#and Sara Lance is not gay! seriously!
joeey-dee · 1 year
I don't get people.
Why do you read a fic you obviously won't like because you don't like the main couple and then leave a rude comment. And just to be a complete asshole, block the author of said story so they can't reply to you.
People seriously suck sometimes. Why read something you don't like? Why comment if you have nothing nice to say? And why not even giving me a chance to reply to you? How miserable and cowardly does one have to be? Seriously!
What is so difficult about the concept don't like don't read and don't be an asshole for no reason.
Write your own damn story instead of bringing down the mood on my stories.
Seriously the one thing I can say is the Canarrow people are all really nice, positive and encouraging people. While my limited experience with Olicity people was rather negative, except for one who's a complete sweetheart and loves my Canarrow fic and doesn't mind my frequent rants and criticism about Olicity even though she disagrees with most of it. Which is how one should be. Or if you can't handle someone criticizing your OTP don't read stories that clearly state that they are not going to be the end goal.
Just move on. Don't read, don't be rude in the comments and if you are incapable of doing that, at least have the guts and give the author a chance to reply. It's the least you can do. Especially when you are too deluded to admit that Oliver loved Sara and Sara loved Oliver and claim Sara is gay and that is why she and Oliver can't be endgame. WTF?! 
There would be no Green Arrow without Sara. Their affair is the reason the Arrowverse even exists. If Oliver and Sara hadn't been involved, Oliver and Felicity would've never met.
Sorry, for my rant but this person just pissed me off and I can't even let them know because they have the audacity to block me and then comment on my fic.
Joke's on them, I let AO3 know and made a harassment claim. Should've just let me reply. Also this is not the first time they left rude comments simply because they don't like Canarrow and some of my fics have both the Canarrow and Olicity tag, because those are accurate for those stories, the main couple is always obvious though. At the beginning I could reply and they ended up deleting their comments, now they blocked me and still leave rude comments.
It is very hurtful behavior, I always get excited when get the notification from AO3 that someone commented on my fic, only to then get a very rude, unnecessary comment from someone who seems to enjoy just being mean and tearing people down. It takes a very long time to write a fic, and then to get comments like those… I don’t mind criticism, it helps me grow as a writer, but I hate the comments people make just to ruin someone’s day for no apparent reason.
I’m sorry if the reason is that the Olicity writers in general aren’t that good, because most of them are teenage girls, no offense, they are still learning and need to do it somewhere, the stories I wrote as a teen were pretty bad too, but I kept at it and have grown as a writer. It can be frustrating if the only stories you get about a couple you love are badly written ones, but that still is no reason to attack the author of a not badly written story simply for not writing the couple you want. Write your own fic if you don’t find what you are looking for. It is one of the main reason why I write, there are almost no Canarrow fics out there, which blows my mind, they are by far the best and healthiest Arrowverse couple out there.
Okay, I think I’m done, lol.
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galahadenough · 2 years
I admittedly went into the series not expecting much. It’s a superhero show. It’ll be fun! But somehow fucking DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is hitting almost every itch I have for queer representation that I don’t see enough, or any, of elsewhere.
First off, it’s a fun show. It’s hilarious. It doesn’t take itself too seriously in a way that lets it be fun, but clearly the writers take the the show seriously because of the inside jokes that don’t break the mood if you don’t get it and because of how well they treat their characters.
But I’m here to talk about the queer rep. BTW, spoilers ahead (I say while having one more season to go…)
I suppose that I’ve been taught to not expect much, especially from action or superhero genres where every hint of a gay character is treated like an amazing first that people are suppose to be grateful for. But I really wasn’t expecting this.
First remarkable thing is the sheer quantity. You want a queer character? How about 7? How about they be main characters? How about they be emphatically queer while being queer has nothing to do with that character’s plot??
But the best thing for me is how they show queerness.
I have always felt that, as much progress as we have made, the goal for media should be that Indiana Jones (or Bond, or anyone) can be queer in an unquestionable way. It shouldn’t need a big explanation or be a shock. My personal goal would be that any generic action hero can unexpectedly turn out to be queer because it could easily go any direction. And Indiana Jones casually gets the guy. Or whatever. And that’s what Sara Lance does.
Sara Lance is ~arguably~ the main character. Hard to have a main character with that big of a cast, but she counts enough to make my point. The main character is bi. Visibly and emphatically and gleefully bi. And the show makes damn sure this fact never gets forgotten, but it is not a part of her backstory. It just is, without reasons or explanations.
She spends a lot of the show Casanova-ing her way across history, seducing women right and left in such a traditional male-adventure-hero type role that had me so happy. She took on such a traditional role that women have never had and did it is such a matter of fact way. Her confidence was never questioned. Her competence was never questioned. Her sexuality was never questioned. She didn’t even need to “come out”, she just existed like it was normal.
And this same character is the one who has had the longest, healthiest, most stable relationship in the show. I don’t know what happens in the last season, but it honestly wouldn’t even feel like “burying the gays” if Ava died at this point. It wouldn’t feel like a punishment for being queer because it was so openly celebrated for so much of the show.
Now that I’ve got Sara out of the way (because I love her too much to write this without her), it’s time to get to Mick Rory. Because Mick is fucking fantastic.
Mick is even more shocking than Sara when it comes to queer rep because he represents so much of the less visible representation. He is so visibly male and tough and abrasive. He comes across as questionably literate and is known for being the brawn and pyromaniac of the group.
This isn’t the sort of character that is known for getting any queer representation, then he stops drinking just long enough to pop off one of the best, most impassioned speeches about being “othered” that I’ve ever heard, and probably the only time I’ve every heard the phrase used outside of niche online communities.
He turns out to be a writer… of space opera sci-fi romance novels. A prolific, published author who adores his army of female fans, which is more respect towards a female audience than most shows seem to have. An author who, when he finally revealed who he was, preferred that his fans continue to call him Rebecca when talking to him. This isn’t quite trans representation, but it is incredibly satisfying and normalizing. Someone who looks and acts like him being comfortable being called Rebecca combined with the fact that he didn’t even get a strange look over the choice.
He has been referred to as a “skirt chaser” but rarely shows interest in anyone. Honestly feels like decent rep for aromantic and/or monsterfucker (which is one of those categories that I feel belongs under the queer umbrella).
And I just love how queerness permeates the show. There is never a shocked “wait.. you’re gay!!”. There are no token gays that are quickly forgotten and there are also no queer characters whose plot point is being gay. It just exists naturally and normally and it feels fucking fantastic.
I could probably polish this up a bit, but it’s really gotten away from me. I really love this show, and I just needed to get this out!
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ober-affen-geil · 2 years
Apparently Legends of Tomorrow is destined to Rise Up and Eat My Brain every once in a while so y’all are gonna suffer because of it. Who me becoming randomly Obsessed with cheesy CW shows what no never happened before.
Anyway I’m just like everyone else who watched season 7 and as SOON as I saw Dr. Gwyn Davies on my screen I adopted him because I am a HUGE sucker for 20th century repressed gays (no this is NOT the meta where we talk about how he immediately knew Alun wasn’t real because he got what he wanted and it was easy for once in his life but also HNGGGG) and Dr. Gwyn Davies is nothing if not a 20th century repressed gay so we’re gonna talk about that.
Specifically we’re gonna talk about the scene in 7x06 when he actually confirms to Zari that he loved his childhood best friend *in a gay way* and why it was perfectly written (and perfectly acted).
Gwyn is a man who is, without question, odd. In a lot of ways and in every sense of the word, but that will not stop him because he is on a Divine Mission goddammit. So honestly…meeting Sara Lance is a shock, but not for the “normal” reasons it would be?
It is not necessarily surprising to him that she professes to be a time traveler, that is after all his goal. Her strength of personality, physicality, and actions do not shock him (other than the quite understandable surprise of her pulling a knife on him) because frankly, he’s Welsh and he lived through WWI. He has unquestionably seen women of equal strength and desperation in his lifetime.
No, what’s shocking about Sara Lance to him is two things: 1) she did not view him as weak or insane for having a panic attack, and in fact helped calm him down and apologized for causing it. I seriously doubt that anyone in this man’s life had ever done that for him before. And 2) she candidly confesses to being married to a woman when she barely knows him. Shocking to him both in how easily she comes out to him, and the fact that “wife” implies a legal “marriage” recognized in a court of law.
This is. Something he needs to process. So while we do get the hint at that moment that Gwyn has Someone he loved that he is inventing time travel to save, he doesn’t actually say anything to Sara about who it was.
The thing is. The thing is, see, Gwyn lives with, and deals with, a lot. Has for most of if not all his life. He lived with quietly loving a friend that he never, NEVER expected to love him back the same way, he lives with his queerness, he lives with the fact that his own faith condemns him for it, he lives with his trauma of losing both his unit and the man he loved in the same battle, and he lives with his PTSD symptoms. And he lives with all of that alone. This man is just not able to compute having ANYONE who might understand or sympathize with any of the things he’s been living with, alone, for about a decade.
(Side note, yes, A Decade as in 10 years because we meet him in 1925 and the battle that killed Alun was in 1916 so my man got a doctorate and invented time travel and built a working machine in 10 years. Helluva Divine Mission imo.)
Ok so. He needs to process all this for a minute. Where I’m going with this is, the conversation with Zari, where he effectively comes out, is AFTER he’s absorbed this information from Sara. After he’s seen her and Ava together, expressing open romantic and physical affection without any shame. After he’s seen the team “react” as if it were a non-issue. And most importantly, after Zari has shown the same kindness and understanding to him about his PTSD that Sara did.
This was not a random one-off occasion of Sara putting up with him because she needed something from him; these people actually seem to MEAN it. By the time Zari asks him “you loved him, didn’t you”, he has had time to process and accept that by god these people really care and he might actually really be safe with them.
So that’s the perfection of the timing. The perfection of the acting in the moment is just as *chef’s kiss*. (Here is a link to a gifset of the part I’m talking about if you want a visual reference.)
Zari asks him directly and he KNOWS, he KNOWS what she’s asking. He knows the meaning of what she’s questioning him about and even though he’s seen these people with Sara and Ava by god he has been hiding this all his life. This is not easy for him. It’s not until she says “hey, it’s ok” with a gentle hand on his shoulder and a sincere look of understanding written all over her face that he can let go.
And not to go all “Love, Simon” over here but he LITERALLY exhales his answer. The first “yeah” is more breath than word, and his shoulders drop minutely as he just. Physically lets go of this weight that he’s been carrying all his life and lets someone share it with him. And he’s still tense, he’s recovering from a panic attack of course he’s tense, and he has to kind of work his jaw around the words he’s saying because I seriously doubt he’s ever said them out loud before, ever.
But they come easier the more he talks, and he calms the more he talks, and the tragedy here is that he settles from the anxiety of a panic attack and coming out into the well-worn grief of knowing Alun is dead and even if he wasn’t he was never something that Gwyn would get to HAVE.
I just. This is such a gorgeous moment of Antique Repressed Gay and it frankly makes me want to fling myself into the sun I love it *so much*.
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
ok question how is legends of tomorrow compared to arrow and the flash. because being held hostage to watch those tv shows was the ninth circle of hell but your posts are making me consider watching a cw show of my own free will again. it sounds like its more fun than arrow and has better written women?
oh my gosh it's so much better like it does not even compare. for one thing it's deeply rooted in character in a way that arrow and flash try to be but are not. flash has the characters behave inconsistently as the plot demands, and arrow tends to repeat the same character beats over and over again, but legends of tomorrow gives its characters complexity and depth AND growth. the characters' actions are rooted in who they are and who they have become over time.
also legends of tomorrow has such wacky and fun adventures where everybody dresses up in silly costumes and they have to kidnap the president or whatever. even if the episodes aren't good (and they are often very good) they're always entertaining. season 1 is less good bc it's trying to be all angsty and takes itself too seriously but even season 1 has good moments such as sara lance smoking weed on a mission. if you like sara lance, if you like an ensemble cast that goes on wacky adventures together and becomes its own sort of family, then you should watch it :) also yeah it's way better at writing women than arrow. no doubt in part bc there are lots of women in the writers room. they're able to write a muslim female hero in a respectful way which should not be that notable but unfortunately is [glares at ms marvel tv show]. also it's way better at writing gay & bi characters than arrow or flash.
ANYWAY sorry for going on so long but that's my pitch for legends of tomorrow. it's SO fun please watch it
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caribbean-ace · 3 years
Again adulthood caught me but here we are, spoiler alert for Legends Of Tomorrow 6x06:
1. Bishop being a clone. I like that we’re going to explore Ava’s backstory (hopefully)
2. Rory being the MVP of the episode hands down.
3. Legends hanging out in 2021 ft. Ava being me trying to repair stuff at home
4. Welp that went terribly wrong. Gideon is back😍. “Gideon you don’t uhm” it cracked me lol
5. Spooner being amazing lol ft. Let’s give Sara Lance a break please
6. “Wedding bells” YEEES
7. Oh Sara Lance what are you up too?
8. I’m all in for pissed!Ava™️ go off queen🔥
9. Don’t hurt the Ava sisters :(
10. I’m all in for Astra doing magic
11. That’s a ugly ass alien let me tell you… bonus: i’m in for Spooner and Behrad bonding, the newest brotp😍
12. Lmao one of the Ava’s flirting with Gary😂😂 i thought all of them were gay (?)
13. It’s always so fun to see Sara kick some ass
14. Mick defending Sara🥺🥺🥺🥺 i can’t 😭😭😭 i’m gonna cry
15. Don’t fucking mess with Spooner
16. They’re seriously having sex lmao
Okay so final thoughts: crazy ass episode, i did not see that coming at all, fuck! Poor Ava, i want to see how they’re going to spin this back… Are they bringing the OG Sara Lance back to life? Or she’s gonna be a clone? dude that hurt so much, Sara has been through hell (literally) she deserves a break and please let her go back to her fiancèe. Also don’t hurt my baby Spooner, i’ll fight anyone on this!
Thank you for reading my crazy thoughts and reactions to the episode, always open to share thoughts and theories, remember to always be respectful about it💛
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sapphictv · 5 years
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My favorite moments from Nicole's livestream:
We all have our vices... Katie has books, I have eye shadow palettes.
I'm a real woman... looking to portray my womanhood in a way that is relatable, accessible, and yet... unattainable.
No one gives me that information because they know I eat NDAs for breakfast.
Happy accidents... or in my case depressed accidents.
I want to see a super gay team powerup of Batwoman, Sara Lance, Alex Danvers, Dreamer... that would be like,,, the tea.
Pray to your gods,,, oh god... Aphrodite really walked out on me today.
The face is a canvas... some people are going for Michaelangelo... and I'm going for Michaelangelo too,,, just the ninja turtle...
Sweet dreams! *DABS*
I don't mess with ghosts. Not because I'm afraid of them but because I respect the power that they hold over us on the mortal coil.
If you guys send me gifs of that on Twitter I'm going to block you.
I'm team Hot Topic. I'm an emo kid, freshman in high school, always will be.
[About Melissa] I just try to make her laugh as much as I can because her laughter brings me joy.
[Who is your favorite DC superhero?] Seriously!? Me!
Don't clean your brushes... it's like a cast iron skillet. Could you get an infection? Absolutely!
*Beauty guru voice*
Welcome to the circus.
Cut to me in the jedi council room... and I'd be like 'listen the rules are like super unclear and like I'm just honestly doing my best.
That's what Bob Ross says, 'There are only happy mistakes',,, you didn't meet my birth mom.
We're gonna use brick road... oh that's gay.
Tell me The Wizard of Oz isn't gay!? I'm sorry... tell me that's not gay,,, that is the gayest movie of all time. That is a fact. Facts are facts.
[Say gay rights] Gay rights,,,
Full disclosure; I'm famous for doing things that are not "smart per se"
[Have you ever shown Katie thirst tweets?] She knows... We all know.
[I want Nia to tell Lex 'someone snatched your wig'] *long moment of silence*
I'm here to show that you can be the best of the worst and you can be the worst of the best,,, but the question is... can you refinance your mortgage?
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Gays of Reddit, HELP!!!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3qnsLbP
by Worffan101
Alex Danvers is a magnet for women.
Alex Danvers is also an oblivious and closeted gay mess who gets a half-dozen women mooning after her.
Kara Danvers is going to fix this mess if it kills her. Though she's going to need some backup.
Enter WLW Reddit.
Words: 4421, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Astra (Supergirl TV 2015), Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane (DCU), Maggie Sawyer, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Nyssa al Ghul, minor agent vasquez, the gays
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Astra/Alex Danvers, Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers/Sara Lance, Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Alex Danvers/Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Alex Danvers/Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe/Nyssa al Ghul, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen
Additional Tags: Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Alex is a MASSIVE oblivious dumbass, All the ladies love Alex, All The Ships, Romance, I wrote this while dying of anxiety during a move, updates may be sporadic, the closet, Alex is in the closet at first, Not so much leaving the closet as being physically ejected at high speed., No celebrities were harmed, Legally Distinct From Donald Trump gets karmic justice, Anti-Donald Trump
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3qnsLbP
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allofthismatters · 4 years
In spirit of Wynonna Earp on tonight, a little line from last episode (Sara Lance cosplay) totally has me reading Legends and Earp crossovers. Imagine them all meeting? HAHA! Think Sara and Nedley would bond over their kids antics/adventures? for tonight's Earp episode, it will be interesting to see what happened since they 3 were gone.
It seriously makes me SO happy that shows popular with queer women acknowledge each other. Same with how ‘One Day at a Time’ made a Wayhaught reference. 
Both their shows are batshit crazy, so why not have them meet, right?? haha
I feel like Waverly is very similar to Season 1/2 Arrow Felicity, who was always kind of flustered by Sara, so I can see Waverly having a schoolgirl crush on Sara and Nicole being like “Hey, can’t blame you there.”
Waverly and Nicole are a bit younger than Ava and Sara, so I feel like Avalance would be Wayhaught’s sexy gay aunts who they go to for advice. 
I especially feel like Ava would kind of take Nicole under her wing, since now they both knowing the pain of going from being Director of TB/Sheriff of Purgatory to losing those roles and struggling with their identity. Plus they’re similar in that they’re both a little bit high-strung and big rule-followers, and have complicated, cloudy pasts.
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fiovske · 4 years
do you know any shows with prominent wlw romance? :( im still mourning b/j
Those that I know of in animation:
she-ra and the princesses of power (it takes time and growth and love and loss and heartache but the clues are peppered all throughout so when ultimately catadora goes canon, you will cry but it’ll be happy tears. plus, there are many established supporting queer canon relationships alongside.)
the owl house (I haven’t watched it yet but it comes to me too highly recommended and I’ve been told the sapphics stay winning with luzamity)
from what I HAVE watched I can recommend:
sense8 (nomi and amanita are the established wlw! nomi is trans and she is absolutely AMAZING and you might know amanita from Doctor Who? Martha Jones and she is SO badass! besides, its a pretty diverse show and i love it.)
one day at a time (its a sitcom! about this cuban-american family and it has confirmed lesbian elena! and this show is mostly about the whole family but elena has her wlw romance is on-going even in the background of other-character centric episodes so its like... normalized in that way.)
San Junipero episode of Black Mirror (each BM episode is standalone in like a futuristic invention taken to the extreme and while the ep trails on the perils of tech and what not, this is one is VERY much for the sapphics, Yorkie and Kellie falling in love. its just. this one is. so close to my heart. I love it SO much.)
Killing Eve (this is SUCH a complicated but such an enticing relationship Villanelle and Eve have I CANNOT recommend this enough. through season 1 and season 2, they build and they break and then season 3 is a GIFT and the way I love the way they gravitate towards each other, their character growth... esp the season finale. I CANNOT express it enough, how much I love this show.)
Runaways (this show crept up on me with how good it was! its a fun show about these teens who run away once they realize their parents are like... supervillians/super-culty. also there’s a dinosaur! Nico and Karolina are in a committed wlw relationship I think by season 2 and this show is REALLY funny, I love the characters they’re diverse and so cool, making this list reminds me I’ll have to watch season 3 which was released recently!)
Everything Sucks! (this is a coming-of-age story about these kids in high-school and Kate is a gay lil gal who realizes she likes girls and... Emaline and Kate are wlw together and its just so nice man, its been a while since I last watched this show so I cant remember much but I remember enjoying it immensely)
what I haven’t watched but comes recommended to me as well:
the bold type (Kat-Adeena are the wlw rep and I’ve heard that Adeena’s rep as a queer muslim woman is good in the show.)
Wynonna Earp (i heard its cheesy and ridiculous and I’ve included the link to a video of the main wlw couple Wynonna and Nicole Haught uploaded by Syfy who produces the show so...!!~)
Legends of Tomorrow (I think I watched a couple of eps for Sara Lance only but its a funny show! I dont have object permanence and i can’t remember why I simply forgot to keep up w the show but i heard the show doesnt take itself too seriously and its light and after much mutual flirtation and all that, the show has Sara in a canon relationship with Ava Sharpe in season 3 I think)
195 Lewis (its wlw and about a queer Black polyamorous relationships and I’ve heard it portrays both in a positive light and also every frame is beautifully shot!)
Barbelle (its two lesbian pop-stars who date and then breakup but have to pretend to fake-date so they can sell their second album it sounds like a hilarious premise tbh and I think they fall back in love as well so yknow... /eyes emoji)
Carmilla (sitcom about a lesbian vampire I rest my case)
Dickinson (idk how factually correct it is, but its a tv show about Emily Dickinson but I heard she’s VERY gay in this)
that’s all I can remember FOR NOW. please feel free to add to this list! I’d love some recommendations myself!!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Astra/Alex Danvers, Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers/Sara Lance, Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Alex Danvers/Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Alex Danvers/Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe/Nyssa al Ghul, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen Characters: Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Astra (Supergirl TV 2015), Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane (DCU), Maggie Sawyer, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Nyssa al Ghul, minor agent vasquez, the gays Additional Tags: Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Alex is a MASSIVE oblivious dumbass, All the ladies love Alex, All The Ships, Romance, I wrote this while dying of anxiety during a move, updates may be sporadic, the closet, Alex is in the closet at first, Not so much leaving the closet as being physically ejected at high speed., No celebrities were harmed, Legally Distinct From Donald Trump gets karmic justice, Anti-Donald Trump Summary:
Alex Danvers is a magnet for women.
Alex Danvers is also an oblivious and closeted gay mess who gets a half-dozen women mooning after her.
Kara Danvers is going to fix this mess if it kills her. Though she's going to need some backup.
Enter WLW Reddit.
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Post Crisis on Infinite Earths, now that the heroes at least all know of each other and we all know breaches can be created really very easily, I want...
...I really want one episode which has a premise that can literally just be summerized by Luke Fox going “LET’S GO, LESBIANS! LET’S GO!”.
I really just... I really just want Kate Kane, as a lesbian titular lead of her own show, to have one (1) LGBT centric episode where I don’t know, all the straights are Not Available or knocked out or whatever...
Honestly I do not care what flimsy excuse they come up with considering the Arrowverse literally made Darren Criss a one-off villain who just spent two episodes making Barry and Kara sing about their romantic relationships with no explanation whatsoever. If you can make such a very weird thing happen for the straights with no reason at all, then you sure as shit could have one big gay episode of empowerment.
I’m a lesbian and I want Kate Kane, Anissa Pierce, Alex Danvers, Ava Sharpe, Kelly Olsen and Maggie Sawyer to all meet. That’s honestly all the reason I need, because I’m a lesbian and I want all my lesbians in one place, at least once.
And hey, all others can come along too! The episode itself doesn’t have to be all-lesbian (I just need one all-lesbian scene). Leo Snart could return, John Constantine, Sara Lance, Charlie, Grace Choi and Nia Nal can all come too and we got a solid LGBT team of superheroes.
(Mazikeen and Lucifer get a cameo where they decline with very unimpressed looks on their faces. Let’s be real, they wouldn’t be down for playing hero like this.)
((Of course, this episode could also be a wonderful way of introducing “new” LGBT heroes, as in comic canon heroes who haven’t made a debute on the Arrowverse yet.))
Seriously though. There’s been weirder shit than “all the straights are gone” in this universe. Like the above mentioned random excuse for a Glee reunion.
I’m just--there is really quite a lot of rep spread out over the Arrowverse, but it’s inexplicably straight in that there are no groups of gays. There’s always that one (1) gay among the group of straight friends and they may get a boyfriend/girlfriend, but... those will then just be written out after the break-up because the one gay is enough (*side-eyes Maggie Sawyer hard*).
And that’s just... not realistic. Like, I get it, Kate is not a very social creature, she literally has two friends in Luke and Kara at this point in canon, but... gays tend to... group together. Alex never made any gay friends that we meet and while everyone on the Wave Rider seems to be somewhere on the rainbow, in the “normal world” settings, the gays somehow tend to be... the one gay friend in the friend-group, while - especially with the settting of lesbian-lead!Kate - a group of gay friends with that one token straight (Luke) would be infinitely more realistic.
Give Kate Kane a gay episode and bring in other LGBT characters from the universe. It doesn’t have to be all of them. But make her meet Nyssa al Ghul, it’s more than realistic, have her flirt with Sara until Ava gets jealous just to have her flirt with Ava, let Anissa meet a Bat, give Maggie a new home in Gotham.
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konako · 4 years
Easily explaining Legends of Tomorrow while highlighting the gay: Sara Lance is the bisexual captain of a bunch of misfits and time travelers. Ava Sharpe is her badass lesbian girlfriend! They are cute and the show is super campy and fun. There are other queer characters and all the women are GORGEOUS (it's seriously distracting)! I can't explain the connection to Black Canary or Arrow because as previously mentioned, I'm here for the gay stuff...
what i’m getting from this is
this sara lady is kinda not straight
there’s a blue evil mascot??? what THE FUCK is beebo? 
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softlywithhissong · 6 years
I’m calling bullshit on your hate.
I am a Sangwoo fan. I am also a Bum fan. A strange dichotomy, I know.
Both of these characters exhibit problematic behavior, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a fan of them, either individually or simultaneously. Does being a fan of either of these characters mean that you support these damaging behaviors in real life? NO. Calling out people who support REAL LIFE crimes is fine, but calling out people who are trying to enjoy being a fan of a FICTIONAL character IS NOT OKAY. You are clearly not helping real life people by doing so. You are being judgemental and self-righteous, shaming people to feel superior and patting yourself on the back for it. You not only contradict yourself several times, but you also act entitled to hate real people for liking something you personally don’t, have the arrogance to proclaim what the author “better not” do, and wish ill on real people. The hypocrisy is appalling. Do you not see the irony? You are not protecting people from real life abuse BY HATING ON REAL LIFE FANS of a fictional character. You are in fact engaging in verbally abusing real life people. It doesn’t matter what the character does; it’s fiction. Are there real people existing out in the big wide world who do crimes or support criminals? Yes, but to generalize, stereotype, and basically accuse FANS of being as bad as the people who do this or to conflate us and lump us together is disgusting, illogical, and highly offensive.
How can we “still stan his ass / this ship”? We can because the beauty of fandom is that you get to pick and choose what you like. You get to twist it up, turn it inside out, and make it into an AU parody of itself. ART IS SUBJECTIVE. It’s about what individual thing each and every one of us found gut wrenching or what pulled at our heartstrings. Don’t invalidate what other people found or resonated with just because it’s not the same thing you did. People fear different things. People emphasize, magnify, and conversely minimize different things based on what concerns each of us individually. That’s okay and people shouldn’t be shamed for having a different opinion. After all, being a fan is a form of opinion. And opinions are not facts. Don’t confuse the two; you holding an opinion does not make your opinion a fact.
Fiction is about emotional catharsis. It doesn’t matter that stealing a car or killing a dog are not crimes worthy of the death penalty in real life - I wanted to see John Wick kill all those fuckers for killing that little puppy.
And NOT ALL MEDIA should have a healthy or happy ending. Was Romeo and Juliet’s double suicide a healthy ending? NO. It was a tragedy! Tragedies have an important place in media. They often serve as cautionary tales. If you want another cliched boring “bad guy dies/goes to jail” ending, WHY ARE YOU SHAMING FANS WHO WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT? You have an endless supply of your preferred ending. Go watch one of the thousand CSI/detective/cop procedural shows. They are everywhere. While I enjoy psychological thrillers (AS RARE AS THEY ARE), I am also a fan of some great detective shows and murder mysteries. I could recommend so many fantastic ones. But some of us want a unique ending for Killing Stalking, even if that means something “unhealthy” by real life moral standards. It was labeled a psychological thriller, after all. Not a mystery. Not a detective story. It was also labeled BL, and even if it gets a twisted/unhealthy ending because of the psychological thriller genre, it still qualifies because twisted BL is still BL.
I do not excuse Sangwoo’s abusive treatment of Bum. I’m often disappointed and angry on Bum’s behalf. And while I find it difficult to believe canon Bum would be in a healthy relationship with anyone (and I would love to make a post about how I see his fondness for frogs as symbolism for his relationships), I still have the ability to enjoy the possibilities of a healthy fanon-based relationship or even appreciate the grim take of a tragic and/or twisted unhealthy ending. This is how I still ship Sangbum in certain contexts, but not always, because context matters and it depends. I know that sentence sounds ridiculous, but that’s how it works! Because it’s OKAY TO SHIP FICTIONAL UNHEALTHY SHIPS. Because it’s fiction. And if people can vent their issues through the written word in order to not do so in real life, good. Many people find reading/writing therapeutic. Some authors write a lot of problematic behavior as angst. Do they deserve hate? NO. There are plenty of instances when I have shipped a healthy ship but not shipped it (and in fact wanted them not to end up together) in certain fics because I felt the fic had portrayed an unhealthy relationship. But did I send hate to the author of that fic when that ship ended up together anyway? NO. Just because it ended in a way I didn’t like didn’t give me or anyone else the right to spread hate or shame over a fictional story.
Also, as a Bum fan, I do not appreciate seeing any victim blaming of Bum. There’s some out there (including your despicable “Bum better not” comment), but at least this hate is not anywhere near the amount of Sangwoo hate. As a fan of both characters, I can see that there is clearly so much more Sangwoo hate out there. And it’s fine to criticize, dislike, or even hate Sangwoo as a character, but it’s NOT OKAY to hate on his fans. He is a fictional character, but his fans are real people.
I am a fan of Sangwoo because he is an intriguing, complex, and well-written character. He’s got flaws. All characters do. And I understand his flaws are pretty damn big. But I understand that he’s a fictional character. I would never support a real person committing such crimes or abuse. So, frankly, while you may find my being a fan “annoying” - I will not be shamed or hated upon.
To quote my sister, “In the safety of fiction, we can deconstruct the complexities of what’s morally gray.”
In other words, exploration through FICTION, discussion, and debate are welcome. Hateful posts are not.
This is a long post, so I’ll put my further calling bullshit on arguments made by haters behind a “Keep Reading” link:
Also, the criticisms for being a fan because of “fetishizing gay men” are bullshit. Firstly, anything anyone finds hot could be labeled “fetishizing” which is ridiculous. Secondly, some fans are gay men who are not “fetishizing” - they are simply enjoying the story even if it is twisted. (It’s okay to be a fan of a story that portrays an unhealthy relationship; not every story is meant to be a moral standard.) But also, this bullshit argument is just reducing people down to a ridiculous stereotype used to stifle women in fandom. This has been used through the ages and it is wrong. Are there possibly straight women out there objectifying gay men the way straight men would objectify gay women? Yeah, there’s probably some. But I’ve been in fandom a LONG time and this is not representative of fans in general, let alone all female fans. How about you let women consume all forms of media they find identifiable, cathartic, containing unique storyline with complex flawed characters, or even (gasp) entertaining? Stop shaming people. And maybe especially - don’t resort to misogynistic tropes to do so. I think it’s safe to say that fans (including female fans) generally tend to be a fan for more than just a character’s appearance and body parts. There’s usually character traits, personality quirks, things that draw you to go beyond casual reading/watching into becoming a fan.
Personally, I identify with stories portraying gay relationships equally as much if not more than with stories portraying heterosexual relationships. Maybe that’s because I’m bisexual, but I don’t think so. I believe that straight people can also find themselves identifying with the story and the struggles portrayed - no matter what the sexual orientation of the pairing portrayed.
You think I only like portrayals of gay men rather than women? No, I like both. Killing Eve is a fantastic example of a fandom that I would love to see grow! I despair at how small the fandom is compared to my usual fandoms, but it’s new! It can grow and I can’t wait for season 2. The harsh reality, though, is that f/f ships tend to be smaller fandoms. This may be due to so few well-written female characters in general throughout media - though, this is improving and having more female writers in media helps. Killing Eve has great characters and really great writing, so hopefully they can buck this trend and grow a decently large fandom featuring f/f ships. Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe from Legends of Tomorrow are a pretty big ship, which is heartening, and Xena/Gabrielle from Xena Warrior Princess were an absolute juggernaut back in the day (kudos to anyone who recognized Xena from my main tumblr’s icon).
You think I only like hot men? Or that I excuse the actions of killers who are hot men? NO. I watched The Fall with Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan, where Jamie Dornan played the serial killer and NO - I was not a fan of his character, let alone attempted to excuse any actions by his character whatsoever, even after they explained his tragic backstory. And You on Netflix is just too obnoxious in my personal opinion for me to even watch. But I’d never take time out of my day to hate on any fan who enjoys it.
Calling out problematic stuff in media is fine, but don’t use it as an excuse to spit vitriol and hate at fans who you disagree with.
P.S. Seriously, ask me for recs of good detective shows/murder mysteries. I’ve got so many I could recommend that are way better written than most. Want a female detective? I’ve got plenty. Want a gay male detective? Got it. Want a murder mystery twist where the murderer wins? Got that.
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ao3feed-avalance · 5 years
by Worffan101
When Sara Lance gets drunk with Mick Rory to lament her romantic troubles (shortly after Legends 4x09 or thereabouts), Mick decides to take matters into his own hands, and misuses a magic diary to make Sara's life happier.
The ripples affect a lot, and are very, very gay.
Or, three hopelessly gay women all fall hopelessly in love with each other, and despite trials and tribulations find their way to each other for a big gay wedding.
Words: 16365, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Sara Lance, Mick Rory, Ava Sharpe, Nyssa al Ghul, Historical Character(s), Julie "La Maupin" d'Aubigny, Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk, Barry Allen cameos
Relationships: Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Implied Mick Rory/Leonard Snart, Sara Lance & Mick Rory
Additional Tags: let's call this canon-adjacent, super gay, Mick Rory is a Softie, Mick is a good bro, Misuse of magical diaries, The Legends are Big Damn Heroes, Polyamory, Gay, helplessly gay Sara Lance, hopelessly gay Nyssa al Ghul, haplessly gay Ava Sharpe, TW: mentions of/allusions to threats of sexual violence and childhood abuse, dunno if I really need to tag it but let's play it safe?, Nyssa is better than she thinks she is, Sara is a gay ball of emotional issues, Ava needs love, everybody needs a hug, hugs for all, historical bisexual character, a little 4th wall breaking, petty jabs at Arrow season 4, seriously fuck season 4, Romance, Drama & Romance, self-sacrificing noble idiots, it gay ok?, Fix-It of Sorts, BIG GAY WEDDING, Sara Lance in a swanky suit, I could never permanently hurt my gay babies
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ao3feed-coldwave · 5 years
Gay Romance on the Seas of Time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KCMJ0c
by Worffan101
When Sara Lance gets drunk with Mick Rory to lament her romantic troubles (shortly after Legends 4x09 or thereabouts), Mick decides to take matters into his own hands, and misuses a magic diary to make Sara's life happier.
The ripples affect a lot, and are very, very gay.
Or, three hopelessly gay women all fall hopelessly in love with each other, and despite trials and tribulations find their way to each other for a big gay wedding.
Words: 16365, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Sara Lance, Mick Rory, Ava Sharpe, Nyssa al Ghul, Historical Character(s), Julie "La Maupin" d'Aubigny, Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk, Barry Allen cameos
Relationships: Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Implied Mick Rory/Leonard Snart, Sara Lance & Mick Rory
Additional Tags: let's call this canon-adjacent, super gay, Mick Rory is a Softie, Mick is a good bro, Misuse of magical diaries, The Legends are Big Damn Heroes, Polyamory, Gay, helplessly gay Sara Lance, hopelessly gay Nyssa al Ghul, haplessly gay Ava Sharpe, TW: mentions of/allusions to threats of sexual violence and childhood abuse, dunno if I really need to tag it but let's play it safe?, Nyssa is better than she thinks she is, Sara is a gay ball of emotional issues, Ava needs love, everybody needs a hug, hugs for all, historical bisexual character, a little 4th wall breaking, petty jabs at Arrow season 4, seriously fuck season 4, Romance, Drama & Romance, self-sacrificing noble idiots, it gay ok?, Fix-It of Sorts, BIG GAY WEDDING, Sara Lance in a swanky suit, I could never permanently hurt my gay babies
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KCMJ0c
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bellabooks · 6 years
Lesbian, Gay and Queer Couples Have Relationship Issues that Don’t Have to Do with Being LGBQ—and TV is Finally Catching Up
Being in a long-term committed relationship takes a lot of hard work. So much so that over 50,000 marriage and family therapists in the U.S. make their living helping couples work on the hard stuff or dissolve their partnerships when necessary. While we are all intimately aware of the struggles straight couples face due to the overwhelming representation of their relationships on television, we have rarely seen the same intimate examination of lesbian, gay, and queer couples (except on Logo). That’s starting to change. We’re finally getting mainstream portrayals of LGQ couples who aren’t solely struggling with homophobia or coming out. Of course, coming out stories are important, but LGBQ+ viewers need other stories, too. We need to see lesbian, gay, and queer couples navigating all the relationship issues that come with being in a relationship. Sure, some of those issues will naturally vary when considering queer couples versus straight ones—being in a relationship that some parts of society are just barely warming up to (and others are wholly antagonistic toward) is different from being in a relationship that society valorizes over and over. Regardless of to what degree their experiences are formed by their sexualities, however, it is refreshing to see lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer folks in relationships navigate everything from toothpaste cap level annoyances to irreconcilable differences level deal breakers. Here are five women loving women couples from television who have issues that don’t have to do directly with their sexual identity, though in some cases, understandably, how the issue affects the couples is deeply impacted by anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment. Women of color are woefully underrepresented on this list (and in general on TV, especially when queer), which is something we hope can be remedied to some degree in shows like Black Lightening and Queen Sugar which boast badass queer women of color, but whose relationships have yet to take a large role on screen. Valencia and Beth, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Up until the most recent season of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Valencia Perez was the sexual rival of Rebecca Bunch. The two had vied for the affections of Josh Chan, Valencia’s then boyfriend and Rebecca’s former camp boyfriend. Things took an uncomfortable turn when Rebecca found herself slightly obsessed with Valencia—she even kissed her before Valencia told her to back off. Thankfully, the show did away with the rivalry and attraction between the two women relatively early on and allowed them their friendship to develop more authentically. In season three, the show jumps eight months forward and we catch up with all our favorite characters in their new adventures. Valencia, we find, has fully launched her party planning business and the woman who was one of her first clients, Beth, is now her girlfriend. Beth laughs at Valencia’s jokes, a defining feature of their relationship, but more importantly, Beth pushes Valencia to be realistic in their now shared business—the main reason the two have conflict. Valencia wants to book A-list clients, but Beth wants her to take her small town and the clients there seriously. When Valencia nearly ruins a teenager’s birthday party by trying to make it too fancy, Beth reminds her not to be ashamed of her roots. They share a tense moment before Valencia realizes Beth is correct and softens. It’s a small conflict, but damn, it’s beautiful to see the two interact, disagree, and work through it, and it’s wonderful to see Valencia valued for who she is, even while being told she’s approaching something wrong.   Alex and Maggie, Supergirl Alex Danvers met her friend turned girlfriend turned fiancée Maggie Sawyer on the job. Alex, the tough as nails D.E.O. agent and sister to Supergirl herself, swooned when she met Maggie, the equally tough detective. Alex’s attraction to her is what eventually helped her come out of the closet, but at first Maggie didn’t want to be someone’s coming out girlfriend. Unlike many depictions of queer female romance, Alex and Maggie’s relationship is relatively low on melodrama and tragedy. They get to be just two women trying to figure out their love. The two fall fast and hard in love and when faced with the end of the world, they decide to get engaged. Like many couples who fall fast and hard, Alex and Maggie had a lot of learning to do after they had already made a big commitment to one another. When Alex and Maggie realize they have irreconcilable desires—Alex wants children; Maggie is adamantly opposed—they break up. The breakup deeply upset many fans, but the way it was managed was truly unique. Whatever fights occur between the two predominantly take place off-screen and instead viewers get to see a mature, grown-up breakup, with all the pain and mixed feelings and lingering desire. It’s hard not to be disappointed when ships you love break up, but Sanvers has unfortunately come to an end. Here’s hoping next season will allow Alex to better explore her identity and find someone who wants the same things.   Sara and Ava, Legends of Tomorrow Over in another corner of the Arrowverse, Sara Lance and her darling Ava Sharpe have more than their fair share of issues—not the least of which is the fact that Ava is a clone from the year 2231 and Sara is a bonafide time-traveling assassin-cum-superhero. Before they start dating, Sara and Ava clash over their different perspectives on how best to enforce time’s continuity. Ava thinks Sara and her team are brash, but it turns out that brashness is part of what attracts Ava to Sara. After a bit of rocky coming together, Ava and Sara debate the girlfriend title. Sara mentions a former friend who she slept with, John Constantine, and Ava finds herself jealous and possessive of her lover. When Sara is (literally) possessed by the death totem and nearly kills all of her friends, Ava is forced to team up with Constantine. At first this chagrins Ava, but she won’t be deterred in looking out for the woman she loves, and in reality, her team up with Constantine helps Ava appreciate Sara even more. The two end up splitting because Sara fears her connection to death and what it might mean for those around her, but at the end of the season when Sara and her team have to face the Big Bad, a time-traveling demon of course, Sara tells Ava that she still loves her. I can’t wait to see what these gorgeous powerhouses have in store in the future, but it’s good to know they’re still working it out.   Cheryl and Toni, Riverdale Cheryl Blossom is the definition of mean girl in season one of Riverdale, but she’s a complicated mean girl whose brother’s death and the mystery surrounding it dominate the show’s narrative for that season. In season two, we meet the cute, clever badass Toni Topaz, a Southside Serpent who is open about being bisexual. Toni and the rest of the Serpents are sent to Riverdale High when their school is closed and that’s when these spunky teenagers meet. At first, Cheryl and Toni seem like an unlikely couple. Cheryl has only expressed an attraction for another woman in an unhealthy obsession with Josie (of Pussycats fame). Toni is in a gang and Cheryl is a stereotypical poor little rich girl. Or so we think. It turns out Cheryl has been trying to come out and been forced back into the closet since she was very young. Honestly, a lot of the narrative about Cheryl and Toni is about their sexuality—from Cheryl coming out to Cheryl being sent to a conversion camp. However, I’d say that the bulk of the issues within their relationship, which have only been shown on screen in small snippets, have to do with Cheryl’s mental health, which is obviously tied to her experiences with heterosexism, and the tension around their friends accepting the two as a couple, not because they are two women, but because a lot of the teens at Riverdale High just straight up dislike Cheryl. Toward the end of season two, we start to see Cheryl really come into her own as an agent in her life, and all signs seem to indicate it’s only upward from here for this adorable couple.   Cameron and Rhea, Take My Wife In Take My Wife stand-up comics Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher build a life together on and off the stage. Perhaps the most intimate portrayal on this list, the show is truly unique. (I recently caught up with Cameron about the show for Bella Books Blog. Check out the interview.) It’s hard to outline what exact issues Cameron and Rhea experience in their relationship that don’t solely have to do with being queer because every single episode is jam-packed with all that comes with being in love with another human. But, that’s what makes the show so great! In the first season, we see Cameron and Rhea navigate the difficulties of different work schedules, having diverse class backgrounds, one partner earning more than the other, learning how to communicate, and deciding to make the leap to get married. In season two, our fearless couple have to figure out long-distance romance, touring together, sharing material without overlapping, planning a damn wedding, and issues with their families of origin. Conflict and relationship issues are the fabric of a show that simultaneously balances being sweet with tackling tough topics like sexism and homophobia. Their network may have shut down operations, but you can stream both seasons from a number of providers or on the Starz platforms. http://dlvr.it/QVTwN9
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