#and I want to see cas see Dean in his coat
jenanigans1207 · 6 months
Something we were genuinely robbed of was getting to see Dean wear Cas’s trench coat. There were so many ways it could’ve happened!
- Cas finally takes it off and Dean immediately puts it on with some comment about how he didn’t know Cas was even capable of taking it off. (Same energy as a kid trying on their friends glasses)
- Caught in the rain on a case and Cas doesn’t want Dean to get sick.
(“Oh, so it’s not okay if I get sick but it’s okay if you do?” Dean grumbles. “No dice, buddy. I’m not making you chicken soup when you get sick from this.”
“I’m an angel, Dean. I can’t get sick.” Cas replies with a roll of his eyes as he shoves the coat against Dean’s chest. “And since you wouldn’t let me make you chicken soup, you should probably just wear this.”)
- Dean has been driving for too long and can barely keep his eyes open, so Cas forces them to trade and when Dean falls asleep in the passenger seat, Cas briefly pulls over to drape the coat over him like a blanket
- Dean’s shirt gets ripped to shreds on some hunt so Cas simply offers him the coat to cover him up.
- Some creature they’re hunting has gotten a whiff of Dean’s scent and is tracking him so he has to wear the coat to cover his own scent and give them a chance of escaping or at least enough time to form a plan
There’s just— there’s so many options and we were robbed of it!
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kerryweaverlesbian · 29 days
Whenever fanfiction has Dean say he hates Cas’s coat or thinks it's stupid or ugly and he wants to see Cas out of it as soon as possible I simply must disagree. He kept that thing for a whole year full of rank water. He saw Cas back in his usual getup and gotar bonar. Dean loves cartoons. He loves costumes. He loves Cas’s coat.
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casdeans-pie · 8 days
--- "Angel Erogenous Zones" ---
The middle of an Angel's neck, where their Grace can be extracted from - wouldn't that be a vulnerable, sensitive spot?
It hadn’t been Dean's intention to be kissing Cas against his bedroom door, but as soon as it had slammed shut behind them that’s where they’d ended up.
There had been a desperate mix of gripping and pulling to draw each other in – and then suddenly they were on each other. Dean had both his fists full of trench coat, while Cas's hands had started on his shirt collar and slid up to the back of his head.
Dean had a fuzzy, vague realisation (his blood had far more interesting places to go than his brain) that Cas could be completely immovable if he wanted to be, so the satisfying slam of his back against the door was something that he’d let happen.
God, wasn’t that something.
Dean groaned aloud at that thought and Cas made a high breathy sound in response, like being able to make the other feel good left them in a never ending feedback loop of pleasure.
Their angle changed slightly, their bodies one long tight line of heat, as Dean reluctantly pulled his lips away to desperately breathe some air before he passed out.
Cas tilted his head back, baring the column of his throat, as Dean tasted it with his lips and tongue, while he got his breathing back under control. But Cas flinched violently when his mouth touched the skin below his chin.
“Sorry,” Dean said, freezing immediately. Even he could hear how wrecked and rough he sounded. He pulled back and searched Cas’s face – was he making sure he was okay, or looking for signs of regret?
Dean couldn’t help it when he placed a gentle hand on Cas’s cheek and wiped a thumb gently under his eye. They were both shining brightly with an inner light that seemed to swirl through what Dean could see of his irises (though they were mostly dilated pupil). He wanted to feel smug at the effect he’d had, but concern at the flinch he’d definitely felt overrode everything else.
Cas shook his head slightly and let out a long, shaky breath. “No, I’m sorry, Dean. I didn’t think I would react like that.”
“I- uh- I mean, I get it man, this is uh- kinda new territory for us and-” Dean tensed and went to move away, but Cas held him close.
“No, please... Please don’t think it was a reaction to this. To us. There’s a scar,” Cas explained, voice even lower than usual, “from when my Grace was removed and I became human. It never healed.”
Dean felt his whole body relax again in relief and he pressed in closer, just barely resisting the urge to kiss Cas again, to catch sight of the thin white scar straight across his throat. The lowlight of the bedroom caught the edge of the raised line, making it stand out slightly, and Dean felt a deep pang of sympathy. The hand he’d left still resting on Cas’s cheek slid down to his neck and touched the very edge of it carefully.
“Does it hurt?”
“N-No,” Cas said, his breathing speeding up as his eyes slid closed. Blue light escaped from between his eyelashes.
Dean blinked in surprise. Wait...
“Sensitive,” Cas added, “sensitive place for ah-angels.”
Dean had slid a finger over the scar gently while Cas had been talking and now he understood his reaction before.
“Sensitive, huh,” Dean repeated.
The moment that his mouth touched the scar he heard Cas gasp.
He paused, giving Cas the opportunity to tell him to stop, but instead a hand returned to the back of his head and fingers dug deep into his short hair. Dean smiled, knowing Cas would be able to feel it, and added a gentle mouthing of teeth. Cas made a noise in the back of his throat that shot a bolt of want down Dean’s spine.
He bit down harder.
A hand slammed over Dean’s eyes that shielded him from a blindingly bright blue light bursting out into the room.
Dean laughed, his chest full of warmth, as he crushed their bodies even closer together to hide his face in Cas’s shoulder.
“Oh, Angel,” Dean whispered, as a tingling electricity accompanied the light and seemed to slide over and under his skin. He had the strangest thought that it felt like silky feathers.
The light finally faded and Cas thumped his head back against the door.
“So, turns out, angel erogenous zones are a thing,” Dean said, his voice rumbling deeply with affection and warmth.
“I’ll teach you mine if you teach me yours,” Cas said breathlessly.
“I can work with that.”
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pinknatural · 7 months
Pick out the biggest, reddest, juiciest strawberries. Wash ‘em real good. Lay them out on a tray covered in parchment paper. Pat them dry, and leave them out. Put some chocolate chips in a bowl, and microwave in 30 second intervals. After the chocolate is good and melted, pick up the strawberries by the stem and dip them in, coating them thoroughly before putting them back on the tray. 
Dean’s never made chocolate-covered strawberries before. Never had a reason to. It’s kinda nice, to dedicate all his focus to making sure the chocolate is covering up the berries evenly. To try not to get them to drip. 
Since moving into the Bunker, Dean’s found that baking is fun. He likes putting a bunch of stuff together and seeing delicious results. And chocolate-covered strawberries aren’t exactly rocket science, but he knows they’ll taste good and make Sammy happy and that’s all he really wants, right?
Plus, he thinks, gently placing another strawberry back on the parchment paper. He doesn’t think Jack has ever had a chocolate-covered strawberry before, and he can just picture the kid’s excited eyebrows at the taste. 
He picks up another strawberry, pinching all the leaves between his fingers so they don’t get chocolatey. He dips it nice and slow into the glass bowl, turning it gently as he brings it out of the chocolate.
“What are you doing?” 
Dean yelps, nearly dropping his strawberry. 
“Jesus christ, Cas, you snuck up on me!” he says, turning to glare over his shoulder. Cas is standing just behind him, staring curiously. He could’ve been there for two minutes or twenty. Dean didn’t even know he was in the Bunker, let alone the kitchen. “I’m not kidding about that bell, dude.”
“Apologies,” Cas says. He doesn’t sound a bit sorry at all. Dean rolls his eyes and turns back to his strawberry, putting it on the tray next to the other completed ones. Cas moves in closer. “What is the purpose of this exercise?”
“Chocolate-covered strawberries,” Dean says. 
“I see that,” Cas says. He sniffs, as if the smell disagrees with him. “But why are you covering the strawberries in the chocolate? Is it for a spell?”
“No, it’s a dessert. Like a candy, I guess,” Dean says. “For Valentine’s Day.”
“Ah, yes,” Cas says. “Unattached drifter Christmas.”
Something in Dean’s heart stabs, at that. He hates that Cas has heard him say that, or heard Sam reference it, or whatever. 
“Yeah,” he says, looking away from Cas’ eyes. The strawberries are safer to look at. “I guess.”
Cas’ big hands enter Dean’s field of view, and he plucks up a strawberry. Not one with chocolate on it. A naked one. Despite himself, Dean looks back up at Cas. It’s hard to not look at him. He has a very nice face.
“What does chocolate strawberries have to with the patron saint of bees?” 
“And epilepsy,” Cas says, squinting at the strawberry. “And the mentally ill. And happy marriages.”
“Uh, it’s more about the happy marriages thing,” Dean says. “Valentine’s Day is about love and shit.”
“And strawberries,” Cas says, nodding wisely, as if he understands everything. He sets the strawberry back on the tray. Dean’s not sure if he’s fucking with him or not. Surely after all this time on earth, Cas knows what fucking Valentine’s Day is. 
“You give the strawberries to your Valentine,” Dean says. “Or chocolate or whatever. Or those fucking disgusting chalky heart things. But Eileen loves chocolate-covered strawberries and so these are for Sam. To give to her.”
Dean told Sam to make his own chocolate-covered strawberries, but Sam said that either Dean could make them or he would buy some from the store. And Dean does not trust fucking Hy-Vee to have quality chocolate-covered strawberries. He picks up Cas’ naked strawberry--the last one--and dips it into the chocolate. 
“That’s very kind of you,” Cas says, watching him. “To help Sam out.”
“Whatever,” Dean mutters, holding the strawberry up so the excess chocolate can drip back into the bowl. “I wanted Jack to try some, too.”
“You say that like it will make me think you less kind,” Cas says. Dean is tempted to throw him out of the kitchen. But goddamnit, he likes Cas and likes when Cas hangs out with him and asks stupid questions about Valentine’s Day. But knows that Saint Valentine is the patron saint of epilepsy, or whatever. Ugh. 
Dean never knows when Cas is leaving, anyway, so he’s gotta take all the time he can get. He leaves his strawberries behind and fetches another glass bowl. The white chocolate chips are already out, beside the opened bag of regular chocolate chips. 
“I thought you said white chocolate was an abomination,” Cas says, watching Dean pour some into the bowl. 
“It is,” Dean says. “But it will look fancier this way, trust me.” He puts the bowl in the microwave, punches in a 3-0-enter then turns around to look at Cas. He’s inspecting the neat line of chocolate-covered strawberries. They’re a little messier than Dean wants, but hell, it’s his very first try. 
“I don’t understand why you would put the chocolate on the strawberries,” Cas says. “My understanding is that strawberries are perfectly good on their own.”
“Dude, bacon is perfectly good on its own and we put chocolate on that,” Dean says. He crosses back to the counter and picks up a strawberry by the stem, holds it out to Cas. “Go on, try it.”
He expects Cas to take the strawberry from him--chocolate end first, and then he’ll get chocolate all over his fingers and Dean will die a million deaths watching him lick the chocolate off. Instead, Cas does something a thousand times worse and leans forward, biting into the strawberry without taking it, like Dean’s feeding it to him or some shit. 
Dean has a vision of a picnic somewhere, red and white checkered blanket and all. The sky is blue and the grass is soft and Cas’ head is in Dean’s lap and Dean’s feeding him strawberries and kissing him between each one. 
But instead Cas just--doesn’t break eye contact. Just stares, as he bites into the strawberry, chews and swallows. 
“Good?” Dean says, mouth dry. 
Cas closes his eyes, licking his lips. “Mmm, very.” He straightens back up. Even though he licked his lips, he missed a little--has a chocolate mustache. Dean has the insane urge to lick it right off his face. 
“Uh, you got some--chocolate,” Dean croaks instead. He mimes with his own thumb. Cas swipes the chocolate and succeeds in smearing it everywhere. 
“Did I get it?” he asks, and his wide blue eyes hypnotize Dean into reaching forward and wiping the chocolate off Cas’ face with his own fingers. Then Dean licks the chocolate off his thumb. 
Then Dean realizes that the microwave is beeping and the white chocolate’s first 30 seconds have been up for a long time, and he should probably go get that, and he escapes across the kitchen. 
“The strawberry molecules and chocolate molecules are very pleasing together,” Cas says. “Do humans put chocolate on other fruits?”
“Yeah,” Dean says, stirring the white chocolate frantically. If he doesn’t look at Cas maybe Cas will think that what just happened was normal, and that Dean isn’t fucking insane. “Uh, apples, bananas, pineapples. I think I saw it on kiwi once. Uh, maybe orange slices.”
“Fascinating,” Cas says. Dean puts the white chocolate back into the microwave. “Yes, I think Jack would like that very much.”
“Good,” Dean says. He goes to the fridge, gets a beer. Opens it on the side of the counter and takes a big swig. The microwave beeps.
It’s all melted. Dean grabs a spoon and goes over to the berries. He is not confident about this part at all, but crazyforcrust.com said to use a spoon. And hopefully he can get, like four or five good-looking ones for Sam, and the rest can be for him to pig out on on the fourteenth alone in his room while he tries not to wonder where Cas is. 
He dips the spoon into the white chocolate and covers it, then raises it over a strawberry and zig-zags over it, letting the white chocolate drip and drizzle overtop.
“See?” Dean says to Cas, who he knows is watching. “You can hardly taste the white chocolate this way but it looks good.” Well, it doesn’t look bad. Dean’s sure they’ll look better as he goes.
“I see,” Cas says. He points to the drizzled strawberry. “Are you giving that one to Sam?”
“No,” Dean says. “That one was just a practice one.”
“Good,” Cas says, and he picks up the strawberry by the stem. Dean’s never, ever seen him go for seconds before, but he makes a mental note of it. But then Cas turns the strawberry around, unmistakably offering it to Dean. “You should have one. You made them.”
“But--” Dean starts to say, and then Cas brings it up, so it nearly touches Dean’s lips. He looks at him with the same kind of focus he gives to a hunt, or smiting demons. 
“Eat it,” he says, nudging Dean’s lips with the fruit. Dean opens his mouth and bites into it. Maybe Dean would lay his head on Cas’ lap in their picnic, and Cas would feed Dean. 
The strawberry is good, probably. Dean’s not really sure what it tastes like. All he can see are Cas’ eyes, boring into his. 
Dean swallows. 
“You don’t have any chocolate on your face,” Cas says. He sounds disappointed. Dean can’t unpack that. 
“That’s ‘cause the chocolate is less melty,” Dean says, mostly on autopilot. He feels a million miles away. “Cause it’s starting to harden.”
“Okay,” Cas says. “Can I help with the drizzle?”
“Oh,” Dean says, shaken out of some kind of trance. “Sure. Get a spoon.”
Cas fetches one. He holds it like an instrument of war. Dean loves him so fucking much.
They drizzle white chocolate over the strawberries. Cas does it so precisely his drizzles look like they came from the store. Dean’s drizzles improve. He makes a couple decent ones. For Jack, he guesses, ‘cause the ones Cas made should probably go to Sam.
“I gave you a strawberry,” Cas says out of nowhere. “And you gave me one. Does that make us Valentines?”
Dean freezes. 
A moment later, his heart restarts and he looks at Cas, who is solemnly drizzling. Then he looks innocently up at Dean, and Dean realizes that Cas has absolutely been fucking with him this whole time. Absolutely knows about Valentine’s Day, absolutely ate that strawberry out of Dean’s hand on purpose. Dean narrows his eyes at him. Cas tilts his head. 
“You’re a menace,” Dean grumbles. 
“That’s not a no,” Cas says. 
“You’re right,” Dean says. “I guess it does make us Valentines.” Cas smiles, a tiny, private thing, and then looks back down at his drizzling. 
“Good,” he says quietly, and Dean ducks his head, cheeks warm and heart fluttering, and he lifts up his spoon. 
It’s kind of cold in Kansas in February, but Dean imagines him and Cas wrapped in blankets,  feeding each other chocolate-covered strawberries in front of the TV. This time, he thinks, he’ll actually taste the strawberry. And you know what? Dean’s sure that those strawberry molecules and those chocolate molecules are gonna be fucking fantastic.
Especially if he gets to kiss them off Cas’ lips. 
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Guardian Angel
Castiel x Winchester child!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: Castiel gets to know the Winchester’s little sister
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Sam and Dean had a tendency to be cautious around new people. A tendency, they were noticing, that was not passed on to their little sister.
At least not where a certain angel was concerned.
“Why is the sky blue?”
“Because blue light travels in shorter waves than other light, so it’s scattered more than other colors, and therefore blue is the color you see most often in the sky,” Dean looked up to see you, the edge of Cas’s trench coat gripped in your small fist as you followed him around.
“Ok. Why is grass green?”
“Because of the pigment chlorophyll in the leaves and stems.”
“Ok. Why is-“
“Baby, how about we leave Castiel alone,” Sam scooped you into his arms, carrying you to his bed in the dingy motel room.
“I wanted to ask him more questions!” You protested.
“Yeah well, you’ve asked him enough for now, it’s bed time.”
After Sam put you to bed, he stepped over to his angel friend.
“Thanks Cas,” he sighed. “You kept her occupied for quite a while.”
“It was my pleasure,” Sam was surprised at the sincerity in Cas’s voice. “She has some very good questions.”
“Cas?” Sam sighed at the sound of your voice, but Castiel stopped him as he stepped towards you.
“I’ve got her, you had some research to do, right?”
Sam glanced at you, before looking back at the angel. There weren’t many people he trusted with you, and just because you liked Cas didn’t mean that Cas was safe; the angel thing was all relatively new to Sam.
“Cas?” Your voice came again.
“Yeah, alright,” he finally decided. “But I’m right over here if you need anything.”
“I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Cas made his way over to your bedside. “Hello, little one. Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?”
“Can you sing?”
Cas glanced self consciously over at the Winchester brothers, but they were engrossed in research.
“I…have the ability, yes.”
“No, I meant like now. Can you sing me a song?”
“I…I suppose. If it would help you sleep.”
You grinned and settled back against your pillow as Cas began to sing softly.
You were asleep in minutes.
“Castiel? Cas, I have a question.”
“He’s probably busy, why don’t you-“
“What was your question?”
Dean jumped in surprise when Castiel appeared suddenly next to him.
“Why can’t we see your wings?”
“I don’t often show them, as it would be counterproductive to my attempts to appear human.”
“Was that all?” Dean could tell Castiel was eager to return to wherever he’d come from, but he hid it well from you.
“Yeah,” Castiel stiffened in surprise when you ran up to him and hugged his leg. “Thanks, Cas.”
“I…you’re very welcome.”
And just like that, he was gone.
“Castiel?” You curled your legs into your chest. “Cas, I-“ your voice broke, struggling to escape past the lump in your throat. “Cas please come. Please.”
“I really don’t have time for questions now, I’m sorry, I-“ Castiel stopped when he got a good look at you. “Little one, what is it?”
“S-Sam and Dean were supposed to be back by now,” you couldn’t hold back your tears, but you were managing to hold back your sobs. “And-and they won’t answer their phones, and-“
“Hey, hey,” Castiel placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, worried when your tears increased and your breathing labored. “I’m sure they’re just in the middle of a hunt. They’ll call when they’re on their way home, I’m sure.”
“I’m scared,” the fragility in your voice broke Castiel’s heart.
“You don’t have to be scared,” Castiel knelt by your bed and looked you in the eye. “Your brothers are very strong, and they’ll do anything to make it back home to you.”
“W-will you stay until they come back?”
“Of course I will,” Castiel promised. He was surprised when you launched yourself forwards and into his arms, but it only took him a moment before he reciprocated, holding you as though you might break.
“Thank you, Cas.”
“Any time, little one.”
Sam and Dean returned home a few hours later to find you fast asleep in the arms of your favorite angel.
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zepskies · 8 months
Love, By Any Other Name
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Pairing: Castiel x F. Reader
Summary: You want him. Castiel can’t help but crave you. Dean sees both of you and wishes you’d stop being idiots.
AN: This is my first ever commission! Written for @girlsforpjm, who requested "mutual pining" with Castiel. Here you go, lovely! I sincerely hope you enjoy it. 💜
**Also, this is set during season 12.
Song Inspo: “Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak
Word Count: 4,500
Tags/Warnings: Mutual pining, angst, blood and injury, (contains events from 12.12), fluff, some spice, implied smut.
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Sam grimaces while he watches you wipe your nose against your bare wrist. You shake your head and frown at the dusty tomes piled high beside you. You and Sam have been organizing the library for two hours now.
“That’s it, I can’t do this anymore,” you lament. “I need a break. My sinuses need a break.”
Sam’s lips twitch at a smile. “It’s okay. I got the rest of these.”
You aim a lazy salute at your friend and continue to sniffle as you leave the library. You circle this labyrinth of a bunker for a while, but you can’t seem to find the trench coat-wearing angel that’s supposed to live here too.
You end up in the garage, where Dean is tuning up his Baby. His shirt sleeves are rolled up to the elbows, and he’s got a grease stain across his cheek.
“Hey, you seen Cas?” you ask.
Dean barely perks up from under Baby’s hood to answer you. “He went out this morning. Haven’t seen him since.”
You pout at that, leaning against the side of the car near where Dean is tinkering.
“Is it too much to ask for him to leave a note or something?” you mutter.
Dean finally glances over at you. His lips edge at a smirk.
“What, miss your little boyfriend?” he teases.
The insinuation manages to take you by surprise. Your face starts to warm in embarrassment, but you cover it with a scoff.
“You should know. He was your boyfriend first,” you volley back. Dean’s expression flattens in annoyance.
“Don’t you have anything better to do right now?” he snarks.
“Nope,” you reply, popping the “P.” But you have mercy on him.
Instead of pestering him further, you just tip over the screwdriver he had balanced on the car’s frame. He makes a sound of protest as it falls somewhere between the gears inside his precious car.
He barks your name, and his angry voice echoes on the walls to magnify his frustration, but you’re already hastening back into the hall and down to the kitchen, trying to stifle your laughter.
You’ve slipped into the kitchen to escape. Yet that’s where you find the bunker’s resident angel, washing his hands of what looks like breadcrumbs in the sink.
“Hey,” you greet him jovially. He treats you with a small smile. “Where were you?”
“Oh, nowhere really. Just stepped out for a bit,” he replies. You get the sense that he’s hiding something. You smile and step closer to him, leaning a hand on the counter.
“Oh, yeah? Where?” you ask. Your eyes gleam with amusement. “Another ‘mission on high?’”
He sends you a droll look. “No.”
You tug on his sleeve. “Come on. Tell me.”
He smiles in return, and he gives you his own version of teasing.
“Childishness doesn’t become you,” he says.
“I’m just curious. You’ve been gone all day,” you reply, tilting your head. Your stare is unyielding, and familiar; Cas knows how stubborn you can be when you want something—especially information. Sometimes he finds it annoying, but in moments like these, it’s tempered by your playful, endearing smile.
“I was on a walk,” he finally admits.
You raise your brows. “A walk? Cas, it’s winter. Like 20 degrees outside.”
“I enjoy nature,” he shrugs. “The cold doesn’t bother me much anyway.”
…Well, he is an angel. You suppose it makes sense that he doesn’t feel the frigid weather like a human would. Your brow quirks with another curious thought.
“So you were washing your hands because…?” you ask.
Castiel’s face becomes a little more bashful. “I was feeding the birds some bread.”
At that, your smile grows. Here he is: Castiel, warrior angel of the Lord, Feeder of Pigeons.
“Well, if you ever want a walking companion, I’d be happy to join you,” you offer.
Castiel gives you a certain look, like he doesn’t quite believe you. 
Your lips purse. “What?”
He sinks his hands into his pockets as he leans his slightly hunched form back on his heels.
“Nothing,” he claims. “It’s only, I seem to remember you forcing Dean to kill a spider in your room. You claimed, and I quote, bastard things that crawl don’t belong indoors.”
You cross your arms and stare back at him narrowly, even though you try to stifle a smile.
“What’s your point? Everyone’s afraid of spiders,” you reason.
He raises a brow. “You also claim to have a vendetta against birds.”
“Pigeons, Castiel. They’re rats with wings.” Even Dean would agree with you on that one.
Castiel gives you a dubious look, however.
“Forgive me if I’m skeptical of your supposed love of nature,” he says drolly.
You want to argue more, but Sam enters the room with Dean on his heels. Both men seem to sense they’ve interrupted something. You clear your throat and turn to them.
“What’s up?” you ask, more nonchalant than you feel whenever you’re near the angel beside you. Castiel glances at you, before he too silently addresses Sam and Dean.
“Uh, we’ve caught a case,” Sam says. “It’s not far. Three dead, all with their hearts, and most of their internal organs ripped out.”
“Ech,” you reply with a grimace. “Sounds kind of like a ghoul. Maybe a werewolf on steroids?”
“Well, they were fresh kills, and it’s a full moon. So more than likely we’re looking at werewolves,” he replies.
You smile thinly. “Great.”
You hate werewolves.
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Correction: you really hate werewolves.
The thought hits you yet again as you lay on the floor of a dusty old hunting cabin.
The irony.
Dean hefts you in his arms, after slicing his silver blade through the heart of the yellow-eyed bastard that tore you open with his claws.
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” you ask, hating how your voice trembles. Dean doesn’t answer you at first. He holds his hand to the oozing gash in your side.
“Nah, you’ll be okay. Just hang in there,” he says. Blood quickly covers his palm. He curses inside his mind.
“Cas!” he calls out roughly.
The angel had been fighting in the other the room with Sam, but after he burns out the eyes of the last werewolf and its body falls to the ground, he hears the undercurrent of alarm in Dean’s shouting. With Sam on his heels, he returns to the living room to find you and Dean.
Castiel’s steps halt in the doorway when he sees you. His face slackens for a moment, but then he hardens. He moves forward swiftly.
“Move,” he says to Dean in order to come to your side. Dean’s eyes widen, but he does as he’s told after laying you down to the floor. 
Castiel stares down at your face, offering you comfort with his eyes. You stare up at him in pain, but also with hope, and trust. You’re able to curl your fingers around the edge of his trench coat.
Then he presses his hand to your cheek. He closes his eyes in concentration while he heals you. 
Though he expels more power than he should to heal you completely. He knows it when his body sways a little after he’s done. Dean grabs his shoulder to keep him steady.
“You good?” Dean asks.
Castiel nods; he’s more focused on the way you’re catching your breath. You marvel at how your wounds, your pain, and even your blood is gone—completely washed away. He helps you sit up with an arm wrapping around your shoulders. Then he gathers you tight against him, so he can help you stand as well. He wavers again on his feet, just a little, but you’re too perceptive not to catch it. You realize he did too much to save you.
You still chide at him with a frown. “You didn’t have to use up so much of your energy.”
Castiel shakes his head. “Think nothing of it.”
Those are useless words, but you don’t bother arguing with him anymore. You just sigh and hold onto his strong arms while regaining your balance. You know for a fact that you’re blushing when you glance up at him.
Biting your lip, you soon turn away to grab the knife you’d dropped in the fight.
Without you or Cas noticing, Sam and Dean share a knowing glance. It’s subtle, in the way the brothers have perfected. Dean barely curbs a smile as he leads the way back to the car. 
You settle next to Cas in the backseat and try not to glance at him too often. You don’t know that he’s trying not to do the same to you.
Dean glances back at you two in the rearview mirror. He shakes his head.
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Mary Winchester has been a welcome return to the family…when she’s here. Ever since Amara brought her back, she’s been distant with her sons. You don’t understand it all that well, but it’s not your place to say anything, you don’t think.
You do think Mary is a badass hunter. You just don’t know her that well.
About a week after the werewolf hunt, Mary drops in with Wally, a fellow hunter in need of assistance with a demon problem. You, Sam, Dean, and Castiel are all game. While you haven’t had to deal with demons too much in the past, you know that they’re…something of a specialty for the Winchesters. 
But of course, it quickly goes to shit.
The demon lives alone, in some shack by a river where he likes to fish. The group of you wait until he’s stepped out of the house before you go inside and case the place, looking for a good spot to spray a Devil’s Trap or two and try to trap him.
When the demon returns, he’s far stronger than any of you anticipated. The Devil’s Trap breaks with little effort (the demon’s just laughing). Then he flashes yellow eyes. You and Castiel share a look of widening shock. Mary takes a preemptive step back.
And when the kitchen door is about to close on the three of you, the angel pushes you into the next room before you can turn and fight. Sam helps you back onto your feet, though you stare at the door in horror. He and Dean try to break the door down, but it’s no use. It’s supernaturally sealed. 
You felt useless standing there. You wrack your brain for a solution, and you glance out one of the windows. Maybe there’s another way into the kitchen!
“Guys! What if we go around?” you suggest.
With that idea taking root in each of you, Sam and Dean follow you outside. Before you guys can even make it around the house, Wally flags you down. 
“We’ve got incoming!” he says. And you realize what he means. A group of black-eyed demons are bounding toward the house.
Aw, shit. You’re grateful to have Sam and Dean beside you, because the demons nearly overtake all of you. You manage to hold your own, along with the brothers. Wally isn’t so fortunate. His body hits the floor after his own blade sinks into his chest.
A pit begins to form in your stomach as you scramble toward the Impala. The plan is to catch up with Mary; thanks to Cas, she’d been able to flee the demon strong enough to snap a Devil’s Trap like a cheap trick. But she’d then taken Cas with her to safety. 
Now, Dean drives the Impala down the road at breakneck speed. 
“Are you okay?” Sam asks his mother through the phone. The car is silent enough for you to hear Mary’s reply.
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When you step into the barn, the first thing you have to focus on is Cas covered in his own blood. He’s been stabbed by one of the demon’s strange and powerful weapons, and he lies on an old, dingy couch. You hurry to Cas’s side and take in, your face filled with horror, though you try and fail to mask it. 
You reach out a hand, but you hesitate to touch him. Suffering is written across his face. He tries to stifle sounds of pain out of habit.
Tears are fresh in your eyes as you look down at him in dismay. You chance laying a hand on his shoulder. 
“Can you heal yourself?” you ask.
“No,” he answers eventually. “I think the demon’s spear was poisoned. I think I’m…”
No, your lower lip trembles as you shake your head.
“No,” you repeat aloud. “You just need time.��
You turn to Dean, who’s approached from behind you. But you quickly turn back to Cas, as if you’ll miss out on precious few moments. Castiel’s furrowed gaze tells you he’d rather not have you see him like this, but you don’t care. There’s no way you’re leaving his side. 
The weapon that was able to do this to him was the Lance of Michael, you all discover, when Crowley suddenly appears. He also informs you all that this is no ordinary demon. It’s Ramiel, Prince of Hell. You don’t give a shit about the specifics of how Crowley is wrapped up in this.
All you care about is if there’s a cure to Cas’s wounds. Crowley’s only words of wisdom are to leave the angel behind and run as fast as you can. 
He disappears before you can spit at him. 
“Cas, how bad is it?” Dean asks, after the King of Hell predictably makes a run for it. 
Castiel opened up his shirt collar to reveal a spiderweb of black crackling across his clammy skin, slowly breaking down his vessel. 
“Crowley’s right. You should go.”
Your hand tightens on his shoulder. “Cas—”
“No, listen to me,” he says, staring into your eyes. He continues with difficulty. “Look…thank you. Thank you. Knowing you all, it’s been the best part of my life. The things we’ve shared together, they have changed me… You’re my family, and I love you.”
His gaze had fallen on you, making your breath hitch. But his dark blue eyes travel to Sam and Dean next, and even Mary. 
“I love all of you.” The angel is the closest to tears and heartbreak that you’ve ever seen him. He struggles to hold himself together, in more ways than one. “Just, please, please don’t make my last moments be spent watching you die. Just run, and save yourselves, and I will hold Ramiel off as long as I can.”
You’re shaking your head before he even finishes the sentence. Tears pour down your cheeks in silent streams, but you still hold him down when he tries to force his body to sit up. He doesn’t have the strength to resist you encouraging him to lie back down. 
Dean voices what you’re all thinking.
No. None of you would cut and run and leave him to die, no matter what Cas says. 
“Like you said, we’re family. And we don’t leave family behind.”
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Ramiel comes for all of you, specifically for his stolen weapon. Killing the rest of you would just be an added bonus.
But while the four of you manage to pin down the demon with holy fire and a good fight, it’s Sam who manages to stab the Prince of Hell with Michael’s Lance, killing him in flash of brilliant light and rendering his body to ash. 
Of course, that’s when Crowley arrives once again, late holding his proverbial Starbucks. In this case, what would’ve been a mocha frappe is actually the Lance—and Crowley breaks it in half. It somehow reverses the curse of the blade, and therefore frees Castiel. 
He’s able to heal himself back to a full recovery. 
But also, rather predictably, Crowley disappears again before you all can recover yourselves. 
Sam and Dean help the angel back onto his feet. His clothes are still covered in blood, but his skin is clear and no longer clammy, his eyes no longer bloodshot. He’s shocked to still be alive, and you can barely contain yourself. Tears stream down your face as you surprise him with a hug.
Cas releases an oof, his body wavering just slightly before he plants his feet and wraps his arms around you. His hold tightens around your smaller frame, and he chances resting his chin on the top of your head.  
“So…you’re good?” Mary asks incredulously. 
Castiel raises his gaze to answer her. “I guess I am.”
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You’re quiet for the rest of the drive home. Mary had taken her own car for the hunt, so it leaves you once again in the backseat with Castiel.
He finds your silence perturbing, though he doesn’t have the courage to ask you what’s wrong. Despite his full recovery, you still seem upset somehow. 
Part of him wants to reach out to you…but he stops himself. He also reminds himself not to stare at you. Instead, he turns his head back out the window. You felt his gaze on your profile, but you resolve to keep yours stubbornly out of your own window. 
The only one who notices the exchange, yet again through the rearview mirror, is Dean. His lips firm into a thoughtful frown. 
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Home, sweet home, you think wryly when you enter the bunker. 
You give into the urge to beeline straight for your room without even turning your head. 
Sam and Mary follow suit, which leaves Castiel hesitating in the hall. Dean takes pity on him and claps his shoulder. 
“You okay, man?” he asks. Cas is staring after you like a man who’s lost his way.
“She’s…upset,” he replies, both confused and bothered by that fact.  
Dean’s lips twitch humorlessly. “Yeah, well, you almost died.”
“Yes,” Cas gives a wry nod. “But she seems upset at me.”
Dean has to smile for real. It’s plain as day what’s on his friend’s mind, and why. Just like it’s obvious as hell (at least to him) why you’re probably “upset.” As always, Dean takes up the role of wingman. 
“Why don’t you just go talk to her then?” he suggests.
Castiel hesitates. He’s not sure if he’d be intruding on you. The emotions of human women are foreign to him. They always have been, even when he was human, not so long ago. But he trusts Dean’s advice on these things.
So, he eventually nods. He means to follow you, but Dean stops him for a moment with a hand on his shoulder. 
“Maybe after you, uh, wash your clothes. Take a shower. Maybe shave a little,” he says, brushing his fingers over his own chin. “But uh, keep a little scruff. Some chicks dig that.”
“Shave my facial hair, but…keep my facial hair?” Cas tries to clarify. 
Dean blinks at his friend. Christ.
 “Okay, look, just clean yourself up,” he says. “You’ll be fine.”
With one last clap on the back, Dean disappears down the hall to his room. It leaves Castiel feeling somewhat unbalanced, but he treks the other way.
Normally he would restore his clothes with his powers, but he’d used up his reserves just to heal himself. There was a time when his connection to heaven was enough to do more than heal his own injuries. Now, however, both he and heaven itself are in a lesser state. 
Shaking his head, he goes down to the laundry room. He still remembers how to wash his own clothing. 
He unintentionally finds you there in the laundry room. You’ve peeled away your jacket that had been stained with his blood, and you’re tossing it into the machine. It leaves you in a thin shirt and jeans.
Castiel finds himself admiring your form; the familiar curve of your face, the shade of your hair, the outline of your bra through your shirt (which he tries not to notice), and the other curves that he has to often felt guilty for tracing with his eyes…and imagining with his hands.  
You look up when he enters the room.
He knocks himself out of his thoughts and freezes, a bit uncertain.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you,” he offers.
You just shake your head. “It’s okay.”
Your eyes roam over him then, from head to toe. It makes his face feel a bit warm.
“You want me to throw that coat in with mine?” you ask, pointing over to him. Cas examines his bloody trench coat.
“I’m not sure there’s any saving it, but we can try,” he says. He peels off the coat and allows you to throw it into the watching machine along with your bloody clothing.
“Your shirt’s white, so you should wash that separately,” you advise.
“I know,” he says, with a faint smile. “I, uh, I remember.”
You begin to regain some of your normal self, glancing at him with more warmth in your eyes. 
“Do you ever miss being human?” you ask. Cas draws closer to you. He rests a hand near yours, where you lean on the dryer. 
“There were some enjoyable aspects. Food, in particular,” he admits. “Now if I try to take a bite of a sandwich, it’s just…molecules, really.”
You wince in sympathy. “God, I don’t know how I could go through life without being able to enjoy another Snickers bar.”
He nods in agreement. He remembers chocolate well.
“But it wasn’t just the taste. It was the feeling of satiety. Sometimes, being uncomfortably full was quite satisfying,” he says. That makes you smile. 
But it soon drops when you take in the disgusting state of his shirt. Unbidden, it reminds you of every horrific thing that happened tonight. You really can’t bear it. 
“Okay, give me that,” you gesture at the shirt.
You start to unbutton it before he’s really ready for you, but he tries to get over his embarrassment by removing his tie. Meanwhile, you undo the buttons of his shirt while trying not to think too hard about what you’re really doing as you start to see flashes of his skin, from chest to sternum.
He takes a peek at your face. 
“Are you angry?” he asks. 
Your brows are furrowed, but this time more in confusion when you look up at him. 
“No. Why?” 
Cas’s brows furrow. “It feels like you’re angry…at me.”
The hasty motions of your hands calm at that. You consider him with a frown. Maybe you are a little upset at him. It’s not really fair, you know, but it’s how you feel. You blow out a sigh. 
“I just… After everything we’ve been through, everything you’ve done for us, how could you think for one second that we would leave you there alone? Alone to die?” you ask. It renders Castiel a bit stunned into silence. 
Your grip tightens on the now open edges of his shirt.
“Look, that situation was bad enough. But if you ever try to push me away like that again…”
You’re unable to finish that thought. You become waylaid by your own tears as emotion clogs your throat and threatens to choke you. 
Castiel raises a hand to touch your face, tentatively at first, then more comforting. He brushes his thumb across your cheek, catching the tears there. 
“I wasn’t trying to push you away,” he confesses. “I was trying to save you…because I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, even as I lay dying.”
You hold onto his hand. Biting your lower lip, you find enough courage to meet his eyes. They’ve lowered to your lips, you realize, though maybe Cas doesn’t. He seems a bit surprised when you lean up towards him.
You go more slowly. Your hand falls on his warm chest. For God’s sake, do something, you tell yourself. 
You don’t know if he can pick up on your thoughts as well with your bodies touching this close, but he seems to have an internal battle of his own. You each make a decision at the same time.
It has you leaning up the rest of the way, and Castiel bending down to meet your kiss.  
He gathers you closer; one hand finds its way into your tangled hair, while the other grasps your hip and brings you flush against him. Your hands move up his chest and wind around his neck. He holds you tightly against him as his lips claim yours, over and over with increasing urgency. 
He turns you in his arms and hefts you up onto the dryer machine. There he gets even more leverage to kiss you the way he has secretly imagined, to touch you the way he’s too often craved, with his hands warming up and down your thighs.
You utter a moan of longing as you hold his face. You like the scrape of his stubble against your palms. You can almost imagine that delightful tingling against otherplaces down your body. Places you’d like him to explore when you have more privacy…
Or maybe here is privacy enough.
You alternatively tangle and tug your fingers through his hair. And it’s his turn to moan when you take his lower lip between your teeth, scraping just hard enough to be both painful and delightful.
He squeezes your thighs in retaliation. It prompts you to wrap your legs around his waist, bringing him even closer. Your dirty boots cross behind his back.
But soon, his touch gentles, more tender than demanding as he slows the kiss. His lips veer from yours and burn a path across your jawline, down the smooth column of your neck.
It allows you to catch your breath, but the feeling of his gentle lips and rough cheek just turns you on even more. You card your fingers through his hair and close your eyes. 
“Cas,” you breathe in content. 
He hesitates, with his lips on your neck. “Yes?”
You blink for a moment, but then you have to giggle. You twine your arms around his neck and hold him close. 
“Nothing,” you reply. Your smile says it all though. Cas sees it when he pulls away a bit, turning his gaze back to you. He caresses your cheek with the back of his hand. 
“I didn’t think feelings such as this…desires like this, would affect me after I became an angel again.”
Your smile brightens, even as you blush. “Does that make me special?”
“Yes,” he replies, with a soft smile. “But for many more, and far better reasons than that.”
Your eyes begin to sting with unshed tears. You bite the edge of your lower lip, but Cas’s thumb swiping across encourages you to release it.
“When you said that you loved me,” you say, a little shakily, “did you just mean…in the family sense?”
Castiel meets your eyes, and there he finds his courage. 
“Yes,” he says. “And no.”
With another one of those smiles he’s come to love, you bring him back in for a kiss. All too soon, it becomes hungrier, rougher, born of passion and secret desires finally spilling free. 
“Wait,” you pant against his lips, taking his hands in yours. “Come with me.”
Anywhere, his heart says.
But after you jump down from the dryer, you tug him by the hand out of the laundry room. After a quick scan of the hallway, you give him a playful little smile and lead him down to your room.
Castiel can’t help but smile in return. He follows your lead in more ways than one when the door to your bedroom shuts behind you both.
You help him shrug off his tattered shirt, and he helps you out of yours next, followed swiftly by the belt buckle on his slacks. 
In that moment, and many moments after, you’re grateful for door locks. You just hope the Winchesters aren’t dumb enough to interrupt what you have planned next for your angel…
Because it might just take all night.
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AN: I haven't written for Castiel in a long time, but I had fun with this. 🥰 I hope you all enjoy it! Let me know what you think. 😘
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saturnneedsspace · 1 month
After Cas confesses his love, but before he pushes Dean away, he pulls something out from his trench coat and slips it into Dean's pocket. Cas pushes him down and gets taken by the Empty, followed by Billie, leaving Dean alone on the bunker floor. As he cries, he feels something push into his chest, so he reaches his hand into his flannel pocket and pulls out the mixtape. The one he had given Cas as a gift and a secret sort of love confession of his own, thinking Cas wouldn't understand it. But as he stared down at the tape over top that read 'Dean's top 13 Zeppelin traxx', he knew that Cas understood. And he feels his heart break even more. Cas knew. Cas knew how he felt, yet he never said anything until it was too late. They were both too stupid to understand and just tell each other.
As Dean held the mixtape firmly in his hands, shoulders shaking with his sobs, he noticed that something felt off about it. The texture was different. He would know. He had flipped the cassette over and over and over in his hands before giving it to Cas, trying to decide on what to say to the angel.
Dean used his sleeve to wipe the blurriness from his eyes so he could see what was wrong with it. It still took a few seconds to adjust, and when he saw the large crack down the center of the tape, he gasped and brought it closer to his face. More tears spilled down his face. Cas' last move was to give this back to him, to show him that he understood their love and reassured Dean that, though he never said it, he knew how much he had meant to him. And Dean had broken it. The last thing Cas had ever given him besides the bloody handprint forever imprinted on his coat.
But as Dean's hands held on, finergrtips rubbing over the surface again and again, desperate to feel some kind of comfort in his hopeless situation, he noticed something attached to the back of it. He sniffled, wiped his eyes again, and flipped it over. On the backside, there was a piece of paper taped there with his name written on it. He quickly ripped it off, causing the cassette to re-split in half, obvious that the piece of tape being all that held it together, and opened the note.
Hello, Dean.
I just wanted to write you this before I give back your tape and apologize for breaking it. I'm really really sorry. I know I'm not super good at apologies, but writing makes it a lot easier, so I'm writing it for you. I hope you'll forgive me. I didn't mean to break it. I know you spent a lot of time picking the songs specifically for me because you knew I'd like them, though I had trouble understanding some of the parts. I'll never understand why humans love music so much. It's so much noise and there's so much going on, but I know it's important to you, so I will learn to like it. I'm very sorry for breaking it. I don't ever take it out of my trench coat, just in case I need to listen to it during an emergency, and I fell onto it. :( Please forgive me, Dean. I'm very sorry.
As Dean read, he watched tear drops stain the paper. He laughed a little as he continued to cry, noting how the letter was the most characteristic Cas letter he could think of. And he was happy. So happy that he didn't break it himself. It was already broken.
Cas knew how much the weight of handing over a mixtape was, especially a Zeppelin one for Dean, and he acknowledged it. Dean squeezed the letter to his chest as he leaned back against the wall and continued to cry silently.
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
A kind of sex education ( platonic cas x winchesters x reader)
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summary : when castiel curious nature after watching adult movies leads to a strange string of questions and learning of their sex lives . 
warnings well there is really none just awkward sex talk . this is more a drabble   
What was supposed to be a normal ass day of research ended up more strange then any hunt well it definitely up there . She wanted to prove dean wrong but walked in on castiel doing his own research . eyes locked on the screen , while head tilted in confusion and a woman's moans filled the room making the two freeze to their spot. 
" is he watching..." her voice trailed off .
" porn yeah , we've got an angel watching porn " dean shook his  head .
" erm cas buddy that stuff is not for the communional area's more privacy of your own room " she winced as the sound of skin slapping got louder.
" if the pizza man truly loves the babysitter why does he keep  slapping her rear ?"  he turned to the red faced  hunters standing before him .  " perhap she has done something wrong" he added. 
" cas turn it off please" she asked quicker and louder ,making cas stand and her to gasp . " oh my ,dean does he have " she turned to the man .
" A boner yep " he snorted .
" Cas why are you watching this " she asked sitting across from him noticing his eyes trail to her chest.
" You can't watch porn in a room filled with dude's and Y/N " the older winchester chuckled wondering would sam believe him .
" I was bored and bobby told me to borrow a video out of his room" he looked even more confused what was wrong .
" Well good to know i can never look bobby in the eyes again " she felt her cheeks heating up giving the situation.
" Is sex like this in real life " he asked making her wishing she went on the supply run .
" no never , i mean the girls finish for one  and those moanS so fake " she snorted making dean shoot her alook .
" A Man never made you finish " he asked curiously.
" Cas you can't ask a chick that ... but yeah what "he said  turning to Y/N for some help .
" No they have not anyway's  cas sex is nothing like these movies their just fantasized version  that people mainly watch to well get off " she explained awkwardly again wanting to leave the room as soon as she could. 
" Alone so don't whip it out " dean added seeing the angel looking down at his crotch .
" Do you watch it " cas asked looking straight at her.
"  i mean yeah i do sometimes " she smiled weakly seeing deans face light up .
" That's hot sweet girl " he winked .
" that made it move " Cas looked down at his crotch .
" Oh kill me now " she cried as dean doubled over laughing .
" Do you like your rear slapped " Cas asked still filled with questions.
" ok ok why is this aimed at me " she stood.
" I mean trench coat baby has valid questions so sweetheart does spanking get you going " dean teased finding the whole thing amazing . 
" wouldn't you like to know " she winked before leaving the room before the angel curiosity killed her . 
" Hey i wanted to know " dean yelled just as sam walked in almost dropping the bag of groceries  when he had seen what was on the screen .
" Why are you and cas watching porn " he arched his brows .
" Cause he found it in bobbies room  and was curious and just to clarify he was watching it not me " dean snorted.
" Does Y/N like her rear smacked she wasn't clear on her answer " castiel asked standing and to full attention still .
" Ithink i'm going to go back to the store , maybe never come back " sam walked back out the door.
"damn it cas go fix that or have a cold shower" dean huffed leaving the angel standing confused to what was going on  and why everyone was so uncomfortable .
To say dinner time in the bunker was filled with tension was an understatement . all eyes on their plates to bobby's confusion , hell Y/N hasn't looked at him once .
" Ok what the hell happened here  did you walk in on those too having sex or something " he gestured to dean and Y/N .
" No Y/N has never finished in sex " cas said easily .
" someone seriously just shoot me " she groaned.
" i'd let you finish princess " dean winked.
" Erm cas may have gotten his hands on a special movie from your room and it lead to some interesting question mainly aimed at our female hunter " sam explain.
" Pizza boy and babysitter really man " dean asked as bobby's eyes found his plate really interesting all of a sudden.
" I'm going to eat in my room and never talk to you guys again except sam " she ran out the room with her plate.
" Hey want me to join you for dessert" dean called .
"  Fuck off " she yelled back .
" Thank god we don't have a HR department " sam muttered. 
" She never gonna talk to any of us again " bobby face was beet red knowing his niece now knew what he had in his room .
" Who even has porn  dvds anymore " .
" I fixed my boner earlier alone like you said " cas said as the other  dropped their forks . 
" I'm joining Y/N , you guys deal with this " sam ran down the hall . 
" is he going to smack her rear ?  ".
" Ok no more porn questions ever watch it in your room in private and never tell us again and stop asking y/n sex questions before she  leaves us altogether" dean deadpanned.
" We're definitely going to hell for getting an angel hooked on porn " bobby mumbled. 
part two
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somanystars · 4 months
in the secret good s16 of supernatural tfw 2.0 would go to a grocery store
NOT a conveniance store
a grocery store
-sam would get jack into the cart (jack just teleports in) and then pushes him down the aisles super fast. he loved doing it with dean as a kid and now he gets to do it with jack. they nearly run over dean at one point and dean tells them off for it, calling them a public nuisance ("like you're one to talk" "shut UP sam") and as revenge they wait until dean and cas are standing right next to each other and run at dean like they're jousting. dean falls trying not to get run over, into cas who is ofc an Angelic Tank and doesn't even flinch when he catches dean. cue the most flustered man in existence in front of the knock-off cereal brands bc my god he never learned to emotionally regulate.
-you would think sam and dean would be the ones arguing about healthy vs tasty food. wrong. sam knows his brother is a stubborn ass and just sneaks healthy food into the cart. (he has a system. he also has a farmer's market he runs off to once in a while.) dean and CAS on the other hand are bickering in every. single. aisle about every. single. item. cas is trying to make sure heart disease doesn't kill the man who refused to kill God. dean is trying to exercise his new found free will. this is flirting for them.
-jack finds an employee restocking an aisle and strikes up a conversation with them. this of course leads to him helping restock a whole section of the aisle because "of course i helped them! i wasn't doing anything else!" eventually they end up seated on the floor criss cross applesauce talking about the DEEPEST MOST RANDOM SHIT. anyways jack likes them so much they win the lottery the next day.
-cas wanders into the freezers because it's "refreshing." dean only realizes this when he pulls a a carton of milk out of the fridge and sees cas staring back at him. he ALMOST pulls out his gun.
-obligatory "sam gets hit on by an older woman" thing but he is ENGAGED and flashes his engagement ring (eileen proposed to him because fuck gender roles because i said so. he cried. dean will deny it but he cried when eileen asked him for sam's hand. gd now i wanna write that. fuck.) anyways this does not stop the older woman and sam sighs. cas rescues him.
-cas accidentally leaves the store with his coat loaded with random stuff. dean sighs and concludes that stealing from a chain grocery store is not the worst thing they've ever done.
-cas sees that the last thing of an item dean wanted sitting in an unattended cart and...takes it out. and gets accosted by a person because yeah that's their cart but cas sacrificed heaven and his life and his wings for humanity (read: singular human but still) and thinks he can have the last jar of strawberry jam. dean hears them from 2 aisles over and sighs.
okay now. if this gets to 100 notes ill write+post a full fic to ao3
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s0urw00lf · 2 months
I don’t wanna live forever
Part two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Summary: Y/n is having a hard time coming to terms with her feelings for the guy she’s supposed to feel nothing more than a friendship with, so instead of confronting those feelings she runs away, which proves to be a mistake for her and him.
Warning: angst, heartbreak, fluff, sad angry Dean because he’s a warning in itself
An: this is my first Dean Winchester fic so i hope it lives up to your expectations. Also this is gonna be a two part series because i got carried away with setting up the plot for this. If you like this flick and the way i write i am taking requests for Sam, dean and cas so feel free to make some. Anywho love ya and i hope you enjoy.
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Dean Winchester is the epitome of a girls dream guy. He’s smart, tall, and strong. Not to mention those pretty green eyes that scream ‘walking sex god’ or that cheeky ass smirk he wears when he knows he’s got a girl in his clutch. But thats not what made you fall for him, not the only reason at least. Dean Winchester has been your best friend since you both could walk. Being left to take care of Sammy while your mom and john were out hunting all through your childhood up really sealed your fate, you saw all of his most vulnerable moments and you knew those moments he needed you to break down those walls so he wouldn’t self destruct. But also you saw how much he loved, and how he fought for the people he loved, but he wouldn’t let anyone give that back to him. And thats why you loved him. Because you knew that just like him you’d do anything for him at any moments notice. You’d kill, you’d torture , you’d die If he needed.
So as you sat at a bar sipping on your martini watching dean flirt with the pretty curly headed bartender with a short skirt, your heart felt heavy within your chest and your stomach completely empty despite the large bowl of fries you were sharing with Sam. The feelings that surged through your body weren’t anger, or hatred. It was sadness and longing, knowing that even though you loved everything about that man, even though you knew him better than anyone else. Better than himself. He’d wouldn’t see you how you saw him, and no matter how much you hated it, you couldn’t hate him. Not one bit.
“Y’know if you sulk any harder people are gonna mistake you for a grounded teenager” an amused voice spoke from beside you. Your gaze broke from dean and turned to his brother, “shut up Sam” you said nudging his shoulder softly. A smile crossed the younger winchesters face, “he’s just looking for a distraction” he muttered to you, diverting his gaze over to his brother letting a frown overtake his features. Sam knew how utterly in love you and his brother were with each other, i mean anyone could see it. Except for some reason you two.
“Yeah well sleeping with a random person isn’t exactly what id call ‘a distraction’” you said bitterly, immediately feeling bad even though dean was nowhere around to hear. Sam shook his head at just how blind you were, “ i just don’t understand why he wont open up to us.” You said trying to keep your voice steady, stirring your drink around with your straw “He knows that we know how much loosing john is affecting him. Hell he’s not the only one fucking dealing. We all lost” she said trying not to let the tears forming in her eyes fall. Sam sighed “thats just how he is. It’s how he’s always been. The strong one” he said looking at his friend solemnly.
“Well it’s bullshit and he knows it” you said slamming your hands down on the table as you stood up. “Im going back to the motel” you muttered grabbing you coat from the back of your chair and trying to keep your tears at bay. Sam grabbed your wrist stopping you. “You want me to walk you?” He offered softly. “No it’s fine, i’m fine. I just need some time alone if thats okay” you said. Sam nodded letting go of your wrist, you gave him a hug and a kiss on the forehead, a habit you’d formed when he was only two years old. And with that you exited the bar, not sparing a look in deans direction. You couldn’t stomach it. What you missed was the longing and worried look dean sent you as he weakly excused himself, and made his way over to Sam and began his interrogation.
While you walked your brain was racked with all of these intense emotions. But the most prominent thought was how much it was killing you. Given you’d known that Dean wasn’t the relationship type, i mean the ratio of his hookups to relationships says enough in itself. But you’d grown up together, you knew how much dean craved to be held and loved by a woman, and you were hoping by chance he’d let it be you. But as the months turned into years and years turned into a decade, you were tired. Tired of loving someone who only thought of you as a friend. Tired of loving someone who would shamelessly flirt with other women in front of you, no matter how deeply in love you showed him you were.
By time you reached the motel you’d had your mind made up, you’d apologize to the boys later but you had to go. And you knew that if you told them in person Sam’s puppy dog eyes that always worked and deans broken expression would’ve coaxed you back in. So there you are packing your bags (not that you had much to pack) and hopping into a car you’d managed to break into and Hotwire and began your way to Bobby’s.
When you arrived at Bobby’s he was shocked to see you but ultimately let you in. “Y’look like shit” he greeted looking you up in down taking in your puffy eyes. You laughed “good to see you too”. Bobby looked behind you, curiosity etched into his face “where are the other two idjits?” He asked. Your once happy expression dropped, replaced by a guilty look and you avoided his eyes as best you could. Bobby took a step forward, now concerned “peanut where are the boys” he asked a little more demanding this time. Tears pooled your eyes for what felt like the 100th time that day. “I- i left them in Wyoming” your voice broke as tears began to cascade down your face. “I didn’t tell them, they would’ve convinced me not to go” you explained. Bobby stared at the girl not sure what to do about the girl he saw as a daughter crying so freely in front of him. “Why’d ya leave? Somethin’ happen?” He asked leading you to the couch and taking a seat himself.
You shook your head “no… no nothing happened. I just couldn’t watch it anymore.” You muttered playing with your fingers in your lap trying to put your feelings into words. Bobby watched intently, and he swore he could almost see the cloud of thoughts above your head. It took about five seconds for it to click. Dean. “S’this ‘bout dean?” He leaned forward. You hesitated, finally looking up to meet them and eyes before you nodded. “It was okay before, i mean I’ve had feelings for him since we were 14 so i learned to tune it out mostly. But as we get older its just go hard, i mean I’m 26 now and I’ve seen him during relationships and hookups and its not effected me until now.” You explained, Bobby didn’t say anything, knowing that if he said the wrong thing you’d probably run up to your designated room and act like the conversation never happened.
“i think because i realized just how far id go for him, and with the way things are heating up that flame seems to grow more and more every hunt. But he doesn’t see it, he doesn’t see the raw and utter devotion i hold for him. He doesn’t see how i run off every guy because i know they wont be like him. He doesn’t see how much it hurts me to see him happy with someone else, even if it’s just for a night. And it hurts Bobby, it hurts like hell to love someone who only sees you as his best friend that much” you finished. By that point the tears were streaming down your face and he could hear the heartbreak in your voice. Bobby stood up trying to keep his own tears at bay as he watched the young girl break down in front of him, he grabbed you by your wrist pulling you into a bone crushing hug as you sobbed into his shirt. The two of you stood like that until your sobs subsided, leaving you with sniffles every few seconds.
Bobby pulled away and grabbed your face “you are a smart, strong, beautiful young lady. And after all you’ve been through you deserve all the love in the world, and if dean can’t see that then he’s more of an idjit than i thought” he joked. A small laugh passed your lips and suddenly the need for sleep hit you like a ton of bricks. Bobby seemed to take notice because he sent you on your way upstairs to your room and you made no effort to fight sleep any longer.
just downstairs Bobby pulled out his phone that saw tht he had 14 missed callers from Sam and 27 from dean. He calculated how angry you’d be at him for making the decision he was about to but he’d deal with your anger over heartbreak any day. So he pressed the call back button and listened to the dial tone until deans voice replaced the noise
“Is she with you” he asked urgently, Bobby noted the sound of deans engine in the background as well as Sam asking if it was Bobby that called.
“Yeah she’s here, and you’d better have a damn good excuse for her showing up the way she did” Bobby said in an authoritative tone.
“I’m not 100% sure but i have a theory” dean replied with a distracted tone. “I don’t care what you do or don’t have. You get here and you fix it you understand boy?” “Yes sir” dean answered. Bobby then hung up, dean knew he was in deep shit if he couldn’t make things right with you
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lil-fungus · 2 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of ‘PonyNatural’ on my feed and I have had my creativity sparked soo I decided to make my own versions!
Firstly, all credit to @chxrrylungs , @anntova and @kisris who made their own versions and gave me the inspo! :)
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I decided to make Cas a little taller than Dean because I just Imagine him as this really majestic Alicorn (is that the right word?) and I dunno they just seem like they’d be tall
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Deans cutie mark was the hardest to come up with because I also wanted to show he was Micheal’s vessel and was going to give him a secondary cutie mark that only the angels can see but I really didn’t like em so I managed to come up with this and I like it! It’s the Color of Micheal’s eyes when he takes over Dean and the tear I just fits Dean, always hiding his feelings and having ran from his true title of the archangels Vessel for so many years. It’s not what he really wants but it’s “destiny”.
Sam’s matches but is reversed, like two sides of the same coin. I thought it made sense seeing as one was the vessel for an angel and the other, the devil himself. Once again, the Color of the eye is similar to Lucifers when he is in a vessel, and the tear too is ofc reversed. Despite at first not really liking it (it still looks like an alien to me), I like it. Sam was more willing to accept Lucifer and didn’t really fear it as much because he knew Dean would be there to save him when things got bad. He had a shoulder to rely on whereas Dean didn’t really have that same stability due to him being the older brother.
And lastly, Castiel has two feathers, one pointed up and is healthy, a reminder of his time as a soldier of heaven and a feather pointed down and broken, his fall and his wings being destroyed in the process. They each have a halo on them, the one in tact is when Cas was just another mindless robot doing everything that was ordered of him. The broken halo is him gaining his own free will, becoming his own individual. One of the breaks too looks like a broken heart which is ofc a link to love being what freed him, both familial and romantic.
Anyways, I’m having to deal with my dog and snake being idiots rn so I’ll probs talk about their coats next post 😪
Additionally, I drew this of @chxrrylungs design of Dean in June! :) I did post it but I wasn’t happy with my style 😭 as you can see I changed it a little ! Thought I’d just add it anywho !
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bunnysbrainrot · 1 year
Bunny's Masterlist
Hi everybody! Below you'll find my works organized by fandom and character. Take a peek at the new WIP category - stay in the loop on what's coming up, and if it's not something you're itching to read, send in a request!
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Supernatural: Dean Winchester: If You Change Your Mind - Ch. 1 If You Change Your Mind - Ch. 2 If You Change Your Mind - Ch. 3 Back Seat Guessing Game (ft. Sam) He Wants To Watch (ft. Sam) Discreet A Lesson in Manners
Sam Winchester: Keep Watching No Vacancy - Day One No Vacancy - Day Two No Vacancy - Day Three Guessing Game (ft. Dean) He Wants To Watch (ft. Dean) Size Matters Research Sinners (Teaser)
Crowley: Your Rightful Place Fitting Room Vices and Virtues
Castiel: Obedience at Its Finest (Lucifer!Cas) Vices and Virtues
The Last of Us: Joel Miller But I'm Better (Series, DBF!Joel) Blood Flow Daddy's Girl The Real Thing Our Little Secret
Too Sweet (Series, Jackson!AU) Bourbon and Mead Unspoken Rules Friendly Competition
The Walking Dead: Negan Smith: Easy Access
Other: Pedro Pascal: Sway Coat Check
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Sinners (Full) - Sam Winchester x Reader Unlike Your Brother - Sam Winchester x Reader A Lesson In Manners - Dean Winchester x Reader Step by Step - Dean Winchester x Reader
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Requests are open! Be aware that if the request is incredibly long, oddly specific, or awkward it may be altered or unused. Some past requests have been questionable, gross, or illegal and I have no intention of immersing my brain in that for hours [*thousand yard stare*]
But, I digress!
Thank you for all of your support, as always. It means so much more than you know! If you have a request or simply want to say hi, my inbox is always open! Daily life impedes quite a bit, but I'm incorporating writing whenever I can. Feel free to give me some creative homework!
Also, check this link to see who I write for, and this link if you'd like to be tagged in future posts! The latter will be a lengthy process to finish, but I'm going to give it a shot! There's gotta be an easier way than doing this with a Google doc, right?
Here's to our lil' family, and to more fanfiction!
xoxo - Bunny
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bobwess · 1 month
Ao3 is down for a hot sec
As per tradition, here is one of my one-shot fics to tide y'all over~
2,398 words (Now that Ao3 is up, here is the link to mine~)
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Dean tried unsuccessfully to focus on the mug in front of him. Rubbing his eyes just triggered a yawn. He looked ruefully at his watch; Maybe he needed more than four or five hours sometimes. He absently turned the spoon, cereal dangerously close to sloshing out of the bowl.
When he heard the footsteps behind him he turned to see if it was Sam or Cas.
"Hello Dean."
"Mmh." Dean said, fighting through a yawn. He cracked his neck. "Mornin' Cas." He closed his eyes for a second and suddenly Cas was sitting at the table next to him. He had to remind himself that it was just 'being tired', and not 'Cas could suddenly fly again'.
"Have you or Sam heard anything?"
"What, itching to get out of here already?" There was something different. Something was… his thoughts weren't quite up to the task of figuring it out yet.
"No." Cas said, "But I would like to help."
"If it's a case you want, we can kick a few rocks, see what falls out." The picture wasn't right… that much he could tell.
"I would like that."
Cas was wearing his shirt.
Cas was not wearing a suit.
"Sounds like a plan." He heard himself say. No tie, no dress pants.
"Thank you."
A week ago Cas' tan coat finally met a stain it couldn't part with. Dean offered to take Cas on a hunt for a new one, but Cas wasn't interested. 'I think it is time for something different.'
Dean had gone out that evening and grabbed Cas a few things to start his 'something different'.
Cas was sitting here in a pair of jeans, a white tee and what was definitely his shirt.
Was it?
Dean continued on. "It's been a while since we stretched our legs. Could be good."
He would have remembered getting Cas a flannel shirt. Wouldn't he? He was a little drunk when he was putting the things in Cas' closet. But he wasn't drunk when he was buying them.
Why would Cas be wearing your shirt? He wouldn't be.
Honestly it suits him. Being un-suited.
Dean couldn't help the grin that accompanied his own perceived hilarity. He shook it off, unnoticed.
Maybe he borrowed it from Sam?
Dean finished the last of his coffee and regretfully dragged himself to his feet. "Alright. I'll grab my laptop and meet you in the library."
He watched Cas head out of the kitchen and he frowned. It wasn't very often he saw Cas out of his normal get up. The last week had been jarring on its own, seeing him in only a suit.
He did look good though.
Mmh. Not important.
Dean walked his mug to the sink, washing it out and drying his hands before heading towards his room to find them a case.
Those were his jacket and jeans. He was sure of it this time.
Dean had just bought those jeans… black, and tighter than he usually wore, and right now noticeably tighter than Cas usually wore. The jacket had been in the back of the closet for a while now, but it had been in his closet.
This would be the fourth and fifth item this week that Dean recognized from his own wardrobe. Trouble was, it was too late to call him on it. One of those things that felt like he had missed the window where it wouldn't have been awkward to ask. Now he felt obligated to sort of sit and wait it out.
That jacket never looked right on me. It looks right on him.
Dean continued to pull things out of his bag onto the motel bed, trying not to make it obvious that he was looking over Cas' outfit choices.
He tried to reason out when the hell Cas had time to get into his closet. He never had caught Cas at it yet. For a while he figured he was just grabbing things out of the laundry. Maybe Cas grabbed the jeans from the laundry room but that coat definitely hadn't been out of his closet in months.
At least it's getting some wear.
On top of that, Dean had to admit the jeans worked for Cas. He hadn't quite gotten up to wearing them out. They weren't skinny jeans, but they were… very fitted.
A fact that was very apparent right now.
He couldn't stop looking. Maybe it was just because he had known Cas in exactly one outfit for years, with a few notable exceptions that were just as jarring as this.
The coat, the suit… he hadn't ever thought they looked bad. If he was honest with himself, he liked that tan coat. But it was easy to forget that Cas was more than that sort of box of clothing.
Dean watched Cas turn and walk out the door.
Very fitted.
Dean felt the heat rise in his face and he forced himself to focus back on shoving his stuff back into his bag.
Sam was leaning on the map table, scrolling through his laptop when he heard his brother walk in, and he nodded a thanks when a hot mug of coffee was slid in front of him.
Dean carried his coffee over to a small cart in the corner, opening a bottle of whiskey and adding a splash to his mug.
"Dude, it's like noon." Sam protested.
"Coffee and whiskey. Think of it like brunch."
"Brunch where?"
"You're not Irish."
"I am today."
Sam rolled his eyes as Dean sat across the table. "How's Cas settling in?"
Dean took a sip of his coffee, pausing for a second before a brief nod of approval. He stretched before finally acknowledging his brother's question. "Fine, I think."
"You think?" Sam asked, incredulous.
"Yeah, I mean. He seems to be making himself right at home." Dean muttered.
"You still bitter he took that Metallica shirt?"
Dean threw him a glare. "It's not just 'that Metallica shirt', it's a crew shirt that I got on their tour in Mexico city-"
"That you got by sleeping with an usher."
"That's besides the point." Dean huffed.
"Dean, that shirt is old enough to drink."
"It's vintage. And now it has a coffee stain I have no idea if I'll ever get out."
Sam rolled his eyes again. "I think you'll live."
"Yeah." Dean muttered sullenly.
"You know you could probably just tell him to stop raiding your closet."
Dean sighed, his disagreeable expression melting into a somewhat resigned but more sincere look. "I feel bad."
"The coat wasn't your fault."
Dean fidgeted with his mug in his hands. "I should have told him to let you wash it." He ignored Sam's indignant look. "It was soaked in blood after that case."
"I think it was a goner even before the bleach."
"I thought he just…" Dean gestured vaguely. "You know, angel magicked it clean or whatever."
"He's done it before!"
"I don't think he can do that anymore." Sam pointed out. The last time he saw Cas pull off a miraculous clothing change, Cas had his wings.
"I didn't know he was gonna dump a bottle of bleach on it and leave."
"You couldn't have. And you got him some new stuff."
"I think he's trying to find his own style."
"Right now I think he's trying to find your style."
"Mmh." Dean said with a noncommittal shrug. He took another long sip of coffee before he choked, sending it sputtering, whiskey burning his nose and throat as he struggled to get control.
Seemingly oblivious to almost killing Dean, Cas walked through the library.
"Where the hell did he get those?" Sam mused, mostly to himself, watching Cas disappear into one of the other doors.
"I don't know." Dean lied, voice strained. "I should uh-"
"Stop him before he tries to go out in those?"
"Yeah." Dean agreed weakly. He stood and gathered his mug, hastily making his way towards the kitchen to drop it off and try to follow Cas. He wandered the halls in the direction he saw Cas heading towards, finally hearing the sound of the water coming from the garage.
Dean froze in the doorway.
He wasn't sure exactly what Cas was doing, but for the moment it didn't matter. His eyes flicked down to the shorts, feeling a hot flash across his cheeks. A stubborn oil stain had ruined the jeans, and he had decided to try and cut them off. He didn't actually own any shorts.
He cut them way too short.
He had tried them on once before he pushed them back into the closet, probably for good.
Dean had forgotten they were even in there.
Whatever Cas was doing, he was absolutely drenched already. Water was dripping down from his torso over his legs and pooling near the drain on the garage floor. Dean's Led Zeppelin t-shirt was stuck tight to Cas' chest and biceps, and the shorts were stuck tight to his everything. And he-
The thought was cut off as he suddenly got a face full of water. He thrust his hand in front of his eyes, trying to shield himself at all from the spray as he hurried over to take the hose from an increasingly distressed Castiel. He unhooked the latch keeping the sprayer locked on, dropping it back to the ground once it was off.
Dean was soaked through, his gray robe clinging to his calves and slippers squelching with each slight shift of his weight. He looked up at Cas, eyes wide and body frozen with his arms slightly out as he felt the water running off him. "What-" He swallowed. "Are you doing?"
"Washing your car." Cas answered easily.
"You're-" Dean shook his arms, trying in vain to dry them a little. "Why?"
"I wanted to thank you."
"For what?"
"Allowing me to borrow your clothing."
"For…" Dean stopped, the pieces slotting into place. "Sam told you to raid my closet for whatever you needed." He guessed. That little shit seemed so innocent earlier.
Cas nodded. "It was generous. I was trying to think of a way to show my appreciation, and I decided on this. It was… less successful than I hoped."
"You think?" Dean asked, flatly. He couldn't help the smile forming though. "You're supposed to aim the hose away from you, you know."
"It slipped." Cas lamented, looking down at the hose like it had done it on purpose. "I am sorry I have gotten you wet."
Dean swallowed. "Yeah." He said weakly. He shrugged his arms out of the sodden knit, tossing the gray robe over the tool box in the corner of the room. Walking noisily back, he took a second to be thankful he was at least wearing pajama pants.
Though he'd be in good company.
Cas turned and Dean was reminded that he had cut them even shorter in the back; There was not an insignificant amount of cheek visible.
Not that I'm looking.
Dean took a deep breath, taking it in.
It's just they're so…
"You look good." Dean's mouth betrayed him before his brain fully caught up. He choked a little, covering it with a cough. "I mean, the… you've been picking good stuff. The-" Dean gestured vaguely in Cas' direction. "The shorts… you… it's not bad."
Cas tilted his head slightly, working through the rambling. "Thank you." He finally decided.
"You're welcome." Dean said blankly.
"I would still like to do this for you."
Dean looked from Cas to the hose on the ground, trying to remember what exactly Cas meant before he remembered the car. The static in his mind cleared and he took a deeper breath. "Let's compromise. We do it together and I can show you how to do it properly."
Cas gave a small smile. "I'd like that." he said, leaning down to pick up the hose, the bottom of his cut-offs lifting up precariously. He handed it to Dean.
Dean held it for a minute before he closed his hand around the handle, blasting Cas full force in the face.
Cas threw his hands up in a futile attempt to block any of the water. When it stopped, he just stood there, blinking back at Dean. "That was fair." He said at last.
Dean threw his head back in a laugh. "Damn straight it was." He reached forward, unthinkingly ruffling his hand through Cas' hair, pushing it up from where it was flattened and back into its normal somewhat unkempt state.
Cas' eyes never left his. "You have good clothes."
"I like your clothes." Cas continued.
"Thank you?" Dean frowned. "Or you're welcome?"
"You look good."
"I look like a drowned rat."
Cas reached up, copying Dean and pushing up Dean's short hair.
Dean caught his hand before Cas could pull it away. He froze, just holding it to the side of his face, feeling everything he had been pushing aside hit him at once, his heart hammering in his chest. "You really do look g-"
Cas bridge the gap, pushing their lips together before he could finish. Dean blinked, eyes widening at the kiss, his thoughts grinding to a halt. He didn't move, entirely caught off guard.
Cas pulled away quickly, expression an even mixture of regret and longing. "I'm sor-"
Dean yanked him back, deciding that thinking could wait until later. Right now was time to just act without a plan. This time he closed his eyes and leaned into it fully. He threw a wet arm over Cas' shoulder, fingers working their way into his sopping wet hair.
Dean pulled away, looking directly in Cas' eyes, forcing himself to quell any panic for the time being and just live in the moment. "You should keep the shorts."
Cas just tilted his head.
Dean coughed slightly, his cheeks flashing a bright red. "The uh… let's…" He cleared his throat, turning the hose nozzle over in his hand, looking back between Cas and the impala. "Let's wash the car."
Cas looked at him carefully, trying to get a read on the hunter. "Dean, are you okay?"
Dean hesitated for a moment before a small smile worked its way onto his face. "Yeah… I am." He walked over to the bench, picking up a soft towel and tossing it to Cas. "Let's get to work."
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deanbrainrotwritings · 8 months
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SUMMARY : sunshine and sunny beaches. Dean’s always talking about the beach, toes in the sand… a couple of those little umbrella drinks… her, in a sexy bikini.
PAIRING : dean winchester x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), hating the beach (I hate the beach), fluff, p in v, innuendos, love making, slow sex
A/N : led zeppelin song title. too many thoughts, not enough time to write them all out, but… 🏝️🏖️⛱️🌊☀️🐚  I wrote this first. xxxxxx
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She padded her way out of the warmth of the house in search of Dean, barefoot. Sand crunched beneath her feet, painless, but irritating prickles against her skin—grains sticking to her, hard to remove completely. 
The wind was still compared to how it had been at midday. Only a cool breeze remained, causing goosebumps to grow over her skin. She tightened the wool blanket around her bikini-clad body. She brought it with the intention of covering Dean up once she got to him. 
The sky began to turn dark, a darkish blue pushed the orange hue away. The sun looked like a sunny-side-up egg resting on the blue horizon, the orange hue that spread across acting like the runny insides of the yolk. 
It was time for dinner. 
After lunch, and after walking Miracle, Dean announced he’d be enjoying a drink while reading a book outside. Much to Sam’s, Cas’, but especially her disappointment. 
That was five hours ago. 
She’d checked in on him through text while she joined Cas and Sam for a little tour. Dean called her when he took a break from reading to play with Miracle. They even did a video call for a few minutes before they reluctantly hung up. 
It was the first day that they had separated in all their time there. Dean wanted to relax, and while she longed to sit by him while quietly doing something herself, she didn’t want to miss the opportunity of getting something special for him. 
Sam had gone for a shower to wash away the sweat and sand from their adventure, and Cas was entertaining Miracle while he waited for his turn. 
Cas took things slowly now. He said so. It was cute to see the angel dressed so… casually. It felt… almost intimate to see him out of that trench coat and that suit, showing a bit of his naturally sun-kissed skin. 
Him and Sam bickered—naturally. It was good natured banter, and it was very funny to watch. Cas didn’t hold his tongue, and that dry humour of his made her cheeks burn from smiling and her stomach ache from laughter. 
She finally got to Dean who was fast asleep, and laying down on a pink and white beach lounger with a book open across his chest, the pages facing down. George R. R. Martin. A Feast for Crows. He was catching up. 
She smiled down at him lovingly and extended her hand to brush away stray hairs from his forehead. He looked beautiful in the orange sunlight, his skin glowing like the sparkly surface of the sea. He snored softly and her smile widened. She trailed her fingers down his cheek, his jawline, and pulled away to remove the book from his chest. 
She placed the heavy book over the crunchy bags, cringing at the loudness of it as the book squashed them. 
She covered him with the blanket she had wrapped around herself, distracted by abandoned, empty bags of Cheetos and gummy rings on a small table beside him, a curvy glass filled with watery, blue liquid, and a yellow cocktail umbrella. She eyed them with amusement as she gently tucked the blanket around Dean’s body—as best as she could without waking him. 
Dean wiggled a little beneath the thick blanket, snuggling into the soft wool, stubbly cheek audibly scratching against it. She froze above him, her lips pressing together anxiously, and she pulled her hands away from him just in case. 
Her eyes softened. He was so cute. 
Dean ended up stirring awake anyway, with a smack of his lips. He breathed in deeply, then groaned, his eyes fluttering open. She quickly pulled away so she wouldn’t scare him, but she relaxed when he smiled softly. He looked at her lazily, his eyes half-open.
“You’re here,” he mumbled, clumsily stretching his hand up and out for her to take. Her smile softened.
“Yeah.” She took his hand, smoothing her fingertips against his calloused palm, slipping her fingers through his. “How was your day, baby? You hungry?” She asked, watching him shut his eyes once more, and bring his hand down against his stomach.
A hum rumbled deeply through Dean’s chest. “Good. Missed you,” he whispered, “I’m pretty, uh… hungry, yeah…” he trailed off sleepily, pulling on her hand to bring it to his lips. 
“I missed you, too,” she murmured, a hot flush rising up her face at the sensation of chapped, warm lips pressing against the back of her hand. “Wanna choose what we eat today?” Dean opened his eyes and puckered his lips thoughtfully, which only drew a tiny laugh from her. 
“Can’t think, so sleepy,” he whined playfully, leaning over the beach lounger to look down at her feet. She playfully curled her toes into the sand, collecting a bunch of grains in her feet, wiggling her toes, the sand rubbing between her toes making a little swishy crunch. “No shoes,” he stated with a bemused expression. 
She shrugged, “you like sand.” 
Dean tilted his head and stared up at her. She did the same—in the opposite direction, nearly becoming sleepy herself with the gentle caress of his fingers against her hand. “You hate sand,” he pointed out with a smug smile. 
She gave in easily. 
“Ugh, I do. It gets everywhere. Even after I shower, I find more. You’re crazy,” she rambled, “when I woke up, there was still sand in our sheets, even on the floor!” Dean chuckled, pulled back the blanket, silently inviting her in with him. She shook her head begrudgingly, “my feet are covered in sand-”
“Get in here, Anakin,” Dean interrupted her, giving her hand a sharp tug that made her stumble forward. 
“I won’t fit,” she whined, but she awkwardly climbed in between his bowed legs anyway. The beach lounger squeaked and she looked down at him frightened, with wide eyes. Dean only laughed and pulled her closer to him, careless about the creaking chair. 
She rested her head on Dean’s chest without protesting when he pulled the blanket over both of them. They were silent for a moment and she traced the lines of his bare chest beneath the colourful Hawaiian shirt until she got to the anti-possession tattoo. 
“Why don’t you like the beach?” He asked, his voice thick with sleep once more. Dean ghosted his fingers up and down her back, lulling her into a sleepy, sedated state. 
“It doesn't matter,” she smiled, “we’re here and I’m happy. You’re happy.” She lovingly kissed Dean’s freckled clavicle. After contemplating his question, she lifted herself up to look into his eyes and crossed her arms across Dean’s chest. She looked at him dreamily. Dean turned red and averted his gaze. “And… you look hot half naked,” she grinned, her dimpled cheeks turning hot like his own. 
“Well, I like seeing you half naked, too…” he trailed off, his fingers sneaking up her back. She rolled her eyes at Dean playfully. “Tell me why you’re a beach hater,” he pouted, slowly tugging at the knot of her bikini top tied behind her neck. 
“Hey!” She exclaimed, uncrossing her arms to place one of her hands beside his head. She held the bra against her chest with her free hand when it slipped down. She blushed while he smirked and tugged at the second knot around her back. Holding the flimsy bra was useless, but she kept her arm there and looked around. 
It was getting darker, a slim line of light remained on the horizon, only lights outside tiny living spaces made the surrounding areas visible. But no one was around where her and Dean were. All she could think was that Cas was still inside the small hut. Sam didn’t take very long in the shower. Either one of them could step out at any moment, especially because of Miracle and his needs. 
“The sun’s too bright,” she whispered uncertainly. Dean stopped to contemplate her, raising his brows for her to continue as he began to undo the little bows on her hips keeping her bottoms in place. “It burns my skin and makes me itchy. And the wind… it makes my hair frizzy and tangled…” 
Dean chuckled, examining her face, and how serious she was about the irritation she felt for the beach. He wrapped his thick fingers around her forearm and gently pulled it away from her chest. She slowly let go, scanning his face, holding his gaze, which flickered down to her chest once the bra fell onto him. 
“We’re here though, it’s not so bad when we’re all having fun,” she reassured him. He looked up, simpered. She slowly lifted herself and the blanket slid down her back. Dean moved with her, allowing her to straddle him. She pulls her bottoms from beneath her to dump them onto the sandy beach, her bra following with an indifferent flick. 
Dean lifted his hips, wiggling to get the shorts down enough for her to pull his half-hard cock out. She dragged her finger from his pelvis to the tip, tapping the slit teasingly. She watched him twitch and harden in her hand.
“Thank you,” he told her softly, his hands slowly gliding up her thighs and her sides. 
She tilted her head and her hair followed, her entire face softening at those two words. Two words that held so much weight and meaningfulness when spoken by him. “Thank you…” She murmured, leaning down to place a kiss between his now-furrowed brows. “… For teaching me to enjoy something I didn’t like, for helping me let loose, for making me have fun, and for so much more.” For every reason, she kissed a different section of his face, and the final destination was his smiling lips. 
Dean pressed his hands into her back, keeping her lips locked with his. The kiss was slow, lazy, loving, but still firm, deep, and demanding. There was no indication of fear or doubt, but there was an impatience in the way he dented her soft skin with his fingertips when his hands traversed across her body. 
His hands finally settled on her hips. Dean pulled her forward, parting from her lips to gasp when her heat rubbed against his erection. She dropped her face into his neck to attach her lips to his throat, leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses on every inch of warm skin. She rolled her hips as he guided her and moaned softly when he stretched his head back to give her more access to his neck.
She licked circles over darker freckles, and sucked a light, oval-shaped mark on his pulse, grinding down hard on him when he tightened his grip on her hips and groaned. 
She was having fun, despite how quickly she made herself needy for release. There was something satisfying in the way he begged and moaned, wiggling his hips, hoping to snag his cock at her dripping hole, but it was all to no avail. She kissed lower, across his collarbone and his shoulder, using her nose to move the Hawaiian shirt he’d left unbuttoned out of the way.
He was short of breath by the time she pulled away from his skin and extremely aroused, looking like a melted piece of candy on a hot summer day. She didn’t stop moving her hips and kept teasing him by sinking her teeth into his plump lip, leaving his cock wet in her slick and achingly hard. He throbbed and burned impossibly hot as blood rushed through his cock until he felt like bursting from her grinding alone. 
“Please,” Dean laughed softly, and whined, squirming beneath her impatiently. He bent his knees and brought his hands to her face. She pulled away from his mouth to look at him, but she didn’t protest when he pulled her back in for a kiss, silently asking for her surrender. “One thing on my bucket list…” he whispered. 
She moved back again with a raised brow of curiosity. He chased her lips anyway, ignoring the wordless sign for him to finish his sentence. Dean pouted and stopped trying to kiss her. When the head of his cock prodded at her dripping entrance, Dean’s breath hitched. 
“What’s on your bucket list?” She bit her lip, a smirk playing on her lips when she got the tip of his cock inside her. She reached down to grip him at the base and lifted herself off completely. She did it over and over, repeatedly. 
“S-sex on the beach.” Dean choked on air and his hip bucked upwards unintentionally, unable to stand anymore teasing. Her mouth fell open in surprise when he pushed his cock into her all the way, a painful and delicious stretch around him. 
“Fuck,” she whined, dropping her forehead onto his shoulder. A shiver rippled through her, both from the pleasure of being filled by him and the cool ocean breeze that teased her warm flesh. 
“Sorry,” he whispered, leaning against his elbow to ghost his lips across her sternum apologetically. “I’m sorry,” he murmured again, sliding his hands up her smooth back to bring her closer and warm her up.
“It’s okay,” she exhaled with a breathy laugh. She allowed herself to lean into him, basking in the warmth of his body. Dean kissed her breast firmly, right where her heart was thudding for him—with desire and affection. 
“I want pizza,” he whispered suddenly. She had to stop herself from laughing as Dean circled his tongue around her nipple. She kissed the top of his head and slowly began undulating her hips. 
“Sounds good,” she hummed, beginning to lift herself up and dropping down on his lap slowly. Tormentingly slow. She kept him close, with one of her hands curled behind his neck, the other threading through the short hair behind his head. 
It was frustrating to be in such a cramped, slim chair, but Dean didn’t seem to mind. 
He took the blanket to lift it back up over her waist, and held it in place with his hand as she moved above him unhurriedly. She was more than sure that she could finish like this alone. Driven to the edge by the tiny sensations of her lover being impossibly close. Dean’s breath fanned over her neck, leaving her skin misty the longer he panted from her leisurely pace. 
There was nothing more heavenly than this moment. 
He made a path along her neck and jaw with his lips, leaving a few marks behind that she wouldn’t be able to hide with clothes. Dean wrapped his arm around her waist, clutching the blanket around her still, and met her thrusts at an equally gentle speed. 
She moaned at the fullness she felt in having him inside her, the drag of her slippery walls up and down his length, the brushing of his cock against the most sensitive spots inside her. 
Dean pressed his creased forehead to her cheekbone, his free hand veering up her thigh, so slow. He felt her. Lovingly, he touched her. At least she felt loved with the gradual glissade of his hand tracing the curves of her body, squeezing at certain parts he knew she liked to be touched. 
His touch sent sparks down to her clit. The possessive scrape of his blunt nails down her skin. The pinch of her nipples between two of his fingers, the deliciously rough tugging, the brushing around in teasing circles until they remained peaked and hard. 
“Fuck, you feel so good, Dean,” she mumbled, pressing her lips to his warm cheek.
“You do, too,” he sighed, finding her lips with his own. 
Dean sat up straight in the chair, his chapped, warm lips moved against hers. Using the same listless pace, he slipped his tongue into her mouth, and brought his hand down between her legs, where he thumbed between her folds until he found her swollen clit. 
She gasped at the gentlest brush of the pad of his finger against the sensitive pearl. Her walls clamped down around him tightly, sparks of pleasure from his skilled fingers creating a more powerful flame inside her that urged her to start moving faster in his lap. 
Dean moaned softly into her mouth, and pulled her to him with his arm around her waist, abandoning the blanket that once covered her body. She flexed her hands as they moved down his back when he lifted his hips upwards just a bit faster, meeting her pace, driven both by her pleasure and his own. 
She buried her face in his neck, biting into his taut flesh with her teeth and her nails scratching down his back, leaving behind red marks, and indentation against the canvas of his freckled skin. Dean grunted softly and did the same to her, desperate to feel her everywhere and completely driven by love. He barely grazed her skin with his short fingernails and bit into the skin between her neck and shoulder as his hips stuttered up into her.
“Please,” she murmured, kissing her way up his ear, “I want to feel you cum inside me, Dean.” Dean groaned deeply and bit his lip just as she decided to begin grinding down on him. 
Dean’s cock rammed deeply into her slick and warm insides until he finally came inside her. Slow, gentle pleasure warmed his skin, a buzzing and cotton sensation filled his brain the more he focused entirely on his pleasure until her walls began to squeeze around him tightly. Dean cursed softly into her ear and his hips bucked into her and he collapsed back into the beach lounger with her in his arms, whispering his name repeatedly as she gushed messily around him. 
Dean moved his hand away from her clit and he blindly searched for the blanket to cover both of them once again. The cool air made him feel just how much of their fluids began to drip out of her and he shivered. Her lips made their way back to his own, and a quiet laugh made her shake above him.
“What?” He mumbled, pressing a kiss to her open mouth.
“This might be the best day of my life, Dean.” Dean pulled back to gaze at her with a tiny smile. He brushed hair away from her slightly sweaty forehead, and caressed her heated cheek. “You, me, Sammy, Cas… the beach, lots of food, no more hunting,” she listed, turning her face slightly to kiss his palm. “You,” she grinned playfully.
Dean threw his head back as he laughed loudly. She watched with a more adoring smile that made him flush when he looked at her, his laughter slowly dying down. She bit her lip and lifted herself to let him slip out of her, his cock soft, and coated in their release. 
“Give me your shirt, so we go back in before they decide to order something you don’t want to eat today,” she snorted, taking the blanket with her as she stepped onto the irritating sand. She looked down shamelessly at his wet cock and tightened the wool cloth around her shoulders. 
Dean tutted, “no aftercare.” 
She rolled her eyes at him, but a smile still made its way onto her face. Dean shook his head with a childish pout, staring into her eyes seductively as he lifted his hips to pull his shorts up over his cock. 
“Well, we can shower together.” She shuffled forward, between his legs when he moved his legs to one side of the beach lounger, the cold sand beneath his feet making him shiver. “And clean each other up, and enjoy some… pizza… and watch whatever you want… and then… we can do whatever we want.” Dean slowly peeled the shirt off his body, staring into her loving gaze. “We have the rest of our lives together,” she whispered.
Dean grabbed her hips and tugged her back towards him. “I love you,” he told her softly, tugging the blanket from her body, urging her to climb back into his lap. 
“I love you,” she giggled, helping him put the shirt he wore on her body. His warmth still stuck to the shirt, as did the scent of him. She began to button it as he dropped kisses on her chest.
“Guys!” Sam shouted from the door. “We’re starving!” 
Miracle ran out from between Sam’s long legs and made his way to where her and Dean were. She carefully moved out of his lap, laughing as the fluffy dog spun in circles then took her discarded bikini bra from the sand and ran back inside to where Sam was.
“I think Miracle’s tryin’ to play,” Dean chuckled. He picked up his book, the glass, and the trash of his finished snacks, while she picked up her underwear. She snickered when she saw Sam tugging her bra from Miracle who got into a playful stance at Sam’s feet.
“Did you guys really- Ugh, nevermind!” Sam shook his head when he snatched her bra from Miracle’s mouth as if it had ick on it and stepped back inside, leaving the door open. Miracle waited loyally for her and Dean to return, and Cas appeared behind an impatient Miracle waving at the couple to hurry up.
“Hey, don’t bend down, I can see everything.” Dean smacked her ass and grinned, walking beside her. 
“I’ll try not to.” She bumped into him playfully. He wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head.
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narrynukezankielover · 3 months
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I love that in this scene (ep 9) Dean once again defends Cas to Ezekiel/Gadriel. Ezekiel/Gadriel asking Dean what he’s going to do about Cas being around them and Dean gets pissed off. He says that Cas is the one that the angels are after and yet he’s fighting. He wonders what Ezekiel/Gadriel is afraid of. Cas has been on earth for like 6 years and I’m happy to see him understanding human things. He could tell that every time Sam brought up Cas leaving the bunker Dean changed the subject and Cas waited until he was alone with Dean to ask him about that. He understands that Dean changing the subject meant there was something Dean didn’t want to talk about with Sam in the room. Back in season 4 Cas wouldn’t have understood that and probably would’ve said something at the wrong time. Then the fact that Cas knew that Dean is in a tough situation and even though he wants to be around Dean he knew he had to listen to Dean.
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I’m pretty much just adding this part because Cas looks amazing. I don’t like that he’s being tortured and that he has blood on him but I love seeing him half naked. I will say there was soooo many missed opportunities with human Cas. I would’ve loved to seen Dean teaching Cas to cook or to shave or even something stupid like tieing his shoelaces. In my opinion they didn’t think this storyline completely out. There’s a few things that happened that don’t make sense. Like how did that angel (April I think her name was) find Cas since he had the tattoo?
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In ep 9 Dean tells Cas they have to stay away from each other and at the end of that ep Cas says he should stay away from Dean and the very next ep (ep 10) Dean calls Cas for help and Cas comes right away. I would love to know what happened to Cas tie. He obviously magics up his suit and trench coat considering when he got out of purgatory he was still wearing the clothes he got from the mental hospital then when he came out of the bathroom he had his suit on so where is his tie now? I also love how Dean is looking at Cas here. He obviously loves looking at Cas in his suit (the ep where Cas gets out of purgatory proves that) and Cas is letting Dean look.
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This scene is hilarious. There’s an angel, a human and the king of hell and the human takes over. It’s Cas car (I’d love to know how Cas learned to drive) yet Dean just goes directly to the drivers side and tells Crowley to get in the back which he listens to Dean (at that point Crowley is handcuffed so he doesn’t have powers) and tells Cas to get in the back with Crowley and Cas listens to him. Cas and Dean will literally do anything the other asks them to do. Another cute thing I noticed Crowley said to Cas riddle me this boy wonder. Riddle me this is what the Riddler says and he is a villain so obviously Crowley is calling himself a villain (he’s the king of hell obviously he’s a villain) but Dean is in the scene and Jensen has voiced Batman a few times. Boy wonder is Robin which is Batmans sidekick so Crowley is calling Cas Deans sidekick.
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Dean finally apologizes to Cas for not telling him about Gadriel possessing Sam snd kicking Cas out of the bunker and I love that Cas completely understood what was going on and that Dean really thought Sams life was in danger. This scene also had my second favourite quote so far in the show Dean says we’re dumbasses and Cas says I prefer the word trusting less dumb less ass.
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This scene is interesting. Pretty much since Cas and Dean have known each other Dean says whatever he wants to to Cas without any fear that Cas will hurt him because he knows he’s the one person Cas won’t hurt. Cas gets pissed off when he finds out the angel possessing Sam is Gadriel and that Gadriel is the reason for all the bad stuff that has happened to earth and Dean clearly knows that Cas is pissed off because he puts his hands up. To me he is showing Cas that he knows that Cas is an extremely strong angel even with his stolen grace (at this point at least) and can kill anyone if he wants to and right now Cas wants to kill Gadriel but Dean knows he has to calm Cas down so they can get Gadriel out of Sam.
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To me (ep11) this shows how much Dean trusts Cas. Crowley is trying to look at the journal but Dean pulls it away from him. Back in season 8 Cas was picking through Deans stuff and looking through the journal and Dean didn’t care. Even in the scene when Naomi comes to Dean and Dean says he doesn’t trust angels which means I don’t trust you. Obviously that scene was about Dean not putting the signs on the boat so Cas would be able to come back to him but it does show Cas is the exception to that rule. Plus in the ep before this Dean was willing to let Cas possess Sam to get Gadriel out. He knows how much trouble letting Gadriel possess Sam made but Cas is the one angel he trusts would get Gadriel out and wouldn’t hurt Sam in the process.
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I love that here Cas is trying to defend Dean to Sam. I don’t think Sam understands that Dean lied to Cas too but Cas got over it.
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I love how honest Cas is. He’s always been truthful about how much he doesn’t like Sam. Cas has said that he doesn’t like the sound of Sams voice and other such things. I found it interesting that Cas said that before he became human he would’ve pushed the needle into Sams neck and killed him because the ends always justifies the means but now that he’s had human emotions he no longer feels that way. I find it interesting because even before Cas was human Cas would never do something like that to Dean. He didn’t need human emotions to feel like that for Dean. I personally don’t see Cas and Sam as friends I see them as putting up with each other for Dean. I do think that them spending that time together did help them not to become friends but to understand each other better and be able to be around each other if Deans not around.
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Needed you Pt 2 ~ Castiel’s version
-warnings// lots of smut, angst and fluff
Needed you pt 1
Castiel x reader ( slight dean x reader)
-word count// 2202
(gif from Pinterest)
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It was the next morning and you woke up to the bed empty and cold, you let out a low sigh disappointed you didn't wake up to the handsome angel, you pulled the thin blanket to cover your chest, grabbing your phone you see a notification from Dean 
'Hey sweetheart, listen I'm really sorry for how much of an ass I was to you before leaving, I didn't mean any of it, I know that's no excuse, I think we should have a talk when Sammy and I come back, just us, I want to talk to you about some things.' 
This made your heart race, is Dean going to kick you out of the bunker? yeah sure he apologised but maybe he's only apologising because Sam made him? You let out a shaky breath as your anxiety got the best of you you replied with a quick okay and shut your phone off 
You wondered  if you should pray to Castiel and see where he is, before you can even say his name he's there "you called?" He asked standing at the edge of the bed staring at your nude form that's hid behind the flimsy motel sheet 
you bit your lip as your cheeks turned a red tint under the angles strong gaze "I was about too actually, what time did you leave" you asked pulling the sheet tighter to you, Castiel moved to sit next to you "six this morning there was trouble in heaven I had to see too" he said taking your small hand in his bigger one "I was worried you regretted what happened last night" you confessed 
Castiel shook his head "I would never regret being with you Y/N" Cas replied making you blush as you tried to hide your growing smile "I'd never regret being with you either Cas" you told him as you leaned over to grasp his lips gently in a kiss, he deepened the kiss as he held your jaw softly in his hand
The kiss soon grew heated as the angel slid his tongue in past your swollen lips as you let out a wordless moan, you felt him gently push you to lay back down on the bed and the sheet gently fell around your sides revealing your breasts to the cool air of the motel.
Castiel gently pulled away from the kiss making you whine and chase after his lips, you rushed to take off his blazer and unbuttoned his shirt, he  threw them to the ground revealing his toned chest, staring up at him with a sultry smile you dragged your fingers down his chest before undoing his belt buckle and zipper, you gently pulled his boxers down revealing his hard cock to you,
You gently wrapped your hand around his shaft and placed a small kiss to this tip making him let out a small groan, you slowly started to move your hand up and down his cock causing him to throw his head back and shut his eyes tight in pleasure "Y/N please" he begged making you smirk
You then took his hard cock into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you began bobbing your head up and down in a slow and steady pace 
He wrapped big hand around your hair to encourage you to take him deeper down your throat causing you to gag slightly on his length "are you alright?" Cas asked worried, you gave him a thumbs up and got back to work with his cock,  milking him for everything the angel could possibly offer
"Y/N!" He moaned loudly as he came in hot spurts hot cum down your throat, you gently pulled away from him as you swallowed
The angel kicked his pants all the way off before laying you down on the bed, kissing his way down your breasts making you moan his name as he continued his venture down your body, stopping at your hot  core "please angel" you said slightly breathless
Cas smirked as he gently spread your legs wider, revealing you completely to him, you let out a low moan as you felt the cool air hot core, Cas licked a stripe from your entrance to your clit, you shuddered at the pleasure and begged him for more "please Cas I need you"
The Angel complied as sucked your attention deprived clit into his mouth, he coated his fingers in your juices as he entered them both inside of you, you let out squeal and arched your back off the bed, Cas curled his fingers and thrusted them upwards hitting your G- spot as he sucked you clit "oh god Cas I'm gonna come!" You screamed, you hand running through his hair pushing him closer to you as sped up his actions, you continued to let out small moans of his name as the knot in your stomach burst and you came hard on Castiel's tongue
The angel groaned kept thrusting his fingers until you orgasm had washed over you, once your legs began to shake Cas pulled away from you and kissed your lips, you moaned as you tasted yourself on his tongue when he deepened the kiss, you wrapped your shaky legs around his waist and pulled him closer to you "I need you so bad cas" you begged 
The angel complied as he placed his hard cock at your entrance, pushing inside you slowly, inch by inch, you moaned against Cas's lips and he slipped his tongue in your mouth, wrestling with you own as he thrusted deep inside of you, hitting your G-spot with his tip every thrust "faster please baby" you cried out, Cas obeyed, gripping your hips tightly in his hands as he pounded inside of you "oh god! Yes Castiel!" You screamed dragging your finger nails down his back leaving deep red lines that would soon fade into the angels skin 
"You feel incredible Y/N!" Cas groaned as he watched your eyes roll to the back of your head in pleasure and your breasts bounced at the force of every one of his thrusts "i won't last long" you struggled to say "neither will I" Cas said and continued his movements and you soon felt your orgasm come crashing down on you "Cas oh god yes!" You squealed his name on pleasure, Cas groaned and started thrusting faster, triggering his own orgasm, his came inside of you, hot spurts of cum coating your walls as he moaned your name over and over again
Cas pulled out of you after a few more calculated thrusts, he lay down beside you and pulled your tired body right against his "you know for last night being your first time having sex, your pretty fucking good at it" you told him, Cas smiled and kissed your forehead "I learned a lot from the pizza man" the angel said completely serious making you burst into laughter "oh sweetie… that's why you're so adorable" you smiled up at him.
For the next few days while you waited for the boys to get back  you and Castiel wandered around the quaint town, taking in the small scenery however you could only enjoy so much of your time together when you were waiting to talk to Dean... what could he possibly want to talk about?
It was 10m and you and Cas were sat in the motel room waiting for the boys, Sam called a while ago to say they'd be back in an hour. You tapped your fingers along the styrofoam cup of your coffee as you waited your doom "why are you anxious?" The angel asked his head tilted to the side and his eyes narrowed as he observed your fidgeting "I'm fine Cas, Dean just wants to talk to me about something so I'm a little worried about what" you told him and he nodded "I hope it's to apologise for how he hurt you" you shook your head swallowing a sip of your bitter coffee "he already did actually on the text… it's something else he wants to-" 
Your sentence was cut off by the sound of the creaky motel door opening "hey we're back" Sam said sporting some new wounds on his face, you let out a sigh you didn't even know you were holding and ran to hug the giant hunter "I'm so glad you guys are okay" you mumbled into Sam's shoulder" he wrapped his arms around you tightly "yeah me too it was a rough one, really could have done with back up on it" Sam confessed 
“I promise I’ll be there to help next time Sammy” you pulled back from the big hug Turning to a sheepish looking Dean who was sporting a gash across his cheek and a busted lip “…hey” he said his gaze focused on his feet, your face grew hot as your felt the anger bubble in you chest “hey? Are you serious right now! First you basically tell me I’m worthless to you, that you don’t care if I live or die oh and then you send me a text apologising, which by the way doesn’t count as a real apology, and now all you have to say is hey? Are you fucking kidding me dean!” You yelled making all three boys stare at you in shock
“no I- I have a lot more to say, I just I don’t know how to do it. Look can we go somewhere and just talk in private?” dean asked his cheeks turning redder by the second “alright fine by me, let’s go” you grumbled out and stomped past him toward the impala dean following close behind.
“So what did you want to tell me Dean?” You asked with venom laced in your voice “Y/N, I’m so sorry for what I said to you, I didn’t mean it… I just-I- son of a bitch I don’t know how to say this” dean stuttered, hitting the steering wheel in frustration 
you sighed, placing your hand on his to calm him down, Dean turned to look at you “just talk to me dean” you told him softly rubbing your thumb along his rough hand. He let out a deep sigh before leaning forward capturing your lips with his in a fierce kiss, you kissed him back wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you, Dean slipped his tongue passed your lips, you pulled back suddenly “wait Dean, I can’t” you told him 
“I’m sorry I just I didn’t know how to tell you I liked you I just thought I could show you, son of a- I’m an idiot” dean chocked out moving back against the drivers door, you leaned toward him “no dean your not an idiot, it’s just Cas and I are together now” you confessed and he nodded in understanding “dean I used to really like you, Sam used to try and get me to tell you but I was scared, and you didn’t seem interested, especially with how mean you could be to me.. I honestly thought you hated me so I started talking to Cas and we’ve gotten really close over the past couple years he became my best friend and I started to have feelings for him and it turns out he liked me too” you told Dean as tears streamed down your face
Dean smiled at you “I get it, I hope you guys are really happy together,  you deserve to be happy” he said quickly before scrambling out of the car
You jumped out after him trying to talk to him as he headed towards town “Dean wait, please don’t walk away from me” you cried out but he didn’t stop.
You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down as your headed toward Sam and your boyfriend, Sam was on his feet as soon as you walked in the room “hey what happened? Where’s Dean?” He questioned when he seen the tears streaming down your face “we talked about some things and he headed towards town, I think you should check on him” Sam nodded and headed out to find his brother 
“What did dean wish to speak to you about” the angel asked as he sat next to you on the bed you sighed and wiped the tears from your face “dean and I had a lot to unfold and secrets came out into the opening  and he walked off upse- god this is horrible I never wanted to hurt him like that… I haven’t seen him so upset in a long time” you cried and Cas pulled you into him “It’ll be okay, I’ve got you” he said placing a kiss on the top of your head “thanks Cas that means a lot to me” you said placing a kiss on his scruffy jaw
The angel turned to gaze into your eyes with a loving stare, he placed his lips on yours in a small kiss “I’m falling in love with you Y/N Y/LN” he confessed to you making your heart swell in your chest “I’m falling in love with you too Castiel”.
Finally the long awaited part 2 of my Castiel imagine, hope you all like it… and incase anyone was wondering I couldn’t help myself but make a Dean version too ;) that’ll be out very soon, for my Castiel girlies please enjoy
to the guys that wanted tagged in part 2 I promise I didn’t forget about you :))
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