#and Kiri's untapped art potential
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year ago
Weekly Roundup: Prompts
Decoration Disorder Disconnection
transfem Kaie Karyou. She's still an eerie jerk. That's it. That's the prompt.
This is going to sound weird given how cannon goes, but Shiki Ryougi x Kirie Fujou. I'm serious. Think about it: both want a normal friendship, both have some guilt over their respective magic-murder-powers, both have issues with feeling empty... they even went to the same hospital. The untapped yuri potential between these two is so big it could suplex Godzilla.
Nitocris and Ereshkigal discussing their experiences with various Chaldean servants and even their master, who all have specters of death looming behind them.
Jeanne and Morgan have a heart to heart in which they both realize the other is fucked up by prophecy but Jeanne is kinda optimistic about it while Morgan is not. Maybe Jeanne talking to all of the Faerie Knights too.
Mehmed II getting summoned to Chaldea. he now has to evade the wrath of both Vlad and Constantine, lest he is turned into a shish kebab by the two of them. the only other thing I ask is literal chaos as Mehmed avoids the two he fucked around with in the past
Doctor squad telling Ashwatthama that his constant rage is pushing his blood pressure through the roof, and for the sake of his health, he needs to learn to calm down and be more relaxed. Another servant (filler's choice) teaches him the joys of chilling out and kicking back. I was originally thinking a nice scented-oil massage or something similar to help get the knots out of his back, but alternatively anything that helps him chill out would be appreciated 🙏
This is a prompt for all the artists! Draw fanart from your favorite Type-Moon/Fate fanfic! Bonus points if it is a fic that was a fill for a prompt here. Additional bonus points if you let the original writer know you drew it!!!
Can I get some girlbulge? art preferred but if you want to write a whole fic of bulging then that's fine by me too :3
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purplepersnicketywrites · 6 years ago
Concept: Kirishima baking things for bakugou and the class because he used to make things with his moms but since he's in u.a he can't so he bakes with satou (also satou and kirishima once baked for almost 2 days straight because of finals and bakugou found them asleep on the ground with floor covered in cake mix and flour) i got way into this but thoughts?
my thoughts are: i love it and i have a drabble for this that went wildly in a weird direction but THANKS
One thing Katsuki could never quite get his head around - and that was saying a lot because Katsuki was damn smart and he knew it - was Kirishima’s sense of aesthetics. It was confusing, and Katsuki hated being confused. It meant that there wass something he didn’t understand, and if there was something he didn’t understand, it meant there was an unpicked thread to follow. Katsuki couldn’t help but pull on these to unravel everything so that he did know, though usually… Usually people were not the thing that held his interest. People didnit intrigue him like this. Aside from Kirishima.
Giving the redhead a once-over - something Katsuki did a lot, admittedly - ought to be it for an inspection. The boy dressed like a lunatic. Bright patterns and bold designs, all of it clashing, and a lot of red, and crocs, and spiked up hair, and none of it really matched at all. It was so jarring to Katsuki, in fact, that it worked. The contradiction. It was very… Kirishima.
Kirishima was a contradiction.
He dressed so weirdly that Katsuki couldn’t help but wonder if it was on purpose. Then he remembered that sometimes Kirishima didn’t dress like that - an image of the redhead he hadn’t really had the time nor inclination at the moment it happened to really take in popped into his brain: Kirishima’s hair down and streaming behind him, dark jacket, white shirt, a fuckin’ bracelet.
Then, before that, a plain grey suit, and the one with the flowers he had got for Katsuki. Perfectly fitting, elegant, nothing like Kirishima wore for himself. So it must be on purpose.
Katsuki didn’t understand why Kirishima would hide his taste like that. Mask it with the most ridiculous things he can find. But then, Kirishima masked a lot of things behind that big toothy smile of his.
Kirishima had smiled at him when he had handed Katsuki the box that was now in his hand. It hadn’t been his normal smile, it had been a little nervous. It had made Katsuki’s stomach flip, but not unpleasantly.
“I, uh, made these for you,” Kirishima had said, shoving the box at Katsuki’s chest and then rubbing at the back of his neck. “Or, uh, I made them with Satou’s help. And. Then I decorated them. And they’re for you!”
Katsuki had just blinked, not sure (yet) why Kirishima’s words were so stilted, or why his own cheeks were flushed.
“I hope you enjoy them!” Kirishima said, not waiting for a reply. He had scampered back to his own door and rushed inside. Katsuki had stood there for a moment.
Now he was sitting on his bed, inspecting one of the little cookies that the box had been filled with. Every single fuckin’ one of them had a different design, and there must have been at least twenty of them. The one he was holding right now said ‘BOOM!’ in black icing, with an explosion drawn out in yellow behind it.
It looked professional. All of them did. Katsuki kind of didn’t want to eat them, he wanted to keep them and look at them and marvel at Kirishima’s skill, because Kirishima was damn good at this whole art business. He clearly knew colours. Had Kirishima sketched any of these out beforehand? The one iced like a grenade - it looked exactly like one of Katsuki’s. That one bore Katsuki’s hero name. That one the logo of his favourite band. That one was a lion because it was his favourite animal. Katsuki didn’t want to destroy these by just eating them.
If he didn’t eat them, though, Kirishima would probably be disappointed.
Fucking- Katsuki moved over to his desk chair, and began pulling the cookies out, one by one, and setting them onto the clear space on his desk. He was gonna take a fucking picture of these.
He did so, snapping a few of them all together, and close-ups of each one. So. He picked one of the cookies up. ‘No. 1′ in bold red. Fuck, but Katsuki knew what these cookies really were, didn’t he? He knew what Kirishima had meant by them. Katsuki didn’t know how the fuck he was supposed to respond. He liked Kirishima, he just didn’t have a fuckin’ clue about how to say that.
Katsuki brought the ‘No. 1′ cookie to his mouth.
Oh fuck.
It was sweet and spicy. There was cinnamon, probably mixed spice, and then a gingery kick. It was so fucking good. Holy fuck.
Katsuki savoured it, and then stood. He packed the rest of the cookies back into the box and closed the lid. Then he left it there on his desk as he moved towards the door. Katsuki left his room, took the few steps down the corridor to Kirishima’s, and knocked.
Kirishima opened the door. “Oh! Bakugou! Hey, uh, did you like the-”
Katsuki grabbed Kirishima’s face and kissed him. Throw caution to the fuckin wind, right? Kirishima made a slightly muffled noise of alarm, but he melted into the kiss, the redhead’s arms snaking around Katsuki’s waist. Kirishima pulled Katsuki into his room.
They broke apart, but not too far.
“You taste sweet,” Kirishima breathed. Katsuki felt the other boy’s hands bunching in his shirt. “So that’s a yes, I think?”
“I fuckin’ adore them, Kirishima,” Katsuki growled. He could feel himself flushing. What happened next? Should he ask Kirishima out or was that on the redhead for having initiated with the cookies?
“I like you!” Kirishima blurted. “Just- Just to be clear!”
Katsuki would ask, then. He leaned in for another kiss, just a short peck. “Do you… Wanna go on a date?”
Kirishima nodded rapidly. “Fuck yes!”
Katsuki snorted. He let go of Kirishima’s face, and then buried his own in the crook of Kirishima’s neck as he moved into a hug. It was easier to say what he wanted to say like this. “I like you too.”
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