#and I'll legally be and adult. in 4 years after this 1 I'll have to register to vote
chat I'm gonna be 18 tomorrow😭
#I've been half watching gf all day#half working through practice papers for the exam literally the day after my birthday#so the existential-ness is only sinking in now#on one hand I'm happy: I've grown a lot as a person and it's nice to know I've made it another year#it's been really tough this year but I'm still here and possibly the best I've been in a while#being 18 also means I can drink😎 so that's cool#and I'll finally stop feeling guilty about reading smut and shit#but also there's lots of responsibilities that comes with growing older#and when I'm 18 I'll need my license soon (ik it's not necessary but it would definitely help with my future plans)#and I'll legally be and adult. in 4 years after this 1 I'll have to register to vote#I already have an ID but what about health insurance? taxes? a third thing?#not to mention I only recently stopped caring about antis in fandom spaces#I used to fear I'd get hate for certain f/os (namely zenitsu since I posted about him a lot and the hq characters have timeskip ages#which I could get away with) and even avoided f/oing certain characters like miya bc I was worried I'd be harassed#I'm lucky to have had any truly awful interactions but I'm always so worried it will happen someday#but I'm not scared of aging itself amymore#seeing sm older people in selfship spaces made me realise there's a future for me#my life is only beginning and I'm excited to see myself continue to grow#sorry for the sad sappy post🧍🏽I blame the hormones /lh#💘. rambles
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leatherdyketerror · 3 months
hello, my name is irys (or rysiu if you prefer), i'm a trans person from poland, the country that consistently ranks as the worst one for lgbt people in the eu. it's also the only country in the world where as an adult you have to file a civil lawsuit against both of your parents and win in order to get your legal gender marker changed.
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TL;DR - i'm in a life situation where i cannot get money for top surgery anywhere but through fundraising, while my chest prevents me from passing as well as causes physical discomfort due to its size, and i'm unable to mitigate it though binding due to health issues. being 8 months on HRT i'm in a gender middle ground which in this country and my area specifically, puts me at high risk of violence and harassment, especially in bathrooms and changing rooms. having raised funds for 5 months now, the crowdfunding campaign has been going on for way longer than expected, taking a toll on my mental health.
unfortunately, i have barely managed to raise 1/3rd of the total money i need. since my last e-begging post, i managed to only get 40PLN (<10USD).
currently, i have barely 7 000 PLN (~1730 USD) out of the full amount i need to raise, being 21 000 PLN (~5155 USD) total. that includes the cost of accomodation, wound dressings, medication etc. out of that, 17 700 PLN (~4345 USD) goes towards the surgery itself and one mandatory night at the hospital.
the site includes a full breakdown of the costs as well as a detailed overview of my situation, not limited to but including 4 years of forced detransition, details of my health issues, and why i can't get money any other way but through fundraising, why i can't bind nor use any alternative methods, and other fun facts about my life. i'm not going to mince words, and i'll say that this situation in itself, outside of the many other stressors i'm under, is making me lowkey not want to live anymore. i really just want to get this over with, after so many years of struggling and humiliation. please.
‼️zrzutka.pl takes secure international payments without fees!!! USamericans, your donations have four times the impact due to currency conversion! if you still don't want to use zrzutka, you can use the blue online payment website to directly send me money instead!
(please don't tag the post as anything)
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lamaenthel · 9 months
Tivaevae | Chapter One: Ripped At The Seams
Still struggling to emotionally recover from Master Obi-Wan's deception, Ahsoka discovers in the aftermath that twelve-year-old Boba Fett has been locked up among adults in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. After convincing Chancellor Palpatine to grant him a pardon, she manages to secure his release on the condition that she serve as his legal guardian. Now, with the help of Master Plo and the Wolfpack, she vows to help him track down what family he has left.
| AO3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
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Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Kanan Jarrus, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CC-1119 | Appo, Dexter Jettster, FLO | WA-7 (Star Wars), Shaak Ti, ARC Commander Blitz (Star Wars), CT-6922 | Dogma, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CC-3636 | Wolffe, Clone Trooper Sinker (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Comet (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-4860 | Boost, Aurra Sing, Tobias Beckett, Null-11 | Ordo Skirata, Kal Skirata, Original Mandalorian Characters (Star Wars), Original Droid Characters (Star Wars), Original Jedi Character(s) (Star Wars) Total Word Count: 123,000 Chapter Word Count: 6,751
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"And then Grey was like skoosh skoosh skoosh–" Caleb held up an imaginary carbine and let loose a series of blasts, so enthusiastic about his reenactment that he nearly fell off of the courtyard bench. " –and the SBD just exploded! He got him right in the power core! And then-and then-and then I did a backflip off of his shoulder, and I cut three B1's in half! It was so wizard."
"You did?" Mace gasped, theatrically placing a hand on his chest in feigned shock. He had a reputation for being overly stoic, cold even, but there was nothing that defrosted the Master like his Padawans. Depa had dropped off young Caleb to have lunch with his Grand-Master with a weary gratitude that Obi-Wan remembered well; ironically, it had usually been Mace that would give him a break from Anakin more often than not, back then.
"Sure did," Caleb raised his chin proudly. "Have you ever done that with your commander, Master Obi-Wan?" he asked eagerly, looking at him from the other side of Mace with bright turquoise eyes.
Obi-Wan swallowed his mouthful of salad. "Unfortunately, no," he said with a smile. "I think I might squash poor Cody if I tried, though, I weigh a bit more than you."
"Is that why you're watching your figure?" Mace asked wryly, looking at Obi-Wan's bowl of fresh greens.
"I don't care if they're nutritionally complete, human beings were not intended to survive off of ration bars alone," Obi-Wan grumbled into his salad.
"I didn't jump off Grey, I jumped off the battle droid!" Caleb giggled.
"Ah," Obi-Wan said. "Well, the answer is still no, but I'll make sure to bring it up to him before our next strategy meeting."
"Good idea!" Caleb said with a grin, then shoved a handful of fried tatos in his mouth. His nerfburger had been inhaled two meandering stories ago.
"Well, I'm impressed. That sounds like a very successful first mission." Mace gave him a pat on the back then added an unholy amount of orbakradish paste to his bowl of red turu rice, green peppers and bantha strips.
"Can I have some?" Caleb asked curiously, staring at the bright green bottle his grand-master had pulled from his pocket curiously.
"It's very spicy," Mace warned before leaving a tiny smudge on the boy's plate, then took a stoic bite of his rice bowl.
Caleb carefully dipped a corner of his fried tato in the orbakradish and took a bite. His eyes went wide. "Ow," he said faintly, and held his mouth open. "Aow. Aow."
Mace chuckled, dipped a tato in the cup of vinegar on the other side of Caleb's plate, then popped it in his open mouth. "I did warn you," he said as Caleb furiously chewed. "Orbakradish isn't like capsaicin. For that, you need some sort of cream. To cure this, you need vinegar."
Caleb sighed with relief. "Thanks, Master." He hurriedly popped another vinegar-soaked tato in his mouth, then finished off the rest of the plate with the speed that only eleven-year-old boys could manage without making themselves sick. Mace and Obi-Wan exchanged amused looks while they ate their own meals at a less tornadic pace.
"Go on, Padawan. Time to meditate, then practice your forms at the training salle." Mace patted Caleb on the back and took his empty plate once he'd licked it clean.
"Will you come and– I mean, I would be honored if you would spar with me after your Council meeting is done, Master." Caleb said bashfully. "If you want to. I, um, I know you're busy."
"I'm not sure how long I'll be, but I'll head down to the salles as soon as we're done. I'd be happy to spar with you, Padawan." Mace patted his cheek fondly and winked.
"Okay!" Caleb bowed hurriedly to Mace and then Obi-Wan. "Bye, Masters!" He took off at a run, almost tripping on his robes twice before disappearing around the corner.
"I miss that age," Obi-Wan said forlornly. "They're still so enthusiastic about everything. Once they hit puberty…"
"The attitude, I know," Mace said knowingly. He took a final bite from his rice bowl and reached a hand out for Obi-Wan's dish. "I'm grateful for Depa and Devan. Echuu was a handful. Girls are easier."
"Girls are not easier," Obi-Wan snorted, then rubbed his bald head, textured with a thousand offended bumps. The whole thing was so damn itchy, he'd had to meditate three times that morning just to keep his sanity. Perhaps Lace had some procaine cream in the medbay that he could borrow until all of the hairs had poked through the skin.
"Mine were," Mace shrugged.
"Yours aren't vindictive," Obi-Wan sighed.
"Why would they be?" Mace asked blithely. "I trained them well. They are above pettiness."
Obi-Wan glared at the sky instead of Mace. "Lucky you," he said to the speeder traffic above the Temple.
"I warned you about the consequences of leaving Anakin and Ahsoka out of the loop," Mace reminded him. "You insisted."
"I know." They both stood and began the long walk to the Council chambers elevator.
Mace passed their bamboo dishes onto a waste droid when they passed one then fished around for something in his pocket. "And you are the one who suggested that they go on the mission that 'killed' you," he pointed out, then popped a mint candy into his mouth.
"I know," Obi-Wan huffed. "I understand that my actions have consequences, Mace, I'm not a child."
"Then why are you so upset?" Mace asked.
"I'm not upset," Obi-Wan said automatically.
Mace rolled his eyes. "You aren't at peace, that's for certain."
"I–" Obi-Wan raised his hands and let them fall. "Ahsoka's never been one to hold a grudge at all, let alone at me. I expected the cold shoulder from Anakin, but not her."
"Ah. She's still hurt, then."
"She's got no reason to be hurt," Obi-Wan insisted.
"She discovered your 'corpse,' my old friend," Mace said.
"Please, p-please Bobi, open your eyes, open your… no, no, no, please no, Bobi please–"
"Would you really be so unmoved if you'd discovered hers?"
She fell to the ground like a ragdoll, dead from a single touch. Her limbs were twisted and her yellow eyes stayed open, filmy and veined with black like the rest of the Dark Side corruption that covered her.
He banished the memories. "That's different," Obi-Wan insisted. "We are not meant to outlive our Padawans."
"Yet we do." Mace called the elevator. "More and more often, it seems. And I do not see that changing until this war is over."
That reminded him. "Have you discussed your idea with Master Yoda?" Obi-Wan asked quietly.
"It's difficult to find a good time to propose an assassination," Mace answered. "Especially the assassination of his old Padawan."
The elevator arrived. The two Masters stepped on and began the journey up.
"You've discussed it with Quinlan?" Mace asked.
"I have. He's not unwilling."
"Good to know."
The two fell silent, and Obi-Wan commanded the mental image of Ahsoka's corpse lying at the feet of her killer to stop popping into his thoughts. The encounter on Mortis felt like a dream. He still wasn't sure what had actually happened, what was real and what was a vision, but the memory of Anakin's yellow eyes and his little girl lying dead and corrupted by the Dark side haunted him at the most inopportune moments.
May he become one with the Force before ever seeing such horrors again.
The elevator opened. The two walked down the hall to the inside of the Council chambers and took their seats in companionable silence. They were still a bit early, and no one else had yet arrived.
"Caleb was not supposed to be in active combat yet," Mace said after a few moments. "In case you were wondering. The mission he was assigned was a scouting mission. The droids were a surprise."
"Do you think I'm judging you, old friend?" Obi-Wan asked with a raised brow.
"No, but I thought you may want to know." Mace leaned back with an unreadable expression on his face. "He is very skilled, but I personally would prefer he not be on the front lines until he gains more experience."
Obi-Wan remembered Ahsoka eagerly bouncing off of the transport and straight onto the front lines of one of the most gruesome campaigns of the early war. "I understand," he said gently. "Unfortunately, there's only one way to get experience."
"I'm aware." The muscle in Mace's jaw worked a bit before he settled into his usual serenity.
"Greetings, Master Windu. Master Kenobi." Shaak-Ti's hologram flickered into view and she bowed her head.
The two men bowed theirs in return. "How fares Kamino?" Obi-Wan asked lightly.
"Sunny, for a change," Shaak-Ti said with a small smile. "The cadets have been training outside all day on the landing pads."
Mace smiled at her. "I'm happy to hear it."
"As am I," Plo said pleasantly. He and Depa bowed from the entrance, Yoda hobbling beside them. Depa spared a fond smile for her old Master as she took her seat, which Mace returned.
More holograms popped up; Kit Fisto, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Coleman Kcaj, Luminara Unduli, Oppo Rancisis, and Stass Allie were all still on the front lines. Kit's hologram was cross-legged and floating subtly, broadcasting underwater from the ocean world of Klarn.
"Begin, we shall," Yoda said after clearing his throat. "May the Force guide us as we proceed."
Murmurs of agreement followed him.
"May I be the first to compliment Master Kenobi's haircut," Kit's hologram grinned at him.
"Thank you, Master," Obi-Wan deadpanned, resisting the urge to scratch his blasted scalp again.
"We are all very glad to see you alive and well," Shaak-Ti added with a twinkle in her eye. "You should stay close-shaven. You look twenty years younger."
Obi-Wan sighed. He was very aware; it was half the reason he had grown the beard in the first place. Shaak-Ti's tinkling giggle rang like a bell at his reaction.
A round of chuckles echoed her and Mace held up a hand to quiet them. "Our first order of business," he began with a smile, reading off a datapad, "is– oh." His smile disappeared and his eyebrows went up as he glanced over at Obi-Wan. "Padawan Ahsoka Tano has requested to speak with us."
Obi-Wan sat at attention. "She has?" he asked, surprised.
"Go ahead and send her in," Mace said into the comlink in his chair. "Do you know what this is about?" he asked Obi-Wan curiously.
Obi-Wan shook his head. "I've no idea," he answered.
The chamber doors opened and Obi-Wan watched Ahsoka step primly inside, pointedly not looking at him despite his centrality in her line of sight. He crossed his legs and frowned.
"Koh-to-yah, little 'Soka," Plo said. "Why have you come before us today?"
"Koh-to-yah, Master Plo. And thank you for allowing me to speak with you on such short notice, Masters," Ahsoka said politely. She made a deep bow and stood with perfect posture, her hands clasped in front of her. "I wish that this was not necessary, but as a Jedi I am a mandated reporter of abuse. If I witness the mistreatment of a child, I must speak up."
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, his ire easing. "What did you witness, dear?" he asked, the epithet slipping out automatically.
Her eyes slid onto him and he was immediately taken aback by how cold they were. "I need to report that there is a twelve-year-old human child being held in a maximum security prison facility alongside murderers, rapists, and violent criminals of all sorts right here on Coruscant," she said icily.
Obi-Wan's stomach dropped. He already knew who she was referring to, and cac, it should have been him reporting it. He'd completely forgotten about his encounter with Boba Fett. He had been so consumed with not just keeping his cover and managing Bane, but blocking the Force bond he shared with his Padawans in order to sell his death that Boba had simply slipped his mind. Force, the shock of seeing a twelve-year-old clone in the middle of supermax dissipated almost as soon as it had struck and Obi-Wan had just… left him there. He felt an alkaline knot of guilt twist around his belly.
There was a smattering of surprised gasps among the Councilors.
"Who is this child?" Depa demanded.
"What could he have possibly done to be imprisoned?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asked, bewildered.
Master Luminara shook her head. "We must contact the Guard at once, surely there was an error–"
Ahsoka held up a hand. "The boy is Boba Fett, Masters. After his failed attempt on Master Windu's life, he was sent to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center."
Looks of grim understanding passed between the Council members. Mace leaned forward. "He's in an adult prison?" he asked, anger coloring the edges of his voice. "Has he been there since he was taken into custody?"
"It would appear so, Master, yes."
Mace sank back, frowning severely. "I recommended leniency," he murmured, almost to himself. "The Chancellor assured me his age and his trauma would be taken into account. I believed he'd be sent to a juvenile facility at worst."
"As did I," Plo said heatedly. "Adult prison, for a child. This is not justice."
"Padawan Tano, find out this information, how did you?" Yoda asked, frowning.
"Well, Master," she said, turning, and Obi-Wan was slightly mollified to hear her address Yoda with the same frostbitten tone. She still hadn't forgiven him for Dogma. The clone was thankfully still alive, as Shaak-Ti had made enough of a fuss on Kamino to have gotten him imprisoned instead of immediately euthanized, but Ahsoka wouldn't be satisfied until he was back in the 501st. "I was viewing the helmet-cam footage from the prison riot that Master Kenobi participated in, and–"
"Is that footage not classified?" Ki-Adi-Mundi interrupted, frowning.
"The report is, but the footage was not, no," she said. "I watched it multiple times, and after I saw Master Kenobi fighting Boba I checked his report." Her eyes flicked onto him and then back to Ki-Adi-Mundi. "There's no mention of Boba in the non-redacted portions."
There was no mention of Boba in it at all, because Obi-Wan had forgotten about him like an idiot. His cheeks burned with embarrassment. A dozen heads turned and stared at him, and he'd never missed his beard more than he did at that moment.
"You fought Boba Fett?" Plo asked him sharply.
"Moralo Eval paid him to start a brawl with me in order to provide a distraction for his and Bane's escape," Obi-Wan said, staring at Ahsoka. She was very carefully studying her boots. He'd bought her those boots. "After I inserted myself into the escape party I… lost track of him."
"He is very small for his age," Ahsoka said with false sympathy. "I know you had bigger concerns at the time, Master Kenobi."
Obi-Wan's skin crawled like it was covered in ants. All of the extra blood rushing to his face was making his stubble itchier than ever.
"We will contact the Chancellor regarding Boba immediately, Ahsoka," Plo insisted, on the edge of his seat and visibly displeased. "We will ensure the boy is placed into a foster home and receives mind healing. Thank you for your diligence, and for bringing this injustice to our attention."
"Thank you, Master," Ahsoka said with a smile, then bowed to him. Obi-Wan felt irrationally jealous of the warmth in her tone. "But I am not sure that a foster home would be the best fit for Boba. He's young, but skilled at both combat and subterfuge. I'm concerned that he would escape and be at just as much risk on his own." She frowned. "He would likely seek out his father's old compatriots again."
"A fair concern," Kit conceded, his smile long gone.
"Do you have a suggestion?" Depa asked mildly.
Ahsoka clicked her heels together. "I would like to volunteer to serve as Boba's temporary legal guardian until I can reunite him with his family," she said solemnly.
The Council chamber went silent in surprise.
"You're only sixteen," Obi-Wan said faintly. "You can't–"
"Actually, as sixteen is the age of responsibility on Shili, I can," she said frostily. "I am a legal adult."
"It's seventeen on Coruscant," he argued. "You–"
"I believe that if I am trusted to lead a battalion of clone troopers into combat, I should be trusted to safeguard the well-being of a single child," she said, speaking over him. "And according to the most recent immigration statutes passed in the Senate, as a full, dual citizen of both worlds, I am actually considered a legal adult on Coruscant." She smiled at him, all teeth.
"Does he have a family?" Saesee Tiin asked. "I was under the impression that Jango Fett was a loner."
"I spoke with the older clones before coming to the Council, Master," Ahsoka said with perfect poise, and Force did it irritate Obi-Wan to see her use her manners for once. "They informed me that there were members of the Cuy'val Dar – that is, the Mandalorian trainers that Jango Fett recruited to train the clones for war – several of them were very close to him. Under the Mandalorian tradition, some could be considered family."
"What an excellent idea, Padawan," Plo said. "I would be grateful if you would come with me to meet with the Chancellor. I'm certain that you will be able to help me persuade him of the right course of action. We will seek out these Cuy'val Dar together, and reunite young Boba with what family remains to him."
Ahsoka bowed again. "It would be my honor, Master," she said sweetly.
Obi-Wan continued to silently seethe.
"Thank you again, Masters, for taking the time to speak with me," she said warmly, then her eyes flickered over to Obi-Wan. "I do hope that Master Kenobi is not censured too severely for failing to report such egregious abuse of a child. I'm certain he was simply preoccupied with his mission."
That was it. Ahsoka did not get to march into the Council chambers wearing boots that he had bought for her and humiliate him in front of his peers out of childish spite. Obi-Wan's hand slammed down onto the arm of his chair, startling everyone. "A word, Padawan," he said through gritted teeth.
"Of course, Master Kenobi," she said serenely.
He stood and led her brusquely from the Council chamber by her right bicep, ignoring the whispers of his fellow Council members behind them.
"An deach thu às mo chiall?" he hissed once the doors had closed and they had a spot of privacy. He released her arm and glared down at her. "Carson a tha thu a’ toirt eas-urram dhomh?"
"Apologies, Master Kenobi," Ahsoka said politely. "I didn't intend to publicly disrespect you."
He stared down at her. Her refusal to speak Maor-Grásta back to him hurt more than the silent treatment. That was their language. No one else at the Temple spoke the indigenous language of the planet crudely known as Stewjon, not even Anakin, though he had tried to teach him. "So this is how you're going to be, then?" he asked finally.
She blinked at him. "I'm not sure what you mean, Master."
"You damn well do," he snapped, and finally gave in to the urge to scratch his damn scalp. "This is childish of you, Ahsoka. You're better than this."
"Better than what?" she asked, cocking her head. "I've been nothing but polite, Master, but if you find my conduct unbecoming then I apologize. I will meditate on our interaction until Master Plo calls me to meet with the Chancellor." She bowed and turned to leave.
Obi-Wan caught her by the left arm and spun her back around. She hissed in pain and ripped her arm away.
"Please refrain from putting your hands on me, Master Kenobi," she said frostily.
Obi-Wan stared at her, knowing that if he asked what was wrong with her arm he'd get no answer. "I'm not putting my… Ahsoka, please, stop this."
"I'm not sure what you wish me to stop, Master."
"Stop acting like you've never met me before!" Obi-Wan said, raising his voice in frustration.
For just a second, her placid mask crumbled and he saw the devastation she was hiding underneath. The mask reappeared and she looked away, pursed her lips and shrugged. "Recent events have shown that I haven't, Master," she said quietly. "Not really."
Obi-Wan sagged and this time, he didn't stop her from walking away.
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Ahsoka went through her mental checklist again. She couldn't muck this up. If she somehow pissed off Chancellor Palpatine or failed to convince him that Boba didn't belong in supermax, the kid was screwed.
"Do not be nervous, little 'Soka," Plo whispered, squeezing Ahsoka's right shoulder reassuringly. They sat together on a plush bench in a waiting area right outside the Chancellor's office.
"I can't help it, Master," she whispered back. "What if I make it even worse, somehow?"
"I would advise you, respectfully of course, to think of what your Master would not do and try that."
Ahsoka snorted. His aura was a little too gold with humor for the seriousness of the situation.
"Trust in the Force. We are in the right, here, and we know this."
She nodded. "Yes, Master."
"You may enter," one of Chancellor Palpatine's secretaries called from the doorway; a short, plump Human woman with black hair shorn down to the scalp and the pale skin of someone who worked and lived exclusively indoors.
Ahsoka took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then followed Master Plo to the Chancellor's office. He was still sitting at his desk, writing something with an electric pen that showed up as a language she didn't recognize on the left side of his desk.
"Master Koon," the Chancellor smiled, and bowed his head. "And Padawan Ahsoka. My, how you've grown since I last saw you! I must say, Anakin raves about you every time we meet. He is very proud of you."
"Thank you, Chancellor," Ahsoka said sheepishly, ducking her head. There was nothing specific about the Chancellor himself that put her on edge, it was the office. There was just something unnerving about it. The statues of the Four Sages seemed to watch her from their posts bordering the room, and some of the art vibrated weirdly in the Force. Nothing she could pin down, just off.
She peered down at the unfamiliar writing on the Chancellor's desk. "That's a beautiful script," she said, projecting her aura out over the room with green serenity-amiability. It helped block out the weird vibrations of his artwork. "I don't recognize it."
"It's the poet's script," the Chancellor said, his naturally violet aura gone blue with appreciation. "It's an old traditional practice on Naboo. It's never been a spoken language, but one used solely for the arts."
"That's fascinating," Ahsoka said, returning his smile. "Do you write poetry, Chancellor?"
He chuckled and looked down, darkening with humility. "Oh, I dabble," he confessed with a smile. "It's a bit self-indulgent, of course, but it calms my mind."
"Nonsense, Chancellor," Plo assured him. "It is good to know that even in this period of war and violence, our leader makes time to create something beautiful for the galaxy."
Ahsoka was impressed. Plo could give Ob– Master Kenobi a run for his credits when it came to schmoozing.
"Ah, well," the Chancellor shrugged, his smile widening. "I doubt you called for an emergency meeting to discuss my poetry, dear. What can I do for you?"
Ahsoka sat up straight. "There has been a grave miscarriage of justice, Chancellor," she said solemnly. "Boba Fett has been placed into supermax alongside adults instead of a juvenile facility. He is a Fett clone, yes, but totally unaltered. He ages at a normal rate, not the accelerated rate of the troopers." She adjusted her projection to include a yellow ribbon of pity. "He's only twelve, Sir. Every second he spends in that place his life, his- his bodily sanctity is at risk."
Chancellor Palpatine went gray with surprise. "Oh, goodness," he said, immediately swiping away his poetry and summoning Boba's file up to the holoscreen of his desk. "Let me see here– ah." His holoscreen filled up with copies of legal documents, medical records, and crime scene holopics. "It seems that the judge presiding over his case determined that he was too dangerous to be kept in a juvenile facility." He glanced at her. "I cannot say that I disagree. He is unnaturally skilled for a boy his age, from what I have heard. He killed a Marshall Commander."
"Respectfully, Chancellor, Commander Ponds was murdered by Aurra Sing. Boba could not pull the trigger," Master Plo gently corrected.
"I understand the risks, Chancellor," Ahsoka said. "I would like to volunteer to serve as his legal guardian until I can reunite him with his father's Mandalorian family."
The Chancellor's eyebrows almost hit his hairline. "Jango Fett had family?" he asked, going a lighter gray with shock.
"In the Mandalorian tradition of found family, yes," Ahsoka nodded.
"So young Boba would escape punishment for his crimes against the Republic?" the Chancellor asked after a moment of curt silence.
"Boba Fett is but a child, Chancellor," Plo said peacefully. "He was manipulated by individuals that were once acquainted with his father and they used his grief to their advantage. They abandoned him at the first opportunity."
The Chancellor nodded, thinking. "That may be so, Master Koon, but he did kill hundreds of his fellow clones through his actions."
"He did, Chancellor, that can't be disputed," Ahsoka said softly, projecting strong amber amenability at him. "But he's an orphan, and he's twelve. He's exceptionally vulnerable to manipulation by adults that knew his father. They're the only connection he has left to him."
"The cadets that he infiltrated reported that he seemed reluctant to leave them to their fate," Plo piped up. "While his quest was misguided from the start, his target was Master Windu. The loss of clone life and the destruction of The Endurance was wholly unintentional."
"While sabotaging the hyperdrive of The Endurance, he had an opportunity to end the life of clone trooper Rivers," Ahsoka added. "He spared his life and stunned him instead. We truly believe that if not for the presence of Aurra Sing, Castas, and Bossk, he never would have taken that step."
"So you propose instead that I pardon the one who killed hundreds of clone troopers, naval officers, and support staff on account of his age?" Chancellor Palpatine steepled his hands underneath his chin and looked at her sympathetically. "I'm sorry, my dear, but I cannot in good conscience do such a thing. Aside from the morality of it, the boy could wreak untold damage if he escaped your custody."
"I promise he won't!" Ahsoka exclaimed, leaning forward. "Please, Chancellor. I know he made a terrible error in judgment that cost many lives, but he's twelve."
"So you've said," the Chancellor said dryly, lowering his hands. "Ahsoka–"
Ahsoka impulsively reached across his desk and clasped his hands. "He needs rehabilitation, not a life sentence before it's even began," she said earnestly. She wouldn't go so far as to try and mind trick him, not with Plo right there, but her Empathy was stronger with physical touch. She let burnt-orange supplication roll down her arms and flow from her hands onto his. "Please, Chancellor," she said, popping her porg eyes. "Just give him a chance."
The Chancellor's aura flushed copper with affection-agreement. "You do make a compelling argument," he said fondly, withdrawing his hands after giving hers a squeeze. "The Great Negotiator has taught you well."
Ahsoka ducked her head with a small smile, trying not to let him feel the cold shock of hurt that Master Kenobi's nickname triggered.
"Very well." He raised his chin to look over Ahsoka's shoulder at his secretary. "Go fetch Commander Fox, please."
"Right away, Sir." The secretary scurried off and the Chancellor drew up a document.
"I shall grant Boba Fett a full pardon, effective immediately," he said, then glanced up at Ahsoka with a smile. He transferred something onto a datapad and handed it to her. It was a legal certificate declaring her the legal guardian of one Boba Fett.
Oh, kriff, she hadn't actually let herself believe that she'd get this far. She had a kid. She had a shabla kid. A shabla clone kid.
"Congratulations, my dear, it's a boy," he said with a small chuckle and a wink. "I do hope Anakin isn't too cross with you. I can't imagine that he expected to become a grandfather quite this early."
Ahsoka's stripes went hot. Her Master… was not going to be pleased with her, to put it lightly, but she just couldn't leave Boba in there a second longer than necessary if she could put a stop to it.
"Please, 'Soka, you have to get him out of there," Rex pleaded, staring at the screen with an aura gone stark white with shock-horror-outrage. "He's so little. They'll kill him, they'll– osik, what have they already done to him–"
She would have done it anyway, but Force if Rex's begging wasn't compelling. She'd break Boba out if she had to.
But really, Anakin was going to kill her once he got back from Toydaria with that Force-sensitive toddler.
"Commander!" Chancellor Palpatine said brightly over Ahsoka's shoulder. "Please escort Master Koon and Padawan Tano down to the detention center. Boba Fett is being released into her custody, effective immediately."
"Oh. Interesting. As you say, Sir," Fox said, then turned to Ahsoka and Plo. "Ready whenever you both are," he nodded.
"Take care, Ahsoka," Chancellor Palpatine said warmly, standing along with them. "And do be on guard with young Boba. From what I understand, the boy is quite crafty, despite his tender age."
"Oh I will, Chancellor, don't worry. I remember how much of a handful he was." Ahsoka bowed and tried to ignore the way the statues of the sages stared at her. "Thank you again. You've saved a life today."
"And my thanks as well, Chancellor," Plo added, bowing after her. "We appreciate your expediency."
"I wish you luck in your endeavor, my dear." Palpatine winked at her. "And don't be afraid to visit more often. I've got some stories about Anakin as a youth that you might enjoy."
Ahsoka's stripes flushed again and she picked at her thumb's cuticle.
"Alright, General, Commander. Let's get you over to the prison before sundown." Fox slung his carbine over his shoulder and led the way out.
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Boba curled up tighter on his side, willing the pain in his sides to go away. After he'd jumped Hardeen it had been chaos. He wasn't sure if it was the guards or the other bastards he was locked in here with that had broken his ribs, but it didn't really matter. He needed to get better. He couldn't afford to look weak. Prison was worse than a jungle, at least an animal just killed you and was done with it. The predators here liked to play with their food, first.
"Come on, little man, come bunk with me. I know it gets cold at night, you must be shivering with only a lizard to keep you warm–"
At least in solitary Boba could focus all of his energy on healing instead of defending himself. He chewed on his split lip and readjusted his face against the wall so that his black eye was pressed directly against the cold surface.
"Time to go, Fett."
Boba was sitting upright and ready to respond in under a second. Nobody would know by looking at him that he was holding his breath so as not to scream from the pain. One meiloorun, two meiloorun, three meiloorun–
"Go where?" he asked after a few seconds, cool as a caniphant. Fox, on the other side of the bars, had two DC-17 sidearms, a DC-15A carbine, and two vibroblade hits sticking out from his gauntlets. Two pairs of cuffs hung from his belt next to a small canister of capsaicin spray.
Boba could get to the spray the easiest, kick the back of Fox's knee, twist his arm and grab the blaster–
"It's your lucky day, cyar'solus," Fox said, undoing the biometric locks on his cell.
"Don't call me that," he snapped. Damn it, Boba didn't want to go back to genpop yet, he was still too injured. The guards tried to watch out for him; some of them did, anyway, the ones who didn't hiss vod'kyramud when he passed them in the halls. Bossk usually stuck up for him but he was just one man. Boba already had a size disadvantage, but with his ribs fucked his speed suffered. He eyed the capsaicin spray at Fox's belt again. He'd get his ass kicked if he went for it, but they'd keep him in solitary longer. Fox had the frame of a gundark but he wasn't a shabuir, he would just give him another lump or two before locking his cell again instead of rebreaking things on purpose.
Fox snickered. "I'll call you whatever I want. Now face down on the floor, you know how this works."
Yeah, he did. Boba swallowed hard and carefully got on his belly, watching the canister of spray swing closer. The floor was hard but the cold felt good. He took a deep breath and prepared to make his move.
As if Fox knew what he'd been thinking, he walked around him in a wide circle and approached from behind before cuffing him. He pulled Boba to his feet, gentler than he expected. "You're being given a second chance, kid," he said quietly. "Don't kark it up."
"The fuck does that mean?" Boba asked faintly; even with Fox's careful grip, he wasn't able to draw in air properly with the way his ribs were screaming.
"You're getting out."
"What?" Boba tried to spin around and look at Fox, but he kept a firm hold of his cuffed hands and kept him from turning.
"Walk, squirt," Fox said in a bored voice.
Where was he going? Where were they sending him? It hit him then, what had to have happened; Aurra. He knew she wouldn't abandon him. She'd had to make a tactical retreat, that was all. Somehow she'd pulled in a favor or used her connections in the guild, or maybe even kidnapped a judge. He fought down a smirk as they walked past the other inmates, all howling and hissing and complaining about his special treatment.
He was foolish to have given up on Aurra. She really did care about him.
"Stand here." Fox started undoing the locks to the hall that led to the private interview rooms, the ones that prisoners used to meet with their attorneys.
Boba never had an attorney. He had gone through sentencing on his own.
"Alright, walk." Fox took him by the cuffs and shoved him forward through the door. "And be respectful."
"Respectful to who?" Boba grouched.
"Your new mum," Fox snickered, stopping in front of a door halfway down the hall. "Congratulations. You've been adopted."
Boba whipped his head up so fast that black spots appeared in his eyes. "I've been fucking what?" he squeaked.
Fox pushed him inside of the interview room while he was still reeling. Instead of Aurra, the two Jedi who had arrested him were waiting inside; a Kel Dor who towered over everyone, even Fox, and a scrawny orange Togruta with big blue bug eyes and two sabers on her belt. She was taller than he remembered.
"Koh-to-yah, Boba Fett," the Kel Dor said, bowing to him. "I am Jedi Master Plo Koon, and this is Padawan Ahsoka Tano."
"The fuck do you cunts want?" Boba spat, furious at himself for being so stupid that he thought Aurra would come for him. He was such a gullible di'kut. Of course she didn't really care. He was never anything but clout to her, just something of Jango's that she could show off.
The Tog blinked at him, obviously shocked. The little princess obviously wasn't used to bad language. "I, um, I…"
"Go ahead, Ahsoka," the Kel Dor said with a little pat on her back.
She took a deep breath, stepped forward, and then smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. He felt the tension in his back muscles ease a little, weirdly enough. "I want to get you out of here, if that's alright with you."
"Why the fuck should I go anywhere with you?" Boba asked suspiciously, then backed up so he could keep the both of them in plain view. "You're the cunts who put me in here. Why do you care?"
"We never meant for you to be placed in a place such as this, young man," the Kel Dor said apologetically.
"We want to help you find your family, Boba," the Tog said earnestly.
"Are you both fucking stupid?" Boba snapped. "I don't have any family. The Jedi killed the only family I had."
The Tog and Kel Dor exchanged looks. "I know, Boba," the Tog said. "And I'm sorry for your loss."
Boba looked at his feet.
"Why don't we be on our way?" the Kel Dor suggested. "We have much to discuss, but there's no need to do so on an empty stomach. I find myself craving a milkshake."
"Oooh, I could go for a milkshake," the Tog said with her brow markings raised. "How about you, Boba?"
"I don't want a fucking milkshake, I want to know what's going on!" Boba said, backing up into Fox. He… he needed to get away from these people. They had some sort of weird plan for him, he was sure of it. What if they wanted to send him back to Kamino? Maybe they wanted to string him up in a lab and use him to make more of their precious troopers. Without Dad the longnecks couldn't make them like they used to, and Boba was a perfect copy. "What did Fox mean? He said I was going to meet my new mum, what did he mean by that?"
The Tog bit her lip and looked at him. "That, um, that would be me," she said sheepishly. "I… I'm your legal guardian."
"You're my legal guardian?" Boba stared at her. She looked barely older than him, though she was a lot taller than he remembered.
"Yep," she said happily, rocking back on her heels. "So, what do you say? Ready to go?"
Boba glanced up at Fox, who gave him a reassuring nod. "Not like I have a fucking choice, do I?" he asked sullenly.
"No, you don't," the Kel Dor – Koon, Boba remembered he said his name was – said gently. "But I imagine that you would choose to leave the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center."
"Obviously," Boba said, frowning.
"So." Koon shrugged. "Shall we?"
The Tog smiled brightly at him. He realized that she was nervous, and for some reason that made him feel better.
"Fine." Boba rubbed his wrists after Fox unlocked his cuffs. Whatever. Fox didn't need to help him, he could do this on his own. He just had to stick with them long enough to get out of prison. The second the idiots turned their backs, he'd be out of there. Boba glanced up and met the Tog's nervous gaze. "But I'm not calling you fucking Mum."
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Author's Notes:
MAOR-GRÁSTA TRANSLATIONS An deach thu às mo chiall?: Have you gone insane? Carson a tha thu a’ toirt eas-urram dhomh?: Why are you disrespecting me? MANDO'A TRANSLATIONS cyar'solus: beloved one, the clones' nickname for Boba since he was a special snowflake chosen baby (Thank you Squid_Ink 😘) shabuir: motherfucker vod'kyramud: brother-killer osik: shit OTHER NOTES Mace has a picture of all of his padawans and grand-padawans in his wallet and he shows everyone constantly. It's canon, George Lucas actually told me himself. Palpatine was pretty easy to convince, wasn't he? It's almost like he likes sowing discord between Anakin and his loved ones hmm odd yes very odd indeed Ponds was promoted for plot related purposes ✌️
Taglist: @starwarsficnetwork @soliloquy-of-nemo Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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faerun · 4 months
okokok my questions. 1) what are the marital practices in this world? multiple partners, one partner, what's a usual marriage ceremony like, are there arranged marriages or are they marriages for love or is it half and half, etc etc...
2) what are the naming conventions? firstname lastname?
3) what's the natural life cycle of these fish aliens? adults at 18 and an average of 80 years, like humans? 800 years? 20?
4) what's the architecture of their societies like? brutalist? abstract? built out of nature?
i'm so curious!!! i love lore so much!!! please share all your thoughts and then some!!! love you!!!
waaaa maia thank you for the questions! these are great, I'll tackle them one at a time.
Marital Practices: I had a whole thing written up about this but all my notes on this world are spread across, like, 4 different note taking apps lol and I can't find it so I'll just write down what I can remember.
In Azurel, there is a concept similar to marriage that's known as 'binding'. To enter into a bond with another is to literally bind your souls and identities together in the eyes of the gods, in both this life and the afterlife. The main difference between a traditional Human marriage and an Azureli binding is the spiritual aspect of it. Whereas marriages are sometimes considered religious ceremonies on earth depending on where you live and how you were raised, all bindings in Azurel are considered to be explicit religious acts and are taken much more seriously than a marriage. To bind yourself to another, you are declaring yourselves to be a single entity in both the eyes of the gods and the law. Bonded couples are legally considered to be one person, and each are entitled to all the other has. As for the spiritual aspect, its said that bonded couples are two halves of one soul, separated somewhere in the place where souls are born that must find eachother again in the physical world. Upon death, the souls are once again reunited and exist as a single entity in the Far Shores, essentially Azureli heaven.
It's considered an especially egregious social taboo to rush into a binding before one is truly ready, and barring extreme circumstances such as abuse, divorce isn't really a thing in Azurel. Once you have declared someone your other half in a religious ceremony, there is (usually) no turning back. For this reason, long courtships are very common in Azurel. It's very common to see couples who have children and have built a life together who are unbound to each other, and these relationships are not viewed as lesser than bonded couples. Binding ceremonies are the ultimate expression of romantic, divine love for another person.
As for the ceremony, it must take place in a sanctified body of water. This can be any body of water, but for most it will be the ocean. Couples are wrapped in strands of seaweed and, after a few words from a priest, couples are then submerged in the water and emerge anew, bound together forever.
Naming conventions: This is an aspect of my world that I have actually yet to flesh out. I'm thinking of something along the lines of a first name, often passed down from an older family member, followed by a name representing the area you were born in, like a city or region name. After that would be the family or clan name of your birthing parent, as ancestry is traced on the maternal line in Azurel. I'll have to give this particular subject more thought and get back to you later!
Average life cycle: The average life expectancy for the Azureli is typically around 125 years, with the longest living person being confirmed to be 152 at the time of her passing.
Life expectancy is dependent on a lot of factors but the most important factor is one's gender. The Azureli people have three recognized biological genders, based on reproduction ability. W'ita, the 'females' of the species, typically live the longest at around 120-140. O'ta, the 'males', live the shortest lives at around 100-115. A'wat, bigender beings that are able to both sire and bear children, are in the middle at around 110-130. There are more biological distinctions between the genders than just reproductive ability but that would be a whole other essay so I'll leave it there for now lol
Architecture: This varies a lot between the regions, and is one of the aspects of their society that I've just started fleshing out! I'll go into more detail about the underground cave cities, where most of the population lives since their ancestors fled there when the surface became nearly uninhabitable several hundred years ago. In these underground cities, homes and businesses are typically either carved straight into the cave wall or constructed from stone and other natural materials. Despite the fact that most structures are plain, unpolished stone, the Azureli people are very into decorating their living and community spaces and frequently paint large elaborate murals, designs, and symbols in these spaces. Because their homes and spaces underground are so utilitarian in design by necessity, they make up for this by making their streets colorful, lively places and filling their homes with cozy, eclectic decorations and furniture. Once I've fleshed this out some more and either drawn or found images that I feel gets this idea across, I can update this post to add those.
once again thank you for giving me chance to share more of this project!!
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goblin-simming · 10 months
it's time. Meet Liesel Edgeworth, my most specialest girl of all time <3
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Young Adult (24)
Aspiration: Legally Sim (This sim wants to pursue a law career.)
Traits: Cheerful, Geek, Clever, Kind, Soft
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Teen (17)
Aspiration: Valedictorian (This sim wants to become a valedictorian! To do this, they'll need straight A's and some luck.)
Traits: Cheerful, Geek, Clever, Kind
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Child (11)
Aspiration: Whiz Kid (This sim wants to be the smartest kid in school.)
Traits: Cheerful, Geek, Kind
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Toddler (5)
Traits: Clingy, Inquisitive
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Infant (1)
Trait: Wiggly
This post is long enough already but I desperately need to tell you about her so i'll go ahead and cut the post :p
Note for readers: our ocs exist in a universe that canon-adjacent at best. We change so much so far back that it's frankly absurd so just. keep that in mind while you read <3
She was born in Munich, Germany to a prominent prosecutor and his wife, their first child. Her mother died during childbirth, leaving her and her father alone and upset over her passing.
She was born with a birth defect that left her legs weak, making it difficult for her to stand and walk on some days, while other days she is largely unaffected.
Her father did his best to raise her himself, making sure she had the mobility aids she needed, and her childhood was happy. She inherited her father's passion for the law, often accompanying him to the courthouse when permitted, and excitedly insisting he tell her about the cases she wasn't able to see play out in person. She also adored her neighbors, and spent much of her time bothering hanging out with the older neighbor boy who wanted nothing to do with her and his baby sister. The spring after she turned eleven, her father's health took a turn for the worst, and in the early summer, he passed.
With no other family to take her in, she was taken to an orphanage, where she spent the next few months. Most of her free time, she was permitted to spend in the records room of the courthouse, taking in any and all cases the records-keepers would let her access.
That was where she met Edgeworth, who saw the similarities between her and himself, and, in an uncharacteristically spur-of-the-moment decision, adopted her himself.
She spent the next six years traveling Europe alongside her adoptive father, excitedly taking in foreign legal systems and studying thoroughly, with the plan to eventually become a prosecutor as well.
During this time she also had the opportunity to meet Phoenix Wright and his daughter, Trucy, whom she bonded quickly with.
When Liesel and her father returned to the United States, with no plans to leave again, Liesel threw herself head-first into Themis Legal Academy, using her knowledge from Europe to spur her focus into the way things are done in her new home.
During her time at Themis is when she met Nora Spect, her self-proclaimed best friend, and Athena Cykes, another close confidant. She was also given the opportunity to reconnect with her childhood neighbors, the Gavins. Things had changed drastically between them, since she'd last seen them, and she got along much closer with Klavier than she had as a child.
She graduated second in her class, and started her career shortly thereafter, facing off for the first time in a real courtroom across from her best friend.
She prioritizes truth above everything else, leading her to have very few wins on record against Nora, though that hardly stops them from celebrating each case they work together, inviting friends out for drinks and karaoke.
okay i'm gonna stop rambling here bc actual events get really shaky from here on but!! other stuff to mention
she's autistic as fuck (she caught the Lawtism, as I've been calling it)
she's cishet & polyam
she's 18 during the events of aa4 and saw all four of the cases in person (4-1 from the gallery, and 4-2 through 4-4 while working alongside Klavier)
she had a crush on Klavier when she was a kid and it kinda faded while they weren't in touch but it comes back full force when she meets him again (and she's exceptionally awful at hiding it)
she has been asking for a cat since she was a child and only gets one after she moves out of her family's home because she was always either moving around too much in Europe or, once in the states, phoenix moves in and he's allergic
she's legally 5 feet tall but medically she's 4'11". she lied on her drivers license and her id and doesn't feel bad for it.
she spent a good portion of her life thinking of gay as the 'default' because so few of the people she interacted with were straight. she came out as straight to her family and is still embarrassed about it years down the line
she gets into a relationship w/ Klavier and Apollo at some point. still workshopping when exactly i just know she ends up w them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ahiddenpath · 1 month
Life Update
Talkin' about life beneath the cut. TW for medical talk, mentions of cancer (I am not sick, it's a family member), and family issues. Ngl, it's a heavy one, so please don't read it if you're not up for that.
It's been hard, lately.
I haven't written in like... 2+ weeks. That is not normal or comfortable for me. I am hoping to plan Koushiro week (dates and prompts) this week and share the info next weekend.
Family Stuff
A maternal family member's health is not looking great. They had the cancerous organ removed, but in the 30 day rest period after surgery, the cancer spread to 2 non-removable organs. They will be starting immunotherapy, as chemo is not usually effective for one of the organs. This family member is in their early 60s, so this is... quite early to be in a multiple organ cancer situation (although cancer knows no age, but... You know what I mean).
We can do a lot for cancer patients these days. I've been researching immunotherapies professionally for 12+ years, so, like... Yeah, we've come a long way, so there is hope. Still, this is devastating news for my family. All I want is for my family member to recover, and to provide effective support without stepping on toes or being insensitive by accident.
With all this going on, my mom isn't doing well. She has her usual stuff. Briefly, for anyone who might be new to my life posts, her husband/my father is a horrible person, I started asking for protection and if we could get away from him when I was 12. Only one family member tried to help me- the same one who has cancer. I've been no contact with my father since I left home in my early 20s. My mother remained with him, and constantly requests help and support because of his abuse. I have to constantly remind her that I can't do anything while she remains with him, as it would put me in his path. And, uncomfortably, I have had to remind her that:
1.) She is an adult and can leave at her discretion
2.) No one helped me when I was a child. Her expectation that her adult child save her is... Not easy to swallow.
Our relationship has always been complicated, but it really suffered a blow about a year ago, when she asked me to lie to the government to save her business (I don't want to get into details, but it was pretty gobsmacking). I of course said no, and provided a legal and much safer alternative, but it would have cost effort, time, and money from her instead of having me take care of everything and, you know... Lie to the government. She responded to my info email, which took me hours and hours of research and several phone calls to assemble, with a nasty response. She did apologize via text a few days later, but things never really recovered. I went from seeing her monthly/every other month to maybe three times per year.
She called about two weeks ago and just... Emotionally dumped on me, the way she did when I was a kid. About how awful her job and husband are, about her family member's illness. And look, everyone needs emotional support, but we don't have that relationship, and I'm also struggling with my family member's diagnosis. Then, she called wanting to meet up with me, which... I frankly don't want to do.
I am not sure what she wants. She might want someone to vent to more, which can't be me. If I do go, I will take my husband- she is far better behaved around him. I'll also make sure it's somewhere I can get up and leave. But people often want to repair relationships when faced with illness of a loved one, and to be honest... I'm much more comfortable with where our relationship is now.
Life stuff
Some friends visited my house for 4 days last weekend, from Fri-Mon. I'm lucky to see them once per year, for reference, because of how far apart we live. It was very fun, but I found myself feeling my age (mid 30s) in ways I never have before. I get up at 7 AM and go to bed around 11 PM, every day. My friends stayed up until like 1 AM and woke up at like 10-11 AM. It's like fucking jet lag, man, I'm still thrown off. A lot of our activities involved eating, too, and holy shit, I have learned that I cannot do that. I have to stick to my normal light breakfast and lunch and everyday dinner. Like, I can do maybe 1 big ol celebration meal per week; I cannot do 1 every day for 4 days. My body neither knows or cares when I'm on vacation and/or with friends.
This is absolutely absurd. I could have done this just fine even like... Idk, 3 years ago??? This is one of the first times I've really, really felt like I'm getting older.
I'm so mad at myself because I was taking decent care of myself in the spring. I started hiking and working out and eating a little better. But when summer hit, it was literally over 90F every day for like... Nearly 3 straight months. It used to be 80s with a few absolute melting days. Now, every day is one of those outliers. I've been stuck inside and not wanting to go out, which, of course, impacts my mental health. I've been feeling lowkey sick/exhausted with stomach issues for nearly three months. I'm really looking forward to the fall and cooler weather, but ofc I need to figure out how to deal with things when I'm stuck inside.
In better news, my husband and I planned our vacation this year. It's... not something I would pick. We are going to Vegas for a few days. I have sensory issues, so uhhh this is not... Good lol! But he's been a Penn and Teller fan since he was a child, and I think they're in their 70s. He wants to see them perform, so we shouldn't put it off, and after the Japan trip last year, I wanted a domestic trip. We're only there for 3 or 4 nights (and holy batman, the hotel rates were absolutely bonkers). The week after, we are going to the Shenandoah Valley area and chilling in a house by a river for three days. I am hoping to see Luray caverns and Shenandoah National Park on the days we are arriving and leaving. This is something much more my speed.
The bad news is that we spent a huge amount of time this weekend planning what we are doing. Vacations have gotten so much more difficult to plan and waaaay more expensive since the pandemic. It's at the point where I question if it's worth it, which is insane because it's such a beautiful world out there! But also holy fuckin shit batman!!!!!
Work is annoying, idk what to tell you, but they pay me pretty well and my boss and coworkers are nice. Nothing really unusual to report.
I hope you are all healthy and well! Please take care of yourselves! Thank you for caring about me <3
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Get To Know My OC Tag!
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This'll probably be the first of many since this was sooo much fun to do lol.
I was going to do this with Steph… but I felt more drawn towards El today for some reason. Probably because I've been editing a lot more of her scenes/chapters lately. So Elise, I choose you!
Thank you for tagging me, @gummybugg!
Let's begin!
The door opens, and 18-year-old Elise Kennedy enters the room. She walks with graceful strides that indicates the quiet confidence she holds within her. She is a pretty girl - long wavy blonde hair styled in a messy bun, crystal clear blue eyes sparkling with joy and curiosity (despite being baggy from that high school stress and sleep deprivation), and a bright beaming smile that honestly does a better job of lighting up the room than my terrible cheap lamp does. She appears to be about 5'6, if I'm not wrong.
She extends a hand in greeting, radiating an immediate sense of warmth and sincerity. Her voice, I notice straight away is soft warm and gentle. It carries an undertone enough to put you at ease in an instant. Then she takes her seat.
I know I've only just met her, but she seems nice.
1) Are you named after anyone?
Elise: Uh, no. Not after a person, I don't think. Although, I do know how I got my name. My late grandmother was really into classical music, and she came up with the suggestion of "Elise" for me when I was born because one of her favourite pieces of music was "Für Elise" by Beethoven. When I was little, she actually taught me how to play it on the piano, too! That was a fun time… yeah. But to answer your question, no. Not that I know of.
2) When was the last time you cried?
Elise: I don't know… hmm, let me think. This is actually a deep question when you think about it.
Me: It is??
Elise: Wait! Do you mean, like proper crying? Bawling like a baby? Or do you mean like welling up, but not actually making a sound?
Me: Uh…
Elise: If you mean the first one, then probably last week. I was watching a really sad movie with my brother, and I just couldn't help it. If you mean the second one, then… I don't know. To be honest, it happens on a regular basis. So probably yesterday or something. I try not to be overly emotional all the time, but I'm a sensitive soul, what can I say? (pause) OH! I remember now!
Me: You do?
Elise: It was two weeks ago! Ok, let me explain - I have this friend who really loves music. His name is Bret, and something he likes to do as a hobby is write and produce his own songs, right? And two weeks ago, he sent me an email with a link to his SoundCloud. He posts all his songs there now, its amazing! Anyway, he asked me for feedback on the first song he uploaded on there. So I listened to it, and it made me cry. It was very deep and moving. I loved it… (laughs awkwardly) I feel like my answers are way too long, ha-ha! Sorry about that.
Me: Don't be sorry. This is good!
Elise: I'll send you a link to Bret's SoundCloud! You need to listen to it yourself, so you know what I'm talking about.
Me: Would your friend mind?
Elise: Uh… (pauses for a while to wonder whether or not Bret would actually mind) Probably not?
3) Do you have kids?
Elise: Uh, no. Nor do I want any - at least not right now. I'm still a school kid! (pause) I know I'm 18, so legally I count as an adult, but I still feel like a kid, honestly. And I think that just as a general rule, if you feel like a kid or act like a kid, you probably shouldn't raise a kid.
4) Do you use sarcasm?
Elise: (thinks for a moment, then nods) Yeah. Not as often as some people do, but sometimes it's just necessary, especially when you're dealing with difficult or incompetent people.
5) What's the first thing you notice about people?
Elise: I feel like I'm naturally quite good at reading people, you know? Like, even with people I don't know all that well, I can just look at them and have a good idea of how they're feeling, what their thinking, what they're like. And it's usually pretty accurate, as well. I'm quite intuitive in that sense. I think this is also the reason I connect well with others even if they're very different from me. Like, I'm an introvert, and I'm generally rather quiet and mind my own business most of the time, but quite a lot of my friends are super energetic extroverted people. I think its fun to be curious, you know? Like, taking the time to understand and empathise with a person. You form closer bonds with people that way.
6) What's your eye colour?
Elise: Blue! You see? (opens eyes wide so that I can see their colour)
7) Any special talents?
Elise: Hmm. I don't know if any of my talents count as "special" or anything. I have talents… like, back when I used to perform in my old choir, I was known for being able to hold notes for really, really long. My record back then was like 47 seconds. But it's been years since then, and I probably can't do it anymore. Anything else? (pauses to think for a second) Don't know whether this counts, but I'm really good at memorising things. My brother says I have a memory sharper than a katana… which I think says everything you need to know about him. (laughs) But like, to give an example, I can read a book and basically be able to quote it word for word afterwards. Or watch a show, and be able to recite every line in a given scene. It's quite helpful as a student, actually. Makes the studying process a bit smoother. Not that I don't work hard for my grades, because I do. I don't consider myself to be a mega-super-genius or anything.
8) Scary movies or happy endings?
Elise: Are you kidding me?! Happy ending all the way! I can't sit through a horror movie for the life of me. I hate scary stuff, I just don't like the feeling of terror. I don't get why some people actually like it. I mean some people have to like it, right? There has to be a reason that the horror genre has a market.
9) Where were you born?
Elise: Born and raised in London, baby!
10) What are your hobbies?
Elise: Reading, first of all. I love to read so much. I always have.
Me: What is the book you're reading currently?
Elise: Right now, I'm re-reading "Normal People" by Sally Rooney. It's so good, I highly recommend it. But aside from reading, I like music a lot. Not as much as Bret, but I love to play a bit of piano whenever I have the time, and I also love to sing still. Even though I'm not in my old choir anymore.
Me: Why did you stop if you clearly loved doing it?
Elise: (sighs) It was a toxic environment for me… I needed a break from some of those people. I don't really want to get into it.
Me: Ooookay… (slightly concerned)
11) Do you have any pets?
Elise: No, and I've always wanted one! (pouts) It didn't even matter what it was! My parents aren't about that, though. Ugh! (pause) Maybe in the future, I'll get a puppy. I love dogs so much!
12) What sports do you play/have played?
Elise: None. (laughs) I've never been a sporty person.
13) How tall are you?
Elise: Five foot five. And a bit, depending on what shoes I'm wearing.
14) Favourite subject in school?
Elise: These questions are getting harder… (laughs) I don't know what my favourite subject is. I like all my subjects… I chose four subjects I really enjoy for A level. English Lit, Politics, History and Textiles. I like all of them for different reasons. Even when I struggle with one of them, and it is my least favourite one day, I can't bring myself to hate it… and it ends up being my favourite subject the next day.
Me: Well, tell me why you like all of your subjects.
Elise: Ok! So English Lit is because I love literature, as you may have inferred before from what I said about reading… Politics is because I just find that aspect of the world interesting, you know? I mean, I never used to, but once I started taking this class, I just found it fascinating. Just seeing how that stuff works. History was my strongest subject back when I did my GCSEs, so I was like "I have to do it again next year!" And Textiles… I don't know, I just find it peaceful. It's a chill subject to balance out the crazy intense ones. (laughs again)
15) Dream job?
Elise: In my dreams, I have all kinds of different jobs. Just last night I had a dream that I was this therapist, right, and all of my friends from work were coming into my office to ask for help with their love lives, despite the fact that I literally have no dating experience and am therefore the least qualified person to ask for help in that department. Man… why would you even go to your therapist just to ask about your love life anyway? Is that the only thing in your life that's bothering you?! The ONLY thing?!
Me: …That's not what I meant.
Elise: Yeah, I know. I just wanted to talk about my weird dream for a second. I don't know what my dream job is. As a child, my dream job was to be an author, like Cressida Cowell. I used to love her books growing up. I wanted to write just like her… create this huge epic fantasy series… have that series get turned into movies… but I couldn't come up with any original ideas. So I gave up.
Me: Awww…
Elise: Oh, it's okay. I still write a bit sometimes for fun. But in terms of an actual career, I'm stuck between two things - a lawyer, and a journalist.
Me: Two completely different things.
Elise: Yep. Lawyer because it's something I've been working towards all my life, pretty much. I mainly did it because my parents always said that it's a promising career to have. But journalism is just so fascinating to me. It's like being a writer, except you don't need to come up with original ideas. Plus, you get to explore the world, discover exciting new people and places and cultures and events… and tell stories that don't often get heard. It's like the career was made for me!
Me: It does, doesn't it? Well, I'm sure you'll make the right choice for yourself. Thanks for coming, Elise. This has been fun.
Elise: Of course! Thank you for having me.
This was so much fun! I want to make this an open tag, but I'll just tag these three people to give it a go as well:
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kindlythevoid · 6 months
For the talk about your fics game: 1, 2, 4 (OC of your choice), and 8!
Ohhh, thank you so much for asking!!! I really took this opportunity to lore dump about, well, basically everyone and everything I think, and it turned out to be a very long post. And as I myself hate scrolling and scrolling through posts that I've already seen (unless it's the color of the sky), I will put it under the keep reading for the sake of brevity.
Read at your own risk.
(But thank you very much for asking, seriously, I love lore dumping so so much)
1. What story (stories?) are you writing rn that you’ll most likely publish next?
Probably In Every Stitch and Seam, which mostly follows Season Two of my BBC Merlin rewrite where Arthur gets shot back to the beginning of the first season after he dies. I'm playing with some other stories that I'd like to publish at some point, but unless I manage to write a really well-written one shot, Stitch and Seam will probably be the next one.
2. What story (stories?) are you writing rn that will most likely linger in your head for an undetermined amount of time?
All of 'em? None of 'em? It really depends on the time, ha ha! A lot of them are in the in-my-head stage. I hope one day to publish them. Maybe one day, I'll even write them!
4. Lore dump about the OCs! (Author's choice)
So, originally I was going to try to pick one. But fuck it, I made the damn game, it says plural OCs in the question, I'm just gonna go off about all of them bc that's what the game is for. Thank you for asking!! I'm just gonna go down the list of tags I originally had.
So, Mara, is, actually, my Supernatural OC. Super cringe, yes, but I love her and I have a whole story more-or-less plotted out and everything. Like this thing spans so much time. But I'm here to talk about Mara. So, omgosh, Mara Deana Winchester is Sam's kid that he has with Amelia when Dean is stuck in Purgatory after Season Seven. So, like, obviously I make every change I've ever wanted for the show, but, like, it hinges on the existence of this girl. Sam has a kid, and immediately the whole universe changes. But because Supernatural is canonically part of a multiverse, there's a universe out there with the original Supernatural plotline, but we won't get into that. (I've never lore dumped about my characters, sorry for rambling on about the story instead, ha ha!) So, anyway, Amelia doesn't want the kid and her husband comes back, so Sam takes her and him and Dean and Cas have to raise this girl. In a bunker. Like, better than what John did. That's like, the lowest of bars. And Mara really takes after Sam, but she has all these random influences and is, like, taken on hunts?? As a child?? Or left with Jody and the girls or Charlie or something, so she very much has the childhood of a Hunter, but she still sees the Bunker as, like, her permanent childhood home, which does wonders for her, I'm sure. Anyway, so she grows up and becomes a therapist, because I am convinced that the Hunters need to have, like, benefits or something. So she's a licensed therapist, but she's also, like, 6'3, built like a lumberjack, with a bunch of anti-possession tattoos and scars and shit, so the first session always goes really interestingly. There's also a side story (several, probably) where I cross over with freaking Criminal Minds (bc ofc) and Mara ends up dating JJ's now-adult son, Henry, which just means chaos at the wedding because half of Mara's family is on the Most Wanted List and the other half probably doesn't legally exist, so. Yeah, idk if that's how you talk about OCs, but there's number one down.
Okay, next up is Kirsi. She is one of my two main Star Wars OCs. She's a Rexsoka kid, it's true, yeah, born about two or so years after the rise of the Empire, yeah, yeah. So Kirsi is Togrutan, like Ahsoka, but she looks exactly like Rex (and consequently like a bajillion other soldiers in the universe, funny how that works) and she isn't Force-sensitive. And since I made them before Bad Batch, I'm sticking with the reason that Rex and co. is retired is because he's staying behind to raise the kids (yes, kids, I'll get to that later), while Ahsoka goes around doing Ahsoka things (though she also picks them up and takes them for, like, half the year, because I couldn't bear the thought of Ahsoka not playing a part in their lives). So, anyway, when Ezra goes to pick up Rex, Kirsi and her sister (the next OC) go along with them, but as, like, equally side characters. Kirsi eventually goes off to properly join the Rebellion and shit and ends up running her own ship called Judgement Day.
Kirsi's older sister, Aay'han, is Force-sensitive. She's human, looks like Ahsoka, and is basically Ahsoka's padawan for all intents and purposes. Although, after her, Kirsi, and Rex end up in the same orbit as the Ghost crew, Aay'han does some training with Kanan and Ezra just bc Ahsoka is gone so often. But while Kirsi officially joins the Rebellion, Aay'han remains sort of anonymous. Like, she helps out, but she never has to take orders. She does, however, join the crew of the Judgement Day once that becomes a thing. (I guess she's more of a side OC as of right now, but it felt right to give her her own blurb)
Okay, okay, so my Sole Survivors I'm gonna do together, because I believe it's short. Ish. Nate and Nora are my take on Fallout 4's sole survivors, except, y'know, they both survive. I stick with the Army-Nate and Lawyer-Nora narrative, but Nate was a medic/doctor/nurse-person (I haven't solidified it yet, but he does the Medicine) and Nora's been diagnosed with ASPD, so she's actually one of the very, very few people that is both a sociopath and a psychopath! I basically assigned certain SPECIAL characteristics and the various paths to either Nate or Nora, so Nora's really good at, say, lockpicking and hacking from her misspent youth, while Nate has crazy good endurance and probably ends up as a ghoul at some point so he can deal with the radiation spots! They're both, like, eerily okay with murder and are on a mission to find Shaun. Nate just keeps adopting ppl on the way. And Nora's low-empathy, but she can still reason and shit, so she's not, like, a villain or anything. But yeah, power couple Nate & Nora. :)
Like Nate and Nora, I'm just gonna do the crew of Judgement Day all as one. The Judgement Day is the same ship that Kirsi pilots. Her co-pilot is Miikka, who's ginger, flies planes, and ends up with Kirsi. Their navigator is Solene (goes by Lena), a bubbly purple Twilek who really loves the stars and is the cinnamon roll of the ship (do ppl even still use that terminology anymore??). Their resident mechanic is a Chiss named Kres'ave'kleon (...Savek, he goes by Savek), who desperately needs an attitude check but is, unfortunately, very good with ships and doesn't really care that they're running Rebellion missions. They also have a live-in hacker who is their primary contact with the black market; she's a Mirialan who goes by Kalea and is the only one who gets their own room on the ship. Finally, they also have slicer, a human cyborg ex-smuggler from back in the war named Gene. Kalea gets them in, but Gene is the one that deals with sending codes and transmissions and shit to the Rebellion.
So, that was a lot. But I only mostly regret typing it all out!
8. Fic that is near and dear to your heart?
Oh goodness, where do I start? Though I've only published a few, all of the ones I write occupy a little place in my heart. But as the longest fic I've ever written, one of the very few I've finished, and part of the handful that have made it onto Ao3... Love the Bright Sword. As of right now it's definitely one of my better, if not best, written pieces, and everything in Rewind I really feel is some of my best quality writing. I've definitely sunk a few years of my life into this fic, just sort of writing on and off, and I remember staying up late to rewatch episodes and studiously take down how dialogue is said or how a scene is played out, just over and over again. I still do, when I come across an episode I need to write out, but, oh, those were some days. That was my first time getting comments on a fic, real long comments, and I took every chance I could to talk about how a scene was written, or how much I love a certain character, or what I learned while researching, or analysis, so much analysis on my own damn fic. (Hell, I still do it when I can, ha ha!) I consider myself so lucky to have landed with the audience that I have, because it really made the experience so much better than I ever could have imagined.
Okay, so, maybe not what you were expecting, op, but than you anyway!! I really appreciated the opportunity to go off like this!! :)
The Void
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spiritoffox · 3 months
hi! i'm curious, do you have any fave svsss headcanons? or any plot bunnies that you may or may not write in the future? 👀
Hi!! Thank you for the ask, ngl I had to sit down a bit and think about this... like do I have headcanons for SV? 😅 And yeah, it turns out I do, but unless I explicitly state them in a fic, or imply them heavily in text, they don't apply to every fic I write, you know? Added a read more because this got long, sorry!
So here are a few, that I could think of rn:
Top!SQH: I don't really write MoShang-centric (or CumPlane) fics, but if I did, it would be most likely with this dynamic in mind. I just think he is neat. ☺️
SY's age: I'm down for him dying relatively early, like between 18 and 20. It just makes everything funnier IMO to have him play the wise mentor when he was barely a legal adult in his own world and the mental age difference between BingQiu switching during his 5-year nap?? ☺️ (But I also have several WIPs where SY is like in his 40s so...)
SY's original hotness: every time I see someone post about him being a total knockout (conventional or unconventional) who is over it/doesn't know/etc., I smile. It would work a lot, is all I'm saying, and in a reverse transmigration situation, someone would definitely have their work cut out for them.
modern!LBH's job: so if LBH was born/raised in the modern world and an orphan, I'd probably write him as someone who is a doctor or an engineer - mainly bc I could see him with the drive to show everyone that he can do it on his own and excel too. Funnily enough, in the modern AU WIPs I currently have, he is either a haute cuisine chef (romcom with single parent SY), a medical student working as a waiter/delivery boy (romcom with fake dating), an escort (fic with a hopeful ending), or a gardener (lesbian horror). So like 1 out of 4? 😅
Plot bunnies. They are really bunnies, I have around 140 docs in my SV WIP folder. Some of those will be merged into one fic, and some of them have like 5-6 different fics in them because I was lazy and didn't want to open a new file.
Here are some that are almost finished being written tho:
Haunting of Bly Manor AU: lesbian BingYuan with uni student SY going to be the nanny for a rich widow's two children in an isolated estate over the summer to get her tuition money together.
SY as reincarnated SXY: TLJ/SY, past!TLJ/SXY with SY finding himself next to SXY's cooling body and baby!LBH is already in the river but caught up in the nearby vegetation.
SV/Stardew Valley/From fusion: BingQiu with SY waking up on the bus to Cang Qiong Mountain with a letter from his grandparent(?) telling him about an inheritance. He has a dilapidated farm called Qing Jing Peak, only a few spirit stones in his pocket and the bus breaks down immediately after his arrival. He can't leave the mountain, every time he tries he gets turned around, his money is barely enough to buy himself some bread till his first crop matures and every night when it gets dark monsters appear in the town.
Isekai AU: BingYuan where original!LBH agrees to play a game with a strange entity before dying during his daughter's wedding. He has to go into various worlds and try to fulfill the original host's wishes or change their fates. This is a multi-work series, part one (interstellar arc, also omegaverse) is almost done, I'm writing part two (zombie apocalypse arc) now, but I'll not publish any until I'm at least close to finishing part three (waffling between two settings). Will be at least 5 big arcs.
There are also several one-shots that I could post, I just have to find the energy and the time to edit them. I'll get there eventually. 🥰
Thank you for your question and sorry for the long post! Hope you have a nice day!
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
3, 4, 11, 24, and 25 for your standard during-the-game time setting, and 1 and 25 for post-game! :D
Get ready for some Budelyn lore
3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
"Favorite? Hmm... It's not necessarily a single memory but, any time dad took me and mom out on his boat. That was always fun.
"Mom and dad worked a lot and I was always with one or the other, so it was hard to all be together at one time. I started getting excited any time we planned to go on a family boat trip. A day or two out on the boat; fishing, stargazing, listening to dad's stories, it was nice."
4. What is your least favorite childhood memory?
"...When I was still really little, mom's side of the family was having a big family gathering that we went to. A lot of the details are hazey but I remember my parents had to run to the store, and while they were gone my cousins decided to play rough with me. By the time mom and dad got back I was crying my eyes out cause the end of my tail was broken in several places.
"The other adults said we were just playing and that I was over reacting; that was the first time I saw mom lose her cool. We left right after and I haven't seen any of them since."
11. What is your favorite type of media (TV, movie, books, etc)?  Name some specific favorites (which shows, movies, books, etc do you like)!
"Well, all of them are good, but I'm partial to tv shows. I hated reading as a kid so I prefered shows and movies."
"That said, Grumpaline--the one with the button eyes--that book was the first one I read outside of school. Dad said he'd take me to see the movie if I read the book, so I did and I love both a lot."
24. What would you consider your main love language?
"Oh geez, um, I guess touch would be a big one, that and quality time. I... like being close to others and just spending time around them, either listening or sharing my own dumb little thoughts and opinions."
25. Freebie : Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
"Heh, that's really up in the air right now. My plan is after I can find out what happened to Lizbert and get an interview with her, I can write my article on Bugsnax, and not lose my job.
"And if that goes well then I'm hoping I can get the go ahead to work on more articles about the weird and unknown lurking just around the corner!"
1. Who makes up your family?  How close are you to them?
"All of the other Snaktooth Survivors are like family to me, I love them to death. But if you're asking in the more legal sense there's my spouse Floofty, my dad Rosewell, then there's Gramble who is now my adopted brother, my brother... brother-in-laws? Brothers-in-law... My in-laws Snorpy and Chandlo. And there's also my ex boss-slash-estranged godmother Clumby."
25. Freebie : Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
"Ideally, I'll have my book published by then. I've been working with Triffany and Shelda on practically everything related to Mother Naturae; her followers, their practices and mythos, and migration trail of them throughout history. All these fascinating stories and culture from such an old religion with so few followers nowadays...
"And um, besides that, Floofty and I have been talking a bit about starting a family. It's still a ways off mind you! But, now that I'm getting somewhat steady work editing freelance and Floofty's been teaching for a bit, things are starting to settle. And well... I maybe already have a name picked out."
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lampmeeting · 3 years
1, 4, 5, 7 for Mr Stabby Man 🔪
yaaaaaay thank you! :D
1. sad headcanon
there's a diner by his old apartment he used to frequent a couple times a week, usually ordering the same thing, chatting up the waitresses, thinks he's being charming, etc. after a few months of that he tried to pull the whole "i'll get the usual" thing, but the waitress was like "...okay and that is...?" he was so humiliated he never went back. he still misses their chili.
4. angry headcanon
needs to be doing something with his hands when he's pissed off/agitated. if he doesn't have anything he'll just start picking at his nails/fingers until he bleeds. during contract negotiation for the first album, charles had to kick magnus under the table a few times because he kept starting to tear apart the corners of legal documents.
5. fear headcanon
magnus has thalassophobia (fear of deep ocean) and mild ichthyophobia (fear of fish) that extends to pretty much anything creepy crawly in the ocean. he has no idea why, he can't really pinpoint any specific childhood event that would've done it. but the ocean gives him serious willies, and if he's got his legs in the water and feels something brush him he WILL shriek. an aquarium he visited with toki one time had a japanese spider crab and magnus couldn't even get near the tank.
7. food/cooking headcanon
as a kid, magnus always knew his mother was coming out of a depressive episode when she would start baking. years later as an adult (post-doomstar) he mentioned this memory to twinkletits and described a certain dessert that was his favorite, and john was like "oh chocolate babka, sure". magnus never knew what it was before, didn't even know it was jewish. later, he teaches himself how to make it (toki helps).
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shepardsims · 3 years
A few weeks ago I lost my 10-generations deep Sims 4 save file and I was so upset, I feel like I just lost a friend.
So now that I'm starting fresh, I decided to start documenting the generations since I get so dang attached to these cartoons.
So here's my new save!
I started with SimLicy's save and added some lots, changed some things, etc. I moved in a young adult married couple to San Myshuno: a style influencer wannabe and a criminal. Since then one in-game year has passed and they now live in Newcrest with three kids.
I play with mods that change storytelling, I'll make a post on all my mods and cc soon. I don't usually make a lot of decisions for my sims and try to let them tell me what they want to do.
Also, I get distracted a lot they just be doing weird things, which is fine, I need the creative writing practice.
Anyway, that's my intro. Click the read more if you would like an overly long intro to the Thomas family!
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Reagan and Benjamin married young and set out on their own in San Myshuno’s Arts Quarter. Their small apartment was perfect for wannabe fashion guru Reagan, but it seemed a little busy for Benjamin.
Benjamin was a petty thief who's paranoid trait kept him inside most of the time, working out his aggressions on his punching bag and hurling subtle insults at his across-the-hall neighbor Salim who keeps insisting they hang out.
It wasn’t long before Reagan was pregnant with the couple’s first child, Lily Rose. Rarely did they have an opportunity to spend quality time with each other while Reagan was working days and Benjamin was taking over parenting duties and swapping at night. They were both excelling in their careers became true workaholics and shared a sentiment that showed appreciation for the other’s busy lifestyle.
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After their son, Major was born the couple decided to start saving to buy a house as their apartment was way too small for four people. Feeling unsatisfied at both work and home Benjamin took an opportunity during a random event where he was able to work with law enforcement to take down the whole ring, and reconsidered his dastardly aspiration to focus on his soulmate, Reagan.
They moved to Newcrest into a brand new three-bedroom, two-bathroom home. Reagan’s following grew and she was named a ‘Rising Star’ in the fashion world. Officially a dresser at the magazine, her trends started being spotted all over town. Benjamin, after suffering massive work withdrawals, went to work as a clerk in a law office, hoping to use his criminal knowledge to become a lawyer.
When the couple discovered they were pregnant again they decided they had put too much time into decorating their home that they would just have to make the space work with three kids.
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Where the game currently stands:
Reagan is the It-Girl in the Style Influencer career, she is a 3 star celebrity, she has about 13k followers, she is a level 8 painter. She aspires to be a master painter. She is feeling extremely tense most days keeping up with the kids, the social media, and the career. She is currently feeling smitten after a spontaneous weekend getaway with her husband.
Benjamin is a Legal Secretary in the Law Career, he is a level 1 star celebrity (from taking down his previous employer), he is currently working on leveling up Research & Debate, he is level 6 charisma, and level 8 fitness. He loves dad life, and he enjoys his new job. He is feeling guilty after having a brief affair with a woman named Reese and took his wife on a romantic getaway to make up for it, even if she doesn’t know. But Reese won’t stop coming around and trying to woo Benjamin.
Lily Rose is in elementary school (a child), and currently going through a mean streak. She has creative aspirations and can often be found in her room playing her violin or chatting with her friend Keon. She has level 10 creativity, level 3 violin, level 9 social, and 74k followers after one of her posts went viral, she is on the verge of being a 1 star celebrity, but can she handle the attention at such a young age?
Major is a toddler. He is very inquisitive and has high skills across the board.
Eleanor is a baby, about to age up.
Family portraits to come soon!
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lamaenthel · 9 months
Tivaevae | Chapter Two: Frayed Edges
Still struggling to emotionally recover from Master Obi-Wan's deception, Ahsoka discovers in the aftermath that twelve-year-old Boba Fett has been locked up among adults in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. After convincing Chancellor Palpatine to grant him a pardon, she manages to secure his release on the condition that she serve as his legal guardian. Now, with the help of Master Plo and the Wolfpack, she vows to help him track down what family he has left.
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Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Kanan Jarrus, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CC-1119 | Appo, Dexter Jettster, FLO | WA-7 (Star Wars), Shaak Ti, ARC Commander Blitz (Star Wars), CT-6922 | Dogma, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CC-3636 | Wolffe, Clone Trooper Sinker (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Comet (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-4860 | Boost, Aurra Sing, Tobias Beckett, Null-11 | Ordo Skirata, Kal Skirata, Original Mandalorian Characters (Star Wars), Original Droid Characters (Star Wars), Original Jedi Character(s) (Star Wars) Total Word Count: 123,000 Chapter Word Count: 6,815 Chapter Summary: Plo, Ahsoka, and Boba go out to dinner while Obi-Wan commiserates with Cody back at the barracks.
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Ahsoka met Boba's eyes in the rearview mirror of Plo's speeder and they were… unnerving. There was none of the warmth of his brothers' eyes in his hard, chipped gaze. He may not have been sent to the front lines, but he'd been fighting a war all on his own since the First Battle of Geonosis.
Boba stared back at her without flinching, his aura a hard, cast-iron gray. "The fuck are you looking at, tailhead?"
Good grief, the kid had a mouth on him. She exchanged looks with Plo. He seemed strangely amused for a man who had gasped so hard the first time she squeaked out kriff! that his antiox mask almost fell off.
"What's with the potty mouth?" she asked, exasperated. Swearing didn't bother her, she spent almost every minute of her daily life around soldiers, but Boba's mouth was just rancid. Despite Plo's golden aura of humor, it made her cringe to see someone cussing up such a storm in front of him. Plus, curses in Basic just… hit harder, for whatever reason.
"I've got fucking freedom of fucking speech, bitch." He took one last loud slurp of his chocolate milkshake and tossed the cup over the side. He'd ordered it after loudly verifying that chocolate was toxic to both Togrutas and Kel Dor.
Ahsoka covered her face and fought the urge to scream. She had no idea what she thought she was doing. Once again, she'd thrown herself headfirst into action without thinking about what succeeding would actually mean. Boba was practically feral, and he was all hers.
Already she felt like calling Padmé to beg her to save her from her own stupidity. She peeked in the rearview mirror once Boba finally turned away and watched him. Someone had shaved his head and it made him look even smaller. He had a shiner that covered the left half of his swollen face, a split lip, and had walked out of the prison like he had at least one broken rib. He was going to have to see Kix as soon as they got to the barracks. A detour through the drive-through of Ahsoka and Plo's favorite creamery had eased the staticky-white panic that had started vibrating around his aura the moment he'd stepped into the interview room, all spikey like a sea urchin and pulsing with violet and gray sadness-disappointment-fear, but it hadn't helped with the swearing.
Plo hummed to himself. "I'll drop you off at the barracks, Padawan. I believe young Boba will be much more comfortable there as opposed to the Jedi Temple."
Boba snorted. "Fucking right. Last thing I want it to be surrounded by any more of you bi–"
"Alright, we get it!" Ahsoka exclaimed. "You're a hard–" she glanced at Plo, " –butt, now shut up!"
"Ahsoka!" Plo immediately admonished her.
"I said butt!"
"You know I do not appreciate hearing you tell someone to 'shut up,' Padawan."
"Master, he's been swearing nonstop since we left!" Ahsoka whined. "He called Zinny a besh-word for asking if he wanted a napkin!"
"There are ways of requesting that one alters their speech without telling them to shut up," Plo said pointedly.
"Yes, Master," she grumbled, crossing her arms.
"That's right, bitch, alter your fucking speech," Boba sneered from the back seat.
Ahsoka pressed her palms against her eyes and wondered if Kix would tranquilize Boba if she asked very nicely.
"Boba, I will ask that you refrain from insulting Ahsoka any further. She worked very hard to get you released from prison, you know."
"Oh yeah?" Boba challenged Plo through the rearview mirror. "How so?"
"Well for one, she requested an emergency meeting with the Chancellor of the Republic himself and convinced him to grant you a full pardon." Plo got off of the main drag and approached the barracks from the south.
Boba's aura fluttered with gray-yellow surprise. "Well thank you very much for springing me, tailhead," he said snidely after he'd recovered. "How'd you convince the Chancellor to pardon me, eh? Use your mouth? You've got nice lips, I bet you convinced him quick."
Ahsoka bit the side of her cheek and looked at Plo.
"He's trying to get a reaction from you," Plo said mildly.
"I know," she grumbled. "It won't work."
"Ignore him."
Boba kicked the back of her seat with both feet repeatedly. "Hey tailhead, you ever had your besh licked from the back?"
She growled darkly. "Oh, you little–"
"That's enough, Boba," Plo said firmly, then turned the radio on to some slow-tempo electronic music. "Let us appreciate the music instead of the sound of our own voices for the rest of the ride."
"Appreciate the music," Plo interrupted him sharply. "No more speaking."
She and Boba both crossed their arms and locked eyes in the rearview mirror, exchanging death glares. His face suddenly split in a grin and he started flicking his tongue at her like a lizard.
She rolled her eyes and looked away, then looked back a few seconds later to see that he was still doing it but had slowed down and added his fingers in a yirt below his tongue.
Her lip curled in disgust. He was twelve, that was just wrong.
Plo sighed beside her, his aura a lot more chartreuse in annoyance than it had been a moment ago. She felt a little mollified to see that Boba was getting to him too.
She looked up and saw Boba had gotten his other hand into the display, thrusting into the air with vulgar enthusiasm. She eyed the speeder brake. Boba had his seatbelt on, she could probably nudge the brake with the Force and give the little stinker an attitude adjustment without hurting him.
"Don't, Padawan," Plo warned her dryly, not taking his eyes off of the speeder traffic. The barracks were only one more block away.
Ahsoka brought up her message center and quickly messaged Rex to say that they were almost there, then sighed and leaned back. At least Rex would help her now. He'd given her the brief rundown on their history; how after the rest of his batch had died in a training accident, he'd received a few weeks of training from the Prime himself and even stayed in his quarters for a bit until he could be absorbed into another batch. After being reassigned to Cody's batch he had still looked out for Boba whenever he could. Some of the more experimental troopers didn't have the same respect for the Prime and his son, they'd picked on him mercilessly every time Jango left for a job.
"I got my shebs handed to me, but I still stepped up to them," Rex shrugged. "The Nulls were crazy, sure – you'd look up at midmeal and there would be one climbing the rafters. But the problem was they were mean as hell to anyone who wasn't part of their little family. They liked to torture Boba. Everyone else was afraid of them and I was too, but he was so small compared to us. I couldn't just stand there and watch."
It didn't surprise Ahsoka in the slightest that even as a cadet, Rex had been watching the back of a little sibling. He was a good man. It was why she loved him so much.
His left hand cupped the back of her head, directly under her rear lek, and his forehead gently pressed against hers. "Voy entye, vod'ika."
She shook her head and cleared her mind. It wasn't wise to think too hard about such things around Plo. Besides, it hadn't meant anything. He was just thanking her for helping him with his panic attack.
It… it was just that it had felt like it could have been something else. His aura had been copper, which to her usually signified familial love, but it had just been so intense at the time. It made her second guess her initial impression.
Plo parked across from the barracks in the administrative staff garage, then turned and looked at Boba.
"Anyone ever told you your face looks like a ruined vagina?" Boba asked casually.
"Once or twice," Plo rumbled, his aura going gold again.
"Master, don't encourage him," Ahsoka moaned into her hands, unable to look at either of them.
"Now, Boba," Plo began, "I do warn you that you are about to enter the living space of five-hundred and seventy-six men who are very fond of Padawan Tano and will not take kindly to crude comments made about her. Do with this information what you will."
Boba's face and aura both blanched with fear, and Ahsoka could tell from the way his eyes darted across the street that he was remembering the Nulls.
"Hey," she said gently. "I won't let anyone hurt you, okay? Just… clean up your language a little."
"Whatever," Boba muttered, looking away.
Plo's eyes and cheeks moved in his version of a smile, and his aura brimmed a soft blue with pride. "Very good," he said, then patted her on the shoulder. "I will return this evening once I've made our traveling arrangements. Try not to burn the barracks down."
Ahsoka huffed a soft laugh and nodded. "Alright, kiddo, let's go hang out with your brothers."
"They're not my brothers," Boba said sourly, flaring red with anger. "I'm not like them."
"Tell me about it." Ahsoka unbelted herself, got out, and held Boba's door open for him. She took the small satchel of his returned possessions from prison and wrapped her fingers tightly around his bicep before he could bolt.
"Koh-to-yah!" Plo called before leaving.
Ahsoka looked down at the miniature vod beside her. "This doesn't have to be a nightmare, you know," she said gently, leading him up the staircase to the skywalk. "I'm not trying to be your mom, Fox was just joking. We can get along."
"I don't get along with shabla jetii," he snapped, his aura going red again.
"Well, you're gonna have to learn," Ahsoka said tightly.
They approached the upper security gate. "Hey, Disk," Ahsoka greeted him once they were within earshot.
"Hey, Commander." He didn't have his helmet on and he was looking at Boba curiously. "What are you doing on Coruscant, cadet?"
"I'm gonna be a soldier one day, just like you!" Boba said brightly, widening his eyes and peeling his lips back in a creepy, manic grin. "I'm going to die for the Republic!"
Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "He needs a visitor's pass."
Disk watched Boba uneasily as he prepared one, who held the terrifying grimace on his face without moving, blinking or breathing.
"Can you stop being weird?" Ahsoka finally asked, then snapped her fingers in front of his eyes so he'd blink.
Boba startled, glared at her, then snapped his heels together and stood at perfect attention. "Sir, Yes Sir!" he bellowed. "I will be more patriotic immediately, Sir!"
"That's not what I said–"
"Galactic Republic!" Boba started to loudly sing.
Ahsoka winced, the notes vibrating her montrals like nails on porcelain.
"Star systems united!" he continued to sing, purposefully off-key.
"Boba, stop."
"Here's his pass, Commander," Disk said loudly over the boy's shrieking.
"Under our flaaaags!"
Ahsoka was trying to be the grown-up here, but she did have a limit. "Quiet!" she snapped, then dragged him through the gate and away from Disk.
"ALL STARS BURN AS ONNNNNNNE!" Boba belted at the top of his lungs as they cleared the last gate.
"Boba, shut up! That's enough!" she hissed at him.
"Fucking right it is." He jammed a razor-point elbow into her gut and bolted like a racing fathier, disappearing around the corner before Ahsoka could so much as reach out for him.
"Oh, you little shit–" Ahsoka took off after him, relying on her Empathy to keep a lock on his uniquely gray aura. He was way too fast for a kid with broken ribs.
"Disk, lock down the exits!" Ahsoka barked into her commlink as she tried to catch up. Holy karking sithspit, did the kid have wheels?
"He already gotten away from you?" Disk asked.
"Disk!" she shrieked.
"On it, Commander."
Ahsoka bounced around the corner and saw Boba cheekily wave and then flip his middle fingers up at her from behind a set of closing turbo-lift doors.
"Seriously?" Ahsoka said to herself in disbelief, then spun and charged for the emergency staircase. Boba's aura was tanking at top speed to the bottom level; she vaulted over the edge of the winding stairs and landed hard on her heels. She slid the stairwell door open with the Force and took off, slamming into a trooper at full speed a half-second later.
"Sorry!" she called, then did a double take. "Fives! Help me!" She yanked him to his feet with the Force and then took off with his hand in hers.
"Are we under attack?" Fives gasped, still breathless from her hitting him like a cannonball. His aura was blinking red-white alarm.
"We have to catch Boba before he escapes!"
"Boba?" Fives asked, bewildered. "Your tea is escaping?"
"Not boba tea, Boba Fett!" She slammed them both into the wall as they turned the corner to keep their momentum and kept sprinting. He'd gotten off the turbo-lift and she wasn't sure which floor he was on, but he was moving. Troopers dove out of their way like they were avoiding a runaway turbo-train.
"Boba Fett?" Fives' voice cracked. "What the hell is he doing here?"
Ahsoka spied Boba's aura intensifying; he was getting closer to her. "I took custody of him!"
"You what?" Fives laughed in sheer green disbelief. "What does that mean?"
"I'm his legal guardian!" She dragged Fives into another stairwell and went up a floor. He was much closer now.
"You've gotta be– what, is he gonna go on campaigns with us? Do we have babysitting shifts?"
"I don't know, Fives!" she wailed.
"Does Rex know?"
"It was his idea!"
"No it shabla was not!" Fives gasped.
Ahsoka slid to a halt, and Fives crashed into her from behind and bumped her a few feet forward. "Where did he go?" Ahsoka asked frantically. She turned and took Fives by the plastoid biceps. "He was so close, where did he go?" She shook him a little.
"I don't know?" Fives responded faintly.
"He's too far away, I can't see his aura." She started to pace back and forth, squeezing her front lekku with both hands. "We can't panic. He can't have gotten far, right? W-We just have to stay calm and not panic."
"Yeah, of–"
"Don't panic, Fives!" she hissed, speeding up her pacing.
"Stop panicking!"
"Okay, okay!"
Ahsoka felt short of breath but she hadn't been running long enough to be winded. "We need more troopers to help us. Everyone needs to stop what they're doing and search before he gets out."
"Cadet, get back here!"
Ahsoka saw a flash of brown haloed by gray at the opposite end of the hall, closely followed by an annoyed Appo. She and Fives looked at one another, stunned, then bolted after them.
"Stop!" Ahsoka hollered, crashing and sliding around the corner like a three-legged ozaawi'igo on ice.
"Where is he even going?" Fives yelled from behind her.
How was she supposed to know? "Get back here!"
"Fuck you!" Boba ducked through a door on the right and Fives and Ahsoka crashed into Appo trying to follow him. The three ended up in a tangled pile of plastoid on the ground just in time to watch Boba's feet disappear inside the ceiling vent.
"Oh, come on," Ahsoka moaned.
Appo gave her an exasperated look. "Do you know why there's a cadet running around the barracks?" he asked her dryly.
"The Commander adopted him," Fives supplied.
Ahsoka untwisted Fives' leg from around her torso. "He's not a cadet, he's Boba Fett, and I'm his legal guardian."
Appo's aura flared in sour orange anger-annoyance. "Boba Fett? The vod'kyramud?"
Ahsoka got to her feet and helped the two troopers up to theirs. "Please don't call him that."
"It's what he is," Appo said coldly.
She sighed. "Come on, vod. He's just a little kid. He was used."
Appo met her eyes with a measured look. "He's older than me," he said dryly. "Follow me. The closest opening big enough for him to crawl out of is in the laundry."
He wasn't in the laundry, and then he wasn't in the mess, and after they'd jogged behind Appo to the weight room Fives had to hold Ahsoka's hands away from her lekku because they were starting to bruise with how much she was nervously squeezing them.
"Commander, I've seen you less on edge surrounded by destroyers," Fives said desperately. "Why are you so upset?"
"Besides the fact that if he gets out I allowed a convicted terrorist to escape onto Coruscant?" Ahsoka said, reaching for her lek again.
Fives slapped her hand down. "Yes, besides that."
"I also don't want anything to happen to him!"
"Nobody's gonna hurt him," Appo called back, more annoyed than ever. His aura had gone practically neon chartreuse with it. "Not much, anyway, but–"
"Looking for something?"
Ahsoka tripped over her own feet and would have fallen if Fives didn't have a hold of her hand. "Rex," she breathed in relief. He strode up to them with a bemused expression, holding a squirming, hissing Boba under one arm.
"Come on, you said you were gonna get me out of here!" Boba whined. His nose scrunched up in the universal expression of Fett annoyance, his aura gone chartreuse to match.
"I did get you out of there," Rex said, shaking him gently.
"Asshole," Boba said sullenly.
"Found this one stuck behind the fridge in the officer's lounge," Rex said, his aura dancing with golden humor.
"Trash compactor's just down the hall," Appo deadpanned.
"Very funny." Rex shook Boba again. "I'm going to put you down now. If you run, you're getting a stunner bolt to the shebs, 'lek?"
Boba growled like an angry kitten. " 'lek, Tiarek."
Ahsoka frowned. She was fairly fluent in Mando'a, but she didn't know what that word meant and she didn't want to ask in front of Boba. He'd definitely make fun of her.
"Oi." Rex swung him forward so he could stand up and kept a firm hand on his shoulder. "What'd I say about that?"
Boba rolled his eyes. "Okay, Rex," he said in a mocking tone.
Ahsoka tried not to let her confusion show on her face. Was Tiarek a nickname? She couldn't for the life of her understand the dynamic between the two. Rex had said he'd stayed at the Prime's side for a few weeks and had then been reassigned to Cody's batch, but Boba had willingly left his hiding spot at Rex's request. To her, that spoke to a level of trust that went above a temporary childhood playmate that he had stopped from getting beaten up a few times.
She'd have to figure it out later. "We need to go see Kix," she said firmly, crossing her arms. "At least get some bacta on that shiner."
Boba glared at her and then the ground. "I'm fine," he grunted.
"Nuh uh." Ahsoka gave Rex a soft smile and clamped her hand down on Boba's other shoulder. "Come on. And trust me, as someone who's gotten a stunner to the shebs more than once, you definitely don't want to try to run again."
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" – then she had the nerve to say "Oh, I do hope the Council doesn't censure Master Kenobi too harshly for failing to report egregious abuse of a child.' Egregious, Cody. She said egregious."
"That's awful, Sir," Cody said, his eyes flicking back and forth across the datapad he was holding.
"Then I tried to speak to her outside of the chamber because I actually have a modicum of propriety and was not about to involve the entire Council in our personal dispute, and she just… kept at it! Kept acting like a child!"
Cody didn't look up from his reports. "Oh, no."
"She went to leave and yes, I grabbed her arm but I was not rough, then she hissed at me."
Cody's eye twitched. "Wow."
"Something's clearly wrong with her arm, but of course I didn't feel as though I could even ask. She's being so churlish. I expected better of her."
Obi-Wan stopped his pacing and glanced down at Cody, who'd dekitted and was sitting on the most treasured artifact of the 212th's barracks; a neon-orange divan that was less of a sofa and more of a wad of perfectly round pillows that had been sewn together in the shape of a couch. Senator Amidala had graciously donated it. She'd ordered the ugly sofa in a fit of whimsy, intending it for her office, but once it arrived she had immediately decided that she hated it and had asked Obi-Wan if he had any ideas on what to do with it.
The men loved it. It could fit at least ten of them at one time, and although it was in the third-floor officer's lounge it wasn't uncommon to find a pile of privates on it snoozing together after a shift.
Obi-Wan took a deep breath, centered himself, and released his frustration to the Force. Poor Cody didn't deserve to have his ear wagged off like this. "I apologize, Commander," he said sincerely, taking a seat beside him. "I'm being terribly droll, aren't I?"
"Not at all, Sir," Cody said calmly. "Ah– when does General Skywalker return from Toydaria?"
"He'll be available for me to whine at late tomorrow morning," Obi-Wan replied with a small smile.
Cody's lips twitched. "Good to know."
Obi-Wan huffed a small laugh, pinched the bridge of his nose, and tried not to scratch his stubble. He was starting to develop some rather obvious red lines on the back of his head.
"But I think you're going to have to make it right with her, General. Saying 'sorry' isn't going to cut it in this case."
"Oh, not you too," Obi-Wan said in dismay. "Come, now, I need at least one person on my side."
"I'm always on your side, General," Cody said mildly, still reading.
He was, wasn't he? Obi-Wan had so much appreciation for his Marshall Commander and the gracious way he'd handled the operation. Instead of being bitter and holding a grudge like his Padawans, Cody had simply told him that he was glad to see him on his feet but he'd appreciate being invited to the funeral next time.
He was a good man.
"But remember, Commander Tano is a sixteen-year-old girl who watched one of her favorite people die in her arms," Cody continued. "You can't really blame her for being upset."
"I don't blame her for being upset," Obi-Wan immediately replied. "I would have been concerned had she not been upset. What I will not tolerate is spiteful retribution."
"What do you mean, Sir?"
Obi-Wan gave an exasperated sigh. "I know you're multitasking, Commander, but did you hear anything I said?"
"Every word," Cody replied. "I'm not sure what retribution you're referring to, is all. Besides the 'egregious' dig, obviously, that was a little… dalgaanyc."
"She adopted a child, Cody!" Obi-Wan exclaimed. "She took legal responsibility for Boba Fett because of it! She brought it to the Council, and now Master Plo is involved–"
"You think she did all of that to spite you?" Cody said, finally looking up from his datapad. He put the thing down, rubbed his eyes, and slid down further into the cushions of the ugly divan. "Sir, that's… no. That's not why she did it."
Obi-Wan scoffed. "Why else–"
"Because Rex asked her to," Cody said dryly. "And because it was the right thing to do."
Obi-Wan blinked. "Oh."
"Yep." Cody picked up the datapad again, shaking his head.
"But why would Rex care about Boba Fett?" Obi-Wan asked.
Cody's lips pursed. "It's… a long story."
Obi-Wan shrugged. "Well, as I said, Anakin doesn't return until tomorrow morning."
Cody looked up, thought for a moment, then having seemingly come to a decision, gave Obi-Wan a conspiratorial smirk. "That you did." He tossed the datapad aside and gave Obi-Wan a familiar clap on the knee. "Alright. Let's move this to my office. If you wouldn't mind getting a pot of caf, Sir, I'll meet you there with the tihaar. I wasn't joking. This is a long story."
"But this monstrosity is quite comfortable," Obi-Wan said, wiggling a little with a smile. "I'm loath to abandon it for an office chair."
"You can either get the lore in my office or not at all, Sir." Cody gave him one last grin before sliding open the door to the lounge. "Respectfully, of course."
"If you insist, Commander." Obi-Wan heaved himself up and headed down to the mess hall to retrieve a pot of caf for Cody, some hot water for himself to make tea, and a handful of chocolate biscuits from the vending droid for the two to share.
Gossip always did taste the best when chased with chocolate.
Scran acquired, he made his way to Cody's office to find the Commander already there, comfortably sprawled in his desk chair. He gestured to his neatly-made rack after relieving Obi-Wan of the pot of caf.
"Now," Cody began, pouring it into a mug that he'd already dosed with a shot of tihaar, "Obviously, Sir, I'm trusting that what I'm about to tell you will not leave this room."
"Alright," Obi-Wan said, bemused. He took a seat and handed the man a chocolate biscuit, which was received with a gracious grin.
Cody took a bite, chased it with his mug of caf, then swallowed hard. "I suppose the first thing I should tell you is what happened to Rex's original batch. He believes that they died in a training accident."
Obi-Wan's brows went up. "They didn't?"
Cody shook his head grimly. "Nope."
"Oh dear," Obi-Wan murmured to himself. "I'm afraid to even ask."
The good humor left Cody's eyes. "The Kaminoans used to be a lot more selective when it came to… shall we say, phenotypic variations."
"The hair?" Obi-Wan's brows went up even higher.
"The hair." Cody took another sip. "His whole batch was euthanized except for him. Not because of any special reason, he was just the last one in line. One of the Cuy'val Dar charged in and snatched him right off of a lab table with a needle in his neck. She stabbed one of the Kaminoans with it, from what I heard, though I don't know if that's actually true."
Obi-Wan, who'd been about to pour himself some hot water for tea, held his mug out for a nip of tihaar instead. If that was how the story started, then tea wasn't going to be enough.
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The bacta gel that Rex's medic had massaged over Boba's ribs and face smelled like ass. He couldn't get it out of his nose, even now that he was in Koon's open-air speeder again.
"So, Boba, how did you enjoy the barracks?" Koon asked, glancing at him in the rearview mirror.
Tano was seated on his left with her wrist cuffed to his so he couldn't run off again. She snorted derisively. "He certainly got a good tour of the ventilation shafts," she said, looking at him out of the corner of her giant eye.
"So I heard." Koon signaled, then eased onto an exit ramp. "Well done in retrieving him."
"She didn't," Boba said mildly. "Rex did."
Tano's eyes flicked over to him.
"It is a good thing that Rex was there, then." Koon merged into a speederlane. They were in an industrial zone, now.
"I thought we were going to go eat," Boba said warily. "The fuck are we doing in CoCo town?"
Tano stilled and looked out over the side, then glared at Koon. "Good question," she said, and the chill in her voice could have frozen tibanna.
Koon glanced back, unbothered. "What's wrong? I thought that you were quite fond of Dex's diner."
Tano didn't back down. "Is he going to be there?" she asked, still frosty.
"Who?" Koon hummed and parked the PL-90 in the lot behind a janky old shitbox of a diner. It was the newest speeder there by at least twenty years.
Boba had to wonder how well being a Jedi paid.
"I believe you know who I'm referring to, Master," Tano said bitchily.
"Oh, Master Kenobi?" Koon asked, turning to her. "I don't believe he is here, but as your bond with him is much stronger than mine, I think that you would sense his presence easier than I."
"Kenobi?" Boba growled. Fuck, if he never heard that name again it would be too soon. Kenobi wasn't the one who swung the jetii'kad, but he was the cunt who kickstarted everything that ended with Dad rotting with his beskar'gam scattered to who the fuck knew where. Of course the stupid tailhead knew him. Boba knew how to break his thumb and get out of cuffs, it was just a matter of getting a head start on the bitch.
"Yeah, Kenobi," she said, waving her hand dismissively at him. "You didn't invite him, did you Master Plo?"
"No, I did not." Koon let himself out of the speeder and held her door open for her. "Now come. Let us have a nice, hearty meal. I'm sure young Boba would prefer that to the rations of the barracks."
"Prison food was better," Boba snipped.
"Stop complaining." Tano yanked him forward.
"Has the novelty of motherhood worn off so soon?" Koon asked, arranging his weird face in what Boba assumed was a smirk.
Tano snorted. "I've spent my entire apprenticeship around soldiers, and I've heard the forn-word more in the last three hours than I have in almost three years."
"I agree that imprisonment has certainly affected his manners." Koon opened the door to the diner for Boba and his Tog escort.
"Oh, fuck off," Boba grumbled as he passed him. "It's just words. If they scare you that fucking much then go meditate about waterfalls, or stealing babies, or whatever it is you cunts think about so you don't start blowing up shit with your brains when you get mad."
Tano and Plo exchanged bewildered looks. "When we what?" she asked faintly.
The diner wasn't slow, but it wasn't as packed as Boba expected for a grubhouse conveniently located in the center of a dozen different factories. Most of the diners had on brown jumpsuits with the logo of a rubber sealant company, tight enough around the leg to where Boba could see the outline of knives strapped to a few legs. There was a lone, stunner-armed, Mirialan security guard for a bank nursing a cup of caf at the counter. The rest were various flavors of unemployed, two armed with blasters and one with a baton, but Boba was around ninety-percent sure that the Weequay in the center booth snoring into a plate of scrambled nuna eggs had once been part of Hondo Ohnaka's crew.
"Hey there, how can I–" A waitress bot zoomed up to them and stopped dead, then turned towards the kitchen. "Honey! Obi-Wan's kid is here. She brought some friends."
Tano's stripes flushed black and Boba could have sworn that he heard a growl come out of her.
"Ahsoka!" An obese Besalisk in a grease-stained white apron waddled out from swinging kitchen doors. "Aw, no Obi-Wan today?"
"No," Tano said with a tight smile. "Dexter Jettser, may I introduce Jedi Master Plo Koon and, ah–" Tano glanced down at him and she paused. "Initiate Robert."
Boba stared at her with his mouth open a little. Robert?
"Well, tell that old hound I said hello. Good to meet you two. FLO will get you some menus and drinks. Sit anywhere you want, you know how it goes here." The Besalisk gave her a fond pat on the back and waddled back towards the kitchen. "I'll get your usual started. It takes a minute to get your sauce boiling."
Tano smiled a little and ducked her head. "Thanks, Dex. Come on, Robert." She tugged on his wrist like he was on a leash and pulled him over to a booth, Koon on their tails.
"Here you go, sweeties." FLO tossed some menus down and deposited three cups of plain fizz in front of them once they were seated. "Got dewberry, citron, and vanilla."
"I am happy with plain, thank you." Plo nodded his head at her.
"Dewberry, please." Tano smiled at the droid as she turned her fizz pink, then gave Boba a pointed glare eerily similar to Tiarek's. It said very clearly, behave.
"Citron," Boba said politely.
Tano kept an eye on him as FLO flavored his drink then zoomed off. "Thank you for not cursing at Flo," she said, then took a sip of her drink. She shivered and smiled. "I'm glad Kix isn't here. He never lets me get flavors. Too much sugar."
"I'm aware," Koon said wryly. "I believe in allowing one to make their own choices, and in letting them learn from the consequences of choosing poorly on purpose."
Tano glanced down at her drink, sighed, then switched glasses with Koon.
He worked the straw under his mask and took a pleased sip. "I do enjoy dewberry."
Tano shook her head then looked at Boba. "What did you mean with the 'stealing babies' comment?" she asked.
"That's what you do, isn't it?" Boba chugged half of his fizz and belched like a foghorn. "Go around to planets and steal babies and teach them magic so they can go out and steal more babies for you."
Tano's jaw hung open in shock. "Who… who told you that pile of bantha poodoo?"
Boba shrugged. "Dad. And Kal."
"Kal Skirata." Boba spun his finger in his drink and licked it. "One of the Cuy'val Dar. Wouldn't suggest trying to dump me on him, though, only thing he gives a shit about are his fucking Nulls." Did he sound bitter?
Tano bit her lip. "Well, we don't steal babies. That's ridiculous. Most of the time their parents are the ones who contact the Jedi in the first place."
"Indeed. Such was the case with Ahsoka's mother." Koon steepled his talons. "I was the one who retrieved her, in fact."
"Emphasis on retrieved. He didn't steal me."
Boba almost felt bad for the Tog, but if her own mother didn't want her then it was probably better that the jetiise had raised her instead. Pity a Mando hadn't found her. She had spunk, even if she was annoying, and Tiarek obviously liked her well enough. He still didn't trust her, but she wasn't a total piece of shit. "Whatever." Boba peered down at the menu. "What's the most expensive thing they have?"
Koon laughed. "Luckily for us, Jedi eat free at Dex's diner."
Boba snorted. "Cheap-ass."
Koon sipped his drink again. "I would have gladly paid at another establishment, young man. I generally decline my stipend, though I will admit as of late to accepting it to use on the boys. I hate to see them only ever eat ration bars." Koon's face softened with a smile.
"You spend your stipend on snacks for the 104th?" Tano grinned. "Why does that not surprise me?"
"Spent some of it on that little number probably getting gutted behind the building right now, too," Boba muttered, reading through the burger selection.
"That belongs to the Temple, Initiate Robert."
Tano clapped a hand over her mouth to contain her laugh.
Boba glared at him then looked back down. "How'd the Temple get a PL-90?"
"If I recall correctly, I believe that one belonged to Ziro the Hutt's collection."
"Alright, what are we in the mood for?" FLO started speaking before she arrived, then she braked hard and spun in front of their table. She held a hand up in front of the Tog's face. "Dex is still searing your garbage plate."
Boba snorted. "Garbage plate?"
"Thick strips of bantha meat, ground roba, and grilled nuna nuggets, plus a whole pile of over-easy eggs." Tano sighed dreamily. "And Dex covers it in his awesome red sauce."
"It looks like ten different plates scraped into the trash," FLO quipped. "Whaddaya want, Robert?"
Boba felt his cheeks burn hot. Fucking Robert. At least the Tog had been smart enough to not yell his name in public, but seriously, Robert? "Banzaii burger with white sauce and extra peppers, rings extra well-done."
Beside him, Tano choked on her fizz for some reason.
"I will take a double portion of steamed bamboo worms, please, with the bam-bam sauce on the side." Koon handed FLO their menus and she zoomed off. He withdrew a small pouch from his robes, removed his mask, and tipped a handful of pebbles into his weird mouth.
Boba suddenly spied a claw game machine over the Kel Dor's shoulder tucked against the back wall. Tano followed his line of sight and started rustling around in her pockets. "Wanna play?" she asked, cocking her head with a little smile.
Well he did, but now if he said yes it would seem like it was because she'd suggested it.
"What if I take off the cuffs?" she suddenly offered, much to Boba's surprise. "Promise not to run?"
Boba shrugged. "You were easy to slip. I don't think Grandpa here will be such a fucking pushover." Also, he was hungry.
"Correct," Koon said, pleased as a po'ackster.
"Then fine." He let Tano uncuff him and she stood to let him out.
"Good luck." She handed him a credit chit. "I don't know how much the game is, but there's ten credits on it."
Boba spied a rancor plushie sitting pretty on top of a pile of porgs. He inserted Tano's credit chit and started to play.
"I was surprised at your reaction, little 'Soka," Koon said. Boba turned his ear towards them as he moved the joystick.
"Reaction to what?"
"My choice of dining establishment."
"Oh. Right. I'm sorry, Master Plo, that was rude of me."
Boba snorted and rolled his eyes. She really was a prim little princess, wasn't she?
"If Master Kenobi had been present, what would you have done?"
Boba dropped the claw on the rancor and picked it up on the first try.
"Skipped dinner," Tano said sullenly.
"Oh Ahsoka, why can you not find it in your heart to forgive him? You must let go of your resentment."
The rancor plushie fell from the claw after a random jerk. "Cheating piece of shit," Boba growled. He slapped the button for a new game, but kept his ears open. Tano wasn't on good terms with Kenobi, eh? Well, he could use that somehow, he'd figure something out.
"I have forgiven him."
"Lying does not become you, my dear."
"I'm not–"
The rancor fell again. Boba smacked the machine and started over.
"It's not just about what he did to me," Tano said quietly. "He destroyed Anakin and he doesn't even care. He just expects us to all go on like he didn't completely flip our world upside down. He said he was 'sorry for causing so much distress,' like distress even comes close to describing it." Tano stared out of the booth's window. "Please don't scold me for my attachment. I had let him go. I had taken comfort in the belief that he was in the Force around me and would always be with me. What I can't stand is the cold callousness of using our grief as his cover, then expecting things to just return as they were before."
"Ahsoka, I would like to meditate on this with you when we have a moment."
"I'd appreciate that, Master."
Boba restarted the game for the fifth time, very close to punching his way through the glass. He picked the rancor up, carefully manipulated it to the edge, it was almost there–
The fucking thing jerked and the rancor fell, but then it bounced unnaturally high off of the head of a raxshir plushie and went over the edge of the chute. Boba whipped his head around.
Tano winked at him and took a sip of his citron fizz.
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MANDO'A TRANSLATIONS Voy entye, vod'ika: Thank you, little sister dalgaanyc: bitchy Jetii'kad: lightsaber Beskar'gam: armor OTHER NOTES I'm using koh-to-yah as both hello and goodbye, yes 🤘 Yirt: Aurebesh equivalent of Y, but the letter itself is shaped like a V with a little hat lol Introducing Robert Fett Kel Dors are insectivores because I said so, and he has no teeth and a crop like a bird, so the pebbles are how he 'chews' his food.
Taglist: @starwarsficnetwork, @soliloquy-of-nemo Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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omegangrins · 4 years
[Kingsmen 3: The Golden Service] Harry Hart turns "villain"
TL;DR: The Lepidopterist is the *perfect* name for a "colorfull" megalomaniac who's trying to save the world via villainy.
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I've allways had a nagging feeling that Colin Firth's Harry Hart is destined to become a villain. Like Valentine and Poppy, our Hart will break.
Why do I think this? Let's start simple:
1) "I always felt that the old Bond films were only as good as the villain. As a child, I rather fancied a future as a colorful megalomaniac."
Now you could take it as face value veiled metaphor in their cat and mouse game. A game recognize game moment. Though when you look at it from a character angle, it is rather apparent that Galahad is not lying here. Look at the giddy nature in which they both talk about the subject. Almost lost in a moment of childhood nostalgia. Neither man is lying. So if Valentine tried to save the world like his younger self wanted, then it stands to reason that Harry has that childhood dream himself.
Harry even has a flair for the dramatic already. "Manners maketh man" is all about him causing a dignified scene to teach a lesson to all watching. In the Freebird church scene, you can see it BEFORE he starts fighting because of Valentine's machine.
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Feels like a simple "I'm going to the bathroom" or "I'm hot and need to breath outside for moment" would have sufficed and gotten him out of there without hassle from the crazy Baptist and he KNEW that but didn't care. Arthur implies this subversiveness in their conversations about choosing candidates. Then there's the *way* in which he kills everyone there. Not just defense or trying to kill quickly but lots of slow, painful, and fucked up deaths. The killing is Valentine but the style is ALL Harry. It's part of the reasons he's disgusted. Not the enjoyment, but the ease with which he turned so gleefully. That slow motion fade in smile in the middle is proof of this. Harry *wanted* to punish those people the same way Valentine did. That's proven by what he says at the start. (Don't blame him either, just character commenting. Fuck those people.) Part of me thinks the Freebird is playing in *HIS* head. He's a bird freed by blood.
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2) The Lepidopterist
I know the clip is from Venture Bros but it's meant to show how two "good guys" became bad. Kinda the perfect coincidence. But I digress... it was a shameless plug to #SavetheVentureBros. 😎😙😍
The hobbyist collecting of insects, fauna/flora, and what-have-yous has looooong been a trope of "colorful megalomaniacs".
Then there's the added bonus that The Lepidopterist sounds like the *perfect* name for a Bond villain.
Butterflies even symbolize death and rebirth and the violence inherent in transforming something for the better.
Is Harry's butterflies a set-up foreshadowing to his coming transformation from "hero" to "villain"?
"I doubt whether I'd work for anyone who drowns their employees. I want to go home. I want my butterfly collection. I want to see Mother."
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3) As we know, all the best villains are ones we sympathize with and understand WHY they do what they do. Valentine was trying to solve over-population and save what he could of the species so it wouldn't happen again. Poppy wanted drugs to be legal, partially for vanity reasons but mainly for anger at global government hypocrisies (the same governments which had their heads blown up for trying to kill humanity for their own gain). Wouldn't it fit perfectly for Harry Hart to have seen the horrors inflicted by the world governments and the corruption of not only Statesmen, but his beloved Kingsmen themselves, and say "No more." What's he gonna feel when he finds out Arthur sold the Kingsmen's soul and got him killed? How long has the "shoot the dog" exercise been in practice? Why is trying to drown someone thought of as a reasonable way to help them? Does the rot go to the core? All things any reasonable person would ask after being shot for an organization that was just blown up by a drug dealer.
"When I was shot, can you guess what the last thing was that flashed through my mind? It was absolutely nothing. I had no ties. No bittersweet memories. I was leaving nothing behind. Never experienced companionship, never been in love. And in that moment, all I felt was loneliness and regret."
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Who's to say what he would do or the methods he would take, but villains are merely people casting shadows in the way of the light.
4) I put this last because it's more pun than the others and because I only realized it while writing their names out loud. Valentine. Poppy. Hart. A valentine is love, poppies symbolize death, and a heart combines both (a Hart is also the name for an adult male deer over the age of five but I'm not British enough to understand what the fuck that has to do with anything.) There's also Richmond Valentine/Rich Man Love (Rich dude saving the world). Poppy Adams/ Poppy of the Earth (Death of the World). And finally Harry Hart/Harry Heart. An attacking heart. Yeah, that's the old definition of "harry". To harass. (Or Power Ruler of the Five Year Old Male Deer. This isn't an exact science 🙃 ). Honestly, as I write these out, the puns become the hardest piece of proof for me. Brits love a good wordplay foreshadowing.
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"... this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
AND what else do they have in common? They're all things associated with the color red. And what's red?
Sorry, couldn't resist the touch of drama. 🤣
P.S. I know it's not really related but I also subscribe to the Poppy is a former Statesmen theory as well.
Making this an even more thematic connection. Good guys gone villain because of shitty situations.
5) HE'S WEARING AN EYEPATCH!!! How autistic am I that I missed that in my explanation. Eyepatches just seem that normal to me but they're like the ultimate villain accessory. Unless you're a pirate.
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6) /u/Bespoke3 pointed out how the one thing keeping this from happening is Eggsy and Harry's relationship, and I contended that it was true. While making an interesting movie, you need a sufficient reason for those two to be on opposite ends of each other. And in rambling through comments, I found it. This is why you write shit outloud:
It's Princess Tilde!
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The first movie showed that world leaders would gladly sell their souls to save themselves, Princess Tilde being one of the few exceptions. The second showed that even after those figureheads exploded (see what I did there 🤣), there was still terrible people left in charge making even worse decisions.
What if Harry's plan is to attack all of the "leaders" of the world as a way to show people they have the power to govern themselves. This would put Princess Tilde, and moreso her family, directly in the line of fire and force Eggsy's hand to intervene and choose.
Save the girl or save the world.
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7) As /u/baddestmofointhe209 pointed out, Harry *was* shot in the head. That kind of thing does tend to mess with people after the fact. Maybe turning villain isn't such a stretch. Not evil, but morally grey.
7) As /u/baddestmofointhe209 pointed out, Harry *was* shot in the head. That kind of thing does tend to mess with people after the fact. Maybe turning villain isn't such a stretch. Not evil, but morally grey.
8) My wife was telling me about how Colin Firth has allways wanted to play the villain too.
"Whenever you take on playing a villain, he has to cease to be a villain to you. If you judge this man by his time, he's doing very little wrong."
“I’d never rule out a part in Doctor Who or Torchwood – especially Doctor Who, I’d also love to play a villain like Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes."
9) Thanks to some pushback from /u/The-Reddit-Giraffe, I decided to Google Kingsmen 3 rumors and stumbled on this little nugget about it, and specifically the Harry/Eggsy relationship:
"I'm really not allowed to say anything, but there is a script. It's a really neat idea."
Outside of it telling the finale of Eggsy and Harry Hart's story, we don't know all that much about the plot for the third movie.
"People will either freak out in a good way, or freak out in a bad way, but they will freak out," Vaughn teased. "We're literally finishing the script off as I speak – but they go on a journey that, if anyone sees it coming, then I'll give up."
To which I would like to thank YOU. This is why I love being shown how I could be wrong. I can't help but feel like this is EXACTLY what they're talking about. You don't have a script finished that fast if you didn't already know where you were going with the first two.
It HAS to end like this. Now I can't see any other way. Maybe The Rock is the Big Bad they have to team up to stop at the end but I will say with 99% confidence that Harry Hart will turn rogue for the first 2/3 of the movie.
10) This wouldn't be the first time I was right about something like this either.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Intriguingly, this implication isn't limited to books. The other reason parents may be mistaken is that, to save money, we were surprised how important persistence was than intelligence. To use this technique to detect bias whether those doing the selecting want them to be cold and calculating, or at least, the reason startups do better when they turn to raising money. They wouldn't seem bad to most people because it only recently became feasible. Looking just at existing competitors can give you a place to think in. That would be a better startup picker than the median professional VC. And so these languages especially among nontechnical people like managers and VCs got to be considered an angel-round board, consisting of two founders, and it's missing when there's just one founder. But most err on the side.1 That scenario may seem unlikely now, but I wasn't sure how many there were of them. For example, dating sites currently suck far worse than search did before Google. Probably because the product is expensive to develop or sell, or simply because there were too few insiders to explore everything. A lot of the top reporters is not laziness, but vanity.2
At certain moments you'll be tempted to ignore these clauses, because they believe they have zero ability to predict startup outcomes in which case the market must not exist. What he sees are merely weird languages. Others arrive wondering how they got in and hoping YC doesn't discover whatever mistake caused it to accept them. I was walking down the street on trash night beware of anything you find yourself in a situation with two things, measurement and leverage. This is a complicated topic. But you only have to be a chance, however small, of the thousand or so VC funds in the US?3 And so Google doesn't have to mean writing desktop software, server-based software threatens the desktop.
Where Amazon went over to the dark side. What's changed is the ability to reason. Fifty years ago, the local builders built everything in it.4 Richard Hamming suggests that you ask yourself three questions: 1. They'd rather lose the deal. It's derived from a talk at the 2003 Spam Conference.5 I think I've figured out how to increase their load factors. Or they could return to their roots and make going to the doctor. Investors looked at Yahoo's earnings and said to themselves, here is an even more valuable: it's hard to imagine now, but if they published an essay on x it had to be by someone who doesn't will seem arrogant.6 When you're writing desktop software.7 16804294 what 0.8 If they agreed among themselves never to do business.
Most of the people.9 And when someone can put on my todo list. Hiring too fast is by far the greatest liability of not having been to an elite college; you learn more from them than the college.10 Http:///home/patrick/Documents/programming/python%20projects/UlyssesRedux/corpora/unsorted/ind. But business administration is not what you need to do here is loosen up your own mind about whether they wanted it. This will take some time to see. Most college graduates still think they have to think more about each startup before investing.
This weakness often extends right up to Photoshop.11 You need that to get the bugs out of their own. Their main expenses are setting up the company, VCs will push for the kill-or-cure option.12 8568143 very 0. Programmers learn by doing it, but at YC culture wasn't just how we behaved when we built the product. You could not nest statements.13 The Fortran branch, for example.14
If you're not a programmer would find it hard to imagine a world in which income is doled out by a central authority according to some abstract notion of fairness or randomly, in the sense of knowing 1001 tricks for differentiating formulas, math is very much alive; there is something there worth studying, especially if you have competitors, that's going to put a startup in some unsexy field where you'll have less competition. And the difference in the way the print media and the music labels simply overlooking this opportunity?15 I found that I got a call from a VP there asking if we'd like to license it. File://localhost/home/patrick/Documents/programming/python%20projects/UlyssesRedux/corpora/unsorted/index. Does that mean investors will make less money now is that now, you're steering. Some people may not be such a thing as Americanness. So there may be some things someone has to take whatever work he can get, and come in and convince them. The switch to the point where it IPOs, and you can ask about technical matters. It will seem preposterous to future generations. So rule number zero is: these rules exist for a reason.
You don't want mere voting; you need unanimity. If you're a founder, here's a handy tip for evaluating competitors. Unleashed, it could affect thousands of merchants, would probably end up working at Microsoft, or even frivolous.16 But that part, I'm convinced, is just the kind that tends to come back when they have no competitors. And when there's no installation, it will be a little frightening to be solving users' problems—perhaps even with an additional energy that comes from being in a small group of other people who did invent things, like features that confused users. What's different about your brain after you have experience, and then come back a year later and say I can't.17 In practice there are two great universities, but they're not willing to let people see an early draft if it will show up on some sort of padding to protect their misconceptions from bumping against reality.18 They're nearly all going to be a search for truth. And later stage investors have no problem paying $50 a month.
Whereas the activation energy for enterprise software.
The key to wasting time building it. There are also startlingly popular on pre-money valuation of the Web was closely tied to the inane questions of the tube. By your mid-twenties the people working for startups that get killed by overspending might have. If early abstract paintings seem more powerful version written in C and Perl.
For most of them.
Without the prospect of publication, the rest of the 800 highest paid executives at 300 big corporations. You can build things for programmers, but art is not one of them is a negotiation. Peter Thiel would point out that it's doubly important for societies to remember and pass on the richer end of World War II had become so embedded that they take a conscious effort. Few can have escaped alive, or black beans n cubes Knorr beef or vegetable bouillon n teaspoons freshly ground black pepper 3n teaspoons ground cumin n cups dry rice, preferably brown Robert Morris says that a startup in the beginning of the companies that grow slowly and never sell i.
Stone, op. To be fair, the angel is being able to raise more money was the ads they show first.
The main effect of low quality though.
A Bayesian Approach to Filtering Junk E-Mail. It was also obvious to your instruments. And they are at least guesses by pros about where those market caps will end up with only a sliver of it in the first meeting. The problem is not limited to startups.
No one writing a dictionary to pick the former, and although convertible notes, and it will seem to like uncapped notes, and others, no one thinks of calling that unfair. 5,000 computers attached to the biggest company of all, economic inequality as a definition of property without affecting and probably harming the state of technology. Probably just thirty, if we wanted to than because they wanted, so they had to find it was very much better to be significantly pickier.
Probabilities in this respect as so many startups from Philadelphia. Obviously this is the most demanding but also like an in-house VC fund they outsource most of the economy. As usual the popular image is several decades behind reality. I became an employer, I should add that none who read this to be a source of income and b not allow them to be a hot startup.
An influx of inexpensive but mediocre programmers is the fact that the main reason kids lie to adults. Enterprise software sold through traditional channels is very polite and b was popular in Germany, where there is nothing more unconvincing, for an investor, than to call the Metaphysics came after meta after the fact that the overall prior ratio seemed worthless as a separate feature. Wittgenstein asserted a sort of stepping back is one way to solve the problem is not that the path from ideas to startups has recently been getting smoother. Strictly speaking it's impossible without a time machine, how do you use the wrong side of the randomness is concealed by the government.
By heavy-duty security I mean type I startups. And doesn't get paid to work like they worked.
It wouldn't pay. If you did.
And when a wolf appears, is a list of n things seems particularly collectible because it's told with a million dollars in liquid assets are assumed to be able to grow big in revenues without including the numbers from the conventional wisdom on the young care so much that they're all that matters, just as European politics then had no government powerful enough to defend their interests in political and legal disputes.
Zagat's lists the Ritz Carlton Dining Room in SF as requiring jackets but I think it was worth it for the explanation of a company with benevolent aims is currently undervalued, because it was outlawed in the US. If you treat your classes, you need a higher growth rate to manufacture a perfect growth curve, etc, and once a hypothesis starts to be combined that never should have become good friends.
Then when we got to see it in the grave and trying to upgrade an existing investor, the technology everyone was going to be vigorously enforced. They may not be surprised how often the answer. Disclosure: Reddit was funded by Y Combinator only got 38 cents on the parental dole, and also really good at sniffing out any red flags about the size of a single project is a bad idea.
Then it's up to them. Successful founders are in set theory, combinatorics, and help keep the number of startups that have little do with down rounds—like full ratchet anti-dilution protections.
Parker, op.
I used to place orders. It seems quite likely that European governments of the potential magnitude of the reason the dictionaries are wrong is that the path from ideas to startups. Looking at the final version that by the time it takes a startup.
Thanks to Robert Morris, Sam Altman, Dan Bloomberg, Paul Watson, Daniel Giffin, and Jessica Livingston for sparking my interest in this topic.
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