop, start the movie over?” He bit his bottom lip. “We can do whatever you want.” 
In the background, Aladdin jumped off a building and Sebastian felt like doing the same fucking thing.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine wanted to kick himself for the look on Sebastian’s face. He first looked stricken and then Blaine watched as the slow creep of red inched up his companions neck and into his cheeks. Blaine could all but feel the embarrassment rolling off of Sebastian and again he hated himself for it. He squeezed Seb’s hands between his, trying to show him that he’d done nothing wrong. How could Blaine blame him for getting caught up in the moment. It wasn’t as if he had grabbed him or really even touched him all that much. 
“Don’t be sorry, Seb. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He paused, his eyes searching Seb’s face as he searched for the words he wanted to say, anything to make Sebastian stop looking like a sad kitten. “You have been so patient and sweet while I figure myself out and what I can handle. I love being with you, and I love touching you and kissing you and I-I want to be able to do this without feeling like I’m back with Kurt again because you’re nothing like him. You make me feel so good and I don’t even know why I flinched. And I don’t know why I can’t just go for it...”
His brow furrowed as he spoke and he remembered what he'd told himself over and over when he’d first left Kurt- You are in control of your own body and what happens to it. No one else. If you don’t want to be touched say so… if you do want to be touched then reach out and take it. You’re in control.
Breathe in, breathe out. You’ve got this, Blaine.
“I don’t want to stop. I want you to touch me… so much that it borders on need.”  He shook his head and took a deep steadying breath, knowing that he was taking a risk for himself by doing what he was doing, but he needed to do it. Not only so they could further their relationship, but for himself. He very slowly and tentatively moved both of Sebastian’s hands and placed them back on his shoulders, his breath shallow as he did so. He covered Seb’s hands with his and gently slid them over so they were loosely cupping the back of his neck. He closed his eyes as he let the strange sensation of allowing another person to touch such an intimate (for him) place again wash over him. He swallowed hard before letting himself speak.
“It’s okay. I want you to…” He mumbled, his words sort of trailing off as he let himself experience something that once he enjoyed so much. Seb’s fingers were kind and the tips were cool and welcoming and given time they might drive Blaine wild in old and new ways again. He opened his eyes finally, his head tilting back for Sebastian and his hands slipping from Seb’s to reach up and cup his jaw on each side, his thumb brushing just so as he spoke and titled his chin down towards him. HIs voice a whisper as if he’d scare himself if he talked too loud.
“Kiss me again. Please?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian nodded and kept a close watch of Blaine’s face, the way he was breathing, the crease in his forehead. He let him move his hands and set them gently on the back of his neck. Sebastian let his hands rest in the spot and smiled a small slowed mouth smile as if to say thank you for trusting me. He never imagined he could be this patient or understanding but Blaine always brought out the best in him it seemed. “I just want you to be comfortable, B but, I want all that, too.” 
He leaned in and gave the other man a small kiss and he concentrated on how his hands were positioned on the back of his neck. Sebastian deepened the kiss slowly, swiped his tongue along his full bottom lip and rubbed his thumb gently against Blaine’s skin, close to the back of his ear. He made sure not to grip him and hoped that his hands felt light and comforting. Sebastian remembered how much Blaine used to love his hands on the back of his neck. How he used to give him comforting squeezes there when they would sit in companionable silence, when they would drive around town in the car, when they would sneak kisses on couches and porches. If Seb had believed in wishing on stars and straw wrappers that would be what he hoped for every time, for them to fall back into how things used to be and for Blaine to glow with confidence again. 
“Can I…?” Sebastian kept one hand on his neck and displayed the other before he placed it on his hip to pull him a little closer. He leaned in for another languid, slow kiss.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself get lost in the feeling of Sebastian’s thumb on his neck and the slip of his tongue against his. Blaine wanted to tell him that he was always comfortable with him, wanted to tell him that he always had been. He wanted nothing more in this moment to let every single feeling he’d ever had in regards to the other man slip out. He let his lips and hands do the talking though, afraid that speaking might ruin everything. Had he always been this afraid of things he wanted? He couldn’t remember. 
Blaine nerves were on fire and as Seb spoke to him so soft and sweetly, sounding a little bit nervous,-an uncharacteristic sound coming from him, he all but melted into the touch of Seb’s fingers against his hip and the way he tugged him closer like Sebastian himself couldn’t get enough of Blaine. He remembered there many nights of kissing and touching and exploring, he remembered the night they’d gotten to be with each other so intimately and he wondered how long it would take him to get there. He wondered if Seb thought all of this was worth it. But, the way he was kissing Blaine and the way he held him and took the time to show his hands and spoke so tenderly to him he thought he might know the answer.
The build up of Seb’s fingers pressed against his hip and his thumb brushing over Blaine sent a shiver through him and suddenly Blaine felt needy and desperate to be closer. He all but pressed himself to Sebastian’s body, his hands sliding from the home against Seb’s jaw to grasp at his shirt as if he’d float away into the February night if he let go. A low desperate whine left his lips and he wanted all at once to be like his old self so bad. He wanted to slide his hands up Sebastian’s shirt and touch the little dusting of hair that led into his pants. He wanted to pull him into his bed and press him down into the sheets and press into him until Sebastian was just as needy and desperate as he was…
He knew he wasn’t quite ready and that trying it would only hurt him and Sebastian in the process. So he did his best to kiss Seb with everything he had, hoping that his promise that one day, maybe soon, he’d show Sebastian how much he needed and wanted him. How much he missed him. With a low groan- Blaine made himself stop, he leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Seb’s chest, just holding onto him until he could trust himself to speak and when he finally did, his fingers aching from clutching at Seb’s shirt, lips numb with kisses that tasted like breathing- his voice was so low he wasn’t sure if Seb would hear him.
“Thank you.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian’s breath shuddered when he and Blaine pulled apart. He was hard and his skin felt hot and his brain was dizzy with want.  His lips felt numb and chapped but in a satisfying way and he was sure his pupils were dilated. The other man’s low groan sent a thrill up and down his spine. Seb wanted Blaine so badly and wanting him meant giving him time, which he could do.
He wanted Blaine to lead him into the bedroom and he wanted to undress the other man and press kisses everywhere and show him how special he was. Sebastian wished each kiss and touch and moan would remove a little bit of his self doubt, heal him a little bit. He knew what it was really going to take was time and showing the other man that he could be trusted with his body. 
He ran his hand up and down his back and held him close. He smiled to himself, “Why are you thanking me?” Sebastian let his fingers dance lazily over Blaine’s sweater. “That was fun.” He shifted his body a little bit to alleviate the pressure he felt, think of anything except how warm and heavy Blaine feels against you right now. 
“You okay?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself be still for a moment just taking in the feeling of being with Sebastian. Slowly, he let his fingers loosen from his shirt and he lifted his head up to look up at Seb. All at once he was embarrassed and wanted to duck his head back down and hide away. Why had he thanked him out loud? God, how silly he must sound to Sebastian. He bit his bottom lip and gave a little shrug, hoping that he wasn’t blushing too hard.
“For being so sweet and patient with me. I-I know this isn’t super easy for you. I know how much you love being touched and getting to touch  and I know that me being, uh, twitchy isn’t ideal. But, Seb, you’re being so amazing and I feel so very lucky that I get to have you in my life again.” He lifted his hand up and made a shooing motion as if to wave off the feelings of embarrassment. He let himself look into Seb’s eyes, the twinkle of his fairy lights catching the bits of blue that swam in the green and he knew that if he looked long enough he’d lose himself there.
“It was the most fun I’ve had in years…”
How pathetic did he sound? His body ached with the want of it all. He still wanted to take Seb into his room and show him how much he missed him, but the thought still made his heart feel racy and not in just a pleasant way. What if he woke up and forgot that it was Seb in his arms? What if he had a nightmare or an anxiety attack as he was known to do and Sebastian was forced to witness it or felt obligated to try and help him?  He bit his lip harder as he looked up at Seb through his lashes, his eyes wide.
“I don’t want you to leave, Seb.” He swallowed hard, trying to articulate how he was feeling. “I love it when you’re close to me. And I want- I-.” He stumbled, his words tripping over his tongue haphazardly. “I want everything with you, but, I’m still so afraid of being alone in the dark with you and waking up confused and- and- I know I’m not making sense. But, it was in the dark the first time it happened, in bed. I was half asleep... And I’m afraid I’ll wake up and panic. God… what I’m trying to say is that I want to fall asleep with you in my arms tonight and that part I could handle, you’d feel so good in my arms… I want you in my arms, I just don’t know if I’m ready to have you in my bed yet. I feel stuck.”
God he sounded ridiculous. He wouldn’t be surprised if Seb just left. He hoped so hard that he wouldn’t. He looked up at him still as if he’d have all the answers. Was he putting too much on this man? This man that just sort of walked back into his shitshow of a life? Why would Seb want this mess anyway... 
His stomach flipped and knotted and the butterflies that came to life when Seb was around danced in his ribcage as he waited for Seb to speak. 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian shook his head, “B, it’s all good. I’m good.”  He lifted his hand slowly so that the other man could see it and placed it on his thigh. “ We literally have all of the time in the world and I have hands.” Sebastian let a slow, mischievous grin spread over his face. “I’m lucky,too.” He watched Blaine’s face and saw every emotion he felt pass through his golden eyes, through the creases in between his eyebrows. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. That’s a pretty big step, yeah?”
Seb couldn’t say he knew how Blaine felt but he did understand that certain things could be a trigger and Blaine certainly didn’t have to defend what upset him. Plus, how many times had he himself woke up in a strange place next to some person he didn’t recognize, the sudden ice cold panic that would rise up his lungs until his brain reminded him he had stumbled here after a party. Seb thought that it was probably a little like that feeling, only a thousand times worse. He nodded, “The two of us can squish together on the couch, like old times.” He raised an eyebrow and hoped the mention of a memory would make the other man smile. “I’m growing rather fond of this couch, you know.” Sebastian turned and fluffed an overstuffed cushion for comedic effect. “We can leave the lights on. I fall asleep with the TV on almost every night, anyway.”
The two of them sat and talked for a few more hours, snuggled into the comfy, old couch. Blaine grabbed a couple of blankets and pillows off of his bed and the two of them wrapped their bodies up and clung to each other, their noses almost touching, as they fell asleep under the glow of white christmas lights. Sebastian in Blaine’s arms and Blaine in Sebastian’s. 
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demonphannie · 6 years
so 2017. phil tweets happy new years seven minutes late. dan and phil both get mysteriously sick. dan says he and phil have to have a family meeting to talk about when to take down the tree. dan is a wholesome meme in a blanket. their old london apartment kept trying to kill them. they start getting haircuts together at their house. dan and phil were seen giggling and showing each other dog videos during the cursed child. phil set chili on fire and dan didn’t care. phil confirms he only wears towels around the house. gakery. phangate where phil had a wife and kids. sushi date for phil’s birth. dan gets stuck in a kids rocket ride on the way to the isle of man with phil. dan and phil spend a week that iom with phil’s family and it was really cute. dan just posts a lot of pictures that phil takes of him. dan bought phil a signed nude from an actor for his birthday. dan talks about how much he doesn’t care about gender roles and sexuality. they saw book of mormon and wicked with phil’s family this year. at their oscar viewing party dan took napping phil pics and i think i died. they went to a lot of expensive restaurants this year. creepshot war. they licked nintendo switch cartridges. dan kept trying to steal a dog from their neighbors. appreciating women’s march and international women day. queen of my pussy. dan is an angry suburban mom that wanted to call the gym that made phil throw up. dan ranted about how love is real. daniel lester good suggestion. me and phil forehead tattoo. dan walks around in only underwear in the house. bunches of joint liveshows this year. not wearing pants during liveshows together is a theme. last danandphilcrafts video. dan and phil go to singapore and australia and my entire heart fell out of my body. gay selfies. DAN AND PHIL MOVE!!!!! domestic tweets. the current apartment is not a forever home. phil thinks dan’s hair is soft. danisnotonfire to daniel howell wow. we didn’t know if dan went to the bahamas or not. freckley dan and phil. phil taking pictures of dan while they are at the beach. they have a vacation in miami with martyn and cornelia. dan stays with the lesters for three weeks in florida. they almost saw muse again. dan and phil continue to update us on their joint tv show watching. they had a barbecue with dan’s grandparents. dan and phil work out more and are generally more fit and it’s aspirational. sushi date for dan’s birth. dan makes a tinder ad and flirts with boys and girls. dan posted screenshots of their convos because he missed phil. dan and phil have a domestic argument in front of thousands at vidcon. dan curls phil’s hair. dan and phil play with dogs in a video and i feel god. dan was offended that phil doesn’t appreciate him wearing jumpers and underwear only. they wanted to go to pride this year. is phil drinking water or vodka the world will never know. colin pics. going to wimbledon. phil is one thicc bih and knocked down all their soundproofing in the gaming room. dan tweets about how amazing he acts around phil’s parents. they hung out with duncan and mimei. dan tried to flirt with a barista with puns. secret holiday with wirrow and bryony. phil and tom daley are in love. my boyfriend chooses my outfits video. gay roller disco night. dan is hot contents. dapg bloopers. spooky week is good. daniel and depression is the second best video of 2017. dan is a young minds ambassador now. phil is really supportive of dan and his mental health. dan and phil learned how to livestream games which is good. announcement moose was found. dan and phil have so much ribena for themselves it’s weird. the week in march. dan and phil made truthbombs which is super awesome. dan was jealous of phil’s inflatable halloween costume. the dan and phil dogs calendar and video made me cry. they played with sparklers and it was really nice. interactive introverts was announced. dan met the prince. you and dan are so married yeah it’s a useful thing. pinof 9 was cute. all the make a wishes they helped out with. phil paid for a man in a kilt to come to his house. hanging out with peej and sophie a lot. internet free dinner with anthony and miel. dan listens to gays only music. powercouple at the star wars premiere. dan and phil got their first real christmas tree together. dan hangs out with the lesters for christmas celebrations. we love pinof bloopers. dan is roasted alive for calling colin a bad dog. also dan was pranked by phil with spicy gummy bears and succulent spray. this year was a lot.
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saintjojis · 7 years
Chin Up Pt. 4
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Genre: High School!Au, Fluff
Word Count: 2,125
A/N: it got a lil bit angsty somewhere in the middle oops, but uhh plot twist
Jimin wound up going over to your house soon after you went to his, and during it all your heart only began to grow fonder of him. Every time he texted you, your heart skipped a beat; whenever you saw him smile, you swore he shone brighter than the sun. He was always fun to be around, and always considerate and sweet. You wanted so desperately for him to grow fond of you too, although you knew it to be nearly impossible, after all you saw the way he looked at other girls. But that was fine, you guys were just friends, and it didn’t need to go beyond that. However, you still died a little when you saw the how bright his eyes got when other girls talked to him.
You didn’t really know why you expected him to remain single, or go unnoticed. He was handsome, charming, and everyone who laid eyes on him automatically fell in love. It was only a matter of time before girls started noticing him as well. It wasn’t your place to tell him whether he could or couldn’t date, but you still selfishly thought about how much you wanted him for yourself and you couldn’t help but feel guilty for it. You still spent a lot of time with Jimin, you hung out every day, you could be considered best friends by this point if you were being honest. So of course it broke your heart when he told you how pretty he thought other girls were, and, eventually, began dating someone. You had ultimately decided to be happy for him, and to try to drown your feelings for him.
Somehow, you’d convinced yourself that you’d remain single throughout the rest of high school. Even if it was a completely baseless thought, you still couldn’t help that sinking feeling that you weren’t appealing to anyone. What wouldn’t you give to be the light of someone’s life.
As soon as Jimin got a girlfriend, you noticed he started hanging less and less with his friends. You watched from where you hung with your own friends that he was missing on most days, so one day you excused yourself and went over to them. Nonchalantly you asked where Jimin was, one of the boys you didn’t know spoke up.
“Most likely with his girl, did he abandon you too?” He asked, his hair was bleached blond and his voice was like a growl. You felt a little intimidated.
“Yeah, I guess he did, didn’t he.” You answered, a twinge of sadness in your voice. He seemed to notice it.
“Don’t worry, you can take his place. You seem fun. Name’s Yoongi, you’re (y/n), right?” You nodded in reply and the boys began introducing themselves one by one. Soon you were acquainted with them, hopefully you’d become good friends. Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook did most of the talking, they were lively, you could see where Jimin had learned it. Jin and Namjoon looked on like you did and laughed, occasionally joking as well. However you noticed how Yoongi absentmindedly stared at you, maybe he wasn’t doing it on purpose. Perhaps he just zoned out. Before you knew it, you had to head back to class, but before you could even turn your back to them to leave, Yoongi called out to you.
“(Y/N) can I talk to you before you go?” You were taken aback, but you didn’t protest, so you stayed and waited for the others to leave. As soon as you were alone, he stepped closer to you, but he didn’t say anything which puzzled you.
“Were you gonna tell me something?” You asked as nicely as you could. He seemed to snap out of a daze when you spoke.
“What happened with you and Jimin? One day you guys were like two peas in a pod, and now he hardly ever shows.” His tone was stern, but you could tell he was concerned, you didn’t really know what to reply because, as far as you were concerned, nothing had happened; he just stopped spending time with you.
“I’m as confused as you are. I hardly ever see him, let alone talk to him. Guess he’s just caught up with his girlfriend.” Your answer seemed to be enough for Yoongi, and with that said he asked where your next class was and proceeded to walk you.
For the remainder of the day, you thought about it. Overthinking the brief interaction between you. As soon as the last hour was over, you went to look for Jimin at the place Yoongi and the rest hung, you knew he wouldn’t be there but you went anyway. Sure enough he wasn’t there, but that wasn’t really a surprise now was it. So, you just began making your way home. You were used to walking by yourself by now so you didn’t really mind it, soon you heard another set of footsteps close behind. You stopped, and turned to face whoever was following you. To your surprise it was Yoongi.
He stood there looking at you, he could tell you were surprised so he spoke.
“You going home?” He asked, which you thought was a dumb question because of course you were, you were walking into a neighborhood. So, you nodded.
“I thought maybe we could grab something to eat, maybe we can get to know each other better.” He waited for an answer eagerly.
“Everything’s so far, though, I kind of don’t want to walk all that way.” You said, which was entirely true. You contemplated whether if it was worth it or not.
“My car is parked nearby, I didn’t want to seem creepy by just pulling up next to you y’know?” You laughed, which in turn made him smile a big gummy smile. You didn’t see him smile often but it was quite the sight, it was as if the intimidating, “I’ll destroy you with my words”, Yoongi had melted. You followed him back to his car, you got in and he drove you to a nice sushi place. Yoongi turned out to be hilarious in his own way, he was a very smart guy and very charming overall. You saw that precious smile of his more and more. You also learned that he two years older than you, making him a senior soon to be free. He did promise to still keep in touch after, though. He asked you about your interests and hobbies, your hopes and dreams, your goals in life. Anything and everything, he wanted to know. However, you wanted to know more about him as well. You asked him if he had any hobbies, as soon as the question left your lips his face lit up.
“I- I actually make music, I’m kinda hoping to become a producer someday.” He said shyly.
“Really? That’s so cool!” You said delighted. That’s what you wanted to hear. “Do you play any instruments? Or sing or anything?” You inquired.
“I play the piano, I can rap, too.” He said, trying his best not to stroke his own ego too much.
“Maybe you can show me your music sometime?” You actually really hoped he said yes, because that’d be amazing.
“Ah, maybe, we’ll see about that.” Sounding clearly reluctant. To which you were a little disappointed to hear, but you played it off and still kept that little hope alive.
The afternoon came and went, and before you knew it you had to be home. Yoongi drove you home, and accompanied you to the front door. You exchanged goodbyes, and you saw him drive away. You knew that as soon as you walked in, the questions would rain down. You took a deep breath and opened the door.
Soon after that nice evening with Yoongi, you grew closer with the guys. You didn’t always hang out with them, but Yoongi took up the habit of walking you to class and driving you home whenever he could. Never was there a dull moment in the guys’ company. One day, something kind of unexpected happened.
“Well look who’s decided to grace us with his presence! How do you do Jiminie, we were beginning to think you’d vanished.” Taehyung said as Jimin approached. Jimin just smiled and gave a little giggle, and he just joined like nothing had ever changed. When lunch ended, Yoongi and you began walking to your class half expecting that Jimin would go walk his girlfriend to her own class, instead Jimin asked Yoongi to leave you two alone, he complied and said he’d see you after class. Jimin didn’t seem to like that, but he put it aside.
“Where’s your girl? Is she absent?” You asked hoping for some explanation for his sudden company. Disappointingly, that was the case, and you couldn’t help but die a little inside. So you stopped in your tracks.
“So, you’re only here walking me because she isn’t here?” The sadness obvious in your voice. You didn’t even want to look at him.
“Well, yeah in a sense, I suppose so.” He said, as if it were obvious.
“Do me a favor, fuck off.”
And that was that. You kept walking, and only sped up when Jimin followed after you. Last thing you saw and heard was him calling out to you as you went into your class. You sat and texted Yoongi what’d just happened, you could feel the anger seeping through the messages.
[Mr. Min🌞-11:50AM:  he did not fucking say that]
[Mr. Min🌞-11:50AM: he fucking didn’t]
[Mr. Min🌞-11:51AM: i can’t fucking believe it]
[(Y/N)-11:52AM: Yoongi, it’s fine really, it’s not a big deal ok? let’s just move on and pretend he didn’t just do that]
[Mr. Min🌞-11:52AM: it’s not fucking okay (y/n), it’s fucked that he thinks that he can just show up whenever he wants, and that you’re some sort of replacement for his girlfriend]
[Mr. Min🌞-11:53AM: it just isn’t okay]
He had a point, Jimin couldn’t just come around and pretend like nothing happened and fill the empty space with you, as if you were disposable. But you still felt a little bad about telling him to fuck off. You let it pass, and convinced yourself that Jimin would eventually come around and maybe apologize. Until he did, you’d go about your own life normally. You didn’t need to put up with his shit, especially when you were trying to drown any and all romantic feelings for him. Which, had been working, maybe this incident would be the final nail in the coffin of that problem. You just kept going over the situation over and over again in your head, you were tempted to text Jimin to apologize; but then the thought came to you why the fuck should you apologize? You weren’t the one who sought him out as a temporary replacement for your significant other’s absence. You managed to reassure yourself that way and stopped thinking about it altogether, you were at ease once again and just waited for the time to go home.
Jimin didn’t bother you after that. He went back to being caught up with his girlfriend after that day, and the guys saw less and less of him. He stopped talking to them altogether, you blamed yourself a little for it, but they assured you it wasn’t your fault. Soon, Yoongi started taking up most of your time. He started hanging out at your place, and you at his. You spent nearly every waking hour together, and that was okay with both of you. You’d learned more and more about each other, which just brought you closer and closer. It was really nice.
One day, Yoongi texted you saying he had something important to show you, he said he’d pick you up in five minutes so you’d better be ready. He was there just in time, you went with him back to his place, and once you’d settled in his room he played something over the speakers. It was music. A nice, calm, sweet melody1 spilled from the speakers in the corners of the room. He sat at his desk watching your reaction, a mixture of awe and shock took over your features. If you were correct, this was his music.
“So, what do you think?” He asked as soon as it was over. You honestly didn’t know what to say, it sounded great, but even that was an understatement. All you could muster was a weak ‘amazing’.
“I’m glad you liked it, I made it after you said you wanted to listen to my music. Thought this would be nice for you.” He said, trying to keep his cool.
“I love it.” You managed to say finally.
“Great, it’s for you.”
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