#and I think his parents started to get absent when he got in junior high
nicnsmth1 · 16 days
Karma's Relationship With His Parents
this is mainly how I interpret it, ofc there's a possibility that it's really not that deep, but I like thinking abt it more in depth
okay so today's topic is karma's relationship w his parents and why has he never shown any hatred nor was ever bothered by the fact that his parents are literally never home and treats their 'home' as more of a pit stop from their travels
(translation from blazardragon's korotan c)
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he never showed any resentment towards his parents in both the main series as well as the light novels despite being literally abandoned half of the time at home and I feel like the reason was pretty easy,, he doesn't know what it felt like to have present parents in the first place,, why would he miss or want smth he doesn't know the feeling of? Well, one might ask what does he feel about the others who do have good relationships w their parents and the brief answer is: he doesn't have enough friends to know💀💀the only friend who he got close enough is nagisa and not only nagisa's parents are divorced, but he knows his relationship w his mom is strained,, even sugino pointed it out when they went to visit nagisa's home just to hang out
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since no one else is friends w him (and the majority of parents of the class E students have expressed their disappointment in them), it's hard to imagine having a happy family to begin w, some might even say that he doesn't crave it as much bcs he was never surrounded by any
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I do feel like as he gets older he might have a strained relationship w his parents in result to their poor presence when he was younger, but it's not like bad blood, just that they feel like strangers🧍🏻‍♀️but knowing karma, he doesn't do or get achievements for anyone's sake so I doubt he cares about his parents' congratulations to him on anything he does,, in the end, he does things bcs he believes he has to, no one else has to drive him to do anything
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More Twin!AU things
✧Ambrosius and Todd actually knew each other since Pre-K because they were enrolled to the same prestige school.
✧They weren't really friends, weren't really enemies. They just co-existed.
✧Todd did think it was pretty cool he shared the same birthday with the son of the School director.
✧Then, the owner of the school [Modern Queen Valerin] adopted two children; Ballister and Nimona.
✧Nimona was still very young, so she mostly stayed with her new mother in her office. Valerin basically goes: "Yes, I can do my work efficiently while looking after my baby all at the same time, who do I think I am?"
✧Most of the students didn't like Ballister, but Ambrosius didn't like seeing the new kid all alone so he played with him at the sand box.
✧At first, he was just being nice.
✧He ended up really liking Ballister more than any of the other kids. New best friend.
✧Todd made fun of Ballister once, and that was the end of neutrality.
✧Ballister had to be Ambrosius's impulse control from then on.
✧When Ambrosius would come over the Boldheart household for a play date, Nimona would throw her baby toys at Ambrosius every chance she got.
✧It took a year for her to grow into liking Ambrosius.
✧Flash forward to the future.
✧For a Junior high school moving up to High school trip [So this happens in Summer vacation], Ambrosius and Todd finds out they were twins.]
✧It was due to an accident that required Todd a blood transfusion, but his blood type is very rare. It was one of those things were it was usually only family or relatives who could share the blood type.
✧Rudy Sureblade didn't have it though nor did he have any living relatives anymore, and he really didn't want to contact his ex-wife to check if she had it. It was a last resort idea for him. He checked if they could find someone.
✧Amazingly enough, they found out Ambrosius had it.
✧He still didn't like him, but Ambrosius isn't a monster so he was willing to donate blood.
✧They checked first to see if it was safe to do so with some lab test then BAM "You two are actually brothers."
✧Considering they also had the same birthday based on the hospital records, they put two and two together that they were twins.
✧Ambrosius had to dumb down the explanation to Todd how there was such a thing as fraternal twins.
✧The Director of the School and Rudy Sureblade told the hospital to uphold their patient confidentiality policy and keep this hush-hush.
✧Neither Ambrosius and Todd wanted word to spread that they're related to.
✧Rudy and Todd's relationship had already been lukewarm, so nothing really changed after the revelation except that Todd is more distrustful of his father now.
✧As long as Todd did whatever a student should be doing, and kept out of legal trouble, he could live and let live.
✧While his relationship with his mother wasn't exactly a warm one, Ambrosius did have some amount of respect for his mother since she did raise him on his own... Sort of. If leaving a secretary or whoever every now and then to attend important school events when he was growing up, whenever she was too busy, counted as raising him on her own.
✧Although ever the dutiful child, Ambrosius did accept that her job was important.
✧After finding out she kept a secret as big as him having a twin from him, he started questioning things.
✧Some point in freshmen year, both Ambrosius and Todd kinda felt getting disowned was better than being around their mostly absent parents.
✧Todd would still poke fun at Ambrosius and Ballister, especially when they started dating in high school.
✧Then enters Aerin Shieldstone in the middle of Freshmen year, and Todd is half the word of 'homophobic.'
✧The first half of it.
✧So Todd kinda goes up to Ambrosius one day, and the conversation kinda goes...
That's all... For now.
Todd: Okay, I'm accepting you as my twin brother now because I really need a brother right now. Specifically, a gay brother.
Ambrosius: First, what the fuck. Second, why the fuck?
Todd: How do I ask a guy out?
Ballister: I'm guessing third is going back to 'what the fuck?'
Ambrosius: More like 'who the fuck is the unlucky guy?'
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Here’s the plot I have for Spiral so far.
Trigger warning: violence, murder, discussion of child abuse, ableism, and mental health struggles
Content warning: it’s fucking long
In about 2002 or 2003, Akki's mother (who I'm calling Angel for the time being) was a junior at a private school somewhere in the US. Maybe like, East coast? Idk. Either way, Angel had a pretty troubled upbringing, and over time, began to view being loved as the only way to be happy in life. Angel had a fantasy of the perfect life with an idyllic family and a loving spouse, and at school, she met and began dating the boy she believed was her soulmate.
Her supposed soulmate became a canvas onto which Angel projected all of her fantasies, and she began to believe that if she was going to have the life she wanted, it HAD to be with him. A freshman girl, for some reason that could either be "she was a friend of his" or "she had a 14 year old girl crush on him" or “Angel was just jealous of this girl”, became someone that Angel perceived as a threat to the idea of her perfect life. She began more or less harassing this girl, trying to scare her away from her boyfriend, and when that didn't work, Angel ended up murdering the girl.
The means by which this happened I'm not sure about, but I know it didn't happen at the school. I want to flesh out this whole city, make it really feel like a world for this story, because I think that'll make it read more seriously and less like something written by a 13 year old self proclaimed yandere. Angel didn't intend to kill this young girl, and attempted to dump the body and burn the evidence, but her body was discovered later on. The family knew that she had died, but not how. None of them knew what the girl was going through since she didn't talk about it. As such, Angel wasn't ever convicted, tried, or anything, and she carried that secret with her for decades.
If you recall, I did mention at one point that Amaya had an aunt named Hana Izumi, an elementary school girl who died when a bomb planted in her schoolyard detonated. l'm not sure how to make that work in this story, but l've been entertaining the potential idea of Hana Izumi having been the girl Angel murdered. I don't know if it's as impactful though if Hana's death wasn't so senseless. Because that's part of what made it hurt so much for her family. (This would also require me to make a design for teen Hana, and alter the timeline to make Hana Kenji's younger sister by 2-3 years instead of his older sister by 8-10 asdfghikl but it's the only way I can think to implement her)
The only other thing I can think for Hana was that she was only a little girl, and maybe she was just in the wrong place in the wrong time and saw Angel trying to dispose of the corpse, and in a panic, Angel murdered Hana too. That makes it more senseless, more completely unnecessary. But I don’t know if I want Angel to have actually murdered Hana.
18-20 years later, three girls starting their senior year of high school: Akki Amano, Amaya Izumi, and April Set.
Akki, the daughter of Angel and her husband, became essentially a lock on her father’s cage. He couldn’t leave after Angel got pregnant, and agreed to marry her because of that. He resents Angel for trapping him in this controlling, codependent relationship, and while he tries to love and be there for Akki, she knows he resents her for being his daughter. As a result of this, Akki’s parents had an unstable relationship. Akki’s father was unavailable and often absent, and her mother was controlling and overbearing, forcing things like being just like her mother onto her, which made her whole home life unstable and left Akki unhappy, emotionally repressed, and holding a lot of anger. Because of this, she began to get bullied at school. Feeling like she didn’t belong in the world, she started trying to pretend to be ‘normal’ to make the mistreatment stop, repressing all of her feelings. She stopped trying to ask for help when she was struggling.
Her mother told her that once she found someone to love, things would be better for her, and Akki took this to heart as Angel enabled and outright encouraged her to develop the same view of relationships and people that she had. The first boy to treat her with kindness she attached herself to, believing that he would make her happy and fix her. However, she was certain he would never love her, so she took to stalking him. She became bitterly jealous of his best friend who I’m currently calling Caelin, but both Caelin and Angel’s names are a work in progress. Most of these characters’ names are. The only ones I know I won’t change are Akki Amano, Amaya Izumi, and of course Sayren Fu because she’s, y’know, not my fucking character to change.
Akki becomes paranoid that Caelin is out to get her, that the world is trying to take the one good thing she has. After a few interactions with the other girls- Amaya’s likely involving the murder from 2002 and/or Hana’s death, and April’s being running lines for April’s role in the school play which leaves Akki only more frustrated, Akki finds herself thinking that she can, and has to, get Caelin out of her life. This leads to a confrontation between them in the school bathroom that goes too far, and Akki, still fixated on her mother and the unsolved murder story and the practice with April, ends up drowning Caelin under the running faucet of a sink. Having done that, Akki feels, just like her mother, that she can solve her problems through violence if needed. Because no one matters but her. Between the fear of being found out and her attachment to this boy who doesn’t have a name but should probably be much more fleshed out, Akki begins to spiral into an obsessive paranoia.
April’s mother is dead by the time of the story. She had a good family, and her parents loved her and each other. Actually, her father loved her mother so much that when she fell ill and died, he was unable to cope properly and became withdrawn, depressed and alcoholic, struggling to provide for his daughter. She loves her father, but she finds it exhausting to have to care for herself and her father because of his addiction. She works in town, and almost every nice thing she owns she bought for herself. She knows her dad feels awful about their situation, so she tries not to complain.
Following her mother’s death, she began to lean on her friends, and found herself outcast for needing their support. She socializes with a lot of people, but only has two real friends: Amaya and Akki. They don’t talk about serious issues, but she tries to be there for them both. After Caelin goes missing, April is the first to suspect Akki’s involvement, but she really wants to believe Akki is a good person, so she denies it as long as she can. But knowing that Akki’s suspicious behavior aligns with Caelin’s disappearance, April begins to feel extremely guilty, and becomes paranoid as well, believing that this is all her fault, especially as the situation begins to get worse and worse with people around town disappearing and even being found or confirmed dead. Afraid for Akki and feeling unfairly guilty about the whole thing, it begins to break her as well.
Amaya’s father (and maybe aunt bc I’m stupid) went to the same school as Angel, and because of that, her parents want her to go there too. Amaya struggles socially, and as a result she gets a reputation as a weird loner despite wanting friends because it’s easier and less distressing to avoid people and stick to her own devices. When she finds friends, she becomes very intensely attached, and this is most present through her best friend (and crush) Sayren Fu. She and Sayren both have serious abandonment issues, and they have essentially what Akki has with her crush, but just like Akki, neither of them have realized that what they’re experiencing is unhealthy. They also haven’t realized they’re in love but Sayren will get there first. Amaya has no concept of love that isn’t inherently scary and painful. (They will learn.)
When the police begin to suspect a serial killer, Amaya wants to keep everyone safe. Her desperation to not be helpless and to make everything better overtakes her, and becomes a self destructive need to self sacrifice for everyone else, especially for Sayren.
How things play out I’m not done figuring but I have some ideas that are a bit disjointed (like if April will die, how many people Akki will end up killing and why, if it’s a situation of trying to keep suspicious people quiet, when things with Sayren and Amaya will happen, how April connects to Amaya, what will happen to Akki at the end, etc.)
Well thankfully the only thing I can relate to here is not asking for help when I’m struggling-
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omegasmileyface · 3 years
Not in the Job Description
heres a silly lil Danny Phantom concept based entirely off a half-awake sleep-vision that made me laugh :) my subconscious brain is a genius at coming up with things that make just enough sense to be worth writing
summary: Danny's job at a local restaurant is surprisingly fulfilling, even after being crowned Ghost King. Speaking of that job, however, there are some intricacies to it that are hard to keep in mind during everyday life.
warnings: descriptions of nausea and mild sickness
words: 2180
AO3 link
Honestly, life was going pretty well at the moment for Danny Fenton. He wasn't even worried that it was a false security or a calm before a storm, because this kind of semi-serenity had been going on for more than a year. It was a long-term stability brought about by adaptation and putting in effort to get help and accommodation. Jazz would be proud!
Sometime at the beginning of Junior year, the Observants had chased him down and crowned him High Ghost King (much to the chagrin of both involved parties). It certainly added responsibility to Danny's plate, along with some new sensations and a series of crises (what didn't these days?), but a little political discussion with some of the more powerful ghosts ended with Danny deciding that, at least at the moment, the position didn't require him to do much more than he normally did. More ghosts would seek him out for help and he would do his best, and some "paperwork" (though there was very little paper involved and it was a lot of talking and oaths and rituals and such) happened about monthly. Otherwise, though, the Zone didn't need much more help than that, having survived off an absent King for centuries. Well, and the ambient purpose of the King as a sort of core for the Zone, but Danny didn't have to put in time or conscious effort for that.
Eventually that settled into normalcy, and Danny was back to worrying about the balance of schoolwork, self-care, and fighting. He still hadn't given up on the prospect of someday becoming an astronaut, and he was determined to have the grades for it. Don't get him wrong, he'd gotten way better about that! He'd formed a practiced, if not entirely stable, system that kept his grades at a solid B- / C+, while getting a solid 5-ish hours of sleep most nights and not bottling things up too much. It was about halfway through Junior year that he realized, with some help from his friends, that his ghosts fights were honestly pretty civil, at least against the regulars. Civil enough that he knew they had some respect for him, and was willing to risk asking for help. So a few weeks and awkward but not bad conversations later, and he had agreements with almost all his regular "foes" not to cause trouble within Amity from 11pm to 7am, 3pm on weekdays. It was more than half the day off-limits on school days, and plenty of ghosts made up for it to a degree by making themselves more common during the "permitted" hours, but it greatly increased Danny's well-being and school performance anyway. "Rivals" like Skulker and Technus had enough respect for Danny and his Lair to abide, and plenty even cared that he was taking care of himself, even between frequent sparring. Maybe a few were really just in fear of his new crown, but he chose to cautiously pretend that wasn't a possibility.
After graduation — he made Senior year with all As and Bs! — Danny's parents had encouraged him to get a part-time job over the summer. He had been interning at FentonWorks (paid! His parents might not be the most attentive but they certainly weren't unfair) since he had accidentally revealed himself a few years back, and they had been thrilled to hear that he still intended to go into NASA if possible, and had done whatever they could to help. They recommended the job because, as good as a paid scientific internship was on a resume, it would help to have a variety of activity and the opportunity to get recommendations from employers who weren't liable to nepotism. After searching local businesses, Danny found a small sandwich shop founded by a middle-aged couple who had moved in and set up shop just before the ghost attacks began. Being close to the school but not far from the commercial sector and offering small portable food (no one wants to sit down for a meal when a spirit could come crashing through the window at any moment), the place got good enough business to pay the employees a proper living wage. Better yet, they were allowed to take home unsold food! Not to mention the owners were both very kind women who held smiling conversation with employees and customers alike. Danny was more than lucky to land such a nice job, even if it meant he had to get up at 7 five days a week.
All this is to say that it wasn't as surprising as it could have been that he was having a slow and pleasant day at work.
Both the owners were out for the day on some sort of vacation, so today it was just Danny and a short teenager named Casey manning the place. Most of their orders recently had been online due to an explosion causing road work near the restaurant and it was mid-morning, leaving work slow enough that they could afford to just have the two until lunch shift started. Danny was on cashier duty today, but unless the door bell sounded, he was helping Casey in the kitchen.
"Aw, man, we're almost out of tomatoes."
"Really?" Casey looked up to the shelf Danny was inspecting and indeed saw only 3 tomatoes. "Huh, guess they didn't restock yesterday. Well, we probably shouldn't risk needing more before the day's out, do you want me to go get more?"
Danny shook his head. "Nah, I can go. I think I could use the fresh air." He said that a lot, especially as an excuse when his ghost sense went off, but that didn't mean it wasn't true. He never had liked being confined.
Casey checked the monitor to see if they'd gotten any new online orders. Since there was a grocery store just a block away, any time someone needed a quick restock they tended to just walk.
They looked up to see Danny already had his jacket on and was looking them in the eye. "Would you take over my position until I come back?"
"Of course. Ten minutes?"
With a nod and a smile, Danny was out the back door.
After a moment of habitually wiping down the counters, Casey went up to the register in case a customer appeared.
It was even quieter than before for a few minutes, so they busied themself with mini restocks and organization. They were in the middle of stacking some paper coffee cups when they started to feel dizzy. There had been this subtle pressure on their chest since Danny left, which they figured was anxiety for working the restaurant alone for the first time, and now it had solidified into a warm nausea that flared whenever they exhaled.
With the disinterested panic that came from having strange things happen for years, they wondered if they had missed their medication this morning. A quick glance at their phone, however, showed the notification for it checked off.
Putting the phone back away, Casey noticed the tips of their fingers were somewhat translucent. Alright then, it was definitely something to do with ghosts. Great! Just excellent. The panic was less disinterested this time.
They weren't familiar with any sort of ghost illness that made humans translucent, so they definitely needed to call someone to make sure nothing bad happened. It would be best to call the Fentons' public number so they could go over and get looked over by then. In the meantime, they should call Danny and ask him to hurry back. He shouldn't be much longer anyway.
Casey didn't even get the chance to act on their plan, however, before a short humanoid ghost appeared in the dining area. They didn't look to be up to anything, but Casey reached for the emergency ectoblaster beneath the register anyway. The nausea was getting worse, along with a new chill, and they couldn't be sure this new ghost wasn't somehow causing whatever they were going through.
The ghost looked at them with an expression that was almost desperate. "Ah! Kind human, thank you for your time." The ghost... bowed? "I am Eurusid, from the Spoken Channels. There has been a dispute which damaged public meeting grounds in the center of the Channels, and both groups refuse to allow the damage to be repaired except by the other group."
Casey's eyes narrowed. It was becoming difficult to stand with the dizziness, and if not the ghost himself, then whatever he was saying was probably a hallucination. They didn't even think about responding beyond a detached "what".
It was then that Danny re-entered the back door with the new tomatoes. Good thing, too. At least with another person there, Casey could confirm whether they were hallucinating.
Placing down the grocery bag and shrugging off his jacket in one motion, a skill only gained by years of laziness efficiency, Danny called toward the register. "Back!"
Once he caught sight of the teen, however, all casualness shed itself from his body and he rushed over to hold them. "Man, Casey, you feeling alright? You look really pale." The realization that their form was slightly translucent, despite the firm human heartbeat beneath, was drowned out by him finally noticing the ghost standing a few feet away. The reaction of his ghost sense had been so minor that he had ignored it.
He was surprised to see that he recognized the specter's face, marred as it may have been from worry and confusion aimed directly at Casey. "Eurusid? What's going on?"
As the ghost, still confused but unwilling to act impolitely, gathered his bearings and began to bow toward him, Danny's coworker shuddered under his hands, regaining his full attention. He thought back through the day's events for hints as to the situation, before swearing, cutting off whatever Eurusid was about to say.
Danny backed up and said, voice as clear as he could, "I recall my position."
Casey's reaction was immediate, a gasp of air like they had been kept from breathing and a return of their skin's human opacity. Danny rushed back over and put his hand on their back to steady them as their eyes narrowed and went slightly unfocused.
Figures, doesn't it? One of the many intricacies that had come up at his coronation Junior year that just hadn't come up enough to keep at the front of his mind. One of the defenses of the High Ghost Crown was the ability of the King to temporarily give their duty to someone else. As long as that person accepts, during a specified time they substitute for the King in dealing with political matters, as well as taking over as much as their ability allowed of the King's function to process the energy of the Realms.
Danny had no idea that this ability could be activated with words as vague as "take over my position", let alone that it could be used with a human. That potential had never come up during the ceremony, so for all he knew, a full ghost in his position couldn't substitute with a human. A human certainly shouldn't be able to take over any part of the energy processing, though maybe in Amity Park the average person processed enough environmental ectoplasmic energy to make it possible. Regardless of residence, though, it could not be good for Casey's body, which had no Core to properly process energy and had no human equivalent except perhaps a small emotional center in the brain, to even attempt to filter and manage some of the inherent energy of a dimension.
Their skin was still clammy and their coordination was shot. Ancients, if this is what an accidental substitution did to a human, Danny would have to word things very carefully when asking for help in the future.
"King Phantom?" Danny looked up to see that Eurusid was still floating there awkwardly. Right. He had two people here to help.
"Sorry, Eurusid. One moment, I'll be right with you." He turned back to his coworker, who looked confused and less lucid than ideal, but probably still lucid enough to realize this ghost had just called him "King Phantom". Well, he'd deal with that once it came to it. "Here, Casey, let's get you some water." He helped them walk back into the kitchen and sat them down on a bench by the back door. There was a chair in the register area, but they probably didn't want to feel exposed to the dining area like that, even with nobody but the ghost there.
Once handed the water, Casey sighed and eagerly drank from it, eyes closed. Danny rubbed his hand on their back a bit and promised to be back shortly before walking back out to meet Eurusid. Whatever he was here about was probably worth immediate attention but Danny was sure there'd be at least a solid minute of apologies on both sides before the matter was addressed. Hopefully both the Spoken Channels and Casey would be alright before the next shift came in.
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demig00ddess · 3 years
Sleeping Beauty
Charlie Weasley x MC
Warning: huge spoilers for Year 6 Chapter 18!
    1989.     Middle of the first semester.     The quill in the hands creaked monotonously, writing words on the paper. Professor Binns’ voice and the stifling atmosphere of the office were slowly putting in the trance. Emma bit her cheek more painfully and continued to take notes on the lecture.     Behind the farthest desk, Binns’ rustling voice was hard to hear, so Emma regularly consulted the textbook. Two seats were empty in the first rows. One of them is next to Penny, there was always Rowan. The second — next to Charlie, he occupied it for Emma every lesson. Today Emma quietly slipped into the office just before the start of the lecture so as not to meet with her classmates.     Penny sat down next to Charlie and whispered something in his ear. For some reason, Emma felt as if she had swallowed the bubotuber pus. She shook her head, for sure it seemed to her because of fatigue. She was satisfied with the back seat, but the fact that someone else was sitting in her place next to Charlie was a little annoying. Charlie listened to Penny and nodded absently. He looked around uneasily, trying to see someone or something. Emma was glad that she was safely hidden from the front desks by the backs of her classmates.
    “… delegated authority to Wizn… Wesegn… to Wizengamot.” Emma stubbornly wrote down the professor’s words, despite the fact that her hands were shaking and big blots remained on the parchment.     She felt sleepy, but she could not afford to fall asleep. There was a bright flash of green light in front of closed eyes. The Dreamless Sleep Potion they had been brewing on Potions had run out. The dose from the hospital wing that Madame Pomfrey had advised not to overuse had ended too. But after such a sleep, she got up even more tired.     A flash of green and Rowan’s body falls right in front of her. The friend’s eyes are wide open in surprise, her mouth is slightly open in a silent scream. “Debt collected.” Emma could not bear it, she woke up with a cry and tears in her eyes. The silencing charms she put on her bed every night kept her from waking an already worried Liz. Whatever Merula said, the same charms were imposed on her bed, she could not afford to be considered weak by anyone, not even Izmelda.     Every time Emma closed her eyes, there was a green flash and the body of her best friend fell in front of her. At first, it was only memories of Rowan, but then a deadly beam hit Ben, and he fell dead in front of Emma. Merula died next, then Charlie, Penny, Barnaby, Bill, Tonks. Her friends threw themselves under a killing spell, and she could only watch their lifeless bodies fall to the ground. Emma tried to revive Jae and Badeya, begged Tulip to get up, but they were all dead.     Charlie turned around again and Emma looked away. There was her own cry in her ears when a green beam hit him when the red head hit the ground and her tears fell on the freckles on his still warm face.
    Emma doubled over to stifle the pulling pain and rumbling in her stomach. After eating, she felt sleepy, but she couldn’t sleep. After lights out, she would sit up in the Slytherin common room with her books and send especially curious juniors to the bedrooms.     Most of the teachers averted their eyes from her as if they didn’t want to disturb her. Snape gave her an incomprehensible look as she submitted an essay on the Draught of Living Death a foot longer than he demanded. And Flitwick freed her from homework, after, because of trembling hands, she conjured not a small fountain of water, but a real tsunami, flooding the office.     During the day, Emma wandered and loitered about the castle, avoiding familiar faces. She shunned talking, trying to hide in a niche or take refuge in some class. She felt that some part of her had died and now she could not exist normally. She wandered half-dead.
    An idea came to the head like lightning. Half-dead! Surely! How the thought didn’t occur to her at once. Emma jotted down hastily Binns’ last words.     “Professor! Professor Binns, please wait!” Emma made her way through classmates.     “Um, Underwood? Do you want anything?”     Emma hesitated a little, she didn’t think what exactly she would ask the teacher. The classroom was empty and she finally found the words.     “Professor, I wanted to know about Rowan, Rowan Khanna. She always said that she wanted to be the youngest professor at Hogwarts. Um — Couldn'tshestayherelikeyou?”     “Excuse me?”     “Couldn’t she become a ghost? I mean, you came back to teach students, she could come back too. She would have come up with everything, finish her studies, and then began to teach. I’m sure Professor Dumbledore would have let her! She could have stayed here! Haven’t you… haven’t you seen her?”     Emma blurted it all out in one breath, afraid that the professor would interrupt her. Binns adjusted his glasses and for the first time looked at Emma like that, with the keen, clear gaze that Emma often saw in Dumbledore.     “Miss Khanna was a gifted witch. And for all her love of teaching, she was drawn to explore and learn something new.” Emma stared at the old professor. “So rest assured, Miss Underwood, she went ahead.”     “Went ahead? Where did she go?”     “Unfortunately, I do not possess these facts. But you should know she’s not coming back. I’m sorry, this is a big loss for Hogwarts.” Binn turned and walked through the board.     “For Hogwarts,” Emma repeated. It seemed to her that Rowan had died a second time, again in front of her eyes. She had already seen her friend, ethereal, pearl-silver, but talking to her and laughing. But Rowan went ahead.     Emma stuffed a quill and blob-strewn lecture notes into her bag. She wanted to hide somewhere, in Moaning Myrtle’s toilet or a dark closet. She had no strength to return to the common room.
    At the exit from the class she was caught by someone’s strong hands, Emma jerked sharply, holding a wand to the attacker's neck. She could feel her heart pounding thumping deep in her head. “I have to defend myself.”     “Emma,” Charlie gently moved the trembling wand away from his neck. Emma freed herself from his grasp and dashed down the hallway.     “Emma! I want to talk! Please!”     “Not now, Charlie,” she wanted to hide quickly. Charlie caught up with her and gently turned her around. He didn’t insist but asked. There was not a drop of pity in his bright eyes, they were full of concern. He examined her carefully as if trying to see if she had done something bad to herself.     “You were right,” Emma turned her gaze into his boots. “You better stay away from me. Everyone should stay away from me.”     She turned and walked away. She had already lost one friend and couldn’t bear to lose someone else. Charlie caught up with her again and grabbed her into his arms.     “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I should never have said those words to you. You are my — You’re my best friend and I will be by your side. Whenever you need me, I’ll be there for you.”     Emma shook her head, pulling back.     “Your brothers — ”     “My brothers will support me,” Charlie interrupted her, he was confident in his words. His eyes said that he would not let anyone else hurt her. Emma felt her eyes fill with tears. The students scurried along the corridor and Emma again had a keen desire to hide.     “Come with me,” Charlie whispered in her ear.
    They walked and walked until they came to a sprawling tree near the lake, scaring several of the Hufflepuff freshmen out of there. Charlie hit the ground first, rummaged in his bag, pulled out the sandwiches wrapped in a napkin, and handed it to Emma.     “How long have you not eaten?”     “A couple of days, maybe more,” Emma sat down next to him and sniffed at the sandwiches. “How did you know?”     “Couldn’t find you in the Great Hall.”     Emma took a bite of her sandwich and put it aside, feeling nauseous. Charlie looked at her closely but said nothing. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Emma bit by bit on the sandwich to keep from getting sick.     “I spoke to Nearly Headless Nick. Also asked about… this.”     “What did he say?”     “The same as Binns.”     Emma felt a tear roll down her cheek.     “I saw Rowan’s parents yesterday, they came to pick up her things. I visited them every summer. They loved her so much…”     Emma burst out, talking and talking, ignoring the tears. Charlie just sat there and listened. When Emma finished and exhaled helplessly, he leaned her head on his shoulder and began to speak. He told her stories that he had heard from his mother as a child. He talked about the books he had read. Emma lay on his shoulder and listened, inhaling the scent of grass, honeysuckle, and something else very familiar. She didn’t notice as her eyes began to close, and Charlie’s voice seemed to ring out farther and farther.
    She didn’t get much sleep, Emma woke up from her own scream, she was tossing around, not knowing where she was. She was choking on tears and couldn’t breathe, it seemed that someone had sucked all the air out of her lungs.     “Shh. I’m here, everything is fine,” Charlie’s quiet and soft voice rang out over her ear. He put his arm around Emma, stroking her hair soothingly. She sobbed and grabbed his hand, afraid to let go.     “Do you want me to tell a tale about the fountain of Fair Fortune?” asked Charlie a few minutes later, when Emma calmed down. She nodded.     “Jacob used to tell me this story when I couldn’t sleep.”     “Now you need to sleep too. I’m not such a good storyteller, but I hope you like it. High on a hill in an enchanted garden, enclosed by tall walls and protected by strong magic, flowed the Fountain of Fair Fortune…”
    When Emma woke up, the sun was already setting, she was lying on Charlie’s lap, covered by his jacket. Charlie himself was reading a book, only wearing a sweater. Emma jumped awkwardly and blushed.     “Did you get some sleep?” Charlie pulled out a blade of grass tangled in her hair. The tips of his ears turned pink. Emma nodded in surprise, she slept for hours without nightmares. “You smiled in your sleep. I missed it, your smile I mean.”     Emma flushed and hastily turned away, pretending to straighten her clothes. She vaguely remembered what she had dreamed, but Charlie was definitely there. “Well, he’s your friend, the others must have been in the dream too,” she told herself.
    Charlie had already packed his things, got to his feet and gave her a hand. Emma got up, too, and handed him his jacket.     “Don’t,” Charlie threw the jacket over her shoulders. “You can freeze after sleep.”     “Are we going to the castle yet?” Emma tried to hide the disappointment in her voice.     “We’re in time for dinner. Sit down at the Gryffindor table, okay? You need to eat, and you're boycotting food.” Emma’s stomach purred in agreement. Charlie gave her a bribing look, “Penny also wanted to sit with us while we are allowed.”     “Oh,” at the mention of Penny, appetite disappeared.     “Oh?” Charlie asked. “Did you have a fight?”     “No, I didn’t mean that.” Emma said, not understanding why she was angry at Penny. She always supported Emma and wished only the best for her.     They walked in silence for a few minutes, lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Emma broke down.     “You and Penny have become very close, haven’t you?”     “Yes,” Charlie said simply. “Especially recently. We spend a lot of time together.”     “Oh,” Emma said again, and they both fell silent.
    An unpleasant weight filled Emma’s chest, making her difficult to breathe. She noticed this even during their trip to Romania, but then she wasn’t up to it, she was too keen on their adventure. But since… since the moment… Emma couldn’t bring herself to say what had happened even in her thoughts. For the last couple of weeks, Charlie and Penny have hardly ever parted, and for some reason it hurt her.     Emma was happy for her friends, she loved both Penny and Charlie, as friends, of course. And it was great that they got together. Something was still gnawing at her, but Emma brushed the thought away. She didn’t want to be selfish, and even more she didn’t want to interfere with the happiness of her best friends. Especially in these times.
    “Glad for you,” Emma said already at the castle.     “Sorry?” Charlie snapped out of his thoughts.     “I’m glad for you and Penny, that you’re getting close,” she explained, trying to avoid Charlie’s gaze.     “Thank you,” Charlie looked surprised, letting her into the Great Hall.     “I’ll eat at my table,” Emma said sullenly.     “But — ”     “I’ll eat, I promise. I just… want to eat at my usual place. Alone,” she added hastily, noticing that Charlie had something to say. He nodded and gave her a confused smile.     “Then I’ll see you later, right?”     They went in opposite directions, joining their classmates. A few minutes later, Penny entered the Great Hall and went straight to the Gryffindor table. Charlie said something to Penny, who was smiling contentedly. Emma poked at the broccoli with her fork and looked away from the chatting couple.
    After dinner, Emma hurried down to the dungeons, once again avoiding her friends, and began to write an essay on the Orion constellation. It wasn’t until she was getting ready for bed that she realized that she hadn’t given Charlie his jacket back. Already in bed, having applied a silencing charm, Emma picked up the jacket in her hands, pondered for a couple of seconds and wrapped herself in it, curling up on the bed. The familiar smells immediately enveloped her, and she closed her eyes.     “Cinnamon” flashed through her head in the dream. The smell that haunted her for a long time was the light scent of cinnamon. It smelled like that at home when, years ago, her dad made cinnamon rolls, according to grandmother’s recipe. Emma buried her nose in the jacket and fell asleep with a smile on her face.
    It was the second time in two weeks that she had no nightmares.
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pricklerick · 4 years
Okay, let’s talk about Beth.
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I think the fandom tends to forget how fucking young she is.
Beth got pregnant with Summer when she was seventeen. Canonically, Summer is seventeen. That means Beth can’t be more than 35 in the pilot. At the risk of sounding like an old fart: dude, she’s just a baby. 
Let’s see what we can infer from this information. 
Did you guys know that the prerequisites for veterinary school and medical school are pretty much identical? Basically, it’s four years of undergraduate biology and chemistry, with maybe some math and physics thrown in for fun.
With this in mind, ti’s likely that Beth still planned to go to medical school after she had Summer. We know that Summer is Beth’s favorite child (Morty’s Mindblowers). On top of that, there’s evidence to support that Beth had a pretty big hand in raising baby Summer, while Jerry may have had more of an influence on Morty. Remember this little exchange in Raising Gazorpazorp?
Morty: What do I do if it cries?
Beth: Then you put it down and let it cry itself out.
Jerry: Yeah, right, we tried that technique on Summer, and she's gonna end up stripping, isn't she? Yes, she is. She's gonna strip for attention because she was denied it.
Beth: Stop filling it with your own insecurity! You're gonna turn it into Morty -- uh, mm -- more  -- more of you!
This suggests that Beth kept baby Summer at hime during the day while Jerry worked. It’s easy to imagine Beth taking night classes as the local university, studying like mad to keep a competitive GPA, and justifying her indifference to Summer as “good parenting.”
Beth has Morty when she’s about twenty. This falls a little into headcnon territory, but I think that Beth was a year ahead if her peers academically and probably started college at seventeen. Based on this headcanon, I’m going to say she’s a junior in when Morty is born. 
I think the show makes it pretty obvious that Morty is a mistake. If you really want to get dark, I kind of like the idea of Jerry sabotaging Beth’s birth control in order to get her pregnant because he’s resentful fo her desire for a career in medicine. He sees it as abandonment or some shit, and he also can’t handle the ego-blow of his wife being a doctor. But that’s just a personal theory. Regardless, I think it’s clear that Beth Smith didn’t want to be saddled with another kid.
She probably didn’t want to be saddled with the first. 
Making it through medical school with a toddler is a fucking challenge. Making it through medical school with a toddler and a baby, with a husband who is nebulously supportive at best; well, Beth is a smart woman. She knows an impossibility when she sees one.
Beth is twenty years old, and her dreams have been shattered by her husband and children. I’m sure Jerry makes her feel pretty guilty about how much their family would sacrifice if she continued to pursue her goal of being a surgeon.
Four years, Beth, and the five more years of residency! And you’re talking about fellowship after that! The kids would be teenagers! And how are we going to pay the bills??
Beth settles on vet school for several reasons. First of all - and you better believe she tells Jerry this - what the hell is she going to do with a bachelor’s degree in biology? Teach high school? Even Jerry knows that’s off the table.
But Beth’s already got the prerequisites for acceptance into vet school. Unlike medicine, there’s no residency required to practice as a vet, just four years of graduate study. Some of that is clinical rotations, a much better schedule for balancing family life and academics. Beth tells herself that being a vet is the same as being a doctor; after all, humans are just primates. Besides, there are less than one tenth as many vet schools as there are med schools in the United Staes - it’s just as competitive, more competitive, vein, to become a vet than it is to become a doctor. Sure, she’ll take a pay cut, but she’ll rack up considerably less debt in the process. 
Beth convinces herself that it will all balance out in the end.
She’s a competitive student with a stellar GPA. At barely 22 years old, Beth is accepted into one of the top veterinary promos in the nations, no problem. Jerry pretends to be proud. They don’t even have to move far from Muskegon, but Jerry takes a lower paying position that allows him to take care of the kids while Beth attends class. 
Summer is five years old and startlingly independent. Already, she despises her father. Jerry tells himself that he’s always wanted a son anyway. Morty is young and impressionable, and Beth is never around. 
“It’s just you and me, buddy!”
Beth finishes school in four years. She’s 26, Summer is nine, and Morty is five. She takes a job in a clinic, and for a while, things are okay.
But when she turns 29, something inside Beth snaps. Her twenties are gone. Here she is, mindlessly writing antibiotic orders and spaying cats. Summer is a preteen, Morty is whatever he is. Jerry got a promotion at work, despite his useless civics degree? And Beth?
Beth is bored. 
She briefly entertains the idea of returning to medical school, but dismisses it instantly. Her classmates would be so much younger. They’d find out about her background as a vet and they’d laugh at her. Jerry would whine incessantly. It feels too much like starting over.
So, again, Beth settles for the next best thing.
“I’ve applied for a residency program,” she tells Jerry one evening over a glass of wine.
Three years, she promises. Three years, and then I’m done for good. Equine Surgery, she gushes to Jerry. It’s prestigious, the highest paying specialty in veterinary medicine!
“We’ll have to move!” Jerry protests. Beth justifies it by saying that the salary for horse surgeons is highest in the northeast.
It’s surgery, she tells herself. It’s what you’ve always wanted to do. Horses are big mammals, just like humans are big mammals.
They move to Washington. Jerry takes yet another pay cut. Beth is 30. Summer is 13. Morty is nine.
Washington State’s equine surgery residency is tough. Beth is challenged. She wakes int he wee hours of the morning and falls into bed, exhausted, in the wee hours of the night. 
And for the first time in years, Beth feels alive.
Rick shows up on the doorstep on Morty’s thirteenth birthday. It’s a day of dual-celebration. Morty is finally a teenager, and Beth is finally finished with school.
Beth already feels like she’s in mourning. She’s 33, and she’s at the peak of her career  (you’ll never be smarter than you are in this moment, her favorite mentor had reminded her the day before boards). She starts a job and the horse hospital next week. She’s signed a contract, already received her hefty sign-on bonus.
Then Dad shows up, and all of Beth’s accomplishments fall hollow from her lips. 
She thought he was dead, for christssake.
She introduces Rick to her family: Jerry, her loser husband (cringe, cringe, cringe); Summer, basic teenage bitch (does poorly in school because the would rather be popular than smart); Morty, the fuckup with some learning disability that Beth had never bothered to pay attention to (the real reason that I never lived up to the potential you saw in me, Dad).
It’s enough to drive any woman to drink.
I don’t think I’m too far off the mark here. Beth is so tetchy and self-conscious about her job because she’s relatively new at it - remember the “we’re losing him!” scene in the pilot? She’s incredibly resentful fo Jerry, for all of the reasons. Summer is her favorite child because Beth spent more time with Summer when she was a baby, and she is independent and self motivated - traits that Beth values. She regards Morty with vague disdain, to the point that she hardly remembers his existence, because she was absent for the majority of his childhood. Beth view Morty as “Jerry’s child,” and Summer as hers.
(Quick headcanon that Beth thinks of Morty as looking like Jerry, which just adds to her aversion, when actually, he looks a lot like young Rick. Beth has no way of knowing this, though, because there are no photos of kid Rick Sanchez).
I don’t mean for this post to sound sympathetic toward Jerry, because I’m really not. He’s a hot mess, too. I just wanted to flesh out Beth a little bit, and maybe justify Rick’s choice to clone her. Beth is young; she still has a whole life to live, and she never got the chance to be the woman she wanted to be, or the mom that her kids deserved. 
Rick chose to give her the opportunity to succeed at both.
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Out of Time 2/?
Sam closed her locker forcefully, spooking the poor freshman down the hall. Her parents had tried, again, to put her in some stupid beauty contest with a ridiculous amount of pink on the poster. Apparently, entering a beauty contest (even if it was to make a statement) and then winning meant more exposure for 'someone in her social standard.' She tried to argue her case, but apart from telling them it was all a ploy cooked up by an evil ghost trying to find a wife (which she couldn't do), she had to promise to at least consider it. Besides, it did have a decent scholarship that she could donate to Jazz if she managed to win (rather…. participate). Some good had to come out of her wearing that unholy colour. One thing was for certain… if this happened… the secret was going to her grave.
"What's got you in a mood?" Tucker joked as he walked toward her. A lot had changed for the trio in the past year; Tucker now stood a good few inches taller than her, but still quite lanky. His love of technology had evolved into more than just hacking, even creating a few hologram machines and working directly with the Fentons on new technology. She herself was a little taller, still very much interested in black apparel, but did try to change her wardrobe up a bit. It did irk her a bit that the boys now towered over her; she had to go to more extravagant lengths to mess with them. Tucker leaned against the lockers smirking, waiting for the Goth girl in front of him to answer.
"Parents," she said, shrugging. "Finish the homework for Lancer?"
"Which one?" Tucker asked drily. "History, English or Science?"
Sam scoffed. "Still can't believe Lancer is teaching 3 out of 4 courses this semester. Let alone having him last semester and most of last year."
Tucker sighed dramatically. "Well Sam, when you live in the most haunted city in America, people tend to pack up and leave. I still can't believe Ishiyama is teaching the Juniors now that most of the teachers quit."
Sam hummed in agreement as she looked down the hall. "Any sign of the clueless one?"
"Why, anything important to confess?" Tucker asked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows at Sam. She frowned as she pushed the teen into a set of lockers, looking slightly red. "Geez Sam, I'm only kidding. He texted saying he'll be here soon – something about emptying the thermos." Sam nodded absently as they moved down the hallway. Tucker followed her with a frown. "You know I'm not pushing you to do anything right?" he asked, uncharacteristically genuine in his teasing. "Tell Danny whenever you want, but you can't just repress your feelings forever, no matter how Goth you think it is. I just want you guys to be happy."
Sam smiled gratefully at her friend. "Thanks Tuck." They walked in silence, observing Dash and his football cronies tag team putting a couple freshmen into lockers.
Tucker rolled his eyes as he adjusted his beret. "I definitely don't miss that," he said.
"Shame, I'm sure it would be a fun experiment to see if you still fit into one of these little metal boxes," Sam joked darkly. Tucker elbowed her.
"Hey! I'm just glad Danny's ghost fighting muscles made Dash wary about picking on us. I mean, it still sucks for them but I'm glad I only have to worry about ghosts beating us up now."
Sam rolled her eyes at that. "Your priorities astound me," she said sarcastically.
"Sam! Tuck!"
Both teens whirled around to see Danny bounding down the hallway, backpack half open as he ducked past some students. They watched, half amused, as he tripped slightly, regaining his balance and came to a stop in front of them, breathing heavily.
"Morning," Tucker said flippantly. "Good to see you made it before the bell. Long night?"
Danny smiled wryly. Standing to his full height (which Sam only vaguely noticed was almost the same height as Tucker's), he grabbed his backpack and brought it forward, zipping it closed. "Yeah, I overslept and needed to empty the Box Ghost and Skulker into the zone. I can't believe I made it in on time!"
"I'm sure Lancer will say the same thing," Tucker quipped.
"I resent that!" Danny retorted. "I've been on time 4 out of 5 times a week this school year. Gonna end the year on a high." Danny had been grateful to his parents on taking most of the ghosts during the day while he was at school to avoid the amount of absences he racked up. He still handled most of the big ghosts or attacks nearby, but it was nice to have a backup that didn't involve someone trying to waste him.
"So why'd you oversleep anyway – ghost trouble?" Sam asked. The trio used their lack of popularity to speak openly enough in the halls.
Danny shrugged, not quite meeting her eye. "Just a nightmare," he said as they started to head for homeroom. "Didn't get back to sleep for a while so I did Lancer's homework instead."
Sam and Tucker both frowned worriedly. "Another one?" Tucker asked.
"Yeah," Danny said. Sam noticed that he was trying to push through the topic; her brow furrowed as she recognized his tell. "I remember bits and pieces mostly, but nothing concrete." Out of nowhere, Sam grabbed him by the collar and put him up against the lockers. Bewildered, Danny looked down into the accusing violet eyes of his best friend. "Sam!? Wha-"
"Liar," she accused, pointing her finger threateningly. "Was it like the others?" Danny started to make excuses, but she moved her finger in front of his nose and poked him. "Don't play hero right now. Was it like the other dreams?" Some passers-by stopped to watch the commotion, but once seeing it was Sam and Danny, they shrugged and walked by.
Danny looked at Tucker for assistance, but found that he got no sympathy from his best friend. Tucker was also watching him carefully, concerned but fully supportive of Sam's current interrogation technique. Tucker tilted his head, silently repeating the question.
Danny sighed heavily, making Sam release the boy from her vice grip. "Different images this time," Danny admitted, "Felt the same when I woke. Didn't feel like a dream."
"Dude, you need to tell Ethelwulf," Tucker told him.
Danny shook his head. "Not yet," he said, confusing his friends. "It was definitely just a dream. I'm just thinking about it too much and it's making it worse. I'll tell him eventually."
"Once is a dream. Three times is a coincidence."
Sam looked at him worriedly, before sighing in defeat. "If this happens again, I'm telling Ethelwulf myself," she said, walking into Lancer's English class in a huff.
Danny frowned at her demeanour as he watched her go. He glanced at Tucker who shrugged in response. "She's just worried," Tucker told him. "We both are. The last time you thought you were facing him, you almost exploded with power- literally. These dreams- it's starting to be a pattern Danny. It isn't like you've had dreams that predicted battles before."
"Yeah, but that was planted by Fear," Danny said frowning. Tucker gave him a pointed look. "Okay, I see your point. If it gets worse, I'll let him know."
Tucker smiled. "It's all we ask," he replied. Both boys walked into the classroom and headed to the back of the class where Sam was sitting with crossed arms. "Besides, best not to worry Sam. Her fury is enough to give us nightmares for eternity."
Sam's eyes narrowed darkly, but held a bit of humour to them. "And don't you boys forget it," she said menacingly.
Danny floated in front of a darker part of the Ghost Zone, frowning. He was sure this was the way to Clockwork's tower – now, however, it seemed to have distorted, not having a clear sense of direction. "Weird," Danny muttered to himself. He looked down at the map he was currently holding, trying to regain his place. "I'm definitely in the right area." He floated down closer to the Far Frozen, staring at the large swirling vortex in front of him. It shifted again, showing part of Pariah's Keep and Walker's prison instead of the Observant's Headquarters.
Crossing his arms, Danny sighed. He didn't want to admit how much his dreams were bugging him, but Tucker was right. He couldn't ignore them anymore, and if he was worried about his future self escaping, there was really one ghost to ask before he talked to Ethelwulf. Rather… attempt to ask – Clockwork was never one to come out and say anything directly.
"Great One?"
Danny turned at the voice. Frostbite was floating behind him, worry etched in his features. In his thoughts, Danny had floated close to the edge of the Far Frozen's mountainside, where the yeti leader could easily see him from the main gates. "Hey Frostbite," Danny said in greeting, floating towards him.
"I sensed your core as you approached," Frostbite told him, "You've been floating here for a while."
"I had hoped to visit Clockwork," Danny said, looking back at the darker part of the Zone. "Do you know why that area keeps changing?"
Frostbite frowned, looking to the area that Danny was indicating to. "I see you've noticed," Frostbite said seriously. "While the Ghost Zone is constantly shifting, Clockwork's realm shifts more frequently. It's to ward off any unwanted guests."
"But it's always shown the same path for me," Danny argued. He showed Frostbite his map and pointed to where they were. "Past the Observant's Headquarters, through the valley of gears and then his lair."
Frostbite frowned, looking at the map before turning his attention to the young ghost. "Then perhaps the Time Guardian does not wish to see you, Great One."
Danny frowned at that. Clockwork never prevented him from visiting. Annoyingly refuse him help, sure. Perhaps there was something more going on.
"You seem uneasy, Danny," Frostbite probed. Danny looked at him quizzically, recognizing his name rather than the titles Frostbite usually called him. "Our cores are kin; born of a frigid cold that generates from our birth. I'm able to tell when something is bothering you."
"Is it that obvious?" Danny asked drily. They floated for a moment, staring out into the Ghost Zone in silence. "I've been having dreams," Danny admitted. Frostbite said nothing, giving Danny the invitation to continue. "I faced this ghost – an alternate version of me – who was by far the worst ghost I've ever fought. Worse than Pariah Dark even. For a long time, I was afraid of… well… a lot. Facing him. Becoming him. Sometimes, I catch myself checking if I look like him as I get older."
"These dreams you speak of… do you dream of becoming him?" Frostbite asked.
Danny shook his head. "They don't feel like dreams," he said softly, before he could stop himself. "They feel like glimpses of the future."
Frostbite was quiet for a long time before responding. "What do you see Great One?" he asked.
"Battles mostly; at least three different ones. But last night, I saw him. Or I was him? Either way, he was escaping." Frostbite nodded. Danny shifted in his stance, waiting for Frostbite to say something. "It's probably nothing," he added half-heartedly, not wanting to worry his friend. "The last time I really gave him any thought was over a year ago. I'm probably just stressed or worried or something and it's bringing this back up."
"Perhaps," Frostbite mused, still looking out into the Zone. The larger ghost turned to the teen beside him. "Do you remember what I said to you when you were worried about facing Undergrowth?"
Danny nodded. "Fear is natural and charging into battle despite it is what makes you a hero," he summarized.
"It's alright to fear your dreams," Frostbite continued, "But you should not let it consume you Great One. Dwelling on the unknown has caused many a ghost to fall."
"So, you think I'm overreacting?" Danny asked, a tad hopeful.
"It doesn't matter what I think," Frostbite responded quickly. Danny looked down, crestfallen. "It matters what you think. You're discovering new powers daily, focus on the here and now, not the could haves or what will be. Charge into these battles – these dreams – and see what you find. The answer lies with you."
Danny sighed, frowning. "And if they turn out to be just nightmares?"
Frostbite chuckled. "Then you have your answer." Frostbite's small smile fell as he observed the boy in front of him. "Though, I have a feeling you already know the answer."
Danny at looked at him, confused. "What makes you say that?"
"Would you be looking for Clockwork if you truly believed they were only dreams?"
Papers scattered across the Fenton's kitchen table, making Jazz frown in thought. She only had a few more weeks before the deadlines to accept and she still had no clue where she wanted to go to college in the fall. She had no idea how popular her ghost envy paper would be when she wrote it, but to get accepted to all the schools she applied to? She couldn't believe it. Then again, with the appearance of ghosts in the last year and a half, she assumed there were a lack of applicants in the field. Add her last name into it? Yale, Wisconsin, Cincinnati, Fort Eerie, Harvard came knocking at her door.
Jazz turned her attention to the one in her hand, the modest logo of Amity University staring back in the top left hand corner. It was the obvious choice – close to home, she could help out with the ghost fights, study with two pretty amazing scientists and would probably learn more about a ghost's psyche through her brother and his friends than any professor.
"Make a decision yet?" Jazz turned at her mother's voice. Maddie watched her daughter proudly from the top of the basement steps, a small smile on her face.
"No," Jazz whined, shaking her head. "I thought it would be easy to have all the choices laid out in front of me. It's pretty overwhelming."
Maddie nodded knowingly as she walked to the table to join her. "I remember that feeling. You know Jazz, there's not a wrong choice here. Each one of these schools will give you a top notch education. The question you should ask yourself is if you're really choosing the school that's best for you."
Jazz frowned. "Of course I'm picking the best school for me. I'm the one choosing!"
Maddie raised an eyebrow at her daughter. "Then why do you have all these letters on the table, but one in your hand?" Jazz looked down at the letter in her hand with wide eyes. "Sweetheart," Maddie said gently, "While I'd love for you to stay here with us, you need to do what's best for you. You're smart, capable and all of these institutions want your brilliance. Don't choose what you think is best for us. We want you to be happy. Danny included."
Jazz sighed. "I know," she said softly. "Danny's said the same thing. I just… I don't want to miss anything. I worry."
"Didn't you argue that your brother is more capable than we give him credit for?" Maddie asked skeptically.
"Well… yes," Jazz agreed.
"And wasn't a large reason you didn't want to leave was cause you were worried about Danny not confiding in us readily?"
"Yeah, I mean, he usually keeps things close to the vest-"
"And that you're just making all these excuses because you're trying to avoid how scared you are to leave?"
Jazz sighed. She looked at the letter to Yale and then back to Amity University, conflicted. "What if I deferred a year? Learned a bit more about the family business?"
Maddie sighed, then smiled gently at her daughter. "Choose your own path Jazz; we'll support you no matter what." Jazz smiled back and engulfed her mother in a hug.
They broke apart as Danny flew through the floor and landed on the kitchen floor with a soft thud. "Again?" Danny joked, looking at the table full of acceptance letters and mirroring the tone she had used the day before.
"Ha ha, you're hilarious," Jazz said deadpanned. Danny transformed into his human self and walked over to the table, looking over his sister's and mother's shoulders. "Where were you anyway?"
Danny shrugged, eyes darting across the table. "Fort Eerie too? Wow Jazz, that's amazing!" he congratulated. Jazz beamed at her brother. "I was in the Ghost Zone."
That got the attention of both Fenton women. "I didn't know you were going there today?" Jazz said.
"Did something happen?" Maddie asked, confused. "Your next training session with Ethelwulf is next week isn't it?"
Danny shook his head. "Nothing's wrong," he assured with a smile. "Went to visit a friend, but he wasn't home. Stopped to chat with Frostbite instead."
"How is Frostbite?" Maddie asked. She had only met the yeti ghost once, after Jack insisted on doing an ice training session in the basement. It took a week for everything to defrost.
"He's good, didn't chat much about him though," Danny said, frowning slightly in anticipation. "I mentioned the dreams to him. Wasn't much help but he gave me something to think about."
Jazz turned to him expectantly. "Which was?"
"Just to trust my instincts," he told them. "Said it wasn't good to dwell on what could have been or what will be and just trust myself. Gonna mention them to Ethelwulf next week if I can't see Clockwork." He turned back to the table full of paper. "Speaking of could haves, have you picked one yet? The suspense is killing me."
Jazz simply glared at her little brother. "No," she retorted, choosing to ignore his pun. "But I love the pressure you're putting on me. A real motivational speech."
Danny picked up the letter from Yale and handed it to his sister with a sigh. "I would have thought it was a no brainer," he said, giving her the piece of paper. "It's always been your dream to go to Yale. There's nothing stopping you! Just say yes."
Jazz smiled softly at her brother as she locked eyes with Maddie. Their mother nodded encouragingly at her as she looked at the two sheets of paper in front of her. "Thanks," she said to both of them.
Danny hugged his sister tightly before transforming back to his ghost half. "I promised Sam and Tuck I'd meet them after I visited Frostbite – you mind if I miss dinner Mom?"
"Just don't be out too late Danny," Maddie reminded him. With a small wave indicated he heard her, he went intangible, flew up and out of the house. Maddie chuckled softly and shook her head. "That boy never sits still."
Jazz watched her brother go with a smile, before looking down at her hands once more. She was ready to make the decision. She looked back to the table and sighed as she glanced at her choices again. Maybe.
He couldn't remember what he was dreaming about – it was lovely and warm - but he was very aware when it shifted. Danny fell with a thud, ungracefully hitting the ground face first. Groaning, Danny looked around in the darkness around him. "Ow," he muttered, picking himself up from the ground. It was pitch black…the only other light source coming from…
"Phantom?" Danny asked, spotting his ghost half sprawled out in front of him. The ghost in front of him opened his green eyes quickly and scrambled upright, staring back into the blue eyes of Danny Fenton.
"What are you doing here?!" they asked at the same time. Phantom groaned in annoyance.
"Here we go again. Mindscape?" he asked, looking around.
"Looks like it," Danny agreed. "But why now? Last thing I remember, I was very much asleep."
Phantom nodded. "Could be a dream?" he speculated.
Danny shook his head. "Doubtful, I definitely feel awake. So why are we here?" Fenton waited expectantly as Phantom looked around. The white haired ghost sighed exasperatedly as he crossed his arms.
"No idea."
"Great," Danny replied drily. "Just what I need; you annoying me while I'm awake and while asleep."
Phantom scoffed. "Like we have any time for that," he said with a frown. Phantom lit up a hand with green ecto-energy, trying to illuminate their surroundings a little more. There was nothing else there. "Our core must have split us for a reason," he said. "The last time we were here, we were using too much raw energy on the shields."
Danny frowned. "But we aren't using any energy now," he said. "Raw or otherwise. We're asleep. We're not using-" Danny trailed off, realizing what he was saying. He turned to Phantom, deadpanned. "Oh hell."
"What?" Phantom asked. It took him a second before he realized it too. "Damn," he swore. "I guess Frostbite was right."
The world lit up around them, various images and battles swirling around as if they were in the eye of the hurricane. When the images settled, both teens found themselves in a large tower, with many clocks and gears hanging from the green castles. Viewing screens with similar images of the battles they had just witnessed danced across it, giving a more ominous presence to their new setting. The sounds of many ticking clocks worked overhead.
"Clockwork's tower?" Danny questioned, looking around the room. Phantom walked around, observing their surroundings. Danny followed suit, exploring what he remembered from the last time here was here. The walls were bare; where many time medallions hung now was empty at the top of the tower. "The medallions are gone."
"No sign of Clockwork either," Phantom called back. "Wonder where he-" Phantom cut himself off, gasping. "Fenton, back up. Slowly."
Noticing the quick change in tone, Danny turned to Phantom in confusion. The ghost was staring at something in his direction with a hard glare. His body was ridged, almost on edge; Danny could feel the anxiety building up within him. Turning back, he gasped as he saw it; the old thermos, battered, dented and most noticeably - cracked.
Danny took a couple steps backward to be side by side with his ghost half. "This can't be real," he whispered in horror.
"Can't it?" Phantom quipped back. "We knew Clockwork had the thermos; Clockwork never told us what he did with it."
"But he just left it there. All this time?"
The thermos rattled, making both boys jump in response. Another crack appeared, this time going down the centre of the thermos. It hissed as a blue light shone from within.
"No," Phantom whispered in dread.
"We gotta go," Danny said, worriedly. "Dream or not, this isn't going to end well if we start fighting."
"We need to know," Phantom argued back. "Frostbite said to trust our powers; we need to know if this is real." Danny felt the onslaught of emotions coming from his ghost half and realized that he was right; if this was a new power, they needed to know if they could trust it.
Danny swallowed as the thermos crackled this time. After a few tense moments, the thermos exploded in a whirl of white and green flames. Phantom quickly put a shield around the two teens, still waiting in anticipation for what was to come.
The light from the explosion was blinding even through the shield. By the time it died down, Danny blinked back stars to see the figure in front of him.
His white and black cape billowed around the flames as white boots touched the ground. Flaming white hair ignited menacingly as Dan Phantom walked out of the flames, laughing. His red eyes turned to the two wide eyed teens under the shield, a sadistic grin plastered across his face.
Danny, wake up!
"Hello Danny," Dan drawled, raising his hand toward the shield, lighting it with green ecto-energy. "And goodbye." The ectoblast hit the shield and the world exploded with pain. A scream… or was that his scream? The pain was getting almost unbearable. It was almost as if his core was imploding…
They were fighting now, the wails colliding bouncing off each other as they were locked in combat. He felt himself fading but there was no way of knowing for sure…
Son! You need to wake up!
He was tired… run ragged from the battles before. Whatever he managed to heal was definitely not healed anymore. The raw energy in front of him flowed through his veins as it battled against the dark red eyes of his worst enemy. It intensified now, all consuming. He couldn't take it….
Danny sprung upright, eyes shooting open and gasping for air. He's out. He's back. There was a loud clattering noise around him and jumped, hitting whoever was shaking his shoulders in the chest. They put the arms around him tighter. Thinking he was still in danger, Danny tried to transform, but nothing happened, his panicked breathing getting quicker.
"Danny it's me," his father whisper shouted, trying to get Danny to look at him. "It's okay, it's just me."
Above the sound of his breathing, Danny relaxed slightly as he heard his father's voice. Jack breathed with him, trying to get him to calm down. They sat there for a few minutes before Jack spoke again.
"I came to check on you," Jack said quietly, watching Danny apprehensively as he continued to stare wide eyes at the wall gasping for air. "You were making things float around the room, kiddo. It took me a while to wake you. Must have been some dream."
Danny shook his head and swallowed. "That," he said breathlessly, "Was no dream." He pushed away from his dad's grasp as he got out of bed. He was halfway across the room when he tried to transform again. It failed again, this time sending a series of white sparks through his form, causing the boy to fall with a shout.
"Danny!" Jack yelled running to his side. "What's wrong?"
Danny shook his head again. Gritting his teeth, he focused his energy and finally transformed through the sparks into his ghost half. He heard his father yell for Maddie and Jazz, but Danny could only focus on one thing. He's back. Protect the town. He flew up to the Ops Center, ignoring the cries from his father as he left. Protect your home.
Standing at the edge of the Ops Center, Danny stood firmly in place, ignoring the sparks coming from his core. Protect the town. Focusing on the energy within him, his right eye turned blue as an emblem of light appeared at his feet, his logo shining brightly beneath him. The light turned green as energy shot out from the circle. His body glowed as energy flew straight up out into the air. Hitting its mark in the sky, the energy started to encase the town, creating a large dome overtop. The dome continued, widening to the limits of the town. The circle at his feet connected with the dome overhead, trapping the town inside. Danny continued to pour as much energy as he could into the shield, until finally he faltered backwards and collapsed onto his knees, panting from the effort.
He's back. Dannyheard his family shouting for him as they reached the top of the Ops Center. Stamina finally giving in, Danny reverted back to his human self as they came around him.
His father came in front of him, kneeling down and locking eyes with him. "Danny," he said with concern. "What is it? What did you see?"
Still panting, Danny turned to his sister, who looked at him with fearful eyes. "He's out," he whispered hoarsely; dread pooling in the bottom of his stomach as the reality of his words finally sank in.
Jazz gasped, their parents looking at their children in alarm and concern.
"Who's out?" Maddie demanded. "Danny what are you talking about!?"
"Danny, are you sure?" Jazz asked worriedly. "Couldn't this all be a-"
"No," he grunted. White sparks again awakened at his chest. He closed his eyes tightly as he tried to weather the overuse of his powers to explain. They were all in danger. "He's back Jazz. He's coming." More sparks went through the boy's frame making Danny groan in pain. He tried to battle through it, but eventually Danny pitched forward into Jack's arms, unconscious.
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birchworld · 3 years
Manga Recommendation - The Golden Sheep
金のひつじ (Kin no Hitsuji) / The Golden Sheep
Author: Kaori Ozaki Publisher: Kodansha  English Publisher: Verticle
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Run Time: Sep. 25th, 2017 – Feb. 25th, 2019
Volume 1 Release: March 23, 2018 Volume 2 Release: September 21, 2018 Volume 3 Release: April 23, 2019
Eng. Volume 1: September 24, 2019 Eng. Volume 2: December 10, 2019 Eng. Volume 3: March 10, 2020
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“ Winter of junior year. Not quite able to become adults, we couldn’t stay as we were as children, either. Our tale explores a group of teenagers and their impatience and rebirth. “They say if you write down your wish, bury it under Sheep Tower and then dig it up after 7 years and 7 months, your wish will come true … ”Tsugu Miikura, a high schooler who loves to play guitar, had moved away due to family circumstances from the rural town where she spent her childhood. After several years, she’s back in her old hometown. She reunites with her childhood friends—Sora, Yuushin, and Asari—the friends she’d buried a time capsule with back in elementary school. Tsugu is overjoyed to be with her friends once more, but the bonds that she thought would never change have in fact started to grow major cracks … “ 
Source: https://kodansha.us/series/the-golden-sheep/
*Spoilers Beyond This Point* For review, and links....
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Review - 4/5 
Content Warning: Discussion of s*cide and similar themes, bullying, absent parents, and animal cruelty/abuse.  If any of those topics are triggering to you, or upsetting, feel free to skip to links
Volume 1 of The Golden Sheep was a single sit read for me! I read the majority of it in the car, and for the most part it was a great first volume! This series is Kaori Ozaki’s second manga, preceded by “The Gods Lie” in 2013.
The manga, itself, deals with heavy themes from the get go.  Main character, Tsugu Miikura, and her family struggle with an absent parent. Their father stays in Tokyo as the five girls move back to their old, rural town. Here, she meets up with three of her old friends: Asari, Sora, and Yuushin.
However, the group begins crumbling beneath Tsugu’s feet. Asari, jealous by Tsugus connection and relationship with Yuushin (her childhood crush), begins to neglect and ignore her. The group Tsugu used to eat lunch with abandons her, leaving her to eat alone.
Tsugu, awhile after, realizes Yuushin isn’t the same “good kid” with good grades he was when she moved. His father was revealed to have slept with a high school girl, and the school quickly turned on him. Saro began to leave Yuushin behind, avoiding interacting and hanging out with him. As a result, Yuushin begins to gain ties with the bad crowd. He begins to bully Saro, beating him and stealing his money.
Tsugu realizes this when she’s on a walk with her sister’s daughter and finds the group standing on the bridge, with Saro about to jump off at Yuushins request when Saro had come to get his dog back from the other.  Saro runs off, and Yuushin leaves with his friends.
Following this event, Tsugu attempts to return the dog to Saro after finding that Yuushin is about to allow his friends to stone the animal to death. However, when his grandmother reveals he hadn’t come back, she goes on a search for him. She finds him locked in an abandoned car, in an attempt to pass from the exhaust from an open flame cooking some meat, and breaks him out using her guitar.
They speak for awhile, Saro fills her in on what she’d missed while away in Tokyo. The two decide to run away to Tokyo to live out their respective dreams, Tsugu a guitarist, and Saro as a manga illustrator.  There, they find Tsugu’s father after he responds to one of her texts. The manga ends when they arrive to an apartment he’d told them to stay at.
I really enjoyed the story! There aren’t too many manga out there that depict those in Saros situation who, instead of getting help, react negatively. As someone who’s struggled how he has, I know the feeling and could really feel myself in him. The four main characters feel real and alive, they don’t just feel like plot devices to either feel sorry for or to hate. They’re complex characters motivated by the wrong reasons, or their own problems. The content was raw and unfiltered, providing a warning at the beginning, and it was almost comforting to know that my old struggles, and so many’s current struggles, were real and that it was okay to go through.
I think my only issue was Asari and Tsugu as characters. I felt they were rather plain, but Tsugu got better as the story progressed. I felt myself having to close this manga more often than others that deal with serious topics as well. I felt like I couldn’t bring myself to read it, but couldn’t bring myself to stop either.
It’s probably one of my favorite series of this genre and I can see myself picking up the second volume.
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Links - Shop, Reviews, etc.
At the time of writing this, the paperback version of “The Golden Sheep” is unavailable, however the kindle version is available for $7.49 
Barnes and Noble Available for both paperback and kindle with $12.95 and $7.49 (respective) pricetags
Kodansha US https://kodansha.us/series/the-golden-sheep/
My Anime List https://myanimelist.net/manga/113409/Kin_no_Hitsuji
Good Reads https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/45554788-the-golden-sheep-vol-1
That’s all for now! Thank you for reading and have a good day <3
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hanamakkiss · 4 years
Pros and Cons
Matsukawa Issei x reader
summary: Being childhood friends with Oikawa and Iwaizumi had a few perks, it's all worth it when one of those perks came in the form of one(1) Matsukawa Issei.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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At the start of their last year of high school, Oikawa and Iwaizumi started hanging out with a girl. Walking her to school, sometimes eating lunch, chatting in hallways. Oikawa's fanclub went nuts at the sight. Mattsukawa Issei, however, thought you were cute. He expressed this to Hanamaki, who agreed, wondering when Oikawa would mention her, because she certainly didn't look like a new girlfriend.
The conversation never came.
Three weeks in, Makki breaks.
"So, who's that girl thats been hanging around you two lately? She doesn't look like Oikawa's new girlfriend," he sets down his lunch tray. Mattsun stiffens next to him.
"Hm? Oh her? She's just a friend," Oikawa replies nonchalently, sliding in next to Iwaizumi.
After a minute of silent eating, Iwa decides to answer, "She's a childhood friend of ours, moved away during junior high and just came back," he swallows, "her mom asked us to help her settle in."
"Why'd you tell them? I wanted them to beg," Oikawa wailed before turning back, "Why, you wanna meet her?" he tilts his head.
"Oh it's not me who's-"
"Speak of the devil and she shall appear," Iwaizumi sighs, glancing in the direction you were approaching from.
You marched up to them, eyes fixed on Oikawa, Mattsun thinks he sees him tremble a little, "Kawa! Didn't you promise to introduce me to some handsome-" you eye the two infront of him, "Oh, hi! You guys from the volleyball club? Kawa?" a big smile makes it way unto your face.
Oikawa dramatically sighs before ceding to your request, "Guys, meet yn. Y/n, meet Matsukawa and Hanamaki," he gestures to them respectively, the former gives a small wave while the latter grins. Iwazumi looks apologetic when u wave enthusiastically.
Makki laughs, "What makes you think we're from the volleyball club?"
The reply is immediate, "Only club members can stand being around Oikawa," earning another laugh and a smirk from Mattsun.
You turn back, "So when are you gonna let me meet the rest of them handsome boys?" you wiggle your eyebrows smugly.
Iwa looks dead inside, "You can watch us practice one of these days." You beam. "Thank you! This is why you're my favourite," you give him a side hug which he returns. Oikawa scowls.
Makki pipes up, "Anyway, who do you think is handsome in the volleyball club?"
"Oh!" you clap, eyes lighting up, "Well, Iwawa is handsome!" you look them over, "And so are Matsumaki and Hanakawa..." the two of them grinned at each other, letting the messed up names slip by.
"What about me?" Oikawa pouts.
"Hmmm.... you're not so much handsome as you are pretty..." you trailed off, finger tapping on your chin. Oikawa beams.
Makki chimes in, "yea, pretty ugly,"
"Yes thank you! I was looking for that word!" the two of you high-five. Oikawa deflates, sulking.
"Yea but anyway speaking about hot guys," you redirect the conversation to where it matters, "there's that one second year- you know that one, with the cropped blonde hair-" you gestured to your head, "who's so hot, just thinking about his hands wrapped aroun-" Iwaizumi somehow slaps a hand across your mouth, effectively silencing you. You would be mad if his blush wasn't so amusing.
Mattsun's chokes, did she just...? He turns to Makki, who's face is frozen with glee.
"OK! Your mom would be so disappointed in us if we let you continue," Oikawa lightly slams his hands on the table, standing. "Thats enough of you for today, we'll see you again after school," he guides you away from their table.
"My mom would be disappointed in you if she knew how you treated girls but we don't talk about that do we?" you retort while pushing his hands off you, "but I get the hint," you scowled. Mattsun is silently holding back laughter while Makki snorts endlessly.
Turning to the rest, "Bye guys! Hope to see you two again," you winked and Makki grins, Mattsun gives you a small smile (you'll take what you can get) "Bye Iwawa! I'll be waiting for you later!" you blow him a kiss for good measure. He rolls his eyes but grunts in acknowledgement.
"Bye Kawa," you walk away.
"Hey, what's with that attitude?" he huffs before returning to his seat. You wave your hand without turning back.
He settles back into his seat.
"So, that's her, are you satisfied now?" Oikawa asked.
"Why didn't you introduce us sooner? She's fucking hilarious," Makki grins, "invite her to practice soon, I'm sure Mattsun's itching to talk to her," he side-eyes the other boy, who glares back, silent. They're patient.
"She's interesting," he finally admits, Makki's smirk grows. "Is that all? Didn't you tell me that she was cu-oof" he shuts up after a sharp stab to his ribs.
Oikawa mimics wiping his eye, "Oh, they grow up so fast, Mattsun's finally taking notice of a girl," earning him a whack from Iwa.
"No one wants to hear that from you, you disgusting flirt," he grunts before addressing Mattsun, "besides, you barely even interacted with her, and she can be a handful sometimes, are you sure she's the one you're interested in?"
"Calm down sheesh, it's not like I like her or anything, she just looks fun to be around," he stabs at his food, piercing the poor chicken. "can't I think she's funny platonically?"
They stare at him, "Okay~" Oikawa sings, ending the discussion. The conversation moves to other topics, leaving Mattsun to peacefully analyse your interaction.
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Later in the week you appeared at one of their practice games. Walked in half-way and made your presense absolutely known.
"GO IWAWA! SPIKE THAT BALL LIKE IT'S KAWA'S HEAD!" you scream from the bleachers. Iwa smashes the ball down. He gives you a wave and an evil smirk. Oikawa turns a shade paler. Makki looks delighted.
Damn, Mattsun snorts, that’s a helluva entrance.
The fangirls nearby glared when Oikawa and Iwaizumi specifically greeted you in between plays. He notices you stiffen a little before flashing them a toothy grin with a thumbs up. Weird, he notes before focusing back on the game.
You stay til the end. Even while they’re cooling down, you stay seated, scrolling through your phone. He discreetly takes in your relaxed form, the way you lean back on one hand while using your bag to prop up the hand using your phone. He hears Makki’s voice next to his ear, breaking up his thoughts. “So, when you gonna stop staring and ask for her number?” Fuck, he thanks his parents for not passing him the gene of blushing easily. 
“I wasn’t staring,” he switches the hand he’s stretching, “I just happened to be looking that way,” his tone is harsher from the embarrassment of being caught.
Makki laughs, “Dude, just stop being a coward and ask for it, she already thinks you’re hot,” 
Oikawa’s head whips over, “What? You want her number?” he asks loud enough for you to hear, causing Iwa to roll his eyes. You jolt from your phone. 
“Hmm? What’s that? You guys good to go home?” you ask absent-mindedly, going back to your phone, a slight furrow in your brow.
“Y/n, weren’t you paying attention? Mattsun wants your number,” he knocks your head lightly.  
At this, you come alive, giving the mentioned boy an absolutely shit-eating grin, phone forgotten in your hand, “Oh? Sorry, I’m a little lost, what was it you wanted again?” 
This little-, he takes a breath, two can play this game, he smirks, “I wanted to ask for your number, but since you seem so unwillingly to give it, maybe I’ll just try elsewhere.” He’s makes a move to turn away, grinning when you stop him. Hook, line and sinker.
“Wait! Okay okay I’ll give it to you since you asked so nicely.” I don’t remember asking, his grin conveys. You pout as you exchange numbers. Oh well, all roads lead to Rome, what matters is I got his number, you comfort yourself. 
When you turn your attention back to Oikawa, you find the three of them huddled together, a little away from the two of you, chatting seriously.
“Hey!” making your way over to them, you disrupt their conversation, “Ya’ll ready to go home? I’m tired,” you flop unto Iwa, forcing him to carry your weight. 
He sighs, “We’ll grab our bags, just wait here,” before standing you up properly.
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The three of you make your daily walk home, air filled with easy conversation.
“So,” Oikawa starts, “what about Mattsun?” you nearly fall while balancing on the curb, Iwa pulls you back (be careful!)
Your face is pink, “He’s,” you turn away from their knowing glances, “cool.” 
“Just cool? That’s not what your face says,” he peers into your face, laughing. You hurriedly push him away, sputtering excuses you can’t remember.
“Iwawa! Save me from this monster,” you whine, hands still pushing Oikawa’s cheek.
“Mmhm, he spares you a glance, “as far as all your past relationships go, he’s not a bad guy,” he chuckles at your betrayed expression. 
“See? Even Iwa agrees, Mattsun is a catch,” Oikawa praises, “Maybe you’ll finally stop getting your heart broken,”
You turn even redder, and on deciding that you won’t be able to win, you shut your mouth and start power walking. Laughter filled the air as they easily kept pace. 
That night Mattsun adds you to a groupchat with him and Makki.
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Edit: added line breaks!
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
"Padfoot mate, you don't really think you think," he cut himself off and went cross eyed before trying again, "I mean that Harry is-" then he stopped again for the ludicrous statement couldn't even manage to pass his lips.
Sirius watched with some distant form of amusement as James struggled to find words, a concept in itself, as he ran his fingers hard through his hair and tried to find a way to answer. "What if I do? All those stories we've heard about what happens to those in Azkaban, what makes you think that didn't happen to me after twelve years? Turning into a dog could only have saved me so much-"
"Don't," James snapped, his eyes darkening by the second. "I can't stand thinking of you like that, it's never going to happen."
"It's already happening Prongs," Sirius whispered back. "What if we can't stop this, it's all supposed to happen in less than a year! People will start going missing, and then Dumbledore's going to come around and get you and Lily to go into hiding, and I'll do it again, I swear I will, I'll hunt down that rat bastard and-"
"Think what you're saying," James snapped, fighting hard not to knock him upside the head while he did. "Future tense mate, we'll find a way to stop this happening well before then, so stop acting like it's inevitable already. You're not going to turn into that, I refuse."
Sirius still couldn't seem to take his words to heart, gazing at a picture Lily had hung up on the wall of a forest that had branches swaying in the wind, an occasional critter flipping in and out of sight. It reminded him of the Forbidden Forest, where he'd had so many happy memories, and it scared him how tainted those already were, and kept reminding him it was only going to get worse. "It's my worst nightmare come to life, I don't know how but the universe did that to me. Made me go as mad as my folks, in a different way I'll grant but all the same, and then jailing me right back there."
  "It's not going to happen," James repeated, and would keep doing so until it sunk through his thick head.
They met eyes, Sirius almost absently saying, "you have always been around to remind me of that," and then quickly flipped subjects before even the notion of this no longer existing could linger, "honestly though, I thought you were going to bring me up here to rib me for talking to Harry like that."
James snorted and rolled his eyes, forcing himself to relax as he seemed to think he'd accomplished something. "I'd be remiss if you didn't tell Harry he wasn't having enough fun in his life. I still think you should show up at Hogsmeade and show those three what we used to get up to, Harry needs more fun in his life and he's clearly not getting it from his friends."
Sirius bit at his lip as he realized Harry wasn't getting that from him either, he'd been far too consumed with his own pity party, but at James' words, he was now at least holding out hope it would come true soon.
James watched as Sirius was already starting to fall back into wallowing, and he couldn't let that stand. Sirius was usually his inspiration to start all the madness they got up to, seeing him so low now truly was doing something to him he could hardly put into words, and he desperately hoped that the next time Sirius' name came up it would be in some form of his release back into a normal life already, he'd suffered long enough for it. For now he grasped his shoulder with a tight squeeze before actually managing his old laugh back and saying, "come on now, let's see what kind of mass destruction the school causes in rebellion against whatever that stupid comment of Percy's was. Dumbledore not in charge, pfft, Fudge couldn't do any such thing."
Sirius did at least smile as he followed him back for that, any talk of setting Umbridge in the area with the twins was bound to cause a laugh, which he was hoping to hear from soon. The methods she used on Harry weren't going to hold long.
Lily and Remus were still very concerned by whatever that reaction had been, but also knew James was the best, if not the only person Sirius would get help from with it and so were plenty satisfied to see him not visibly lingering on it when they came back.
Harry most of all wanted to persist on the subject, as he felt like he'd let Sirius down in some way, but when his godfather flopped down beside him with a normal smile in place Harry just couldn't bring himself to mess it all up again when his dad had clearly seemed to comfort him about it. So as James picked up the book and began, they were all feeling almost slightly hopeful again this was all going to somehow work out.
They'd expected to have to comb the paper to find this mysterious article, but instead it was right on the front page, with a very large shot of Umbridge accompanying it.
"Urgh, as if you don't get enough of that around the castle, now you've got closeups," James crinkled his nose in disgust.
The title read the woman's new position as High Inquisitor.
"Why do I already have a bad feeling about whatever the hell that made up title is?" Remus sighed.
"You've got good instincts," Harry's eyes were already narrowed with dislike.
Harry asked what that could mean, as Hermione began reading the article about the Ministry passing new legislation giving itself new levels of control inside Hogwarts.
James struggled to understand even the first sentence! What did that mean, the Ministry had control over their school?
Lily had her lips very tightly pursed as her mind flew through the ramifications of that. Hogwarts had always been of its own body and under the guide of the current Headmaster. This had allowed for a lot of free will inside the school outside of Ministry influence which many considered a good thing, as it left the children to grow up and form their own opinions of what they thought were right and wrong. Now their own government was more than actively stepping in as more than just a substitute teacher role? Just what the hell was Umbridge going to have these students doing? Aside from torturing them!
James looked to his friends like he was hoping for some kind of clarification from them, but both seemed just as confounded by the idea.
The Minister had been growing uneasy about the goings-on of the school for a while, says Junior Minister Percy Weasley.
"Did they have to post his title? I find that entirely unnecessary as of course his Junior would agree with him," Sirius scoffed.
"I just wish they hadn't said his last name, marks a bad light on all the Weasleys," Remus rolled his eyes for poor Arthur and his reaction to further seeing his son agreeing with all this.
Minister Fudge is now responding to the concerns from anxious parents who were concerned of the direction the school was moving in.
"Then they should talk to the Headmaster, and deal with this in house as it's always been," Lily stated absently, still trying to wrap her head around how this abrupt change had just sprung up overnight and it was entirely allowed.
This was not the first time Fudge had been seen influencing the school of late, as of the end of August he'd also enacted Educational Decree Number Twenty-two, giving the Ministry power to elect a teacher at the school should the Headmaster or mistress not find a candidate.
"Oh that's even better, they've been at this since the summer," James said in exasperation, already a spiel of comments he could imagine his parents saying if they'd heard about this.
Weasley continued speaking about how this was how Umbridge had begun her time there, and she was an immediate success-
"Let's put Percy in detention with her and see how long he holds that," Harry said grimly as he rubbed absently at the back of his hand.
"He'd have to be set up to be put in there, and even then I'll bet he could kiss her arse out of it," Sirius growled, perhaps even more darkly than he should have just for having to watch Harry do that.
Harry cut in there to protest the absurdity of that statement, but Hermione shushed him and kept reading about Percy saying she was revolutionizing the teaching of Defence Against the Dark Arts.
"By not teaching them! Yeah, I'd say that's revolutionary!" Remus balked at the absurdity.
The success of this function lead into current Educational Decree Number twenty-three, the creation of the High Inquisitor. A position that allowed the Ministry to evaluate the teachers on premises and make sure they were up to scratch to be teaching future youths. Professor Umbridge had delightfully accepted this role along with her teacher's position.
Lily had to swallow a bitter taint as she almost realized what a good idea that could have been coming from anyone else. Abysmal teachers like Lockhart and Snape wouldn't have been a problem then...but that's not what this job was really doing, and she knew it full well, so didn't bother speaking it.
These new transitions had received much support from parents who had children attending school.
"I do not believe that," James scoffed. "If my folks had heard the Ministry was weaseling around inside Hogwarts they'd have thrown a fit. They never have before and they're just suddenly doing it now after they've spent the summer campaigning what a mentally unstable person Dumbledore was? That doesn't seem the least bit suspicious it's all happening at the same time?"
Lucius Malfoy being quoted as saying his mind was much more at ease knowing Dumbledore was being put under evaluation.
"Ah, well at least that support suddenly made sense," Remus scowled.
The paper continues in saying this was something that should have long since been done considering the controversial appointments over the last few years, including half-giant Rubeus Hagrid, a delusional ex-Auror known as Alastor, Mady-Eye, Moody, and the werewolf Remus Lupin.
Remus suddenly felt such a sharp twist of fear in him he retched on the spot and felt lucky he didn't vomit. He'd never been afraid of attention before, unavoidable when you made friends with James and Sirius, but the fact that his name was actually being thrown out like that honestly made him question how he was even still alive. After all, the last werewolf that had ended up in the papers had a hole hunt formed around him-
Sirius gently cut off this train of thought by smacking Remus upside the head and saying, "knock it off Moony, if they haven't done anything to you before now they're not going to suddenly start just because the Ministry is pushing in. You're long gone, clearly not making a bid to come back, and Dumbledore's got you doing that shitty arse underground work that leaves you so far off the radar anyways it's a miracle if you'll even be reading this."
Remus almost found the comfort somewhere in there, at least his body stopped trying to throw up.
Harry was honestly curious enough to interrupt what this mysterious underground work was. He'd long since gathered it had something to do with Remus staying in contact with other werewolves, but he still longed for details he decided against asking even now because it was such a touchy subject for the poor guy.
Others were not as enthusiastic about these changes, two of the Wizengamot had quit in protest of this.
"While I applaud them," Lily nodded sadly, "but it's almost a backfire on them as well, for the same reason Tonks and Arthur haven't quit their post yet. They do more good holding their tongue and staying on the inside."
"That method ceases being useful when it's all you end up doing," James scowled, though at Harry for holding his tongue far too often.
One being quoted as saying that was a school, not the next outpost for Fudge, this was only further attempts to discredit Dumbledore.
Sirius gave a merry little applause for that bit at least, thankful that this had been put into the paper at all the way it was running lately.
The article ended then with the ominous comment how one of those who had quit had details of goblin subservice groups on a separate page. Hermione said at least now they had their reason of Umbridge being here, and now she could go and inspect all of their teachers? This was outrageous!
Harry agreed with his fist tightly clenched, the words etched into his hand already a dull white instead of having vanished.
James saw red as he realized four days had already been enough to put that mark into his skin. Years later and it was still there. None of them had the delusion this wasn't going to happen to Harry again, and he doubted he could read through it without screaming some more no matter how little good it would do.
But a grin was unfurling on Ron's face.
"I immediately like where his thoughts went," Sirius piped up at once as the same grin appeared, thinking of that foul toad trying to inspect someone like McGonagall and blissfully aware who was going to come up on top.
They asked what he found to smile about, and he said he couldn't wait for Umbridge to inspect McGonagall, the toad wouldn't know what hit her.
The others caught on as well, and now they were all grinning in anticipation of watching McGonagall have a thing or two to say to that pitiful excuse for a teacher.
Hermione stopped the conversation then by getting to her feet and reminding they had History of Magic. Harry was surprised when he didn't find Umbridge in there to inspect the lesson.
"What are the odds she won't be inspecting any of the ones Harry's in?" Remus said without a trace of hope.
"Non existent," James said without looking up.
Nor was she in potions, where Harry was given back his essay with a D for a grade.
"I find it an actual miracle he didn't just flat give you a T," Sirius rolled his eyes.
Once all the assignments had been handed back, Snape gave a speech at the front saying he'd graded these as if they had been OWL finals, and hoped to see better improvement over all, or he would start handing out detentions to the dunces that got d's.
Lily almost felt a twitch appear on her lips again at his alliterations, he'd always gotten a giggle out of her when he did this, but she forced herself not to react.
Malfoy snickered loudly that someone had gotten so low a grade.
"I'm guessing he gave you an O after you cheated off of someone else's," James rolled his eyes.
"Or paid another student to do it," Sirius agreed.
Harry saw Hermione looking sideways at his and he quickly stuffed it out of sight before she could see.
"Why bother?" Remus asked curiously.
"I can already hear the lecture she'd give about how I should have tried harder or some nonsense," Harry sighed.
Lily frowned at him for that, wishing he would try harder in this class even if he did hate the teacher, but at least holding herself back.
Determined not to give Snape a reason to ruin this attempt, Harry carefully studied every line of instructions today before brewing his potion. It was still a bit more runny and not quite the right shade of turquoise like Hermione's, but he handed it in with the satisfaction Snape couldn't say anything about it with mingled defiance and relief.
"I commend you, considering at some point I'd have just chucked the cauldron in his face," James snorted.
Hermione began babbling at once about OWL grades as they left for lunch, saying while she hadn't expected the top grade,
"I don't actually believe that," Remus snorted, "I can already imagine her near the end of this crying every five seconds if she doesn't get all O's."
even a pass at this stage was encouraging.
Neither boy responded, so she kept going on about how they now had time to improve, these grades were the baseline for their future-
"Is she going to keep going with this?" James groaned as he eyed the pages with misery. He'd been starting this thinking of more Umbridge carnage, but instead he'd been suffering through some OWL memories he'd have rather forgotten.
Ron finally cut her off if she wanted to know their grades, she should just ask them.
Hermione feigned surprise at the question, but finally did ask.
Ron said he'd got a P, while Fred popped up then to say there was nothing wrong with a good healthy P.
"Err, doesn't P mean-"
"Poor, yeah," Sirius said with chipper, "only one letter off from acceptable, so really they're not wrong."
Hermione was surprised at this statement, as P stood for Poor?
Lee agreed, then said at least it was better than D for Dreadful.
"I always thought it stood for Dunderhead," James grinned.
"Stop naming things after yourself James," Remus quipped.
Harry did not enter the conversation, but Hermione was still in full swing.
"This is most likely going to be an ongoing topic until next year, when she'll move onto complaining about her NEWT grades two years too early," Sirius groaned.
Hermione kept going saying the passing grades were O for outstanding, then A-
Though Fred corrected her E came next,
James gasped wildly, and then frantically prodded the page with his wand as if insisting to find a flaw.
"What do you mean Hermione doesn't know all these by heart?" Sirius agreed mildly. "The way she was obsessing over them, even having done some pre exams last year, you'd really think she'd know that."
"I'm actually quite sure she only took note of what the top grade was and didn't care about the others," Remus rolled his eyes.
for Exceeds Expectations. Personally he thought he and his twin should have gotten E's on everything, considering they exceeded expectations just by showing up.
Causing all five of them to giggle.
They all laughed except Hermione,
"Why is that a recurring thing, it always makes me sad," Lily sighed.
"Someone needs to tell her she's getting a T for her sense of humor, see if she lightens up any then," James agreed.
who ignored him and agreed then it was A for acceptable, and that was the last passing grade.
Ron mock celebrated then you could get a P, then D, while George finished with T, for troll.
Harry laughed unexpectedly, then looked around and realized that while they were smiling, he realized it was at his reaction, and he blinked in shock.
Harry laughed again, though he was not sure whether or not George was joking.
"Nope," Sirius grinned, "though I don't understand why they'd want to give you a letter grade that would make someone think, well that's better than B for Blast-Ended Skrewt."
"You're an idiot," Remus rolled his eyes.
He imagined end of year and getting T's on all his grades, and immediately resolved to do better on his work.
"Whatever gets you through it love," Lily grinned as the thought had never crossed her mind Harry would do any such thing. Even while being at his breaking point he'd still been putting effort into his homework, there was just no way he'd do so poorly on all his exams if he just tried a little harder.
Fred asked if they'd had an inspected lesson yet, because they just had in Charms.
George agreed she'd just sat in the back of the class making notes the whole time, and Flitwick was perfectly polite to her of course. Then near the end she went around asking them some questions on the subject.
Fred asked who they had for their afternoon classes and when Harry started with Trelawney, Fred agreed a T if ever there was one.
Causing them all to snort with laughter as they suddenly imagined the wonderful idea of if the twins had taken her class and the mayhem that could have been.
Then Umbridge herself.
George warned Harry about minding his manners then, because Angelina would do him in if he missed any more Quidditch practice.
"Because that's the important part," James said grimly as his eyes flashed protectively to his son again, wondering if it was possible Umbridge's detentions could somehow get worse if she realized Harry wasn't going to take her message.
Harry didn't have to wait for his last class to see Umbridge again though. As they were taking their seats inside Divination, a sudden hush went over the room as Umbridge entered, causing Trelawney to look around as Umbridge greeted her.
Lily felt an interesting struggle taking place in her mind. She'd disliked Trelawney from the instant she'd been introduced because of insisting her son was to die, which would set any mother on edge. Yet she hated Umbridge quantifiably worse for actually hurting her baby. She wasn't really sure what she wanted to see happen here, but she wouldn't deny she was listening just as curiously as the others.
She began by asking if she'd received the note Umbridge had sent about the date and time of this inspection?
Trelawney went stiff, nodded without response, and then spoke to the class as if she wasn't there that they would continue looking through their dreams.
"Can't deny I'm already intrigued," Remus said grudgingly. "Trelawney shouldn't have had much to do with her before now considering how rarely she leaves her own tower, which means her ire with this woman must come from something we haven't seen yet."
"Maybe just from students like Parvati and Lavender who might have talked about her," Sirius offered without much thought, but immediately corrected himself when he realized, "but they haven't exactly gone out of their way disliking Umbridge themselves yet either."
"I'm sure it's just the insult of her class being inspected," James snorted.
They divided into pairs and Trelawney went to take her seat, realized Umbridge was standing right behind it, and instead began circling the class.
Harry quickly made up a dream on the spot about how he'd drowned Snape in his cauldron.
"They say dreams are where you live out your fantasies," Sirius snickered.
Ron snickered as he went to work on this, saying you were supposed to add age to the date of the dream, plus the number of letters in the subject, before asking if that was drowning, cauldron, or Snape?
"Drowning, isn't it? The other two are nouns," Remus said absently.
"Nouns can be the subject," Lily shrugged, "it depends on verb usage and-"*
"Please, this is why I was grateful Hogwarts never subjected us to Muggle classes, don't start on things I don't care about," Sirius groaned.
Harry couldn't care less about the answer as Ron went to work while Harry eavesdropped on Umbridge catching up to Trelawney and beginning to ask her some questions, such as how long she'd been in this position?
Trelawney regarded her for a moment before deeming the question worthy of the answer sixteen years.
Harry felt a sudden whack at the base of his skull for some unknown reason, absently reaching up and brushing at the back of his head as if to make sure it was still attached but ultimately ignoring the sensation.
Then Umbridge asked that Dumbledore had appointed her himself?
Though it was getting harder by the moment as Umbridge's questions really were starting to dig something out of the base of his skull that was beginning to build up quite a bit of pressure...
Trelawney kept up her curt replies as Umbridge then asked that she was the great-great-granddaughter of the renowned Seer Cassandra Trelawney?
Remus felt an odd smile flicker across his face as some old Greek myth came to mind about the Seer Cassandra who nobody believed truly was one, but he didn't point this out to the others for once as he was more invested hearing about this.
But she was the first in her family line to have inherited the gift of Second Sight?
Trelawney had to hesitate for a moment before saying these things tended to skip, err, three generations.
"Was the pause because she had to think about it and count that on the spot?" James mocked.
Umbridge was clearly not impressed as she made a few notes of this, and then looked on and asked for a prediction to be made.
Trelawney was outraged at once, saying the Inner Eye did not See upon command!
James was almost amused by this, as normally Trelawney spat out so many predictions in a lesson you couldn't shut the woman up. Now Umbridge was asking for one, and that was offensive?
Umbridge shrugged with indifference as she went to make a note of this, but then Trelawney wildly switched to grasping at the pink cardigan, apparently overcome with the fear of what she was seeing, a dark peril looming...
"I think she made herself worse by doing that," Sirius sighed. "Should have just stuck with the first thing she said, then later and a lot more randomly spouted something at least generally more threatening than that generic mess."
Dolores Umbridge was in grave danger!
Umbridge raised an unimpressed brow and ticked off something before saying that would be all.
Lily actually had to catch herself to stop from laughing. Even knowing Trelawney was a true Seer still didn't make this waffle intimidating in the least, but she despised Umbridge too much to agree with her on any level so she held it in.
She turned away and began asking some students questions, while Trelawney stalked over to Harry and snatched his dream diary away, proclaiming in a carrying voice for all to hear that even his most mundane dreams were filled with fortunes of his death.
"Yeah, there it is," James said tartly, least she could always fall back on that one, though how she managed to make that less believable every time was an actual achievement on some level.
Harry was having a hard time feeling sympathy for her during this, and when they were finally released and entered Umbridge's own class, the woman was humming.
"Urgh, having to listening to croaking all lesson, I'd rather live with a cicada," Sirius rubbed at his ears in thought.
They took their seats in the back and pulled out their books, while the teacher instructed those hopeful few who'd left their wands out not to do this very thing.
"I'm not sure if that's ignorance or delusions," Remus sighed.
They were to begin chapter two now.
Still smiling to herself, she set about some papers on her desk. Harry began flipping mindlessly through until the thought occurred to him if there were enough chapters to keep this going all year, and he was just flipping to check on that when he noticed Hermione's hand raised again.
"So were there?" Lily asked.
"Don't know, never checked," Harry shrugged.
"Even if there weren't, I'm honestly wondering if she'd have just made you reread it from the start or something," Remus rolled his eyes.
Umbridge took a different approach this time and approached her instead, bending down on her level as Hermione told she'd already read chapter two.
When Umbridge told her to go on to the next one then, Hermione stated she'd read the whole book.
"Man I wish I was more surprised, actually I'm just sad for the wasted time," James sighed.
Umbridge looked mildly surprised as she then asked Hermione what the author had said about counter-jinxes in chapter fifteen then?
Hermione gave the accurate answer at once, and Harry saw Umbridge was impressed against her will.
"People get that a lot around her it seems," Sirius mused, he didn't always like Hermione either, but she never failed to impress him with her knowledge at least.
Hermione kept going though, that she did not agree with Mr. Slinkhards interpretation of counter-jinxes and his statement they were only used as another form of jinx-
Umbridge cut her off this wasn't up for discussion.
"That was already established," Lily cocked her head to the side as she tried to understand, "what was the goal of her doing this?"
James shushed her and read quickly to find out, if anyone could find a way to push Umbridge's buttons and make something interesting happen in that class, he'd bet on Hermione.
Hermione tried to say something else, but Umbridge cut her off by taking five points from their house, while Harry demanded what for? Ignoring Hermione's warning for him not to get involved.
"She is sitting right next to you when she started this," Remus rolled his eyes, "don't tell me she really thinks you'd stay out of it."
Umbridge gave the answer for disrupting class pointlessly.
"She simply asked a question of what she was supposed to do now she's done with the work," Sirius tried for an innocent tone, ineffective as he wasn't likely to receive an answer for that anymore than Hermione.
She was going to teach them a Ministry-approved method that did not include inviting students to give opinions on things they didn't understand.
"Every bit of that was the most ludicrous thing I've yet heard her say," Remus said faintly.
"I particularly like the part they're not supposed to have opinions on what's being 'taught'," Sirius sneered.
"She read the whole book, how can she still try to make that claim!" Lily demanded.
"I'm beginning to wonder if there's something conceded about her," James said deadpan.
Their previous teachers, with the exception of Quirrell, would never have passed an inspection-
Harry cut off Quirrell had been great, except the fact that he'd had Voldemort's head sticking out of the back of his own.
"I'm actually wondering how many of the students knew that at the end of the year anyways," Remus suddenly blinked in surprise.
"Not the point," Harry grumbled.
Umbridge hardly acknowledge what he'd said except to give him another week of detentions.
Lily made a guttural, maddening noise of frustration for Harry suffering through that all over again, and she vented on the only person available. "Harry James, stop antagonizing her! It's clearly done you no good, after multiple people have warned you to stop, and you are suffering more consequences than doing any good!"
Harry flushed with anger for a moment, considered snapping back he was doing more good than anyone else was even bothering to try, but then considered the fact that snapping at her would achieve nothing. His mother was simply angry with the situation and he did not want to start yelling at them like he had been his friends in the past, so he simply held his tongue and nodded absently, also failing to mention whatever he did he couldn't go back and stop himself from doing it here now could he.
The first consequences of this came up at dinner that night, where Fred's prediction came true at once and Angelina caused such a racket with her yelling at him over having to miss another practice that McGonagall swopped in and interceded, taking points away at once for all the noise in the middle of the Great Hall. Several Ravenclaws at the table behind were still watching the show.**
Angelina wasn't deterred, saying he deserved it for another detention ruining her regime.
McGonagall turned sharp eyes on Potter, demanding who this detention was from, and very clearly displeased at the answer as she took another five points away.
"Who takes away house points after you find out someone has detention?" James demanded in outrage. "What's McGonagall playing at, he's already suffering enough for this!"
"I guess she did warn him not to continue messing with her," Remus sighed, "this is her way of punishing him for disobeying her as well."
"That did not make this feel better," Sirius scowled.
Harry tried to protest he was already being punished enough, but McGonagall wouldn't hear it, claiming detentions didn't seem to work on him so maybe this would.
"The worst part is she doesn't even know what's going on in those detentions," Lily groaned miserably, just begging for the sharp eyed woman to spot Harry's hand and raise hell for it any day now.
She warned them both to confine the shouting to the pitch before departing.
"I do love how she says confine shouting at Harry, not stop it," Sirius muttered.
Harry slammed into his seat beside Ron in a fuming mess as he demanded how it was fair he was getting his hand sliced open and losing points?!
"Maybe she wouldn't if she knew that part," James seethed.
Ron was sympathetic for him, saying she was out of order with that one.
"Are we really the only ones insisting on how dumb it is you haven't mentioned this," Lily demanded. "What about Hermione?"
"Still haven't told her yet either," Harry muttered as he shifted uneasily in his seat, still wishing this would stop being mentioned all together.
Hermione, however, merely rustled the pages of her Daily Prophet and said nothing.
"So she does know?" Remus yelped at this glossed over development.
"I guess Ron did tell her at some point," Harry blinked in surprise, he'd been too angry to realize what he was saying to whom at the time. "Honestly I'm just happy she didn't give me another go to Dumbledore speech, so I'm grateful I wasn't around when she did find out."
Nobody agreed with him, though clearly repetition wasn't doing any good regardless.
Harry snapped at her that he thought their head of house was in the right then?
Hermione answered cooly that she wished Harry wouldn't get points taken away, but she also wished he'd stop losing his temper around Umbridge.
"Hermione was the one who started the last two fights!" Sirius couldn't help but defend. "Harry more than likely would have sat in the back of the class and not said a word if it wasn't for her."
"You can't blame Harry's action on what Hermione decides to do," Lily scolded.
"Doesn't help one of his mates isn't trying to fix this problem either," Remus shrugged.
Harry did not speak to Hermione all through their next class, but all memory of the fight evaporated when he walked into Transfiguration and first spotted Umbridge instead of McGonagall.
James actually began wriggling in place in sudden excitement. If he'd put money on anyone giving that toad a run for her galleons it would be McGonagall, there was no way she could push her around like she just had to Trelawney.
The three watched almost eagerly as class began, McGonagall acting as if the extra woman wasn't even there as she instructed Dean to pass out homework, and Lavender to start handing out mice, and warning that vertebrate animals were much harder to-
Harry was distracted as he got his work back and saw he'd made an A.
"And that was with the minimal effort," James applauded, while Lily rolled her eyes at him even if she did agree.
Dean took his seat and mouse and was at once scolded for doing something to it that would wind him up in detention-
"What'd he do?" James demanded on the same breath as he'd finished.
"He was trying to place it on Parvati's shoulder," Harry shrugged.
"Less inventive than I was hoping," Remus sighed.
While Umbridge used the same, hem, hem, cough to try and get attention.
McGonagall turned cold eyes on her as Umbridge began that McGonagall had received the date and time of her inspec-
McGonagall coolly cut across of course she had, otherwise she'd be wondering why the woman was here.
James made a little squee noise when he was done with that response while Sirius was already full blown laughing, he knew McGonagall was his favorite teacher for a reason!
Harry and Remus shared a triumphant smile while Lily said impatiently, "James if you don't keep going, I will," though her eyes were sparkling with their own amusement for their old head of house.
James clutched the book to him protectively as he kept going with glee.
Then she kept going as if nothing had happened, even though Umbridge did the same act again not moments later.
McGonagall didn't even face her this time as she said sharply how Umbridge expected to get an idea of her teaching methods if she kept being interrupted, as she did not permit others to talk while she was.
James couldn't do it though, he immediately burst out laughing again, and this time Lily couldn't deny joining in. This was hardly the fiery pit they wanted to toss Umbridge into for what she'd done to Harry, but even seeing someone hold their own against her in this way was the most satisfying thing that had happened so far!
Umbridge looked as if she'd been slapped, before hastily turning to a fresh page and scribbling furiously.
"I would pay anything to get my hands on those notes," Sirius' grin was slipping past amusement right into evil. "See just what her version of, I need a burn healing charm looks like."
Looking supremely unconcerned, Professor McGonagall addressed the class once more.
Harry wasn't paying much attention to her warnings of the complexity of the larger the animal the harder it was to vanish, he was to busy whispering to his friends how she could get onto him about losing his temper when she wasn't acting much better. There was no anger though, as he grinned at McGonagall, all anger forgotten.
"Technically McGonagall hasn't gained a detention yet, so she's still doing better than you," Sirius smirked even as he was leaning forward eagerly to hear more of this.
At the end of the lesson, Ron was putting away only a wriggling tail,
"It is indeed a good mark he's already got the larger portion of the body by the end of the first day," James agreed absently, his eyes still eagerly hoping for more between Umbridge and McGonagall.
as they began to file out, but hung back when they realized Umbridge was going up to talk to McGonagall. She asked only one question, of how long she'd been at this post?
McGonagall said thirty-nine years in December.
Umbridge jotted this down before saying she'd receive her results in ten days.
McGonagall gave the curt reply of how she couldn't wait as she swept away.
"She really shouldn't act so thrilled, sets a bad impression," Remus snorted.
She barked at the three lingering at the door to get a move on, but Harry swore she smiled as she passed.
"Favorite teacher," James repeated warmly, hoping that would leave some kind of impact on Harry in Umbridge's next class. He wasn't the only one defying Umbridge.
Harry sadly turned up at his next class only to find Umbridge there again, already talking to Grubbly-Plank. She was being asked that this was not her standard position, to which the sub agreed she was only standing in for Professor Hagrid.
"I don't think anyone's yet called him that," Sirius' face crinkled as that registered.
"Does sound kind of weird, even if it is appropriate," Remus agreed.
Harry's spirits sunk as he watched Malfoy approaching as well, knowing he'd love nothing more than to gossip about Hagrid strait to the Ministry.
"He's already been doing that, surely he can't do even worse damage," Lily said with unease even she didn't believe.
Umbridge then asked if Grubbly-Plank knew anything of Hagrid's absence, but the woman was bare on the subject, saying she'd simply been asked to fill in for an unspecified time, she'd agreed, and here they were.
Umbridge waved for her to start the class then, and they continued their work on bowtruckles as Umbridge went around the class and began asking students about magical creatures, to which no one gave a flawed answer. Harry at least felt hopeful none of them were letting Hagrid down.
Remus couldn't help but wince for that, thinking that was far more likely luck depending on the questions she was asking.
Then Umbridge circled back to Grubbly-Plank, asking how a new staff member felt here? Supported, or more ostracized from the everyday crowd.
Grubbly-Plank gave the simple answer she'd always felt welcomed here, never had a problem.
Umbridge looked politely incredulous,
"That she's the only one being treated like scum? Can't imagine why that would be," Sirius snorted.
"I'm sure that's a look," James snorted, his liking for Grubbly-Plank going up somewhat. Sure she was having to stand in for Hagrid, but at least she wasn't going behind his back and trying to rub up to Umbridge, he could respect that.
She then switched to asking of reports she had from injuries in this class, but Malfoy enthusiastically stepped in then, saying that was done to him, he was attacked by a hippogriff.
"At his own stupidity," James emphasized. "Everyone seems to skip that bit!"
Umbridge began almost happily jotting this down, while Harry shouted over at them it was because Malfoy was being too stupid to listen to Hagrid before it happened.
"Oh, thank you Harry," James groaned, that hadn't been what he meant at all.
Harry shrugged without remorse.
Umbridge turned a pleased smile on him as she gave him another week of detentions.
"What was that one even for?" Lily all but screeched. "Doesn't she still have to give a reason!"
Baby Harry began squirming in unease underneath his toy so she forced herself not to keep going while James pushed on, mostly because the answer was no, that woman didn't have to give a reason to anyone about anything she did. It was becoming quite clear that was the scariest part of all to look forward to.
That evening, despite the late hour, Harry did not return to the common room empty this time, but found Ron and Hermione waiting up for him. Hermione seemed anxious at his visage as she pushed a yellow bowl towards him, telling him it was essence of murtlap and it would help.
Harry wasn't quite sure what that was, but when he put his hand, that was bleeding freely, into it it soothed the pain at once.
Ron still tried to push Harry should tell someone about this, McGonagall would do something, but Harry still wouldn't hear it, pointing out next thing they knew there'd be a decree that the person who questioned Umbridge would get fired.
"That would still cause enough of a stir in the community for it to be relevant and absolutely worth it," James tried to keep his voice even as he explained to Harry. "McGonagall's tough as they come, even if she did have to leave for a time she'd be right back the next day because Dumbledore would never let that stand, and he'd have support from those realizing how ludicrous this all is getting."
"Please tell me you've been seeing reports in the Daily Prophet about more people saying what a problem this is," Lily agreed.
Harry just shrugged though, Hermione only passed along very certain things, and she hadn't said anything about this. If the wider wizarding world did care about what was going on, he wasn't hearing about it.
Ron tried to think of some way to argue, but then closed his mouth back.
Hermione hissed what an awful woman she was, they really should do something about her.
"Tie her to the Whomping Willow?" Sirius suggested at once.
"Transfigure her into a cat and introduce her to Fang?" James smirked.
"Introduce her to the mermaids of the Black Lake," Remus said just a touch bitterly.
"See how long she could survive in the Forbidden Forest," Harry envisioned the fun.
"Poison?" Lily couldn't seem to stop herself tacking in much to all the boys amusement.
Ron had suggested poison,
"Ha!" Lily pumped a fist in triumph, "two against you lot!"
"That's fair," Sirius miraculously gave in.
"Can it at least be a slow acting one?" James contended.
"I can work that," Lily agreed.
but Hermione said she'd meant something more practical about her horrid teaching habits, how they weren't learning any Defence this year.
"Well I mean, she's not wrong," Remus snorted.
"Yet I don't really see how that's so different from your first two years either," Sirius sighed.
Ron couldn't see a way around this, she had the job and that clearly wasn't changing any time soon.
"At least until the end of the year," Lily still looked for that bright spot.
Hermione shot Harry a nervous look before beginning to tell what she was thinking today,
"Should I be worried that's how this is starting?" James looked bemused as he kept going.
that they should just learn DADA themselves.
"That's really not that far fetched an idea," Remus shrugged, "we had to do it a few years as well. Our teachers never got to the level of trying to kill us mind you, but they weren't all stellar either."
"I don't know, remember Novak? Considering how many spells he used backfired on himself, I think at some point that counts as attempted murder when he still encouraged us to trust him," Lily shrugged.
Ron scoffed at the idea of doing more extra homework, they were already behind as is.
Hermione said this was more important than homework.
"Hang on," Sirius mimed cleaning out his ears, "alright read that bit again."
James ignored him.
The boys goggled at her saying such blasphemy, Ron insisting she'd always said homework was the most important thing in the universe!
Hermione brushed them off for being silly,
"She had yet to say otherwise," Harry rubbed at his ear at all her remembered lectures.
stating this was about learning to defend themselves from what was out there.
Harry looked honestly bemused Hermione had taken his words to heart like that, no matter how much he still vouched for them being true.
Ron still wasn't on the idea, saying sure they could look up jinxes and practice them, but-
"Just like you did at the end of last year," James agreed, "that seemed to help you out loads, even with a competent if murderous teacher."
but Hermione said it would be all the better if they had a teacher, someone who already knew a boat load of spells and could correct them if they were doing it wrong.
Harry began if she was talking about Lupin,
"Naw, you're the first teacher he thought of Moony," Sirius chuckled.
"Shut up Padfoot," Remus said around a smile.
but Hermione at once said that wouldn't work, he couldn't come around often enough to be of help.
"Not with that Umbridge woman about anyways," Lily said grimly, as it had honestly been a good idea for a moment for Dumbledore to summon him to the castle at his random choosing, and just incidentally running into Harry and his friends, for a few hours, no one in the school would really question that too much if it had worked out that way. That pink frosted lump of dragon dung though would put a wrench into anything like that.
Harry couldn't imagine who else she was talking about, but then she said him of course.
Harry looked at his dad in bewilderment, before looking at the other three who all looked just as surprised at the answer as him to his relief.
"Honestly, for a moment there I thought she was leading up to herself," James snorted.
"I mean, I suppose she's not got the wrong idea," Lily pulled gently on a strand of hair as she thought about it, "but no offense love, I haven't really seen you with the patience yet to be teaching anyone much."
"Ron was better at teaching you chess than you were explaining how a phone worked," Sirius snorted in agreement.
"Oh stop picking on him," Remus scolded, though Harry hardly looked offended, he still had a politely puzzled expression on his face like he was still nursing the idea and had hardly heard them. "I don't find it a bad idea at all, Harry was the only thirteen year old I've ever seen to manage a Patronus, even you two hadn't managed that until fifth year to find out what you were going to turn into only a few months later. If Harry could master that, I'm sure passing that knowledge along wouldn't be much of a challenge."
"There's a difference between being a good student and being as good a teacher," Sirius shrugged, but he backed down altogether as Harry was starting to look a little hurt they were still giggling more than anything at the idea.
James kept himself going in hopes Hermione would come to some conclusion this should be more a group effort between the three than Harry starting secret lessons to teach these two anything.
Harry was stunned at the idea, turning to Ron for some backup, but he seemed just as keen on this as Hermione now she'd pointed it out.
Harry began laughing it off, saying what good would he do, while Hermione said in exasperation to think of all he'd done.
"Really Harry, you apparently spent all summer complaining about this bit, but you need this part explained," James rolled his eyes.
When Harry still didn't get their meaning, Ron started to laugh he didn't want someone this stupid teaching him, before beginning loudly of all his accomplishments, like second year killing the Basilisk and Riddle.
Harry tried to interrupt that had been Fawkes and-
"I really am loving the reverse of this conversation," Sirius gave a forced smile. "How are you the one saying you shouldn't get credit for doing this now, when it was you shouting at them you did all this single handedly to them at that house?"
Harry was scarlet by now, both from remembered shock of his friends throwing this at him, and how true that comment was that put on the spot he still didn't want to admit all the things he'd done no matter how angry he'd been he'd felt ignored.
"Can't have it both ways," Lily told him gently as she seemed to read his mind.
Ron completely ignored him and was still going on, coming up with fourth year and everything he'd done there as well, he and Hermione were smirking by the end as Harry felt his temper rising, he wasn't even sure where the anger was coming from.
"Actually neither am I," James frowned lightly from the book to Harry now. "At most they're still pulling your leg, what's the anger for?"
Harry brushed at his scar without comment, a deep look in his eyes that shot a thrill of fear through James instantly promising him he actually didn't want to know the answer, so he quickly moved on.
He began telling them how he'd blundered through all that, not because he was any good at Defence, he'd always had help and- stop laughing at him!
Remus let out a low whistle of surprise as he told Harry, "when you get angry, you really ramp yourself right to the top at once."
"Harry doesn't do anything halfway," Sirius said halfheartedly, Harry leaning back into the couch looking miserable he'd been caught shouting at them again, and they hadn't done anything even remotely close to deserving it this time.
He lunged to his feet so fast he knocked the essence of murtlap away, now practically shouting at them they didn't understand, none of that had been skill when he'd fought Voldemort, that Cedric had been just as good as him and he'd died so if they were insinuating he'd messed up and Harry had somehow done something better-
James had winced at every blow Harry dealt his friends, of all the pain and fear his son had suffered without anyone there to help, how even hearing it first hand hadn't quite left them with the reality Harry had lived through. To them it was all in a distant future, something they hoped never had to happen to him and so without underplaying the events happening they kept pushing past these terrible moments because it would ultimately help him to remember them just to find a way he'd never have to live through them. Most of all, James wanted more than anything for Harry never to have to witness what had happened in that graveyard, to Cedric.
Ron looked aghast Harry had come to the conclusion they were having a go at Cedric.
Harry was aware, and very grateful no one had snapped at him for this in here. He distantly saw himself doing these things, pushed into this uncontrollable anger from something he didn't understand, but one truth stood out his friends would never insinuate any such thing, so he was grateful for the silence ringing in here.
Hermione was near tears now as she insisted this was exactly the reason they needed to learn, he was the only one who had ever faced V-Voldemort.
"Well there's a distraction if ever there was one," Sirius blinked slowly to refocus off of Harry's anger, how everything he'd said had been all too real.
It was the first time Hermione had ever said Voldemort's name, and for some reason this calmed Harry. He sat back in his seat, his hand now throbbing worse than ever and gazed at the broken glass and essence of Murtlap now seeping into the carpet.
Hermione got her feet as if to go to bed, quietly asking him to just think about it.
Lily opened her mouth, wanting to say something in comfort as well as push for a change of subject, but Harry was still looking miserable and rubbing hard at his scar again, so she was afraid to push him while he was too vulnerable.
Harry nodded silent agreement now as she went off to bed, Ron following suit. Harry repaired the bowl with a quick spell, but could do nothing for more medicine for his hand.
"Wonder how she got hold of that," Sirius happily shot off, as always just looking for something to say in the awkward silence.
"She's too proud asking the house-elves for a batch," Remus played along, "I more imagine she might have asked Madam Pomfrey for some, given a vague reason as to why she wanted it."
"I'll buy that," Sirius said, looking hopefully at Harry like he was hoping for confirmation, but even if he had ever bothered to ask Harry spoke nothing for or against the idea.
He was more exhausted now than when he'd stepped in, but still he forced himself to climb up the stairs rather than sleeping in the common room, and had another restless night of dreams full of locked corridors, and waking to his scar prickling again.
Harry twitched harder than ever in his seat, his eyes swimming with pain as he yearned to understand how it all fit together, and terrified of learning the answer.
I probably came off pretty anti-government in this chapter, and I swear I'm not actually trying to whip up a rebellion and start an anarchy, I just always found it really extreme that clearly since it's conception Hogwarts seemed to have stood as it's own body, but suddenly the government was stepping in and causing a ton of reforms, and the public seems generally okay with this? Of course the Daily Prophet likely didn't post more outrage than a couple people quitting, I don't even know how it would have been put into the narrative, I'd just have liked to see more people be confused and angry about this sudden regime change going on inside the most popular wizarding school in Britain.
*I was actually never very good at English, I have no clue what the actual answer was, thank you for nothing four years of high school.
**I pointed this out in the last book, but this is now a blatant mismatch of the house tables. Last time it was the Hufflepuffs on their other side as Harry had to walk past them, this time it's Ravenclaws? Someone must have been right in saying it does switch up on a regular basis.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 78 - SBT
Here it is!
"I assume you had your reasons for doing it this way but it has to change, and fast." Lucien sat on the oval table and crossed his arms. The smoke from his cigarette floated in the air like a cloud above his head.
"I did. But now that there is no danger anymore, I might actually do it." 
Lucien frowned and pondered.  The king of the beggars went on.
"I will set a rendez-vous point. All you have to do is have him be there." 
"Non." Lucien answered, raising cold eyes to his ex-colleague. 
"Non." He repeated firmly. "You are not taking any risks in this business, I am. So we will do things my way."
"What risks are you taking?" Maurice asked and Lucien's anger flashed on his fair irises.
"You know very well." He answered drily.
"Very well, what do you suggest?" 
Lucien sighed. 
"I do not know yet. I need to think about it. The stakes are too high. Every second that I spend with you discussing it is a second that I betray him and his trust. I cannot afford that, nor do I want it, not anymore, not ever." 
"Fine." Maurice said, from his old wooden throne. "You do as you please." 
"Tell me where they are. I shall bear the responsibility of the rest." 
Maurice wrote something on a piece of paper and slid it to the ex-spy. 
"That is where I have kept them. Good luck. They are expecting him."
The Frenchman's rage boiled up a notch higher. 
"Pardon?" He asked in his native tongue. "Do not think for one second that this puts you out of any responsibility!"
"What are you going to do? Stab me in the back, like in the old days…?" 
Lucien's jaw relaxed and he smirked, not like the free man he was now, but like the spy he had been: cold, arrogant and overly self-confident.
"Me? Nothing. Him? I am not so sure, Maurice." 
He took the piece of paper that he stored in his pocket and exited the hideout. When he made it back to the surface, he adjusted his scarf and headed back home. 
-- Next day -- 
"Mundy, I forgot to tell you something."
"What is it?"
Lucien was sitting next to his lover at the table while they shared breakfast. 
"Richard and his wife agreed to take Diamond." 
"Oh, that's great news!" 
"I also sent the word to Maurice, and he is happy to take Star."
"Oh, alright."
"Oui, he shall train her to take on Perle's job and hunt mice and chase away any undesired rodents." 
"That's nice, hear that, Starry baby?" Mundy was cuddling the lady kitten. She meowed happily. "You'll get a nice home and a job. Kids'll cover you in pets too!"
"And guess where our beloved ball of hunger will end up?" Lucien asked, petting Glovy on his lap. 
"I don't know, where?" 
"There is one young man who will make him more than happy." 
Lucien smiled before answering. 
"Who better than an apprentice chef cook for our beloved Glovy?" Lucien asked. 
"Hear that, fat boy? Your new dad's gonna make you delicious food!"
"Mrow!" He answered excitedly. 
"Yeah…" Mundy extended his hand and scratched Glovy under his chin. "You're one happy, chunky boy, aren't ya?" 
The large yet short cat purred happily under the attention. 
"So that settles it apart from Junior…" Mundy said. The kitten had grown up like his brother and his sisters but still looked smaller. 
"Viens, mon petit." 
[Come, my little one.]
Lucien bent down, released Glovy and scooped his namesake off the floor to put him on his knees. 
"He will have a good forever home. We shall offer him as a gift and a surprise." Lucien answered, cuddling the kitten. 
"Yeah, but to who?" Mundy asked. 
"To whom?" Lucien corrected. "Well, who will need a Lucien and has been missing me while I was away?" 
"Me?" Mundy answered. 
"Apart from you?" Lucien asked. 
"Don't know, who?" 
"Victoria." He answered. 
"I think she will take the best care of him." Lucien added. 
"I'm sure you're right, darl'." Mundy laced a lazy arm around Lucien's shoulders and the Frenchman leaned on him. 
"Any plans for today?" Mundy asked.
"I was thinking of taking the kittens to their new homes." Lucien answered, pushing a lock of silver hair behind his ear. 
"Oh, ok, sure."
"I suggest we start with Bastien and Richard, they are not too far apart from each other. Then, Maurice and in the end, Victoria."
"You wanna take Junior to the diner?" 
"Non, I planned on knocking directly at her door, after her shift." 
"You know where she lives?" 
Lucien raised his eyes and his smirk to his lover. 
"Right, right, ok, ex-spy, I get it." Mundy chuckled.
"I see you are learning." Lucien teased. "But what do you think of this plan? That ought to keep us busy for most of the day."
"Seems like it, yeah. I'm alright with the plan. But first, we need to tell Pearl and Soot." 
"But of course." 
Lucien and Mundy finished their breakfast and found themselves sitting on the carpet in the living room, facing the cats. 
"Right, ladies and gents…" Mundy started. "Today, you're gonna leave Mum and Dad, even your gramps."
The kittens listened with wide open eyes. 
"Meow?" Perle, who had been laying on the carpet, moved to sit up.
"Do not worry, mon bébé," Lucien scratched her head gently. "They will all go to good homes. Star will go to Maurice and hunt the mice there, oh and Junior will go to Victoria."
"Meow?" Soot rose to his feet too. 
"Hey, Sooty boy, you trust the old gramps, eh?"
The black cat went straight to Mundy and purred when he scratched his jaw. 
"There we go. Now, we're gonna give you a few minutes to say goodbye, ok? You be good boys and girls." 
Mundy rose to his feet. 
"Mrow…" Perle bit her Papa's sleeve. 
"Oh? Qu'est-ce que tu veux, ma chérie?"
[Oh? What do you want, my darling?]
She kept on pulling his sleeve and meowing sadly. 
"I will stay with her, go and get ready, Mundy."
"You sure?"
"Oui, she needs me." 
"Fair. See ya in a bit, I'll go get my shoes and stuff." Mundy left a kiss on Lucien's brow and left him with the cats. 
Perle stood on her back legs. Lucien smiled and lifted her into his arms, rocking her gently.
"Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Tu n'aimes pas les 'au revoir' ?"
[What is happening? You don't like goodbyes?]
"Mrow…" She answered sadly. 
"Personne n'aime les au revoir. Ni les hommes, ni les chattes apparemment. Ne t'inquiète pas, tes bébés sont grands maintenant, ils n'ont plus besoin, ni de toi, ni de leur père, ni de nous."
[No one likes goodbyes. Neither people, nor lady cats apparently. Don't worry, your babies have grown up now, they don't need you or Soot, or us anymore.]
"What's wrong, baby?" Mundy joined them and put Lucien's shoes down next to him. "Don't want the kids to go, eh?" 
"Non, she does not." Lucien answered. They both spoiled her with affection, scratches and sweet words. 
"When…" Lucien started. His eyes were riveted on Perle. "When Jérémy was growing up…" 
Mundy's eyebrows jumped. He hadn't expected Lucien to talk about his late son. 
"There came an age where he liked me… less." 
"Oh?" Mundy scooted closer to his lover. 
"Like any other child of his age, he started seeing me not as a model, but as someone who continuously failed to understand him."
"It's fine, luv', we all had that phase for a bit…"
"I guess so but," Lucien sighed and looked away. "It still felt strange to hear the baby that I had carried in my arms a few years before tell me that he hated me, that I was never there for him, that… that…" 
"Sshhh." Mundy wrapped his arms around Lucien and pulled his head under his chin. 
"I was a poor father… I was absent, I was busy, I was away, I was…"
"Hey, it's alright. All dads are like that, ok? They're all busy with work and stuff when we're kids. Then we get to teenage boys and we start gettin' weird, and wonderin' about sheilas… And boys, I guess… About ourselves. We got all these questions and parents are shit at answerin' them. So we feel alone, and not really understood. But it's fine, it's how it goes and how it should go." 
Lucien buried his head deeper in Mundy's chest. 
"Doesn't mean you were a bad dad. And I'm sure of it now, I've seen you with Victoria and with Pearl. You're a bloody good Papa." 
"Maybe." Lucien's voice was muffled. His eyes were closed against Mundy's heart that he heard beating gently in front of him. He could smell the cheap cologne too, it brought him immense comfort. 
"Hey, not to me, eh? I saw you. I even told you. Wish my dad was like you."
"Oui but…"
"But what, love? Tell me." 
"Get it out, darl'... Better out than in."
Lucien's shoulders sank. 
"I wish I could now know what Jérémy really thought of me. At the end, he kept on reproaching me all those things and, well, they were all true. Each time he did, I looked in his eyes, God, his eyes… He had his mother's eyes… Blue, of a darker shade than mine, dirty blond hair, buck teeth… He was an adorable little boy but he grew up to hit puberty, too soon. And each time he would address me, it would not be with admiration anymore, but with anger and hatred." 
"Hey… Darl'..." Mundy gently rocked his lover and slid his fingers through his long hair. "Close your eyes and remember when you were his age, eh? Didn't you think that you had it all figured out, that you'd be better off without your parents, that they didn't understand what you felt…?"
"Mundy, you are not understanding."
Lucien pulled himself out of the embrace and rubbed his eyes. 
"Non, I understood him too well! I knew this rage, this powerlessness, this frustration. I knew it so well that when I was faced with it, I decided to leave home and live in the streets." 
Mundy frowned. 
"When I turned 18, I fled. My mother and step-father pressured me and forced me to choose between Medicine and Law. I didn't want either, and so I ran away. And whenever I saw Jérémy look at me with hatred, I would see myself, right before I fled. It terrified me, that sight."
"You were scared that he'd run away too?" Mundy asked. 
Lucien raised his eyes to him and nodded sadly. 
"Oh, I get it now… But Lu'..."
"Who knows? Maybe he wanted to flee too. Maybe God claimed him back before he had the chance."
"Ssh." Mundy pulled Lucien in a hug again. "You can't know. No one can."
"What terrified me most is how his mother would have reacted, had he decided to run away."
"Lu', stop thinkin' about it. You can't do anything about it, and in any case, you don't have to."
"Oui, but what if-?"
"No, luv', listen." Mundy cut him off and cupped his face such that he rested his forehead against his. "What ifs are useless, darl'. Stop thinking about it. Let your baby boy rest, and let yourself rest too."
"I cannot. There are things that I have been holding within myself for far too long. I want someone to know. I want someone to share all these personal secrets with, I want to share the weight of that burden, all those mistakes, those sins." 
"Hey now, don't be dramatic. Everyone does stuff they regret. There isn't one man or sheila alive who doesn't regret somethin'! It's just not possible!"
"Oui, but I don't care about other people!"
"Neither do I! But you can't continue carrying stuff like that on your back!"
"You want me to forget?" Lucien asked, his eyes wider than planets. 
"No! I want you to learn to live with it in your heart, not on your shoulders like you're carrying the world's misery on yourself!"
Lucien lowered his head and softly headbutted Mundy's chest. 
"I know it's hard, love. I really do. Sometimes I think about my parents and how I… I-I…" 
Lucien raised his head and Mundy looked away. 
"How you what?" He gently asked. 
"I'm a monster… I-I left them to die."
Lucien's eyes snapped wide. 
"Non!" He frowned. "You outdid yourself to avenge them! I saw you, the delicate, shy, compassionate you torture a man. You burnt a man, you burnt every square inch of his chest while he was wide awake and alive!"
Mundy rubbed his eyes and winced. 
"Yeah, you don't need to remind me of that, thanks…."
"Mundy…" Lucien put a hand on his cheek. "You have surpassed yourself, you have done what you never thought you could and yet what did you do? You put yourself aside and did more than what trained soldiers did during the war! Mundy, you avenged them and made them proud."
"Hm. Don't think they're proud." Mundy answered. 
"That is not what I said. I said you made them proud. You avenged them and that is what you had set yourself to do, didn't you?"
"Don't you feel at rest now with respect to your parents?" 
Mundy raised his eyes to Lucien and his gaze hung there for a few seconds. 
"I… I'm not sure." 
"Do you regret having dealt with Duchemin?" 
"N-not really but…"
Lucien nodded as he started to understand it. 
"Ah, I see… It is the discussion you had with your parents when you took me to meet them?"
Mundy nodded and sighed. 
"I feel like they'd be even more furious at me." 
"Mum's a good woman. She never would have wanted to hurt anyone. And Dad just hated violence for the sake of it."
"So you feel like you have avenged them but betrayed the education they gave you, their values?" 
"Yeah. I think you put the words on it, again." 
"Again?" Lucien asked. 
"That's why I was so fascinated by Lulu at first. It's cause he managed to put words on things I felt inside me."
"Mundy, you did what you did because it was the right thing to do when you had to do it." Lucien said. "Had things been different, of course you would have reacted differently. Had you not been dragged into the alligators business, you surely wouldn't have followed the track of the worthless man who killed your parents. Besides, this isn't a case of violence for the sake of it. You didn't wake up with the crave to torture someone, no one does. Non. You used violence because what else was left?"
"Nothing." Mundy answered.
"Exactly, you were alone and you didn't have any other way to set things straight. No law on Earth would have condemned that man for the atrocities he caused. So don't look at it the way you are. Had you not followed that lead to find the alligators, Duchemin might still be walking this Earth."
"And I wouldn't have met you." 
Lucien smiled. 
"Non, you would not have, but such is the game of life. You cannot win everything. Either you missed all this, you didn't deal with Duchemin and you didn't meet me, or you indeed go through all of this but with me at your side." 
"Is that the choice I have?" 
"Not exactly. You have made the choice of pursuing the alligators' road and we know where that has led you up until today. Who knows what the other path could have offered?"
"I wouldn't have known you."
"Indeed, but you would not feel this almost regret that you do right now." Lucien explained. 
"It is similar to me. I thought I had put away the suit and tie for good after Marie and Jérémy passed. Yet when the Minister of Defense told me of Duchemin, I could not resist the urge to deal with him." 
"D'you think they'd uh… They'd be… proud of you?"
"Non." Lucien chuckled. "Marie hated my job with a passion. She was very wary of Jérémy discovering it and becoming attracted to the idea of becoming like me. I pretended I had an office job - after all, the suit and tie worked wonders to fool anyone - and invented all kinds of stories and lies to him. He was too young to understand. But I think that as he grew up, he might have had suspicions. There aren't many jobs where you travel left and right, attend luxurious parties but don't take even your partner with you. I think he had his doubts about my job, maybe that added to his hatred towards me." 
"So we're both in the same state, eh?" 
"Thank God." 
Lucien looked at Mundy. He smiled softly. 
"I'm tired of feeling alone and have weird feelin's inside me, and I'm startin' to get used to you understanding me and feeling the same way too." 
Lucien returned the gentle, lopsided grin. 
"I am grateful to have found you for that same reason, mon loup."
[My wolf]
Lucien tapped the tip of Mundy's nose and the Aussie's eyelids fluttered as he chuckled. 
"Hey…!" Mundy pulled Lucien from his waist and kissed his nose. "There, now we're even."
"You're welcome. So, shall we take the kittens to their new homes?" 
"Before we do, do you feel any better?" Lucien asked.
"Yeah… Thanks love, you're the best."
"My pleasure.  In that case, let us proceed." Lucien turned to Perle. "May we…?" 
The lady cat rubbed her head against Lucien's hand before going to his mouth. He kissed her and she went to lie against Soot. 
"I think that's a yes, Lu'." Mundy said. "I found this cardboard box. Let's put the kitties in and I'll carry it. You lead the way." 
The couple scooped the kittens and placed them gently in the box. They went to the door and exited the place. 
"Mister L, Sir?" 
"Oh?" Lucien saw a group of kids running to him in the street. "Oui, what is it, gentlemen?" He squatted to be at their eye level. 
"Maurice said Francis left this for you." One of the blond boys recited his text and inflated his chest proudly. 
"What did he leave?" Lucien asked.
"This!" The child pointed further in the street. 
"Oh!" Lucien's eyebrows jumped and he failed to hide his surprise. "Is that really true?" 
"Yes, Sir! Francis said he was delighted to know you were doing well. He sends his regards." 
"Thank you. Here…" Lucien took his wallet out and gave the children a note. "Don't spend it all on sweets, and do share it." 
"Thank you so much!" The kids ran away, leaving the couple and the kittens alone on the pavement. 
"Hahaha!" Lucien went to the black motorcycle and tapped it gently. "A marvel of elegance and technology. I am delighted that Francis decided to leave it to me…" 
Mundy caught up with him, the box still in his arms. 
"I remember that bike. You came to see me at the lake with it. It's the one that turns invisible, right?" 
"Indeed, that is the one." Lucien let his fingers run on the leather seat. "A delight to drive too." He raised his eyes to Mundy and took the box off of his arms to secure it at the back. 
"What are you doin'...?"
"You don't think we will walk to deliver those kittens, do you?"
"N-no, we could take me van?"
"Non. Here." Lucien handed him the second helmet and made sure the kittens were safe. He wrapped his scarf around the box to dampen the noise of the engine.
"W-what? You want me to-?"
"Come on, Mundy!" Lucien straddled the motorcycle and held a hand out for his lover.
"You sure?"
"You don't trust my riding abilities?"
"N-no, nah, it's just that…"
"What then? Am I too old for riding a motorcycle?" Lucien chuckled.
"Nah, course not, hold on…" Mundy put on the helmet and took his lover's hand. He straddled the motorcycle, behind Lucien.
"Be careful on the road, love." 
"I will. Now hold on." Lucien started the engine and the motorcycle woke up in a roar. 
Mundy put his hands on Lucien's sides and took advantage of the situation to hold him dearly. The Frenchman smiled in his helmet and off they went to deliver the kittens. 
The first stop was made to Bastien. He was delighted to meet his new companion. Then came Maurice and a well earned lunch break. Lucien and Mundy were left with Junior. While waiting for Victoria to finish her shift, they spent the afternoon in a park with the young cat. 
"I had a thought about something you said."
"What is it?"
"Remember when you told me that there were things you wanted to do with me and that you hadn't had the chance before I went away?" 
"I think we should do one of them this evening." Lucien answered.
"What d'you have in mind?" Mundy asked. 
"Surprise…!" Lucien teased. "But first, let us deliver this young man to his new mother." He scratched his namesake's jaw and the kitten purred. 
"Alright, you lead the way."
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behappyitsemmalie · 4 years
Loyalty - The Pogues Found Family
Kie making her way back to the pogues after her kook year. Mostly pogue core4 family love, but there is some jj x kie if you squint.
This turned out way different than I meant for it to😅 but i still like it. Let me know what you think!
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JJ didn’t have friends, he had family. He had the pogues. John B, his best friend since third grade. He crashed at his place most nights, spent most of his days with him too, surfing and drinking. Pope, his brother. He had been weary of Pope when John B first brought him around but then JJ started helping out Heyward with deliveries a lot, spending time with Pope in the process. They became close, closer than he thought they would ever be, being such different people. 
And then there’s Kie. 
Kie was loyal. To a fault sometimes. It was one of JJ’s favorite things about her. She stuck by her friends no matter what. He knew her parents didn't like him and the rest of the Pogues, but Kie didn’t care. She hung out with them anyway, even if her stuck up neighbors looked at them with judging eyes when they picked her up in their slightly run down boat at the end of the dock behind her house. Kie just really didn't care what other people thought, especially when it came to her friends. 
So it came as more than a little shock to the boys when Kie suddenly stopped coming around so much. It was freshman year of high school. There was only one junior high on the island, mixing the kook kids with the much poorer pogue kids. But once it came to high school, things were separated. No big surprise, Kie was to attend the ‘prestigious’ Kook Academy. She spent days begging her parents not to make her go there. She wanted to go to the regular high school with the boys. But they weren't listening, claimed this was better for her future. 
The first few months or so, she still came around a lot. After school, she would meet the boys at the beach to surf or John B’s house to smoke. Weekends were spent exclusively on the cut. The only time the boys could really miss her was during school. For them it wasn't much different than it was before. JJ could tell Kie didn't feel that way. The two were sitting on John B’s front porch, a beer bottle in JJ’s hand and a ukulele in Kie’s as she absent-mindedly strummed a tune. Soft rain was falling outside and both were bundled in warm sweatshirts. JJ looked over to see her face blank, like she was in a different plane of existence entirely. 
“You gonna tell me what’s up?” he asked, taking a sip of his beer. 
“What?” Kie asked. 
“Whatever it is that's got you so bummed out lately. You gonna tell me about it?” he asked again. 
It wasn't really like JJ to pry. Not that he didn't care. Of course he cared, but he had things he didn't like talking about. So he just felt like he should give people privacy. But it didn't seem like anyone else was going to ask Kie what was going on and he hated just sitting there, watching her stew in whatever was bugging her. 
“School sucks,” was Kie’s short and quick answer as she put the ukulele down beside her. 
“School always sucks.” 
“Yeah but Kook Academy really... sucks, JJ,” she sighed. 
JJ looked over to her. “What’s going on?” 
For the first time in this conversation, Kie looked over to JJ. Her eyes were sad, with a expression that looked like she would break out in tears at any minute. JJ didn't see this look on her face that much. 
“Everybody hates me. And it’s not like I particularly like any of them, but it just sucks,” she explained, pushing her hair back over her head. 
“They’re just asshole kooks Kie.” 
“Yeah I know that but,” Kie paused. She didn't quite know how to describe it. JJ sat through the few seconds of silence as he watched Kie seemingly put her feelings into words. “I’m so tired of not having one friend in the entire place. And if I have to go through 4 more years of walking down the halls knowing everyone around me can just tell I don't belong there... I don't think I can do it JJ.” 
JJ reached over and wrapped his arm around Kie's shoulders. He didn't know what to say. It never really occurred to him how lonely Kie probably felt not having anyone at school. She had plenty of friends on the pogue side of town, more than just the boys. But the kooks didn't understand her. Not that she ever cared, but it just never crossed his mind that she really didn't have anyone. 
“You know you have us. I know Kook Academy sucks. Kooks suck. But pogues for life includes you, too. It’s always going to include you,” he promised. 
Kie just nodded as her head laid in the crook of JJ’s neck. “Pogues for life,” she whispered, barely loud enough for JJ to hear. 
And barely 2 months later, she was gone. 
It was innocent at first, Kie excitedly telling JJ that she couldn't hang out at John B’s house one afternoon because she had plans with someone from school. This was the first time the boys heard her talking about having a friend at the academy, so they smiled and told her it wasn't a big deal and they would see her tomorrow. Little did they know that friend was Sarah Cameron. 
Kie started cancelling plans more and more, not answering when they would call. Soon she started just not showing up at all. 
JJ saw her around town sometimes. She was nearly always with Sarah and her group of friends. He won't lie and say it didn't hurt being thrown to the side. Kie was his best friend and she found a better group of people. It was like their friendship had never existed. The fact that Kie looked happy should've been enough for him, or at least he thought it should have. But the group felt different. Pogue life had nearly always included Kie. Since they were 11, pogue life included Kie. And she was gone, busy being apart of Sarah’s life instead. 
A part of JJ wasn't surprised. Everyone left eventually. He figured that out young. His mom left right before he started third grade. His dad, although still here, definitely didn't care about JJ. He might as well have left and probably would've by now if he had anywhere to go. So it was probably only a matter of time before Kie left too. She was a kook after all. He never really understood why she hung around with them. Though he did wish he had better prepared himself for not having her constantly around. 
John B and Pope could both tell JJ was taking Kie’s absence harder than any of them. They didn't say anything about it. And as much as it hurt, they didn't say anything about Kie in general. They just kept living their lives. This was probably the natural order of things anyway. Everybody with their own kind. Their first summer without Kie was weird. JJ heard from someone that Kie had gone with the Cameron family up to the Hamptons for vacation for a couple weeks. He saw her when they got back to Outer Banks. She was walking out of a store with Sarah, Topper, and Rafe, Rafe’s arm around Kie’s shoulders like JJ used to do. 
It made his blood boil to see that. But she was laughing and, despite having that asshole dangling his arm around her, she looked happy. 
Pope saw her while he worked at the annual Midsummer party with his dad. She looked like she was having fun, dancing with Sarah and sneaking drinks so their parents didn't see. She looked happy. 
John B saw her while he was working on Ward’s boat. His dad had just officially gone missing and Ward had given him this job as a way to make extra money while it was ‘just him and his uncle.’ And maybe as a way to keep his mind off of his dad. He was finishing up when he saw Sarah climb out of her bedroom window and take a careful seat on her roof, looking out at the water. John B was about to turn away when he saw Kie climb out the window and take a seat next to Sarah. They were just talking, laughing every so often. The same thing Kie used to do with the pogues. Kie laid her head on Sarah’s shoulder, a smile growing on her face. She looked happy. 
Kie always looked happy. That gave the boys some slight relief. They had been abandoned but at least Kie was happy, right? One night, less than a month after John B’s dad went missing, John B, JJ, and Pope were sitting in the sand on the beach, a fire glowing in front of them. The sound of a twig cracking under someone’s feet sent all of their heads turning around to see who was intruding on their space. There she was. Kie stood there, a case of beer in her hands. And she didn't look so happy anymore. 
“Hey guys,” she said quietly as they all turned to her. “I brought a peace offering.” She held up the case of beer in her hand, knowing that probably wasn't going to be enough. 
In the faint light of the fire, JJ could tell Kie’s eyes were puffy and pink. She had been crying. A year ago, that would have been enough to make JJ wrap Kie in his arms and threaten to kill anyone who made her cry. But he couldn't escape the constant reminder in his head that she had left. She had left all of them. She left him. No one said anything. None of the boys knew what to say and Kie was much too nervous to speak. John B was the first one to get up from his spot in the sand and walk over to the brown haired girl. After a beat, he took the beer case from her hands. 
“We’ll take the beer,” he said with a grimace. He made his back over to his spot and sat down, effectively ignoring Kie. 
“So you can go back to your part of the island now, kook,” JJ spat. 
“JJ-” Pope tried to mediate. 
“No let him say it, Pope. It’s the truth. She’s not from here,” John B growled, not letting his eyes drift up to Kie. He was understandably hurt. Kie knew she wasn't there for him like she should have been when his dad went missing. She thought about calling when she found out, but she didn't think he would want to talk to her. Turns out she was right. 
Kie threw her hands up in the air. “Look I didn't come here and expect to be welcomed back with open arms! I'm not stupid.” 
“Then why are you here?” Pope asked, his voice holding much less venom than the other two boys. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” JJ scoffed. “Her new little rich friends got tired of her. So she ran back over here with her tail between her legs. You know, Kie, we aren't the backup friends you get to have for when the kooks toss you out!” 
“Sarah Cameron? Of all people? Sarah Cameron is who you become friends with? For someone who claims to hate kooks, you were quick to become best friends with their most popular one,” John B pestered on. 
“And don't forget Rafe,” JJ added, saying the one name other than Sarah that Kie didn't want to hear ever again. Everyone in the circle was quick to ignore the fact that his words were dripping with jealousy. 
Kie expected push back when she was making her way to this side of the island but they were really pulling her through the mud. It just made her feel worse knowing how much she let them down by leaving. It was never her intention to make the pogues feel like she abandoned them, or worse, traded them in for ‘better’ friends. Suddenly, she felt her eyes well up with tears again. 
“I’m sorry,” she choked out, sniffling back any bigger sobs that threatened to come out. “I didn't have anyone that stupid school. There was no one in my corner-” 
“We were in you corner, Kie,” Pope piped up. 
“It’s not the same! It’s not the same as going to school every single day and not having anyone talk to you! Everyday. I would walk down the hall and everyone would look at me like I was intruding on their space. They didn't want me there and they were not trying to hide it. And then all of a sudden Sarah fucking Cameron comes up to me and asks me to hang out. No one looked at me like I didn't belong anymore. Sarah Cameron makes you feel important and other people treat you like you’re important when you're with her. I just didn't want to be alone anymore.” Kie’s face was streaming with tears. 
JJ had careful eyes on her. He could understand not wanting to be alone. Truth be told, he was terrified of being alone. It’s why he clung to the pogues so much and it was why it hit him so hard when Kie was no longer around. He was one more person closer to being completely alone. But she was back. Kie was in front of him, being honest about why she left and as much as he hated it, he wanted to forgive her. 
“But I don't care about being important or feeling important or any of that bullshit. I’m so exhausted of trying to please everybody and I just don't care anymore,” Kie continued. She barely noticed JJ get up from his spot and slowly walk over to her. “I just want to be somewhere with people who know me and love me. I just want to be with you guys.” 
JJ cut off her words, wrapping his arms around her. She quickly silenced except for a few rogue sniffles racking through her. Soon Kie’s arms, before crossed over her chest, uncrossed and coiled around the blonde boy in front of her. “It’s ok,” he finally whispered when he felt her crying settle. 
“No it’s not! I completely ditched you guys!” she countered, pulling away from his embrace. 
“You made a mistake. Family makes mistakes,” JJ smirked back. 
A smile finally grew on Kie’s face and she launched herself forward, throwing her arms around JJ’s neck. It felt so good hugging him again. No one hugged like JJ. She missed it. She missed a lot about hanging out with the pogues. 
“Kie,” John B’s voice rang out. 
Pulling away from their hug, JJ and Kie found John B in front of them. Kie was nervous. Considering what was going on with him, she wasn't sure if he would be as forgiving as JJ was. The much taller boy reached out his hand and Kie looked down to see him holding a beer can from the case she had brought. Looking up, he smiled at her, waiting for her to take the can from his hand. Kie ignored the beer. Just like she had done with JJ, she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him. John B was quick to return the hug, smiling. He had lost too many people already. He wasn't losing Kie too, not again. 
“Told you Kie, pogues for life is always going include you,” JJ smiled. Kie wiped the remaining tears from her face and moved one of her arms to pull JJ into the hug. 
“Make room for me!” Pope yelled, jumping into the group hug that now engulfed tiny Kie in the middle of the three boys. 
She was right back where she belonged. Maybe she didn't feel like the most important person in the world, like she felt when she was friends with Sarah. But this was better. Here she felt loved and she felt safe and cared about. These were people who knew her, really knew her and loved her for it. She would much rather be here with her boys. 
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
I am literally begging you to tell me about the Psych AU???
(Just to be clear this will be set in the fantasy land where all cops are trying their best to be good all the time. Thank you!)
So Psych was actually probably my favorite show for a lot of my life so I am pretty excited about this one. For those of you that haven’t seen the show, go watch it. It’s on Peacock and I believe it’s still on Amazon Prime. Definitely it’s at its best in the first three seasons, but it never ceases to be funny. However, I enjoy the first season a lot more because of how smart they portray Shawn without having him also be, for lack of a better word, an idiot. Shawn is incredibly smart and his humor and charisma highlighted that instead of hiding it and I miss that in the later seasons, but it is still a really funny show and I do recommend it.
Anyways, enough of me ranting.
Just to be clear, it could work with either Jack or Race as Shawn, and if you would like to see this AU the other way, just let me know!
Psych AU
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Racetrack Higgins — Shawn Spencer
Albert DaSilva — Burton Guster
Jack Kelly — Henry Spencer
Spot Conlon — Juliet O’Hara
David Jacobs — Carlton Lassiter
Medda Larkin — Chief Karen Vick
Racetrack Higgins (Shawn Spencer)
Tyler James Kelly had never had an easy life, with his drunk father or absent mother who had him on accident with a man she barely knew
His father had named him Anthony Higgins
When he’s six all of that changes when his half brother takes him in, against his father’s wishes.
Jack renames him Tyler James Kelly.
Race didn’t know Jack all too well back then. But he looked up to him, even if he’d refuse to admit it later.
Jack is eighteen and just starting out as a beat cop. But Jack’s father had been training him to be a good cop his whole life. Right up till he died.
Race never knew what a parent was supposed to look like. So when Jack began to test and train him, he didn’t think anything of it.
Race has a eidetic memory and Jack knows it even if his baby brother refuses to acknowledge it
The kid is hyper observant and quick witted which often can lead him into trouble though he describes it as being useful stay one step ahead intellectually while being one step behind physically
Was born two months too early and has always been pretty thin and small
Loves classic movies and television shows and often references them
Is wickedly smart and clever, resulting in him graduating high school three years early and leaving New York to travel the country
Growing up he’s best friends with his next door neighbor, Albert DaSilva, who he relies on constantly as he has a fear of abandonment
While growing up with Jack, Race finds himself somewhat resenting his brother who constantly pushes him to be more and do more and get better. He explains that Jack never let him just be a kid, and never lets Jack explain why he has him memorize how many hats are in the room and learn how killers and criminals operate
When he’s fifteen he takes the detective’s exam and gets a perfect score but refuses to go into law enforcement, instead chooses to leave Jack behind, illegally, and travel around the country on a bike he wins in a poker game with a bunch of old men who think he’s no threat.
When he’s eighteen, he inevitably ends up back in Manhattan.
After not speaking with Jack for three years, he has no idea if he’s still even there and is terrified to face him, feeling bad about running away and not knowing if Jack will forgive him.
He gets his own apartment, taking odd jobs around town to make ends meet
He starts going by Anthony Higgins again, but most of his friends just call him Race, a nickname he got from Albert when they were very young
Albert is the only one who knows when Race is back in town and Race makes him swear not to tell Jack.
Race often spends his nights watching the news, calling in tips to the police whenever he figures out a crime that they can’t.
Eventually this leads him to getting arrested before he even turns nineteen, as the police suspect he’s an inside man
In order to get out of this, he tells a lie that he believes will be a one time thing.
He makes the cops believe he is psychic.
Things spiral out of control from there.
After making the majority of the station believe he has the gift (all except for one skeptic who happens to be head detective) he thinks they’re going to let him off the hook.
He has no idea the chief of police is going to ask for his help
Actually excited by the idea, Race runs to Albert’s school and begs him to help him out. Albert is reluctant at first but eventually agrees
Race and Al go out investigating as private detectives until Race figures out the case, leading them straight to the suspect who turns out to be dead.
With nowhere else to turn, Race goes back to his brother, a brilliant detective who got injured in the line of duty and retired early, for help
Jack isn’t even shocked to see him. He’s not surprised, he’s not happy and he’s not angry. It makes Race mad.
Jack takes Race out to lunch where he lets Race talk and tells him that he’s the ultimate disappointment because Jack told Race all growing up how much he hated private detectives and psychics. But ultimately, he helps Race out anyway
This leads to Race solving the case and getting recognition for it. Jack keeps his secret and is even secretly proud of him
The happiness he feels at that convinces Race to open up his own agency with Albert
Throughout their journey as detectives, Race ends up falling for a junior detective, a transfer from Brooklyn who is a partner to the skeptic head detective, David Jacob, his brother’s former partner and best friend.
Spot, the Junior detective, often flirts with Race and leads him on, but they don’t start a relationship until five years later.
Race is faced with countless situations where he becomes a target for serial killers and criminals who come after his and his friends and family.
Race gets shot and kidnapped at one point.
He and Albert get held captive constantly and The Yin Yang killer, a serial killer who had been messing with the department for years, takes a special interest in him, causing his current boyfriend to be nearly drowned, Spot to be nearly dropped from a clock tower, Jack to be nearly blown up and he and Albert to be nearly poisoned.
Despite only telling this lie to get out of going to jail for a crime he did not commit, he ends up sticking with it and finding his purpose in life was to help others instead of help himself and loves it
Albert DaSilva (Bruton Gaster)
Grows up with a good life.
His mother died when he was really young, not even a year old, and he lived with his father and two much older brothers who spoiled him and loved him.
Albert was always smart. He was always smart in different ways than Race was and enjoyed learning and gaining better understandings of things
When he was young, he wanted to become an astronomer. He always loved the planets and the stars.
While being academically advanced, he knew that graduating with Race was not the best option for him as he used to doubt himself when Race wasn’t around to tell him how much he needed him
As a child he applied for a school for advanced students, which he was accepted into. His father refused to send him on account of wanting him to be a kid which Albert never truly liked being
His father never did appreciate the influence that Race had on his son, but allowed it in order to let Albert be a kid because he knew Albert needed it
Albert loved academic activities growing up and had nearly won a national spelling bee that Race botched for him. After learning this, Albert is angry with Race and realizes his friend’s need for him as Race eventually admits he was scared his only friend was going to leave him
Albert is very independent and enjoys doing things on his own, much to Race’s dismay
Al was voted most likely to succeed in high school
When Race runs away, Albert knows about it and tries to stop him, but believes Race will get nervous and come back
When that doesn’t happen, Albert is too embarrassed and scared to tell anyone so he lets Race go, feeling abandonment for the first and possibly only time in his life and he’s always secretly a little angry with Race for leaving
Albert goes to college right out of high school and studied medicine, wanting to become a doctor
When Race comes back into town, he ends up missing a lot of classes and barely manages to stay ahead in school
He still works towards becoming a doctor, which often helps with solving crimes
After finding out he does not like the sight of blood and dead bodies, he switches to forensics which also helps with a lot of investigations
Albert’s oldest brother is a rocket scientist at NASA and his other brother is an engineer
He constantly feels as though he’s trying to catch up and be just as accomplished as his brothers
Albert was pep captain in high school in attempts to be popular. While he did have more friends than Race, he didn’t accomplish actually being popular, but hanging around so many girls turned him into somewhat of a ladies man
During his senior year spring break, Albert, who’s already eighteen, heads down to Mexico with some friends but ends up meeting a girl. He gets drunk and marries her before leaving and never speaking of it again, not seeing the girl until years later when she is getting remarried.
After helping Race on his first case, Albert finds he had a knack for assisting his friend in crime fighting and, though often gives Race a hard time about it and complains, genuinely enjoys helping
Is very protective of his car that his father pays for, affectionately named the Blueberry by Race who picks up the name from a stuck up client
Albert knows Race better than Race knows himself and is sometimes the only thing actually keeping him from chaotically causing his own accidental death, despite Jack’s best efforts.
He has a very refined sense of smell
Grew up catholic and believes in demonic possessions and exorcisms
In an attempt to be cool when he was younger, Albert learned how to pick locks and crack safes
Is often given ridiculous nicknames by his best friend while they’re out solving cases, just for fun. He just rolls with them typically.
He joined an a capella group in college because he knew how to sing and was curious as to what it would be like. Race always finds it entertaining.
Is an experienced tap dancer
Has trouble doing things that are more on the dangerous side while Race doesn’t mind jumping in head first just to see what will happen.
Albert’s father is very protective of him and, even when he’s being accused of murder, tries to constantly give Race money and have someone babysit and take care of him.
It isn’t until Race sets the record straight that Albert’s dad begins to trust him to take care of Al moving forward.
Albert is the only person Jack trusts with Race for a long time as Race had a history with bullies all growing up and never really wanted any other friends.
Albert becomes like another little brother to Jack and Jack teaches him some street smarts to get him by after Race runs away.
Albert helps take care of Jack after his career ending injury
Albert eventually becomes a forensic scientist and ends up working for the FBI
Jack Kelly (Henry Spencer)
A trouble maker when he was young, the only child of his father, James Francis Kelly Sr. and first born of his mother
When Jack is fifteen his father dies, murdered by a criminal who’d been out on a killing spree.
His father had always wanted Jack to follow in his footsteps and become an officer so, to honor him, Jack does
When Jack was twelve, his mother had had another baby. Jack did not know a lot about this, but after his father died, became very curious.
When asked about the baby, his mother got defensive, so he tracked the kid down on his own, finding him in a neglective home and immediately falling in love with the kid and wanting to protect him.
Although he often shows Race tough love, he genuinely makes it his life goal to keep the boy safe and protected
He renamed Anthony Higgins, Tyler James Kelly, because Anthony was originally named after his father, the man who almost never acknowledged that the kid existed and Jack didn’t want him walking around with that.
Even after Race starts introducing himself as Anthony again, he still calls Race Tyler and Tyler James and his little Tyler James because that’s still Race’s legal name
Jack is a bit of a troubled kid growing up.
He has ADHD
His father helped him channel that into being hyper observant and alert
His mother was a bit of a deadbeat, but Jack still loved her up until she died from lung cancer. He didn’t trust her to look after Race once, instead hiring experienced babysitters and sometimes even taking Race into work with him and having another officer watch him
When he first meets Race, he quickly picks up on the fact that the kid is special and had extraordinary talents and he wants to help Race use them in the best way
Jack is a very protective person, though he normally comes off as slightly intimidating stand-off-ish. He is genuinely friendly and actually is the inspiration behind Race’s sense of humor
Jack raises Race to be the perfect detective, believing he was doing this for Race’s own good as Jack himself is terrified of losing someone else, especially his baby boy who he finds he loves more than anyone else in the world.
While Jack was a bit of a prankster and a fighter growing up, his father explained to him that this was a good thing and would help Jack in the future as he knew how criminals could think
Jack is an artist and loves to paint and draw. It’s his most peaceful activity
He once arrested Race when he was fifteen for “borrowing” a car to impress a girl with Race later reveals he only did to keep the football team from finding out that he was gay
He moves up in the police force quickly, becoming the youngest head detective the department had
He is partnered with David Jacobs who quickly becomes his best friend and eventually replaced Jack as the head detective.
When Race runs away Jack is extremely hurt and goes through a small depression that ultimately makes him lose his focus and gets him into a bad car crash, ending his career as a detective
His knee is shattered and he can’t run as easily as he used to be able to.
Refuses help most of the time and locks himself away from the world until Albert comes knocking on his door
He lets the kid help him out
It is eventually revealed that Jack put a gps tracker in the dog tags that had been his father’s. He’d given them to Race because he convinced the kid they’d keep him safe. He knows where Race is at all times
This is why he’s not surprised when Race is back in town and this is how Jack continues to be able to find Race when Race is in trouble.
When Race is shot and kidnapped, his drops the dog tags and Jack panics because he’s never not been able to find Race and when he does eventually find him, he puts the dog tags back around his neck and yells at Race to never take them off again
That’s when Race finds out what Jack did
Jack is Race’s biggest critic and biggest supporter all rolled up into one
While he never truly approves of what Race is doing, he still does his best to help him and protect him as best he can and is always proud of him no matter what he does.
During his time in recovery, Jack sells paints and works on commission, starting his own arti website and becoming a fairly famous artist
When the Yin Yang killer returns to New York, it is revealed that Jack worked the case before but had not been the target of the serial killer.
He is kidnapped by Yang who knows somehow that he’d be unable to run and slightly traumatized him, placing him in a car at a drive in movie with a bomb in his lap
Though he tries to convince everyone that he’s not scared, Race ends up staying with him to comfort him through the nightmares.
After Yin and Yang strikes again, making it even clearer that it’s Racer he’s messing with, Jack accepts a job from the chief of police as a police liaison in attempts to keep Race safe
A few years later, another old case of his comes up and he realizes that the cops who trained him and worked with him were dirty and tampered with his evidence.
He is later shot point blank by one of his old partners and left for dead, but Race, who had followed him, manages to take him to a hospital, saving his life though it was a very close call
After all of this, Jack eventually retires from the police department, no longer respecting the badge as he’d used to and becomes a professor of criminology at the same college Albert attended where he meets Katherine, his future wife
Spot Conlon (Juliet O’Hara)
Sean “Spot” Conlon grew up being around cops a lot.
His father was a crook.
While he knew his father loved him, he also knew that his father was a conman and what he did was wrong.
Growing up, Spot would wake up to receive little gifts on his nightstand and eventually he figured out that his father had been breaking in to leave them for him, taking the window apart and putting it back together without a trace.
Spot loves his father but moves on and grows up to become a cop to stop people like his father from taking advantage of others
He has one older brother, Hot Shot, who is also a criminal, though he is a criminal in the name of the Army which he was trying to protect
Spot does have to arrest his brother but is not shocked to find that his brother escaped
Spot does have a younger brother, Charlie or Crutchie as he’s called by his brother, who he loves very much and tries to preserve as the kid is the only member of his family who is remotely innocent.
Crutchie eventually moves from Brooklyn to Manhattan to be closer to Spot and meets Spot’s friends who he adores.
Charlie is the one who reveals that Jack was one of Spot’s idols. Spot looked up to Jack because Jack was one of the youngest head detectives in the country and was an overall brilliant detective
Spot first meets Race while undercover. The conversation only lasts a few minutes before Race deducts that he is in fact a cop about to make a jump on someone.
Wary of Race at first, Spot keeps his distance. He is skeptical of Race’s “gift” buy after observing him behind to believe his abilities may be real
Upon his transfer to Manhattan to become a detective, Spot is partnered up with Jack Kelly’s old partner David, who is very stand-off-ish and mean at first
Spot and David begin to build a relationship based on trust and become like brothers after a long while
Originally, Spot is not taken very seriously as he’s very young and cares about how he looks. Many of the other cops make fun of him, calling him “pretty boy” and other derogatory names because they all know that he’s gay
David often sticks up for him but doesn’t let Spot thank him.
Spot eventually starts calling Race “pretty boy” as a means to give the words good meaning again
Spot is very good at going undercover for jobs and enjoys getting to be placed in different roles.
Race often tells him that if he hadn’t been a coo he would’ve been a hell of an actor but Spot doesn’t like that because he fears he’s becoming too much like his father
Spot is desperate to succeed in his work and often goes to Jack for advice (I know, they like each other in this one. It’s crazy)
Spot is very competitive and likes to be right.
He often brags about solving cases before others but does not put others down, necessarily, in the process
Though Spot is a bit on the shorter side, he makes up for it with muscle and strength.
When he gets angry, people back off, afraid of what he might do if he decides to take his anger out on them.
Spot is fluent in Spanish, just like Jack, and after Race and he start dating, they often have conversations about Race right in front of him.
After getting kidnapped by Yin, Spot is traumatized to the point of being unable to stay at the station.
He develops a paralyzing fear of heights that’s Race helps him through
Eventually, Spot becomes the head detective in Brooklyn when the chief is transferred there.
David Jacobs (Lassie Face)
David had always had a difficult time with trust
He grew up with a twin sister and a little brother.
His father cheated on their mother and his mother cheated on his father
His sister grew up and left without telling anyone.
His ex wife had cheated on him and left him
Suffice to say that trust didn’t come easy to him.
Growing up, Davey likes the rules and he likes enforcing them. He likes being in charge and he’s good at it.
David loves his younger brother a lot. Les is going to school for film and he loves getting insight about what police actually do. He likes to make documentaries
When David is partnered with the head detective, he’s shocked to find he actually likes Jack
Jack is the first person he truly trusts in a long long time
Jack becomes his best friend and only confidant
As he’s close with Jack, he does meet Race a few times, but when he questions Race about his tips under his old name, he doesn’t know why Race looks so familiar
It isn’t until David sees Race with Jack that he remembers.
Jack lies to David and tells him that Race is a psychic and found out when he was fifteen and that’s why he left even though he knows Davey won’t believe him
David understands and respects that Jack puts his little brother first
But the kid still annoys him
Despite not necessarily getting along with Race, David does everything he can to protect him as a ways to pay Jack back for all the times he’d saved his life
When Jack gets in his accident, David refuses another partner, nervous about not living up to Jack’s reputation.
His first new partner ends up being a girlfriend of his during his separation from his wife. Race outs the affair on accident and the woman is transferred
David and Spot don’t get along at first but Spot quickly shows David that he’s not any junior detective and is really good at what he does
He ends up really liking the kid
After Jack’s accident, David has a hard time going to see him, feeling as though he’d failed the other man somehow.
Eventually, he takes Jack out for a drink where Jack apologizes for screwing up and they have a bonding moment
Eventually, David finds himself infatuated with a suspect in a case he’s working
Though the girl is ultimately guilty, he visits her in prison and eventually marries her
His whole life all he’d wanted was to be the chief of police
Eventually, after Chief Larkin is transferred, his dream comes true.
He and Race manage to become friends and, after receiving a video message from Race, confessing to the fact that he’s not a psychic, he tears the disc out and breaks it, never needing to know how Race did what he did
I absolutely love this one, so if ya’ll wanna see any scenes from it, just let me know!
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tuffduff · 5 years
Dead Batteries (Izzy Stradlin x Reader)
Paring: Izzy x Reader
Words: 1,517
Request: @tonightiggypop “Hi! Could you write an Izzy Stradlin imagine where he meets you after becoming sober?”
A/N: So...I wrote all of this only to realize you had said “meet” (oops) so this is slightly different, but I hope you like it anyways! I know the least about Izzy out of the original five, so I also hope he comes across right. Thanks for requesting beautiful!
You had been Izzy’s companion for years. Maybe companion wasn’t the best word; companions got the luxury of being side by side with someone, right? But that wasn’t always the case.
Growing up in Lafayette, Indiana, there wasn’t exactly a lot to do. You were there before Axl came into the picture. And even when Izzy started spending more and more time with the unpredictable firecracker redhead, he would come back to you. He needed to, he would say when he turned up at your bedroom window late at night and you had to sneak him in so your parents wouldn’t hear. “I need to recharge my batteries.” He would explain after spending days on end with Axl.
“Then why did you come to me?” You would ask. Surely, recharging batteries was a solo kind of thing. He would merely shake his head.
“You’re the only person who really gets me.”
He talked about moving away all the time, to LA was what he reckoned. By the time you both graduated, you were heartbroken; you always knew he was going to do it. It was bittersweet. It was time.
“I wish I could pack you up and take you with me in my suitcase,” he would joke. You would never forget the day he left. There was a long moment of silence between the two of you, along with long looks that always led to you both looking away, only to look back helplessly. It was as if you both wanted to say something, but that something might have changed his plans, and you weren’t about to let that happen. So, you put your own feelings on the back burner and kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly, allowing yourself a tear or two to fall when he couldn’t see, making sure they were gone when you pulled away to look at him one last time.
“Make me proud,” you whispered. He nodded solemnly, still unable to share anything he had inside of him.
Did you love Izzy? Probably. You would actually be lying if you said anything otherwise, it was almost like you didn’t have a choice. He seemed to be a fixture in your life, like furniture that had always been there. “How’s Izzy doing?” Was what your parents would ask you second to how you were doing. You knew in your heart you loved him; it was a truth weaved into the fabric of your very being.
You were still in Lafayette when Guns N’ Roses made it big. Of course, Izzy had kept you updated on every band he played with up until that point, the gigs that had been shitty, the ones that made him feel like he was actually doing the right thing. The low points, the moment of doubt, asking your opinion on lyrics he had written, playing you “Happy Birthday” over the phone on his guitar when he couldn’t be there. You cherished those phone calls, but over time, something changed. He sounded different, after all, you would know. Izzy didn’t sound like your Izzy anymore.
Soon the calls stopped coming altogether. You watched from afar as Guns N’ Roses really made it big. You were absolutely shattered. It was more bitter than sweet now; yes, he had made it. Yes, you were proud. But making it also apparently meant leaving you behind. With fame and fortune and success, you were a part of his life he seemingly no longer needed, or wanted. Forgotten. Or so you thought.
It was raining one night, a downpour so violent you couldn’t really relax in your lone apartment. You almost thought you imagined the knocking on your door. You almost thought you were going crazy entirely when you finally opened it to see Izzy, soaked to the bone and looking as though it were hard for him to breathe.
“Izzy?” You managed to get his name out of your mouth. “What are you doing here?” Any other person would’ve pushed their way inside to take shelter from the rain, but as he stared at you, it was like he didn’t feel it. His eyes softened, and you could see them glistening despite the rain. Finally, he stepped inside silently, dripping water onto your floor, and pulled you tightly against him, effectively soaking you too. You let him.
“You look exactly the same,” he whispered into the crook of your neck. His voice was breathless, and thick with relief. His embrace was tight, keeping you bound to him, refusing to let go.
“What are you doing, Izzy...” You asked, holding him back. The moment felt surreal. He was a big rockstar now, he shouldn’t be standing in your apartment.
“I got your address from your parents.” You pulled back finally to give him a bewildered look. He sighed, shrugging and avoiding your gaze. “I’m here because...I’ve got a lot of explaining to do. And my batteries have been dead for a long time.”
He didn’t want to get your furniture wet, so the two of you sat together on the floor of your apartment as he explained how he got mixed up in heroin. How exhilarating it was to have a taste of success, but how he knew in the back of his head he needed to cut the shit. How he felt like he couldn’t. How he was too ashamed to call. How it got worse and worse.
“I thought you got too famous for me,” you admitted, now being the one to avoid his gaze. After a long moment of silence, Izzy grabbed your hand.
“You have no idea how much I missed you this entire time, Y/N. I wanted to call, I just couldn’t. Axl would try to get me to call, to fly you in to see us play, but I just felt so...ashamed. I didn’t feel good enough for you to see me. I didn’t want you to see me like that.”
He explained he was sober. That he came back home, for good.
“I needed to get away from LA. And this is the only place that has you in it.” He smiled a little as he looked down, playing absently with the bands around his wrist. “I’ve got a lot of good memories here.”
Maybe there was something about having him back physically in front of you, maybe it was the vulnerable spilling of emotions, the way it felt like the two of you were teenagers sitting in your room again, but you finally grew the courage to suck in a breathe and spit out the only thing you had been thinking for the last few years.
“I should’ve gone with you.” He looked surprised. You wondered for a second if he didn’t feel the same until he squeezed your hand that he was still holding.
“I had the same thought every day. But really, I shouldn’t have left without telling you how I really felt.” The pounding rain had softened outside the four walls of your apartment, allowing you to really focus on his light words, on the weight they carried. “Y/N, I’ve been in love with you since we were 12, I’m pretty sure. And there were times I thought maybe you felt the same, or at least hoped. Like the time you made me come with you to the junior high ball and we slow-danced, but never talked about it again. You wouldn’t believe how many songs I’ve written that were inspired all by you. And leaving you behind that day was the hardest thing I had to do.” Overwhelmed, you grabbed the other hand you weren’t already holding.
“But you did make me proud,” you reasoned. He chuckled, shaking his head.
“It never felt like it to me. But I’ve decided that’s up to you—you’ve always believed in me anyways. I don’t care who I make proud anymore. I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished, but I want to move forward. I don’t want to make you proud, Y/N, I want to make you happy. And I want you.” All prior feelings of hurt completely evaporated. It was as if the old and rusty lock to the gate of your heart’s emotions had been cut loose, freeing you to feel only unwavering love, empowering love—love that made you feel like you were soaring.
“I wanted to tell you too, before you left. God, I wanted to stop you but I didn’t want to keep you from your dreams. I love you, Izzy, I always have.” He pulled you towards him by your interlaced hands into a kiss, your first kiss together, making up for lost time with years of passion, longing, and love fueling it. He pulled back finally, taking one of his hands to smooth down your hair.
“Screw dreams, once you’ve lived them you realize what matters in life is something real. My heads never been more clear than now. No matter where life takes me next, I know I want you with me. I love you.” It was an apology, an affirmation, and a promise all in one, and better than any song to your ears.
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needscaffeine · 5 years
I'm gonna write a Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus High School au because I can.
It's going to be Valdangelo.
And Percy and Leo will be friends. (Bis gotta stick together.)
There's not other ships besides Valdangelo.
Percy is just dates anyone and everyone. He's a ho(just not in a sexual way). Which is wildly out of character but it's my fic.
Annabeth simply does not have time for dating. She's got way too much going on and it's not like it interests her anyways.
Jason's alive because I haven't read the third trials of Apollo and because I said so.
Piper is the vice president for their class(Annabeth is president obviously) and also a junior yearbook editor and on the track team because she strikes me as one of those people.
Hazel does all the arts(including drama) and is also on the the yearbook team.
Grover is Percy's best friend(I love Grover and he's never included in these) and they hang out and he was there when Percy got his first tattoo.
Also Percy has tattoos but he's seventeen and has parental approval so it's all okay.
Okay I take back what I said. Grover has Juniper because he deserves it. So there's two ships but that's it!
Frank is the weird kid who moved there from Canada but is related to Percy in some way or another so he's staying with them and also everyone loves him because have you met Frank.
Okay I was wrong again because I'mma include Theyna.
Thalia and Jason live with their dad and their stepmom which isn't fun but it could be worse.
Thalia goes to an all girls school because of some things that happened.
She met Reyna there and they fell in love. It's grossly cute, okay?
Luke is the same age as Thalia and both her and Percy have dated him(wow that's not worded right). Percy more recently and they both think it's weird but also both agree it wasn't the best choice. (Not that Luke did anything wrong. Just you know).
Nico and Hazel are super close and it's really sweet.
Leo is passing all of his classes even though he doesn't know any of the material and it drives the others crazy.
Hazel, Percy, Thaila, and Nico hate and love seeing each other at school because they've grown up together like siblings and if you have siblings you understand.
Paul is the English teacher(as always. Also it's always respecting Paul hours in my house.)
Poseidon and Percy are in good terms even though he was absent until he was twelve like in canon.
No Smelly Gabe because this is a no gods au and so it doesn't make any sense.
All of them do some sort of sport besides football because I don't like Football and refuse to write about it.
It goes like this:
All the boys play the basketball.
All the girls play basketball.
I like basketball.
Leo, Hazel, Nico, Reyna, Percy, Jason, and Annabeth are all on the same soccer team.
Piper, Leo, Jason, Annabeth, and Percy do track. (Frank may do discus/shot put I don't know yet).
This is not a sports au I just want you all to know this.
There's no swimming team because that's weird I'm sorry. Also I don't want to write anything about it because it would literally just be Percy. :)
Leo is also part of the yearbook team. He's the photographer and he's really good at getting pictures of people with out them knowing.
Nico does drama with Hazel.
Piper and Percy are really close.
All of them are really close.
I want this to be nice. I write too much angst.
Also Leo is constantly getting asked where he's from because of his accent and he has no clue what they're talking about because they're the ones with the accent(this is set in New York fyi).
I suppose this also goes for Hazel and Frank but most people know where Frank's from.
Will is there he's just not dating Nico I'm sorry.
He's not really apart of the group either. (I like him and all but also I don't really know where to stick him and I don't wanna make everyone a main character because I still need supporting characters I'm sorry!!).
Calypso goes to the school with Thalia and Reyna.
Also no Zoe's not there. I'm not sorry. I would not be able to not cry.
That's it that's all I got. This all started out as a joke but now I kinda wanna write it.
Edit(Pre posting but it's an edit to me): Luke switched schools and that's why his and Percy's relationship doesn't work out. It's almost the opposite for Thaila. There I solved the problem you guys didn't even know needed an answer.
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
My problems with LIS:BTS
I love Before the Storm, but I do have some problems with the game in relation to the first game. Here I will explain the problems i had with BTS and why I think Deck Nine did not understand the characters. This is very long, if anyone has the time to read it all, I’d like you to finish to the end! 
1. Continuity issues
Rachel’s parents. I always got the feeling Rachel’s parents were neglectful, which REALLY showed when Chloe said they are in denial that Rachel is missing. Rachel having neglectful parents and Chloe having an abusive stepfather and abuse enabling mother, would show just why Rachel and Chloe wants to leave Arcadia Bay. What happens in BTS? Rachel has kind and loving parents and a bio mom that is a horrible representation of drug addiction(everything about how D9 wrote Sera sends a horrible message, wtf D9?) and all of sudden James just pretends that Rachel isn’t missing? The fuck? Also, Rachel’s parents are not called James or Rose. Rachel’s student information we see in Episode 3 about her parents is not readable, but he Initial letters of the names written within the Parent(s) field on Rachel’s file do not appear to match the names James or Rose (or even Sera)
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Rachel’s address. Rachel’s  Blackwell Student Information Sheet shows Rachel’s home address. Rachel Amber has an address of “6 Sa(?)u/n(?)tle Road, Arcadia Bay, Oregon”. There is a piece of paper covering the Home Address field, but we can make out a “gon” from the end of “Oregon”, so we know it is within the state. As her address in the top-right corner is different to what appears to be the dormitory address on the other student files, we can assume that “6 Sa(?)u/n(?)tle Road” is implying her home address (just like on Chloe’s file). However, in Before the Storm, her home address is 2420 Blackfriars Road, Arcadia Bay, Oregon.
My friend/one of  my Amberprice favs @thelittle-scribbler​‘s idea of Rachel’s parents makes more sense. “the idea I had of Rachel is that she was a relocated student from Cali from a very problematic absent family who didn’t give a fuck about her, coz well they gave up looking for her! And if her dad was the city da, he would have never gave up on the search and also, he would have known about her being involved with drug dealers. Unless he got his ass fired after hiring those guys to kill his ex wife lol”
Chloe’s blue hair. In Episode 3 of Before the Storm, Chloe is shown dyeing her hair blue for the very first time. However, we know that in Life is Strange, Chloe had been dyeing her hair with a blue streak on or before her 16th birthday (two months before Before the Storm takes place). indicating that Chloe had already been using blue dye in her hair by the time of her 16th birthday. It would have made more sense if we had seen Chloe with a blue streak in Before the Storm Episode 1.
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Max’s contact of Chloe. "You were happy to wait five years without a call, or even a text.“ In Before the Storm’s Episode 1, "Awake,” Chloe’s phone clearly shows that Max has been texting her during her time in Seattle and had even initiated text messaging after admitting to being “bad about emailing”. Max has texted Chloe on the following dates in November 2009: 2nd, 13th, and 28th. Max was supposed to have not emailed, called or text Chloe ever since she left for Seattle, it should end in  9/28/2008, but it began again a year later.
Joyce and David’s relationship.  In Before the Storm, David and Joyce are currently unmarried and had started dating not that long before the game’s events that are set in May 2010 (Chloe is 16 years old at this time). David is also about to move in to the Price household, which is seen happening by Episode 3. But in Life is Strange, a chronological timestreammontage shows that Joyce and David were already married before Chloe’s 16th birthday. A picture of a married Joyce and David appears prior to an image of Chloe on her 16th birthday in this timestream montage
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The Blackwell problem. Victoria Chase’s sole reason for being at Blackwell is Mark Jefferson. Jeffershit is not in BTS. Victoria is introduced as a sophomore at Blackwell Academy in Before the Storm and wants to be in theater for…reasons, but the age for Victoria in the first game suggests she should be a freshman in BTS. Warren is a Blackwell student at age 13. Max is said to be a sophmore with Chloe in her own school in Seattle at the time, but problem there is Max turned 14 in 2009 after the September 1st cutoff date. This means that she wouldn’t be starting high school until September the following year (fall 2010). The normal age requirement to start high school as a freshman is age 14 (i.e. turning 14 before the September 1st cutoff). It is currently unknown why Max has advanced two grades in 2010. She has a 2.8 GPA on her 2013 student information sheet, which suggests she is a low B / C / high D student (not an exemplary student). Her GPA is also said to fluctuate and she acknowledged in 2013 that she should be doing better. and there’s the fact that Chloe is in Blackwell with some of the characters in the first game  and dialogue (or text messages) between these characters seems to suggest that she did not know them as fellow students or even classmates prior to the original game’s events. For example, Stella is in Chloe’s class photo, problem with that is that Stella doesn’t even know who Chloe is, she just refers to her as “some girl” Warren. Warren does not know who Chloe is at the beginning of Episode 2, yet in BTS class photo he is seen with Chloe.  Other dialogue gives the impression that Warren does not know Chloe beforehand. For example, the text messages Max receives from Warren in Episode 4 if she kissed Chloe/but declined Warren’s invitation to the drive-in or didn’t kiss Chloe/ but accepted Warren’s invitation.  There is no mention of the fact he knows Chloe from when she was going to Blackwell, her complete change of appearance, or that he’s surprised that Max knows her too! There are also a couple of points in Life is Strange where, if Warren knew Chloe from the past, he would have likely opened a dialogue with her about that it’s good to see her again or even asking how life is outside Blackwell. Not even Chloe seems to recognize Warren, as she refers to him simply as “your friend” to Max. Justin.  When Max encounters Justin at the Blackwell Campus in the first episode of Life is Strange, “Chrysalis”, she has the option to talk with him about Rachel and “her punk friend”, as Max does not yet know the identity of the blue-haired punk girl that she had saved in the bathroom earlier. "I can’t remember her name… But she was hot. Tats. Blue hair. Hardcore. She stopped hanging out with us after Rachel disappeared… or ran away.“ As we see in Life is Strange, Justin refers to Chloe in a very vague way as Rachel’s "punk friend” and as though he only knows her second-hand through Rachel. Yet the Before the Storm prequel game puts Justin in the same Blackwell student photograph as Chloe (standing directly in front of her), furthermore implying they are in the same classes. He would have had frequent contact with Chloe as a classmate of just that handful of students. Also in Before the Storm, Chloe interacts with Justin at Blackwell and they seem very familiar with each other. Justin refers to her as both “Chlo-ee” and “Price”, so he definitely knows both her first name and surname. They also are texting with each other in Before the Storm. Then again, they ARE friendly with each other in episode 4, Justin not remembering who she is in episode 1 might be the case of him being blazed and just narratively teasing Max of the girl she saved. Nathan. In Life is Strange Episode 1’s Cliff chapter, Max will ask Chloe about Nathan. Chloe will tell Max:“I met him in some shithole bar that didn’t card me. He was too rich for the place and too wasted. And he kept flashing bills…” in Before The Storm, Chloe knows Nathan from Blackwell.  but the way she describes her predicament to Max sounds like she is describing her first impressions from the first time she ever met or had one-to-one dealings with him (i.e. no previous encounters before that).
Chloe is left handed in the first game and right handed in BTS. Yes she does use her left in some points, but Chloe’s dominant hand in the first game is her left hand. Throughout BTS, Chloe smokes and drinks with her right hand, lights the Amber House candles with her right hand and even writes graffiti with her right hand. In the first game Chloe smokes and drinks with her left hand and lockpicks with her left hand. DONTNOD confirmed she was left handed. I am just baffled by this decision. The only time I remember Chloe using her left hand as her dominant hand in BTS is when she burns evidence for Damon.
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Chloe is expelled in 2011 in the first game. Chloe is expelled in 2010 for BTS. Max looks at a report card in Chloe’s bedroom which shows that Chloe was still attending Blackwell Academy up until the end of her junior year, which was in May 2011. BTS gives us the choice to defend Rachel and get expelled or suspended if you don’t. There is also no mention by the Principal of a recent suspension for “spray-painting graffiti in the parking lot” as was clearly mentioned on her school file in his office in Life is Strange, nor any mention of the “police reports.” Although the suspension is temporary and she is to be hopefully reinstated in the fall to start her junior year on condition of her good behavior, the suspension was not over graffiti. Being expelled in 2010 completely contradicts the circumstances of the original game, and the suspension (although being the least non-canon consequence) is over the wrong reasons. Even if Chloe was suspended, it is not unreasonable to believe that she would be expelled anyway over the extensive graffiti she left in the bathroom.
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Chloe being good at chemistry. It is never stated in her report card in the first game if she were ever good at chemistry. Chloe comes off as someone who doesn’t care about getting grades, hell Chloe seems only interested in the Arts class as shown in her report card. A friend pointed out to me it kind of feels like “BtS took away a lot from Warren, as if it were a "competition" "Warren is good at chemistry" and so the BtS crew thought "Let's make Chloe good at chemistry too!" Another point is also that Warren has green as his personal color, and in Farewell Chloe he wears a green shirt. Chloe in episode 1 uses Warren's phrase "Power". I don't know, I felt like they took things from Warren to give to Chloe, and that really pissed me off.”
Chloe knows about Pompidou’s name despite not knowing the pupper’s name in the first game. Also "The only way you know my dog’s name is if you broke into my RV.“ Why would he say that if he told Chloe Pompidou’s name?
Frank was just a drug dealer to Chloe and who she and Rachel hung out with in the past. Now Frank kills someone to protect Chloe. Chloe and Frank are not friends. 
2. The first LIS game told a different story for Chloe and Rachel’s relationship
Chloe’s “Rachel was my angel” comment showed a lot to how Chloe loved Rachel and how much she meant to her.  Chloe tells Max that Rachel entered her life when was at her absolute lowest and that it was she who helped her deal with the grief of having lost her father but the entire game is centered around Chloe being the one who is supporting Rachel as she deals with a serious family drama of her own.  What Before The Storm should have been. Rachel helping lift Chloe through the worse point of her life. If Rachel had stopped Chloe from committing suicide… as was the commonly believed interpretation to what happened between Chloe and Rachel up until BtS, then Chloe’s ”“she was my angel” would have meant it was truly special and real. But instead they bump into each other at an illegal concert and Rachel distracted some thug who works for Damon and we spend the game finding out who Sera is in a reveal we all saw it coming and only to have Rachel taken out of the third episode where Rachel never talks to her and makes the whole thing feel pointless. What the game should have been was Chloe and Rachel together having fun rocking out, becoming girlfriends and Chloe starting to live again and show that Chloe Price loves Rachel Amber and Rachel loves Chloe.
3. Deck Nine did not understand Chloe.
I don’t feel that Deck Nine did Chloe justice. The writers attempt to evoke empathy with Chloe feeling grief which is done via exactly one emotion- which is a very childish understanding of how loss and coping works. She had no character arc, considering she was the exact same character that we already knew in LiS Episode 1 (A bitter disaffected teenage youth with no regard for authority) so we didn’t get to see Chloe evolve into the character we loved in the first game. She just already was it.  The gameplay undid the narrative we were given about Chloe being a loner in that you can talk to and make friends with pretty much anybody and they all acted like they liked and were genuinely happy to see Chloe. Very rarely were there interactions with Blackwell students that ended with Chloe’s presence not being welcomed, only Wells, Victoria and Nathan showed contempt for Chloe(even with Nathan that goes away when he claps for her at the play)  The reason this is done is because the game wouldn’t be fun if Chloe actually was a loner. The core mechanic of Life is Strange is being able to talk to people and experiment with your surroundings. A game where nobody wanted to talk to Chloe works against the core mechanic. But in making her the main character it undoes the weight of the narrative of Chloe being alone until Rachel/Max. I just strongly feel that Deck Nine did not understand Chloe as a character and did not do her justice. We should’ve gotten Chloe at her lowest, evolving from Max’s best friend to the character we know in the first game and Rachel helping lift Chloe through the worse point of her life.  Chloe and Rachel together having fun rocking out and Chloe starting to live again and show that Chloe Price loves Rachel Amber and Rachel loves Chloe. Chloe losing Rachel and showing how Chloe has to deal with Rachel missing, how she became in debt to Frank and how she got involved with Nathan and how Chloe ends up in the bathroom. 
4. There is no plot...until the last minute
The biggest problem I have with BTS is there is absolutely no plot. In the first game we absolutely KNEW what the plot was. There was a storm, a missing person/serial killer and all of our friends have problems that Max has to help them with. In Before The Storm....there really is nothing. We go to a concert and because we ruined an asshole’s shirt, we were threatened and saved because Rachel was there. Then the rest of episode 1 spends on spending time with Rachel. Same with episode 2. They only gave the plot at the last minute cause Deck Nine probably went “oh shit, we just realized we don’t have a fucking plot” then we spend the majority of the game trying to get the identity of the woman Rachel’s scumbag father was seen kissing. Turns out the girl is Rachel’s biological mother! James and Sera's story doesn’t make any sense. He still loves her, gives her a final goodbye kiss and then orders some drug dealer to kill her because she was a drug addict?! Damon was hired to kill Sera and protect Rachel, but stabs her instead?! He wants Sera to die because she was a former addict....despite Sera wanting to be clean and Sera doesn’t want her to ruin Rachel’s life???? What kind of fucking message is that to send to people struggling with addiction??? They dropped the fact that Sera was supposed to have powers and it was passed down to Rachel and that Rachel is the storm. Hell, Rachel was taken out of the final episode 90% of the fucking episode. Damon was a lazy thrown at the last minute villain. The first game shows you what’s at stake right away, with Before The Storm there’s no clear danger, conflict or mystery. We only get it halfway through the second episode and even then it’s a bad mystery and conflict and  if it takes that long to add conflict or mystery, then I really think they failed the game. The best parts about the game are Amberprice, episode 2, Steph, Mikey & Drew and Samantha. But that’s kind of it. Before The Storm was kind of a disappointment. 
5. Forced to give David a chance
Deck Nine doesn’t understand that Chloe does not have a good relationship with David, or even Joyce. Deck Nine forces us to be nice to David and every time we choose to pick the most Chloe like choice we are punished.  The game outright makes us look like jerks for being true to Chloe’s character regarding David.  Deck Nine screwed up everything when it came to Chloe and David. Before even meeting David in episode 1, Chloe’s only complaint is he calls her “girly” that...that’s it? The only thing I felt they got right was his comment about  “vacation from not having a father figure” and saying he’ll show what a stable home is like.  The way he said that he can FINALLY show Chloe what a stabilized home looks like…..like she didn’t have a stable home when her father was alive. That really got under my skin. But let me explain, Deck Nine did not understand Chloe’s relationship with David and did their best to villainize Chloe for not giving him a chance. I do not want to feel bad for David. Stop trying to make us feel bad for this abusive piece of shit and make Chloe out to be the villain for not giving this asshole a chance.  He emotionally, mentally and physically abuses her and joyce normalizes it, violates her privacy, installs cameras in the house without her or Joyce’s knowledge cause he will not trust her and Rachel,  David makes Chloe feel like a prisoner in her own home. David getting a job at Blackwell makes her want to get expelled, whenever he is around she does not feel safe. He makes her so afraid that she feels like she’s living with a Nazi. They are not meant to have a good relationship. As for Joyce. The fandom likes to paint Joyce as this great mother to Chloe, and she was when William was alive but she chose her own happiness and interests over the safety and well being of her own daughter. Joyce enabled an abusive stepfather and ignored her daughter being hit and verbally abused (and there is a word for that: culpability. Joyce is guilty of child abuse. If we do not back up Chloe in episode 1 and we tell Joyce David hit Chloe, Joyce just brushes it off like it’s not a big deal…and this is who the fandom perceives as a good mother? What Deck Nine should have done is have it open with it stated that Joyce and David are married.  Chloe’s life is a living hell. David does not understand nor does he care about Chloe’s depression and grief for losing William and Max moving away. Show that David physically, mentally and emotionally abuses her. Joyce normalizes it like saying “you keep pushing him, what did you think was gonna happen” you might think that’s out of character for Joyce, but she put her own interests over the safety and stability of her own child. Joyce didn’t want to be alone anymore, so she settled down with the first guy that came her way. The abuse is normalized in their household and Chloe’s definitely internalized it. Keep in David’s comment about “vacation from not having a father figure” David violates her trust and feelings and boundaries and bosses her around and calling her a loser who has no friends and burdens her mother. Show why Chloe is terrified of him to the point where she labels him a Nazi and to the point she feels like he will kill her if he finds Max in her room, so make a hint that David starts to put surveillance around the house because of his unwillingness to trust Chloe and Rachel. Chloe and David do not have a good relationship and fuck Deck Nine for making us feel bad and look bad for not giving David a chance. Fuck you.
6. The choices D9 made with Nathan make no sense.
I already explained why Nathan being in Blackwell with Chloe doesn’t make any sense, but the choices Deck 9 did with Nathan doesn’t explain anything about the character he would become in the first LIS. If Nathan had to be in the game, I don’t think Samantha should’ve been in the game. Nathan’s social circle is Rachel, Victoria and Hayden. There is no missing persons posters in Arcadia Bay aside from Rachel. Samantha being the first Dark Room victim does not hold up. And that’s the problem, we don’t get to see Nathan being friendly with Rachel, Victoria or Hayden. We see him being bullied by Drew North. Wouldn’t it make much more sense for Nathan and Victoria to be bullying Drew and Mikey and Chloe and Steph defending them and Nathan and Victoria trying to get Chloe expelled for that? Okay if what they were trying to do was  a timid Nathan who slowly gets to become the king of Blackwell who was being mentally and emotionally abused by Sean and Jefferson, it did not work. We never see Nathan with his friends. We never see Nathan with Rachel aside from one picture. We do not get to see Nathan and Hayden. Nathan and Victoria are as close as brother and sister, we never get to see that and I think that’s where BTS failed Nathan. Hell, if they were to keep Nathan’s character as it were in BTS, I think Chloe and Nathan should have been friends. I cannot find the video because the person who made it deleted their YouTube account, but a few years ago when BTS was first out, someone made a video suggesting that Chloe and Nathan could’ve been friends in Blackwell. The video was SO convincing that I was so on board with the idea and Samantha pointing out how similar they are. If Hell Is Empty wasn’t a bad episode, maybe they could’ve gave Chloe and Nathan a chance to talk. depending on our choices it could go good or bad. If it goes bad, then they remain on bad terms. But if they are on good terms depending on our choices, you are given a choice to choose to become friends with Nathan. They bond over their similar music taste, their mutual love for Rachel and find common ground with everyone expecting the worst out of them and their abusive father/stepfather. And Nathan could thank Chloe for stepping up for him. And they share a smoke together. I think Chloe and Nathan being friends before their lives goes on a downward spiral and hits rockbottom would’ve been nice and sure as hell would’ve been better than giving Chloe, Stalky McFuckboy as a “friend” instead
7. Deck Nine does not understand Rachel Amber
I don’t feel that Deck Nine understands Rachel Amber as a character or understands what made the fanbase love her from the first game. Rachel is a character shrouded in mystery. The vibe I got from Chloe indicates that Rachel Amber saved her at her lowest and made her feel like she could live again. I also got the vibe that Rachel had neglectful parents who cared very little of her and Rachel was tired of the pressures of being little ms perfect and the bullying she suffers at Blackwell. So Chloe and Rachel wanted to be free from Arcadia Bay. Chloe wanted to be free of an abusive step-father and her mother who allows the abuse to go on and Rachel wanted to be free from everything at Arcadia Bay. Started a knew life as a model in LA. It was their Santa Monica Dream. The characterization of Rachel Amber in BTS just feels like D9 does not understand Rachel. Rachel Amber is meant to be a morally grey character. There are hints that she wasn’t this perfect angel Chloe thought she was and then backed away from that perspective out of fear fans would be angry at their depiction of Rachel. Rachel Amber who I knew in the first game was just not there. She had no interesting perspective or enlightenment to offer to Chloe or be the positive force to Chloe or even showed why she was this mysterious chameleon who fit in so perfectly with everyone who was adored by everyone. She was just a pretty looking character model with a great voice actress that would sometimes say very wistful, wide-eyed things. She would also quote boring poetry. Rachel in BTS has no aspiration to be a model and instead of Rachel helping Chloe deal with her grief, the game makes it about Chloe helping Rachel with her family drama. We never get to see Rachel meet Joyce(Joyce in LIS makes it seem like her and Rachel got along) we never get to see Rachel defending Chloe from David or Rachel as this ambiguous character. She’s portrayed as this character that must be protected at all costs, like she’s neither ambiguous nor does she have any agency. It is perfectly okay to show her drift away from Chloe.  Yes they were in love and had this great relationship and they loved each other. It’s important to see and know the people we romanticize are not who we thought they were. Rachel was looking for a way out of Arcadia Bay. She first thought both her and Chloe can escape to LA together. But over time she did not think that was possible anymore. Chloe dodges her car payments and her family is in debt and Chloe is in debt to Frank. She still wants to leave with Chloe, but Rachel needed an alternative way so she and Chloe can escape. So Rachel turned to Frank, she used him for her drugs because as  time goes on, Rachel turns to drugs to numb the pain. She parties with The Vortex Club and as Nathan said “Rachel partied like a fiend on her own.” Hell, she was so desperate to leave Arcadia Bay she even asked the trucker to take her to LA. Then, Rachel meets Mark Jefferson. Rachel saw him as her way to LA. She wanted to have her pictures modeled by a professional, which he was, but Rachel never saw him for what he was. A sheep in wolf’s clothing, a monster. He saw her as the perfect subject. A human chameleon with many visual possibilities and he felt they had a connection. Manipulating her into believing that he is the father figure that James never was for her. Rachel wrote a letter to Chloe in the shack but discarded it. She feels that he changed her life but the discarded letter shows that she felt ashamed about the whole relationship. Her shame indicates that she was apart of the Dark Room. At first she just saw it as a big photography project outside of school, but then Rachel started to look into Jefferson’s past models and figured out something was wrong. In Jefferson’s own words “Not like Rachel, who was always looking in the wrong places. Poor Rachel.” Jefferson of course finds out because The Dark Room is under 24 hours surveillance. So out of fear of Rachel telling everyone, Jefferson kills Rachel, doses Nathan and poses Nathan’s unconscious body with Rachel’s lifeless body. The vibe I got from the first game is that Rachel and Chloe have this very important and special bond. But Rachel just wanted to be free of Arcadia Bay by any means necessary. Rachel would go far to get what she wanted. Someone who is willing to lie to the people she cared about to satisfy her own needs and goals. Personally, I see Rachel as being okay with manipulating everybody BUT Chloe, which gives everybody a foothold to try and gaslight Chloe and Max about her, trying to get them to doubt that Rachel genuinely cared about Chloe.  Rachel wanted a way out and she thought she had her way out, but in the end she played with fire and got burned.
8. The last episode
It was lazily thrown together. The actual GOOD aspects were cut altogether. Rachel does  not dye Chloe’s hair. Chloe and Rachel do not work on the truck together. Rachel does not stand up for Chloe against David. Rachel and Chloe do not kick Eliot’s fuckboy ass. Rachel has to be taken care of instead of Chloe and Rachel working together to save Sera. All the good Amberprice stuff is in the montages. Hell Is Empty was a huge disappointment.
9. Unlike Max, Chloe has no agency in defeating the villain of the game.
The difference between LIS and BTS is the player has a hand in defeating their villains, while in BTS, we do not. Max Caulfield who was tied up and was about to be killed, guides David in defeating and capturing her abuser and villain of her story Mark Jefferson. Max is instrumental in defeating the villain of her story. Chloe Price is knocked unconscious and saved for doing nothing while Frank kills Damon Merrick off screen. Chloe is not instrumental or has any agency in leading to the defeat of the villain(the rushed villain at the last second) of her story
10. Farewell. 
While Farewell is cute and tragic to play, it ultimately does not make any sense. If this is the same day as Max’s last moment with William and before Joyce comes home to tell Chloe the news of William, WHY are Max and Chloe in different outfits? Wouldn’t it make more sense for this to be Max’s last day in Arcadia Bay instead of the last day of William? I feel this especially cause in the BTS Graffiti side of the notebook, it is shown that there is one final episode under episode 3, I kind of feel like this was meant for Farewell and it was meant to be Max’s Farewell, but something changed. It also kind of comes off as wanting the player to hate Max for not staying to say goodbye. What I would prefer is this takes place on Max’s last day in Arcadia Bay and despite William’s accident, Chloe wants to do her best to make sure her best friend gets the best damn send off before her farewell. And Max and Chloe part on good terms instead of Max’s asshole father preventing Max from saying goodbye lol
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