#and I'd like to develop some of them more/collect more dynamics for them/just have some more fun with them
byanyan · 5 months
what if... what if i did a starter call, but it's for all my verses except for main... 🤔
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twocubes · 4 months
Back in middle/high school, I had this brief moment where I fixated on how chiptunes worked. I read a bunch of stuff but never actually made anything. During that time, I'd developed this theory that, at the end of the day, individual square- or triangle-wave channels were most similar to violins, due to their inability to play more than a note but relatively precise control over the dynamics of the note.
This idea ended up rattling in my brain for some years, until November 2023, when I finally decided to try and make something to test it. So, I fished out a book of compositions for string trios from my grandmother's collection (she played the fiddle all her life into her 80s, and left a large collection) and tried to transcribe this piece. I hadn't looked at sheet music in 20 years though. I thought maybe I'd post it here after.
Towards the end of the month, my mom came over, and we talked about how we'd gotten a bit estranged from each-other recently, and talked about meeting more often and sharing our lives more. Her mom had died about a year before (cancer) and I showed her this dumb project. She helped me correct some of the mistakes I'd made. I don't know if it's all of them.
A week and a half later, she was dead, (apparently) killed by her boyfriend. She was found a month later, having been left in a park to rot under a rock.
Anyways. It's like, a piece by Robert Mackintosh. I selected it randomly, it's on p.2 of the book titled "the Mackintosh Collections". It was just supposed to be a test.
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everybody stay with me im shifting back into speculation & analyzing mode, this time about everybody's favorite pair of besties. ill put this under the cut for everyone's sakes
and please, take all of this with a Hefty grain of salt.
so ive been... thinking about a thing. a maybe-possibility. which if this has some merit, the part of me that loves characters having a good time and feeling good feels is screaming in fear. but the louder part of me that loves angst and hurting characters is rubbing its little fly hands together.
short version: i think Barnaby is going to emotionally distance from Wally, if not outright grow to resent him. maybe temporarily, maybe not.
full version: *cracks knuckles* strap in folks. so.
first of all, an entire chunk of Barnaby's bio is dedicated to his character relation to Wally. everyone else only has one-off lines dedicated to their relationships to other neighbors - even Frank & Julie just have single sentences about each other (note that they're described as "partnered with" and "depicted with" respectively. more on that soon). even Wally's bio has his Barnaby mention tacked onto the end of his first paragraph instead of being its own dedicated section
and then there's their character designs - their bios explicitly point out that they share characteristics; color schemes, hearts on their soles, similar outfits.
they were made to be best friends. literally. this quote is what made me start turning this theory over in my mind (sourced from @ /theneighborhoodwatch's collected & absolutely fascinating livestream trivia)
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it appears that Barnaby literally did not have a say in whether or not he and Wally are friends. their bios even say "illustrated pages note that they were best friends multiple times." they have to be best friends.
which brings us back to Frank & Julie. they briefly reference each other in their bios, but they aren't described as best friends. it's incredibly likely that they were meant to be a romantic couple - i briefly covered that theory in this post (dont read the first one i was going insane) but they managed to avoid that. Frank and Julie defied the script and chose to be best friends instead.
and then in the trivia document a few more character relationships are briefly touched on, like how Howdy considers Barnaby a close friend, and Sally considers either Barnaby or Poppy as her closest friend, etc.
everyone else seems to be choosing who they're close with. they're forming their own opinions and dynamics and relationships. & its interesting that Barnaby is stated for both of these - as if implying that he may return the friendship feelings, or at the very least he's developed enough of a relationship with them to earn their affection
Barnaby and Wally... i doubt they ever got that. they were best friends from the start, no development, no choice. it's written into them.
and then there's how their relationship has been portrayed so far. i believe i saw an ask where Clown stated that Barnaby is very polite to Wally, which struck me as odd. have you ever had a polite relationship to your best friend? have you ever seen best friends be polite? i'd be surprised!
best friends mess with each other! they tease and rib and roast! what is a best friend for if not mutual tomfuckery?! jesting around? playfully pushing boundaries? a Polite best friendship... that's a straight up oxymoron. no such thing. that sounds boring and exhausting.
not only that, but the fact that Barnaby is often used for Wally's painting segments, and is the go-to guy for teaching Wally something new, is kind of concerning. it gives me the vibe that a big part of Barnaby's literal reason for existing is to be Wally's friend & guide.
which would make the fact of him being described as polite to Wally make sense. of course he's not going to push their relationship or try to deepen it - he's forming his own dynamics with the other neighbors. with Wally... it's already established. that is how they are with each other. that is what they are to each other.
and it's not like Wally can be the one to introduce nuances. i don't mean that as a slight or anything - he's just the way he's been described and the things stated about him that make me think that he wouldn't really... know how to? it just wouldn't occur to him. he probably thinks his and Barnaby's relationship is what a best friendship is and is how it should be.
but they have to hang out. they have to refer to each other as best friends. and while i believe that Wally does wholeheartedly think that they're best friends, close as can be... i doubt Barnaby feels the same. like - yes, he probably does care about Wally. everybody likes Wally.
but it's gotta be frustrating for Barnaby, especially as time goes on and he becomes more himself as a person over just being a character playing a part. it probably stunts his relationship growth with others, since his ~best friend spot~ is already taken and who would want to encroach on that? especially since its taken by Wally mcfuckin Darling?
their friendship might become less of a role and more of a responsibility. Barnaby might grow to feel obligated to stick with Wally as his "best friend". someone invites Barnaby to hang out and/or help with something? sorry, he has to pose for Wally's painting. Barnaby is trying to do his own thing? sorry, Wally is knocking on the door and asking for help with something.
i wonder if Barnaby ever hopes that Wally will go to someone else, or feels relief when he does. and then does he feel irritation/guilt over that denied hope or that granted relief? then does he get angry at himself for those emotions?
how would this effect how he treats Wally and acts around him? this confusing muddle of emotions and this strange growing resentment for his painfully earnest friend who only ever means well, if he means at all.
it makes me curious whether or not this theory has merit. and how this could come to a head. what would Barnaby, in this situation, do if/when he discovers that they're puppets on a set, and he's literally written to be Wally's bestie while everyone else changed their scripts and chose their own relationships.
personally, i don't think he'd be happy, and i doubt he'd handle it well.
#holy Shit this was tough to translate from my brain#i literally wrote it all out in my head while in the shower#and then i went to get it down on 'paper' and it was Tangled To Hell And Back#*taking a break from art*#brain: soooooo we're bored now. lets overthink and share these thinkings#welcome home theory#welcome home speculation#SERIOUSLY THOUGH IM SCARED FOR BARNABY AND WALLY#mainly for wally bc Ouch it would hurt him to have their relationship sour#barnaby getting resentful and wally not understanding why his best friend is acting differently towards him#and PLEASE keep in mind that im mostly talking outta my ass here#but like.... ugh#barnaby looking at wally walking over one day and feeling the urge to turn away or groan in irritation/exasperation#him posing for a painting and wishing he were anywhere else.#him wanting to be closer with other puppets but unable to bring himself to try bc of the Guilt#everywhere he turns hes called 'wallys best friend' and asked 'wheres wally? hes usually with you' when hes alone#and hearing 'if you want to find wally/barnaby go look for barnaby/wally. if you see one the other isnt far away'#that has GOT to get on his nerves over time#this constant stagnation of their relationship while everyone else is evolving and growing. hes Stuck.#even julie & frank who were written to be together find a way to circumvent that and add so much depth and uniqueness to their relationship#if you want a happy side of this. it could lead to barnaby & wally being really truly besties#barnaby could have an arc about thinking 'holy shit it was all fabricated. Fuck that and Fuck you[wally]'#and then going 'holy shit i Do actually love and care about him[wally] and i want us to develop a real meaningful friendship'#BUT WHO KNOWS who knows not me!#also it must be tiring to constantly have to explain his jokes and so many other things#bc wally Is a curious guy! he wants to learn!#but maybe barnaby just wants to have an uninterrupted conversation but he Cant bc wallys just built different#not said as a bad thing At All.#just... people are complicated. sometimes we have mean thoughts/emotions that conflict with what we really think/feel and our morals#we're only human. everyone is mean sometimes if only in our heads.& yeah theyre technically Puppets but lets not get caught up on semantics
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murmurmurl · 5 months
hiii pjsk oc ramble again :3
(this is super all over the place btw)
I feel like I should be developing Toshiro more, since he's the unit leader but I haven't come up with that much stuff about them compared to the others. BUT. I'm thinking about Seina. In the relationship thingy I mentioned that she works part-time at a café. I think it'd be funny if it's a café Ena and Akito go to somewhat regularly. then I'd have to change some stuff up though, because it wouldn't be just "met them once". Maybe I'd even make her friends with Ena. I did say I'll change a lot of stuff lol
Seina is very collected and pretty much knows how to deal with ppl, so I think she's pretty good at handling customers. It's still tiring for her though, more than you might expect, actually.
I think she deserves a break ngl (I say after being the one to make her need a break in the first place but uhm anyways)
I've also been thinking about their siblings... Seina and Toshiro both have siblings, actually. I haven't figured out their sibling dynamics as much yet. Like, I keep going back and forth on Seina's sibling especially, whether to make them older or younger. Because I have both options thought out, how they would have affected the relationship and in what way they contributed to how Seina acts. I know I'm gonna project with the sibling thing a lot, but uh. That's what OCs are for..? Kinda??? I guess?????
Fumi and Matsu are only children in their families, but I think with how they act with each other and their past connection, they act a little like siblings. I've also been thinking more about the period where Fumi wasn't as strong-willed and couldn't help or stand up for Matsu when he was bullied. Around that time, they had a bit of a falling out due to Fumi blaming herself too much and ending up isolating herself. They interact again for the first time since then already when the unit's story starts. Its awkward at first, and despite all this time working on being the best she could be to make sure nothing like that ever happens again, Fumi still blames themself and ends up avoiding Matsu at all costs. I can't say that he NEVER blamed her... of course, at first, back then, he felt hurt because no one would help, and when he needed his best friend more than ever, she ended up practically abandoning him. There is a little bit of that.. bitterness (??) left to this day, but overall, he doesn't really put them at fault. Fumi is extremely harsh on herself – that's actually something all of them have to a degree. Toshiro wanting to improve, be better at everything, be reliable because of his family problems, he wants to prove a certain person wrong. I now realize that this might sound kinda like the Shinonome dad situation, but it's still different. Seina blames herself terribly for accidentally hurting a dear friend in the past, she thinks of herself as unworthy of being forgiven and cared for, and tries her best caring for everyone around herself instead, devoting it so much time and effort that it leaves her exhausted and even puts a distance between her and the people she loves because she doesn't want to bother them with any of her personal struggles, even thoughts, she doesn't want to be a burden and upset them by having feelings. Fumi's case I already described here. With Matsu... I feel like it's less present in him, but it's still there. He tends to put a lot of pressure on himself about being good enough to be loved. Also because of stuff in the past, partially because of the bullying, partially because of how he as a child perceived Fumi distancing herself from him. He tries really hard to fit into the expectations others have of him, as well as be as independent as possible.
Of course, during the course of their story/ies I want to work through all of that. I think that coming to terms with things and starting to heal would take the longest for Seina. In part because she doesn't let anyone worry about herself as best she can.
ANYWAYS. Uhm. Stop the angst yapping, please, okay, thank you.
I like thinking through the sad and struggling parts of their characters, but I don't want to stop focusing on how they support each other and how much they care about each other. I also think I focused a little too much on their personalities and less so on the. Other necessary stuff... I've started thinking about their SEKAI. I think it should be something nostalgic in a way? With how much their stories seem to be dealing with the past so far, it'd make sense. I have a few ideas maybe, but I still need to flesh them out to even choose hehe
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scabopolis · 1 year
fic recs: l/v fic fest, "I love a man in uniform"
In anticipation of the upcoming 2023 Logan x Veronica "New Year, New Fic" fest, I bring you a small selection of fics inspired by the site of Logan in uniform. Again, the kind of uniform is up to you. The sky is the actual limit.
Day 1 of the challenge is February 1, 2023 so be sure to check out the #2023 LV New Year here on tumblr or the AO3 collection for more fic and art.
As a reminder, there are so many fics that fill these tropes. These are just a smattering, so make sure to make note of the ones you love the most and next week, when the challenge starts, maybe go drop those you love a kudos, a comment, or both to share the joy.
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To begin, let's start with the inspiration fic for the prompt and then we'll add a few more.
These are mostly all Logan in a Navy uniform, so I'll be excited to see if there are ways we can open that definition up in the next week!
Fic: Metal Under Tension by @machawicket (AO3 account required to read) Rating: T and/or M depending on your POV Tropes and Themes: Reunited after 180-days, Veronica climbing Logan like a tree, these two are OBSESSED with each other Read if: You want to be transported back in time almost 9-years to that post-movie time when macha kept us all very well fed with fic inspired by the movie and what came after. This fic is romantic, and funny, and touching, and man. WHAT A TIME!
Fic: The Long Way Home by @absolutelyiris Rating: E because of those two-weeks of bliss iykwim Tropes and Themes: Idk, man, this fic is perfect to me - (but also it's a movie compliant fic, with chapters 1 and 2 showing snippets throughout the film, and chapter 3 post-Logan's deployment) Read if: This fic messes me up in the best way and somehow I'd FORGOTTEN ABOUT IT which is why these kinds of challenges are the best. The part of the chapter when they're back together but he's about to leave for 6-months. AGGGH! I can still feel it in my gut.
Fic: Every Belt That Hit Someone (is Still Made to Hold Something Up) by @igrockspock Rating: E for sex and for some violence and some swears Tropes and Themes: This fic is perfect (I've said that twice now and idc), snapshots of Logan's life pre-movie, some of the most developed Logan/Carrie dynamic, THE BOOK SCENE Read if: You've somehow managed to never read this before and you're curious what all those weird fragments I just mentioned even mean.
Fic: The Crowd by @ghostcat3000 Rating: M for "genteel smut" as GC calls it Tropes and Themes: Another reunited after 180 days fic (I CAN'T HELP MYSELF I LOVE THEM ALL), they don't have sex in public but it's a close thing, appropriate (as in inappropriate) jokes about the uniform Read if: Look, this fic makes me happy. Do you want to be happy? Then read it.
Fic: Waste of Breath by @bryrosea Rating: M Tropes and Themes: It's called growth!, starts one year post-s3 through Logan returning from deployment, every single moment makes me want to set myself on fire and then read it again to experience it all over (too much?) Read if: You want to feel like you're inside Logan's heart and head.
Fic: Blackbird by AliLamba Rating: T Tropes and Themes: AU where Logan and Veronica are at ballet academy, battle couple but in the art of dance, found family and friends as family Read if: Okay, technically Logan wears ballet costumes not uniforms, but again, I hope this goes to show how open to interpretation these tropes are. Also, if you're looking for a completely alternative world fic, then this one is top notch. Romantic and clever and takes me right back to being teenager and loving Center Stage.
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worldunbent · 3 months
well my volunteer shift for tonight got cancelled so i'm starting my natsuyuu reread with volume 1... it's been years since i read the early volumes (and it's my first time reading the official translations) so this is basically a brand new experience.
getting used to the rather plot-heavy past 40 or so chapters and then just jumping back to the beginning is a bit of a trip. the pacing of the series has evolved so smoothly and slowly that you don't notice it in process, but the difference becomes way more obvious once you travel back 120+ chapters. that's not a knock on the early chapters at all, because i think they're all fantastic standalone stories. they're just so different from the current series!
but despite all that, the themes are extremely consistent and i kept getting surprised at how many moments in these first four chapters can be connected with a straight line all the way to the present.
chapter 1
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i'm going to restrain myself and not laugh at every early nyanko. his design had charm! it's just so different from his current look!
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Sensei: I've spent such a long time in that ceramic cat that my body's gotten used to it. My true form is very graceful and elegant, you know. Natsume: Oh yeah?
it’s soooo cute that it takes approximately 2 minutes for natsume to start treating nyanko like an actual cat.
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Sensei: Reiko couldn't get along with humans. So she started to pick on yokai. She bullied them into duels and crushed them. She was born with substantial mystical powers. She made them promise that the winner would get power over the loser, and then had them write their names down to ensure their obedience. This book is the collection of those names. Natsume: So... why do you want it, Nyanko sensei?
reiko’s methods of defeating youkai are very… prosaic lol. this could be because this is essentially a pilot chapter and midorikawa hadn’t fully developed the worldbuilding rules, but i also wonder if we can justify this with her “substantial mystical powers.” she can accomplish with a baseball bat or her foot what exorcists need elaborate rituals to do. or it could just be the terms of her duels! also, the “kick me” panel cracks me up.
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HMM... i started to write something up on this but i think i need to return to it later.
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Sensei: It's easy to do, but many yokai are vicious. You won't last long. I'd advise against it. Natsume: I'll be fine. I have you, sensei. Sensei: Say what?! Natsume: I didn't want to get involved... but I kind of owe it to [text is cut off]. If I end up dying partway through, the Book of Friends will be yours. Please, sensei. Will you help me out?
natsume is super quick to propose a partnership with nyanko and begin relying on him. again, this about economical pilot writing, but it’s still interesting when you compare it to the pacing of other relationships.
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Sensei: ....Are you sure? I can have the Book when your life ends? Natsume: Yeah, I'm sure...
the shoujo bubbles showing up here are. so
“I bet she was waiting… for the yokai to come find her, to get their names back. As many as she could find. And the yokai felt lonely being no more than one of many…” this reminds me of hinoe in the most recent reiko-centric chapter, but more generally, complicated bonds of loyalty and servitude, reciprocal and nonreciprocal, seem to be some of midorikawa's favorite dynamics to draw on. putting a pin in this.
chapter 2
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this touko is so cute. shigeru is a nonentity in the first volume.
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you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
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Sensei: Bad dream? Natsume: Because you were on me! Sensei: You must've left yourself vulnerable. Weakness lures demons. They take advantage of it. Be strong if you don't want to get eaten.
madara brings up survival of the fittest mentality for the first time, which is another consistent theme - the value of individual strength vs sharing your struggles with others. but the latter hasn’t really been addressed as an option yet! natsume kind of speedran thru part of this by enlisting nyanko as his bodyguard, but it will take him a lot longer to start learning to share burdens with other humans, or to allow the emotional vulnerability aspect to enter into it.
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Natsume: I'll come to worship you. I can't promise to come every day, but I'll bring you offerings. Shrine god: You can't, Natsume. You're my friend.
this chapter hits very hard for me in general, but especially this exchange. the first volume of full of relationships with marked power dynamics, but now we finally get some friends. weh.
no specific screenshot for this, but i get a bit emotional reading midorikawa’s sidebar notes. i don’t know how old she was when she started writing natsuyuu, but it’s 20 years younger than she is now. i wonder if she still has the same editor she’s talking about in these notes!
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chapter 3 natsume’s flashbacks to the various youkai he encountered as a child are way creepier than i remembered. screenshots not included due to image limit, but midorikawa has been good at conveying unease very quickly from the very beginning.
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Natsume: Oh boy...
speaking of unease, panels like these are why i felt the need to use screenshots economically. tanuma bb you have come so far. i love the lighting in the center top panel.
another thing i love is midorikawa's assistants getting feature sidebar panels, which again i didn't screenshot because i was worried about running out of images for this post. but they're great.
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Natsume: I'm sorry, can we do this later? Misuzu: Are you busy? Sensei: Exorcising humans. Natsume: Sensei! Misuzu: Oh? Then allow me, Misuzu, to help. It would be dull to never serve my master. And you saved one of my own servants earlier. Natsume: The frog... Sensei: No good deed goes unpunished. Natsume: You be quiet, Sensei.
misuzu’s introduction brings back the theme of servitude and mutual loyalty. i also completely forgot that misuzu’s introduction was tied to tanuma’s, something that will come back up like... 95 chapters from now. i am frequently surprised by basic narrative consistency.
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natsume and tanuma are able to connect so quickly and again i wonder if midorikawa would have paced things differently if she’d known how long this series would last. but i’m not saying that as a criticism - the way they’re immediately drawn to each other is an important contrast to other dynamics that come up later.
chapter 4
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Natsume (in narration): This might take a while... Natsume (speaking): Kitamoto, have you heard of Futaba village? Kitamoto: Hmm? My dad's from there. Natsume (in narration): What?! Kitamoto: Most of the people relocated around here. I've heard the name Taniozaki, so I'll ask my dad tonight.
another thing i forgot is that kitamoto and nishimura have always been here! for some reason i remembered them joining the cast later on, but they’ve been there from the start, even before they're named. kitamoto’s name does come up for what i think is the first time in this chapter, and i love how willing he is to help natsume, no questions asked.
i like this chapter a lot, but don't have much to say about it because it's such a standalone.
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Youkai: We dance, drink, and gamble. There's a race where the prize is a yukata that allows the winner to take human form for one night. Natsume: What? Youkai: It's a whole night of carousing and frolicking. Natsume: What did you say?
the one thing i do want to point out is that's it's interesting that we have youkai getting agency over when they are seen! it's usually left up to the humans, regardless of whether the youkai would like to be seen or not.
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remyfire · 4 months
I recently finished Dear Sigmund and it just made me want even m o r e for Sidney to have more screen time! Seeing the 4077th through his eyes was such a fun little change of pace, as well as seeing the way he comes to them for comfort 🥺 Regardless of whether you view it as platonic or romantic, it's so obvious he loves everyone there! And while we're on the topic of characters who deserved more: Captain Sam Pak. I know he was only in two episodes, but he was wonderful in both of them! I loved the exchange between him and Sidney in Deal Me Out, just the easy "that's my wife!" "Interesting joke there, Sam" "Thanks for seeing me, Sidney". I wish we had more Sid, I wish we had more Sam, and I also wish we had more of them together.
And thanks so much for the rec! I've only recently been getting into the fic side of things, so I haven't come across their work yet, but I'm sure it would only have been a matter of time. (Aka I have Sidney's Ao3 tag open on my phone right now) I took a quick scroll through their collections, and read a short BJ/Hawkeye/Peg piece since I had a couple spare minutes, and I think the recommendation is right up my alley! I'm really not gonna have to search for fics for the rest of the week with all that you've provided me 😅
DEAR SIGMUND MY BELOVED!!!! AAAAAAA I love that one so MUCH, I go back to it often. Brilliant work from Alan all around, writing, directing, acting, all of it. God, the way he just saw the characters is so fascinating. I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much!! God, Sidney fits into the camp so well, really just matches their pace and rhythm as easily as he sinks into the background to observe them. He does love them, you're so right. You're gonna love some of his upcoming episodes, I think. War of Nerves in S6 is a lot, but it's wonderful.
Also Sam is the fucking love of my life. Canon also wrote a really interesting Hawkeye/Sam chapter for a multiauthor collab fic called The Famous 4077th Dog Tag Party, which I definitely recommend if you enjoy Sam to that degree, because my goodness, he's such a fucking delight as a POV character in it!! But even beyond that, Sam and Sidney give me such old married couple vibes, like, they're usually surrounded by all these 20- and 30-somethings, so I feel like they found each other as men in their mid-40s and were just like oh, thank GOD, and things went from there. I am yet again exposing myself as a shipper to the core, oops.
I am usually very shy about self-reccing fics, but since you've mentioned you loved Dear Sigmund and also a fondness for Sam and Sidney, I'm gonna give you a couple, if that's all right:
—I'd Give Up Forever to Touch You: This is BJ/Sidney-centric with BJ/Hawkeye developing in the background of the narrative, but I offer it specifically because "Dear Sigmund" plays a large role in how BJ and Sidney interact in it. It's a forced proximity romance that also selfishly lets me play on a favorite trope of mine—only one bed—and I loved writing it so much that I have so many thoughts about a potential sequel that might let me lean into more of those polyam feelings
—To Be Kissed Upon the Eyes: This is a Sam/Hawkeye/Sidney fic with an established Sam/Sidney relationship. I wrote it because, yes, I really love their dynamic even if we only get a single episode of it, but also because I wanted to dig into how I view my iteration of Hawkeye's complicated relationship with sex. Getting the excuse to make Hawk the center of very affectionate, fond attention and give him a little bit of healing was just exquisite for me to write
Again, no pressure to read either of those!! But you might enjoy them :) I hope you enjoy your continued watchthrough too!! I feel like I've been seeing a lot of people diving in for the first time recently
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pikespendragon67 · 1 year
Work today was also...a thing, so for now I'll destress by talking about my current interests to see if folks wanna talk about them! Gonna list them individually
Anime seasonals:
Vampire Dies in No Time: It's fun knowing the seiyuu for this. Some jokes are hit or miss (such is the fate of comedies), and I like when it touches on more heartfelt moments. Usually watch the newest episode during my lunch breaks on Mondays
Vinland Saga: God seeing Thorfinn's character development is fucking beautiful. Canute's slowly becoming one of my favorite characters.
Revenger: Originally got into this for Teppa (if you know, you know), and I like the seiyuu cast, but it's...boring, I think? Either that or I've watched too many anime to really get hyped for this kind of stuff. Not wacky or bloody enough to keep my interest, so it's just background noise for Thursday lunches
Urusei Yatsura: Same with Vampire. I would have this as my lunch break anime if HiDive had a pop out player/mini player/whatever it's called
Trigun Stampede: Love how expressive the 3D animation is, and some of the new elements surprised me. I still miss Millie, and wish we had more time to really explore character dynamics/world building
Nier Automata: "hm not sure how they'd cover all the endings-IS THAT REPLICANT"
To Your Eternity just ended its second season last week. I didn't cry like I did with the first season, but this arc had a nice conclusion. ...Rushed a bit with the "where are they now?" part, but eh
Then I'm currently going through Iruma during the lunch breaks where a seasonal anime doesn't air. Pretty charming so far. I tried getting back into watching '98 Trigun, but I lost my place and I don't feel like starting all the way from episode 1 again. If HiDive allowed it, I'd probably watch the rest of Big O or Moribito next. I thiiiink after Iruma I'll have to figure out what to watch next.
Nah but for real, I always think I have enough time to play it on my Switch during my lunch break, but nope. Hour's too short I say. I just finished recruiting all 8 party members and I'm currently in the middle of Throne's chapter 2/intel digging. I like the spruced up mechanics like the day/night cycle, but god I wish we could change party members on the fly to make level grinding easier.
The game collecting spark rose again as I got reminded of the eShop closing on March 27th. I have a few titles I say I need for the sake of having them before it's too late, but eh, nothing so incredibly urgent that I gotta have it now (already got those games. Thanks 2020 Pikes for getting me into this hobby). I almost got 999 on DS, but I already have that on PS4 (I feel iffy getting the same game on different consoles unless it's like a remake for a game that's old) & I've already gotten some other games.
Paranormasight's really got me interested. I'm not really one for horror media, but I absolutely love the character designs
And then I've just been plushie collecting, too
so ye
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doloridis · 1 year
name: megan
pronouns: she/they
preference of communication: carrier pigeon. no i kid, i'm generally far more reliable on discord than i am on im's, and that's mainly bc i have too many blogs and i don't log into each of them every single day so if u message me on one blog i might not see it for another week and then i feel very very very guilty so. discord is best w me :)
most active muse: active is a questionable word here ... i typically operate all of my blogs on a "if i have muse for them, i'm on them" basis as well as a "if there's a plot/dynamic potential with this muse, i log on to them" basis, which means that my level of activity can really spike or drop depending on my mood. BUT. as of late shiv and callie have been who i find myself logging into most, and like, interacting with their dashes
experience / how many years: in the indie tumblr rpc since march 2016, but i was in rp groups from like 2013 onwards. i was also in fb rp groups at entirely too young an age, probably circa 2010? i shudder to think about it
best experience: TBH it's gotta be when i had my wee time traveller oc tim (she's over @ prewette, shameless self promotion) because she was one of the very first ocs i'd ever, like, properly fleshed out and written on tumblr, and she was SO well received? everybody loved on her and there was genuine interest and appreciation for her as a character, and it warmed my heart so much, and made me so excited to actually be in the rpc and be writing.
rp pet peeve: like rika said, when people write accents that they don't know in replies – i always think it's bad enough when you are familiar with it in the first place, but when you don't, it just makes me cringe. people who take themselves entirely too seriously and seem to be allergic to fun. the lack of media literacy or critical thinking skills that seems to infest certain fandoms and spaces on here, especially where it involves complex and morally grey female characters ...
plots or memes: i adore plotting and i think it helps me find motivation for replying to threads when there's been some kind of dynamic or timeline or idea developed and established. i do like winging it, don't get me wrong, but sometimes i get too in my head and anxious that where/how i see it going is not how my writing partner sees it going, and so i put off replying for such a long time it becomes embarrassing
long or short: i'm here for both! i do adore long threads, but find they can take a lot out of me after the first few replies that i speedily write out of adrenaline and excitement. not to say that i lose any of that, or that i stop loving the thread, bc i absolutely never do, but like i said above, i get in my own head and i worry about length and the ratio of dialogue to prose. i start overanalysing myself and my writing, and then, again, i put off replying for a loooong time (are we all noticing a pattern here?) HOWEVER i also cannot handle like. one-liners. at all. i get bored so easily i'm so sorry you'd imagine with an attention span as short as i have i'd love them but nope. generally, one/two para threads are the ones that i think i'm most likely to be consistent to be with, but no promises as usual
are you like your muses: i have long since said that there's a part of me to be found in every muse that i pick up, and people are gradually beginning to realise that i'm entirely correct in that lmao. typically, it tends to be the underlying current of depression and anxiety, the bottling up all their emotions until it eventually breaks them down in an ugly display that they hate, the feeling that they're just Too Much for the people around them, the whiplash of an intense self loathing versus a serious superiority complex, the desire to seem lax and cool and collected but being the opposite of that, and, on a more surface level, the Gay thing. and the woman-but-??? thing. the sooner u all realise that the characters i write are essentially self-inserts with very heavily specialised au's, the better–
tagged by: @warbyrds 💚 tagging: if ur reading this ur tagged matey
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slightlygaming · 2 years
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Review
So I played through the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection a couple months ago and have wanted to write a review for them ever since. As someone who's grown to love the Uncharted series, I wanted to provide a review that gives people an idea of what these games are like and whether their worth the play through. Or just provide my thoughts for anyone interested.
The collection is of the first three instalments in the Uncharted series. Each game is about an adventure on Nathan Drake's journey, and each unveils a little more about our characters and the world. The collection was released in 2015 onto the PS4, but all three games were originally released on the PS3 and are all remastered for the collection. Each varies in quality, but all keep to the same core traits of adventure and discovery that makes the Uncharted series what it is.
Uncharted 1
Uncharted 1 is the story of Nathan Drake trying to find the lost treasure of Francis Drake with reporter Elena Fisher. Along the way, we're introduced to Sully and the slew of bad guys also after the treasure. The story is light-hearted and focused on the characters' dynamics. It is reminiscent of early Indiana Jones films but with less racism and more banter. Characters have fun with each other, and while it seems like all three leads are still in the awkward teenage years of their development as characters, they all come through with the distinct charm of the Uncharted series. Don’t expect a compelling in-depth story, but the game and narrative are still nonetheless a fun ride.
Gameplay is where Uncharted 1 is most lacking.  From declining graphics to the infamous fixed camera angles, the game has trouble holding up on PS4. Of all my Uncharted playthroughs, this game is the one in which I died the most due to the fact that if you jumped to the wrong place or went the wrong way, the outcome was often death. That was the game's solution to the player not understanding what to do. Which made the experience quite irritating after a while, as it wasn’t always clear where I was meant to jump to next, and the game gave me no tools to solve this issue.
Along with that, the game's main way to take up time was combat. Which was an issue because the combat is quite bland, and the repetitive nature of it makes it tiresome over entertaining after a while, an issue that will follow in later instalments. This combat is made more irritating by how much it is used in the game. If you are not climbing or solving puzzles, you are shooting people, and there are few spectacles in this game to make those systems stand out and feel important. The combat doesn't feel like it's there for a substantial reason but simply because the developers didn't know how else to take up time.
The environment in the game don't vary too much, and it's very scaled down compared to Naughty Dog's later games, but each environment is still well done and beautiful to look at. There are certain points where you walk through forest/jungle settings, and they're each very beautiful, and you can clearly see the beginning of the type of environment present in later Uncharted and Last Of Us games.
Overall, Uncharted 1 is a game that, in terms of the story and environment, feels so classically like an adventure tale. But, in terms of gameplay feels frustrating and like I'm playing an old janky arcade game on the highest difficulty. It doesn't hold up to today's standards and is missing a lot of vital accessibility options and shifts in gameplay to make it really playable for most people. If it was up to me, I would wave the big Sony wand to get a remake of this game, but alas, I do not control what games Playstation remakes. If you're interested in getting the full Uncharted experience and don't mind some frustrating gameplay, I'd say give this one a go, as it still has a lot to offer, but otherwise I'd suggest you skip it.
Uncharted 2
Uncharted 2 is what many consider to be the best Uncharted game. It has some very clear jumps in quality from the original and is a big improvement overall. The world and characters feel like the developers had a more fleshed-out and concrete idea of them, and the story and the overall atmosphere are more action-filled and ambitious than the original. However, some areas still find themselves with the same issues as the original. While parts feel like massive improvements other parts feel like they need a lot more work.
Uncharted 2 features a much larger selection of characters and a more complex plot around their relationships. One of the main conflicts featured in the story is a love triangle between Nathan Drake, Elena Fisher from the first game, and the newly introduced Chloe Frazer, a morally dubious treasure hunter. The two women seemingly represent the two sides of Nathan, the more heroic and morally conscious side of him with Elena and the thieving and conniving treasure-hunting side of him with Chloe. The story overall is well done. It expands on all its characters and the backdrop to these characters is more epic, adventure-filled and complex than Uncharted 1.
The gameplay and climbing in this game are definitely an improvement. No longer was I dying on every level because it was impossible to jump and parkour around. The gameplay is much smoother. It feels like they made vast improvements in the quality, and in this game, the climbing and parkour work to complement the story and adventure quite well. Puzzles are a bit more interesting but not to the level for any sort of praise. When it comes to combat, however, it is still lacking. Small improvements have been made to have a bit of an easier time in combat, but overall the system is the same, and it is just as bland and overused as the original. The one redeeming part is environments feel more creative and unique, making combat a little more interesting and fulfilling to partake in. But overall, the combat system is outdated and does not live up to the standards of today’s gameplay.
The environments in this game are genuinely beautiful. They vary much more than the original, as the story takes place in several locations around the world and the detail in the environments is quite improved. Uncharted 2 established what becomes a pillar of Uncharted games going forward where our protagonist finds some sort of ancient lost city that is spectacular and always seems to live up to the idea of what a lost world full of treasure and mystery would be and feel like. Each location in this game feels unique, well crafted, and designed.
Overall Uncharted 2 is a massive improvement from the original and really builds on and establishes a lot of the pillars of the Uncharted series going forward. Although I don’t think this game lives up to the hype that’s been set for it over the years of being the best Uncharted game, I think it is nonetheless a good game that compliments and builds on the strengths of the original. If you want to jump into the Uncharted series when it has a more concrete ground for what it wants to be and a more improved game design and story, then I’d recommend you start here. This game also is more of the backbone of Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy than the other two in the collection, so out of the three games, I'd recommend it the most for that reason. But if you want a game that feels like it fits today's standards and plays smoothly with fewer issues in combat, then I’d say this isn’t the place to start.
Uncharted 3
Uncharted 3 story centres around Nathan Drake’s relationship with Sully, his father figure/fellow treasure hunter. The game gives us the backstory to how the two met while also giving us hints as to how Nathan became obsessed with the idea of being a treasure hunter. His main love interest in this game is once again Elena. The story centres around the three characters having to find the Atlantis of the Sands, a lost city buried in the Rub’ al Khali desert. The story focuses a lot more on the troubles of Nathan’s obsession than the other games. Both Elena and Sully are much more skeptical of the importance of the journey, creating a conflict as Nathan feels strongly about treasure hunting still and doesn’t understand why they both feel so tired out by it. The story goes a bit supernatural near the end, not for the first time, mind you, all three first Uncharted games do this, but this one is a little more intense and silly about it. While I don’t mind the story in Uncharted 3 and, in fact, felt like it added more to the conflict Nathan has with those around him, my main issue with this game's narrative is it felt like it generally repeated the main story beats of Uncharted 2, and begins and ends in almost identical ways. There is one more substantial difference to this games ending, but it wouldn’t change much if that difference had been added to Uncharted 2’s ending.
Uncharted 3’s gameplay is mildly improved from Uncharted 2. The climbing gets a little more interesting with what they're doing. However, the improvements don’t feel large enough, seeing how lacking the combat is. I found the combat to irritate me more in this game than the others, and that’s not because it was any worse but simply because it had changed so little, and it was still so bland and uncreative that I could feel it holding back a lot of the other really awesome and creative aspects of the games. A painful example of this is there's a mechanic in all three games that never changes where you have to smash the triangle button to open gates/doors. In fact, it's actually also in Uncharted 4, the difference is in Uncharted 4 you can change the settings and you don't have to use it. While in the first three games there is no other option. While each game makes this mechanic slightly less irritating it always felt so weird to me why it was there, it doesn't add anything it simply makes it difficult and bars many people from being able to give these games a try.
There are some very cool set pieces in this game, including the famous airplane scene, and I enjoyed the more strange and unique parts it had to offer. The game can be weird at times, time jumps happen, and you end up on strange boats, Nathan’s origin is questioned, and characters feel more fleshed out, yet for all of the interesting and good of this game, the combat and lack of change in gameplay felt like it was holding it back at every turn.
Uncharted 3 features some very beautiful environments. We get to see vast deserts, cities full of people, cities abandoned and lost worlds. However, it doesn’t feel largely different from Uncharted 2 in these aspects, there are some improvements the environments feel more detailed and the graphics are better and there are some interesting environments that weren't done before but the overall design feels static in the place of the last game.
Overall, Uncharted 3 is a really interesting game. It takes some unique departures from the first two, as it questions the integrity of Nathan’s search for treasure, and it opens up a new conflict between him and Sully. And also is a bit more creative with the environments and world it creates, and while these aspects are fun and create an enjoyable ride, I find it often feeling too similar to Uncharted 2 overall to justify it being really an important game to play. If you are looking to get into Uncharted but find playing three aging games to be too tedious, I’d suggest playing Uncharted 2, watching the last cut scene from Uncharted 3, and then moving on to the current gen games: Uncharted 5 and Lost Legacy. While I personally enjoyed Uncharted 3 a lot and honestly probably enjoyed it more than Uncharted 2, it simply doesn’t provide enough new story, world or gameplay to feel like a vital part of the series. It adds on some smaller details, which really get repeated to you again in Uncharted 4 and, besides that leaves you with a stranger version of Uncharted 2.
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is overall a fun visit to the first three games in the series. If you are someone like me who enjoys Naughty Dog’s style of railroad linear narratives and shooter gameplay, you’ll probably enjoy the Uncharted series, but if you think games with difficult and aging mechanics aren't worth it, or you need accesibility features to play games, I wouldn’t suggest these games. (But you should play Uncharted 4, it's very good.)
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dnd-thrrasir · 6 months
Ishvi Snippets
More random Thrrasir NPC side-stories! This time, they aren't particularly plot relevant, just a few snippets of conversation I wrote between Ishvi and Wagner to better develop their dynamic and write more of Ishvi's personality. But you all might enjoy regardless! Mild content warning for some allusions to sex, racism, and dysphoria, though nothing graphic or extreme.
Seven years before the events of the campaign...
"...Is that a text about Dhorilian privateers in the late 2000s AC? Why in all the stars of Hef are you reading about pirates from three-thousand years ago?"
Ishvi jerked, their elbow knocking into a nearby inkwell and almost toppling it. Mentally they felt rather as if they'd been riding at a top speed gallop, only for the horse to careen around a bend and send them flying into the dirt. The mental whiplash was almost dazing, and for a moment they couldn't fully process what was even being said to them. 
Then, they saw a dark skinned hand leaning on the table just a little ways to their left, and looked up into the face of the thirteen-year-old Prince Wagner. A spike of annoyance made them grit their teeth, and they hissed, "I've told you not to bother me when I'm actually managing to concentrate for a change! Now I'll never get my head back on track!"
The young tiefling smiled apologetically, pointing towards a nearby window. "In my defense, it's ah… almost four in the morning? I woke up and saw you never made it back to the barracks and thought I should come get you before you forgot to get any sleep."
Befuddled, Ishvi followed the path of Wagner's pointed finger, and was surprised to see that the sky outside the holy library was black and spangled with stars, and the moon had very nearly set. Some of the radiant fury of being pulled down from the euphoric high that they felt on the rare occasion they actually managed to find a topic to catch and hold their interest faded, and they winced. 
"Shit… I lost track of the time again."
"Mm-hm," Wagner agreed, starting to collect some of the stack of books his friend had already read and discarded. "You're gonna be a mess tomorrow during training as it is, you ought to get at least a little sleep."
Ishvi sighed, raking a hand through their bangs and picking up the books as well. "Right. You're right. Ugh, what was I even doing in here in the first place? I feel like it definitely wasn't supposed to be a ten hour bender on the history of Dhorillean naval warfare…"
"Either you'll remember when the captain scolds you for not getting it done, or it won't matter too much," Wagner pointed out reasonably, with the casual aplomb that came from having witnessed both scenarios more than once. The twenty-three year old squire stuck their tongue out at the younger boy.
"Easy for you to say, asshole, you're not the one who's got a graduation assessment next week. My ordeal is already late- the last thing I want is another letter from Father about how I failed the assessment again."
Wagner tweaked the older man's nose. "Talking like you even read any of those letters. And nineteen is just the average age for the ordeal year- some take it younger, some don't pass until they're in their thirties."
"Perish the thought," Ishvi barked with an exaggerated shudder as they shoved the books into the return bin. "If you get promoted before I do, I will have something to say about it! You ollie off from training every few weeks for some other stupid dinner or party with the nobility!"
"You talk like you're not nobility," Wagner said, dumping his own armload and turning towards the exit. 
"I wish I wasn't," Ishvi mused, following their young friend out into the cool night air outside the library. "You may joke about my not reading Father's letters, but he makes it clear that with Mum's difficulties conceiving I'm all he's got. Soon as I pass my ordeal he's probably going to start badgering me to secure the line. Produce a grandchild he can name heir instead of me. Not that I'd mind being passed over, but you know how I feel about…"
The uncomfortable silence hung for a moment, and the thirteen year old tentatively offered, "Siring?"
"Nnng," Ishvi looked down uncomfortably. They'd had to explain a little under a year ago exactly how the mechanics of creating a child worked, seeing as no one in his family had seen fit to do it, which had of course led to equally frank discussions of how Ishvi felt on the matter. But talking about it ostensibly in public, even at this hour when no one was liable to be about, wasn't something Ishvi was fully comfortable with. They'd had one conversation with their parents, at fifteen, about the possibility of surgery, but the answer was one they really should've expected- they were fine with it, but only after Ishvi produced for the family at least one, preferably two heirs. 
They'd be in for a lecture on duty next time they saw their father if word got back that they were complaining about it. Even the Queen, who had taken a wife as her partner, had to lie with a man at least one time for the sake of duty, after all.
Shaking their head, they said, "But nevermind that- what were we talking about again?"
"You getting some sleep so you don't fall on your nose during training," Wagner reminded them with a raised brow. "Also you fretting about your assessment, but some sleep will be good for that too."
"Right. I uh, might have missed dinner too, do you-"
Wagner shook his head, but bless him, he seemed to have anticipated that too, because he pulled an apple out of his money pouch and offered it to his friend. "Over breakfast you'll have to tell me what you were reading that held your attention so long. But not right now- bed Ishvi."
"I'm going, I'm going," they said, picking up their pace towards the barracks to a trot.
Shortly before the events of Eldritch Eulogy...
The two bed room was spacious as inns went, with about a man's height of space between each bed and everything carrying the telltale smell of having been freshly laundered. The blankets on the bed were made of some sort of animal fur, and a brief glance at the pillows confirmed they were stuffed with down, not hay.
"For as remote as this place is, the accommodations are quite nice," Ishvi mused, rocking on their heels as they looked about the room that had been letted to them.  Turning back to Wagner with a wry smirk, they added, "Which is good, if we're going to be here for a while."
The prince- currently disguised as a wood elf and going under the alias "Walker"- groaned with mock resignation. In his hands the younger man was holding an envelope that had been pressed upon them before they even got to the inn.
"As remote as it is, you would think that the sort of trouble they'd ask paladins to intervene in wouldn't bother with them," Wagner replied with a sigh. "Normally I'd be thrilled to have something actually productive to do, but-"
"But you can't wait to get to Alu Lyth, you're missing your sweetheart terribly, wax about it again, please," Ishvi interjected, sauntering over to the bed and running their fingers over the plush fur. "Duty calls, my friend, so your cuddles and kisses appointment will have to wait!"
They glanced over their shoulder, and were rewarded to catch Wagner sticking out his tongue at them. The moon elf laughed, waggling a finger admonishingly. "Now, now, is that any way for someone of your stature to behave?"
"My stature? I have no notion what you mean," Wagner replied, turning away to open the envelope. "I am just a paladin, same as you. An inferior, magic-less paladin even."
Ishvi glanced over Wagner's shoulder at the note, but they could immediately see that the effort was fruitless- as had been the case with most everything else in this town, it was in Draconic, which Ishvi did not speak. With a shrug, they left their young friend to it.
They had been speaking in Elvish- the language that both they and Wagner were most fluent in, the language of both their childhoods. They also shared a fluency in common that was required of nobles, and Ishvi had tried to pick up both Goblin and Gnomish. As was often the case, however, their lack of patience for intense study had kept them from getting more than a few gloss words and phrases of either. Wagner, on the other hand, was a proper omniglot. On top of the aforementioned Elvish and Common, he was fluent in Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, and thanks to his status as a tiefling, Infernal. He was further conversational in Dwarvish, and Draconic.
No Undercommon, which might have surprised anyone who knew the boy's heritage, but this was at the direct pressure of the rest of the Elvish nobles. They already didn't like that their prince and princess were half tiefling, half drow. They absolutely balked at the prince sullying his tongue on Undercommon when most drow he would need to talk to for diplomatic reasons would understand Elvish.
Nevermind the duergar or the svirfneblin. Or the various non-native races who live down there and will speak Undercommon by proximity. They thought sarcastically. The drow are bug-eyed cave rats but at least they're proper elves. The rest? Pah!
Ishvi gave a soft snort of derision, making Wagner look up from the paper in his hand and quirk a brow. "A copper for your thoughts?"
"Just insulting our dear, divinely appointed overlords in my imagination again, don't mind me," Ishvi replied with a shrug and a crooked grin. They caught themselves petting the blanket again, and folded their arms, turning back to face Wagner. "So what's the letter say?"
Wagner's expression was one of bemused understanding, but he took the change of subject with good grace. "The clan's Rimem- their chief- wants us to look into some strange creatures that have started to infest the woods around here, as well as a string of disappearances."
"I don't like that those two things are happening at the same time," Ishvi said grimly. "Implies one might be causing the other. But are monsters killing people, or might it be some sort of lycanthropy thing?"
"Impossible to say without more information," the prince pointed out. "Which means it's time for your favorite- questioning the locals."
"Aaaah, but I don't share any languages with the locals," Ishvi fired back. "So I am literally incapable of playing the face. And I won't even be able to understand when they needle you about the fact that I'm standing behind you and fidgeting like a bored three-year-old. Such a shame."
Wagner scowled a bit. "As if I wouldn't make it clear I won't stand for it if they do."
Ishvi shrugged with far more dismissiveness than they actually felt. "Come on, hero, it's late and we're both tired. Let's get some dinner in us, and figure out what our plan of attack is for tomorrow morning."
0 notes
enigmaincrimson · 6 months
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Thinking a bit on how Evie would sort of fit into the group dynamic...
When first introduced, she is kind of downplaying her appearance with her powers but would become more visually striking one she feels more comfortable with being herself.
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Generally, her overall regard of Tsukune is something of a curiosity... less in regard of him as a boy or a human and more along the lines of wondering how in the world he ended up being transferred there and hasn't died already.
I'm not entirely sure what sort of Dynamic she might have with Moka... I mean, I wouldn't say her actual blood is tasty, but she probably could replicate Tsukune's blood and store them in blood bags. Although it might take a few tries to get the recipe right. Basically, she's sort of built a blood bank.
I get the feeling that Kokoa might find Evie to be something like fresh air from the other girls... or they might bond over their fondness for transforming pets.
No idea how much of a "bad influence" Kurumu might be when it comes to her... since that more troublesome side of hers doesn't normally show unless she feels comfortable enough about it.
While Yukari and Ruby might bond with her to some extent over their experiences with magic, the kind of relationship that would develop might become something awkward to some extent. I'd probably joke and say she'd probably get roped into being in "charge" of the local coven.
Her and Mizore probably have a somewhat mellow relationship, accounting that Evelyn usually isn't "noisy" like the others. They might or might not share notes they've collected.
Fang Fang might be both fascinated and horrified by her as he gets to know her, but that's not a year one discussion.
But I am just kind of rambling like a crazy person as things are slow and I really need to read the manga and watch the anime again.
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would you mind talking more about bart and unreliable narration? I always hear people say unreliable narration but I've never seen any concrete examples from media I actually consume so I'd love your thoughts
Oh absolutely!! I actually wrote a thing about this a while back but then went 'this is not well written' and it got buried in my drafts, so I’m glad to have an excuse to pull that up and rewrite it. (Also sorry, this got really long.)
Basically, at one point I was listening to a podcast (Be the Serpent, ep 4), and they categorize different kinds of unreliable narrators into three types: the narrator who knows they are lying to you, the narrator who is lying to themself (and therefore you), and the narrator who is lying because they are missing some key information. I would argue that the three main pov characters of the Bartimaeus Trilogy each represent a different type of these unreliable narrators.
Going in backwards order, Kitty is the narrator who lies because she is missing some key information, at least until the third book. As a commoner, even one who is part of a resistance movement, her knowledge of magic is extremely limited and biased. Were we to go off of her point of view alone, we would get an inaccurate view of this world and the power dynamics that exist within it: that magicians are somehow special in holding magic and that they have evil demons who work alongside them in shared mischief/hunger for power/whatever.
However, because the books include other points of view, the full impact of that unreliability is not realized.
Similarly, Nathaniel lies to himself, especially in the later books. He ignores how much he personally contributes to upholding a system that depends on the oppression and slavery of other sentient beings, and squashes down the last traces of his moral compass. I don’t think he ever really questions the system of government or if it should be there and work the way it does.
To some extent, we do see through his unreliability as well, because Bartimaeus is around to keep a check on him and tell the reader that no, the magicians and their imperialism are bad, that spirits have very good reason to hate humans, and give us other world building details that contradict what Nathaniel believes.
But some of it is about what is going on inside Nathaniel’s own head, so there is also a lot that can’t be fully seen by an outside perspective that has to be assumed by the reader. Like he will deny the sentimental feelings he has towards Ms. Underwood and the guilt he had over Kitty’s supposed death and the fact that he even remotely cares about Bartimaeus, but actions speak louder than words.
Because both of these characters’ unreliability stem from a lack of understanding, having other perspectives in the book in some ways cancels out their unreliability, and actually ties their unreliability more to their character development than as a plot/narration device. Kitty grows more reliable throughout the series while Nathaniel gets less so until the end. This doesn’t make that unreliability useless though, especially in a series aimed for children. By getting each character’s point of view, we can see where they are coming from and how the knowledge and views they have affect the way they act, but there is also someone else to point out how they are wrong, to make you question how true what each individual says is.
Bartimaeus is entirely different from the first two characters. His narration is told in first person, unlike Nathaniel and Kitty’s third person. He talks directly to the reader and goes off on tangential footnotes that are not necessarily part of the events currently happening in the story. Because of this narration style, he also has the power to lie more directly to the reader than any of the other characters.
Given his life, it is understandable how he has gotten into the habit of lying. Every moment of his existence on Earth is spent under the power of someone else, so he lies in order to protect himself. There are some instances where he lies to his masters in order to escape punishment or to lead them into danger so he can be set free, but he also lies about his feelings because he cannot afford to be emotionally vulnerable.
For the most part, I think it can be assumed that the dialogue and most actions that happen in his pov chapters are told as they are, since much of that lines up with what goes on in the other characters’ perspectives, and also there are at least a few things that show him in a less-than-flattering light that he would probably leave out or change if he could. Instead, the lies he tells are largely about his past and his emotions, often done through exaggeration or omission, and cannot be collaborated by others.
When lying about his past, Bartimaeus frequently exaggerates his prestige and role in history. In Ptolemy’s Gate, Bartimaeus says that he talked to King Solomon about Faquarl’s tendency to brag about his historical importance. Even beyond the obvious irony, in the prequel we see Bartimaeus’s time at Solomon’s court, and while it isn’t technically impossible for him to have talked to Solomon about Faquarl, the timing and circumstances make it extremely unlikely. Although his other stories cannot be proven or disproven with what we know, this instance and his general tendency to brag outrageously makes it very likely that Bartimaeus at the very least embellishes.
However, despite being super showy about his past, Bartimaeus doesn’t actually include much important information. He very rarely talks about his great feats as a thief or assassin or anything else. When he lists his accomplishments, he describes building walls and talking to important historical figures. There’s a post somewhere (if I find it, I’ll link it) that explains this as being a way for Bartimaeus to try to take control of his reputation and therefore his life; by associating with safer jobs, he is less likely to be summoned for very dangerous and morally reprehensible jobs.
He does generally try to portray himself as clever and collected and just generally more cool than he actually is. There’s a moment at the end of the first book where he describes himself as trying to calm Nathaniel who is freaking out, and then the next chapter is from Nathaniel’s pov which describes him as being the calmer one while Bartimaeus is a fly anxiously buzzing around.
I don’t remember the exact line, but in the second book there’s an exchange that goes something like this:
“____” I said calmly.
“Stop your whimpering,” Kitty said.
The way Bartimaeus portrays himself is straight up contradicted by the more factual account of the words and actions of someone else. And presumably there are plenty of other times that we do not see contradictory evidence where Bartimaeus straight up lies about how he is reacting to something.
But one of Bartimaeus’s most unreliable points centers around humans. Throughout the books, he constantly talks about the ways he has killed and would like to kill his masters, if given the opportunity. Nathaniel is an exception, one that Bartimaeus does admit to the reader, but even in the third book when he talks the most about how he would kill Nathaniel or even join a demon rebellion if Faquarl offered right then and there, Bartimaeus does not actually follow through on these threats when he gets the chance. Despite all of his talk about how much he hates humans, Bartimaeus has as much of a positive relationship he can have with as many humans possible, given the circumstances.
A lot of his unreliability centers around Ptolemy, which is what some of Bartimaeus’s biggest lies of omission are about. In the first book, we do get the sense that Bartimaeus has a soft spot for at least some humans. His excuses of saving and looking after Nathaniel in order to avoid Indefinite Confinement, while likely not entirely false, do fall a bit flat. We even get a mention of “a boy I had known once before, someone I had loved.” Although this is not explicitly connected to Ptolemy at this point, mentions of brown skin and the Nile make a pretty obvious connection to Ptolemy, especially as Bartimaeus describes taking on Ptolemy’s form several times later on. There is a less obvious hint too, “I sat on the ground, cross-legged, the way Ptolemy used to do.” Even without knowing much about what kind of relationship Bartimaeus had with Ptolemy, that kind of detail shows ‘a devotion to detail that could only come with genuine affection, or perhaps even love.’
It isn’t until the third book until we learn anything substantial about his relationship with Ptolemy, and even then he doesn’t tell the whole story. The fandom jokes about how Bartimaeus just casually mentions in a foot note that he prefers a lioness form because the manes are annoying, and it’s not until the flashback that you find out that the mane is part of what got Ptolemy killed. And even with the flashbacks, you still never see the time that Ptolemy visited the Other Place.
There are a lot of posts on this site that talk about how Bartimaeus absolutely was idealizing Ptolemy, and how there’s some evidence that he isn’t the perfectly sweet never-did-anything-wrong innocent child that Bartimaeus describes him as (notably that part where he was vaguely annoyed that people kept coming to him to ask for help and interrupted his research). Not that Ptolemy secretly sucks or anything, but it’s really easy to let nostalgia skip over the less dramatic details of Ptolemy being an actual human being with flaws.
In summary, I would argue that all of the trilogy protagonists are unreliable narrators to varying extents, and Jonathan Stroud is a genius for how he manages to make it all work.
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lexpressobean · 3 years
I've been thinking about these 3 alot...
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... and how much they seem to really respect Shino. I know it's a filler, but, like... Why does it seem like Shino has a knack for finding children who have wondered off away from school? Like, he's just taking a walk, making his way around the village or surrounding forest, and then there they are. Kids playing hooky or some shit. And Shino just takes it upon himself to approach them and steer them back to where they should be, while getting them attached to him somehow in the process??
But honestly. If this was just one of many times this had happened, I'd say Shino does this not out of his knack for teaching or having a way with kids. Rather, he developed a way with kids and easily applies that to his teaching because he has a strong desire to simply protect children. And it's not even from some paternal instinct as much as survival, because I think it stems from the developing trauma of losing Torune to Danzo. And I don't think it's all subconscious either.
Like I know the novel and anime frames his desicion to teach as a sort of a new goal in life as the war has ended for a couple years already and a noticable Peace has been achieved by the Blank Period and well... He's an Aburame.
Like, the Aburame are literal living, breathing, walking bioweapons. With no fight to utilize that, what else is there? Well, much like the Nara have the Nara forest and Pharmacology specifically, The Aburame most likely have a historical stake in the area of Konoha, perhaps it was simply in their Ancestral Home. Idk, but they're here to stay, they ain't budging. They're Clan Culture is very Martial and I'd argue Spartan in nature, but otherwise, they do other things too. I think they'd do well as major players in the conservation and research of native species of animals and plants, but definitely insects too. I bet they play a huge part in the general area's ecosystem, especially due to the fact that the Kamizuru clan attacked with a whole clan's worth of non-native Hymenoptera that could very well have become and still are an irritatingly and consistent problem as invasive species tend to be. And as a far as goods go, why not put some of them to use and handle an apiary? Honey is a great good to sell. All of this is great as a clan that no longer needs to fight. But, what about individual members in general, and so Shino?
Well Shino is the Heir of this clan. This Noble Clan. This "ready to throw hands at any moment" clan. It's future is in his hands, so to speak. So I doubt Shino would completely sever his connection to Shinobi life all together. And so, teaching at the Academy would be a great way to keep that connection. Teachers have to know their stuff, after all.
But what if in order to ensure teaching was his calling, Shino did his absolute best to make Jounin ASAP so he could take on a Genin Team. And. And by chance, it ended up being these three?? And they are absolutely STOKED!!! And they also pass Shino's genin test, which... would probably be a feat in it's own right. But they already know Shino, and Shino has bestowed upon them some wisdom they actually took to heart! Yeah, well, in reality they might be just a tad too old to be Shino's first official genin squad, but they were still his squad one point in a sense, right?
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Kon Nohara, Tano Ikemoto, and Aoki Kobayashi
I even gave them names help Imagine these three are already chuunin at least and decide they want to pay Shino a visit and even volunteer to help Shino during class time on a collective day off because they admire him so much (T~T)
But even then if not these three kiddos, maybe these three li'l shits lol
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Even in times of Peace, Shino's special set of skills seem too useful to waste, and being a Jounin teacher would definitely have been a way he could still go on missions, but also definitely commit to becoming a Sensei at the academy once he was 100% sure and got older. Kurenai became a Jounin/Genin Squad Leader in her late twenties, but in comparison I see Shino doing that more mid-20s. (He needs some time to travel and find his big bug friend and generally live a little?)
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Kurenai was a Genjutsu Specialist who manned a Tracker/Sensing based team. This sounds like it was a highly beneficial combination, even if she ended up being somewhat sadistic lol. Asuma was bound to Team 10 by Tradition as InoShikaCho and Sarutobi have that Pact together. Kakashi's team was literally Cherry Picked for him specifically by the 3rd Hokage. And Gai, a Taijutsu Specialist, had a team that Specialized in Taijutsu and Physical Offense.
Of all four teams, Kurenai and Gai were very suited to their teams, Gai in a complimentary way and Kurenai in a Challenging way. In that same vein, I think Shino would imitate Gai. Shino as a Shinobi himself has a general set of skills, but the way he goes about them are very niche. But, he was always very stealthy, and could sneak up on nearly anyone. Gags aside, he could go unnoticed as long as he wanted too, and by the time he was noticed or was ready to attack, he has you quite literally surrounded. Honestly I can see why Search and Destroy would be an Aburame's forte, but when there's no need, a person with a personal skill of high quality stealth could probably man a team with an emphasis on Reconnaissance and/or Surveillance, even Bodyguarding. I feel like Shino would probably put an emphasis on Stealth and Tracking too, utilizing his insects as sort of assistants that keep tabs on his students (Stealth Test) as well as to encourage just enough fear during too much down time in his students to inspire quality training opportunities, so maybe Kurenai rubbed off on Shino more than they all realized haha
(Plus I'm sure his students would be be smart and thoughtful enough to eventually understand what Shino and his bugs are: a complete unit. They realize just how strong and dedicated Sensei really is to be the way he is, and they all learn more in depth about Kikaichu and it's like WOW SENSEI YOU REALLY ARE RISKING BEING EATEN ALIVE EVERY SINGLE DAY, AREN'T YOU? But he's still here, because THAT'S how strong he's become over the years and the confidence to manipulate the Kikaichu while having to think of current chakra level, the most efficient use at any given time, how many he actually needs, how long usage will last, ect. They are high maintenance, man!)
Shino would no doubt produce highly skilled Bodyguards and Masters of Stealth. Maybe the type that would end up being in high demand for the eventual Celebrities that start to pop up as times change, but still very much needed when it comes to Criminal Activity, like in Sora-Ku?
But as time passes and he decided to teach at the Academy, he'd feel very at ease to do so. He'd be happy to be put in charge of all these children, because he would be able to help teach them things they need to know to defend themselves and others in a world where adults like Danzo had and will continue to exist. Maybe while he's at it, he'd use his stance as a Noble Clan Heir and accomplished Shinobi to push for changes in government with Sai's help and with Naruto and Shikamaru's cooperation? Like, the truth does come out, everyone on the Council were actually horrible and had too much power. So HERE are some ideas and REASONS why these ideas should be implemented because Shino's not going to let his brother's life and death be in vain!? HELL no, we WILL make some changes around here. Shino sees his students and just wants a future where no kid ever has to live in fear of being completely taken advantage of by the very system that was supposed to keep them safe and they pledged allegiance to.
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I cannot help but think of the quiet but absolute fear little Shino was harboring for the years to come after Torune was taken by that strange man and Father Shibi didn't even attempt to stop him. His own father didn't dare beat the shit out of this strange man who came looking for him, and the only solution for Shino to stay was for Torune to make himself look more desirable as an asset and be taken instead. I bet there was a lot of misplaced resentment there for a while, and talks that just didn't happen. Maybe a classmate doesn't show up to class one day and Shino is IMMEDIATELY stressed out and just... takes it upon himself to look for them after class. And he's relieved when he see they're simply at home with a fever. Shit like that just fucks with Shino, because theres people taking kids and no one is doing anything about it?? And then as Shino grew older he realized exactly what happened and how slimy the machine of Konoha really is and it was never completely Shibi's fault that Torune had to leave. He grows mentally at a faster rate than most of his classmates, and knows more than a kid really needs to know.
Shino doesn't want that for any other child. Shino is the kind of person who hears kids screaming outside of his house and he can't tell if they're playing or being murdered and it's stressful to the point he'll check through his window and he sees them for himself. He get stressed out seeing a kid in public unattended and WANTS to approach them to help if need be but also maybe he's overthinking it and the parents are there somewhere and he'd just end up looking suspicious. Like, that's what I kind of figure for Shino. He's so hyperaware of the power dynamic between kids and adults and seeing a kid so ready to fall victim to that makes Shino feel ill the more he thinks of what could happen. And he wonders if watching the kid in the market until they finally reunite with their parent so he could move on with the rest of his day causes him even a fraction of the the utterly disgusting flurry of nerves and fear that Shibi must have felt all those years ago. It goes along with his desire to spare every single little insect's life he can. It goes a long with the fact he only gets violent unless absolutely necessary. Like he wants to be strong but he doesn't want to go mad with power either, less he becomes the very thing that hurt him and his family in the first place.
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Originally Shino wanted to become strong to be able to defend himself because at a very young age adults failed him and Torune. But then that changes to defend not only himself, but others as he grows on a team, and realizes trust is important. And then he figured if there must be adults out there that would hurt a child, it's only logical that he should become one that would only nurture and teach one to be strong as well.
Anyway, yeah. Had some feelings. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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lazykcdoodler · 3 years
Thoughts on Louie and Della's Relationship + which of the triplets is my vote for Most Likely to hold any sort of longterm grudge against their mom (and why it would be Huey)
I was looking through the Della Duck tag in my blog, when I came across some discourse about the Della-Louie relationship dynamic that I reblogged a while back. I was reading thru the comments and saw someone's HC about how S3 Louie might still hold a small grudge against Della for stealing the Spear of Selene.
And I'm like, no?? If any of the kids in S3 and beyond would hold any sort of substantial grudge against Della for taking the Spear, it would obviously be Huey.
Wait, why did I think that-
Then because Huey's not explored enough, I had to take a step back and think about why I thought of him as the most likely candidate.
First, to work thru my thoughts on Louie and Della's relationship, and why he's less likely to hold a grudge against her in the long run. To start things off, he and Della already had their big clash and make up in the S2 finale. Remember this?
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Their small arc in S2 did important things for their character development. That's not to say that they'll never argue again, or that they won't ever have problems. I can certainly see Louie using the Spear as ammunition for a future fight, if things came to that. But Louie and Della have other traits in common, aside from sharp scheminess and their tendency to think that they're the smartest people in any room.
Louie and Della are communicators. Yes, they're both sly and manipulative. But their success in that department comes from their ability to understand people. Dewey might've inherited Della's impulsiveness and natural charisma- but his inclination toward dramatics, his need to be well liked by others, and his desire to stand out among his family and peers, all mean that Dewey is more likely than Louie (but not Huey) to keep secrets and his personal feelings quiet. Della and Louie? Much less so.
It took Louie less than a year to voice his insecurities about his capabilities as an adventurer to Huey. When their mom came back to the Manor, Louie voiced his personal concerns in the very same episode. Louie is a crier. He complains a lot. He's an excellent orator. By far, Louie is the easiest triplet to read as a character, because his thoughts and his intentions are made known to the audience very quickly.
On Della's side of the equation, it's strongly implied throughout the series that she served as the emotional translator between Donald and Scrooge. Don't get me wrong; Scrooge and Donald love each other very much, and they understand each other in a way that very few others do. But when wires get crossed and either of them clam up on their hurt feelings (or fight about other things to avoid the elephant in the room), Della comes in to mediate. She voices whatever the other person won't say out loud. But that deserves its own post.
Regardless of any trouble between Louie and Della, I'm sure of three things. 1) Della and Louie love and care about each other, 2) Della is trying her hardest, Louie doesn't like getting into fights, and he admires passion as a trait in other people, and 3) in spite of everything- despite how agreeable Huey is, or how Dewey's such a momma's boy- out of the boys, Della's relationship with Louie is probably the healthiest in the long run. When it comes to his feelings, Louie is the most emotionally honest triplet. If he beats around the bush, it won't be for long.
While Dewey and Della ride the same wavelength (which causes its own problems), she grounded Louie in Timephoon and said those infamous words because she's been in Louie's place before. She knows what scheming and selfishness got her and her family, and she doesn't want Louie to do the same thing. Because she knows she was harsh- and she knows she might've been too harsh, since she just began learning how to be an authority figure- Della is probably less confident with her ability to handle Louie properly. Which means she's more likely to go to Donald for help with Louie's issues, far more often than she might for Dewey and Huey. Louie will always let Della know where she stands with him. And while she won't take his shit, Della will listen and reciprocate his emotional honesty with her own.
Huey is not good at emotional honesty. Don't get me wrong, he's great at helping other people. But unlike Louie, Huey is as emotionally transparent with his insecurities as a steel bear trap.
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So. Why Huey? As I mentioned above, he and Della have stuff in common. They enjoy video games and exploring. They're both outdoorsy. Della is giving this her best shot, and Huey's a kind kid. They get along fine, so obviously things must be fine. Right?
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Rrriiiigggghhhhtttt. So, why do I think that Huey's the most likely of the triplets to have any residual resentment toward Della for taking the Spear?
Dewey admired Donald's commitment to his family, but he had to learn to respect him. Louie respected Donald's passion and work ethic, but he had to learn to admire him. Huey never had to learn any of that; Donald has held Huey's respect and admiration from Day 1.
Huey's uncle has a terrible temper. He's easily misunderstood by others. He's the hardest worker on the planet, but he's often underappreciated. Huey can relate. This intrinsic understanding is the root of Huey's longstanding admiration and respect for Donald's character and Donald's efforts. Despite their pre-series financial insecurities, Donald successfully raised three boys on his own while providing them with a relatively middle class lifestyle. Despite everything, Donald is rich in the love of his family and friends.
When it comes to Donald's difficulties with public society, out of his brothers, Huey is the most empathetic to their uncle's plight. He might not be a father of three, but Huey holds the best understanding of the responsibilities that Donald undertook on their behalf.
And therein lies the rub.
Huey Duck is the Responsible One. He works hard, takes his duties as the eldest triplet very seriously, and helps Donald wherever he can. Whether by serving as a vocal translator during a bank transaction, taking charge of his siblings when their uncle is away, or speaking in Donald's defense when his brothers call him boring or lame, Huey tries to makes things easier.
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Della probably did some of those things for Donald when they were younger, and vice versa. I'm 99 percent sure that Donald has been teaching her how to AdultTM since she got back from the Moon.
(Because her impulsiveness got her stranded for 10 years).
Huey and Della love each other. They get along great. They have plenty in common. But Huey Duck is by-the-book, and naturally inclined toward hard work- just like his Uncle Donald. Della ripped up the book, took a shortcut, and had to learn to become hardworking the hard way. Huey Duck is the Responsible One. Della had to take a crash course in becoming a Responsible Authority Figure after Louie's scheming almost erased the family from history.
There are many reasons to admire Donald, but his ability to wrangle the three of them is probably near the top of Huey's list. If Donald wasn't responsible before the SOS Incident, he certainly learned to be. Huey has his own lifetime of trouble dealing with Louie's cons, Dewey's impulsiveness, and their collective recklessness and disregard for Huey's work and Huey's passions. They're difficult and infuriating, but Huey tries. And whenever Huey tries, his respect for Donald probably rises. Because Donald isn't their sibling- he's their uncle, their guardian, their first parent since the day the triplets hatched. While the triplets probably had honorary family in their lives long before they met Scrooge (apparently, Mouseton and Duckburg are very close to each other), Donald was HDL's only parent for 10 years.
Because Huey's mom was reckless, and got stranded on the Moon.
At least Huey knows where Louie and Dewey got it from. (It's bad enough, coming from them).
But Huey Duck is the oldest. He needs to be a figure of strength and capability. He needs to be a leader, needs to provide support, needs to be a good role model. His family relies on him for that sort of thing. Mom's been through a lot. Uncle Donald has been through a lot. Huey spent ten years watching his uncle go through a lot. Huey needs to set an example. He's the oldest- which means he needs to extend a hand, make an effort, and bury any proverbial hatchet even if it kills him a little.
(Huey wants things to run smoothly. Huey doesn't want to be a burden for others. Canonically, Huey locks away a lot of his own problems and internal anxieties...until his control slips. Huey hates it when that happens).
Let the record show that I love Della Duck. She's one of my favourite characters. I love how hard she tries, and she's come amazingly far. I'm sure Huey appreciates her efforts.
I'm not saying that canon Huey holds a grudge, or that he secretly resents his mom. I just think that out of all the triplets, he's who I'd pick as the most likely to do so. And unlike Louie and Dewey, Huey knows how to hide certain thoughts and feelings successfully. Huey can be anxious, but he can't be mean (he's already weird and nerdy, he can't afford to be mean). Huey has spent his entire life honing his control over his less...socially acceptable emotions. (Hello, Duke). If Huey has grudges about Della and the Spear or anyone and anything else, I have faith in his ability to hide those negative thoughts for a long, long time.
Until he can't.
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midorree · 3 years
How (I Think) Quirk-based Discrimination Works In BNHA
I've seen a lot of claims about how people interpret the quirk-based discrimination from an ableism allegory (not quite) to actually comparing it to Jim Crow laws, which is completely out of pocket. Quirk based discrimination in BNHA is very unique, especially with quirks not existing for very long in the grand scheme of things. Trying to compare it to existing forms of discrimination (that, mind you, exist in the fucking show) is simply put, not accurate in the slightest. Racism has existed for long enough for it to be embedded into our everyday lives and systems. Ableism has existed long enough that it affects how we view disabled people as people and how doctors view their disabled patients. Quirk-based discrimination has not.
PART 1: Comparing and Contrasting: Ableism
I've had this conversation a couple times with my friends, and typically we find that ableism doesn't match up with qbd. First and foremost, let's define a disability.
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[Image ID: disability: a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities. A disadvantage or a handicap, especially one imposed or recognized by the law. End Image ID]
Quirkless people do not meet this standard definition unless they are already disabled. Being quirkless does not limit movements, senses, or activities in any way shape or form. Being quirkless is not a hindrance in every day life when it comes to these specific criteria.
But why would people thing that being quirkless is the same as being disabled? Let's take a look at accommodations and accessibility.
In the BNHA universe, quirks have existed for long enough that people with mutation quirks that alter their body significantly can comfortably buy clothes as seen with Shoji in some occasions.
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[Image ID: Shoji is wearing baggy, patterned pants tucked into laced boots and is wearing a tank top. End ID]
He is able to buy shirts with bigger sleeve holes rather than having to fix his clothing so that he may be able to wear it himself. This is also seen with UA making a uniform so that he can fit without him having to work excessively for it.
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[Image ID: Shoji wearing UA uniform. The uniform has no sleeves. End ID]
Why does this matter? Because Shoji is a perfect example of how small accommodations for people mutation quirks exists idly in the BNHA universe. Everyone has a different quirk and require different accommodations, and with Quirkless people, when it comes to buying clothes, or walking up steps, or going comfortably to a restaurant it's never a problem! Assuming they are able-bodied/neurotypical, they truly won't have a problem with getting by in day to day life.
However, there is one thing I will say is similar to ableism in this aspect: how doctors would treat quirkless people. With the opening episodes/chapters of BNHA we see firsthand how a doctor treats a child who is quirkless. Uncaring, cold, and straight to the point as to let them down as hard as they can saying "you might as well get used to it." The doctor had little to no belief that Izuku would become a hero, saying that he should pursue other careers instead. It's not a perfect match up, but I'd say in my personal experience it's pretty similar.
PART 2: Racism in BNHA
I'm not going to dwell long on this one because it's frankly very tone deaf and not very thought out to be comparing qbd to actual racism.
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[Image ID: White text on a black background that states: What was worse, he would now be forces to keep his family from visiting or even living in America. It was never talked about openly, but the way quirkless were treated in the States came very close to how they handled different races with the Jim Crow laws of the past. He would never subject his Izuku to that kind of hatred. End Image ID]
There's a lot to unpack here, but let me preface this by saying this: qbd and centuries upon centuries of racial discrimination are not the same thing, especially considering racism exists in the show/manga itself. Big Yikes.
Let's start by defining what Jim Crow laws were.
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[Image ID: Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation. Named after a Black minstrel show character, the laws—which existed for about 100 years from the post-Civil War era until 1968—were meant to marginalize African Americans by denying them the right to vote, hold jobs, get an education or other opportunities. Those who attempted to defy Jim Crow laws often faces arrest, fines, jail sentences, violence and death. End Image ID]
So lets make a hypothetical and say quirkless people were treated like this. Okay, what would be an identifying factor in discrimination? Would quirkless people have to tell employers their quirk status? Possibly. Would the right to vote be revoked? Due to what? Would they be held back in educational places? Why would they be?
There are too many unanswered questions as to why these things would happen. The Jim Crow laws happened due to white entitlement after the enslavement of an entire race. Qbd happens because of inherent power dynamics (which I will get into later), and while racial discrimination has that factor, it has existed way longer and is more prevalent in society. What if a quirkless person was a quirkless person of color? Think on that.
There are also heroes of color that exist in the show, and racist caricatures of people of color.
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[Image ID: Pro Hero: Native with a shocked expression and some sweat dripping down his face. End Image ID]
This fucker right here.
The BNHA universe has existing racism in and out of canon, seeing as the black/brown characters are underrated outside of the show, and microaggressed within the show.
PART 3: Kacchan vs Deku 3: How Did Deku Being Quirkless Affect Their Relationship And Why?
The line "not all men are created equal" really stuck with me while writing and thinking about this meta. Deku has understood and worked through social dynamics and understandings since he was four years old. He's understood that since he's quirkless, people with quirks hold power over him that he can't defend himself against. He understands this, and chooses to roll with the punches.
Bakugou also very much understands how social dynamics work, and chooses to use it to his advantage. He bullies Deku as a boast of power rather than a boast of privileged. It's been drilled into young Katsuki's head that quirkless people are weak, and that he is strong, His teachers are seen encouraging this behavior and the adults around him tend to not view him as a person, but as an existing beam of potential. Propaganda probably exists even in his Sunday cartoons. The strongest people he looks up to all have quirks, and he makes that correlation of quirk = strong at a very young age. He learns that quirkless ≠ strong. A part of me feels like this is intentional.
Izuku being quirkless would put him at the bottom of the food chain, in a sense, and anyone who had a quirk would be listened to more than he ever would. Izuku learned that not all men are equal because of the inherent power dynamics that come with having the ability to fly, or create explosions, or use fucking fire and ice on command, because he realizes he will never be stronger than Kacchan (at least for now). Even Izuku's idols who he considered to be strong and amazing and admirable were people with quirks. People with power over him.
When Izuku got OFA, the playing field shifted, and Katsuki was afraid and confused. Just because Izuku got a quirk, that doesn't mean Katsuki's view on quirkless people changed. We don't know if it did because its never addressed. He has made significant character development and is working to atone with Deku, but would that still happen if Deku had stayed quirkless? We don't know.
PART 4: Conclusion
The BNHA fandom has a lot of views on how qbd might work, but these are just my thoughts. These are all my opinions and if you'd like to add something feel free to! I just hate the fact that qbd is being compared to actual racism when that just doesn't apply and wanted to weigh in my two cents. Qbd, in my opinion, is all about power dynamics and how easily that can be abused.
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