#and Liu Sang is going to take it out in trade
momosandlemonsoda · 3 years
Oooh, I think we all know I want ALL the Arranged Marriage AU, but instead I'm going to be very restrained as ask about MIdway, because I enjoy watching Liu Sang take Wu Xie out at the ankles.
I think I've babbled about this before, but the idea (which came to be before I finished Knives, so I need to do some updating) is that Liu Sang accepted a job before his relationship with Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling started, and now it's happening and he's planning on going on his own. It's shady as shit (some foreigners want to dig up a Chinese tomb, he's shocked they got the permits) but it pays a ton and Liu Sang, Actual Professional Business Owner Person, is going. Wu Xie wants to come and Liu Sang is Not Having It.
(and then it's really shady and Liu Sang starts detectiving while also trying to look out for this group of somewhat obnoxious foreign grad students and it turns out that he does actually need the help... but Wu Xie has disobeyed his wishes and showed up literally the day before he plans to call in the troops. In extremely unconvincing disguise that somehow (insult to injury!) manages to convince the foreigners. Wu Xie is in so much trouble.)
Here's a few snippets about Liu Sang, Actual Professional:
The thing is, Liu Sang took the job a few months ago, after the worst of Warehouse 11 when all he could think to do was take job after job. He needed to re-establish himself as separate from the Wu family, from the Nine Gates. He needed the money, because if there was anything he’d learned from his Great Wu Xie Adventure it was that if his hearing tanked, his whole business would go belly-up. And... he needed the distance, a space away from everything he had been feeling by the time he’d walked out of Warehouse 11. If that had changed after Wu Xie’s birthday and the start of this fragile new relationship, well-- he had commitments, didn’t he? He needed to keep them.
Even if he’d been taking every job that came his way, though, he’d still turned this one down at first. When his broker mentioned an archaelogical dig and foreigners, he’d automatically said he wasn’t interested. And he wasn’t. Working with foreigners was exhausting-- the translation aspect meant that even when he wasn’t actively listening for whatever he was being paid to hear, he was trying to puzzle out what the foreigners were saying. It was part of why he’d picked up so many languages-- it was easier on his brain to just study a new language in his spare time than to try to parse half-remembered words while mapping a space or conducting corporate espionage.
and also
Liu Sang has two different approaches with the drivers sent to pick him up for jobs. In most cases, he acknowledges that they are here to retrieve him, hands over his equipment, and then ignores them. A lot of time when it’s tombs, the driver’s a lackey, he doesn’t know anything (it’s vanishingly rare to have a woman driver) and it doesn’t help Liu Sang establish his credibility as an expert to be caught gossiping with the help.
The second approach he deploys rarely, but when he needs more intel about what he’s walking into. And in a situation where he’s working for foreigners of dubious motives, he needs all the information he can get. He’s a little surprised, honestly, that it’s just a driver-- in previous work he’s done with foreigners there has often been a foreigner and Chinese guide meeting him at the airport, but he doesn’t think too much about that.
“Lao Yang, what can you tell me about these foreigners?” he asks, once they are settled in and headed to the dig site. He’s got three hours in the car to pump the older man for information, and he’s going to get as much as he can.
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eirenical · 3 years
1 and 2 for the writing meta prompt please!
Thank you, @flamingwell
[If anyone else would like to send questions, here is the list. ^_^]
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Oooooooh boy. Well, I have quite a few. XD So, how about we just go through the ones I have actively open in Word right now?
Legacies Found: The Untamed, sequel to Legacies Lost. This is a giant canon divergent AU that I've been working on for well over a year at this point. There is one key thing that I changed (and in the interest of spoilers, I'm not going to say what, but if you're curious and don't mind spoilers then, by all means, come ask and I'll tell you all about it. ;D) and it affected everything in-universe, some for the better, some for the worse. Here's the AO3 summary:
Sixteen years ago, the Yiling Patriarch died, a victim to his own hubris and the Yin Tiger Seal. Hundreds of cultivators from many different sects died with him that day, their souls forever doomed to find no rest, even in death. On this, the 16th anniversary of the battle of Qiongqi Pass, Jin Ling is determined to make pilgrimage, to try to put the spirit of his long-lost father to rest. He finds much more than he bargained for, and what he finds… will change everything.
And in the sequel, things have progressed significantly from this point, but the people involved are still broken in various ways, not quite at the point of healing yet, but getting there. The plot is opening up to the wider world and new characters are going to be introduced, and I'm having a lot of fun writing it, but it is SO MUCH SLOWER GOING. OTZ
Mirror, Mirror: I talked about this one extensively in this post, and it hasn't really progressed any further from there. XD This is a Guardian AU based on a short film that Zhu Yilong did with Li Bingbing called "Into the Mirror" (there's a link in the other post).
Reclamation: *eg* For anyone who's been following my Whumptober series (yes, I know we're WELL past October OTZ) of fics that I've been writing for Granting You a Dreamlike Life, this is the latest in the series. This monster is already almost 18K words and it's... it's a LOT. The story is a canon-divergent AU that starts out mostly overlapping canon during episode 35 and begins to diverge somewhere between there and episode 36. I leaned REALLY hard into the whump on this one, went really self-indulgent and wrote the fic that I would most want to read for this fandom, because I was pretty damned sure that no one else would write it or would take it as far and as dark as I wanted it to go if they did. And this particular story is the darkest of the bunch so far. ^_~ I'm not going to link directly to this one, because this is definitely a HEED THE TAGS situation, but if anyone's interested in some really, REALLY dark GYADL fic... hit me up and I'll be happy to tell you more. ^_^ (And for those who just want to look for themselves, you can find it under #eirenical does whumptober or on my AO3 where the series name is "Indefinitely." ^_^)
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I think I've talked enough about my current projects, so how about some future projects for this one? ^_^
(...and how about under a cut because this is getting kind of long...)
The Lost Tomb Reboot
I have... several fic at the plotty stage for TLTR, and I just added a new one to the list this morning. XD
Ershu fic: So, for anyone who's been following my TLTR journey, you know I'm obsessed with Ershu. I LOVE HIM. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. And you know what happens when I love a character, right? Right? I WANT TO BREAK THEM. *coughs* Anyway, something happens to Ershu in S2 of TLTR that I won't go into detail about because spoilers, but essentially, he's betrayed and ends up in the hands of the person who betrayed him with no one else being the wiser and with him helpless and unable to tell anyone. And there are just... all KINDS of dark, fucked up possibilities there, and just like the Whumptober series, I AM going to write that fic, even if no one but me ends up reading it. ;D
Probably post-canon domestic bliss fic: For those of you who enjoy WHIPLASH ;D, I just honestly want ALL THE SOFT DOMESTIC IRON TRIANGLE. ALL OF IT. And I want Wu Xie and Ershu to have an opportunity to sit down and actually TALK about things (e.g., their need for a family heir), instead of trying to one-up each other. Special appearances by all the ducklings, Xiao Bai's girlfriend, and Lia Jiale and Jia Kezi (...my fic, my rules, we ignore canon when we want to ^_^) having an ...oh moment, and sweet, soft cuddles for Liu Sang and Kan Jian because they're adorable and I love them, too. (I have no idea if this is all going in one fic or if it will be a series of slice of life things, but I just want everyone to get their happily ever after IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK???)
Post-canon Huo Daofu and Xiao Ge... time-sharing Wu Xie?: IDEK what to call what's going on here, but... yeah. XD (See, @elenothar, I haven't forgotten! ;D) To crib from another post... I really do think that Xiao ge loves Wu Xie and loves being with him and all that that entails, but that he gets… restless.  A little feral cat, if you will.  And he just needs to wander off and be on his own for a while sometimes.  And I would love to see a permutation where it’s just kind of understood that he and Huo Daofu just kind of… share Wu Xie.  ^_^  Not in a threesome way, but in a way that they both understand each other’s claim on Wu Xie and neither of them wants him to be alone, so they just kind of… work that out between them.  Like he's a time share. (OMG, I have to be careful of how often I use that phrase for this fic or I'm going to end up calling it that as a title. XD)
DMBJ x Highlander xover that I just came up with literally this morning: No, seriously, this LITERALLY just popped into my head as I was waking up this morning. It was a wild fucking ride, too. O_o;;; ANYWAY, I'm probably going to make a separate headcanon/plotty post for this one, but basically I just randomly woke up thinking... Duncan was an antique dealer in the late 80s/early 90s in the US. Wu Xie is an antique dealer in China, now, and his family has been involved in the antique trade for a... VERY long time. Maybe Duncan did some business with the Wu family. Maybe he met Wu Xie as a kid. Maybe he knew Xiao ge even EARLIER than that (like 100 years earlier). Maybe post-canon Highlander, Duncan starts getting back into the antique trade by helping to quietly repatriate artifacts and comes to China to deal with the Wu family to do that, and meets Wu Xie again... and Xiao ge. And has a WTF moment because Xiao ge ISN'T an Immortal like he is, but he doesn't look a day older than when they met 100 years ago and just... WTF?? And Wu Xie is looking at Duncan and looking at Xiao ge and having a WTF moment of his own because is EVERYONE immortal except him and Pangzi?? And... I just think that would be a lot of fun to play with. ;D
The Care and Training of a Former Megalomaniac V and VI, maybe?: OK, so this idea isn't really concrete, but I still want to play with it. I want to do something to tackle Ye Zun's past with the Rebel Leader and the trauma that that left behind, and I'm thinking he'll end up having a good (...drunk) talk with Da Qing about it.
Another idea I had (MUCH more concrete) was based off my own poor lazy bb. He LOVES to catch bugs. LOVES IT. He gets SO EXCITED and SO into it... but sometimes the bugs fly up to the ceiling. And Gabriel is comfy in my lap and doesn't want to move. So he will swat at the bug... halfheartedly. And then he will turn around and complain to me when it won't come down to be swatted at again. Like I can somehow make it come down so he can play with it? IDEK. XD ANYWAY. I had a vivid mental image of Da Qing doing this to Ye Zun and somehow convincing him to actually... bring the bug down. Using his powers. And someone at the SID detects Ye Zun using his powers so ZYL and SW race home... to find Ye Zun... using his powers... to tether bugs for Da Qing to play with. And I just think that would be hilarious. XD
...I think that's everything in the mental kiddy right now? XD
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merinnan · 3 years
Fandoms: 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers’ Chronicles - Xu Lei
Relationships: Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling, Wang Pangzi & Zhang Qiling, Liu Sang & Zhang Qiling
Summary:  Zhang Qiling woke up in hospital with a collection of injuries, no ID, no memory, and nowhere to go until Wang Pangzi, the cop who’d rescued him, offered to take him in and to help him find out who he was and where he came from. With nothing to go on, not even a hint of a mention in any files, it looked like it was going to be a futile effort until Zhang Qiling began helping Pangzi out on some murder cases. As the investigation unfolded, it became apparent that not only would someone do anything to stop it - including trying to kill them both - but that the murders all seemed to be connected to Zhang Qiling’s past and to Wu Xie, the man he’d recently met and become inexplicably attached to.
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The hallway emptied out into the living room, similarly decked out in tasteful and expensive furniture and artwork, a large and beautifully woven rug covered most of the floor. Zhang Qiling was interested to note that amongst the artwork on the walls also hung some antique swords. It seemed that swords were something this family - his family? - had a liking for.
“Zhang Haichen was in property, not antiques, wasn’t she?” he said to Pangzi.
“Right,” Pangzi said, starting to prowl around the room to examine things. “Owned several little hostels throughout this part of the country, along with a few other properties. If I’d only looked at people involved in some way with the antiques trade, rather than for people surnamed Zhang, then she never would have even come up.”
“That’s impressive for how young she was,” Zhang Qiling said, pausing in front of the swords to examine them. They didn’t look entirely decorative to his eyes, they looked sharp and well-cared for. He was fairly sure that they’d have an excellent balance, too.
“Ah, if they’re all related like we think, she probably had family help.” He could hear the sound of small items being picked up and put down as Pangzi examined them. “It looks like the entire family has fingers in quite a few business ventures…” He broke off what he was saying with a loud curse, and Zhang Qiling immediately turned to see what was wrong. On the other side of the room, Pangzi was standing in front of a large bookshelf, holding a framed photo in one hand. He looked up, their eyes meeting. “Xiaoge,” Pangzi said seriously. “You need to see this.”
He left his study of the swords and was at Pangzi’s side in an instant, taking the photo from him. He looked down at it and froze. The picture was of a young man and woman standing in a garden that looked similar to the one here. The back garden, he guessed. The woman was Zhang Haichen, looking a few years younger than she did in her police file photos, smiling at the camera. The young man beside her was obviously at least several years younger than her, and his expression one of blank neutrality. It was an expression that Zhang Qiling knew quite well, as well as the face it was on, having seen it in the mirror each morning.
“I’m not imagining it, am I?” Pangzi asked. “That’s you, isn’t it?”
Not looking up from the photo, Zhang Qiling just nodded. He held it up a little closer, turning it slightly, trying to force his memory to recall this day when he had been here, having his photo taken with Zhang Haichen. His cousin, according to her file. But it was like reaching out to catch smoke, nothing would solidify, nothing came to mind. All he had right now to prove his connection to this woman, to this house, to this family, was the framed photo he held in his hand.
“I don’t remember this,” he finally said, his voice even softer than usual. “I don’t remember her.”
Read the rest on AO3
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/hong-kong-plugs-property-tax-loophole-amid-home-buying-spree/
Hong Kong Plugs Property Tax Loophole Amid Home-Buying Spree
Bloomberg) — Hong Kong’s authorities tightened property regulations for the second one time because November to shut a loophole that allowed traders to snap up more than one units in a single shot to qualify for lower tax costs. Below the new guidelines, first-time domestic consumers obtaining more than one belongings in a single settlement will be charged the same 15 percentage stamp obligation that applies to purchases of 2d belonging, as opposed to the four.25 percentage duty for first-time customers. The exchange introduced past due Tuesday by using Hong Kong’s Leader Government Leung Chun-Ying, took impact in the dark.
“Although buying more than one flats in a single settlement account for a small share of residential rental transactions, there’s an important growing fashion,” Leung stated at a briefing on Tuesday. “This doesn’t handiest go in opposition to the government’s aim to clamp down investor call for, through the new stamp duty,
It additionally fuels the property marketplace sentiment.
Hong Kong’s leaders are seeking to cope with a gap that allowed the richest buyers to take advantage of policies supposed to assist first-time domestic customers, as they face rising discontent over wealth inequality and skyrocketing housing costs. The preceding try and rein in the marketplace in November did little to cool call for, with prices putting new data this year within the global’s least lower priced market. Humans have additionally been able to locate prison methods across the restrictions, with a few buying several units at the equal time so they could nonetheless qualify for lower tax fees. “the brand new degree will make it fairer for shoppers of single belonging,” Willy Liu, a director at Ricacorp Houses Ltd., said in an email. Little Impact
Where to Buy Video Games in Hong Kong
While visitors go to Hong Kong, maximum start considering what they want to shop for before they even attain the city. Purchasing is anywhere in Hong Kong, and pretty frequently the price of what you are searching out is less expensive here than in your property u. S ..
One of the most commonplace questions I see at the net approximately Hong Kong Shopping is “In which am I able to purchase video games in Hong Kong?” That’s a very good query, and I’ll provide an explanation for why.
In case you’ve ever been to Hong Kong, there are no shops like Wal-Mart or Gamestop that have massive displays of video games on the market. And If you go to a massive mall, like Cityplaza, Pacific Vicinity, or Instances Square, you probably might not discover a keep promoting video games in there both. You may get lucky and find games in someplace like Toys R Us, but they will be on the market in the complete charge.
After looking around for some time,
Site visitors would possibly wonder how a town well-known for cheap electronics has very few places to shop for video games. Even street markets do not sell video games.
If you’re looking to shop for video games, consoles, peripherals, or electronic devices in Hong Kong, you need to visit the Wan Chai District on Hong Kong Island. right here you’ll find a mall called the Oriental 188 Purchasing Centre.
The Oriental 188 Purchasing Centre is a shopping center devoted to video games, movies, anime, toys, electronic gadgets, and all form of other sweets.
The mall itself is quite small while you evaluate it to other department stores in Hong Kong. The hallways are slender and stores are crammed into the constrained area inside. The shops consist of usually independent keep proprietors who promote any of the objects listed above. The costs inside these stores are less expensive than what you will find at chain electronics shops like Broadway and Fort. And charges for games are inexpensive right here than what you’ll locate them for in stores in Hong Kong that sell video games.
There are some things you need to understand While buying video games in Hong Kong.
And due to the fact that most store owners on the Oriental 188 Buying Centre do not talk English, you will want to understand this stuff before you go.
1. A few video games consoles have region locks on them. Meaning you can not play video games from Asia on a North American or Eu online game console. these consoles include Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 3DS, and XBOX 360.
2. Recreation consoles without location locks on them encompass Playstation three, Playstation Vita, Ps Transportable, Nintendo DS. You can play any Sport for those consoles regardless of Wherein it turned into made or Wherein your console is from.
three. Attending to the Oriental 188 Purchasing Centre may be a chunk difficult since the MTR does not forestall everywhere near this mall. The exceptional way to get here is by way of the bus. Look for a bus that stops at 298 Hennessey Street (at Kwong Sang Hong Building) or Wan Chai Avenue and Heard road.
4. A PC shopping center, known as 298 PC Region,
Is located in the same Building as Oriental 188 Purchasing Centre. In case you’re looking for PC merchandise, provide 298 computer Region a glance. You might not stroll very a ways in any respect.
five. This mall is packed with young people on the weekends. Go to 188 on a weekday to keep away from massive crowds of humans.
This is just some of my records at the Oriental 188 Purchasing Centre. Click on here for extra statistics on this mall and other Purchasing centers in Hong Kong.
How the Foreclosure Cleanup Industry Has Changed: A New Property Preservation Model
The field offerings industry, that’s typically referred to as the “property upkeep”, “foreclosure cleanup” or “REO trash out” enterprise, has modified appreciably over time.
When the loan crisis and eventual housing fiasco first seized the actual property enterprise, a wonderful quantity of smaller foreclosure contractors entered the marketplace. A lot of those micro corporations carried out diverse mortgage discipline offerings duties for lenders, banks, monetary institutions, REO conglomerates and asset control agencies in hamlets and various regions throughout the united states of The USA.
A ton of large, country-wide entities had been also part of the panorama that became fast turning into a burgeoning property preservation enterprise.
A wonderful Many of the larger entities which include those of Pemco, Sentinel, Cyprexx, Protect, Chronos Answers (formerly referred to as Matt Martin actual estate control), and an excellent quantity of comparable organizations, had been direct, first-hand additives of HUD (“the united states Branch of Housing and urban Improvement”).
those large agencies hired smaller particles elimination, cleansing and trash out offerings as subcontractors to handle obligations consisting of garden maintenance, assets securing (boarding doors/windows), belongings inspecting, trash/particles elimination, winterization and de-winterization jobs, upkeep, lock modifications, domestic preservation, portray, carpet removal, gutter cleaning, strain washing, tree elimination and plenty of comparable belongings maintenance and preservation duties.
Services had been regularly carried out on vacant houses, A lot of which mortgagees had walked away from upon getting foreclosures letters from their loan groups.
Multiple Subbing Possibilities, Jobs, and Contracts for REO Carrier Vendors
Contracts and paintings order requests were obtained in numbers, and lots of small companies needed to rush to hire subcontractors to assist with the overflow.
As a result, these smaller contractors made a ton of cash within the assets renovation and foreclosures cleaning industry at the peak of the mortgage disaster.
A Changing belongings maintenance enterprise
However, speedy-ahead 5 to seven years, and it is evident the industry has changed, exponentially.
The brand new Trashout Business, foreclosures cleansing services and REO property preservation Version
The Truth About Betting Loopholes
There are dozens of websites advertising and marketing ‘top-mystery betting loopholes’ which might be promised to make all people an on the spot millionaire. Of direction, everyone would love to easily earn gazillions from bookmakers, but the not unusual experience tells us that there should be something incorrect with such claims.
In the end, if there clearly become a relatively worthwhile playing loophole, why would someone try and cheaply sell it to you? They might instead take benefit of the loophole themselves, hoping that no one else will discover it. Therefore everyone who claims to have a mystery loophole with the intention to make you big sums right away is definitely just trying to deceive you.
That, however, does now not suggest that there aren’t any worthwhile having a bet methods at all.
There are a few low-chance methods to make money from bookmakers that could be taken into consideration ‘loopholes’; however, they may be far from being secret. These two low-threat having a bet systems are arbitrage having a bet and matched making a bet.
Arbitrage betting entails setting unique bets with distinct bookmakers or with ebookmakers and having a bet exchanges in a manner that generates a assured income. This is feasible because of the differences in the odds at diverse e-bookmakers. Likely the most not unusual form of arbitrage is among e-bookmaker and a making a bet trade. If the returned odds (odds FOR the choice to win) presented by way of a e-bookmaker are larger than the lay odds (odds In opposition to the choice to win) on the change, it’s miles viable to make some money through cautiously placing both again and lay bets on the identical choice.
Lamentably arbitrage having a bet isn’t always handiest profitable
However additionally complex. Correct Arbitrage opportunities are very hard to locate and they frequently final for a totally brief time (occasionally just a few seconds). Moreover, the returns from arbitrage betting are fairly low. Even the high-quality arbitrage bets will most effective earn you a tiny percent, say two or three percentage of your stake; Therefore a large bank is needed to make any significant earnings.
0 notes
momosandlemonsoda · 3 years
for the ask game 💖💖💖:
3 and 20! - the things maybe no one has asked yet but that you really would like an excuse to ramble about?
OOooh, this is kind of fun. OK, so obviously, I love Liu Sang: Professional Adult. And one of the things I probably won't ever write but that I think about a lot is how he got to that point. Like, setting aside the Haunted Paintcan and just focusing on Reboot (and I have only seen the drama not read the canon), he shows up and is this Serious Professional -- Ershu calls him a master. He's in his 20s, backstory appears to be that he was trafficked to an old woman who trained his hearing, he left her and then his dad and stepmother tried to kill him. So, like, how did he get from trafficked child trained up by a person who bought him -> strength of will to go find his parents -> surviving a horrific experience and becoming a master whose skills are sought after in his 20s? The absolute strength of will that he had to have, the fortitude to have fought his way through all that trauma and come out on the other side as having a business that is successful and well-known.
So what did he need to do to get where he ended up? Sure, maybe there was some luck and some trading on his master's contacts. But, like, practicalities: how did he afford those urns (or did he hide them when he went to find his dad or did he have to search through the rubble of the burnt-out house to find then)? How did he make those contacts? How many shady corporate espionage jobs did he have to take? Where were his lines and how did he find them? How many times did he have to cross them, or walk right up to the edge and then realize that crossing them wasn't going to be worth it? I am utterly fascinated by all of this.
One of the things I would like to write (but who knows--I'm not exactly a fast writer and the arranged marriage!au is the definition of sprawling) is the next fic in Midway, where this time Wu Xie follows Liu Sang on a job, but he tries to be "sneaky" about it. (This goes... poorly, as you can imagine, though their relationship is a lot more solid and so it's not break-up poorly it's Wu Xie-is-an-idiot-and-has-the-worst-luck poorly.) I have bits of it written, but the idea is that Liu Sang is on a tomb expedition with a foreign university group and I love the idea of Liu Sang attempting to relate to a group of 20-something grad students from Western universities. Setting aside the (extremely large) cultural differences, there's also just the sheer wtf-ness for Liu Sang of these 20-somethings who maybe are professional (grad students on a dig, who knows) but probably not and that he, himself, would never have had that freedom--he's spent his 20s building a business and a reputation and living on a knife's edge where if he made a misstep the consequences could be as severe as dead or maimed, with the less severe consequences homelessness and starvation. He basically ends up taking on this weirdly avuncular role of perpetually annoyed older cousin who still wants to protect these kids from their own naivete and (sometimes) stupidity. In some ways, now that I think about it, they kind of end up as a stand-in for 20-something Wu Xie, who Liu Sang probably would have hated.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/hong-kong-plugs-property-tax-loophole-amid-home-buying-spree/
Hong Kong Plugs Property Tax Loophole Amid Home-Buying Spree
Bloomberg) — Hong Kong’s authorities tightened property regulations for the second one time because November to shut a loophole that allowed traders to snap up more than one units in a single shot to qualify for lower tax costs. Below the new guidelines, first-time domestic consumers obtaining more than one belongings in a single settlement will be charged the same 15 percentage stamp obligation that applies to purchases of 2d belonging, as opposed to the four.25 percentage duty for first-time customers. The exchange introduced past due Tuesday by using Hong Kong’s Leader Government Leung Chun-Ying, took impact in the dark.
“Although buying more than one flats in a single settlement account for a small share of residential rental transactions, there’s an important growing fashion,” Leung stated at a briefing on Tuesday. “This doesn’t handiest go in opposition to the government’s aim to clamp down investor call for, through the new stamp duty,
It additionally fuels the property marketplace sentiment.
Hong Kong’s leaders are seeking to cope with a gap that allowed the richest buyers to take advantage of policies supposed to assist first-time domestic customers, as they face rising discontent over wealth inequality and skyrocketing housing costs. The preceding try and rein in the marketplace in November did little to cool call for, with prices putting new data this year within the global’s least lower priced market. Humans have additionally been able to locate prison methods across the restrictions, with a few buying several units at the equal time so they could nonetheless qualify for lower tax fees. “the brand new degree will make it fairer for shoppers of single belonging,” Willy Liu, a director at Ricacorp Houses Ltd., said in an email. Little Impact
Where to Buy Video Games in Hong Kong
While visitors go to Hong Kong, maximum start considering what they want to shop for before they even attain the city. Purchasing is anywhere in Hong Kong, and pretty frequently the price of what you are searching out is less expensive here than in your property u. S ..
One of the most commonplace questions I see at the net approximately Hong Kong Shopping is “In which am I able to purchase video games in Hong Kong?” That’s a very good query, and I’ll provide an explanation for why.
In case you’ve ever been to Hong Kong, there are no shops like Wal-Mart or Gamestop that have massive displays of video games on the market. And If you go to a massive mall, like Cityplaza, Pacific Vicinity, or Instances Square, you probably might not discover a keep promoting video games in there both. You may get lucky and find games in someplace like Toys R Us, but they will be on the market in the complete charge.
After looking around for some time,
Site visitors would possibly wonder how a town well-known for cheap electronics has very few places to shop for video games. Even street markets do not sell video games.
If you’re looking to shop for video games, consoles, peripherals, or electronic devices in Hong Kong, you need to visit the Wan Chai District on Hong Kong Island. right here you’ll find a mall called the Oriental 188 Purchasing Centre.
The Oriental 188 Purchasing Centre is a shopping center devoted to video games, movies, anime, toys, electronic gadgets, and all form of other sweets.
The mall itself is quite small while you evaluate it to other department stores in Hong Kong. The hallways are slender and stores are crammed into the constrained area inside. The shops consist of usually independent keep proprietors who promote any of the objects listed above. The costs inside these stores are less expensive than what you will find at chain electronics shops like Broadway and Fort. And charges for games are inexpensive right here than what you’ll locate them for in stores in Hong Kong that sell video games.
There are some things you need to understand While buying video games in Hong Kong.
And due to the fact that most store owners on the Oriental 188 Buying Centre do not talk English, you will want to understand this stuff before you go.
1. A few video games consoles have region locks on them. Meaning you can not play video games from Asia on a North American or Eu online game console. these consoles include Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 3DS, and XBOX 360.
2. Recreation consoles without location locks on them encompass Playstation three, Playstation Vita, Ps Transportable, Nintendo DS. You can play any Sport for those consoles regardless of Wherein it turned into made or Wherein your console is from.
three. Attending to the Oriental 188 Purchasing Centre may be a chunk difficult since the MTR does not forestall everywhere near this mall. The exceptional way to get here is by way of the bus. Look for a bus that stops at 298 Hennessey Street (at Kwong Sang Hong Building) or Wan Chai Avenue and Heard road.
4. A PC shopping center, known as 298 PC Region,
Is located in the same Building as Oriental 188 Purchasing Centre. In case you’re looking for PC merchandise, provide 298 computer Region a glance. You might not stroll very a ways in any respect.
five. This mall is packed with young people on the weekends. Go to 188 on a weekday to keep away from massive crowds of humans.
This is just some of my records at the Oriental 188 Purchasing Centre. Click on here for extra statistics on this mall and other Purchasing centers in Hong Kong.
How the Foreclosure Cleanup Industry Has Changed: A New Property Preservation Model
The field offerings industry, that’s typically referred to as the “property upkeep”, “foreclosure cleanup” or “REO trash out” enterprise, has modified appreciably over time.
When the loan crisis and eventual housing fiasco first seized the actual property enterprise, a wonderful quantity of smaller foreclosure contractors entered the marketplace. A lot of those micro corporations carried out diverse mortgage discipline offerings duties for lenders, banks, monetary institutions, REO conglomerates and asset control agencies in hamlets and various regions throughout the united states of The USA.
A ton of large, country-wide entities had been also part of the panorama that became fast turning into a burgeoning property preservation enterprise.
A wonderful Many of the larger entities which include those of Pemco, Sentinel, Cyprexx, Protect, Chronos Answers (formerly referred to as Matt Martin actual estate control), and an excellent quantity of comparable organizations, had been direct, first-hand additives of HUD (“the united states Branch of Housing and urban Improvement”).
those large agencies hired smaller particles elimination, cleansing and trash out offerings as subcontractors to handle obligations consisting of garden maintenance, assets securing (boarding doors/windows), belongings inspecting, trash/particles elimination, winterization and de-winterization jobs, upkeep, lock modifications, domestic preservation, portray, carpet removal, gutter cleaning, strain washing, tree elimination and plenty of comparable belongings maintenance and preservation duties.
Services had been regularly carried out on vacant houses, A lot of which mortgagees had walked away from upon getting foreclosures letters from their loan groups.
Multiple Subbing Possibilities, Jobs, and Contracts for REO Carrier Vendors
Contracts and paintings order requests were obtained in numbers, and lots of small companies needed to rush to hire subcontractors to assist with the overflow.
As a result, these smaller contractors made a ton of cash within the assets renovation and foreclosures cleaning industry at the peak of the mortgage disaster.
A Changing belongings maintenance enterprise
However, speedy-ahead 5 to seven years, and it is evident the industry has changed, exponentially.
The brand new Trashout Business, foreclosures cleansing services and REO property preservation Version
The Truth About Betting Loopholes
There are dozens of websites advertising and marketing ‘top-mystery betting loopholes’ which might be promised to make all people an on the spot millionaire. Of direction, everyone would love to easily earn gazillions from bookmakers, but the not unusual experience tells us that there should be something incorrect with such claims.
In the end, if there clearly become a relatively worthwhile playing loophole, why would someone try and cheaply sell it to you? They might instead take benefit of the loophole themselves, hoping that no one else will discover it. Therefore everyone who claims to have a mystery loophole with the intention to make you big sums right away is definitely just trying to deceive you.
That, however, does now not suggest that there aren’t any worthwhile having a bet methods at all.
There are a few low-chance methods to make money from bookmakers that could be taken into consideration ‘loopholes’; however, they may be far from being secret. These two low-threat having a bet systems are arbitrage having a bet and matched making a bet.
Arbitrage betting entails setting unique bets with distinct bookmakers or with ebookmakers and having a bet exchanges in a manner that generates a assured income. This is feasible because of the differences in the odds at diverse e-bookmakers. Likely the most not unusual form of arbitrage is among e-bookmaker and a making a bet trade. If the returned odds (odds FOR the choice to win) presented by way of a e-bookmaker are larger than the lay odds (odds In opposition to the choice to win) on the change, it’s miles viable to make some money through cautiously placing both again and lay bets on the identical choice.
Lamentably arbitrage having a bet isn’t always handiest profitable
However additionally complex. Correct Arbitrage opportunities are very hard to locate and they frequently final for a totally brief time (occasionally just a few seconds). Moreover, the returns from arbitrage betting are fairly low. Even the high-quality arbitrage bets will most effective earn you a tiny percent, say two or three percentage of your stake; Therefore a large bank is needed to make any significant earnings.
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