#and Sephiran is just Exhausted
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“King Tibarn.” Sephiran dips his head in greeting, a gesture somewhat unusual given the other’s form- that of a hawk the size of a sparrow. A sparrow that was larger than his own size, no less. The evening had been strange, no doubt, and he felt a wave of exhaustion come over him at the thought of dealing with the aftermath. “I did not see you earlier- have you just arrived?”
There is a beat, and then the realization hits him. Oh, Goddess, the aftermath. The cleanup for the original ball would have been extensive enough- but this? He wasn’t even sure if getting the elementals to turn them back would be the most difficult part. Weakly, he continues, “If you… don’t mind, could I hide behind you for a moment?”
Normally, he would not make such a request- but he does not want to appear discomposed in such a public venue.
"Arrived is one word for it, I suppose," he grumbles, before sighing. He supposes he'll be grateful that not many have seen his... arrival. His sparrow gets dumped into a cage arrival.
The request to hide behind him is met with a small tilt of the head at first, before Tibarn nods, shifting his position a little to make it easier for the other to conceal himself if he wishes. Yeah, maybe he should have figured that this is not a situation Sephiran is entirely comfortable with. After all, neither is he, he just handles it differently.
... Not even that differently, really, thinking about it now. After all - in reality, he's hiding as well, just in a way that Sephiran doesn't have.
(Not anymore.)
"Sure. Go ahead, I don't mind. You can stay here if you like."
A pause, before he reluctantly points at the Water mark on Sephiran's hand, then at the Fire one on his talons.
"... Mind sharing those real quick?"
#❁ all skies shall belong to me ; ic. ❁#❁ sometimes it is necessary to exchange a few words ; ask. ❁#toaball2023#((thank you!))#((that was sweet actually))
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kisses scattered along hardened jaw to try and sooth //platonic
"Please relax, or I cannot treat your wounds."
"You have...an interesting way of achieving the desire you want, holy man," Lloyd comments through gritted teeth, trying to accept the distraction for what it was. It was not the sort of thing he expected in this situation, nor from Sephiran himself; platonic as it was, it still seemed an intimate sort of act that would not come to hand easily for the other man.
But, perhaps that was simply projection on his part.
Regardless, it was doing its job. The soft ghosting of lips, here and there, intermittent against his jaw keeps him from focusing in too closely on the pain in his leg. He hadn't broken many bones in his life, so the shock and pain of this particular injury was...a little more difficult for him to shove aside. The pain he could deal with more or less, but there was something about seeing bone sticking out of flesh that sent the mind into an animalistic spiral of wrong.
And that was what Sephiran was trying to combat -- paired up with the task of mending the injury itself. Talking had only worked for so long, and so physical distraction had come into play. A gentle reminder to still the rabbit-fast pace of his heart as healing magic reset bone, knit muscle and skin back together.
"There now. I would still recommend taking things slowly for a while, but you should be just as you were."
Letting out a breath, tension falling away and leaving him feeling horribly exhausted, Lloyd couldn't help but be amazed at the man's quiet poise throughout this whole thing. Experience in healing aside, there was...a quality to it that bordered the unnerving. Like someone who had seen far more than could be imagined.
"...Ah...Unusual techniques aside, you have my thanks..."
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Thank you Mod
"Edelgard would get less hate if she was held more accountable." I think Anon was refering to CF in particular but here is the thing : it's Eddie's route, it's her vision, she doesn't need to be considered or held accountable in her own route because it's her vision. Eddie's entire characters is about how her ideals strives her to this path and this is the route where she doesn't have to be accountable for anything because it's HER vision. All of 3H's route are told from an unreliable narrator point of view. As Mod said, Eddie suffer consequences in all the others route where she is playing the role of the antagonist, in her own she doesn't need to because it's her route, the one where she is the hero. "But Dima-" Except Eddie and Dima's route are about two different things entirely, Eddie's is about realizing her vision, Dima is about giving up on his thirst for revenge, they aren't thematically the same and aim at very different things, thus they cannot be judge on the same ground. Now if we are talking about what happened to Eddie in Azure Gleam, yeah, that was not a good move at all. But other then that. Her not being held accountable in her own route doesn't equal to her being literaly brainwashed. And again, it's on her own route for thematical reasons, in the other she ends up getting her consequences.
"Micaiah would get less hate if she didn't get written out of the final part and awful blood-pact device."
Ok, no. Mica did indeed lost a lot of her screentime to Yune and Ike, but she is still a great character for like 3 part of the game ? And what is wrong with the blood pact seriously ? "It's lazy writing for Mica and Ike to fight" NO ?! Ashera's ressurection could only happen either if Yune was awaken by the spirit of war or the galdr of release, and for that to happen, ALL of Tellius needed to be at war. I repeat. ALL. This include Daien. That's why Lekain, because of Sephiran's machination, tricked Kilvas and Daien into signing the blood pact. And Mica isn't EVEN the one who signed it, it was Pelleas because of Lekain and Izuka !! Mica is forced to continue the war because she wants to protect her country and because Pelleas need her help, but during the war she did everything she could to spare her own men to the point of reaching exhaustion both physically and mentally. When we reach this notorious chapter where she use the tactics she despise just to give Pelleas more time to break the blood pact, the whole point of this was to show how she was straying from her kind nature and how in reality she is unable to keep up with such a thing since she said the chapter later that in reality she CAN'T do anything for the sake od Daien if it means losing her loved ones. Mica's entire character revolves aorund sacrificing. She posseses healing power that requires her to sacrifice of her own health and she keeps sacrifing herself, whether it be her body or ideals for the sake of others, but she isn't capable of sacrificing others for that, and when she ends up having to do this (killing Pelleas) she is haunted by regret. The blood pact is a plot device yes, but EVERYTHING is a plot device. Ike and Mica have no reason to fight as is, but there needs to be war to bring Ashera back and the entire point of the war in RD is that's it's an inherently completely pointless conflict, just as the war in PoR that only happens because of Ashnard. Here it's happening only because of Sephiran's machination to end the world when he realized what was happening between beorcs and laguz and developped a very cynical and nihilistic views on the world, drowing into the same pessism that Ashera represent since she doesn't believe in the capacity of the living being of Fodlan to better themselves unlike Yune. Thsi entire war, the genocide of the herons tribe, Ashnard, the senator's coup AND the blood pact are all equal in how it was used in the grand scheme of things by Sephiran to bring Ashera back so she can cast judgment. It's all because he was pulling the strings from behind and played all the characters like fiddle, the blood pact is just one of the trciks employed to arrive to this end because if Daien had sided with the Laguz alliance or remained neutral like Crimea and Goldoa, Begnion would have easily been defeated, and thus the plan would have flooped since again, the point was to try to wake Yune and thus Ashera with the spirit of war. It' is a perfectly fine plot point in itself and I am sick of the fandom treating every plot device as contrivance just because of the "convinient side of it".
"Celica and Erika would get less hate if the writers didn't hand them the idiot ball."
I can't speak for Celica sadly but LEAVE MY GIRL EIRIKA ALONE !!! Eirika's entire character perfectly fits with the theme of Sacred Stones about learning how to overcome loss, and people trahsing her for handing the stone to Lyon completely miss that out. The reason why she did it was because she was desperate to save Lyon, she thought there was still a chance. WHy do you believe there is so many flashback in SS ? And of the twins and Lyon's relationship in particular ? To make it clear that they still miss Lyon terribly and wants to save him, Eirika just wanted to save her friend, to go back to those time where the world was in peace and she Ephraim and Lyon were all laughing together. This last betrayal was what made her realize that her friend was dead, forever gone, lost, that she couldn't save him anymore. She was unable to accept that at first, she ended up crying in L'Arachel's arm that she lost her friend and eventually accepted it and even face him to release him from Fomo's influence. It was a beautiful scene both for the character writing and theme of Sacred stones and I am sick of people trashing Eirika for it
"The male leads always upstage the female ones or are written overall better bc they were unconcerned with making them a sellable waifu."
Wrong, absolutely. Sacred Stone's main lead is for the most part Eirika. She is the one you begin the story with and the story ends with her leading. You can choose between both twins but doesn't change that fact. In SoV's case, from what I heard, this problem didn't existed in og Gaiden. And in RD, both Mica and Elincia got entire part dedicated to them and still strong narrative moment. A lot of those female character are well written and can rivalize with their male counterpart. And this is also saying, as Mod say, that IS isn't trying to sell husbandos which is blatantly wrong. We, women, have different interest in terms of fanservice then men, so when a product sells men, they sell them differently then women. Play any dating game harmed at a female demographic and you will see that they tend to favorize beauty and elegance of the characters over fanservice echii and hentai. IS knows that as well, that's why they create appealing male characters, that's why hot guys exist. That's why IS drops hot men dressed either elegantly either in swimsuit either with cutie bunny rabbits ears, for the SAME REASON AS FEMALE. The difference in the design relies only in how women aren't necessarily interested in the same form of fanservice as men and vice versa. Because we find interest elsewhere compared to what might attract a male demographic.
"There's definitely sexist people in the fandom, and male characters everywhere get cut more slack, and I'm not denying an element of sexism in all of this, but holding the writers accountable something that needs to get brought up more."
Oh yeah there is indeed sexism in the writing, look at Deirdre from FE4 who mainly exist only to make Seliph and the Twins's existence possible. Poor Deirdre got more character in outside material then in her original game and boi, do I hope the remake will solve this problem. But Anon, none of the example you brought were those marks of clear sexism in the writing. Those are on the contray the sexist arguments that the fandom use against those characters, because they don't bothere trying to understand them.
The entirey of the 3H discourse is rooted in deep misogyny. People who fight in the Eddie stans or Eddie haters category all portrays her either as "a poor innocent angel uwu that needs a brave knight to defend her name" or as "the literal devil that has commited more crimes then the entireity of the FE cast". No middle, either absolute good either absolute evil, she can't be viewed like most of the FE male antagonist like Lyon or Arvis as "nuanced individual", the same goes for Rhea, she too is victim of people trying to either overprotectively defines her as a literal angel or the literal demon, no in between, when what makes those 2 characters interesting is precisely that they were written to be morally complex individual with good intention and ressorting to questionable means, the whole point of 3H is that it's not because the character are good intention that their actions are necessarily good. The moment a female villain gets some nuance she is automatically considered to be "sympathetic by the fandom", never mind that it wasn't what the writers were trying to do. And while yes, it's mainly because of how many times they pulled us an Aversa where turns out villain was brainwashed or whatever, it's resulting in the fandom believing the moment a female character is appealing she is either " a dark lady" aither" sympathetic", for example of this look no further then how the fandom insist Zephia is being reddemed or portrayed as sympathetic because "she wanted to have kids", yet when character such as Victor from FE 4 got nuance as "yes he did loved genuinely CIgyun but completely messed up" they can actually understand it. But when it's Zephia's rather simple narrative "she wanted to have children because she was lonely but in reality she is a deeply toxic and controlling woman who pushed it unto the Hounds and destroyed her found family without even being aware that she had found what she wanted and dying right as she realized her mistakes" somehow, it's redemption.... Likewise, Mica gets it terrible where is reduced to either a blood thirsty individual or a cynical leader or people reducing her to her harsher side because they think kind Mica "is boring", viewing her as a Mary sue because of her powers or thinking that she is a forced antagonist when she is THE, not even a, THE FOIL FOR IKE. Down to the freaking name of their game : in jpn, PoR's name is "Miracle of the blue flame" while RD is "Akatsuki" which is written with the kanji of Red and Blue and Red ard constrasting colors (if Engage is any evidence). Mica is small and delicate and long younger then she is while Ike is huge, tough and looks even older then he actually is. Ike is brash and harboiled while Mica is more composed and shows her kind nature more easily then Ike. But both's main characteristic is that it's ther kindness and hard character that is their main strengh. That's because Mica is so compassionate she does all she does for the sake of Daien and to support Pelleas, the same way Ike offered his service to Elincia and supported her until the end, even going as far as helping her face the crowd on her coronation and reassuring the freaking goddess of chaos that they need her to still believe in tomorow, they are perfect foil to one another and my only complain is that we didn't get to see more of that. As for the Mary sue claim, it's completely unfounded, Mica faces consequences and failures, especially once she is facing Ike. And don't get me to write again, the entirety of what I said about Eirika. These women are all intersting characters, you have the right to have gripes about this or that but the examples you quoted are NOT legitmate gripe, especially not the one about EIRIKA.
I agree with Mod here, the fandom is imo worst then the writers in regard of sexism. And those takes that you just quoted are prime examples of the sexism in the FE fandom. Yes the writers should be held accountable, but that doesn't mean that some of those critics aren't rooted in sexism on the fandom side independently of the writers which in the case you mentionned, it's defo the fandom's take rather then the writers that is to critize.
The FE fandom is unfairly criticized for their treatment of main women leads because not enough people factor in how sexist the writing is. Edelgard would get less hate if she was held more accountable. Micaiah would get less hate if she didn't get written out of the final part and awful blood-pact device. Celica and Erika would get less hate if the writers didn't hand them the idiot ball. Female leads are often awful units compared to male counterparts. The male leads always upstage the female ones or are written overall better bc they were unconcerned with making them a sellable waifu. There's definitely sexist people in the fandom, and male characters everywhere get cut more slack, and I'm not denying an element of sexism in all of this, but holding the writers accountable something that needs to get brought up more.
Im gonna discuss my opinions on this take now.
Edelgard is held accountable and punished for her actions by literally dying in 3 out of the 4 routes. Like the Agarthans are not blamed for what Edelgard did. She takes complete responsibility and suffers the consequences for starting a war.
Erika giving the Sacred Stone to Formortis because she believes Lyon, an extremely skilled healer and magic user who has been studying the stones will get rid of him through using it is a smarter decision than Ephraim attempting to kill THE DEMON KING ALL BY HIMSELF. Like at least Erika's plan made sense and could have worked if Lyon was able to resist Formortis. People who call Erika stupid for her scene while not doing the same for Ephraim's are hypocritical in this regard.
While SOV is quite sexist in how so many of the women are damseled, Celica sacrificing herself for Mila makes complete sense and is not rooted in sexism because at that point in the game most people believe that they still need the gods to survive and a single human life is worth less than the life of a god. Celica trusted Jedah because to her that was her only choice. What is sexist is her having to be repeatedly saved by men while nothing similar happens to Alm.
I admit I'm being extremely nitpicky with this point, but Erika and Celica both act completely in character when they make their mistakes and therefore are not Idiot Balled. Idiot Balling is when a character acts uncharacteristically stupid and out of character to serve the plot.
Idk about the specifics with Micaiah in Radiant Dawn but yeah it sucks how Ike takes most of the spotlight from both her and Elincia :/
The only female lead that is a substantially worse unit than her male counterpart is Erika. She is an outlier that should not be counted. Celica, Micaiah and Elincia all have utility that Alm and Ike Lack while Edelgard is literally just as good of a frontliner as Dimitri. And Lyn is just as weak as Eliwood.
Character writing is subjective.
You are severely overestimating the importance of waifus and underestimating the importance of husbandos to the franchise. Straight and Bi women play Fire Emblem too.
Also characters who have depth tend to be more popular regardless of their gender. It is profitable to have waifus with layers.
I am not denying that sexism was and somewhat still is a thing in the writing and gameplay of this series; However, the fandom is just as guilty in how female characters are treated - perhaps more guilty in the newest two games where these issues rarely rear their ugly head in the story and the gameplay. The fandom should be held accountable too instead shifting most of the blame on the writers.
Anyway if you read all of this, have a heavenly creature i found recently <3

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Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Star Wars
I accidentally thought up an entire AU because I accidentally tagged an ike/soren post with ‘star wars’ because im stupid but NOW
Gawain was an exceptional Jedi Master who left the Order after The Thing happens (the Medallion is probably some Sith artifact)
Gawain’s padawan was Zelgius, who Fell and became Sith Lord Lehran’s apprentice
Elena was a Mandalorian, heir to a minor clan. They didn’t like a Jedi marrying her, but accepted her and her children
After Elena’s death, Greil, Ike, and Mist leave Mandalore since they are no longer welcome
They migrate to Naboo, ruled by Queen Crimea (Elincia)
Greil runs a group of bounty hunters
Titania is also former Jedi, and she’s an exceptional pilot (horsemanship skills are here translated into piloting). She wields a staff that has two blades of green lightsaber. the end result is like. really long
Ike isn’t Force sensitive, but Mist is
Ike and all the other kids know that Titania was a Jedi, but not that Greil was
Soren is extremely strong with the Force but was never trained and therefore doesn’t have a lightsaber until late in the story
When Greil is killed by Zelgius, in a fight that’s the first time Ike ever saw his father use the Force or a lightsaber, Ike takes up his father’s blue blade and begins to train
(Non Force sensitive kid in Mandalorian armor wielding a lightsaber is a rad image in my head)
The Goldoans are a clan of Grey Jedi (leaning Dark thanks to Dheginsea)
Titania is a red twi’lek. Shinon’s probably a weequay. Rhys is ???? but not human definitely. Maybe also a twi’lek?
Reyson is a Dark Jedi who will eventually become more Grey Jedi. He works for Tibarn, who is a pirate lord who basically runs several planets and controls most major shipping routes, including the Kessel Run. Reyson is ex-Jedi but left after his entire group of padawans were killed
Reyson can’t hold a lightsaber because of chronic illness (he was born with it), but damned if he isn’t strong with the Force. he really likes using Force Lightning even though it hurts him too. Tibarn doesn’t like it
Naesala is a Dark Jedi pirate, but he rarely uses the Force so most people don’t know his power
The Gallians are another pirate group, but far more legal. Or at least, they disguise themselves as legal, thanks to Ranulf’s insane negotiation skills
Ranulf is slightly Force sensitive, though he’d never admit it. People find him uncanny but no one really suspects except, like, Zelgius
Lethe hates Ranulf telling her she has to work with Mandalorians AND Jedi
Greil was well-connected to the Gallian pirate gang back when he first married Elena
Shinon claims the Force doesn’t exist. He watches Titania jump forty feet into the air, but the Force doesn’t exist. Soren levitates an entire building. What’s the Force lmao it’s just made up bullshit
Sephiran is the Supreme Chancellor. Sanaki, padawan to the Head of the Order Tanith, is supposedly his granddaughter, and is definitely his ward
Sanaki is barely Force sensitive, far less than she should be, but Tanith trains her nonetheless. She becomes incredible at wielding dual lightsabers. Eventually, she’ll get Altena’s legendary golden sabers
The Black Knight is a mysterious masked Sith who teleports using warp powder, thanks to the Sith Alchemy of his Master. No one knows this Apprentice is the same man as Zelgius, bodyguard (and lover) to Chancellor Sephiran
(Ranulf, at some point: “hey y’all did realize the chancellor is a sith, right? yeah just making sure”
Everyone else: “wHAT”)
Micaiah is incredibly strong in the Force but untrained
Lehran keeps trying to recruit Soren as his Apprentice but Soren is like “not five minutes ago you said you’re planning to blow up Mandalore with my boyfriend on it so I really don’t see why I would join you”
Ashnard decided his son “wasn’t strong enough in the Force” (Ashnard isn’t Force sensitive so idk how he thinks he knows that but it’s Ashnard so...) and left him to die. Then shit happens like in FE canon but when Soren comes looking for Ike, Greil recognizes the child’s incredible Force presence and recruits/adopts him. He becomes like Titania (and Greil)’s padawan; Titania handles all the Force education because Greil is Not A Jedi
Soren’s ‘saber is eventually silver, because cool shit
Oscar was a Nubian soldier before leaving, and Kieran is still one of Elincia’s knights
Rolf is probably Force-sensitive because the image of Shinon’s sniper protegee being Force sensitive is the funniest thing ever
The Jedi are basically the Begnion pegasus knights, but plus a lot of other people. But like all the Councilors and shit are from the pegasus knights
Ashnard is the crazy guy who fulfills a role similar to the Separatists but with less negotiation and more just straight up murdering people who don’t join him. His Riders/Generals are all Force users: Tauroneo is an ex Jedi Councilor, Petrine was never a Jedi, and I forget the fourth Rider of Daein so...
Petrine’s ‘saber is a long staff with one blade. Her and Titania have multiple badass fights: one in the air, like the ace pilots they are, and then when they crash, they have a staffsaber fight too. Petrine is a togruta
Sothe is basically Ezra but not Force sensitive. He’s a street rat from Lothal probably
Nailah is a chief of a Tusken Raider tribe because she’s badass like that. Rafiel was a Jedi presumed dead after a mission to Tatooine went wrong, but Nailah found him and then just told her tribe that he’s her husband now and they don’t care. Rafiel was severely injured so he can barely move without assistance and also struggles to access the Force because reasons idk
After everything is settled, Soren takes Priam as his padawan and begins a New Jedi Order. how does Priam exist? he’s related to Ike and Soren, because the Force. I love the SW universe, you can just say ‘the Force’ as an answer to why any impossible shit can happen
Sephiran truly believes he’s a servant of the Force and that to have order you must have chaos and death first and Ike is just like buddy,,, I do not have anything to do with the Force and that’s. not what it wants
I really, really, really, really want art of Ike in beskar’gam with a lightsaber though
#in an AU of this AU Soren is found by Zelgius instead and taken on as Zelgius's secret Sith Apprentice#other AUs have the characters as the same roles but with different plot that varies from POR's plot way more than this AU#most of those are like..... Soren is an actual Jedi or w/e#fire emblem#star wars#fe: por#fe aus#other AUs are: Ranulf is an actual Jedi but like Quinlan where he's just like lmaooooo no#Ike has Jedi boyfriends regardless#this takes place back in ye olden days when Jedi were actually allowed attachments tho#so like Gawain wasn't kicked out or anything he just eventually.... left#maybe in a more divergent-from-FE au there are other Sith Lords who are more typical just murder shit#and Sephiran is just Exhausted
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Stop Being Snarky — Hunter x gn! reader
Summery: Having a high rank in a coven isn’t all it turns out to be, especially when you have to deal with a sassy teen.
tw: Reader gets injured (not graphic or described)
wc: 2.6k
Master List
I quickly shuffled my way towards the captain scout of the emperor's coven. Sir Osran has told me I was joining one of their missions. It was supposedly going to be dangerous, and they wanted a talented oracle to join their forces, and that’s where I came in.
I was considered a prodigy. I was only sixteen and serving as the Oracle Coven Head’s assistant. Though deep down I knew I wasn’t a prodigy. It was all nepotism at play. My grandparents were esteemed healers, and they had friends in the oracle coven. I happen to have a knack at oracle magic and always found it easy. Though I don’t believe I’m exactly qualified to be in such a high position. I had much to learn but since my position is time consuming I had to ‘graduate early’ as my family put it.
I kept my hood up, my golden mask hiding the upper half of my face. It wasn’t required or a part of dress code, I requested it since people didn’t like to take me seriously. Not only did the older members look down on me for my age, a lot of them also talked about how I needed to prove myself, and how I needed to earn my respect. I agreed, but it certainly didn’t help my already low self esteem.
Coming back to reality, I looked over the scouts who seemed to be standing around…in confusion? Were they not debriefed before coming out here? Especially for a dangerous mission. After all, we were looking for clues for a wild witch that has been known for not being merciful.
“Does your team know why we’re here?” I asked out shortly. After all, the only time people actually respected me was when I was stern. Which wasn’t in my nature, but it was necessary.
“N-not yet Mx (l/n),” The captain stuttered out nervously. I felt my eyebrows crease as my view on the Emperor’s coven lowered. “We didn’t have much notice…” They trailed off, probably sensing my disappointment. Besides, if I was given time to prepare, these scouts should have as well.
“I don’t need excuses,” I sighed out, already exhausted. I’ll make sure to talk to their superior about keeping their underlings up to date. That’s the only way to keep your coven well organized and keep everyone prepared.
But before I could call out to everyone to explain what we were here to do today, the sound of boots on dirt seemed to alert everyone and they got into formation. Heads held high, backs straight, uniforms pristine. It would be impressive if they weren’t just doing it to please their superior. Now trust me, I’m a kid, I know witches can’t be at attention 24/7, but they should show some decency on a mission. Besides, they had an image to carry.
“Everyone branch this area out for clues,” The Golden Guard ordered. “The wild witch Lars Sephiran was spotted near here recently. Dismissed.” “Wait!” I called out. Stopping the scouts from moving. They stood stiffly, unsure what to do. “You call that a debriefing?”
“Would you like to do it then Mx. (l/n)?” The Golden Guard replied.
“I would,” I said pointedly.
This wasn’t the first time I had an encounter with him. We seemed to be around similar ages, his boyish voice told it all. But I knew that he was smart and experienced. You’d think since our stories are similar we’d get along, something to bond over y’know? Wrong. He was a little shit. And though I didn’t like starting things with people…he was an exception. He’d like to get on my nerves so I got on his.
“Scouts!” I called out to gain their attention. “We are here to hunt and find the wild witch Lars Sephiran. He is a dangerous witch, so be careful. He was spotted near the caves in the forest. So I’d start searching near there first. Do not be a hero, once spotted, alert everyone. Thank you for your time, you are now dismissed.”
Everyone nodded and began to disperse. Sitting down under a tree, I closed my eyes to focus on finding the witch telepathically, seeing if they still may be in the area. But as I said before, I was still learning, and telepathy was not my strong suit. The sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling was distracting, but I tried my hardest to tune it out. I took deep breaths in and out, blocking out the sounds of the scouts minds. And…I heard something, someone. Someone whose mind was not a scout.
‘I need this to be successful, then uncle will finally praise…I mean prove my worth,’ I felt my eyebrows crease. Yet my concentration was broken by an annoying voice.
“Already taking a break?” Of course it's the Golden Guard. “It hasn't even been ten minutes yet.”
“I’m trying to find Lars,” I spoke out, slowly opening my eyes. “Though I can’t say the same for you.”
I smirked slightly as I noticed his demeanor deflate slightly.
“Now if you could let me focus, I’d like to see if Lars is even still in this area,” I said.
I closed my eyes as Golden Guard decided to actually follow my advice for once. Once again I pushed all distractions away to focus on the mindscape. This always took a lot of magic energy, so having to do it a second time was making me feel exhausted. I knew the mind I was listening to before wasn’t Lars’, so when I found it again I brushed it off. Though I was curious to listen more, it wasn’t my job to invade innocent minds and their privacy…well I mean it kinda is but not exactly either. All of a sudden I felt pain hit the back of my head and in the mindscape I saw a rush of fire. Quickly I left it, knowing what this meant. But I couldn’t help the yelp that escaped my lips and I grabbed my head that was pounding.
Having a headache after entering the mindscape wasn’t uncommon, but this was something else. Lars is smart in keeping their mind protected, but that also means they’re still close.
“Mx. (l/n)!” A scout near me exclaimed and came near me, looking around as if I was attacked physically.
“I’m fine,” I panted out, still grabbing my head in pain. Every little sound, every light, every touch was too much at the moment. My head felt like it was tearing itself apart. I was not fine, but I will not show weakness. “Alert the Golden Guard that Lars is still near.”
They seemed hesitant, which I found slightly endearing, but I nodded at them to leave. I kept trying to keep myself from going crazy at the pain I felt in my head. It felt like it was on fire, making me want to dunk my head under water. I felt tears well up in the corners of my eyes but I refuse to let this get the best of me. I will not be looked down on for this accident. We will catch this witch, even if it's the last thing I do…ok well that’s kinda dramatic but my image will be shattered if I fail this.
The sounds of boots crunching on the ground sounds like daggers in my head, but I look up, even if it feels like I’m going to pass out from dizziness. The sound of their voice blurred into the constant buzzing as I was mostly just focusing on staying conscious. But I saw a blue circle and the scout checking my head. They must know how to heal. Good to have on a mission. I kept these thoughts going, trying to distract myself from this excruciating pain.
Slowly the pain lessened. The need to cry from pain went away. Finally it got to the point where I even felt rejuvenated. I thanked the scout for their work and stood up. I’m not sure how long I was out, but I looked around.
“Status update please,” I requested from the scout.
“They found evidence of the wild witch and are in the middle of tracking,” They replied.
“Lead me to where they went,” I ordered. And we then went off deeper into the forest.
I felt the heat seep through my cape as we walked. Sweat dripped down the side of my face. So I lowered my hood, letting my hair out freely. I sighed out as my mask wasn’t helping my situation, but for now I could deal with it. And I knew we finally caught up once I heard that painstakingly annoying voice. I didn’t say anything as I listened to him scold a scout.
Once he stopped I piped up, “Could I get a brief of what’s happened in my absence?”
“So you finally found time to join us huh?” He mocked. After feeling like I went through hell and back mentally all I could do was glare. “Well we found the wild witches tracks, and we’re continuing to follow them.”
“Alright,” I murmured. “We should be getting closer, they blocked me from entering their mind.”
“I thought you were an esteemed oracle, aren’t you supposed to be able to break that?” Golden Guard taunted. The flash of fire crossed my mind and the phantom pain of what I went through. Not only that, but how unfair it was for a kid like me to be out on a dangerous mission like this.
Looking away I crossed my arms, “If you think it’s so easy then you do it.” I knew I was being petty, I knew I shouldn’t speak this way, but I was so drained currently, I couldn’t filter myself as I normally did.
“We don’t have time for this,” He grumbled, turning away. I followed him as we continued on deeper into the forest, and it got denser. The sun being blocked out gave it a spooky atmosphere.
I’m not sure how long we were walking, but finally we found him. I felt like laughing hysterically as he stood defensively across from us. I was so exhausted from the mental pain and the pain of walking in a hot forest. Not to mention that most of my magic was drained. But nonetheless I got into a defensive position as well.
Lars quickly set off a fire spell and I dodged. Creating a purple circle, I summoned a spirit and had it attack him, but he deflected it with a vine shield. On the other side I saw the Golden Guard attack with his staff, also being deflected. But the scouts were also attacking. There’s no way this witch can beat us all.
But the battle was long, and my amount of magic was waning fast. I was starting to struggle, a lot of scouts were down. But I can’t look weak, not in front of the Golden Guard out of all people. I was starting to get sluggish, but luckily Lars was focused on the Golden Guard. Once again I went in and brought the spirit to attack the wild witch when suddenly a spike of ice hit me in the side of my head and I fell to the ground. What’s up with me and my head getting injured today? I decided that my best bet would be pretending I’m knocked out cold. So that’s what I did. I evened out my breath and kept still.
Then suddenly the sounds of battle went quiet, but I didn’t dare open my eyes. Instead I tried to use the last of my magic and see into the future, who wins this battle? I stopped when once again, the sound of boots alerted me to the presence of someone approaching me. Once they got close enough I grabbed their leg and dragged it towards me, effectively making them fall. Opening my eyes, I found out it was the Golden Guard. So I made no move to get up.
“Sorry,” I said out, ignoring the noise of pain he let out. “Thought you might’ve been Lars.”
“You think I’d get bested by a mere witch like him?” He boasted getting up.
“You fell for the oldest trick in the book, so yeah,” I teased back, closing my eyes again. Honestly everything was spinning and I wanted to just be in my bed.
“Well now is not the time for a nap, we need to report back…,” He trailed off.
Not having the energy I just waved him off and curled up slightly. It got uncomfortably quiet, but then I felt someone pick me up and I felt embarrassed.
I groaned, opening my eyes, but I noticed I was on the Golden Guards' back, “What the Titan are you doing?”
“Saving you,” He replied back, getting on his staff, me behind him.
“I don’t need to be saved,” I growled, this was definitely hitting a sore spot. I’m independent, I don’t need anyone, I could get back on my own…but watching the blurry world pass us I stubbornly realized that I definitely couldn’t.
“The wound in your head has a different story,” He mumbled back. I felt my body weaken, the throbbing pain in the side of my head not helping my case. Suddenly, my jumbled mind realized my mask wasn’t on.
“M…my mask,” I mumbled out. “I need it.”
“You really think that’s what’s important?” He asked.
“Yes,” I said, continuing to mumble. “They…they’re going to be mean, say I deserved this or something.” My words were slightly slurred, but I felt myself tear up. Shit did I get a concussion or something? Never in my damndest nightmares did this ever happen but now it is. My filter is seemingly gone and all because of a stupid head injury.
The Golden Guard stayed oddly quiet, but my dumbass didn’t take the hint, “They’re all gonna laugh, and say I’m just a kid, and I’m not gonna have my position, and my family is gonna hate me-”
I went silent when we landed, I could barely recognize we were at the palace. The Golden Guard kept an arm around me for support and pulled the hood over my head. Then he led me towards the healing ward and told the healer to keep this quiet. I couldn’t understand why he was being so nice, I mean we are basically enemies…that have to work together.
And throughout it all, he didn’t leave. He stood on the side until I was healed to an extent that I would be fine on my own. Standing up and quietly thanking the coven scout I turned towards the Golden Guard. I guess I should thank him as well.
“Thanks,” I said, eyes cast to the side. “I owe you one.”
“Its…its whatever,” He said, waving it off. “You would’ve done the same (l/n).”
“(Y/n),” I said awkwardly. “You can just call me (y/n).”
I felt uncomfortable as his stare pierced through me. I mean he was wearing a mask but still…
After what felt like hours he finally replied saying, “Call me Hunter.”
I nodded, “Thank you Hunter, I should get going now.”
“...bye,” He said with a wave leaving.
What an unusual day today. Fighting and losing to a wild witch, and getting to know the Golden Guard better. Now to deal with the whispers of my coven. But the thought didn’t seem as bad anymore, knowing I might have a new ally.
#golden guard#the golden guard#hunter toh#hunter the owl house#the golden guard toh#the golden guard the owl house#x reader#x you#the golden guard x reader#golden guard x reader#hunter toh x reader#hunter x reader toh#toh hunter x reader
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garments of the gods
class mastery drabble. warning for RD spoilers and this whole piece being in second person
Some say the woman who raised you was a priestess, and perhaps she served the goddess, but if so she did it in secret for it was only the Apostle who was said to hear Her voice. Begnion beliefs held sway even in a poor Daenian border town like hers and the people who went to see her for fortunes and cures did so surreptitiously.
More likely she communed with spirits – the kind even the most powerful of mages spoke in hushed whispers of, but she never told you what they had to say; instead, she taught you how to forage for edible plants, as well as which to avoid for fear of harm, and the odd ones that could do both harm and good.
It was that skill that saved you more than anything else, especially in the cold of winter her death. The few in the community who knew of you spoke of the priestess’s “little apprentice”, but none of them came to check on you that winter. You saw them only after the thaw, only when they needed their charms and cures again and that was how you found out that being a priestess was a lonely thing indeed.
For some time the only permanent fixture of the Daein palace’s royal chambers are the clothes you hung there, given to you by Yune. Neither the room nor the garments suit you and you think for that reason they suit each other well.
Ever since you first met Yune’s moods and yours have been closely in sync, and that is truer now than ever since she’s woken up and started to see the world through your eyes, walk the changed lands of Tellius in your boots.
Yet when her heart is hurt from Stefan’s sudden question and the fear palpable in her (your) throat as Ashera’s soldiers’ stand again and again - flesh knitting back together each time they are struck down - it is not you who brings her back from the brink and gives her comfort but Ike. It is a strange mix of the warmth of thanks and the bite of envy that fills you when in the next moment the goddess bestows upon you a transformation.
You really wish she would have talked this over with you or at least given you back your boots if she means for you to enter combat but the only assurance you hear are her words to Ike: “Once we get inside you can leave the fighting to Micaiah!”
You get the chance to ask her about it that night when probably you should be sleeping.
“Hey,” you whisper quietly, exchanging words with Yune using your own mouth feels odd but it is easier to hold a conversation that way without becoming lost in her or your own memories.
“Hey, Yune. What are these clothes based on anyway?”
You turn on your side and Yune is suddenly there beside you, blue and flickering like a flame with a hand over her mischievous grin.
Even if you were to wake someone they probably wouldn’t be able to see her but you play along anyway, putting a finger to your own lips and scooting closer. Yune’s laughter feels ticklish as it enters your ear.
“I thought they would look good on you, Micaiah! They’re like the ones my – ah, I mean Ashera and my priestesses used to wear. When they would attend to us at the altar.”
“I see. They were your priestesses back when you were the dawn goddess. Is that why they wear red?”
Yune does not answer for a moment and instead floats up into the air, cart wheeling over your head and among the stars. She smiles down at you and confirms: “Red for dawn and a dress of dawn for the dawn maiden.”
She laughs but it fades quickly.
"You know. The color red is for anger too.”
“Anger? What would I have to be angry about?”
She’s looking not at you but at the tower when she answers. “I don’t know where yours is directed, Micaiah, but my anger is right here.
Rather than a place of rage you privately find the tower to be a very sad place, filled with dead men and their wilted hopes and dreams. Kurthnaga does not shed tears at the death of his father but you feel his heart cry out all the same. You say nothing. All you can think is: for what?
You never get that answer. The Sephiran man with feigned sorrow shatters the Empress Sanaki’s heart against the floor with the same efficiency he had used in ushering you all here. Seeing him speak to her as if the years he had spent raising her meant nothing is enough to steady your hand to cast, but the look of contentment you see as he takes up his own tome and thrusts your light back at you leaves nothing but bitterness in its wake.
He’s still smiling after the battle, laying there in his own blood. Something new and strange enters you then even as you nod in time to Yune’s orders. During your time as general, exhausted and soul sick from a war campaign, it had always been with empathy that you connected with another through the gift of sacrifice.
Now that power is fueled by a hot torrent of emotion you throw at him alongside your life energy without the time to parse it all apart. For once you and Ike are of one mind and as Sephiran’s soul attempts to slip through your fingers you squeeze harder, you say no: not now, not after everything you’ve done do you get to die. I will see you live!
Yune’s garments once in Daein’s royal chamber now hang in the dorm at Garreg Mach. Positioned next to your desk against the window there the fabric often catches the light of the setting sun and seeing that makes your heart ache.
"Micaiah" – Yune says, voice soft; “Micaiah, are you angry with me? I’m sorry I just – I couldn’t see Lehran die! I know all he’s done and I still –
”I’m not angry, you tell her. Even your own thoughts feel distant and padded after everything you’ve given to that man and you just want Yune to let you sleep. I just wish you would have told me sooner. Next time don’t leave me out like that alright?
“Yes,” you hear her say; “thank you.”
There is no next time. You wake up and Yune has gone, the tower changed. Something in you is splintering and Ike staring at you is not doing that any favors; it is only Sothe gently taking your hand that reminds you there is a place still waiting for you. You follow him out of the tower, forlorn.
(Back in your tent you sit back to back and only then do you weep. Tomorrow, you will be a hero and accept your crown but tonight your only reward lies in fragments in your chest. Sothe says nothing, barely breathes, and part of you hopes that he never turned around to look and that this much is still true: Micaiah has never cried, not in front of Sothe.)
The first thing you do when you return from Leicester is bathe, to the point that the water burns. The second thing you do back in your room is dress in Yune’s clothes in the black of night when not even you can see what they look like. Something in you deep as despair stirs.
Even with double the classes this Great Tree Moon you find yourself with too much time to think. Would it be odd to send everyone in the brigade a letter so soon after your last? Most likely, and you aren’t even sure what you would say; something like staring into death’s jaws has hardened your resolve to be queen, but no that would only make them worry.
Still. You remember toppling Briareus, wreathed in light. You look up from your desk, gaze catching the priestess robes, and putting down the quill and paper and walk over to touch them. Something stirs again. You are becoming something new.
Micaiah has gained access to the light priestess class!
#|drabble#//theres disjointed bc miccys thoughts are all over the place and then there is whatever this is haha#but you know what! im done!#the drabble is forcefully removed from the word doc#(html formatting under way gomen)
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RP Wishlist!
I’ve got a plot or idea I’ve been wanting to use for each character on this gd blog under the cut, take a look and lemme know if you’re interested in any! I tried to keep it mostly ship agnostic, but, you know.
Sometimes it be like that
Catria -- Heroes. Feeling undeserving of the attention she receives from some of the other pegasus knights that grew up on stories of her and her sisters, Catria tries to escape for a quiet moment alone. Unfortunately, she gets cornered and starts venting about what she’s heard of her reputation.
Clair -- Canon. Finally coming to terms with her crush on Alm being one-sided, Clair sank to the level of the ‘commoners’ and joined in the soldiers drinking one night to try and deal with her emotions. She wakes up with a blinding headache and a sinking feeling that something had gone horribly wrong. At least she still has all her clothes.
Erinys -- Heroes. Erinys finds out about her untimely death, and isn’t able to come to terms with it - or the fact that she’s already starting to feel some of the symptoms that would lead to it. (TW: Cancer mentions)
Aida -- Canon. While leading Sigurd and his army back to Barhara and into an ambush, Aida reluctantly finds herself drawn into conversation with some of the members of the army when hey mention their children.
Ced -- Canon. After barely managing to defeat Ishtar during the events of Chapter 8, Ced starts throwing himself into his training even more than before as his inadequacy complex starts to play up.
Ishtar -- Survives/Seliph AU, Heroes. Ishtar is left in Askr trying to come to terms with the fact that she committed suicide by army in most other timelines, and wonders if she’s a bad person for choosing to live.
Nanna -- Canon/Heroes. Nanna’s confidence is slowly returning to her following the events of Thracia 776, and shades of her mother are starting to shine through again. People who used to know Lachesis start commenting on that.
Swanhild -- Heroes. Swanhild’s recklessness leads her to sustaining a grave injury in battle. She goes to thank the hero that saved her in that fight, as well as apologize for the endless screaming her mother had subjected them to when she found out what had happened.
Igrene -- Heroes/FE7. Caught off guard by meeting the people her father had only mentioned to her in stories, Igrene is unable to resist comparing them to the children she’d meet later on.
Fiora -- Canon. Fiora is trying to write home to the families of her fallen subordinates, but isn’t sure what to say. She ends up speaking to her current comrades to try and figure out how to approach such a delicate topic.
Selena Fluorspar -- Canon, pre-game. As one of the four generals of Grado, Selena accompanies Prince Lyon on one of his diplomatic visits to meet with the Twins. While there, she speaks with another member of the Knights of Renais, and compares her own country’s struggles to their idyllic nature.
Tana -- Canon/Ephraim Ship. With her wedding to Ephraim on the horizon, Tana vanishes abruptly for a few days, to be found helping hands-on with the reconstruction work on the border. In a fit of tears she talks about how she feels weak and insignificant compared to what everyone else has done, and tries to voice her distaste for the end result of the war.
Mia -- Heroes. Confronted with people on her level or even above it, Mia temporarily questions if the sword is even worth pursuing anymore. She immediately shakes this off and drags the first person she sees into training with her, whether they use a blade or not be damned.
Sanaki -- Canon, RD. Having just unveiled her gambit to the Senate and started the process of shutting down their influence, Sanaki is found burnt out and exhausted in the camp, muttering about how much she still has left to do. Having somehow given Sigrun and Tanith the slip, it’s a rare moment of her being in public, unescorted, and with her shields down.
Tanith -- Sephiran/Tanith ship, POR. Tanith’s secret relationship with the Prime Minister stops being so secret when he gets General Zelgius to deliver her a love letter along with the reinforcements. And several dozen roses. And a song that she just barely stops him from performing. Caught off guard and embarrassed, Tanith tries to mumble her way through an excuse about it to the first person who questions her on it.
Mist -- Heroes. Mist is fed up with being designated as just a healer, and heads to the training grounds with sword in hand to prove that she really is her brother’s sister.
Titania -- Canon, between games. Titania takes a personal week off from the mercenaries and heads to the capital, meeting old friends on her way there. She catches up on what’s been happening in their lives, before sourly letting her dissatisfaction with the current state of the world known.
Annath -- Heroes. With her father not present and her mother apparently only having a wedding dress on her person, Annath has a hard time taking Askr seriously. Trying to explain who she is to the other heroes from Tellius becomes particularly embarrassing for her
Cynthia, Morgan & Haley -- Post-FE13. With Robin still missing and presumed dead, Cynthia tries to pick up the ruins of her personal life and move forwards. She ropes some of her friends and their family in to help her and her daughters collect and sort Robin’s personal effects, aiming to move out of Ylisstol now that “Mini Cynthia” has been born.
Tiki -- Heroes. Tiki tries not to seem too embarrassed by the antics that her younger self gets up to around people she’s grown to call her friends. She isn’t overly successful.
Tharja -- Canon. Embittered by the reaction she receives as a Plegian living in Ylisstol, Tharja has to be talked down from enacting bitter, if somewhat tame, hex-based vengeance upon the stuffy Ylissean court.
Chrom!Severa -- Fates/Heroes. For someone as proud of her heritage as Severa is, keeping her mouth shut about her exalt blood proves a difficult task. A slip of her sharp tongue proves too complex to pull back, and she’s forced to explain herself.
Edelgard -- Black Eagles, Part One. Edelgard believes that the person who overheard her nightmares this time was simply her teacher again, and moves to open the doors to her room to continue their discussion. Finding one of her classmates was listening proves harder to explain.
Marianne -- Black Eagles or Golden Deer, Part Two (Post Paralogue). With her newfound confidence in her identity, Marianne returns to the chapel to pray for the first time in a while. Unfortunately, her newfound confidence isn’t quite enough to seal away all her self-doubt, but she at least feels open enough now to speak with it to her former classmates.
Ladislava -- Black Eagles, Post-Game. Surviving her near-death with a shattered back, Ladislava is forced out of military service due to injuries too severe for even magic to heal. She tries to adjust to normal noble life, but a meeting with former members of the Strike Force shows how poorly she’s managing to accomplish that goal.
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Xorvintaal Excerpt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFnnNijn_OI Avatar always provides the best insprational music.
“Come on, Thrane!” Lysander shouted, pressing his knees into the wyvern’s sides. The dragon gave a roar, splitting through the violence of steel against steel as the creature snapped out its wings, taking off into the sky. The rain was an icy downpour, sleet cutting into Lysander’s cheeks as he rose higher and higher above the fighting. Sparing a glance downwards, he could see a thin layer of snow covering Candlekeep’s grounds, stained red with blood and bodies.
He wound the wyvern’s reins around his hands as he grated his teeth, squinting against the blizzard as he flew towards the Star Tower - the tallest turret of Candlekeep. Lysander could see the massive black sphere steadily rising above the Star Tower’s summit - the onyx orb sparking as the mages concentrated their arcana across its surface.
It’s grown. The sphere had tripled in size, and growing with every passing second. Freezing pain was shooting through his fingers as they charged through the blizzard and Lysander urged the wyvern forward, slicing through the sleet and snow that descended from the stormy sky in an icy torrent.
Five mages were surrounding the orb, their black cloaks billowing in the wind as they focused their energy into the artifact. He could see violet streaks of magic webbing across its surface as it expanded...and he could see Sephiran. Lysander’s heart dropped into his stomach, nearly falling from Thrane’s saddle.
His brother stood upon the edge of the tower, looking out over the conflict with narrowed eyes. The scar that wound down his face seemed deeper than the last Lysander saw him, his eyes sunken in and skin pasty. He looked...almost tired.
The exhaustion faded from his features as soon as he spotted Lysander, rising up through the storm and his face contorted into a humorless grin. “Lysander!” he called over the wind, his red cloak rippling like a bloody tongue against the pallid gale. One of the mages stepped forward to strike the dragon rider down, lightning flickering between their fingers before Sephiran puts out a hand, stopping them. “Come, enjoy the show! We’re nearing the finale.”
The wyvern lowered down enough for Lysander to jump off, landing nimbly upon the tower’s peak, and the beast pulled away to join the fight below. From here, he could no longer hear the sounds of battle. Just the roar of the blizzard, and the crackling arcana emanating from the Sphere of Annihilation which separated them.
Sephiran stepped around the mages slowly, as though he were enjoying a leisurely stroll through the castle courtyard before he comes to Lysander’s side. Neither brother says a word, as they look down from the tower and upon the battlefield. The ground was painted scarlet, and from here the soldiers looked like ants as they shed each other’s blood.
“Look at it, Lysander,” Sephiran murmurs, never taking his dark eyes off the fray. “What do you see?”
Lysander frowned, turning his cerulean gaze back to the fighting. “Chaos.”
Sephiran nodded. “It is the consequence of our conflict,” he murmured lowly, the words nearly ripped from his lips by the wind. “The endless struggle between Bahamut and Tiamat.” The edge of his lip pulled upwards into a smile. “Red and white. There’s something awfully aesthetic about blood on snow, don’t you think?”
“You need to stop this, Sephiran,” Lysander growled, daring to move closer to his brother. Sephiran’s eyes shot over with a scowl, but otherwise remained still. “It’s complete madness! You’re going to wipe out as many who serve you as you will your enemy. Our people. They clash and spill each other’s blood. By the time this war ends, our land will be a kingdom of corpses. We need to stop this, and settle our differences without dragging our subjects down with us.”
“No,” Sephiran’s snarl was thick as he spun around on Lysander, eyes flashing. His boot is planted up on the battlements as he gestures down towards the bloody battlefield. “This is the only way. For thousands of years, this has been the only way.” A wave of emotions pass over his features. “And it’s too late to change now.”
“It doesn’t have to be.” Lysander makes his way around his brother to face him, as though shielding the other from the carnage below. “Tiamat has trapped you, Sephiran. She has you wound around her finger.” Lysander’s hand reaches out, clasping his brother’s shoulder. “And you’re letting her...why?”
Sephiran’s lips pull back into a snarl, snatching Lysander’s wrist and tears it away. “The days of us prancing about in castle gardens are over, Lysander,” he growls. “You need to face reality. We have both been chosen to write the fates of this realm. And I will not let you stand in my way.” He whips his head towards the mages, which had grown completely still during the conflict of the princes. “I didn’t tell you to stop. Continue the ritual!”
Another surge of power coursed through the mage’s fingers, connecting with the orb. It crackled and shook, expanding as it began to rise slowly into the sky. Lysander took a step forward - before he heard the distinct sound of steel scraping across leather and Sephiran’s blade is suddenly in his hand - the malevolent red channel that flows through the blade seeming to glow like fading embers.
“Sephrain, please,” Lysander begged, resting his hand on the pommel of his sword. “Stand aside. Let us end our conflict here. Stand with Bahamut, he will accept-”
“Enough!” Sephiran’s unhinged cry was nearly ripped away by the storm, raising his blade. The tip pointed towards Lysander’s throat, and the Prince of Waterdeep’s eyes flared, rimmed with red. “There is no other way,” he whispers. “Draw your sword, brother. This ends now.”
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They had made it so far, reaching the apex of the Tower of Guidance. They’d fought their way through waves of golden soldiers, Begnion’s traitorous senators, Goldoan dragons – creatures Ike didn’t even have a name for, clusters of energy that felt like a condensed form of magic itself. Even facing off against the Black Knight, Zelgius, as well as the man they had known as Sephiran – who had orchestrated so much of this, in the end.
The group of chosen warriors – made up of Crimeans, those of Begnion, Daien, and the Laguz nations – stood outside of the massive, stone doors leading to Ashera’s chamber. Tellius stood strong with them, for once banded together for a common cause, not divided.
It was all or nothing now. The people of the world would be doomed to a state of stone-encased death if they did not prevail here.
Yune wasn’t strong enough to bring them back from the beyond, as Ashera did so freely with her own army. but she had the power to make their weapons powerful enough to actually harm the Goddess of Order. The group selected their best weapons, the Laguz among them shifting into their battle forms so that they could receive the blessing.
It was silent, the ornate doors swinging open without any hint of sound; no scrape of stone, no creak of weight.
Ashera was utterly otherworldly in appearance; stoic, tranquil, but with an underlying tone of danger that kept them all on edge. She seemed a stark contrast to Yune, who sounded so very human in her speech and mannerisms.
The battle was brutal.
Ashera could summon those strange, elemental spirits at will; the unthinking beings winking in and out of existence around them, striking with the power of fire, thunder and wind. There was no real defense against them, especially when their group was spread out. Ike would have preferred to strike forward in a close group, but there was danger in clumping together – every other minute or so, Ashera would bring down some sort of strike that effected the entire field of battle – save for a handful of safe spots. Magical damage, paralysis, their healers and magic users being struck mute; all designed to leave them utterly vulnerable.
When they finally got close enough to actually attack the Goddess head on, they ran into a barrier that surrounded her. Tibarn had struck the first blow, able to get there faster and expertly dodging around magical attacks through the air, but it was like he had hit an invisible wall. The air seemed to crack where he had hit, the barrier flashing into their view for a moment as it glowed – and then retaliated.
The Hawk King was pushed back with the same amount of force he had attacked with, blood and feathers smearing across the polished floors as he fell from the air. Elincia and Mist were quick to come to his aid, several others fending off the spirits that swirled to take advantage.
It became clear that they would suffer extreme injuries simply attacking Ashera, but they had no other choice. Those protective shields of magic needed to be beat down, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to even scratch the Deity.
They all pushed ahead, doing what they could to minimize their casualties. The barriers cracked, and gave way – Ashera finally open to a direct strike. Just a few more hits, just a little more time, and this would all be over. Sanaki launched powerful spells, enveloping the Goddess in a searing vortex of flames, followed up with savage blows from the mighty ax of Nolan – one of the Dawn Brigade, a man that Ike had hardly had any time to even speak to before all this, but he trusted the words that Sothe had imparted to him when they chose who would go into the Tower.
The Goddess faltered, almost…taken by surprise – but then, she rallied, her neutral mask not shifting a bit as her torn body mended back together.
There was a palpable drop in their collective hope; bleeding and broken, it would only be a matter of time before they started to stumble and fall to the onslaught.
Desperation. It was starting to take hold of them all.
“Yune…We can’t hold out much longer,” Ike huffed out, exhaustion clear in his voice. “There has to be a way to end this…”
The Goddess of Chaos, using Micaiah as a vessel so that she could speak to everyone, nodded at the Commander, and told him to ready himself. Armed with Ragnell, one of the two holy blades, Ike would be the only one who could strike Ashera down for good. As he was now, though, he couldn’t do it – Yune would have to give him all the power she could muster up.
Ike did as he was told, gripping Ragnell’s pommel tightly as he braced himself for the transfer of power. He had no real idea what to prepare himself for, but when the torrent of blue fire left Micaiah’s body and entered into his own, it was a rush of memories, emotions, and a cold burn through his veins. The vague thought passed through his head, wondering if this chaotic writhing beneath his skin was what it had felt like to his father when he touched the Medallion.
Now a match for the embodiment of Order, Ike charged forward at Ashera, delivering the final killing blow. She made no noise, though her mouth gaped open, eyes wide and clear as she fell back. There was no blood, she didn’t even hit the ground – just a brief, bright burst of sparkling blue.
Order had fallen, Chaos had prevailed.
There was a collective breath of relief, everyone lowering their weapons and easing out of the life-and-death state they’d been stuck in since entering the Tower. Even as high as they were, they could hear the cheer of their comrades outside, rising up into the air as Ashera’s army collapsed.
It was infectious, relief and happiness spreading through the group of heroes.
And then, Ike turned back to them, blue flames still enveloping his body and eyes burning with an unnatural light. One sweeping movement of Ragnell, and his comrades were nearly wiped out by the strike of ethereal energy that cut through them.
They struggled to defend themselves, wounded and worn from the previous fights as they had been. Arrows pierced him, claws and teeth ripped at his flesh, but he didn’t falter for lack of feeling any of the damage being done to his body. The only thing that stopped Ike was a blinding flash of Light magic from an injured Micaiah, robbing him of his vision as Elincia and Mist rushed forward to try and incapacitate him. But he still struck out, blinded and enraged; as he whirled around to strike a blow at the Queen’s pegasus, Mist urged her mount forward.
Her blade sank into his chest with a sort of ease that felt odd, even with the momentum behind it. He stood for a moment, Ragnell raised high, before the holy blade slipped from deadening fingers and Ike fell back with a thud that echoed around the stone room. The blue flames on his body slowly burnt themselves out, fading to nothingness as the contrast of red blood started to ooze from the fatal wound he’d been dealt.
It was over, and Tellius had no more need of Gods.
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Begnion Megadump: Art
The following is Part I of my Begnion Megadump, a ridiculously over-sized headcanon dump regarding day to day life in Begnion
This has not yet been proofread or edited for tone.
All headcanons are contemporary to the events of Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn, so from the year 640 (Sanaki’s coronation) onwards
To avoid having to go into an exhaustive amount of detail about the history of the individual arts and how they evolved to this point, instead a brief overview will be given of a handful of key themes and art forms that are present in Begnion's works during Sanaki's reign.
Duplicity and Dissonance
A major recurring theme in Begnion's work, be it music, architecture or poems/prose, is duplicity. Not just as a wry joke by early satirists about the infamously backstab-heavy Begnion Senates, but also due to the sheer amount of influence that the Asheran religion brings to everyday Begnion culture. Since so many of their stories - particularly what is essentially their creation myth - revolve around the mirrored goddesses of Order and Chaos in Ashera and Yune, the theme of two opposed sides either literally or metaphorically is frequently included in works even subconsciously just because of how ingrained these stories are in Begnion culture.
Another major theme is dissonance, most frequently in song or other musical performances. Intended to make the listener focus on the messages of the songs, Begnion works frequently utilize deliberately different sounds to the words - a violent battle scene might be approached serenely, while a romantic scene can often sound a violent affair to those not used to it.
Altina Groups
One of Begnion's most popular art forms among the lower classes is the travelling Altina Groups, a combination of three instrumentalists - one wind, one string, and one percussion - and a single singer/dancer, most frequently female. Intended in form to mimic Altina and the three Laguz heroes of old (counting Lehran alongside Soan and Dheginsea, despite the fact he was not one of the traditional Three Heroes), these bands of musicians never stay in one place and instead travel across the countryside, visiting villages and capitals alike to recreate famous scenes from the country's history through song and dance.
Originally, the role of the three Laguz would be of equal importance to Altina, but due to the degradation of relations between the two races it has sadly grown more and more traditional to move them to the background - most often as silent instrumentalists, forbidden to speak as the 'Altina' figure dances and sings through the tales on her own. This is eventually changed under the later years of Sanaki's reign, as she finds the free time to turn her eyes away from economic issues and to the smaller-level societal ones.
Altina Groups are trained and assembled in a musical college in Sienne, where particularly promising performers of various stripes are pulled aside and offered the chance to form one rather than simply graduating the college and most likely ending up a private performer for a member of the Senate. The Groups are paid for by the Apostle herself, funding their travelling expenses and their careers in general, as historically the Altina Group has been one of the greatest ways to spread propaganda that Begnion has ever seen - retelling stories that the villagers may only have heard of in passing, with some rulers subtly altering them to make Begnion appear more in the right than their foes were. Notably, the official versions of the tales of the wars against Crimea, Daein and the various Laguz tribes that the Altina Groups are instructed in are known to be incredibly innaccurate, far beyond the point that mere poetic license would allow. Once Sanaki is made aware of this issue, she steps in and forces them to tell the truth - but this is a long and arduous process, with the various Altina Groups scattered among the country.
The arrival of an Altina Group to a village is a major occasion, often only happening once every six months or so. The news of one's impending arrival is often used as an excuse to give the village a holiday, setting up a festival of sorts for the two or three days the Group is in town to perform. In the more major cities, it is less of an occasion - convenience of supplies alone means that they visit far more frequently, often staying for weeks at a time rather than a few days - but they are still respected, and frequently the most popular talk of the town when present.
Some of the most notable songs performed over the course of Sanaki's reign include:
Fall of the Mad God, the oldest song included in the Altina Group's repertoire and normally sung as the final song of their stay. Telling of the final battle between Ashera's forces and Yune, prior to her being sealed away years ago.
Scattered Kingdoms, one of the longest songs that the Groups perform and a montage of Daein and Crimea splintering away from Begnion.
Betrayal from Serenes, about Misaha's apparent murder at the hands of the Herons. Was forcibly banned from being performed ever again shortly after Sanaki revealed the truth to the public.
The Child Empress, one of the shorter performances, about the coronation of Sanaki. Was written by one of the senators as part of their fawning over their new ruler to try and manipulate her, and Sanaki despises the damn thing.
War of the Mad King, penned shortly after the events of FE9.
The Guard and the Sage, about the affair between Deputy Commander Tanith and Sephiran, Duke of Persis. It had actually been written by Sigrun as something of a joke at her friend and subordinate's expense, intended for a single performance at one of Tanith's birthdays only for it to end up being performed to the public anyway. It has grown disturbingly popular over the years, to Tanith's eternal embarrassment.
What we see of Sienne's architecture implies that Begnion takes cues from modern-day Earth's neoclassical and gothic movements, with design philosophies as far as space and practicality are met with grecan collumns and gothic stained glass windows and arches.
Due to how much of a role religion played in Begnion's culture, religious iconography is often found scattered on even the most basic of buildings. Wooden huts for villagers have reliefs of Altina or Ashera carved into the doorframe, while the houses belonging to more affluent members of society will feature statues either within the main hall or outside the doorway. Stained glass is surprisingly easy to come by, thanks to the aid of magic in its creation - and even the poorest villagers will likely have a simple, one-colored window with brass wiring of Ashera's symbols embedded on it.
Mirrors play a major role in Begnion artworks, both as a subject within paintings and sculpture and as something fashioned by skilled artists in their own right.
As a Subject
The Begnion fondness for mirrors as a subject within their art is a return to the theme of duplicity mentioned above - in paintings in particular, mirrors are often used to show a reflection entirely different from their subject matter. One of the most famous paintings in the country, hung in the Empress' throne room in Sienne and having inspired many copies and derivatives, is of a regretful Altina staring into a mirror at an enraged Yune - something that makes Sanaki feel quite awkward whenever Micaiah visits, due to the truth of the entire matter.
As an Art Form
Skilled mirror-crafters are admired almost on the same level as sculptors, painters or singers in Begnion - not just the frame, but working with and polishing the metals and glass used in the mirror itself. Many styles have come and gone over the years, with deliberately cracked and 'demented' mirrors being popular shortly after Misaha's death. During Sanaki's reign, the trend has shifted to simple frames but elegant glasswork - the mirror's glass itself stained and polished, taking an immense amount of time to create what is essentially a multi-tinted reflection.
The Two-Faced Poems
Easily considered the highest form of art in Begnion society is the colloquially known two-faced poems. These poems are often written by one person, but need to be read by two seperate speakers in a public presentation for their full impact to be considered by the listener. An example excerpt is given below:
Altina cast the blow, tears on her face,
Crying out in anger, screaming in despair
And bringing justice once more, at the cost of friendship
As a result, the excerpt can be read in three different ways:
Altina cast the blow, crying out in anger, and bringing justice once more,
Tears on her face, screaming in despair at the cost of friendship
Altina cast the blow, tears on her face, crying out in anger, screaming in despair, and bringing justice once more, at the cost of friendship
The goal of those who write the two-faced poem is to create two poems with different messages that, when combined, tell the whole picture. Once again playing on the recurring Begnion themes of duplicity and dissonance, the idea was sparked by a poet from the age of Emperor Soan, after writing one based on the proverb that there was two sides to every story. Ideally, the two seperate readers would take one passage each, reading them in their entirety one after the other - and leaving the crowd to put their own conclusions of the entire 'story' together.
#worldbuilding tag#Battle Log;Headcanons#Divine Empress;Sanaki#Stern Commander;Tanith#Rebuilding Sienne;Begnion Megadump
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RP Wishlist - Updated
now with the ones i turned into starters removed
Catria -- Heroes. Feeling undeserving of the attention she receives from some of the other pegasus knights that grew up on stories of her and her sisters, Catria tries to escape for a quiet moment alone. Unfortunately, she gets cornered and starts venting about what she’s heard of her reputation.
Clair -- Canon. Finally coming to terms with her crush on Alm being one-sided, Clair sank to the level of the ‘commoners’ and joined in the soldiers drinking one night to try and deal with her emotions. She wakes up with a blinding headache and a sinking feeling that something had gone horribly wrong. At least she still has all her clothes.
Erinys -- Heroes. Erinys finds out about her untimely death, and isn’t able to come to terms with it - or the fact that she’s already starting to feel some of the symptoms that would lead to it. (TW: Cancer mentions)
Aida -- Canon. While leading Sigurd and his army back to Barhara and into an ambush, Aida reluctantly finds herself drawn into conversation with some of the members of the army when hey mention their children.
Ced -- Canon. After barely managing to defeat Ishtar during the events of Chapter 8, Ced starts throwing himself into his training even more than before as his inadequacy complex starts to play up.
Nanna -- Canon/Heroes. Nanna’s confidence is slowly returning to her following the events of Thracia 776, and shades of her mother are starting to shine through again. People who used to know Lachesis start commenting on that.
Swanhild -- Heroes. Swanhild’s recklessness leads her to sustaining a grave injury in battle. She goes to thank the hero that saved her in that fight, as well as apologize for the endless screaming her mother had subjected them to when she found out what had happened.
Igrene -- Heroes/FE7. Caught off guard by meeting the people her father had only mentioned to her in stories, Igrene is unable to resist comparing them to the children she’d meet later on.
Fiora -- Canon. Fiora is trying to write home to the families of her fallen subordinates, but isn’t sure what to say. She ends up speaking to her current comrades to try and figure out how to approach such a delicate topic.
Tana -- Canon/Ephraim Ship. With her wedding to Ephraim on the horizon, Tana vanishes abruptly for a few days, to be found helping hands-on with the reconstruction work on the border. In a fit of tears she talks about how she feels weak and insignificant compared to what everyone else has done, and tries to voice her distaste for the end result of the war.
Mia -- Heroes. Confronted with people on her level or even above it, Mia temporarily questions if the sword is even worth pursuing anymore. She immediately shakes this off and drags the first person she sees into training with her, whether they use a blade or not be damned.
Sanaki -- Canon, RD. Having just unveiled her gambit to the Senate and started the process of shutting down their influence, Sanaki is found burnt out and exhausted in the camp, muttering about how much she still has left to do. Having somehow given Sigrun and Tanith the slip, it’s a rare moment of her being in public, unescorted, and with her shields down.
Tanith -- Sephiran/Tanith ship, POR. Tanith’s secret relationship with the Prime Minister stops being so secret when he gets General Zelgius to deliver her a love letter along with the reinforcements. And several dozen roses. And a song that she just barely stops him from performing. Caught off guard and embarrassed, Tanith tries to mumble her way through an excuse about it to the first person who questions her on it.
Titania -- Canon, between games. Titania takes a personal week off from the mercenaries and heads to the capital, meeting old friends on her way there. She catches up on what’s been happening in their lives, before sourly letting her dissatisfaction with the current state of the world known.
Annath -- Heroes. With her father not present and her mother apparently only having a wedding dress on her person, Annath has a hard time taking Askr seriously. Trying to explain who she is to the other heroes from Tellius becomes particularly embarrassing for her
Cynthia, Morgan & Haley -- Post-FE13. With Robin still missing and presumed dead, Cynthia tries to pick up the ruins of her personal life and move forwards. She ropes some of her friends and their family in to help her and her daughters collect and sort Robin’s personal effects, aiming to move out of Ylisstol now that “Mini Cynthia” has been born.
Tiki -- Heroes. Tiki tries not to seem too embarrassed by the antics that her younger self gets up to around people she’s grown to call her friends. She isn’t overly successful.
Tharja -- Canon. Embittered by the reaction she receives as a Plegian living in Ylisstol, Tharja has to be talked down from enacting bitter, if somewhat tame, hex-based vengeance upon the stuffy Ylissean court.
Chrom!Severa -- Fates/Heroes. For someone as proud of her heritage as Severa is, keeping her mouth shut about her exalt blood proves a difficult task. A slip of her sharp tongue proves too complex to pull back, and she’s forced to explain herself.
Edelgard -- Black Eagles, Part One. Edelgard believes that the person who overheard her nightmares this time was simply her teacher again, and moves to open the doors to her room to continue their discussion. Finding one of her classmates was listening proves harder to explain.
Marianne -- Black Eagles or Golden Deer, Part Two (Post Paralogue). With her newfound confidence in her identity, Marianne returns to the chapel to pray for the first time in a while. Unfortunately, her newfound confidence isn’t quite enough to seal away all her self-doubt, but she at least feels open enough now to speak with it to her former classmates.
Ladislava -- Black Eagles, Post-Game. Surviving her near-death with a shattered back, Ladislava is forced out of military service due to injuries too severe for even magic to heal. She tries to adjust to normal noble life, but a meeting with former members of the Strike Force shows how poorly she’s managing to accomplish that goal.
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