#and I'm bad with words 😭
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raikan624 · 21 days ago
Having a lonely day and I'm just like, going through all your work
I feel so much better 🥰 I love it, you're a fantastic author
Aww! Thank you so much!
I hope you feel less lonely and I hope my works might be bringing a smile to your face :)
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someiicecube · 7 months ago
I had this post sitting in my drafts for a while and I was suddenly reminded of it haha. 
Anyway, we all know this line from the main character synopsis, right? 
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Only humans?
Is this purposeful on the writer's part to specifically mention the curse can only affect humans? Or are humans the only creatures mentioned because that's all the main character has had the chance to... curse with their touch?
Can the curse affect monsters?
Currently, we can't know one way or the other. 
Even if we did touch Leander, bare hand and all, it's Leander. The main character is under the impression that, because he's such a strong and powerful mage recommended to us by the mysterious doctor Kuras himself, it's just something he can do apparently—  although, we as the players know that's not all there is to it... just what is it? Is it part of his supposed monsterous-ness? Does he really know a spell that can protect against our curse? What's Leander's Jungle Juice really made out of? We can't tell yet...
Chosing Leander in this context is such a strategical plot point because he cannot answer our initial question. Is Leander not affected because he cast his little protection spell? Or is Leander not affected because he is/has become a monster?
However, we still can assume that the main character doesn't have full knowledge on what they are capable of with their curse— ya' know, probably being mostly surrounded by humans and such. So, the idea of touching even a monster is probably not a theory anyone wants to test (unless you're a mage, then please do it on some random monster and not the LIs for funzies... unless you want to).
Could this be a seed the writers are planting? Maybe, maybe not. But leaving the question unaswered (by Leander), again, makes the player and main character cautious by nature.
But what if they did slip up?
What if they slipped up and it happened on accident? 
Your bare fist colliding into Ais' chest, skin-on-skin but still a solid blow. Your hand desperately reaching out for Kuras' own, just wanting to feel his warmth once more only for a moment. Your palm sweeping against Vere's shoulder, pushing him away, your skin brushing along the thin translucent fabric. Or your fingers digging into Mhin's wrist as their dagger hovers right above you, their pulse hard against your uncovered touch.
It's startling. It's something you didn't mean to do. Fear grips you immediately; dread rises as your stomach falls. You are as quick to let go of them as your eyes are to look them in the eye and...
While, it wouldn't come as a shock to either Vere or Ais. Kuras, who the main character wouldn't know is an angel at this point, and Mhin are another eyebrow raiser for sure. It didn't affect them, when you know it should. If it doesn't affect them... that would only make the MC raise many more questions about Leander in turn. Ah, what a dramatic way to reveal the fact that the person you fancy is a monster.
Other notes and thoughts:
While, yes, an interesting idea to think about. I'm torn between wanting the monsters to be immune and 'fuck it, this curse affects everyone, even your pet rock ain't safe'. I can't help but feel this idea also lowers the stakes of the MC's curse... if done wrong.
Let's say this, the curse doesn't have an effect on monsters, right? But for each monsterous LI there will be a catch. Say, Vere, for example; a monster who lusts for power beyond him... having a human like yourself with such a deadly curse, well, who's to say it wouldn't give him a few ideas on how to use you it. What? You're still planning on finding a cure? Oh no, but you have him now, don't you? Why need a cure when you have him, your curse, and your soon-to-be mindless worshippers at your feet?
(Won't lie writing some of Vere's points made me think of Leander, but that's manipulation for you)
Or think Kuras, a doctor, an angel who passed through the shroud to watch over humanity. How would Kuras feel if the person he's grown so close to decides their curse isn't worth getting rid of now that you have him— can't you see the danger in yourself anymore?
Or try with, like some previous theories once said for us touching Leander: it doesn't affect him now... but eventually he will devolve into madness like the rest of everyone. But don't just apply that to Leander, now think of everyone else. Imagine finally finding someone you can touch without consequences. It's something that gets your blood rushing and heart pounting with a feeling your haven't felt in a while! However... the more and more you do so, you've noticed they've changed. They're more irritated, they've been having more headaches than normal, and their once beautiful smile twists into something dreadfully familiar. Congratulations, you've made your beloved mad with love! Here's the bad ending! Yipee!
Really, in the end it's all a balancing act, the stake were there and you don't want to take them away before the climax. If you do, place something else in its steed— something to raise them even further than what was initially thought possible.
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gunsatthaphan · 10 months ago
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dazais-guardian-angel · 3 months ago
Well, at least Fukuzawa got his wish granted, I guess.... he's finally inside Fukuchi <3
#bungou stray dogs#bsd spoilers#bsd 120.5#please laugh i know i made myself laugh.... if only to keep from crying lol#the oocification of Fukuzawa will be studied in the history books for years to come#that's not my fukuzawa...... that's his discount twin fucksack#because his dick is so far up the ass of his dead pathetic dumbass crusty ex boyfriend it's not even funny#he is dickriding that fucker HARD#and here i thought the FANDOM woobified fukuchi out the wazoo. but oh my god no fukuzawa himself has them all beat this chapter#man is coco for cocopuffs and babying that grown-ass man like he's 5#it's truly pathetic and depressing to see i'm just beyond words#'you deceived him by keeping quiet the issues that would plague a union of mankind' NO??? LITERALLY ANYONE WITH A BRAIN WOULD KNOW#THAT THAT WOULD NEVER FUCKING WORK???? THAT IT'S THE STUPIDEST MOST NAIVE PLAN AND VIEW OF THE WORLD IMAGINABLE????#WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE THIS IS A TODDLER INSTEAD OF A GROWN-ASS SOLDIER WITH YEARS OF MILITARY EXPERIENCE#Fyodor feels like the only one at this point that hasn't truly lost the plot in all this...... the only one with a goddamn brain#I HATE THAT I HAVE TO AGREE WITH HIM!!!!!!!!! I HATE THAT IT FELT SO CATHARTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!#and i hate even more that the series clearly doesn't want us to agree with him and instead believe that fukuzawa is still right#even though he was spouting the most naive braindead bullshit imaginable that early series Fukuzawa would NEVER SAY#WHAT ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN BRO??? WHY DO YOU CARE MORE ABOUT DEFENDING THE HONOR OF THAT CRUSTY MF THAN#THE SAFETY OF YOUR KIDS????#WHERE DID ALL YOUR INTELLIGENCE GO#i fucking hated the writing ever since fukuchi's plan/motives were first revealed and it was played completely straight (and gay lol)#but to hear fukuzawa actually come out and defend that ridiculous bs is just.......... again i have no words#it's insane. what happened. what happened to you fukuzawa. all i can do is laugh it's so sad it's so stupid. I WAS CRINGING SO BAD.#and was so glad when he finally died so he finally SHUT THE FUCK UP. i hate it here. i miss when BSD was good so bad man 😭😭😭#it would be one thing if it felt like he's so deep in grief that he's completely deluded himself that fukuchi was right and had pure motive#and wasn't an idiotic piece of shit himself just like fyodor#but nah again it just feels like we're supposed to side with him lmao even though fyodor was exactly right in everything he said#when your villain sounds more intelligent/correct than your hero and that's not an intentional writing choice..... that's not good bros!!!#anyway may your stupidity be purified in the soul of your dead bf fukuzawa 🙏 and we get the true you back
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teddybeartoji · 3 months ago
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hurricanek8art · 10 months ago
Okay SO I've never Bad Batch posted beyond reblogs but there's two episodes left and I'm going insane so my big giant theory for why the finale is titled The Cavalry Has Arrived with a sprinkle of Tech is Alive Yes I Am Delusional:
Tonight's episode is going to end with the Batch, Omega's gang, and CX-2 all colliding in one of the hallways.
Big Western faceoff, tumbleweed, yadda yadda y'know.
Right before the shooting starts, CX-2 tells them their escape plan through whatever hallway they're planning is strategically ill-advised, because *insert tactical explanation here*
Hunter: "Oh yeah? What, you trying to help us or something? No thanks."
CX-2: "It was worth the attempt. It's not as if we've ever followed orders anyway."
Omega: "...Tech?!"
Tech: *removes helmet to reveal it's him* "Well, I thought it was obvious. Shall we liberate some clones together, then?"
end conspiracy theory rant. 🥴
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bloomingkyras · 6 months ago
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A year later..
Juan invite his friend to their bachelor's party but it's turn out, Carmen saw Juan and his friend, Corrin doing "something" at the front door.
Carmen: What the he** are u two doing?!
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Corrin: (sigh) u said that she won't notice?
Juan: I can explained. Corrin, just shut!
Carmen: Explain? I saw everything! U said that she just your friend? (sarcasm) I didn't know that, my ex midwife are ur scandals?
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Juan: It's my feeling, Carmen. and u don't even care about me after Rose arrived! U always busy with your cafe and Rose! When did u have time for me?
Carmen: Why do u have to put Rose in our conversation? She's your daughter, our daughter. I did this because we can have each other back, if something happen to us and if u think I'm just a place for "nonsenses", then, why even u proposed me? I thought u really sincerely to me?
Corrin: If he sincere, he won't..(Juan interrupt)
Juan: Enough Corrin! Just leave us. I call u later.
Corrin left them without a word.
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Carmen: Now tell me. Did u choose her or me?
Juan: (silent)
Carmen: Just leave Juan..I know what are your answer. I'm tired. We are done.
Juan: Hey! Can't u just give me time? Don't just make your own decision. What about Rose? What about our wedding? All have book. We can't just cancel it!
Carmen: (Lost her temper) Why just now u think about that? U are the one who ruin it! and now blame me with your own false? Think about it before u ruin it,Juan! U said u only love me and not gonna cheat behind me, but now? Just leave.. Rose will be fine with me. U can come to see her if u want. and don't worry, I will re pay u for all the wedding stuff that u lose.
Juan: No, I don't need that.Fine. I leave after I see Rose.
Creator notes: ⤵
*Carmen's will only get jealous when her partner having woo hoo and physical intraction with other sims. But she will not get jelous, if her partner only talking with others. and she open to talk about the triggered.
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garpen · 6 months ago
"Yaller need therapy once he's done with you."
I'm sorry. I have nothing to say for myself 😔
Yaller= yall will = you all will
I'm not even country or anything this is just gen how I speak. I try spelling out what comes through my head but sometimes I forget and just like spell/sound out what words sound like to me lol
A more accurate spelling would have been "Y'all'll" ? (ew the apostrophes make it look ugly) but the way I say it out loud sounds more like "yaller"
You all should be thankful you can't hear the way I speak it's honestly an atrocity
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chipsncookies · 5 months ago
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Of course I had to draw my boys in that fit 💖💖👹🐟🎨🍖 2 versions bc I can't choose 💋
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quaranmine · 6 months ago
On Wednesday before I gave my presentation I confessed to a new employee that I was worried it would be too long and she brightly told me her life hack was to just let AI rewrite things for her. She said I should put in all my talking points and ask ChatGPT to give me a five minute exactly presentation. I was like....how is the most polite possible way (since this is a new colleague I shouldn't get off on the wrong foot with) that I can express that I will Not be taking this advice. Ever. I told her that I didn't think we were allowed to use ChatGPT at this job (we most certainly are not, it is a nightmare for any type of protected information) and also that I prefer to write all of my own work. Despite my best efforts the last part of that was still passive aggressive, lol.
Something about being a writer makes it so that it's almost offensive to me for someone to suggest I use AI to do my work instead? Like, the day I reach the point where I let AI write something for me is the day y'all need to be checking me for brain damage because clearly I'm losing it
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elizacobbs · 7 months ago
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More of my favorite pictures of Joost from Pinterest
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shima-draws · 1 year ago
I'm curious. Does the excessive kieranpon tagging bother you? Between several artists now making full fics with art, plus all the others hopping on, I imagine your notifications are filled with @'s
Oh my god no, not at all! I love love LOVE seeing all the art and fics, and being tagged makes it easier/more convenient for me to see all that stuff. I'm just REALLY bad at remembering to reblog it LMAO but I promise I notice everything I'm tagged in and I treasure each and every thing made 💖 Please keep tagging me, I'm sure I'll get around to reblogging everything eventually LOL
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jujutsustraycats · 10 months ago
Read the new chapter and I don't know how to feel.
Kaiser's disposition and actions are not something I'm justifying at all, but it's not something I can fully blame him for, either.
We saw his backstory in chapter 260. And while 261 has completely changed our attitudes towards him, I still really like his character. It shows a clear representation of trauma and how it can manifest. What I find most interesting, however, is his own admittance to that he's acting exactly like how his own father was towards him. For somebody supposed to be not definable, he's technically trapped within the mindset his father had. Malice. And he knows it, and yet continues. I'm not good at writing analyses out, but I wonder if that can be a plot point further.
Not to mention his treatment of Ness. Poor Ness. I wanna take him away from Kaiser. But I can't get this out of my head– that yeah, he considers Ness "a dog who will submit to his malice", but isn't he technically bound to Ness too? Having to use manipulation tactics to get him, so he could assist Kaiser?
I'm just wishing his character would develop more with how Noa said at the final page to fight with that ego. Soccer was one of the first joys he had, a form of escape, right? Maybe something relating to that awakening?
Chances are, though, if he evolves he's not going to use Ness. I don't know whether he'll get a goal in, though, but if he evolves, chances are Ness will be left behind. As for Ness... I really hope he breaks out of that mindset, cause what the fuck.
I want Ness to fight independently too please please let it happen
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luguangs · 1 year ago
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@demonlike-judge-of-fire HI YES OFC
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It's called Jinsolhan Segye (진솔한 세계), or Truth or Dare in English, with story and art by Yu Myeong.
The premise basically asks what would happen in a world without lies. If everyone in the world could only tell the truth, but the MC is the only one who can lie.
HEAR ME OUT THO I'm usually not into stories with high school settings but this one's worth it. Trust me. Like it straight up has some of the best writing I've seen in any manhwa. The foreshadowing and character depth are just. mwah. top tier. And the prose itself is so poetic and philosophical too.
What drew me in initially wasn't so much the art style itself but rather... the art's use of symbolism, paneling choices, and thematically significant color palettes. Does that make any sense. Like in terms of craftsmanship of both art and story it's such a hidden gem.
The thing I love about this manhwa though is how even though it revolves around the binary concept of truth and lies, there's no simplicity in this story.
It's more like a thought experiment that commits to playing out the scenario in its entirety, and it becomes a commentary on human nature as it poses deep philosophical questions.
This story reaches out to you, the reader, and makes you think.
What is a lie? What is a truth? Is the truth at a single point in time immutable or can it be changed? If the absolute truth is a lie, then is every spoken word the truth?
If truths are absolute then how does that affect human relationships? Is trust possible in a world of shallow truths? Does love come from understanding or does understanding come from love? Can you truly love someone if you will never fully understand them?
What is the meaning of existence when no one believes you exist? Does loneliness breed arrogance or starvation? Is being different an advantage or does it make human connection impossible?
Can you justify changing your fate if it involves blurring the dichotomy of true and false, right and wrong? Do you have any right to mourn the narrative if you're writing it yourself?
ANYWAYS lol I haven't even finished reading it yet but it's already making me want to reread bc holy shit. I need to see it in a new light. It's one of those stories that recontextualizes the beginning and in terms of analysis it's a gold mine. The writing is so good it's making me insane in real time
TLDR: read truth or dare for an existential crisis <3
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menlove · 5 months ago
im Going to write this chapter today so help me god
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antiyourwokehomophobia2 · 5 months ago
I think I'm gonna tell my therapist how I feel. Not in a "let's go out" way but in a laying it bare way.
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