#and Machete's elf ears
canisalbus · 29 days
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I made Machete and Vasco kiss in Sims Medieval (they're in the church, right in front of everyone, so this is definitely Not Canon but still fun) (also I hope this is ok! I know you like fanart, this is. uh. almost fanart?)
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larabiatasstuff · 2 months
How would sweettooth act around a another slasher but she’s a very tall creature lady ( the reader )?
she has human features but she has patterns on her skin, has a tail, her ears that are like elf ears can move due to her emotions or reactions,
glowing freckles, wears tribal clothes from her culture and eyes and different skin colour like purple or pink.
(Her height is like 13’4, and her tail reacts to her emotion as well)
First of all thank you for that very, very specific request. I never had one like this and I really tried my best for you and I hope you enjoy it. 🖤
It was almost midnight when I made my way back to the casino. I needed new parts to upgrade my weapons because some scavengers found it funny to shoot at me just because I invited them to my show. I still felt my blood boil when I thought about it but it also brought a smile to my face when I remembered her dismembered bodies and intestines all over the ground when I was finished with them. I was just a few minutes away from the casino when I noticed some cars blocking the road and people fighting someone or... something the only thing I could tell was that these were police cars so the guys must be Stones men. I decided to surprise them, pushed the button on the dashboard and blew their cars up. The... person or creature took the chance and threw some of them away slashing their bodies open while they were begging and screaming. I jumped out of the truck killing everyone until I was face to face with... her. She was huge maybe 12 or 13 ft, her skin was a shade of pink with patterns on it and she wore some kind of tribal clothes .
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Her yellow eyes were glued to my face, watching every move and her elvish ears were twitching with every breath she took. She was chained up, Stones men must have tried to capture her. I took a step towards her and she immediately backed away, straining against the chains. "Stay calm, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just cutting the chains okay?" she tilted her head and nodded. So I lifted my machete and swung it down. The chains broke immediately and the freckles on her face were glowing in a warm orange tone.
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Part two 🖤
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Thanks for the tag @rmd-writes!
The problem with writing the ending instead of the beginning or middle is you have a lot of spoilers, so here’s the beginning of feelings. Or horniness.
David is in trouble. Yes, he’s stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere with no hope for imminent retrieval, but now he’s fucking horny. And he’s stranded here with the model of virility and outdoorsmanship, which he’s never thought he was into, but fuck him if circumstances have changed. He has needs.
The problem is, he has nowhere to put his eyes. Patrick is shirtless now, swinging his makeshift rock machete into a thicket of god-knows-what in search of…ugh. He can’t remember what Patrick said he was doing, because all David hears when Patrick talks lately is the undersexed cartoon character in his own head leering homina homina homina, as the animated drool threatens to slide out his ear.
Tagging @mostlyinthemorning @missgeevious @weathereyehorizon @mildly-hebraic-looking-elf @stereopticons and @im-televisions-moira-rose
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ask-the-achs · 2 years
🔑 Feldram Shadestinger
Report 'The Defender Scorpion.'
He is a rather large, very muscular scorpion-centaur that is 14 feet tall at the shoulder when he is standing normally.(Normally?-Moontear) He has an internal skeleton and a tough bony exoskeleton. His lower body is slightly flattened, rather long and very thick, and his upper body is very human-like. He has eight thick scorpion-like legs on his lower body as well as two large, thick scorpion pedipalps on the front of his lower body. His legs each have 6 joints with two-clawed feet, and his scorpion pincers each have four joints. The claws on his scorpion pedipalps are very similar in shape to the claws of a Dungeness Crab, and they are rather large and have sharp spiked inner edges. The claws on his toes are 2 inches long, and they are rather thick with pointed tips. He has a long muscular tail that very closely resembles a scorpion abdomen and tail. His tail is 13 feet long, not including his 5 inch long stinger. The first 6 feet of his tail is rather bulbous in shape, and the rest of his tail resembles a scorpion tail. The base of his stinger is rather bulbous and his entire tail is covered in small, sharp spikes(I recommend not dragging it. Friction burns are painful) with the spikes on the back of his tail pointing towards his stinger. The spikes on the back of his tail are slightly larger than the rest of the spikes on his tail. The base of his stinger is rather thick and his stinger somewhat resembles a large sickle blade, with a very sharp pointed tip. His stinger curves upward, and the outer edge of his stinger is bladed. His exoskeleton is covered in small, thick conical spikes, and the spikes on the outer edges of his pedipalps are very large and rather short. His upper body has two humanoid arms. Both his lower body and his upper body are extremely muscular. He has five fingers on each hand, and his fingers are tipped with short, pointed claws. He also has short, pointed spikes on his knuckles. His upper body is covered in tough spiky armor. He has a rather human-like head with four human-like eyes, a very short flattened nose and a human-like mouth with large pointed canine teeth and large pointed incisor teeth. He also has pointed elf-like ears. His eyes are bright red with black sclera and round pupils. He has a full head of long black hair, and he has a rather long black beard. His unarmored skin is dark grey, and his exoskeleton is black and very dark blue. He has two small, thick, slightly curved black horns on his forehead that curve towards the top of his head. These horns are on the bottom of his forehead.
He's 48 years old. He is fairly intelligent, and he speaks English and a bit of Spanish. He is nomadic, and he will rarely stay in one area for more than a few months. He is an omnivore, and he will hunt and forage his own food whenever he can. His stinger is highly venomous, and his venom can kill a human in a few hours. He only uses his venom if he is hunting or if he feels threatened (judging by experienceyou just try to make yourself look small-Private) (Private thats Moose and some bears.-Paradox) He is a very fast runner, a good climber and an excellent jumper. He has two custom-made 357 Magnums and a 6 foot long meat cleaver that is tipped with a large downward-pointing slightly curved spike that has a bladed inner edge. He will only use his Magnums for self-defense, and he uses his cleaver for butchering animals. Along with his Magnums and cleaver, he has a large serrated machete. (Cutting plants? Or exploration?)
Feldram Shadestinger is actually quite friendly, despite his intimidating appearance. He will defend a woman if he feels that said woman is in danger or is uncomfortable. Which is nice. (*A note is written in braille.*)
Threat level:HARMLESS.
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Unique Weapons, 12: Blades, bludgeons and bows of all shapes, sizes and mysterious backgrounds. Heroes and villains across fiction can often be immediately recognized by their signature weapon, causing the weapon itself to be an iconic part of the character. From Perrin’s spiked half moon axe to Roland’s enormous sandalwood revolvers, the jedi’s lightsabers, Arya’s needle, Legolas’s bow, Wolfwood’s Punisher, Detritus’s Piecemaker, the bride’s katana, Bond’s Walther PPK, Robin Hood’s longbow, Jason’s machete or Indiana Jones’s whip, a weapon can even function as a physical manifestation of the character’s personality. None of these weapons are intensely magical in their own right but can serve as the physical basis for family heirlooms, legendary artifacts and magical or masterwork weapons. Alternatively they can be found as loot and become part of a PC’s distinctive appearance, allowing the player to become fully immersed in their character’s look and feel. —Note: Some entries call for the DM to “Roll a Random Weapon” which simply means that the DM can roll from the pregenerated lists on this blog or choose whatever weapon they feel would be appropriate for the situation.
A bronze dagger with twin straight blades each a foot in length. Despite its apparent great age it is still a masterwork of blacksmithing and is capable of slicing through flesh and bone with ease. Knowledgeable PC’s will recognize the construction of the knife is identical to that used by a void cult who performed human sacrifice in an attempt to create an otherworldly entity known as the Outsider.
A beautifully crafted compound bow with a fitted handle and a curved staff that tightens smoothly.
A simple, solid-looking longsword with a plain hilt of cold metal scored with faint grooves for a good grip. The blade itself is rather dull but its edge has a cold and frosty glint and a single silver letter shines near the hilt. Despite its unsharpened edges the blade cuts through flesh and metal as if charmed to do so. The weapon never needs sharpening or maintenance and rests in a scabbard of weathered brown leather.
A large heavy crossbow built by ancient dwarven combat engineers. The weapon is powered by a system of clockwork gears and torsion springs. When not in use, it hums almost inaudibly and ticks reassuringly like a steady grandfather clock.
A longsword made of durable steel with a distinctive rippled pattern that never requires sharpening. The weapon feels heavier than it should be, as though it carries the weight of responsibility, duty and honour. The name of the sword is spelled out in raised letters along the grip, causing the wielder's palm to read “Oathkeeper” when held tightly.
A spiky and particularly cruel whip that can collapse into a small disk making it easy to conceal. Knowledgeable PC's will recognize it as a Lamia or Mayhenian Scourge and is the favourite weapon of the empire's secret service agents as a tool of covertness, intimidation and information extraction.
A longsword with a long thin, blade carrying a slight curve, its edge cruel enough to cut silence and make it scream.
A Random Weapon that when held, causes the wielder to hear discordant and wild music. While the chaotic rhythms pound in his ears he can see the true shape of the reality around him in all its harshness and dark truths.  
A spiked shield made from the horned skull of a great desert dinosaur.
A rapier with a thin, flexible, whiplike blade and a complicated basket hilt. Branded into the leather grip is the motto of a master swordsman; “I Am Fate's Sword. She Wields Me Cruelly.”
—Click Here for homebrew Masterwork Weapon Bonuses or Here for homebrew Minor Weapon Enchantments to give these objects even more personality and mechanical benefits.  
-Click Here to be directed to the Hotlinks To All Tables post, which provides (As you might have guessed) convenient links to all of the loot and resource tables this blog has.
—Or keep reading for 90 more weapons.
—Note: The previous 10 weapons are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A bronze dagger with twin straight blades each a foot in length. Despite its apparent great age it is still a masterwork of blacksmithing and is capable of slicing through flesh and bone with ease. Knowledgeable PC’s will recognize the construction of the knife is identical to that used by a void cult who performed human sacrifice in an attempt to create an otherworldly entity known as the Outsider.
A beautifully crafted compound bow with a fitted handle and a curved staff that tightens smoothly.
A simple, solid-looking longsword with a plain hilt of cold metal scored with faint grooves for a good grip. The blade itself is rather dull but its edge has a cold and frosty glint and a single silver letter shines near the hilt. Despite its unsharpened edges the blade cuts through flesh and metal as if charmed to do so. The weapon never needs sharpening or maintenance and rests in a scabbard of weathered brown leather.
A large heavy crossbow built by ancient dwarven combat engineers. The weapon is powered by a system of clockwork gears and torsion springs. When not in use, it hums almost inaudibly and ticks reassuringly like a steady grandfather clock.
A longsword made of durable steel with a distinctive rippled pattern that never requires sharpening. The weapon feels heavier than it should be, as though it carries the weight of responsibility, duty and honour. The name of the sword is spelled out in raised letters along the grip, causing the wielder's palm to read “Oathkeeper” when held tightly.
A spiky and particularly cruel whip that can collapse into a small disk making it easy to conceal. Knowledgeable PC's will recognize it as a Lamia or Mayhenian Scourge and is the favourite weapon of the empire's secret service agents as a tool of covertness, intimidation and information extraction.
A longsword with a long thin, blade carrying a slight curve, its edge cruel enough to cut silence and make it scream.
A Random Weapon that when held, causes the wielder to hear discordant and wild music. While the chaotic rhythms pound in his ears he can see the true shape of the reality around him in all its harshness and dark truths.  
A spiked shield made from the horned skull of a great desert dinosaur.
A rapier with a thin, flexible, whiplike blade and a complicated basket hilt. Branded into the leather grip is the motto of a master swordsman; “I Am Fate's Sword. She Wields Me Cruelly.”
A barbaric axe adorned with a crude markings and a skull. When in the presence of magic, a dark aura expands from the blade, trying to pull the arcane essence into it.
A bastard sword of unearthly beauty with patterns of silver inlay on a black blade. A spindle of green light emanates from an emerald set in the hilt.
A bastard sword with a slight curve, its handle is silvery and woven with very fine wire. The blade is made from a metal which was only found once, in a meteorite. It has a pearl in its pommel, which seems clear except for a small cloud that moves through it. When swung it always moves faster than the wielder intended, making it difficult to control.
A bastard sword with an elaborate hilt, that rests in a matte black, scabbard covered with rows of runic signs and symbols. The blade is pure silver and polished to a pure shine of mirror-like brightness. The sword and sheath are first found in an oblong packet of thickly wrapped sheep's skins fastened with a leather strap.
A battleaxe with a heavy blade that is notched and stained, with sharp, wicked curves. Small holes dot the blade near the handle and when the wielder swings the axe, air whistles through these spaces.
A beautifully decorated scimitar adorned with long red ribbons of silk that seem to move in accordance with the wielder's intentions. This impressive and distracting display makes it easier to strike enemies.
A black lacquered quiver containing two dozen crossbow bolts, all made from a fibrous mineral that shimmers like strands of polished silver. The unidentifiable material gleams and shimmers in the light, radiating all the colours of the rainbow.
A bloodstained longsword set with a blade composed of iron layered with bronze and is inscribed with the name Orckeeper. The hilt is wrapped in dull brown deer leather and ends in a sharp blade where a pommel would normally be.
A blowpipe with an ornate copper viper wrapping around the deep brown oaken pipe.
A braided rope quiver containing 5d8 arrows constructed from palm tree wood, gull feathers and tipped with shark teeth.
A broadsword with a thick, wide blade. The grip has a dark, swirly look to it, giving the aspect of a cosmic void. The crossguard has a hollow centre and a sharp diamond shape with pointed edges that matches its pommel. The rain guard is adorned with jewels that emanate with regality.
A bundle of carefully wrapped silk cloth that contains three skinny darts and a blowgun cleverly disguised as finely carved pipe.
A cestus (Gauntlet statistics) of blackened leather reinforced with strips of dark iron over the fingers and cruel spikes along the back of the hand and forearm.
A curved dagger with a hilt carved in the shape of a three-headed lion. Knowledgeable PC's will know that the lion hilt is the symbol of a wood elf family of high nobility.
A double edged longsword with a jewel encrusted hilt, crafted from a golden alloy.
A dagger made of volcanic glass with an ornate silver embossed ebony handle. It is wicked sharp but fragile if bludgeoned.
A cavalry sword (Scimitar statistics) that's simple, heavy and murderously well-sharpened.
A dagger set with a wavy blade with an ever so slight chromatic sheen to it.
A curved bastard sword with a slight red tint to it. The blade is serrated with cruel barbs. The black-red iron seems to pulse with an unnatural hunger.
A dagger that appears to be made entirely of ice, although it is not cold to the touch and does not melt in hot conditions. Snowflakes appear and disappear in a swirling cloud about the blade. When it is used in combat, the wielder’s skin takes on a bluish hue, as if he were suffering from frostbite, he suffers no ill effects from this condition and the colour fades a few minutes after releasing the weapon.
A burlap bundle enwrapping 11 javelins made of elm wood tipped with steel.
A longsword that appears to be carved from stone from afar but upon close inspection is simply raw iron that is pitted and craggy. An ancient Elven crown rune is stamped in gold at the seat of the blade, just above the quillons. Two black rainbow tourmalines are bound at each end of the quillons, while a red one is set into the pommel. When the longsword is used in combat, golden light crackles like lighting up and down the blade.
A decorative leather forearm guard with flowing scrollwork and golden lacing. A paired stiletto (Dagger statistics) that matches the armor’s aesthetics is sheathed on the underside of the armguard and is easily concealable.
A driftwood stick with a heavy seaweed rope suspending a heavy block of coral at the end. The object can be wielded as a crude but perfectly serviceable flail.
A fine greatsword bearing a blade of steel with a hilt wrapped in brown leather. The blade has been carbonized with a flat pine green paint to keep it from reflecting light except along the edges. The pommel contains a puny, well cut chrysoberyl. The tapered flat quillons are unremarkable, but the crossbar is stamped with the image of a ring, and a window. The sword rests in a scabbard of beaten silver.
A finely crafted longsword, set with a matte white blade and a hilt of polished silver and gold wire.
A finely ornamented hunting saber (Longsword statistics), perfectly suited for being on some noble's hip as they make a big show of bringing in a deer.
A gnomish contraption that’s half defence, half offence. The weapon is a large turtle shell that can be strapped to the wielder’s wrist, with a dagger like blade that juts out just longer and wider than the wielder’s open hand. The oddly designed spiked shield is particularly useful in cramped tunnels or warrens where swinging a weapon is difficult or outright impossible.
A greatsword that appears to be made of darkness, its shape is a tangible black void, outlined in a crimson streak which is the source of the blade's faint light. It crackles like lightning when drawn, and creates a sharp buzzing sound when swung, like that of an angry bee. Oddly, when the blade strikes a foe, there is no sound from the hit, despite the strength behind it. Visible on the weapon’s pommel of the blade is an elven glyph meaning "Magic".
A greatsword with a long but relatively thing blade. Along both flats of the blade, etched in elven are the words; "My mark is before me, I shall not waver"
A heavy crossbow with an inlay of polished and engraved staghorn featuring trophies of arms bearing designs similar to the coat of arms of the local nobility.
A greatsword, heavy and broad of blade, sharpened on both edges and coming to a blunt point. The blade is forged of one piece with the hilt from a mottled, tawny-bronze alloy and is shot through with silky black marbling along the length of the blade itself. The weapon possesses a simple grip of brown jasper plaques carved with indentations for curled fingers; its quillons are simple, heavy and swept back slightly, its pommel a heavy bronze ring bearing a tassel of tawny leather braids.
A heavy and hardened olive wood staff engrained with beautiful swirling, natural patterns.
A heavy mace that bears obvious hammer strikes, around which are floral designs.
A lacquered case containing a matching set of dueling rapiers that refuse to deal a killing blow. The individual swords are marked "His" and "Hers" in High Elven.
A lacquered wooden case containing 15 crossbow bolts made from ceramics with a unique spiral design. These partially hollow bolts, fragment upon impact, showering their targets in razor sharp shrapnel and blinding ceramic dust.
A lacquered wooden quiver containing two dozen slender, needle-like arrows designed to pierce cloth and leather armor, leaving deep, puncture wounds.
A large battleaxe of a dark grey metal. Its handle is wrapped with a grimy strip of leather which is stained by the blood of countless creatures.
A large scythe with a fleshy, dark red handle, and a blade made of a large jaw, lined with incisors.
A leather bundle containing 17 crossbow bolts with shafts of ash wood engraved with knotwork and fletching of gray feathers.
A light crossbow carved from lustrous ebony. The main body of the weapon shows a golden engraving of vine tendrils and leaves
A longsword forged from a single, solid piece of burnished steel, its craftsmanship is clearly elven in nature. The hilt is longer than normal and gently twisted, creating a good gripping surface. The sword is lacking in quillons or crossguard but does sport a distinctive large spherical "eye" placed at the top of the hilt between the blade and the hilt. The carved eye's pupil always faces outward, as if looking at its target, creating an eerie effect for its foes.
A light pick whose head is shaped like an ibis head with glassy black eyes. Painted along the haft are complex hieroglyphs that may speak to the history of the weapon's crafter.
A long handled, dwarven made warhammer with a striking head artfully designed to look like a ram-headed criosphinx.
A long-handled halberd with a narrow, razor- sharp blade and wickedly barbed tip that bears a faintly glowing, sickly green aura. The shaft is wrapped in dried skin peeled from the corpses of zombies. The faint odour of rotting eggs surrounds the wielder in combat.
A long, green steel spiked chain, with every third link bearing a small pair of red, razor sharp blades about a half inch long. A third of the length from either end is a leather-wrapped handle approximately a foot in length. Half foot long blades adorn the ends, themselves attached by six inch handles.
A longsword made of siderite steel, forged by dwarven machine forges, workmanship simple, but elegant. Its full length forty and a half inches, the blade, twenty seven and a quarter. Exquisitely balanced, the weight of the blade is exactly equal to weight of handle. The weight of the whole sword surely below forty ounces.
A longbow crafted from thick wood with carved stone at the tips and handle. The stonework is made of simple but elegant geometric pattern.
A longbow crafted of mahogany with a wingspan of 62 inches. The weapon has a perfectly poised grip, a smooth neck with laminated layers of woven wood, whale bones and tendons. The arch has an incredible lightness and is accurate to perfection. Although not too long, hiding in the composite is entwined a considerable distance of wire. Equipped with a silk-hemp string and velvet accurately stretched over the protruding handles 22 inches, gives the tension precisely 55 pounds of power.
A longspear made of dead wood, tipped with a cruel iron tip. A pair of long ribbons are tied near the top, seemingly made of orange leaves.
A longbow made of dark yew wood with a string obtained from the sinew of a wild bull.
A longsword with a hilt wrapped in ebony with steel rivets. The pommel is of “skullcrusher” shape, allowing its use as a bludgeon in a pinch. There are straight, square quillons at the crossbar, with a large ring protruding from one of the blade sides. Its scabbard is of coyote fur with oiled brown pigskin accents and steel trim.
A massive greataxe with a dark, obsidian blade and a handle of ivory that is six feet long. The axe head is held to the shaft by golden cord. The haft is covered with intricately carved images of the gods. Among the images displayed are Stronmaus smashing moons with his hammer, Hiatea slaying a 50-headed hydra with her flaming spear, and Iallanis joining the hands of Memnor and Karontor together.
A longsword with a simple grip made of olive wood and a brilliant bronze blade inlaid with electrum. Its curved guard resembles an ancient harp.
A particularly large and obtuse maul with a slightly curved spike on one end.
A perfectly functional Random Weapon that's slightly damp to the touch. Any cloth or leather parts of the weapon are replaced by lustrous fish scales and metal portions are instead crafted from seashells and worked as hard as any metal.
A pitch-black shortsword that is invisible in firelight.
A polished quarterstaff made from petrified redwood. The glossy sheen of the fossils displays its beautiful colouration of patches of blues, yellows and oranges with deep red veins running throughout the staff.    
A primitive dagger made by taking a human jawbone and inserting shards of obsidian in place of the teeth.
A primitively decorated blowgun made of fire blackened wood, with a wide mouthpiece made of hammered copper that never oxidizes due to a special coating that seems beyond the skills of the people who made the barrel.
A Random Melee Weapon that made from scales, talons and teeth shed by a dragon. Spaced out along the weapon's length are precious metals and gems from a dragon's hoard. The weapon grows slightly warm when within 50 feet of a dragon.
A Random Sword that is unusually long and thin, yet surprisingly strong. The handle is made of a yellowed ivory, in which an observer will notice small glyphs and sigils constantly fading in and out of sight.
A quarterstaff carved in the style of a totem pole with four wooden human figures in the fetal position stacked on top of each other, from top to bottom the human figures start large and get smaller.
A Random Sword whose surface is constantly melting and reforming into patterns filled with silently screaming faces, as if one for each person slain by the blade.
A rapier with a blade composed of steel alloyed with brass. The weapon’s hilt is wrapped in pebbled indigo deer leather. Its scabbard is of goat fur with brown suede accents and steel trim.
A Random Weapon of exquisite workmanship, decorated with abstract patterns and inlays.
A longsword of fine blue steel, hilted with a single cross-quillon and a plain, spherical polished knob pommel. Set in the heart of the tang, where the quillons meet just above the fine chain-wrapping of the grip, is a large cabochon-cut black sapphire.
A redwood lance whose tip is shaped like an elongated heart.
A Random Weapon that is half the weight of a normal example of its kind. The object is black and inscribed with spiders, webs and references of a spider queen.
A round shield about three feet across with a foot-long iron spike in the middle. The shield is made from two layers of wood with the grain of each layer at a right angle to the other layer increasing the strength of the shield. The wood is covered in a layer of decorated cowhide. The iron spike screws into a “puddle" of lead in the middle of the shield and can be unscrewed and placed in a sheath on the back of the shield when not in use.
A Random Weapon with pieces of bone and solidified ash seamlessly integrated into its form. The weapon vibrates slightly when a creature within 30 feet is dead or dying.
A rusty shortsword with a thin, unblemished section along the centre of the blade. Inscribing the surname of an extinct gnomish noble family on that section attunes the sword to its family, causing it to act as a bane weapon against that family line.
A sabre-like longsword with a narrow, slightly curved blade and almost nonexistent hand-guard. Its dark steel is inlaid with a mosaic of unpolished jet chips and raw rock crystal that date from a time before the written word.
A sacrificial dagger with a serrated blade set into a hilt made of human bone carved in the shape of a scorpion’s tail. After the weapon kills a living creature, a dark mist seeps from the dagger until the blood dries.
A scimitar of rather poor steel, honed to a keen edge with a guard of iron curved into rearing serpents. Its grip is of leather, dyed red that looks as though it was recently replaced.
A set of a dozen seemingly too heavy shuriken, strung on a twisted wire with an elaborate clasp in order to carry them.
A shortsword gilded with interesting metalwork and discrete patterning. The blade is coloured a dull silver and the hilt is a matte gold-bronze.
A shortbow made from the horn of a unicorn delicately split and fashioned by the fey.
A shortsword of the gladius style that is about as average as it gets. The leather grip is slightly worn but comfortable, the metal of the blade is neither dull nor shining, and the edge is adequately sharp. The weapon would look perfectly at home at the side of any rank and file soldier.
A sickle with a glowing white blade shaped like the moon, and an embellished navy blue hilt adorned with marble stars.
A simple pugio (Dagger statistics) which comes in a heavy scabbard made of bone, wood, and thin strips of metal. The blade is immaculately sharp and bright, but the scabbard looks as though an ox stomped on it.
A simply designed, light brown katar-style dagger, with a basic cross guard and an H shaped grip with a little bit of flair at the ends.
A six foot long trident with a handle of dark wood and three prongs of red iron.
A skillfully carved quarterstaff, each end carved in the likeness of a horned viper with hardened fangs. One half of the staff has been stained is a pale green, while the other has been stained is a deep black.
A slashing shortsword with a black, fire opal grip with an onyx gemstone abutting the back of the heft. Engraved in the heft are the maker's marks; the image of a lion and a tiger, one on each of the sides. The wide blade extends from a small guard and is made of the highest quality steel that doesn't rust or stain. The weapon tingles the hand while held, in a sensation neither pleasant nor painful. Its sheath is made of lapis lazuli, inlaid with specks of precious metals, depicting a starry sky, the natural lines of the material having been used in the imagery of a landscape under night sky.
A small steel boot-knife with a scrimshawed bone handle.
A steel greatclub wrapped in scaly yellow shocker skin, its wrought iron head is covered with engraved lightning.
A strange dwarven battleaxe that has one axe head, but the back of that is a large claw. The battleaxe has a chain and switch on the handle that allows the claw to close. The user can crash the claw into the ground and use it to pick up tightly packed or loose dirt or solid rock. The wielder can then swing the axe to throw the rock using the same statistics of a standard sling. If the wielder is proficient with the battleaxe they will also be considered proficient with its sling. The act of scooping up the dirt and launching can be done in a single smooth attack motion.
A strange, mystical longspear that is difficult to look directly as if some restless force lies within it, just beneath the surface. The wood of the shaft is bone white and smooth, while the steel spearhead is textured like a stag's horn.
A sizable claymore (Greatsword statistics) favored by the militant highland tribes. Apparently the weapon's crafter had a sense of humour, as etched into the flats of the blade are the words “FRONT TOWARDS ENEMY”.
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dork-empress · 4 years
The Time Travelers (Immortal) Husband Part 1
A/N: I’m gonna try putting this up as short tumblr posts at first, see if i can get some rhythm going since I like, spat out this first part. we’ll see how it goes, it’ll be on Ao3 eventually I imagine but for now: 
(CW for blood, temporary character death, and ritual sacrifice. Necromancers, amiright?)
The first time Kravitz met Taako, he was dying. 
After having been kidnapped, stripped, and tortured with symbols carved into his body, suffice to say, he already wasn’t having a good day. As his torturers dragged him, still bleeding to the summoning circle to be killed, he knew he had nothing to lose. He had no instrument, but started singing a low song beneath his gag the cult couldn’t properly hear. 
Two of his captors dragged him naked to a dark room lit by torches. There were no windows, and he assumed he was underground, but he couldn’t tell. When they weren’t looking, he managed to get one to trip, putting him off balance long enough to knock him down and grab his weapon. 
The others rushed over, a swarm of cloaks trying to overwhelm him. He was already dying, he knew, but he would not be a tool used by these monsters. 
He was stabbed through the gut, his blood spilling across the stone floor, but everyone elses was too. He was a wild animal more than man, he cast silence in the room, nullifying the enemy wizard’s spells, and also his own screams. In the deafening quiet, he killed every last one of them, 5 men all together. He recognized them from a concert he had attended. 
In later centuries he’d speculate about these men, about how they had gone there to scope out a target. It soured the memory of that concert, the first, and it turned out only, one he had been able to conduct. But in this moment, all he knew was the life was dripping out of his body….and right now, that was a relief.
“Oh damn,” a voice said, alerting him of a new voice in the room, and that the silence spell had ended, “You warned me it was grisly, but you really weren’t kidding. Blegh, no wonder you weren’t grossed out by that Machete movie, cause damn.”
Kravitz tilted his head up ever so slightly, his vision blurring. He could just make out a figure, an Elf if he were to guess by the giant ear-shapes at his head. He was wearing a ridiculous pointed hat, and holding a staff. It was kind of thin for a staff, though, and had a point at one end, and a bobble on the other. 
“Sorry to bother you, bones,” the elf said, “Just waiting on a-oh! Here he is.”
The elf nodded to a point in the room, where a light appeared. From the light formed yet another man, this one in dark robes like the cultists. “There you are, Reaper,” he said, and it seemed like he was talking to Kravitz, “Now I will stop you before you even begin--”
“Buckets!” The elf yelled, and threw the staff like a spear at the new man. The point of it landed straight at his heart, and he unspooled like he was made of thread, falling into a heap of string on the ground. 
The elf hummed something and scooped up the string. “Pretty cool, huh?” he asked Kravitz. 
Kravitz spat up blood. 
“Right, right,” The elf said, squatting by his head, “Look, this is….awkward, I know, but I can’t really save you,” he said, and he was close enough Kravitz could see his face. He was beautiful. “It’s complicated, and you're kind of like, dying, so I don’t even have enough time to explain, but uh,” he swallowed, and some of his calm facade melted away, “You’re going to be ok, ok? I know that’s hard to believe right now, but really. You’re pretty amazing and uh, the afterlife’s got some pretty crazy shit for you. 
Kravitz felt cold. So, so cold. He couldn’t feel his feet anymore, and each breath felt like it was stabbing him again and again. He gasped, trying to ask this stranger how he knew, WHAT he knew, but his mouth couldn’t form words any longer. “Here,” the elf said, and held out his hand, “I gotta get back, but, I’ll stick with your for this, ok?”
Kravitz had just enough energy to take his hand in his own, gripping onto it, his last connection to the world. His breath couldn’t come at all anymore, and he fell limp, his vision blacking out.
“Catch ya later, babe,” was the last thing he heard, before he was suddenly on a dark island made of stone, sitting before a throne with a large woman seated inside, wearing a raven mask on her head.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
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jace-the-writer-guy · 4 years
(From an avatar maker app)
Tumblr media
- Female half jungle elf, half panther ferakin with two inch long ears, two black furred ears atop her head, and a long spotted tail. She also has retractable claws on her fingers and toes, and she has a set of fangs.
- She has fairly messy but still tame black hair swept back that is just below shoulder length with multiple small braids throughout
- Deep, almost crystalline emerald feline eyes
- Five feet tall with a petite but fit, tough body
- 30D (Imperial)/ 65D (Metric)-cup breasts
- She has a dark skin color with numerous darker spots covering her arms, legs, and back like a panther
- She has the beauty of her elven side of her genetics, but the rugged features from being out in the wild for most of her life. 
- She has multiple dark tattoos on her face in the form of multiple lines and dots. Two lines and one dot above each eyebrow, one straight down her forehead to nearly the tip of her nose, four lines and three dots below her eyes at the tops of each cheek, and one dot on each side of her nose next to her eyes.
Warm Weather (Adventure/Hunting): She wears a patchwork hide tunic covering her breasts with straps over her shoulders and a skirt made up of a leather belt around her waist and numerous hide and fur straps and feathers sewn into it and hanging from it, with more solid pieces of cloth over her crotch and rear. The belt has a pouch on the right side made of fur and hide. She wears a mantle over her shoulders made of brown fur along with fur bracers over her forearms and fur shinguards. On her left hip is the sheath for her hunting knife and over her back is a brown leather quiver for her arrows with one large pouch near the bottom of it and three smaller pouches along the along the length of it on tbe side with her hatchet hanging off the back of it above the larger pouch, with the feathered ends of the arrows sticking out over her left shoulder. Strapped to her right thigh is the sheath for her machete.
Cold Weather (Adventure/Hunting): She wears another patchwork brown hide tunic over her torso but this one covers her stomach as well as more of her shoulders. Along with that, she wears a longer, thicker skirt made up of more hide and fur straps along with patchwork leather pants under them, and she wears a pair of simple fur boots with slits in the toes for her claws to stick through when she needs to climb. She still wears her fur bracers over her forearms. The mantle she wears over her shoulders is made of thick bear fur, hanging over her back down to her rear along with covering her shoulders very well. Her knife, machete, and quiver are kept in the same places.
Warm Weather (Casual): She wears a much nicer outfit consisting of a nice, simple little cloth dress. The dress extends to her thighs with the very middle in the front and back extending a bit further down to a point. There are small leather straps over her shoulders. She keeps her knife with her at her left hip, attached to the belt around her waist.
Cold Weather (Casual): Her outfit is nicer than her other winter dress, consisting of a very nice dress of a leather tunic with short, soft fur lining the outside and inside and a long fur and leather skirt, all a mix of darker brown colors. She wears her usual fur bracers on her forearms, her fur boots, and her thicker bear fur mantle along with her hunting knife at her left side.
- She is sixty four years old in jungle elven years, but is around eighteen in human/ferakin years
- She's commonly referred to as just Sika
- She is a hunter/ranger and is extremely skilled in using her shortbow and tracking her prey
- She used to mostly live by herself in the far western jungle continent of Oris after she left the tribe of wild elves and ferakin she was born into, but began to journey with Aurora back to Aerilon so she could explore the world
- Her current quiver, machete, hatchet, and casual dresses were all gifts from Aurora
- Much like Cronus does as a nickname for Aurora, Siikatsu calls her "Ara Ara" as an easy way to say her name
- Always speaks in third person
- She can't speak common. Aurora and Zennia enchanted an obsidian hexagon amulet for her to wear that lets her understand and speak common as best as she can while Aurora teaches her how to speak on her own. Even then, her common if very broken
- She loves to climb and jump around in trees, as it reminds her of her homeland.
- She doesn't like being underground, or in buildings with thick walls, especially made of stone
- After she made the decision for herself to join New Dawn, Aurora hired a druid to grow a large jungle tree in the garden of the keep and helped Siikatsu get the wood from her homeland to make a new house in the newly grown tree, with room for expansion as well
- She carries many snacks in her pouches on her quiver, ranging from jerky to candies that she likes
- Her hunting knife may be unremarkable, but it has a lot of meaning to her
- She quickly grew to be the best hunter in Dawnfire along with Ohan
- She is a follower of Unelanv, and makes sure what animals she hunts have quick and painless deaths
- She goes out to hunt almost all the time for Dawnfire's cooks to keep their food stores up, and makes gold for the guild by hunting for citizens of Aerilon as well
- It's not often, but she does purr at times when she eats something she likes
- Despite her size, she can carry and drag things almost twice her size very easily, and even drag them up trees
1: Heartbeat Shortbow: A shortbow enchanted to draw upon the power of her own heart, the string and shaft gaining more power the harder and faster her heart beats and pumps blood through her veins. It is a dual limbed bow with one longer base shaft and a shorter shaft in the front for added power. It is made of magical mithril wood that was stained a dark brown color with leather wrapped around the base shaft at several places and fur around the grip for her hand to wrap around. The string has two fur sound dampened at each end as well to reduce the sound and the vibrations the string makes when letting arrows fly. The weapon overall is four feet long.
2: Steel hunting knife: A simple dual edged knife with a six inch long, wide blade and wooden handle with string wrapped around the top of the handle and base of the blade. It is perfectly balanced to throw if needed.
3: Leaf-Blade Machete: A very well made, green mithril machete with the blade shaped like a leaf, with indentions in the blade like a leaf would have as well. The blade is a foot long with a dark oak handle and dark leather sheath.
Master Tracker: She can identify the footprints of nearly any animal she comes across and can track them for great distances to close in on her kill. This also helps her track down bounty targets.
Expert Hunter: She knows the spots to aim for to quickly take down animals she hunts in order to make it quick and painless for the animal. 
Climbing and Tree Hopping: She is a master at climbing trees and jumping from branch to branch, tree to tree. She can climb up them extremely quickly. While some may be searching for the best ways to climb something, Siikatsu has already climbed to the top.
Animal Whispering: Siikatsu can speak to different animals much like druids can, but she can't speak to them right away and has to spend a bit of time with them to understand them
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satsugaku-blog · 6 years
Blackmailed Volkus
So @racesolar likes his woof boys extra sad so I thought I’d do a little bit of an AU for Volkus where not everything is pumpkin spice.
Volkus quietly drove his car down the backstreets, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves for what he was set out to do tonight. Just a year ago he was living a mundane life as a butcher, happy to talk cooking with the locals who came in and give them friendly advice. But for all he knew, he was putting people he could have been on good terms with behind bars for things outside of their control. His mission was simple, all he had to do was use his keen sense of smell to find local werewolf packs and report them to the authorities.
It was far from something that Volkus agreed with, but in his current situation it was his neck or theirs. The wolfman knew that werewolves naturally resided in packs due to their nature as well as the social stigma that surrounded them. But the law was fickle, and deemed that any individuals who didn’t come forth with their status as a werewolf were considered too dangerous for the public.
It wasn’t a black and white situation, Volkus knew that some werewolves really weren’t safe to be let loose but, rounding them all up and shutting them away from society was an extreme that made him sick to his stomach. But he had no say in the matter unless he wanted to spend the rest of his life behind bars himself. Pulling up to the corner of the rumored “pack house”, Volkus discreetly parked his car at an empty house and stepped outside.
The night air was cool and crisp and if he wasn’t in his current predicament, he may have enjoyed it. But along the air came the tell-tale scent of a number of werewolves. Though he had never thought too hard about it before, Volkus did notice that there were subtle differences in scents between mundane wolfmen and there transformative counterparts. Sniffing around a bit more, it seemed that the information Volkus received was on the money, with the werewolves being inside a summer house whose tenants never seemed to be home.
Grabbing his bag of equipment, Volkus gently rubbed in some oils into his wrists to mask his scent and allow himself a more stealthy approach. “Right, I need to get my silver out for this...” he muttered under his breath, putting on some protective charms to keep him from being attacked by a shifted werewolf. He paused for a moment, hesitant to take a certain item with him. He knew that this particular house was bound to be dangerous, considering he was offered support on this outing, but he didn’t want to believe that these werewolves could have been all that bad.
Looking in the trunk, Volkus pulled out a tranquilizer gun. It wasn’t anything special, but the part that disturbed him was the fact that the needle itself was part silver. Seeing it in action, the results were unpleasant to say the least. It was no secret that shifting was an extremely painful thing for werewolves to go through, but forcibly preventing the shift usually resulted in an almost seizure-like state for the victim. He reluctantly pulled out the tranquilizer to be safe, but he was desperately hoping that he’d never have to use one again.
With his preparations complete, he made his approach to the house from behind and looked to see what activity was going on. From what he could tell, he was for the most part unnoticed, and the pack of 6 was going about their business as normal. The large number of them was concerning to him, considering he was here by himself, but he figured that if he bided his time he might catch an opening.
What felt like hours passed and after it seemed like things weren’t going to be changing any, Volkus retreated from his vantage point. Walking across an empty backlot to where he parked, his hair stood on end as he smelled the same werewolves that were in the house being much closer now. He wanted to run but his legs were stuck on autopilot, and he didn’t know what was going to happen if he did. As if it were his worst nightmare coming true, the sound of a wolf rushing towards him rang through his head and he soon found himself knocked onto the hard pavement beneath him.
A scream pierced Volkus’ ears as he felt the mass on top of him shift around and leap off of him. “This has to be that bastard! Who else would be wearing fucking SILVER on them like this?” growled a voice from next to him. Thinking fast, Volkus pulled out his tranquilizer gun and flipped himself around to find another two unshifted werewolves approaching him, who he could only guess to be the alpha with one of his underlings.
“Hope you’ve got more than one bullet” sneered the beta, digging out a machete from his coat pocket and swiftly getting closer before the alpha pulled him back by his shirt collar. “Calm down Lewis, we’re here to pull information out of the rat, not kill it” spoke the taller man commandingly. Volkus’ heart had felt like it would about to explode, this was one of the worst possible outcomes and if he couldn’t get help soon, he was sure he was going to die tonight.
“What’s your plan, wolfboy? You that guy who’s been selling out packs lately?” demanded the alpha, stepping closer with a piercing glare on his face. Volkus didn’t know what to do, it was probably too late to run away, and if he stayed and fought there’s no way he could win. The only thing that he could think of was earn himself some time by appealing to them and hope that by some miracle an opening for escape would come up.
“Y-yes… I am” whimpered Volkus, resigning that he was found out, not knowing what else to say. The beta from earlier began to act up but was quickly shushed by the alpha; “And what do you think you’re doing, pulling this kind of business?” Thoughts raced through Volkus’ head once again, unsure of what he could possibly do in this scenario. “I… I don’t want to do this, I really don’t!” he stammered, tears welling up in his eyes.
Snapping his fingers, the intimidating alpha beckoned for the machete from the werewolf next to him. “Here we go. Now this makes a little more sense, now doesn’t it?” snickered the alpha, kneeling down onto Volkus and pressing the machete against his throat. “Who is it then? Who’s this asshole who’s looking to get us packs killed? Play dumb and I’ll start with your ear” he threatened, causing more tears to well up in Volkus’ eyes.
“I-it’s Silentread! He said that if I didn’t do this he’d put me in jail for murder! Please! You have to believe me, I’d never do this If I didn’t have to!” bawled Volkus, fearing for his life. The alpha sat up and released the machete but Volkus felt a sudden sharp pain across his face as the other man gave him an angry swipe of his claws. “First off, there’s no apologizing for the fact that you’ve ruined the lives of dozens of innocent werewolves so far, borderline your brothers and sisters for fucks sake. Second, if it’s Elgretor Silentread you’re talking about, then we’re still not done here” said the alpha, blood dripping off his claws onto Volkus’ shirt.
“So let me get this straight, this damn elf senator wants you to go around doing his dirty work for him because he can’t do it legitimately, and says he’ll put you in jail if you don’t?” asked the alpha, receiving a pained nod from Volkus. “Hmph, you’d best get comfortable because you’re going to be spilling anything and everything about this” explained the alpha. Understanding completely, Volkus was glad that his life was spared for the moment, but he wouldn’t be prepared for what may have been to come.
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the-world-of-palara · 3 years
(From an avatar maker app)
Tumblr media
- Female half jungle elf, half jaguar ferakin with two inch long ears, two black furred ears atop her head, and a long black, spotted tail. She also has retractable claws on her fingers and toes, and she has a set of fangs.
- She has fairly messy but still tame black hair swept back that is just below shoulder length with multiple small braids throughout
- Deep, almost crystalline emerald feline eyes
- Five feet tall with a petite but very fit, tough body
- 30D (Imperial)/ 65D (Metric)-cup breasts
- She has a dark skin color with a multitude of darker spots covering the vast majority of her body aside from her stomach, and her face
- She has the beauty of her elven side of her genetics, but the rugged features from being out in the wild for most of her life. 
- She has multiple dark tattoos on her face in the form of multiple lines and dots. Two lines and one dot above each eyebrow, one straight down her forehead to nearly the tip of her nose, four lines and three dots below her eyes at the tops of each cheek, and one dot on each side of her nose next to her eyes.
Warm Weather (Adventure/Hunting): She wears a patchwork hide tunic covering her breasts with straps over her shoulders and a skirt made up of a leather belt around her waist and numerous hide and fur straps and feathers sewn into it and hanging from it, with more solid pieces of cloth over her crotch and rear. The belt has a pouch on the right side made of fur and hide. She wears a mantle over her shoulders made of brown fur along with fur bracers over her forearms and fur shinguards. On her left hip is the sheath for her hunting knife and over her back is a brown leather quiver for her arrows with one large pouch near the bottom of it and three smaller pouches along the along the length of it on tbe side with her hatchet hanging off the back of it above the larger pouch, with the feathered ends of the arrows sticking out over her left shoulder. Strapped to her right thigh is the sheath for her machete.
Cold Weather (Adventure/Hunting): She wears another patchwork brown hide tunic over her torso but this one covers her stomach as well as more of her shoulders. Along with that, she wears a longer, thicker skirt made up of more hide and fur straps along with patchwork leather pants under them, and she wears a pair of simple fur boots with slits in the toes for her claws to stick through when she needs to climb. She still wears her fur bracers over her forearms. The mantle she wears over her shoulders is made of thick bear fur, hanging over her back down to her rear along with covering her shoulders very well. Her knife, machete, and quiver are kept in the same places.
Warm Weather (Casual): She wears a much nicer outfit consisting of a nice, simple little cloth dress. The dress extends to her thighs with the very middle in the front and back extending a bit further down to a point. There are small leather straps over her shoulders. She keeps her knife with her at her left hip, attached to the belt around her waist.
Cold Weather (Casual): Her outfit is nicer than her other winter dress, consisting of a very nice dress of a leather tunic with short, soft fur lining the outside and inside and a long fur and leather skirt, all a mix of darker brown colors. She wears her usual fur bracers on her forearms, her fur boots, and her thicker bear fur mantle along with her hunting knife at her left side.
- She is sixty four years old in jungle elven years, but is around eighteen in human/ferakin years
- She's commonly referred to as just Sika
- She is a hunter/ranger and is extremely skilled in using her shortbow and tracking her prey
- She used to mostly live by herself in the far western jungle continent of Oris after she left the tribe of wild elves and ferakin she was born into, but began to journey with Aurora back to Aerilon so she could explore the world
- Her current quiver, machete, hatchet, and casual dresses were all gifts from Aurora
- Much like Cronus does as a nickname for Aurora, Siikatsu calls her "Ara Ara" as an easy way to say her name
- Always speaks in third person
- She can't speak common. Aurora enchanted an obsidian hexagon amulet for her to wear that lets her understand and speak common as best as she can while Aurora teaches her how to speak on her own. Even then, her common if very broken
- She loves to climb and jump around in trees, as it reminds her of her homeland.
- She doesn't like being underground, or in buildings with thick walls, especially made of stone
- After she made the decision for herself to join Dawnfire, Aurora hired a druid to grow a large jungle tree in the garden of the keep and helped Siikatsu get the wood from her homeland to make a new house in the newly grown tree, with room for expansion as well
- She carries many snacks in her pouches on her quiver, ranging from jerky to candies that she likes
- Her hunting knife may be unremarkable, but it has a lot of meaning to her
- She quickly grew to be the best hunter in Dawnfire along with Ohan
- She is a follower of Unelanv, and makes sure what animals she hunts have quick and painless deaths
- She goes out to hunt almost all the time for Dawnfire's cooks to keep their food stores up, and makes gold for the guild by hunting for citizens of Aerilon as well
- It's not often, but she does purr at times when she eats something she likes
- Despite her size, she can carry and drag things almost twice her size very easily, and even drag them up trees
1: Heartbeat Shortbow: A shortbow enchanted to draw upon the power of her own heart, the string and shaft gaining more power the harder and faster her heart beats and pumps blood through her veins. It is a dual limbed bow with one longer base shaft and a shorter shaft in the front for added power. It is made of magical mithril wood that was stained a dark brown color with leather wrapped around the base shaft at several places and fur around the grip for her hand to wrap around. The string has two fur sound dampened at each end as well to reduce the sound and the vibrations the string makes when letting arrows fly. The weapon overall is four feet long.
2: Steel hunting knife: A simple dual edged knife with a six inch long, wide blade and wooden handle with string wrapped around the top of the handle and base of the blade. It is perfectly balanced to throw if needed.
3: Leaf-Blade Machete: A very well made, green mithril machete with the blade shaped like a leaf, with indentions in the blade like a leaf would have as well. The blade is a foot long with a dark oak handle and dark leather sheath.
Master Tracker: She can identify the footprints of nearly any animal she comes across and can track them for great distances to close in on her kill. This also helps her track down bounty targets.
Expert Hunter: She knows the spots to aim for to quickly take down animals she hunts in order to make it quick and painless for the animal. 
Climbing and Tree Hopping: She is a master at climbing trees and jumping from branch to branch, tree to tree. She can climb up them extremely quickly. While some may be searching for the best ways to climb something, Siikatsu has already climbed to the top.
Animal Whispering: Siikatsu can speak to different animals much like druids can, but she can't speak to them right away and has to spend a bit with them to understand them
0 notes
xoleahbeanxo · 6 years
Mercka Squad: Chapter One
This is a story I wrote over a year ago and just left sitting for a time when I felt good about going back over it. I loved writing it and I love rereading it. I hope you’ll feel the same.
If you don’t like reading it here, you can also read it on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/15083603/chapters/34972910
Comments and criticism are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read it. ^.^
After the battle of three nations, seventy percent of the world was covered in a toxic magical radiation that’s killed everything that touched it. From the radiation spawned Creepers, violent and horrendous monstrosities, constantly hungering but never sated.
Those who survived the blast are forced to scavenge and carve out a living in the wasteland. Food and water are scarce, and garbage is treasure. That’s where the Mercka Squad comes in, an elite tactical group of mercenary…kobolds? That can’t be right?
“You know, they say war, war never changes. They must be right because this place, here, is a shithole.”
“The Centernal year is 36 AD…that’s After Destruction, thanks to the ever lovin’ fey High Elves and their inability to control their unending superiority over every living creature in the realm.”
“Sorry, sometimes I get carried away.”
“We know, dear, trust us we know. Maybe instead of telling them, perhaps we can show them in a beautiful and cinematic opus.”
“I think not Amethyst.”
“Both of you hush, now.”
…Latherimy stood atop the mass of corpses that lay at his feet. His frail elven legs barely held his disheveled figure aloft. The air was chocked with green gas that threatened to suffocate him but he clung to the last shred of life he had left. What would his people think of him, if he were the first of the Three Kingdom’s rulers to die? No, if he were deemed to die, he would be the last.
Gristleback leaned onto her hammer; the crisp skin that ran up her side had long since bubbled and scabbed over. It stung and burned like the very fires of the Underfall but she refused to falter. No, she would carry the weight of her oppressed people to the very halls of her two rivals, if she must. They will take note that Orcs, no, that her people had every right to grow and flourish as theirs does.
Auturo fell to one knee, the arrow imbedded there threatened to end his adventuring days forever but not his days to rule in the sun. Latherimy would kneel to the fire that all humans possess in their souls. He would teach the pointed-ear bastard that being an “infantile” race didn’t mean they couldn’t learn, couldn’t develop, and couldn’t unite the land under the banner of peace for the greater good. And Aurturo swore to kill anyone who didn’t agree to join the alliance. Yes, that would show them.
“Does anyone want anything; I’m going into the kitchen.”
“Citrine! Can’t you see I’m telling a story here?”
“Sorry Sapphire; I was trying to be helpful.”
“Don’t mind her; she’s got her knickers in a twist.”
“Thank you, Amethyst, that’s really-”
“I could use more pork rinds.”
“Sure thing, sweetie, I’ll be right back.”
“Would you mind if I continued the story?”
“Shouldn’t we wait for Citrine?”
“Nah, she’s heard it before. Go on, before out reader gets bored.”
…Right. The three lords stood on a battlefield that had long since been carpeted with the remains of their clan’s members, their friends, and their people. It didn’t matter now, the three lords were balls-deep into this war and it would be determined now.
Aurturo hefted his sword and swung but the elf was nimble enough to move but not nimble enough to keep from collapsing under the weight of the green miasma. Gristleback stumbled forth, lifting her hammer with the last of her strength; her last swing would finish the point-eared bastard for sure.
But Latherimy would not be undone; he cast his hands to sky and muttered words of the ancient and all the sound left the world. The birds flew away, the fire stalled its crackle, and even the wind itself shut the fuck up.
“I may die here,” He uttered, his voice muted to the soft whistle that came from worlds away. “But I will take you and all of this to hell with me when I go.”
“You fool, what are you doing?” Gristleback dropped her hammer and reached for him.
“Meeeh, you fool, what are you doing, shut up, I’m winning, duh!” Latherimy’s voice spiked a sour tone but it faltered next to the whistle that grew louder.
“You may be a prick.” Arturo stepped forward and rammed his sword through the elf’s middle. “But you know what; I’ve got a bigger one for you.”
“Ugh, men and their inbred need for a pissing contest, even at the end of things. Let this be done.” Her hammer crunched down on the elf’s head, splatting his brains all over the place.
The human looked at the Orc and smiled. “You know, I never disliked you.”
“Liar,” She said, splatting him for good measure.
Now the orc female was all alone and there was no one to splat her. So, she looked up at the sky to the glowing green fireball that was falling faster than a shooting star and with it came death, the four horseman, and maybe even their mothers, who knows, but they were all there.
“Bring it on, you pussies.” Gristleback sneered in triumph seconds before it hit.
“The toadstool cloud could be seen from miles around. A radiated shockwave rolled through the countryside, obliterating everything in its path and man, did it suck.” The sleek blue kobold said from her perch on the rickety looking couch. “Farms destroyed, kingdoms fell, and almost everyone died.”
“You know, this story gets more bitchin’ each time you tell it.” A ruby-red kobold snickered as she knocked back a glowing green bottle of Mountain Dew.
“It’s not a story, Ruby,” A shimmering purple kobold snapped at her, dumping her popcorn on the mesh metal floor. “This is real history, right Sap?”
“Sapphire, thank you very much. And yes, these are annuals of our histories from over tens of thousands of years.” The blue kobold scrolled down on the glowing tablet in her hand.
“More like bullshit with a side of crap, if you ask me.” Ruby snarked and grabbed a handful of popcorn from the floor.
“How else do you explain the radiation swamps that cover seventy percent of the world?” Sapphire adjusted the pinched lenses on her snout.
“Bad luck!”
The purple kobold snickered at Ruby’s response.
“Glad you find the death of millions funny, Amethyst.”
“Meh, life is sacred, nah nah, didn’t you just shoot a douche bag in the face the other day, Sap?” The red kobold chuckled.
“The bastard had it coming.” She said pointedly as she plucked her glasses from her muzzle, folding them neatly before slipping them into their leather pouch.
“Amethyst, I brought your another soda!” A shimmering yellow kobold walked into the room, passing a bottle of glowing green liquid to the heavy-set kobold stretched out on the couch.
“Thanks, Citrine but…I don’t drink this stuff.”
The yellow kobold touched her chin, her eyes glazing over.
“It was me, genius. I asked for pork rinds.” Ruby snapped.
“Oh right, be right back.” The yellow kobold started down the stairs again.
“I swear to god…goddess…or Steven Spielberg that she’s a dumb as a box of rocks.” Ruby glared at Sapphire.
“Ruby, you stop that right now. She can’t help it!”
“I personally think she’s getting better.” Amethyst passed the soda to Ruby. “Drink up and smile, for a change.”
“Fat chance and judging by your waistline, you know a lot about those types of chances.”
“Sapphire, I brought this back for you.” Citrine climbed back up the stairs with nothing in her hands.
“Dear,” Sapphire pinched the bridge of her muzzle. “I didn’t ask for any-”
Behind her came a tall scrawny looking elf dressed in a tattered navy-blue parka. Her camo pants were tore so badly that her long johns could be seen underneath. She had a modified AK-47 strapped to her back. Her belt lined with various tools, traps, and a broad bladed sword. It was more a homemade machete that bore and intricate hilt of her people. She pulled her goggles up to rest on her tattered, flannel cabby hat.
“Mercka Squad?” The elf’s thick cockney accent fell out of her mouth like someone dumping out a sack of potatoes.
“Yes!” Sapphire stood up from seat and straightened her freshly pressed BDU’s.
“Thank the goddess I found you.” She rushed forward.
Ruby was off the couch in a second pressing the tip of her combat knife to the elf’s side. It was so large in her hand that it could double as a sword but she wielded it better than most humans, orcs, or elves.
“That’s far enough, forest fart.”
“I mean you no harm.” The elf raised her hands; in one she carried a yellow index card.
“Don’t mind her, she’s more than a little demented.” Amethyst got up and snatched the index card away, handing it to Sapphire.
“I come on behalf of Druger-Ox; he has a mission for you.” The elf was quick to explain her presence.
“An elf working for an Orc, that’s a laugh.” The red kobold snickered as she sheathed her knife again.
“It’s an important matter…involving stolen secrets, hmm.” Sapphire read the card to herself but commented aloud.
“That’s right, a thief took it and ran into subway system, we can’t follow.” The elf stated.
“What kind of idiot-”
“A kobold like yourself, ma’am.” The elf snapped.
“Fuck off! You must by high.” Ruby cackled. “Everyone knows most kobolds hid underground only to be buried amidst the remnants of your ancestor’s past fuck ups.”
“Amethyst, if you’d please.” Sapphire snapped.
The pudgy purple kobold slid across the metal floor on her belly, coming up beside Ruby fast enough to catch her off guard. She closed her hands around the kobold’s mouth and wrest her to the couch where she wrapped her legs around the feistier female’s waist.
“I apologize for my companion; she’s a bit of bitch.” Sapphire tucked the card away. “A kobold, huh? That’s interesting. And how much is Mr. Ox-Orc willing to pay?”
“Druger-Ox, ma’am,” The elf slapped the yellow kobold’s hand away as she was caressing the elf’s hip. “One hundred, ma’am,”
“One hundred?  Is this some kind of a joke to you?” Sapphire’s crystal blue eyes narrowed.
“I could go as high as one hundred fifty.” The elf reached into her pocket and pulled out a credit card.
“One hundred and fifty,” Amethyst grunted, still wrestling the other female on the couch. “That’s like a spit in the face!”
“I-I…I can give you half right now, seventy-five thousand.”
“Well, I suppose...wait…what was that again?” Sapphire stopped in mid thought.
“I can give you eighty thousand, right now, just please take this case. Mercka Squad is the only ones who can go into the places we can’t and we really need you to do this.” The elf was almost pleading now.
“I suppose so.” The blue kobold feigned her surrender. “Stolen documents sounds very important and all. I suppose it’s almost like our civil duty…our paid handsomely, civil duty. Tell Mr. Orc-Ox we’ll accept his standard offer and will report to you in two weeks to a month on our progress. Please give me your contact info and the payment.”
“Oh, thank you so much for this. All the information you need is on the card. Druger-Ox wants to be perfectly clear, you can contact me anytime, day or night, just please find those documents and…bring the kobold back alive.” The elf sighed, her body growing limp with her relief.
The elf punched a few buttons built onto the face of the card and passed it to Sapphire. “I’ve cleared you for eighty thousand credits; the rest will be released to you upon completion of the task.”
“Yes, yes, you have our word that we will return the documents and the prisoner ASAP.” Sapphire shook the elf’s hand nonchalantly. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we need to prepare for our manhunt.”
Citrine blinked and looked at Amethyst. “I thought we were hunting a kobold?”
“Not now.”
The elf looked from the yellow kobold to the Sapphire with a look of worry. Sapphire fought to reassure her with a smile before patting the elf’s bicep.
“She’s just confused.”
“Certainly,” The elf nodded and pointed back down the stairs. “This way, right?”
“Yes, it’s the door that says ‘exit’, you can’t miss it.” Sapphire was struggling to compose herself under the weight of the loaded credit card.
The elf disappeared down the stairway as Citrine walked up to Sapphire. “Can you believe she’s stupid enough to pay us that much money?”
“What was that?” The elf popped her head back up.
Sapphire’s eyes shot open as she glared at the yellow kobold, her mouth hanging open. “Oh, I…It was…”
“I said, ‘can you believe she’s s-”
Sapphire wrapped her tail tightly around the yellow kobold’s throat and pulled her clean off her feet and to the floor, choking the words out of her.
“Don’t mind her!” Sapphire’s voice spiked in a very unbecoming way, her blue face growing purple amidst the frustrated blush. “She stupid…head wound as a child, we keep her around because she’s like family. We can’t find a home to take her in.”
Both Ruby and Amethyst looked up at her with their mouths hanging open in shock at the sudden rant.
“Oh,” The elf said, a little more put off now that she witnessed the emotion slaughter delivered to the yellow kobold. “Carry…uhm, carry on then.”
Again she disappeared through the hole. This time, they waited until they could hear the slam and lock of their metal front door before they did anything.
When they were sure she was gone, Sapphire released Citrine from her chokehold, relieved to hear her gasp for air.
“Why did you say all those awful things?” Citrine cried, wiping the tears running down her cheeks.
“Oh for the love of James Camron, I didn’t mean it, I was trying to get the stinky elf to leave. Come on, stop crying. I’ll buy you a stuffed puppy.” Sapphire fell to her knees, coddling the kobold. “You know I love you, don’t you?”
Citrine sniffled and nodded. “Ye-yes.”
“And you know I would only act that way to save your life, right?”
Citrine paused, her eyes rolling to the side as she thought. “I suppose so, though I don’t really know how that works.”
“She’s saying that if you’d fucked this deal up for us, she was going to skin you and make a pair of boots and a matching belt out of your hide.” Ruby snickered.
“Right.” Sapphire nodded.
“Oh, well then I’m glad you did it.” Citrine smiled widely, her tail bounced off the metal floor happily.
“Thank god.” Sapphire sighed and slid the card through the reader built into the side of her tablet, depositing the first half into their account.
“Sappy, you know how you said you’ll get me a stuffed puppy?”
“Uh, yeah, of course,” Sapphire looked down at the yellow kobold who was chewing one claw.
“Can it be a kitty instead? I like cats more than dogs.” Citrine wiped her wet finger on Sapphire’s pant leg before getting to her feet.
“After this is over, Citrine, I’ll buy you a roomful of stuffed kitties.” Sapphire smiled at her, before giving her cheek a soft pat.
“That’s right.” Sapphire slipped her tablet into the pocket of her canvas bag. “Now ladies, gather your gear, we have a thieving degenerate to find. We roll out in ten.”
“Aye, captain,” Amethyst saluted and hurried off into one of the rooms off of the main chamber.
Ruby reached behind the couch grabbing her hastily stuffed backpack. “Ready,” She forced everything back into their respective pockets before zipping, clasping, and latching them away safely.
“Ruby?” Citrine whispered.
“Whut?” Ruby pulled a cigarette from the pack sitting on the three-legged end table next to the couch.
“If she used my butt to make your hide boots out of…would they be called booties?”
Ruby laughed so hard she choked on the first drag from the cigarette. “What the fuck, that was so funny, even for you.”
Citrine wrapped her arms around the taller Kobold and kissed her cheek. “See, there’s a reason you keep me around.”
“I suppose so.” Ruby smiled and ruffled her golden head feathers. “Come on, let’s get you all packed.”
Sapphire watched as the pair left the room through the same door Amethyst had hurried through.
“Heh…booties, that is pretty funny.”
Sapphire shook her head, and picked up the well-polished Peacemaker from the bookshelf, still holstered on its bandolier. She was quick to wrap the belted bandolier around her waist, buckling it and tying it off around her thigh. The weapon was heavy in her hand but she managed to spin it a few times before slipping it back into the holster, just as her husband, David, had shone her once upon a time.
The blue kobold kissed her fingertips and touched the faded printer picture of a human with red hair and a dark handlebar mustache. The picture was taken a long time ago but the memory was always fresh. She was too short to be seen in the picture when she first put it in the frame. She always joked with her husband that she managed to get the best part centered anyway. They’d laughed about it but David always promised to bring her a new one as soon as he found it. He never did, thus she never felt it needed changing.
“Here I go again, David. Doing good, just like you taught me.” Her words were a whisper just in case the others were within ear shot.
She lingered her gaze a moment longer before turning to face the door. “Come on, ladies, daylight’s burning.”
“Of course it is; we live in a nuclear winter.” Amethyst spoke around the fingerless glove clenched in her teeth.
“I think it’s more of a nuclear summer.” Citrine mused.
“I prefer nuclear autumn myself. The way the leaves glow as they drift through the breeze to inevitably burst into flames and fall to the ground as ash has always reminded me of how fucked up life is now.” Ruby cackled as she snuffed her cigarette out on the wall before dropping the butt on the floor.
“Come on you misfits, let’s tuck tail and run.” Sapphire gave each of them a brief look over as they walked past.
They were misfits from horn to tail, she thought, a smile coming to her lips, but they were her misfits and she loved each of them very much.
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quillthemill · 6 years
Name: Varies with form. In his default form, his name is Loff.
Species: Mimic/Shapeshifter.
Power(s): Shapeshifting.
Gender/Sex: Identifies as a male, but has no problem with taking on a female form. Will refer to himself as a female when doing so.
Attributes Associated With The Power: Whenever he swaps genders/sexes, his brain chemistry changes. When he’s in a male form, he has the brain chemistry of a male. When he’s in a female form, she has the chemistry of a female. The brain chemistry also changes with the age of his form.
Can split himself into two. The caveat here is that the two forms each take one half of his brain and make it into a full brain. This results in whichever form taking the left side of the brain being almost completely logical, with extremely dampened ability to show any emotions or morality, and whichever form taking the right side of the brain being extremely emotional, with little to no logic to guide them. The left side has to instruct the right side what to do, and the right side has to keep the left side from doing something immoral.
Personality: Has a tendency to want to help people. Would probably do your laundry if you either (A) asked nicely enough, or (B) gave him some form of reward, monetary or otherwise. Generally wants to avoid conflict. Uncomfortable with people knowing about the fact that he’s a shapeshifter. He feels he’ll be treated oddly. Very curious, and likes exploring old places. Granted, he’s only comfortable doing this when he has some sort of light source around. Will sell you things, if you say you’re looking to buy something.
This traits tend to be dominant across all of his common forms. Only one or two are expressly antagonistic to others. Speaking of common forms...
Common Forms: 
1: Default. A white haired teenager. Looks to be around 15-16 years old. Wears baggy, brownish trousers with really deep pockets. Has a coin purse tied to the right leg. Has a fuzzy long-sleeved shirt with the same color scheme. Wears black, ripped gloves. Uses the name Loff for this form.
2: Archaeologist Girl: A red-headed suntanned young adult female. Color Scheme of outfit can be described as Desert-Colored Camouflage. Wears either a Pith Helmet or a beret. Shirt options include tank-top, short-sleeved, or long-sleeved, and pants options include shorts or cargo pants. Has constantly muddy boots on. Carries a machete and sheath on the back of the hip. Uses the name Carter.
3: General Ocgil and Private Tiolanmoe (Split Forms): Ocgil is a tall, pale-white woman, who stands at 6 feet tall. Tiolanmoe is at least two and a half head-and-shoulders shorter than Ocgil, and is significantly less pale. Both wear mostly green military gear.. A helmet, Tiolanmoe’s is a bit too big for her head, jackets with several pockets on them, with yellow markings on the left sleeve to indicate rank, dark green pants, and dark green boots. Ocgil is constantly seen with a blank expression and dead eyes, and Tiolanmoe is mostly seen (A) bouncing about trying to complete tasks, (B) Laughing uncontrollably, (C) Crying, or (D) Angrily discharging firearms.
4: Elven Archer: Short in stature, with very pointy ears. Wears a green hood and a mouth cover. Is a dark elf. May or may not be female, no-one is sure. Other parts of the outfit include: Leather body armor. Has that one blackish leather color to it that I can’t describe. Rich black? Leathery Black? Also has silky, grey gloves, and silky boots with the same color. This one form is one of the antagonistic ones. Has a tendency to shoot you straight in the face with a crossbow. Uses the name Oro.
Other Things: Once took on the form of a girl at the age of going through puberty, just to see what it was like. She felt like everyone was staring at her lustfully. She doesn’t take that form on anymore.
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snourlax · 7 years
answer all the asks or we fight ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
i’ll fight you anyway, fart sucker 
burro’s tail: what was the last dream you had? 
i was in middle school again and my coworker jess was my math teacher and every time someone did something good she gave them a live bee
agave: what’s your favorite time of the day? i guess mornings cause i get the most done right after i wake up
crown of thorns: are you more of a cozy rainy day or a warm sunny day? warm sunny, i hate rain and being cold
sempervivum: what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad? i still listen to the same stuff when i’m sad, so mostly streetlight manifesto, the white stripes, and cake
jade plant: what is a bird you associate yourself with? an ostrich cause they’re lanky, goofy, and awkward
aloe: what is your favorite season and why? fall cause i like long pants and flannels
pussy ears: how do you take your coffee? i dont drink coffee
ponytail palm: what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream? i’ve never had a macaron but i love cookie dough ice cream
perle von nurnberg: what makes your heart flutter? brown eyes, dressed for autumn, likes science
mind like a diamond, knows whats best, shoes that cut, eyes that burn like cigarettes, the right allocations, fast, thorough, sharp as a tack, plays with her jewelry, puts up her hair, tours the facilities and picks up slack, gets up early, stays up late, uninterrupted prosperity, uses a machete to cut through red tape, fingernails that shine like justice, a voice thats dark like tinted glass, smooth liquidation, good dividends, wants a car with the cupholder arm rest, wants a car thatll get her there, changing her name from kitty to karen, trading her MG for white chrysler lebaron 
moonstones: do you have a significant other? ???? good question
agavoides: what is your first plant you ever owned and does it have a name? it was a spider plant named skips i got my freshman year of college
cupid: what are five aspects you like about yourself? goofy, understanding, flexible, good sense of humor, tries to stay positive
flapjack what are five flaws you have? tend to be kind of wishy washy, i tend to avoid gray areas, i focus probably too much on my work, tend to keep things to myself, easily saddened
string of pearls: do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks? warm neutrals
lavender stones: what do you look for in your significant other? see my answer to perle von nurnberg
black prince: are there any pets you would like to have? lizard for sure
melaco: how would you describe a perfect date? getting drunk watching the x files or some shit idk i dont go on many dates
wooly rose: what are some names that you like? julianna, marina, phoebe
haworthia: are a you more of a fruit popsicle kind of person or ice cream popsicle king of person? ice cream popsicle 
lithops: how do you spend free time by yourself? super smash bros melee, drawing/ painting, playing guitar
aeonium: what is your favorite tea and how do you take it? i dont drink tea either
baby toes: what was the last book you read? the davinci code
topsy turvy: what is the most comfortable sleeping position? either on my side or on my stomach, i move around a lot so there isnt one
calico kitten: what is something valuable that you learned in your life? attitude is everything, just do it cause it’ll just sit there until its done
cactus: how would you describe the last photo you’ve taken? probably some fucking meme
irish mint: do you like to cook or bake more? cook
blue elf: do you have a favorite scent? coffee in the morning
jelly bean: do you prefer walking, driving, or biking? driving, i have shit to do
california sunset: what accessory do you always have on you, no matter what?pretty much always have a hat on
little jewel: are you an art museum or a science museum kind of person? both give me both
painted lady: do you have cute nicknames? my friends at home call me tall cunt, ellie used to call me puppy, amy calls me salad boy
debbie: how would you describe your handwriting? unrecognizable to anyone except myself
moonglow: how do you relieve stress? pottery
key lime: do you have a quirky catch phrase? ive taken to telling people to do it if they’re bad
lola: do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?used to play trumpet, now i play uke and guitar  
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