#and I've been thinking about the color blue
foone · 2 days
Now I'm imagining a totally different version of that mini-story shitpost (I'd call it a ficlet if it was more serious), where it's a story about a floret elaborately planning an escape, but with a twist.
(mini-hdg fic follows. No sex, but this an inherently dubcon/noncon setting and there are some very minor references to that)
They figured out how to bypass some restrictions on the matter compiler by asking for things with components that could be reused. They've hidden tools inside some of their plushies, pushed to the back so their owner won't accidentally notice them.
Finally, it's time. The door to her quarters falls quickly from the acid attack (she's been doing hidden chemistry for Weeks). The ion storm will blind some of the sensors, so they only need a little extra help to not notice a DIY escape pod falling out of an auxiliary cargo bay.
The escape pod soft-lands (well, mostly. It hit a few tree branches on the way down) on the nearby habitable planet, and the door pops up. A floret in some brightly colored doll clothes resewn into hiking gear pops out. She holds up a sensor with a little screen on it, and it shows one big blue dot. Suddenly the dot grows, the screen's image is swamped out, and then it returns: nothing. No dots. The Cembroides has jumped out of the system. She's free without anyone noticing. She tosses aside the sensor she rigged out of a hair cutting machine, grabs some supplies from the pod, and hikes north.
A few kilometers later she finds a clearing with a small log cabin recently built in it. She opens the door without knocking, and says "Did you miss me?"
Her owner puts aside her book. "Of course I did little one! I was worried when your pod came down in the dense forest, but I see you made it safely here."
The floret smiles. "I wasn't worried! I used some hoverunits from an old medi-bed design, so my pod was slowed down enough that I just got jostled a bit. The real trick was figuring out how I could make the pod smart enough to land me near the cabin but not so smart that it'll discover what I'm doing and alert the Cembroides AI... I ended up with a nano-computer out of a dining tray wired into the thrusters. It thinks it's keeping my lunch warm, not flying a spaceship!"
Her owner beams an expression of leafy pride at her. "That's all very interesting, and I look forward to reading your report on it. But for now, come cuddle with mommy, and drink up. You've been hiking through the forest, you need hydration and nutrients now, little one."
The floret jumps into her vines, literally, and buries her face in the leaves of her owner. "it was a lot of fun! I've got some great ideas for the next time, too". She yawns, and cuddles closer, her eyes slowly closing. "But for now I think I'll rest..."
A distance away in the alien jungle, a small creature scurries out of the abandoned escape pod, as the discarded sensor loudly beeps an alert as one of the Cembroides' shuttles makes an FTL jump back into the system.
Back at the cabin, the Affini gently pats the head of their floret. You gotta make sure your pets have plenty of enrichment, you know? And sometimes that means letting them "escape", just so they can have the enjoyment of figuring out their escape plan.
The shuttle sets down besides the cabin, and the Affini carries her sleeping pet out to it, pausing only to activate a system to reclaim the cabin back into biomass for the forest to use. The shuttle takes off silently, and the sound of birds and other forest wildlife slowly returns, as the cabin slowly melts like a sand castle at high tide.
That sensor by the pod beeps again as the shuttle jumps out to meet up with the Cembroides, and something not entirely unlike a deer darts off into the denser forest in fright.
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earlycuntsets · 2 days
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"Wanted: 1979 Pontiac Trans Am
Tuesday March 24, 2009 | Posted by: Gerard
Some of you, who have seen my twitter about wanting a 1979 Pontiac Trans Am, may be asking yourselves, "Is this for real?"
And my answer to you is one-hundred percent MFR ("Mad Fucking Real" for short).
Some of you may be asking, "Why?" , so I provided this photograph to answer your questions, and if you need further persuasion-
Quite simply, I need the vehicle for "research and exploration". I will be researching the high-voltage hydra known as the 9th dimension , I will be exploring the barriers of speed and time, the history of heavy-metal haircuts, and the 24-Hr rest-stop cappuccino.
I will be chasing the "electric-manticore", and unlocking the riddle of "Muscle Mystery" in this muscle-machine, and it will most likely occur in the desert.
Now that I've assuaged your curiosity, here's what I'm looking for, more or less, and some might think I'm picky, but I think you should be picky when looking for such an important piece of scientific equipment.
***What I want*** First and foremost, I want a good car. It doesn't have to be great, it doesn't need to have been kept in an airtight garage for 30 years, but I would prefer something that's not a piece of shit. I would like it to be in California, close to or within the greater Los Angeles area. I would also like "the fast engine" to show you how much I know about cars, though I have friends with vast automotive knowledge, and my father was a mechanic when I was a child. I want it to run, run well, and have no rust. Oh and it needs to be an automatic, as I can't drive stick (suprise!).
***Colors and specifics*** Exteriors (in order of awesome): Silver, the color of steel, and the eye of the falcon. Faded, slightly shitty, or semi-bombed out looking Nocturne Blue. This color looks great with some age. Mad-Max Black. Shitty bombed-out Red/Orange
Obviously I am looking for something with a bit of character but I will settle for better shape for a better car.
I am open to other things but I absolutely do not want Gold, Brown, or that frigging Smokey and The Bandit car- that shit is whack.
Interiors (again in "awesome order") Red leather (combined with a silver exterior is an ideal car for me- like a fucking Mach-5 red-velvet cupcake with Terminator 2 frosting) Black leather (of course) Blue (cuz it's cool, but this limits what I can paint the exterior if I choose to do so) Interior material is not as much a deal breaker as a bad color.
I've seen the "Anniversary Edition" '79 Trans and I like it but something about the silver leather interior rubs me weird. Looks like pudding, and a light color will only stain when I shit my pants as I tear-ass through scorched earth.
T-Tops a BIG plus.
All of this stuff I am semi-flexible on, as I just want a great car, but I think I will know the right one when I see it.
***Important*** No scams or hustles. I won't have cash on me, and I'm not important enough to kidnap, but if you've got the right car and the right "vibe" I can find us someone important enough to kidnap together- IN-THE-CAR-YOU-JUST-SOLD-ME. Like, for example, the Jonas Brothers. I have been on T.V. and I have access.
You bring the 'bird- I'm bringing "British Steel" by Judas Priest.
xo g
PS- Thanks for everyone's help thus far- you guys are great. I will be looking in the twitter replies for leads. ***Update*** I have noticed that some people are wondering if I am having a mid-life crisis or asking why I am not buying a station wagon or something for a baby. Answers! Firstly, I am only 31, so I have a bit of time before that whole "crisis" thing, and secondly- I've run the numbers on car safety and have come to the conclusion that this IS the car for the baby. This thing is a tank. Usually, when people get into accidents while driving a Trans Am they usually ask "How is the other guy?". Trust me. I got this."
from gerards blog on mychemicalromance.com 03/24/2009
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Quite This High
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Summary: In which Luke inspires a song out of you about his gorgeous blue eyes.
Luke Hughes x Singer!reader - Social Media AU(fc is Olivia Rodrigo)
A/N: this is part two to angel boy if anyone wanted it lmao you don't have to read the first part to understand this one as it's a social media au :D
Also I have no idea what Luke's eye color is but ig in this he has blue eyes and since it's national boyfriends day(and I'm hopelessly single) I decided to post a little something
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Yourusername posted on their story!
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Tatemcrae: you're so evil for this!!!
liked by lhughes_06. Viewed by 4,567,981 others...
Real life
You sat on your couch with your notebook in your lap, on FaceTime with Luke.
"And then Jack slipped and I just could not keep it together." Luke chuckled at the memory.
You admired him through the phone. "You have nice eyes."
Luke looked at you softly, a pink hue slowly appearing on his face.
"What are you gonna write a song about them?" Luke joked but you could really tell he appreciated the compliment.
"Maybe." You smiled. "No yeah I am."
Luke's eyes widened at your confession.
"Have you already recorded it?" Luke asked.
"No, I record it next week." You answered.
Luke made a realization. "Wait... I come home next week. Are you... I don't know waiting for me to get back?"
You chuckled at his awkwardness. "I might be. And I still have to fix some of it. I only have the demo."
"Your job is like so cool. I suck at singing." Luke comments.
You chuckled. "Well you're amazing at talking so maybe one day you could be featured in one of my songs."
Luke looked at you in suprise. "Me in one of your songs? That would freak everyone out!"
You shrugged. "I know but I want you on one of the tracks."
Luke looked at you in admiration. "You're dangerous, you know that?"
"I've been told." You laughed.
In all honesty you could stare at Luke forever, more importantly you would probably drown in his eyes then an idea sparked.
"You just had an idea... what is it?" Luke asked.
"I know what to write, gotta go love you!" You rushed to your voice app.
"Love you too." Luke laughed.
You grabbed your guitar and began writing down lyrics on paper then you started the recording, getting to work.
One week later
Yourusername posted on their story!
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Liked by lhughes_06, edwards.73. Viewed by 1,567,832 others...
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Liked by username60, username75, and 18, 536 others...
Y/n.updates: Y/N and Luke outside the arena after the devils win tonight!
Username54: after Y/n's story I gotta admit these two are cute
Username79: they are serving omg
Username52: is this man gonna make yn FINALLY drop a love song??
Username43: @/username52 damn I hope so I'm tired of crying to songs- I'VE NEVER KISSED A GIRL 😭
Yourusername just posted!
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Liked by lhughes_06, tatemcrae, laufey, and 5,480,378 others...
Yourusername: my new single 'ocean eyes' is out midnight and my new album 'CARE' out October 30th!
Conangray: I live to see Halloween after all
Laufey: so so excited to listen!!!
Tatemcrae: 😏
Username48: @/tatemcrae WHAT DO YOU KNOW TATE
Username73: not the album release date the same as the hughes bowl 😭
Username89: @/username73 ik they're so evil for this
comments are limited
Several hours later...
You ran your fingers through Luke's hair as he patiently waited for your new song to come out. Since you two have started dating he's practically became your biggest fan(Conan did not take that lightly).
He refreshed his phone multiple times and checking the time every five seconds. You could see his eyes beam with joy as he realized it was midnight.
You awaited his reaction as he put his phone to his ear, looking up at you softly. You two stayed like a couple of minutes before the song came to a close.
"What do you think?" You asked, breaking the long silence.
"I- it's amazing." Luke gushed.
"You really think so?" You said softly.
"Of course I do. Your voice is beautiful... I could listen to it for hours if I'm being honest." He admits.
You kissed his forehead. "That's nice to hear."
"How long have you been thinking like this?" He asks.
"About writing a song about you?" He nods his head. "Honestly since the day we met. I always knew I would write a lyric in about your eyes I just never knew I would write a whole song about them."
"Well your songwriting is nice, can you write more songs about me?" Luke looks up at you.
"Oh yeah I definitely will... maybe about your arms next." You teased.
Luke chuckles. "I think you should do my ears- oh or my curls since you love to run through them so much."
You kissed the tip of his nose. "I love you."
Luke kissed you properly on the lips. "I love you too."
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lukolabrainrot · 1 day
Hi there. So I've been firm in my belief that Luke & Nicola are gonna announce their relationship by telling us that they are already MARRIED. I've been conversing with a friend on here and we both agree there's been clues/crumbs that just might support the theory. Some might think it's too soon, BUT I just think their relationship was never a normal dating/courtship. Them being TOGETHER is 4-5 years in the making. Anyway, sorry it's long, but here's our thoughts on possible clues that these two may have tied the knot:
Many of them come from secondary sources, but I found these nuggets too hard to ignore. So here it goes:
8/22 N shares Polin photo. My interpretation of this photo is that this is the pivotal scene where Colin reads her letters and starts to forgive her. Penelope professes her love for him later that day. I think this particular photo was to signal they had worked out their differences and were together. I most definitely could be wrong, but I took it as a positive sign.
(I think 8/22/since deleted) JVN shares TT song and dance to Oh Happy Day. Well that's suspicious...
8/28 N and JVN like Evan Ross Katz Insta post about Catherine O'Hara meeting her husband on set and being married for 32 years. Hmmm?
8/28 Bridgerton Netflix drops the cute Lukola-coded media video on Insta.
8/29-8/30 I saw maybe 3-4 random comments on a few Insta and TT posts mentioning Cabo. In fact, there was a comment on L's Spain post up until recently that said "do Cabo next." So weird and probably not true, but I couldn't stop thinking about Cabo.
8/30 JVN posts the song "They Went for the Gun" from the musical Chicago to TT. I kept thinking what an odd song choice when talking about your remote work team. If you're a musical fan, you know that this is the routine where Richard Gere performs the puppet dance number with Renee Zellweger. The song is about convincing the media to buy in to your narrative by turning them into your puppets. I thought this could be about the JD photo gate distraction or maybe L/N were getting married and they wanted us to think otherwise? Or, this could mean absolutely nothing, lol.
8/31 This is the morning we all saw the JD in the ocean/pool story. OMG everyone panic - he's in Malta with N! I wonder if JD was excited to be on vacation and accidentally posted the pic to Insta and that set off the whole day of possible distractions? Right after, JVN posts a we're home and here's a garden update story. (I almost always wonder if his garden updates are jokingly about L/N status.) Maybe it was previously recorded, and he used it to possibly provide cover for JD's slip-up?
I know my theory is off the rails, but I kind of like the possibility of it. Maybe L/N went to Cabo for a long weekend wedding around 8/30-9/1 with just a few close friends and family? You know JD and JVN would be there. I'm not one of those photo date, location and time truthers. It seems like that is never accurate. The previously mentioned JD photo looked like a pool to me, and it reminded me of this deep blue-colored one that is at the One & Only Palmilla in Cabo. This resort has been featured on many episodes of Real Housewives and N loves that show. I also thought the Insta story from N's work colleague in Malta would be really thoughtless and unprofessional if she was actually there at that exact time. I hope it was an intentional misdirect.
8-31 Days before Chupi has been teasing their new Future Awaits Diamond Arrow eternity band. They have posts pairing it with the Claddagh ring. They release it early on this date. It looks very similar to the one N is wearing in her Polin post from 6/11/21. Maybe it's her new wedding band and she's already married? Squee!
Anyway, this is crazy delusional but it was fun to think they might have been breadcrumbs. Maybe L/N got married quietly in Galway(because she'd definitely want her mother there and her Irish roots/traditons are important to her, and now L) Spain when no one was suspecting it. Regardless, I hope Netflix paid for the wedding if there was one. Thanks so much for letting me share. I hope we find out soon! The rings are still the biggest clues of all. 🥰💍👀
This is all speculation... but interesting theories...
I don't think they are already married, but what does everyone else think?
The rings definitely mean SOMETHING about L/N 👀
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candyeager · 2 days
— sanzu haruchiyo x reader
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short summary. in which a midnight meeting with the grumpy pink-haired man sparks a conversation… about cheesecake.
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You drum your fingers on the counter, trying to chase away the boredom. It's past midnight, and the convenience store where you work is tucked away at the far end of a sleepy street. The odds of getting a customer now? Almost laughably low.
Your phone is calling to you from your pocket, tempting you to sneak a glance. But you pause, glancing up at the ever-watchful CCTV camera. Your boss had been adamant—"No phones during your shift! Keep your eyes peeled!" But with no one here and an hour left, you decide maybe just one little peek wouldn't hurt.
Just as your hand starts slipping into your pocket, the soft chime of the doorbell rings through the quiet. You jump, eyes wide. A customer at this hour?
Your gaze flicks to the door, and in walks a pink-haired man, his ponytail swaying with every step. He's wearing a black mask that covers the lower half of his face, but you can still hear the steady stream of colorful language escaping his mouth as he steps inside.
"Damn Cozy Corner. Stupid cake shop..."
Oh. You remember the 24-hour cake shop that shut down recently—Cozy Corner. He must've been a fan, poor guy.
You watch as he stomps toward the back, disappearing into the bakery section. From behind the shelves, you hear a gruff sound of dismay, and it makes you wince.
"The bakery stuff gets restocked in the morning," you call out helpfully, trying to spare him any more disappointment.
A pink head pops out from behind the aisle, his ponytail bouncing a little as he shoots you a sharp look. His piercing blue eyes narrow, and you can see the frown tugging between his eyebrows.
"Great, so no cheesecake for me?" His voice drips with disappointment.
You blink at him, feeling oddly defensive. "Well... we do have cheesecakes..." You gesture toward the dairy aisle and step out from behind the counter. As you walk over, you feel his gaze following you, and it makes you strangely aware of your every movement.
You grab the most expensive cheesecake from the cooler and offer it to him. "Here," you say, holding it out to him.
The brush of his fingers against yours is brief, but it makes you instinctively pull your hand back. He doesn't notice—too busy glaring at the package in his hand.
"This?" His voice is almost accusatory. "This is your idea of a cheesecake?"
You glance at the label, confused. "It says cheesecake right there..."
His eyes widen like you just insulted his intelligence. "You think I can't read?"
Your face flushes, mortified by how your comment came across. "No! I just—"
"Look." He steps closer, his height becoming much more apparent as he looms over you slightly. You suddenly notice how striking his eyes are up close—bright blue and full of frustration over... cheesecake.
"This ain't a cheesecake," he declares, his tone serious. "What you've handed me is a straight-up shit-cake. Look at it! It's dry. Crumbly. You can just tell it's gonna taste like cardboard."
You blink at him, and without warning, a giggle escapes your lips. The sound catches you off guard, and soon you're laughing—completely uncontrollably.
He stares at you, utterly bewildered. "What the hell are you laughing at?"
You double over, holding your stomach as tears prick at your eyes. "I'm sorry," you gasp between fits of laughter. "It's just—you're so serious about this cheesecake!"
His expression shifts from disbelief to downright offense. "How dare you! You think this is funny? I should just end you—"
You try to stifle another laugh, but it comes out as a snort, which only seems to make him more flustered. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh," you say, holding your hands up. "But it's not that bad, I promise! I've tried it before. It's actually pretty decent."
His skeptical gaze narrows. "You're lying."
Of course, you are. You haven't had cheesecake in ages. But there's no way you're going to back down now. You flash him a warm smile, one that you hope is reassuring.
"I'm not lying," you insist, trying to sound as sincere as possible. "Cross my heart. It's better than it looks."
For a moment, he just stares at you, those blue eyes searching your face like he's trying to figure you out. Then, with a soft huff, he finally looks away, grumbling something under his breath about "stupid cake shops."
But there's no malice in it anymore. You can tell, despite his tough exterior, that maybe, just maybe, he's starting to soften—over a cheesecake, of all things.
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© CANDYEAGER. do not copy, repost, modify, or translate my works in any other platforms.
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blackstarchanx3new · 20 hours
FSR rambles wanna know what's funnier than 24? ...25
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Huh so Vio's confusion from earlier makes a lot more sense.
Link was shutting them off from listening much again...
Nice going Link.
I'm sure this isn't causing massive communication issues or smth...
I think this just speaks to how LITTLE Link trusts Vio to sympathize with his mental health struggles that he just cuts him out of it all together.
Also the dialogue here for the middle panel:
Vio doesn't KNOW for a fact Blue was in on those conversations...but it's a fact he WAS thus him being there in the visual representation. Vio isn't actually aware of Blue being in on it.
I'm sure he's at the point of questioning that though...
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I wouldn't say it's Blue and Green with trust issues Red, it's Link X'D
And he for sure DOES distrust you.
Furthering the point Link is broken thus the team is broken.
Shadow drops by cause the convo with Zelda is done (Jeez it's been awhile since I've looked at these pages lmao)
And Vio asks about his hair which...FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT.
Answer a question with a question...nice one Shadow Link. 🙄
He's very sensitive about the ganon hair haha.
Which is why I think his questioning on if Vio LIKES IT is genuine even if it's there to steer the convo somewhere else.
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Vio's too smart.
Though, Red weirdly wants vio to stfu about actually ASKING...Which uh...
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I'd like to remind you of THIS PANEL where Link's purposely being obtuse about the Triforce on his own hand after their Triforce discussion.
Then we get to shitpost territory with Shadow burying the lead on Dark to talk about how he and Green had sex. Which just...
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Vio's response is...interesting.
I think this is where a lot of people might have realized this is a poly story lmfao.
Vio gives no fucks in fact he seems INTO IT despite him saying he "Doesn't care" sure buddy.
Vio and Shadow's "Relationship" is up in the air on what the hell it even IS at this point and Vio is butt at hiding the fact he loves Green soooo.
Works out for both that they like Green. XD
Red's over here losing his shit.
Shadow AGAIN brushes over Dark just calling him someone they need to be introduced to....Lmfao.
Vio's mention of looking for Blue is kinda sweet. He cares. Shadow on the other hand knows Dark's handling it so is fine with leaving poor blue 😭
And red.
lmfao. Bye Red.
Genuinely giving him ANYTHING to do early on was...DIFFICULT.
I have a story thread for him but BUILDING to that was...Not fun for his character X'D
So often he got shafted but I hope when he has his time to shine people enjoy it haha.
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Sad boy hours.
Blue's back though!
...This is so random but I'm so glad I started doing colored text boxes I gotta THINK who's talking reading back on these X'DDDD
Green's so sweet giving Blue a lil hug.
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Poor Green's frazzled out of his mind and Blue's just struggling to talk emotions.
They're a mess. X'D
This entire interaction is so funny to me.
"What did he DO...?" GREEN. WHAT DO YOU THINK!?
I think Blue's justified in being a LITTLE irked that this weird curse entity was sent to get him instead of one of his teammates X'D
but also: they had no idea where he ran off too lmfao. Dark Link's got a Link radar he can find him easy.
One of those things where there was no GOOD solution to this and Green did the best he could, but Blue's frustration imo is still very justified.
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Poor Green trying to rationalize his choices and Blue's just like "Stfu"
And smacks Dark link X'D
Poor Dark.
"you look like a dumbass with a squid on his head" might be one of my favorite FSR blue lines.
Green's addition of "i feel like a dumbass" is so stupid XDDD
Green's beyond strung out just letting Dark sit on his head while him and Blue talk about wtf they're gonna do about this.
It's really fun looking back into this transition period where half the cast knew about Dark and the others didn't really.
I remember wanting to push past it quickly because I wanted to get to juicy territory and interactions.
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...I love Dark hugging Green's hair. He's so cute.
it's worth mentioning AGAIN that Green and Blue have VERY DIFFRENT experiences with Dark with EACH OTHER but ESPECIALLY VIO.
Dark TORTURED that dude lmfao.
Green chastising Dark for doing his typical shit with Blue lmfao.
"Blue is the color of difficult" will now proceed to live rent free in Blue's mind X'DDDD
I'm sure I've mentioned it but Dark Link struggles to speak properly in this form. (it's a form that doesn't require him much effort or energy to maintain thus...doesn't have a lot of "Features" lmfao.)
Blue pulls Dark off poor Green's head to give him head scratches.
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I'd panic if I sat on Blue's bare thighs too Dark. Look at him go polite gentleman.
Blue's being HONEST with his FEELInGS.
What a treat.
Dark smacked some sense into him during that fight hah.
Poor Blue has anxiety about being Link now. Poor dude.
Blue just wants to get intros over and done with knowing stuff's gonna be hard. But uhhh....
Dark Link isn't a fan.
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Didn't have him turn back into his hylian form to sit in Blue's lap wym.
Poor Dark doesn't wanna do stuff with people rn. he's burnt out.
Dude had a meltdown with Blue he's exhausted.
Green's genuine horror paired with "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" just reminds me of that scene from the Cuphead show where King Dice shouts the same thing X"DDD
Though: it's kinda sad that Dark was 100% right in being nervous/hesitant to meet the others...
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Green's protective Blue that's his baby!
Obligatory Dark says smth fucking weird cause it's funny.
Green's willing to let Dark have a break while...Blue has a good point too.
Poor Green doesn't get the peace he wants. 😭
meanwhile Dark's just blatantly staring at Blue X'D And he's put off by it.
Blue...c'mere I got a secret-
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Being a dick won't push him away Blue. He's in love with VAATI you're a drop in the bucket in terms of rudeness.
it's been established: Dark doesn't know how to handle being PERSEIVED at the moment. Especially by the Links. He's still super shy.
Poor Dark, blue makes fun of his stutter. 😭
Green rightfully tells him off
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Dark holding their hands is so sweet.
He's someone that holds his heart on his sleeve to his own detriment. Just wanting them to know he's happy to be with them and that the day is nice (presumably because he's with them.)
Blue's being a bit of a negative butt but concedes a bit when Green says he's happy too.
Him poofing back to being his "Squid" form on Green's face just personally is funny.
It's so silly and cements he has ZERO idea of personal space.
It's even worse for Green because Green's scared of tentacles. 😭 (wanna have that brought up at some point...but it's due to the vaati fight)
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Lmfao. Red you're so annoying.
Literally third wheeling the Vidow X'DD
Vio out here starting shit lmfao.
Shadow knows too.
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LMFAO Vio trying to find solutions is uh...KINDA an issue now hah.
He's super out of the loop about the curse now so...ouch.
Vio's being a bit of a bitch boy about it because he's bitter.
Reasonably so but ooomf.
Vio my duuuude...pls c'mon man. Act mature. 😭
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Vio casually tipping right over Blue's current anxieties about going back to that. Which...Blue has zero self control so NOW WE'RE DEEP IN SHIT LMFAO.
And Vio's response is FAIR.
Link cut him out so much he's missing a FUCK ton of context about how BAD it was for everyone.
Blue's ALSO pretty justified in being PAST the point of WANTING to discuss things with Vio due to how dismissive he's been about their pain.
it's a self fulfilling cycle of bullshit they've trapped themselves in.
Blue really fucked up in mentioning that Link's basically NOT gonna happen anymore in saying "We're not compatible as a person"
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Lmfao not red hiding behind the couch. Coward, Vio feels ALONE right now in wanting to return to being Link, and you're the only one VAGLEY on his side. And instead of trying to mediate or help he just leaves Vio to get more and more defensive as Blue yells at him till he runs away to Link's room.
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Well damn.
Everyone's expressions after Vio throws his tantrum is...INTERESTING.
Green's HORRIFIED and he's glitching WAY more than before.
Blue's in shock. Probably at how CHILDISH that response was not expecting vio to blow up at him back.
Shadow's also equally horrified as Green.
Red...Red's weird.
Red just stares kind of unfazed. Mild surprise maybe.
"huh...weird" kind of face.
That's quickly brushed by though with Green starting to glitch WORSE.
Blue's concerned.
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Green starts gooping. And not in the fun way.
Blue tries to console him and gets...Corrupted for a lack of a better term.
His arm corrupting into Green's.
Link's body contortions and glitching are real similar to this.
It's been shown a few times that their mental state affects their appearance, but NOW it can affect OTHERS appearances.
Green at this point has been pushed to stress and anxiety till he broke poor guy, he's been worried about everyone's safety and been trying to do what would help them and it just hasn't worked out.
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Shadow's stuck not sure what to do. As a Shadow he was forced to do NOTHING while Link had moments like this.
Blue snaps him out of it taking charge.
I've always considered Blue second in command. ESPECIALLY in FSR.
He was the only other color Link trusted enough to confide in other than Green and able to pull his head out of his butt to help Green AND Vio in this situation.
Blue's VERY aware of WHY Green's panicking rn. (he's worried vio's going to harm himself in some way...not a stretch to make that assumption and it's brought up later but YEAH that's why he freaked out.)
Vio just needed to have a bitch fit in his room for a bit though and didn't mean to cause that fear.
If he knew I don't think he would have left quite in that way.
but again: Link kinda shot them in the foot leaving half the team aware of shit and the other half NOT.
Either way Shadow's got a job to do.
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"Damn it link... you ass" makes me laugh. Blue's so terrible with words.
Turns out Blue mainly was on team "let's not be link!" BECAUSE he was worried about Green having too much shit on his shoulders.
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Some interesting thoughts there pal.
I've always wondered what kind of pressure Green must have felt to be LIKE Link and also be the leader.
Like that's double pressure there.
Being link but BETTER while only being a 1/4th of him sounds like such a task weighing his mentality down.
He's only assigned to that role because...well he's wearing GREEN. not really because of any other reason.
He's just as dumb as the other three.
I've always found it interesting, usually the leader type characters are the Vio's of the group.
Book smart and a bit stuck up.
but instead we get green and...I've joked he's diet Link but fr lol he KINDA IS.
What he lacks makes his personality more so than what he HAS.
His selfishness and ego getting removed making him IMEDIATELY want to work together for instance.
Anyway green analysis aside, Blue acknowledging he fucked up here is good.
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The completely black background making you ONLY focus on these two talking was for good reason, Green's weird word bubbles too.
Reality feels like it's breaking around them and if this was voice acted I imagine Green's voice sounding distorted and disjointed here.
Like this is just his thoughts repeating to himself about what Link BEGGED him to do.
Both their glitching just getting worse as the paneling goes by.
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Green's all sorts of fucked up. over leaving the other three because he was angry at them. So much guilt is harbored there now over that action.
Also I just wanna point out how brave Blue is.
Touching Green is PAINFUL for him, he yanked his hand back when he touched him initially. He also SAW the corruption it left behind and still chose to hug him here.
Like for all he knows they could become that Link monster thing again but he cares more about Green than that.
Blue's the goat.
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Everyone telling Green stuff he's needed to hear.
Even Dark came out to help.
Dark's lines are super fun just because mmmmm it gets into Dark and Green's relationship and i like Darkgreen XD
Green did MASSIVELY change Dark's mission by appealing to his desire to be a hero and changing his mind.
Without Green the others would be SO COOKED.
Dark doesn't consider his mission a failure because he changed course a little and neither should Green.
They're very sweet for each other. QuQ
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Not them slapping each other with pillows like children. 😭
Vio, Shadow, you both are too old for this shit.
I flip flop between finding this scene funny or disturbing.
I mean at the end of the day it's a couple smacking the shit out of each other due to their emotional issues. 😭 That's not healthy.
But also...the imagery is so silly looking and they're not actually HURTING each other.
Idk I feel like you could look at it either way.
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Shadow mentions it here, but Green was worried about Vio's physical safety. Which....Vio doesn't get. Because Link wanting to game end himself has been NOT shared with him.
Vio's deep in his own insecurity atm.
This is a reference to what was said in the OG manga , that everyone was holding Vio back buuuut our purple buddy feels differently.
Especially with how he feels really bad rejection at the moment.
Vio wrongly assumes people don't want to be link because HE'S THERE. Which isn't true.
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Shadow feels bad cause a lot of their issues are wrapped up in the whole Vidow arc of the manga lmfao.
Shadow feeling his OWN guilt over waking Link up which...Dark called it just sayin-
Also points out that Blue "is an ass" but yeah Blue could have worded himself better here. X'D
...We reached the image cap ouch. X'D
Continued vidow later on muahah.
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Doing another poll because they're fun and I like seeing people's answers
So since I got my 3.D.S fixed, I've been getting back into S.treetp.ass! I love you S.treetp.ass. But that's basically the context for this question:
Basically if your F/O made themselves a Mii, which color would they choose as their favorite?
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(If your F/O is someone who you don't think plays games or even knows what a Mii is: we're gonna say you're telling them about it, or you're even making it for them [they tell you which options they want, etc.])
(And if you have multiple F/Os, pick the one who you're most focused on at the moment, and then maybe elaborate on other F/Os in the tags!)
You can reblog this! I'm pretty curious, but this is mainly for fun :]
❌ Also p.roshippers/c.omshippers buzz off ❌
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jeewrites · 23 hours
People I’d like to get to know better!
Thank you for the tags @rebel-held @katareyoudrilling!!
last song: Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
favorite color: ok, so it's usually blue (deep like the ocean), but I have been obsessed with trying to re-create this specific green for my ceramic work. (phthalo green)
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currently watching: rewatching TLOU season 1 for my next fic (joel x ceramicist!reader)
last movie: i've been so busy with work and studio work I... don't remember? A safe bet is Triple Frontier tho, my comfiest comfort show.
current obsessions: drinking vessels, lolol. I think at one point I threw 15 different shapes of mugs/cups and made 10+ different handles. Here is a fun cup/tumbler I made. I think I might keep this one.
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relationship status: married
last thing i googled: "how to preserve an eyeball"; I swear, writing this Dave York fic for @burntheedges's roll-a-trope challenge is going to put me on a FBI watch list. 🥲😂 Dave's been a lot of fun to write tho!
no-pressure tags: I know I'm pretty late to this one so if you've already done it, don't worry about it!
@oonajaeadira @jolapeno @toomanytookas
@secretelephanttattoo @604to647 @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
@jolapeno @dindjarindiaries @for-a-longlongtime
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vladdyissues · 16 hours
Your profile looks great!! For a minute I didn't recognize you, Changing the color from blue to purple blew my mind! 0=0!!!, You're awesome, you're like the biggest source of fanart/comments and pompous pep talk I know!
[ And nothing to do with it but: How do you think Danny's parents would react if they found out that their son was having an affair with his older millionaire friend from college?, I've read some fanfics but I'd like to know your own version of this, it's always fun to read new stuff Jiji :3]
Haha thank you! It's a cheap way to decorate, and I don't have to worry about storing a giant 12-foot skeleton 🎃
As for your question, oh, this is a good one. And it can go several ways depending upon how the Fentons find out their son and their former college roommate are romantically involved. Do they discover the truth for themselves? Does Danny tell them? Does Vlad tell them? Are Vlad and Danny both present for the big reveal, or were they solo confessions? I referenced such a scenario in Disarm:
Vlad hadn’t been present for that final family blow-up, and Danny didn’t like to talk about it, but from the bits and pieces he gathered, Danny had confessed everything that night. That Vlad was still alive, and he had changed. That they were in love. That they were going to live together and try to bring order and stability to the Ghost Zone again, that that was his purpose and destiny. His parents told him he was out of his mind. The next morning he was gone.
As you can see, it didn't go into any of the juicy details, but it's a really intriguing idea and something I'd love to try writing someday.
But no matter how Jack and Maddie find out, I can't imagine them reacting calmly or normally, especially if Vlad is present.
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It'd be open season...
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...at least until the initial shock wore off. (Cue Danny tugging on Jack's suit and screaming, "STOP, DAD, I LOVE HIM!")
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Of the two, I think Maddie would be the slowest/least likely to accept Vlad and Danny's relationship. Whatever truce or bygones that had been established at the end of Reign Storm would be off the table (and Vlad would likely be on it instead, strapped down and facing a very uncomfortable vivisection at the hands of one furious mama. Only Danny intervening would be able to spare his life.)
Jack might eventually come around. Hey, he'd finally be related to his best friend! Yeah, he'd be his father-in-law, which is totally weird, but this is also the Fenton family. "Weird" is inescapable.
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It always sounded like it was raining, but this time it actually was. 
She didn’t know how long she’d been sitting here, muddy puddles seeping into her jeans. The face of the boy on the ground was pale, the color likely leached out by the bitter chill. It was open, expressionless, despite pointing directly towards the heaving sky. Droplets traced down his closed eyes, like tears.
For as long as she could remember, her ears were filled with a constant buzzing, a slow rush. Sometimes it sped up, like water was thundering down onto her head. Sometimes it descended into a gentle sprinkle, echoing far beyond her.
She placed a hand on his cold cheek, tilting his head so that it rested on her lap. He was soaked, his wet, bedraggled hair the same color as the glistening asphalt. It stuck to his skin and spiked up in weird places. She drew little shapes with her finger on his forehead. “Where did you come from?” She asked his face. She couldn’t tell if she had made any true sound, or was simply mouthing words in the rain. 
She tugged him up and shuffled along, both pairs of their feet dragging through streams of water running towards gutter. At some point the boy stumbled and moaned, and he was suddenly a bit easier to carry. His head lolled on her shoulder. She didn’t think she was tired; her limbs were getting a bit too numb to tell. Maybe she was humming. For the most part, she let the world be swallowed up by the dull roar of falling rain, both inside her and out. 
His thoughts were full of grey water and rain, but when he fully came to he was upright, in a warm cushioned booth. He blinked, hard. His eyelashes had stuck together, as if he’d been asleep for a long time. Wooden tabletop with chipped lacquer stood under his fingertips, which stung with the feeling of having become warm very quickly. Smudgey carpet softened what had once been unforgiving concrete beneath his feet. Sluggishly, he lifted his head. 
A girl sat across from him, as still as the table between them. Her face was partially obscured by tangled hair, and her dirty fingernails tapped rhythmically on the tabletop. The eyes that flicked towards him were colorless. Above her head, he could see little lamps hanging from the ceiling, which illuminated a small cafe.
“You’re up,” she nodded, almost to herself. Sliding a mug and a book towards him from the other side of the table, she continued. “I don’t think you need to sleep anymore.”
He lifted up the book. The worn, cloth-bound cover proudly announced, A Field Guide to the Birds. “What’s this?” he croaked. His throat felt scratchy, and a bit like he would soon be coming down with a cold.
“It’s supposed to help.” She nudged the mug closer, which he saw was full of tea, from which spirals of steam were rapidly dissipating. The tea was the same color as the gutter water he remembered being eye level with, but when he brought it to his lips it was sweet, and tickled his nose with a warm, herbal scent. 
The girl was still again, her eyes focused on something beyond him. He tried to clear his throat. “Where am I?” Her eyes focused again on him, and her head tilted, as if trying to shake water out of her ear.
“I don’t really know.” 
He considered this, fingers wrapped around the mug. “Where should I go from here?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, it must still be raining. I shouldn’t need to leave for a while.” He finished the last of the tea, and stood up, his joints aching with leftover stiffness. He left the mug on a counter beside him, and walked over to the window, the only point in his surroundings still awash with grey.
Despite the window being covered in little droplets, he couldn’t see any still falling down. The large puddles outside the cafe were smooth as glass. So why did the thrumming of rain on the roof fill his ears?
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demaparbat-hp · 5 months
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Character design for Katara in Soundless.
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viyojo · 1 month
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You're a kid now…🧍‍♂️still a kid now!
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canisalbus · 1 year
I love the shape language for Machete and Vasco, how angular and pointy the former is VS how round and soft the other... It's so GOOD I adore that
Thank you! I like the contrast as well, it makes them very fun to draw together. I try to keep them visually distinct while still making sure that they look harmonious and complementary next to each other.
#some more design musings that I've noticed that don't really matter but I tend to think about when drawing them:#Machete's shapes have an upward direction the ears the neck fluff and even the tip of his snout has that upturned angle#while Vasco's vibe is more loose and relaxed his huge floppy ears almost make him look like he's melting#neither of them have strong markings but the positioning of the gradients they have is very similar it's just different colors#Vasco has dark almond eyes (with what I can only describe as disney eyelashes)#his irises appear nearly black but if you shone a strong light directly on them they'd reveal a honey/amber hue#Machete's eyes are big and prominent with disproportionally small pupils#lately I've been drawing him with just the faintest salmon colored irises#but if the color scheme of the piece calls for it they can be depicted more vividly red#Machete has longer untameable fur here and there while Vasco is uniformly smooth and velvety#Machete is supposed to be the serious and inhibited half of the two but his face has a lot more expressive potential than Vasco's#it's actually kind of a struggle that I can't make Vasco emote with his ears at all those are typically a huge advantage in furry art#Vasco's body language is open and casual he takes up space confidently#Machete is usually very closed and defensive he has a habit of crossing his arms and legs and keeping his hands together and close to body#in general Vasco shouldn't be wearing anything black or red and Machete can't be seen wearing blue or gold#white is neutral territory it's usually the color of sleepwear and undershirts and as a result has a more intimate tone to it#answered#ardate
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kori-senpai · 5 months
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drawing Nicholas to rip myself out of my art block by the throat
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caterpillarinacave · 3 months
everyone take bets: do I remember how to cross stitch
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aggressionbread · 3 months
I got a G3 Lagoona on sale 💖 I'm gonna make her into a scene girl
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