#and Kara certainly won't make her
suzukiblu · 1 year
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for @primtheamazing, @beatrice-otter, @qwertynerd97, and LadyLeocadia, who all picked the same WIP; Kara gets to Earth on time and the Kents get a two-for-one special on free kids.
Ma and Pa take her and Kal to a quaint little brick building and lead them inside. It's full of things Kara can't identify, but also racks and racks of clothes and dishware and furniture. She's briefly bewildered by the place, unsure if it's just a very unusual tailor shop or . . . what, exactly. Then she realizes–Smoll-Veel is a Laborer settlement, so this is probably just a clothing shop. She's never been to one before–the House of El always uses tailors–but Laborers must wear through their clothes much faster and need replacements for those clothes much faster, so of course they wouldn't always have time to wait for a tailor, when they just need to get back to work. And Laborers' work clothes must be much plainer than most tailors would be interested in making anyway, really. No demonstration of skill or fashion or anything similar. Nothing to really interest a real Artisan.
Ma guides Kara through the oddly-arranged racks of clothing and starts taking different items off them, and Pa disappears somewhere else when Kara is distracted by a particularly soft and pretty dress that Ma holds up to her. It worries her for a moment, for no good reason. Like he's just vanished from the universe and won't ever come back; like he's just dust and ash and dead and gone–
Kara forces herself not to think about it and smiles at Ma, who smiles back. Kal burbles and tries to stick his whole fist in his mouth, and Ma laughs fondly at the sight. Kara wants to cry. Instead she presses a kiss to his hair and holds him just a tiny, tiny bit tighter. He giggles and smacks her in the face with his spit-sticky hand.
She needs to take care of him. Needs to protect him. Needs to keep him safe.
He's the only thing she has left to keep safe.
The only thing she has left at all, except for their smashed-up ships and the clothes she came here wearing and the blanket he's all wrapped up in.
Kara tries not to think too much, and smiles at another pretty dress as Ma holds it up too. Ma picks out a few more things–a skirt or two, a pair of pants made of the same sturdy blue material as the jacket Kara's wearing, some strange tops with very short sleeves–and it's all soft and unstructured and very peculiar-looking, to be honest, but it seems to please Ma to pick them out with her and also beggars really can't be choosers.
And Kara does think the dresses are pretty.
Pa comes back with his arms full of–toys, maybe? They look like toys. Kara blinks in confusion. Why is he . . .
Pa holds up one of the toys, a soft little thing that looks a bit like a dog and is even white and floppy-eared like Krypto was, and offers it to Kal. His little face lights up in unabashed delight as he reaches for it, and Kara nearly cries.
Kal squishes the toy in a hug and then starts chewing on one of those floppy ears. Kara nearly cries again.
Ma and Pa really are just that kind, she thinks. Feeding them and giving her clothes is already so much, but they didn't need to offer Kal a toy. That's . . .
They didn't need to do that.
Or any of this.
Ma makes an approving sound; Pa looks pleased. Kal coos happily at his toy.
Kara keeps not crying, but it's getting harder and harder to manage.
She can't possibly repay them for this. They must know that. How could she? She's not from this planet; she doesn't speak its language or know anything about it. She can try to be another "Kent" for them, maybe, but that's all she could possibly do: basic Laborer work, not even anything specialized. Certainly nothing with any real experience necessary to it.
And even if she did, it'd be more so she could take care of Kal than to repay them anyway, so . . .
She doesn't understand why they're being so kind.
Ma takes the pile of clothes and leads the way to a little row of curtained doors off to the side of the shop. Kara isn't sure, for a moment, but thinks–are they fitting rooms, maybe? Though there aren't any tailors in them, when she peeks into the one Ma is hanging up all those clothes in. She can only assume she's just supposed to try them on and see if they fit. Which seems like a time-consuming process, really, but is admittedly much less time-consuming than a tailor making a full wardrobe's worth of custom pieces from scratch.
Kara takes Kal into the fitting room with her and tries on the clothes while he plays with his new toy, and she can mostly breathe as long as she keeps an eye on him. She probably should've left him outside with Ma and Pa instead of having him sit on the floor in here while she goes through all the clothes one by one, but with the curtain drawn she wouldn't have been able to see him and then . . .
She exhales. Tries on another skirt. It's pretty. Soft and shapeless, but with interesting pleats in it and a bright blue and yellow pattern.
She thinks her mother would've liked it, and then tries not to think.
She's been trying not to think a lot, at this point.
Kal is so little. So small and defenseless and she's not even come of age, technically, she's only–
Well, no, Kara realizes. She must be sixteen by now. After the sleep-stasis in the ship on the way here . . .
She swallows. Reaches for another skirt to try on. It's pink.
She's sixteen, and her parents are dead.
She's sixteen and her parents have been dead.
And so are Kal’s, and she's the only thing he has in the universe.
Kal giggles. Baps her leg with his soft toy and makes a playful growling sound.
Kara buries her face in the skirt and sobs in silence, all hitched breaths and messy, painful tears.
She wants her mom.
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supercorpkid · 10 months
Ace Reporter - part 4
Supergirl, Kara Danvers x Reader, Lena Luthor x Reader
Word Count: 2375.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
Something brings you back from your trance. Probably the loud alarm saying that if you don't get out of this place in five minutes you're going to die. Five minutes is really not enough time to find the way out, so you run out of the bedroom and make your way to the other side to try and find the exit there.
You are met with a dead end, and on your way back you bump into Lena. She holds your arms to steady you. "Y/N! I'm glad I found you. Kara and I split up while looking for the exit."
"Dead end." You point to the hallway behind you.
Lena agrees with her head. Cleans the blood off your cheek before nodding to you, "I'm happy you're safe." She almost hugs you, but decides there are more pressing matters at the moment. "Let's find Kara and get out of here." 
Lena holds your hand, guiding you to the direction you just left. That's when Kara appears in clear panic and points to another place, not wanting you to find her secret in that creepy room, unbeknownst of your current knowledge.
You do feel kind of safer knowing Supergirl is around. She said it herself, she won't let you get hurt for a story. She certainly won't let you explode just not to compromise her secret identity. Right? Right.
On your way out the three of you find the room with all Lex's hardcopies of clear wrongdoings. You grab everything you can see and get out of there less than a minute before the whole place explodes.
You make it back to National City, digging through papers, unraveling conspiracy theories and mazes of wickedness. Kara Danvers is snoring on the chair in front of yours, tired from keeping secrets and burning bridges. And Lena is also examining the documents in silence. When you can't read another word, you turn to her,
"Tough day, huh."
"Running into the atrocities my brother is responsible for, is not exactly a walk in the park for me."
Great fucking quote. Not on record, though.
"Sorry we didn't find him. Though I have to admit, I'd be a bit scared if we did." 
"I don't blame you. I would have too." Lena smiles absently and a little bit too sincere. You can tell she immediately wishes to take it back. You're a journalist, after all.
"Well, you've dealt with all those Eve clones pretty well. I'm glad you and -" You stop yourself, looking at Kara. She is not sweet doofus Kara Danvers anymore. It's pretty much real to you that she literally is the strongest person on Earth and she could have ended all those clones in probably one blow.
Lena agrees with a nod, following your eyes. "She actually fights pretty decently, I didn't know that about Kara." 
You furrow your brows, confused. "You didn't?"
"Honestly, no. I wonder where she was hiding all those moves."
"Yeah. And I wonder why." You whisper to yourself, staring at Kara. Is she really asleep? No way to know, she is such a good liar. She might actually be the greatest actor of all time. How else would she have kept this secret from her best friend for so long?
 "Anyway, heard you need a quote from me to get back to Metropolis."
You take a deep breath, mostly annoyed with your editor for making you work so hard for a damn quote, but also kind of offended that all of your investigative skills and team work will be reduced to one scandalous quote from Lena Luthor. You literally uncovered a web of lies and terrible plans, but hey, that's not what he asked you for, so it probably won't even be used.
"I suppose it's what I came here for."
You grab your notebook next to you, waiting for her quote.
"Ready?" She asks and you nod your head, pen on the paper ready to write down whatever she says. "I think you're so much better than what the Daily Planet gives you credit for, and I believe CatCo is always in need of a fine reporter like you."
You stop writing, raising your head at her, confused. "What?"
"And I should know what CatCo needs, since I'm the owner."
"What?" How did you not know that, when it's precisely your job to know everything about the woman you came here to interview.
"And if offering you a job is not enough of a reason for you to consider staying in National City, I'd like to add that I, too, would like to have you closer." Lena's voice drops an octave and an eyebrow is raised. My God, she is sexy.
"With the risk of sounding like a broken record, what?"
Lena laughs, honest and carefree. Wrinkles under her eyes and it has to be one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen. "I'll let you consider it. If you decide not to stay, I'll give you the quote."
"Oh, ok." Your cheeks burn red. "Thanks, Lena."
When you finally make it to National City, Lena offers both of you a ride, but you and Kara decide to share an uber to your side of the town.
"We've uncovered some pretty sensible information on this trip to Kaznia." Kara says as soon as Lena gets inside her car. "And I know you must be dying to do an exposé-"
Does she know? Does Kara know what you saw in that weird bedroom? That you finally have put two and two together and noticed the obvious? Is she scared you're going to tell the world? 
"But we have to be careful on how we're going to play this. If we blow the whistle on Lex, he could just go back to hiding and-"
"Oh sorry, sometimes I talk too fast. I meant Lex and whoever is helping him inside the government. Obviously he had help to break aliens out of the DEO facility and-"
She doesn't know. Haven't got the faintest idea. Kara Danvers is here blabbing about Lex Luthor while you have this huge information about her. And about Clark.
"Oh my God Danvers, shut up." It's out of your mouth before you can stop it. Her eyes widen and you point to the car that just arrived. "I don't wanna talk about Lex, ok? I got hurt because of him, because of this damn crusade the Daily Planet put me through." You signal for the driver then slide inside the car. Kara follows you promptly. And with no amenities the driver just goes.
"Look, I know it was tough out there. But you did so well. You-you found this!" Kara is holding the documents so tight, like they would just fly out of her hands if she didn't. 
"Yeah, and I also almost died for those stupid sheets of paper. I'm not Nancy Drew, ok?"
"You are!” You look at her in disbelief. “At least, you were out there!"
"Stop, ok? This means nothing to me! I'm not you, Danvers! I'm not ok with putting my life at risk for a fucking assignment. I really am not getting paid enough and I only have this one life."
"What are you talking about?" Kara asks and you raise your eyebrow at her as an answer, not wanting to share more. "What? You think I'm a cat with nine lives?"
You can't help a laugh that leaves your mouth. A very ironic one. Sour and hostile. It makes her wince at the sound.
"Damn, you really are the biggest dweeb I've ever seen."
She huffs, moving uncomfortably on the seat next to you. You ignore her, staring out the window. You don't even like National City that much, but you're honestly so glad to be here right now.
"I know you don't want to talk about it, but we're writing this together, aren't we? We have to decide on what can we expose and-"
"UGH." It's the only sound out of your mouth. You're so tired. You flew to Kaznia; the plane you were in almost crashed; you had to fight evil clones and you got beat up by one (which is rather embarrassing); you found out your work-colleague and your almost-nemesis' secret identities; and you also found out what the hell Lex is up to. You're exhausted. Right now, the only thing you want is to go back home, but stupid Kara Danvers won't shut up. "I wish Eve had punched your face instead of mine."
"WHAT?" Kara yells so loud, even the driver jumps in his seat. "Sorry, sorry." She apologizes to him, then turns back at you. "That's such a mean thing to say!"
"Why? It's not like you can feel anything." You roll your eyes, hand going to the cut on the side of your cheek that still burns.
"Of course I can feel things." 
She's barely finished with her sentence and you're adding, "Oh my God, you let me get punched for nothing."
"I'm so confused right now."
"I KNOW, OK?" It's your time to yell, making the driver almost lose control of the car, and you have to hold yourself on Kara not to knock your head on the window. When the car finally stabilizes again, you continue. "I know you helped land the plane. I know you could've taken down all Eves by yourself. And I know about you and- and Clark." You stare deep into her eyes. "I know who you are."
Kara swallows deep, so loud you could hear it perfectly, and you're sure the driver could too. "Stop the car."
"Ma'am, we're in the middle of nowhere."
"Stop. The. Car." She repeats strongly, commanding. Must be her Supergirl voice. And the driver is not going to argue twice, so he does. He stops the car in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Kara pulls you by the hand and there's no fighting. Not when the strongest woman on the planet wants you out of the car, anyway.
So you stand there, with nothing but trees around while your ride home leaves you behind. You cross your arms and stare at her. God, you wish you were home. You wish you were never sent to this assignment. You wish you were never entangled in this mess with Kara Danvers. You wish you could just hate her from a distance instead from up close.
"How did you figure it out?"
"Well, you fighting all those clones with your bare hands was a pretty big tell. But what confirmed my suspicions was that weird altar they had for you there."
"You saw that too?"
"Yeah, it was pretty bizarre. I mean, who would have so many pictures of doofus Kara Danvers?"
"HEY! I'm not-" She huffs, unable to defend herself. "Whatever."
Kara walks from side to side, hands on the side of her head, clearly freaking out because you know her secret and she can't trust you. How could she? You're a random reporter who just came from Metropolis to find a story. And you did, you found the biggest one you could ever look for, and now you know the secret identity of two of the most powerful superheroes on the planet. 
She finally breathes out all the weight off her shoulders, and comes closer, really close. So close she touches the cut on your cheek. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let you get hurt." And you've known this woman for two weeks, but you know she means it. Can read it in her watery eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't realize how scared you were. I'm sorry I couldn't be Supergirl there."
"Because Lena doesn't know." 
"Well, you weren't supposed to know either." She shrugs. Hands on your chin, eyes staring right at your soul. You dare to look at her lips, so close, so so close. Right there.
"Hey," You look back at her eyes and notice how scared she is. You know her secret, her biggest secret. You know a part of her not everyone knows. Not even her best friend! So you hold her free hand. "I promise your secret is safe with me. I know you have no reason to believe me. I mean, I didn't even like you until two days ago, so I understand the distrust. But this is a big thing. Bigger than whatever is between me and Kara Danvers. I would never put people's life at risk."
"Thank you." Kara gives your hand a little squeeze. "But what do you mean you didn't like me? I thought, I thought we were…"
"What? Friends?" A little smirk.
"Flirting." She admits and you gulp, taking your hand away from hers. She understands the signal so she lets go of your face too, but doesn't stop talking.  "I thought it was all flirting banter."
It was. She is right. But you just can't admit this to her, or anyone.
So you let a sharp and deceitful laugh out. "Oh please. Even on a good day, we're barely amicable."
Kara furrows her brows, looking like a lost puppy and when she opens her mouth to argue, you cut her off, not ready for this conversation at all. 
"So, do we get another uber or is Supergirl flying me to my hotel room? I really need to lay down after all this."
"Yeah. Yeah." She won't raise her head or look you in the eyes, but still picks you up in bridal style. "Hold tight."
Kara starts flying and you can't help but to hold her with everything you have. You can't believe you just gave Kara Danvers the power to drop you from a very tall height. You venture a peek down and holy fucking shit you are way too high. If she drops you, you're dead for sure.
You hide your face in Kara's neck. Breathe her in, and oh God she smells so good even after almost exploding in Kaznia. Ugh. Your stomach is all in knots and you wish you could just rationalize this strangled feeling, but right now Kara Danvers/ Supergirl/ Whoever is carefully taking you home, might be the person you loathe the most. Or love. You can't decide.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 11 months
Morgana AU Pt 8
To Kara's lack of surprise, Gwen comes with them to Tol.
When Morgana looks at her with doubt in her eyes, Gwen merely gazes back.
"The last time you tried to change Camelot, I couldn't follow you," she says firmly. "Now I can-- with a full heart."
Together with the druids they'd been captured with, they journey to their new home. At first, it is no different from when they had lived in the woods, but soon huts are erected, providing not only shelter, but homes. In the early weeks, they live on edge, waiting for the eventual attack to come-- but their days and nights remain peaceful.
Before long, their settlement puts down roots-- healers build their stores of herbs, weavers erect looms, and no one feels like running anymore.
One day, Kara finds Morgana gazing out across their home, her features thoughtful. Kara comes to stand beside her, and finally nudges her playfully.
"You did this," she points out. "You took a risk."
"Someone had to. We couldn't continue as we were. Not if we were to survive."
"More will come, when they hear of what you've built." Kara looks at her friend. "Are you ready for what's to come?"
Morgana exhales. "I'll have to be."
It was never an if, but a when that Lena and their friends would come for Kara. So when a swirling portal opens up on the outskirts of their settlement in Tol, months later, it's less of a surprise than an eventuality.
All but Kara, Morgana and Gwen flee, leaving just the three of them to greet the figure that steps out of thin air.
Lena's eyes lock on Kara. She visibly exhales in relief as Kara surges towards her, and grips her just as tight when Kara wraps her arms around her.
"How long has it been?" Kara mutters.
"Nine days," Lena returns, a murmur into Kara's shoulder.
This time it's Kara's turn to sigh with relief. "Good. I haven't missed much."
Lena chokes out a laugh, pulling away slightly.
"No, but I certainly have," she says, tugging lightly on Kara's hair, now many inches longer than when Lena last saw her. Finally, Lena's gaze pulls from Kara to regard the two figures behind her.
Kara nods. "Friends."
"I'm sorry," Lena tells her. "But the portal won't remain stable for long--"
"I know." She doesn't know how Lena managed to generate the tech, or how she was located, in just nine days-- another one of Lena's miracles. "But I have a moment?"
Lena nods. "Yeah," she whispers.
Kara reluctantly parts from her, letting their fingers trail apart, and makes her way back to Gwen and Morgana.
"We knew this was coming," Gwen says tearfully, "but I suppose part of me hoped it wouldn't."
"You'll be okay," Kara tells her firmly. She glances at Morgana. "Both of you will be."
"Hope, help, and compassion for all, even to the last."
Kara jerks-- she hasn't uttered those words since she found herself in this time and place. There's no conceivable way Morgana could know them-- save if she was seeing more in her dreams than she let on.
Morgana smirks.
Kara fights the urge to roll her eyes, and takes Morgana's hand.
"I'm proud of you," she says. "Don't ever lose sight of the people who love you."
"And you," Morgana returns, nodding towards where Lena stands, watching.
Gwen smiles softly. "She must love you dearly, to come all this way." Her eyes are warm when she gazes up at Kara. "Be well, Kara."
Kara nods. "I will."
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mcbenson25 · 9 months
More Then He Bargained For Final Part
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
A/N: Hello everyone! It's been...awhile. Rest assured I have not completely forgotten about our little story here and here it is, the final part. I won't spoil the ending but even if the ending isn't what you wanted, don't worry they'll be something in the near future for you :). I missed you all and thank you for reading. It means the world to me :)
Warnings: Violence, blood mentions, injury, mild language
The blaring alarm reverberated through the air, its shrill sound threatening to deafen you. You decided to not join Iris and Felicity, realizing that splitting up was the better option to avoid detection. Carefully, you climbed back up, positioning yourself just out of sight from the approaching soldiers while keeping a watchful eye on their movements. Pulling out your phone, you opened the Star Labs layout, that Cisco had given everyone a while back, containing the intricate layout of building and the hidden passages.
Following the map, you located a passage leading to the Time Vault where you knew you could get access to the entire building's security feeds.
As you made your way, gunshots echoed in the vicinity, accompanied by the frantic voices of Felicity and Iris below. You ran, taking advantage of the distraction that masked your movements. You located the vent and crawled through the space before you spotted the opening to the Time Vault and descended into the pristine white room, where the small white podium sat.
"Good evening, Mrs. Thawne," Gideon greeted you. You winced inwardly at the mention of your name, but there were pressing matters at hand. "Good evening, Gideon," you responded, your focus sharpening. "Can you pull up the security feed for the lab?"
"Certainly," Gideon replied, swiftly bringing up the footage. You scrolled through the screens until one caught your attention, its eerie red light casting an ominous glow. There, in the center of the room, was Kara, restrained and… in a hospital gown?
Your heart sank as you witnessed a tall figure loom over Kara, a needle poised menacingly in their hand. The needle plunged into her arm, eliciting a wince from Kara as a voice dripped with malicious intent, uttering the chilling words, "She's cooked."
An unmistakable shiver ran down your spine.
It was Eobard's voice.
Overgirl lay nearby, engrossed in an exchange of comforting words with Dark Arrow, while Eobard reached for a small machine resembling a surgical device. With a gasp, you closed the footage, knowing you needed a plan to put a stop to what was happening.
Bounding back up into the vent, you searched for the path leading to the room where Kara was held captive. Moving with measured steps, you walked slowly, mindful of any noise that could betray your location. Suddenly, the lights flickered, and darkness enveloped the area, only to be replaced by the emergency lights illuminating the vents. The power had been cut off.
A smile tugged at your lips.
Iris and Felicity.
As you neared the room, the sounds of a fight against the soldiers echoed through the corridor as they swiftly unstrapped Kara, who appeared frail and weakened. "Get me to the Sun," she whispered, her voice laced with urgency. Felicity and Iris grasped Kara's weakened form, determinedly making their way toward the elevator.
Meanwhile, you saw several Nazi soldiers running towards the room. You knew you had to give them time to escape, so you opened the vent and dropped in front of them. The sudden noise caught their attention, and for an instant, you all stood there, locked in an unexpected standoff.
"Well, this is awkward, isn't it?" you quipped, rolling up your sleeves, your gaze fixed on the soldiers.
Without hesitation, you delivered a punch to one of the Nazis, swiftly disarming them and employing their weapon against the others. The adrenaline surged through your veins as you exchanged blows, evading their strikes. One of them managed to land a solid hit to your face, you winced momentarily before retaliating with a swift kick to their legs.
Pushing through the laying plot of soldiers, you ran toward Felicity, Iris, and Kara, their desperate hopes resting on the elevator doors.
"Where have you been?" Felicity exclaimed, her voice tinged with relief and urgency, while Iris frantically pressed the elevator button.
"Busy!" you retorted, a hint of defiance in your response, just as the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder, signaling the imminent arrival of reinforcements.
Thankfully, the elevator doors began to open, but to your surprise, a green beam of energy erupted, striking Kara and propelling her across the room. A colossal, menacing robot emerged, its presence overshadowing any hope of escape.
"I don't believe Mr. Thawne is done with you yet," the robot boomed. Soldiers began flooding into the room, and the four of you reluctantly raised your hands in surrender.
The soldiers seized you forcefully, their grips tight as they dragged you into the cortex where Dark Arrow and another group of soldiers were. Your eyes darted around the room, instinctively searching for Eobard. He walked in, engrossed in his tablet, attempting to restore the power for the surgery. He cast a glare directed at Iris and Felicity which morphed into a lingering gaze as he saw your bruised cheek. You noticed his hand twitch, an urge to examine the injury clearly itching within him. When his eyes met yours, you looked away, unwilling to invite his attention.
"Report," Dark Arrow's deep voice snapped Eobard's focus back to the tablet.
"Good news," Eobard said, struggling to avert his gaze from you, "The Wellenreiter has successfully transitioned to this Earth."
Dark Arrow took a menacing step forward. "Kara is all that matters."
Eobard resisted the urge to roll his eyes, knowing this would hinder their plans. "That red sunlight we're subjecting her to? It's fading away. So, pretty soon," Eobard's annoyance seeped into his words, "her cells will be so desaturated that the surgery will be impossible."
"Fix it," Dark Arrow commanded with a dark edge to his voice.
"I can't," Eobard replied, exasperation lacing his words.
"This is your city. This is your facility. So turn the power back on," Dark Arrow's patience waned.
"I can't because the system is encrypted," Eobard retorted. He wanted to hit this man so badly and his restraint to do so was waning.
You exchanged a quick glance with Felicity, acknowledging her brilliance in the encryption.
"By who?" Dark Arrow questioned.
"By Ms. Smoak," Eobard answered, shifting Dark Arrow's attention toward Felicity with a deadly glare.
"Felicity Smoak, turn the power back on," Dark Arrow growled, his gaze fixated on her.
Eobard spoke, advancing toward Felicity, his speed allowing him to seize her and pin her against the wall by her throat. "He said," Eobard's voice dripped with threat, "turn the power back on!"
Despite being held by her throat, Felicity managed to utter, "Sorry, Eobard. Eobard?" mispronouncing his name.
"Eobard," he emphasized, increasing the pressure on her neck.
"My God, the future sounds weird," she gasped between breaths, the strain evident in her voice.
Eobard scoffed. "That's funny. Sometimes we think we're more clever than we actually are. Because where I come from, the history books are filled with tales of the age of heroes, yet none of them mention Felicity Smoak." His eyes turned red, and he vibrated his hand menacingly toward her.
"No! Felicity!" you screamed, kicking the guard holding you, causing him to lose his grip. Swiftly, you sprinted toward her, but before you could reach her, something struck your head, sending you sprawling to the floor.
Dark Arrow loomed above you, weapon in hand, poised to strike you once more. Clutching your throbbing head, you noticed blood staining your trembling hand. Eobard halted in his tracks, his eyes widening as he observed you sprawled on the ground, blood trickling down your face. His gaze burned with fury. This was the final blow to his patience. He turned, ready take Dark Arrow's heart and squeeze the life out of it, but a voice resonated through the room.
"No! Stop. Stop," Kara stumbled into the cortex, her voice filled with desperation. "You came here for me, so just take me. Please, don't hurt anyone else."
Felicity shook her head vehemently. "No, Kara."
"It's okay, Felicity. Give them the code," Kara reassured her, her voice tinged with resignation. Felicity lowered her head in defeat, reluctantly providing the code to Eobard, who struggled to maintain composure as he watched the guard haul you up, your balance faltering as you attempted to stand. Your eyes met his, you shook your head.
He had chosen his side.
And it wasn't you.
The power came back on as the guards dragged you away. You could still feel the blow to your head, and you winced as the soldiers pushed you to follow Iris and Felicity in front of the glass to where Kara was lying once again on the surgical table next to a sleeping Overgirl.
"Oh my God," Iris whispered.
"Kara," you said, reaching out to the glass before the soldier snapped at you, swatting your hand away. You glared at the soldier before turning your attention back to the scene unfolding in front of you. Eobard had grabbed one of the larger scalpels, admiring it, before looking up, meeting your eyes. The look of malice in his eyes dimmed as you watched him sigh, and you looked away, your eyes watering, focusing on Kara.
There was no use pleading with him anymore. There was nothing left to save.
Eobard turned back to Kara. "This next sound, metal through bone," he said as he moved the scalpel closer toward Kara's chest, "that's my favorite part," he finished with an evil smile.
"You might want to close your eyes," he said as he dipped the scalpel down to her chest.
You held your breath, waiting for the piercing scream to come but there was none.
Iris and Felicity exchanged confused looks with you as you heard Dark Arrow's voice laced with annoyance. "What are you waiting for? DO. IT."
Eobard looked up, his body still filled with rage from earlier. "I'm trying. There's something that-"
Eobard was cut off with Ray shouting, "Mitts off Mengle!" and you watched him transform from a miniature person back to his normal size. He punched Eobard in the face, stunning him before blasting him out of the room. You took the opportunity to kick the soldier behind you as Iris grabbed one of the paperweights and slammed it into the other soldier's head, knocking him out.
You rushed to Kara, who was being unlatched from the bed by Ray.
"Oh hey!" Ray greeted cheerfully, "I got your S.O.S. How was the wedding?"
Felicity giggled as you and Iris exchanged looks of disbelief, and Kara, who had sat up, laid back down again in disbelief. He helped Kara up as you walked into the corridor. "The rest of the Legends are here and we're busting everybody out."
"Wait!" Felicity exclaimed. "We need someone to lock the time vault."
"I'll do it." You said with a nod. "Don't have too much fun without me."
"Do you think anyone is coming for us?"
Harry rolled his eyes. It was the millionth time Cisco had asked since he had woken up. "Cisco, if you ask one more time, I will personally make sure you stay in here forever."
There was a pause, and Harry smiled before Cisco said, "Man, someone's having a bad day."
Right as Harry was about to quip back, there was a booming voice over the intercom, "Attention all prisoners: Great news. The cavalry has arrived."
Nate's voice was a relief as everyone cheered.
Harry sighed in relief as his cell moved towards the door and opened.
"About time. I was about to murder Cisco." He joked. "Do me a favor and free him last."
Nate laughed and agreed.
As Harry walked out into the hall, he immediately started to look for you. He ran down the cortex hallway and noticed the door to the time vault close. He crept slowly as he opened it, grabbing a nearby metal piece as he went in and saw something move and swung.
"What the hell!?" He heard a familiar voice yell.
"Y/N?" He said confused and relieved, and he dropped the pole.
"Harry!" You exclaimed, and he walked up to you and hugged you.
You were surprised by the gesture but felt relieved he was alive. You pulled back slightly, your face close to his.
"Where are the others?"
Harry seemed lost in thought, still holding onto your waist.
"Harry?" You asked softly, your heart suddenly running a marathon as you felt it pound against your chest.
His gaze locked with yours as he bridged the space between you, his eyes conveying a mix of warmth and longing. The air around you seemed to shift as his lips, soft and inviting, tenderly converged with yours. The moment was seamless, like a natural progression of shared glances and unspoken sentiments.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, drawn into the kiss by an invisible force that had been building between you for longer than you both realized. The touch of his lips was a revelation, a delicate dance of vulnerability and passion. His hands found a comfortable place on your waist, pulling you a fraction closer.
As you both pulled away, he looked at you with a warmth that made you feel butterflies. "I was worried," he admitted, his voice tinged with genuine concern.
"I'm not as soft as I seem," you replied, a smile playing on your lips.
Harry chuckled softly, a mix of relief and amusement. "I should have known better." He pressed his forehead against yours. "Let's find the others and get out of here."
Eobard was about to lose his mind. The very scenario he had repeatedly warned Dark Arrow about had unfolded right before his eyes.
Each time he looked at the man, fury surged within him, fueled by the haunting image of your bloodied head replaying incessantly in his mind. Attempting to muster the remnants of his patience, annoyance dripped from his words, thinly veiling his exasperation. "The general isn't safe here anymore."
A glare shot his way from Dark Arrow, who stepped forward with a huff. "I'm well aware of that."
The temptation to kill him gnawed at Eobard. "Fall back to the troop carrier and get ready for the invasion," Dark Arrow ordered.
Finally, things were aligning with Eobard's plans.
Not that he cared, but he asked anyways, "Without you?"
"I'm staying," came the seething reply. "Supergirl won't leave here alive."
"Don't make it personal," Eobard cautioned. "Bad move."
Dark Arrow slammed his hand on the desk beside Eobard. Before he could retort, another voice cut in, "Are you questioning your Fuhrer's orders?"
Suppressing the urge to roll his eyes in irritation, Eobard met Overgirl's gaze, her eyes fixed on him for a response.
"Of course not," he retorted, his tone soft yet laced with harshness. "General."
With that, he sped off to ready himself for the awaited attack, but there was one matter he needed to take care of.
Back on the Waverider, a whole new set of issues slammed into you like a freight train. Professor Stein got hit hard during the fight, his life tethered to Jax, and Caitlyn and Ray were on a wild mission to find a solution.
Iris had dashed off to find Barry, while Felicity and Oliver were deep in the mystery of what was happening with Overgirl. That left you with Harry. The post-kiss buzz had worn off, and now you were feeling a bit awkward. Not that the kiss wasn't something you wanted, but it was definitely uncharted territory.
"So, um, are we, like," you stuttered, a blush creeping up your cheeks, "together now?"
Harry's ears matched your blush as he ran a hand through his hair. "Well, I mean—if you want?"
"I just… I don't know," you began, seeing Harry's confusion.
"Harry, I want to be with you," you clarified, and he broke into a smile, "but maybe we shouldn't rush anything."
Harry nodded, a genuine agreement in his eyes. "Right. After all, we have all the time in the multiverse."
Your grin widened at his charmingly dorky comment.
"We should head back," he suggested, taking a step closer, his hands gently encircling your waist. He placed a tender kiss on your forehead.
"I'll catch up with you. I'm just going to grab a change of clothes and freshen up a bit," you said with a smile as he left.
In the bathroom, you gave your face a wake-up call with a splash of cold water. Looking in the mirror, you noticed some dried blood in your hair from the Dark Arrow's blow earlier. Letting out a sigh, you figured a quick shower was in order.
The water was refreshing, but as it ran down, you winced a bit, trying to rinse the blood from your hair. It hit you then – tiredness. With each droplet, you could feel the weariness in your muscles, and you realized you couldn't recall the last time you had a decent sleep.
You dried off and instinctively reached for your neck before sighing.
There was nothing there anymore.
As you got dressed, thoughts of Harry lingered. He had kissed you, and you were, well, let's just say you weren't upset. In fact, it was the first time in a very, very long time that you felt this kind of happy warmth.
"That's a nasty cut you've got there."
You turned around, and there, of course, stood the last person in the world you wanted to see.
"What do you want, Eobard?" you huffed out harshly, already trying to get around him to leave.
He sighed. "I was worried."
You stared up at him before bursting out laughing hysterically. "You know, Eobard, that's about the craziest thing I've heard today," you managed to say while still laughing.
He took a step towards you, and you immediately stepped back.
He looked at you. "No?"
And that's when you just lost it.
"No. You don't get to come here and act all worried about me when you were about to split my BEST FRIEND OPEN AND HAD ZERO REMORSE ABOUT IT. YOU DON'T GET TO WALTZ IN AND START MAKING DECISIONS, AND YOU SURE AS HELL DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME.," you screamed at him, pushing him with each word until you realized you were crying.
Silence hung heavily between you, broken only by the sound of your ragged breaths.
Eobard took a sharp inhale before quietly saying, "You're right. I don't have any right. I lied to you, so many times."
"I never meant to hurt you. You could say it was selfish, stringing you along, but I love you," he paused and glanced up at you, "and even if you never want to see me again, I need you to know that. Every touch, every kiss, everything was real."
There was a moment of silence as you let his words sink in.
You sighed, rubbing your eyes, trying to wipe the tears and exhaustion from them. "Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't," You took a shaky breath in still trying to regain your composure, "But you chose your side."
"Wait-" Eobard tried.
You shook your head. "It wasn't me that you chose, and I'm done chasing someone who will never choose me."
Silence clung in the air as Eobard glanced up at you before cautiously stepping towards you and you let him. "Even if you never forgive me," his hand lightly reaching for your face, "I'll always be here for you. Whatever you need, whenever. It's the least I can do."
As you looked up you knew he meant every single syllable of that statement. You placed your hand on his and leaned against it.
"Thank you."
"Do you love him?" He asked after a moment.
There was another pause.
"I think so."
Just as the words settled between you two, an urgent voice echoed through the Waverider, "Guys, something happened in the med bay!"
Eobard kissed your forehead. "Go."
You pulled away, and just as he was about to leave, he turned around.
"Be happy, my darling." He gave you a soft smile before he rushed away, leaving you staring at the spot he had just been.
"I hope you can be too."
Professor Stein was dead.
As you stood in the control room, you reached for Harry as the rest of the team filled the room, taking a moment to mourn the loss of not just a friend but a part of their family.
"We have got to stop Overgirl."
You all turn to face Oliver.
"Professor Stein's death will not be for nothing. Failure is not an option. We are going to win. We are going to show these people that this Earth belongs to us."
"Great speech," came Frost's blunt response and you couldn't help but giggle.
Gideon's voice filled the ship. "Mr. Queen we are being hailed by another Time Ship."
"Put it on."
"I want to offer a truce." Dark Arrows figure appeared not eh hologram. "We will peacefully return to our Earth."
"In exchange for what," Barry asked.
"Supergirl comes with us."
You all looked at each other in agreement before Oliver took a step toward the hologram.
"Here another difference between you and me," he took a sharp breath in, "I don't abandon my friends!"
With the the hologram was shut off.
Sara stepped up. "Alright everybody ready to go."
Harry squeezed you hand as everyone nodded.
Sara nodded. "For the professor."
"Okay is it me or is this entire thing not working?" You asked after barely dodging another hit from the other Waverider
Harry shook his head frustrated. "It's not working."
"You need to take down their shields," Felicity said, looking at the screens.
Harry and Cisco glared at her, they knew this already. Before Harry could snap back at her you hit both of their arms.
"Ow!" Harry exclaimed as Cisco rubbed his arm.
"Quit whining and let's hit this damn ship," You said sternly.
After a couple tries Felicity spoke again with worry laced on her words. "Guys this still isn't working. I think we need a bigger gun."
"Way ahead of you."
You watched Kara fly toward the other ship. In a flash you saw Overgirl burst out of her ship crashing into Kara.
"Waiting for some good news here," Cisco said nervously.
"I don't have any for you man!" Felicity exclaimed. "The only way to take out their shield is to get someone on board that ship."
"I can get up there but I'll need someone to do all the computer work," Frost's said over the coms.
"I'll go," Felicity said.
You shook your head. "No you stay here and I'll go. You know the ship better than anyone so we need you here."
"Absolutely not." Harry immediately said. "You're not going anywhere."
Felicity and Cisco glanced at each other with raised eyebrows.
"Harry it'll be fi-" You were cut off by his lips over yours.
As he pulled back he ran his hand over your cheek. "I'll go."
"Holy shit are you guys together?"
Harry glared over at Cisco and you tried to hide a smile.
"I totally called it," Felicity said as she nudged your side.
"Aw that's great now can we go?" Frost asked feigning annoyance, walking into the room, amused.
Harry gave you a quick kiss. "I'll be right back."
You smiled and nodded. "You better."
It was time to go.
Eobard sensed the urgency as the fight continued on, observing the soldiers starting to pull back, their morale shattered by the relentless presence of Overgirl and Supergirl soaring above.
He sighed.
Another weak team.
Another failed attempt.
As he ran he felt Barry catch up to him and he let him grab him.
As he sprinted, Barry caught up, gripping him roughly.
Barry slammed him into a concrete pillar, fury contorting his features as he readied a phasing hand.
Oh, Barry. Did he genuinely believe he could?
Eobard already knew the answer but wanted to test it anyway. "Do it, Barry. End it."
Barry glanced up, panting, pushing his hand just a hair closer to Eobard's chest.
Barry locked eyes with him and, after a moment, stepped back.
"What's stopping you, Barry?" Eobard taunted, already knowing the answer. "Oh, I forgot. Barry Allen is above killing. Isn't that right?"
Barry glared, pushing Eobard away. "Get out of here."
Eobard smirked. "Till next time, Flash," he said, venom dripping from his words.
"Can't wait," Barry replied, annoyed.
Eobard sprinted off, spotting an icy trail heading towards the Dark Waverider. Intrigued, he followed it.
He witnessed Frost and Amaya dispatching soldiers while the doppelgänger raced toward the controls.
They were here to disable the shields. Eobard didn't bother stopping him; there was no point now. As Harry pressed the big red button to unveil the ship, Eobard ran toward him, whisking him into a separate room.
"What the hell?" Harry looked up, seeing the Reverse Flash before him. "What the hell do you want?"
Eobard rolled his eyes. "Relax. If I wanted you dead, I would've already killed you."
"Then what the hell do you want?"
Eobard sighed. "I want you to know something." There was a pause. "I may have broken her heart, but it doesn't mean I never loved her."
"What a funny way of showing it," Harry said, annoyed.
Eobard scowled, pushing Harry against the wall. "Listen here. I don't expect you to understand, but I do love her. I love her so much, and she deserves so much more. I don't like you, and I wish I could, but she loves you. She picked you."
Harry was silent as Eobard took a step back. "Break her heart, and I'll personally make sure that you are miserable for the rest of your life."
Both men turned toward the door at the voices calling.
"Get out of here."
Harry nodded as he walked past him.
"For the record," Harry said, glancing back, "she loved you too."
With that, he left, and Eobard sighed, running a hand over his face.
She loved you too.
Harry couldn't shake off thoughts of the Reverse Flash. He wasn't expecting confrontation, and Harry knew he wouldn't kill him. In a twisted way, it felt like the Reverse Flash's attempt to move on. Harry shook his head; even a cold-blooded psycho had feelings.
Stepping onto the Waverider, he was enveloped in a tight embrace, and he couldn't help but smile. "I told you I would make it back."
"I never doubted that for a second," you said, smiling up at him.
He kissed you, savoring the moment. There was a lingering press, enough for you to sigh contentedly.
"Come on, let's go blow up that ship."
Returning, Iris congratulated Harry, and Cisco approached with a mischievous grin. "You think you can handle this bad boy, Harry?" he asked, signaling the weapon controls.
"Walk in the park, Kazansky," Harry replied as he took his seat.
"Well, if you run into any problems, you've got your girlfriend right here to help you," Cisco teased.
Harry groaned, and you couldn't help but laugh, playfully hitting Cisco. "Where are you even going, Cisco?"
"To help you down there," Cisco said, creating a breach to the fight below. "I'll be right back."
Harry rolled his eyes. "Come on, Ramon." He pressed the controls and hit the release button.
You watched as the other ship exploded while Cisco breached it so it wouldn't land on civilians below.
You smiled at Harry, and Cisco breached back. "Nailed it!" he exclaimed, with Amaya and Zari behind him.
"I'm detecting dangerously high radiation levels," Gideon interrupted.
"Disembodied voice lady is right," Cisco said as he and Harry looked at the screens, "Supergirl is about to go supernova."
"Supergirl," Harry said over the comms, "Your doppelgänger's about to have a meltdown."
"What do I do?" You heard Kara's concerned voice.
"You need to take her up," he gestured with his hands, "up, up, and away. Now."
You caught Harry's eye and giggled. "Really, Harry? Up, up, and away?"
He laughed. "See, I can be funny."
You rolled your eyes playfully. "Dork."
"Only for you," he said, smiling.
"That's cute. But save it for after we save the world," Cisco said playfully teasing.
A big boom followed before you realized Kara had succeeded. Cheers erupted as Nate announced he had caught Kara from her fall. You kissed Harry as everyone celebrated.
After a tiring couple of days, you decided a very, very long nap was in order. Harry had been over and brought Big Belly, leaving when he saw how tired you were, realizing he was tired as well. As much as you would have liked him to cuddle with you, you figured you deserved some time for yourself. So you went on a jog, showered, watched some TV, and caught up on some books you had been wanting to read.
As you finished your latest read, you heard your phone go off, and saw it was a message from Iris.
'Come to the little park by the lake at 4. We're saying bye to Kara and the Legends. Wear something nice.'
You sat there confused. Why would you need to wear something nice for a farewell party?
You knew there was more to this.
You got ready with a smile, picking a simple dress, a flowy sundress that embraced the summer vibes, adorned with delicate floral patterns that mirrored the colors of the sunset. You did your hair before your phone went off again.
'Do you know what all this wearing something nice is about?' -Harry
'I have no clue!' You wrote back.
'I'll pick you up?'
You smiled as you reread the message. 'Of course. See you in a few :)'
You grabbed your purse and headed down. Harry was there, smiling as he greeted you.
"How are you?" He asked as you placed your seatbelt on.
"I'm good. I finally managed to get some good sleep."
He leaned in and placed a kiss on your forehead. "I love you."
You smiled with immense joy radiating through your body. "I love you too."
As he drove, he reached over with his free hand and rubbed your leg before slipping his hand into yours.
As you arrived, you saw Barry, Iris, Oliver, and Felicity, along with Kara and Sara.
You got out, and Sara gave a little wave before giving you a hug. "Take care." She watched as Harry walked towards you. "He's a keeper," she said with a wink as she said bye to Harry.
Kara came over and also hugged you and Iris. "Take care, guys. We'll have to do this again sometime." She frowned. "The hanging out, I mean, not the fighting Nazis," she said, laughing.
You all laughed as she took the device from Oliver to get back to her home.
It was just Iris, Barry, Oliver, and Felicity left.
"Does someone want to tell me why I had to wear 'something nice'?" You said, using your fingers in quotations.
Felicity smiled as Iris said, "Well, considering we had a ceremony, we figured we should probably make it official by exchanging vows."
"Oh! Yes!" You exclaimed excitedly.
"Can mayors ordain weddings?" Barry wondered out loud.
"I'm pretty sure that only applies within the Star City limits," Oliver chuckled.
"We know someone else that could, though," Felicity said as she exchanged looks with Barry before he ran off and returned with Diggle. He looked confused as he felt the effect of speed running and threw up. "Could I get a warning next time?" He said meekly.
"Sorry," Barry said, rubbing the back of his neck shyly, "But we were wondering if you could officiate our vows."
Diggle immediately smiled. "Of course." As Barry and Iris exchanged their vows, you leaned into Harry and sighed happily.
"We all found our happy ending today," he whispered into your ear.
You nodded, a look of content on your face. Harry wished they could live in this moment forever. The air was filled with a mixture of emotions — love, joy, and the bittersweet realization of goodbyes and new beginnings.
Felicity and Oliver shared the same look as Felicity asked him, "Will you marry me?"
Oliver stood there astounded and taken aback but happily agreed. Diggle smiled. "Finally! After watching you two and keeping you together for years, I'm honored to marry all of you."
Both couples kissed as Harry turned you around and placed a kiss on your lips. He pulled back and lifted you to twirl you in a circle, and you laughed as you held on to his neck.
"You think someday that'll be us?" He asked as he set you back down, your foreheads touching.
You hummed in contentment. "Someday."
He smiled, kissing you again, and you knew that even with all the heartache you had been through, you would be happy. You knew you still had some loose ends to handle, but for now, here, there was nothing else you could ask for.
Taglist:@khayrrilrainxwells @kirareaper13 @i-dont-care-lol @cursedfaechild @lovepeaceorelse @roryjames82 @brianllamawrites @achromaticerebus @honeybeezgobzzzzz @bellagomez-barriga @readingfanficdonotdisturb @tahiraseoti @roguerieka22
Hellooooo and sorry for the long wait I hope you all enjoyed it! This is not the end for our story here I still have some more stuff in mind! Thank you to everyone who has been here since the beginning, I LOVE you so much!!! Feel free to leave any comments as well as ideas. :)
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dancedance-resolution · 5 months
this started out just as a cute little idea but turned into a little poorly written ficlet ish thing? that i might try to turn into a real fic... found family story for kara involving sam, ruby, and a bookshop.
au where kara crash lands in midvale as an adult. eliza discovers her wandering around the town looking lost and looking very much like an alien, so she takes kara. she encourages kara to stay in the house for now, at least until she learns how to better assimilate to earth's culture, because the public doesn't know about the existence of aliens like she (a high level scientist) does. it's for kara's own safety that she has to stay locked away, eliza explains as kara's cabin fever makes her more and more restless. one day, she hands kara a book. "this is your way to explore new worlds for now within the safety of this home."
but kara can't explore the new worlds because she can't read. eliza teachers her a little, but she's so busy with work that she can't help kara as much as she needs--and the standoffish alex, whose job similarly pulls her out of the house at all hours, certainly won't help kara. eliza gave her a thin sheet of paper to use as a bookmark--a receipt, she'd called it--but the scrap is good as useless when kara can't make any progress in the book to mark anyways.
she's home alone and fed up trying to understand the words when she sneaks out one day. she wanders the streets and sees a welcoming looking shop. there are letters on the front--ruby's reads--and kara realizes with a start that those are the same letters she's seen at the top of her bookmark! surely that's a good sign!
she heads into the store. a kind-looking woman greets her from the register, but kara doesn't acknowledge her. she's too distracted by the bright display of children's books in the back. she makes her way back there, grabs the most colorful cover, and plops herself down on the carpet.
"hi!" she hears someone say.
she turns--a few feet away from her, hidden from the view of the front door by a bookshelf, is a kid. she looks like the woman at the register but much younger.
"i loved that book! it's such a good choice. who are you buying it for?"
kara hesitates. "um... me?"
the child makes a face kara can't decipher before shrugging, scooching closer to her.
kara stares at the page, hoping the girl will go away if she ignores her. she tries her best to decipher the words, bringing the page up close to her eyes like that might help.
"the whole series is great," the girl says. "i prefer the second one over this one though, actually. have you read that one yet?"
kara stares blankly at her.
"what do you think of janie? isn't she so brave in this chapter?"
kara tentatively shifts her gaze back to the page. "janie..." she whispers, trying to locate where that sound's letters are on the page.
she feels the girl staring at her. she's uncomfortable but also so desperate to read. curiosity soon gets the best of her. "c-can you..." she shoves the book towards the girl.
"oh, do you want me to put it back and get the second one for you?"
kara shakes her head vigorously. "um, no, um.... can you... read it? to me?"
"out loud?"
anyways i'm running out of steam here but basically ruby reads to kara and kara starts sneaking out for it every day. sam makes her and ruby snacks and soon ruby teaches kara how to read, never asking why a grown up like her can't read. the cashier who's sometimes there--nia, kara learns her name is--recommends some books for them when they run out of middle grade books, blah blah blah etc etc etc
one day alex runs through the doors of the store panting. uh oh, she shouldn't be here, she should be at work? "have you seen a blonde--" she starts panting, before she sees kara and runs over.
"kara, what are you doing! shit, come on, we need to leave--" alex looks up at sam as she ushers kara to her feet-- "sorry about her, we'll--"
"no need to apologize! we've grown quite fond of kara here!"
blah blah blah plot plot plot basically kara spends so much time there that sam, ruby, and nia become her friends. she learns how to read. alex starts spending time there with kara too, at first to ensure the safety but eventually bc she likes it (but she'd never admit that). blah blah blah agentreign starts.
one day sam's friend from out of town stops by and walks through the door. kara turns at the sound to see who's entering and promptly drops her book. and her jaw. and her dignity.
it is the most beautiful woman she's ever seen.
the woman turns to face her now, she must've been started by the sound of the book dropping, and--
they make eye contact.
"h-hi," kara says.
"hi," the woman breathes.
end fic
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
Hunting Night
Sam and Lucan masterlist
Whump Girl Summer day 5: hunted for sport | traditions
Taglist: @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @onlybadendings @whumpofdory @haro-whumps @flowersarefreetherapy @enigmawritesstuff @quietly-by-myself
Kara and Edith are hunted as part of a centuries-old tradition.
CWs: non-human whumpee, use of silver on a vampire and werewolf, slavery, hunting for sport, bounty hunting, mentioned murder, hate crime, discrimination, dehumanisation, burning, taunting, bound, broken bones, painful transformation, whumpee thinks caretaker is new whumper, caretaker turned whumpee, whumpee turned caretaker, implied past rape, mentioned panic attack, branding, grief, vigil mention, scared whumpee, expectation/fear of punishment, sadistic whumpers, gore, drinking blood
She should've known better.
That's all Kara can think as the bus grinds to a halt yet again. She should've known better. Tonight's Hunting Night, and everyone knows you don't go out on Hunting Night. Even humans don't, if they can help it, because it's so easy to pretend that, well, you attacked them because you thought they were a glamoured faerie or an untransformed werewolf and it wasn't your fault, really, and although Hunting Night is illegal the police don't care enough to even give cautions. No non-human would ever report an attack anyway.
They should never have gone out. Certainly not in the late afternoon. But the fridge broke, and Edith's blood apparently tastes bad (she won't say so, but the look on her face was proof enough), and she went so long without anything at all that Kara never wants her to make do with sour blood. Kara's food is going off too, she won't be able to eat it all before it's rotten. And on top of all that, Edith seems to believe it's her fault, somehow.
So they had to go and buy UHT mini blood cartons, and ice, and something for Kara to make Edith feel better, and Edith panicked because they were selling blood cartons laced with silver for punishing your vampire (her reading skills are still very rusty, Kara's going to kill whoever fed her them in the past), and then some people's treatment of Edith had reminded Kara of her own slavery and she'd had a panic attack, and everyone was staring and they'd almost left half the shopping behind in their rush to leave before someone called the cops.
And now they're stuck in a traffic jam. They're unlikely to make it back before moonrise, which is when the hunt starts despite being well before sunset, and this year's Hunting Night falls on a full moon.
She checks her watch. 19:00. Definitely won't make it back.
She presses the button, waiting anxiously for the bus to stop.
"We gotta get off an' walk, baby," she mutters to Edith, standing in front of her – slaves aren't allowed to sit in seats on buses if even one passenger objects and she hates it. "Moonrise."
Edith's eyes widen and she follows Kara off the bus when it finally stops, full rucksack on her shoulders.
Kara takes her hand and hurries along the pavement, taking a quick turn into an alley she knows far too well.
"Okay. Right. It ain't far, that bus takes the long way round, but we might not make it 'ome in time. If anyone attacks, Edie, run like 'ell. Ya got it? I can defend meself, jus' get outta 'ere."
"Yes, Mistress Kara."
Kara... isn't sure Edith will leave, actually, but if she pushes she'll get cowering or begging or freezing that they don't have time for, so she just nods.
They're close when Edith does actually freeze, glancing up at the sky. Kara feels the heart palpitations she always gets when her body's partway between one form and another, at the start of her transformation, body chemicals shifting. She drops Edith's hand and backs away slightly, gritting her teeth.
Her bones and muscles crack as they break and reform, and at first it's not too bad, it's a bit like stretching, but then it gets stronger and stronger until she can't do anything but let out an ear-splitting scream. Halfway through, the scream turns into a howl, as her snout lengthens, vision changing.
She pants as she feels the aftershocks of the change, slowing down but still there. Edith is frozen entirely, eyes wide.
Vampires really don't smell good.
Kara's instincts are more animalistic like this, but as she's got older, she can recognise people, control herself a bit. When she was fifteen she may well have attacked Edith. Or perhaps not – the vampire is definitely in her pack.
Someone laughs from the end of the alleyway, and she shrinks into the shadows, Edith following.
"You might be hiding but I know you're down there! We heard you change! Come out, come out, little werewolf."
Kara sees them. There's five, and they smell like sweat and cheap aftershave and silver. And there's bloodlust in there too, excitement, the thrill of the hunt.
In a fluid motion, she grabs Edith, swings the vampire onto her back, and bounds the other way down the alley. She just runs, with no regard to where she's going. She has to get away.
She skids to a halt as the smell of silver hits her nose, so much of it, and more humans too. She hears a *thud* and hopes that Edith's okay. She emits a low growl and backs away, keeping an eye on the three heavily-beweaponed humans, low to the ground with ears pinned flat to her head.
Then there's laughter behind her, humans she somehow missed, and she yelps as her tail is pulled, spinning to see the five humans from the other alley.
"You were right about blockading these alleys. Two already. Tonight's gonna be a good night, I can feel it in my bones."
Kara snarls, lip curling so they can see her teeth. An instinctive movement that shows one of her greatest weaknesses to the hunters. What seems to be their ringleader guffaws.
"Oh, this is gonna be easy. It's no fun, it can't even fight back."
"Still adding it to the tally though. We've got ourselves a stray werewolf. How many points is that again?"
Edith steps between her and the humans with a growl. "Stay away from her."
Two humans grab Edith as she swings a punch, pulling her off to the side and throwing her rucksack and ear defenders into a skip. She struggles desperately, more than Kara's ever seen. More than she thought possible from Edith. But despite the vampire's strength, she doesn't manage to get away before silver ropes are wound around her arms, binding them together. Then four of the humans can hold her still.
"Guard-class vampire," reports one, looking at her bracelet. "Dunno whose it is though. Kara... Evans."
"Who cares? Must be a runaway. We need to mark these two for proof it was us."
"Might be safer to just mark the bodies."
"Now, where's the fun in that?"
Kara tries to rise slightly, in preparation for another escape attempt, but before she can even process it her skin's burning. Her snout's first, and then her body and she tried to shake it off, scratch it but that just burns her pads, it doesn't come off and she howls in agony. She can't hear or feel anything else beyond the burning that's everywhere, all-encompassing, completely overwhelming. It's so much and she can't stop it.
Edith watches, horrified, as the diluted silver hits Mistress Kara. She howls and immediately tries to get it off, scratching at her fur and turning endlessly.
She won't manage it. It'll burn and burn and eventually burn through skin and flesh and bone if it's left on long enough, that liquid sticks, and then her arms and legs will dissolve, and they'll taunt her, place blood where she could reach it if she had arms, if she could stand. And, well, if she only managed to control herself better, this wouldn't be happening. She might even be allowed some of that blood. A few licks off the basement floor would be enough, please, she's not sure she can keep going.
She hears an animalistic whine and jolts. She's not there, she's in the present, with the hunters, and that's just as dangerous.
Her arms are burning from the rope but it's not about her. Mistress Kara is being hurt and the hunters are going to kill them both and there's nothing she can do about it.
The hunters' laughter is raucous without any ear protection, but she can't do anything to help and she isn't about to show them that it hurts. She knows what humans do when she shows weakness.
"It's not going anywhere now. Time for the marking. Hold the vampire's face."
Edith's head is grabbed by multiple hands, all over, suffocating, sweaty hands and too much contact as a circular silver thing that looks like a branding iron is positioned above her cheek. She's been branded before, but she can't get away as the silver stamp comes down on her cheek.
The pain takes her breath away, she can't even scream as the silver's pressed in and held until it's nearly burned through her cheek.
"Yeah, well, get used to it or go home, there's gonna be a lot tonight. Now for the werewolf. Paint it. It is an animal, after all."
A can's chucked across and some of the humans guffaw as one of them starts to spray.
"Should tag their ears as well. We're slaughtering them like livestock apparently, after all. Isn't that what those activists say?"
"Those idiots should be hunted too. Their views are too backward to let them live."
Amanda. They're talking about Amanda and others like her. That's the final straw for Edith. The hunters have slackened their grip and she focuses, ripping her arms free. She grabs the nearest hunter and sinks her fangs into his neck.
Oh, she hasn't had blood directly from a human in so long. Shame it's tainted by bitter alcohol but it's so warm, warm and pumping. She doesn't have time to drink the full hunter, instead turning to the next.
She's quick enough that they don't start screaming and fighting until she's on her third hunter.
It all becomes a bit of a blur after that. She comes out of a daze, stomach full of warm human blood, injured a little possibly, when the remaining hunters are all dead on the ground.
She's surprised she managed it actually, she thought she was trained better. But Mistress Kara was in danger.
Edith approaches Mistress Kara, careful not to touch any silver on the way. She's still pawing at the diluted silver, and Edith touches her snout cautiously. She shouldn't touch her owner in this way but she has to. The silver burns as she attempts to brush some off.
"Mistress Kara? Are you here?"
Mistress Kara yips at her, still pawing at her snout. The hunters didn't manage to get much spray paint on her before Edith killed her, that's good. About the only good thing, aside from them not being dead.
"We need to go home. Can you lead the way? This vampire does not know it."
Mistress Kara stops pawing herself and stares at Edith, and Edith repeats herself calmly. After a few minutes she seems to understand.
Well, almost.
She sniffs the air, and limps her way over to a large skip. Edith follows.
Oh. She didn't realise where Mistress Kara's belongings had gone. She thought the hunters had taken them or maybe she just hadn't thought at all. She pulls them out, swinging the backpack over her shoulders, holding her ear defenders in one hand.
They're not too bad. A bit smelly, and damp, but they'll be okay.
"Thank you, Mistress Kara."
Mistress Kara yips again, pressing her snout up against Edith's palm, and starts limping down the road.
Mistress Kara was right earlier, it isn't far, and Molly comes bounding up when Edith unlocks the door. She strokes the dog's head and drops the backpack in the hallway, grateful at least that they didn't bring Molly. Molly isn't hurt.
"Hello Molly. Mistress Kara, Edith is going to wash your fur, if that is acceptable, and then comb it out. It should get the silver out. Edith has done it on hair before, but not fur." Edith pauses momentarily. "Edith does not know how much you understand in this form, but please be lenient on this vampire. Edith understands this vampire needs to be punished for pretending she has agency but it is an emergency."
Mistress Kara whines, and Edith leads the way to the bathroom, Mistress Kara's snout pressed into her cupped hand. She wonders whether it's something to do with the familiar smell, if it's somehow distracting or grounding.
"Edith will make the shower warm but you do not have to wait, Mistress Kara." She strips down to her underwear and picks up the grooming brush, stepping into the shower. The water is freezing when she turns it on, but she stands under it anyway, washing off the silver that's made its way onto her. Slaves shouldn't waste warm water on themselves. But she has to wash herself, because it's more effective to help Mistress Kara if she is not also burning.
That's what she tells herself anyway. She shouldn't be cleaning herself without Mistress Kara's permission, if Mistress Kara wants her to stay with silver on her for any reason that's her prerogative. Mistress Kara will punish her later for her audacity, she's sure. She has to.
Mistress Kara bounds into the shower before it's warm and stands under the shower, turning round and round in circles. She lets out a happy yip.
"Edith will brush your silver out, Mistress Kara," says Edith, "will you stay still so this vampire can?"
Mistress Kara stills, vibrating in place and sticking her snout out. Edith takes the hint and carefully rubs it with a cloth, taking care to reach everywhere and get out every fleck and drip of silver.
The bright red burns stay. They'll be there when she transforms back to human form, Edith knows, and she only hopes they don't scar.
Then she cleans Mistress Kara's ears, careful of the burns that make her owner let out quiet, pained whines. It's not fair, she's so nice, far nicer than she should be to a vampire like Edith, but she keeps being hurt.
"Edith is going to brush your fur now if that is acceptable."
Mistress Kara tilts her head up into the stream of water, washing her eyes out. Edith crouches down and brushes her methodically. She uses Mistress Kara's nice shampoo and conditioner, careful to catch all the snags in her fur and all the silver, liquid and solid and scraps. So many strands are coated and Edith has to scrape them out by hand. It hurts but she doesn't mind, it's what she's for. The pain's nowhere near as bad as the burning brand on her cheek anyway. The transferred silver flecks are washed off now, but it still burns.
She's trying not to think about the brand. If the silver had been pressed there much longer she'd have a hole in her cheek, and she could start to heal but she can't drink without Mistress Kara's permission. Her healing will be slower, then.
She gently holds the werewolf's paws up as she cleans them one by one, gentle with the toes that have been cut, scrubbing the edges of her pads thoroughly. There's not so much silver on them, only the bits she transferred herself, but anything on the ground could've been covered in silver, Edith doesn't know. So she cleans everything carefully.
"Is there anything else this vampire needs to clean?" Edith asks uncertainly. In answer, Mistress Kara jumps out of the shower and shakes herself off. Edith rubs her with a towel, and then quickly towels herself off and dresses. Mistress Kara won't want to see her naked if she doesn't have to. Right? Right.
She is not sure where the burn cream is kept, unfortunately. She hopes Mistress Kara can forgive her.
"You should rest, Mistress Kara. You will be all right now." Mistress Kara nudges her hand, and she's taken aback, despite all the past kindness she's received from her. "You would like this vampire to come with you?" The werewolf yips. "This vampire will come then."
Mistress Kara bounds ahead and jumps onto her bed. Edith tries to lie on the floor or at least at the foot of Mistress Kara's bed, but Mistress Kara tugs at her until she's in the middle, the werewolf curled around her.
It's very warm and comfortable, and Mistress Kara falls asleep quickly. Edith has to resist the urge to join her – although she has finished most of her job, she cannot leave anything incomplete. It doesn't matter how little she's slept recently, or how comfortable she is here, she is a slave and needs to finish working before she's allowed to rest. Besides, Mistress Kara didn't say she was allowed to sleep.
There's sunlight filtering through the curtains when Kara wakes.
Her memories of the night before are vague at first, although she remembers the terror and pain. The longer she's awake in her human form though, the clearer the memories become. The hunters. Edith defending her and being hurt for it. The silver. The smell of Edith helping her back to herself. Edith tending to her.
Kara's face and hands still sting, despite Edith's best efforts. The injuries will heal with time, but they might scar. She'll have to check them over.
She's so much less stiff than usual after a transformation, though. Edith didn't just remove the silver, she did it so thoroughly, so carefully. Even her tailbone isn't aching as much as it should after her tail was yanked like that, and her hair is shiny and so soft. It gives Kara hope that the vampire's not just scared of her, she might actually care too.
God, Kara hopes so. She doesn't want to force Edith to stay with someone she's scared of. She'd never want that. She is not like her owner was.
A thought strikes her suddenly. Oh. Oh, god. She's curled up, in her human form, naked around Edith. She scrambles to her feet, face heating, remembering her insistence that Edith sleep with her. Okay. Okay. Edith won't think anything of it, right?
She hopes fervently that she doesn't. The first (and last) time Kara accidentally made an innuendo about having sex with Edie, she'd panicked and hidden for a week.
Time to look at her injuries, she supposes. The vampire's still asleep, and she heads to the bathroom, fully expecting to need to clean it. There was a lot of mess. But it's sparkling.
Oh, Edie. Of course. Kara feels a pang of gratefulness mixed with sorrow. She's not sure she could deal with cleaning it today but at the same time, she knows why Edie did it. Why she would've thought it was her job. She would've cleaned instead of sleeping.
Kara tilts her head to either side as she looks in the mirror. Her injuries don't look too bad. Edith must've gotten most of the silver off before it had a chance to burn her too much. It takes longer to burn her than Edith, after all.
She pads groggily into the kitchen and picks up a couple of blood cartons for Edith. She won't have eaten without express permission either.
When she gets back to her room, Kara tucks her weighted blanket around the small vampire, smiling helplessly as she pulls it tighter around herself, nuzzling into it. She's so sweet, Kara doesn't understand how anyone could want to harm her.
She needs to contact Amanda, tell her they're safe. Her phone was in her rucksack, and Edith unpacked that. Where would she have put it?
On the bedside table, apparently. Kara slides it onto her hand, muttering into it until she has a coherent message for Amanda. She's just sent it when she notices the breaking news alert.
Oh, god, why does she leave those on? Actually she knows why, but last night was not the night for them.
Vampire nest destroyed in Hunting Night raid
She sinks down on the floor under the window, hugging her knees to her chest and watching Edith. She doesn't even bother to open the article, slamming her phone into the carpet with a soft thump. She knows what it'll say.
She's exhausted. All the hate... it's too much. How can humans hate so many species so viciously, so thoughtlessly? How do they have the capacity for it? To kill and maim so many, and barely mention it, barely care. They don't even bother to try and get the terms right.
Not all humans, she reminds herself forcefully. Not all. People like Amanda... they care. But they don't always make it out alive.
She pulls herself up small, blinking back tears. Today they rest. Today the volunteers recover the bodies and count the missing and mark the dead. Kara and Edith will both start to heal, some scars fading faster than others. They're luckier than some. At least they're both still here.
Tomorrow the community remembers. The names go on the wall, in a vigil broadcast live from the Isle of Man, and they remember, and they grieve. Those they knew, those they didn't. Humans, non-humans. The vampire den on the news will only be the start of last night's casualties.
And then they'll try their best to survive another year.
Kara looks down at Edith, snuffling in her sleep, and amends that sentence.
She will keep Edith safe for another year.
And another, and another. And hopefully they can both stay safe for the rest of their lives.
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im gonna combUst aaaa i have so many wuestions abt dtar wars so ill send them in 1 ask
what's carls role?
What's Markus's role? Norths? Simons? Joshs? (i personally think itd be badass if north was an assassain turned rebel or something similar to Ventress clone wars, or the Jericrew is like the Bad Batch)
does todd play a part in the AU with karas story?
do connor and markus meet?
i think it'd be a cool plot twist if amanda waz like Admiral Thrawn, only force-sensitive and fully capable of weilding the Dark Saber, and she has to fight Nines and Connor, easily overpowering them until DUN DUN DUN.... queue Hank with Elijah, Amanda's former Padawan and essentially Walmart Anakin but actually smart and able to handle his emotions. And together, the four overpower Amanda and defeat her. They don't kill her, instead she kills herself by stabbing herself in the gut with her own saber, as she'd rather die than betray the Empire.
ohhhh yess you let's go!!
Carl is a Senator in the senate or works as a diplomat for one of the Inner Rim planets. He does what he can to make sure the Empire doesn't have complete rule over the galaxy's citizens but he recognizes that there's only so much an old man can do for an abandoned democracy. His role becomes like that of Mon Mothma's in Andor. Keeping up a facade of an old and naive man who's actions don't gain much traction in the Senate but is actually supporting the Rebellion and is trying to do his part in reclaiming a free galaxy once again. Once his he hears that his old aide has been spotted working for the Rebellion, his efforts double and he takes a 'personal leave' some time before the completion of the first Death Star and then drops off the grid. Markus worries as he has not heard news of Senator Manfred for some time but his worries are laid to rest when he walks into the hangar one day to find Carl already waiting for him there.
I LOVE the idea of the Jericrew being like the Bad Batch!! That'd be AWESOME!! I picture Markus starting off as a Rebel cell leader and then the bigger and more dangerous their missions become he gains more trust and traction in the Rebellion. Soon enough he becomes one of it's Captains and he has a whole battalion assigned to him. He is Jericho Four - North is the kick-ass muscle of the group. Grew up on the streets and won't hesitate to cut a bitch. North having a story similar to Ventress is super fucking cool and i love that. Don't have much story in mind for her right now, it's still up in the air but im open to suggestions! At one point tho she and Chloe get together. Not sure how. She is Jericho Two -Josh is the tech support. For the most part, grew up in a normal family but experienced the War just like everyone else. Times were hard and he believed that he just had to wait it out and then everything would be better. If only he could hold on a little longer in peace and silent resolute strength, then it would be alright. But he learned the hard way that standing by and doing nothing wasn't going to achieve the changes he wanted to see. He still refuses to pick up a blaster or any weapon really, but is not against self defense. He prefers to offer support and stay out of the line of fire. He is Jericho Three -And Simon is the Jack of All Trades. He has little information here and there about the most random of topics and it's not until later that Markus finds out that he used to be a tutor/study aide for a high class family on Mandalore. Which is how he knows so much stuff. It makes Markus fall in love a little bit more. He is Jericho One
I have no big plans for Todd in this au. At most he'd probably be a side character who pushes the plot forward, somewhere in Kara's story and will probably pop up at one point in Connor's. But again for plot reasons.
Do Connor and Markus meet???.............. .......possibly who's to say??
AND DAAAaaaaammmnnn that'd be one hell of a story! I'd certainly read that!! And my dude, if you got any ideas for a Star Wars au as well i would LOVE to hear it!! And Amanda would fall on her own saber. She would do it to also be petty and try to give one last traumatic memory to Nines and Connor before going out. It's what she'd want. (bitch)
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superlustersnew52 · 1 year
Wanda smirked as she played with a lock of Kara's hair. She made the right choice going after her next. "Oh I am. Dawn is safe. Don't you worry about that" She told the hero as she twirled her finger around Kara's hair. "You'll be joining her soon. I'm just deciding if I make you mine here." The Scarlett Witch explained as she forced a kiss between the two of them
Kara's eyes were narrowed as she looked at the woman. She certainly didn't trust her, "Whatever it is that you're planning, I won't le-" Kara was cut off as Wanda kissed her, her train of thought cut off by the sudden action. She made no effort to kiss back...but also didn't exactly try to fight it.
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the-white-soul · 3 months
*He listens to every word of Chara and Frisk intently, hoping for some joke. Flowey moves back a little in shock and tilts his head sideways, as if maybe if he looked at them from a different angle things would be different. He laughs in disbelief.*
Haha… Why would- that's not- no. You're faking it. You think if you pretend to be something you're not you'll throw me off? You spoke together while I was gone, didn't you?
Chara. *He speaks calmly, but there's a little bit of an edge to it.* You’re my best friend. I know you don't want to hurt me. And neither do you Frisk. What are you trying to accomplish by acting? I know you're the one manipulating Frisk to put on that mean face.
*He smiles thinly at Frisk.* If you can be sweet once, you can keep being that way. And you will. You just need to snap out of it. I'll give you two more chances, okay? If you keep up this act, maybe I won't be so nice either.
*Buttercup grabs Noelle’s arm and pulls her to the side, slipping something in her pocket at the same time.* I have you the recorder. Put it on them, and make sure they don't notice. I want to know the truth.
*He then burrows away to hang out behind the hospital, not bothering to stay and listen to the plan for asgore anymore. After all, he already knows his role in this. Instead he listens closely to the earpiece, because he wants to hear is how Frisk and Chara will act when he's gone. And if Noelle will do as she's supposed to.
(Kara) "*Noelle does as asked when they aren't looking at her* Why were you so mean?"
(Chara) "I was only mean because I know that Flowey can't handle another heartbreak. Sure, I might've been a bit too hard on him but he'll be fine! At least much better than with this lunatic!"
(Frisk) "Lunatic?!"
(Chara) "With no due respect, you are one of the worst people to ever be nice to monsters."
(Frisk) "I just do what I need to do! Kara, if you must know why sit down and let me tell you my story."
(Kara) "Alright t..."
(Frisk) "I said sit down! *Everyone sat down except for Chara since they can't* My father was a good man. Before he died of heart disease. He always advised me that what I want I should take. He was a senator before moving to Britain and he was ruthless! It was amazing seeing everyone say yes to whatever he said. He told me one day, 'Frisk, some day someone's going to try to hurt you or take something from you. I don't ever want to see you down in the gutter like me when I was your age. If anyone does anything to you my sweet, please promise me you'll not allow it. Call them everything, scream, play mind game, and whatever else your brilliant mind can discover. The world will be yours and I can't wait for the day I'll see that!' What a guy! His name was Richard which I never joked about because I respected him that much. So I'll do anything, and I mean anything to get what I want."
(Kara) "Well, that certainly is a common trope with people I hang out with. Did your father hurt you at all?"
(Frisk) "Oh, goodness no. He spoiled me sometimes, especially for my birthday. He loved me so dearly and wanted me to be as great as I could be. *Looks at a picture of him. He has the same skin as Frisk and a similar haircut, but his eyes were much more expressive. He was also big and stong as well* Father, I am sure I'm making you proud. Not that you were ever not proud but if you could look at me now, you'd have a smile and give me the biggest hug I can remember."
(Kara) "Sorry about your loss."
(Frisk) "Oh, it's fine! Also, if you stay on my good side you'll be fine. If you ever get berated for a disagreement that I have with you I'm not sorry. I never am."
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meancaroline · 5 months
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Ravaged by the Gingerbread Man, by Fannie Tucker
GoodReads Rating: 2.89 ⭐️
My Rating: 2.5 ⭐️
Spice: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
On Kindle Unlimited?: Yes
Kindle E-book: $2.99
When Kara, a professional baker, accidentally makes 100 times the amount of gingerbread dough she needs she is absolutely beside herself. Her bakery is struggling, her co-owner and friend, Allison, is disappointed with the mistake, and to top it all off, Kara is alone on Christmas.
But then, inspiration strikes! She'll use the excess dough to make a giant gingerbread man to put in the store window. The dough won't be wasted, and it'll attract customers. It's the perfect plan!
That plan, however, turns on its head when the addition of a gingerbread cock and a Christmas wish for a real man turn Kara's night upside down.
Page one and I already had umbrance with Kara. I bake as a hobby and there is no way you can accidentally make a 100 times recipe and not notice. King Arthur baking has a gingerbread cookie recipe that calls for 3.75 cups (450g) of flour. There is no way you measure out 375 cups (45,000g) of flour and not realize you fucked up.
But, suspension of disbelief aside, I think this was a fine story. There were some places where it even made me chuckle. There were, however, multiple moments where the story also had me rolling my eyes.
If you like the classic "Run, run, run, as fast as you can!
You can't catch me! I'm the gingerbread man!", I'm sure you'll find the raunchier rewrites Tucker does amusing. And while some of them genuinely were, after a while, the dialogue got stale.
Still, if you can get beyond that, make sure you're comfortable with a MMC that doesn't necessarily care about the FMC's wants. He is forceful in his attentions: beginning his new life by trying to fuck a donut, and eventually using a rolling pin to prepare Kara for his gingerbread length. The story magics the actions away, saying that when Kara added a penis to the giant cookie, she made him a lust crazed monster. Then again, Kara seems to be into it, so take that as you will.
If you're looking for some festive food play fiction, Ravaged by the Gingerbread Man certainly takes it to another, but not necessarily better, level.
Originally posted on Lemon8 12/12/2023
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oetravia · 3 years
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Every Brainia Scene Ever: 5x15 [4/7]
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rocketonthemoon · 3 years
so did anyone else get that Kara’s trial of courage was to be seen as Kara Zor El and not Supergirl or did I wildly misinterpret that?
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Been thinking about an alternate Luthors episode where Lillian and CyborgSuperman make off with all of the stuff in Lex's vault, and then locking Lena inside and letting it close up into the floor.
Their presumption is that Supergirl will find her, which she does, and she lasers a whole in the roof of the vault and flies Lena out. When Lena confirms her mother took all the tech, Kara just sighs and is like, we'll deal with it. For now, let's get you home.
But Lena is then like, I can't.
Kara quickly puts the pieces together-- "what, go back to jail? No, you don't belong there!"
"But no one else will believe that if I don't go back. I-- I have to trust the system."
Kara's jaw tightens. "All right, but you won't be there for long. Not when I share the evidence we have with the police."
So Kara takes Lena back to jail. Lena is processed once again, but this time when she finds herself once more in a cell, it's not long before a guest arrives.
"Miss Luthor," Supergirl greets, leaning one shoulder against the bars.
"Supergirl." Lena surreptitiously wipes her eyes, just in case the tears that had been on the verge of gathering might show. "What are you doing here?"
"Just making sure the rest of your stay here remains uneventful," comes the simple reply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Figured you could use the company."
In spite of the hopelessness that had been hanging over her head like a cloud just moments before, Lena feels herself give a small smile.
"I certainly won't complain."
They chat about little things throughout the night, until Lena eyes begin to drift shut, the trials of the past 48hrs catching up with her.
"Why don't you get some sleep," Supergirl suggest with a gentle smile. "You've had a trying day."
Unable to deny it, Lena finds herself ready to obey, except...
"I'll stay," Supergirl promises, as though reading her very thoughts. "Don't worry."
Lena looks up at her, not quite able to believe the hero could be so kind, let alone to her of all people. Yet here she is.
"Thank you," she says quietly.
"Of course."
The safety in the words makes the descent into sleep swift and easy, despite the cold surroundings. It feels like only moments before there's a clang of sliding bars in the distance and a gentle alert from her guardian.
"Miss Luthor."
Lena bolts upright and scurries off the bed, standing and ready to face the guard who comes into view with a dour scowl on his face.
"It's your lucky day, Luthor. Charges have been dropped." He unlocks the cell door and grips Lena's arm tightly, all but yanking her from the cell before an iron grip clamps around his wrist.
"Gentle." The warning comes low and curt, promising ill reward should the guard resist the command.
After a moment, the grip on Lena's arm loosens minutely.
"Come along," he orders brusquely, but when he prods her down the hall, it doesn't make Lena stumble.
Lena catches Supergirl's gaze as she's pulled along, and though the moment is too brief to exchange any words, Lena hopes the woman can sense her gratitude.
Lena changes back into her office attire once her personal effects are returned to her, taking a moment to examine herself in the smudge mirror before leaving the bathroom. She looks rumpled and tired-- the press is going to have a field day regardless of what she looks like, but Lena is loathe to give them any further ammunition.
She wraps her hair into as tight a bun as she can manage and the heels she slips on helps a little, but not enough. Still, she walks out of lobby into the morning sun with her back straight and head high, and finds a familiar figure waiting for her.
Biting back a smile, Lena approaches Supergirl with what she hopes are confident strides. Fake it until you make it, right?
"You didn't have to wait," Lena greets. She tilts her head expectantly.
"I wanted to," Supergirl returns readily, and Lena believes her. Supergirl is rapidly proving herself to just be like that. "The offer of a ride home is still open, by the way."
Oh. Lena hadn't even thought to call her driver. The thought of waiting in the growing heat for the car to arrive doesn't appeal to her, and going back into the lobby behind her isn't an option her pride will allow, so Lena finds herself accepting.
"Thank you," she says. When Supergirl extends one hand, Lena places her own in the offered palm. With a tug the hero beckons her closer, until their hips are touching and Supergirl has one arm around Lena's waist and the other around her shoulders. There she pauses.
"Is this okay?"
Lena nods. "Yes."
In the next moment, they slowly lift off the ground, gradually increasing speed until they're fairly zooming across the city to Lena's building. There they hover, taking in the scene below. The doormen have corralled the paparazzi and press back to the curb-- they'll have enough room to land but not enough to avoid the flurry of scrutiny.
"I can drop you on your balcony," Supergirl offers.
Lena shakes her head. "It's locked. Besides, I need to do this."
Somehow, Supergirl seems to understand. With a final nod of readiness, they descend and touch down on the pavement outside the front door of Lena's building. As expected, the area explodes in a smattering of blinding camera flashes, and the cacophony of dozens of voices asking for comment.
Lena ignores them all, instead lifting her chin and moving towards the door. There's a flicker of movement at her side, and she looks over to find Supergirl keeping pace beside her, cape lifted to shield Lena from the worst of the cameras.
She doesn't pause to react then, focused more on getting inside and out of sight, but a warmth spreads in her chest at the gesture.
The elevator ride up to the penthouse is a silent one. Neither of them speak until the front door shuts behind them, and Supergirl takes a moment to survey the space around her.
"I haven't really had time to unpack," she says in reference to the piles of boxes around the kitchen and living room. Lena knows the place is bland and impersonal-- part of her wants to keep it that way. But another, louder part of her suddenly wants this woman to know who she is-- to see her.
Supergirl grins. "It's nice. Suits you. Or at least, it will."
"Can I offer you a drink?" Lena blurts. She definitely needs one herself, and she discovers she doesn't want to lose her present company.
Supergirl shrugs. "Sure."
Before long, they're both seated on the couch, sipping on fingers of expensive scotch. It's Lena's favorite, and burns pleasantly on the way down.
"Thank you," Lena offers quietly, breaking the comfortable silence between them. "For everything you've done for me today." She lets her gaze drop to the glass in her hands. "If you don't mind me asking... why did you come for me? I don't think many would expect a Super to care about a Luthor once they're behind bars."
Supergirl considers her response for a long moment. "I have to be careful about how I interact with law enforcement. It's not my place to interfere with cases that don't involve aliens.
"But Kara Danvers knew you were innocent. At her insistence, we dug a bit further into the footage of you with the kryptonite. When we found that the video file was doctored, I knew that you had been taken by force."
Lena gives a wan smile. "I see. You needed to correct a miscarriage of justice. Well... I appreciate it, whatever your motivation."
"You misunderstand," the hero counters. Her gaze grows solemn and intense, meaning every word. "I had been looking for a way to help. The footage simply gave me the opening to do so."
Lena stares at her. "Oh." She swallows thickly. "I see."
"I never believed you were behind your mother's escape. Not for a moment."
All Lena can do is silently nod.
"Neither did Kara Danvers."
The mention of the reporter lifts Lena's gaze to meet Supergirl's, whose eyes are soft and warm. Lena huffs slightly, but smiles regardless.
"Kara... she is a wonder."
That seems to take Supegirl aback somewhat. "H-how do you mean?"
Lena shrugs, swirling her glass. "I didn't have any expectation of making friends here in National City. But, because of Kara.... it seems I may be making one anyway."
Supergirl's surprise shifts into another warm grin.
"You are."
The hero's smile grows.
"And so am I."
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poppyssupergirl · 8 years
This is all @foleypdx 's fault. I was studying without pants, sent her a pic of my textbook on my legs, and she replied with 'nice science. nice gam'. I can only assume that her later thought process was this: lol, Alexis is a science, she's pantsless, Lena's a science, she's probs also pantsless. She then sent me: 'imagine Lena pantsless in her office' To which I screamed about and then wrote this.
Also, the idea that Lena doesn’t like caramel is from wtfoctagon whom I cannot seem to tag? but here’s a Link to their blog, but their fic: Sunlit Honey and Lavender Sunsets which is literally the best representation of Jess that I have ever seen with mine own two eyes and I fucking love this fic, I can’t even describe how much I adore it.
This is also on AO3 :
Jess was tired and now Ms. Danvers was here and Ms. Danvers was nice but honestly she was loud and rambunctious and a little over the top with everything in life and Jess was just tired. So, yes, she waved Ms. Danvers toward Ms. Luthor’s door without buzzing Ms. Luthor and THEN the phone rang and well? Ms. Luthor always liked seeing Ms. Danvers so it just wasn’t going to be a problem.
Kara opened the door; Lena’s office was dark except for one lamp beside her couch. Kara really needed to talk to Lena about staying so late. Really, if the light bothered her enough that she had to sit in near dark-
“Jess, would you bring me my water from my desk, please? I left it there and I’d rather eat caramel than get up right now.” Lena’s voice came from the other side of the couch. A hand stuck up above the couch and made a grabby motion.
At any other time, Kara probably would have laughed at that, but the hand brought Kara’s attention to the rest of the couch.
An actual cascade of sheer black hair spilled over the arm furthest from Lena’s desk. However, that wasn’t what really caught Kara’s attention. It was the leg, completely bare, thrown over the back of the couch, Lena’s foot twitching to an imaginary beat, that really caught Kara’s eye.
She didn’t say anything, Lena was still making the grabby motion with her hand and Kara heard a sheet of paper rustle. For some reason, the word ‘gam’ kept flashing through her mind and focusing on anything else seemed kind of… irrelevant?
But Kara did get her feet moving and she dropped by the desk before walking behind the couch to finally place Lena’s bottle of water in her waiting hand. Lena didn’t even look up, just took the bottle and popped the top with her teeth before drinking. Kara opened her mouth and then her eyes traveled down Lena’s body.
She wasn’t wearing any pants.
Lena Luthor lay with her hair flowing over the arm of her couch, her head resting on no less than three pillows, in her form fitting black shirt. The same black shirt that Kara’d seen earlier at the press meeting, bunched slightly at her abdomen, with a document in one hand, her bottle in the other.
And, betrayers as her eyes were, Kara couldn’t help but notice the black colored cotton panties sitting low on Lena’s hips. The leg still strewn over the back of the couch made everything very visible.
Kara was sure she looked like a tomato by this point. But honestly, what legs . Gam, indeed.
Lena’s voice drew Kara’s gaze back up her body to her now moistened lips. “Thank you, Jess. I apologize for keeping you here so late,” Lena rolled slightly to place her bottle on the coffee table in front of the couch. The movement did nothing but accentuate every ounce of skin visible. “Really, though, you should go home now I can just fini-” Lena’s eyes popped wide when she finally rolled back over to look up.
Maybe it was shock or just that good old Luthor-built composure that kept Lena from screaming, but either way Kara watched as Lena went through the five stages of grief faster than anyone she’d ever seen before. It was a bit like watching a nice summer day turn into a hurricane and then go back to summer all in the span of six seconds.
“Kara.” And Lena’s voice didn’t stutter or break or any of the other wildly embarrassing things that Kara’s voice would have done. Kara would’ve been jealous if she could have thought coherently enough for that. “What a surprise.”
“I-uh.” Kara coughed into her hand to clear her throat. She didn’t know if she was supposed to look away or just ignore it or? There wasn’t really any precedence for this in her life. “I thought Jess had buzzed you about me being here.” Now Kara did look away, toward the ceiling of all places though, “I-I can, can go if you’d like.”
Kara heard much more than saw Lena shuffle and then Kara couldn’t stop from hearing. Hearing how Lena’s heart beat faster than most sprinters, how her bare legs sounded like silk rubbing together, how her hair reminded Kara of a stream she’d heard years ago as it slid along the plush arm of the couch. She reached up to adjust her glasses and very nearly broke them in her fumbling fingers.
“No, no, it’s alright, really.” Heard Lena’s bare feet padding across the tile … “I just like to be comfortable later at night is all, let me just find those pants…” Heard Lena bending and rummaging around her desk.  
She didn’t mean to look, but Lena was cursing under her breath and she just felt the overwhelming urge to help Lena. But Lena was bent over and that was a lot of … everything. So Kara dropped her gaze and there were the deep burgundy slacks Lena’d had on earlier, right there on the floor.
“Uh, Lena?” Kara picked up the garment and did her best not to bite through her lip. She wasn’t looking at Lena, but she heard Lena stop rummaging and start to pad over to her.
“Thank you.” Kara didn’t know if Lena meant to or not, but their hands brushed as Lena slipped the pants from Kara’s grip and this time Kara was reminded of Livewire. But instead of pain, there were butterflies in her very veins.
Lena turned to shuffle into the pants and then Kara caught up on the fact that she was the one intruding and really, Lena didn’t have to get less comfortable just because she was here and- “Lena you don’t have to put on pants.”
Lena looked up as Kara turned with her hands out, she only had one leg situated in her pants and she was still balancing on one foot. “Did you have something in mind that would require me taking them off again?”
Kara blinked. Then she smashed her hands over her mouth at the implication of her sentence. “NO! No! No, that’s not! Lena! That’s not what I meant! I just didn’t want you to feel like you had to make yourself less comfortable, I mean this is your office, you can do whatever you want here. Wear whatever you want here. I wasn’t going to just leave if you didn’t put … those back on! I just thought you’d be more comfortable with them on rather than off, but if not, then don’t feel pressured by me being here to put them back on! Really, I’m just visiting as a friend, not for the job, and also, as your friend, you should have gone home hours ago! It’s way past eleven and if you have to lay on the couch without the lights on to keep from getting a headache then you should have already gone home! And also!” Kara paused to take a breath and realized Lena was shaking.
Rao, she’d made Lena angry.
Then Lena snorted. Honest to goodness snorted in laughter.
“Lena!” Kara gasped, all the heat that had finally dissipated from her cheeks came raging back. “You’re laughing at me!”
Another snort and then Lena couldn’t hold back her giggles, but she did wave a hand to try to placate Kara. She couldn’t do anything but shake her head and cover her mouth with the hand that wasn’t still holding up her pants.
“At least I’m not the one posing for a Vogue display in my office!” Kara came around the couch and crossed her arms over her chest. But she couldn’t keep the smile from her lips as Lena continued to struggle through her laughter.
“I’m sorry!” Lena sucked in hair and chuckled again. “I’m sorry, I just-” She waved her hand again before shifting. Her eyes went wide as the leg of her pants held fast under her foot and she began to topple over.
Kara stepped forward just in time to catch Lena’s ribcage in her hands, supporting her while she found her footing. Kara bit her lip to keep herself from laughing as Lena brought her hand up to brace against Kara’s shoulder.
Lena looked down to try and wrestle her pants from under her feet. Her hair shifted and Kara breathed in a lungfull of lavender and something fruity that nearly made her dizzy. “May-maybe you should sit down to do this?”
Pomegranates? Kara wondered as Lena’s head whipped back up, “Oh, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“For safety! Lena, for safety, you should sit down. I don’t mind holding you up!” Kara blinked again and the blush roared to life again across her cheeks. Lena only smiled up at her with that little upturn of her lips.
“You’re much too sweet to me, you know that right?” Lena stood up, one hand still on her pants, the other on Kara’s shoulder, and let out a tiny sigh. “Sweet enough it gives a girl ideas you know.”
Kara watched as her smile slipped, the meaning of her words only sinking in as Lena drew her bottom lip between her teeth in worry. “Oh.”
Lena glanced down to the floor and shrugged before withdrawing her hand from Kara’s shoulder. She pulled back but Kara didn’t let go. Lena frowned and looked up, “Kara? I didn’t mean anythi-”
The words petered off as Kara stared at Lena. She didn’t really notice when the words stopped because Lena’s heartbeat was pressing into her fingers. Or maybe it was the green eyes resting on her own, filled to the brim with an uncertainty Kara’d never seen before.
An uncertainty she never wanted Lena to feel again. Perhaps it all started with the flowers in her office, or perhaps it was the quiet thanks for heroism on the very couch they stood next to, but either way, Kara really liked it when Lena smiled all the way up to her eyes.
“Can I kiss you?”
For half a heartbeat Kara thought she’d spoken too softly, but then Lena blinked and swallowed before nodding. They both leaned in, Lena finally dropped her much-too-troublesome pants to rest both of her hands on Kara’s shoulders, and Kara flexed her fingers around Lena before their lips met.
It wasn’t very forceful, just a touch before the two each took a step forward to press closer together. Lena’s lips parted first, sucking gently on Kara’s lower lip. Kara groaned and slid her hands around to Lena’s back. Lena nipped ever so gently on Kara’s lip and slipped her fingers up into Kara’s hair.
“Ms. LuthoOH” The door slammed shut and Kara pulled back with a jerk. Lena’s lipstick was smudged and Kara should really look at the door, but also why?
Lena looked radiant. A smile spilled over her lips and her fingers were scraping gently against Kara’s scalp and Kara really couldn’t be bothered to do anything but smile back.
“Well, Ms. Danvers, you’ve really caught me with my pants down this time. What do you plan on doing with me?” The sultry purr of Lena’s voice sent a shiver down Kara’s spine. But Lena was smiling too, so warmly that Kara wondered if she’d ever need the sun again.
“Dinner?” Kara laughed.
“You’re going to have me for dinner?” Lena’s brows popped up in mock surprise and she pulled a hand from Kara’s hair to lay over her chest. “My goodness, Kara, I never would have guessed you as the forward typ-”
Kara pulled Lena in for another kiss. Laughing against her lips and rocking forward. “We should probably go make sure Jess isn’t traumatized.”
Lena hummed and pressed a kiss to Kara’s cheek, “She’s my assistant. She’s seen bombings, alien attacks, Cadmus… I don’t think this is what will traumatize her.” She slid her hand over Kara’s cheek and swiped her thumb along Kara’s cheekbone. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while now.”
Kara breathed in and her lips parted in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Kara,” Lena grinned and bit her lip. “I filled your entire office with flowers.” Lena tilted her head, “Although that really was to thank you for everything you’d done for me. Really, Kara, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough.”
“You could kiss me again.”
Lena stopped her thumb and her face fell ever so slightly. Kara frowned and opened her mouth only for Lena to lean in and press a firm kiss to her lips, “I don’t know how I got so lucky as to meet you, Kara Danvers, but I meant it when I said that you are my hero.”
She felt the sting of tears in her eyes, but that was okay. She just leaned into Lena again and held her a little closer.
“You should probably put your pants back on though. That’s what I was referencing would traumatize Jess, by the way.”
“Oh god, I’d forgotten about that. Not that she hasn't seen me without pants before, just not wrapped in someone else's arms. ”
“Oh, well, uh, would you like to sit down this time?”
“I don’t see why I should, I’m sure there’s an extra pair of hands that would love to help slide clothing over my skin.”
“Lena, I probably shouldn’t help you put your pants back on.”
“What? You wanted to help me take my shirt off instead?”
“No, gam.”
“Kara, I don’t know what that means. Kara?”
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Some Basil on the Side:
Tag: @howl-fantasies @keffirinne @flaysthings
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Basil's POV:
I received a call on my phone from an old colleague of mine. I stared down at it for a while, debating if I should answer. But it seems the choice would be made for me.
"Basil, you can't just let your phone ring, it's annoying, please answer it or put it on silent," Maggie said sweetly.
We had been hanging out all day, Y/N had asked me to keep an eye on her, and get to know her first hand. I sometimes forget this girl was a few years older than me, because she certainly never acted like it. Of course, she knew when to take things seriously, and she had her moments where she could be intimidating when she needed to, but she just had this childlike nature about her. Like my sister does.
"Sorry, zoned out." I lied.
She raised a brow at me, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth.
"Want me to pause the movie, or leave the room?"
And there it was, the adult im her, the part of her that actually respected people's privacy. If there was one thing I learned quickly about Magnolia, is that she was good for keeping secrets. Even when people attempted to torture them out of her.
"No, it's fine. I'll head off to the other room, fill me in when I get back?"
She nodded, a look of scepticism masking he features.
"Alright, but if you take too long, you'll miss the best part of the film!"
The child was back. I watched as she flopped back down on the couch, wrapping the blanket around herself, with a smile on her face. It was sort of adorable. I gave her a small smile and dismissed myself from her presence. None of the names on my phone was visible, something Y/N taught me. You never wanted someone to have the advantage of knowing who you were talking to. And I was glad in the moment, I had listed. I know she didn't mean it, but Maggie was one of those people that would accidentally read a text over your shoulder because she'd forget it wasn't her own phone. I called the number back.
"Hello," I spoke, not much to indicate my tone.
"Basil, hey are you busy, we could use your help on a case. Felicity found Darhk's place of hiding, and now is the best time for us to catch him off guard."
I thought it over for a minute, the name sounded familiar, but I hadn't kept up with the ins and out of Star City, only monitoring the major threats. I'd grown to care for the company of Thea and Felicity, and I suppose Jon and his wife weren't that bad. But Oliver got on my nerves at the best of times, I hated pretending to care for him. He was spontaneous and it put the team at risk, he was a god-awful leader. But it was for the best, at least for now, to keep an eye on Maggie's family, when she couldn't. I wonder when was the last time Oliver even called her to check in?
"Sorry, whose Damien again? Things have been wild here, it's hard to keep track of all your villains." I didn't mean for my tone to slip, the sass coming through. I must have leeched the trait from Maggie.
"He was in the Lauge of Assasins, he's on a major power trip right now that could kill most of the people in the city, and he won't stop at Star."
Fuck. He was one of those delusions of grandeur-type villains. always wanting more than they have. I couldn't ignore this. And I couldn't leave Oliver and his team to just die, if Maggie ever found out, she'd never forgive me. And Y/N would just be disappointed, not to even get started on what Kara and Alex would think.
"How much time do we have before he makes a move?"
"Three days at max, think you can get here in time?"
"I can make arrangements, Oliver-"
"Yes?" He questioned, sounding wearing.
"Call your sister." "I'm not bringing Thea into this, she's away on something."
"Not Thea, the other one. If things go wrong- If this Damien is as powerful as you say...." I trailed off.
I couldn't let him know I was with her. He had no idea we'd ever met. But he and Thea talked about her enough, it was not odd for me to bring her up.
"Right, thank you for that. I sometimes forget to include her in things."
"She a big girl, she can handle it. But I doubt anyone would be happy if their brother who never talks to them, died tragically."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence Zor El."
I rolled my eyes, I remember now where Maggie got her childishness form.
"I'm being realistic, Queen, you should try it sometime."
I hung up the phone, more than done with the conversation. I squeezed the phone in my hand, hearing the crack of the glass and sighed. Y/N wouldn't be happy about this, but I had to go. And I couldn't explain to Maggie where I was going. I walked back into the room, Maggie was still rolled up in a bundle on the couch. Oswald had dedicated this whole room to others, not ever watching movies much himself. It had all her favourite things in it. I tossed my now broken phone on the coffee table and sat next to her.
"Shit dude, the fuck happened to your phone?"
She shot up, reaching for it. I didn't mean to, but on instinct, I snatched it away from her. I quickly corrected myself, giving her a half-baked answer.
"I dropped it?"
She dramatically reached over to the remote and paused the movie, staring at me like I was the most interesting thing in the world.
"For someone who's trained by Y/N, you lie like a Luther."
I was caught off guard by her comment, when had she met any of the Luthers? Though she was right, Lena was the only one who was decent at lying in that family. Of course, she couldn't hide from me, no matter how hard she tried to fool herself into believing it, I could see right through her. But she wasn't intentionally being two-faced, so I let it slide.
"I may have smashed it." I sighed.
"Jesus, who called you, the pope? I'm sorry your one call was that shit."
I laughed at her choice of words.
"What is it with you and the Pope?"
"Have you seen him, he has a pointy hat! Only wizards wear pointy hats!" She joked.
"You sound just like Victor." She placed a hand on her heart in mock defence.
"Victor wishes he was as cool as me. He and stick his whole fist in his mouth!" She bragged.
"I'm not sure that's the accomplishment you think it is."
She somehow always knew how to lighten the mood, it was a gift she had. I'd even witnessed her calm one of Oswald's infamous tantrums in a matter of minutes. Not even Y/N could do that. And I was glad she did because nobody wanted to hear that man go on another tirade about how nobody in Gotham respects him as Mayor.
"Feeling better?" She asked, with a smile on her lips.
It was so rare o see a genuine smile with the people I work with. Y/N rarely ever smiled, unless she was killing someone with one of her favourite guns. Victor loved to smile at beheadings, and Oswald only smile if he was beating the shit out of someone with his bat, or sitting near Maggie. I don't understand how she had such a calming effect don't the people she was near. A literal war could be waging all around us, and she'd still have that stupid naive smile on her face.
"Yes, thank you." I stole a handful of popcorn from her bowl.
"Basil, you want my advice?"
I looked at her, signalling for her to continue.
"Stop being so serious all the time. Were young, were supposed to be stupid and make mistakes, lots of mistakes at this age. Gotham is no place for stuck-up, compulsive assholes." "Oh, so I'm a stuck-up compulsive asshole?" I asked.
"Yeah, but you're our stuck-up compulsive asshole, and we love you for it. But sometimes you just need to be a kid. I tell the same thing to Brucie all the time, perhaps we should get you, Selena."
Her eyes lit up at her last sentence. I didn't like the smirk at replaced her innocent smile, this was far too sinister.
"What are you plotting?"
"We need to get you a Selena, shouldn't be hard to get you, girlfriend, with that face."
She ruffled my hair and I swatted at her hand.
"Yeah, I'll pass."
"Boyfriend?" She asked.
"What? No! Well, maybe, but that's not what I meant. I don't need to date anyone."
"I disagree, you have the face of a boy who hasn't been laid in far too long. It's making your brain all adult and functional, it's gross. We need to knock you down to the rest of our levels. Joint he dumb bitch horny club my friend."
"Who's the leader, Victor?" I mused.
"Oh for sure, Man can't think straight for days after Y/N is done with him."
I laughed for a moment, before composing myself.
"Hey, I've gotta go somewhere for a few days, might be out more than a week. Try not to burn the house down, or let Oswald cause another riot while I'm gone?" I asked.
"Secret agent stuff?" she asked.
She said it like it was the most normal thing in the world. Like she hadn't actually witnessed me kill several thugs just weeks ago.
"Yeah, secret agent stuff."
"Yeah yeah, I get it, antihero man, go save the world or whatever you gotta do. But were watching Texas Chainsaw Massecure when you get back, you walked out on House of Wax, and for that sin, I don't think the gods will forgive you."
"The gods can bite my ass," I said, brushing off her comment.
I could tell she was hurt by me messing up movie night, but she tried her best to hide it. She enjoyed participating in mundane tasks as if she went being held against her will by three very dangerous psychopaths. Y/N still had her grounded, Oswald wouldn't let her leave the mansion without supervision. I was dreading this tip more than anything I had in a while.
Maggie's POV:
I stared at the spot he left on the couch. We'd only known each other for a short while, but it felt like I'd known him forever. Like Bruce, he just fit in my life somehow. I knew I would be bored while he was gone, everyone was working hard to keep Oswald safe while the idiots in the city tried to overthrow him again. But that's when I remembered the letter. It was still in my bag. Victor was handing around in Oswald's office today, I was pretty sure. Y/N was out doing most of the heavy lifting, as she was mad at him for something again, and needed to blow off steam.
I debated if I should go through it for a second, but my curiosity got the better of me. It would be rude to withhold this information from Victor, and the longer I waited, the more likely he was to get mad. So I crept into the room, knocking before entering to see him bopping his head to some ABBA. Classic Vic, Oswald had him on paperwork duty today and he hated it.
"Need some help with that?"
"What, done playing teens with Basil?"
I rolled my eyes.
"You're just mad 'cause I get along with everyone."
He sighed a noise that didn't often fall from Victor's lips.
"Did you need something? Oswald decided to be a pain in my ass today, and I'm very busy."
I fidgeted with my hands, I always got nervous when he looked at me like that. By now, I should trust that Vic would never hurt me, but Gothamites were always unpredictable, he was one of the worst examples of it.
"Magnolia?" She said, a bit harshly.
"Right, sorry. Umm- here, just take this."
I shoved it in his chest and promptly left the room. It didn't feel right to be there when he read it, even if I did really want to know what the stupid letter said. I waited outside the door, listening in for any signs of anger or upset, but Victor was quiet, scarily quiet. I waited a few more seconds until the door opened.
"You can come back in now Little Mouse," Victor said, his usually somehow flat, yet sing-song tone was back.
I skittered back into the room, shutting the door behind me, and leangn against it. I waited for him to speak first. He made no effort to look at me.
"How long did you have this?" He asked, still looking at the letter.
"Only a couple days, I totally forgot about it. That was my mistake. I brought it to you as soon as I remembered."
He looked at me finally, checking for any signs that I was lying. I wasn't telling the full truth, but I did really forget about it. With so much going on and meeting Basil, it's all been a bit chaotic since I got back. I haven't been able to sleep much, since I still had my connection to Grodd. His thoughts and pain kept me awake at night. But nobody could learn about that.
He tapped the letter against Oswald's desk, something I'd seen him do with his knives, many times. That was never a good sign. He was upset, and Y/n and Basil weren't here to save me. I took a deep breath preparing for the worst.
"Did you read it?"
"No. It was addressed to you, I wouldn't do that. Besides, opening someone else's mail is a federal crime."
He chuckled darkly under his breath.
"So is blackmailing the mayor, Little Mouse, but that didn't seem to stop you from manipulating and using our Little Penguin." He mused.
"Blame your wife for that one, she's the one who taught me."
He actually smiled at that, one of his rare, genuine smiles. He came around the edge of the desk and sat at the edge, patting it for me to come over.
"You want to know what is said, don't you?"
I nodded slowly, trying to decipher if it was a trap or not. But it appeared to be safe. He cleared his throat.
"I'm watching your back since you forgot to watch mine."
"Signed. V.M. Zsasz" He finished.
My eyes widened. There was no way, but I suppose when I look back at it, it made a lot of sense. The way she was able to sneak in and out of my apartment with ease, her lack of fear or sense of danger, and even the way she talked reminded me of him. But she did look like him, I thought it was just an odd coincidence, my tired mind playing a trick on me. He observed me for a moment, he was surprisingly good at reading people, despite what everyone else thought. Victor Zsasz wasn't some bonehead, he was convening and cunning, and dangerously perspective when he wanted to be.
"You saw her, didn't you?"
I nodded once more.
"She was in my place, looking for you. I would have mentioned it sooner, but I was kinda... busy."
"What does she look like?" He asked.
His tone was almost scared, childlike. It was offputting, to say the least. The great Victor Zsasz, acting like a child who was just scolded by a parent. I chuckled softly.
"A lot like you actually, just with a bit more hair." I poked fun at him.
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His goofy grin reappeared, the one he got when he was listing to his disco playlist when it was just the three of us.
"She even has your smile." I complimented, lightly hitting his shoulder.
He paused for a moment.
"I know that look."
"What look?"
"The look you get when you want to interfere with other people's lives. Remember when you tried to set up Oswald and Ed? Or Bruce and Selena..."
I blushed slightly, I didn't realise how often I did that. Perhaps it was because I was so lonely in my life, I didn't want to see anyone else feel the way I do. They all deserved better than that, killers or not.
"You want my advice, don't do whatever you're planning. It's not worth it, just leave it alone."
He stood up, going back to work.
"Your child isn't worth it?" I asked, bewildered.
I didn't mean for it to come out so judgmental. I just couldn't see how he wouldn't want to get to know her. Especially since she was attempting to reach out. Y/N and him always jokingly called me and Basil their children, but he had actual blood out there. I'd give anything to remember mine. How could he spend time with me, yet day she doesn't matter?
"No." He said simply.
"Bullshit!" I hopped off the desk turning to him.
"Excuse me?" He asked, in a warning tone.
"You heard me Zsasz! I'm calling your fucking bluff!"
"I'm going to gently remind you who you're talking to. The only reason I can't kill you is that Oswald would have my head. But that doesn't mean I can't hurt you and blame it on someone else. You are rather clumsy."
I rolled my eyes. Statements like that didn't scare me anymore.
"You don't scare me, Victor, if you wanted me dead, I'd have been six feet under by now. I understood that a long time ago, and I know sure as shit, Oswald Copplepot wouldn't stop you. He didn't stop you when you killed Sofia Falcone."
He stiffened at the mention of her name. It wasn't his proudest moment, and it nearly cost him Y/N. Sure, it was low for me to go there, but the truth hurts.
"So tell me, why are you hiding from this like some scared coward? You are many things Vic, but a namby-pamby isn't one of them. What's at stake here?"
"I can't!" He yelled.
"Can't... or won't?"
He turned away from me.
"You know, Y/N had a child once too..." He stated.
I froze, that was not something I ever expected to hear. Y/N, and actual mother?
"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"But after what happened to it, Carmine forced me to make a choice. He didn't think it was worth the distraction. So either I got rid of her, or he did, permanently. I tried to kill her, I really did, but then she looked at me with those big eyes, and I couldn't do it."
It didn't surprise me that Victor attempted to kill his own child. But the fact that he admitted he couldn't, that she was his weakness. The more I learned about Carmine Falcone, the less I liked him. He took everything from Y/N and Victor when they gave him their everything in return. He was a much worse boss than Oswald, at least our sociopath had a heart. One that was still beating.
"I was gonna shoot her, make it quick... but I just couldn't pull the trigger. So I took her somewhere far away and hoped she would never discover how her father was. But I guess I failed at that too."
He rubbed his brow, I'd never seen him stressed like that before. I did something most people want bold neogh to do, I made my way around the desk and pulled him into a hug.
"Falcone is gone Victor, and I won't let a corpse control your life anymore. You're not a robot Vic, despite the limited range of emotions you can feel, you're not weak for feeling them. You're gonna meet your daughter if it's the last thing I do." I declared.
He rolled his eyes at my theatrics.
"You're a good egg, you know that right?"
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I smiled at his strange compliment. It was the most Victor thing he'd said all day.
It would be my new mission, something to distract me from the chaos of my own life. The pain of losing Butch and Tabitha, the guilt of leaving Grodd behind. Neglecting Jim, and bruce... maybe I really was becoming a villain. As if to break up the awkward tension, from Victor's inability to cry, my phone rang. I looked down to see Oliver's face pop up on the caller ID.
"Shit, I gotta take this! We're not done with this conversation, ok?"
I left Victor to finish his work for the day, and process his own thoughts. What the fuck could Oliver possibly want right now?
An: Ahhhh! The mystery girl is finally revealed, you'll get a name drop soon. I'm so excited to see where I go with this series. I just use fan suggestions and whatever unholy plot devices come to mind. But I love the little storyline we've created together.
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catalina187 · 3 years
Reality Check - Part 2
Supergirl x Protester/Human Rights Activist FemReader
Warnings: Angst/Violence/Police violence/Hurt-comfort
A/N: Certainly wasn't hoping for a second part, let alone the third one I'm working on. Again, this is based on a collection of experiences protesting in Colombia. I wanted to publish now, because taking into account the latest tone-deaf episode that came out, I'm sure that Kara is a bit out of character, even considering her privilege. The thing about our rights, is that a lot have died fighting for them...both here and in the U.S. But we gotta keep fighting for them.
Part 1
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---------- The protest was huge. Thousands of people had gathered on one of National City's biggest avenues, blocking it immediately. People were angry. This government kept taking everything from them...even their lives. At the same time, there was a sense of dread irradiating the area as both you and Kara got closer and closer.
After Kara was so insitent in attending the protest (which would likely become violent), they went to gather your gear, and then to CatCo so Kara could get her press vest, helmet and gasmask. While Kara knew what she was getting into, a part of her was actually getting nervous with all the prep that you kept insisting on. Never, the Kryptonian would have thought that she had to take so many precautions for something that was a right granted in the constitution.
The back of the march was usually the most peaceful at the beginning, with supporters and protesters writing signs, and overall getting ready to march down to where a club house, owned by the current President of the country, was.
"Seriously, they're just asking for trouble..." you whispered, mostly to yourself, but Kara heard you.
"Why?" Kara asked, not missing a beat and getting into reporter mode.
"We're going to the President's club house. There's little places where we can get cover." you replied, not thrilled about this whole situation.
Not only Kara decided to pick today -of all days- to cover what's been going on, but also...you were scared that something might happen to her. Is not that Kara (Supergirl for fucks sake) couldn't hold her own...but nevertheless the worry was there. You worried all the time about the people out there that you were trying to help, which is why you were glad that for the most part your closest friends weren't involved in all this. Not that they hadn't been in dangerous and deadly situations before...but at least for those, Kara had her powers and you didn't really know much about it.
"Hey..." Kara stopped you and looked at you intently and reasuringly. "You can do this. I'll be fine."
"Remember Kara, if things go south...and they will..."
"I know what to do." She smiled. "Your instructions are very clear baby."
"Ok." You gave her a small hug. "If I get taken..."
"You won't." Kara stated, interrupting you once more. "But I know what to do if it happens."
"Good." you reached for you backpack and pulled out a radio. "We don't usually use radios, but we're trying it out today. That way you can hear everything from the front line, while you cover the march." You stopped for a second and then gave her a fierce kiss. There was something about today that didn't exactly felt right to you. "I love you, and I'll see you at our randez-vous point, alright?"
"Gotcha." She kissed you one more time. "I love you too. Be safe."
And with that, you both went separate ways. You saw Kara walk away and immediately started taking interviews, photos and notes. You smiled as you made your way to the front line. Even though you wouldn't stop worrying, you love your girlfriend all the more just by seeing how truly and seriously she was taking this. It was always hard to make someone see their own privilege, even Kara Danvers the most kind and beautiful soul. She had her flaws and often she failed to recognize that "hope" and "optimism" are not going to solve systemic issues.
As you made your way to the front line, you saw your mates getting ready and chatting lightly.
"Hey guys." you greeted as you approach them.
"Y/N! Just in time. We were just assigning roles." one of your mates said through his mask. "You're on offensive today. Castillo and her squad are on evacuation, and Marco's on defense."
"Got it. Gather around mates!" you yelled at the whole front line. "Today we resist more than ever before. It's gonna be tough, but you're all capable. We're not gonna stop until those bastards get punished for the deaths, the disappearances, and all the abuse we have endured during the past weeks. This is our fight guys. We're fighting for our lives here!"
"YEAH!" they all respond in unison.
"Get to your places guys!" your mate next to you ordered. "LET'S GO!"
You were approaching your destination, and what you saw, well...even after weeks facing the riot police, you still felt your stomach drop at the view of an insane amount of riot police and regular police with violence in their eyes.
The plan was always the same.
Approach cautiously. Find escape routes. Asked them politely to let you through. You wait. They insult you. You insult back. Tensions escalate. You get ready. Then...
You disperse and quickly organize a defensive and offensive line and hold. You feel the tear gas canisters warm against your gloved hands as you throw it back to them. You have some of your squad break down the streets to get something to throw at them, as well as the lasers and paint bombs ready to hinder their vision.
They get angrier and more violent. Rubber bullets start flying along with more teargas and flashbangs.
You hold your position. But the police is advancing...and then, comes the tank and water cannon.
You're losing.
"We need something better to hold the line!" you screamed through the chaos. "Marco! Let's try to get those roadblockers!"
"On it!"
There so much teargas that your eyes start to blurr through your mask. Then, a rubber bullet against your shield almost makes you lose your balance.
"You ok Y/N?!" another mate said to you.
"Yeah! But we can't hold this position much longer!"
"I know...Marco's not gonna get here on time."
"Y/N retreat! Castillo saw firearms!" you hear Marco's voice through the radio.
Your squad looks at you. They're scared...and so are you. Firearms?
"You heard him! Let's go!!"
The police are only a few meters away, making it more difficult to get away from them on time. You're not gonna make it. Maybe none of you are.
"Castillo, we're gonna need Human Rights brigades. For all of us on offensive." you yelled through your radio as you and your mates run, with the riot police on your backs.
"Kara Danvers, she might be able to help--"
Before you can finish, you feel an instant pain on your back as you fall to the ground.
Kara was not expecting this. She was waiting where you told her to go after everything had died down for a bit. You still hadn't showed up, and she still could hear the the flashbangs a few miles away, which only left a further sense of dread. She kept recalling the series of events that happened and was completely flabbergasted.
The smell of vinegar was in the air. Not that she cared too much, as Kara was still getting over the effects of the teargas. It was as if thousands of tiny niddles went down your throat, making it even harder to breathe, and she could hardly open her eyes. Her mask only did so much, and she'd made the mistake of taking it off right before the police threw the first teargas canister.
It was immediate chaos. Kara wasn't exactly in front of the march and in a fraction of a second, people started running towards her...like a panicked wave of people. She tried to move, but was quickly dragged by the mass. You had warned her about this, and in fairness she thought she would handle it fine, but she was a Kryptonian with no powers.
Suddenly, someone grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the crowd towards a small alley, where other people from the front line gathering themselves to go back and face the riot police, while starting a sort of defensive blockade. However, Kara just kept couging, unable to control her breathing or even being able to swallow, unable to open her eyes until that same person (or so she assumes) put a wet rag on her and just like that Kara was finally able to draw a full breath.
"You alright? Try not to cough. It will go away in a few seconds." the person told her through their own mask.
"Thanks" Kara rasped. "How can you guys breathe through this?"
"Experience." and with that, the person went back to the other guys.
Kara took a few more minutes to collect herself. Given how the police had responded to the wave of protesters, the Kryptonian couldn't help but feel irritation towards how the media was covering the whole thing. She should have been more proactive in covering what was going on, especially considering her background and what she fought so hard for her adoptive country to be. It all came crashing down to her that even though she was alien and had felt the discrimination because of it, she really had no clue how worse it could get. She wasn't irritated at just the media, but at herself and her blindness.
She could hear people talking through the radio that you've given her, but were drowned by another sound, as she looked up; people were rallying again...chanting against the repression from the police, rallying for those in the First Line...people were quite literally rising up again. Oh How she wished to have her powers back and help them...but she still could. Without giving it another thought, Kara took out her phone and began to stream everything. Maybe that way someone would finally pay attention.
She ran, back and forth, interviewing people live on Catco's social media accounts making sure that the voices of those on the streets were heard. She wanted to show how people continued to resist despite of what the police were doing...without provocation she might add.
As night time came, the protesters started to disperse but for Kara it meant going to the rendez-vous point you told her about.
The Kryptonian was scrolling through Twitter to see other concentration points in the city that had also been supressed by the police, but her mind kept coming back to you. She didn't know how long it's been, but definitely enough to start worrying.
Night time was the worst as you had told her before. With most of the Red Cross and Human Rights Brigades gone, the police would take advantage of the lack of oversight to do their worst. You had told her insane stories that honestly Kara had a hard time believing it came from the same police force she worked with sometimes as Supergirl. It's not that she didn't think police brutality wasn't a problem, but more so the fact that you repeatedly told her that it wasn't just a "few bad apples"...it was the system, and finally...after seeing first hand today's protest, Kara saw the ugly truth. She felt repulsed by her own blindness and negligence. How could she not see the damage this government, the police force, the system was causing to innocent people.
Her phone rang.
"Y/N! Where are you?! I've been here more than an hour and I was starting to worry!" Kara said wihtout checking who was on the other side of the line.
"Uh...Miss Danvers?" A tired voice asked and Kara's stomach dropped.
"Yes...thi-this is she."
"Miss Danvers, I'm Carol...I...I know Y/N."
"Where is she?"
"She was taken along with 20 others from the First Line." There were some noises on the background before the voice continued. "Y/N gaves us you contact info in case she was taken into custody."
"Where is she?" Kara repeated in a low voice.
"The 16th precint, that smart bastard was able to turn on her phone's GPS." Carla snorted. "We believe that there are about 10 people in that precint, and we already sent some of our guys from Human Rights there, but we're not sure how long they will keep her there."
"What? What do you mean?"your girlfriend asked, already on her way to the 16th precint, and she heard a sigh on the other end of the line.
"Lately they have been moving detainees and it can take days to be found."
"I'm already on my way."
"Miss Danvers...uh...Y/N told us you work for Catco..."there was a small pause. "I...if you have any influences, I suggest you use them."
"What do you mean?" Kara asked even more worried.
"I mean that it's been dificult for us to get our people released, and as much as I would want them to all have powerful and influential people on their side, they don't. But Y/N has you. She's one of the best, but also one of the most prominent advocates for our cause and our people." there was more background noise. "She has helped a lot of us..."
"I'll get her out." Kara said firmly. "I promise."
"Thank you Kara, I have to go, but if you need anything you can call me at this number."
It took nearly 45 minutes for Kara to reach the 16th precint, as it was one of the farthest and she still hadn't got her powers back. On her way she'd called J'onn, thankful that he wasn't working with the DEO or the government anymore.
When she finally reached the precinct there was a considerable amount of people at the entrance, with an even greater police presence preventing them from going in. Kara quickly made her way to the front thanks to her press credentials. J'onn would be here in a few.
"...Fucking pigs..."someone said next to the Kryptonian, and she froze. "Beating them up...who know what else they're doing to them right now..."
"Excuse me..." Kara approached the person. "I'm Kara Danvers from Catco Magazine, could you...do you know how many are in there?"
"Ten, maybe more...we don't have a lot of information." then the person left when an officer approached the masses.
Not giving a care in the world, the man boringly read a list of people, in which you were included, but gave absolutely not indication of when they would be released.
"Officer!" Kara called out. "I'm Kara Danvers from Catco, when are you releasing them?
"We'll release them when we feel we have enough evidence to clear them." The officer said, bored yet a bit on the defensive.
"You can't hold them witout motive!" Someone from the back yelled. "They were protesting peacefully! It's our right to protest! Let them go!"
"YEAH! LET THEM GO!" The people started chanting as the officer left.
This was bad. Kara called the only person she thought could do something.
"Alex..." the Kryptonian greeted with a shaky voice and holding tears at bay.
"Kara, oh my god I've been worried, the reports we're getting..."
"Alex, it's Y/N. They have her."
"The police!" Kara replied impatiently. "I'm here right now, but they won't tell me anything, how she is...nothing! They're not telling us anything! Alex they were peaceful, and then..."
"Kara calm down..."
"I...I don't have my powers, I tried getting through but I'm just a reporter right now, I can't help her, I mean what if..."
"Kara!" Alex yelled to stop her from fully panicking. "What do you need me to do?"
You don't know how long it's been. After the riot police caught you, they didn't even cuffed you, and immediately started kicking you right on the street.
That wasn't the worse part. In fact, you would've preffered it if they'd gotten bored and just left you beaten on the street.
You were probably gonna lose your eye. But honestly? Compared to what they just did to you...
There were simply no words to describe the agony. How they'd stripped you (quite literally as well) of everything that makes you human.
You thought of Kara. You hoped she was alright and was able to get out before they got her. It certainly would be more dangerous if they found out who Kara was. Oh god, how were you going to explain what happened to you? How were you gonna tell her that the fucking police broke you, humiliated you, used your gender against you.
You were so deep in thought, you barely heard someone calling you.
"You're been released."
"What?" you replied, getting up with a bit of difficulty. "What about my mates?"
"I suggest you leave now." the officer said, opening the cell. You walked out slowly, looking at your beaten comrades apologetically.
"I'll get you guys out."
"It's OK Y/N." One of them said.
"I hope we beat the fucking revolution out of you." The officer whispered and it took everything in you, not to fucking break his nose right there.
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