#I will say that I screamed so loud for Ashton’s intro that I lost my voice for the majority of the show so ✌️
daydadahlias · 10 months
when Luke introduced Ash tonight and said “oh! Some drummer fans in the house!” after the crowd cheered it’s bc he knew I was there
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bananashemmo · 6 years
#294: You Are In A Band
With Luke’s I’m literally just picturing how it feels to be a songwriter and getting inspired from other songs. Not necessary always writing but letting the music float through your body from other artists while spending time in a quiet large house with the other boys in Los Angeles.
  Read When We Collide here //  Find my Masterlist here  
Keys harmonizing and echoing in the large living room with view over the rest of Los Angeles sounded to catch your attention. It wasn’t what first grabbed yours, the yoghurt in your hands was stabilized along with a fork and a banana. You had been hovering over the fridge with half gazing eyes, trying to conclude what was served for breakfast when you heard the tones. First a D, then a C and back to an H. It wasn’t until you heard the faint sound of Luke’s voice you noticed it wasn’t just a random melody playing inside of your brain. Sometimes it did happen, you’d think any musician was going through this kind of mind sleeping. At first you were standing with your knees touching the back of the couch, not wanting to startle him. He could be so full in his mind that he wouldn’t notice the small sounds from his behind. But as he paused for a breath his eyes glanced coincidentally towards the window reflections, watching you stand with a smile. “My voice is a little groggy in the morning. Sometimes it’s good and at other times I sound like someone still stuck in the puberty.” You shook your head by his words, placed the breakfast on the coffee table in front of the couch and stood by the side of the black piano. “Is it John Legend?” You asked, watching him nod his head. None of you had made the comment yet but you were in fact just standing in a band tee and your panties. He was wearing grey sweats with no shirt on. He played the intro again, coughing silently to get the tone right and you watched him for a bit. It wasn’t until he made the small squeeze on the stool to let you sit as well, continuing to move his hands between the keys. “My head’s under water but I’m breathing fine.” His voice was a bit silent at first but getting into the words he sang louder. “You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind.” You continued from his, watching his lips quiver up in a warm smile and still continued to have his eyes focused on the keys. You continued to sing along, resting your head against his shoulder and let the music float into the room along with the morning sun streaming in your faces.
“You’ve written all of these?” Calum’s question made you look up from the boxes in the attic, trying to avoid the cobweb right above your head. “Because they’re all amazing.” You almost wanted to roll your eyes, you knew what he was looking at. It wasn’t something huge on the contrary there was a reason why it was placed in the attic in the first place. You didn’t think they’d turn out to be something great so why not just let them stay here to dust instead. “I think they’re pretty great.” He commented with a raised eyebrow from your reactions. “Just need a bit of readjusting.” You weren’t sure what he was hinting at but you could tell he wanted to continue from where you had left in the text. “Come on, I’ll show you.” It was like just al little bit like that could inspire him and you watched as he took the stairs down to your bedroom. You had completely forgotten what you did in the attic in the first place. Following him towards your bed you removed a bit of cobweb from your shoulder that you had caught in the process, looking at him grab his bass and place it on his lap. You sat watching him for a bit, humming the tunes and playing a few tones. It wasn’t that he was saying anything but just by looking at his face you could tell he was in deep concentration. "You know I love when you're like this." You had stayed silent for a while just watching him but you felt the need to tell. "What do you mean?" He lifted an eyebrow but a smirk was growing on his face. "This." You nodded your head down at the paper and let his eyes follow your lead. "You mean writing?" He asked and you shook your head. "Letting yourself float into the music and the lyrics. It shows your compassion." By your compliment his cheeks couldn't help but blush in a cute red color, looking down at the paper with a warm smile. "Well I always get inspired by your great lyrics. You could kind of say you're an idol to me." Shaking your head by his words you leaned in for a kiss on the cheek, feeling how your own cheeks were about to match his. In the end you wrote the best songs together as one.
“Michael I swear to fucking god if you hit me in the face with a water ballon I wil so-,” Before you managed to finish your sentence your mouth was filled with the odd taste of ballon along with water completely drowning your face and hair. It was obvious that Michael clearly enjoyed what he had literally just dared to do, he definitely thought it was worth not regretting. You looked at him with wide eyes after drying the water out of them, spitting some out from your mouth in the process. “You didn’t.” You pointed at him with a warming finger and he shrugged his shoulder. “What can I say.” He threw a ballon in the air and caught it again. “We’re the best band on this tour. You just have to open your eyes a little bit more.” “If you were the best band at this tour remind me again why your band is MY band’s opening act?” Michael’s face fell by your words, trying to come up with a comeback but he couldn’t. “You’re so dead.” He leaned down to grab a water ballon, watching you start to run because there was no way in hell you were going to get another one in your face. “You can run but you can’t hide!” “Not if you don’t see where I’m hiding.” You laughed in a yell and sprinted over the stage towards backstage but before you did you managed to slip onto one of the old water balloons that had been splashed by Ashton earlier on. A huge laugh came from Michael in reaction but with the unlucky personality you both shared he couldn't help but slip once you grabbed onto one of his ankles. A loud crash came from above the floor once his back connected onto it, and even if it looked harsh you couldn't help but laugh. "Looks like you've lost." You were quick to sit up and swing one leg over his waist. He was trying to struggle through your arms but it wasn't helping anything as you had pinned him down. "It's not losing if you use the last water balloon." Your eyes widened in surprise when Michael splashed his water balloon into your hair once again, letting the water run down your face. "I hate you." You shook your head in disbelief and felt his hand grab your neck for a kiss, "I love you."
"The next song we're going to play is Heartbreak Girl." You looked to your right in confusion of the sudden announcement of your bassist, trying not to laugh by the sudden announcement of a song that wasn't yours. You could tell by the crowd thay they seemed very excited but you knew in the end it was just a joke. "I guess what Mikeala wants us to play is 5sos. Do you like our opening act or should we replace them with All Time Low?" By your question everyone seemed to scream out loud, clearly just wanting to annoy the hell out of the boys. You loved the love hate rival you had between the bands, it was both fun and entertaining at the same time. "I think we should play a happy birthday song instead." You looked confused between the girls by the sudden voice of Ashton's, you couldn't see where he was standing but you knew he was somewhere. "I think that would be an even better choice." Mikeala nodded her head in agreement and a jolt ran through your body when someone came from your behind and put a birthday hat on your head. You looked over to see Luke standing next to you with a smile and all of the sudden Ashton came from backstage and started to sing happy birthday. It didn't take long for the crowd to catch along and sing with you, the whole arena sounding like a football cheer of happy birthday. You couldn't help but blush, you didn't expect the day to be that celebrated but this gesture was so sweet of everyone. But then the war started. A nice thing came with a daring thing and when the boys brought in cake it took a second to make things get crazy. Before you knew it cake was thrown into your face and a cheeky laugh came from Ashton. "Oh this is a fight I want to be a part of." You weren't mad, just feeling challenged and removed a bit of the frosting from your face to smash it back into Ashton's curls. He looked at you pretty surprised and before you knew it the whole stage was filled with whipped cream, frosting and different kind of fruits from the cakes. It looked pretty much like a mess but what you remembered was the funniest night of your life. 
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druigseurydice · 7 years
Already There || A.I
Summary: Ashton is away on tour for his and Y/N’s 9th wedding anniversary, so he decides to do something special for her.
A/N: This is inspired by and includes the song Already There by Lonestar, if you haven't heard the song I really recommend that you listen to it, it's beautiful.
Word count: 1,238 (I got a little carried away lol)
Ashton sighed again as he sat down on one of the beds in the cold hotel room. He loved traveling with the band, of course he did, but sometimes it could definitely get lonely. It felt especially lonely that night, considering that his and Y/N’s anniversary was coming up and he was a thousand miles away from her.
His attitude picked up though, as soon as he saw her face light up his phone screen. It was almost midnight where he was, but it was only 8 at night at home and she had just gotten home from work. He smiled slightly before answering the phone.
“Hey beautiful.”
“Hey Ash, I missed you today.”
His smile got even wider, knowing she was missing him just as much as he’d been missing her. They’d been together for over 10 years and married for almost 9, but he loved her just as much as he did in the beginning.
“I missed you too baby, believe me. How are the kids doing?” Ashton missed his children as much as he missed his wife. The 3 of them were his world, he’d be lost without them.
“Well Greta got a perfect score on her math quiz, and Kole is using the big potty now. Lots of new things happening around the Irwin household.” Ashton could hear the smile in his wife’s voice as she talked about their children, but it didn’t make him feel better, not really. He was missing so much of their lives. Greta, his little wild child, was already 7. And Kole, Ashton’s photocopy and momma’s boy, had just turned 4.
Was that really right? Ashton thought. 7 and 4? Would time ever slow down?
He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard loud, high pitched shouting. Those little shouts made him grin, they were something he lived for.
“Ash, they wanna talk to you.”
“Put them on, I want to hear their voices.”
Immediately, Greta’s voice filled his ears and he listened to her talk about the 3rd grade and how nice her new friends were before she decided to let her little brother talk to their daddy.
“Hi daddy.” Kole’s small voice echoed through the speaker of the phone. But before Ashton could say anything back to his son, Kole said the words that made his heart break.
“We miss you daddy. When are you coming home?”
Ashton choked back tears as he answered his son. “Daddy will be home soon buddy, I promise.”
He heard Y/N take the phone back as she told her children to get ready for bed. She stayed on the phone with him as she tucked Greta and Kole into bed, and once she had kissed them goodnight, she went to the master bedroom and laid down on the bed that seemed too big without Ashton there.
“Don’t worry about the kids, babe. They’ll be alright, you’ll be home in just a few weeks and they’ll be so happy to see you. Now before you get too sad, will you sing to me? I had a bad day and your voice is the only thing that’ll help.”
Without another word, Ashton launched into their song and Y/N soon fell asleep to his soothing voice. As he sang, Ashton found the solution to the problem he’d been worrying about for weeks.
~Two weeks later~
Tonight was the night. It was his and Y/N’s 9th wedding anniversary and Ashton had come up with something she’ll love, even though he can’t be there with her. He had changed up the setlist for this show and instead of playing Don’t Stop, Ashton was going to sing his and Y/N’s song while the crew livestreamed it so Y/N could watch. He knew that this wasn’t as good as being with her, but it was close.
As they played through the songs, Ashton became more and more nervous. It had been a long time since he had sang something by himself, and he hoped that he didn’t fuck it up. None of the fans knew about the setlist change, so when Luke started talking instead of starting the next song, the crowd went wild.
“Alright you guys, we’re going to do something different tonight. Ashton has something he’d like to say.” The younger boy gestured for Ashton to come to the front of the stage. As he got closer to the microphone at the front of the stage, the fan’s screams got louder.
“So I know I don’t normally do anything like this, but tonight is a special night. You all know my wife Y/N, right?”
Because the fans loved Ashton’s wife, the screams got even louder when he asked the question, a feat he didn’t think was possible at this point.
“Well tonight is our 9th anniversary and I want to sing her something if that’s okay with you guys.”
It took a minute for the crowd to get somewhat quiet again, and when it did, Luke started to play the intro to the song. Ashton took a deep breath and started to sing.
He called her on the road From a lonely, cold hotel room Just to hear her say I love you one more time But when he heard the sound Of the kids laughing in the background He had to wipe away a tear from his eye A little voice came on the phone Said, "Daddy when you coming home?" He said the first thing that came to his mind I'm already there Take a look around I'm the sunshine in your hair I'm the shadow on the ground I'm the whisper in the wind I'm your imaginary friend And I know I'm in your prayers Oh, I'm already there She got back on the phone Said I really miss you, darling Don't worry about the kids--they'll be all right Wish I was in your arms Lying right there beside you But I know that I'll be in your dreams tonight And I'll gently kiss your lips Touch you with my fingertips So turn out the light and close your eyes I'm already there Don't make a sound I'm the beat in your heart I'm the moonlight shining down I'm the whisper in the wind And I'll be there until the end Can you feel the love that we share? Oh, I'm already there We may be a thousand miles apart But I'll be with you wherever you are I'm already there Take a look around I'm the sunshine in your hair I'm the shadow on the ground I'm the whisper in the wind And I'll be there until the end Can you feel the love that we share? Oh, I'm already there Oh, I'm already there    
Ashton had put so much emotion into the song that he had started crying about halfway through the song. And even though he couldn’t see her, he knew that Y/N was feeling the same thing he was. And he was right. Y/N was at home, on the other side of the world, holding their children as they slept, with tears streaming down her face. She knew, just as she had 9 years ago, that she was the luckiest woman in the world to have married Ashton. Even though he was away a lot, they were always together, just like they always would be.
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