#and I’ll probably cry about it all weekend 😌
daydadahlias · 10 months
when Luke introduced Ash tonight and said “oh! Some drummer fans in the house!” after the crowd cheered it’s bc he knew I was there
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leopardom · 3 months
✨ sappy post incoming ✨
(and a little trigger warrning for the vague mention of suicide)
i’m not gonna do any gig reports for now because last week still feels like a fever dream and i can’t really put my thoughts in an order that makes sense. but i just wanted to stop by to say how much i love the vibes and creativity of this fandom and how happy everyone was when it came to meeting and trading/giving out their creations while queueing for the gigs or even when they were over
in Munich, Milan and Padova i got to meet so many people from here. with some of them i chatted more and with some others less. but in any case it absolutely warmed my heart to finally see all those people i see on tumblr but like, in real life! i got to trade my stickers for bracelets/stickers/art/fan stuff, got to see everyone have a good laugh because of my stuff and also got to complement people for their crafts. and i'm telling you i really meant every single word because as i already mentioned, i love the creativity of this fandom 💕
last weekend i began my trip with pretty much nothing on me and now i'm back home with a bag full of bracelets, a folder full of art and a heart so full i wanna cry. i mean look at that:
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1) idek where to begin with the tags of the artists, i’m still confusion but i’ll try to come back to this post again later with a clearer mind
2) “big juicy” bracelet you will always be famous @greensolsikke <3
this last week was a tiring experience with many ups and downs but at the same time it was probably the best week of my life so far
i'm getting especially emotional about it all because this whole frenzy concided with my birthday (on the 29th of March). this may sound cringe or what, but on the actual day of my birthday and when everything was over, i was sitting alone on my hotel bed in Milan and was thinking how this last year of my life started in the worst way possible and how it was only escallating towards the worst every single day. during my 26 i reached a new level of low, a bottom lower than the one i had reached when i was 20-21 (and that was a bad bad time). and yes, there were a few times when i was close to ending it all because it was too much. my 26 was pretty much like hell
but now i'm glad i didn't give up and pushed through all the struggles. because if i hadn't, i wouldn't be able to experience last week. i wouldn't be able to see some of my dearest friends again, to meet all the amazing people from here and from twitter, to see one of my favourite bands perform for three nights in-a-row and to listen to all my fave songs of theirs live and even cry my eyes out to some of them (Barve Oceana in Munich, Padam in Milan and Metulji in Padova really were an Experience). can safely say that my 26 ended with a bang and it was a very good one 😌
i'm feeling sad that this is over but at the same time i'm so warm inside and so happy that it happened. and i would do it all over again, especially if it meant meeting you all again or meeting even more of you from in here. i have never felt so welcome by people who technically only knew me as a tumblr user and i never thought this would happen, considering how awkward i am when it comes to interacting with people online and in real life
anyway i think i've talked too much and i'm slowly loosing my train of thought because the thoughts and emotions are so many right now. i just wanna thank each and every single one of you for making the past week so special and one of the best weeks of my life. i'm beyond gratefull 💖
sincerely, the curly head with the meme stickers 🫶
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greensagephase · 2 months
Alondra, thank you for always supporting me through my college journey this last year!! I can’t believe that I’m graduating, and to be honest there’s been a lot of crying I’ve been doing about it (maybe happy tears?!) 😭 but it means so much to me that through it all, you have been there to support me whenever I brought it up in our conversations! ❤️❤️ After this I’ll finally have the time to truly catch up on everything I missed and talk to you more too!! I’m so excited to finally put my energy back into NC and drawing (I’m considering making my response to part 13 a post because I’m afraid it will go over the word count in messages 😭) AND I DID JUST SEE YOU POST PART 14 SO I KNOW WHAT I’M READING AFTER GRADUATING!!! and I did see your other message on Monday and will get to that too soon!! It made my day seeing that, I can’t describe how happy I get seeing a notification from you 🥹 I’m currently (very last minute) decorating my grad cap before I wake up early for commencement (omg definitely feeling the nerves). But again, Alondra, you’re just the sweetest moot and person I’ve ever talked to and your support means so much (I keep saying it but it’s true!!) and if you ever need anything too, I’m here to talk and listen, friend!! I hope you’ve been having a great start to the month and will talk back soon. Sending you the best vibes and warmest hug!! I hope you’re doing well, friend!! 🥹❤️✨❤️
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Here’s a little sketch I made to thank you (more to come for NC!! Literally a backlog of sketches!! HIS SMILE FROM PART 13??!! That’s for another post 🤭) and my cap that decorating (there’s butterflies I’m including too!) but I decided that I’m adding the pics of Miguel on for photos afterwards- but I’ll send you some more photos or maybe even post my finished cap after commencement is over!
@sunsetdoodler Of course, friend!!!!! 🥹🫶🏼❤️ I said it already but I'm so so HAPPY and PROUD OF YOU!!!!! I want to wish you another BIG CONGRATULATIONS FOR GRADUATING!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 YOU DID IT, FRIEND!!!!!! Also, the tears are normal, I think, and I believe they're most definitely happy ones!! I cried, too!! It's just a lot of emotions once you reach the day. At some point during the semester you're like, "can this be over already?? 😭😭" but at the same time you're wishing it's not, and then you get to the day and it feels surreal!!!! I hope your day went smoothly and that you spent it with your family and friends!!!!! I'm so excited to see you more active on here and for us to talk again, I've def missed you but as I mentioned in my ask, I was happy you made the decision to focus on your schooling!!!!
I'm also so excited to see fan art from you and also to read your post on part 13, and even more so since you said you had to move it to a word doc!!! I'm ready to read your thoughts on it fr!!!!
Also, YESSS!!! Finally posted part 14 of NC and I can't wait to read your thoughts on it as well, hehe 😌 I think you're going to like it!! And aww, I'm touched my notifications make you happy!!! It's the same for me!! Seeing your name pop up always brightens my day!! ALSO, I LOVE YOUR CAP!!! The flowers are so LOVELY and I love the colors you chose!!!! 💜🤍 And then you added butterflies??!?! You're making me wish I had the opportunity to decorate mine but my school didn't allow us ! 😭I bet the final look turned out so lovely and cute!!! I also love that you had some amazing help from Miguel, he was trying to help you since it was last minute and probably making sure you had space for his photos later on!! But AHHH you're gonna make me cry!! You're so sweet, thank you!!!!! 🫶🏼❤️🥺 The same goes to you, my friend!!! You're one of the sweetest people I've interacted with, even more than some irl people, so thank you for always being so kind and sweet!! If you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here for you as well!!!! I hope you're having a great day so far, and that you have a wonderful weekend, friend!!! Please rest and take your time to unwind after so much going on!! You deserve it!!! Sending you a big warm hug and the best wishes and luck as always!!!! And one more time, CONGRATS, FRIEND!!!!!❤️✨❤️
ALSO THE SKETCH!!!!!! I'M PRINTING THAT WHEN I GET A NEW PRINTER, I SWEAR (it stopped working like a week ago 😭)!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FRIEND - I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!! Fun little story, I was at a parking lot waiting for one of my siblings and was drawing the sketch I sent you when your notification arrived and let me tell you - I screamed when I saw the sketch!!!! IT MADE MY DAY SO MUCH BETTER, SO THANK YOU!!!!! ❤️😭 And again, I can't wait to see all the art you post once you get time!!! I'm so so excited to see it!!!
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mountttmase · 10 months
Chapter 10...elisa remember...they are engaged now, so they're going to be fine
The pain you felt was the same pain you told yourself you’d never feel again. It was everywhere, you head thumping, as your heart raced. Your skin hurt to touch and the sadness was emanating from deep in your tummy to the point you felt sick. OH MY BABY GIRL😭😭😭
You caught sight of yourself in the mirror as you stepped out, small bruises forming on the sides of your hips bringing back the memories of his hands all over you so you quickly got wrapped up in a towel and changed so you didn’t have to see them anymore. I'LL CRY, I WANT TO HUG HER🫂
‘Hey Frey’ you answered, your voice wobbly and you bit your lip to try and keep the sobs back. THANK GOD YOU CALLED BABE
‘Well that’s just fucking brilliant’ you laughed bitterly and you could tell she was about to speak when there was a knock at your front door. ‘Um I’ll call you back in a sec Frey, someone’s at my door’ you told her and after a quick goodbye you pulled your front door open to reveal a nervous Mason. He couldn’t of picked a worse time if he’d tried and your heart hammered as you looked at him. I HATE SO MUCH THE TIMING OF THIS...IF HE ONLY RANG 10 MINUTES BEFORE...
‘I don’t think so’ you told him, placing your bag on the floor and averting you eyes to the side of him. OH GIRL WHY ARE YOU PUNISHING YOURSELF
‘Cause I don’t need this, and I don’t need you. So why don’t you go back to your nice house with your nice friends and your nice life and just leave me out of it’ OH LOVE🥺
‘I was trying to help you’ he fought back, his hands balled into fists at his sides but you were seeing red. THE FACT THAT SHE IS DESTROYING ALL HIS HOPES
You fell to the floor, sobbing your heart out into your hands as you pulled your knees up to your chest. You weren’t sure how long you sat there for, finally letting out all of your emotions after a long weekend of stress. Your throat was sore, your brain aching and your chest felt like it was caving in. The only persons comfort you wanted was the same one you’d just sent away. THE FACT THAT SHE ACTUALLY NEEDED HIM, BUT SHE WAS SCARED OF LETTING HIM IN
‘I’m sure things aren’t as bad as they seem, he probably just said things in the heat of the moment. I’m sure if you give him a few days to calm down you can explain’ YESSS FREY THANK YOU FOR EXISTING
‘You can fix this, y/n. He came to to try and make it right that’s got to mean something’I LOVE MY WOMAN
Your eyes wondered up, taking a glance around at everyone until they fell on Mason, sat opposite a head of long blonde hair and your heart fell into your stomach. Thankfully Freya was was back but she caught onto your glossy eyes immediately. SHIT
‘I do, yeah’ you croaked, nodding your head as your tears fell into your lap. ‘I really miss him’ YES LOVE
‘I feel like I’ve pushed him too far. Like I’m scared to talk to him in case he brushes me off’ HE COULD NEVER
‘I think I’m ready now’ you laughed, your voice still thick with emotion as you cuddled into your best friend. YAYYYY GO AND TAKE YOUR FIANCE BACK🤭😌
Omg 😭 you’re right we can get through this pain cause we know where they are now 🩷
But she was so sad and all she wanted was him but she pushed him even further away 😭
But we love Freya she’s out voice of reason 🩷
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faye-writes-stuff · 2 years
Bench trio with big sister reader
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(Don’t question the ferret)
Okok, I know you really like Wilbur, but I’m rewriting this and don’t have the right motivation to write for him :(
BUT I am doing a little bench trio thing!! :] I hope you enjoy!
Character: bench trio
Requested: no
TOF: oneshot/drabble
P!cc!bench trio x reader
The literal embodiment of chaos
He’s the annoying little brother who asks you to take him places
Doesn’t matter what your doing, you could be streaming and he would be like
“Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, Y/N!”
“What do you want Tommy?”
“Will you take me to Mcdonald’s?”
And you’d be like
If you said no he would babyrage
He calls you big f/l, or small f/l depending on your hight 😌
When you make fun of him for being a child, he would make fun of you for being old
Normally he would be an ass to you, but when he is soft, you embrace it
He gives good hugs, prove me wrong
When he turned 18, he made you do a drinking stream with him
Absolute chaos, but you would do your best to stop him
You ended up throwing uncle Nasty, he was pissed off, but he pissed you off first, so it’s ok
He would probably be really sweet off stream, but if you ever brought it up on stream all hell would break loose
Would deffo send you ‘good morning!’ Or ‘come join the call and hang out!’ Messages if your having a bad day
Kinda like he does with Wilbur
Would lightheartedly make fun of you, and if he ever took a joke to far he would immediately appologize
You would be known as siblings duo and I take no criticism 😌
He’s the cool little brother
The one you would hang out with the most
He can’t drive, so your obligated to drive him places
It’s cool tho, he pays for food
You guys will go on little road trips for the weekend (in this hc you live in the UK)
I feel like you guys would go to the mall together and pick out matching outfits
He seems like a matching sweater kinda guy
bee buddies
Bee Buddies
Whenever you guys would stream together, it would be chaos
Not like Tommy’s though, he would be like
“That’s a bad decision, let’s do it!”
“Yeahhh!!!! Let’s do it!”
Or like
“mmmm, maybe don’t, TOS yk?”
You would have a Minecraft server devoted to critters
Bees, cows, axolotls, you name it, they have it
Meetups are pretty frequent
Not even for content the majority of the time
Just two bros hanging out
You guys would watch bad romance movies together and laugh at them
He’s great at comforting you when you’ve had a bad day<3
You guys are called Critterduo/beekeeperduo
The favorite little brother
You guys would just hang out and talk about anything
Late night streams with him would hit different
The fandom would cry whenever you do lore together
So, so much angst
You enjoy their pain 😌
You two would have a lot of irl streams, and would feed of eachothers energy
One of your favorite bits is making certain voices at the other
Other people would get so confused at it
Like, they would join a vc and would hear you making fun of your character
“Man, I really hope I don’t forget!” (In sonic voice)
“Oh, I’ll help you remember, it’s all gonna be ok, I totally won’t die!”
You guys would be anxiety buddies
Whenever he would be out in public with you (or just walking around in general), you would hold onto his sleeve
Would have matching rings
He would get you fidget toys to help you focus
Matching rings 100%
You buy eachother stim toys :]
Would be called Loreduo 100%
Bench trio
YLYL streams, at least once a month
You would attempt to control the chaos, key word, attempt
You’d be a mod in each of their chats
Same with them for you
There would be a little competition to see how many weirdos they can ban
And would pop in to say hi whenever you could
Meetups would break twitter
Napping cuddle pile
Hang outs without vlogging or streaming are the best ones
Would deffo become cannon on the dsmp that you were a safe space for all people who need help
Would bully authority figures together /hj
All of your friends fear when you meet up together
Fans get so exited when they get 4/4 content
You, Ranboo, and Tubbo are called the paintrio, because lore
You, Tubbo and Tommy are called littlesiblingstrio
You, Tommy and Ranboo are called talltrio, bcuz in this you are tall 😌
You guys would be called chaos quartet
And I stand by that
A/n: Happy birthday Lyss!
My requests are open atm so don’t be afraid to send a request of chat!
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ficsforeren · 3 years
I’m lowkey hoping your beta reader takes a few days to finish reading because if you post ch15 this weekend I’m probably not gonna be able to read it until Monday because I have two day plans for a friends birthday😭
I’ll literally be taking shots with her and thinking about what’s gonna happen in the chapter.
*takes shot*
My brain: “I hope Eren tells her how much he loves her and wants to marry her and fill her up with his kids and they have rough fluffy makeup seggs and live happily ever after, but Kana will probably ruin me”😣
*takes shot*
My brain: “maybe if I drink enough I’ll stop thinking about how Eren dying”
I don’t get in my feels when I drink but I can literally see myself crying over thinking about this and all of my friends will just be like “wtf is she okay?” because I never cry over anything.
*sobs* “so there’s this Eren fanfic I’m reading and we got into this fight and I think he’s gonna die, but I love him so much and I don’t want him to die, and he loves me so much, but I don’t know it yet, I mean I know but not the whole thing you know?” *sobs*
The way TLS has me in a chokehold, like girl how did you do that? WHAT DID YOU PUT IN THIS FIC?! I’ve never been this interested in a fan fic, OR IN A BOOK PERIOD.
If I wasn’t me I would deadass be making fun of myself for this 💀
Also you asked to marry me in my last ask and I could never say no to you, but I’m a package deal, @the-princess-button and I are already erens sister wives and fortunately for you we’re also your biggest fans so I think it’s a good deal😌 lmk know if you still wanna marry me.
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there will be no angst in chapter 15, babe. only fluff, i promise you. it will have a fluffy, happy ending so you can lay off the alcohol there, young lady
the epilogue, though... now that one is gonna be angsty as fuck. so if you don't think you can handle it, maybe it's better to treat chapter 15 as your canon ending instead. just giving you a friendly warning here lol
"I hope Eren tells her how much he loves her and wants to marry her and fill her up with his kids and they have rough fluffy makeup seggs and live happily ever after, but Kana will probably ruin me”
if you skip the epilogue, you will literally get everything you mentioned above. aren't i the nicest author out there? 😏
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