Captain Cold & Heatwave
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an AO3 feed for updates in the Mick Rory/Leonard Snart tag
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
"I'm Just Getting Comfy."
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by Warren_Pace
Carter is worried when Kendra goes on a mission without him.
Leonard knows just which buttons to press to help Carter unwind.
(Not Smut.)
Words: 1372, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Shenanigans Through The Timeline
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Carter Hall, Leonard Snart, Kendra Saunders, Sara Lance, Mick Rory (mentioned), Ray Palmer (mentioned), Charlie (DC's Legends of Tomorrow)
Relationships: Carter Hall/Leonard Snart, Carter Hall/Kendra Saunders, Mick Rory/Leonard Snart (implied)
Additional Tags: hints of polyamory and polyamory negotiation, Carter and Leonard are still figuring their shit out, Kendra is done with their bullshit, (no ship bashing; they all love each other), cuddling as a love language, because actually talking about our feelings is too hard!, Carter Hall is bad at feelings, Leonard Snart is Bad at Feelings, Everybody Lives, the hawks didn't leave; this takes place during a random point in canon
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
【明日传奇】【热冷】Leonard Snart才不喜欢2046(NC-17)
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by KinderLionel
Warning: *黄暴产物,nc-19 *颜射,口,道具,捆绑,半强制性交,羞耻,视奸 * Mick伪黑化(克洛诺斯)设定,2046年时空 *明日传奇衍生,无关剧情 (以上设定OK?那就走!)
Words: 2241, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文-普通话 國語
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mick Rory, Leonard Snart
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: Oral Sex, Rape/Non-con Elements, Acting
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
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by KinderLionel
Words: 2610, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文-普通话 國語
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mick Rory, Leonard Snart
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: Semi-Public Sex
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
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by KinderLionel
s1剧情向,来自第十五集的脑洞 大概是个糖里有毒的小黄车。 我承认Leonard去奥洛之眼我真的是难受的要死。 嘤嘤嘤
Words: 2323, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文-普通话 國語
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mick Rory, Leonard Snart
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
Mick Rory: An American Musical [podfic]
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by litrapod (litra)
Barry Allen did like musicals. Loved them in fact. Sue him. And actually, he had seen this one before. Lin Manuel Miranda was a genius and Hamilton was a work of art. But then Mick Rory went and time traveled and became Washington’s best friend instead and now
There was a freaking rap musical out about one of his supervillains.
Words: 100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Barry Allen, Mick Rory, Leonard Snart
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
first for everything (even trauma coping skills)
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by chillblaine
Leonard Snart but age regression. Just a one-shot for now. Might expand upon this at a later date but I’m not sure.
Just Len’s first time going into a subtle small headspace with Mick eventually getting him to sleep at the end.
NO romantic involvement during his headspace, just mentions of their normal dynamic (being partners, yes in crime and in marriage) in the fic.
Words: , Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Flash (Comics), The Flash - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Leonard Snart, Mick Rory
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Non-Sexual Age Play, ugh i hate the age play tag., len just age regresses! thats it. thats the fic., IM KINDA EMBARASSED OVER THIS., cringe cultures dead im stronger than it
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
Too Late For Second-Guessing
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by icewhisper
“I’m good,” he’d told his dad and hoped the man hadn’t seen him lying through his teeth, ���Central won’t be that bad.” When Mick made it to his dorm room at Central City University, he was already rapidly regretting his choice to follow the full-ride CCU had offered him over staying closer to his family in the Northeast. Instead, he'd come back to the Midwest, closer to Keystone than he ever thought he'd be again, and stood there, looking at the whiteboard stuck to his door that read Leonard Snart & Michael Rory.
(AKA the they were roommates college AU no one asked for.)
Words: 9650, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mick Rory, Leonard Snart, Lisa Snart, Mick Rory's Father
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart, Leonard Snart & Lisa Snart, Mick Rory & Lisa Snart
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - College/University, Bad Parent Lewis Snart, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Character Death, mick's got some siblings around too but there's no tag for them
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
Handle with Care
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by blueelvewithwings
For his birthday, Cisco has thought up what he thinks will be a great present for his fiancé, especially since Mick is so kind as to help him with it. And the best thing: Cisco even gets to watch.
Words: 2436, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 83 of Spanking Sunday
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Cisco Ramon, Hartley Rathaway, Mick Rory
Relationships: Cisco Ramon/Hartley Rathaway, Hartley Rathaway & Mick Rory, Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: Non-Sexual Kink, Spanking, Manhandling, Asexual Hartley Rathaway, Aromantic Mick Rory, consensual voyeurism, Consensual Exhibitionism
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
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by litrapod (litra)
He is wandering through the wasteland that the place had become after the explosion; all cracked concrete, dust and occasional small fire here and there. The buildings and their slick designs wiped off, leaving behind skeletons of smooth, obsidian-like matter and stainless steel. It’s haunting. ********** AKA Len's plan doesn't go accordingly. But what else is new?
Words: 89, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 54 of Podfic Bingo
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Leonard Snart, Mick Rory
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: Leonard Snart Lives, Post-Oculus (DC's Legends of Tomorrow), Getting Together, Podfic, Audio Format: MP3, Audio Format: Streaming, Podfic Length: 20-30 Minutes
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
Kiss Me On the Road
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by ZotiKitten
Mick and Len used to run a lot of crime missions together, but one mission gone wrong leaves Mick with heavy burn scars in critical condition. Taking all the fault and figuring Mick would be better off without him, Len leaves his side and they spend years apart only to pass each other on an old dirt road one fateful evening.
Words: 26777, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mick Rory, Leonard Snart
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart, Mick Rory & Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: Protective Mick Rory, Mick Rory Defense Squad, Top Mick Rory, Dom Mick Rory, Established Mick Rory/Leonard Snart, Mick Rory Needs a Hug, Leonard Snart Lives, Protective Leonard Snart, Bottom Leonard Snart, Sub Leonard Snart, Mick Rory Appreciation Week, Alternate Universe, Oneshot, Past Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
You Were Right.
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by ColdVibeIsKing
After Mick betrays the crew to the time pirates Leonard knows what he has to do, but can he bring himself to kill the man he loves.
Words: 1362, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mick Rory, Leonard Snart
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: Leonard Snart Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Husbands
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
The Flash daemon au headcanons (Rogues Gallery)
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by Sunset_Angst
Just another daemon au headcanons, but with The Flash, but with the rogue gallery.
Words: 62, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of DC universe: daemon
Fandoms: His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman, The Flash (TV 2014), The Flash - All Media Types, The Flash (Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Leonard Snart, Mick Rory, Lisa Snart
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: The Rogues As Family (The Flash), Alternate Universe - Daemons, Daemons
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
[PODFIC] Tonight, I'm Gonna Party Like It's 1989 (in Denmark) by Thette
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by mulberry_graceful
This is a story about the time when young Len and Mick went underground in the Danish commune Freetown Christiania, and what it means to be partners.
Based on this Tumblr post: "if the next big fanfic trope isn’t ‘we had a maybe-fake-maybe-not marriage 26 years ago and i just realized that we never bothered to check if it was legally binding’ i’m suing all of you"
Words: 10, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mick Rory, Leonard Snart, Ray Palmer, Gideon (DC's Legends of Tomorrow)
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: Fluff, Marriage, actually registered partnership instead of marriage, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Pre-Canon, No Sex, Tongue Twisters, Canon Compliant, Minor Injuries, Podfic, Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic Length: 0-10 Minutes
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
Escribiendo sus recuerdos.
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by Whitesonia
Words: 526, Chapters: 2/?, Language: Español
Series: Part 1 of El camino del hielo
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mick Rory, Leonard Snart
Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
Just Like Normal
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by KazOfScotland
Heat Wave is the only person aside from Lisa who can break through the ice cold heart of Leonard Snart as one of the Rogues realises
Words: 405, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 22 of 31 Days of Writing October 2021
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Mick Rory, Leonard Snart, Rogues (The Flash), Original Characters
Relationships: Mick Rory & Leonard Snart, Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Are they or aren't they together?
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
What Happens In The Arrowverse
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by 10sturkristina
This will kind of be my own spin on the different shows. But I want to make this my story, how I want it to be and how I thought the episodes should have gone. The episodes will be different. I hope I do this series justice. This is my first time on here as a writer but I love reading other stories. Sorry if I don't have your favorite ships or pairings but these are my ships and stories. Please feel free to comment but please don't be rude to one another. We are entitled to our own thoughts and opinions. Thanks for reading if you did. Also if anyone has any Supergirl prompts they would like done I might try them. But I should warn you now that I love Eve, Lucy, Cat and Astra and thought their characters were done dirty, so was Sam so in any stories I write Astra will be alive and Non will not. Eve will be the nice Eve that was there at the beginning and Sam will not leave the show like Season 3. Lucy will still be apart of the DEO. Cat doesn't leave National City.
Words: 234, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of What Happens In The Arrowverse
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), Arrow (TV 2012), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), The Flash (TV 2014), Wonder Woman (Movies - Jenkins)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Astra (Supergirl TV 2015), Winn Schott Jr., Lucy Lane, Clark Kent (Supergirl TV 2015), Kara Danvers, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Imra Ardeen, Maggie Sawyer, Iris West, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, Thea Queen, Roy Harper, Laurel Lance, Dinah Drake, Curtis Holt, Quentin Lance, Tommy Merlyn, Nyssa al Ghul, Alex Danvers, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Lois Lane, Cat Grant, Alura In-Ze | Alura Zor-El, Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Joe West, Wally West, Sara Lance, Mick Rory, Ray Palmer, Nate Heywood, Lyla Michaels, Diana (Wonder Woman), Amaya Jiwe, Hayden Prentiss, Nia Nal, Lillian Luthor
Relationships: Clark Kent/James "Jimmy" Olsen, Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon/Iris West, Roy Harper/Thea Queen, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane/Alura In-Ze | Alura Zor-El, Cat Grant/Lois Lane, Imra Ardeen/Nia Nal, Amaya Jiwe/Zari Tomaz | Zari 1.0, Nate Heywood/Felicity Smoak, Nora Darhk/Ray Palmer, Cecile Horton/Joe West, J'onn J'onzz/M'gann M'orzz, Eliza Danvers/Quentin Lance, Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Agent Vasquez (Supergirl TV 2015), Hayden Prentiss/Samantha Arias/Astra (Supergirl TV 2015), Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Mon-El/Winn Schott Jr., John Diggle/Lyla Michaels, Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Cat Grant Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Smart Kara Danvers, James "Jimmy" Olsen Bashing, Clark Kent is an ass, Kara Danvers doesn't take shit from anyone, Astra (Supergirl TV 2015) Lives, Rich Kara Danvers, Kryptonian Samantha "Sam" Arias
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ao3feed-coldwave · 3 years ago
Nennt uns Legenden IV: Die Legende vom Rudel
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by Afaim
Das Time Bureau nimmt den Legends die Waverider weg und feuert sie. Das Rudel beschließt trotzdem zusammenzubleiben und weiterhin ein Heldenteam zu sein, doch schnell kommt alles anders. Monate später sieht Rudelalpha Sara Lance ihre einzige Chance ihr Rudel zu retten darin ihr Zeitschiff zurückzustehlen und dem Bureau zu beweisen, dass die Legends keine vollkommenen Versager sind.
Words: 40243, Chapters: 13/13, Language: Deutsch
Series: Part 10 of A/B/O-Verse
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Season 2 Legends, Zari Tomaz, Ava Sharpe, The Order (DC's Legends of Tomorrow)
Relationships: Rip Hunter/Sara Lance, Ray Palmer/Mick Rory, Nate Heywood/Amaya Jiwe, Amaya Jiwe/Sara Lance (Past), Mick Rory/ Leonard Snart (Implied Past)
Additional Tags: A/B/O-Fic, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Animalistic Behaviour, Sexism, Slavery, Abuse, dark themes, Minor Character Death, Angst, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Polygamy, Timey-Wimey, Self-Medication, Depression, alternate season 3, Guest appearances, Different Rip Hunter Story Arc, Secondary Genders, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Pheromones, Alpha Sara Lance, Alpha Mick Rory, Alpha Amaya Jiwe, Beta Martin Stein, Beta Jefferson Jackson, Omega Ray Palmer, Omega Nate Heywood, Omega Rip Hunter, Beta Zari Tomaz, Alpha Ava Sharpe, Alpha Damien Darhk, Alpha Kuasa, Omega Helen of Troy
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