#and I think his wife knows we’ve been texting
I think I may need to stop taking his classes
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eccentricwritingbaby · 3 months
baby finn series, the godfather
lando norris x wife!mom!reader
series masterlist
summary - a collection of max fewtrell's importance to your son as his favorite godfather.
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the big question
“y’know i’ve been thinking,” lando mumbles into your stomach, the comfortable home of baby finn as he grows at just four months, “we should figure out godparents,” your husband suggests. 
“oh yeah,” you sigh, continuing your motions of combing lando’s hair with your fingers as his head rests on your chest in order to have his nightly conversation with the baby, “we’ve been so wrapped up in names, i haven’t even thought about godparents,”
“i know,” lando shrugs, moving his hand gently up and down your bump, “should we do siblings or friends?” 
“hmm,” you think to yourself before voicing your opinion, “i think friends,” you feel your husband nod his head in agreement, “i mean our siblings already have a place in our baby’s life, we should involve our friends in a more meaningful manner,”
“i agree,” lando nods again, “do you mind if i pick the godfather, and then you could pick the godmother?”
“already itching to ask max, huh?” you giggle as your husband joins in with your laughter. 
“how’d you know?” he asks sarcastically as you continue your laughs. 
“do you wanna ask him tomorrow when he comes over to stream?” with that question, lando’s ears perk up in excitement as he moves his head off your chest in order to meet your eyes.
“yes!” he exclaims, “who are you gonna ask?” he questions, leaning in quickly to peck your lips as you think for a moment, “y/b/f/n?”
“yeah, that’s what i was thinking, she’s really been there for me with the pregnancy and we’ve been best friends forever,”
“invite her over tomorrow,” lando suggests, “her and max get on well, we can all have dinner after max and i stream and we’ll ask them,” you nod at his request, beginning to pull out your phone to text her and invite her over tomorrow. she replies quickly that she’s free and would love to come. you show lando the text as you smile together in triumph and excitement. 
the next day, max had come around four in the afternoon in order to stream for a few hours. you could hear the boys yelling and laughing while live as you moved around the nursery, sorting through different items. a few moments later, the knock on your door brings butterflies to your stomach, nerves rattling you about your question later. 
“hi!!” you giggle as your best friend greets you with a hug after opening the door, “i’m just getting some stuff together in the nursery before i start dinner, wanna help?”
“of course!” she cries out, “i can’t wait to see all the new stuff you got since i’ve been here last,”
“oh my gosh, so much,” you smile, “lando’s mom stopped by a few days ago with a bunch of things, that’s what i’m mainly sorting now,”
“ugh, that’s so sweet,” she holds a hand over her heart as you begin to walk back towards the nursery, “are they live in there?”
“i think so,”
“is it just fewtrell and lando?”
“i’m gonna pop in really quick to say hi,”
“okay, just meet me in the nursery,”
after a plethora of clothes and toys sorted, two different video games conquered, you head to the kitchen in order to prepare dinner. 
“oh how i’ve missed your cooking, y/n,” max sighs out, rubbing his stomach as him and lando enter the kitchen. he hops onto the barstool at the counter next to your best friend as lando makes his way towards you, placing a gentle kiss to your neck. 
“and i’ve missed you eating all our food, fewtrell,” you bite back quickly, pointing your spoon at him jokingly. 
“need any help, baby?” lando quietly asks you, a hand coming up to run over your stomach. 
“i think i’m fine, it’s almost ready,” you turn a bit, kissing his cheek in appreciation, “you wanna get them drinks?”
“what are you guys drinking?” lando directs to your friends. 
“i’m drinking double for miss momma over there,” your best friend laughs, waving a finger at you. 
“i think that’s my job,” lando jokes along with her, “if i have to put up with the hormones, i get to drink double,”
“hey!” you exclaim with a small hit to your husband’s stomach, “i haven’t been that bad,” you look up from the food and find three pairs of eyes staring back at you with raised eyebrows, “what?”
“oh honey…” your best friend trails off, “lando’s a saint,”
“wow,” you sigh out, “i’m rethinking my decision right now,”
“what decision?” max asks, cracking three beers open and passing them around.
“well,” you pause and glance at lando, him giving you a slight nod to keep going, “we had ulterior motives in inviting you both here tonight,”
“a foursome?” your best friend jokes, “listen, guys, you’re great but i don’t see you like that-”
“shut up,” you cut her off with a laugh, “we were hoping you’d be baby norris’ godparents,” you and lando look at them, hope buzzing around you that they’d accept. 
“oh my god…” fewtrell trails off, a hand coming to cover his mouth in disbelief. 
“yes! a thousand times yes!” your best friend cries out beside him.
“what she said!” max joins in, both of them sliding off the barstools and running around the counter to hug the both of you. 
their first meeting
“hey mate, yeah she did great,” you hear lando mumbling into his phone as you continue to coo at the little baby boy in your arms, “why don’t you drop by? i’m sure she’ll be okay with it,” with that new sentence, you tear your eyes away from finn and meet lando’s gaze. he mouths a quick ‘max’ and you nod in approval to his visitation, “alright, we’ll see you soon,”
“max fewtrell, right?” you ask once your husband gets off the phone. he nods at your question, moving to be right back by your side, adoring his baby boy and his gorgeous wife.
“i don’t think verstappen is itching to see him like fewtrell is,” lando giggles as his hand comes up to brush some hair out of your eyes, “you did so good, love,” after the praise, he leans in for a kiss, happily reciprocated by you. 
“thank you, lan,” you breath out, “when will max be here?”
“about an hour,” he answers quietly, still adoring the little baby in front of him, “do you want to nap?”
“you read my mind, love,” relief lacing your tired voice as you begin to hand finn off to his father, “just wake me a few minutes before max arrives, please,”
“of course, get some rest, baby,” he holds finn in his arm with one hand as his other comes to pull the blankets higher onto your body. leaning over slightly, careful of the newborn in his arms, he pecks your lips lightly before you fall asleep. 
forty-five minutes later, you’re gently being shaken awake, finn safely in his hospital-given bassinet, “baby,” lando quietly speaks, careful not to startle you or wake the baby. 
“is max almost here?” you groggily ask, beginning to rub the sleep from your eye.
“yes, love, in about ten minutes,” he assures you. 
“okay, is finn alright?”
“sleeping happily beside you,”
“thank you, does he need to be fed?”
“the nurse said that your next feeding would be in another hour,”
“okay,” you let out a breath, “will you help me up? i want to change before he comes,”
“oh baby, you don’t have to change for him, just relax,” lando pushes, but you just look down at your shirt and up at him. 
“lan, i appreciate that, i really do,” you start, “but my tits leaked milk in my sleep, i’m soaked,”
“oh,” lando laughs, you joining him, “okay let me get you a new shirt,”
after you had changed into your clean and dry shirt, you scooped up your baby boy just as max begins to walk into the room. he’s holding a large bottle of champagne in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. 
“hiii,” he whispers out into the room, “congratulations,” you keep quiet, letting your husband share this moment with his best friend. 
“thanks for coming, mate,” lando walks over to him, pulling him into a brief hug. 
“are you kidding? i wouldn’t miss this for the world,” he laughs, “these are for you,” he waves the flowers around before setting them down on the table next to you, “and this is for you too,” he waves the bottle of champagne as well, “for the sleepless nights,” he finishes with a wink. 
“that is so sweet, max, you didn’t have to do that,” you reply to his thoughtful gesture. 
“of course i did,”
“no i mean the champagne,” you nod in its direction on your bedside table, “that won’t be opened for months, i’m breastfeeding,”
“oh,” he retracts a bit before picking it up and moving towards your husband, “this is for you-”
“shut up,” lando laughs, grabbing the bottle and setting it down, “do you want to meet him?”
“yes,” he whispers out, eyes turning back to you and the bundle of joy in your arms. 
“c’mere,” you usher him over, moving the baby into his arms as he begins to melt at the sight. 
“he’s adorable,” max croaks out, emotions overflowing as he stares down at his godson, “thank god he takes after you, y/n,” you and lando share a laugh, and you eye your husband, urging him to tell his best friend the news. 
“um,” lando starts, moving to sit next to you on your bed, “do you want to know his name?”
“yes,” max replies quickly, his eyes never leaving the newborn in his arms. 
“its uh,” lando coughs, clearing his throat from nerves, “finn maxwell norris,”
“what?” fewtrell stares at your husband in disbelief, tears beginning to form in his waterline. 
“you heard me, mate,” lando nods his head, emotions clouding his face as well. 
“oh my go- oh my god,” max stutters out, eyes now moving back down to finn, “you are named after such a great guy,” he jokes, causing erupted laughter throughout the hospital room. 
“okay, you’ve got the list right there with his schedule,” you point out to max, finn running around in circles with lando chasing right behind him, “and you’ve got everyone's numbers that you need,”
“i think so,” max nods, “i think i still have your mom’s from last time,”
“okay good,” you nod, “if there’s a real emergency and we can’t be reached call lando’s dad first, he’s closest,”
“got it,” max states, “you know i’ve done this a lot, y/n. i’ve been babysitting him since he was a newborn, now he’s three,”
“so you know i’m a paranoid first time mother,” you laugh at him, “i have to go through the motions,”
“i know, but he’ll be fine,” max laughs, pulling you into a hug, “i haven’t killed him yet,”
“very true,”
“and i’m more responsible than your husband over there,” fewtrell nods his head in the direction of lando and finn, running around like madmen in the living room, cackling with each other at their antics. 
“you are so right,” you laugh at the scene in front of you, “alright norris!” you call out, both your boys whipping their heads in your direction, “the big one,” you clarify, “we’ve got to go,”
“right, right,” he agrees, bending down to give finn the talk about behavior. after a few ‘yes dada’s’ and giggles shared between the two, your husband is walking over to your place at the door, “ready?”
“yes, love,” you give him a quick peck to the cheek, “finn?”
“momma?” he asks from his spot in between max’s legs.
“best behavior?”
“yes, momma,” he nods, gripping onto max as you just smile at him, “alright, we’ll be back late, max the guest room is all set up for you,”
“i know the drill, y/n,” he laughs at you.
“paranoid mother, remember?” you direct back. 
“yes, i will check in on the hour if i have to,”
“much appreciated, mate,” lando finishes the conversation, pushing you out the door, “we’ll see you tonight,”
the door shuts behind you and lando, max now bending over to meet the little blue eyes staring back up at him. 
“are we playing monster tonight?” he asks the little boy. 
“MONSTA!” finn screeches in excitement, running towards the living room and away from max as he starts chasing him. 
“i’m gonna get you!” fewtrell screams out as he chases finn, “monsters coming!”
“NOO!” your baby cries out, laughter evident in the home as the two boys continue the chase. 
that night, you and lando arrive back to a dark home, holding each other up a bit as you were both carrying a slight alcohol buzz. you giggle into lando’s lips as they continue their attack on your own. 
“lan,” you laugh into his mouth, “mmph, save it for the bedroom,”
“i can’t help it my wife looks so so good tonight,” he replies, voice in a dropped octave, his hands grabbing your ass with no shame. 
“mm,” you hum again into his mouth, “and my husband looks fantastic every night,”
“that’s not fair,” he laughs, one hand moving to grab your chest as his other hand stays on your bum, “i think you look good every night too, you one upped my compliment,”
“well, i’m sorry,” you feign innocence, “why don’t you just show me how beautiful i am every night,”
“oh baby, i plan on it,”
“c’mon let’s go to our room,” you begin to drag him down the hall, but not without halting your movements due to the slightly ajar door to your right. lando, still kind of tipsy, runs right into your back as you’re stopped. 
“what, y/n?”
“look,” you nod your head into the room, lando following your gaze, his glossed over eyes softening at the sight. 
“they’re so cute,” he laughs from behind you. you both take another moment, staring into your guest room at max and finn passed out in the bed together. max was pushed onto the left side with finn’s little body sprawled across him, “should i move finn into his room?” 
“no, let them sleep,” you turn your attention towards your husband again, “you owe me some compliments in the bedroom,” you grab lando’s hand and start your way to the bedroom once again. 
“i like the sound of that, love,” he whispers in giggles, you both a tipsy mess, running to your room. 
running away
“FINN!” you yell at your four year old, “i told you to pick up and put away your toys two hours ago, what is this?” 
“i don’t wannnaa,” he whines, stomping his foot down. 
“i don’t care,” you firmly push, “put away your toys now. otherwise your father will hear about this when he gets back,”
“i’m not gonna,” he huffs out, crossing his arms over his little chest, challenging you to break.
“fine,” you turn away from him and to the mess littered across your entire apartment, taking in a deep breath before you did snap, “wait until your father gets home,” finn doesn’t like the sound of this, beginning to cry and run away to his room, “DON’T SLAM THAT DOOR!” you shout down the hall. bang. it slammed. you breathe one more time, and wait for lando to walk through the door and handle his mini-me. 
you were five months pregnant, and too exhausted to deal with his temper tantrum. finn was always a good kid, and the tantrums were never often. but when they came, they came in hard. it was usually after not enough sleep, or not enough food, but only a few times a year, thankfully. you and lando always joked that all the built up little tantrums he didn’t have morph into a few gigantic ones a year. 
finally after an hour you hear the front door open, heaving yourself up and off the couch, you make your way into lando’s arms. 
“hey, baby,” he laughs, wrapping his arms around you as you just sink further into him, “what’s wrong?”
“finn, he’s having a tantrum day,” you sigh, waving one of your arms not wrapped around your husband to the mess that was your home, “he wouldn’t pick up his toys, he screamed, cried, slammed the door,” you breathe out, letting your emotions finally wash over you since your rock was finally home. lando wraps his arms around you tighter, letting you finally calm down a little. he sways you a bit as he hears you fight the tears back, rubbing your shoulder.
“i’m sorry, love,” he tries to calm you, “i’ll talk to him, okay?” you nod your head in his chest, “are you alright?”
“better now that you’re here,” you mumble, “i’m sorry i had to welcome you home like this-”
“hey, hey,” he stops you quickly, “don’t apologize, i’m gonna talk to him,” lando leads you back over to the couch, propping your feet up and then moving towards his son’s room. 
knocking twice on the door, he hears a quiet, but stern, ‘come in’. 
“hey, bubs,” lando greets the four year old, “i heard about today,” your husband tries to talk to finn, but he won’t look away from the coloring book he’s using, sprawled across the floor, “finn,” lando puts sharper, but finn just keeps coloring.
lando rolls his eyes quickly, moving towards his son and grabbing the coloring book from him.
“HEY!” finn shouts at his dad. 
“now i’ve got your attention?” lando asks him, “i should’ve had your attention when i called your name the first time- actually, your mother should have had your attention when she asked you to complete a simple task!” your husband begins to raise his voice at finn, not shouting, but definitely not coddling the boy.
“but dada-” he begins to whine. 
“no finn, no ‘buts’. you have been very bad today and you owe your mother an apology,” lando stands in front of him, hands on hips, and finn just continues to whine on the floor, “get up, finn, go apologize and clean up your toys,” he watches as his son doesn’t move an inch, “NOW!” he shouts, but the young four year old is unbothered. 
“no, i go live with uncle max!” he shouts back, now getting up to grab his small suitcase. 
“finn maxwell norris,” lando gives his warning tone to the boy, the one that usually scares the shit out of him, but he just keeps packing, “fine, go live with him,” he attempts to call his sons bluff, moving out of the room and back to his wife on the couch. 
“what happened? i heard you yelling,” you ask lando as he sits down with a sigh, wrapping his arm around you to pull you closer.
“i hate yelling at him, i do, it’s just when he gets like this-”
“i know, lan,” you reassure him, “i think we got blessed with such a sweet boy on most days that his hard days are worse than normal,”
“he says he’s moving in with max,” lando chuckles, “i’d love to see him go one night without our goodnight cuddles to him,”
you laugh along with your husband before adding on, “or he’ll come out of his tantrum fog and realize he misses his parents that he loves so much,”
“for sure,” he giggles with you, just as your son stomps out of his room and towards the door. 
“where ya going, finn?” you ask in innocence, already knowing the answer.
“to live with uncle max,” he huffs out. even in his terrible mood, you can’t help but find him just a bit adorable.
“okay,” your husband speaks to him, both of you beginning to get up and walk towards the door, “have fun,” lando opens the door, watching your son walk one door down the hall and knock. the door creaks open, max looking down at the little boy and his suitcase. 
“was there a sleepover i didn’t know about?” he asks you and lando as you watch from your doorway. 
“oh no,” your husband laughs, “finn tell him,”
“i move in with you,” he grunts out, making his way towards max. 
“i’m sorry, what?” fewtrell looks at the both of you again, searching for some sort of answer. 
“oh yeah,” you nod, “he wants to live with you now,”
“um,” max starts, letting the little boy walk through his legs and into his apartment, “okay?”
“don’t worry, mate,” lando laughs, “he’ll be back tomorrow,”
“i’m sure,” max agrees, “the kid hates the food in my house,”
“that’s because you have no food in your house, fewtrell,” you laugh.
“and that’s why i alway eat dinner at your house, y/l/n,”
“and that’s why i don’t feel bad about my kid crashing with you tonight,” you jab back. you all say your goodnights and head back into your respective apartments, you and lando heading straight to bed after the long day. 
three in the morning and the pounding on your door is not from your dream. you and lando shuffle out of bed and towards the door, already knowing who is on the other side. your husband swings the door open, coming face to face with his teary-eyed son. max is standing there, clearly half asleep, and holding the boy up by his waist. 
“this belongs to you,” he mumbles out, pushing finn into lando’s arms and tossing his suitcase past you both and into your home. you both are too tired to even say goodnight, choosing instead to shut the door and head directly back to your bedroom.
“tomorrow morning finn,” you start as you all climb into bed together, “you’re cleaning and apologizing,”
“i know, momma. i sowwy,” he curls up beside lando, your husbands arm instinctively wrapping around his son.
“we’ll worry about that tomorrow, baby,” lando kisses his and your forehead’s, falling back into his sleep as quick as he was brought out of it. 
“uncle max had no food momma,” finn quietly admits, causing you to let out a few giggles. 
“goodnight, finn, dada and i are happy you’re back home,”
“me too, momma,”
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writingdumpster · 1 year
secret wife
pairing: Bob Floyd x fem!reader
warnings: none, all fluff
summary: When you go to pick up Bob at the base the dagger squad finds out that Bob's been keeping a wife from them.
word count: 1k
A/N: Thanks for 3k followers!
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Bob pulled his phone out of his locker as the guys all piled into the locker room behind him. There was a text from you awaiting Bob. 
I’m waiting in the lobby for you. Don’t take too long. xoxo
“Did you guys see the hot girl in the lobby?” Coyote asked as he walked into the locker room. Bob smirked to himself as he started to take off his flight suit. 
“Who do you think she is?” Fanboy pondered. 
“I was gonna find out after we got changed,” Rooster said. 
“Don’t bother. Bet she’s a recruit’s girlfriend,” Payback suggested. 
“Who do you think?” Asked Hangman. 
“I don’t know,” Payback responded. “But I know what a woman in love looks like.”
“I don’t believe that,” Hangman teased Payback. 
“I’m married,” Payback pointed out. 
“So you tell us, but we’ve never seen your wife,” Rooster taunted. 
“Her picture is on my dash,” Payback said. 
“Could be anyone,” Fanboy joined in. 
“You’ve met her, Fanboy,” Payback said. 
“You can’t prove anything,” Fanboy teased. Bob was quietly enjoying the conversation as he grabbed the rest of his things. He slipped his bag over his shoulders and closed his locker. 
“See y’all tomorrow,” Bob said as he headed out to meet you in the lobby. When he rounded the corner his smile widened as you stood to greet him. You were wearing paint stained jeans and an old t-shirt that used to be Bob’s, but it had been years since that was true. It was yours now, just like he was. 
“You changed out of the flight suit,” you said forlornly when Bob walked up. 
“It was all sweaty, angel,” Bob told you.
“I wanted to take it off you though,” you whined. Bob gave you a cheeky grin. 
“You want me to put on the white uniform when I get home?” Bob offered. He leaned down and kissed you tenderly before you could answer. 
“The hot girl is your girlfriend?” Hangman practically shouted from behind Bob. He turned over his shoulder to see the whole squad watching the two of you. 
“Wife, actually,” Bob said. “Been meaning to introduce ya.” 
“You didn’t say you have a wife!” Phoenix exclaimed. 
“Didn’t come up,” Bob said. “We’ve only known each other for a month.” Everyone gawked at Bob, thinking a month was plenty of time to let your friends know you have a wife. 
“He likes to keep me protected from his work,” you piped in when Bob failed to explain himself. Bob wound his fingers between yours. He lifted your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. 
“What’s your name?” Phoenix asked. 
“Y/N,” you told her. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” Phoenix murmured. You could hear in her voice that she felt betrayed by Bob. You knew he wouldn’t notice though. You wanted to stop him from hurting her more.
“I keep my ring on my dog tags,” Bob said, pulling them up from his shirt to prove it. 
“I thought it was your dad’s,” Phoenix told him. “You always talk about him.” 
“Bobby’s told me a lot about you,” you interjected. “I was hoping you would have dinner with us. I’d like to make the pilot who saved my Bobby a good meal.” Phoenix met your eye and you gave her a warm smile. She gave a tiny nod and smiled back. 
“I’d love to, ma’am,” Phoenix said. 
“I’m her wingman,” Rooster called. “Could say that I kept Bobby safe too.” Bob blushed brightly. 
“Payback and I were on the mission,” Fanboy said.
“I saved Bob’s wingman,” Hangman added. You looked up at Bob in question. 
“They know you’re the one who makes my lunches now,” Bob said. You giggled. You always made Bob his lunches. When he was deployed he didn’t get good home cooked meals, so you made sure he had them three times a day when he was home with you. 
“Well, some of you might have to sit on the couch, but I’d be happy to cook for my husband’s friends,” you said.  
“I can’t believe that baby on board has a wife and you don’t even have a girlfriend,” Hangman teased Rooster. 
“You don’t either,” Rooster spit back. 
“No woman can hold me down,” Hangman joked. 
“He’s the one your sister would like, right?” You asked, trying to keep your voice quiet. 
“You’ve got a sister?” Hangman called out. 
“Yeah,” Bob said. “And I’m quite sure she could hold you down if she wanted.” Hangman’s eyes widened. You chuckled. 
“You’re going to set him up with your sister?” Rooster complained. 
“That’s y/n’s scheme. She wants my sister to live near us,” Bob explained. 
“She’s funnier than you, Bobby,” you said. 
“You do spend a lot of time laughing at me together,” Bob teased. He didn’t really mind though. Everytime he had come home to find you and his sister in tears from laughing so hard it had made him even more sure that he’d chosen the right person to marry. 
“Well, when do I get to meet her?” Hangman asked, a wide smirk on his face. 
“I’ll have her come over for dinner with all of you,” you said. “Next Sunday at 6:00. Don’t be late,” you told them. Then you tugged on Bob’s hand, signaling you wanted to go home. 
“Bye, guys,” Bob said. “See ya in the morning.” With that he slung his arm around your shoulders and led you out of the base. 
“I can’t believe Bob didn’t tell us he has a wife,” Payback muttered. 
“I can’t believe Hangman’s the first choice for his sister,” Fanboy said. 
“Why not? You think Bob wants to be related to any of you?” Hangman asked proudly. Rooster snorted. 
“Yes. I would have thought he’d want any of us before you.”  
A/N: There is a part two of the dinner now available
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hyuckswoman · 4 months
alumnusbf!mark helping you study
pairing: alumnus mark (who’s also your bf) x reader
genre: fluff
summary: you’re stressing over this one subject until your bf appears
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“fucking hell” you mutter, your finals were in a week and you were currently studying the subject you have been dreading since the beginning of the study period. Studying for exams was not fun. Especially when you had this gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach telling you that you were 100% going to fail.
hey babe, you busy?
upon hearing the notification, you cursed at yourself as you swore you put your phone on do not disturb to avoid distractions .Yet here you were grabbing it to check the notification. turns out you did put your phone on do not disturb but since your boyfriend (who had to practically beg you to get removed off there texted you) was the origin of the notification, your phone still notified you.
being too lazy to write back, you just decided to call him
“hey, what’s up? I’m studying for my finals right now” you say after greeting him “oh really? I’m sorry to disturb then, how long have you been studying?” your boyfriend mark asks “hours. i literally had a full on mental breakdown studying the course because i suck at it and it feels like no matter how hard I study I just keep on failing” you say sighing “did you cry?” mark asks, maybe he knows you a little too well. “yea” you sigh yet again, it bothered you to see how big of a toll your academics were taking on you
“that’s a good thing then! wait no I don’t mean you crying is a good thing I meant it’s a good thing I’m on my way with food and stuff to give you a break” your boyfriend says making you laugh “mark, look I really truly appreciate it but I also really need to study” you say. honestly seeing how fucked you were because of this one course you couldn’t allow any distractions, and lord knows mark was a pretty big one
“no I know, we’ll just eat and then I’ll help you study. trust when I’ll leave you’ll be back in your academic weapon antics” mark says. after weighing your options (not that you had much of a choice seeing as though he was already on his way) you figured that maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. you had the chance of having a boyfriend who already graduated which meant he already passed this course so maybe it’d actually help
“hi babe, i brought food” your boyfriend says, you were glad you had a boyfriend that supported your big backed antics. “i might make you my male wife at this point” you said as he hugged you. you guys then decided to turn on the tv and put a show none of you cared about for the sole purpose of having some background noise.
“okay, we’ve been slacking off for long enough, let’s get to studying now” your boyfriend says. you almost forgot about your finals for a second.
“okay, we’re done making the flash cards, quiz time” mark says quietly laughing upon seeing your face. “every right answer you get, i’ll kiss you” he says finding a way to motivate you as you looked like you were on the verge of dying. “I don’t think it helps, you distract me too much. i’ll probably only remember the kisses and not the actual class material” you reply. As much as it didn’t look like it you were seriously (for once) in the mood to study, you couldn’t let this pretty man distract you no more.
a short while after you were thrown over your desk defeated because what do you mean you only got like half the questions right???
“I don’t understand I’ve spent literal hours trying to memorize this shit I’m sick of it I just want it to be over” you sigh, this is the first time you’ve struggled this much over a school subject. usually being a bit above average doesn’t require you a lot of efforts so you never really tried that hard to pass your classes throughout the years. college beat the shit out of you tho!! you found yourself completely taken aback by the difficulty and you had to learn how to properly study throughout the years. if somebody asked you, you’d say you’ve got studying covered but seeing how this study session was going maybe you didn’t…
“I think you’re getting those wrong because you don’t understand this part” mark says patting your head as you mumble an ‘i know’. being the very considerate boyfriend he is, he then proceeded to explain the entirety of the material, dumbing it down whenever you looked up at him confused or when your eyebrows frowned a little too much. he also was so very patient, explaining the same things to you three different times as you had already forgotten what he said as soon as he moved on to another topic.
the dedication mark put into your academics was just too much for your heart to handle, you loved him so much and the fact he didn’t mind spending his evening studying with you instead of doing literally anything else warmed your heart. that’s why you didn’t have it in you to tell him you were getting gradually sleepier and were fighting your mind to stay awake because how could you when he looked so good concentrated trying to explain to you what you deem as the most incomprehensible subject ever.
“y/n? i feel like I’m losing your attention are you- oh.” mark says finally looking up from your study sheets seeing you asleep on your desk “pft, I didn’t know I was this boring damn” he laughs. since you were already in your pajamas and were in a position where the man could not carry you to bed he decided to gently shake you to wake you up “hm? I’m sorry I fell asleep markie, thank you for studying with me I love you. let me read the cards again to make sure I understand better” you say your voice a bit groggy “what? no go to sleep, nothing you read now will be effective just rest and sleep will take care of the memorizing for you” mark says preparing your bed for you “okay but only if you join me” you say already laying down under your covers “of course dude, let me put the things away and I’ll join you” mark says as he looks over to your half awake self that’s seemingly waiting for him
being in front of your final paper makes you realize even more how lucky you are to have mark in your life because you knew damn well that if the study session never happened you would have been shitting bricks internally crying over how much you don’t understand but now you got out of the final feeling confident you didn’t fail. you ran up to mark who was waiting for you to celebrate final period being over and he couldn’t help but mimic your immense grin as you told him how the final went better than what you had expected and thanked him for his help. He did refute by telling you it was all you and your mind but settled on taking a little bit of credit after you threatened him.
it was kinda crazy how mark made everything easy, every single thing without exception. looking at your boyfriend eating his meal you couldn’t help but smile thinking about how much you loved that man and how lucky you were to have him in your life.
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gingersxng · 7 months
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pairing: f!reader x Mingi
Summary: from being an only child living with her dad and his new wife to the next day having your new stepbrother rearranging your insides
Genre: smut 18+
Notes: stepbrother mingi, dom!mingi, sub!reader, lots of kissing, cursing, fingering, oral m.receiving, big dick mingi, unprotected sex (always be safe), cum eating, cream pie, bulge kink, may have forgotten something I wrote this at 3am
Words: 1.7k
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you were just a normal college girl living a kinda normal life at home with her father and his new wife. you had pretty good grades but didn’t have a lot of friends so you usually spent most of the time alone. it was always a relief to come home to your room and crash down on your bed.
you had fallen asleep as soon as you came home and woke up two hours later by a gentle knock on the door and your dad telling you to come down for dinner. you rubbed your eyes and stretched out your body before you sat up and did a fast check on your phone, your dad had tried to call you several times and sent a text message telling you to put on some nice clothes and then he had a surprise waiting for you. you furrowed your eyebrows wondering what it could possibly be. well maybe you should get your ass up and put on some clothes. as always you opened your wardrobe and just stared for a couple minutes because you never had anything to wear. after a while you remembered you got a new black skirt and your paired it together with a black top and some silver accessories. you took one last look in the mirror before you headed downstairs. you were met by your dad, his wife ofc and a guy.. you felt your heart drop down to your stomach. “there you are y/n! we’ve been waiting for you sweetheart” your dad greeted you. the tall blonde guy in your hallway gave you a little smile which made your cheeks blush. “this is Mingi, my son” your stepmother said patting him on the back. “you’ve never met each other yet so we thought it was time” your dad looked at you with a big smile on his face. you gave Mingi a shy smile and went into the dining room along with the others.
your parents talked the most of the time while you and Mingi were quiet, you could feel his gaze on you and it gave you butterflies. your dad never told you his new wife had a son so this felt so strange somehow. Mingi were one and a half year older than you and you would lie to yourself if you said he wasn’t cute cause omg. “Mingi’s gonna move in with us” you almost choked on your water when you heard what your dad just blurted out. “t-that’s great” was all you could say. you felt your cheeks getting hotter and the butterflies went crazy now. you’ve only known about your so called stepbrother for an hour and had now become a blushing mess.
after dinner your parents went into the living room to watch some late night tv and Mingi went to grab some of his stuff. you had went back to your room trying to take in the new information and you seriously didn’t know what to think. you were sure things would get easier when you got used to all this but right now it felt like your whole life had changed. you could hear someone walking up the stairs and you knew exactly who. it was Mingi and he went by your room and into the room across yours to unpack. he raised one eyebrow at you before he disappeared. gosh isn’t he dreamy you thought to yourself. you decided to remove your makeup and change into your sleepwear before heading to bed, you couldn’t stop thinking about him and it bothered you like crazy.
the next day you woke up around 1pm and you’d got a message from your dad. they had went to some friends and would be back in a few hours. you put the phone down on your nightstand and went to the bathroom to wash up. when you got downstairs you heard a deep voice from the kitchen. “morning” you almost jumped a bit cause you had completely forgotten that you weren’t alone anymore. Mingi sat at the kitchen island eating a bowl of cereal, he’d just woken up too. “good morning” you said a smile forming on your face. there was some awkward silence for a bit, you sat yourself at the opposite side of kitchen island facing Mingi while you ate your breakfast. yet again you could feel him watching you and your heart skipped a beat. “sooo.. y/n huh? that’s a pretty name” his deep morning voice vibrating right through you. “well, thank you” you blushed. “doing anything today?” he asked as he gave you a little smile. dang that smile could make you melt like a popsicle. “nothing special, I guess I’ll watch some tv” you replied while putting your dishes away. Mingi couldn’t help but sneak a peek down to your ass that was covered up by a pair of very short sleeping shorts, your ass cheeks falling out of them.
you put on your favourite show and made yourself comfortable on the couch. Mingi decided to join you cause he didn’t have anything better to do and that would be a good excuse to be with you more. you were watching an adult romance series on Netflix, you loved those kinds cause it always gave you butterflies. Mingi was sitting beside you and he was on his phone almost the whole time. you felt yourself heat up when a hot scene came up on the screen. you tried to keep yourself calm but you couldn’t help but press your thighs together a little. a loud moan came from the tv and caught Mingis attention. “what the..?” was the only thing he said. he turned to you and couldn’t help but notice your state. cheeks flushed, thighs pressed together and bottom lip between your teeth. a smirk formed on his lips looking down at your thighs. “you like this show huh?” he whispered into your ear. you pressed your thighs harder turning to face him. he placed a hand on your thigh giving it a light squeeze earning a little whine from you. his hand travelled to the place you needed him the most, he began to rub small circles on your clothed clit. your eyes shut tight at the sensational feeling. your wetness were leaking through your grey sleeping shorts, Mingi licked his lips at the sight. “damn so wet already” he chuckled. you bucked your hips onto his hand to get some friction. he pulled his hand away and you whined at the loss of contact. “I think we should continue upstairs since our parents could come home anytime” he said taking your hand and dragging you upstairs.
when you got into your room and locked the door you pushed him down on your bed climbing on top of him. you smashed your lips onto his, you opened your mouth welcoming his tongue inside. his hands grabbed your ass cheeks giving them a hard squeeze making you moan into his mouth. you started to place kisses down his neck then lifting up his shirt to place more kisses onto his torso. his low groans made you clench onto nothing. Mingi watched as you went further down to the waistband of his pyjama pants, you brushed your hand over his bulge earning a moan from him. you pulled down his pants revealing his big cock leaking precum at the tip. your eyes widened seeing how big he was. he smirked at your reaction. you didn’t waste any time and got down on him starting to lick up and down his length before putting him into your mouth. the tip hit the back of your throat making you gag, he brushed your hair away from your face. “fuck, just like that” he threw his head back into the pillow. you used your hand at the base of his cock while licking the tip. Mingi fought the urge to fuck up right into your mouth at the feeling. you could feel his dick twitching in your hand so you stroked him faster and put him into your mouth. he let out a cracked moan as you felt him release down your throat. you went up to his face to kiss him letting him taste himself.
he pulled down your shorts and dragged his fingers up and down your folds collecting your juices, never breaking the kiss. he pulled out his fingers and rolled you over onto your back placing himself between your legs. his tip teasing your aching hole. “pls Mingi..” you whined. “so needy darling” he finally pushed himself inside slowly to give you time to adjust. you could literally feel your eyes roll back into your head. you arched your back letting out a long moan, you’d never felt anything like this before. as he began to thrust faster and deeper into you your moans started to sound like something from a porn movie. you put your hand over your mouth to keep quiet cause you wouldn’t want to take the risk of your dad hearing his daughter being fucked by her stepbrother.
Mingi watched as his cock went in and out of your wet pussy. he pushed down his hand on your lower abdomen feeling how deep he was in you. he hit your g spot over and over again and you could feel yourself clench around his cock and a knot building up in your lower belly. Mingi sped up his pace feeling how close he was too. “damn…fuck” he threw his head back, his big adams apple bulging out as you felt him paint your walls white. not long after your knot loosened and you milked all over his dick. he leaned down to give you a kiss, cock still inside you.
“guys we’re home! and we got takeout with us!”
“we better get down there before they suspect anything” you said smiling. Mingi pulled out grabbing a towel to get you cleaned up. “since we can’t date I guess we’ll continue to fuck instead” he said with a playful smirk on his face. you just rolled your eyes at his comment. you both put on some clothes and went downstairs.
“what have you two been up to today?” your stepmom asked. you felt yourself blushing yet again. “we’ve been talking and got to know each other a little better” you said looking at Mingi. “well that’s great! I hope you’ll get close soon” she said proudly.
oh if she only knew.
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abbyromanoff · 9 months
Hi! Can I request G!P natasha x R where Nat retired after they got married. However, Nat got a call from steve saying she's needed in the avengers and Nat says yes. She did not consider R's feelings and when she came back, she found out that R had a miscarriage due to stress. :(
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PAIRINGS: Natasha Romanoff x reader
WARNINGS: angst, kinda happy ending, stressful encounters, Nat being neglectful, pregnancies, miscarriages, think that’s all :)
“Y/N, we’ve talked about this,” Nat proclaimed with a sigh, and her gaze was unable to meet yours. Her voice was low, as if she was tired of the topic.
“No, you talked about it, I haven’t got to put my input on any of this! I am due in less than a month, and you want to fucking leave?” She threw her clothes loosely into her bag, and her eyes squeezed shut in irritation. She tied her hair up, removing it from her view while her body began to tense.
“I don’t have a choice, this is my job.”
“And I’m nothing? I’m your wife, Natasha, your wife. You decided to marry me, in sickness and in hell, you remember?”
“Of course, I remember-“
“No, no you don’t. Because you promised me, you promised in your vows that you would never leave my side, and you’re leaving? When I am carrying your child, you want to leave for a mission that anyone else could take?”
“It’s not that simple, my qualifications are required for this.”
“What about Tony, huh? He has a suit of armor, he has blasts that come out of his hand for fucks sake. Or Steve and Bucky, who have super soldier serum? Or Wanda, who has the power to defeat the entire world if she wants to. But you’re needed? You have fists and weapons, sure you have some of the best skills known to mankind, but they will always have more than you. They got lucky, Nat. You’re stuck with the skills you learned, and they have enchantments you don’t, they could easily do anything.” She bit her lip, and her head began swarming with your words. They were better than her, and they always would be. Even in your eyes, they were better.
“I’m needed, Y/N, and my job will always be more important than you are. I will see you in a week, goodbye.” She left without the words ‘I love you’ even leaving her, and you knew that was the end of this discussion, and possibly your relationship. You felt so idiotic, maybe you overreacted? Why would you say that? You knew she had more skills than her coworkers, you were just being selfish in asking if she could stay. You tried texting her apologies, but they went unread.
While you began your episode of sulking, Nat began hers of distraction. She felt so weak hearing you say it, and her insecurities began getting the best of her. Wanda and you had always been close, too close for her liking; but you always told her she had nothing to worry about, that she was simply just a friend and nothing more. But Wanda was stronger than her, she had the ability to defeat all of mankind, but Nat didn’t. Nat could barely even keep you happy, and she knew Wanda made you happier. Wanda was like your break, and your wife was the one making you need a break. And while that was nowhere near the truth in your mind, it was in hers.
The mission continued with little word from Nat, and the stress began taking over. You were filled with worry, and panic, and Nat wasn’t there to relieve that. No, she was the one causing it. You wanted to hate her, how could she leave you like this? But you didn’t just blame her, you blamed yourself. How could you be so stupid? How could you let your emotions get the best of you and belittle her strength when knowing that was her weak spot? You weren’t deserving of her, but that didn’t mean she had to leave you to rot alone.
The only hope you had was Nathan, the baby boy resting in your stomach. And you thought it would be impossible to lose him too, but when you woke with your sheets covered in blood, your crotch the same, you had a gut feeling that this was the last of it. Nat said she would always be here for you, but now she was gone, and you could only hope your child didn’t have the same fate. And while you wanted to have faith, you began picturing the hardships of losing him, and it caused your eyes to blur the entire ride to the hospital. It wasn’t far, and Wanda was on the phone the entire time to console you while ensuring she would be there as soon as possible, it felt as though seconds were hours, and days were months.
“I’m so scared, Wanda, I can’t lose my little boy.” Her heart shattered the worse your thoughts became, and she couldn’t deny that hers were beginning to stir as well.
“You’re not going to lose him, Y/N.”
“You don’t know that.” There was a small beat of silence before her wounded voice arrived once more.
“No, I don’t. But I want to believe it.”
“Nat, you need to get your ass home now. Y/N had to go into emergency labor, they didn’t allow me in but you need to man up and fucking get here already.” You were brought into surgery instantly, and they began performing a c-section in a desperate hope to save the child. Nat’s eyes widened when hearing the news, and in less than minutes she was stirring the Quinjet in your direction. It took less than an hour before she was there, and by the time she was, Wanda was no longer in the waiting room. She stormed in, lips failing to produce the words she wanted to say until Wanda stood, and Nat could tell by the look she gave that she wasn’t going to be receiving positive words.
“Where’s my boy?” Wanda looked down and gulped the tears back, wiping her cheek from the ones that chose to appear. “Where is Nathan, Wanda? Where’s my baby boy?” Tears of her own began to form, and she tried forcing them to stay at bay, but they quickly began streaming down her face.
“She had a miscarriage, The Doctor said all the stress got to her, and, uhm, the baby died, Natasha.” She put her hands on her hips, and Nat nearly broke entirely. It felt like her entire life was coming down on her, and the realization that it was her fault sunk in. She was the one to cause your pain, your stressing mind, and it was what caused the death of her child. She was a killer to her own family.
“Don’t, Nat, it’s best you don’t say anything. You already hurt them enough, they don’t deserve this from you.” Nat decided to stay until you woke, but you begged her to go away. She cried by your side, apologies and pleas leaving her tightening throat, but you continued to stay strong in your choice. Wanda forced her to leave, and while you cried to yourself over the grief of your loves, Wanda began digging into Nat. She yelled, pushing the woman back until they stood outside, and Nat was deemed as too weak to fight back.
“They don’t need you, Natasha, and I certainly don’t need to see you, either. So you decide, you leave on your own, or I’ll force you to your fucking grave myself.” Nat paused, and while she was turning to leave, she suddenly stopped.
“You love them, don’t you?”
“You love Y/N.”
“Of course, I do-“
“No, you love them. You’re in love with my wife, aren’t you?”
“Alright, maybe I do, what’s the problem with that? You weren’t there for them, Nat, and guess what; I was the one to swoop in and save the day once again. And watching them run back to you time and time again fucking destroyed me and I’m not letting them make the same mistake again. I don’t care if they love me or not, I will continue to do so and I will continue to show it until the moment I die. So, please, do us all a favor and leave, they’re better off without you.”
Nat didn’t come back, but she watched you from the shadows each day. And one single day stuck out to her. She was sitting in the park, a cap on her head and a book that she hurried her face in. She knew you’d be here, but she didn’t expect Wanda to be there as well. Her eyes widened at the baby carriage you pushed around and the growing stomach. She watched Wanda put her arm around your waist protectively while she glanced with a smile at the young toddler and the soon-to-be child inside of you. Nat’s face fell, and for a moment she pictured herself in the witch's spot.
But then she realized, she used to be the one doing so, she used to be the one holding you and glancing down at what was going to be her baby boy, but you never looked as happy as you did. Maybe it was because of the addition to your small family, or maybe it was because you finally chose the right woman.
And now Nat knew she would forever be stuck as your first love, but someone else would be your last.
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apute11as · 10 months
Everything happens for a reason part 2 - Alexia putellas x pregnant!reader
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Author note: Hey as requested this is part 2 to my alexia x reader pregnancy fic! Sorry if it’s not great but I’ve got ideas for further chapters that I’ll work on soon! Also please send ficlet requests if you’d like more consistent posts as they take significantly less time :)
Warnings⚠️: mentions of vomit, tiny bit of suggestive content, angst
Part 1- https://www.tumblr.com/apute11as/733631966220582912/everything-happens-for-a-reason-alexia-putellas
As you strolled through security, your mind flickered back to the conversation you’d had with the mother in the plane. Unease overtook your body as you couldn’t help but wonder if she were right, but she couldn’t be, surely? Yes you and Alexia had been trying but you’d taken a test after the last round of IVF and that test read a strong negative.
Casting the thoughts out of your mind, you decided to shift your focus to the important upcoming tournament. Getting though baggage control was yet again, a thankfully unproblematic task and you’d found your driver with minimal effort. These were further signs that you’d simply been overthinking the spontaneous sickness from this morning which was mostly likely due to fatigue or anxiety.
Having had help from your driver with hauling your luggage into the back of the black car, you finally sat down in the back of vehicle and allowed yourself a breath of relief as the most difficult part of your journey had been achieved. This moment of peace finally allowed you to check your phone, where of course you were met with a text from Alexia that read:
“I hope you had a safe flight bebita, I left you a suprise in the top pocket of your bag, te quiero mucho amor ❤️xx”
Smiling down at your phone, you clicked her icon to reply with a simple
“just got in the cab, can’t wait to see it te quiero más bebé xx”
The journey from the airport to St George’s Park was relatively short and you’d surprisingly managed to occupy yourself well enough that not once did your mind shift to your impending potential pregnancy. Upon arrival, you thanked your driver, giving him a generous tip for his good service and further help in hauling your heavy bags from out of the car. Thinking, you had another moment of peace, you reached down to look at a message which was a short lived attempt as you felt yourself being almost plowed down by a body being thrown at you.
“HOLA CHICA” bellowed none other than Mary Earps, the English goalkeeper wrapping you into a tight hug.
“Hiya Mary” you sighed after getting over the initial shock of her entrance, recovering from the near dropping of your phone onto the concrete floor below.
“How’ve you been, we’ve missed you at home, how’s Spain treating you?” she exclaimed, bombarding you with questions.
“Let the girl breathe Mary” rung the voice of Millie bright, the defender taking a much more gentle approach to you welcome.
“hey Mill, I’ve missed you all so much it feels like ages since I’ve seen you all” you replied.
“Clearly you’ve found some superior company though” stated Leah Williamson who now entered the scene, greeting you with a hug.
“What are you talking about?” you questioned, confused.
“well if the marks on your neck are anything to go by then I’m sure you’ve been just fine with Putellas” Leah jeered teasingly.
“oh shit I totally forgot, it’s been such a hectic morning I didn’t even realise” you stuttered although thinking back, your wife would surely have noticed your failure to cover up the less than subtle marks that littered your neck. Although, knowing Alexia she would have watched you walk out with pride, knowing that everyone would know you were hers just by taking one look at you. Typical la Reina.
“don’t get all stressed now, some of us a just single and miserable” the Chelsea defender gestured to Leah.
“haha very funny bright” retorted the younger blonde, and with that the pair of defenders wandered off inside.
“you said this morning has been hectic but I thought travel was smooth?” questioned Mary with a furrowed brow.
“Yeah yeah travel was perfect, it’s just other things.” you said with your expression visibly faltered.
“If your ever need to talk babes I’m here, it’s nothing to do with Putellas is it? Because i swear if that woman hurt you…”
“No no” you insisted, cutting her off. “Alexia has been perfect, just got a lot on my mind right now.” You assured the older woman.
“Alright hun, just don’t hesitate to reach out” she said with a smile.
“Thanks Mary I appreciate that so much” you replied.
After a further wave of reintroductions and also a couple of greetings towards the new players, you found yourself in a room with Sarina, the team and the assistant coaches.
“Right as usual of course, your rooms are to be assigned” stated the coach
“Leah and Keira”
“Georgia and Ella”
the list went on in a typical fashion.
and “Y/N and Alessia”
You let a small smile slip at the revelation, knowing that the blonde forward was easy to talk to and respected your quiet time, something you felt as though you needed more than ever, given your current stresses.
You were presented with a key card each and then made your way upstairs, having to haul your several bags into the elevator, a task that left you unusually out of breath. A fact that didn’t go unnoticed by Alessia as you hunched over, clutching your stomach.
“Are you ok Y/N?” the younger girl questioned.
“yeah thanks, I’m ok. I think it’s just a little discomfort from travel.” you replied with a weak expression.
Finally, the two of you reached the comfort of your shared room and unlocked the door swiftly. You offered Alessia the window bed as you knew that she much preferred it and felt slightly claustrophobic otherwise.
You both began unpacking your vast array of bags and unloading stuff into the wardrobes, when your mind shifted back to the text your wife had sent you earlier. You reached for your carry on bag and unzipped the pocket, to be met with the sight of your favourite Spanish chocolates with a small note that read:
“Para mi princesa. Un regalo casi tan dulce como tú. Te amo mucho mi corazon.”
You smiled softly, your wife had always expressed her love so beautifully through words, the terms of endearment making you tear up slightly.
“What’s that?” Alessia asked with curiosity.
“Just something Alexia got me to remind me of her.” you replied, wiping your eyes simultaneously. “They’re spanish chocolates” you continue “she knows they’re my favourite from our local chocolatería.”
“that’s so sweet” the younger girl replied with a smile.
“Yes it really is” you said, beginning to open the sweet treats but before you got a chance to offer some to Alessia, the smell hit your nostrils. Normally that would elicit a mouth watering response but this time you felt your stomach lurch in discomfort, similarly to the way it did this morning. You the found yourself bounding to the bathroom to throw up the small sandwich you’d eaten on your flight.
“Oh my god Y/N” exclaimed Alessia, worry evident in her tone. “I knew you looked pale earlier, you are sick!” she said holding your hair back and grimacing as another round of nausea had you further emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet bowel.
“Sorry Alessia you don’t have to stay for this.” you managed in between the dry heaving that had replaced your sickness.
“No god I don’t mind, should I go get a staff member though?” She questioned.
“No, no definitely not I think I know what it is it’s fine.” You assured her.
Though Alessia wasn’t convinced and made a mental note to ask you again after team bonding, which you insisted you were well enough to attend.
“I thought you said those were your favourite chocolates, why did they make you feel sick?” The blonde questioned curiously.
“I’m not sure maybe they’d gone off” you offered weakly.
The two of you finally made it downstairs to the team, albeit 10 minutes late as you changed and freshened up after your spell of sickness.
“Look what the cat dragged in” shouted Beth as she attempted to rugby tackle you to the floor but before she was successful, she was stopped forcefully by Alessia.
“Careful Beth she’s not feeling great” explained Alessia.
“It’s alright Less, I’m alright now” you assured the girl.
“Anyways now that you two have finally arrived, we can start the fifa play offs!” cheered Georgia
As the night progressed, your stomach settled but your anxiety levels only heightened as the reality of your situation truly began to settle in. You were shocked out of your thoughts by a soft hand on your shoulder, that belonged to your captain- Leah.
“Woah there jumpy” she said as you flinched at her touch. “I was just checking if you wanted a hot chocolate but is everything all right?” she questioned.
That did it, the tears that had been threatening to flow came free now. You ran off hurriedly to the bathroom, Leah watching in awe as to what had actually just happened.
“It’s alright I’ve got her.” Alessia assured a couple of the team members who had gathered at the commotion.
You were now balling your eyes out in the bathroom, as the thoughts of what the pregnancy would mean dawned upon you. Ordinarily when you’d planned the pregnancy, you wouldn’t be attending the World Cup, opting to sacrifice it for your wife who’d just come back from an injury and was 4 years older than you anyways. However, now here you were, ready to go to the tournament and were potentially pregnant. You heard the door swing open and were soon met with the concerned face of your roommate, knowing you now definitely had to share your concerns with her.
“What’s up Y/N, no “I’m fine” or any nonsense, you’re struggling with something let me help you.” said the blonde, sympathetically.
“I-I think I’m pregnant” you said for the first time out loud since you began questioning.
“That’s good surely? Wait you’d have to do ivf for that, unless it’s not Alexia’s baby oh my god, oh my god is it somebody else’s, that’d explain the tears…”
“No Alessia” you urged, cutting off her rambling. “It would be Alexia’s it’s just not quite gone to plan” you continued as Alessia stared at you with a confused face.
You the preceded to explain your conversation with the woman on the plane, the negative pregnancy test from earlier this month and yours and Alexia’s plans to start a family. Alessia listening intently and comforting you as you spoke.
“Maybe the best idea would be to get a test” Alessia stated “because for all you know you’re getting stressed over nothing.” She reasoned.
“Yeah yeah that’s true, I just didn’t have much time to get one between the airport.
“We can get one tomorrow at lunch, it’s late now anyways maybe you should call alexia and tell her what’s going on?”
“No no no I can’t call Alexia she can’t know” you urged.
“why not she might be able to help you see clearly” said Alessia
“No she’ll be on a flight over here to make sure I don’t play, I really want to play Alessia” you pleaded
“Ok then let’s tell the girls you don’t feel well so we’re going to bed early how’s that?” Asked the blonde
“Yeah that sounds good thank you Less it means so much that you care.” you thanked her
“Of course Y/N anytime” she smiled.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 3 months
𓅨 Eros: Chapter Seven
Eros: Married to Dream of the Endless, you find yourself sent back in time to Ancient Greece where you, unfortunately, meet Oneiros. Fresh off a divorce and drowning the sorrows of his son’s death by indulging in the Panathenaia, you find yourself trapped beneath the lustful gaze of your future husband. In your defense, he seduced you first…
Warnings: Nothing Explicit, Nudity, Language.
To Note: Morpheus x Wife!Reader, Time Travel, Oneiros is used for AncientGreek!Morpheus.
Word Count: ~2.1k
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The grand throne room of the Dreaming is shrouded in an atmosphere of unease. The usually calm and composed Morpheus sits on his intricately carved throne, his fingers tapping rhythmically against the marble in aggravation. His queen has vanished without a trace, and an uncharacteristic worry clouds his thoughts.
Lucienne, the loyal librarian, stands nearby, her face reflecting the same concern, and Matthew perches on the armrest of Morpheus’s throne, his dark eyes flickering with anxiety.
“My lord, it has been two days,” Lucienne begins softly, her voice steady despite the tension in the room. “We have searched every corner of the Dreaming. There is no sign of her.”
Morpheus’ usually serene blue eyes are stormy with frustration and fear. “She cannot simply have disappeared, Lucienne. We are bound together. There must be something we are missing.”
Matthew ruffles his feathers, shifting uneasily. “Boss, you don’t think it’s some kind of magic, do you? Someone messing with the Dreaming? Or worse, with her?”
Morpheus’ gaze hardens, and he looks down at Matthew, his eyes darkening with anger at the thought. “If she has been taken by magic, then the perpetrator will know the full extent of my wrath. But we must consider every possibility.”
Lucienne nods, stepping closer. “Perhaps we should review her last known whereabouts. Was there anything unusual in her behavior recently? Any disturbances in the Dreaming that could have indicated a threat?”
Morpheus’ mind races through the events of the past days. He has been preoccupied with the duties of the Dreaming, but nothing has seemed out of the ordinary. “She mentioned feeling restless,” he admits. “She often spoke of her desire to walk in the Waking World.”
Matthew tilts his head. “Actually, boss, there was something. Just before she disappeared, she went to check out the Ocean of Dreams. There was a storm, and she thought something was wrong. She dove in to investigate.”
Morpheus’s eyes widen, a mix of fear and anger flashing across his face. “Why was I not informed of this sooner, Matthew?”
The raven flinches slightly, his feathers ruffling. “I’m sorry, boss. She told me to go get Lucienne, and by the time I got back, she was already gone and never came back up. We didn’t find anything out of the ordinary at the ocean after she disappeared.”
Lucienne looks thoughtful. “The Ocean of Dreams is a powerful and ancient part of your realm, my lord. If she went into it and encountered something unexpected...”
Morpheus stands abruptly, his robe billowing around him like a storm cloud. “Then she may be trapped within its depths or worse. I must go there myself.”
Lucienne nods. “I will continue searching the archives for any records of disturbances in the Ocean of Dreams. There may be something we’ve overlooked.”
Morpheus turns to Matthew. “You will gather the ravens. I want them scouring the Dreaming and the Waking World for any sign of her. Leave no stone unturned.”
Matthew nods, taking off to carry out his task. Lucienne bows and quickly departs for the library, her mind already racing through the possible texts she will need to consult. Left alone in the vast throne room, Morpheus lets out a slow breath. His connection with his queen, so strong and vibrant, is eerily silent. He cannot sense her anywhere, and that absence gnaws at him.
As he strides out of the throne room, determination etched into his features, he reaches out with his senses, feeling the vast expanse of the Dreaming. He will dive into the Ocean of Dreams himself if necessary. The thought of her being trapped, alone, fills him with a fear he rarely acknowledges.
With every step, he resolves to uncover the mystery of her disappearance, to bring her back to his side where she belongs. He will not rest until his queen is safe once more. Morpheus arrives at the shores of the Ocean of Dreams, the usually tranquil waters now churning with an undercurrent of unease. He stands at the edge, his eyes scanning the horizon, feeling the pull of the ocean's ancient magic. He will find her, no matter the cost.
Taking a deep breath, he wades into the water, letting its cold embrace wash over him. As he dives deeper, the currents grow stronger and more aggressive, mirroring the turmoil in his heart. He reaches out with his mind, seeking any trace of her presence, any clue that could lead him to her.
The depths of the Ocean of Dreams are vast and mysterious, but Morpheus is relentless. He will search every corner, face every danger, to bring his queen back. His love for her is deeper and more powerful than any magic, and he will not rest until she is safely in his arms once more.
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Morpheus paces the floor of your shared chambers, the ethereal light casting long shadows across the room. His normally composed demeanor is shattered by the torment of not knowing where you are. He has scoured the Dreaming, reached into every nook and cranny of his realm, and found nothing. Even the Ocean of Dreams has turned up nothing! His thoughts race as he considers who could have caused your disappearance. His anger simmers beneath the surface, ready to boil over at any moment.
His mind is a whirlwind of possibilities, but none seem plausible. You are powerful, and the protections around the Dreaming are impenetrable. It would take formidable magic to whisk you away without a trace. He stops his pacing and runs a hand through his dark hair, his thoughts briefly interrupted by a flicker of a memory—your wedding, the joy in your eyes, the warmth of your touch. He had asked you whatever you wished for, he would give you… you had told him that all you wished for, was him, and he had only fallen deeper in love with you.
He is about to turn to make another round of the room when a shimmering light appears, and you are suddenly standing in your shared bedchambers. You are naked as the day you were born with wide round eyes and shock plastered across your features. Morpheus should have been staring at the state you are in—love marks covering your body and evidence of lovemaking thoroughly coating your thighs—but memories flood his mind like a rampant tidal wave.
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You wake with your face buried in a pillow smelling of marjoram and flowers. Feeling like your entire body is one big ache, you struggle to roll over onto your back and blow the hair out of your face. You blink a few times, making sure that you do, in fact, still have legs, before trying to roll to the edge of the bed. Son of a—
“This is ridiculous,” you mutter to yourself, feeling embarrassed that you are this sore from copious sex alone. Oneiros certainly has a healthy appetite for the indulgences of the flesh. You wouldn’t complain though, you haven’t seen that catastrophic glower of sadness and devastation upon his face in days. Job well done, you suppose. But you really need a bath... you glance down at your thighs and cringe. Your combined releases are smeared all over your discolored thighs, and when you stand up, you all but moan out loud when you feel it dripping from you.
“Bath, definitely need a bath,” you grimace, nearly waddling forward on what feels like newborn legs. Mustering up the strength, you take careful steps, teetering around on sore muscles. But as you make it to the center of the room, a flash of electricity runs along your skin, and your vision goes black. Floundering for a few seconds, you force yourself to remain calm until your vision returns moments later… but you are certainly not in the same place as you were a second ago.
Blinking away black dots, your eyes go round the moment you spot Morpheus standing not far from you, frozen where he stands. He looks disheveled and ill, paler than you have ever seen him. A few seconds go by and he still hasn’t moved.
“Morpheus?” you question in a small voice, your voice cracking a little from soreness and the shock of the sudden change in surroundings. Morpheus remains still, his eyes wide with a mixture of disbelief and relief. He had thought he would never see you again, feared the worst had befallen you. The sight of you standing before him, albeit disheveled and confused, is like a caress to his tortured soul.
How many weeks has he spent looking for you after you disappeared from his bed into thin air? Endless. It was impossible to understand your sudden disappearance from Athens. He had wallowed in misery and despair, the absence of your presence weighing heavily on his heart until he ultimately moved on.
“αστέρι μου,” his voice is raw with emotion, his usual composure shattered in the wake of your sudden return. Your brain connects what is going on in his head. He is remembering you. His gaze drops to your body, and you shift as a flush crawls up your neck.
“In my defense, you seduced me first,” you softly mutter, not seeing the raging jealousy flashing through silver-blue eyes. You think, perhaps, that he would be angry at you for having sex with his past self, and he would certainly have every right to be so… but that is not what is running through his mind. All Morpheus can think about is how Oneiros has indulged in your body and repeatedly filled you with his seed. Jealousy rears its ugly head all the while the Endless can’t help but feel an intense lust for you. He wants to reclaim you from Oneiros. Right. Now.
Your heart pounds in your chest as Morpheus takes a step closer to you, his eyes darkening with desire and possessiveness. Then, in an instant, he is on you. His lips crash against yours in aggressive possession as a hand buries itself into your mussed hair. You can feel the intensity of his need in the way he kisses you, a mix of hunger and desperation that sends shivers down your spine.
You instinctively grab onto his shoulders, not quite expecting this aggressive onslaught but also not wanting to fight it. His kiss is raw, unfettered, a testament to the depth of his feelings. As your minds meld once more, you can feel the mixture of relief, desire, and possessiveness radiating from him in waves.
His hands move from your hair to your waist, pulling you closer. The hard lines of his muscular body press against you, reminding you of the intense passion the two of you have shared. The desperation in his kiss becomes more apparent and your own desire stirs within you. The realization dawns on you that he is trying to reclaim you from Oneiros. The clothes have to go.
“Clothes,” you barely manage to eke out between tongue-tying kisses that leave you feeling drunk. His lips never leave yours as Morpheus dissolves his clothing from his body and pulls you against his naked flesh. As he envelops your body in his strong embrace, your skin tingles with the sensation of his warm, bare skin against yours. His touch is electric, a mixture of tenderness and urgency that brings forth a whirlwind of emotions.
His hands roam over your curves, tracing every line, every contour, sending a storm of desire coursing through your veins. Each touch, each kiss, is a claim, a valid reaffirmation that you belong to him. The memory of Oneiros fades into oblivion as Morpheus' deep, silken voice whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
"You are mine, and only mine," he growls, his eyes burning with possession and an intense desire to make you his own once again. It is a claim that reverberates through your very soul, leaving you breathless and completely under his control.
“For as long as you shall want me,” you return, raising your hands to cup his face. His eyes flare with intensity, fueled by the raw desire that courses through his body. He knows that his claim to you is unmistakable, yet he can't help but feel the reassurance in your words. “But I do have to ask…”
Morpheus’s eyes glow as he waits for you to air your question.
“Are you jealous?” You watch as his expression twists with a mixture of surprise, annoyance, and, yes, jealousy. It is an emotion he has kept well-hidden, but seeing it now, you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.
"You think I would be jealous?" he scoffs, a hint of amusement in his tone. “Beloved, if you are still able to use your legs come the morrow, I am not jealous.”
Well, shit.
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Date Published: 6/12/24
Last Edit: 6/11/24
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crystlizabeth · 9 months
Thinking about Simon and his Stallion!wife How while in Vegas for their anniversary Simon decided he wanted to spoil her. The couple had been walking around the stores he watch as her eyes laid on a Louis Vuitton. “You wanna go in?” He asked pulling her closer to him by the hip.
“I don’t think so.. we’ve already spent enough..” she spoke her voice was hesitant as her arm wrapping around Simon’s waist.
He simply rolled his eyes and walked towards the store. Simon loved spending his paycheck on her, yes she was grown and made her own mine but what’s the fun of having her spend her own money on herself when he was with her. Nothing was to much when it came to her. The Chanel, Dior, hell even H&M bags His hands he carried her bags proudly, his gorgeous wife holding on to his bicep her pretty freshly done nails holding his arm.
Now he kneeled in front of her fastening the heel around her ankle, his eyes scanned her calf tattoo the pretty details, soon his eyes met hers her dark eyes looking down on him a smile displayed on her glossy lips. He stood up watching as she tucked her boho twist, holding her hair as she scanned the heel.
“What do you think?” The sales lady asked.
“Not really a fan of I’m honest.. do you happen to have wedge sandal, the starboards? I’ve had my eye on them for a while” She asked her tone excited while looking down at the small lady.
Simon watched as the lady looked up at his wife Her light eyes a bit nervous, “well umm..” she muttered, yep definitely nervous.
“Oh Honey I don’t bite.” She teased her hands meeting her hips.
“Well ma’am I don’t think we have your size..”
“On thats to bad..”
“I’m sorry I bet you could order them online!” The sales lady said.
She looked over at Simon then back at the lady “it’s alright hun, no worries.” She spoke sitting back down.
He could tell she was sad more disappointed, he helped her take off the heels it’s was and unsuccessful shop. Yet Simon now knew what she wanted, and he be damned if he didn’t get them for her.
He spent that night scrolling through his hope even making a few calls and ended up finally finding a store that had them.
It was weird especially on holiday not to wake up with her husband not in bed with her was new but not out of the ordinary. She ended up getting a text saying ‘Be ready for brunch I’ll be back soon gorgeous.’ It wasn’t long before he got back and she saw the bag in his hand.
He loved the face she made her jaw slightly dropped “Si?” She spoke fastening her gold hoop, Simon’s eyes scanned her body the white sundress she wore hugging her body the bottom being ruffled and stopping at the top of her knees, the top of it in a U shape her cleavage showing the sleeves also ruffled. Shit she looked good.
Simon cleared his throat before speaking “So you know those wedges you wanted.”
She gasped “you did not!” She smiled walking over to him quickly.
Simon hanged her the bag watching her place it on the bed Opening them “oh my lord, they’re so pretty aint they!” She smiled her eyes scanning the shoe.
Simon smiled as she let her arms wrap around his neck her lips kissing his multiple times. “Ugh! I love you so much. Baby! You didn’t have to!” She spoke between kissed knowing damn well he just spent twelve hundred dollars on them.
“But I did.” He spoke simply, his hands wandering soon feeling up her ass.
She hummed “what if we just do lunch instead brunch is for white suburban moms anyway.” She joked.
“Might make you mom…”
“Simon you impregnated me now I will rain hell.”
He chuckled pushing her against the bed, “yet you still beg me to cum in that pretty cunt of yours huh?” He spoke bitting her lip.
“You better get this dress off me, and that don’t mean rip it.” She spoke the feeling of Simon’s hands already at work.
“If this is a thank you I might just buy you another pair.” He smirked against her lips.
.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
Sorry for any spelling errors but I figured y’all used to it reading my stuff!
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youcouldmakealife · 4 months
Sven/Gérard/Yvette; almost home
Another of the Kickstarter fills, for a request for some OG OT3.
“You know,” Blair says. “As a single dude, when your friends start getting married and have kids, usually you start to drift apart.”
Sven blinks at him, feeling slow, as he so often has lately. Blair’s speaking to him, but obviously he’s the married friend with kids in this equation, in which case the single dude is — ah.
“I don’t think we’ve drifted apart,” Sven says, looking over at Gérard. Gérard smiles back, small.
He doesn’t think they’ve drifted apart at all.
“Well, no, you’ve done the exact opposite,” Blair says. “That’s kind of my point.”
“I don’t understand what your point is meant to be,” Sven says.
“Leo?” Blair says. “You want to do that English to Olsen translation for me?”
Gérard smiles again. It looks tired. Sven sympathizes. Empathizes. Whatever the word is.
Usually he’s much better at this, but he hasn’t had an undisturbed night of sleep since little Gerard was born. Well, except on the road, but that’s exhausting in its own way — his first night away from Yvette and the baby, he spent half the night texting her for updates until she told him to sleep so at least someone would.
Sven is a champion sleeper. He’s renowned for it. Or, he was. He misses it. Sleeping in. Lazy mornings in bed. Napping just for the pleasure of it, rather than because it’s the only sleep he can snatch. He knew what he was giving up, but — well, he didn’t know.
“Too tired for translation,” Gérard says.
“Me or you?” Sven asks.
“Both, probably,” Gérard says.
“Okay,” Blair says. “Uh, usually people, you know, quit having shit in common? Instead of uh, literally moving in so they can help take care of the baby? Typically?”
“Well,” Sven says. “Have they considered it? Because I do have to say, it’s significantly easier to handle childcare when you outnumber the baby three to one.”
“Neither of you look like it’s even remotely easy,” Blair says. “Did you sleep at all last night, Cap?”
“I slept six hours,” Sven says. They weren’t all consecutive, but even so, he thinks those are solid numbers for a newborn. “As did Yvette.”
Hers were consecutive, thanks to an eye mask, ear plugs, and a noise machine. He can’t begrudge her any of it; she’s the one at home taking care of little Gerard while they’re here enduring their teammates’ busybodying because the coaching staff is running late. And not just one or two, but all of them. Sven would like to think that implies something scandalous, but most likely they’re in a meeting. He’s glad they don’t have meetings. He doesn’t think he could handle meetings on six hours of sleep. Frankly he doesn’t think he could handle meetings on eight.
Or perhaps they’ve all been fired. Sven hopes that isn’t the case. He likes them, but more importantly, he thinks if he had to adjust strategies right now he might malfunction. He’s learning something new every minute, it feels like. There is no room in his brain.
“That seems like a lot for a baby?” Bowie says. “Sleep,” he adds, when Sven blinks at him. He’s lost the thread again.
“Oh,” Sven says. “Yes. That’s my point.”
“Wait,” Dan says. “How many did Gérard sleep?”
“Seven,” Gérard yawns. His were also not consecutive. He’s an unfortunately light sleeper. He’s managed to adjust on the road, so Sven hopes he’ll be able to adjust to the baby too, but it hasn’t happened yet. But it’s only been a month. It feels much, much longer than that.
“Okay,” Scott says, leaning in, his eyes a little wild. His wife’s due any day, so Sven isn’t surprised. “I don’t know if my wife would agree, but you know what? For six hours of sleep, I’m in. Gérard, what do you charge?”
“You have to name your child after him,” Cary says. “Obviously.”
“I would genuinely consider doing that,” Scott says.
“Aren’t you guys having a girl?” Bowie asks.
“Gerardina,” Scott says. “What do you say, G?”
“That sounds like an STD,” Cary says. “You’d do that to your poor kid?”
“For six hours of sleep a night?” Scott says. “Absolutely.”
“Too bad,” Sven says, reaching a hand out. Gérard’s sitting too far away for him to reach, so he lets his hand hover in the air, hoping Gérard knows that Sven’s wrapped a telepathic arm around his shoulders. He might. Gérard is an exceptional individual. “He’s mine.”
“My wife’s a good cook,” Scott says. “Those two don’t cook, do they?”
Sven stands up, walking over to Gérard’s stall so he can not so telepathically wrap a possessive arm around his shoulders. Gérard leans back into him.
“I cook,” Gérard says.
“Free meals, and I’ll name two kids after you,” Scott says. “First name, middle name, everything.”
Sven tightens his grip.
“I don’t think Sven would be willing to give me up,” Gérard says.
Sven’s glad he knows this.
The coaching staff come in then — not fired en masse, Sven is thankful to see — and everyone jumps up, the few who haven’t changed into their gear hurriedly devoting themselves to the task.
Practice is harder than usual, but easier than conversation. There’s muscle memory to it, the literal practice of hockey, broken down into its bare components. Conversation flows, it changes, he has to adapt. That’s true of hockey too, but moreso during games than in practice. He’s only scored two goals in the past six weeks, but practice, that he can do. It’s almost nice, getting to use his body, to know that everything’s still there, that it still knows what to do, especially after he found his phone in the fridge this morning. He hadn’t even realised it was missing.
“I’ve never been more popular in my life,” Gérard says on the drive back. Sven isn’t a fan of driving at the best of times, so they’ve mutually agreed Gérard should be the one behind the wheel. “Everybody wants to name their kid after me.”
Sven grunts.
“Don’t worry,” Gérard says. “I won’t take Scottie up on his offer. I know you wouldn’t know what to do without me.”
Yvette might — she’s very capable, far more comfortable with everything. She’s tired, but not totally at sea. But Sven?
“I wouldn’t have the first idea,” Sven says honestly.
“Sleep for the rest of the drive,” Gérard says.
“It’s only ten minutes,” Sven says, but he closes his eyes, and doesn’t open them again until Gérard’s gently shaking his shoulder, telling him to come inside.
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abbyslev · 2 months
crazy pt 2- toji fushiguro
a/n: here’s part 2! maybe smut in part 3 if we really feeling silly hehe
it’s been weeks since you had last seen toji. you were off and away.
your boss had opened a new club in shibuya, and had invited you out to sing for the grand opening. all of the big bosses and rich men had spent all their weekends there, keeping you busy for weeks on end. you were your bosses best eye candy and voice, so of course he’d keep you around.
“miss me?” you laugh, blowing the smoke out. “more than you know.” toji mumbled. “i’m flying home in the morning.” you lean against the cold glass. “really? jesus, i thought you’d have found a place and a man down there by now.” toji teased.
“they’re all rich assholes with no manners. fucker took my cigs and said ‘pretty girls don’t smoke.’ and threw them away! these cost money.” you turn to face the dark city, the quiet music fading in the background.
“i’ll be here waiting. hey, maybe let me take you out friday, yeah doll?” toji stretched his legs out, laying down on his bed. “hmmm… let me think…” you teased, throwing the cigarette butt off the roof. “c’mon, can’t keep me waiting.” “just teasing, whiny baby. i’ll see you friday.” you grin. “text me, yeah?” “yeah. bye toji.” you hang up the phone, all giddy and excited. your first date in forever.
you flattened your shorts, admiring your curls in the mirror. nothing had you more nervous than a date, but toji had mentioned about it being “not so fancy.” you took his word for it, wearing shorts and a t shirt. your phone vibrated in your back pocket, snapping you back to reality.
hey doll, didn’t mean to
cancel so last min. my friend
can’t babysit tn. i’ll make it up
to you, promise.
it’s all good
how about i come 2 u?
to my place? u sure doll?
there’s kids. its a mess
better than a date. i’ll bring
kids r gonna wanna eat
too, r u sure?
i’ll bring enough to feed the
hungry villagers
ur funny doll
sounds good. just
let me know when ur
close, yeah?
for sure.
i’ll b there soon
this was by far better than going on a date. you get to meet the kids! plus, going out was something always made you nervous. last time, someone stood you up. it was hard.
you held the takeout bag in your hand, hands shaking as you reached a hand up. your fist tapped against the door, stepping back, a small smile breaking onto your face.
“hey, doll.” toji opened the door, checking you up and down. you looked so much more different. seeing you in regular clothes, tennis shoes, hair down in its natural state, lighter makeup. it took toji aback. he still found you as beautiful as ever.
“hey!” you smile, looking up at toji. “you look normal.” he gruffed, letting you in. you giggle, kicking off your shoes. beside the door was a rack, ranging in shoe sizes. one of them were women’s shoes, dusted and untouched. must’ve been his ex wife’s shoes. your heart tugged a bit, knowing it must’ve been hard to lose her.
“where are your kids?” you hand him the food as he took it from your hands. “i made then sit on the couch.” he mumbled. “you’re so mean!” you pushed his arm. “come.” he waved you forward, leading you towards the living room. two kids sat on the couch, one looking happy and the other grumpy.
there was a girl, her hair in a bun, dressed nicely and had a big smile on her face. beside her was a kid that looked like a copy of toji. his hair was a mess and he wore sweatpants shorts and a t shirt. he looked like he just got the yelling of his life.
“children, this is-“ “your friend, yeah yeah. we’ve been through this before. i’m hungry!” he babbled on, hopping off the couch. “uhh, anyway.” toji scratched the back of his head. “i’m tsumiki! nice to meet you ma’am. thank you for bringing us dinner. we are happy to have you here!” the younger girl stood up, bowing.
“hi, tsumiki. it’s nice to meet you, thank you for allowing me into your home.” you bow back, blush tainting your cheeks. “sorry about him, he’s a brat.” toji laughs nervously. “s’okay. i didnt like random people in my home when i was younger either.” you laugh.
you all ended up at the table, grabbing your portions. the boy stuffed his mouth, eyes still angry. “this is really good, ma’am!” tsumiki grinned, mouth full of rice. “oh, i know! its a local around my place. the lady cooks daily, so everything’s really fresh. super good!” you smiled. all of you ate in silence, making comments here and there.
“tsumiki plays the violin.” toji commented. “really? hows that?” you look up from your plate. “oh, it’s nothing really! i’m not very good at it. one day, i wanna play for a jazz band, but that’s kinda hard.” tsumiki blushed, taking a sip from her water.
“jazz, huh? hey, i sing in a jazz band. i’ll get you lessons if you really want.” you offered. “what! no, no i cant bother.” tsumiki turned bright pink, her eyes wide. “come on, tsumiki, it’ll get you into the industry.” toji nodded his head. “can we even afford that?” tsumiki looked at him. “money is not in the picture, it’s a friend offer, eh? if it’s something you love, why not?” you grin at her.
“can you really sing?” the boy mumbled from his spot. he finally spoke to you. “yeah! i go on these cool trips all the time. i’ve been singing for a long time.” you nod, pulling out your phone. you open your camera roll to a picture of you in a red dress, posing next to a famous jazz singer in japan. “this is me, and this guy. he’s pretty big among our elders. i got a chance to sing with him.” you hand him the phone.
“can you sing for us?” he handed you your phone back. “oh! maybe not now, i’m a little��embarrassed.” you laugh. “i’m sure i’ll get to one day.” you wave him off. “you’re really nice, miss.” tsumiki grinned. toji sat back, his heart aching at your bonding with the kids. “i’m glad.” you now your head towards her direction. “so, what do you guys like to do for fun?”
“i like to play violin, study, and i like to hang out with my girl friends.” tsumiki piped up, cheesing from ear to ear. “study? what do you wanna be?” “i want to be a musician.” her eyes gleamed. “it’s possible, tsumiki, i mean i had no experience with music as a kid. but, hey look, i sing for a living.” you laugh, shrugging. “will you teach me, miss?” tsumiki’s mouth opened. “of course! what about you?” you turn to megumi. “i like to read.” he pushed his empty plate away. “me too. i like to read really long novels.” you shake your head. “i like fiction.” he muttered. “i like more romance and mystery i guess. but maybe it’d be cool if you showed me your collection, im willing to read something new!” you looked at toji.
“past your bedtime, brats.” he shooed them off. “awh! will she be back, dad?” tsumiki stacked hee plates, face twisted up. “of course! if that’s not a bother.” you patted her head. “cool!” she bowed towards you. “you guys have a good night. i’ll see you two around.” you waved the two kids off.
you helped toji put the plates up, feeling his eyes on you. “thank you for being nice to them. a lot of people run when they see i have kids.” he mumbled from the table. “oh. i promise it’s nothing, they’re really sweet. and i really do mean it about teaching tsumiki, george wouldn’t mind teaching her. he’s really passionate about what he does.”
“she would love that. i feel bad because i can’t really help her.” “it’s okay, sometimes you figure stuff out slowly.” “and sorry about him. he’s a grump, he’s not used to other people.” “that’s also okay, i get him. my mom always brought random men to the house, and it’s scary.” you sit down by him.
“promise me you won’t leave for a long time again.” toji looked up. “already got you hooked?” “of course, doll.” he smiled. “stay.” he hooked his finger around your sleeve, grinning. you stared at the scar around his mouth, biting your lip again. “…okay.” you nod.
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babymetaldoll · 5 days
Are you mine - Chapter five: “Our flaws are who we really are”
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Summary: Spencer and (Y/N) have to return to work, and for once, the idea isn't appealing to any of them. There is a new member in the team...  Word count: 6.010 Warnings: Nothing but some Criminal Minds case info and some curses. A/N:  Is it weird to consider a 6K words chapter "short"?
Series' Masterlist - Author's masterlist
Previous chapter | Next chapter (post date: September 25th)
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(Y/N)’s point of view
Because being a mother, a wife, an FBI S.S.A. and part of the BAU wasn’t stressful enough, I decided to finish my Ph.D. after Raven was born. I still had one more year left, but my husband supported me to fish it.
After getting shot in the neck that year, Spencer took a month off and we returned to the BAU together. I will never forget the first day we left Raven with my mom at our place. Spencer wouldn’t let our baby go that morning. We were standing in the middle of our living room, mom stared at us, nearly chuckling, as my husband kept talking to Raven, explaining what would happen.
- “So, remember what I told you, Raven. You are going to stay here with your Nana until we come back from work. If things go well, we won’t go out of town on a case today.”
- “Things are going to go well.”- Mom pointed out, but I guess neither of us was paying attention to her. I kissed Raven’s forehead one more time and sighed.
- “I love you, birdie. Be good with Nana, ok?”
- “She is three months old. She can’t be naughty.”- Mom added, chortling.
- “She can. Trust me.”- I turned to her and shook my head.
- “Ok kids, you are running late. Give me my granddaughter.”- Mom stood next to us and reached out her arms to grab Raven. But Spencer didn’t move. He held our baby closer to his chest and sighed, staring at her big, brown eyes.
- “I love you so much.”- he whispered against her forehead as he kissed her carefully.- “Dad will be thinking of you all day long.”
It melted my heart to watch him being so loving and sweet with our baby girl. I always knew he was going to be a good dad, but watching him in action was a completely different thing. It was heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. I knew he didn’t want to leave her alone, because of course, neither did I. But we had to.
Mom walked to him and literally took Raven from his hands. Spencer looked at her and frowned, ready to argue. But stopped himself in his tracks. He knew he had to let her go that morning, even when it hurt.
- “We are going to be fine.”- mom assured us with a big smile. - “I’ll call you at noon, and you can text me whenever you want. Now go there and be heroes. Make your baby proud.”
And I guess, that’s something Spencer loves doing, ‘cos after he kissed Raven one last time, he held my hand and headed to the door.
- “Did you realize this is the longest we’ve been alone in over three months?”- I said as I sipped my coffee, and watched Spencer smiling as he drove us to work.
- “I know. It’s weird.”- he replied and chuckled. - “We should get more mommy and daddy alone time.”- I raised an eyebrow as I heard those words and opened my mouth to tease him about his kinks, but the phone interrupted me and made me skip a bit.
- “Is it your mom?”- Spencer asked right away.
- “No, it’s Garcia. Hey Pen, what is it?”
- “Are you guys coming?”- she asked right away.
- “Yeah, we just got late waiting for my mom, ‘cos she is staying with Raven. Why? Do we have a case?”
- “No, I’m just making sure you two are coming today. We miss you.”- I giggled and shook my head, though I knew Penelope couldn’t see me.
- “We’ll be there in ten.”
- “Everything ok?”- my husband asked. - “Do we have to go straight to the jet?”
- “No, she was just anxious to know if we were coming.”
- “I hope she baked us cupcakes.”
- “I’m sure she did.”- I replied and rubbed his leg with my left hand as he drove. We hummed to the song on the radio, the first non-kid song we had heard in weeks, and we drank our mugs of coffee as we got to work.
- “I miss her already.”- I whispered after a few minutes of silence.
- “I didn’t want to tell you, but I miss her too.”- Spencer replied and we both sighed.
- “But she is going to be ok.”- I assured her- “Mom is a pro.”
- “Yeah, I know. I’m glad Sofia can help us, otherwise, I would have lost my mind. I could never leave her at daycare. I would have rather taken her to the BAU with us than leave her with strangers.”
- “You know we will have to send her to school eventually.”- I teased Spencer and tried not to laugh as he parked in our old parking spot at work and neither of us moved for a few seconds.
- “I know she will eventually have to go to school, but I am not ready to think of that today.”- my husband whispered. I looked at him and nodded, holding his hand.
- “One day at a time.”- I replied and cut him a smile.
- “One day at a time.”- he repeated and leaned in to crush his mouth on mine. His kiss was sweet and slow, he took his time, rubbing his lips against mine and tasting me.
- “Come on kid!!”- and of course, Morgan had to ruin it all. - “Let the lady go and get to work!”- he teased as he knocked on our window, nearly killing us with a heart attack.
- “We hadn’t had a minute alone since Raven was born, and you had to interrupt us!”- I argued as soon as I stepped out of the car. Derek chuckled and opened his arms, giving me a triple hug before I could continue talking.
- “I missed you, pretty girl. How is my baby girl?”
- “She is so big! She started grabbing everything and putting it in her mouth. She is so cute!”- I quickly replied and nearly took my phone to show him the million pictures we had. But I stopped on time. I had promised myself I wasn’t going to be that kind of mom, pushing their baby pictures on everybody’s face. I always hated that, and I didn’t want people to hate me as well. At that minute, all I really wanted was to come back to work and find everything just as we had left it.
Of course, it wasn’t. The only constant at the BAU, I guess, was change.
Garcia was, in fact, waiting for us with homemade cupcakes and cookies. That was the sweet part of our morning. Then came the meeting with Hotch, to catch up with everything that had happened when we had been away. He told us about Alex Blake’s departure, how she had quit the FBI and decided to move to Boston, with her husband, and teach full-time. We both knew it, she had called us to deliver the news before leaving, and though we invited her over, I knew it was too much for her to see Spencer again. She had developed a motherly bond with him, and watching him get hurt had pulled a string in her. One she didn’t want to relive. I guess some wounds are not meant to heal. The BAU can cause you that.
- “And are we getting a new teammate?”- I asked Hotch, and he nodded immediately.
- “Yes, but so far I’ve interviewed nine people, and I still haven’t found the right one.”
- “Nine? Have you tried with someone we know? Maybe bringing back Emily.”- Spencer suggested, reading my mind.
- “I already tried, she is not interested at the moment. But if things go well tomorrow, we might get a new member. Despite all that, today you just have to worry about catching up with work. You’ve been out for a long while, and we needed you back.”
- “We are ready.”- I replied and stood up from my chair right away. - “Anything else, sir?”
- “I just wanted to make it clear I can’t keep any of you in Quantico anymore. You’ll have to start traveling to the cases with us. Are you both ready for that?”
I knew neither of us wanted to do it, but we had to. It was our job, and we had to do it. So we agreed, stood up, and walked back to our desks.
- “We missed you here.”- JJ said from her desk and smiled at us. - “It was too quiet without your facts, Spence.”
- “It’s nice coming back.”- my husband replied with a warm smile. I looked at him and sighed at the sight of the pictures on his desk. He had three family pictures framed, one from our wedding, one from our first Comic Con together a million years ago, and one with Raven. Our first picture as a family. My phone hummed and a picture of mom and Raven playing made my day. So I walked to my husband and interrupted whatever he was talking about with JJ to show him the picture. He smiled and chuckled, pleased to see our baby girl was having a good time with her grandma.
Spencer’s point of view
Going back to work after Raven was born was a mistake. Now that I see it in retrospect, that was the moment we should have stopped. I could have started teaching full-time, like (Y/N) wanted me to do. And she would have finished her Ph.D. and might even have taught with me. We could have had a different life. More calm, at home. We wouldn’t have missed all the important moments in Raven’s life like we did. We would have been there when she needed us.
We wouldn't have ended as wounded as we did. With more emotional scars than we could ever deal with. On the bright side, at least we are still together. Despite the hell we went through.
The newest team member was Kate Callahan. We had seen her around in some FBI get-togethers like the time we all did karaoke at Rossi’s favorite bar. (Y/N) remembered that when we bumped into her the following morning, at the elevator.
- “You were singing karaoke at the Benjamin the night it closed.”- (Y/N) pointed out as the three of us shared the elevator on our way to the 6th floor. That’s how I guessed Hotch was about to interview her for the position.
- “I was! Good memory.”- Kate smiled at us and added - “Billy Joel might have died a little that night.”
- “Sadly he was not the only one.”- I replied and chuckled. - “He got the team started, but we went on to do a six-song set.”
- “The 80s took a fatal hit if I remember correctly.”- Kate said, chuckling along with my wife, and somehow I realized Kate would make an amazing match with ma cherie. They shared a very similar sarcastic sense of humor.
- “Have you seen the place that took over?”- she asked us and both of us shook our heads at the same time. Since we had turned into parents, our social life was basically nonexistent. - “It's like techno and twerking.”
- “It's not really my crowd.”- I replied and Kate turned to me immediately, shocked by my answer.
- “What? You don't twerk?”- I frowned and shook my head, somehow embarrassed by my own answer. Meanwhile, my wife had to cover her mouth so as not to laugh in my face.
- “I was... I was kidding.”- Kate explained, surprised I hadn’t got it. - “I don't twerk.”
- “Neither do we, don't worry”- my wife added and chuckled. The three of us walked out of the elevator and I hurried to open the door for Kate and my wife.
- “Ah. A gentleman and a scholar.”- Callahan pointed out and I just smiled.
- “Agent Hotchner's office is the first one at the top of the stairs.”- I said and though she looked at me confused I knew why she was there, she just thanked me and walked away.
- “Good luck!”- (Y/N) said and smiled at her. Kate nodded and disappeared.
- “We have to schedule Raven’s next pediatrician appointment.”- I said, leaving my things on my desk and turning to look at my wife, who just nodded. - “I’ll call the doctor's office at lunchtime, ok?”-I wrote it down though I knew I wasn’t going to forget it. (Y/N) simply stared at me and sighed.
- “Let’s pray we are in town to take Raven to that appointment. I don’t wanna miss it.”- I was about to tell my wife we couldn’t foresee how things would go in the BAU when Rossi, JJ, Penelope, and Derek walked into the bullpen, all of them talking at the same time.
- “Hotch talked to Emily.”- JJ announced and I turned to my wife knowing Em wasn’t planning on returning to the team.
- “And?”- Garcia was clearly excited by what she had just heard.
- “She just doesn't want to come back.”- Rossi killed all her hopes with just one sentence. I took a few steps closer to the team as I heard Pen arguing with David’s words.
- “Why? She loves us!”
- “For what it's worth, Hotch is interviewing someone we've met before.”- I announced and (Y/N) nodded.
- “He is?”- JJ asked right away and everybody turned to Hotch’s office to try to catch a glimpse of the candidate.
- “Yes. And it’s someone we actually like”- (Y/N) added from her desk. I turned to her and she smiled back.
- “How many candidates is that now?”- Derek asked
- “This one makes lucky number 10.”- Rossi announced and my Garcia turned to him shocked.
- “Ten candidates? Are you for real? And no one ever mentioned that? See, this is what happens when I don't sleep. I miss things.”- Pen whispered and I wondered why she wasn't sleeping well. But I didn’t get to ask, she just continued talking. - “Now can someone tell me who this person is? Are they nice? Why is that the first question I always ask?”
Pen started rambling as my wife explained we had bumped into agent Callahan on the way over. All of our friends nodded as she told us what had happened until JJ mentioned the one fact I wished we all could have forgotten.
- “Didn’t she use to work with Seaver? At Andy Swan’s Unit?”
- “What?”- (Y/N) asked as her face fell- “She is Seaver’s friend?”
- “You know, pretty girl, that simple fact doesn’t mean she has to be your enemy.”- Derek explained with a silly grin on his face. (Y/N) just turned to him and raised an eyebrow.
- “Of course, it doesn’t”.- she whispered and made a short pause before she added - “But did you just meet me or what?”- I looked at my wife and raised an eyebrow. She just smiled and shook her head.
- “You already liked her, face it.”- I whispered and (Y/N) sighed.
- “Yeah… but what if Seaver talked shit about me ‘cos I was mean to her when she was part of the team.”
- “Then she wouldn’t be lying.”- JJ replied and my wife glared at her immediately- “What? you know you weren’t nice.”
- “I know that, but you weren’t here to witness the whole deal, so you don’t know the whole story.”- the way (Y/N) nearly spat those words on JJ’s face left me speechless. And JJ didn’t know how to react either. So she just turned around and looked at me, shocked.
- “Come on, don’t argue.”- Pen said and stood between JJ and my wife. - “We have to stay together, we are a team, and we might be getting a new member.”- her cell phone finished her speech and her face went pale in a second.
- “What is it?”- Rossi asked, noticing her change.
- “The Bakersfield’s unsub killed again.”- she mumbled and started walking, she had to tell Hotch.
I looked at (Y/N) and she sighed. She knew she had been rude to JJ, though her comment hadn’t been the best either.
- “I’m sorry I snapped”- (Y/N) said and cut JJ a short smile. She was being honest, and I knew it was hard for her to deal with apologies.
- “I’m sorry too, I know it was a hard moment for you… I shouldn’t have said that.”- JJ rubbed her arms as she stared at my wife, and the two of them nodded.
- “Come on, we have a case.”- Rossi said and started walking to the briefing room, I waited for (Y/N) to grab her things and followed her.
- “Everyone, this is SSA Kate Callahan from Andy Swan's unit. She'll be joining the team.”- Hotch announced as soon as he walked into the room with Callahan, who waved at us with a grin.
- “Congratulations.”- I smiled at her as she sat at the other side of the table.
- “How are Andy and Seaver doing?”- Morgan asked her.
- “Oh, they're great and they say hello. They told me a lot about all of you.”- Kate said with a cheerful voice, and the entire team stared at my wife, who just nodded at Callahan with a warm smile, ignoring them. They weren't being subtle at all, and (Y/N) knew it.
- “We can get started.”- Hotch said and Pen started presenting the case.
(Y/N)’s point of view
It was sad knowing Prentiss didn’t want to come back to the team. I knew she loved her job at Interpol, but I always hoped one day she’d return to us. I was also feeling weird about JJ. I didn’t have any logical reason to snap at her the way I did, but something inside of me felt uneasy about her. However, she was my friend, so I did my best to put that feeling aside and be nicer to her. I know when I’m upset I can be incredibly hurtful, and that’s no way to treat a friend.
I called my mom as we gathered our things to get to the plane and announced to her we were heading to California.
- “We have been consulting on this case, and this guy just dumped the third body, so we are heading over right now.”- I explained as I grabbed my casefile, purse and looked at Spencer.
- “Take care, peanut. I will keep you posted on this beautiful baby girl.”- mom said and I heard her kissing my daughter’s cheeks.
- “Thank you, mom. I love you.”- I sighed after I hung up and shook my head. - “I hate leaving her behind.”
- “I know. Me too.”- Spencer whispered and held my hand- “Let’s hope we catch this guy fast.”
That day, Hotch paired me with Rossi and Kate. And guess what? I enjoyed it more than I imagined I would, considering we were trying to catch a serial killer. But Callahan was a great addition to the team. She was fun witty and incredibly smart. She had amazing comebacks to any random comment I would make. Three hours in the field and we were besties already. That made me feel more confident about anything that Seaver might have said to her about me.
We were back at the police station. Spencer was working on the geographic profile and Garcia was on the phone from Virginia, updating us on the number of websites that she found on the deep web where our suspect got to buy limbs from the victims. He wasn’t the unsub we were looking for, just… a weirdo with a problem. At least we already had a profile, and it felt like we were a little closer to catching our guy.
- “You'd think after 10 years I'd seen it all.”- Garcia sighed through the line. I knew she was definitely shocked by what she had found on those sites. It was sick, to be honest.
- “How many sites are there, mama?”- Derek asked her as I stared at the board my husband was working on. I was sitting at the other side of the table, next to Kate, going through the case file again.
- “Hundreds. And that gem of a fellow you've got in custody has looked at all of them at one time or another.”- Garcia explained.
- “I’m guessing there is no lead to get our unsub, right?”- I asked her and Pen automatically explained there wasn’t.
- “Anonymity is huge for these sites. They use a Tor network, which is an onion router. The point is, you're not gonna be able to find anyone this way. Do you know there are actual variations on a disarticulation fetish?”- my friend sighed at the other side of the line and whispered. - “I need baby kitten pics asap.”
- “Oh! Have you seen the hippo who lives with the family?”- Kate asked out of the blue, and I turned to her confused.
- “What?”- Garcia asked right away.
- “Sleeps with a blanket, gets massages, eats better than I do.”- Kate explained and looked at me nodding.
- “Where is that?”- Pen questioned and I could almost picture her face as she googled it.
- “South Africa. It's amazing.”- Kate explained. Morgan and Spencer turned to us and raised an eyebrow as Garcia got hyperventilated at the other side of the line and continued talking.
- “Trust me, I have an arsenal of cuteness. Have you seen the one with the baby elephant…”
- “Oh, with the baby chicks?”- Kate interrupted her, excited as well
- “Yes, I love that one!”
- “I love the one with the kitten cuddling with a baby, it’s so cute!”- I added and both Kate and Pen agreed with me, very enthusiastically. - "I keep telling Spencer we should get a kitten for Raven to grow up with, but he is..."
- “Uh, hey, you guys?”- Spencer looked at us from the board and I nodded.
- “Sorry. Sorry.”- the three of us said at the same time as my husband took us all back to work.
- “The most recent victim was taken from Riverside.”- he pointed out. - “That's more than 2 1/2 hours away from here.”
- “So his comfort zone isn't limited to here.”- Morgan added.
- “That's not good. He's got a lot more confidence than we thought.”- Kate said as I nodded.
- “Yeah, but this area has to mean something to him.”- I pointed out and Morgan supported my words.
- “Yes, he's leaving vics here, so he must have some connection to Bakersfield.”
- “The M.E. says he's gotten better at ligating each victim, which means he may have had practice.”- Spencer pointed out as he walked closer to the table and stood next to me.
- “On what?”- Morgan asked
- “We didn't originally profile him as an acrotomophile, but that sort of attraction typically has deep roots in childhood.”- my husband added.
- “That makes sense, maybe growing up he was constantly around dead bodies. Maybe his family had a funeral home.”- I said and my husband nodded at my words.
- “Exactly, it wasn't that big of a leap for him.”- Kate added, supporting my thoughts.
- “It could be. We know he wasn't social enough to continue the family tradition, so maybe he found work in a morgue or a hospital.”- Morgan pointed out.
- “When you say work…”- Garcia asked right away.
- “Security guard, janitor, anything entry level.”- I explained to her and heard her typing as I spoke.
- “Uh, the UC system has a medical facility in Bakersfield.”- she announced in a few seconds.
- “Anyone fired recently?”- Spencer asked him.
- “No, but there's an anatomy Professor on sabbatical.”
- “What's his name?” I asked and grabbed a pen right away.
- “Dylan Myers.”
The team went to the suspect’s house and left me and Spencer at the police station. I wasn’t complaining that time, I didn’t want to go. A part of my brain was relieved neither of us was in danger during that case. I wanted to go back home and hold my baby, hopefully, that very same night.
That last part was probably not going to happen when we got a call from Hotch, telling us the unsub wasn’t there. So the search for a secondary location started. However, Garcia had nothing on the guy, and the search was turning incredibly frustrating.
I was at the kitchenette in the police station, pouring a fresh cup of coffee for Spencer. He was a few feet away from me, reading the M.E. reports one more time. That was when I saw him reach the bullet scar on his neck and rub it. He would do it from time to time, I was sure it hurt, though he always denied it. Surely, he didn’t want to worry me. But nevertheless, I was worried. The fear of getting hurt or even worse had always been at the back of my brain, since I joined the BAU. But now that I was a mother, facing my own mortality was harder than ever.
- “Kid? Are you ok?”- I heard Morgan ask my husband as he walked into the room. I grabbed the cup I had poured for Spencer and headed in their direction.
- “Yeah. You?”- he replied, pretending nothing was bothering him. And Derek acted like he didn’t notice. A dangerous game to play at the BAU, if you ask me.
- “Just tired.”
- “Here hon.”- I gave my husband his cup of coffee and he sat straight on his chair right away, acting as if he wasn’t in pain at all. That was still upsetting to me, knowing Spencer wouldn’t be honest about those tiny things because he still wanted to protect me.
- “Dr. Lee sent this over. The most recent victim had more than just leather particulates in her stomach.”- Spencer explained to Morgan as I sat next to him and went through the file again. - “She chewed through it, leaving entire chunks behind. She also found traces of horse hair. He's using a bridle.”
- “This guy could have used anything. Why that?”- Morgan questioned and Spencer tried to get an answer.
- “It's either specific to his fantasy or something he had easy access to.”
- “How many horse ranches are around here?”- Derek asked my husband, but before he could reply, I said:
- “One hundred and thirty-four.”- Morgan frowned and turned to me as Spencer smiled and looked at the M.E report in his hands.
- “You are spending too much time with your husband, I’m gonna ask Hotch to pair us together instead.”- the phone interrupted our conversation, and speak of the devil, it was Hotch, with shocking news. Our suspect David Myers wasn’t actually the unsub, but his first victim and the killer had framed him.
- “That’s what I call a plot twist”- I whispered as I heard Hotch’s explanation.
- “He took out a lot of rage on this man for a reason.”- our Unit Chief added.
- “Maybe this Dylan Myers stood in the way of the unsub's true object of affection.”- Spencer suggested.
- “Well, it makes sense since we thought the first and second victims were connected.”- I added, but Spencer quickly shook his head.
- “Only Dylan Myers was single.”
- “Garcia, was Dylan Myers dating anyone?”- Hotch asked at the other side of the line.
- “He was a bit of a hermit, and like I said, zero social media skills. Did go old school with a landline. Tracking his frequently called numbers. He called a young woman named Christine Locke several times. She's a former student, lives in Bakersfield.”- Garcia made a pause and somehow, we all knew exactly what she was going to say next. - “And she's missing. Sending you her picture now.”
We stared at our cell phone’s screen and watched the image of a young blond girl appear in front of us.
- “She looks like the second victim.”- I whispered and looked at my husband for a moment, he was frowning, trying to connect the dots in this crime. If you ask me, he was desperate to crack it and go back home.
- “Did she have a restraining order out on anyone?”- Hotch asked.
- “Checking now.”- Garcia replied and typed as fast as she could. - “Uh, yes. She filed for and was granted a restraining order on August 6 from Steven Parkett.”
- “And where is he?”- I asked quickly, and Pen answered in a second.
- “Probably on his way to hell in a handbasket, munchkin. He was raised and lives at a cattle ranch and slaughterhouse in Bishopville just outside of Bakersfield. Sending you the coordinates now.”
The team got the killer, and before we knew it, we were on the plane, on our way back home. JJ and Morgan welcomed Kate with a long speech about their battle scars, that made me chuckle from the other side of the plane, at least the few minutes it lasted, ‘cos soon everybody around me was snoring. Everyone but me. Somehow I couldn’t close my eyes. I was too excited about going back home and holding my daughter in my arms. So I stood up carefully, trying not to wake Spencer, who was softly snoring next to me, and walked to the kitchenette to make myself a cup of tea.
The water hadn’t boiled yet when Kate appeared next to me, and cut me a short smile, clearly still half asleep.
- “Is there enough water in that pot for another tea?”- she whispered and I chuckled.
- “The correct question would be: is there enough tea in this plane to keep you awake?”- I answered and Kate Callahan laughed under her breath, trying not to wake any of our teammates.
- “Pick your favorite.”- I whispered and handed her a box with different kinds of teas- “If you need help, I can tell you my favorite pick to keep me awake during trips is Earl Gray.”
- “Earl Gray it is.”- she grabbed one bag and put it in an empty mug. We both stayed quiet for a few minutes. It wasn’t uncomfortable, just a little weird. We hadn’t actually been alone since we met, technically 48 hours earlier.
- “So why don’t you wanna sleep?”- I finally asked her, pouring the hot boiling water in her cup.
- “I can’t stop thinking about the case.”- she simply replied and smiled at me.- “How do you deal with catching a different serial killer every week and not… taking it with you?”
- “That’s a good question. I don’t know how we do it, actually.”- I answered and grabbed my cup with both hands, feeling the warmth against my cold skin right away.
- “Seaver told me a lot about the team when she transferred.”
And there it was, the pink elephant in the room. I bit my lips and looked at Kate, waiting for a snarky comment, a complaint, maybe a threat not to be mean to her. But no. That’s not what happened. Instead, Kate smiled at me and whispered.
- “She said everybody on the team taught her a lot and made her a better agent. Especially you and Prentiss.”
- “Me?”- I didn’t even try to mask how shocked I was by that confession. It made no sense. Yes, at the end Seaver and I were on better terms, but she wasn’t my friend. She wasn’t even invited to our wedding. And, like JJ had pointed out a few days earlier in the worst way possible, I hadn’t been nice at Seaver.
- “Yeah, she said you two had a rocky start, but that you were an incredible agent, and that she put to use everything you taught her.”- I raised an eyebrow and waited for the “but” to come any second.
But it never came.
- “I don’t know if Ashley actually meant it.”- I finally confessed and sipped my tea - “I was very mean to her when she joined the team. We had… considerable issues.”
- “Whatever it was, you two managed to work together no matter what, and you really taught her a lot. She was very proud to have worked alongside you and agent Prentiss.”- I tried to read Kate, try to find any trace of deceit, irony, or any lead that showed me she was lying. But there was nothing. Was I losing my profiler’s touch? Or was she actually being honest?
- “Wow.”- that was all I managed to say. - “I’m glad we were a good school for her.”
- “You definitely were. She said it was the first time she actually managed to skip her father’s stigma and be herself.”- I sipped my cup and nodded. On that very same plane, I had yelled at Ashley about how her father had killed my aunt. It felt like ages ago. In another life.
- “So, how long have you and Spencer been together?”- Kate asked after a few seconds. I smiled and whispered.
- “It’s gonna be three years already since we got married, and four since we started dating.”
- “You didn’t wait long to tie the knot!”- she replied, shocked, and raised an eyebrow.
- “It might sound weird, but most people thought it took us too long.”- it was funny looking back now, but god! It had been a long journey.
- “Really? Why?”
- “‘Cos we were in love for four years and a half and none of us said a word about our feelings.”- I confessed and giggled. Kate wide opened her eyes, shocked.
- “You what?!”
- “Yeah! We wasted four years in love with each other ‘cos we were both terrified to deal with our feelings.”
- “Oh my god! That’s… like a rom-com!”- Callahan chuckled and I smiled, thinking it was funny now, but back when Ashley was in the team, it was the closest I had ever been to hell on earth.
- “Yeah, that’s why after we started dating, we decided to get married very soon, and no one was actually shocked by that.”
- “And do you have kids?”- Kate asked, and I had to do my best effort not to jump with excitement when I started talking about our daughter.
- “One daughter, Raven Marie. She is three months and a half.”- I made my best effort not to be the kind of mom I always made fun of, showing pictures of their babies to anyone they could. Until I heard Kate ask the questions:
- “Do you have pictures?”- and I know I grinned like a maniac, grabbing my phone.
- “I have so many!”
For the rest of the trip, Callahan and I stayed in the kitchenette of the plane, drinking tea and chatting. She told me she didn’t have kids of her own yet, but that she and her husband were guardians of her little niece “Meg” after her sister died. I didn’t ask much about it 'cause it was clearly a sensitive subject, but she did tell me a lot about Meg. She was thirteen already, which gave me a glimpse of what raising a teenager meant. And it sounded creepy.
That morning we reached home and found my mom walking in the living room with baby Raven. I nearly ran to her and held her in my arms. Me and Spencer kissed her chubby cheeks and somehow, I felt at peace. That’s a feeling I only get when we are all together, at home. A feeling that’s very elusive when you are an SSA. 
Previous chapter | Next chapter (post date: September 25th)
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natailiatulls07 · 1 year
The golden trio Pt 8
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Lando Norris x female!reader
Carlos Sainz x female!reader
Max Verstappen & Female!reader & Charles Leclerc
Summary - Being bestfriends with two famous formula one drivers is never easy, but what will happen when you get involved with yet another formula one driver??
Warning - talks of a crash, unprofessional interviewer,
The golden trio
Post race interview
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yourusername A podium for my boys today, so proud! 🥳
Tagged: Max33Verstappen Charles_Leclerc Carlossainz55
username Landos crash and then this podium 🫢
username We all want to know how she feels after this Grand Prix
username Probably concerned, like she did say she loves him
username Have you guys seen the post race interviews???
username Landos yes, but Carlos, Charles or Max no
username They’ve just released them!! 😳
Post race interviews
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Gossip Groupchat (White: Reader) (Red: Charles) (Blue: Max)
Hey, I’ve seen your post race interviews thank you 🤍
You don’t need to thank us, I’m just annoyed that they want to know everything about it
Yeah it’s not their business at all
I have a feeling that Lando wasn’t happy with his crash, I watched his post race interview
Oh yeah?
He said that he’ll need to think through something, yeah
Well he came up to me and Charlie congratulated us for our outcomes today
We kept a calm and collected face, even though we’re not happy with what happened to you
Thank you guys. I’m going to talk to Carlos because I saw his post race interview and he didn’t look any happier than you guys 🤍
Text (White: Reader) (Red: Carlos)
I saw your post race interview
Thought you would’ve, I was not happy with the question
Guessed that, yk I’m really thankful for what you’re doing for me. Like you gave yourself up to be my boyfriend to make me him jealous and you didn’t have to
It’s okay, I wanted to. Look I’ve been cheated on in the past and it’s not fun so I wanted to lessen the load for you
Yep and that’s what you did indeed though I think we’ve made him jealous
That we did ❤️
Thank you 🤍
username In my opinion, as much as I love f1 gossip I don’t think it was very professional of that interviewer to ask Carlos, Charles or Max about all this stuff with Lando and Y/n
username OMG THANK YOU!! It’s called a post race interview for a reason!
username I’m glad they didn’t feed into it too much though
username Like as Max said it was a big arguement but should be left private
Text (Orange: Lando)
Hey, can we talk?
Tag list: @eviethetheatrefreak @janeholt3 @raizelchrysanderoctavius @namelesssav @amalialeclerc @eugene-emt-roe @skepvids @ravisinghs-wife @bellaturner @roseseraj @darleneslane @jpg3 @minkyungseokie @cha-hot @sarahedwards16
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svtminghaolove · 2 years
Announcing the engagement - Hip hop unit (SVT)
Hellooo lovlies ~ Do you guys want to know something sick I just realized when I were going to make this post? International GF masterlist has reached over a 1000(!?) notes. That’s insane. Like wow. Thank you. Wow. yeah... Well, enjoy.
Triggers: Online hate
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S.Coups: You guys waited until like 3 months before the wedding until announcing it to the public.
The two of you of course started with telling the members, since half of them were in the building as you said yes. To your surprise, the guys were very surprised by the announcement. Apparently Seungcheol had told no one except from his parents and yours. But even though the guys were surprised, it was a happy one. Everyone were so happy for the two of you, and excited for what's to come.
And his parents wee just happy for the two of you, your parents on the other hand were a bit worried about the potential back lash from social media but still very happy to get Seungcheol as a son-in-law. But to be honest, you were a bit worried about the reactions the two of you would get from the fans, even though you knew that most of Carats liked you together with Seungcheol.
And when you went to the office, the two of you had to stay and talk out the "strategy" of how to deal with the news. It was a long conversation that didn't really help with your nerves.
"You okay?", Seungcheol asked as he parked the car outside your apartment complex. You tilted your head in his direction and gave him a weak smile.
"Just nervous. You're the first one in the group to get married, I don't really know what reaction to expect from the fans", you said and he leaned over and took your hand in his.
"I think they will be happy. Most of them at least", you let out a dry laugh and shook your head. "Of course there is going to be some shock, but we've been together for three and a half year, and public for two and a half. Most of them probably realized where this was going, don't underestimate Carats", he smiled and you rolled your eyes but nodded.
"Yeah, alright. You're right."
"Like always", you snorted and shoved away his hand.
"Goodnight doofus", you laughed and opened the door. "I'll call you when I get home form school tomorrow."
"Yeah, love you"
"Love you too"
And three months later the announcement was made and Seungcheol's prediction had been terribly off. Withing minutes of the announcements you started to get so much hate. People were saying that you were ruining Seungcheol's life and career, that you weren't worthy to be his wife and so on. It got to a point where you couldn't even go to class without running into people who would hurl insults at you.
And Seungcheol was devastated by the reactions, he really not expected people to react this way and found that the only way to deal with this was by doing an official live addressing the "problems" regarding his engagement to you.
He sat completely quiet for the first ten minutes of the live, just staring at the comments rolling in.
"Carats…", he breathed out, trying to keep his tears in and his anger down. "I'm so disappointed and sad about the reactions to my engagement.", he sighed and leaned forward in the chair and put his head in his hands. He went quiet for a little while, collecting his emotions.
"You guys get to have your opinion, I took the decision to become an idol and therefore parts of my private life became public. And if this announcement has somehow made you guys disappointed with me, I'm… I am following my heart here and can't say that I'm sorry for doing so, but I do accept your disappointment.", he looked up again. "But I have to draw the line now. I can't accept the fact that y/n is getting hate sent to her daily. That the last couple of days someone has been sending her threatening text, comments and such. It's become so bad that she can't even go to school anymore.",  his breath was shaking as he breathed in and he pressed his lips together in a thin line.
"If you need to get upset, take it out on me. Y/n hasn't done anything wrong, she didn't choose to become a public figure like I did. I am the one who dragged her into the spotlight, the one who chose to love her, the one who proposed to her. Blame me.", he went quiet again and read the comments. "That's all I've got to say.", and he ended the live.
After his own announcement, the hate toned down quite a lot. Some of the fans even started to speak up for you, saying that they were happy that Seungcheol was marrying someone who made him as happy as you did.
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Wonwoo: The fact that the two of you had gotten engaged was a surprise to literary no one. Everyone knew that you were it for him, his family knew, your family knew, the members knew and even the fans knew that if Wonwoo was going to get married, it was going to be with you.
That also meant that it was no hurry for the two of you to announce it yet. Of course the two of you called you families, both part who was really happy for the two of you (but like said, not really surprised). Then you and Wonwoo decided to just take it easy for a couple of days, since you had the chance anyhow. You guys spent a lot of time at home just talking and dreaming about the future; When and where should the wedding be? Should it be traditional Korean or a westernized wedding? How many should you invite? Where should the honeymoon be?
The two of you got pretty caught up in your own heads, so much that Wonwoo completely forgot to inform the members about the fact that you had said yes. He had told them before the weekend that he was going to propose and by the end of the weekend the group chat were going crazy. Unluckily for the guys Wonwoo had tuned off his notifications, and the guys didn't want to call incase they would interrupt something.
So when the next practice day came he was basically ambushed by twelve curious men asking: "DID SHE SAY YES!?".
"Oh, right I forgot to text you guys, didn't I?", Wonwoo laughed softly. "Yeah, she said yes.", and cheers erupted from the guys. He was hugged, congratulated and patted on the back. And then he had to go through how he did it, Hoshi and Jeonghan wanted and reenactment but Wonwoo settled with just telling them.
You guys decided to hold on from telling Carats and the public for a few weeks as well but when then you guys announced it by posting a picture of him holding your bejeweled hand and the caption:
'Thank you for coming into my life and deciding to stay in it.
I hope Carats are as happy as we are about this
Thank you so much for everything <3'
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Mingyu: Everyone close to the two of you basically already knew, I mean: DK and Hoshi were helping out getting the house ready. And Mingyu couldn't keep his mouth shut, he had talked to everyone and discussed how to get the most romantic proposal with all the members.
So since everyone had known that today was the day, it wasn't actually the two of you who spread the news that you had said yes: it was DK and Hoshi. After congratulating the two of you (and asking if it was okay to tell people) they left the two of you alone and updated the other guys on what had happened. You and Mingyu on the other hand just enjoyed each other and the first evening the two of you had been off work in a long while.
When the daybreak came your phones were filled with congratulations and a text from his manager just telling Mingyu to just say when. Both of you knew that it wouldn't be possible to keep this quiet (Because Mingyu would snitch on the two of you) for long and therefore it only took a few days before the announcement was made.
Out of all the members engagement announcements, this was probably the one who broke the most hearts. The internet got filled with teenage girls crying their hearts out in the comment sections of his Instagram, willowing in the despair of the fact that: "Mingyu won't marry meeeeeee" </3".
To be honest, the two of you just thought it was kind of cute how the fans was reaction and Mingyu just posted a picture of him pouting with the caption:
'Sorry Carat, she stole my heart before I even knew it </3'
Which… let's just say that it didn't exactly calm down the situation. (But ofc that attention-seeker loved it)
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Vernon: Yeah, no the two of you didn't really do an announcement to be honest. You guys just calmly brought it up in conversations when you met the people, and everyone was excited for you, no one were really surprised but it didn't make them any less happy. But it was actually an accident found out by the fan that made the whole thing public.
The two of you had not necessarily been keeping it a secret but you hadn't really felt the need to post it on social media, but it happened when the two of you were away on a weekend trip. You had been taking pictures and videos, and had of course been posting online. By this point you'd gotten so used to the weight of the ring on your finger that both you and Vernon just forgot about it when you posted a picture of the two of you. It was a sweet picture where you were squishing Vernon's face with your hand and basically showing off your ring for the world to see.
It only took about… five minutes before the rumor were all over the internet "SEVENTEEN's Vernon engaged with long-term girlfriend, the runway model y/n"
After a quick call with PLEDIS they posted an announcement confirming the rumors, and you and Vernon posted a short explanation online. The reactions weren't that big, people was happy for you and writing that you two would have beautiful babies. You didn't really pay that much attention to what the public was saying because, let's be honest: you knew that mostly people were just teasing Vernon and getting ready to make wedding memes.
Taglist:@foxdaisy @pearlygraysky @cixrosie @thmrdrs
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sophiethewitch1 · 5 months
Hey! I just wanted to say that I love the WWW series so much that I've literally read it like 4 times over. SO! I have several questions + observations about it that have been bugging me a little, if you don’t mind answering + talking about them.
Everyone’s ages are something that I've been curious about. I know that it’s stated that Damian and the Reader-insert are 3 years apart in age, 19 and 21 respectively. I’m assuming that they’re more like 2 1/2 years apart based on the ages we’ve been given.
Do they follow canon ages? For example, is Tim still around 7 years older than Damian???
Because i’m picturing the lineup looking something like this:
Bruce: 47
Dick: 33
Jason: 28
Tim: 26
Reader-insert: 21
Damian: 19
I was just curious because picturing everyone’s relative age is something that is really important to me when regarding the dynamics between characters.
Another thing that I noticed was how in the Reader-insert’s  original reality/world, her entire family died on the same day that Jason did. (“Your lives had both technically ended the same day, in the same grand calamity.”). Does that remain the same in this new world?
Because that would mean that the Reader-insert’s  counterpart would have known Jason at some point, which I think is SUPER interesting. Lots of implications.
That’s supported by something that Tim says in his 1st pov: “Your family had died, Bruce’s new wife had died, and all the siblings he never really got the opportunity to meet, gone in a brilliant flash.”
THAT has a few implications that I think are really interesting. It supports the idea that her family did die on the same day in this reality, and that she would have known and been living with Jason at the time (Well, before his death.)
Tim would have most likely only seen them at galas or something similar by that time…leading to his statement about how he “never really got the opportunity to meet” them.
This would mean that Jason knew her counterpart when the Reader-insert met him for the first time. 
Now, going off of all of those assumptions, I can only begin to guess what her and Dicks relationship was like before her family's death. I picture it like this:
Dick had only left the manor around 3 years TOPS before Bruce had remarried, bringing a whole nother family into the fold. Now, we don’t know too much about Dick in this story yet, (I'm SO excited to see more of him in the next chapter BTW) but I can assume that this would feel pretty upsetting. Leaving your home, and your adoptive? father only for him to marry into a whole new family not long after?
I’d be pretty bitter if it was me in his situation. I wouldn’t really want to have any kind of relationship with the new children he had taken in. MEANING that Dick and the counterpart didn’t have too much of a relationship before her family's death.
And between their death and Jason’s, Dick would probably consider the counterpart as some kind of chance to actually build a relationship with his siblings in the light of what he lost. Obviously, the counterpart didn’t appreciate the attempt.
Uhhh there’s probably a lot more that I'm forgetting to mention, but I think the way you write is super compelling, and the Reader-Insert has been the only one that I’ve ever read that I can relate to so well!
So TYSM for writing, it literally makes my day!! 🩷🩷🩷🫂🫂🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
(And I’m really bad at conveying my tone in text, so if I seem overly critical or anything then I’m really sorry!!! I don’t mean it like that!!!)
Sorry this took so long to answer I have been in sickly victorian woman mode. I'll answer these questions to the best that I can, but also I don't have everything planned and even if I did I regularly forget shit if I don't write it down <3 <3
First of all the ages- I aged both the younger Waynes up and the older ones down a bit, because I'm personally not into the super huge age gaps but also. Imagine them however you want, even if they come up later in continuity still just insert your personal preferences if you want. Like it really doesn't matter lmao they're relationship has bigger issues than the age gaps. Anyway here are how I had them written down but I might change my mind I am a fluid being
Reader: 21, Damian: 19, Tim: 22, Jason: 25, Dick: 29, Bruce: 45, Alfred: 67, Molly: Also 21, Cass: 25, Stephanie: 23, Barbara: 30, Duke: 20
Also yes, reader's family died the exact same day in both universes, and first world reader like... knew about the waynes but wasn't particularly interested in them till their own family was ripped away, then she started obsessing. in second world, reader and the batfam were like... sort of involved? she lived with them, and she was getting to know them, but wouldn't you be kind of weirded out if your mum married like. jeff bezos or something. and reader is sort of introvert coded, even if they don't read that way. it's just because she's trying so hard not to be, because she's so starved for attention. other world reader like,,, didn't seem to react the same way to what happened to her. but she might've, in the newest chapter it seems like she was talking to bruce after the disaster, and then stopped. But yeah you're right they never knew each other because not much effort was made to do so, and the Waynes are always SUPER busy.
Also about the Dick thing, he was actually pretty happy about the new family! But like you said he still didn't know other reader till the disaster. He just didn't have time to get to know her. He was obviously very upset with Bruce because he left to fuck off to Bludhaven for a while, but he's always loved how the Wayne family kept growing. Even when it was just him Jason, Babs and the weird kid who followed them around with a camera. Then he like decided he was going to treat her like a project because he has a savior complex that comes out especially so when he's having a hard time (oh damn my brothers dead). Not your best moment Dickie. I mean other reader definitely did need help but... as if she'd accept it from a guy like Dick. Imagine your entire family dies and you have to deal with the most beautiful guy on earth trying to comfort you while you look like a creature that crawled out of the sewers. And he tries to make you go outside because you're genuinely very mentally sick. I'd kill him tbh. Anyway this is all still technically up in the air and I might go back and edit the fic later because I'm like... very bad at timelines I just can never remember them properly which creates a lot of issues and inconsistencies.
Anyways thank you for sending in your questions/theories and enjoying my work so much! I'm glad you can relate to reader so well, she's like, one of the strangest characters I've ever written who refuses to behave in any concrete mannerisms because she's stubborn and has intimacy issues. But I think we're all a little bit like that lmao. And thank YOU for reading my stuff, I wouldn't still be doing it if it weren't for folks like you :P (also also you didn't come across as critical at all, you were very polite!!!)
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daddy-dins-girl · 11 months
Playdate - Chapter Three
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Y'all asked for it! (bunch of bad influences if you ask me 😛)
Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
AO3 link
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 || Chapter 4
Marcus Pike x f! Reader x Dave York
Word Count: 11.5k (I'M SORRY???!!!)
Chapter Summary: You get needy. Dave gets bossy. Marcus gets stuck in the middle.
Notes: Ok we definitely have to show some love for Marcus in this one since he was left out a fair bit in the last, but not to worry, Dave certainly isn’t going to allow you two to have too much fun without him ;)
Chapter Warnings: 18+ MDNI. Ok here we go... F/M/M threesome. Cucking/Wife sharing. Derogatory Language (in this house we do not apologize for Dave York or his sinful mouth). Orgasm Control/Delay/Denial (Dave is a menace and we don't apologize for that either). Cockwarming. Dry humping. Daddy kink. Praise kink. Soft!Dave York (but rarely). Dom!Dave York (that's more like it). CozyHusband!Marcus Pike (protect your heart, or you'll fall in love). Oral sex (m and f receiving). Rough oral sex. Biting (just one bite). Slaps/spanks/swats (just a few). Sex toys (m and f usage). Anal play/fingering/plug (f receiving). Unprotected P in V sex. Rough P in V sex. Creampie. If I missed anything else I'm sorry but there's a lot... Lmk if you find something!
“Baby?” You whisper into the darkened bedroom, snuggling up a little closer into Marcus’ naked back and he hums affirmatively that he hears you. It's late but you can't sleep. You know you should, since you both have work in the morning but suddenly sleeping seems like such a waste of time when you know there's something so much better you could be doing with your very handsome, very naked husband.
“Are you… awake?” You begin teasingly, your fingers dancing along his side and then smoothing down over his abdomen and retreating lower and lower until you reach his happy trail and tentatively threaten to go lower still.
“Honey,” Marcus groans slightly, his voice thick with sleep. “I have to be up in…” he pauses to look blearily at his watch. “Four hours” he finishes with a deep sigh.
“Four - what? Why?” You immediately question. It wasn’t even quite midnight yet and the two of you typically didn't get up until around 7.
“Conference call. London office” he mumbles into his pillow before nestling further into it. He doesn’t have to turn around and look at you to know you’re pouting behind him and he releases a sigh and rolls over to you anyway.
“I’m sorry” he says genuinely and you frown, feeling guilty for making him feel bad. In his defense, you’ve been exceptionally needy lately and taking it out on him (not that he seemed to mind, however).
“It’s ok baby, I’m sorry. I forgot you had to be up early tomorrow, go to sleep” you tell him, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
“Maybe um…” Marcus begins, rubbing the back of his neck. “Why don’t you text Dave, he’s always up late”
“What?!” You ask, taken aback. You had yet to even say one word in your little group chat. So far it had only been Dave and Marcus and even they hadn’t said much. They hadn’t texted at all actually since the last time Dave was over when it was just the two of you a couple weeks back.
“Well we’ve talked about it right, we want to see him again” Marcus reasons with a shrug. “Maybe you should let him know”
It was true, you had discussed it after the last time with Dave and you had both agreed you wanted to try it again, this time with all three of you there. You decided to give it a little bit of time though. For starters you didn't want to seem desperate, and secondly Dave had a life, presumably, that didn't revolve around your and Marcus' eager sex drives.
“Why me?” You ask incredulously.
“I don’t know, just, you haven’t said anything in the chat yet, might be good to let him know that you’re interested too, you know? Let him feel good, let him know you’re thinking about him” Marcus shrugs again.
Part of you does wonder if any of that could be true. Surely Dave had to know you're interested, you thought you'd shown that to him (multiple times, thank you very much Dave). Then again, you had the same doubts yourself before your solo session with Dave, wondering if he was really all that interested in you as he hadn't directly addressed you about it so maybe Marcus was on to something. Besides, everybody likes confirmation, you think. Likes to feel wanted and know they're wanted, that someone is thinking about them.
Yeah, maybe Marcus was right.
“Plus knowing Dave he can probably get you off with a fucking text message, that guy is… I need to start taking notes” Marcus huffs a moment later and that earns a little giggle from you.
“What should I say?”
“I don’t know, something sexy” Marcus says, playful little eyebrow raised at you.
“Hmmm” you think for a moment and Marcus settles again, this time facing you but closing his eyes like he’s at least going to attempt to get some sleep. You roll onto your back and reach for your phone on your night stand and tap it against your chin a few times while you think of something to say and then it comes to you and you quickly open up your group conversation and your fingers fly across the keyboard and hit send before you have time to talk yourself out of it.
Missing my Daddy tonight… wish he was here to tuck me in 🥺
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, nerves unsettled as you see the three dots appear on the screen just moments later.
Naughty girl, shouldn’t your husband be doing that?
He’s tired 😞 you quickly type back and you don’t even notice Marcus had reached for his own phone until his message appears on the screen next.
She wore me out, York. I’ve tapped out, need a pinch-hitter here. comes Marcus’ reply and then you look over to see him toss his phone onto his own night stand before he gets comfortable again, places a kiss to your shoulder and murmurs a goodnight, seemingly fine to leave you to your messaging with Dave so he can get some sleep. Not only does he trust you, but regardless he’ll see the messages in the morning.
Ah, a needy little slut then Dave responds and you can see the little smirk that must be on his face right now.
Bet you’re already wet just lyin’ there, huh? Waiting for that needy little hole to be filled up good
“Oh fuck” you whimper softly, suddenly wishing Marcus could be wide awake to take care of you the way you're aching for. As it is you’ll have to do it yourself, though you’re starting to think it won’t be so bad with Dave on the other end of the phone to encourage you. One hand slips under the comforter and smoothes down the plane of your stomach but stops just shy of your waistline and you hastily type into your phone again, best you can one-handed, an idea striking you that you think will get Dave worked up even further which should only work to your benefit, you hope.
May I touch myself, please? you ask sweetly in an attempt to stroke his dominant ego.
Jesus, got two cocks at your disposal and still not enough for ya, huh? Sounds to me like someone needs to learn a lesson in self control
Damnit. Your attempt to get Dave riled up seems to have backfired and now you’re going to be paying the price. Your hand falls away from your waist and comes back up to hold your phone so you’re able to type two-handed once again. You’re about to reply and object to Dave when another message from him pops up before you have a chance.
I think I want you to wait. Both of you, come to think of it. I’m out of town but I’ll be back Sunday. Usual time work for you guys?
Sunday?! It was only Wednesday night now. He expects you to go nearly four days without fooling around with Marcus? That will be nearly the longest you’ve ever gone since you got married three years ago.
Four days... moments ago you were whining that you'd have to wait four hours, in hopes Marcus would have time for a quickie before work, and now you had to wait four days?! You're not sure you can.
Daddy, please you try in a desperate plea.
Argue with me and I’ll make it another week Sweetheart he responds immediately and you pout, despite the fact that he can’t see you.
Besides, good things cum to those who wait 😉 He replies cheekily.
But bad little girls and boys don’t get to cum at all he follows up threateningly and you swallow the dry lump in your throat.
You’re not sure how Marcus is going to feel about any of this when he sees what transpired while he was asleep, how you’ve accidentally cockblocked him for the rest of the week. But really this was his fault. He told you to text Dave in the first place knowing full well neither of you could ever predict what the man might say or do.
Tell me you understand baby he says when a minute goes by and you’ve left him on read.
I understand 😞 you quickly send back. Yes, Sunday, usual time.
Good girl. Get some sleep. And baby?
I wish I was there to tuck you in too 👅😈
You let out a groan at the teasing little tongue emoji he's used (the devil tracks though, you'll give him that), bringing your phone down to clutch at your chest. Of course Dave could simultaneously rev you up and shut you down, the tease. You’re beyond horny now with not only no one to relieve it, but now you’re apparently not even allowed to relieve it yourself. You suppose Dave would never know, but truly the little game excites you and you know it’ll just be that much sweeter a release if you do play along. Marcus may take some convincing. But then again, maybe not. He’s surprised you well enough so far.
The next few days seem to drag on relentlessly. If anything, knowing you can’t get off makes you even more insatiable. Thankfully Marcus seems to be in the same boat so he doesn’t immediately push you off of him when you climb into his lap while he’s watching tv or sitting at his desk in his home office he uses occasionally and the two of you make out like teenagers, pawing at each other over clothes and grinding against one another until you’re breathless.
“He wouldn’t even have to know” Marcus whines into your throat one particularly heated session, the head of his hard cock pressing against you through layers of clothes. He had already managed to get you down to just your t-shirt and underwear as you sat straddling him in his office chair but thankfully he was still confined behind the thick material of his jeans.
“Baby” you whimper, clutching at his shoulders. It was Saturday morning, you could go one more day.
You think…
But then, oh but then, he rocks forward and his clothed cock notches at your entrance, pushing the thin cotton barrier of your panties inside of you along with his tip and your resolve nearly crumbles.
“Oh fuck” you let out in a tiny gasp.
“Let me take care of you Honey, please” Marcus begs, face nuzzled into the side of your neck as his lower half continues to grind against you causing a delicious friction. “I’ll make you feel so good”
You know he would, and you want him to. More than anything. Well, maybe not anything, because what’s playing at the back of your mind is how good it’s going to feel to share this intense relief soon enough not only with Marcus, but with Dave as well. You let out another little whine as Marcus' hands on your hips push you harder into his lap and your eyes slam shut as your resolve threatens to break once and for all.
You hear the clink of Marcus’ belt buckle and your eyes fly open to look down to see him hastily tugging at it and finally your brain catches up to your frantic libido and you put both hands down on his to stop him.
“No, fuck, please” Marcus huffs, forehead coming down to rest against yours as his breath comes out in short puffs, trying to get himself under control. He knows he almost had you.
“Baby, I really want to, you know I do” you begin, softly assuring him and rubbing a hand up and down his arm. “But just think how amazing tomorrow night is going to be. It’s what I want, for both of us and… I thought you did too” you try, a little pout on your lips.
“Fuck” Marcus curses, removing his hands from his belt to grab the sides of your face and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m sorry baby.” He continues a moment later. “I wanna give you what you want, of course I do. It’s just hard. Like… really fucking hard” he emphasizes his point by rutting against you once more and you laugh.
“For me too baby” you promise him, a deep sigh leaving your lips as you snuggle your face into his shoulder.
And it was. Torturous, even. Men can whine all they want about blue balls and about how much harder it is for them, but you know full well in this moment you're giving Marcus a run for his money for sure.
“I haven’t wanted you this bad since our third date” you confess and that catches his attention. He lifts your chin to look at you.
“We didn’t have sex until our fifth date” he reminds you.
“Oh, I’m well aware” you say, rolling your eyes playfully. “Could've had me on our third” you shrug innocently and his eyebrows shoot up.
“At the museum?!” he asks, shocked, as he recalls your third date together.
“Plenty of dark corners” you shrug mischievously. “I would’ve let you” you tease, a grin crossing your lips and he huffs a breath and lets his head fall back.
“Jesus, if you’re trying to get me to not fuck you right now, this is not the way to do it” he groans and you let out a laugh but decide to let him somewhat out of his misery and push yourself up out of his lap and shimmy back into your earlier discarded leggings.
“Make you a deal,” you say suddenly, an idea coming to mind. His attention seems peaked as he straightens back up in his chair and leans forward slightly.
“If we can restrain from driving each other crazy the rest of the day, we can reward ourselves by going to sleep with you inside me again” you propose, leaning down to kiss his cheek.
“Oh my god” Marcus groans, rubbing his hands over his face and you smirk. You knew he loved that the first time you’d done it. You’re not sure how it’s going to go this time though, given how close to the edge you’ve both already been for days but you want to try. You hadn't done it again since the first time, when you were too worn out to do much more than hold him inside you. Anytime he'd been inside you since then you'd both been far too ravenous to even consider it but tonight seems like a promising opportunity to try again. You just hope you can both handle it.
“Now go cut the grass or check the chemical levels in the hot tub or I don’t know, go to Home Depot, whatever the fuck you men do on Saturdays to keep yourselves occupied and your minds out of the gutter” you tease, swatting at his shoulder and he catches your hand and pulls it to his face, kissing the inside of your wrist.
“Fine, evil woman” he sighs and you giggle. “Last time I ever encourage you to text with Dave again without supervision” you hear him grumble under his breath as he gets out of his chair and places his hands on your hips to push you out of the room with him, your laughter at his playfulness following you out into the hallway.
Thankfully you both manage to keep busy with little chores and errands throughout the day and when he finally sinks inside of you that night it’s like all the pressure of the world is off your shoulders and nothing else exists but the two of you. You’re surprised and yet not that he behaves himself and doesn’t try and move or fuck you. Just stays buried inside you with his face in your neck, breathing you in and whispering little adorations against your skin while he plants tiny kisses there and you sigh as your arms wrap around his at your waist until you both fall asleep.
You wake up the next morning to a note on the empty pillow beside you, informing you that Marcus has gone for a run, and that tracks for him. Typically when he’s stressed he runs and the way you’ve had each other worked up the last few days you won’t doubt if he sets a personal record for distance today. You sit up in bed and reach for your phone to check your notifications and see a message alert for your group chat with you Marcus and Dave and you don’t fail to notice how your heart beat speeds up instinctively before you’ve even opened it.
You press down on the notification and hold your breath when the page opens up.
Hope you two have been behaving yourselves because if you think this is punishment, you haven’t seen anything yet.
His vague threat hangs in the air and sends heat straight to your lower abdomen and you wiggle slightly in your seated position on the bed.
Marcus had replied with a single emoji that made you laugh out loud.
You pull your lip between your teeth, debating writing a reply. You want to, but you don’t need any more encouragement for your aching and needy cunt. Your fingers hover over the keys for several long moments until you finally think 'fuck it’ and type out a response anyway.
Being so good for my Daddy 😇
With that you toss your phone onto the bed and head off to the bathroom.
It’s a cold shower kind of morning.
The rest of the day goes by mostly uneventfully. You’ve taken some of the edge off with your cold shower and Marcus with his run and you’re both seemingly able to function again as real human beings and not horny teenagers ramped up on hormones. You go out for brunch together, then the farmers market and finally a pit stop at your favorite coffee shop before heading home to bide your time until Dave comes over.
By the time dinner is over you’re both checking your watches nearly every five minutes while you snuggle up on the couch watching tv, pretending not to notice when either of you does it until finally it hits 9:00 and a shudder of anticipation rolls through you. Marcus sits up a little straighter, smoothing his hands over his thighs and releasing a deep breath and you pull your legs up under you and reach for your wine glass to take another tentative sip to calm your nerves.
In the past Dave had been extremely punctual, but tonight, of course tonight, he was not.
Minutes tick by and you’ve already refilled your wine glass and Marcus’ for another while you wait impatiently. Finally both your phones ding at the same time and it’s comical the way you both scramble for the two devices lying on the coffee table, eager to read the message.
Sorry, flight was a little delayed getting in, set me back a few minutes. Leaving my place now. Why don’t you two start warming each other up, I’ll be there soon. Don’t have too much fun without me though.
You and Marcus both share a look before Marcus types out a quick reply, giving Dave the door code and telling him to let himself in when he gets here and then he’s up off the couch and a you shriek in surprise when he hauls you up as well, grabbing one of your arms and legs and tossing you over your shoulder in a fireman’s carry and practically running to the stairs.
“Oh my god, Marcus!” You’re giggling uncontrollably at his eagerness as he bounds up the stairs to your bedroom. He reaches the top of the stairs and to your very delighted surprise he lands a little swat to your ass and you jerk in his arms.
“Baby,” you whine. The giggles are gone in an instant, your voice breathy and trembling.
He eases you down his front until your legs wrap around his waist and he kisses you deeply as he walks you into the bedroom, holding you up at the end of the bed before unceremoniously tossing you onto the mattress and your giggles are back at his edgy playfulness.
He’s still standing and he reaches behind him to tug his shirt up and over his head before he kneels down on the mattress, crawling over you like a predator stalking its prey and forcing you to lie down underneath him.
“Baby, holy shit, you’re so fucking hot right now” you praise him, bringing a hand up to push through his hair and you don’t miss the blush that rises in his cheeks. He’s trying, and he wants this, but you know he’s still a little outside of his comfort zone to be dominant towards you so you try to make sure you constantly reassure him.
“Yeah?” He asks shyly and you nod your head enthusiastically.
“See for yourself” you challenge, taking his hand and putting it between your bodies and sliding it down, down, down.
“Fuck” Marcus huffs, pushing his hand down inside your shorts and underwear until his fingers are met with the sticky mess between your legs. “Goddamn, I love how wet you get” he hums against the side of your face, trying to control his breathing.
“I love how wet you make me” you counter and he groans before kissing you hard, unsure how much more of you talking like this to him he can take if he’s still got to have some semblance of control of himself until Dave gets here.
“Fuck, let me go down on you, please” Marcus begs between heated kisses, his fingers deftly exploring you below and you let out a whine but shake your head.
“Baby, I’ll cum, fuck, I can’t” you shake your head again. Your hands come to clutch in his hair as his fingers continue to lazily stroke you and your hips involuntarily rock into his hand, desperate to chase his touch.
“I can’t wait any longer” Marcus argues weakly. “Please Honey” he pleads and you don’t know if you can take it anymore but you're pretty sure the moment his tongue hits your aching core you'll fall apart instantly. You're dangerously close already and he's barely done anything.
“Fuck” you sob. You’re going to break, you know it. But you’re only human and you fucking tried, nobody can argue that. Your soft moans and whimpers fill the otherwise silent room as Marcus' mouth slowly transcends down your body until he's at your waist, hands at your hips with the material of your shorts in his grasp and he looks up at you with those puppy dog eyes of his, silently asking for permission and you feel the last ounce of your resolve finally crumble. You need this, and one little firm nod of your head towards Marcus can get it for you.
Before you have a chance to give in, however, you hear the distinct sound of a throat clearing that isn’t you or Marcus and you push away from each other like you’d just been burned.
You both turn onto your backs, propped up on elbows and look dead on to the source of a good portion of the reason for your pent up sexual frustration, the one and only Dave York. He’s standing at the end of the bed, casually rolling his shirt sleeves up to his elbows as he clicks his tongue in disapproval.
“What did I say about having too much fun without me?”
“We weren’t - we didn’t - Daddy please, we waited, just like you said” you blurt out hurriedly in a weak attempt to explain. Thank god he hadn't walked in thirty seconds later, you think idly.
“We were just… playing” you shrug, feigning innocence.
“Mmm” Dave hums, seemingly mulling over whether or not he believes you. His gaze darts over to Marcus whose erection is straining against his sweatpants and then back to you, squirming under his gaze in your tank top and soft cotton shorts.
“She telling the truth, Pike?” Dave asks, turning his head back to Marcus who nods his head.
“I’ll admit, I tried” Marcus confesses, turning to look at you. “She um,” he begins and you can hear the nerves in his voice. You turn your head to look at him and see his cheeks burning bright crimson. You put a hand on his leg to reassure him.
“She was a good girl for you” he finally lets out and you smile at him, giving his thigh muscle a little squeeze of encouragement.
“Hmm” Dave shrugs, processing the information. “I honestly didn’t think you'd last twelve hours, let alone four days. Color me impressed Sweetheart”
His praise makes your whole body flush with warmth and without giving it another thought you get up onto your knees and crawl down to the end of the bed before him, reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck.
“Do we get our rewards now?” You ask sweetly, eyelashes batting up at him and the corner of his lip curls into a dangerous smirk.
“Here’s the thing Sweetheart,” Dave begins, reaching behind him to grab your hands and pull them away from his neck and you frown, already worried about where this is going.
“You, I’m not so worried about. You could come a dozen fucking times and still beg for more but Marky Mark over here” he continues, his head turning slightly to look at Marcus. “Well, we already know from past experience he needs a lesson in common courtesy”
“Oh fuck” you hear Marcus groan as he collapses back onto the pillows and runs his hands through his hair.
Dave is of course referring to the time when Marcus had jerked off in the chair when you had been fooling around with Dave on the bed the first night you met and Dave had admonished him about orgasming before you did.
“Now, while I do admire your stamina Pike,” Dave continues, acknowledging that Marcus had after a while managed to get himself readied for action again. “I’m still a very firm believer in ladies first” he comments, looking back at you with a sly grin.
“And to be honest, I don’t trust you” he shrugs. “You look like a fucking geyser ready to blow”
He's not wrong, you think to yourself but don't say out loud.
“Pun intended” he adds a moment later.
“So,” he trails off as he bends down to pick up a bag off the floor you hadn’t noticed earlier (which in turn just makes you wonder how long exactly had he been standing there watching the two of you. You idly wonder if he had really even been running late or was he just waiting outside wanting the two of you to squirm).
He stands upright again and pulls a small box out of the bag and tosses it to Marcus who scrambles to catch it and your eyes are locked on your husband, as curious as he is to see what’s in his hands.
“Shit” he grumbles, turning the box in his hands and you crawl over to him, kneeling at his side and grab for the box to inspect it.
EDGE. Maximum Control Adjustable Stamina Ring
Your fingers trace the words on the unassuming dark blue box and you bite your lip.
Dave bought your husband a goddamn cock ring. Your cunt clenches down around nothing as arousal floods you all over again. You don’t know why, but this is one of the hottest things that’s ever happened to you.
You take a breath, reigning yourself back in as you steady yourself and lock your gaze onto Marcus. Toys for you were one thing, you had already acknowledged that you were fine with it, but you hadn't discussed any of that for Marcus and the last thing you want is for him to be uncomfortable (or rather, more uncomfortable than what he's already agreed to).
“You okay?” you ask, barely above a whisper, meant only for Marcus to hear and thankfully he nods his head and pushes himself up so he’s seated with his back against the headboard.
“Fuck. Yeah, yeah I think so” he says between short breaths and you crawl onto his lap and kiss him. It’s slow and romantic, despite the fact that you’re clutching onto a sex toy that your shared lover just brought over. You pour everything you have into the kiss, letting him know without words how much you love him and how much he means to you. You continue kissing, neither of you noticing how the mattress dips behind you under Dave’s weight until you feel arms wrap around your middle that you know aren’t your husbands because his are smoothing up and down your thighs that are straddling his hips.
You lean back from Marcus and your back hits Dave’s hard chest as you realize he’s kneeled behind you and his hands go to your waist to tug at the hem of your tank.
“Take this off baby” Dave mumbles into your ear and you quickly oblige him, pulling the garment up and over your head and tossing it aside, leaving your top half bare as you’d decided to go braless tonight.
“Good girl” Dave praises, hands back at your waist and Marcus is practically trembling in front of you, bottom lip pulled between his teeth as he watches the other mans large hands roaming your body. Dave was right, he does look like a geyser about to blow.
“Put it on him” Dave instructs next and Marcus quickly reaches down to shove his sweats down to his thighs, his cock springing free before your eyes, hard and positively leaking for you. Apparently he had decided he's more than fine with what was happening and you're thankful for that.
You feel Dave’s hand in yours and look down to see that he’s wrapped your slender fingers around a small bottle of lube and you pop the lid open to squeeze a few drops into your hands. Dave takes the box from your other hand and rips it open, passing it back to you and then settling his chin on your shoulder so he has an unimpaired view of what you’re about to do.
“Oh shit” Marcus’ eyes close tight as you wrap your oiled hand around his length and give him a few practiced strokes, lathering him up with the lubricant before taking a few more drops from the bottle and significantly coating the thin black silicone contraption that’s in your other hand.
"Good baby?" You ask one final time, just to be sure and Marcus gives an enthusiastic nod behind closed eyes.
You position the large opening over his erection and bring it down to his base and then pull the drawstring until it's tight, giving the end a little tug to be sure it's secure but not too tight and Marcus twitches in your hand.
“I’m a little jealous Pike” Dave remarks casually from over your shoulder while you continue to lazily stroke Marcus. “You’re probably about to have the best orgasm of your life”
“Oh fuck” Marcus groans, head falling back to smack loudly against the headboard.
“But, gotta take care of our girl here first” he continues and now it's your turn to turn bright red.
Our girl.
It sends a little shockwave down your spine and you shudder.
“How do you want him to make you cum baby?” Dave whispers sinfully into your ear before lathing around the edge of it with his tongue.
“His mouth” you answer far too quickly. You’ve had days to think about how you wanted to finally cum and the answer in your head was always the same; by Marcus’ skilled tongue.
“Thought you’d say that” you feel Dave smirk against your cheek. “You wanna sit on his face?” Dave asks and as much as that definitely tempts you, you shake your head.
“Want you to hold me, play with me” you whimper, taking one of his hands in yours and bringing it up to cup your breast. Having both of their attention on you at once was definitely high up there on your list of fantasies and you wanted to take advantage of it whenever the opportunity presented itself.
“Yeah you do, such a good fucking girl” Dave growls before he pushes back from you and snaps his fingers at Marcus.
“Up” he commands and Marcus scrambles immediately, making room so Dave can take his position, your hand falling away from his throbbing member in the process.
You and Marcus are both up on your knees in the middle of the bed, half naked while Dave sits fully clothed comfortably seated in with his back against the headboard. You shuffle closer to Marcus and he takes your face in his hand and kisses you, moaning into your mouth as he practically swallows you whole. Your breathing is heavy as you meld into his mouth and let him take control of the kiss, his tongue probing deeper inside and tangling with yours until you're both breathless and you regretfully pull apart.
“Take these off” he whispers, tugging at your shorts and you oblige him, pulling them down along with your underwear and Marcus helps you out of them before you do the same for him and you're both fully bare.
“Lay down honey” Marcus instructs and you nod your head weakly, crawling over to Dave and turning in his lap so you're seated between his bent legs, your back to his chest and hands resting on his knees because you have a feeling you’re about to need something to hold on to. Dave’s hands come down to start kneading at your shoulders and your head falls back to rest against him. Only in your wildest fantasies had you ever thought you’d have two men showering you with attention at the same time and it was absolutely everything. Dave’s masculine scent assaults your senses as you snuggle further into him, eyes closed as you feel Marcus lower himself to lie down between your spread legs and run his hands up your thighs.
“All right Pike, put this little bitch in heat out of her misery” Dave sneers against your ear and a shiver rakes down your body as your hands clutch tighter to his knees.
Marcus, thank God, doesn’t waste another moment and lowers his head between your legs to lick a broad stripe up your center with the flat of his tongue and a loud gasp rips from your throat. You nearly came already at the first press of his mouth to your heat.
Dave’s hands drift from the tops of your shoulders down to your breasts, gently kneading them in his large hands and then he takes one pert bud between his thumb and index finger and squeezes, pulling on it just hard enough that it edges that fine line between pleasure and pain and you cry out.
“Oh you like that” Dave chuckles from behind you. And fuck he's right, you absolutely love it.
“Like it a little rough from your Daddy while your sweet boytoy licks between your legs huh?” he’s growling now into your ear and your eyes shut as you nod your head. Marcus is expertly teasing you down below, his tongue swirling your clit before pushing back through your folds and then nuzzling his whole face into you and your hips chase the pressure of the mouth.
“Answer me” Dave barks, landing a harsh swat to your already overly sensitive nipple and your body jerks in response.
“Fuck, yes, I love it Daddy. Oh fuck” you whine, desperately writhing between the two men who are pulling you apart piece by piece.
Dave doesn’t give you any reprieve, just lowers his head to your throat and bites down, causing you to cry out before he soothes over it with his tongue and sucks the flesh into his mouth and it mirrors the way Marcus sucks your tender pearl into his mouth and you instantly fall apart, not able to hold on any longer.
“Oh my god, yes, fuck fuck fuck!” You cry out, shaking in Dave’s arms, clutching desperately to him while you ride out your orgasm and Marcus laps up every drop of your rush of arousal. You look down to where Marcus is between your legs and see that his right hand has disappeared somewhere between his body and the mattress and you don't have to guess where. He's moaning as he continues licking into you like a man possessed who simply can't be stopped and your hand comes down to grip in his hair, forcing his face to stay buried in your cunt while your other arm reaches behind you to secure Dave to your throat.
"Fuck, again. Give her another" Dave demands of Marcus who groans into your throbbing center and nods his head dutifully as he doubles his efforts with his tongue, working your clit even faster before he plunges two fingers inside of you. You hadn't even had a chance to reel back from your last orgasm before Marcus is pushing you towards another. He knows your body too well. Where to press, where to lick, kiss, apply pressure. He plays you like a fine tuned instrument while Dave continues his assault on you from above and it's not long before you're wailing out in pleasure a second time as Dave murmurs over and over in your ear what a 'good girl' you are.
“Oh my god, oh my god” you’re panting heavily, trying desperately to catch your breath and calm your racing heart as you come down from your high. Dave has switched to soft kisses and licks to your neck while Marcus still languidly licks your folds, moaning into you as he tastes your release on his tongue.
“Marcus, come here” you say suddenly, waving your arm out in an attempt to reach for him. Marcus gets up to his knees and shuffles forward and you grab for him and kiss him hard, moaning into his mouth when you taste yourself on him. He pulls back when the lack of oxygen forces him to and to your surprise he grips the bottom of your chin and turns your head to Dave and you take the hint and plunge forward to kiss him as well, letting Dave have a taste of your long awaited release.
“Tastes so much sweeter when it’s earned baby girl” Dave smirks against your lips once he’s pulled back.
“And how’s our boy doing?” He asks next and both you and Dave turn your heads to Marcus who’s sitting back on his heels now with his hand wrapped around the base of his dick, precum leaking steadily from the head that looks red and angry.
“Barely hanging on here” Marcus admits breathlessly, the little toy wrapped around him restricting his blood flow and maximizing his pleasure to unprecedented heights.
“Go on baby, go give him some relief, he’s earned it” Dave tells you before landing a little swat to the side of your hip and you too get up on your knees and lean down onto your elbows, placing your hands on Marcus’ hips as your mouth envelops his throbbing cock. You should probably be a little embarrassed that your ass and cunt are on full display inches from Dave’s face the way you’re bent over Marcus with him behind you, but you’re so worked up that you don’t give it a second thought and pour all of your attention into Marcus.
“Oh shit. Fuck!” Marcus’ eyes close and his head falls back while his hand comes to play with your hair, brushing it away from your face as you bob up and down on his length, messy strings of saliva following the path of your mouth. You make sure to kiss, lick and suck on every inch of him, worshiping his cock and murmuring breathlessly about how much you’ve missed it and you hear the tiniest whimper of 'oh fuck' from him above you. You moan into him when you suddenly feel Dave’s hands gripping at your ass, spreading you open and Marcus’ head shoots forward again to see what he’s missing that’s got you doubling your efforts around his already leaking dick, taking him hard and fast down your throat.
“Oh my god, she likes that” Marcus smiles widely, fighting desperately to keep his eyes open while you swallow down his cock with renewed enthusiasm at whatever Dave is doing behind you.
“Course she does, dirty little slut” Dave huffs, planting little kisses to both of your cheeks while he continues massaging them in his hands and you moan again into Marcus, taking one hand from his hip to wrap it around whatever part of him your mouth can’t reach.
“Oh shit, fuck, keep playing with her ass” Marcus begs, and you’re not sure who sounds more wrecked right now, you or him as you moan wantonly into his groin. You’ve never heard Marcus talk like that either and it turns you on even further.
You jerk forward slightly in surprise when you feel something cold hit the soft flesh of your ass and dribble down between your cheeks and then you have to pull your mouth off of Marcus as a loud groan escapes you when you feel it warming up when Dave’s finger chases the path of the lube that slides down your crack. Your whole body tenses up in anticipation of what’s to come.
“Relax baby, relax” Dave soothes, his one hand smoothing over your left check while his other swirls a finger teasingly around your puckered entrance. “Focus back on Marcus, take that cock back into your mouth baby” Dave instructs softly and you let out a little whine but obey, putting your mouth back on Marcus and your husband reaches down and places his hand on the back of your head, not forcing you closer, just holding you there and letting you know he’s with you, gently massaging the back of your head.
"Oh my god baby" Marcus whines like he's physically pained by how much pleasure he's receiving and you hum around his cock, sending little vibrations through it and a slew of curse words leave his mouth.
“Mmmmnnnffff!” you moan into Marcus as the tip of Dave’s single digit finally passes the threshold and dips just inside of you, gently working in and out and around. He’s barely past his fingernail but even that is more than you’ve ever had back there before and the new sensation has you reeling as a pressure builds up you’ve never felt before. You focus on Dave’s words though and keep your attention on Marcus the best you can, swallowing around his cock and taking him as deep as your throat allows until you feel his hips gently thrusting into your mouth and you moan and nod your head for him to keep doing that.
“Yeah, fuck her throat, little whore fucking loves it” Dave snarls and it spurs Marcus on, his grip on the back of your head a little tighter as he pistons his hips back and forth. It's not near as forceful as when Dave has done it to you, but it's certainly taking all the work away from you. It's a blessing because your concentration on blowing him was completely shot the moment Dave pressed his finger inside of you.
“Oh fuck!” You suddenly rip your mouth away from Marcus when you feel a hand between your legs, fingers circling your oversensitive clit and at this point you’re not even sure whose hand it is and you don’t care either. You're on the brink of orgasm once again.
“Honey please, god I’m so close. Fuck, don't stop” you hear Marcus whining above you and suddenly Dave’s finger pulls out of you, leaving you feeling empty and he lands a sharp little smack to your ass.
“Nobody likes a cocktease, don’t be a brat” You hear Dave seethe from behind you and feel a hand clamp down on your mound and squeeze and you quickly realize it was Dave’s fingers that were pleasuring you just moments ago that have now stopped entirely. You hadn't meant to stop pleasing Marcus but you only have so much concentration when the familiar waves of an encroaching orgasm sneak up on you like that.
“Keep it up and you don’t get to cum again” he threatens and you know he’s serious. Your mouth is back on Marcus in an instant, sucking and stroking him with renewed enthusiasm and Dave’s hands leave you all together to drop down at his sides so he doesn’t further distract you. It's probably for the best. Certainly in Marcus' best interest anyway.
“Oh my god baby, yes” Marcus encourages you as you bob up and down on him, taking him as deep as you can and holding until you gag before you pull back up to take a breath but continue working him with your hand, paying special attention to his head as you rapidly stroke and squeeze him.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum” Marcus warns and before you even have a chance to wrap your mouth back around him, he does. Hot spurts shooting up to cover his stomach as you continue to jerk him until there’s nothing left and he falls back to sit on his heels again.
“Holy shit” Marcus exclaims, chest heaving. “Fucking hell baby” he breathes before he lunges forward to kiss you harshly. It’s all teeth and tongue and frantic and uncontrolled, not like how Marcus typically kisses you and you’re smiling against his lips, knowing you’ve just absolutely rocked his world.
He releases you and then reaches down to his slick cock, pulling the tie loose so he can pull it over his dick and toss it off to the side of the bed, hands coming down to his thighs as he takes deep steadying breaths.
“That was… Jesus” he trails off, shaking his head, chest heaving with his efforts to breathe.
“I love you baby” you tell him, pushing forward to kiss the corner of his mouth.
“I love you too” he breathes. “Fuck, I think I love you too York, Jesus fucking christ” he jokes, running his hands through his hair and you laugh out loud.
“Who knew Dave was such a talented gift giver” you tease, turning back to look at Dave who’s smirking behind you and simply shrugs his shoulders like he’s got lots of secrets about him you simply haven’t discovered yet.
“I have to go clean up” Marcus announces, looking down at the mess he’s made of himself. “You can um, thank Dave for me honey” he winks at you before he leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead and then he’s pushing away from you and gets off the bed and wanders off towards the ensuite.
You turn over so you’re facing Dave and push his knees down and he brings his legs together so you can settle down over top of them, sitting on his thighs. You can see the outline of his length underneath the dark material of his pants and you know he’s hard. You shuffle forward just slightly and bring your hands to his shirt and start popping the buttons open one by one until his shirt falls open and you’re able to rake your fingernails down his chest. You turn your head as you hear the shower come to life a few feet away from you and then turn back to Dave and lift your shoulders in a small shrug.
“I am under strict orders from my husband to thank you” you say teasingly, pushing the shirt down his shoulders and surprisingly he lets you. His gaze is locked on yours as he watches your meticulous movements, pulling the shirt completely free from him and then bringing your hands to his belt next and pulling it free.
Once his pants are open he helps you by lifting his hips and pushing them down his legs along with his boxers and you pull them completely free from him until he’s naked beneath you. You haven’t seen him like this since your first time together. Even when he’d fucked you the last time he kept his clothes on. You take a moment to appreciate his body, fingers trailing from his broad shoulders down a hard chest wall to a slightly softer middle and then tapered waist. Marcus was a little more fit, more defined, but Dave was definitely bigger, larger and you held an appreciation for both their body types.
Your gaze comes back up to find his locked onto you and you feel suddenly shy that you were all but just ogling his body. He doesn’t let your nerves linger though, he takes your face in his hands and pulls you forward and kisses you, soft and deep, tongue dancing gently with yours and you hum a content little sigh into his mouth.
“So,” you whisper against his lips, pulling back just slightly. “How would you like your payment?”
Dave gives you a mischievous little grin, his hands smoothing over the soft skin of your lower back as he gestures with a nod of his head towards the end of the bed.
“Why don’t you go see what other gifts Daddy brought in his bag of tricks, hmm?” he tells you and you waste no time scurrying off to the end of the bed to grab for the discarded discreet little black bag from earlier.
You hold open the bag and peak inside and bite your lip when you see what’s waiting for you, reaching inside to grab the soft pink object and pulling it out to inspect it in your hands.
“It’s brand new. I just cleaned it, you know, beforehand” Dave explains. You’d seen the empty packaging sitting in the bottom of the bag too so you knew you didn’t have to worry.
“How efficient of you” you raise an eyebrow at him. You’re glad he thought of it too, so you don’t have to sit for god knows how long while you wash it and wait for it to properly dry.
“Told you I’d get you a toy baby. You like it?” Dave asks as your fingers trace the delicate shape of the silicone plug in your hand. It’s about three inches long, the tip is rounded and tapered to be a bit slimmer than its long neck, then there’s a narrow stem followed by a flared base. You look back over to Dave and crawl back over to him, settling in his lap and kissing him soundly. Your nerves are skyrocketing again and you need to just be anchored for a moment. Part of you wishes Marcus was here to do that for you but you can still hear the shower running, as it hasn’t been that long.
Dave thankfully senses your anxiety and he slowly smoothes his hands up and down your arms and your sides as he continues kissing you, seemingly fine with letting you take all the time you need until you’re ready and you have to say, that might be one of the most amazing things about Dave. He definitely has his rough, dominant side but he still manages to make you feel safe at the same time, like you know if you really didn’t like something or want him to stop, he would. And he also seems to just have a sixth sense for your body already. He knows when he can push you and when he needs to pull back and you’re beyond grateful for it. Although you had initially wanted all this and to explore these things, a lot of it was still new territory for you and Dave treated it as such while maintaining this balance of having a hint of softness with you when you needed it, and showing you no mercy when you didn’t.
“You ok?” Dave asks after a couple minutes of kissing and touching, after he’d finally felt your shoulders settle as you sunk further into his lap and his embrace.
“Yeah, I think so” you nod your head.
“It’s just practice baby” Dave assures you, knowing you’re not ready to take him back there yet. Thankfully though you had been somewhat prepared, knowing this might be coming tonight as he had mentioned it last time. You spent a little bit of time online researching and made sure you knew how to properly prepare and clean yourself so you wouldn’t have any embarrassing messes. That had been part of your biggest fear about the whole thing, secondary only to how much it could actually hurt but the more you had read about it calmed some of your nerves. Most articles mentioned that as long as you or your partner took it slow it could be quite pleasurable and though you barely knew him, you did trust that Dave has no interest in hurting you and he seems pretty well versed in every aspect of the bedroom play you’ve tried so far so you’re confident he knows what he’s doing.
“Um, by the way, before we do anything…” You begin, remembering something you had wanted to bring up with Dave but seemed like too intimate a conversation for a group text message. “I just wanted to mention, and, I know the first time was like an accident and if anything my fault, but um…” you trail off again, nervously wringing your hands together and Dave’s hands come down to still them, holding them in his firm grasp and he looks you in the eyes.
“What is it, you can tell me. If I did something that you weren’t okay with…”
“No” you shake your head immediately. “It’s not anything like that, it's just… Well, Marcus and I, we’re not exactly you know trying, but we’re not not trying for a baby. We just kinda figured if it happens it happens and, I just, well I’m not like on any birth control so…” you trail off again, Dave’s single nod letting you know he gets where you’re going. You can’t have him cumming inside you and potentially complicating anything between you and Marcus. You’ve been not not trying for a little over a year now and it hadn’t happened yet and neither of you are sure if it ever will but having Dave in the mix now you just need to be careful. The first time he was inside you he didn’t pull out, though in his defense you nearly forced it out of him the way you were sitting on top of him and your orgasm came hard and fast out of nowhere, you could hardly blame Dave. The second time you’d been with him he had pulled out, despite you not discussing it first and you were grateful for that.
“Of course, I understand” Dave nods his head. “And uh, for whatever peace of mind it’s worth, after my girls I had a vasectomy so… no worries here”
“Oh, good” you sigh with relief. You’ve had a period since your first encounter with Dave so you weren’t worried yet anyway but it’s nice to know you don’t have to worry at all anymore. You also knew that Dave had a clean bill of sexual health too, as him and Marcus had discussed it before your initial meeting so now you knew you were covered on all bases and free to do as you pleased. And you intended to do just that.
“But I mean I wouldn’t, you know, normally, unless you wanted me to” he explains and you feel your cheeks heating again. You’re sitting here naked in Dave’s lap discussing whether or not he’s going to cum inside of you while your husband takes a shower in the next room.
“You just let me know baby” he winks at you, settling your nerves again and pulling you back in for a quick kiss.
“Lie down on your back” he instructs a moment later and you crawl off his lap and lay down on your back in the middle of the bed.
Dave gets up on his knees and makes his way between your spread legs and grabs for the toy in your hand and the discarded bottle of lube on the mattress from earlier. You take a deep breath as Dave also grabs for a pillow and fixes it under your hips to elevate you off the mattress slightly.
Before things have a chance to go any further however, Marcus emerges from the bathroom, a billowing cloud of steam following after him as he wanders back into the bedroom, towel secured low on his hips.
“Hey” he greets a little awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. Dave’s completely naked on his knees between your legs while you lay there spread eagle with your head down at the foot of the bed near close enough to be hanging off of it. It must be a sight for your poor husband.
He looks over at Dave and sees the little pink toy in his hand and though he’s never personally used one either he knows exactly what it is and he swallows the little lump in his throat. You had told Marcus what Dave had said to you last time and told him that you were excited but nervous about it and Marcus had encouraged you to try it if it was something you wanted.
“Just in time for the big show” Dave announces to Marcus, tossing a wink towards your husband who lets out a small laugh, thankful that somebody was able to break the tension in the room. Of course it was Dave.
“I um, I don’t have to stay…” Marcus says, looking at you now and shrugging his shoulders. He’s not sure if you’d be more or less comfortable with him there and you’re not either but at the end of the day Marcus is calming and you know that’s what you need right now.
“Stay” you answer a little too quickly, reaching out at him with grabby hands like a needy toddler and he chuckles but walks over to the end of the bed, grabs each of your hands in one of his and kneels down on the floor behind your head.
“Second best view in the house” Dave winks again at Marcus and now it’s your turn to laugh at how strange this whole situation is. Marcus may calm you but Dave calms the entire room, doesn’t let the awkwardness or tension linger and it’s exactly what both you and Marcus need.
“Ready?” Dave asks and you nod your head quickly.
“Mmm hmm” you say, sounding uneasy even to your own ears. You do want this, but you can’t help that you’re nervous.
“Hey,” Marcus’ soft voice says from above you and you tilt your head back to look up at him and he gives you a warm smile.
“Spiderman kiss” he smirks and you let out a little laugh but tilt your head back a little further and he brings his down until your lips meet in an upside down kiss. You’re both smiling like idiots the entire time your lips meld together.
Neither of you see Dave watching the sweet and intimate interaction, nor do you know the slight pang of jealousy he feels in his chest at how much love the two of you have for each other that he’s never known himself.
Marcus pulls back from the kiss and you bring your head back up to rest on the mattress as your attention goes back to Dave who’s now thoroughly slicking up the small pink toy in his hands before squeezing some extra lubricant onto his fingers and finally between your cheeks. A shudder racks your body when you feel his fingers trace your entrance, spreading the oily slick around everywhere to ensure you’re prepared and then he brings the toy down and notches it at your puckered hole.
“Go slow” you say, taking a steadying breath and Dave nods at you, his free hand coming down to squeeze your thigh reassuringly.
“I’ve got you” he promises.
You squeeze Marcus’ hands a little tighter and he bends down to kiss your forehead but his gaze is trained on what’s happening at the opposite end of the bed where Dave slowly begins feeding the toy inside you until the tip finally pushes past the tight ring of muscle and your hips lift off the bed slightly.
“Ohhhhh” you moan loudly once it’s nestled just inside you and Dave is grinning at you from between your legs.
“Good girl, such a good girl for me baby” he praises. “Fuck, look at you” he says, a little breathless and it turns you on knowing how much he likes it. The way Marcus grips your hands even tighter lets you know he doesn’t mind it much either.
“Does it feel good baby?” Marcus’ voice is suddenly in your ear and you close your eyes, nodding your head. There’s pressure, but a good kind of pressure and it doesn’t hurt like you feared it might.
“Just a little bit more, you still OK?" Dave asks and you nod again. His hand leaves your thigh and he brings his thumb still slicked with the lubricant down to rub small circles on your clit and a little sob escapes you.
“Yeah, that’s it, fuck” Dave curses, slowly and cautiously prodding the toy a little further while he stimulates the bundle of nerves between your legs and you’re whining and mewling underneath him, silently begging for more. You feel the round base rest against your ass and you let out a loud moan, knowing it’s all the way inside of you now and Dave’s hand that was feeding you the toy comes to rest on your hip and gives it a small squeeze.
“Good fucking girl” he growls as his thumb continues working your clit and you’re writhing on the mattress, rocking your hips into the pressure of his hand.
“Oh my god baby” Marcus groans. His hands leave yours but reach forward so he can grab both your breasts in his hands and knead them in his palms, his mouth going to your throat to kiss and lick every inch he can reach. “You’re so fucking hot” he mumbles between kisses.
Dave’s hand leaves your sex and you’re about to whine in complaint but then he’s grabbing both of your legs and pulling them straight up in the air and letting them rest on his shoulders as he shuffles forward on his knees and suddenly you feel his throbbing length between your folds, pushing through your lips to coat himself in your slick before he’s at your entrance and slowly pushes inside.
“Oh my god” you practically jolt off the bed when Dave enters you, still getting used to how he stretches you and with the toy in your other hole you feel so incredibly full that you already know you’re not going to be lasting very long.
“Oh fuck” Dave groans once he’s buried to the hilt and he takes a moment to pause. “Gripping my fucking cock so tight baby, Jesus you feel so fucking good”
“Fuck. Move, please” you cry out, reaching your hands behind you to grab a hold of Marcus’ head and keep him close, burying your fingers in his hair for something to hold onto.
One of Marcus’ hands leaves your breast and the way his breathing picks up and his sucking on your neck gets sloppy you know he’s jerking his cock and a fresh wave of arousal hits you.
Dave begins rutting into you. His hands are gripped tight around your thighs as he slams his pelvis into yours over and over. He knows you’re close already and need the release and he also knows he won’t be too far behind you, the way you’re clamping down on his dick like an unrelenting vice grip.
"That's it, dirty fucking girl. Letting me fill all your fucking holes hmm? So goddamn full aren't you baby?" He asks before landing a hard slap to the side of your ass.
“Ohhhhh fucckkkkkk” you’re practically sobbing as Dave continues to rail into you, pummeling you into submission with every deep and sharp thrust of his hips. You feel so full everywhere, like you’re about to spontaneously combust if you don’t cum soon. Your legs are trembling as Dave holds them up in the air, toes curled tight and everything feels so good everywhere you feel like you could scream. This is one of the prime examples of Dave pushing you to your absolute limits and your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head as you take, take, take. Desperate for everything he has to give you.
“Oh my god, please, please, please” you beg. You’re so close, just waiting to be tipped over that edge. You need that final push.
Marcus turns out to be the one that gives it to you. His other hand leaves your breast and snakes down between your legs and expertly rubs your clit just the way he knows drives you crazy and you cum loud and hard, pushing up on your elbows as your whole body thrums with an unwavering energy that pulses through in little shockwaves for what feels like forever. You can feel the release gushing out of you from your prolonged orgasm.
"Fuck, that's it baby, cum all over this cock. Fuck you're so good" Dave growls as your hips continue chasing down your high until finally, once you've given all you have to give, you’re panting and heaving and collapsing back down onto the bed. Marcus’ hand leaves from between your legs and comes to gently brush the hair from your face as he peppers little kisses all over your cheek, murmuring his love for you and how beautiful you are.
It’s a stark contrast to how Dave continues pounding into you with reckless abandon. His thrusts are starting to get sloppy, his grip around your thighs bordering painful and his eyes are slammed shut and teeth gritted as he nears his own completion.
“Fuck baby, where?” He asks, sounding about as wrecked as you feel and you reach up and grab his hand on your thigh, giving it a squeeze.
“Inside, fuck, cum inside me” you cry out and moments later he does, filling you with rope after rope of his warm spend until his hips finally begin to slow and he eventually pulls out of you, lowering your legs down and sitting back on his heels in exhaustion.
Another strangled moan escapes, this one from behind you as Marcus’ forehead comes down to rest on top of yours and your whole head is reeling, all three of you orgasming within moments of each other is probably the single hottest thing you’ve ever experienced.
“Holy shit” you breathe, heart hammering in your chest. All three of you are panting and breathing heavily as you come down from your peaks. Hands are everywhere, stroking and squeezing and reassuring and at this point your brain can’t even discern who’s who and you don’t actually care. Your smile reaches ear to ear and you just lie there a moment longer with your eyes closed, taking it all in.
Finally after everyone’s had a chance to catch their breath you feel Dave gently pulling the toy out from you and you actually groan at the loss. Dave leans over you, planting little kisses all over your abdomen and telling you what a good girl you were over and over and it warms your entire body.
“Baby…” you begin a moment later, tipping your head back again to look at Marcus who once again surprised you with his stamina, orgasming a second time tonight. “Again?” You raise an eyebrow at him and he blushes furiously and nods his head.
“Told you you were fucking hot” he admits, shrugging his shoulders. “And um, to be honest,” he’s speaking lowly now in your ear, just for you. “My hard on never fucking went away. Even in the shower. I don’t know what that thing is that Dave brought for me but… we’re keeping it” he proclaims and you laugh.
You tilt your head back up and raise slightly on your elbows so you can look at Dave. He’s still sitting back on his heels, hand absentmindedly running up and down your leg as he takes a moment to collect himself and enough energy to get up off the bed.
“I think we’ll keep Dave too” you mention, giving Dave a playful smile and he grins, giving your ankle a little squeeze as he winks at you.
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