#and I'm about ready to start chucking chairs
If I'm not a capable fully functioning member of society by this time next year I am going to throw myself into the ocean and come out a giant kraken and destroy society. You have all been warned.
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strawberrynull · 1 month
──⯎ ˙🎀 ̟ calling them "pretty boy"
엔하이픈 | Enhypen | ot7
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──Pairing: enha ot7 x afab!reader
──Genre: fluff (might make an nsfw ver if its requested)
──Synopsis: You call your boyfriend a new nickname to see their reaction
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"Hey, pretty boy!"
이희승 | Heeseung
"Hey, pretty girl." He called back, throwing you off and causing a faint blush to spread across your cheeks. Silence followed as the words got stuck in your throat. "What's wrong? Why are you not talking anymore?"
"It's nothing. Nevermind." You turned away and began to leave the room before Hee stopped you.
"No, no, go on. What did you come here to tell me." He smiled innocently, resting his chin on his palm.
You fiddled with your fingers, looking everywhere but at the boy in front of you. He was totally teasing you. "I told you it was nothing, Hee."
"Ohhhh you're saying that because I ruined your plans." He chucked, leaning back in his chair. "Start over. I won't mess up your script this time." He smiled, obviously trying to fluster you.
It was working.
박종성 | Jongseong
"Me?" He asks with uncertainty, furrowing his brows.
"Yeah, who else would I be talking about?" You tilted your head, chuckling slightly.
"Don't be silly." He scoffed, smiling to himself. It wasn't a happy kind of smile though.
"What do you mean!? I'm being so serious Jay!" You smack his shoulder lightly. "You're my pretty boy!"
"Alright." He laughs it off again.
"Stop laughing! I'm not joking!" You wrap your arms around his torso, hugging him tightly. "You're the one and only pretty boy, got it?"
"Okay, fine. Thank you baby." He gives you a genuine smile this time before kissing your forehead lightly.
심재윤 | Jaeyun
You call out to Jaeyun from the kitchen where you have a clear view of where he's seated in the livingroom. When he hears you call, his ears seem to perk up like a puppy.
"Huh? You mean me?" He asks genuinely, pointing to himself.
"Yes, silly." You giggle as if it were obvious you were talking about him.
"I'm pretty boy?" he asks again, unsure if you really mean it. Your heart throbs as he stares at you with wide eyes.
"Yes, Jae. Now come here. I need to show you something." You wave your hand, signaling for him to come to the kitchen. He happily obliges, getting up from the couch and nearly skipping toward you with his iconic grin.
Later, he would brag to the others that he was your "pretty boy."
박성훈 | Sunghoon
You call Hoon but receive no answer. His back is facing you as he sits on the couch, scrolling on his phone. You know he can hear you so you assume he's ignoring you.
"Ya! I'm talking to you, pretty boy."
"Well I'm not 'pretty boy.' I'm 'hot and handsome man.'" He says nonchalantly, not even bothering to turn toward you.
"Alright, don't stroke your own ego." You turn your back to him, ready to walk away.
"Hey! Fine! I'll be 'pretty boy'" he says, mumbling the last part.
You give a small 'yay' before running up to the couch and leaning over the back of the couch to kiss his forehead.
김선우 | Sunoo
"Yesss~? That's me!" Sunoo beamed, grinning brightly.
"Can my pretty boy get me my toner pads?" You call from your bathroom.
"Of course your pretty boy can." He immediately gets up to get your toner pads for you. Hr brings them to the bathroom where you are doing your skincare routine.
"Thank you, Noo. You're the best pretty boy ever." you smile, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose.
"I know! I'm the cutest!" He laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Now, do you want your pretty boy to help you with your skincare?"
양정원 | Jungwon
"You heard me." Jungwon just stares at you in shock at your sudden words. This was a new nickname to him. The tips of his ears had turned pink. "What's wrong, pretty boy?"
"Stop saying that." He grumbled, hiding his face in his hands.
"Stop saying what, pretty boy?" You giggled knowingly, a small smirk tugging at your lips. Suddenly, a pillow is being hurled straight at your head.
"Ya! I said stop calling me that! It's embarrassing" All you did was laugh at him.
니키 | Niki
Niki tilts his head in confusion, pointing to himself.
"Yes, you. You're pretty boy."
He scoffs, coming up to wrap an arm around your shoulders. "You're prettier, baby" You throw his arm off your shoulder and look at him with astonsihment.
"What!? No! You are!'
Niki laughs lightheartedly "That's impossible because you're the prettiest." He smirks victoriously.
"Fine, then you're ugly boy." You huff, folding your arms over your chest and turning away from him.
"You're uglier." Silence follows his remark. "I'm sorry, you're not ugly, you're so pretty, baby" He's quick to hug you from behind.
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© strawberrynull, 2024. Do not copy my work. Please DM for permission before translating or reuploading. Thank You
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hpimagines · 23 days
chapter 2
(Fake Dating, Smut, Revenge on ex, not sure what else yet!) →prev←
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Revenge is best served cold, or in other words best served by already being in a relationship after being cheated on, even if it was all fake.
Me and Matt talked it over, fake date and fuck on the side no feelings attached. This was all just to get back at my shit ex for cheating on me I’m not ready for a relationship now, besides Mattheo only wants the sex out of it.
The night before:
"So how is this gonna work out?" | looked up at Matt from my book while we sat in the library, no one's around so I didn't have to be as secretive. "I still think my plan is perfect you know" He rolled his eyes, resting his face on his palm. "You don't even know for sure that Pansy will tell everyone"
"It's Parkinson she can't keep her mouth shut for shit. One time I tried putting dye in Draco's shampoo and her loud ass mouth told him" You could see his face scowl and it was kinda funny and cute. You just laughed at the possible thought of a color haired Malfoy.
"Back to the plan what if we just started doing everything together and hard launch it that way?" I questioned leaning back into my chair, "Y/n I'm telling you my plan will work, just trust me" He was practically staring into my soul but it was working to his advantage "Fine, but if she doesn't tell anyone we do it my way" I just rolled my eyes.
To say I was nervous about this entire thing is an understatement. It’s the possible thought of all eyes on me that scares me , but at the same time all I want is to get revenge on him. I don’t know what I was ever thinking, I should have never, ever, trusted Cormac.
Still getting ready there was a knock on my door and an “Y/n open”, assuming it’s Matt you open and sure enough he walks in, slams the door, and plops face first onto your bed. “Hello to you too” You chuckled continuing your hair. “Hmm, you think I should brush my teeth again?” He was somehow already behind you causing you jump.
“What’d you do that for is my breath that bad” He gasped covering his mouth making you laugh a second time, “I didn’t even smell it you just scared me” you explained still kinda laughing.
“I’m sure you’ll make sure your breath isn’t bad either, we are gonna be making our you know” He looked at me through my mirror and winked, going back to my bed. Thankfully too, he couldn’t see my cheeks involuntarily go red.
“Are you done yet” Matt groaned impatiently “Calm your ass it’s only been like fifteen minutes let me put my uniform on” I retorted.
“Okay, hurry up let’s go” I motioned my hand towards the door, he was taking forever so I walked up to him and began yanking him up by the arm, “Come onnnn” I pulled, “You take forever now you’re rushing me, priceless” He scoffed shaking his head and began getting up.
We were already late for breakfast so we made our way to the great hall and spotted out Pansy, after some waiting she finally got up and began walking our way. “You ready for this?” He smirked bringing me closer, “No, but let’s do it anyways.” I nervously chuckled and was immediately pulled into a kiss.
His tongue wasted no time making its way into my mouth, exploring it hungrily even though we were in public. It was a few moments later, after already getting lost into the makeout when you heard a loud and familiar gasp. Turning to see who it was, it was exactly who you were hoping for.
“Oh my god is he your rebound?” Pansy was practically ignoring Matt and looking straight at me with her hand over her mouth, before you could answer her Mattheo spoke up “Not that it’s any of your business, but we’ve been together just needed that fuck up to well you know fuck up” Not giving her any time to process her grabbed my hand and pulled me away.
“I give it 30 minutes before someone comes up to us or all eyes are on us” He spoke up “I don’t know we left her there pretty stunned” I giggled, He chucked in response. “I honestly don’t even feel like going to classes today” You groaned. “I mean, we could go exploring” He looked towards me smirking
“Exploring where exactly?” I cocked my eyebrow “The dark forest?” Still smirking he continued “Come on you know it’ll be fun, I’ll be there to keep you safe” He grabbed my arm and lightly tugged, giving in I just shook my head, smiled and started following him “I better not die”.
As we were walking towards the forest there was a loud shout “Oi Y/n!” You couldn’t tell who it was but when you turned around you saw a red faced cormac running towards you, “You skank! You’ve been cheating with that scum, lying to me for who knows how long just to be with some evil fucking orphan! I never should’ve mixed with a slimey Slytherin whore”
Opening your mouth to speak Mattheo just lunged towards him swinging, knocking Cormac to the ground and getting on top of him “What the fuck did you call me? And what did you fucking call her?” Not even waiting for responses Matt kept swinging, you ran towards them and debated wether or not to stop him but it was getting so bloody and it didn’t seem like Matt was going to stop anytime soon.
“If you don’t stop now you’re gonna kill him Mattheo that’s enough!” You tried pulling him off but he kept going, “Don’t ever fucking mess with Y/n again” Landing one last punch he finally stood up, spitting on Cormac before turning back towards me.
His fists were bloody and his clothes were splattered with blood, you were just examining him for a moment “We should get you cleaned up” You finally spoke up trying to grab his hand, but he pulled away “I got it.” He replied bluntly. His mood suddenly shifted and he seemed colder.
“Just let me get cleaned up, meet me at the astronomy tower in thirty minutes” He rushed off before I could reply. I guess i’m meeting him later.
It was easy sneaking past to get to the astronomy tower unseen and you could already smell something you didn’t like, “Put that thing out, it’ll kill you you know” I said walking up to Matt and sitting over the ledge of the tower. “Rather this than something else” He retorted taking another drag and blowing it out “At least not near me it smells” I groaned. “You’ll get used to it.”
“Why’d you ask me here anyway? Isn’t our plan basically done” I looked up towards him. He quickly turned his head to look at me like I was crazy, “Done? It’s barely begun Y/n!! Yeah he thinks we’ve been together for weeks but imagine his satisfaction if we’re already are over? We have to actually look like a couple publicly, like dates, making out, holding hands all that shit”
He was talking as if he’s done this all before and it was honestly kind of funny but it was also weird to think about how long you two would keep this whole thing up. “Wait, you said dates?” Barely realizing his words you had a questioning look
“I can’t look like a complete dick of a boyfriend and not take you out it would be suspicious” He said in a duh tone. “Cormac never took me out” I shrugged suggesting it doesn’t matter, “That’s just embarrassing” He shook his head and chuckled under his breath.
“You haven’t eaten today have you?” He put out his cigarette and kneeled next to you “Uhh no actually I forgot” I looked at him, he was just staring at me “Let’s go to the great hall and have lunch then” He stood up holding his hand out to help me.
“Now we have to make this believable remember, so give me this and don’t act surprised by how I act” He grabbed my hand and held it, I just followed him to the table without hesitation and sat down with him.
“I’m glad we sat somewhere empty I thought you would’ve sat us with your friends” I sighed “Actually they usually sit wherever I do” Just as he spoke Blaise sat next to him, “I heard the news, I can’t believe you managed to hide your relationship” .. “And I can’t believe you cheated on Cormac with him let alone were with Cormac” Blaise turned between me and Matt.
“Told you she’d tell everyone” Matt looked at me and we both laughed. He didnt say anything but his hand rested on my thigh and continued talking with Blaise, Even though you knew it was fake you couldn’t help but get butterflies from this.
“So how long have you two been a thing?” Blaise questioned, I turned to look at Matt who also turned to look at me. I kicked his foot trying to get him to speak up and that seemed to work “A few weeks, she’s been bored for a while” He shrugged and pulled me closer to him by my waist.
“I didn’t even know you knew Y/n Matt she’s so quiet and uninvolved” Theo joined the conversation sitting down in front of us. Surprisingly Theo is one of Mattheos only friends who I ever talk to, granted we’re potions partners but he’s not bad to talk to. “You don’t know much about me, Theodore” Matt replied rolling his eyes. Seeing the way he acts with his friends is a bit more interesting than imagined.
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I’m very aware this is short I’m sorry!!! Trust I’ll try and update this as regularly as possible however I’m in cosmetology school so I’m a bit busy:((
Hopefully this little second chapter/ introduction is a good one to start off this little series <33
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barbiecrocs · 10 months
Handle or Handled
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Nanami Kento
tags! brief choking, piv, a mean Nanami, slutty reader, brief mention of masturbation, car sex, degradation (use of slut), orgasm denial, mention of food kink (kinda)
WC. 1651
Barbie's note... Yall, I was kinda lazy with this one, but that don't mean its bad. I like it so that says smth yk. Anyway have fun yall!! kiss kiss
You have no idea what you do to him. Turning on his sadistic switch when you step out of the house in nothing, but a two-piece lingerie set with a sheer cover-up just to water your plants and collect the mail. Your slutty and unassuming look is what makes him want to break you so badly. Did you have no acknowledgment of the corrupt people in the world? The people like him who want to break that pretty face into bits and then make you clean it up naked on your hands and knees. But hey, he wasn’t exactly the nicest guy so why would it matter to him? 
 You prance around in summer wear all year long. Tiny shorts in the winter, then swimsuits in the summer. Did you never get cold? He had to do a double-take when he looked across the street and saw you washing cars for unneeded money. He was sure you just wanted the attention and he was willing to give it to you, pulling up a chair on his balcony with a nice cold beer and taking in the view. Shirt see-through, jean cut-offs up your ass, and these plastic platform sandals that went clickety-clackety up his porch stairs when you came around to bring him cookies. He never ate them, the only thing he ever did was jerk off to them, his grown imagination running wild in hopes that he could just simply bring the cum-clad cookies back over to you and watch you gulp them down with seconds in mind. Seconds that he would gladly serve to you hot and ready.
 Just then the doorbell rang and the suddenness almost made him cum in his pants. He had been holding it back for a while, telling himself that he wouldn't tend to that type of thing right now. If only he knew what the day held for him. 
 He frantically looked around his living room before finding an apron that lay across his sofa. He swung the door open only to find no one, then directed his eyeline a bit lower. You, in a black tank top, jean mini skirt, and your signature black Chuck Taylors, panting as if you were coming down from a high. Your hand rests next to his head on the door frame, your other hand on your hip, and your body covered in a thin sheet of sweat. "Thank god you answered. I desperately need your help. I would've asked the other neighbors, but they either don't like me or are too old. Plus, I think you're the fittest guy here." You stared at him for a second until you realized you hadn't told him what you needed help with. "Oh, right. I kinda need you to help me push start my car." You give him a sheepish smile, that drops when he wipes his forehead in what you assume is frustration and annoyance but is actually him trying to hide a very mischievous and impish grin. "I'm sorry. It's wrong of me to bother my neighbors with my problems. Please forgive me." You begin to turn away for a graceful exit before he puts a hand on your shoulder. "It's fine. I can do it." You quietly cheer as you lead him to your car which was only at the beginning of the block. 
  You hand him a pair of rubber gloves and before you can say a word, he rolls up his sleeves and gets to pushing. A gasp drops out of your mouth from seeing the muscly arms you dreamed about. His strong arms wrapped around your waist as you rode him on your couch. Or him putting you into a choke hold while fucking you from behind and degrading you. You nearly drooled then snapped yourself out of your daydream for being so silly.
 You realize that he was already more than halfway to your house and you get in the car to direct it all the way.
 "Wow Mr. Nanami, you've got big muscles." You yell, driving into your driveway. "Want to touch them?" He flexes, his playfulness catching you off guard. You never suspected him to return your energy or anything of the sort so you lay it on even thicker, trying to see how far you could take it. "Don't think I won't." You both smirk as he puts a hand on the top of your car. "You don't know what you would be getting yourself into if you took that next step." You pull him closer by the pocket of his apron, "I'm a big girl. I think I can handle myself, hop in."
 It's all a haze of bottoms coming off until he's in between your legs with the bottom half of his face soaked from your teased cunt. He had been denying you of your orgasm for the longest, trying to make this encounter last for hours to get you to crumble in his hands. Even five minutes would be enough, but he wants to drag everything out of you for as long as he can. "Nanami..." You groan, taking a while to finish your sentence since you lost your train of thought in the last wave of pleasure. 
 “Please let me cum!” Breaths of air continuously push out your mouth as you grip any and everything closest to you with your eyes shut tight. He shakes his head between your legs, but it goes unnoticed so he nips at your inner thigh, “Look at me, slut.” A gasp leaves your mouth at the drop of his pet name and you lock eyes with him immediately. “That got your attention, huh?” You nod slowly, scared that if you take too much attention away from holding your orgasm, you’ll explode. You almost can’t hold it in even while crossing your legs, "Nanami please, fuck! Let me cum!" Your gaze into his eyes deepens, but he still shakes his head, “I want you to work for it.”
 You look back at him from your position on his lap with an unsure and teary expression, only to see him checking out the view of your ass. He scoots the front seat up to tip you forward and catch a glimpse of your wet pussy from behind. "Well, what are you waiting for? Put it in yourself." Your tears are painfully close to spilling out of your eyes. "But Nanami, this position is kinda embarrassing-" You cut yourself off when he spanks your ass, "Did I ask for your input? If it wasn't a question, then I expect you to follow my orders to the T. Embarrassment should be the last thing on your mind when you flaunt around in tiny skirts and tight shirts all year long." Your eyebrows raise vividly and a dopey smile etches onto your face, “So you noticed? Glad to see that my efforts haven’t been overlooked.” A deep and unholy-sounding chuckle erupts from his throat and heads straight to your cunt which now has its own heartbeat. “God, you’re such a fucking attention whore.” He begins to line himself up with your entrance since you stalled on the idea.
 "Nanami, you're so mean." You pout, completely oblivious to his current actions. "I know. You can handle it though." He slams himself into you and you cum instantly with a roar of his name. Your core goes tight, heat rushes over your body, and your legs spazz while your toes bend and flex themselves to take away from your built-up orgasm. The look that Nanami gives you is a mix of disappointment and dissatisfaction and his hand slides up to your neck, “Didn’t I tell you to hold it?” You nod and the hand on your throat makes its presence known with a firm squeeze. ”Fuck. Did you just get tighter?” You hadn’t even noticed it, but another orgasm was starting to build and just as your body was starting to relax into him, you started moving again. The thought of another world-shattering orgasm being around the corner was enough encouragement for you to get moving unlike before. You catch Nanami by surprise with your sudden enthusiasm, but he easily picks up his sadistic and impish demeanor again. Asserting dominance and supremacy by grabbing you by the hips when he feels you tighten even more and working you down onto him faster. Bumpy moans of his name drag out of your mouth as you get worked closer to your release. You open your mouth to beg, but before the words can come out he grants you permission to cum. Heat spreads over your body once more and your fingers dig into the back of your driver seat almost to the point of tearing through the leather. You would’ve screamed his name if not the tightening grip on your neck as he cums with you.
 You both decompress and his hands uncuff your throat and hips. Your hand comes up to your neck and you can’t help but wonder if he left a beautiful bruise for you to wake up to. He sees your caressing and takes it as concern, “Come on, I’ll take you inside and get you cleaned up.” You almost accept his offer and start to gather your clothes until you realize that you still have more juice left in you and wouldn’t mind going for another round. You get back onto his lap and start to grind down on him which instantly provokes a boner. “Oh? Done so soon?” He smirks “Don’t tell me that you’re older than you seem, old man.” Just in that sentence, you unlocked another side of him, apparently, he doesn’t like being called an old man. “You’re making it very hard to be nice.” You show a small smirk and turn around on his lap to where you are facing him, “That’s fine. I can handle it, remember?”
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itsmalachitenow · 2 months
You guys seemed to really like my last post, so I'm sharing the other headcanons I've gathered for my personal take on Chuck since then. Get ready for angst!
Chuck did, in fact, hit Gus with the Ghost Train. It was an accident, and to this day he's incredibly broken up about it. Gus, on the other hand, isn't nearly as upset about being dead. He will, however, use his death to guilt Chuck into doing things for him because he knows just how awful Chuck feels about it. Any time Gus wants a new game system or toy, if Chuck isn't too keen on getting it for him, Gus will just bring up that Chuck ran him over and now he's stuck here, and Chuck will look utterly miserable as he climbs into his wheelchair to leave the Ghost Station.
Chuck is very talented at many different types of instruments, including but not limited to: piano, trumpet, saxophone, violin, harp, french horn, clarinet, cello, and oboe.
He can also sing very well. He is a baritone.
Chuck's true full name is Carlo Toscanini. He prefers the Chuck nickname, though, because it sounds like a train noise. He likes train noises!
Because he's been alone for so long, Chuck is incredibly self conscious about needing any kind of help because he's disabled. Especially when he's in his chair. The idea of being helped and not having to do it all himself is completely foreign to him, and he absolutely abhors the idea of needing to rely on someone else to help him do what he sees as 'basic things'. He would rather struggle by himself than swallow his pride and ask a loved one to get involved.
Related: If you touch this man's wheelchair without asking him first, he is going to run you over with it.
Chuck will never finish his 'magnum opus'. He is a perfectionist, and hasn't had what he considers a 'good' piece in decades because he's constantly going back and changing them, never satisfied with the results. Even if he does finish a musical composition or opera, he will always find some fault with them afterwards and not want to dwell on them. Being alone for so long with no real audience for his works other than Gus (who doesn't really understand or care as much because he's a kid) means he's his only critic, and he will always be his worst critic.
Chuck makes his own coffee and is a total snob about drinking anyone else's. It tastes like diesel, but it'll keep you awake for three days straight.
This man does not have a consistent schedule for anything other than 'work'. Food, sleep, self care, all of it comes second to his job and to his music.
He has chronic insomnia, and horrible nightmares whenever he does drift off to sleep, so Chuck prefers to just keep going for as many days as possible until his body physically cannot stay awake anymore.
Because he's lived so long, Chuck can barely remember any of his early life, and that terrifies him. He remembers the name of his hometown, he remembers he had a father who was a conductor, but everything else is a blur. He can't remember his parents' names, their faces, whether he had siblings or not...those memories are gone forever, and Chuck will never get them back.
His biggest regret is not saying goodbye to his family the night he left to join the Train.
Chuck is also terrified of going back to his hometown, because he knows it will be entirely different from what little he remembers. If he never returns, he can always pretend it's still the way he was when he left it, and ignore the gravity of his choice to join the Ghost Train.
Because he's scared he'll forget other things, Chuck is a compulsive journaler. He writes down the day's events, no matter how trivial, and gives a massive amount of detail about every person he interacts with. He only started doing this about a hundred years ago, once he realized he couldn't remember his family anymore.
Chuck has a small apartment in the Ghost Station. It's small and cramped, but it's a place for him to stay when he's not working, and also for any lovers or loved ones to stay if they're 'living' with him. He has a room entirely dedicated to all of his journals, though the manner of sorting them is known only to Chuck.
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wolfoftheblackflames · 3 months
Are you misfits ready for more?! Here you go, though one warning: Overload of Fluffy cuteness ahead.
The Devil and The Innocent: Pt.5
“Tch that's what I get for trusting a monster…” Vaggie growled softly, wincing since a claw had grazed her hand. “Ugh this red fog is really starting to piss me off.”
Her heart was racing, from both the adrenaline and fear. She forgot how powerful the Devil could be. Vaggie grunted shivering slightly in the sudden cold climate. “Should've snatched a jacket or something…”
“Ah fuck..” The Latina stared as shadows moved in the woods. Some even coming out as drooling monsters with razor sharp teeth. She growled softly and pulled out a hidden set of knives, Vaggie wasn't about to be some fucks dinner without a fight.
Though, when one of them jumped, it was slammed into the ground by a powerful smack. “Don't you touch her!” Vaggie couldn't believe who stood in front of her right now. It was the Devil.
“Huh?!” She blinked at being handed back her spear. “Um thanks..”
Charlie nodded as the two stood back to back glaring at the monsters of the red mist. Vaggie smirked a bit seeing the Devil easily biting a monster's neck and chucking the thing sky high. “Look out!” Charlie growled and stopped another only for Vaggie to come in and stab it in the chest.
“Not bad, good to see you putting that strength to good use!” She looked back at Charlie with a soft smirk.
The Devil blinked as her tail wagged slightly. “Above you!” She grabbed Vaggie and dashed forward skidding to a halt.
The figure stared at her with a creepy grin, its long drooling tongue licking the blood off its fingers. “What the fuck?”
Charlie snarled and took a deep breath. Flames erupted from her maw with glowing red lines appearing on her forearms as she blasted the hoarde. This, however, took a lot outta the Devil. “I'm sorry… I'm sorry I yelled at you..” She huffed softly, her fur feeling so warm against Vaggie's skin.
“Let's just go back for now. It's freezing…” Vaggie replied as the Devil nodded, carrying her back.
Once back home, the others lit up the fireplace as Charlie panted softly, slumping into a chair. “Damn you look like shit.” Husk stated, seeing the wound on her shoulder.
Charlie growled softly and started to lick the wound. “Hey don't do that.” Vaggie stated lightly touching her arm. “Come on let me have a look.”
The Devil snarled softly feeling a cloth dab the wounds. She bit back the urge to snap. “Thanks…”
Vaggie lightly stroked the Devil's wolfish neck with her free hand. “You're actually not so bad huh?” She smiled a little, wrapping the wound. “Why did you come out?”
“I-I felt horrible for what I did. And you're like the first friend I've had in a long time.. “ Charlie looked away, her tail slightly wagging from the gentle scratches to her neck.
“Friend huh, I suppose I can do that. Thanks for coming for me and saving my life… Charlie.” Vaggie gave her a small yet awkward hug.
“Y-you're welcome…” The Devil soften lightly patting her back with her large paw. Though her nose cause a scent of blood. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
“Just my hand but it'll be alright.” Vaggie waved it off nonchalantly.
“No, it's my fault isn't it?!” Charlie took that wounded hand into her own giant ones. “Damn it, I was trying so hard not to scratch you.” She innocently started to lick the wound like a puppy.
“Hey, it's not that bad, honestly!” Vaggie started to blush a bit at the attention. She lightly fought off the Devil, but was playful about it as Charlie whined cutely.
The two started to bond over the next couple of days, the crew pulled Charlie away playfully. “Come now darling!” Rosie grinned as the Devil blinked.
What greeted the giant was a warm soapy bath with the girls happily scrubbing her fur. “That's right, get this filth all nice and clean!” Niffty giggled ordering sponges to work their magic.
“Ha, you're gonna knock the socks off the little lady!’ Angel cooed with a grin.
“Wait what?” Charlie blinked, being a wet mess. She grumbled doing the whole shake once the soap was scrubbed out and she was free from the tub. “Hey wait!” She whined feeling a towel wipe her fur town making it puff out.
“Time for an outfit that'll make ya an irresistible fucker.” Cherri grinned, handing Charlie an outfit to change into.
“That's me..?” The Devil blinked seeing herself in a living mirror. It nodded at her as Charlie looked over herself. Her fur was neatly brushed back, with a small double ponytail in the back. She smiled a bit seeing the outfit, it was a rather nice white dress shirt that had frills on the front with black slacks. A coat hanger draped a beautiful elegant red and white cloak over her shoulders making her look more regal.
“Damn princess. You clean up nicely.” Husk gave a thumbs up.
“Heh I wasn't the royal tailor for nothin.” Angel looked proud of his work.
Sir Pentious wiggled happily, his rattle like tail shaking. “Ssssimply marvelousss my dear!”
Charlie couldn't help but blush a bit. “Is my gift ready?” She asked looking over to Razzle and Dazzle. The two nodded with a grin. “OK here we go..” She lightly pulled at the cute black bow tie.
Breakfast was weird but it made Vaggie laugh when Charlie tried to polish the bowl clean using her muzzle with the latter getting oatmeal on her face. Once cleaned up the two went outside to enjoy the weather now that Vaggie was in something more suited for it.
Charlie smiled softly seeing the gorgeous long sleeve red blouse, and long black skirt she sported alongside a grey shawl. She looked at her fondly as the Latina smiled holding a squirrel with a bird on her shoulder. Something warm flooded Charlie's heart as she couldn't help but feel happy around Vaggie. “Wanna try hon?” Vaggie smiled back and offered the Devil some bird seed. (Cue something that wasn't there before)
Delighted Charlie tried to befriend the birds but failed causing a soft pout. Only when Vaggie scattered some seeds from her big paws did the birds come flocking. “Hey!” She laughed having twelve birds perched on her giant frame causing Vaggie to snort.
“You look so ridiculous!” She continued to laugh as Charlie blinked with a soft smile coming to her lips. She could easily listen to that laugh forever.
Soon the two went inside as Charlie took Vaggie's hand. “Ok before we go any further, could you close your eye for me?” She spoke softly with a gentle gaze.
“Oh, why?” Vaggie tilted her head curiously.
“Please trust me, it's a surprise. You can open it when I give the word.” Charlie flashed her the cutest grin.
Vaggie smiled softly and chuckled. “Fine, I'll play along.” She closed her eyes and proceeded to be lead by Charlie. She could hear those hooves clopping against the stone floor until it hit something soft. “Hmm?”
“Wait right here, okay?” Charlie grinned and moved away. She went to pull open curtains with a gleefully spring to her steps. “Now open your pretty jade eye.”
Vaggie opened her eye and blinked looking around. Gold, white, and red decorated the place, but alongside with was a beautiful lavender and greyish-white furniture. “Whoa…”
The room was a beautiful gallery, plus library. Decorative weapons hung on the walls, a pair of desks sat perched in the middle with their chairs neatly tucked in, the carpet under it all was soft and velvety as were the curtains. “Do you like it?” Charlie asked nervously tapping her hoof.
“Wait this is… For me?” Vaggie looked stunned as Charlie nodded, grinning. She felt those giant paws come back to hold her own. “I don't know what to say…”
“I wanted you to have a place all your own here in the castle.” Charlie gently nuzzled her, she soon sat Vaggie down on a bench and grinned. “One more thing for you though.” Vaggie blinked watching Charlie howl. A piano scurried in and perched itself near the two. “I hope you like piano music.”
Vaggie blinked watching the Devil perch herself on a chair in front of the piano. She looked so graceful and elegant it caused a soft blush to form on the Latina’s face.
Music flooded the room, it's tune gentle yet filled with hope. “These halls felt so cold and lonely, never once the sun would shine.” Charlie started to sing, her voice echoing. “It's curtains closed, hidden to the world, all were blind.” Vaggie just watched her in awe. “I'm sorry our meeting wasn't exactly the best, my cursed form scaring the rest. But now look at us, we're smiling happy and free. It's all because I have you with me..”
The staff watched the two, Sir Pentious having the biggest watery eyes. “Our princesss iss back.” He sobbed quietly.
“You are what brighten these old stone halls, the sun started to shine brighter than before, it's filled with hope once more!” Charlie belted with a grin howling the next part as she played. The mix of the melodic piano plus that gorgeous howl, it made Vaggie’s heart start to race.
“Now the nights are no longer cold and lonely, the moon started to shine once again, I am myself once more, and the one I… Have… to.. thank is you…. My friend…” She finished with a soft sigh.
“Oh somethin’ is definitely there.” Angel grinned. “I've never heard the bitch so happy before.”
“Ewwww sappy shit. I hate this.” Niffty whined scurrying off to clean.
Rosie was grinning widely. “Our work here is done. Come darling, there's chores to do.”
Cherri shrugged but smirked a bit leaving with the others.
Alastor however, looked annoyed again, his antenna lowering. “My bloodthirsty demon is now a soft puppy. All my work for nothing…” He muttered bitterly before leaving.
(I couldn't resist writing an original song. I'm a damn poet and a sucker for cuteness! Thanks for reading!)
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awakenthemusic · 5 months
Peace (A Soft Epilogue)
"Dean," A voice whispers as a warm hand shakes Dean gently by the shoulder.
Dean rises back to consciousness slowly, a recently-acquired skill (a luxury).
Sam's softly-smiling face appears before his bleary eyes. A slow blink brings him into better focus, the laughter lines around Sam’s eyes that are finally starting to overtake the worry wrinkles on his forehead come back into sharp relief. "We're gonna head out," He murmurs.
A glance over his shoulder. Eileen stands by the door, features softened by distance, but ready smile easily visible as she waves and holds up a hand that means 'I love you.'
Dean sends the message back left-handed (he's been practicing with both).
To Sam, he whispers, "You sure you don't wanna crash here? It's dangerous for old folks to drive after dark."
Sam shoots him an annoyed (and fond) look as he tries to hold back a grin. "I'm not the one who couldn't stay awake for my own movie marathon, Jerk."
"Hey," Dean protests (softly). "I ain't old, I'm just in a food coma, Bitch."
Sam stops holding back his grin. "Whatever you say, old timer." He easily dodges Dean's halfhearted swipe, then leans back in to squeeze Dean's shoulder. "Love you."
"Yeah, love you too," Dean huffs, mock-annoyed still (the words come out so easily now, turns out—like signing—they flow better with practice). "Now get out of here."
Sam chuckles as he heads for the door, knowing to lock it behind him as he goes (he and Eileen have keys).
Dean settles back against the warm wall of muscle at his back and squeezes the hand interlaced with his, never more glad that they'd shelled out for the ridiculously large sectional that allows them room to lie sandwiched together (and room for visiting family).
A bean bag chair stands alone against the far wall and Dean feels a bittersweet pang.
Cas stirs and squeezes the arm currently around Dean's waist (which has finally been allowed to grow softer and is currently stuffed full of good food and extra servings of pie). "You alright?" His voice is sleep-rough but somehow lighter than it's been in years.
"Yeah," Dean whispers back, unwilling to break this moment.
"Jack?" Powers or not, Cas has always been able to read Dean's mind.
Dean nods with a sigh.
Another squeeze. "I miss him too." Easy words breathed against the back of Dean's neck, like there could be no other answer, like a lifetime full of 'toughen up' and 'no one cares you're hurting' had been the exception, not the rule.
"He seemed happy, though." Dean thinks how excited Jack was, bouncing excitedly on the video call this afternoon, telling them about his new friends and how he'd been settling back into his dorm after the winter break.
Cas nods. "He'll be home soon, spring is just around the corner."
Dean nods back and nearly drifts off again. His phone pings with a notification at almost the same moment Cas' does.
They untangle themselves, but stay close as they sit up to check their phones.
Dean opens his messages, idly reminding himself to charge his phone tonight. The many birthday wishes from friends and family drained his battery today.
A text from Claire, Happy birthday, Hasselhoff. Brace yourself.
Cas laughs in the glow of his screen, his eyes scrunching up and sending a road map of lines across his temples that Dean would drive for the rest of time.
Cas nods. "She sent us a 'warning,'" (his air quotes melt Dean's heart just that little bit more, like they always do.) Cas smiles bright. "She and Kaia are crashing at our place tomorrow on their way to Yosemite."
Dean grins back, relishing the thought of family in the guest room again.
He texts back, Bring it on, Barbie, And kindly doesn't mention that they are not even close to 'on the way' to Yosemite from Sioux Falls.
"They actually manage to scrounge up a case?" Dean asks, worry sending tension coiling across his shoulders. Turns out, Chuck lied. The world left behind after his defeat is calmer, with fewer monsters stirred to bloodlust, not more.
Cas shakes his head. "Road trip."
The tension releases, a smile taking its place. Dean sinks back into Cas' side, thoughts drifting to what his past self would think if he could see Dean now.
He always told himself he didn't want to get old, didn't want to deal with those aches and pains, didn't want to get slow. He told himself that living long enough to lose all his friends was really the worst thing. He told himself that going down swinging was the only way to go.
He ignored the pain of broken ribs and bleeding knuckles. He ignored how many friends he'd already lost. He ignored his own desire to live at peace and in safety.
Why hope for things you know you'll never have.
Dean chuckles, causing Cas to raise a questioning brow.
Dean takes a look around the home he’s built here with Cas and then leans in for a lingering kiss, knowing he'll be welcome, knowing he is loved by so many people (his family), no matter what.
He answers, smiling so wide his cheeks ache with it. "Just glad that past me was full of crap."
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dsireland86 · 4 months
The Things We Could Never Change
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Chapter 2 Part 1
****warnings: sexual content and language
If you want to be tagged in the next chapter, let me know :)
tags: @lma1986 @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @missduffsblog @bngurngheart @thatamazingvampirestory @myownthoughts12
"I don't think this is the way I'm supposed to bait this hook, Nick! Can you help me, please before I chuck this stupid thing in the water?"
I turned around and couldn't resist laughing. Sophie had the line tangled around the pole with only a few inches of room for the hook and the most distraught look on her face. There was no way teaching her anything today was going to work.
"Here, give it to me," I chuckled, setting my bottle of water down, and taking the pole.
"First," I said, glancing over at her. She was watching my hands, but I could tell she wasn't feeling any of this. I began untangling the line that was tightly secured around my favorite fishing pole, wondering how in the hell she managed to do this. "We're not baiting any hook. They're trout; not bass." I grinned at her, but she just rolled her eyes. 
"Secondly, all of this just takes a little patience, Soph. If you have it, then things will go smoothly. If you don't well, this happens," lifting the pole and shaking my head.
"I'm sorry," she apologized, her countenance falling.
"Hey, don't apologize. I'm just happy you want to spend time with me and at least try to learn." I felt my face redden a little
"You know I love spending time with you, Folio. You're one of my favorite people," she admitted with a shy smile. I felt a pang of jealousy hit my heart.
"I don't freaking know what happened though," shrugging her shoulders. "I was just trying to put a stupid worm on a stupid hook and the stupid pole didn't want to work with me." I looked over and saw how upset she was.
"Wow! Easy killer. It's no biggie. Fixable, see?" I held up the pole in the same condition I had brought it in; perfect. 
Sophie gave a half smile, kissing my cheek before walking away and throwing herself in a camping chair. 
"I have a feeling this isn't just about a fishing pole and bait."
"No," she answered flatly.
"Right, well, I think this calls for something a little stronger," I announced, opening the cooler next to me and retrieving two beers. I cracked one open and handed it to her. She accepted it gratefully, taking a long sip before I even had the chance to open mine.
"Soph, what's going on? You look stressed and exhausted. Is the new medicine not working?"
I brought over another camping chair and sat in front of her, making a statement I was ready for details. She sat back and took another long sip of her beer before placing it in the chair holder.
"I don't think so," shaking her head and fiddling with her thumbs. "I told my doctor, but he said I just needed to give it time. I feel like by the time it does start working I might be past the point of exhaustion and having sleep for dinner instead of food."
"Hey, that's my line."
She grinned at me before rolling her eyes again, propping her legs up on my lap.
"Seriously, though what's wrong?"
She hesitated before speaking.
"Do you know a girl by the name of Sarah?"
Holy fuck. Where did that come from?
Hanging my head, I adjusted my black Harley Davidson hat, trying to think of a way out of this conversation, but failed.
"Um, yeah the name sounds familiar," admitting, knowing I knew a whole lot more than I was letting on.
Here, Sophie leaned forward, resting her arms on her knees. 
"Folio, why didn't you ever tell me Noah had a fiance?"
And there it was; the very thing I was trying to avoid.
"It wasn't my place I guess. You should know by now how private Noah is. He would have killed me if I told you." 
I may have been exaggerating a little, but if I had said anything to Sophie before Noah did, shit would have hit the fan.
"Nick, tell me honestly; should I be worried? Because Noah seemed pretty worked up when he found out."
I took my hat off and ran my hands through my hair, only to put it back on.
"How did Noah find out?" 
As I drank more of my beer, I listened to Sophie explain what happened the other day when Matt called Noah. 
"Who in their right fucking mind would hire her," I yelled, tossing mine and Sophie's empty bottles back in the cooler.
"That's exactly what Noah said. He and Matt are trying to figure it out. They think it might have something to do with the label and someone who works there who knows her."
"Yeah, that sounds like something Sarah would do."
"She's that bad?"
I looked over at Sophie, noticing the worry on her face. 
"If Sarah was still the same as I remember, then yeah, she's that bad if not worse. Did Noah go into any detail about what happened between them?"
Sophie shook her head. 
I went over to her, taking her hands and pulling her up. She was the prettiest thing I'd ever seen and smelled like a summer flower. Noah was a lucky guy and if he did anything to fuck up what he had going with Sophie, I promised myself I would beat the shit out of him. 
I was thankful to have Sophie's friendship at least; most of the time it was enough for me. But deep down, I kept my true feelings for her hidden, knowing how much it would wreck if anyone found out.
"I'm sure he'll tell you when he's ready, Sophie, don't worry," pulling her in for a big hug. "What happened between them was a long time ago. Noah's had plenty of time to heal and move on from Sarah. It'll all be fine."
"And if it's not?", she asked, her head laying against my chest. 
I paused to think about this for a minute. What would happen?
"Then I'll be here to protect you," I answered, full of reassurance. 
Sophie looked up at me that sweet smile but the clouds of distraught were still there. She wasn't convinced by my words and to be honest neither was I.
"This is fucking bullshit and you know it," I yelled into the phone at the stupid idiot on the other end. I was beyond pissed by now, having been on the phone most of the day trying to sort out the deliberately fucked up situation that was straining my nerves to their very ends. "I don't fucking care about contracts. Your girl did something wrong, something illegal, and it's going to affect our band in a very bad way. I want it fixed!" I slammed the front door shut, ignoring all the faces turning to look at me as I marched up the steps to my studio, slamming the door closed behind me. "So what you're telling me is that this chick on your end, the label's end, managed to have a contract written up for her friend that would guarantee her a job working with band crew, and it just so fucking happens it's my band she gets sent to? That's not a coincidence and you know it." I pinched the bridge of my nose to alleviate some of the pressure in my head but to no avail. I glanced down at my desk, setting sights on a recent photo of me and Sophie together and a sudden ache of guilt slammed into my heart. I was trying to avoid having to drag her into this fucked up drama with my ex, but was failing miserably. 
"Look, I can't work with this woman. She's a toxic person that I have a horrible history with and having her work with the Bad Omens crew is going to be the worst mistake ever." I paused, giving the asshat on the other end a chance to speak, but all he said was the same thing as before. "My hands are tied Noah, I'm sorry," hanging up the phone and leaving me hanging.  
"Argh, motherfucker," I screamed, rage pulsating through me, almost throwing my phone against the wall. I was fuming with so much anger, that the vein in my neck was bulging, and my jaw was hurting from how hard I'd been grinding my teeth together. 
This was a fucking nightmare; a mess I never asked for. I felt trapped, suffocating as thoughts of my past reared their ugly faces once again, threatening to destroy everything that Sophie and I were building, and suddenly I found myself on my way down of feeling low, losing grip on my mind. I never wanted Sophie to see this side of me; the side that made me feel like a letdown to everyone. I had to tell her; to be honest with her about what we were up against. Sarah was a force to be reckoned with. A fucked up, delusional, human being who knew all too well how to manipulate the right people to get what she wanted. Running my hands through my hair, I took a long, deep breath, realizing I needed a release from the tension that had built up inside me; a strong, decadent release from the emotions and thoughts warring within my mind. A soft knock suddenly came from the other side of the door along with Sophie's sweet voice calling my name, answering my silent plea.
I was almost asleep on Jolly's shoulder when the booming sound of Noah's voice followed by the harsh slamming of the front door, startled me, jerking my eyes wide open. Noah was yelling at someone about a girl, the label, and other inaudible words as he climbed the steps two at a time disappearing into his studio upstairs; the second slamming of a door echoing through the house.
"Holy fuck, what's his deal," Folio bellowed, appearing to be almost asleep himself. 
"One guess," Nick stated without looking up from his book.
"What?" I sat up, wiping the sleep from my eyes.
"What? Noah's been on the phone most of the day with the label, trying to get them to fix the whole mess with Sarah being hired on as crew. I haven't seen him this pissed since,"
"Stop," Jolly interrupted, glaring a Nick with a raised eyebrow,
"I wasn't going there, Jolly. Calm down," Nicholas laughed lightly.
My hands rested on my lap nervously, as I thought about the whole situation with this Sarah person and what I was in the dark about. I hadn't even met her, yet I hated her, and watching Noah struggle the way he was with all of it was painful. He still hadn't told me their history, but I was hopeful he would soon.
"I should probably go check on him," I asserted. Jolly removed his arm from around me, making me already miss the comfort of his warmth, as I made my way upstairs to see what was wrong with Noah.
"Look, I can't work with this woman. She's a toxic person that I have a horrible history with and having her work with the Bad Omens crew is going to be the worst mistake ever." 
The regret I could hear in Noah's voice was crushing. Whatever happened in his past must have been not only devastating but detrimental too. Noah screamed, in the same manner, he would when he was on stage except this time with actual frustration. 
"Noah," I called, quietly knocking on the door. I was surprised by how fast the door opened and was instantly pulled into the room with the door closing behind me. Noah locked it and turned to me. 
His face was clouded with a perplexed look, but the magnetic appeal in his eyes held a sort of desirable darkness I was familiar with.
"Do you remember when you told me you were ready for me to have all of you?"
Closing the gap between us, Noah towered over me as he slid his hands around my waist and under my shirt, pulling me into him. My heart fluttered, immediately beating fast the moment his skin touched mine. "Yeah, I remember, and I meant it," I said, gently taking his face between my hands and tracing his bottom lip with my thumb.
He placed a moist kiss on the inside of my palm, leaving a dampness on my skin. The way he stared at me, dark eyebrow arched as he dragged his lust-filled eyes up and down my body, made me shiver. His breath was shaky either from the anger he was battling or that his self-control was wavering despite how hard he was resisting. 
"You can talk to me, you know. Whatever you have to say, I won't judge you or do anything that will hurt you, Noah. I just want to listen like you've always listened to me." 
He took my lips in his, kissing me softly, but I could feel his muscles flexing and grip tightening around me as he fought the urges his body was going through. He was tense and the breath he took when he kissed me was quick and loud. I needed to finally give this man the one thing he desperately needed from me; the one thing he'd been most respectful of.
"I don't fucking deserve you, Sophie," he confessed, laying his forehead on mine and closing his eyes. My hands wandered to his back, aching to feel his skin beneath them. I wanted his shirt off and tugged on it so he'd get the idea. After tossing it to the floor, Noah gathered me back up into his arms as I ran my hands up his chest, wrapping them behind his neck.
I laughed silently to myself, knowing how crazy he sounded. If anyone didn't deserve anyone, it was the other way around. I owed Noah the world after everything he'd done for me in the past year. In so many ways, he saved me.
"Yes, you do," kissing his cheek and brushing his hair back out of his face. I was eye-level with his chest, the dull colors of his tattoos so close I could see every detail. The word "desolate" stared me right in the face. It hurt to think that at some point in his life, Noah felt that way; empty, desolate. I prayed he still didn't. 
He shook his head, disagreeing with me. 
"Noah, look at me." He opened his eyes, no longer hiding the tears that lurked in their corners.
"You can't keep acting like if you let your guard down the world is going to end. Why don't you trust me enough to let me in?" 
He shrugged, quickly wiping away the one tear that escaped. I pulled him down and kissed his face. "I don't know why you seem to think you have to hide your pain from me; you don't." 
Noah clenched his jaw, hands moving up my body until they reached my shoulders and he pulled my shirt off, throwing it to the floor next to his. He pulled me in close, our chests pressed firmly together, and his hardness, which said he was hungry for me, pushed tight against my belly. His long fingers danced over the skin on my shoulders and back sending all kinds of signals between my thighs, making my muscles tighten like never before. I wanted him now more than ever and if I didn't get him soon I was going to internally combust. 
"You warm my soul, Sophie," he whispered in my ear, taking it in his mouth and sucking it lightly. A soft moan escaped me as I felt myself crumpling in his hands. 
"Whenever I'm around you, I feel alive," he continued, sliding his large hands under my bra and pulling it up, over my head, exposing my bare breasts to his hungry eyes. "And for a while, I can forget about my demons."
Noah's lips found mine again. They were desperate and needy and full of longing.
His hands found my breasts, their size completely engulfing them as he massaged and played with my nipples which immediately hardened at his touch. I couldn't hold back the sounds escaping me, but Noah didn't seem to mind.  
"I wanna fuck you, Sophie. I need to. Is that okay?" 
Noah's bluntness shocked me but didn't surprise me. I understood what he was feeling because I was feeling it too. I knew it was time to let him have my body as he had my heart.
I nodded my head, but he wouldn't accept that. "I need your words, Baby," he demanded in a tone I never heard before. I swallowed, hard. "Yes."
Like a switch that went off, Noah's face went from sweet to feral in a matter of seconds. He seized my hips, clamping down on them so hard I was sure there'd be bruises later, slamming his lips to mine and his tongue in my mouth. I knew at this point that he was in complete control and I was all too willingly surrendering.
"I want to cum inside you," he said bluntly, yanking my leggings down, forcefully until they were off and in the same pile as our shirts. "You're still on birth control, right?" pushing me against the desk, indicating me to sit. I nodded, too overwhelmed with what was going on to speak, sliding my bottom on top of the cold hardness of the desk like I was told. 
Noah paused for a moment, looking me over as I sat in only my panties on the top of his desk, waiting for him.
"You have no idea how long I've dreamed of fucking you like this," he said, sliding his joggers off. His hard cock was clearly visible through his black briefs, the length, and size of it making my eyes widen. Noah smiled, chuckling softly. 
"Do you think I won't fit?" My cheeks grew warm, snitching on my insecurities. Spreading my legs, Noah planted himself in between them, reaching for the tops of my panties, pulling them off, and placing them in the right side drawer. 
"Those are mine," he stated firmly. 
I didn't argue.  
"Don't worry, Baby. It'll fit perfectly inside your sweet little pussy; like a glove." Noah winked. I whimpered over the feeling that hit me as I watched Noah remove his briefs and yank me closer to him. He pumped himself a few times spreading the precum over the tip, preparing to slip it inside me. My breath caught in my throat over knowing this man before me and everything that came with him was mine, and the emotions that hit me were a lot. I couldn't think straight and didn't even notice when Noah reached behind my head and grabbed me with his free hand until I felt his kiss.
"You are fucking lethal to my self-control, you know that," I expressed, just as he slid two fingers inside my wet pussy, making me cry out. I threw my hand over my mouth to keep quiet, but he quickly pulled it away.
"Don't cover your mouth, I want to hear you." 
"But everyone downstairs," I whined, his fingers hitting the very spot inside me that felt heavenly, pulling another loud cry from me. With my hands behind me, palms flat on the desk, I tried to contain the sounds that were escaping but was failing miserably. 
"I don't give a fuck if they can hear us. I want to hear you scream for me, Princess." He gave me that smile that sent the butterflies in my stomach flying while pushing his strong fingers in and out of my sex harder and faster than ever before, never taking his eyes off me, making my moans grow louder. Our lips found each other as the version of me that once suggested we were meant for anything but this, melted away. 
"Noah," calling to him from the blissful part of my heart. 
"What is it, Baby?"
I was letting my emotions get the best of me, but he needed to hear how I really felt about him. 
"Noah, for the longest time, I believed love was a myth, something I didn't deserve because the only thing I had to compare it to was the life I had with Perry. But then you came along and proved to me that myths can sometimes be real too. Noah," I paused, licking my lips knowing I was about to take a huge risk, "Noah, I'm in love with you and I can't deny it anymore; I don't want to." 
I couldn't hold back the tears anymore as they slowly rolled down my cheeks. I was laid open like a book for Noah, exposing every vulnerable part of me. Noah stayed silent, reading me with his lustful eyes. His face was void of emotion, making it hard to know what line I'd just crossed. 
"Say something," I said, searching his eyes for some kind of response. He smiled, running his tongue over his bottom lip.
"Fuck this foreplay shit. You deserve the real thing," pulling his fingers out of me. Noah slid his fingers which were covered in my juices over his cock, pumping it a few times before lining it up to my pussy's entrance, plunging inside me with no warning, making me scream out his name in a lustful moan.  
"There it is," he said, grabbing my leg and holding it to his hip while wrapping his hand around my neck, lips finding mine as he began to thrust long and deep inside my wetness that was just for him. It took me a moment to adjust to him. It had been a while since, well since I was intimate, and to be perfectly honest, Perry was no match for Noah. The way Noah filled me was complete and I wasn't left wanting for anything more; just him, and at the moment I couldn't get him deep enough in me. My walls tightened around him with every thrust and pull he made, earning him a moan or a cry that I had no control over. 
"Goddamn, Sophie you're so fucking wet and tight, I can't," but he cut his words off, pushing his cock further into me. A low savage growl came from deep inside him. 
He leaned further into me, his hot breath covering my neck and head almost against my chest, as he savagely gathered me into him so that I could finally wrap my arms around him. 
I ran my nails across his shoulders, feeling the sweat that was already building on his skin, holding him to me in hopes that for a brief moment, I could make him feel safe, and from the way he clung to me, he did. Eventually, our steady speed turned into an unrelenting tempo and I couldn't hear anything but his grunts, my moans, and the sound of our skin slapping together.  
"I can't believe this is real; that you're real. I've been aching to be inside you," he breathed between each hard thrust. "I've needed this for too long, Sophie, and not just the sex, but sex with you." I managed to peer down and watch as his thick cock disappeared into my body, bringing my eyes up to meet his and see the enigmatic look on his face.
Noah was relentless against my pussy that was craving everything he was doing to it and I couldn't get enough of him inside me. "Sophie," he said softly, finally slowing his pace for a moment and letting me catch my breath. He took my face between his hands, pulling me to him, and dragging his lips across the skin of my neck and throat, sucking one specific spot until I could feel it bruising. He let go, bringing his eyes up to meet mine.
"God, why are you so fucking beautiful," kissing my lips violently. I couldn't resist the urge to smile. 
"This is going to sound corny as hell."
"Just say it."
"It wasn't until I met you that I understood I'd never been in love before." He brushed the strands of free hair out of my face. "I'm in love with you too, Sophie, and I want to spend every day proving it to you." 
I grinned, moving my hips around to feel his thickness inside me. I watched his eyes close and that satisfying look fall over his face again. 
"You like how that feels, my love," I cooed.
Noah nodded sluggishly. I sat up with him still inside me, latching on to his tight bottom and pushing further into me. His low grunts triggered another round of endorphins that made my pussy wetter.
"I don't need you to spend every day proving it, Noah. I already know. You've done things for me, and to me," I snickered, "that I've never experienced before." I ran my hands up his sides, relishing the feeling of his soft, tight skin beneath my fingertips. 
My body squirmed, begging Noah to continue what he started, and whimpered as his hand found my neck again. With his lips on mine, he whispered in my ear, "You are mine and only mine. You are my girl. Understand?" His fingers tightened around me, squeezing lightly until I was feeling a sort of high. 
"As long as you know you're mine and I'm not the kind of girl that shares. I will fight her for you Noah, and I'll win." 
Noah chuckled tightening his grip on my neck. My airwave was constricted, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing how fucking good it felt as he started his thrusting pace back up, massaging my inner walls even harder than before. "Your jealousy is already too fucking hot. She'd be a fool to cross your path." 
By this time I was pushing so hard against his thrust, craving the feeling of his cock inside me, that I was a writhing mess in his hands. My body was dying to reach its climax and was willing to do anything at this point to reach it. I braced myself against the bottom of the desk again, allowing Noah to use me as he needed to reach his release. My body was shivering and the built-up pressure in my stomach told me only one thing; I was almost there. 
Just thinking about this made my back arch and cries fell mercilessly from my mouth like rain. Noah quickened his pace, grabbing both my legs and locking them firmly around him. I felt completely surrounded by him, safe inside the dome of protection he created around us. Slowly, the fire in my body concentrated on the fire building in my core. My body started to shake and I was growing light-headed.
"Noah, fuck, baby, I'm almost there," I said gasping, taking a handful of his hair and tugging it. 
"That's it, my Princess. Fucking cum on me. I want to feel you. I need to feel you," he begged, taking his thumb and pushing it lightly on my clit. The circular motions he began made me moan louder.
"I love seeing you like this Sophie; so spread open and vulnerable in my hands. You don't know what you do to me, how fucking crazy you make me. I love you, Sophie." 
It was the first time either one of us said those exact three-letter words and the way it made me feel was unexplainable. I cried out harder than before, feeling like my entire body was on fire and about to explode. "Harder, Noah. Please, harder," I panted, almost reaching my climax. I knew I was being too loud, but I couldn't stop myself. "You look beautiful, Princess. I'm so fucking in love with you," he laughed. Finding his eyes, I saw the adoration for me in them and it was enough to pull one last cry from me before my walls collapsed around him, flooding me with such a beautiful release that my eyes welled up with tears. My orgasm hit me like a massive tidal wave, crashing into me without mercy, and I could feel myself cumming. "Fucking hell, Noah," I cried, grabbing his arms and digging my nails deep into his skin. He growled, hissing through his teeth as continued to lightly fuck me, pulling every last drop of my climax out of me.  
"You sound so damn beautiful, baby," Noah praised me, leaning over and latching his lips to one of my nipples. He sucked the hard peak first, lapping the tip before nipping the end, and then worked his tongue to the outside area, circling the skin and dragging his teeth over it. Switching to my other breast, Noah repeated his work as his hands roamed my body as if trying to memorize it. 
"Noah," I stammered, trying to speak the words that formed in my head but were impossible to say as he worked my body, trying to pull a second orgasm from me. My hands found his hair and I ran my fingers through its softness, sighing at the feeling 
"You think you have another one in you?" he asked, pulling me up and lifting me off the desk. "No. I'm drained," confessing as I wrapped my body around him, placing small kisses on his face and neck. He set me down carefully on the gray couch and a huge smile appeared on my face at the memory this couch held. "That look says otherwise," he said with a smirk, kneeling in front of me. 
"Noah, what are you doing?" His tattooed hands slid up my thighs, the darkness of them bringing out the paleness of my skin, and parted them, exposing my swollen sex to him. His nostrils flared and his jaw clenched as his deep dark eyes took in the sight of me.  
"You know, I thought that your pussy looked delicious before, but now that I've properly fucked it, it looks so mouthwatering, a could almost cum without even tasting you." Noah licked his lips before wrapping his arms around my legs, tugging me down toward his face, and plunging deep inside me with his mouth that I just about saw stars from the intense rush it gave me. I forced my hand over my mouth, this time covering it to save myself even more embarrassment. I moaned against my skin, biting any flesh my teeth could find. Noah let up, taking my leg and draping it over his shoulder to get a better angle. "I thought I told you not to do that," he scolded, pulling my hand away from my mouth. "I want to hear your sweet moans." "Yeah, but I'm so embarrassed. The others are downstairs and I'm sure they don't want to hear us." 
The look on his face was priceless and it made me giggle. "It's impossible for you to not overthink anything isn't it," he chuckled bringing his wet lips to mine, and kissing me until I could taste myself on him. "I said I don't give a fuck if they hear. They'd better get used to it because they're going to hear it a lot more than just tonight." He rubbed our noses together and tickled my side, making me laugh and squirm beneath him. We stared at each other for a moment, drinking one another in and trying to memorize every detail. I felt his cock, which was still fully hard, rub against my center, stirring the arousal inside me, and suddenly I wanted his mouth on me again. "Make me cum again, Noah," I whispered, pushing against him as I wiggled my hips and watched his lips curl into his precious smile. 
"Yes ma'am." Kissing my thighs and biting them, I jerked, the feeling intense, but welcoming. At first, his fingers parted my folds, and he slipped a finger inside me, but when he applied his mouth and worked my core so gently, a rush swept over me. I clawed at the fabric of the cushion, bucking my hips at every flick and circle his tongue made. He lapped up my wetness, sucking as much of it as he could before swallowing. "I'll never get enough of the way you taste," he muttered against my tightly clenched pussy, which was almost on the verge of cumming again. I just needed one more thing.
"I'm almost there, Baby. Use your fingers," I moaned, panting so heavily at the feeling of my second orgasm. As soon as Noah did what I asked, it only took a few pumps of his fingers to draw it out, and soon I was a shivering, shuttering mess in his hands again. Noah didn't even give me time to recover as he pulled me to the floor and slid himself gracefully between my legs, filling me with himself once more. This time I was able to properly hold onto him and allow him to take what he needed to find his own release. "God, you feel so fucking amazing wrapped around me, Sophie. I want this forever." "Forever?" I asked, surprised. His eyes met mine and he grinned, pecking my lips quickly. "You're making me cum, baby, I'm almost," he grunted, yelled, and then spilled himself inside me, coating my entire insides with his release. 
"Holy, fuck," collapsing into me so I could wrap him up in my arms. He was sweaty and sticky, and completely out of breath, but I loved every part of it. I didn't mind the pressure of his body against mine; I was just happy to have him. All of him.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this point, Noah," I confessed, running my hands up and down his back. "I'm sorry if you ever felt I didn't trust you enough." 
"No, don't do that," he mumbled into my neck, planting soft kisses. "Don't apologize. You were healing. I understand that." He pushed himself up, holding his weight off me by the strength of his arms. His silver chain dangled down, and I couldn't resist the urge to play with it. "Sophie, you never have to apologize for guarding yourself because of what that piece of shit did to you." Standing up and slipping his briefs on, Noah grabbed a blanket and a pillow from the couch along with his shirt and laid back down next to me. He cleaned me up the best he could considering where we were with no access to a bathroom, and when we were finally settled, I snuggled into the crook of his arm, throwing my arm over him and hugging him tight. It was so warm and soft next to him, reminding me of the perfect spot you'd find in your bed, surrounded by a bunch of pillows. Bringing his arm around me, Noah began to caress my shoulder, letting his fingers slide across my skin lazily as we both began to grow tired. 
Even though we both knew where each other stood now, confessing our love and refusing other people at this point, there was a deeply hidden fear that began to latch itself in me. It was the kind of fear that was just about as terrifying as the thought of Perry; paralyzing. 
"Noah, can I ask you something?" 
"You know you can," he replied, sleepily. 
"Are you ever going to tell me what happened with you and Sarah?"
I felt his body go rigid and his hand squeeze my shoulder. I was suddenly worried I'd crossed a horrible line the second he pulled his arm out from under me and sat up. I was afraid to look at his face, fearing I had made him angry. 
"You deserve to know," Noah agreed with a sigh. "I can't avoid it, can I? We share everything now at this point," reaching over and taking my hand. I gave him my best half-smile, earning me a sweet caress of his fingers across my cheek. Pulling the blanket with me, I nestled myself in between his legs like he asked me to and leaned back against his body as he began telling me the story of his relationship with Sarah and how it all went wrong. My heart wasn't prepared for what I heard and I now understood why Noah was the man he was today. She broke his heart.  
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mj-iza-writer · 7 months
SP Special Containment part 4. Human Weapons Whumpee
If you want to get a reminder of how this story is going or need to be caught up, use the hashtag #sp special containment. I'm sorry this has taken so long to post.
The director gave an odd look when Caretaker, Agent Mcgee, and Andy entered their office. He eyed the ice pack.
"It didn't go well I take it", the director sighed.
"Aramais threw slippers at my head, and I had to be rescued", Andy sat in a chair.
Mine threw her lunch at the cameras and told me to leave before they lost it", Agent McGee leaned against the wall.
"Whumpee said my heart was beating out of my chest", Caretaker sat in a different chair, "they get spooky when they know something isn't right."
"You didn't tell them anything?", the director sat back.
"I didn't have time too, she said I smelt like secrets, and needed to leave", McGee frowned.
Caretaker sighed, "I told them I wasn't at liberty to talk about it, they shut down completely, and had no interest in me."
"I made a mistake and left the speaker on while we talked. Aramais knows something is up. He is demanding a meeting with you and the other two weapons to be present. He says he wants you to tell them that they shouldn't know what's going on. He gave a warning that a cornered weapon is a very dangerous thing to play with", Andy paused, "he is refusing to eat until you talk to them."
The director groaned, "great."
"We have decided this is far to dangerous for them and us", Caretaker spoke up, "I suggest you explain to them what is going on."
The director sighed, "can we force feed Aramais."
"If you want to try be my guest, I'm not getting anywhere close to him to force a tube up his nose", Andy looked at him angrily, "I took slippers to the head. You need to talk to them now."
The director eyed the three of them, "okay fine, bring them to the board room. Let's get this over with. Each of you bring two guards with you as well. We've never had them together in a room before, I don't know how this will go. I'll be in shortly."
They all grabbed the wheelchairs and went to get their human weapons.
Andy peaked into Aramais's room.
"I don't have the slippers, what did the director say?", Aramais frowned.
Andy pulled in the wheelchair, and grinned.
"Well, first they mentioned to force feed you, but I told them not in a million years am I attempting that", Andy locked the chair into place, "they have okayed a meeting, the other two are being grabbed right now."
Aramais stood and walked to the chair, "full offense, the director sound like an idiot."
"We were joking saying we should have them take care of you three for three separate days", Andy started to strap in, "tell you guys to be on your worst behavior."
"I'd do it, I'd chuck the slippers at him", Aramais waited patiently as he was strapped in, "speaking of, can I wear those please, my feet are cold."
"I'd record the whole thing in the monitor room to watch later", Andy laughed as he put the slippers on Aramais.
Aramais looked around as he was wheeled to the board room.
"I think this is my first time out of that room", Aramais sighed.
"You were considered high risk do to your rank", Andy stated as they wheeled the chair down the hall close to the room, "you were supposed to be given two caregivers actually, but one of them didn't make the cut. You seemed to like me enough that they left it at one."
"You didn't annoy me that's all", Aramais muttered, "plus you're good to me, and I appreciate that."
Andy saw the room ahead, "here we are. I enjoy taking care of you if that helps."
Aramais nodded, "thankyou, I appreciate you taking care of me."
They entered the room.
"Oh no, you're here", Aramais laughed, "who let Jaimie in?"
"I was about to say the same thing", Jaimie smirked.
"Is this a problem?", Agent Mcgee jumped up, "we've never had you three together, and we are a bit on edge."
The guards also stood at the ready.
"No, we just like to pick at each other", Aramais laughed, "Jaimie and I were classed in the same level so we were teamed up quite a bit, we're friendlies."
Jaimie nodded, "it was for our entertainment, and it annoyed our trainers."
Caretaker rushed in, "sorry we're late, Whumpee wasn't wanting to come out at first, then they wanted to look out a window for a few minutes."
"We have Whumpee here to", Aramais grinned.
"Is that okay?", Andy sighed.
"Everyone gets along with Whumpee", Jaimie smiled.
"I had no idea it was you two that were being held here", Whumpee smiled.
"They've been keeping secrets", Aramais stated, then eyed someone as they walked in, "I bet you that person is the reason", Aramais whispered.
"Good we are all here", the director smiled weakly, ignoring Aramais' comment.
Caretaker, Mcgee, and Andy stood behind their charges as the director climbed up the podium steps.
"Hmph", Aramais sighed.
"I'm sorry?", the director looked at Aramais.
"I don't think you are in any position to stand above us and talk down to us, any of us, our caretakers and the guards even", Aramais stated in annoyance, "I know only one of us has actually seen you. You haven't earned any of our respect, and you're keeping secrets."
The director sighed, "you're a hard one, so the rumors are true."
"Not hard, just not a pushover", Aramais came back, "you have to earn my respect. Just like Andy did."
The director stepped down from the podium, "very well, your point is made clear."
Jaimie grinned.
"So we might as well get right to it. I didn't want anything said until it was fully confirmed, as in people are triple checking paperwork. Their is a chance one of the trainers evaded capture, and we don't know where they are", the director glanced at each one of them, "we didn't want to make you three uneasy. Especially if there was an error."
Aramais frowned at the news. He glanced at Jaimie, then at Whumpee.
"Who is it?", Aramais looked back at the director.
"It's uh, it's Whumpee's trainer", the director looked down, "I'm sorry, all of the holding facilities are on high alert. We started the moment we found out."
Whumpee gulped loudly.
Aramais and Jaimie both looked at Whumpee.
"That's a problem, a very big problem", Aramais gritted their teeth, "he was one of the harshest trainers their, Mitch was a living weapon himself. He was above my level even."
The director sighed, "that's why I didn't want you to know, I'm hoping it was an error."
"You don't make errors", Whumpee almost whispered, their mouth dry, "it's not an error."
"Whumpee?", Aramais frowned.
"He's here already", Whumpee looked down, "I haven't said anything as I thought it was my imagination."
"We don't know that", the director stepped toward Whumpee.
"I've seem him, I've smelt him", Whumpee squeezed their eyes, "they're here."
"You know for sure", Jaimie looked at Whumpee.
"Yes, the day in the cafeteria. Right before the sedative took affect, I saw him, I thought it was because of my blackout, my brain was imagining him", Whumpee looked at the director in tears, "he wears a guards uniform."
"You smelt him even", Caretaker leaned over the wheelchair, "are you sure?"
"Yes", Whumpee cried out, "I know that scent."
"You weren't going to tell us", Aramais looked back at the director, "you were just going to let this slide, and while you did that Whumpee was being targeted."
The director couldn't even speak, 'what now?', was his only thought. A lump sat in his throat as he watched Whumpee fighting panic mode. 'WHAT NOW?'
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
SP Special Containment tags. @written-by-jayy @notpeppermint
Thankyou to those who gave me a push to finish this. Part 5 is in the works and hopefully won't take two months. I hope you enjoyed.
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punsmaster69 · 9 months
papyrus seems to believe me a little more when i say that i feel better now, but he still insisted that i stay in today.
being in the house all day, it was easy to notice something was.. different.
every shelf? organized.
not a speck of dust anywhere..
even the mess that usually is my room was suddenly clean.
seems like papyrus needs to stay in just as much as i do today.
hands on his hips, paps stood proudly in the center of our living (now turned giant pillow fort).
chucking a spare pillow, i hit papyrus square in the chest.
after smacking another one at his head, he accepted my challenge.
papyrus grabbed a small pillow, and hurled it at me.
we threw pillows back and forth for a little while, at least until i had to tap out.
"i admit defeat...."
"this is the end for me..."
he seemed less than enthused about me faking my death, so i sat up off the floor.
"welp. that's that, then."
"what now?"
"does this mean i'm ungrounded now?"
digging our folding chairs out from the closet, we set up on the balcony.
temporarily sacrificing a wall of the fort, me and paps wrapped ourselves together in a blanket while facing the sun.
the surface is pretty nice sometimes.
"what's that one supposed to be?"
paps said we should unroll our sleeping bags to hang out and sleep in the pillow fort.
we ended up taking turns holding a flashlight at the ceiling and making shadow puppets, so the sleeping part has been postponed.
papyrus moved his fingers to make it look like his shadow dragon's mouth was opening and closing.
"definitely see it now."
i passed the flashlight to him.
"i've got one."
a vaguely dog-like silhouette was formed after some struggling.
"probably the best one you're getting outta me."
papyrus yawned, making me yawn in turn.
"callin' it a night?"
i'd already tucked into my sleeping bag before realizing.
" 'night, paps."
he clicked off the flashlight.
"bro.. i'm- i'm trying, but you keep laughing and it's just making it worse again."
barely anything would happen, and we'd get thrown into another laughing fit.
he covered his face with his hands, still shaking with laughter.
"it's too late for this-"
"what do taller people do in bed?"
"sleep longer."
we tried to keep it in, but failed.
"you don't have it your bones to."
"you're smiling though."
it's a miracle we got any sleep at all, honestly.
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lyssak09 · 2 years
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Dean Winchester hc
Reader is female. I'll get better at writing reader as gender neutral. I promise!
75% scarry boi and 25% cinnamon roll
Definitely has at least slight anger issues and delusional
You might have been another hunter or someone he met in a bar. Either way, it doesn't matter
When he first laid eyes on you, you looked like an angel. Just absolutely stunning.
When he first started talking to you you just thought he was cocky
While he thought you were just amazing. Like he can't find the proper words to describe you. You are just perfect
So he goes up to you and starts flirting.
You might play along or just very politely decline his advances
Either way, he wears you down and gets you to go out with him
After you start to get to know him you see he is a very sweet person. And eventually you'll start dating
In the beginning phase of your relationship it was perfect. For the most part
Dean was a bit clingy but nothing bad. Just a few puppy eyes here and there whenever you try to leave without him
But as time goes on he becomes worse. More clingy, pushy, demanding, and possessive
Dean will force/manipulate you to move in with him and tries to cut off any contact someone has with you.
He will barely let you around Sam and Cas. Everytime you're around them Dean will have a tight hand around your own hand or waist, pulling you close to him
If you do somehow manage to go out by yourself Dean will find out (he may or may not put a track on your phone and in you) and go after you. He might force you home or if you've been good he'll let you think you're alone but will just stalk you.
Dean will start to demand you to do little things. Such as kissing him when he demands asks or making you cuddle with him and not letting you up
If the rest of Team Free Will ask about you and if they can hangout with you Dean will 100% become either defensive, dodge the question, or just make up excuses
Eventually you'll get tired of his ways and try to leave
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"DEAN!" Y/N yelled. "CALM DOWN! I was just hanging out with my friends!" she said in fear. I continued to throw my fit and destroy part of the bunker. "THEY'RE TRYING TO TAKE YOU FROM ME. WHY ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH ALL THEM?!" I yelled and chucked a lamp across the room. Y/N flinched and got angry. "Because they are my best friends! I've known them longer than you! I love them, you jerk!" She yelled. "THEY'RE NOT WORTH YOUR TIME. ONLY I AM." I yell and walk towards her. "I'm done Dean. You've made me lose half of my friends, made me move in with you even though I wasn't ready, and so much more. We're over Dean." I hear her say. As she gets ready to leave it hits me that she's leaving me. "DON'T YOU DARE WALK OUT THAT DOOR Y/N. I LOVE YOU. YOU'RE MINE" I yell as I grab her wrist. "I belong to no one. Especially you." "Baby, you aren't allowed to leave me ever. You're mine." I say to and tighten my grasp on her wrist. Y/N scoffs and yanks her wrist back and walks out the door. "Son of a bitch!" I yell. She's mine. I love her and she loves me. I threw a chair in anger. Who does she think she is?! She belongs to me!
Dean will wait for a few days. I mean you love him, so you'll come back to him, right? He'll call you everyday and stalk watch you from a far
He'll get tired of waiting and stright up kidnap you. Once he has you back home you're screwed.
You will be chained up. And if you want out to use the restroom or give your wrists and or ankles a break you will have to give Dean something back in return
"You wanna shower? Cuddle with me then"
He loves an contact you give him. He won't admit it but he is touchstarved. So if you wanna manipulate him then let him cuddle you, play with his hair, ect.
If you talk back or just misbehave then he will be pissed. Dean will throw things, yell, and will be very forceful. If you don't apologize for whatever then he will grab you by the throat and force you too.
After an argument or a rough day between the two of you, Dean will grab you and make you sit on his lap and try to get you to laugh. He thinks your laugh is the most mesmerizing thing. Its music to him.
Dean's main goal is to get you to depend on him/ love him and as a bonus, maybe start a family.
Dean wants to spoil you and just do couple things together. But that is all based on your behavior. If you're bad then you're getting punished
He will also use your loved ones against you. Even Castiel or Sam. And Dean is terrifying and serious about his threats. So don't test him
Dean is delusional. So he doesn't think what he is doing is wrong. You're his future wife so there is nothing wrong with kidnapping taking you home and training preparing you for your life together.
Now we all know Dean is a quite a drinker. So when he gets drunk he does get more irritable so take caution. When he is drinking he knows what he's doing is wrong, but he doesn't care.
Dean loves you more than life itself. If you escape he will tear the world apart in search of you.
Remember that he loves you. More than you know
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melishade · 6 months
Number 6?
This ask game
Optimus and Megatron coming after Oshern because they think he hurt Ymir. For more context: Part 16: The Oshern Arc
When Megatron and Optimus had opened the doors to the cabin, both were surprised to see that Ymir wasn't in the kitchen, and Maria wasn't writing in the living room. Instead, they had spotted Maria, standing in front of Ymir's door. Her face scrunched in concern in front of the closed door.
"Maria, is everything alright?" Optimus asked as he kneeled down in front of her while Megatron put the fish on the table.
"No," Maria answered with concern, "Mama came home, and she started crying. She didn't come out. Is she okay?"
Optimus stood up and knocked on Ymir's door. "Ironspark, are you alright?"
There was no response, only the sounds of crying. That concerned Optimus.
"Ironspark, please answer us to tell us you are alright," Optimus pleaded with her.
"Firelight, do you remember anything that happened before she got home?" Megatron asked Maria.
"I saw her with Oshern, and she seemed happy to be with him," Maria recalled, "I don't know, I-!"
"The Baker!" Optimus exclaimed in anger. Maria yelped when Optimus stomped out of the cabin, slamming the door behind him.
"Okay, Firelight, stay here, watch your mother, make sure she eats something!" Megatron ordered before running after him.
Oshern sat in a chair in his shop, resting his chin on his hands, watching the dough rise and become crispy. He couldn't help but feel sad. It's been a few days since he's seen Ymir. He thought things were going well between the two of them. And he could tell that Ymir's been through a lot. He knows from chatter that Ymir had to be a victim of the Eldian Empire. So he thought that telling Ymir about his life before the Eldian Empire would allow for empathy to be had. To show that she wasn't alone in the suffering caused by them, and that she had someone who understood her.
But the look on her face. The horror and devastation to be had, the way her eyes watered and looked ready to burst, the way that she was trying so hard to not break as she bowed without a word before leaving him. Did he...did he mess something up? Did he hurt her? He didn't mean to. Oshern stood up, picking up the long, metal, spatula to take out the bread. He scooped up the bread and set it on the table to cool. He just wanted her to feel happy and safe. He didn't want the relationship to end over a possible misunderstanding. He-!
"YOU!" Oshern was stunned when Orion grabbed his apron and chucked him over his countertop and into the dirt. Oshern screamed as he hit the ground face first while Orion grabbed the still hot spatula and spun it in his hand with great ease.
"Oh shit!" Oshern couldn't help but swear as he crawled backwards as Orion stalked towards him, "Orion, I swear! I swear I didn't do anything wrong!"
Oshern yelled as someone locked their arms under his pits and hoisted him in the air before locking him in place. Oshern glanced behind to see Matthew staring at him with a maniacal grin.
"Then why was Ymir crying after you spoke with her last?!" Orion demanded.
"Yes! YES! I'm gonna get my winnings!" Sigrid exclaimed with delight as the villagers were watching what was happening.
"Oh dear! I didn't think he'd actually die!" Tove fretted.
"Nuts?" Beini offered some of the villagers who eagerly took it and began to chew.
"You are all psychopaths!" Magnar yelled in anger before running to get Solveig.
"Orion, I didn't do anything! It's a misunderstanding!" Oshern swore as he tried to kick his way out of Megatron's grip. However, the former warlord tightened his hold on Oshern, causing him to cry out in pain. Was he actually trying to break his arms?!
"I doubt it was a misunderstanding!" Optimus declared before nearly jamming the Baker's throat with the spatula, "What did you say to Ymir?! What did you say to cause her agony?!"
"I don't know! I don't know! I swear I don't know!" Oshern answered in a panic, feeling the hot iron so close to his neck, "Please I swear! I didn't mean to hurt Ymir!"
"Well you did," Optimus' voice dropped an octave as he was prepared to strike. But then-!
Solveig clapped her hands as loud as possible. "ENOUGH!"
Everyone turned their attention to that commanding voice. Optimus and Megatron stop their assault on Oshern, and the Baker looked visibly relieved at the herbalist's arrival.
"Put the Baker down," Solveig ordered calmly, "And all three of you are coming into my house to settle this."
"Sol-!" Solveig raised a hand Magnar as he tried to protest this plan.
"This isn't your concern, woman," Megatron proclaimed.
"You didn't even give him a chance to explain himself and jumped right to conclusions!" Solveig explained, "The boy has been kind to the both of you despite your insistence on spying on him every other day! He makes one mistake, and suddenly he has to suffer for it?!"
Solveig points to her home. "House."
"Solveig, you don't-,"
"NOW!" Solveig yelled at Optimus.
Oshern was afraid that Optimus wasn't going to listen to Solveig, but the Prime had lowered his cooking tools and walked over to his home to put it back against the oven. However, Megatron did not let Oshern go, as the former warlord dragged him towards Solveig's home.
"Damn it, Magnar!" Sigrid yelled at the musician.
(Someone asked for #16, but everything else except for 4,8,12,21,25,27,29,43,47,48, and 50, are free game.)
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pxrxcxa · 2 years
Opposite Ends
Chapter Three - A Shock And A Low Roll
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C1 | C2 | C4 | C5 | C6 | C7 | C8 | C9 | C10 | C11 | C12 | C13 pt1 | C13 pt 2 |
Chapter Four is out now!, enjoy Sunflowers x 🌻
Pairing | Eddie x Female reader 18+. Steve x Robin x Female reader platonic friendship
Series summary | Dustins older sister got brought into the group during the events of Starcourt mall, 3 months on she's in her senior year and the kids are starting high school. After everything that went down she feels that she has to keep them safe at all costs, that includes keeping them way from the charismatic 'freak' Eddie Munson that runs a club based on their favourite game. They've both hated each other since freshman year -with good reason-, but when keeping distance between the kids and Eddie means putting herself in the firing line, boundaries get blurred, intentions get lost & the heart speaks louder than the brain.
The story is told from both Y/N & Eddies point of view.
What to expect | Slow burn enemies to lovers, Angst - with a happy ending, fluff & smut (in the later chapters). 18+ to read this story.
Series Warnings | Mentions of abuse, drug use, 18+ smut content
Chapter word count | 3.1k word count
Chapter warnings | Mention of drug use & female period.
Any & All comments/reblogs are most appreciated - Love, P. x 🌿
Authors Note | As always, if you've read this far down than thank you so much & I hoped you enjoyed it, let me know if you want chapters that include both Y/N & Eddies point of view, I just don't want the chapters to be too long but I've just got so much to write! All feedback is welcome, Take care Sunflower 🌻 P. x
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Y/N | October 1985
"Come onnnnn" Dustin yelled from the front door. I had barely slung my bag off my shoulder, exhausted from my after-school shift at the Family Video, watching Steve work his sweaty moves on high school seniors. He swore his charms were irresistible, but I was yet to see it work on any of the air headed bimbos that gathered, giggling in the 'romance' section. My room was still a mess from the whirlwind off chaos I created this morning in my haste to get ready, outfits that didn't make the cut were strewn across my floor and my homework-turned-makeup desk was scattered with expensive skin care products. I dropped my bag onto my futon and flopped onto my unmade bed. 
"Ugh." I groaned as something stabbed into my back, pulling my carelessly discard hairbrush out from under me I tossed it into the abyss that was my bedroom. I flinched as my door was flung open against the wall, scowling in the general direction of the commotion. 
"What the hell are you doing? We're going to be late." Dustin swore. His fuzzy hair spilled out from beneath his cap as he gaped at me, his jaw hanging wide as he took in my comfortable position. 
"Language Dusty!" Our mother called in distance, banging and clanging pots around as she prepared a burnt- but loved filled - dinner. I made a mental note to pick up something from the store later to avoid the inevitable food poisoning guaranteed if I attended another family meal. We normally ate on our own when we wanted. Given all of our conflicting schedules, shared meals usually consisted of rushed greetings in the hallway with half eaten pieces of toast shoved in our mouths. But now and again mom would read a self-help book for single mothers and insist we act as a normal, functioning family for a night. 
"Water skiing, clearly." I retorted, he sighed at my obvious sarcasm and chucked my windbreaker, that was draped over my chair, at me. 
"Get dressed you useless thing, we're going to be late. 5 minuets or I'm driving your car. Or worse, I'll get Max to drive." I flinched at the memory of our near-death experience as Mad Max showed us why she deserved that name, I swear Steve still got flashbacks. 
"Late for what?" I feigned innocently as I untied my shoelaces, half hoping he'd changed his mind about Hellfire and Eddie. 
"5 minuets!" He screeched, slamming the door shut behind him. The photos that adorned my walls, baring the evidence of my tedious childhood, rattled as the bedroom door slowed to a standstill. 
I pegged my sneaker at the quickly closed door, knocking off the battered calendar that hung there. I groaned as I rolled off my bed, facing the unescapable. It was bad enough that I had to endure Eddie during school hours, in a place that I legally had to be, let alone voluntarily subjecting myself to his presence. But it was either I left Dustin, Lucas and Mike alone to face the bad-influence-guaranteed-to-corrupt-freshman’s that was Edward Munson or be the pillar of stubbornness that ensured tonight was about DnD and only about DnD. 
While I was sure that Eddie wouldn’t be able to let it slip to Dustin what I got up to in my recreational time while I was around, I didn’t put it past him to try after what he pulled at school today, but I figured if he opened his mouth, I could shove something in it before he went too far. The fact my motives were entirely selfish based wasn’t lost on me, but I was also genuinely looking out for Dustin and his friends. It wasn’t below Eddie to sell to freshmen. I had walked past far too many 14-year-olds puking into the unfortunate rose bushes that adorned the south wall of administration building at school, after smoking more weed than what they were used to, which was none. Eddie was single handedly responsible for all of Hawkins Highs students’ marijuana addiction in his six years of high school, well, apart from mine maybe. But one Henderson with a drug dependence was enough.
The reminder made me scowl as I ripped my uniform off over my head, if I wanted my own habit to continue, I was going to have to endure even more of his presence. I flipped through the roster of my acquaintances in my head, trying to imagine if any of them could hook me up. Doubtful, Eddie had cornered the drug market in Hawkins. I could probably rope Steve into going to Eddie for me, he was no stranger to the scene, we had smoked up plenty of times together at one of his famous parties back when he was king of Hawkins High, and I was another air headed cheerleader – before we were actually friends, ironically enough. But he would probably get suspicious if he was picking up for me once a week and rat me out to the rest of the gang. I had barely escaped Robin’s and Max’s suspicious line of questioning after Eddie’s outburst. I had shrugged them off and said I had no clue what he was talking about. Robin had seemed to believe me, that was one of the perks of her being so gullible sometimes, but Max didn’t look convinced one bit. But she had respected me and left me alone after that, trusting that I would talk to her when I wanted to. If I wanted to. 
I examined my body in the full-length mirror leaning against the corner of my room, I had stripped down to my underwear. My fingertips caressed the angry pink scar that stretched across my abdomen along my left hip, I had acquired it the night of the fire. Lost in my own thoughts, my hands began to tremble.  
The sound of my car spluttering to life brought me back to existence. Pulling on the nearest pair of jeans and throwing a sweater over my head, not bothering to see if they matched. “Geez this kids gotta get his ego in check.” I muttered to the empty room, quickly sparking up a leftover joint sitting in the ashtray on my bedside table and puffing it down to the roach. Waving my hands to waft the smoke out the only window in my bedroom, I quickly grabbed my purse from my bookbag and jogged out the door, hastily pulling on sneakers as I stumbled off balance into the hallway. 
“Hey where are you guys off to in such a rush, I’m making dinn-” Mom questioned as I rushed past the kitchen, she held a stirring spoon in one hand and a pan with something blackened in it, in the other. 
“School!” I shouted back, not bothering to mention Hellfire. By the time I stopped and explained, Dustin would have had my car rolling out of the driveway. Her complaints muted as the front door slammed behind me and I sped across our freshly mown lawn. 
“About freaking time.” Dustin whined, already situated in the passenger seat, a book with drawings and notes peeking out of the sides of it, sitting on his lap. Thankfully he had already turned the heat in the car on. I rubbed my hands together and turned the fans down from full force, sliding the car into reverse. 
“You know you could be grateful. Since you’re a highschooler and all, should you really need your sister to chauffeur you around?” I pretended to criticise, looking over my shoulder as I rolled down our angled driveway. 
“If you recall, I had a lift. You just didn’t approve of them.” He seemed to know better than to mention Eddie by name. The sun was well and truly setting now, sending a brilliant streak of orange across the horizon. Beautiful but blinding, I pulled my sun visor down and my eyes flittered up to view the polaroid that was pinned there, a photo of Steve, Robin and I on our first day at Family Video together. Smiling from ear to ear after Robin had convinced Keith to hire Steve to attract more female clientele.
“Dustin to Lucas, come in Lucas. We are T-minus 5 away.” He pushed down on a button on his walkie as it crackled. 
“We’re picking up Lucas?” I asked disbelievingly. I didn’t mind, I cared about everyone in the group like they were my own siblings, but I was just looking for a reason to be mad. 
“Yep! And Mike. Hey!” He cried as my eyebrows creased together, “You wanted to drive, that’s why I told you to hurry up.” Shaking his head at me, pulling some snacks from his backpack. I turned my head to hide my grin, laughing at the fact he clearly had the same idea as me after discovering that mom intended on cooking tonight. 
“Yeah well, you’ll thank me one day when you’re old enough to understand.” I retorted. Old enough to know about everything that happened the night of the fire, and why I battled my demons the way I did. I finished my sentence silently. 
He rolled his eyes at my cryptic wisdom and pulled his walkie back to his mouth to signal Mike of our imminent arrival. 
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Fifteen minutes later, or fifteen minutes past seven as Dustin so cynically pointed out, the boys were settled in the backseat of my beat-up Ford Escort chattering excitedly about their plans for the evening. Debating about how good of a dungeon master they thought Eddie was. The sun had well and truly set by the time I pulled into the now almost empty school car park. The interaction with Jason from this morning popped back into my head. Only the cheerleaders bothered showing up for basketball practise, the rest of school -who actually had lives- only attended games. My heart didn't squeeze with longing anymore as I watched Chrissy and a junior I didn't know skip into the gym waving their pompoms above their head, that was a different time in my life, a different version of myself, in another universe that would be me linking arms with Chrissy getting ready to cheer on the team. I thanked my lucky stars it wasn't. I payed attention as I drove into a spot close to the entrance, preparing for a quick getaway if needed. 
“Kay thanks, see you at nine!” Dustin threw my way, quickly sliding out of the car before I even came to a full stop. Mike and Lucas muttered appreciations from the backseat and followed suit. But I killed the engine and jumped out from my side. All three boys froze on the sidewalk and turned to face me. 
“What’re you doing?” Dustin questioned me whilst I pulled my jumped tighter around me, it was unseasonably cold for Autumn and the chilly night air had an unfamiliar bite to it. 
“Coming with you obviously.” The moonlight starting to seep through the clouds reflected off their confused faces.
“B-but girls don’t play DnD.” Stammered Lucas. Mike nodded along vigorously with him.
“Well, I’m glad I didn’t have to break that news to you boys. You really thought I was going to leave you alone with him if I wasn’t going to let him drive you? Also, what am I supposed to do, sit in the car for two hours while you guys get your nerd on? Come on, I’m not going to argue about it out here. I’m freezing.” 
I shouldered through them heading towards the unlocked doors, before giving any of them a chance to dispute me. The darkened hallways were eerily creepy at night, missing its usual sounds of slamming lockers and rushed conversation’s shared between classes, each student shouting over each other, fighting for attention. It reminded me of Hawkins High in the upside down, minus the slimy black tentacles and white particles swirling around of course. I shuddered the thought away and hurried my pace, my feet taking me to my destination before my mind could catch up to where we were going. I started to question myself how and why I knew where Eddie hosted his stupid club when Mikes towering figure slammed into my back after my sudden stop. God that kid had really shot up over the summer. 
“Sorry, sorry.” He muttered, but the boy’s attention was no longer on me. Golden light seeped out from the closed door on our left. Hellfire Club was hosted in the drama/theatre room, as evidenced by the stage lights, curtains and props cluttering the outskirts of the room we cautiously made our way into now. Lit candles adorned practically every surface, throwing dancing shadows across Eddies face. He sat at the head of a dusty table on – what I could only describe as a throne – with a four paged book of some sort propped up right in front of him on the tabletop. The rest of the club lined the walls, watching our arrival like they had been waiting for an eternity. The entire setting was unnerving, sending a shiver up my spine. I debated dragging the kids by the scruffs of their necks back to the car, kicking and screaming aside, when Eddie spoke up. 
“This is Hellfire Club Henderson, not baby-sitting club.” His eyes did not leave his hands as he twisted his rings around. Unsure which Henderson he was referring to, I stepped forward. 
“Good thing I’m not baby-sitting then.” I shot back; his head snapped up at me. His abnormally dark eyes meeting mine with piqued interest. 
“I remember extending an invitation to trialling members only.” One of the boys behind me made a dejected sound, probably at the use of the word ‘trialling’. Undoubtedly Dustin, he had thought their affiliation with the club was a done deal. Eddie stood up quickly, sending his chair toppling backwards, he only ignored it as he made his way over to me. “So pray tell Henderson, what brings you here?” He questioned, cocking his head slightly to the left, his long curls bouncing with the movement. 
Damn, this was his domain. I had no power here, and if I didn’t play nice, he was going to throw me out. I didn’t blame him if he did, after my constant insolence towards him in Calculus over the past four years I would have done the same thing. 
“I uhh-“ His eyes bored unflinchingly into mine, in the back of my mind I took notice that this was the closest I had ever been to Eddie, with his face inches from mine, I could see that his eyes weren’t just so brown that they were practically black, but they had yellow – almost golden – flecks sprinkled throughout his iris’s, probably why they always seemed to catch the light, no matter how dark the room he was standing in was. “I’m here to join Hellfire to.” It was the quickest – albeit lamest – excuse I could come up with that I didn’t think he’d expect, and I was right. A brief flicker of surprise flashed across his face before his carefully contracted mask retook its place. 
He appraised me a minuet, holding two fingers up when Gareth opened his mouth to object. I stared back daringly, willing him to see nothing but truth reflected on my face. After what felt like an eternity, he grinned. Extending a large hand out to me. 
“Welcome to Hellfire.” My stomach knotted at his words, feeling like I was betraying every decision I had planned to stick by tonight.
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I couldn’t believe how animated Eddie was, not that I hadn’t seen others have a similar reaction to DnD, I’d spent probably months of my life listening to Dustin and his friends have excited screaming matches over the number on the dice they rolled, while Nancy and I flipped through cheesy magazines on her bed, staring at perfect sun kissed models and comparing them to our own bodies, this was before I had grown closer to Steve of course – and further away from Nancy as a result, it was hard to listen to her rant about her ex-boyfriend when said ex was one of my new best friends.
No, I wasn’t surprised because of DnD, it was because I had never seen Eddie be so passionate about, well anything really. It was a shame the game wasn’t a class in school, I was sure that for the first time Eddie would receive top marks that would rival my own. 
“That’s... a... miss.” He shook with laughter as the group groaned with dismay, it had been a universal decision that I should sit this campaign out so I could watch and learn given I had never played before. And watch I did. The tough-I-don’t-care-about-anything demeanour melted away without him meaning to, in fact I hadn’t realised it was a façade at all until tonight. Bright smiles that spread from ear to ear never once left his face as he tussled his hair and swung his hands about excitedly, his infectious laugh rubbing off on everyone in the room except for me. Just because he wasn’t actually a total jerk that cared about nothing didn’t automatically make him a good guy. He must have felt my eyes locked on his face because he turned to meet my gaze like he suddenly remembered I was there, a slight flush creeping up his cheeks as his guarded mask slid easily back into place. Perhaps he thought I was judging him, which technically I guess I was, I hadn’t been smiling as I stared at him so I could see why it looked that way. I gasped and crossed my legs. 
“Oh.” I panted, Eddies eyebrows disappeared into his bangs as he glared at me curiously, the others slowing turning towards me as well. “We have to go now!” Well that explained the moods swings. 
“What!” Yelled Dustin. “We’re almost to the end!” 
“Yeah! We just need to roll a 20 for a crit hit!” Chimed in Lucas. There wasn’t a worse situation I could imagine myself being trapped in; stuck with Edward Munson at night, no feminine products on me and being the only girl in the room, there was no help coming. Dustin wouldn’t understand what I meant even if I had hit him with a sign that had the words ‘I’ve got my period’ painted on it, it couldn’t have picked a worse time to arrive.
I looked back at Eddie pleadingly, the fact that I faced him with something other than strong loathing in my eyes must have told him something was seriously wrong, even if he hadn’t clued on to the fact that my monthly’s had arrived. He nodded at me. 
“It’s okay, go. I’ll drive them home.” There wasn’t time to argue with his offer, though I did manage a mumbled ‘thanks’ through stubborn lips. Throwing a quick thank you prayer to a God I wasn’t even sure that I believed in, that I had grabbed black jeans and not white to get dressed in this afternoon, as I rushed back to my car, laughing at my quick getaway plan when I remembered where I parked. I fumbled with my keys in the snippy night air, the silver moon now well and truly shining down through the clouds, before sliding into the driver’s seat and pushing my battered Ford as fast as it would go to the nearest gas station.
Chapter Four
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I hope you enjoyed the third chapter! If you would like to be added to my Eddie tag list, let me know! :)
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Copyright © 2022 by P.McCann
All rights reserved.
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roseythefanfichuman · 6 months
Break the rules, Bakugo x reader
Y/n, a budding young hero, from a hero family, enters UA high. She expected struggle and work, she didnt expect for her life to be at risk, she also didn’t expect to fall for one of her classmates, but life’s just full of surprises.
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Chapter 1
Content warnings: swearing
I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring. Groggily I stand and get ready for my first day at UA high.
I grab a toaster waffle, popping it in the toaster while I grab my backpack and slip my shoes on. With a ding my waffle is done, after a moment I grab it and munch on it while leaving my house.
I look outside, seeing my best friend and neighbor shoto waiting outside my house for me
"Hey Sho!" I yell out to him happily. His head perks up a slight smile on his face at the sight of me.
"Hello y/n." He replies calmly. I run up beside him and we start walking together. "Hey, can I ask you a question?" He asks, as I finish my waffle.
"Shoot." I tilt my head at him.
"Why do you call me Sho?"
"Because I think it's a cute nickname for you."  I spin around walking backwards, facing him.
"You realize that this is why your grandparents and my father have been trying to put us in an arranged marriage since we were seven right?" He tells me simply.
"The nickname also has to do with when we met. I wasn't the best speaker so I just called you Sho." I explain to him, spinning around and facing forward.
"Hey look we're here!" I point out, changing the subject. We make our way up the steps quietly, easily finding the classroom. We walked into class and went our separate ways. I see a tall blue haired guy yelling at a blond about putting his feet on his desk. Its Ilda.
"Hi Iida!" I greet him as I walk up, He turns to me and nods.
"Oh hi l/n. Can you please help me with this?" He asks, gesturing to the angry looking blond boy.
"Hmm, ok." I agree softly. "Let's see, well the desks and chairs aren't connected so..." I mutter as I then pull the desk out from under his feet. His feet fall to the floor with a thud and he growls at me. His glare intense.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing extra?!" He shouts at me aggressively, standing. He gets up close with a menacing glare.
"Helping a friend." I shrug at him casually.
"What? So you're friends with Glasses over there?" He asks angrily.
"Well yeah, our parents run in similar circles so it makes sense we became friends." I state as if it was obvious.
"Whatever! Extra..." He dismisses me, rolling his eyes and looking away, obviously annoyed at my lack of fear towards him.
"Here's your desk back." I say, pushing his desk back towards his chair, where it had been originally.
I turn around at the sound of the classroom door opening, and see a cute green haired boy and a pretty brown haired girl in the doorway. I walk over and introduce myself.
"Hello I'm y/n l/n." 
"I-I'm Midoriya Izuku." He introduces himself anxiously. The girl beside him quickly introduces herself as well.
"I'm Uraraka Ochako." She seemed very bubbly and happy.
"I hope we can be friends." I say, showing them a big grin.
"Yeah, that'd be nice." He responds nervously.
With a thud a yellow sleeping bag thuds against the floor, the very scruffy face of a man I recognize appears.
I run to sit in my seat as the man is my uncle.
As the rest of the class settles down he stands and walks into the room, after leaving the sleeping bag.
"Seven seconds, it took most of you seven seconds to quiet down, when your a hero every second counts. Now take these and head to the locker room." He lectures the class, pulling out a bunch of PE uniforms.
"So Bakugo how far could you throw a ball in middle school?" Aizawa asks his voice gravely with exhaustion.
"67 meters." He smirks confidently.
"Ok, now throw it with your quirk anything goes, just stay in the circle." With a confident smirk near etched into his face he takes the ball and walks into the circle preparing to throw it.
"DIE!" He shouts loudly, as he chucks the ball, throwing it a startling 705.2 meters.
I smirk quietly, impressed at his ability. The rest of the class is less quiet, bringing down the ire of our tired teacher.
"So you think this is all fun and games? The person at the bottom of the rank will be seen as having no ability and will be expelled." His words strike fear into the hearts of most of my classmates.
I passed in the top five but Midoriya got last. I don't want him to leave yet. "Also what I said earlier was false, nobody is going home." Aizawa declares, saving midorias position in class.
"WHAT!" Most of the class yelled in surprise.
"Huh? Thats usual." I mutter softly.
"Alright, class dismissed."
We get changed, before heading to lunch.
I stand in the lunchroom trying to decide where to sit. I could always sit with Shoto, maybe I could sit with midoria? I could always find h-, my thoughts were cut off by the shouting of a particular angry blond.
"Hey, you look like an idiot just standing around, sit down." Bakugo shouts, a slight taunting tone in his voice.
"Alright, fine." I agree smugly and sit down next to him.
"That's not what I meant damn it!" He yells at me grumpily.
"Too late I'm already sitting here." I say with a smirk. Soon, some of our classmates sit around us. Two boys and a girl in front of us and one boy next to me.
"Hi! I'm Ashido Mina." A very pink girl with yellow horns and odd eyes, says excitedly.
"I'm Sero Hanta." The black haired boy beside her introduces himself sweetly.
"I'm Kirishima Eijiro." The redhead boy next to him greets me enthusiastically.
"I'm Denki Kaminari but you can call me tonight." The blond beside me flirts.
"Well, I'm y/n l/n and Denki, no." I respond. He sighs and shrugs softly, taking the rejection well.
"Eh it was worth a shot." He says and the group laughs a bit at him.
I was walking out of the school with Sho and accidentally ran into Bakugo who was walking in the opposite direction as Sho and I. I stumble back and he scoffs at me.
"Hey shorty watch it!" He growls, taking his hand out of his pocket, small explosions popping in his palm. I furrow my brows and return his glare.
"Screw off, you damn Pomeranian!" I shout back at him, pissed at the mention of my hight, as it's usually the only thing anyone mentions. My response surprises him for a moment before he returns my glare with his own harsh one.
"Nope." Todoroki says, as he picks me up and starts carrying me out of the school. I thrash around in his grasp, hitting his back. He walks unaffected.
"Sho put me down I wanna scratch his eyes out!" I shout so Bakugo can hear it from his place down the hall. Shoto doesn't let me down and continues on his way leaving the school building.
"And that's why I'm not." He says. "I'm not putting you down until you calm down." He states calmly, holding onto me tightly so I don't fall.
"Fine, I'll be calm." I grumble, as soon as my feet touch the floor I move to run back into the school. Before I can Shoto freezes my legs using his quirk. "Damn it Sho! Fine, I'll actually stop this time." I say to him, hoping he actually believes me.
"Promise?" He asks, not much change in his tone nor expression.
"Yes, I promise." I confirm, nodding my head.
"Ok fine." He says, melting the ice. I turn around and start walking with him back the way we were originally going.
"Why is my hight the only thing people mention?" I question him, still annoyed.
"Its probably just because its the first thing people notice about you. Its not the only thing they mention tho, usually your strong personality and determination to be a great hero." He explains quietly, showing how well he knows me.
"Thanks sho." I grin at him, feeling better as we walk much more peacefully.
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simpsations · 1 year
A Guide To:
Appropriate punishments
Most experience with beasts can be easy and unproblematic, unless they are unexpected.
Everything was fine, you weren't hurt. That is until a certain demon got chucked out of the fire place, directly into the lounge chair you were resting on.
The wight of the tall hourglass lean figured, pale white, long curly pitch black haired demon male, was like getting a target dog dropped onto you, it doesn't hurt, but you wish it didn't happen. The figure groaned, sounding more like a groggy moan, they lifted their upper body up from your reclined figure, reaching a slack tinted claw up to rub at it's head between two orange sharp and sky pointed horns. Opening it's three eyes, one located on it forehead, to show barely glowing gold eyes,
Said eyes soon focused onto you sitting directly underneath the pale humanoid demon. A smirk creeped up into the thin lips of the demon moving it's head lower to get a closer looking down at you.
"Well hello. . .", the demon spoke, it's voice ever so sultry and deep, rumbling in their chest.
When you're taking care of your pet, they will do something against your rules.
The sound of glass breaking alerts you, the demon has only been here for two or so hours and they are have already started causing problems.
Rishing to see what the problem was, there was a shattered vase all over the hallway floor and a smiling demon sitting on the small table where the vase previously sat.
Never panic, yell, or hit, be sure that your pet knows that it's done wrong.
It sat tall on the small table, starring down at you, whom was telling it that they shouldn't sit on things that aren't seats and to clean up the mess they made. The demon in return laughed stating that "this ugly little vase isn't as important as me, I have defeated it and claimed my prize" with not moving an inch.
Don't worry, it's alright to get angry when they still disobey...
Holding onto their horn while they whine and complain about you needing to be careful with them, you sat them in the den in front of the fire, "If you cant behave then go home" you spoke sternly, pointing towards the fireplace.
The demon looked up from theirs spot on the rug, looking from the fire, in which they came from, and back up to you, "but you are my home" they spoke, moving towards you on their hands and knees, " please don't make me go back" they said in a begging tone, gripping the edge of your shirt.
"No. If you're not going to listen to my rules then this isn't your home", As harsh as it may seem you didn't want someone disrespecting you constantly.
"I'll listen I promise" they begged, hugging around your waist looking up at you with pleading eyes.
Once your pet is ready to obey, slow them to fix the problem they have caused and be sure to get them to apologise:
• knowing what they did wrong is important
•a full apology is key
With the mess of glass finally swept up, and the mood has lightened, the demon sat on the couch hiding a mug of tea carefully between it's clawed hands.
"Is there anything you would like to say?" You ask, the demon looking up from their drink to stare at you with slight regret in their eyes.
"I...," They sigh, "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble... I won't do it again..."
Your pet should always be well behaved.
There are some situations where a pet may be incompetent, that is when you call Corporate to assist in getting a little more physical with you're dear pet.
Never worry, once your pet has finished Care Guide Corporate Training, they will be happy and obedient, ready for your every order.
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raeflora · 5 days
Hi, I think you're a GG fan too, I'm wondering about something. For example, it was obvious that she loved Chuck when she was with Dan and Louis, but Chuck acted like he completely forgot about Blair with Eva and Raina, so it seems like it casts a shadow over his love for CB, what do you think? He said to blair 4×4 "eva changed me" or make a room for raina on Valentine day. "You're sacred to me"
I know He loved blair the most. But If it couldn't happen with Blair, he was ready for other alternatives.
hi!! yes I'm v much a gg fan sksfjkdk so ur in the right place 💕💕 so I don't think he exactly forgot about blair with eva or raina. with eva he ultimately wasn't his true self, yes he claimed she changed him but it wasn't really him, he became henry prince and it was more that he had the freedom to become the kind of man he felt was more worthy of having a good life than it being just eva's impact, and that after everything that happened he didn't want to be himself anymore. I think with eva he was trying to be something he's not, and actually his relationship with blair enabled him to be more open and affectionate as he was romantic and loving with her. also after eva leaves he doesn't really think of her much. yes that's why he starts the war with blair but as she pointed out he was still clinging onto his henry prince dream which wasn't what he truly wanted and that simple life wouldn't have really been sustainable for him, and he's actually the one to say I love you first to blair in 4x09 so he forgot about eva and his revenge plan pretty quickly bc blair's the one he truly loves. him calling raina sacred always felt ooc to me, I think he did like her but I don't think they could've lasted long. at the time she was kind of what blair was aspiring to be and, as chair put their relationship on hold purely so blair could become powerful in her own right, I think she was a good fit for chuck and blair did feel threatened by her bc of this. however, he still openly schemes with blair and mentions her plan so he hasn't forgotten her, rather he's found someone who he needs to seduce for his business to continue and ends up having an actual connection with. that being said, he knows raina's temporary and he clearly doesn't envisage a long term future with her bc he knows blair's still around. aside from one or two lines where he's kinda annoyed at nate for dating her so soon he doesn't actually seem to have a problem with it and moves on from her quickly, much like his initial anger over eva leaving fades quite quickly. the only times he ever actually tries to move on from blair are when it's what he thinks she wants or needs, and even while she's with dan he's still technically waiting for her to sort herself out so they can finally be together. 5x24 is the only time he says he needs to move on with his life without her, and that's only bc he's sick of waiting while she's with dan. he waits for a year for her only for her to jerk him around, and obviously he can't put his life on hold for her forever. I wanna take a minute to say that the idea of blair being able to date who she wants while chuck has to wait is so unfair, bc she's stringing him along when she knows who she really wants to be with. I think that although chuck could have been with an alternative woman he ultimately wouldn't have wanted anyone else as much as blair, and he wouldn't have been as happy
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