#and I wanted to write a fic myself where they go home but dear god the LOGISTICS
stinalotte · 1 year
Why San Francisco is the worst possible place to park a giant flying city ship: A critical analysis
This is incredibly specific and pedantic, but it bothers me. So now I will bother you.
A lot of people, me included, didn't like the thought of Atlantis sitting in San Francisco Bay at the end of the series. Most fix-it fics center around getting the city back to the Pegasus Galaxy. Joe Malozzi said that they eventually parked Atlantis on the moon, which, yeah, right. Never mind.
But apart from the emotional knee-jerk reaction of "WRONG" to have her just hanging out off the coast of California, it's also wildly impractical. Here's why.
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We know canonically that the tallest spire of Atlantis is 800 meters tall. From that, people have estimated the width and length of the city to be anything between 3.6 and 5 kilometers. Let's say 4 km on the conservative side.
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From this screenshot, they're not in San Francisco bay, but outside, looking in. The ocean is at their backs.
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See where it says "Golden Gate" in the ocean just before the bridge? That's approximately their location, maybe a bit further out - but not as far out as Point Bonita. The bay is 4 km wide at its widest point. Meaning that if you plop down a city, it will completely block the entryway to San Francisco bay and displace enough water to flood the north and south shores. Forget cloaking. There are hundreds of cruise ships, container ships, tourist boats and smaller vessels in that shipping lane every day. Cloak all you want, after five minutes the first fishing trawler is gonna go "BONK" and they'll have some explaining to do.
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The view towards the bridge. If they decloaked, the view would be completely blocked.
So, in conclusion, keeping her there for any longer than a week (in which you would have to suspend ALL ship traffic and probably close the air space too because of the spires) would lead to the need to disclose it.
(Then again, we've seen how the internet reacts to disclosure - there would be memes and some half-hearted Twitter threads and then we'd move on to the next thing. Heh.)
I know it was basically an emergency landing, but oof, at least park her 10 km further outside?
The best fanfic I have read when it comes to logistics of getting the city back is A Place of Safety by McParrot. The focus is on John and his recovery after a failed first attempt to retake the city, but there is so much great planning in the background. It really shows what an undertaking it would be to plan a heist like that under the eyes of the IOA. The story ends before their attempt, but on a very hopeful note.
[If anyone knows good fics where they steal Atlantis back and return home, hook me up!]
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gadriezmannsgirl · 9 days
Babyyyy!!!! 🎶🎵 I like your styleeee ✨🎶🎵
Girly girl, since Pedri decided to honor his words and cut his hair, grow a mustache and ruined his beautiful curls. I'm going to need you to make me a fic about it, pronto.
Love you, bye 😀❤️🥺🙏🏻
His hair it's slowly growing back🥹 and thank god he got the rid out of the moustache🤭 this is a bit old and I'm sorry for the wait, dear.
AN: I'm in a bit of a hiatus from writing, my fics will come once in a while until I hopefully can get back into full writing
What Did You Do? -P.G8
Summary: Getting home to find the surprise your boyfriend has for you
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"Amor? I'm home!" You called out taking off your shoes, you closed your eyes softly feeling the weight of the day and wanting nothing more than being in your boyfriend's arms as you play with his hair.
"In the kitchen, preciosa!"
Walking towards the sound of his voice, you saw him with his back to you as he listened to the indications someone was giving him.
"Hey" You hugged his back softly before leaving a kiss on his shoulder and walking to be in front of him "Is that Fer? Tell him I said-what the fuck?" Your hands covered half of your face.
Pedri let out a wide grin "You want me to tell him that?"
"Pedro Gonzalez Lopez! What the fuck did you do?" You gasped "Why the hell do you have a moustache? And what the hell happened to your gorgeous hair? Why is it like that? Why are you almost bald? What is going on?" You heard laughter coming from your boyfriend and his phone where someone, most likely his brother, had heard every single thing you said.
"Remember when I told you that I made a promise if Spain wins the Euros?" you hum still looking shocked "Well... We won and this is it" He says noticing your quiet but powerful gaze "What do you think?"
"No, absolutely not" You shook your head "You're kidding"
"I'm not! I'm a man of word, if I promise something I'll do it"
"Ay señor Jesucristo" (Oh, Lord Jesus Christ) "Where's your hair?"
"In the bin. Why?"
"Can't we just... glue it back?" Fer exploded in laughter, you could see on the screen he was red and close to tears
"It'll grow back!"
"Yes, we need to get you some oils so it can grow faster"
"I told you she wouldn't like it, mano" Fer said
"Is it really bad? You don't like it?" Pedri's sad face made your heart break and you sighed searching for the right words.
"It's not that I don't like it... Es que pienso que así te ves como un señor" (It's just that I think that you look like an old man) You reply instantly making Fer laugh once again and Pedri gave you a look "Como un señor de 40" (Like a 40 year-old man)
"I can't. I'm going to pee myself" Fer said "See you guys!" You waved goodbye to Fer and after the call ended you turned around to face Pedri.
"Un señor muy guapo pero de igual forma, un señor" (A very handsome but still an old man)
"Bonita" He said
"I'm not lying! I admit it's not my favorite look on you but I do think you look handsome either way!" You went over to hug him, you felt his arms wrap around your back "But we do need to get all types of oil, shampoo... Everything" He nods
"Whatever you say, preciosa"
"And here I was, wanting to love you and to play with your hair to relax after my day"
"You can still do it" You touched his hair feeling it, you made a face "It's scratchy" You look at him "Why couldn't you promise to dye your hair, huh?"
"Bah, amor. That's lame, everybody decides to do it" you gave him a look
"It's worst cutting off your hair!" You cry out "And mostly when you also decide to also do a moustache"
"Relax and gimme a kiss, my hair will grow back soon"
"You're crazy if you think I'm going to kiss you with the moustache"
"I'm not kissing you until you get the rid off your moustache!"
"Why not?"
"I don't want to kiss a 40 year-old man!"
"I'm 21!"
"With that moustache, you don't!"
"But I need to have this for a few days!"
"Don't expect a kiss from me in the next few days!" You said getting out of his hold
"Amor, you can't do that!"
"Yes, I can. You did that" You point to his hair and moustache "I do this"
"Noup. Not happening" He rushed upstairs leaving the stove with the food done
"Hey, is the food ready?"
"I don't know, please check!"
"I want to take a shower, pepi!"
"And I'm getting the rid out of this moustache. Can't have my girl not kissing me!" You smiled and shook your head.
You turned to the stove and took care of the pasta, Pedri was doing. You felt a ding on your phone so you put it out.
Want to keep adding to your shopping cart? Check out the new hygiene and household products!
"Oh! Yes, totally. I need hair products for my boyfriend, this is a need now"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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starysky1289 · 8 months
Toxic!Sorority!Vanessa X Reader. Dior.
A/N: sorry if this isn’t fantastic, been having a lil trouble writing, fics may be coming fewer and farther between, only because I wanna post stuff that’s good and worth reading. But I do hope yall enjoy this.
TW: Toxic relationship, Manipulation, Gaslighting
“ You did what? “
“ I got myself a job at the mall!! I’ll be working at Dior!! I’ll be able to pay off my student loans easier now. “
Vanessa’s icy eyes stared at you. This job was a bit of a last resort, your loans where piling up and you felt that if you didn’t start paying now, you never would. You knew Vanessa was upset, but why would she be? She didn’t have to spend any more money on you, she wouldn’t need to baby you.
“ and you did this. Without telling me. You just decided to go and get a job?? Why don’t you talk to me! “
“ cause I wanted to surprise you Vanessa!! And now, I’ll be more independent, you won’t need to spend money on me anymore. Plus, right now I’m only working Thursdays,Fridays, and Saturdays, so we’ll still have plenty of time to hang out. “
Vanessa’s gaze shortened, as she grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer to her. You where lucky you where on the campus, who knows what she’d do to you if you where at the house.
“ I don’t want you independent. You should be spending your time with me. God knows why I let you live in the dorm. I can’t with you right now y/n. “
Vanessa let go of your wrist and stormed off. You sighed, turning back to your dorm building. She was just protective of you, she didn’t want people near you. You’d be fine, she’ll get used to it soon.
You wore a simple beige shirt and black cardigan, as well as some simple jeans. It was your first official day on the floor, and you were simply assigned with fixing displays and putting the new bags out on the floor.
You were going through the boxes, pulling out the beautiful leather bags, gently placing them them onto the displays. You heard the click of heel’s against the marble floor, figuring it was just your manager checking on you.
“ well, if it isn’t my princess. Look at you, working. “
You turned around, your heart almost skipping a beat. Vanessa stood before you, wearing a pink checkered coat and black crop top, along with a white skirt. A bit more revealing than what she’d normally wear in public, but she probably had a party after this.
“ Vanessa! It’s great see you! Yes I love this job, it’s so simple and the people are great. I’m really happy I did this “
“ I don’t like how you’re not home. With me. But I suppose I’ll just, get over it. Never-mind that….don’t you just look gorgeous~ “
Vanessa stepped closer, and cupped a hand against your clothed heat. You gasped, trying to push her away.
“ n-no Vanessa. Not h-here! I’m working….”
“ im just making sure she’s alright dear…I haven’t played with you in a while, huh dear? “
“ n-Nessa….”
Vanessa snickered, pulling back and glancing around the store. You turned back to the bags, red hot in the face.
“ I think I’ll just look around, make sure no one messes with you dear. “
“ there’s security, I’ll be fine Vanessa… “
Vanessa only clicked her tounge, before walking off. You sighed, turning back to your work. You knew she’d keep bothering you at work, even if it messed you up her own schedule. You saw your manager walking over and tried to busy yourself again
“ hey, y/n. Everything ok? Saw something happen with that girl. “
“ alls ok, that was my girlfriend. She just came to check up on me, I’m getting back to work right now. “
“ alright,well, just make sure she dosnt keep interrupting you. “
“ yes maam…”
You sighed, looking at the hand bags you’d never be able ti afford by yourself. You didn’t wanna admit it to yourself, but you wanted this job, needed it. You just wanted to be yourself around people, and not the quiet, shy, obedient girl you were for Vanessa. But that’s just how you were, always willing to listen, desperate to please.
Vanessa would always come and visit almost every day you worked. Be it just passing by or coming in. And everyday something was off. One day some of the wallets where tossed around the display table, another the bags where out of there color coded order, which put your manager is tizzy.
One day, Vanessa came in with half the soroity. Why wouldn’t they, it was the yearly sale, and they all needed a new bag.
“ y/n, baby, why don’t you help me hold all this. And why don’t you choose something you want, for working so hard “
“ V-Vanessa I have to- “
“ Y/N. I told you to be restocking the shoes, there practically flying off the shelf’s. If you can’t- oh! Ms Shelly! I’m so sorry to interrupt your shopping. “
You looked between Vanessa and your manager bewildered.
“ it’s no issue, y/n was just going to help me and the girls shop, I hope you don’t mind “
“ not at all maam! Y/n. Ms Shelly is one of our top buyers, you’ll be best behaved for her and help her and her party with whatever they need. “
You knew better than to argue, and simply nodded, following Vanessa around the store, standing silently besides her as she and the girls shoped throughout the store.
“ your such a good little helper y/n. Here, I’ll get you this, it’s cute, isn’t it “
Vanessa tossed you a little pink wallet, 560 dollar, although on sale it would only be about 450, not like it changed much. A roar of laughter distracted you, you located it coming from the group of girls by dresses.
“ n-ness will you quiet them d-down…there disturbing the peace-“
“ don’t make me get your manager, sweetheart. You’ve been so obedient now, let the girls have fun “
Vanessa kissed you gently, and snickered, pulling you away to the next section. Something about this job made you feel even more worthless than you were before. People where rude to you, and you where taught that putting yourself first in this job was rude and horrible. You’d rather be home with Vanessa, listening to her talk about the latest gossip, and having someone to ramble about your writings, even if she didn’t listen.
You helped carry the bags and shoes to the register, leaving Vanessa to her own for now.
“ baby, real quick. “
You turned around, Vanessa slipped you the wallet and smirked.
“ all payed for, you keep it. I love you baby..thank you for helping me~ “
“ oh, t-thank you nessy. I love you too, I’ll see you tonight. “
You kissed her gently, and turned back to your work, feeling warmer and bubblier than usual.
“ Y/N!! My office, now! “
You quickly turned from your work, you’d never hear your manager this angry. You made you way over your her, and followed her into the office. You sat in the chair across from her, trying not to seem scared.
“ your fired. “
“ W-what?? No, n-No why?? “
“ why? You’ve stolen from us, and you carry it around with you like it’s nothing! “
You quickly understood what she ment. You pulled out the wallet, staring between it and your manager.
“ no, Vanessa bought this for me! She gave it to me- “
“ now your blaming our top customer? You were the one working that sector! Give me the wallet. And get out! “
Tears swelled around your eyes, you saw it, Vanessa brought it up to the register, than gave it to you. She wouldn’t steal, she’d never.
You pulled your cards and money out of the wallet and handed it to her, before walking out of the office, and out of the store. You were already sobbing before you even got out of the mall, there wasn’t a bus to take you back to the college yet, so you’d have to call Vanessa.
“ what. “
“ V-Vanessa….i-I need you to come pick me up…t-they fired me. “
You sobbed into the phone, Vanessa went on mute for a moment, before comming back.
“ I’m coming baby. I’m so sorry, what happened? What could you have done? “
“ t-they think I stole the wallet…a-and didn’t belive it when I said you got it for me..”
“ my lord. I’ll be there soon baby, I knew this job would be too much for you. We’ll…snuggle…when we get home, ok baby? “
You sniffled, whipping your face and trying your breath. Vanessa was on your side, she belived you. She’d even comfort you when you’d come back. You needed her. She was the only person who could help you cope with this.
“ ok…thank you Vanessa…I love you..”
“ I love you too sweetheart, I’ll see you soon~ “
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vossn · 29 days
🩸✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨🩸
Thank you for the tag @ineadhyn ! Really excited to do this.
When did you start writing?
I started writing at age .. eleven, I think? It was a story about a girl getting taken to a parallel world populated by elves to save their world. Pretty cliché, but I also took some inspiration from some historical sources I liked at the time, so it did at least kickstart my knack for worldbuilding.
I wrote some more, I stopped, grew up, graduated, entered fandom spaces and remembered "hey, you used to love writing, what happened?" (depression, mostly). I wrote a modern AU for a game I was playing at the time. I stopped again. You'll never guess why. I made writer friends. I created a character I loved so much that I had to bring their story to paper and later created my novel project. I went from zero to hundred and haven't stopped in 3 years. The rest is history.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading more than what you write?
One thing I love that I don't really write much are humorous pieces. Those are my catnip. Other than that, I pretty much read what I write!
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I don't have any big-name authors - but I do have some wonderfully talented friends and acquaintances that, if someone told me our writing was similar, I would be overjoyed. My friend keeps telling me I have a "film noir" style, and I do try to keep that going in everything I write.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I prefer to write in cafés or libraries. Otherwise just at home on the couch or in bed, and those are far from glamorous. If i tell you I am writing, there is a 90% chance I am wearing nothing but boxer shorts and drinking coffee independently of the hour. I also light some incense or scented candles to write. Y'know, for the Omnissiah
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Go on a walk. Play some thematically completely unfitting music. Think long and hard about the vibes. Stop every 100m to make notes on your phone. This works best if it is 2am, I wish I was joking.
Alternatively: Swim for about 2km. Be alone with your thoughts and see where it takes you. Good luck remembering those ideas when you leave the water though.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Religious Imagery and discussion: This one is complicated, because I am technically raised close to atheist, but religion as a concept did have a huge pull on me as a child. If you grow up being told there is something wrong with you, the idea of "Some god made you, and you are exactly the way you are supposed to be" is a magical thing. Of course, reality looks different. Half surprise, half not? When I found out the RT fandom has a whole subsection of fics dealing with the symbols of the Inqusition I was like. well, this calls my name. Also I met some of my closest friends via the discussion of churches as a setting and very angry [redacted] in said churches so. Hello gang. 👋🏻
My ultimate tagline is "Violence as desire and desire as violence" and while the pattern did take me through some introspection, not surprised either.
Repression. Again, are we surprised? No. Not really. I'm generally very aware of my themes, I'd say, but please enlighten me if I forgot something. Submit me to the ordeal of being known etc etc
What is your reason for writing?
I do enjoy it, I have ideas, and those ideas need to out or start paying rent.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Nope! I enjoy all of them. You can get brownie points for citing favorite lines or saying something that makes me feel seen!
When two people I really look up to in terms of style described my prose as "clean" and "effortless" I just about died, because I never thought of myself that way. Same as when someone observes themes and patterns that even I haven't noticed. Also when a dear person replied to my WIP with "I'm going to eat your fingers", that made me laugh so hard I still think of it.
In short: You have something unhinged to say - Say it. I love comments so wild they have never been heard before.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
"Damn, there is something awfully wrong with that guy but I'm into it. Also that prose fucks."
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I hate how edgy this is going to sound, but my strength is writing darkness. Overdrawn emotions taken into the extreme - obsession, hatred, desire, but also coldness or hopelessness and despair. I love themes and emotions that don't exactly fall in the middle of the bell curve, because writing them is fun, and there is merit in exploring them. I often joke that my experiences at least enable me to write really weird stuff, but I mainly just favor these topics because it allows me to get really poetic with my language.
TL;DR: I put the lust in bloodlust.
How do you feel about your own writing?
This is a tricky question for me to answer at the moment, because I've been going through it™️ and my perception is clouded by that. Generally I'm pretty confident - I know my strengths and weaknesses and I know what I put out there is okay. On the other hand, I feel like the vulnerability is needed to keep me humble. Whenever I approach something with too much "I can do this!" it turns out dogshit. However, I feel at least that what I provide is unique to some degree.
When you write, are you influenced by what others enjoy or might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
Brother. Please take a look at my ao3 and tell me anything on there can be considered popular /s
I write for an audience of one - what I wrote is what I wanted to read. Quite a few of my works are so limited in their audience that they never make it to posting. I get ecstatic when people show interest, and that is the main reason I share, but I try not to keep an imaginary audience in my head when I write. It hinders me. I love doing gift works, and I approach them with the mindset of "I'm going to give you something that's for you specifically but still has my unique spin on it" and of course factor their enjoyment into my writing, but try not to overthink to the degree it stops my enjoyment.
Let it be said, I love my fandom friends, and want to write them all the things.
Tagging: @redbatchedcumbermayned and @galateaencore (only if you'd like, of course)
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reidslovely · 1 year
How to Disappear: Life Unknown.
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A/N: If you are reading this I finally decided to let this fic see the light of day. I wasn’t sure if this is something I wanted to post or not, seeing as Link is a very complex character. By that I mean he’s literally a walking piece of shit. But at the same time I’m constantly telling myself that it is normal to write fix it fics for awful characters, but like the whole Isabelle situation is very hard to write about. I wanted to see an ending for Link/Alex where he gets the help he deserves. He is severely mentally ill. But I also wanted to touch on Link’s past, and how this went on for as long as it did.I also selfishly wanted to see him have a love story and have human emotions sooo..
Please reblog and comment, pretty please.
Genre: Fix it Fic 
Pairing: Link/Alex Goodrich x Fem! Reader/OC-ish
Content Warnings: Mentions of suicide, person talking about struggles of being on the ASPD spectrum, talks of psychiatric hospital stays, bodily harm, neglect of child’s mental health.
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Alexander Goodrich
It glared back at him in dull blue ink.
It was an unfamiliar moniker scrawled at the top of the sign out sheet. The longer he stared the more alien it felt to him. Alex was a kid who burnt down a school, Alexander was the beloved son to a local politician who had to put on a good face for mommy and daddy.
Parents who deny their kid mental health assistance, create monsters. The Goodrich’s today would deny that the hot mess YouTuber, donning the name ‘No One Special’ or more simply Link, was not their estranged son. That their dear son, Alex, had run off two months into a psychiatric stay that never happened; never to be seen again. When in all reality he was shipped off to a boarding school he had run away from only days later. Since that day he was constantly ghosting about, avoiding the issues he had caused by running away. No amount of running could stop the issues he had for so long. He was not- is not a good person. But before facing that knowledge he knew he could always run away, try again- and if that didn’t work; he’d run away again.
Till he couldn’t run anymore.
Everywhere he ran cameras, girls, articles talking about no one special followed him. He had fucked up, worse than he had in a long time. A girl died because of him, because he let power get to his head. Not because of Frankie, Jake, or the internet.
Because of him. He was the reason a girl was dead.
“Alex.” A nurse's voice rang out through the white, cold halls of the hospital.
Evansport Long-Term Psychiatric Care Facility in LA was a cold place, even with its blue and yellow painted walls. This had been home for the last two years, and this time it was different. He swiped at his nose standing up nervously, shoving his sweaty hands into his pockets as he approached the older woman. Counting the tiles as he walked, this was it- he was finally getting to leave. He was ready, he was different- he hoped.
“Mr. Goodrich, can’t say I’m not sad to see you go.” Dorothy says, passing the bag of his belongings off to him. Alex nodded, giving her a grateful smile; he tucked the clear bag under his arm hugging the older woman. This was something he had been working on since his diagnosis. Alex had always known there was something going on with him, something much bigger than himself- that made him act how he did. It’s not that he didn’t want to be good, he did. Alex always wanted to be good, no matter what the child psychologists would say. He just didn’t know what exactly being good meant, he had always had these…urges. Whether it was to knock his peers off the swingset, beat that kid from gym classes head in if he stared for too long. Alex had no impulse control, he struggled to relate to his peers. But, mom and dad said he’d grow out of it; he never did. He tried, god he tried but he could never find a good way to help himself.
He was not a good person. But he was trying.
“Thank you Dottie.” Alex said, dropping his arms, patting his bag. “Do you think there will be people out there?” He asked after a minute, his head nodding towards the door. His voice flattered for a second, there were still people curious about him and it made him sick. Before it would have thrilled him, but now..he didn’t even want to see one camera in his face. The flash alone would send him into a spiral he feared.
“No, no they never guess dismissal right from those silly sources. Besides, you look a little different now huh? Wouldn’t notice you unless they stared at ya to hard.”
He did. Link, now Alex, had changed since his check in date. His blonde hair had grown out past his shoulders into his natural brown at one point. Dorothy took it upon herself to cut it for him when he’d max out on reward points. He now dawned a bit more stubble, and perfect brown hair, with a hat and sunglasses no one would notice him- hopefully.
Alex checked everything one last time, before giving Dorothy a tight-lipped smile and turned on his heel heading for the door. It felt like a threat, a gun pointed to his head. He always thought what this day would be like, what he would do when he got out. Link, that’s who he was when he checked in, thought he would be here two months before he got sick of it. He would check out, cut his hair and run away again, but then the therapy, the medication- it all started to help.
Admitting there was a problem, admitting that he was the problem and that a young girl had died because of what he did. Alex realized he had to change, that it was finally time to help himself.
No more lies.
He gave Isbelle’s family the requested money in court before there was even an opening testament, only requesting to return back to the psychiatric facility with what he had left to pay for it. Now here he was about to throw up, as he crossed the threshold into his new life.
His face flushed at the sunlight, he silently shut the door and started walking up the long driveway towards the gate. He sniffled and cleared his throat, sitting on a bench he’d claim as his own on his daily walks, he wasn’t quite ready to take those last few steps out of the gate. Digging in the bag, he pulled everything out: a black button up and slacks he had worn to court, a hoodie, his wallet, his phone.
His phone, he tossed it between his hands- the weight felt sickening in his hand.
“If it hadn’t been for the phone- no the phone didn’t cause this.” He reminded himself, he turned it on. Not knowing why, or what he thought he was gonna get out of it. The biggest part of him hoped it wouldn’t turn on, in the two years it had been shut off that it just magically died.
The ping of it turning on made him irrationally angry, wanting to just shut it off. Floods of text messages washed over his screen. No twitter, no instagram- he had deleted them on their way back from court.
For a minute everything stopped, no more text messages- till a final ding.
Frankie - Today 8:06 am.
“twitter source says your stay ends today. we should talk.”
His brother must have been paying on his phone bill somehow, he never mentioned it in their phone conversations. His thumbs danced over the keyboard, typing and erasing a replay- what did he say? Three dots popped up, soon replaced by a message.
Frankie - Today 8:15 am.
“you know where to find me.”
He closed his phone, shoving it into the pocket of his sweatpants, finally standing and pushing the gate open.
The old magic bar was in the middle of town, it was a bit of a walk but it did him good. The sun felt nice, it was finally fall, which meant the wind blew through here and there. As he reached the now abandoned building he halted, looking around. What if this was some sort of ambush- and the minute he walked down that alley his face would be everywhere in the next couple hours. His heart-rate increased, it felt like it was stuck in his throat.
Alex’s feet carried him forward with hesitant, quiet steps. If someone was waiting for him they wouldn’t hear him coming.
“Frankie is good, too good. She wouldn’t do that. Even if that’s what you deserved.”
He thought to himself as he looked around. He shoved his hands into his sweatpants, picking at the lint twirling it around between his fingers. Footsteps carefully found their way up the steps, he turned his head automatically.
Frankie looked older now, more mature. Her hair was longer, tucked behind her ear showing her scar off proudly. He always liked when she was confident. Her clothes are no longer ill fitted, but tailored and comforting. She’s come into her own.
“Hope you’re not here to ambush me.” He says quietly, taking in the woman before him. Frankie shook her head, her fingers dancing on the metal railing.
“No, no. I should but-” She stopped herself, looking around. “I’ve gotten out of the habit of picking out others' to feel better about myself. You should try it.”
Alex laughed, well, he blew air out of his nostrils and let his lips curl up into a bitter smile. “Yeah, me too. Never made me feel better about myself.”
“Could have shocked me.”
It was a silence for a moment, it was an unpleasant memory sitting here with her like this. There was a unpleasant lingering in the air like a bomb was going to drop.
“Did you love me? Or even like me?”
There it was.
What a weighted question, he gripped the metal railing swaying back and forth on his feet. “No.” He admitted, looking Frankie in her eye. “I didn’t love you- I don’t love I haven’t since..well in a really long time. I think..” He stopped himself, thinking about his next few words carefully. “I was infatuated with you. I tricked myself into thinking I loved you. I hurt you and I’m sorry it had to happen for me to be here now.”
Frankie stared at Link, Alex- whoever this new man in front of her was. “So who was she? There’s always a ‘she’ in these situations isn’t there?”
Alex laughed, rolling a rock under the sole of his shoe. “Was she one of the girls who fooled around with while we-”
“No, no..no. She was a girl I had known a long time ago, in high school. I think she was the last person who had ever tried to understand me. She didn’t look at me like a project.”
Alex’s heart twisted into a knot thinking about the girl who had up and left him, their hometown, everything. It had been the catalyst- the incident that sent him over the edge. Where was she now?
It wasn’t a jab to Frankie, however the twitch of her nose let him know he had offended her. “Sorry, sorry I shouldn’t have said that” It was sincere, Frankie shrugged her shoulders.
“No it’s true. We just got caught up in each other, the game. We weren’t good people.”
“No we weren’t but, hey, I was worse. Clearly.”
Frankie laughed, then the silence grew again. His mind wondered before looking back at the blonde in front of him.
“You should find her again, when you leave LA.”
“How’d you know I’d leave?” He laughed, tilting his head back. “It’s what I do huh?”
“Kind of.” Frankie says resting her forearms on the railing. “But I’m serious. If you’re on this righteous road of washed up celebrity maybe you should find the one person who made you feel-”
“Like a human?”
“Your words not mine.” Frankie says, pointing a boney finger at him. Alex tilted his head forward and let out a sigh. It had been almost a decade since he had disappeared from his home state, was there any point in returning. He was dead to them, a ghost. Did (Y/N) think he was dead too?
“Yeah, yeah maybe I will.”
Frankie nodded at him, waiting for a minute before taking a step back. “You look good, Link. I am happy for you, but don't think I can forgive you though. Maybe in time.” The man nodded at her, he understood- he didn’t want her forgiveness he just wanted her to know.
“I respect that.” He started, pushing himself off the steel railing with his hands in his hoodie pocket. “It’s Alex now by the way.”
Frankie shoved her hands in her pockets looking at him, her eyes raked over his face trying to read him- it still wasn’t easy to manage. “Well, Alex, I hope to see you doing good in the future.”
“You won't see anything about me. I’m done gonna head back to Connecticut, disappear and become a hermit on the coast.”
“Well, maybe you could keep me updated.” She says as she walks away.
“Are you like my sponsor or something?” He laughs as he stands straight. Frankie shrugged, turning to face him stopping in her tracks.
“Maybe. Go find that girl..have a human experience. Leave everyone alone.”
Alex raised his eyebrows holding back a laugh, he wouldn’t know a human experience if it bit him in the ass. He watched her leave, the two raising their hands in an unspoken goodbye. Alex walked out of the alley and into the sun of Los Angeles, breathing in the toxins of the city one last time before heading towards the nearest city.
Come tomorrow, he would be gone again.
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taglist: @helloheyhihowdyheya​ @tarzinnia​ @a-lumos-in-the-nox​ @sincericida​ @moonyslove78​ @messymissy​ @toomanyfictionalboyfriends​ @eevylynn​
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
(some hinting on recent mha chapters!!)
Heyoo, how ya been? Hope you're doing well!
Saw that you had an event going on and thought of joining ✌️ How about a fic for our door-like friend, Present Mic! Since he is finally in the spot light, as he deservessss!
Hope you have a great day/night! ❤️‍🔥
OMG HI! I feel like I havent got a request from you in forever @imloudafsocoveryourears!!! I'm so happy you took place in thie even!! I've been really good, just getting inspired to write more! I hope you're well!!! I love Mic and I haven't wrote for him in AGES, so thank you so so much! I hope you enjoy this fic that i accidentally put my whole heart and soul into and have a great day! stay hydrated love!
Clubbing - Present Mic
Pairing - Present Mic x reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 729
Notes - thank you again!!! this was a lot of fun and overall a banger of a fic if i do say so myself. im almost at 300 followers and i just wanted to thank all of you for following me in this journey! i love you all and i hope you enjoy this fic! have a great day/night and stay hydrated!! <333
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Your eardrums were thumping as you walked into the club, bright, multicolored lights hitting your face from every direction. You definitely weren't used to this atmosphere. You just got so comfortable working at the office and in the studio with Present Mic that you forgot his work could look like this too; bright and so goddamn loud.
The worst part, it was going to be impossible to find him in this huge crowd. You just needed him to sign something and you could go home. Oh god, a couch sounded really nice.
You looked stupid in that club. You didn't care to change out of your work clothes, which in this case was a hoodie and some jeans, while everyone else around you was wearing body glitter and covered in some sort of bright attire. You thought that because of that it would actually be easy to find Mic, since he was always in black and all, but you found it to be much harder. Not to mention that he decided to wear his hair down that day so you couldn't find that blonde cockatoo styled head.
You began asking around, but no one knew where he was. Either that or they were too drunk or too occupied with their lover to even acknowledge that you were there.
You were just going to call it a day when you heard a very familiar voice boom throughout the club.
The last place you thought of checking that should've been your first. Of course he was there.
On stage.
Maybe you didn't even need that signature after all. No one would be... too upset, right? Either way, you wanted to get the hell out of there. Maybe you would call him frantically a little later asking for that signature.
You quickly turned away and began walking out of the club, pushing past brightly colored shirts and laughing groups as Mic was spewing words about something, you couldn't really hear him. It felt like you were out at sea, swimming for dear life. It was honestly a little embarrassing.
"y/n?" You heard over the crowd. You quickly turned around to find Mic waving at you from up on stage and immediately squinted at the spotlight they put on you. The crowd from around you split, really calling out that you were there.
What an ass.
"y/n! Come up here!!!" The crowd quickly made a trail for you to get to the stage. Not the way you wanted to see Mic, but good enough.
You went up on stage, your face bright red, and Mic pulled you in for a hug, letting the band start playing some music, which everyone off stage started dancing to.
"Hey, y/n! What are you doing here?" He led you off stage and took a long sip from a plastic water bottle.
"I just needed you to sign this," you admitted, handing him the paper. "It was due like three hours ago and someone's gonna be on my ass if I don't get it signed by the morning."
"Ah, I see. Sorry about that, y/n. I guess I forgot. I'll gladly give an autograph to my biggest fans up at the Hero's Association."
You giggled and took a seat on a nearby stool. "Thanks, Mic."
"Of course. I knew they would be up your ass more than mine. Again, I'm really sorry." He handed you the paper back with a smile.
"Thanks Mic. This really means a lot." You sighed of relief and took the paper, putting it in your bag before throwing your arms around Mic. "You're the best, you know that?"
"Oh stop." Mic blushed and rubbed your back, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Stay safe, okay? It's pretty dark out."
"I will, I promise." You pulled away from the hug and placed your hands in his. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright? Don't party too hard. It is a weekday after all."
"I know, I know. I do this all the time. I'll see you tomorrow, y/n."
"Bye, Mic." You quickly, trying not to draw attention to it, gave Mic a quick peck on the lips before running off.
You left him a blushing mess as he chugged the rest of his water before going back on stage to try to perform without you popping up in his mind.
mha masterlist --- pinned post
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brasideios · 11 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
tagged by @findusinaweek - Thank you my dear 🤍
How many works do you have on AO3? 16 atm
What is your AO3 word count? 451,021 words
What fandoms do you write for? Assassin's Creed Odyssey & Valhalla, Stardew Valley, Ancient History & Historical RPF, Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War (Yes, I insist this is a true fandom lol), and Hades game (though they aren't on AO3 atm). Oh, I also wrote a AC Syndicate fic ages ago which I still have somewhere.
What are your top five fics by kudos? Snatched Moments (ACV); The Warmth of Home (ACO); Another Turn Around the Wheel (Stardew); Unfinished Business (ACO); and The Gods Only Know (ACV).
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Absolutely. I know exactly how hard it can be to leave comments, and I think it's important to acknowledge that - from the single love heart to the genuinely long comments (like several paragraphs) - I want to show my appreciation. Also, I get loads of historical questions, and I'm always so excited to answer those.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Rising to the Surface, hands down... Though come to think of it, The Good Spartan is a close second.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of them end well, but I think my current fic is going to be the most traditionally happily ever after... probably. If not, then Another Kind of Odyssey wins.
Do you get hate on fics? Not really - though I've had the ol' 'You owe me an ending, I read this far!' before.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeah, mlm mostly; but I don't think I'm particularly good at it, so the story really has to demand it for me to go there.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I mean, technically The Good Spartan is a Thucydides/Odyssey crossover, favouring Thucydides - but unless trying to make a game which is almost entirely historically inaccurate [affectionate] into something accurate is crazy... which yeah, now that I write that, I think it probably is :D
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No - I have tried writing collaboratively in non-fic projects, but it's not for me.
What's your all-time favourite ship? I could not possibly choose one.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? Crawling Kingsnake, my Hades game fic. I really like what I have so far, but my brain has moved on and I can't see myself getting back into that mindframe again.
What are your writing strengths? So just from what others have said of my writing, off the top of my head, I'm good at: conveying a lot of information clearly and succinctly; drawing out the signficance of small everyday moments; writing non-conformist characters and *waves a hand vaguely* the historical stuff.
What are your writing weaknesses? I have a penchant for interiority in my characters that I have to fight against, or there would be far too much thinking in every chapter. I use 'in a moment' so much I have to do a word search every time and remove a billion instances where it's not necessary; and I don't use contractions naturally, so editing is a lot of fixing that.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I mean, I'd do it if I could, but my language skills don't stretch that far. More broadly, I'm fine with it in other work if a translation is provided .
First fandom you wrote for? Assassin's Creed Odyssey technically, if we're talking knowing it was fanfic as I was writing it; though back when I was 6 I wrote a story heavily inspired by Gone with the Wind so... Gone with the Wind, I guess. (Or LOTR when I was in my teens...)
Favourite fic you've ever written? The Good Spartan and Shadow-Twin, maybe?
Tags with zero pressure @krankittoeleven (you knew it was coming lol) @ainulindaelynn @myriath @merelyafigment @softest-punk and anyone else who might want to jump in 🤍
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youweremyridehome · 2 years
tlt gift exchange fic recs
getting my fic rec list in before the reveals! so far ive only managed to read about 2-3 pages worth of the fics from @tlt-holiday-exchange but i already have some favs! here's a little list of the ones that i found impactful:
turn our golden faces into the sun, rated T After Canaan House and Cytherea's death, Harrow wakes up on the Erebos as a newly-made Lyctor. She meets God. Then she meets God's daughter. AU - nav raised by john
Sugar in the Tank, Sugar in the Bank, rated E Rich bitch Ianthe Tridentarius's Bugatti has broken down, and the only mechanic open at 2AM is manned by Gideon Nav, a hopelessly sentimental butch.
stitches on my body, closets full of bones, rated T “What I would like to have understood is that I never intended to be cruel.” a compelling John Gaius character study with a very good John voice
the weaving road that'll lead me home, rated T “After six years away, Gideon returns to their hometown of Drearburh and is forced to reconcile the past and everything that they thought they'd left behind.” modern au with interesting premise, wonderful character dynamics, and many feels to be had. (dear author, i already said as much to you but i want to once again state that i will be drawing art for this - many of the emotional scenes immediately made my imagination go brrrrr)
You Are My Sunshine, rated E “I never had been able to stop myself falling in love. It would have been easier if I had.” pyrrha surfaces to share brief stolen moments with wake
Dog 'Training', rated G “Nona is the bestest dog trainer on New Rho. Seriously.” 331 words and its brilliant
my girl's a switchblade, rated T D&D au with team 69 with a perfect balance of fun/whimsy and pining
i don't need a parachute (if i've got you), rated T “cam&pal commit crimes” good pacing, fun/interesting premise, witty writing, good banter. <3
un-ballad where words better said are left behind., rated E Ianthe’s voice crackles. The leather seats are soaked with the smell of her. “You next?” Harrow says, “Let’s stop fucking in the parking lot.” AN - “i think this is probably the most 'literary' smut i've ever written.” t r u l y. harrow making ill-advised Choices for the wrong reasons and in its straightforwardness its all somehow very poetic
Withal so faire and sensitive, rated G “Nona spends a day at the renfaire. She loves the faire, and the faire loves her.” a wonderful exploration of the nona-cam-pal-pyrrha family dynamic in a somewhat less (or just differently) cruel world.
‘Cause What We’ve Got Going Is Good, rated T modern AU. harrow and gideon had a tumultuous relationship growing up but havent seen one another for 10 years. a visit to a local coffee shop rekindles a flame neither had any idea was even there. lovely dynamics and banter. gideons family makes me want to cry happy tears.
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
BBT gave us all the perfect opportunity but I have never seen a fic touching on Yusie being able to see the pre Zero Reverse world.
Where is my Yugi and Judai taking Yusie to see the world that was destroyed by his father’s energy plant? The world he never got to see cos it all went up in smoke the day he was born? A world where he isn’t looked down on for his family name?
Let them give him a tour. Let him see the man who built the Kaiba dome he discovered his signer mark in. The man who created the game he loves so dearly and see the four great champions duelists in their heyday even if just from afar. Heck that last one would be awesome for Judai as well. Let Yugi take these baby duelists to see the big leagues before they go home.
And where’s my fic of them finding each other in the future. We’ve established that Judai is immortal and I refuse to believe Yugi went out like a chump in Zero Reverse so where’s Judai getting back to his time only to find Yugi waiting for him and the same with Yusie once he gets a moment alone from his friends?
I’d write it myself but I don’t have an Ao3 account and I also don’t want to
*holds you up above my head so the whole crowd can see you, while pointing frantically and chanting "THIS!"*
We need more fics of the ygo bois hanging out together. You hear me internet??? We were handed the golden opportunity to write inexplicable crossover stories and crack adventures and by god I want to read that.
I, for one, am attempting to (slowly) do my part, with my wip that I've talked about a little bit on here: Dear Fellow Traveler. The fic I started writing before I even watched BBT solely because the phrase "Jaden and Yusei roadtrip" popped into my head and refused to leave.
Some of my favorite scenes I've written so far are me having to take a step back and ask myself "Well. How much does Yusei even know about a pre-zero reverse world?" Could he, if pressed, operate a diesel vehicle? Has he ever seen a carnival when it's active, not just a run down spooksfest like we see on Satellite in the dark signer arc? Bonds Beyond Time takes places right before the crashtown arc, so he's never even been outside of Domino City.
I think he deserves to see the stars.
This fic is also a blast to write because you couple that curiosity about the world with Jaden Yuki, a guy who does not know what normal human behaviors are and will absolutely never learn. Shenanigans, inevitably, ensue.
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yuusaris · 11 months
Life Update
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My ~*Partial Hospitalization Program*~ is over!
TW: cat death, suicidal ideation
To the people who were able to help support me and my family financially for the bit - y'all honest to God got us to my paycheck without a single sweat. It was like breathing fresh air - disability hasn't come in yet and it was a daunting looking week. It was really, truly helpful, every dollar counted, every charge got paid without negatives.
Soooo part of the reason for my program happening - there were a lot of reasons that compounded over the year so far. Y'all might know we lost Hammond at the very beginning of the year, but what wasn't mentioned was that I have a hefty blame on myself for what happened, and I'm not going into details on it. I had a messy falling out with a very dear friend and my bankruptcy filing has not started yet because it's daunting in the face of grief. We also lost our second source of income this year (another falling out and another death), we lost another family member, my job ended up hefting more responsibilities onto me as well as the ones I had gotten away with neglecting and through all of it, I socialized with exactly zero people, zero times about it.
I don't have a family that's very... emotionally intelligent? Problems are met with solutions and pick-me-ups, not with empathy so, it wasn't like I was comfortable speaking with them - my dad distinctly said my suicidal ideations were 'selfish' and we are not on speaking terms at the moment because of it.
I vented to a friend or two, once or twice, but it always came with the idea that I was burdening someone. This perception of myself as a social parasite, draining what I want and leaving people dry, is one that kept me from talking to people I regarded as friends and also kept me from thinking well of myself in public - I realized in my PHP that I attribute my value to the interactions I have with people. Strangers, family, friends, cashiers. If it's a person, they determine my value. So I try to net a positive value as much as I can. Which means "not using people for my own comfort or assurance or entertainment" - the aware people reading this may recognize that as 'an attribute of friendship that friends are there for'. I still haven't gotten around to talking to some of my online friends yet and - I don't have many in real life. I work from home, and left my home state in 2019 to be with my husband and his family, it felt a lot like they were tolerating me because of him. Even though I knew they weren't.
I don't really have any hobbies that aren't something to show off either - I write fic for me, but I haven't posted anything all year because I've had so little investment in my productive hobbies... of which writing is the only one. And when I don't have that I have video games until my eyeballs bleed.
I'm writing this all out to both shake myself of the idea that this is me infodumping in order to "manipulate you all into giving money in the future" (I'm aware I'm not, and I am not), or "make people say nice things about me while I do nothing for them to soothe my ego" (I can want validation/nice things said that make me feel good without treatijng people badly or it being about my value) or "just wanna read my own writing voice" (There's also just - nothing wrong with that??) or any other bad things.
It's just... my blog and my journey and I wanted to level with the people who care about me here about what's been going on and where I'm at and that... I dunno. That I'm a work in progress? And everyone is? And asking for help regardless of from who or what is different from mooching off people because the intent and the care for those people is entirely different and if you're really a burden, they wouldn't help you and I need to get it in my head that I'm just - allowed to talk to people about things that are wrong or sad or just even ask if even online peeps like y'all wanna do online stuff is still - social and allowed to be asked from me and not just of me and - lots of stuff.
And I'm allowed to do things on my own and talk to new people without feeling like a weirdo and a wretch cuz I'm not a weirdo and a wretch and typing and posting that this is how I feel is not guilt-tripping nor is it infodumping because it's my blog and my negative thoughts that aren't true. And I'm allowed to say they're not.
I'm gunna be doing an Intensive Outpatient Program starting tomorrow - it's similar, but shorter and less days of the week. By the time I start, disability should kick in, and I might even be able to apply for disability for the work hours I miss. I'll be looking into that on Monday.
In the meantime - I'm making Magic: The Dathering decks again! I'm gunna try to start an indoor garden - I'm embracing possibly becoming a Green Witch, but it's hard to find witchcraft stuff that doesn't refer to God or Goddesses - and deity-on-a-level-above-me worship, I've learned, is... pretty triggering for me, regarding practicing faith. We also got - so, in January, we got our baby Jungle, and in April we got Sandy and Sandy's training to be our ESA, and I wanna talm to taylor about if I can post pictures but the point is, I am a cat mama again, and they make me feel worthwhile in a way that's not about my value but is about my feeling fulfilled.
So - things are looking up! I'm going to more library programs as well, visiting old haunts and getting back into socializing outside but also - maybe online spaces soon as well. Becoming a person again, y'know?
Really - thank everyone, bumpers and likers and doners, for everything. It meant a lot to be able to ask for help and get it and know that I can just... ask people for things, not even money, just.... for help.
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Oh Cherry lovely you made me cry!!! I can’t believe it’s actually over, what are we all going to do with ourselves now?
I was so happy reading every word, I’m glad that everyone go the happy ending that they deserved. Including the Slytherins! They’re unfairly left out in a lot of fics so it’s really nice to see them get their happy ending, especially with how integral they were to the story.
The reader getting postcards from Anders is so sweet omg, and when the reader dedicated their research to the Fiskes it was so nice. Remembering how mad I was when Anders wanted to take all the credit for the findings to them refusing to be mentioned- that’s character growth! They definitely deserved that dedication note.
It’s also so sweet seeing Sirius living his domestic life of losing his mind over wardrobe instruction manuals, after all he’s been through he deserves a life where that’s his only problem! And the lion table cracked me up he is SUCH a Gryffindor.
And of course my babies! Reader and Regulus living the dream life! If Reggie deserves anything it’s to live a quiet life in a beach house with a pretty flower garden, and I’m glad he gets that! I’m also happy to see that the two are still so sickly in love with each other, we love to see it!
And oh- oh my god- Cherry you simultaneously broke and healed my heart in one go with that note. I remember having to stop reading for a few minutes when I first read Reggie’s diary entry asking what love felt like because I needed to cry but then he gets to fall in love! And he gets to tell his younger self ‘hey! It’s gonna be okay! You’ll get there one day!’ He’s just achieved so much and I’m so proud of him and omg I’m so in love with this fic.
I’ve said it a few times lately but I really do hope you’re proud of yourself for this fic, the time, effort and care that you put into it shines through every word you write and it’s created a truly beautiful and distinctive story that I and a lot of others will remember for a long time to come. Thank you for bringing us this incredible story and I really look forward to what you bring us next! <3
My dear!! My love!!
Thank you so much for everything <33. I can't believe that it's over either, and it is so strange that I no longer have to sit down and write a new chapter ! I really have such a soft spot for the Slytherin group, and they truly deserved their happy ending !
And yesss, the postcard!! I honestly was really debating on where I wanted the Fiske's to be, and somehow settled for the states LOL. Anders‘ character arc is something to behold, and I'm feeling a bit sad that we have to say goodbye to our grumpy mentor.
Sirius is kind of a mess, but at least he's trying!! Harry is definitely in charge of sifting through Sirius‘ questionable furniture choices, and he's right, where would they put a lion table??
Reggie and reader deserve their little beach home so much <333. They definitely lived happily ever after, and I perhaps am guilty of making their property a reflection of what I desire for myself. Sigh, I am going to miss those lovesick fools </3
Reggie's diary entry was heartbreaking to write, so I could not imagine how it must have felt to read it! I know it hurt everyone, so of course I had to make the ending super sweet with a sprinkle of poet!Regulus. Regulus‘ inner child is healing with every passing day, and I am going to pretend that this happy ending is canon for the actual HP universe.
You have truly been one of my greatest motivators on this blog, so I just want to thank YOU, because you are truly so amazing!! I am so happy with the final result of the story, but I am even more overjoyed with the connections and interactions I've had throughout the journey here! It has been my honor to write this story, and it has been the greatest gift to have you shower me with kind words. I hope that you will enjoy what's to come, lovely <333. Thank you!
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all-seeing-ifer · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tysm to @spaghettisaurusrex for tagging me!!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 18
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 83,346
3. What fandoms do you write for? At the moment it's mostly Angel, with a bit of the Oklahoma revival as well! What a combo.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? From number five to number one:
A Series of Statements Regarding Sunnydale, California (btvs and tma crossover that I wrote the first four chapters of and then stopped updating over three years ago. sorry everyone),
looking up for heaven (vaguely angsty little women fic that I wrote in an afternoon bc I was In My Feelings about jo and laurie, but is honestly pretty good),
Those I Love, It Rends (really really angsty little women fic that I wrote in more than an afternoon bc I was In My Feelings about jo and laurie, and is also honestly pretty good),
Coming Home (little women fic about jo and laurie reconciling that's still a personal fave of mine),
sincere and honest conversation (tma fic about jon coming out to the archive team that I wrote in like a day for aspec archives week and it..... guys it sucks. it sucks so bad. can people please stop leaving kudos on this one i'm so sick of getting emails about it oh my god. not even linking this one fuck that
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to!! I'm always super excited to get comments and also have chronic won't-shut-the-fuck-up disease so I'll usually leave some kind of response, even if I have no idea how to respond to positive feedback half the time lol
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably triptych? feels like cheating since it's really just a character study of the actual ending to ok19, but surprsingly enough I don't actually have that much written that ends angstily
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? oooo I'm gonna say Coming Home - I probably have written fluffier fic but I find that one very cathartic and think the ending to it is just generally really strong
8. Do you get hate on fics? ehhhh I've had a couple of annoying comments in the past but nothing I'd call hate lol
9. Do you write smut? nope, and I probably never will! I wrote like. one vaguely suggestive scene for give them all that they can drink bc I kind of had to for story reasons and jesus it felt like pulling teeth. I simply do not enjoy it. anyway if like a year from now I've written myself into a corner where I have to do that again feel free to laugh at me
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I mean I'm currently in the process of trying to finish my Oklahoma/Magnus Archives crossover fic so I think there's your answer. Actually funnily enough all the crossover fics I've written have been something crossing over with tma. What can I say, I just really love the tma lore and enjoy applying it to other things!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not as far as I know!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope! Closest I've come is Miles helping me out with editing to be a king of a ruined world and us bouncing off each other with our ok19 fic thoughts in general
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I'm with you on this one El - can't answer this question my ability to have an all time favourite is hindered by my brain jumping from interest to interest like some kind of fucked up flea. also I mostly write gen anyway so. eh.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? oh dear lord there's so many. Like every couple of weeks I contemplate going back to this wishverse au I wrote where buffy and angel survive the battle against the master and proceed to have a deeply fucked up relationship and ruin each others' lives. It was vaguely inspired by the silt verses and the wolf 359 minisode variations on a theme. It was kind of about aromanticism. It was mildly unhinged. And it will probably never be finished because I couldn't figure out a good direction to take it in. Pour one out.
16. What are your writing strengths? Imagery!! People always tell me my imagery is super vivid and memorable and you know what? They're right! I think I have a knack for coming up with imagery and metaphors and motifs and weaving them throughout my writing. Doesn't hurt that I edit my fics like they're academic essays so even if they're not interesting they at least always have strong throughlines
17. What are your writing weaknesses? hmmmm I feel like pacing is something I struggle with. Also while I think my imagery and metaphors are strong I also have a really hard time figuring out how like, subtle to make them? Like I just Do Not have an intuitive sense of what's too heavy-handed or what's too oblique, so I feel like it can end up leaning a bit on the obvious side. it's something I'm working on!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? It's not something I've ever really thought about, to be honest! Probably not something I'd do myself, but that's really just because I'd be likely to mess it up lol
19. First fandom you wrote for? Lost, which is truly something I can never live down. guys I really really like that one insanely underdeveloped ghost-talking guy
20. Favorite fic you've written? either give them all that they can drink or how ridiculous I was as a marionette. much as I clown on myself for writing not one but two ace cordy fics that were meant to be short and ended up being 9k, I can't act like I don't think they were both excellent. oh, and I'm also always very proud of what exists of to be a king of a ruined world, though I feel like I can't call it my favourite on the grounds that it's only like. a third done.
tagging @discocaptain @ramiroangel @beatriceeverytuesday and @jennycalendar
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mixsethaddams · 2 years
Another tag game
Thanks to @freddykicksasses for tagging me. Same as the last one, I’m not sure who has or hasn’t done it at this stage, so to avoid me tagging people who have already taken part, consider this an open tag to anyone who wants to get involved!
What I usually wear:
Pyjamas, mostly. I work from home so I don’t often actually get dressed. When I do go out, I most often wear a long black dress with some boots. I have a big soft spot for 90s grunge fashion and romantic goths, so I think my personal style is a mish mash of those. 
How tall I am:
5 foot 3 and a half babyyyyyy
My star sign. Do I know any celebrities or historical event that shares it:
I’m a March pisces, so you know, god help us all. I think Matthew Gray Gubler has the same birthday as me?
Do I go by a name or nickname:
I go by Seth online in settings like tumblr, discord, etc, where I have a more anon vibe. If someone wanted to try, they could probably string together a link between my tiktok and my tumblr, but other than that I keep my real name out of spaces where I don’t show my face. I prefer to be unhinged anonymously. 
Did I grow up to be what I wanted to be as a child:
I found an old school workbook when I moved out of my family home a few years back and there was an essay in there that I wrote when I was 7, all about wanting to be a Model slash Vet slash Millionaire when I grew up. Dear reader, I am none of those things.
Something I'm good at vs Something I'm bad at:
I’m a good cook! I can follow a recipe like a motherfucker and I’ve got enough of a foundation that I can mess around with flavours successfully. My husband isn’t vegan like I am, so I had to put a lot of focus into learning how to use my sense of smell more than anything when I cook for him too. It’s fun.
I’m terrible at doing anything in half-measures. If there’s a small, medium, and large drink option, I’ll get the large. I’ll only get the most expensive and biggest thing I can, at any time. If I can’t, I’ll be sad about it. I’ll force myself to finish a full plate even if I’m stuffed. I’m very all or nothing and it definitely comes with it’s own challenges. Especially with money, because I’m not well-off by any stretch of the imagination. I read once that growing up in a poorer situation can lead to not knowing how to manage money as an adult and boy howdy, am I a great example of that. 
If I draw or write, what's my favourite of anything I created this year?
2022 I’m guessing? I’m proud of how crushcrushcrush is turning out, despite everything. I’ve always struggling to write so much dialogue and I’m happy with how I’ve done it in this fic I think. When He Loved Me was a very cathartic thing to write for me as well. I spent a lot of time really thinking through how that mental state can manifest itself and how it can present in certain situations. Honestly though just for the sheer fun factor, I’d have to say Eddie/Hotdude Official Megathread! is my number one. 
I’m trying to work on an original story this new year so hopefully I end up being proud of that too. 
Dogs or cats:
I have three dogs and six cats so I think I have to remain neutral here.
Something I would like to make content for:
Myself! I spent years and years writing what I thought other people wanted to read and it only led to me not writing anything for a very long time. I’ve been using fanfiction to reignite my spark and so far so good!
Something I was excited about that turned out to dissappoint me:
Panic! At The Discos last two albums. They were my absolute favourites right since AFYCSO but I just couldn’t fall in love with Pray For The Wicked or Viva Las Vengeance. 
Hidden talent:
I have double joined toes and can move them like fingers. I used to be able to roll my tongue into two rolls but then I got a load of tongue piercings and can’t do it anymore
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littlecarnet · 2 years
I know its pretty popular that Arceus and the Creation Trio is compared to Christianity, but...lol I just can't ignore how much Greek/Roman influence there is. There is so much! I didn't see a lot of authors using that angle so I just went that direction.
It made for a lot of neat headcanon lore, like how certain regions and colonized areas in Rome had different ways to praise the gods, so I thought...hmm. What if Rota had its own customs apart from Michina? Both were occupied by the Celestica, but it's obvious the culture that was colonized had their own ways of doing things. Thus lighting a candle and ringing a bell became something Rota Arceusian believers did that wasn't found in the capital, and even after the fall of the Celestica Empire, the traditions still remain among its belivers.
Delia does this when she's at her aunt's inn, which has a room separate for prayer with tapestries and figures, like idols you'd find in a Roman home altar or lararium. Also there are multiple deities to pray to, each with their own role. Delia at the time was praying to Dialga to help move forward from her past, as she still has frequent night terrors when she was once part of Team Rocket. In a cut part of my draft for the latest chapter, I was going to add that there was a shrine dedicated to Ho-hou and Lugia, with their likenesses on either side of a tori-like gate, as Johto is very distinctively Japanese. I might add that in the next chapter. I did add that N's family didn't worship the Creation Trio, but the Tao Trio. So, yeah, differing beliefs exist just like our world.
A good friend of mine added an interesting bit to their fic where characters would trace the ring of Arceus across themselves, much like making the sign of a cross in Catholicism. I thought that was such a clever idea! It's still recognizable where it came from but has a unique twist.
I just love lore building and doing research on world mythology. Brings a bit of depth to the story and characters Im writing. I loved doing this with my ocs when I used to rp a witch with Norwegian lore, and her boyfriend who was Pacific Northwest indigenous. Being indigenous myself, I always wanted to see some representation in the RPC, but done properly and respectfully. I had a lot of fun with them for over eight years until I retired from role-playing in 2019. I miss those OCs a lot, they went through so much character growth, trials, and victories from saving their home to going against racism for their interacial relationship, their story remains very dear to my heart and inspired a lot of other fantastic writers with equally amazing muses with stories of their own.
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ravencromwell · 2 years
Fannish Fifty #1: “The Ministry’s Man by Musamihi
Tomorrow marks the start of the new semester. Tonight, I'm treating myself to the beginning of my shamelessly self-indulgent fannish fifty
first brought to my attentionbby the incomparable delphi
I've decided to do fifty recs, with the proviso that if I'm short by a lot in November or so, I'll intersperse professional work I think deals especially adeptly with fannish tropes--Naomi Noviks deconstruction of chosen one narratives etc. I'm beginning the festivities with the piece I most dearly wish I'd written; December will be for friends' works, because I want so many of you whose work is as dear to me for instigating our friendship as its theme and content to have the gift of having your art seen and praised throughout an oft-fraught holiday season.
Title: The Ministry’s Man
Author: @musamihi-blog
pairings: John Dawlish/Bartemius Crouch Senior (unrequited), John Dawlish/Rufus Scrimgeour
Summary: John Dawlish has spent his career in the shadows of the Ministry's great men. One of the things they have in common is they never stay for long.
Rufus Scrimgeour is the character I will come back to at ninety, rocking on a porch and ruminating about decency warring with pragmatism in a world where the chickens wrought from generation upon generation of prejudice are coming home to roost. He's Churchill--riddled with trauma from the last great war, certain of his moral rectitude, but also bullish to a fault and embodying so many of the prejudices destroying the world around him--and! disabled, which makes the entire character arc a thousand fucking times better.
I'm not ashamed to admit, here in a circle of mostly mutuals, that at the darkest lows of suicidal ideation after Mom's death, I lived to read and write more fic about the flawed wartime Minister and Thorin Oakenshield--also a deeply flawed king trying to reclaim a homeland and let his better angels triumph (I have a type, y'all)
I can't now recall which HP BeholderMMinistry's Man sprang from (GOD, I miss that fest and at least half the HP fics to be recced by me come from its brilliance) It feels like one of those pieces that is simultaneously a reflection on and deconstruction of canon so perfectly precise it must've always existed.
Of course, I first read it for the Scrimgeour. His portrayal is a masterclass: proud and prickly but also clever and discerning, ruthlessly exacting while being deeply compelling and empathetic in his desire to keep the state afloat. Ironically, though, it's the fic's use of Dawlish to elucidate moral concerns that leave me in awe and writerly envy.
For John Dawlish is a mirror, bland and blank and utterly loyal to the state, even when the state comes to be embodied by Voldemort. He's almost Harry's exact foil, unthinkingly obedient, merely present to be manipulated as greater forces of personality desire. But like any mirror, he's deeply observant, reflecting the question: how do you proceed in a world fundamentally premised on moral decay and prejudice? When the other side is worse, what means are acceptable?
The fic is a philosophical tour de force, with no easy answers, casting as unsparing an eye on Dumbledore's refusal to engage as it does on the excesses of Crouch and Scrimgeour.
Early in the fic, we're treated this haunting dialogue: "It's going to get away from you, Barty," she says, stopping not five paces from me...."Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures." Mr. Crouch looks her square in the eye and starts winding a muffler around his neck.
From that moment, the center cannot hold, forcing us to ask what these world-weary characters should have done, or if the outcome was inevitable all along.
And every time, I'm sucked along with the Ministry’s man
 until I return breathlessly to the beginning, desperate hope this ending will somehow be different.
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kpop-with-mars · 13 days
A Very important life update
Hi Tumblr, it's Milo.
I have sadly been inactive with writing fics and posts so I thought I would give a life update to explain myself
Trigger warnings for suicidal thoughts, depression and some hurtful religious rhetoric.
So things went south in june, specifically June 8th. I have grown up Mormon all my life but I do not align with the beliefs and have not since I was a kid. and on June 8th there was a church dance that I wanted to go to with some friends, whom also are in the church but don't have the beliefs, and my boyfriend. I told him to come to my house so we could hang out and we left to go to the building where the dance was early. after a few minutes of walking around the building my parents pull up in their car beside us and my mom tells me to get in. I get in and as soon as we start driving again my mom began to yell at me and called me "a fucking liar".
When I wasn't at home I left discord open on my device and my parents found out how I was queer and trans and that I was planning on making out with my boyfriend. the yelling continued until we parked in our driveway and my mom told me to change inside. I change into some pajamas as I shook from fear and I watched as my mother shoved some of my clothes and some of the things I loved in a trash bag. im crying and on the near brink of a panic attack and im scared when my dad comes to my side. only for him to pull me into a hug and say my mom was overreacting and that this wasn't a big deal. basically my mom and dad went through my discord chats with my friends while my mom (whom was very angry) made condescending remarks to me and asking me when this started.
im not going to go into what was said to me specifically (just imagine mormons talking about why being gay isn't in gods plan and how drinking coffee invokes satan and how all my friends are toxic, even if I said that I was the one who was choosing what to do.) but some highlights are:
My dad comforting me while my mom rants about how hard some her life was when she was younger and how her mom was meaner and my dad telling her that this isn't about her.
my mom telling me that im groomer if I continued to act friendly to a young girl at church because she is vulnerable from personal things happening in her life.
It ended with me crying myself to sleep that night and waking up at three am to message my boyfriend about what had happened after I left him. and the next morning my eyes were so puffy from crying it looked like I was having an allergic reaction. I had delt with suicidal thoughts in the past but those had gotten better since I moved but after that day, I had never had that kind of urge to in my life (im 16 Yo as of this post) and I genuinely couldn't imagine living after having my mother yell at me and make it look like she was throwing away my stuff (she later said that she just put it in a trash bag in her room and I grabbed back my cds, but she threw away half of my books and some clothes of mine, such as a pair of short pajama shorts and a fishnet top because they disgusted her.)
I am going to be 18 next year on October 17th. I plan on moving out of my house and into an apartment 20 minutes away. I think about moving out everyday now since June and I went to move out so badly. if anyone has any advice for me about college intuition coverage (since my mom has doomed my future by home schooling me my whole life and only teaching god) and just how to do basic things (i.e paying rent, creative writing jobs, and just life tips in general.)
I want help to get out of here and after I get my drivers license in less then 6 months then I think I can be a step closer to escaping the grasp of my mother and leaving the church for good. I am in secret contact with my boyfriend and a friend of mine for support and help for when I move. Anything that you, dear internet user, would be greatly appreciated and could save what's left of my scattered mental health.
I love you all so much and I have never felt so much support when I was so lonely and isolated. I never knew I wanted to be a writer until I tried it and saw how much you all loved it. ill forever be grateful for you guys for giving me the dream and desire to write better and to become an author. I will continue to give all the love you've shown for my fics right back to you all as much as I can.
With more love then I thought I could have, Milo.
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