#and Rhaenyras wouldn’t be meanigfully different from Aegons
lunamond · 4 months
Hot take, but neither Rhaenyra nor Aegon deserve to be queen/king.
Not, because they are incapable of ruling or because they are bad people, but because nobody is deserving of this much power.
Aegon obviously would just be a continuation of the status quo, but so would Rhaenyra. TG are all about working inside the rules of the established power system (i.e. sons over daughters inherit, bastards = bad, kings>nobility>everybody else, etc).
But Rhaenyra does not really have a problem with this hierachy itself. The only time we see her dispute the system as it is, is in ep2 when Rhaenys warns her that the lords of the realm would want Viserys' son to inherit. Rhaenys calls it this "the order of things", and Rhaenyra says that, she would create a new order. The only thing she objects to in the current order is that she as a woman isn't allowed to be ontop. It's not about changing the world for all women, to make it better for the people at the bottom of the hierarchy, this isn’t Dany’s break the wheel speech (which has it's own issues ofc). This is about Rhaenyra's right to power.
Every other moment, when Rhaenyra talks about her position as future queen, it's as a continuation of her father’s reign. And, that's why I can't get behind the idea that Rhaenyra would be some kind of wonderful ruler.
She just wouldn’t. Not because she is a bad person, but because nobody can be a good king/queen. The best they can do is be less worse than the rest.
She would continue to up hold the status quo same as Aegon. For the smallfolk the only thing that would change is the gender their oppressors are allowed to be. But a tyrant is a tyrant, no matter if they are a man or a woman.
The issue isn't WHO sits the Iron throne, but that SOMEBODY does in the first place. Any character who aspires to sit the throne will ultimately lead to more suffering no matter their intentions.
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