#and I think the fresh air did help. it was kinda cold out though and we didn't realize before we were already out lol
butnobodycame627 · 4 months
update: my head feels less fuzzy now I think I'm alright
0 notes
creganslover · 2 months
I think it would be cool if you did a cregan x reader but reader has a dragon and her dragon is called the beast of winterfell or something like that and for the longest time even the people of winterfell have no idea what it means (they assume because of her family they are just referring to her) but while she’s giving birth or something the dragon hears and feels her pain and come out of hiding freaking out and finds her and like puts his snout up to the window to make sure she’s okay and it’s kinda like a crazy moment for the people of winterfell lol just a random idea I had hope you like it feel free to change any details about it
ofc! thank you for requesting, anon! i really hope you'll like it! i apologize if its not that great T^T
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beast of winterfell, cregan stark x targ! fem! reader
wc: 1.4k
warning/s: mentions of blood, childbirth, lmk if i missed anything!
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Ever since you had been arranged to Cregan Stark, the Lord of Winterfell and the Warden of the North, you knew you were about to live a completely different life as you were expected to live with him in Winterfell for the rest of your days. 
It had taken a while for you to get used to being so far from the West and your family, yet Cregan’s presence was like a breath of fresh air, albeit cold, really cold. 
The lighter clothes you used to wear back in Dragonstone now replaced with heavy furs, you could have sworn if you had listened closely you would hear your back crying in protest. 
Alas you carried yourself with grace, it helped that Cregan had understood where you had come from and he always made sure the fireplace in your shared chambers had been extra warm, even if he had to get the firewood by himself. 
One thing you had also missed in the West was being able to go on dragonback without feeling that you were about to freeze at any given moment.
Your dragon, Rhaegos or commonly known as the Red Beast, could not stand to be far from you either, even willing to visit from time to time due to his own stubbornness that reflected your own. Making himself a home far enough from Winterfell within a clearing in a forest, you think, he had been able to live and feed himself, keeping warm with his flames. 
The folks of Winterfell had not even seen a dragon before, you’d wager, and you intend to keep it that way as they would not need to worry of such a magnificent beast nestled near their home, if they had only known. 
Cregan had also known of Rhaegos, he very well knew the creature as the first ever day Cregan had seen you was you landing on your dragon onto the sands of Dragonstone, he was about to depart then, yet you made him stop in his tracks as the Red Beast had made its appearance.
And you noticed him upon your landing, the ship in the distance carrying the banner of House Stark, which you have soon learned who was going to be your betrothed. 
Rhaegos did not take kindly to strangers nearing you but you just had to see who the ship carried, if it included your soon to be husband. 
And when you hopped off your dragon and had reached him, Rhaegos was watching carefully, even crawling himself a yard behind you, though Cregan did not seem to waver, or was trying his best to keep his composure as a dragon was barely in the North and the way its eyes gleamed at him, had him gripping a little tighter on his gloves. 
To your surprise, Rhaegos had nudged its snout against your back, almost shoving you to Cregan that had sent both your cheeks running hot as he caught you in his arms.
It seemed Rhaegos wanted to play cupid at that moment as you profusely apologized to the Lord of Winterfell.
The marriage came and went, devotion had come easy with you and Cregan, no sooner than a moon after your bedding that you had noticed the changes in your body.
It only took a look for the maester to confirm it. You were with child. 
Cregan was absolutely delighted, he could not stop showering you with affection within the confines of your chambers, his big rough hands gently upon your stomach.
There were barely any signs of growth yet making you laugh. It was your first time pregnant, and of course you’ve seen and heard your mother Rhaenyra teach you a thing or two about it, yet it had always worried you as you saw how it could take a toll upon a woman’s body, like with your mother.
Cregan swore no harm will come upon you and your child as you carry it through the moons, always placing his most skilled men out your chambers if he ever was required someplace else than at Winterfell. 
And when he would return, he would not even mind the cheers of his folk, going directly straight to you, enveloping you in a careful embrace, before he would kneel to press his forehead against your swollen middle, the baby within you kicking in response.
The days had inched closer to your due, and you had felt it with the way your body had increasingly been feeling heavy, the way you waddled while you walked. 
Your scream had broken out the great keep of Winterfell as the moment had finally come when their lady was about to give birth. Your handmaidens paced around you in worry, the maester advising you on what you should do- yet it all seemed to drown out by the time it reached your ears.
Blood began to trickle down your legs as your handmaidens rush you to lay upon the bed, you were restless as your body had been covered in sweat, platinum hair matting to your face as you cried out for Cregan, the maester informing you he was well on his way. 
Your breathing came in rushed, panting as your eyes blinked back tears as you were positioned necessarily for birth. Your muscles had contracted painfully, sending you with another wail. 
Though on this day, not only your childbirth would be borne by Winterfell. 
After your long cry, an unfamiliar loud screeching could be heard in the distance, making every folk in Winterfell pause in their actions. Could it be…?
“Dragon!” A knight exclaimed as people began to panic and rush around. 
Cregan was on his way back to Winterfell speeding on his mount after having visited the Hornswood, but he was not alone. To the West of him was undoubtedly a creature he had not seen a long time, your dragon, Rhaegos. 
His screeching may as well echo throughout the North as the dragon flew itself close to Winterfell. Its intimidating and thunderous roars caused worry for Cregan’s folk as he finally managed to rush inside, dismounting off his horse and quickly telling his people to calm- that the dragon would not dare harm them, that it was yours. 
Cregan then rushed towards the great keep, where your screams and wails grew louder, tearing his own heart as he finally shoves himself in the birthing chambers. 
“Cregan!” You cried as he came into view, rushing beside you as the maester had told you to push for the nth time. You wasted no time bearing a deathly grasp upon his hand, knuckles turning white. 
The gap on the windows was then darkened by a shadow followed by a low rumble, the maidens in the room, even the maester was disturbed at the sight of a dragon’s nout, moving outside as its eyes tried to spot you. 
“Calm down, it means you no harm.” Cregan said firmly. “My wife is the priority.” He commanded, glaring daggers at those within the room. 
Your chest heaved up and down as you could feel Rhaegos’ bond clearly with you as your eyes found his slit ones through the window. “Rāpirī (Be calm) Rhaegos!” You managed to say out loud, the dragon grumbling weakly in turn as it hissed at the maester, who quickly got back to his occupation. 
With one last push, you had felt it– the pain had numbed most half of your body, making you try and chase your breath, Cregan’s gaze flickering to you and the maester, with Rhaegos present out the window, his low grumbling ever a presence to your strength. 
All your body seemed to be in a haze, unable to move your legs- or the whole of your body for that fact.
Until a cry of the babe was heard, Cregan’s heart thumping in his chest as he looked at you and the babe being wrapped in the towel.
“You did it, oh thank the Old Gods.” Cregan murmured, pressing his lips to your forehead before his pressed against yours. “It is a girl, my lord, my lady.” The maester announced as the bundle of joy was placed into your arms. 
“Our- our own little girl…” You croaked out, a grin breaking through your face as tears of joy pricked your eyes, Cregan looking at the babe wriggling and making his heart near to bursting. “She’s a beauty like you.” He murmured.
Rhaegos outside began whirring as he seemed to be feeling your joy coursing through your bond, taking himself to the skies screeching happily, making you laugh weakly. 
Cregan then nuzzled both you and the babe, with Rhaegos’ sounds echoing above. 
Your children would need not worry for a protector, when they’ve got the beast and the wolf of Winterfell by their side. 
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cregan tag-list: @misswynters @i-padfootblack-things
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wandaslittlebird · 1 month
Wanda x Reader, WandaNat x Reader
After a session with Wanda the prior evening, you wake up alone in your bed and find you’re a bit more reliant on her than you’d like to be.
CW: Sub drop, (kinda) panic attack, mood swings, guilt, Mommy Kink, mentions of spanking, established WandaNat (no cheating), pills (Tylenol and Xanax), Wanda generally being a protective and worried mama
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: I may know hardly anything about dom drop, but I’m ✨well versed✨ in sub drop. I honestly think this one is adorable and I hope you all enjoy.
A/N: I wasn’t doing this consciously, but reading this back I realize I kinda did a reverse YAIL, so, if you haven’t already, go check out that series by @wandasaura
Fic based on this request
You woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for air before your head even left the pillow. It was hard to find anything to ground you in your dark bedroom, but with the help of your stuffed bear, Francis, and some breathing exercises you’d been working on in therapy, you were able to calm down at least enough to breathe. Still, you found yourself dizzy, nauseous, in pain, and, perhaps most excruciatingly, alone.
Wanda. Where was Wanda? Where was your mommy? You needed mommy.
“Mommy?” You cried quietly into the empty room. But she wasn’t there. Of course she wasn’t there. She was at home, tucked peacefully into bed with Natasha, her wife. And you were here, in your cold, empty apartment, all alone.
You turned to look at the clock on your bedside table. 1:30 am. It was far too late to call her. She had to get up for work in a couple hours. You had to get up for class in a couple hours.
But god, you needed her. You needed just to hear her voice. Everything felt so empty without her here. Your brain felt like it was underwater. You couldn’t think. It felt like your mind was strapped to a pendulum, swinging back and forth between extremes. It’s like half of your mind was begging for Wanda while the other half scolded you for your over-reliance. You wanted her, but you didn’t want to want her. It was hyper-dependence clashing with hyper-independence in an internal battle that left you dazed and confused.
Just call her, you thought. She told you to call her if this ever happened.
You’d been her submissive for months, and, though you’d never actually experienced sub drop with her, the two of you had discussed it extensively. “You can call me at any time,” she’d said. “Even if it's been days. I’m here for you in any way you need me.”
You grabbed your phone from the nightstand, pulling up her contact and hovering over the call button. But before you could press it, the pendulum swung back. You hurled the phone into your beanbag on the other side of the room.
What are you thinking? You can’t call her. She’s not your fucking girlfriend. You’re so reliant on her and she doesn’t even care about you. Leave her alone. This is your mess. Handle it.
You sighed, dragging your aching body off of your mattress. Everything hurt. The wounds she’d so loving inflicted the night before ached even more than they had when they were fresh. You wanted, needed, to feel her soft hands massaging soothing balm into your skin like they had only hours prior. But no.
Wanda. Wasn’t. Here.
It was just you and you alone. You needed to take care of this. You needed to pull yourself together and handle this on your own. You felt like you might be sick. The swinging of this pendulum was nauseating. You dragged yourself to the bathroom, pulling two Tylenol and a Xanax from the medicine cabinet. You sat on the toilet, tucking your head between your knees.
You didn’t understand what was happening. Or rather, you didn’t understand why it was happening. Wanda had done everything perfectly, just like she always did. She’d insisted you stay with her until you were out of subspace and your mind was clear again. She’d given you all the cuddles and love and reassurance you could possibly want. She’d even rubbed that soothing lotion on your sore ass despite the fit you’d pitched about it. This shouldn’t be happening. She’d done everything she was supposed to do. You were the problem.
You moved from the bathroom to your living room, pacing anxious circles until you worried the neighbors would complain. Then you decided on a walk.
A little walk to clear your head. That should help. No need to bother Wanda. You could take care of this by yourself.
A little over two blocks proved you could not, in fact, take care of this by yourself. You found yourself collapsed on a bench outside your favorite coffee shop, her contact pulled up on your phone, sobbing as your thumb hovered over the call button.
You clicked it, anxiously awaiting an answer through the dial tone. Every second without an answer was a battle not to hit the red button, and smash your phone on the ground so you wouldn’t be tempted to try this again.
“Hello?” You heard, not Wanda, but Natasha’s sleep addled voice.
You silently cursed, debating hanging up the phone and forgetting the whole endeavor. You had very limited experience in dealing with Natasha. Where Wanda was warm and inviting, Natasha was cold and intimidating. Wanda had told you once that Natasha had a soft spot for you, but you remained unconvinced any of Natasha’s spots were “soft”.
Wanda had explained to you that Natasha’s had submissives of her own, but she tended to prefer brats, submissives who needed a harsher hand. “It’s not that she doesn’t like you,” Wanda had explained, “she’s just not used to sweet little girls like you.”
Still, the woman terrified you. And she definitely was NOT the one you wanted to be speaking to right now. But you took a deep breath, and answered her. “H-hello, Miss Natasha. C-can I speak to Wanda?” You stammered. You couldn’t keep the tears and desperation out of your voice when you added a “…please.”
“Y-yeah, sure honey. Just a second let me get her up,” she responded tiredly.
Your heart shattered at the thought of Natasha rousing a peaceful Wanda from her sleep just because you couldn’t get yourself together. But all such thoughts faded when you heard her voice through the phone. “Angel? Is that you? Is everything okay? Are you hurt? What’s going on?”
“Mommy…” you said tearfully. “I’m okay. I promise I’m okay, I just… I don’t know what’s happening. I mean I’m dropping, I know, but… I don’t know. I just needed so badly to hear you and talk to you. I’m sorry for waking you up. I’m so sorry. I know you said….” You were rambling breathlessly, but Wanda soon cut you off.
“Breathe for me, little love,” she instructed softly. “Three deep breaths. In and out. Can you do that for me, angel?”
You nodded despite knowing she couldn’t see you over the phone. You took three audible breaths, calming yourself down.
“Good girl,” she praised. “Now, can you tell me what’s happening?”
“I… I… Sub drop, I think,” you explained. “But like, really bad.”
“Aww,” she cooed. “I’m so sorry, my little love. Can you explain to me what you're feeling? Are you in pain? Do you need company?”
“I just… I don’t know why this is happening to me,” you cried. “Everything hurts so bad. My head feels like it’s spinning. And… And my body is so sore. It’s never happened like this with you before. You did everything so perfectly. I just don’t understand why I’m being like this.”
“Sub drop can happen no matter what, honey. And I’m so sorry it’s happening to you, sweetheart. Do you need to come back over?” She asked.
You pondered her question, the pendulum inside of you swinging violently. You felt like you were being torn in half between admitting you needed her help, and feeling defeated and weak that you couldn’t handle it on your own. But eventually you remembered it didn’t really matter. You made your choice when you took the Xanax. You weren’t going anywhere now. “I-I took some medicine. I can’t drive. I’m sorry,” you admitted.
“What medicine?” She asked, panicked. “Did you take too much? Are you okay?”
“It was just a Xanax. Just one. Just like I take for school sometimes,” you reassured.
You heard her breathe a sigh of relief on the other end of the line. “Okay, sweetheart. I’m sorry I panicked. You know I just worry sometimes. I tell you what, Nat and I are going to get you an Uber, and then you can spend the rest of the night here, okay?”
“Wanda, you don’t have to-“ You didn’t use her real name very often given the exclusively sexual nature of your relationship, but you needed her to know she wasn’t responsible for being your dominant right now. She was Wanda, and you were you: two grown adults. She didn’t have any obligation to take care of you right now, in the middle of the night on a Wednesday.
“But I want to, darling,” she interrupted. “Is that okay?”
“Y-yeah, but I’m not at the house right now.”
You heard her breath catch. “Where are you, honey? You promise me you’re safe?”
“I-I’m just at the coffee shop,” you explained. “I wanted to take a walk, b-but I didn’t make it very far.”
Wanda sighed. She’d have to have a little talk with you about walking all by yourself in the middle of the night. But not right now. Right now she just needed you in her arms as quickly as she could have you. “Alright, love. You’ve got a car on its way. Just stay on the phone with me until it gets there, okay?”
The car was there within five minutes of Wanda’s order. Most of that time was just filled with tears and mumbled apologies on your end, and reassurance and encouragement on hers.
She waited anxiously by the front door for you to arrive, peeking out of the blinds with every set of headlights that passed by. She clutched her robe tight against her chest. If you were there, you would’ve teased her about her anxious habit. You always said she was “practically clutching her pearls.”
When you finally pulled into the driveway, she was standing in the front door frame before you could even get out of the car.
“Mommy!” You ran up to her, nearly tripping on the front porch steps on your way in. You were even more hysterical now that you were seeing her in person. Something about the sight of her made you fall apart. You felt safe now. You were going to fall, and she was going to catch you, and everything was going to be okay.
“Careful, love,” she chided, taking you into her arms. “Mommy’s got you. It’s okay. You’re okay. I’m gonna take care of you and I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to you.”
It sounded more like she was reassuring herself than anything, but her words still washed over you like a wave of relief. “I missed you, mommy.”
“I know you did, angel,” she said, kissing you on the temple. “Mommy missed you, too.”
She wrapped her arms just under your ass, still sore and super sensitive from your activities earlier that night. She picked you up, wrapping your legs around your waist. You squeaked in a mixture of surprise and pain.
“I’m sorry, baby. I know you’re sore. I’ll be gentle,” she cooed. “Let’s get you to bed. Tasha will be waiting for us.”
You just cried, burying your face into Wanda’s neck as she carried you up the stairs. You couldn’t talk anymore. You were so completely exhausted, mentally and physically. But it was okay. You had your mommy and everything was going to be okay. The bedroom door was already open, and, as Wanda had expected, Natasha was sat up against the headboard.
“Is that a little angel I see there?” You heard Natasha ask. Wanda sat you on her lap at the end of the bed, bending down to take off your shoes.
You peaked your eyes out from Wanda’s neck before perching your chin on her shoulder. “Hi Miss Natasha,” you sniffled. “I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“That’s alright, little angel,” she assured, sliding closer to you and Wanda on the bed. She looked so much kinder than usual, soft sleepy eyes smiling at you through your tears. “Is it okay if I touch you?”
You nodded, still teary eyed and snotty on Wanda’s lap while she unlaced your shoes.
Natasha cupped your cheek, wiping away stray tears. “It must’ve been so scary to start dropping without your mommy there, huh?” Her touch was unexpectedly gentle, as were her words. Maybe Wanda was right, maybe she really did have a soft spot for you.
You nodded, trying to speak but only managing to whimper a “mhm.” You blushed a little with embarrassment. Wanda must’ve told her all about your situation. You wondered momentarily if she thought your behavior was overblown or ridiculous, but if she did, her gentle face showed no indication.
“But now you’ve got your mommy and everything’s gonna be okay, right?”
You nodded again. “I-I hope you don’t mind if I steal your wife for a little bit for-for some extra snuggles.”
“Not at all little angel.” Natasha smiled softly. She could see your anxious embarrassment, and decided, despite her inexperience with soft subs, she’d make an attempt to soothe you. She knew she wasn't expected to, but she found herself desperate to make you feel better, even if it was only a little bit. “Your mommy could hardly stop bragging about you tonight, you know?”
“Re-really?” You asked. Natasha could see the tiniest little twinkle in your teary eyes.
“Really,” she confirmed. “She told me she was so proud of her sweet girl for calling her, because that must’ve been so scary for her, to call in the middle of the night. She knows you don’t like to wake people up, and asking for help when you need it is so so hard. And I said ‘wow, it sounds like you have the bravest little angel in the whole world. I think she deserves some extra special snuggles from mommy tonight, for being so brave.’”
“Y-you really think so?” you asked bashfully, hiding back in Wanda’s neck.
“I really do,” she confirmed. “And you know your mommy keeps her phone on silent in the nighttime. But she cares about you so much she has a special setting so it rings just for you.”
You smiled. Your heart fluttered, not only at the idea Wanda had her phone on for you, but also at the thought that Natasha must’ve known it was you before she answered. “I-I thought you might be mad at me,” you confessed. “Cause you and-and mommy were probably all snuggled up in bed and I came in and messed it all up!”
Natasha stroked your cheek as she shook her head. “No angel. Never. You could never mess up one of our snuggles by asking to be a part of it. We’re both so proud of you, for calling and getting help.”
“P-promise?” You asked.
Natasha held out her pinky, which you wrapped with your own. “Promise.” She confirmed.
Wanda finally got your shoes off and placed them on the floor next to the bed. “Okay little love,” she announced, easing your pajama pants down around your knees. “I’m gonna get some of the nice lotion again, okay?” She’d already put a little on earlier, but she figured it would probably do quite a bit to soothe your current pains, both physically and emotionally.
You wrapped yourself around her, refusing to let her move. You didn’t need silly lotion, you needed her. You whined at the prospect of having to let go.
Natasha giggled and sat down next to Wanda. “Do you want me to do your lotion while you hang onto mommy?”
You nodded, sending her into the next room. Wanda kissed your temple. “I told you she likes you.”
“I’m so spoiled,” you mumbled blissfully into her neck.
“You deserve it, angel,” she said.
Natasha returned to the room with the bottle of lotion. She approached you and rubbed your back gently. “Alright little angel, is it okay if I touch your bottom, or do you want mommy to do that part?”
You pondered for a moment. On one hand, having Wanda do it would mean getting to lay over her lap again. But, you found yourself inexplicably excited by the thought of Natasha putting your lotion on. Maybe, if you played your cards right, you could have the best of both worlds.
“You can do it, Miss Natasha,” you said while flipping yourself over to lay over Wanda’s lap.
“Oh,” Wanda squeaked in pleasant surprise. From this position she could’ve just as easily applied the lotion. She was pleased to know that you wanted Natasha to do it, though. She pulled up your shirt and rubbed your back.
“Okay, it’s gonna be a little cold,” Natasha advised, giggling a little bit when you jumped at the cool liquid anyway. Her hands were so gentle as she soothed your raw skin. You wondered if she was this gentle with her subs as well. “All done. Do you want a kiss?”
You nodded, feeling so completely at ease with the two women taking care of you. Natasha placed a gentle kiss to each of your red ass cheeks.
“Does Tasha’s kisses make it feel all better?” Wanda asked.
You nodded into Wanda’s thigh.
“I’m glad I could help,” Natasha giggled, placing the lotion on Wanda’s nightstand so it’d be ready for you again in the morning. She crawled back into bed, making herself comfortable on her side.
Wanda placed you face down on her own side of the bed, trying not to disturb you too much as she slid her legs out from under your body. She crawled over you, placing herself in the middle between you and Natasha, pulling you tight into her side.
You laid your head on her chest, catching a glimpse of Natasha’s pretty smile in the low lighting. She really didn’t look like she minded you being here at all. In fact, she looked happy.
In your fuzzy haze, you waved at her from across the bed.
Wanda and Natasha both giggled, hearts swelling at the innocence of the gesture. You just wanted Natasha to feel included, and what better way to acknowledge her presence than with a kind wave hello.
Natasha waved back. “Hi, little angel,” she said, reaching over Wanda to pinch your cheek.
You looked up at Wanda, your big eyes gently pleading. “Mommy, do you think I could sleep on your other side so I can be closer to Miss Natasha?”
Wanda smiled giddily. She never expected such a request from you, but she was more than happy to oblige. She was overjoyed to see your relationship with Natasha growing. “Of course, sweet girl,” she said, effortlessly flipping you over to her other side.
“You know, you don’t have to call her Miss Natasha,” Wanda said. You’d always called her that since you’d first met her without any prompting to do so. She certainly didn’t mind, but Wanda had always secretly hoped you’d get past the formality. There was nothing she wanted more than for her two favorite people to love each other as much as she loved them. “I bet she’d like it if you called her daddy. Only if you wanted to.”
You faced Natasha, who looked surprised at the proposal, but nodded.
“I thought only your subs were allowed to call you that?” You said, equally shocked by Wanda’s words.
“Hmm…” she pretended to ponder the question. “For my little angel I think I can make an exception.”
You smiled. “In that case,” you pressed a small kiss to her cheek. “Goodnight daddy.” You turned back to Wanda, placing a kiss on her jaw as you snuggled back into her chest. “Goodnight mommy. I love you.”
“Sweet dreams, little angel,” Natasha said, wrapping herself up behind you.
“Get some rest, little love,” Wanda said, kissing your head.
And finally, the pendulum stopped swinging.
Taglist (ha I remembered this time): @boredandneedsfanfic @marvelwomenarehot0
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lovebugism · 5 months
u said 2 do ur worst for shy!r so…. steve and reader go to the hawkins snowball dance and a slow song comes on and its a uber romantic song (i’m talking taylor swift type romance) and steve ofc asks r to dance… she’s super shy so she keeps looking at the floor but then steve does the thing where you lift the other persons chin up so they’re looking into ur eyes… if u wanna elaborate on this :)
i changed this up a wee bit, but i hope u like it! — when steve is finally crowned prom king, all he can think about is getting a dance with his (sorta) secret girlfriend (shy!fem!r, hurt/comfort, 1.2k)
Steve abandons his crown and scepter somewhere between the bleachers and the snack table. The thought of finding you is far more important than the chunks of plastic they give him. 
The cold breeze of the early evening cools his warm cheeks, flushed red from the adrenaline and the alcohol. He finds you sitting on the wooden bench outside the gymnasium, pretty and all alone. The skirt of your fairy-tale dress billows around your calves. Elbows digging into your thighs, you prop your chin on your fists and pout softly beneath the pale moonlight. 
You’re the prettiest thing Steve’s ever seen. The saddest, too, maybe.
“Been looking for you,” he says to announce his presence. The lopsided smile on his face is audible. You know it’s dancing on his pink mouth before you ever turn around to face him. 
He’s a pretty thing in a sleek tux. Boyishly handsome. Sort of like he’s playing dress-up. The thought almost makes you smile.
“Sorry,” you apologize in a mousy voice, blinking up at him with sparkly, made-up eyes when he looms over you. “It got… really loud in there…”
“Well, Tommy spiked the punch, so… It was kinda inevitable,” Steve jokes with a lazy shrug, even though he isn’t really joking. 
He watched the idiot steal his dad’s best liquor from the high-up cabinet two hours ago. The Hawkins High class of ’85 got drunk on it in record time. The school pulses with life accordingly. The brick behind you threatens to shake with it.
Your nose scrunches. “Is that why it tasted like gasoline?”
“Probably,” Steve grins.
He huffs and sits at the spare spot next to you. The old bench creaks in protest. He takes his first good breath all night when he’s finally alone with you. The fresh air and your perfume fill his lungs, smoother than silk. There’s a subtle euphoria and a distant nostalgia between it all. 
He’s spent years chasing this feeling. He thought maybe being crowned prom king would solve all his problems. Spoiler alert: it didn’t. ‘Cause you did.
“You coming back inside?”
Your lips purse to the side of your mouth as you ponder the question. “I don’t know… Probably not.”
Steve’s freshly shaven face swirls with visible confusion. He loves a party — especially when he’s the life of it — so it’s hard for him to comprehend how other people don’t. Even though he knows, more than anyone else, that you’re made of something much more delicate than that.
“Why not?”
“Prom’s not really my scene, Steve,” you answer with a scoffed-out laugh.
He flashes you a crooked smile in return, painted silver in the moonlight. His cologne swaddles you in its musk when he leans over to nudge your shoulder. “You promised me a dance, remember?”
Your soft features harden into a frown. “Absolutely not.”
“Oh, c’mon! You know you wanna dance with me,” he protests through a poorly bitten-back laugh.
“Why?” you press, meeting his beam with a lighthearted scowl. “So all your friends can laugh at me?”
“Screw ‘em! They’re assholes— who cares?”
“I care. ‘Cause you’re not the one they’re laughing at, King Steve.”
You spit the stupid nickname with playful venom in your tone, but Steve can’t help but smile at it, anyway. He’s a week away from graduating, halfway employed, and Hawkins High’s reigning prom king. It’s all slightly maddening — especially now that he’s got you.
He wonders if you applauded when he won that stupid crown. If you laughed at him about it, or if you were strangely proud. He’ll ask you about it later. After he gets that dance.
“Let ‘em laugh,” he shrugs.
You shake your head, averting your gaze with a sad smile. You wish it were that easy. 
“You don’t know what it’s like,” you tell him as the heavy bass inside the school starts to slow. Through the high-up frosted windows, you hear Girls on Film fade into Never Tear Us Apart. 
“Sorry for wanting to dance with my girlfriend,” he teases to ease the tension. It comes out more serious than he intended, though, ‘cause he is sort of sorry. Nothing about your two worlds exactly meshes — yet here he is, still hopelessly trying to tangle them together.
You know this, so you sigh. “Sorry for not being prom queen,” you joke back, only partly serious. You blink at him with a pair of twinkling eyes — slightly smudged with mascara. The sparkles of your eyeshadow glint when they catch the moonlight. 
“Don’t want you to be prom queen,” Steve confesses softly, smiling at you somehow softer. “I like you the way you are right now.”
You get a warm, tingly feeling in your stomach. It wells up your chest and into your throat until you feel like you might cry. 
You roll your eyes at him when they start to burn, laughing softly to distract from the overwhelming feeling. Your gaze flits to the velvet night sky, speckled with twinkling stars, until you get the courage to look back at the boy beside you. His face glitters with something hopeful. 
You swallow hard and ask, “You still want that dance or what?”
Steve glows with a boyish excitement. “Yeah! Are you kidding? Of course, I do.”
“Out here, though,” you tell him when he rises from the bench.
He smiles at the stern look in your delicate eyes. “Why? You ashamed of me or somthin’?” he jokes, as if he wasn’t named just prom king.
You stand before him with your arms crossed over the pretty corset of your dress. You bite back a smile. “I just wanna spend time with my boyfriend without it being on the cover of The Weekly Streak tomorrow,” you confess.
“Fair enough,” Steve nods, smoothing his wide hands over your sides. 
Yours are much less confident. They tremble with a misplaced worry as they spread over his shoulders. Your fingers fidget on the satin lapels of his expensive suit. His longer ones guide you back and forth, swaying you gently to the slow beat of the muffled song.
—Don’t ask me, what you know is true…
Don’t have to tell you, I love your precious heart—
You get lost in it all before you mean to. The warmth of having him so close, swaddled in his big hands and deep cologne. 
His honeyed gaze hasn’t yet wavered from you, but you don’t have the heart to meet it. He’s looking at you like he loves you. Like you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. Like you’re the fucking prom queen. 
You don’t feel particularly deserving of any of it.
“Are you still having fun?” you ask with a scrunched nose, visibly riddled with feelings of inadequacy. You still haven’t quite figured out why he’d rather be out here with you than inside with everyone else — with Vicki Carmichael, the actual prom queen.
“Loads,” Steve answers without missing a beat. His hands squeeze reassuringly at your hips as he flashes you a crooked grin. “It’s not even a question, honestly. I’d choose you over those schmucks in there any day of the week.”
He nods his slicked-back hair to the pulsing brick a few feet away. A few gelled chestnut strands drape over his forehead. You fight the urge to push them back.
“Really?” you squeak with your pretty face, all dolled up, twisted with an innocent look of confusion.
You have no idea how beautiful you are, Steve thinks to himself.
“Yeah,” he nods, grinning wide and wearing all his adoration on his chiseled, golden face. He could hide it if he tried. “Tommy Hagan isn’t nearly as pretty to look at.”
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lixie-phoria · 1 year
comforting bf!hyunjin
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requested : yes | genre : angst with a happy ending | word count : 0.6k
Can I request y/n talking Hyunjin down from a breakdown and being there for him when he feels kinda numb after and helping him brush his hair, eat, and just being there for him through a hard time
an: this is my first time writing smth like this and I'm not sure how much I like how it's turned out :')
"Hyunjin. Let me in, please"
How long had it been? Half an hour? An hour? You weren't sure as you leaned your forehead against the door, cursing the locked barrier.
"Leave me alone."
His voice was raw, punctuated only by the soft sound of his stifled sobs.
"Jinnie, please. I want to help. Tell me what's wrong."
You were met with silence.
Hyunjin's practice had run late that night.
He'd been down for the past few days, so you stayed up to make sure he wouldn't return home to a cold, dark hall. But you hadn't expected him to storm in at 2 a.m, hair a mess and tear stains running down his cheeks. He didn't even give you a chance to speak. The first thing he'd done was lock himself into your shared bedroom, trying to muffle his sobs, but they seeped into the silence of the hall anyways.
"Babe, what's wrong? Did I do something?"
"Then let me in, please."
His reply was a strangled sob. "I don't want you seeing me like this. I'm a mess"
"I don't care how you look, hyunjin. I want to make sure you're alright."
It's a while before you hear the lock click, and you're on your feet immediately, pushing the door open to find your boyfriend seated at the foot of your bed, head in his hands and body shaking from sobs.
the sight broke your heart.
You're by his side in an instant, wrapping your arms around him as he hides his face in the crook of your neck, a fresh wave of sobs escaping him.
"What's wrong, hyune?"
"Do you love me?"
His question hung in the air, delicate and heart-wrenching.
"Of course I do. I love you. So much."
"But why?"
You rested your temple against his, sorrow digging a dagger into your heart. You hated seeing him like this.
"Where is all of this coming from?"
His hold around you tightens, but he doesn't answer.
"Is it the haters?"
You knew you had guessed correctly when he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to keep the tears at bay.
"I don't want to talk about it right now."
"that's not healthy. you know that. let me help you, please."
"not today."
you sighed. you don't want to push it. he'll come around eventually, he always does.
"how about in the morning?"
he nods silently as you finally turn your body to face his, gently taking his face in your hands.
"you know i love you, right? i love you no matter what. always."
he leans into your touch, eyes closing. "thank you."
"And you are not the opinion of someone who doesn't know you."
Though he couldn't see it, a soft smile plays at your lips as you press a kiss to his furrowed brow.
"do you want to eat something?"
"it's 3 in the morning."
"screw that."
that earns a small chuckle from him as he meets your gaze, warm brown orbs staring into yours.
"thank you," he repeats.
"you don't have to thank me, hyune."
you help him up from the floor, standing on your toes to tuck the lose strands that had escaped from his hair tie.
"i didn't think you'd stay with me after seeing me like this."
"i'll stay with you no matter what."
As the night slowly yielded to the first hints of dawn, you found yourselves nestled together on the bed. Hyunjin's breathing had steadied, and his weary eyes met yours with a newfound warmth.
"We're in this together, always," you whisper, lacing his fingers with yours as he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss.
At that moment, a meteorite could've come crashing down upon the earth, but what mattered was that you were in his arms. safe.
tags : @foxinnie8 @hamburgers101 @starlostlaiba @laylasbunbunny (send an ask to be added/removed)
©lixie-phoria, 2023
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targaryenofrph · 23 days
Short N Sweet by Sabrina Carpenter Sentence Starters
Some of these will be NSFW. Change the pronouns and tense as needed for your verses.
I leave quite an impression, five feet to be exact
Every time you breathe his air, just know I was already there
You can have him if you like, I've been there, done that once or twice
I know I have good judgment
I know I have good taste
It's funny and it's ironic that only I feel that way
I promise them that you're different and everyone makes mistakes
I heard that you're an actor, so act like a stand-up guy
Whatever devil's inside you, don't let him out tonight
Please, please, please don't prove I'm right
Please, please, please don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice
Heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another
I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker
Well, I have a fun idea, babe, maybe just stay inside
I know you're craving some fresh air, but the ceiling fan is so nice
We could live so happily if no one knows that you're with me
Don't mistake my nice for naive
You should stay in my good graces
No one's more amazing at turning loving into hatred
I won't give a fuck about you
I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed
Left me with a lot of shit to second-guess
If that was casual, then I'm an idiot
I'm looking for an answer in-between the lines
You're lying to yourself if you think we're fine
You're confused and I'm upset, but we never talk about it
You found God at your ex's house
Seems like overnight, I'm just the bitch you hate now
We never talk it through how you guilt-tripped me to open up to you
Without her even being here, she's back in your life
Last week, you didn't have any doubts. This week, you're holding space for her tongue in your mouth
Your car drove itself from L.A. to her thighs
Damn it, she looks kinda like the girl you outgrew
Who's the cute boy with the white jacket and the thick accent?
I can't relate to desperation
My 'give a fucks' are on vacation
Too bad your ex don't do it for ya
I'm working late 'cause I'm a singer
He looks so cute wrapped around my finger
You're so dumb and poetic
It's just what I fall for, I like the aesthetic
Every self-help book, you've already read it
Cherry-pick lines like they're words you invented
Just 'cause you talk like one doesn't make you a man
Fuck with my head like it's some kind of fetish
Guess I'll end this life alone
I am not dramatic, these are just the thoughts that pass right through me
This boy doesn't even know the difference between "there", "their", and "they are"
Don't have to tell your hot ass a thing, you just get it
You make me wanna make you fall in love
Wanna try out my fuzzy pink handcuffs?
I know you want my touch for life
If you love me right, then who knows?
One of me is cute, but two, though?
You make me wanna make you fall in love
I showed my friends, then we high-fived
Sorry if you feel objectified
Give me more than just some butterflies
Wanna try out some freaky positions?
Have you ever tried this one?
There's no need to pretend
I've never seen an ugly truth that I can't bend
I'm stupid, but I'm clever
Yeah, I can make a shitshow look a whole lot like forever and ever
We love to read the cold, hard facts and swear they're incorrect
We love to mistake butterflies for cardiac arrest
Don't smile because it happened, cry because it's over
You think it's happy hour, for me it's not
I want you to miss me
Try working on you
I promise you'll be much happier if you do
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luvzuzu · 2 years
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yuzuru hanyu x gn! reader | wc: 0.59k | established rs, fluff
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"yuzu~" you call his name sweetly as you form a beeline towards the sounds of water hitting the cold tiles and a small portion of visible warm fog slipping through the tiny slit of the bathroom door.
him not responding is a clear hint that your boyfriend might have not heard you but as you approached closely to the door, your ears caught faint noises of his voice, singing a bridge of a song playing in his head for almost a week now. he's even doing the instrumental, humming and somewhat squeaking?
he's undeniably cute. you couldn't oppose that, no, you wouldn't even try.
as you reached the door, you couldn't help but peek a slightest bit at him, you wanted to make sure that yuzu didn't leave. at first, you thought it was the typical day for you two wherein you separate ways in the morning and see each other in the evening, exhausted and tired from everything. him on his practices and you on your work.
today was different though, time flew fast and the date as of now marks your second anniversary. nonetheless, you have no expectations that your boyfriend would miss a practice, he basically dedicates his life to figure skating. you two celebrated the first anniversary in his training grounds, nothing too special or grand about it. but you were surely grateful because even though his sport was tough, never did your boyfriend forget your value in his life.
anyways, despite your worry that he probably left early again, yuzu's there on the other side, doing all his rituals, lip syncing and singing in between his scrubs.
"hey, no peeking!" your existence besides the door drawn yuzu's attention and let out his regular sweet giggles that echoed on the four corners of the bathroom. he absolutely didn't mean it in a serious way but just to simply make you all flustered (which he kinda failed because you're all too familiar with his teasing tactics and overflowing cuteness).
"you can stare at me all day instead! but i'll appreciate it if i'm clothed when you do look at me." yuzu added as he turned off the shower and fetched his cotton robe with a glimpse of redness in his cheeks, wet hair sticking to his forehead before he brushed it with his fingers, splashing glitters of water to the air. one word to describe the sight, ethereal. clouds of steam coming from the door danced through the air as your boyfriend stepped out of the bathroom.
"all day? didn't you say you have practice?" confusion was stretched all over your face as you realized what he had said, unconsciously disregarding how magical yuzuru looks fresh out of shower. you felt extra bouncy as you wanted to be with him on a special day like this. and maybe, just maybe, you can finally have a proper anniversary celebration.
you don't care if you spend the whole day home with your pajamas and his shirt, warmly cuddled up in front of the tv with a show you couldn't even keep up with but still choose to have it on. because all you care and want to be is in his arms. some may say that the day could have been eventful, but damn, every single day is special for you since your boyfriend is none other than yuzuru hanyu.
"i do. but do you really think i'd forget our second anniversary? the training could wait but this day ends around twelve hours so we should be spending it wisely!"
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nautiscarader · 2 months
Ice cold tea (Wendip, G)
his is, of course inspired by the most Wendip song I have ever heard, "Belong together" by Mark Ambor: 
"So how long it's gonna be for you?", Wendy asked, watching her friend rise his nose from stack of books. She smiled when Dipper twitched nervously, as he did so often, trying to find an answer, particularily to her questions.
"Probably another two weeks or so", Dipper replied to his red-head videocaller, her freckled face illuminated by the sun shining through the trees."I still have three exams to pass… But I've got help",
He took a sip from the can of ice tea, observing, as her eyes widened ..
"Oh, man, I wish I had that", Wendy groaned, "Working all day with chopping wood makes you thirsty." "Okay then, one crate of cold ice tea coming right up to the middle of nowhere!", he joked, and the two laughed heartily. "Alright, dork, see you later!"
And with that, she ended the videocall, feeling a pang in her stomach she knew had nothing to do with her tiredness, hunger or thirst. But she didn't even have time to ready her tools when she heard Dipper again - this time from behind her.
"Delivery for miss Corduroy!", he grunted, dragging a huge blue cointaner behind him.
"Du-DUDE! What are you doing here?!", Wendy gasped, almost losing balance. "I-I thought you were back in California! Wait, you WERE in your dorm room a minute ago!" Dipper smiled. "Heh, simple background replacement. Especially…"
He opened the ice box and leaned against its large, white lid.
"…if you have nice, clean single color to key out." "Hey, I'm supposed to be the cool one." "But I am wearing your hat." "Alright smartass, come'ere.".
Wendy reached and pulled him into a tight hug, lifting him off the ground, though once she put him down, she was surprised she no longer had to look down to meet his eyes. She found herself staring at him for some time, until he cleared his throat, making her realise how awkwardly they would have looked to any onlookers, had there been any.
"Come on, grab that ice tea.", she composed herself.
A moment later the two were sitting on a blanket, stretched on a pile freshly cut logs, sipping their sweet drinks.
"So how come you are here now?" "Well…", Dipper blushed and shied away, "I've kinda… already passed my exams"
Wendy nearly spat her drink out.
"How?! Have you been messing with Blendin's tape?" "Oh no, never again….I've just, you know, reshuffled the timetable a bit and pulled a couple of all-nighters, so I could be with you! I mean you all, y'all, that is, like Soos and others", he quickly Å™corrected himself.
Wendy chuckled. For quite some time they both enjoyed their drinks, watching as gentle Summer breeze pushed fluffy clouds above their heads and brought much needed fresh, cool air.
"And Mabel?" "I think her apprenticeship ends in two weeks, so…" "….so we have all that time for ourselves", Wendy finished. "And I have just an idea what should we be doing…"
She turned her head and leaned forward, watching as Dipper's eyes widen, before he closed them involuntarily, when her face was just an inch away from his, his body shivering with anticipation. A moment later he tasted the sweet, refreshing flavour Wendy's been drinking… After she shoved another cold can to his lips, making him nearly fall back. He saw her beaming smile and emerald eyes again above him, as she continued.
"You're gonna help me rebuild my mom's old cabin!", she exclaimed,
"Oh. Cool." Dipper replied, jumping from the pile, trying to comprehend his situation, as he caught up with reality.
"After all, we've gotta have a place to have movie nights… And maybe even drink some of that tea in the mornings", she sent him a sly smile and casually returned to her job.
"Yeah…. Wait, what?" Dipper squeaked, dropping one small log he has managed to lift right onto his foot.
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aurekiwi · 4 months
chapter 1: ateez hit the block
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how does 2024 look for the group? how are they doing/feeling?
aurekiwi. all rights reserved.
how does 2024 look for the group? how are yall (they) feeling?
mingi the tower, king of wands i feel lots of fiery energy from him. it's like hot hot hot fire. he still has so much more to show. he worked so hard to reach their current milestone. what he did till now already shocked fans, but he's saying there's still more to come. it'll shock everyone, possibly know the winds out of everyone's lungs. he might do something that ppl did not expect at all.
seonghwa five of pents, five of wands, nine of wands rx seems like it hasn't been too amazing for seonghwa so far. i think there are many expectations he put on himself that he feels he hasn't really met yet, and that's really bothering him. i also sense that he might've fought with one of the members quite recently or some time in the past. it seems like one or both of them have different opinions on something and both are not taking the time to take a step back and try to see things from a different perspective though. i do not think it's a serious argument... it just may be on his mind a lot lately? you got this though, seonghwa. it feels like he's a bit burnt out and might feel a bit overwhelmed, but he'll overcome it. some proper mental rest, not really worrying about what's to come next will probably help him feel a lot less like he's always on the run for the next thing.
jong-ho (should've been yellow) four of wands, the magician, seven of wands he is very very very happy! he is very happy and joyful about the group's success and how far they've made it so far. i see him kinda dancing, chattering with his members, and just really enjoying it. he feels like the group has been able to pave their way and really show their potential and artistry as a group. he is really proud of ateez for all they've done, especially with such a fierce competition in the industry nowadays. he is very hopeful for their future and is looking forward to what other opportunities they have to show their talents!
san the hanged man san feels very neutral? like he's resting right now. resting. well-deserved rest. also thinking of what he wants to do going forward, visualizing things. he's a deep thinker. i don't rlly know what his camera personality is like, but this guy feels very introverted. he needs his own time and space to recharge. he's excited about his team's success though! very happy. but like, rest time... for a moment.
hongjoong six of wands, eight of swords, the fool, ace of wands they gained a lot of fame and recognition! he's so proud of them and for their current successes! i think he was a bit worried about how things will play out for the group. he may also have had some mental struggles. however, i see that he is represented as "the fool" right now- a free-spirited person who follows his heart's desires, his intuition and creativity, and where the air takes him. he has let go of whatever negative thoughts he may have had, and it seems like he has a clear vision of where he wants to head, as well as for the group. he is focused and dedicated.
six of swords, knight of pentacles, the lovers, queen of swords, nine of pentacles, knight of wands; four of cups, ace of cups, queen of cups, the emperor
something very interesting is that there is this theme of transition and a fresh start. i see this in hongjoong's cards, maybe in mingi's cards, i also see it for the group. i don't exactly know what this may mean, but they're moving on from something.
they're steadily and productively working towards a more honest and open form of communication with a queen of swords it seems. the lovers card shows a woman and a man next to each other, holding hands. i don't feel anything romantic from this, but this is someone who is helping the group. someone with feminine energy who can seem a bit stern, cold, and intimidating. the queen of swords is not someone to mess as she can easily cut through bullsh*t and see what ur intentions are. however, i see some good results through this queen of swords. there is success, there is lots of money/abundance, lots of gold. may be an influential person, an authority figure, a person of power who helped them. with the support of this person, the group feels that they can have a much more care-free(?) mindset, as in they feel like they can overcome any challenge that comes their way, they're excited to go after their dreams and goals.
i also see some kind of collaboration or partnership coming their way. they had many different offers and opportunities, but they were very fixated on one specific opportunity that they want. the progression of four of cups to ace of cups makes me think that they did indeed achieve whatever they wanted to achieve, or get the offer that they wanted, and it's making them very happy! i see them working with a queen of cups and the emperor. the queen of cups is someone who is very nurturing and caring, with a very creative and artistic spirit. i see them creating something, using their ideas and cultivating them into something beautiful. the emperor is a more rigid masculine energy that is the leader of a company, an enterprise, or a franchise. this is going to be a very good/fulfilling opportunity for the group!
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realityandrebirth · 1 year
Summary: After watching the ninja fail to reform Morro, Ronin decides to step in and take care of the problem.
Warnings: Drowning, attempted murder.
Prompts: Fear of Water/Bridge
Morrotober: Day Twenty-Seven
Morro had never been so scared in either of his lives, and not during his time being dead, either. He tried to calm himself; sure, he was tied up, bound in vengestone cuffs, and dangling upside-down mere inches above the rushing river, but Ronin was the ninja's ally, sometimes, most of the time, he hoped. Surely they could make him see reason.
If they ever showed up.
"Huh," Ronin said, peering down at him from the bridge. "I kinda thought someone would at least, y'know, pretend to care."
Morro twisted in his binds, swinging back and forth on the rope, but to no avail. "You really think you're going to get away with this?" he snarled, though his voice was pitched high in fear.
"I mean, I've gotten away with worse." Ronin shrugged. "I'm probably doing them a favor, getting rid of a little creep like you. Don't know why they're bothering to try and reform you."
It was because Wu couldn't let go of the son he never had, just like Morro couldn't help but wish for a family he didn't deserve. Morro bit back a retort and continued to struggle.
He looked up again to see Ronin holding a knife against the rope. "Any last words?"
What Morro should have said was something, anything to prove that he wasn't the same person he was when he orchestrated the destruction of Stiix.
What he actually said was, "I should have let Soul Archer take you."
And then he hit the water.
The only thought in his mind was that he was going to die. The river roared around him, tumbling him around and around until he had screamed out all his air, hastening his drowning in his terror. He was going to die, and he was going to die having never been kind to anyone, having never felt happiness in either of his miserable lives.
He didn't believe it when the water spit him out on the shore–surely the blue sky was a hallucination brought on by a lack of oxygen. Then he inhaled, and there was fresh air to fill his lungs and replace the water he was coughing out.
"Are you alright?"
Morro blinked rapidly. "Water Ninja?" he croaked.
Nya sawed through the ropes around his chest and legs while he lay there gasping. "The others are dealing with Ronin," she said, spitting the thief's name like a curse. "He's lucky if I ever speak to him again, that bastard."
"He said you weren't coming.
"We thought you got arrested again." Nya fumbled with the vengestone cuffs until they unlocked with a click and she pulled them off. "Didn't realize you'd been kidnapped until later. I'm just glad we weren't too late. Get up."
Morro didn't move. Exhaustion weighed down his limbs, and he was content to lie there shivering until the cold killed him instead of the water. "Why?"
"What, do you want me to carry you?"
"Why did you save me?"
Nya huffed. "What, like Ronin's qualified to be judge, jury, and executioner? If you deserved to die, you would've stayed dead the first time." She put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him up to a sitting position. "Come on, Wu's freaking out."
Somehow, Morro got his feet underneath him. Somehow, he hobbled to the Bounty, leaning on Nya to stay upright. Somehow, he wrapped his arms around Wu and accepted the love from the man he used to call his father.
And the flicker within him–the smallest resolve to change and redeem himself–somehow, the water had not extinguished it, and it burned brighter than it ever had.
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adrift-in-thyme · 11 months
Hi!! I saw you're doing the DVD commentary ask game. If you don't mind, I'd love to hear about this passage. Your description of magic is so cool!
Dark magic warps around him, funneling him down, down, down. He reaches toward it with his own magic, trying to guide it, to nudge it in a safe direction. Water. They need to land in water. Otherwise this will end very badly. He solidifies an image in his head. A lake — big and beautiful and clear, waterfalls rushing down into it. There. That’s where he wants them to land. A hand grapples in the darkness. Fingers wrap around his own, familiar magic pouring through them to enhance his own. A slight smile lifts Legend’s lips. Hyrule. The image grows more clear and distinct. The smell of fresh water and dewy grass fills his nostrils. Legend steels himself and takes a deep breath. Any moment now… Heart pounding in his throat, he tightens his hold on Hyrule’s hand. “Don’t let go,” he orders through the waves of their entwined magic. And Hyrule’s grip strengthens in reply. Another moment slides by, a moment filled with utter darkness and the nauseating push and pull of gravity. Legend holds his breath, awaiting impact. It comes in a rush of magic and liquid, cold and heat, light and darkness. Legend catches a glimpse of blue sky and white clouds. Then his body breaks the surface with such force it knocks the air from his lungs.
Thanks!! I had a lot of fun describing magic here. I kinda always enjoy describing it lol. I’ve always been into fantasy (I read the Narnia stories so much as a kid that I practically had them memorized XD) and magic always seems like such a beautiful and powerful thing (even dark magic) that I’m always trying to find a way to capture that. It helps that I was in the Loki fandom before this so I got a good bit of practice figuring out how I wanted to portray his magic and that experience carries over into my LU fics now.
Also, recently I read ‘weathered and wavering’ and the author had such good descriptions of everything but especially magic. I wanted to eat their writing lol. So I was inspired by their work to portray magic as more idk intrinsic to the user’s existence I guess? More alive and linked with them and others.
And I just generally love the idea of magic users being connected through it (hence Legend and Hyrule’s telepathy moment lol).
Believe it or not I actually struggled a lot with this fic and this moment as a whole. I needed Legend to end up in a body of water somehow and I needed most of the Chain to be absent (so they couldn’t save him lol and also so that I wouldn’t have to write all of their reactions to him being a mer). And when I finally settled on the opening with him and Hyrule…I got Covid. So this was actually written as I sat on the couch, feeling miserable, with a cup of tea in one hand and my phone in the other 😅 The fact that it came out coherent at all is incredible.
It did help that I played Alttp during that time. I got to include a vague description of a part of Legend’s world (specifically Zora Waterfall, which I think would be gorgeous in Botw-type graphics). So though I don’t explicitly state it, Legend and Hyrule (and eventually the Chain) are actually in Legend’s Hyrule in this fic. Which is cool cause I usually default to Wild’s XD But also bad for Legend cause YIKES that creepy scientist was in his Hyrule??? He’s not gonna love that. As if he needed more problems
Aaaand I think that’s it! Thanks for asking!! <33
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jewwyfeesh · 1 year
Dessert Crisis 2
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Aoba Tsumugi, Sakuma Ritsu
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Tsumugi: WAAAH, th-this… drawing… Just what am I looking at?!
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Season: Spring Location: Yumenosaki Academy Library
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Tsumugi: Thanks to Ritsu-kun, I was able to wrap up things at home without a hitch.
Even though he said that he’ll help me tidy up the rest of the books in the library… I still can’t help but feel a little uneasy, so I came back.
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Ritsu: Snzzz… zzz…
Tsumugi: Eh? Isn’t that Ritsu-kun?
His flashlight wasn’t switched off… could it be that he was reading books all night?
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Ritsu-kun, Ritsu-kun, wake up… You’ll catch a cold if you continue sleeping here.
Ritsu: Yaaaaawn~
Oh, it’s you, Aoba Onii-chan~ Good morning~
Tsumugi: You… Did you stay here overnight…?
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Ritsu: Erm… I just woke up, so everything’s still a little fuzzy… lemme have a think.
I remember that… At that time, other than dessert books, I also found some that were pretty meaningful. Inspired by those books, I came up with a couple new ideas~
I even drew up some designs based on those ideas… but I probably fell asleep at the table at some point.
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Hnn~ As it turns out, sleeping at the table isn’t comfy at all – my back is kinda stiff~
Tsumugi: Haha, come here, I’ll give you a little massage~
Look, I even bought your favourite juice. Drink some to wake yourself up.
Besides, there aren’t that many people in the library in the mornings, so this will be an exception, okay?
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Ritsu: Aoba Onii-chan really knows how to care for others~
Tsumugi: After all, you did help me straighten out the books in the library last night. You can take this as my thanks.
And, to be very honest, I was only able to rush back home to finish up whatever I needed to do because you helped with the organization last night. So, you really lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.
Though classes are about to start, don’t forget about them.
Ritsu: Mhm, gotcha.
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Previously Maa~kun’s the one who would wake me up and we’d go to class together; so having Aoba Onii-chan do it this time really is a breath of fresh air.
Mao: Ritchan!
Oh, and Aoba-senpai too. Good morning!
Tsumugi: Mm, call for the person and they shall appear~ Good morning to you too, Isara-kun. Are you here for Ritsu-kun?
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Mao: Mhm. When I went to Ritchan’s place to look for him, he wasn’t there.
Afterwards, his family members told me Ritchan had contacted them yesterday to tell them that he would be staying in school to read up on some books.
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Originally, I’d thought he wouldn’t stay in the library for the entire duration and instead go to class first; but when I went there to check, Ritchan wasn’t in there.
Ritchan… since you’re still in the library, does that mean you spent the night in here? Did you catch a cold?
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Ritsu: There’s no need to worry, Maa~kun. I won’t catch a cold that easily.
Not to mention, after receiving Aoba Onii-chan’s care, I’m very much awake now ♪
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Tsumugi: Erm, I’m really sorry to have to interrupt your chit-chat, but it’s almost time for classes. If we don’t get a move on, we’ll really be late.
Mao: Ah, we got so carried away chatting that we forgot the time. Ritchan, let’s go.
Ritsu: Mmkay, let me tidy these books up first. Gimme a minute.
Tsumugi: How about you leave these to me? There’s only a couple books here, I’ll be able to settle them.
Ritsu: Alrightie then, thank you Aoba Onii-chan~ Don’t be late yourself.
Mao: We’ll get going first then. Bye, Aoba-senpai!
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Tsumugi: To be able to go to school hand in hand… friendships amongst young people is truly an enviable thing.
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Though, this isn’t the time for me to be rueful; I’d better pack these away quickly and go to class.
These two books are about dessert making…
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Eh? This book is about the myth of Cthulhu? Turns out Ritsu-kun was referring to this when he said he found some meaningful books, huh.
Then again, there’s no harm skimming through books of other categories.
Eh? There’s even a piece of paper under the book. Erm… there’s something written on top too… “Cthulu Dessert Plan 1”?
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WAAAH, th-this… drawing… Just what am I looking at?!
← Chapter 1 | Story Masterlist | Chapter 3 →
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princesspuresarahk · 2 months
Meg Fanfic
Chapter: 5 Lets go for a drive! a phone call from Lois?
The weekend went by in peaceful bliss feeling like a dream to Meg she wished it could last forever but she knew it wouldn't be long until her 'family' got back.
"Meg, do you want to go somewhere today?" Donna asked her.
"hmmm going for a drive sounds nice it that's if that's alright with you Donna," she suggested while helping Donna clean up wearing a comfy oversize lavender sweater with jean leggings and fluffy socks during her 'stay' (from what she can think as) at the Brown house she offered to help Donna and Roberta around the house with chores to which Donna at first said there was no need but Meg wanted to help as she found it kinda relaxing folding fresh clothes and blankets hot from the dryer smelling like a clean autumn breeze after the cold rainstorm they had everything outside was foggy and murky with the chill that can make you almost see your breath went outside
"Yes, it does sound nice," Donna responded.
They finished the rest of the laundry they went upstairs to put the rest away into the rooms Meg dropped off Jr.'s and Rallo's on their beds before heading to Roberta "Hey Roberta here's your clothes to put up, also me and your Mom are going for a drive would to come?" She asked smiling even though she's a year older than her Meg wanted to get to know Roberta now that she'd started a friendship with Donna.
"Yeah, I would love to come~" Roberta replied. She does want to see what Meg and her mom have been doing lately. With the laundry put away the three headed out the car with Donna having already warmed up the car with the still chilly weather keeping them warm inside “Woah, it’s so cold.” Meg remarked, slightly shivering.
"yeah it's freezing out here Mama it's October and already feels like November how did Cleveland live out here," Roberta did as well checking her phone for Federline as they on the car Meg in the passenger seat Roberta wanted to sit in the back and have room to herself enjoying the space in the car while her stepfather and brothers are away.
Meg felt relaxed throughout the car ride. It gives her a piece of mind.
Onward they drove listening to music and talking about little things with the topic of the upcoming Halloween party sharing ideas for the fairytale theme Meg suggested some little flowers scarf toppers and hanging sparkling stars ✨⭐ "to give it a magical feel to it," she explained "and we can even make them by scratch with arts and crafts oh and with little hearts 💖 to bring a little romance in the air for the couples attending," Donna is intrigued by the idea. “That sounds great. We could also add in some pink roses too. We can also add some cute lace on it.” She suggested.
"That sounds great," Roberta replied.
They talked about more ideas they could work on the campaigns even some charity ideas they could bring to the council to raise money for newer school supplies and enhancements ideas of a bake sale, an event stand to sell goods at sports, games, dances, and talents something Meg learned at a school when her and the Griffins stayed in Texas at her Aunt Carol's and went to one of their football games
One of the few things their school didn't have that could bring new opportunities to the students.
After driving around two hours the trio stopped at a gas station for a bathroom break and had something to drink Donna got a unexpected call. Checking it was Lois she told Meg and Roberta to on ahead inside as she took this call Meg wondered what her Mother was calling about as she and Roberta went inside.
"She's probably asking for something dumb." Meg should not expect something positive from Lois.
It'd be 5 minutes until Donna came in to find Meg and Roberta who had already chosen their beverages of bottled water, an energy drink with a slim Jim, a mini bag of honey roasted peanuts, KitKat and M&M's "Hey Donna what did my Mother have to say," Meg asked while Donna got herself a small coffee and roasted honey pecans she had a slight annoyance on her face "Lois called if you could stay with us for a few days it turns out Peter got himself stuck in jail for causing a fight and trashing the Airbnb with reckless driving and won't be out until she tries to convince her Father to send them the money to bail him and pay for the damages oh I swear why Cleveland is friends with that fool of a man child," she mumbled that last part but Meg heard she understood that part being hard with living with a man child there are days she questions her Mother why she stays with him and why Peter even bothers to be a dad? Meg couldn't help but let out a sigh in disbelief knowing Peter was bound to get into his dumb shenanigans but hey at least she wouldn't have to see them for a little longer she looked at Donna who put a hand on their shoulder her phone now gone rising into a sweet smile and her doing the same as she said "so it looks like you'll be staying with us for sometime baby girl we'll stop by your house later and get you a suitcase packed and you'll be staying in our guest room for the time being," giving Meg a wink "Thank you, Donna I really appreciate it,"
Meg loves this. Now, not only does she get to stay longer in the Tubbs’ residence but also, but she is also staying longer away from her family.
It strangely felt good, things felt good for Meg and with her new friendship with Donna and blooming one with Roberta her time with the Browns, it's going to be a brighter one.
Later that evening after enjoying their long drive they headed back to Spooner Street only stopping by the Griffin house for Meg to quickly grab a couple of clothes and a few things while she stayed at the Brown's house until Griffins got back.
'I can't believe this is actually happening.' Meg thought excitedly.
She never thought something could happen like this being with a kind woman like Donna who willingly came to the mother and aunt-like figure she needed her own 'Auntie Mama!'
Right now after coming back from their long drive, she was helping Donna out in the kitchen preparing dinner having decided on hot creamy pumpkin soup with little bacon bits that made the kitchen smell good aroma of fresh hot soup on the stove as Meg was putting the ingredients Roberta studying the table while talking with Federline Donna was on the phone with Cleveland. Good cause they needed to talk!
“Cleveland, you got to do something about that friend of yours! I don’t like how he treated Meg!” Donna exclaimed.
Cleveland sighed knowing this was coming is a topic that he and Donna have been bickering about lately he knows Donna hasn't liked the Griffins ever since they moved back to Quahog even for a time forbidding him from being friends with that Peter and see how they treat their children Cleveland knows this and understandingly knows it's wrong especially how they treat their oldest child heck he's been having second thoughts about their friendship lately but then again they were best friends "I know Donna it's just that I know Peter for a long time and he was my best friend he saved my life a couple of times and how can I repay for something like that?"
He and the boys were having a campfire roasting hot dogs when Donna called and with the kind of topic and tone she was having he knew this needed to be a private call excused himself to the car for a few minutes as he and Donna talked about the issue about Meg "I know it's truly wrong with how he treats his oldest child Meg is a sweet little girl always has been has been Peter seemed to love her in the beginning I just don't know why now he treats her like dirt don't even treat my kids like that if there was a way I could take her in myself I am her God Daddy after all Donna but I don't know how to do that without causing drama,"
"Then tell that man to not be such a horrid father! the same goes for his wife!" Donna chided.
"you're right Donna I'll have a talk with Peter about it as soon as they return I promise," he replied in a sweet loving tone but Donna knew he was going to keep his promise "All right baby we'll see you guys when you get back tomorrow I love you Cleveland give Rallo and Jr. A good night hug from me and you boys stay safe out there,"
With that, they hung up Donna went to the kitchen to finish up making dinner "Donna how was Cleveland and the boys doing?" Meg asked curiously
“They are just camping. Seems like they are enjoying their time.” Donna responded.
"they must be having a lot of fun I like camping," Meg smiled
They finished up making dinner filling their bellies with nice hot soup and grilled cheese. Later the girls decided to do some karaoke! With Meg and Donna starting with some Dolly Parton!
“🎶Tumble out of bed
And stumble to the kitchen
Pour myself a cup of ambition
And yawn and stretch and try to come to life
Jump in the shower
And the blood starts pumpin'
Out on the streets, the traffic starts jumpin'
For folks like me on the job from 9 to 5,🎶" shaking their hips and body to the groove pink and purple karaoke microphones in hand
🎶"Workin' 9 to 5
What a way to make a livin'
Barely gettin' by
It's all takin' and no givin'
They just use your mind
And they never give you credit
It's enough to drive you
Crazy if you let it
9 to 5
For service and devotion
You would think that I
Would deserve a fat promotion"🎶
The song was cheering up Meg. She started to move her body to the beat.
"🎶 Want to move ahead
But the boss won't seem to let me
I swear sometimes that man is
Out to get me, hmmm
They let you dream
Just a watch 'em shatter
You're just a step on the boss man's ladder
But you got dreams he'll never take away
In the same boat with a lot of your friends
Waitin' for the day your ship'll come in
And the tide's gonna turn
And it's all gonna roll you away
Workin' 9 to 5
What a way to make livin'
Barely gettin' by
It's all takin' and no givin'🎶"
She and Donna sang their heart out into the beat as Roberta watched with amusement watching her Mom and Meg sing shaking their hips and body to the groove pink and purple karaoke microphones in hand
"🎶 They just use your mind
And you never get the credit
It's enough to drive you
Crazy if you let it
9 to 5
Yeah, they got you were they want you
There's a better life
And you think about it, don't you?
It's a rich man's game
No matter what they call it
And you spend your life
Putting money in his wallet
9 to 5
Oh, what a way to make a livin'
Barely gettin' by
It's all takin' and no givin'
They just use your mind
And they never give you credit
It's enough to drive you
Crazy if you let it
9 to 5
Yeah, they got you where they want you
There's a better life
And you dream about it, don't you?
It's a rich man's game
No matter what they call it
And you spend your life
Putting money in his wallet
9 to 5!🎶"
The two said the last part out loud before collapsing to the couch to catch their breath laughing as they did the invigorating tune radiated through the whole room as the two women danced.
They continued singing their hearts out with Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and Raise Your Glass with Roberta later joining the two in a contest singing another Pink song Get This Party Started!
"🎶I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
Get this party started on a Saturday night
Everybody's waitin' for me to arrive
Sendin' out the message to all of my friends
We'll be lookin' flashy in my Mercedes Benz
I got lotsa style, check my gold diamond rings
I can go for miles if you know what I mean
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
(I'm comin' up, I'm comin')
I'm comin' up so you better get this party started
Pumpin' up the volume, breakin down' to the beat
Cruisin' through the west side
We'll be checkin' the scene
Boulevard is freakin' as I'm comin' up fast
I'll be burnin' rubber, you'll be kissin' my ass
Pull up to the bumper, get out of the car
License plate says "Stunner number one Superstar?"
After singing song after song, the women were all tuckered out from singing and ready to head off to bed Meg has a feeling that tomorrow will get even more better.
And indeed it was in another peaceful autumn Monday morning before they were back at the school for the week the girls spent the morning enjoying eggies in a basket with turkey bacon and later the girls cleaned up the house some more when Cleveland and the boys get home from cleaning the kitchen, living room, laundry and bathrooms the satisfaction of a nice clean house. Meg got the last load of bedding for her room she couldn't help but press the sheets against her skin still hot from the dryer signing at the smell of Downy Bliss of Sparkling Amber and Rose "Mmmm so warm and soft I love it and I love it here with Auntie Donna," she whispered before putting them in the basket heading upstairs to finish remaking her bed. When the Browns moved back in they decided to set up new arrangements now that they were a family of 5-6 (with Meg now in the mix for the time being ) with setting a part of their attic into a guest bedroom whenever they had guests over and needed a place to sleep making it comfortable and cozy for the person staying.
“This looks very nice, Auntie Donna.” Meg feels comfortable with the bedding.
"Anything to make sure our guests are comfortable baby so you be snug as a bug here," Donna cooed giving a little kiss on her head as Meg giggled.
“Thanks again for letting me stay here, Auntie Donna.” The younger woman said in gratitude.
Later that evening the sound of Cleveland's car could be heard pulling up the driveway he and his boys had returned from their trip as the women came out to greet them "Welcome home Cleveland did you and the boys have a fun time," she greeted rushing to her hubby to embrace him in a big hug kissing her husband. Cleveland returned the hug and kiss "Haha it's good to be home baby, the boys had an amazing time by the time we got back to Quahog they were tuckered out haha Rallo even fell asleep on the way," motioning to the car as Cleveland Jr. helped a very sleepy Rallo out of his car seat "hi miss Donna it's good to be home I sure missed my warm bed and being home while camping," he said happily as Donna picked up Rallo into her arms as her youngest opened his trying to stay awake "Hi Rallo did you have a good time baby," she cooed as Rallo let out a tired yawn, Rallo looks at her somewhat dazed and part of his afro is "dented" from lying on the seatbelt.
"Best trip ever Mama..yawn.. didn't want it to end..yawn..I hope we can go back again..yyaawwnn.." he sleepily explained before hearing soft snores coming out as sleep took over Rallo again as he cuddled up against his mother lost away in dreamland.
Donna gave Rallo as everyone made their way back inside Cleveland chuckled "Haha It's good to be home,"
Donna sighs, "Yes it is...~ But a few things that need to be discussed..."
She whispered as Rallo fell back asleep in her arms Cleveland nodded understanding what she meant "Yes baby I know I plan to talk to him as he and Lois get back," he's going to do the right thing for his God daughter's sake.
It made Donna proud of her husband "That's good Cleveland now come there's lots to talk about," The family headed inside for a hot dinner was waiting for them of crispy za’atar chicken and cauliflower with roasted sweet potatoes.
The family enjoyed the dinner later getting together to talk about how their weekend went and the upcoming plans for the party until it was time for bed as everyone wished each other a good night of sleep and rest for a new day.
Yup! plot twist Cleveland is revealed to be Meg's Godfather how will he confront Peter's treatment? what will happen when the Griffins get back?
stay tuned for Chapter: 6 Cold rainy school days and friendship?
credit to the beautiful Taffy aka www.tumblr.com/queenofcandynso… for being part of this fanfic : )
credit to Dolly and Pink of their songs
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ambroziadelphine · 6 months
Madara in the real world: Prologue
I was in my kitchen on a Friday morning, dancing in my socks to Good Feeling by Flo Rida as I cooked some eggs and bacon. I'm a 23 year old with my own house out in the middle of nowhere, nearest town being about 20 minutes south of me. I lived alone, no partner, no kids, even my parents were on the other side of the world traveling for their retirement. I was just here, in British Colombia all by myself, surrounded by trees as the first chill of winter hung in the air. I was glad my mother had helped prep my basement for the winter, she was always the 'prepare for the end of the world like its yesterday' type person. I guess now that she's so old she's trying to make sure I'm that prepared.
It's not particularly bad though, I have homemade canned goods to last me a lifetime, everything from canned fruit, pickled veggies, handmade wine that's actually good. My basement cellar was filled with goodies to last me for many winters to come. She always makes me keep an outdoor garden bed in the warm weather to grow fresh produce, including the many fruit trees and berry bushes my mother has grown and taken care of over the many years in this house, though I've never been too fond of gardening, I did it for her.
But lets not focus on that, its quite a small part of who I am, doing things just for my mother I mean. I'm technically a pornstar, only I more so review toys then fuck other people on camera. I've actually.. never had sex with someone else.. its kinda ironic, I know. I think I'm asexual sometimes but then again, the right fictional man and I can go all day. I really wish real guys were even half the men as I watch in shows or read in books. Take, almost any of the Uchiha men from Naruto. Itachi, Madara, Shisui, Obito… Sasuke is okay, not my personal cup of tea.
God, what I would do to get Madara or Itachi to spend one night with me. I'm be like a bitch in heat. I wonder if all the fanfictions claiming the whole clan has a breeding kink if true.. I chuckled as I plated my food, the stove off and dishes cleaned up as I took a few moments to eat in the living room before changing into some thick leggings and a sweater, grabbing my coffee in my travel mug on my way passed the kitchen. I walked over to the patio, my 3 month old Tibetan mastiff Seth waddling over to the door as I put my shoes on.
I grinned and put his harness on, clipping his leash on and locking the door behind us, making sure I had my keys first before we headed out for a morning walk I grinned and put his harness on, clipping his leash on and locking the door behind us, making sure I had my keys first before we headed out for a morning walk.
I let Seth wander around as we walked a short distance into the forest, it was nice out, maybe a little chilly but otherwise nice for early November. We only were out for a quick 15 minute walk, just as a morning potty break for Seth and a chance for me to stretch my legs before I spend the next few hours shooting videos for my YouTube or spicy accounts. Yes, I had YouTube. It was mainly just casual gaming and some streaming. I did cosplays and vlogs when I went to conventions but not many. Anyways, we were headed back when I felt something shake the ground slightly. At first I thought it was an earthquake but with how quickly it went away I chose to ignore it, emerging from the tree line only for Seth to freeze, starting to growl as we both set eyes on something… or someone, laying face down in the damp, cold ground. I carefully walked around it, quickly moving inside and locking Seth in before I carefully made my way to the pile of black and red in front of me.
I crouched down and noticed it was indeed a person, a very large person with very long black hair and strange but familiar red armor on. I carefully lifted some hair away from the persons face, jumping back at the pale face of Madara Uchiha, his eyes closed as it appeared he was out cold at the moment. He didn't look like a reanimation, but he also shouldn't be alive or even real. I bite my lip and sighed, guess filming can wait. I looked at the distance between him and my back porch, only a few feet, I could move him. Hopefully.
I took a deep breath and carefully lifted the man the best I could, more so dragging him into the house and onto the couch with major struggle. I noticed his armor and outer clothing were wet, he probably wouldn't get sick, but he might be uncomfortable in the wet garments. But he'd probably be more uncomfortable knowing a stranger undressed him. I decided, I'd take the armor off him so I could get him more comfortable, then just throw a heated blanket on him that I had in my bedroom. I gently managed to lift his red armor off, laying in on the chair next to him along with his Gunbai which I had to go back out to get afterwards, it was also very heavy. I laid the heated blanket on him after I got him settled, plugging it in and turning it up to max to try and heat him up from the cold of outside. He was ice cold when I touched his skin.
I bit my nails as I stared at him. This wasn't possible. He's not supposed to be real.
I quickly left the room, deciding I'd play a bit of the long dark to try and clear my head, waiting for him to wake up. Its a lone survival game where you have crash landed in the Canadian wilderness and need to survive the winter and get off the island. I managed to get through another episode on my channel before I decided a shower was in order seeing as he wasn't seeming to wake up any time soon, I got together all I needed and headed into the washroom. Turning the water on, making sure its hot while I stripped my clothes off, throwing them in the laundry hamper and stepping into the steaming shower.
I sighed happily, asking Alexa to turn on my Spotify shower playlist, the steam and hot water soothing my muscles as I lathered shampoo and conditioner in my hair, I was singing along to Devil Eyes by Hippie Sabotage. I was taking my time rinsing myself off after scrubbing my skin clean when I felt goosebumps on my skin and I turned to the shower curtain, seeing a massive dark figure on the other side making me freeze before the humor of the situation quickly caught up to me.
"I didn't realize the Ghost of the Uchiha liked sneaking up on girls in the shower." I chuckled, hearing something fall off the counter on the other side of the curtain as the dark figure took a few steps back.
"Where am I?" He asked, clearing his throat as I hummed in amusement.
"Can you let me finish what I'm doing? I'll answer all questions I can when I'm done." I said, before a mischievous grin crossed my face, peaking out from behind the curtain to see a slightly flustered Madara. "Unless you were looking to join me, Madara Uchiha." I teased, seeing his face turn bright red as he hastily left without a word, my laughter ringing out in the room as he shut the door behind him with a loud thump. I never would have guessed he'd get to flustered from such little flirting, then again, I don't know how bold women were where he was from. If Sakura was anything to go by, I doubt this bold of flirting was common. More so just stubborn and short tempered.
I quickly finished up in the shower, dressing quickly in my knee high socks and shorts before cursing silently as I realized I had grabbed an Itachi Uchiha shirt. Whatever, maybe if I'm wearing Uchiha merch he'll think I'm on his side. I quickly walked out, going down the hall into my bedroom where I saw him looking around my room, specifically at the poster I had of him.
I quickly walked out, going down the hall into my bedroom where I saw him looking around my room, specifically at the poster I had of him "I'm guessing you have more then a few questions." I said softly, seeing his shoulders tense as he turned to me, his dark gaze looking me over suspiciously, his guard relaxing slightly upon seeing my tiny stature and strange shirt with his clan name printed on it. I sighed and walked over to the bookshelf, picking out the Naruto shippuden series and setting them on the bed in front of him. "I won't have all the answers you're looking for. Hell, I don't even know how you got here, but I know who you are and I can take a wild guess to say you just came from the fight against Naruto, Hashirama, Tobirama, basically all shinobi ever, you know what I mean." I said, already feeling tired as he just stared at me, giving a slow nod. I sighed and ran a hand through my still wet hair. Might as well get the basic explanation over with before he gets too many questions.
"This is a world without Kekkei Genkai or Chakra. We have no jutsu's, the Uchiha and any other clan you know are mere fiction here, in this manga series, there is also a tv show. Yes, as you can see the Uchiha happen to be some of my favourite characters, which is why I have a poster of you." I said, gesturing to my room and shirt for examples. "If you have question's about that I can do my best to answer them but as for how you are a fictional character here and have now ended up here, I have no clue. I am merely a regular civilian and have no idea how to get you back." I finished, waiting for his response as he seemed to process this all.
"So, I am in a different world?" He asked, I nodded, sitting down on my bed, crossing my legs.
"Yep." I said, popping the 'p' as I stared at him.
"You are aware of what I am capable of, correct?" He asked, I rolled my eyes and inspected my nails.
"Madara, if you were going to harm me, you would've already. Besides, you don't know how to run half the things in this house so you're stay here would be quite miserable if you were to kill me now." I said with a slight smirk, he gave a small glare, going back to inspecting the various posters around the room of more then just the Naruto anime.
"Why are you so calm about this?" He asked after a moment making me shrug.
"I don't know." I mused, Seth jumping up on the bed and baring his teeth at Madara, half standing in my lap protectively making me chuckle. "You're one of my all time favourite characters. Besides, its not like I have any real issues to worry about with you here. I work from home, I rarely need to go out to shop, I'm well off financially, I don't see what would be a major issue with you being here." I explained, rubbing between Seth's ears as he settled down slightly, still eyeing Madara wearily, the man doing the same with the black fluffy bear like dog.
"Oh, I'm Alex by the way, and this is Seth, he's my little guard dog." I said, giving the puppy's fur a light ruffle which made him retaliate by attacking me with kisses making me laugh, lightly pushing the dog off me. "I just had a shower Seth! I don't need to smell like dog slobber again!" I laughed, standing up and grabbing a makeup wipe to get rid of the smelly slime he had left of my cheek.
"Why did you help me?" Madara asked making me turn to him, my brows knitting together in confusion.
"Madara, this isn't a place at war, you can have a little faith in strangers here." I said, smiling at him kindly. "Think of this as a little break from all the war and bloodshed you've experienced. Take a little time to relax while we figure out what happened to you. I doubt you'll be going home anytime soon given how little we know." I said, walking out of the room to set up one of the two guest bedrooms I had. Well, one was a guest room, the other was my brothers old room I never went in anymore. I made the bed, got some of my dads old clothes from the attic and washed them before putting them in the dresser in there. I walked down the stairs after, seeing Madara on the couch with the Shippuden books in front of him.
"I set up a room for you upstairs." I said, seeing him glance at me and nod.
"Thank you." Was all he said.
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primofate · 3 years
im feeling kinda akward since its my first time requesting,i really really really like your writings and im wondering if you could do some angst for albedo, anything you feel like tbh, but if may i be a little selfish i was thinking on something like he hurt you, so you break up with him or maybe he break up with you and regret later, im in love with the genius and your writings so why not lol, hope you are doing well, xoxoxooxox
Thanks for the request anon. <3 Sorry it took so long, but I’m feeling angst today so here goes. Let me know what you think <3
Scenario: Breaking up
Characters: gn! reader x Albedo
Warnings: angst, break ups, regrets, did I say angst?
Categories: angst in Part 1, comfort in Part 2 (It was getting too long so split it into two parts)
Read: (Part 2) (Part 3 - Final)
These days you found yourself alone in your shared home. It had been nearly a year since the two of you decided to live together. Maybe that was a bad idea.
You were smitten. He was such an intelligent man, and truth be told you loved how his mind worked. He was silent and mostly kept to himself at first, but with you, there were subtle touches, fleeting kisses. Oh and his eyes, the way his eyes brightened or the way his lips turned up at the sight of you. The way he held you close at nights, up until the morning.
Gone were those days. 
He was hardly home. The intelligent man you had fallen in love with, was also a workaholic. Perhaps you should’ve seen it coming. There were so many signs.
Maybe he changed. Maybe you changed. But the little things weren’t enough anymore. He came home just to sleep and wake up, and he was off again. 
“Bedo, have you got some time off on the weekend? We haven’t been up to Starsnatch Cliff in a while,” you had prodded him a few days ago, wondering if the problem would be solved if you made the first move. 
“Sorry, Y/N, we’re just about to discover more about the properties of electro crystals... It’ll be useful if we want to sustain higher energy concentrations on...” and just like that he had gone off a tangent explaining the whole thing. You smiled a little, it was still endearing how excited he got discussing those things. 
But you couldn’t help but be lonely at how he seemed to love his research more than you. 
‘Maybe I just need to be more proactive. That’s it! I’ll go and visit him at the lab today!’ Surprising him was one of the things that you had always wanted to do. But not a lot of things got past Albedo. He was observant like that. You made a quick run to the bakery, getting him some croissants and welcomed yourself into the Favonius Headquarters. 
You looked up at the sign on his laboratory door. That sign was always there though, Klee had told you about it, and Sucrose had also talked about it once or twice before, telling you that it wouldn’t be a good idea to go in if the sign was up. But when was it ever down? So, you shrugged, and pushed the door open with a wide smile.
“What are you doing here?!” There’s a wild look in Albedo’s eyes the moment you step in. He didn’t appreciate being disturbed. You tilted your head a little at his reaction, you weren’t expecting that.
“Oh, since you’ve been so busy these days I just thought I’d drop by and give you something to--”
“Y/N, did you not see the sign on the door? No disturbances, even from you,”
“I’ll just be quick, I’m just dropping this off,” you lift the paper bag from the bakery and lay it down on the nearest table. Albedo closes his eyes with a sigh. 
“...We’re working on something dangerous right now, I don’t have time to eat. Please take it back,”
Surprisingly, you obey quite quickly, and take the paper bag back into your hands. Annoyance start to pulse in your veins. “Anything else you want me to do? Maybe disappear so I don’t bother you or your research so much?”
Sucrose had been standing there the whole time, and you can see the slight wince on her face at your cold statement... But Albedo had returned it ten fold, snapping an answer back. “Yes, Y/N, that would be excellent, don’t get in the way. Stop being irritating at the wrong moment,”
You didn’t expect how much it would sting. Your shoulders slump downwards at the realization that this... had gone too far. You couldn’t take it anymore. Sucrose opens her mouth, but doesn’t know what to say looking back and forth between you and Albedo. 
The Kreideprinz had continued with his task as if nothing had happened at all, but he knew what he said. He didn’t want any interferences nor accidents happening in the lab and that was the only thing he cared about at the moment. 
Your foot moves to step back, but your eyes are glued to Albedo. You can only see his back. His hair tied up neatly, the shoulders that you loved to wrap your arms around and his hands that were always gentle. You took a good look, drinking the whole scene in like you hadn’t had a drop of water in days. 
This was the last time you would lay eyes on him and it broke you into so many pieces. You turned away without another word, Sucrose staring at the door, before she decided that she needed to follow you. “I-I’ll be back, Master Albedo,” she rarely ever abandoned an experiment, but she knew that you needed a friend right now. 
Ironic, because it should have been Albedo running after you, but instead the green-haired girl caught up to you just as you reached the fountain in the middle of Mondstadt. “Y/N!” she jogs, and stops when you do as you hear your name.
Tears prickled your cheeks, but they were more of frustration than sadness. You stand there for a moment, drying your tears and turning around towards Sucrose, gaze on the pavement. “Y/N...” Sucrose approaches carefully, hand resting on your shoulder.
“...I don’t know anything other than Albedo, Sucrose,” you start, a curtain of memories flashing through your mind. “...Without him, there isn’t much reason for me to stay in Mondstadt,” Sucrose shakes her head rather hastily. “H-He’s just... a little occupied right now, Y/N, I’m sure he doesn’t mean what he said,” You close your eyes, the scene repeating in your head.
“Anything else you want me to do? Maybe disappear so I don’t bother you or your research so much?”
“Yes, Y/N, that would be excellent, don’t get in the way. Stop being irritating at the wrong moment,”
A hard lump forms on your throat at how hard you try not to sob. How hard you try to keep yourself together and Sucrose sees it from the way your lips tremble. “Sucrose, please watch over him,” and that is also the last that Sucrose sees of you. 
That night, Albedo arrives home exhausted, just as he always does. But now that he was home, he could at least expect a warm meal and a warm hug. A soft smile tugs on his lips at the thought.
When he turned the lights on, he was met with a strange stillness instead. His hand stays on the switch as his eyes scan the living room. It was...quiet. There were no plates on the table, and there were no sounds from the kitchen.
Deep in the pits of his stomach there’s an anxiety that starts bubbling up. He brushes it off, opting instead to check the kitchen. “Y/N?”
His footsteps hasten as he opens the bedroom door, expecting you to be curled up there, asleep. 
Albedo takes in a shaky breath. You were probably just out in town, doing some late night shopping. Yeah, that’s it, perhaps you just didn’t have enough ingredients for dinner today and--his eyes land on the bedside table.
The photo frame is gone. The photo of the two of you standing side by side together with comfortable smiles on your faces, his hand on your waist, and the house on the background. 
He throws open the closet doors. Your clothes are gone. Your shoes are gone. Even your scent seemed to have disappeared. The anxiety that was once a small bubble in his stomach had started to claw it’s way out, wrenching his heart in places that he didn’t know could hurt. The tears pooling in his eyes were so foreign that he didn’t even know what was happening until he hears himself gasp back a sob.
You’re gone. 
Suddenly it was so hard to breathe, but he pulls himself up and out the door. There’s no way. Where would you go? Perhaps you were just around Mondstadt, trying to get a breath of fresh air to calm your nerves. He searches everywhere. The church, the tavern, the Good Hunter and even atop the rooftop of the Favonius Headquarters. There was a decent view of the city there, and his eyes roam the streets, just to get a glimpse of you.
“...Please...” There’s another lump in his throat, his eyes dart around looking for any small sign of you. 
“Albedo? Tired?” you ask as he returns home one day. He merely lets out a small “Mm,” and pulls a chair out from the dining table to sit on. You walk into the kitchen to fetch him a cup of tea, and he snatches your hand to press a soft kiss on the back of it. “Thank you, love,” 
“...Please!” his grip on the stone walls of the rooftop tighten. His vision blurs.
“Al! Don’t do that!” you try to swat his hand away from the pot, a short laugh coming off of your lips at how mischievous he could be sometimes, trying to dip his finger into the sauce. He has a grin on his face as he successfully tastes the sauce off his finger, making a sound of approval as he draws you in for a light kiss on your forehead, “It’s good, as always,” 
His legs buckle, and he finds himself on his knees, hands fisted upon the cold stone wall. “At least tell me where you've gone! I can’t--” he doesn’t know when the last time he cried was, but whenever it was, he doesn’t remember it to be this bad. The pain was unlike any injury he had, it grasped so tightly at his heart.
“Anything else you want me to do? Maybe disappear so I don’t bother you or your research so much?”
“Yes, Y/N, that would be excellent, don’t get in the way. Stop being irritating at the wrong moment,”
He furiously shakes his head because he knows that it was his fault. “I didn’t mean it, please give them back,” as if there was someone else who took you away. As if there was a God listening to him right now. 
He realizes that the worst of it was not that you had left, but that you had left no traces of you behind. No photo. Not a piece of clothing. Not a trace of your existence.
Nothing for him to hold on to.
That night, he dragged himself back home. Face flushed and hot from the tears he had shed and the ones he was attempting to hold back.
That night, he painfully got into bed.
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shotorozu · 4 years
you like their hands
character(s) : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (1/?)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
post type : headcanons; accompanied with a small scenario [fluff, the mildest of spice not nsfw]
note(s) : i was thinking about todo’s hands today— also i’ll be adding pictures of what i think their hand looks like so.. 😳
»»————- ♡ ————-««
todoroki shouto
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i’d like to believe that shouto’s hands would be long and pretty— kinda like how i’d imagine akaashi and kageyama’s hands
but have y’all seen that man’s hands in the anime and manga 😳 they’re not really what i’d call them “long”
so i had to find a mid point, kinda like a fusion of both.
his hands are either really pale, or the knuckles are just really red
moving on..
you have a weird infactuation with his hands, and you were gonna tell him! but you just didn’t know when
he didn’t really get it at first??
yes, he will respect and properly entertain your interests. but.. his hands? he doesn’t get that part yet
shouto can say he takes care of them well. washing his hands at least 3 times a day, and applying lotion on them with the slightest mint scent in it
and he takes care of his hands because he needs to rely on them everytime he uses his quirk.
speaking of quirk— his hands are either scorching to the touch, or cold.
so the first time he reaches out for your hand, you just.. freeze?? you were talking about something random while walking with him
then he just suddenly reached for your hand
seeing your reaction, he’s like.. “oh. my hand must be too cold for them. gotta switch.”
then he switches hands, holding your hand with his left. and you’re still the same, and it appears to be that switching didn’t really help
“what’s wrong, love?” he pulls you aside, staring at your expression— seeing that you became stiff when he reached for your touch.
you want to downplay the entire situation, really. but shouto doesn’t budge, that’s just who he is, and he’s still left wondering what’s wrong, and if he did something.
that is until you mention his hands, and that you like them
“your hands.. are really nice i guess,” you avert your gaze “i like them.” you say in almost a whisper like tone.
he sighs in relief. and he feels better that it’s not about the fact that you hate the temperature of his hands, since they’re either abnormally sahara desert hot or cold like fresh snow on a december morning.
his cheeks flare pink for a moment, in sudden realization “y-you like my hands?” shouto asks this as a confirmation, hoping that he actually heard it correctly.
but when you nod, he takes full advantage— entertaining your interest in his hands to his best abilities
he smiles when he sees your expression change when he brushes the back of your hand with his own. then, he finally holds your hand— the coolness of his right hand is making you hyper aware
your heart only pounds faster against your chest, when he presses his lips to the back of your hand, maintaining eyecontact as he does soz
after dating you, he paints his nails with clear nail polish. it makes him feel better knowing that they’ll stay clean even with all the hectic training
to calm you down, he likes to rub his thumb against your cheek— his quirk slightly activating while he stares into your eyes
a little spicy; but whenever you eat your desert during a date, he will wipe the excess off the side of your lips, and ask you to lick it off.
is he teasing you? or is he serious? we will never know.
bakugou katsuki
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bakugou’s hands are big, and his veins are prominent— but not too veiny to the point it’s concerning.
he sometimes likes wearing rings but.. that’s just sometimes
his hands are strangely soft, especially the palms— but he could say there’s some rough spots here and there, but he’d guess it’s because of his quirk.
bakugou’s hands are always warm and sweaty, which he never actually cared about— until he started dating you
he’s kinda worried that you wouldn’t wanna hold his hand, but you can say it’s actually the opposite?
you really like his hands.. but you’re just scared of getting judged
so when he reaches for your hand, you try to pretend that he wasn’t? you turn your head away— trying to not look the slightest bit of dazed
“what’s up with you?” bakugou interrogates you, his ruby irises glaring into your eyes— his voice gruff
“what?” you question, the sudden action was out of the blue— and you hold in your breath when his hands cage you in, large hands pressed on the wall behind you
“HAH?” he yells, not amused by your sudden oblivion, “don’t act dumb,” he grits his teeth “spit it out, and tell me what’s wrong.”
“nothing’s wrong, suki— i don’t really follow?” you try to convince him that no, i’m totally not afixiated with something about you, even though you’re my boyfriend; i don’t wanna admit that. however— you’re not very slick.
“tch, fucking liar.” his eyes narrow, “if you hate my fuckin’ hands, then i prefer it if you were honest about it.”
“sorry, but what?” you blink, suddenly appalled by his words, “hate.. your hands?”
“because that’s what it is, huh?” he moves even closer to you, practically inches away; and you can only pray that he can’t hear the rather loud beating of your heart. “my hands are so sweaty that you don’t wanna touch em, is that it?”
you’re agitated by his misunderstanding, and you sigh; finally deciding to come clean. “fine! fine. i like your hands.”
you didn’t mean to make it sound that upfront.
bakugou blinks, the sudden tension releasing into thin air, his expression left almost as equally surprised as you.
“tch. so that’s how it is,” he smirks, and by the way it looks— you suddenly regret telling him that.
well.. not really?
he actually takes advantage of that, making sure you remember his hands nicely.
when he sits next to you on the couch, he’ll throw his beefy ass arm around your shoulders like usual. then, he’ll run his hand up and down, making sure you’re aware of his touch.
bakugou will be THAT BITCH that’ll gesture you to come over so he could kiss you,
and when you’re leaning in— he’ll pinch your cheek, a sly grin on his face.
a little spicy; but he’s the type to rest his hand on your neck when you guys kiss <3 ugh
but overall— he’s really glad you actually like his hands, and it wasn’t like you hated them at all
but GOSH he just wished you told him from the start >:T
midoriya izuku
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less veins, but.. DAMN THEY’RE KINDA THICK?? not too thick but.. have you seen his hands in the manga??
of course— his hands are rough, with a bunch of scars from his quirk. which he was kinda conscious about
but he tries hard to take care of them outside of combat things in fights; if they’re damaged then.. oh well
he definitely fiddles with pencils, and when he’s studying— the chance of him having a silver’s hand is likely (the thing where the graphite smeers on the back of your hand) he hates that shit
he definitely has a writer’s callus. PROVE ME WRONG!! that man writes a lot, and so do i so 😌 twinsies
but he tries to keep them clean, and he wants to make them feel less rough— so he will invest in some hand cream
compared to the other two, midoriya’s hands are normal in temperature.
but his grip is firm but he doesn’t really realize it sometimes.
you like his hands because.. the detail on his hands leave you mesmerized
but you don’t really wanna weird him out or make him uncomfortable. since he gets really flustered quick.
and you don’t want him to just stare at his hands and think about your fascination about them. no distractions
but he gets real pouty when you pull away
“hey Y/N, do you.. hate holding hands with me?” izuku asks one day, when you guys are studying in your room
“what?” you tilt your head, really surprised by his question— since you guys sat in silence for the last few minutes. you can feel the edge in your stomach grow when he mentions his hands.
“you always pull away when i try to hold your hand.” you gesture him to continue what he’s saying, and he continues “ but i get it though! my hands are.. scarred, rough. they’re kinda ugly compared to the rest of the guys.” he’s rambling, and you can’t help but feel really saddened.
“izuku, no.” you shake your head, “your hands aren’t ugly. yeah, they may be scarred and all— but they saved a lot of people, it saved eri, and it helped you get to where you are today.”
izuku’s cheeks flush with red, and he can’t say that you’re wrong. but; though he’s provided with reassurance, that’s not the answer he wanted
“but why won’t you hold my hand?”
“because i..” averting your eyes to the wall behind him, you’re looking for the right words. “i like your hands. i didn’t want to make you feel weird because of me.”
you look at his face after the confession, and it’s just ingulfed in a red shade.
on the contrary, this makes him like his hands more. everytime he looks at his hands, he’ll be motivated by your words.
but he’ll be a little shy with acting on it at first; especially in public
but fear not! izuku may seem innocent, but he also knows what he’s doing so.. don’t be decieved
when he’s studying, he’ll write with his right hand, and feed you little snacks with his left hand— urging you to open your mouth and take the snack
after sparring with you he’ll comment on how you did so good, also while placing his hands on your shoulder— massaging any sore parts
a little spicy, but when you guys are kissing, HIS HANDS WILL ROAM TO PLACES. pulling you closer as he attacks your lips
overall— he might be a little shy at first, but he can say he’s pretty accepting of your interest in his hands. it makes him feel better about the appearance of his hands.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i don’t profit off of my hobby.
do not reupload, translate, and use my work for any reading videos without my consent. do not plagiarize my work :))
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