#and I'm a huge Gaster fan
forgettable-au · 16 days
I should probably make a "frequently asked questions" post because,,, this AU can get a little confusing ,,,
ESPECIALLY because of how many of my favorite theories I'm incorporating that many people might not know about
I already know the basics of what I should add since I get a lot of asks but if you have any question suggestions please let me know and I might add it to the post <33
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glitches-and-bugs · 1 year
bug report: saying “lazybones” causes all undertake music related to sans or papyrus to play quietly in the background
Actually that's intended! Yeah, we worked with Toby Fox on this.
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oncillaphoenixart · 1 year
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"RPG NPC whose only purpose in the story is a brief lore-dump about a fandom darling" is a weirdly specific blorbo type
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invisiblebadword · 9 months
My Top 10 Video Games
I've decided to put together a list of what are my favourite video games of all time. Its completely subjective, so you WILL disagree, but I just want this to be somewhere on the internet.
First up though I'm gonna post two things:
The Games that were disqualified
The Games that came to mind, but didn't make it into the consideration for the top 10
The Disqualified Section:
The reasons I didn't put these up for consideration is simply that I have played them too recently for me to be sure about them, or that I haven't played them enough yet.
Core Keeper
Lethal Company
Just Shapes & Beats
Metal Hellsinger
Slime Rancher 2
The ones that didn't make the cut:
Games in this section either have something slimy about them, like some glaring issues (like We Happy Few), scummy monetization (Like GTA V), or I was simply already sure that they wouldn't perform well when I was getting to eliminating games for the top 10 (Like Cookie Clicker)
Cookie Clicker
Dead By Daylight
The Escapists
Grand Theft Auto V
Hitman 3
I’m on Observation Duty
Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes
Move Or Die
Payday 2
Sea of Thieves
Subnautica: Below Zero
Supraland: Six Inches Under
We Happy Few
We Were Here
These aren't all the other games I've played. Just the ones I do still like very much, that do still deserve to be named somewhere.
That being out of the way, here's my Top 10 games:
Number 10:
I don't think I have to say a lot about Undertale. Everyone and their religious leaders has at least heard of it, played it, or has been told the story in some other way. A good rule of thumb was, that if a game made me cry I would have to put it up for consideration. This game made me cry. Back when I was in boarding school my shitty laptop couldn't run most games, so I ended up playing through Undertale at least 20 times (I really wanted to see Gaster). It is also one of the few games, whos soundtrack still makes it into a lot of my playlists.
Number 9:
Plants vs. Zombies
I don't know if the game is just that good, or if the nostalgia carries it, but PvZ will always have a place in my heart. It was my "mom, can I have your phone while we wait" game. And when coming back to it years later it still holds up for me. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the rest of the franchise, even though pvz2 has been a good amount of fun. But at that point the monetization was already so horrendous that I didn't sacrifice a thought to it. PvZ however is a delight to come back to. I think the pacing is great, the characters are all funny, and the minigames are a lot of fun (except pogo party. I hate pogo party). Don't even get me started on the soundtrack either. I adore Graze The Roof with my entire being.
Number 8:
Cult Of The Lamb
I tried this game out not that long ago, and what followed was me falling behind on all of my assignments. I am a huge fan of roguelikes, and cotls spin on it made it an instant source of addiction to me. The OST is amazing and prime dnd background music material, and I love the asthetic of eldritch entities combined with cute widdle animals. I've had so much fun with the game, and it somehow managed to never feel stale, something that happened with pretty much all other games on the list at one point or another throughout my playthroughs. If you're a fan of roguelikes I can highly recommend.
Number 7:
This should be another one of those games that just speaks for itself. Portal is one of the greatest games ever made and that is not an opinion, but an objective fact. While not being as great as its successor, it already innovated so much, and immediately gave GLaDOS so much character, so efficiently. The way it conveys the story of Aperture is amazing, and the gameplay enhances the experience by magnitudes.
Number 6:
I love Subnautica. I don't know how a game manages to look this stunning. My partner loves bioluminescence, and big mushrooms. If that is your cup of tea, then this game is for you. The way it builds horror is magnificent too. Not many games find their horror so naturally. You genuinly feel scared of whatever could be in the depths. I think Below Zero kinda forgot what made the first game so great by relying on small, narrow corridors too much, instead of giving the player the anxiety of being vulnerable from all angles, but subnautica combines the awe inspiring flora and fauna with a constant feeling of lurking danger. It even manages to build a memorable cast of characters without you ever seeing another face. I'm gonna stop myself from rambling further.
Number 5:
I never thought a card game would sweep me off my feet this hard. I love myself a good strategy game, and the way Inscryption rewards you for learning the mechanics of the game feels incredible. It's super creative mechanics like being able to stand up, or making your own death cards aid the game so much too. Not only in gameplay experience, but also in building the many supporting characters, as well as the world in general. Every time something new is introduced it breaks the roof the game has built so far, and it is a delight every time, like all the arg aspects, or the gameplay changing completely, or characters returning, revealing that there is more and more to people you didn't even think had anything behind them. I am being very vague, but that's just because I don't wanna spoiler anything.
Inscryption would've easily made number 3, but there are passages that felt a bit tideous, especially in the middle, but for how short these are, and how exciting the story conveyed within them still is, it still makes the game worth every penny. Towards the end it also absolutely made me cry, so that's something.
Number 4:
Portal 2
I think this is a good point to say: Any game from this point onwards is a serious contender for first place. They're all just this good, and I could never say I like Portal 2 less then third place, for example.
I think Portal 2 shattered my expectations for what games can be. The humor is still one of it's greatest strength, and I almost feel bad not gushing about how amazing the mechanics of both Portal 1 and 2 still are to this day, but somehow the rest of the game manages to overshadow what would otherwise be the greatest aspect of it. All the characters are amazing. You either love them, or love to hate them. From Cave Johnson to the little ball that would later go on to inspire Elon Musk, every character is memorable. God damnit, I will never look at a potato the same, because I played this game.
Not only is it amazing on its own, it is also amazing as a sequal, expanding the world in ways any story teller would dream of. Every little detail feels like there's so much love put into it, and the way all of the story beats are conveyed via some of the most engaging gameplay is amazing.
And I have to stress again, the humor is S++ tier. I will never not find The Part Where He Kills You funny.
Number 3:
Papers Please
I almost feel bad, putting this game so high on the list, because of how simple it is. But god, it delivers. It builds such an engaging story on top of such a simple gameplay loop. And i think the monotony of said gameplay loop is exactly what end up making the story feel so special. By all means, this game should be boring, but the job of working as border control has the fact going for it, that you will meet so many different people, all at varying levels of desperation. Every time you meet a character it feels like an actual person, and every time they plead for you to let them through it feels heartbreaking when you have to send them back. I really can't say that much about Papers Please, especially because I don't wanna spoil anything. It is one of those games you just have to experience. And I highly recommend it. Glory to Arstotzka.
Number 2:
There are few games holding as special of a place in my heart as Terraria. Unlike most of the games on this list Terraria doesn't have an amazing story with highly fleshed out characters. At least you don't get that through mere gameplay alone. I know that there is more to it, don't worry, but I can't get into all of that.
Terraria is the first steam game I've ever owned. In a way, it might even be the first game I've ever actually owned, aside from minecraft maybe. Even before I had a computer I played the mobile version, with Ocram and everything. I must've been in 5th grade back then. I ended up getting the game as the Premium edition in a store. I didn't have the money at the time, so a friend lent me his store gift cards. I must still have the collectors cards and poster that came with the game somewhere. There are many anecdoted I have about this game. So there's undeniably a lot of nostalgia fuelling it's place on the list. But god damnit, Terraria deserves it. With the game still being actively updated today it is clear that I am not the only one that loves it this much. Terraria is just one of these games I will always come back to. It will always be special, and I hope that generations in the future, when I'm long gone there will still be people enjoying this piece of history. But torch luck should've never been in the game lol
Quick Intermission
Im gonna take some time now to talk about the contenders that didn't make it in the top 10. I won't say as much about every game though. There are kinda ordered by how much I like them, but rather than a ranking its more like its ordered into vague groups.
I loved playing it. Just a great overall gameplay experience. Very trippy!
The Binding of Isaac
As I said, I love roguelikes. I never got any of the dlc, because money, so it's kinda sad to know so much of the game is paywalled, but seeing just how much they add I don't see it as a huge problem. Really fun game, really great story, will play again (And I will buy the dlc, just not now).
Can recommend if you haven't played it already. It's just a very fun base building game. When things work it feels soo rewarding. I just love how the main problem is how to fit things into spaces. That's what makes minecraft redstone so appealing to me.
Love it. Funny little creatures. Spore is just an overall silly game with a fun gameplay loop.
Again, very trippy. This time it also has a nice story. I adore the setting, and the gameplay mechanics are on the same level as Portal's to me. (I'm sure Stanley Parable would also be in here, but I have yet to play it)
Mortuary Assistant
If you like horror games, this one I can recommend. The scares are awesome, and it somehow has replayability. The animations could be better, but thats whatever. Nothing I would hold against it.
Raft is absolutely top 10 material. The gameplay is super fun, and the story telling is decent, though it could be better. Especially if you have some friends to play with, you should give this one a try. Too bad they added other people to the game. That kinda ruined the whole vibe for me. I still wanna see the rest of the update though, but my friends got bored of the game. :(
Got this one free on Epic Games, and I gotta say, I would pay money for it. Super fun game, super fun characters, and super fun gameplay. As a completionist this game is just like a giant bowl of food, though I am having trouble finding the final treasures, and no matter how hard I try, I can't figure out how to get them. I can't figure out how to look them up either, so I guess ill lever have the 100% :( (Also, the credit song is really fun).
I mean, it had to be in here somewhere. I'm sure if anybody is actually reading this, they might even suspect that it would be Number 1. But no. I love Minecraft, don't get me wrong. There is a reason for why it's so popular. I even have some anecdotes similar to Terraria, like how after buying it, it was just laying on my PC untouched for a year, because 6th grade me didn't know how to install java. But I feel like minecraft very much relies on modding and servers and whatnot. I could always replay vanilla terraria, but I'm kinda done with vanilla minecraft. Feel free to disagree, by any means. At the end of the day, its just 3D Terraria to me /j.
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Silly little turnip guy committing silly little crimes. The game is just a lot of humor and its cute af. Just a very good time :)
Fran Bow
I love the Alice in Wonderland horror this game has. The mechanics aid so hard in telling this awesome story with all of its whacky characters. Just something I can recommend.
Slime Rancher
You get to live on a farm, on another planet, and get to goof around with little slimes all day every day. This game is living the dream. I wanna live in the Far Far Range! The supporting characters are also amazing. Love them all.
Stardew Valley
This and the game after are absolutely contenders for the top 10. In my eyes Stardew Valley made it on that list. We should switch to duodecimal so that a top 12 list is more intuitive, because Stardew Valley Deserves to be on it. If you haven't played it, you should! I'm gonna stop myself from trying to explain what makes it so great, because I could never do it justice though.
Once again, Celeste is on the list. It should be. I cried. I cried a lot. Celeste is such a great game. The story makes me cry, the characters make me cry, the music makes be cry. I am too trans, not to cry. Play Celeste, if you haven't already. It's also hard as shit though.
Ok, it's time.
My number one game of all time is:
Number 1:
Hypnospace Outlaw
There is a very very good chance you've never heard of this game. Maybe you have though, its hard for me to really tell just how popular it is, or not. It's popular enough for me to have bought a plushy of it. I don't usually buy merch, so thats a big deal. There is a reason I put this game on number 1. Whatever I tell you about the game will not do it justice though. The game is just so human. The characters are all just so great and fleshed out, and believable.
I wish I could play this game blind again, so that I may experience it all over again. But there is no way that anything will be as great as playing it blind. You are tasked with moderating this late 90s alternate version of the internet called hypnospace, and find out aboiut all of the people using it, and maneuvering it like an actual PC, kinda like Welcome to the game, or whatnot. Again, I could never do it justice. You just have to try it out on your own.
The soundtrack is also one of the greatest pieces of art I've found in a game. There are so many songs by so many artists. The humor too. The humor is top notch. Not only in regards to the characters, but the technology as a whole. The references to the real world are awesome, like conspiracies, and viruses like bonzai buddy, edgelords on the internet, and web comics. It all feels so real and alive. Thus, experiencing the story doesn't feel like reading a book, but like actually being part of it all. The fact that your choices actually have an effect on the ending of the game enhances this even further.
Im repeating myself, but I cant stress enough how much I would love to be able to experience this game all over again.
Alright, that's it then. I doubt anyone will read through this. If anything youll probably scroll through and see if your favourite game is on the list. That's fine. I'd do the same, honestly. I just wanted to put this somewhere, to express my love for these games somewhere. I'm happy if you've made it this far. This isn't much more than me rambling on for hours, but I'm glad I put it somewhere. If you have any other games you think are great, feel free to tell me about them. Cya!
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victorzhuzhakin · 1 year
                                                   PINNED POST
★ Hi! My name is Victor Zhuzhakin! You can call me Victor or Zhuzhakin, but I like Zhuzhakin more 
★ I’m 20 years old and my birthday is november 19
★ I’m trans male and aroace, go by he/him only
★ I am Ukrainian so I would not want to interact with you if you support russia
★ I know English well in terms of reading and understanding the language, but I'm not good enough in sentence construction, so forgive me if sometimes my words look strange
★ I am neurodivergent and diagnosed with depression. I'm sorry if I answer dryly, or vice versa, I'm too emotional, or I don't answer at all, sometimes I don't want to go online at all hahaha
★ DNI: queerphobes, transphobes, ruzzia supporters, ebaleists, ageists, proshippers etc
★ I really REALLY love old characters (like over 50 years old) so if you think it's weird to like mature characters please don't interact. I also love making canon characters look older
★ My fandoms: clone high, pj sekai, cookie run, psychonauts, witch hat atelier, muppets, the amazing digital circus and some others
★ My OTPs: scudworth/mr butlertron, haruka/minori, emu/nene,  cappuccino cookie/almond cookie, dr lobot/oleander, coco/agott, eunie/riche, delgado master/3th doctor, caine/kinger/kaufmo
★ My kinlist: scudworth (main kin ever), hange zoe, sheldon cooper, delgado master, discord, dr orpheus, alt doofenshmirtz, boris habit, gaster, count von count, jim carrey robotnik, caine, kinger
★ My fav music: weird al, lemon demon, tiny tim, will wood, vocaloid, serj tankian, bo burnham, reol, ghost, jack stauber, marina, blackpink, stromae, max raabe, eve etc
I also have my own setting and soon I'm going to make a comic with my friend :]
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please do not interact with me ever if you are against trans headcanons and also if you are a huge the walten files fan (the latter triggers me) :’[
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
okay here we go (I added in images to characters you might not know)
Mild crushes:
Brassius (left) and Hassel (right)
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Lord Milori (still kinda like him)
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Sir Pentious and Lucifer
Used to take over my life:
Brett Hand
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Mordecai Heller
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Adam (most recent)
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I used to like him before back in January, but after listening to the soundtrack of this movie again, I frickin fell in LOVE
The obsession got so bad that I’m now researching Romani history and culture, watching those “the making of (movie name)” videos, interviews (which there are SO FEW OF) of the VAs or Alan Menken, the composer of the soundtrack
I want to know everything when I like a character lol
I actually have more, but it already feels weirdly personal to confess some of them so thank god that this is the silly corner :]
Mo need to fear this is a no judgement zone! Also I lost my right to judge people when I wrote mpreg a few weeks ago/lh
Rubs hands
The first two!! Obligatory "I've never gotten too deep into pokemon and the only game I've played start to finish is shield, and I'm like. Partway through brilliant diamond" soooooo! I know nothing about the personalities of these two so we're going off of looks!! And I say!
Brassius gives off either old and exhausted punk or old exhausted gay artist but those two can overlap!
Hassel Looks yummy I love me a good longhaired blonde man AND he looks a little on the older side? YUMMY!!! He looks like he'd either he a grade A douchebag rich guy or a total sweetheart
Larry! Hey I know you I saw your dick on Twitter!!!/ref mo but real talk I can get the appeal! I already know that's hes a tired working man but that's about all I know!! Hes valid, I'd give him a big ol kith
Milori looks interesting! I don't know wheres hes from so once more we rely off of looks! He looks vaguely like a broken man . I can fix him. Valid!!!
Pentious is valid but I'm biased because I also had a crush on the character!! Pathetic men are just so silly!! Probably also has my favorite design of the entire show!!
Lucifer is also valid I can see the vision!! Caring but mentally I'll man who distances himself for one reason or another despite deeply wanting a connection my BELOVED
Grillby also had a choke hold on me when I was into undertale!! I'm so sad that there werent many grillby x reader fics out there- if I was still balls deep into undertale and deltarune like I used to be I'd 100% give writing the characters a shot but unfortunately I doubt I ever will <\3 unrelated theres a surprising amount of buff bara art of him
Gaster!! I can also get behind!! Mysterious creature that hardly has any lore iirc, fandom either portrayed him as a mad evil scientist or a loving father to sans and papyrus, at least with my experience with the fandom.. valid!!
I never watched inside job but I've heard good things about it! Brett looks like a sweetie, so I can understand the appeal! He looks so silly.. just a guy.. valid
Lukas!! It's been so long since I've heard someone talk about MCSM! Obligatory I dont remember much of Lukas, just that he was kind of an ass in the beginning I think.. but I can see the appeal! I was more of a ivor girlie
Surprisingly I have not seen lackadaisy yet! Surprising I know, since I'm huge fans of other indie animations on youtube!! Going off looks I can see the appeal, he gives old grumpy grandpa vibes but I could be totally off! I like his eyebrows :3
Kinger is another valid but again I might be biased because hes my baby girl- cant wait to see more of him in future episodes especially since hes hardly had any screen time so far <\3 he seems so sweet :(
Adam!! I can see the appeal again but his personality isnt really for me <\3 hes valid though!!
AND CLOPIN! It's been so so so long since I've seen the movies but omfg I remember I loved him a lot! Yummy design as well as a nice personality I wish we got more of him <\3 VALID VALID VALID
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chartoris · 11 months
I hope I finish this post before the anniversary of chapter 1 (nothing else notable happens on that day) I'm putting my 100% correct theories+ predictions here just in case Toby decides to release chapter 3 alone for some reason (I personally think he's releasing just 3 and 4 together next year), but who knows with that dog.
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As everyone else thinks, it's safe to say that the dark world in chapter 3 is probably gonna be TV themed. With different areas going through different channels.
I don't think we can predict who exactly the main villain is yet based off of one thing Jevil said about a queen in one line. But it would make sense if it were some fucked up game show host guy. Maybe since the Spade King represents Susie's dad, and Queen represents a mother, the chapter 3 boss could represent that estranged uncle that nobody really talks about.
Also Tenna is probably the guy that betrayed Spamton. Not Mike.
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They're just gonna be silly litle guys.
Also sily.
Since Toriel called the police and Kris left the door opened, I think that either Undyne shows up, or Napstablook shows up wearing Undyne's Undertale armor. Both of which would be awesome sauce.
No idea if she'll show up in the chapter. But I also have no clue why else the Lost Girl theme was in that unused sneaking section. Yes I'm still thinking about this.
I believe that chapter 3 might end with Kris sealing the fountain. Like you walk up, that sickass guitar riff plays, the screen fades to white, and the chapter ends (assuming it releases with chapter 4). Imagine how relieving it would be that the chapter doesn't have to end on a massive cliffhanger!
Based on the screenshots we got for the 2022 status update, I don't think chapter 4 will have a dark world. It seems like a nice intermission chapter to just hang out with Susie in Hometown for a couple hours. We could get more insight into the residents of the town, as well as some lore.
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i'm a huge fan of rain so this seems like the best the game will ever get.
I think its possible that Toby might have changed his might about releasing 3-5 together, and that he might just release 3 and 4. Assuming this chapter is just in the light world, it would probably be a lot faster to develop. No enemies, no battles, just cutscenes.
Keep in mind, I just took one programming class 5 years ago, so I'm not the ultimate authority on game design. But if it is easier to develop, I think we could see chapters 3+4 next fall.
I don't really have any other predictions for chapter 4 since all we have are a few screenshots, and even less for the future chapters. So I'm just going to talk about other general things in the game.
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Gaster is afoot. Also maybe Dess or something idk yet. Oh and a dark fountain too. Maybe even the supply closet one.
I don't think EVERY room with double doors is going to be a dark world, especially considering that Toby can just retcon them in between chapters, so I like to go off of narrative significance.
I think there will totally be a dark world in the church, considering the Dreemurr family has a significant amount of history with it, as well as the interesting thing you could do with it. Like a giant pipe organ castle or something.
There probably won't be a dark world in Ice-E's, unless something super traumatizing happened to Kris there when they were a kid. But I still have my eye on that Ice-E guy. Something fishy is absolutely going on with him.
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why is he so big
Asgore's flower shop seems like a really good place for a dark world, and I need to see what the golden flower darkener would be. The empty fridge could even be like the ice palace from Dragon Blazers.
Rudy is most likely going to die. I really don't want him to but unfortunately it would be really good for the story. Noelle would be forced to stand up to her mom like she did to Queen.
Also Noelle's mom's name is probably either Clarice or Carol.
Its likely that not every chapter will have a weird route. I think they are more tied to Noelle's presence, due to her affinity for video game glitches when she was younger. Especially because it seems like the route itself isn't supposed to happen in the game world. And the weird route is a way to break out of the whole "your choices don't matter" thing. You might even be able to save Rudy in the route, at the cost of Noelle's mental state and every other horrible thing you may have to do.
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I don't think the Knight will be the main antagonist. It might get revealed relatively early (like chapter 5), unless its Gaster or something. The actual main antagonist of the game will be either the Roaring Titans or the Angel.
This is probably gonna happen at some point. Ralsei leaves for ONE minute and someone opens a dark fountain in a dark world. Can't have shit.
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holy hell they look so badass
Also penumbra phantasm final boss theme. make it happen toby.
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thefloatingstone · 6 months
Tagged by @craftylittlenerd
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Garrus is a mainstay in all 3 games so for any "Fave squad member?" question it's always gonna be Garrus. So He just goes without question and I'll answer for everyone BESIDES Garrus to make it more interesting;
1: Wrex
2: Mordin Solus my beloved
3: I actually vary a lot in ME3 because I love so many of the characters, but I'll usually rotate between Liara, Tali and EDI
6: Infiltrator! because you can set things on fire and go invisible. You don't even need anything else.
7: oh oof that's actually VERY hard... Guessing the Citadel doesn't count because it's not a planet. The one that keeps coming to mind is Sur'Kesh for some reason. Although Rannoch is also really really good. As for favourite planet you never actually land on, I am a big fan of Klendagon with it's huge scar inflicted by a reaper
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8: Virmire
9: Mordin's Recruitment, Garrus' Loyalty mission, or the Normandy's final resting place
10: Leviathan, Rannoch and the entirety of the Citadel DLC.
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12: Tali/Femshep. I know the dumb reasons Bioware didn't include it but not only is Tali canonically jacking it to Femshep, she ALSO drunkenly admitted she wants a threesome with her and Garrus. It's not even subtext it's just fucking text. (also Miranda/Femshep is also a massive oversight). I think Javik/Shepard COULD be interesting from a writing perspective as well.
13: Mako forever
14: I don't find any of the characters overrated?? The ones that are very mid are not very popular (looks directly at Jacob) so I can't say there are any that get too much love.
15: Mordin and Legion but I am incredibly bias. I always felt I like Mordin more than Shepard likes Mordin which is a damn shame. Other MASSIVELY underrated character as a whole tho is Aethyta. I actually had a bug in my last playthrough where she just... never spawned on the Citadel which means I completely missed out on tying up the strings of that storyline which I am very annoyed about. Oh ALSO an underrated character is Bray!
16: I can't remember them
17: Firebase Dagger
18: SR-2 (sorry SR-1)
19: Synthesis. It's the whole thesis statement of the entire trilogy.
20: Paragon for life.
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I'm bad at tagging so please ignore this if you want to, I just always feel I'm bothering people when I tag then 😭
@milkywayes @messedupessy @me-and-my-gaster
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theninjamouse · 7 months
Hey! Not sure if you can answer this without spoilers, no worries if you can't. I started reading OoF recently, and I'm loving it so far! But you've mentioned gaster a lot, and I know you like the Grillby/Shore/Gaster trio. I personally am not as huge a fan of Gaster, so I was just wondering, is that trio where OoF is ultimately headed? If possible a heads up would be nice, cause like I said Gaster is not rly my fav character. (That being said its YOUR story of course!! If that is the case I wouldn't want you to change it or anything, I just want to know if I should be mentally preparing for it lol)
So I can't really answer without spoilers but I do want to answer your question so I've put it beneath the cut! This will have sequence of events kind of spoilers
So, in short, trio is where the fic is heading KIND OF. Story wise, Gaster isn't going to have massive massive role. OoF is in it's final arc now and I don't want to drag on a big rescue mission as an after thought to the story. Being frank, the original plan was to NOT have an ending where he is rescued. A line I was going to give him runs along like this:
"For every timeline in which I escape this place, there are just as many in which I do not. This, I am afraid, is one of the latter."
I wound up changing my mind on this, so yes he is going to be rescued so he'll be there in the end but it's more going to focus on the readjustment to the real world while Shore and Grillby deal with their own Trauma from ~End Game Things~. Might have done things differently if the trio had been endgame from the start but oh well, it is what it is.
It has been 10 years since the fall, so while yes Grillby still loves Gaster, it won't ever be quite the same. And he's not going to just leap back into what they had before because that's not fair to anyone, but especially Shore.
Gaster has changed as well, so it won't be the same for him either. It hasn't been talked about too much in the actual story but my version of Gaster is more on the demi-ace/aro side of things so he's not super big on romantic stuff anyway.
In terms of the overall vibe of the trio, I see it being more like this:
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Like, they're all together but Grillby is the center piece and Shore and Gaster are the chaos gremlins that would turn the poor elemental's hair gray if he had any. Shore and Gaster have more of the queer platonic sort of vibe that may or may not end up more romantic down the road but that won't be really explored in OoF.
If I wind up doing a sequel to OoF, which is in my plans, that story would be the one to dive deeper into Shore and Gaster's relationship and where they end up in terms of what their standing is with each other. So honestly if Gaster isn't your thing, you could technically reach a point in the story where the main story will be done and just kind of skim or outright skip the last few chapters that will actually deal with the Gaster rescue and the consequences thereafter. If you do read it, romance is not going to be the big focus between the three of them
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desceros · 8 months
looking through your bookmarks on ao3 and seeing Undertale there was a bit of a jumpscare - in a good way. like, i've been autistic about this game since i was 13 and i'm 21 now so seeing that was just like, "DES UNDERTALE FAN REAL ??? NOT CLICKBAIT ???" even if you're not a huge fan (or a fan at all anymore) and just have the hots for Grillby and Gaster, that's cool too and you are SO real for that
not clickbait! i wouldn't call myself a Huge fan, since undertale came out during my I Don't Do Fandom phase. i started reading fanfic for it incidentally, before i'd played the game. but i really like toby fox's music (not just for undertale; his work on the homestuck soundtrack is still some of my favorite), and i did enjoy the game a lot when i finally played it!
plus, y'know. i'm not immune to a hot guy (heh) with rolled up sleeves and an evil goo scientist who has as many hands as he needs for you. (<- is a huge monster fucker)
when i'm between fandoms, i'll go onto ao3 and just start reading stories for fandoms i'm not in, or ones where i'm familiar enough with the source material to know the characters, but i'm not in in the fandom. there's so much good fic out there, and it seems a shame to limit myself only to things i know about! so i don't! :D
that's actually how i fell head over heels into turtle hell! one of my favorite authors from a long time ago had a tmnt fic and i was like. oh. this was good and that leo guy sounds pretty interesting. i'll check this whole situation out. (three episodes of rise later) oh a mistake has been made
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mar64ds · 2 years
Which do you like less
Save goatbro or evil gaster (idk both just seem like they're not your style :p)
i think the whole saving asriel thing has good intentions, people want to see this kid happy i understand, sometimes it can be well pulled off. It's just that overall there is a huge misunderstanding of asriel and flowey as a character with this concept, a lot of people don't see that he doesn't need to be a goat to be happy again, sometimes it feels like people want to 'save' him from all his trauma and they want him to be a happy little kid again when that's just not how it works and well i don't mean to be aromantic once again but there is a lot of misconceptions about not feeling love that make people feel sorry for flowey and hope to 'fix' him. There are a couple of exceptions, but the big majority I have seen of this concept i'm not a really big fan of
Evil Gaster..................................... no. We don't know much about Gaster but interpreting him as evil feels so wrong. I like this one way less it just feels so unnecessarily cruel to this character we know almost nothing about, besides he's clearly a good dad toby fox told me
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your-pal-nebula · 11 months
I'm a lil bit late but um
WG OC Halloween thoughts
Halloween was pretty much the first time Marleen ever actually, like, hung out with them other kid villains. The reason she never did before was because she had to uphold her whole "lone wolf" thing and obviously can't be caught having friends
So like... IDK how I haven't mentioned it before, but it's a canon thing that Marleen is a huge fan of the book series Wings of Fire (It's seriously extremely good, so yeah I do recognize it if you've never heard of it before). Yes, this is relevant, because for Halloween, she would go as her cannonical favorite WoF character, Darkstalker.
And she totally, got, like... extremely offended when Cori asked her who she was and started shouting
But like... Marleen is totally the sort of person who, one, made the costume fully by herself, but also went, like... all out with it. She's got the cardboard wings, the horns, even the tail. And she also made gloves that look like dragon talons. And in the end, it looked surprisingly awesome for something entirely made by a 5th grade yandere werewolf with anger issues
(The rest are much shorter)
Andrew is the kind of person with a frigging huge bowl of candy who sits outside on his porch for the trick or treaters and enthusiastically tells them all "Take a whole handful!"
Alynxai is totally the one house unsurpervised kids always flock to and parents always avoid because she gives out whole candy bars
Silver may or may not have convinced Royal Dandy to go as Sans and Papyrus from Undertale with her. And while she was at it, she got Twobrains to be Gaster for extra effect
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snowhiss · 1 year
Sigma's Game Recommendations
Hii, here's some of my game recommendations with a lil blurb on why.
Games are ordered relatively neutrally, except for this first section...
Life Altering
Undertale - Multi Platform - RPG - Oh, Undertale. What is there to say about it that hasn't been...I played this day one because a friend lent me a copy from their steam. I had never heard of Undertale beforehand, but my god, would I know of it. It is a quirky little game about making friends (unless...?) and has excellent music, storyflow, and characters. I am admittedly...not a fan of the battle system, but it is unique and fits the game, so *shrug*. I acquired a permanent brainworm in the form of Gaster from this, so there's that too.
Sonic Mega Collection - Collection - Look, Sonic was my first fandom, and when the smoke clears, it will be my last fandom. Mega collection is great to dip your toe in every major sonic game made before Adventure. I'm a big Sonic 2 fan, but don't mind a little S3K as well.
Sonic Unleashed - Wii/Xbox 360 - This may be a rose tinted glasses thing, but Sonic unleashed is apologetically cool and fun to play. Especially the werehog stages. Solid story, solid gameplay, solid music. I love this game and I will kill for it.
Spore Creatures - DS - Spore, but only the creature stage as a little planet exploring game. You evolve your critter as you travel and make friends and enemies. Its a fun little ditty that I love revisiting to see my favorite biomes and aliens. I go crazy for this game ngl
PC, Windows
Golden Treasure: The Great Green - Visual Novel/Point N' Click - I picked this game to play because you can play as a dragon, but was kept playing in by the game play depth. Has very good replay-ability, some very interesting story beats, and some different walks of life you can take. I like the art style and the difficulty as well. Admittedly a bit spiritual, with some very flowery language that may be a bit difficult to digest sometimes, but I think it's truly worth it for a new spin on dragons.
Purrgatory - Visual Novel/Point N' Click - Wonderful thoughtful short game with great music and humor, and stories to discover. Emotional at times, but its a game literally about purgatory. And it DOES have a nice neat ending instead of leaving loose ends.
How to Raise a Dragon - RPG - Short pixel game about growing a dragon. Has 3 paths you can take, and you can customize your color and breath power :3 I always make my dragon blue or white!
Deltarune - RPG - Goofy ass game, but very solid. By the same people that brought you Undertale and more! Currently a demo with only 2 chapters, but looks very promising so far. I love the battle system and overworld sprites. Spamton specifically fucked up my perception of this game so now i see it with rose tinted glasses forever.
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog - Visual Novel/Platformer - Short, cute little game that showcases some character personality of some of the Sonic cast :) Very very goofy.
Spore - Its spore. - Ngl, I only play up to the creature stage and then start a new save.
Portal 2 - Puzzle/Platformer - Its a valve game, what's not to love. Funny, Nice atmosphere, goofy characters, lesbian romance, confusing puzzles! It has it all!
Dragon Creek - Pet? Game? - Horse game, but dragons. Fairly light in gameplay, but solid. I'll occasionally spend 30 minutes to take of a dragon.
A Little to the Left - Puzzle - Organizational game. It probably has a story, but i like puzzle :) Cute art style and has puzzles with multiple solutions.
Deponia - Point N' Click - Decently long game that's definitely made in 2014. Has a few lel edgy humor moments (i know for sure r slur is said at least twice), but for the most part is a pleasant play gameplay wise.
Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside - Point N' Click - Oh man, I was a huge fan of all Humongous Entertainment games as a kid, but I think the dark, "mature" aspect of this pajama sam game drew me in. And sam is also a snarky little kid lol. Juvenile, but honestly still a fun play. Solid game to play if you wanna see if you like point n clicks.
Flight Rising - Pet Game - You can dress up dragons, train them to fight, breed them, change their appearance, and collect hoards of items and familiars (lil pets). Your dragons CAN NOT die! PLEASE PLAY FLIGHT RISING WITH ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
GPX Plus - Pokemon Clone - The only pokemon clone I've actually stuck with playing. Fairly easy to get into. I mostly play just to hatch eggs, but there are battles and quests you can do. I really like the layout, and I like that I dont have to get on the forums to play.
Rescreatu - Pet Game - I don't actively play this game, but i have to recommenced it on gameplay alone. You can find eggs to hatch pets, and while your pets can die, getting food to keep them fed is fairly easy. There's a ton of pets with all kinds of life stages you can collect. You can play by yourself, but its easier to get pointers from older players on the shoutbox. Its. Ok. I spent a good chunk of my childhood on here so it might be a nostalgia recommendation.
Felisfire - Pet Game - Its about breeding alien cats, with some other spaceship lore tossed in. I've been playing this on and off for a long time. It takes a hot minute to get into, as its breeding system is a little involved, but its a nice game to have in your back pocket for an hour of so on a rainy day.
Khimeros - Pet Game - Besties idk what goes on here tbh, ive been opening this game once a year for 10 years, breeding things and then leaving <3
Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2 - Gamecube - Funny monkey balancing game. Difficult, keeps me entertained with some cute graphics, music, and fine motor controls.
Spyro, Enter the Dragonfly - Gamecube - This game fucking sucks, but that's the fun of it. Was my one and only Spyro game for a long time, so I grew to love it. I like the idea of it.
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gorbo-longstocking · 3 years
I'm not saying I want to see more Gaster x reader I'm just saying it would bring me great amounts of joy and delight
prepare for great amounts of joy and delight then! ;3 hes so fun to write hcs for… the skrunkly….
- gaster is generally a very neat person but his lab can only be described as organized chaos. he loves when you visit him at work and will “forget” his lunch at home just so you’ll show up and bring it to him. this is a mix of him missing you, him wanting to show you off to his coworkers, and wanting to show you what hes been working on.
- much to your dismay, he doesnt exactly adhere to lab safety procedures. its an ego thing, he thinks hes too good to have something blow up in his face. you’d think he’d learn his lesson, but obviously not. its a running gag in the office how many times gaster has to use the chemical shower. one time you caught him drinking coffee out of a beaker and freaked out so hard you managed to get him to promise never to do it again.
- you are probably the only person on the planet who can get gaster to not do something he wants to do. hes stubborn, if he has his mind set on something it will take near god-like power to stop him. but with you, puppy eyes will suffice. he will be kind of huffy about it though.
- (the only other person who can hold a candle to your power is papyrus. i am a fan of dadster.)
- gaster is generally uninterested in social media. he has a facebook he hardly uses outside of keeping up with his friends and family, but will excitedly update his relationship status on facebook when you make it official. he’ll make a huge event about it, light a candle, pour some wine, put on some mood music and then cuddle by the fire as you both update your facebook statuses from single to in a relationship.
- he travels a lot for work and kind of drags you along with him. if you like to travel this is definitely a win for you. unfortunately because its for work, he won’t have a lot of time to spend with you, but he will always make sure youre not bored. he really appreciates you coming with him, so he tries to show that in little ways. like ordering you delivery or twxting you places he thinks you might like to go. he also treats you on fancy dates whenever he has time off. the whole shebang.
- he gets cold easily, especially his hands. theyre like ice cubes. to mess with you, he will stick his cold hands on the back of your neck and laugh when you shriek. he’ll insist to you he just wants to warm them up, but you can see his gloves hanging out of his pocket.
- knows how to ballroom dance and would love to teach you. he’s incredibly tall, like absolutely towers over you kind of tall, so it will be a bit of a learning curve. he’ll put on music and dance with you in your living room, unable to look away from you.
- this image makes me think of him
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maxladcomics · 2 years
Re: your post about Sans not actually knowing Papyrus. I'm a fan of the 'Papyrus is Gaster, but because everyone has forgotten Gaster, Papyrus has also forgotten himself' theory. And I had Thoughts of along similar lines to 'no one really knows Papyrus because he always lies', albeit from a slightly. Different source?
That is, Papyrus DOES lie a lot. But the people who seem to care about him most and actively seek his company, and the characters who are the most affected by him are all characters with high amounts of Determination.
Like, sure, yeah. if you kill Papyrus, Sans vanishes and then asks you about how you should be wielding power, and he may threaten you at the end of a phone call. But overall, his role in the game doesn't change much at all, and his attitude in the endings seems more representative of the Underground's attitude.
But as we know, Flowey is the previous holder of reset. We know he's probably the person who actually knows the most about Papyrus(only one to REALLY know his favorite food), and he's also confessed Papyrus is the person he finds the most interesting.
But! There's also Undyne! Now, she may not know as much about Papyrus as Flowey does, and I think she projects her own view of him onto him. But she's probably the character who talks about Papyrus as a friend the most. From Sans' dialogue about Papyrus, he views him as someone naive in need of protection. And to basically everyone else, Papyrus is not Papyrus, but who he is in connection to those around him. A skeleton who informs Undyne of problems, Sans loud and tall brother, etc.
But Undyne... Papyrus still lies to her, and she still thinks Papyrus is too nice, but she acknowledges his strength. She doesn't want to upset him, she wants to see him succeed and tries to help him do so in her own way, by giving him something to be passionate about. And when you kill him, it enrages her. I'm sure it enrages Sans, too, but she doesn't just judge you for it, confronts you much earlier and demands to know what you did to Papyrus.
So I wonder if there's. Something like a not-my-problem field around Papyrus, or spacetime distortion, that causes only people with Determination to really see him? Not that his lies make it any easier. it could also just be the lying, that's a lot simpler and more likely, but I do agree that Sans definitely does not know Papyrus anywhere near as much as he thinks he does, and is just running on a number of assumptions. Which is simultaneously weird and sad, that Papyrus has so few friends and not even his brother can really be counted among them.
...At any rate! Hope you enjoyed my rambling and found it interesting!
Actually that brings up a good point, how forgettable or even ignore-able Papyrus is. Maybe he's yelling because no one pays attention to him pfff, I mean he tells so many jokes just for them to go over peoples heads, he shows excessive consideration towards others, just for the fandom to assume he's an asshole because he 'reacts badly' to puns.
//For those that don't know, they are doing a bit/playing with you. Sans' puns wouldn't be anywhere near as funny if Papyrus didn't react to them the way he does. Which makes it weirder to why Sans doesn't react to his at all. Why would he ignore them when it obviously makes him happy that Papyrus reacts? It's not just sans, tho, Undyne doesn't seem to notice or react to his puns either, but he responds to hers.//
The entire underground- or at least I know the entirety of Snowdin is affected when he's dusted. They all feel unsafe and unsettled suddenly, Papyrus has a huge effect on them. I do really love Undyne's response to him being dusted, the fact she knows he answers after two rings of his phone, means they talk a lot, and I love that.
Sans's reaction gives me the impression of "ok we're doing this run, byyyyeee" He only calls you a dirty brother killer, nothing else. He seems to care more about murdering you on a pacifist run than any other... I'm not hating on Sans for this, I'm just pointing it out- his vague awareness has put him in a mood of "Nothing REALLY matters" so it's because of that he doesn't really seem to care about Papyrus dying. He'll just call you a dirty brother killer and move into Toriel's house. Probably because he doesn't wanna deal with anyone asking about Papyrus, she doesn't know he exists, after all.
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huecycles · 3 years
I’m actually curious, what’s your favorite interpretation of Gaster that you have seen? I know that you don’t personally like him that much as of now, but do you think that’s open to change once the whole game is released and we learn more about him?
wait who says i don't like him
i'm a huge gaster fan LMAO i just don't excuse his jackassery towards the secret bosses.
i actually think he's kinda like a morally gray character? misguided, but fucks up a lot. i don't think he's talking to these characters then leaving them to rot out of the evilness of his heart - i get the vibe he does what needs to be done for whatever purpose and just sits back to watch the show when things take an unexpected turn. he could be like flowey to some extent
is he an asshole? absolutely. i don't think he's evil though, i'm honestly expecting a rather complex character if you get what i'm saying? i hate him for ruining the secret bosses' lives but he's too cool so i just wanna watch his aesthetic get thrown around as little crumbs in the deltarune plot.
speaking of aesthetic, my view of him is a mix of "eerie scientist who speaks very formally and is overly cryptic" and "horrifying giygas-esque force of nature". he has the potential to be fairly unsettling and borderline eldritch at the same time. depends on his mood! i wanna draw my take on his design btw.
kinda unrelated but the [REDACTED] sprite and everyman have my whole heart too. those things are fucking creepy, i love how everyman just appears out of nowhere and you don't... really get what he's supposed to be? the butterfly swarming cutscene is one of my favorite moments from the true lab.
lastly lol not me mixing OC stuff here but man i'm so excited to share the halojack lore?? more importantly her connection with gaster (which i've been told by a friend it was depressingly disturbing) and how i plan to use the shadow mantle mechanic. i'm kindaaa slow with art right now but i want to get these out already, way too many brainstorming sessions in my discord dms lmfao
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