#and Leona is based on scar who was based on HITLER.
honeynclove · 3 months
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oh my god shut the fuck up
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thehollowwriter · 2 months
I'm sorry but saying Rollo wanted to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing is disrespectful to actual victims of those things. Throwing a hissy fit online over a fictional character you don't like and insisting people who like or defend him are "genocide apologists/excusers" is fucking insane. I said if before and I'll say it again, this is a VILLAINS GAME, mages are NOT A MINORITY OR A RACE OR AN ETHNIC GROUP, and villifying Rollo while other characters like Idia are worse (fascinating how destroying the world to "cleanse it" and "start over" suddenly isn't genocide when it's a hot character you like) and also get off scott free is stupid as fuck.
Just say you don't like the character. It's not that hard. And before you all go on about "Oh, he's based off Frollo-" Leona is based off scar who was inspired by Hitler. Where's your hate against Leona for being a "Nazi"? Where's your hate on him for attempting to murder a leader of one of these "minorities?" out of jealousy? Or attempting to murder Ruggie, who is also an actual minority?
This actually so ridiculous and pathetic. And trying to frame people who defend Rollo as quirky people trying to be special is equally pathetic. It's called using basic common sense. Nobody is saying what he did is right, but you can't treat him like a fascist.
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