#and I think I got bit by every spider in the garage ):
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phoenixiancrystallist · 2 years ago
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Month 6, day 11. I've made myself a promise: for every expression I do for Gil (character in the Gunpla comic my roommate wants to do), I get to do one Cuff expression, too :P
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absentlyabbie · 2 years ago
i'll tell you what converted me to being all-in on keeping cats indoors only:
living for a year and a half in a rural area with a sudden feral cat colony explosion on the property.
i moved in with my folks for a bit and at that time, one (1) stray cat mama had taken up residence on the property, but was too feral to let my mother anywhere near her. but especially after she brought three kittens around, mom fed her and the kittens in hopes they'd grow trusting enough she could catch for spay and neuter at the minimum. momcat stayed mean and hella wary, but the kittens would hang around a little nearer and play with my mom via long stick, but still wouldn't come close enough to touch or catch.
unfortunately, two of the three kittens were girls and started having kittens of their own before further progress was made, shortly after i moved in. and that was pretty much instant doom.
there were so many kittens. SO MANY. multiple litters. every time we turned around, more kittens.
we fed them. we hunted for and located the kittens every time anywhere on the property and would move them to a repurposed doghouse anytime a mama cat had them somewhere else, so that they could grow up human-socialized and we could spay/neuter them when they were old enough. (also it was a handy tactic to push the issue of the mamas getting more used to/trusting of us themselves. only really worked with one of them, though.)
and we watched them die.
we watched litter after litter of kittens never make it to the age they could be spayed or neutered. the moms stayed, for the longest time, too skittish to more than briefly touch, much less catch and crate for a vet visit.
it sounds like a silly joke to say i have kitten-related ptsd, but i absolutely do.
too many goddamn times i'd walk out of the garage and find the carport and gravel drive strewn with tiny bodies. others simply went missing, never to be found.
one in particular, i wish i hadn't found, and the visual literally haunts me still, almost a decade later.
i saw so many kittens die of snake bite, spider bite, wild dogs, birds of prey, hit by cars, respiratory illness, covered in fleas and eyes crusted with infection.
and we loved them all. scrimped for antibiotics if the vet could be convinced to give it to us despite our being unable to bring them in. bought flea collars and ointments. we cared for them and fed them and petted them and played with them, brushed their fur and cleaned up their little faces, put ice in their water in hot summer, rigged a heating lamp in their house in the winter.
and they died. horribly. that property is pocked with unmarked graves of kittens and cats.
all the best intentions, not enough resources, and it didn't matter anyways because the population went from three to almost twenty (at times, over thirty) in the blink of an eye.
they died and died and died. our hearts broke over and over again. the stress and anxiety wore us down like sandpaper. i think, by the end of it all, we managed to find less than 10 of them all homes, including batman the disabled kitten i found a home across the country through tumblr.
it was carnage and tragedy, frankly. and we were helpless.
it only ended because they started dying faster than they could be born, and because we finally caught the two remaining mom cats in traps and got them spayed.
the points about outdoor cats being invasive predators devastating to local wildlife populations is true and valid and important.
but i know cat people, and cat people who don't know better than to let cats outdoors. what matters to you is the cat itself, generally. the cat being happy and taken care of.
keeping cats outdoors, letting them outdoors, is not taking care of the cats. it's not protecting them. it's not giving them any happiness or invigoration that couldn't be provided to them as indoor-only pets with just a little research and effort.
they die. they get ill. they get hurt. they're at risk of predators, and cars, and disease, and carelessly cruel children and deliberately cruel adults. they're at risk of disappearing on you because someone else saw a cat outdoors and intervened to give it a better, safer life not in conflict with the local environment.
and if that offends and angers you that someone would just take a cat they saw roaming outdoors, even collared, and that it sounds like i'm endorsing that, i am, but not if you intervene and be that person yourself for your own cat.
if what matters to you is doing right by your cat because it's family and a living creature whose happiness and health and safety is important to you,
keep them indoors. not part time. always. exclusively.
edit: since apparently i need to clarify this, i'm saying cats should live inside, that they should not live outdoors, even part time. visiting the outdoors supervised on a leash or in an enclosed catio is not the same as even part-time living outside, and i am certainly not advocating against it.
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lucy90712 · 6 months ago
Jude Bellingham with a bookworm reader going to the bookstore, like those videos on Tiktok where the boyfriends buy a bunch of books to their girlfriends 🥹
A/n: I had to post this today as it's my birthday and I got so many books so this seems fitting 
I woke up this morning to the feeling of kisses being pressed to my face and neck from Jude. I kept my eyes closed for a bit longer so he would keep kissing me but he caught on quickly that I was awake so I was made to open my eyes but I was rewarded for doing so with a kiss on my lips. He is usually quite affectionate but this morning he's being extra affectionate which I'm definitely not complaining about. Jude wasn't satisfied with just kisses though he wanted to cuddle so he moved my boom that was laying on my stomach from me falling asleep reading it and pulled me into his chest to cuddle. 
"Happy birthday my love" Jude said 
"Thank you" I said 
"I hope you're ready as I have a few surprises ready for you" he said 
"I'd like to think I'm ready but I never know with you there's always a chance that you will try and take me skydiving or something" I laughed 
"I promise I'm not going to do that you are going to love what I have planned" he said 
We cuddled in bed together for a while longer before he picked me up out of bed and carried me downstairs where he had set up balloons and banners which weren't there when we went to bed so he must've got up after I'd fallen asleep to do it all. There was also cards and presents sat on the table waiting for me some of which were clearly from my parents which he must've helped them send. Jude was still yet to put me down and he carried me to the spare room downstairs in his house which he didn't know what to with. Finally he put me down outside the door and made me close my eyes while he opened the door and lead me inside. I was a little scared as Jude's surprises can either be great or terrifying I always think about the time he surprised me with a giant spider he'd caught which freaked me out but he found so funny. 
He walked me inside and then allowed me to open my eyes which is when I saw what he'd done. The room which was completely empty now had book shelves across two of the walls and a comfortable chair with a lamp beside it. He'd made me a reading room because he knows how much I love reading. I read during every spare second in my life on my days off I read, before I got to bed I read even when a Jude takes me to his training sessions I spend most of the time reading. Books have always been my first love and I have so many of them but until now I had nowhere to put them so they are all in boxes hidden away in our garage. The fact that Jude had even thought about making this room a space for me to read in nearly made me tear up then he told me he built all the shelves himself whenever I wasn't home I couldn't stop a few tears leaving my eyes. 
"This is so amazing thank you so much" I said trying to hold back more tears 
"Its ok I'm glad you like it I realised that this house just feels like my home with my gym and all of the trophies and pictures hanging up so I wanted you to have your own space where you can do what you enjoy" Jude said 
"You're the best boyfriend ever I hope you know that" I said jumping into his arms to hug him 
We decided that later we would start organising my books onto the shelves but we didn't have time right now as Jude said he still has more surprises in store. First we had to get ready as he told me we are going to breakfast with some friends before we can do our next activity. Jude has really gone all out for my birthday this year which isn't necessary as all I really want is to spend the day together but he always promised me when we first got together when we were 17 that once he made it in football he'd spoil me and I guess this is him doing that. Last year we didn't get to spend my birthday together because we had conflicting schedules so Jude promised he'd make my next birthday perfect which he's doing a good job so far. 
Breakfast with our friends was really nice I haven't seen them in a while as Jude and I have been away so it was nice to catch up and they all gave me lovely gifts. We couldn't stay long as Jude insisted we had somewhere to be but he wouldn't tell me or even our friends where we were going. Once we were back in the car he made me close my eyes as he put in the address in case I knew where we were going and then again when we got closer I had to keep my eyes closed again so I couldn't see where we ended up. Jude even helped me out the car so nothing would be spoiled until he was ready for me to see. 
I heard the noise of a bell like the ones they have on the doors of smaller shops to signal that someone has come in which is exactly when I was allowed to have my sight back. Once my eyes adjust I realised that we were in a book store and not just any book store the one I always see on my way home from work but have never been into as I usually don't have time to stop. The entire place was empty which had me confused until Jude said that he had rented out the store for an hour so I could walk around and look at all the books with no one bothering me. I didn't need more encouragement than that to start walking down all the rows and rows filled with books to look at them all. 
I've never had a favourite genre or author I just love reading any book that sounds like it had an interesting storyline. Even though they say don't judge a book by its cover I definitely do as if I can see that a book as a cool cover I am more likely to pick it up and read the back. I picked up quite a few books off the shelves all of which were interesting and seemed like a good read but I was selective on the ones I kept hold of as I know if I let myself I'd just read everything in the whole store. I was so in my own world that I completely forgot that Jude was even there I spent my time looking at books and talking to myself about whether they seemed good or not. If I could live in a bookstore like this one I'd be happy forever and I suppose if Jude was here that would make it even better but even without him I'd be happy if I was surrounded by this many books. 
After I'd walked through the whole store I had five books in my arms which were the best books I found in the store. That was when I remembered that Jude was there and I turned around to find him as he could've left in the time that I was in my own world. He hadn't left though he was stood right behind me holding even more books that I’d picked up but ultimately put down. I looked at him confused but he just had a big smile on his face. 
"What are you doing?" I asked 
"I want you to fill up your little home library and I know you have a lot of books but you'll finish those books you've got in less than a month and I want you to still have something to look forward to reading at least until Christmas when I can top up your to read list again" he said 
"That's really sweet of you but I don’t need this many books plus it'll cost a lot of money" I said 
"Well it's a good thing I have the money to spend on them then but seriously don't worry about how much it costs I'm doing this as I want to spoil you you never spend money on yourself so please let me do this for you" he said 
"As long as you promise you won't do this all the time and it's just this once then I'll let you" I said 
"I promise now come on let's get all these books and head home to put them all on the shelves" Jude smiled 
I think Jude was so much more excited about putting together what he likes to call my mini library. As soon as we got back home he went and got all the boxes we've stored away while I got us some snacks and drinks to fuel us as we start what will be a long task. First I had to decide how I wanted to organise everything which was hard but in the end I decided to do it by author as I'll be able to keep better track of where everything is that way. I got all the books together and Jude put them up on the shelves for me which was the easy part of the job as I spent more time telling him about the storyline of some of the books I'd forgotten about but loved so much. Jude has never been a reader but he still listens to me whenever I'm telling him about whatever book I'm reading and he makes an effort to always ask me about my current read which really means a lot to me as it shows he understands that reading is to me what football is to him. 
It took hours but eventually we had every single book on the shelves in alphabetical order based on author. It was a magnificent sight the walls that were plain the last time I came in here are now covered with the many colours of the books I own which made me feel weirdly calm and at home. This room is definitely going to become my safe space where I can come when I need to get away and that's the best present Jude has ever given me. 
"I'm not going to see you for a week straight now we've finished this am I" Jude laughed 
"Possibly but if you join me and read one of the books then you'll see me" I said 
"I'd much prefer you read a book to me I love listening to you read" he said 
"I think that can be arranged but you have to decide what book you want to read so I'd get looking there's a lot to choose from" I laughed 
"I'll think about that tomorrow right now I want to spend the rest of your birthday spoiling you" he said 
"You are definitely doing a good job of that so far I've had the best birthday" I said 
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alittlebitofloveliness · 6 months ago
any soda headcanons?
Hi! I hope these suffice, I couldn't help but throw a little bit of Stevepop in :)
Sodapop Curtis Headcanons
-The Curtis house has a half finished basement which is where the laundry machine is, but the ceiling is FULL of spiders and spiderwebs. Both Darry and Pony are PETRIFIED of spiders, like Ponyboy is jumping from foot to foot and hyperventilating and Darry SHRIEKS when he sees one, so its always Soda’s job to de-spider the basement and he absolutely hates it (he's a little scared of them too, but not nearly as bad as his brothers)
-He has the friendship equivalent of those ‘you cheated on me in my dreams and now I’m mad at you”. One time he dreamed Steve left him stranded at the Dingo and was lowkey pissed at him the next day. Poor Steve was SO confused
-Loves both peanut butter and chocolate by themselves, but HATES when they’re combined together. Bro HATES reeses cups with a passion
-After the Curtis parents died he snuck into their room, stole his mother's half full perfume bottle and hid it in his bedside table. Sometimes before he goes to bed, when Ponyboy is busy brushing his teeth, he’ll spritz a little on his wrist because when he closes his eyes and smells her perfume he can pretend his mom is hugging him again.
-Thinks bananas are spicy (they’re not, he’s just mildly allergic but doesn’t realise it. Everyone in the gang thinks he’s making a joke every time he says it. He isn’t.)
-Him and Steve swing dance together at work sometimes when they’re working alone in the garage and his stomach flutters every time Steve dips him 
-Cannot sing to save his life and does it all the time anyway. Like, he sounds like he’s gargling with rocks, it’s actually painful. Dally has literally paid him to shut up before.
-Steve’s pet cat absolutely HATES him and Soda will always and forever be mad about it because “what did I ever do to her???”
-Can’t remember what his dad’s voice sounded like anymore. It haunts him.
-The easiest way to piss him off is to disrespect Steve in front of him. Sodapop is convinced the sun shines from his grumpy best friend’s glaring eyes, and if anyone doesn’t see that he WILL throw hands, no questions asked
-The Curtis’ have a chore jar full of little slips of paper with the really unpleasant chores they only have to do once in a while written on. Every three months they each draw two each so that way it’s fair who does what. EVERY single time Soda ends up having to clean behind the stove and he’s forever bitter about it because “it looks like a crime scene back there Dar and I know it ain’t just my fault!”
-He and Steve gave each other stick and poke tattoos once but his got SUPER infected. He would’ve had to tell Darry and probably go to the hospital if it weren’t for Evie, who luckily had some training from her tribe’s medicine woman and managed to fix him up.
-Him and Darry do rock paper scissors to decide who has to tell Ponyboy when he has a doctors appointment because Pony always gets SO mad and neither of them wanna deal with him
-Once walked in on Two-bit in an, ahem, compromising position, and hasn’t been the same since
-He used to socially drink pretty often but stopped when he realised how much drunk him really wanted to kiss Steve on the mouth
-Started drinking socially again when sober him kissed Steve on the mouth and the world didn’t end
-He draws faces on the eggs in the fridge, partially because he just finds it fun, but also because it always gets Darry to smile and shake his head fondly, and there isn’t enough that makes Darry smile these days
-Darry made him promise when he first started work full-time that he’d keep half his pay check for himself. He promised, but only ever keeps about 10% of what he makes as spending money. He’s determined to make sure neither Darry nor Ponyboy ever find out
-Wishes he was a bit more like either of his brothers, because even though he loves them more than anything, they have more in common with each other than they willl ever have with him and sometimes he feels like the odd man out in his own family, especially now his mom and dad are gone
-Had asthma as a kid but he grew out of it by the time he turned 10
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pitifulbaby · 1 year ago
Battle Of The Bands
summary: most people do rather traditional gender reveals, but how does a couple who aren't traditional do one?
pairings: Eddie Munson x Fem!Pregnant!Reader
warnings: pregnancy, eddie has some big feelings, day million of alice not knowing how to do warnings, probably bad writing
a/n: i have been trying to write this for honestly wayyyy toooo long, longer than i should have but! i hope you enjoy this! thank you to the ever so cute @eddieschains for helping me with this! i hope you enjoy! 3.5k words
stranger things masterlist
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Parties were never your favorite thing, the crowds were always rowdy and the smell of cheap beer and weed seemed to linger even after you left. But you never minded smaller parties- more so just a friends and family get together. Sure at times they could get loud, but it was never as intense as other parties. 
In an odd way you compared it to a spider, the bigger a party gets the more uncomfortable you are, much like a spider. Small spiders are bearable, but as they get bigger? Nope.
So never did you think you would ever have a gender reveal party, you figured if you had kids you would always just find out the gender through an ultrasound, and that never seemed to be a problem for you. It had been Eddie’s idea to do a gender reveal party. He wanted your child to get to experience things he never got to- even if it had to start way before the baby was here yet. 
You don’t blame him because you were the same way, you both grew up with hardships and not getting to have things other kids your age did. So you both vowed to give them as much as you can. You two were already obsessed with the baby, only being five months into your pregnancy.
The baby wasn’t fully planned, but that doesn’t mean you two weren’t welcoming the baby with open arms. Things happen for a reason, some good and some bad. But this seemed to be a good thing. Sure you both were rather young to be starting a family, but you two loved each other more than anything in this world, so you knew things would be okay. 
Eddie searched for all the ways people reveal the gender, cutting into a cake with the inside being blue or pink, opening a box to reveal balloons, popping those powder poppers, but Eddie thought those were boring and overdone, and truthfully you agreed with him. Maybe it was because those were rather traditional reveals and you two were probably the least traditional in anything. And finally the idea came to him.
The two of you often shopped at thrift stores or garage sales for things, mostly going shopping there for clothes for either of you- wanting to save money to buy brand new things for the baby. Currently your normal clothes just didn’t fit right anymore, some of the oversized shirts you owned still fit, but anything else was just too tight on your stomach that was housing another human. The thrift store you two often went to the most was smackdab in town, a mixture of modern and vintage things mingled into one shop. It was pretty big for a locally owned thrift store, with a section for clothing, furniture, books and movies, and well, everything else you would find at a place like goodwill, but with much nicer things for lower prices.
You were both looking through the maternity clothes, your brows furrowed as you tried to find something you liked. Eddie stood next to you, his hand on your lower back and rubbing soft circles against the fabric of the shirt you wore- that was also one of his shirts. Your gaze wandered over each and every clothing item you looked at, asking Eddie his opinions on whatever you pointed out. He gave you his honest opinion, which was that you would look good in anything, everything and even better in nothing. To which you would either scoff, roll your eyes, feel flustered or all of the above. 
After managing to find a good bit of things you liked, you two decided to head to the front to check out and pay. The owners of the store were an older couple, but today it was just the wife running the store. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the younger couple, she knew you both by name- always raved about how you were both her favorite customers. 
“Hey you two!” Her voice was cheery, a bit worn from years of smoking and just being as she was older, a southern drawl laced through some of the words she spoke. 
“Hi Mrs. Mabel,” Eddie replied with a smile, placing your clothes on the counter. The elder lady simply rolled her eyes at Eddie, smacking his arm softly, “I told you to stop adding ‘Mrs’ to the beginning of my name, makes me feel old and I already feel one foot in the grave.” Mabel scowled at the boy, which only caused you to laugh and lean against Eddie ever so. 
Mabel started to ring up the clothes that were priced amazingly low, smiling at the two love birds in front of her. “How have you been feeling, Mom?” She questions, eyes landing on you and letting her gaze shift to your swollen stomach. You simply let out a soft groan at her question, leaning more against Eddie as the woman lets out a snort of a laugh. “I get it honey,” She replies with a soft smile. 
The rest of the transaction goes fast, her quickly ringing the clothes up and bagging them. Before you two leave though she turns to Eddie. “This is a bit random, but someone dropped off this guitar and it's rather banged up so we aren’t going to sell it. Do you want it?” She questions as she brings up an older looking, wooden acoustic guitar. There was a large water stain on it and it looked like someone went to town on it with markers and crayons. There were scratches on it and one of the strings was snapped. 
As Eddie looks at the guitar, you could almost see the lightbulb going off above his head, a wide smile pulling at the corners of his lips. “You sure?” He asks, in which she simply nods, “You would be doing me a favor.” She says handing over the guitar. He grabs the neck of the guitar, “Thank you.” 
Once you two were seated in your car, Eddie seated in the drivers seat and you in the passenger, but before driving away he turns to you with a big smile. “I figured it out.” He says, a sense of pride evident in his voice. You arched a brow at him, leaning back against the seat and after moving the vents to blow air directly at you. Your head is turned to him, staring at him. The car is silent, which is much different from when you first get in his van and he puts the keys in, music usually will blast out- but he doesn’t play the music super loud in your car. It's always turned down to a respectable level. 
You two blink at one another for a moment before you finally speak, “Are you gonna tell me what you figured out or do I have to guess?” You ask with a cock of your head, Eddie blinks and lets out a small laugh, “Sorry, got distracted looking at you.” Somehow his smile manages to widen as he speaks. You roll your eyes to try and hide how flustered his words made you, feeling heat rise in your chest. “Stop it,” You manage to get out, words breathy.
“No sweetheart, I’m not gonna make you guess. I figured out how we are gonna do the gender reveal.” Eddie’s words are sickeningly sweet, leaning over the console to press a kiss to your lips before he is seated normal and driving the two of you back home.
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Though you never enjoyed parties, you couldn’t help but be excited for this one. Nancy had helped you and Eddie plan the whole thing, letting you two come up with the ideas and came up with a few herself, and then she would help get the things needed. Since you and Eddie were far from traditional, you two planned it all differently than a normal gender reveal. The dress code was simple, if they thought you were having a girl you wore red, and if they thought you were having a boy you wore black. 
The party was being hosted at yours and Eddie’s home. Though the dress code was black and red, you two kept the other stuff the traditional blue and pink, only for the fact that it's rather hard to find baby items for parties in black and red. 
Nancy had come over at around 10:30 in the morning to help finish setting everything up. She came wearing an outfit that didn’t correspond with either red or black because she was the one who knew if it was a boy or a girl. Nancy was given the gender in an envelope, the ultrasound technician writing the gender of the baby down and sealing it up for you to give to whomever. So she was tasked with knowing.
Though the set up was simple, it screamed you and Eddie. Pink and blue guitar picks decorating the table, balloons shaped like music notes, lots of sweet treats and salty foods, you had gotten a cute journal and put it on the table for everyone to either sign their names or just write something sweet for the baby to read when they got older, and then a sign on the wall that said; 
“Battle of the bands! Cast your vote, BLACK Sabbath vs RED Hot Chilli Peppers!” 
The black was colored blue and the red was pink, and to cast your vote all you had to do was write your name on a little music note sticker and stick it under the respected side of the ‘band’ you were voting for. There were some other little things here and there, but the thing everyone was here for was of course, the reveal.
Eddie had thought long and hard about how to go about it, but the day Mabel gave him the old guitar that was honestly needing to be trashed, he knew what he had to do. Eddie explained to Nancy to get that colored powder that they use in the gender reveal videos, stick a bunch of it in the soundhole in the body of the guitar and then seal it up so none of the color seeps out.
And then it would be simple, the guitar would be smashed and the color would fly out.
Eddie had given you the opportunity to smash the guitar, but you told him you thought it would be better if he did, and after a bit of back and forthing he finally agreed to be the one to smash it.
The party was in full swing, it was full of your closest friends, the people who you thought of as your family. You weren’t close with your biological family, never really were. You were always the outcast, the black sheep so to say, of the family. And truthfully you can’t remember the last time they tried to contact you, so you never contacted them. So they weren’t invited to the party. 
The only person Eddie was truly in contact with in his family was his uncle Wayne, who was Eddie’s saving grace. So he was the only blood family there. 
Then of course there was the rest of corroded coffin, plus the other close members of the hellfire club. And then the other members of the close, tight knit family you created. 
Eddie was glued to your hip for most of the pregnancy, and today wasn’t any different- and to some others it would be annoying, but truthfully you didn’t mind it. Maybe you two were in the honeymoon phase, but it had been like this since you two started dating when you were both sixteen. But you were both now freshly twenty three, so perhaps this was just gonna be how you two would always be. 
A gentle hand was rubbing up and down your back, your lover letting you lean into him as you stood talking with Wayne. 
Wayne Munson was a wonderful man, a hardheaded gentleman with a heart of gold. He never doubted that either of you could take care of a child- though you knew he kinda hoped you two would’ve waited a little later in life. But, he was happy for you both and excited to be a grandfather, though he joked and said he was too young to be one.
“Now you tell me if this boy isn’t helping you, alright?” Wayne spoke, a southern twang laced in his words as his hand reaches out and grabs a hold of Eddie’s shoulder, giving him a small shake. His words caused you to laugh and Eddie to groan, “Wayne-” 
“He is very helpful, wont let me do anything myself.” You said with a bright smile, enjoying seeing Eddie embarrassed. But before the conversation could continue, Nancy was wandering over to the three of you, a soft smile on her face as she reaches a hand and places it against your arm. “You guys ready?” Nancy had told you guys to stay inside while she set the rest of the stuff outside, planning to do the reveal in the driveway. 
“You ready to smash a guitar?” You said as you turned to Eddie, you weren’t surprised to see him already looking at you, he pouts softly. “It's gonna feel like I'm committing a sin, but yes.” 
In truth he was scared as hell, not for the fact of smashing a guitar, but knowing the gender. It’s not that he wants one more than the other, it was more so the fact that the moment he knows what it will be will be making it that much more real. He was excited to be a father, but he still had that lingering fear of fucking up the kids life. He didn’t want to turn out like his dad, and it feels like everyday that passes the memories he had with his mother become more hazy. 
He had Wayne and he was the father figure he needed, but he still had that anxiety that no matter what, that it would happen. No matter how many times you reassure him he can’t help but wonder, what if it's just in his genetics? What if sometime down the line something in him switches and he becomes a carbon copy of his father?
But everytime you look at him with that smile, each time he feels a kick, looking at the sonogram, that fear seems to slowly start to fade. 
Moments later the gaggle of your found family is crowded in the driveway, Eddie holding the guitar carefully as his gaze finds yours. Jonathan was in charge of recording it all, which he had no problem in doing so, Nancy was stood by a radio, shoving a cassette tape in and soon Sweet Child O’ Mine by Guns n’ Roses was playing through. The song causes Eddie to laugh, his grip on the guitar tightening as he holds it safe and nearly doubles over in laughter, which in turn causes you to laugh at his enjoyment. 
Neither of you were expecting the song choice, but boy was it welcomed. 
Once again Eddie was looking towards you, “Ready?” He yelled out to you over the song, placing the guitar over his shoulder and gripping the neck tight. Your left hand went and rested against your stomach, nodding with a bright smile. “C’mon! I wanna know what I’m growing!” You soon exclaimed back, you knew no matter what gender you were having you would be happy, and you knew you sounded like most every parent out there when you said all you wanted was for the baby to be healthy, but it was true. That was all that mattered to you, that the baby was happy and healthy. 
With a playful eyeroll Eddie was then rearing back the guitar before smashing it against the concrete. And with the single smash the neck of the guitar snapped off, causing pink powder to puff out of the body of the guitar and settle against the ground.
Eddie is then letting go of the broken neck, jumping for joy as he hollers excitedly. You, of course, were an emotional mess. The moment the color appeared the tears pooled in your eyes and slipped down your cheeks. Everyone around you was screaming and cheering, but they got tuned out the moment the gender was revealed. 
It didn’t take a second longer before Eddie was sprinting towards you and taking you into his arms. A second later he was pulling away, resting his hands against your cheeks. “We are gonna have a baby girl!” You sobbed out, hands grasping the sides of his shirt. His only reply was an excited laugh, pressing his lips to yours- but it was difficult to kiss as you two smiled so intensely. 
The kiss was interrupted as a pop! Sound was heard, which turned out to be Gareth and Dustin popping streamers over you and Eddie. The male pulled you into a hug once again, pressing kisses to your forehead as your friends swarmed over. 
“I told you guys it was gonna be a girl.” You heard Max say to Dustin and Lucas, her arms crossed over her chest as she smirked at them. “I should’ve bet money on it.” She added, which made Dustin roll his eyes and Lucas to shrug his shoulders. 
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The rest of the party seemed to settle after that, the younger hellfire members helping clean off the driveway- which was just hosing down the driveway. Everyone chatted for a bit before starting to leave, not before giving the two of you a hug and words of congratulation. Nancy, Jonathan and Wayne had stayed back to help clean, there wasn’t much to clean and you know it wouldn’t take long for you and Eddie to do it, but they took the chores upon themselves. 
Each and every single time you tried to help you were just shooed away, which in a way you were okay with- you had been on your feet for quite some time today and you were really feeling it now. 
Wayne ended up staying the longest, helping Eddie make the three of you a nice dinner before he decided it was time for him to head back home, leaving with a kiss to your forehead and a soft smile. Eddie had walked Wayne out to his truck, which you knew that they would be outside talking for a good while. So while they were outside you had gotten yourself ready for bed, laying under the downy soft comforter with a book. 
Eddie had wandered back inside almost half an hour after he walked his uncle out, a tired glaze in his eyes and his features relaxed. He locked up the house before stepping into your shared bedroom, quickly changing into a pair of pajamas- which consisted of an old pair of sleep pants and a shirt he cut the arms off. Once he had gotten under the covers he was propping himself up on his side, gently taking your book from your hands and putting the bookmark in. 
He placed the book on the side table before settling back where he just was, his free hand nudging up your cotton sleep shirt and resting upon your bump. You two just laid there and stared at one another for a moment or so, his thumb rubbing against your skin. 
You could feel tears prick at the corners of your eyes, letting yourself curl into Eddie. “Oh honey,” He cooed softly, laying back flat on the bed and taking you with him. Your arms wrap around his torso as you rest your head against his chest- not fully laying on him, more so half on him. “What's wrong?” He asked quietly, “I don’t mean to cry,” You start with a sniffle, “I’m just, really happy.” Your words were sincere, giving Eddie a squeeze as you spoke. With a small laugh he is pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“Me too, a baby girl. In just four more months we will have a daughter.” Eddie spoke with awe in his voice, his hand starting to rub your back while the other one takes a hold of your hand and rests it against his chest. Your tears had subsided, more so just watering up but they never fell. You find yourself relaxing as you listen to the thud, thud, thud, of your lovers heartbeat. Feeling any tense muscles in your body ease up as your eyes slip shut.
“We are gonna have to come up with a name, and we still need to paint the nursery- how is it that nine months feels so long but, fuck, its going by so fast.” Your words were slightly slurred as you felt the tug of sleep pulling at you, “I still think that Ozzy is a kickass name.” Eddie said after a few moments of silence, causing a laugh to bubble up, moving your hand from his hold and reaching over and gently pinching his nipple.
“Hey! Stop- what if I gotta breast feed?” Eddie nearly squeals, using his now free hand to cover his nipple. “You grabbing my nipples is how you got pregnant.” He grumbles, “If I remember correctly it was the other way around.” You retorted back, “Also, if you somehow magically start producing milk, I am taking you to a doctor.” Was the last thing you managed to say before sleep finally took hold of you.
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squilfmybeloved · 3 months ago
peter headcanons peter headcanons peter headcanons!!!! and/or bucky!!!!
idk what your fav ships are but i love basically every ship (except for any clint & bucky ship that isn’t winterhawk lmao) so feel free to yap about whatever ship you want to!!!
i love hearing people‘s headcanons, gimme all the headcanons!
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this post gonna be a. 5 page essay
first order of business: peter and bucky headcanons!!
- older sibling & younger sibling duo that listens to mitski together,,, i love mitski
- transmasc/nonbinary peter arguably one of my favoritest headcanons EVER
- bucky is so a cat guy. its canon (ily alpine the cat <3)
- bucky thought the avengers were. odd. until he was overseeing a decathlon team sleepover. the first sleepover he chaperoned was with tony and clint bcs everyone else was busy so! the kids watched shane and ryan and they were like "fuck yeah let's go ghost hunting" and bucky clint and tony took them cause what the hell why not? and bucky's watching these weird ass kids try to find ghosts. he's like "are they. always like this" and tony's like "yeah. their ideas are usually WAY more fucking insane tho." bucky's like "??? it gets worse?" tony tells him last time they watched stranger things and tried to summon a fucking demogorgon. they fucked up and had to get strange to come fix whatever shit they found instead. i might make this a oneshot later idk
- peter definitely has sharper canines. maybe he was born with them or a side effect of the spider bite but whatever. he can and will bite someone. first time the avengers tried to catch spiderman? he bit every single fucking one of them. still a biter to this day
- if i had a nickel for every time a marvel main character got hit by a train i would have 2 nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
- peter definitely has scars. i guess in canon he doesn't bcs of the healing factor but canon is my bitch so i say he gets scars <33 bro got a parking garage dropped on his head. he's gonna have a scar or 2 😭
- peter definitely gets kidnapped a fair bit 💀 sometimes it's serious but most of the time it's amateurs who either wanna unmask spiderman (where his only real danger is being revealed) or ppl who think he's tony's biological kid (they call tony up and tell him "yo we took ur kid" and he's so confused like "???" then there's just. screaming. from the other line. and tony's like "OHHH no peter has you. also i'm omw to shoot u now. bye 🥰") (peter fucking bit them. that's what happened)
okkk this is all i can think up rn but there's definitely more somewhere i just gotta kickstart it 😭 but here's a pic of how i draw peter <33 (yes i gave him long hair and a scar just bc i didn't wanna draw the other eye. shhh)
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pyromaniacbibliophile · 5 months ago
Bricktober day 10- Trick or Treat
Diary Of Chaos, 1 AM, October 31st
It’s Halloween
I decided Trick
Not treat
Honestly what else did they expect
Why would anyone want treats 
When they could trick instead
The first was easy 
Fake spiders in Ep’s shoe
Followed by real spiders in her room
She’ll be fooled by the first ones 
And think the second lot are fake too
Then a copy of the Declaration of Independence in Enjolras’s room
With a note saying:
Saw this and thought of you
Your friendly neighbourhood thief
He’ll go ballistic and question everyone 
Until he realises that the original’s not actually missing
Then for Grantaire was simple
Replace all his wine with Ribena
And put water in his vodka bottle
Then pour wine in his Ribena
And vodka in his water
He’ll think he’s gone mad
Combeferre’s ink I swapped for melted licorice 
He writes with a quill pen of all things
Come morning he’ll find his quill stuck in an inkwell of licorice
Jehan got treats of course
He’s nice
So I gave him a bowl of sugared violets
Uncle Valjean bought them for me
Speaking of Uncle Valjean, I did his and Uncle Javert’s together
Simply put, I painted their front door red
And their back door black
That’s not a trick
You may think
But the thing is, they both leave through different doors every morning
In the dark
And their doors are unlocked from the inside
So they just walk at them
Only I taped the doors shut as well
And the paint won’t be dry by morning
So they’ll end up either red or black
For Cosette I… obtained lights that make things look black
And put them in her wardrobe
So she’ll think all her clothes are black
I considered dying them
But then remembered that she might actually kill me
So this was plan b
Marius’s was taken from something Enjolras said
I enlisted Chetta’s help with the technology
She works for some big tech company
So she got me the right stuff
Then I made a filter that makes people look like labradors
And, with a bit of building
Made his mirror basically a giant phone with only two settings
Labrador filter
And photos every three seconds
So when he looks in the mirror he’ll be a labrador
And it will take a photo of labrador-Marius 
That I can frame for Ep’s birthday present
Chetta’s, in honour of her assistance, wasn’t bad
I only put cracked screen stickers on all of her devices
Then carefully left them at odd angles
So she’ll think they’re cracked
For Joly I got Grantaire to draw a clown with fangs
Then I traced it onto the french windows in Joly, Bossuet and Chetta’s house
Using coloured paint pens
He might have a tiny fear of clowns
I couldn’t do Bossuet properly
because he helped me with my daring escape
Although I did leave him a fake snake
Attached to a spring
In his bedside drawer
I checked to make sure it was definitely his drawer
I wish I could watch his reaction
Luckily Feuilly and Bahorel have their own gym in their garage
Which made theirs easier
I unpicked their punch bag and filled it with rocks
Sewed it back up
Then re-labeled the heaviest weights they have
As the ones they usually use
So when they try and workout in the morning
They’ll think all their strength has gone
Courfeyrac was last
Seeing as he’s already short as hell
I took inspiration from Roald Dahl
And glued millimetres of wood
To the bottom of all his chairs and tables
Finally the finale
In my bedroom I balanced a bucket of water over the door
Left a note on my bed
Climbed out of the window
Got the bike Bahorel found me
Since I broke mine a few weeks ago cycling into a wall
And left with all speed
For Parnasse’s house
Where they’ll never find me
(P.S: The note read
Happy Halloween!
On this day some people wake up and choose treats
I chose tricks
Hope you all had fun ;)
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ms-demeanor · 7 days ago
You may have noticed that while I had a band that had at least a 45 minute set I only (or mostly) ever post "Sirens," which isn't terribly representative of us in terms of music we recorded. There are several reasons for this and I think they're worthwhile to talk about while I'm talking about voice practice and singing and learning to sing but also I want to give a tip to any musicians out there who are thinking of releasing music that you have *recorded* but have not *played.*
So the first reason I prefer showing off Sirens is because I'm a much better, more developed singer than I was when I started the band with my friend Dani. Spiders, the song at the top of this reblog, was recorded and released in 2017 and Sirens (the song in the previous reblog) was recorded in 2019 and released in 2020. In between the recording of the two songs I took a few months of vocal lessons, I rehearsed with the band at least once a week, and I played a show with my band twice a month. Spiders was recorded in my friend's bedroom/studio and the vocals were composed by me singing to myself quietly in my garage before I had ever sang in front of an audience or even into an actual microphone. I was an *extremely* inexperienced singer, and the recording here is probably something like my twentieth time singing the song all the way through. You can hear how careful I have to be with my voice, it's light and narrow, there's no power to it. At that point I was *incapable* of the power build that comes at the end of Sirens.
I'm bringing this up to show what a difference three years of pretty intense practice and performance make, but also as a bit of a warning.
When Dani and I recorded Spiders, P.I.T. was me and Dani and a bunch of separate recordings Dani had done of various instruments (Dani is so talented and so skilled - Sirens started out as a track called "Bass Dirge" because Dani wrote it to have a fun bass song to play because they are primarily a bassist, but they are also an incredible multi-instrumentalist who became our guitarist after the first guitarist left the band and who would take over the drums from time to time during rehearsals to show the drummer how to play various parts - if anything we ever made sounded good it's because Dani wrote such good music for us to build from). Dani wrote brilliant instrumental pieces and gave them to me and I figured out a vocal line and wrote lyrics, occasionally saying something like "I think we need to make the bridge weirder" or "what if the drums sounded more echoey." Dani recorded my vocals and mixed them and created a six song demo for us that we released as an EP (so we could show people what our idea of the band was) and would send out to prospective drummers and guitarists. And, unfortunately, those songs never got re-recorded. And it drives me insane, because there was one song we dropped entirely from our setlist, and other than that every single song we wrote evolved through months of playing into something much better than what we started with. We'd find problems in the recording that needed to be adjusted to a live performance and the adjusted version got a little longer and a little harder and a little more distorted until something that started out sounding like an 80s darkwave song ended up with an undeniable postrock vibe because the guitarist who joined us was into shoegaze.
My voice got stronger and I had to learn to move around a stage and sometimes parts of the performance became parts of the song - during the "bury me now" bridge on Spiders it didn't feel right to do some kind of halfhearted swaying so I started dropping to my knees, laying flat on the stage, and doing like a backbend/camel pose to get off the ground as I came back into the chorus and the song picked up speed again. But in order to justify that while singing the song needed a LOT more force.
This photo was taken as I was rising out of the "bury me" backbend and pushing into the chorus.
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That section is at about 3:30 in the song, and the song as recorded is a complete mismatch for the kind of snarl and roar that came out of years of practice.
The difference with Sirens is that we didn't record that song until after several weeks of actually practicing playing it with the whole band. The original Bass Dirge doesn't have the same guitar build at the end, that build was influenced by Dani and our former shoegaze guitarist being nerds about pedals together. I didn't record the vocals until after we'd played it enough in practice that I knew where I needed to get a breath in before the six second sustained "down" and "drown" in the final chorus. The recording we've released is still nowhere near as hard or heavy as it sounded in practice, but it is miles and miles better than the first songs we released not only because we had all learned more in the natural course of practice, but because that specific song was practiced *as a whole* before it was released.
Sadly, we were getting ready to do a live recording EP with the heavier versions of a lot of those songs in early March of 2020.
So the two takeaways I want you to have from this are:
Consistent practice really does make you better, even and especially if you suck at first.
New musicians, please don't release your demos, a demo is a practice tool, not a final product. We were super eager to get music out and it means we released music that mostly sounds bad to me because I know how much better those songs got - obviously you can't play every song for two years before you record it, but you should spend at least a few hours playing it and troubleshooting it and experiencing the awkwardness of it live and in person with a full band before you release it.
I love the way that sirens sounds, but every time I listen to that thready, whispery, timid little voice on Spiders I wonder what I was thinking when I decided that it would be totally cool to release a song that I'd never actually sang all they way through.
Also I love talking about my band and I miss my band and I've been wanting to make more music for a long time and getting back into vocal practice seems like as good a time as any to start tinkering with stuff.
Every time I start looking at vocal range videos to try to get back into practice singing I feel like I'm being gaslit.
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mgparker · 3 years ago
it started with a click!
[platonic tasm!peter parker x reader]
summary: Spider-Man seeks your help after you catch him trying to take a self-portrait... little did you know, it was for Peter Parker’s side job at the Daily Bugle
warnings: platonic little blurb, peter making horrible excuses, slight fluff but not really, spoiler-free
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Work was finally over. You had just finished a double shift at a small finance office in lower Manhattan. Part of you wishes that you had more of a backbone, having taken the shift from another co-worker who claimed to be coming down with a cold.
Certainly didn’t look like it when they posted themselves at a party an hour later on social media.
Because you left so late, you had to sacrifice your daily ride with another co-worker who worked the same hours as you. Miraculously, they could afford a car in New York City and though you found it completely useless in a city with endless public transportation, you still took advantage of the offer.
Grumbling under your breath, you stomped your way to the nearest station, trying to make the trip shorter by cutting between buildings. You were making your way past the isolated area of a parking garage, trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible, when you suddenly caught a flash of movement from the corner of your eye. You turned to look, prepared to find a shady person lingering in the area but what you saw was completely different.
It was Spider-Man, the masked vigilante-turned-hero that was on your TV almost every single day. He seemed to be headline news every week, from stopping robbers and terrorists to defending helpless kids from bullies.
You felt your heart stop, partly from excitement and also from anxiety. You watched as he set up a tripod, adjusting a camera to point towards the sky. Then, he climbed the wall of the parking garage before quickly jumping off, right on time with the camera’s self-timed click!
When he returned to the ground, he finally noticed your presence, heart sinking as he realized what you had seen. “Uh, hey!” He laughed nervously, trying to downplay the situation. Maybe you’d think that he just liked to take pictures of himself…? “You alright there?”
Behind the mask, Peter Parker was nervous, more nervous than ever. It didn’t help that you were actually very attractive.
“Um—yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m fine. All good here,” you tried to stop your word vomit but to no avail. “S-sorry to disturb you. I’ll just go now. Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he reassured, feeling a bit guilty that you became such an anxious mess in his presence. “I’m not upset. I was just… taking pictures… for—for my wall! Yeah, my wall. I kinda have this wall that I fill up with fan-mail and there was some empty spaces so…”
It was a weird explanation, clearly an excuse, but you had no right to question the hero. It was insane that you were talking to him in the first place. “You do your thing, man.”
Shifting from foot to foot, Spider-Man nodded, awkwardly side-stepping towards his camera. You were aware that you should’ve started walking away by now but your anxiety was keeping you rooted in place, watching him study the picture on his camera.
The hero shook his head at the picture in what seemed to be disappointment. “You don’t like it?” You blurted.
“Eh, it’s okay,” Spider-Man mumbled distractedly.
“I can help, you know. I was actually part of photography club in high school.”
Oh my God. Why did you say that? That’s so embarrassing. Why would he want your help? Why, why, why—
“Yeah actually. That would be kinda cool,” Spider-Man said after a moment, walking over to hand you his camera.
You were shocked, taking it hesitantly and praying that you wouldn’t drop it. You waited until Spider-Man got into position, hanging off the top of the parking garage, and then bringing the camera to your eye-level. “Ready when you are!” You gave him a thumbs up and he launched himself away from the structure, flying through the air and giving you his classic web-shooting pose.
Thankfully, you hit the shutter button right in time because suddenly a sticky glob of web covered the lens of the camera. Before you could react, Spider-Man landed in front of you, pulling the substance off of his camera and apologizing for startling you. “Sorry,” he said. “Let’s check this out.”
Pulling the camera out of your grasp, he clicked on the gallery button, making sure that you could see the screen too. “Woah!” He laughed in excitement. “This is so cool!”
Staring at the image, you honestly agreed with his statement. It was Spider-Man in his iconic pose, soaring toward the camera with a web stretching out at the viewer. Honestly, it might’ve even been good enough to be featured on the news.
“I’m glad you like it,” you stammered, your ears suddenly feeling rather hot.
“What did you say your name was again?”
“I didn’t,” you smiled. “It’s Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you.” He shook your hand, smiling back through the mask.
You should really get going now. “I’ll see you around maybe,” you grabbed your bag from the ground and started to make your way down the road again. “And don’t worry about credit… that is unless you’re actually putting it up on your fan-mail wall.”
“Uh—it is for the wall!” The high-pitched tone in his voice said otherwise.
“Well in that case, remember it’s from me!”
“You’re a fan?”
“Sure,” you called back, giving him a shrug while still walking away. You turned the corner and Spider-Man was gone from your line of vision. 
For the rest of the day, all you could think about was your weird experience with New York’s most popular hero, excitement fluttering in your stomach as you thought of how lucky you were to take that shortcut.
Later that night, on the other side of NYC, Peter Parker stared at a printed copy of the photo you had taken that night, smiling at the memory and deciding that he would indeed just keep it for himself. Partly because it would be wrong to take credit for your work, but mostly because he wanted his own personal reminder of you.
Satisfied, Peter placed the framed picture on his bedroom desk, next to his computer where he could glance at it regularly.
It took a few days but you finally saw Spider-Man on the cover of the Daily Bugle again, grabbing a copy from your local coffee shop. Only, you were absolutely shocked to see that it was a picture from the day that you met him. 
And in tiny letters at the bottom of the picture, the name ‘Peter Parker’ was printed. In that moment, you figured out Spider-Man’s true identity but respecting his privacy, you kept the information to yourself.
There was no way you would be able to find this Peter Parker in such a populated city, unless you showed up to the Daily Bugle headquarters and that was definitely not an option... It would be weird and stalker-ish, in your opinion. 
Besides, you had only met Spider-Man once. 
So you carried the sacred piece of information with you, not expecting to ever confront the hero again but being pleasantly surprised when he ended up finding you two weeks later on your way home from work again. 
Startled, you whipped your body around, scanning your surroundings before finding the hero waving at you from the top of a one-story building. Spider-Man jumped down to the ground, joining you on your walk.
check out my masterlist
tasm!peter parker taglist: @lemur46
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angelasscribbles · 3 years ago
Bad Romance Chapter 21: Engagements, Planes and Confessions
Series: Bad Romance
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for series: Multiple
Paring this chapter: Riley x Maxwell
Rating: NSFW 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋
Word Count: 4,631
Song Inspiration: Follow You by Imagine Dragons
A/N: The Beaumont's are not broke is this series. Because it's so cringey otherwise and smacks of pimping her out.
A/N 2: This is another flashback chapter. The more I write this, the more backstory presents itself to me, so I pass it on to you.
A/N 3: I've noticed that when Liam is dominate most readers find it hot, but when Riley is, some readers feel bad for the guy. I just would like to point out that submission isn't about gender, it's about personality. Men can enjoy submission, woman can enjoy being dominant. In this fic, Riley is clearly a switch (meaning she can be either depending on the situation and/or partner she's with.) Liam is mostly dominate but a little bit of a switch, as we've seen. Max is completely submissive, he is not a switch. What's depicted here portrays a bit of that. These are BDSM terms, but this does not really portray BDSM. The sex itself is still pretty vanilla, with just a vague sprinkling of the D/s dynamic. (That's an abbreviated for a Dom/sub type relationship). Feel free to DM me with questions or comments. I know I push the envelope of what a lot of you are familiar with sometimes.
Warnings for this chapter: Lemons
General blanket warning for series: Smutty, Lemony, Awful, Toxic Relationships with lots of cheating. This is a hot mess express; no one is happy, everyone is in love with the wrong person, every relationship depicted herein is generally and massively fucked up. You’ve been warned.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Five weeks ago……
The knock startled him. It was late, he had been almost asleep. He rubbed his eyes as he made his way to the door, pulling it open with a yawn. His eyes widened in surprise, “Riley. What are you doing here?”
“Come on, Max, get dressed.” She said stepping into the room. She was holding two bottles of champagne in her hand, “We’re going to celebrate!”
His eyes narrowed, “Ok…” She sounded anything but celebratory.
“Let’s go to the place and do the thing!” She sang out.
“Really?” He asked, trying to clear the fog from his brain.
“Really!” She was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.
He glanced at the clock. It was well after midnight, but hell if he cared. “Give me a sec.” He told her as he quickly pulled off his pajama bottoms and got dressed.
They snuck out of the palace through the secret passageways and into the garages. She climbed giggling into the trunk until the car was through the checkpoint. They just waved Max through, but Riley would have been stopped and a guard would have been assigned to follow her.
Max pulled over around the curve in the road, out of sight of the palace. He popped open the trunk and helped her out. “That never gets old.”
“It’s like I’m a spy or something.” She told him as she climbed into the passenger seat of his Ferrari 488 Spider.
“I mean…you are pretty good at sneaking out of the palace. Are you sure you haven’t been getting pointers from Leo?”
She laughed, “No. But if you think I’m on Leo’s level, then I’ll take that as the high compliment it is.”
“So….do you want to talk about it?”
“Not yet, that’s what the place is for.” She responded, then turned the radio up, “Could we put the top down?”
“Sure.” He lowered the top of the metallic red sports car and turned the music all the way up.
Riley threw her head back and whooped out loud. She kicked her shoes off then pulled a corkscrew out, opening the first bottle of champagne. She took a long drink then offered it to Max. He shook his head as he shifted gears, giving her a quick glance before returning his eyes to the road.
Riley turned sidewise in her seat, leaning her head on his shoulder and sticking her feet out the window, the wind tickling her toes as they moved in time to the music. She sang at the top of her lungs and drank champagne straight from the bottle.
The car took a turn off the main road and fishtailed a little. Riley was used to Max not slowing down for corners, so she was prepared and only spilled a little. His driving didn’t scare her, he hadn’t wiped out yet, she reasoned. Besides, she’d ridden with Drake and if she could survive his driving, she could survive anyone’s. He drifted into a tiny, graveled parking area and came to a stop. Shutting the car off, he turned to Riley, “Ok, blanket is in the trunk, let’s go.”
Riley handed Max the two bottles of champagne then tossed him the corkscrew, “Sorry to disappoint you, but no sabers tonight.” She grabbed the blanket in one hand and entwined the fingers of her other hand with his. They walked through the moonlight to the top of a small hill. Looking down from the hill, they could see the fence at the end of the airport and the planes on the tarmac getting ready for takeoff.
Max sat the bottles down so he could help Riley spread the blanket out on the ground, then they sat down on it.
“No picnic this time.” Riley said.
“Nope.” Max agreed, “I didn’t have any notice this time.”
“You always come up with the best adventures.” She told him as she took another drink.
“Yeah, that’s what you always tell me.” He pulled the bottle from her hands and took a swig himself, “Want to tell me what we’re doing here?”
“Remember the first time you brought me out here?” She asked as she took the bottle back.
He wrapped his arms around his knees as he answered her, “Of course I do. It was the night before the derby, and you were nervous about having to talk to the press.”
She handed him the bottle and flopped down on her stomach, grinning up at him, “Who knew watching planes take off over us would be so relaxing?”
“Me. I knew.” He sighed as he looked down into her face. She had been so entranced with the planes that night. It had become one of their favorite places to go when she wanted to get away from court for a little while. They’d stopped coming when she’d broken up with him to be with Liam. This was the first time they’d been back since.
Here comes one! Lay down!” She demanded as she turned over onto her back.
Max laid down beside her, crossing his arms behind his head. He turned his head to watch her face as the plane roared over them.
Her eyes were glued on the sky above them. The sound was almost deafening, and the plane was so close, she’d never been that close to a plane she wasn’t boarding. Especially while it was in the air and she was on the ground. She was sure that if she stood up and jumped really high, she could touch it. There was something magical about being so close to it as it lurched itself into the heavens.
The roar faded away as the plane climbed into the sky. Even though she knew it was an optical illusion, she loved the way it seemed to be standing still, suspended in the air above them for a while. She drew in a deep breath then turned her head to find Max watching her. “What?”
His eyes bored into her, cobalt blue like celestial fire glass, the weight of his gaze damn near physical. She shivered at the intensity she found there.
He rolled onto his side and reached a hand out to stroke her cheek, his touch feather light as his fingertips grazed her skin. “I love you, Riley.”
“What?” Surprise thrilled through her.
“I said I love you. That can’t be news to you.” His hand stopped moving but his thumb ran along her lower lip.
“You’ve never said it before.” Her eyes held his as every feeling she’d never spoken ran through them.
Max snorted, dropping his hand and rolling away from her. He sat up and his fingers pulled at loose threads in the blanket as he focused his gaze there while asking, “When should I have said it? When I first met you and you were sleeping with me, but still in the competition for Liam? I assumed it was just fun and games for you. I mean, it was for me too, at first. Then you dumped me for him, remember?” He glanced at her then away again, “Was I supposed to say it then? That felt wrong, manipulative.”
“What about after the coronation and all the shit that happened then?” She sat up, crossed her legs and focused her attention on his face.
He brought his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them again. He looked up at the stars with a sigh, “That also felt wrong. You were going through hell, Ri. I wasn’t going to add my shit to it. I was trying to just be there for you, as a friend.”
“So why now?”
“I mean…maybe my excuses were all just that…excuses. It never seemed like a good time to say it. But at this point, not saying it is starting to feel dishonest.”
“You know I’m engaged to Liam.” She said carefully.
“I do.” He sighed again, shifting his gaze to her, “I was there when he made the announcement tonight. I’m not telling you how I feel because I expect anything to change between us, or to try and sway you away from whatever it is you’re doing with Liam. Or Drake, even, for that matter. I just…wanted you to know. You don’t have to feel the same way. You don’t owe me anything in return. I just feel better having said it than not, that’s all.”
“Don’t make it weird, Ri. I told you, you don’t have to say it back.”
“But I do love you, Max.” She said softly.
“I do. And it’s so fucking weird, because I swear, I had never been in love in my life until I came here. Then I fell in love with Liam, and he stomped all over my fucking heart. Which, you’d think would make me revert back to my old ways, no commitments, always leave first, never get your heart involved, never let ‘em see you sweat, blah blah blah…. And that’s exactly what I intended, what I told myself, but then you…and Drake….”
She paused and lifted the bottle to her lips, tipping her head back as she took a long drink. Lowering the bottle, she whispered, more to herself than to Max, “What the fuck is wrong with me?”
“Ok, I get that you’re having an existential crisis or something right now, but let’s not gloss over the important part. You know, the part where you love me.”
She couldn’t help the laugh that burst out of her at the expression on his face. It was equal parts happiness, teasing and disbelief. She shook her head as she tossed the empty bottle to the side. “You’re such a dork.”
“Did you just say that I’m adorable? Is that what I heard?”
She giggled as she became aware of the roar in the background, gradually getting louder. “Oh! Here comes a landing!” She shoved him back and threw herself down on the blanket to watch the plane as it dropped toward them, seemingly slowly at first then faster and faster until it hurtled over them with a rush of wind and sound, temporarily deafening.
“Wow! That never disappoints.” She breathed.
“No, you do not.” He scooted closer to her and leaned in, capturing her lips with his own. She snuggled into him as the kiss deepened, the familiar sparks of electricity that she always ignited in his body trickled through him.
All he wanted to do was get lost in that kiss, but there were answers he needed first. He pulled away from her reluctantly. “So, are we going to talk about this engagement?”
She drew the cool night air into her lungs and began to talk. Shock crawled across his face as she told him what had happened.
She’d been completely blindsided when Liam had announced their engagement. An engagement that she’d known nothing about until moments before the press conference. She’d told him no in New York. But he’d come back home and filed the contract anyway. The contract she’d signed when she thought he loved her. He’d slid the ring on her finger just before he’d stepped up to the podium, and she’d plastered on a fake smile and climbed up onto the stage beside him.
Max had been in the audience, so had Drake, and she hadn’t been able to get to either one of them to explain things, to give them any kind of warning. Drake hadn’t even tried to speak to her, he’d turned and walked away while she was still on stage, and he wasn’t returning her calls or texts.
It had taken her hours to get free from the press and the well-wishers, not to mention the meeting she’d had to endure with the royal council after everything else was over.
But she’d know that, despite everything, Max would open his door for her. And he had.
“So I am, in fact, engaged to Liam, whether I want to be or not.” She finished, with a note of despair in her voice.
“Fuck, Riley. I’m so sorry,” Max shook his head in stunned disbelief, “That’s beyond messed up. I can’t believe he did that!”
“I can.” Liam had not stopped trying to get her back since the night at Madeleine’s estate when the engagement tour had kicked off. Being engaged to Madeleine hadn’t slowed him down one bit. Once he’d broken the engagement to her, he’d only ramped up his pursuit.
“Riley! Riley!”
The insistent pounding urged her out of bed. She pulled the door open, bleary eyed, to find Liam in the hallway outside her hotel room. “What the fuck, Liam?”
He didn’t bother to wait to be invited in, he just pushed the door open and walked into the room. She glanced over her shoulder at the bed. It was empty. Her eyes went to the bathroom door. It was closed.
“I have something to tell you. I broke the engagement with Madeleine tonight.”
“Don’t you see? This means we can be together, I’m free to-“
“What about the scandal, Liam? Engaged to the ice princess or not, the council will never allow you to marry me with the scandal hanging over my head.”
“That’s the best part.” He crowed. He was practically jumping up and down, his body vibrating with happiness as he thrust his phone at her, an article from the Cordonian Star on the screen.
“Lady Riley Brooks/Lord Maxwell Beaumont pictures photoshopped!” The headline screamed.
She grabbed the phone from his hand, and quickly scanned the article, “What? Someone admitted to photoshopping the pictures? Who? Why? They weren’t photoshopped, they were real!”
“I paid someone to confess.”
“I paid him, a lot.” He said taking the phone back, “It’s not illegal to photoshop pictures, he won’t serve any jail time and the amount of money I paid him guarantees he’ll never take back his confession. Even if he does, it’ll be too late, we’ll already be married, and no one will believe him. Even if they do, I don’t care!”
Her eyes flicked up to him, “Ok, but-“
“Riley, love, don’t you see? The scandal is neutralized, my father has been neutralized, he won’t, can’t hurt us again and I’m now free to do what I want. I’m already king, they can’t take that back. We can be together now.” He reached for her, his hand grazing her shoulder as she jerked away.
“Oh, great, now that you don’t have to worry about being embarrassed by the fact that I wasn’t some fucking vestibule virgin-“
“I never cared about that!”
“Well, you sure could have fooled me! Once those pictures were published, you couldn’t put distance between us fast enough!”
“Because I didn’t know who was behind it and I had to protect you from my enemies! They had to believe I didn’t care about you so that you wouldn’t be a target, I’ve told you this!”
Riley sighed and rubbed her temples. It was the same old argument and he never seemed to even try and understand her side of it. She glanced at the closed bathroom door again and decided on a different tact, “It’s late, Liam, can we talk about this later?”
“Sure, ok, tomorrow? I can pick you up-“
“We’re going to Coney Island tomorrow.”
“Yes, we! Me and Max, Hana and Drake-“
“Ok, I’ll join you! What time should I be here?”
She pressed her lips together in annoyance but in the interest of getting him out of the room, she gave him a quick rundown of the day’s itinerary.
“Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow, and then, the night after that, will you let me take you out? We have things to talk about.”
“Fine.” She agreed, mostly to get him to leave.
Once he was out of the room, she knocked on the bathroom door, “You can come out now, Drake, he’s gone.”
“So, what do you want to do about it?”
“What can I do?” She asked as she plunged the corkscrew into the second bottle, jerking the cork out and tossing it, and the corkscrew, to the side to land next to the empty bottle. She tipped the new bottle back and took several long draughts.
Max reached for the bottle, “Maybe you’ve had enough of that.”
“What? No! We’re celebrating, remember? I’m engaged! I’m going to be queen, I’m marrying the love of my life, right?” She took the bottle back.
“What, Max? I should feel like the luckiest woman in the world right now, shouldn’t I? This is everything I wanted six weeks ago. Have you seen the size of this ring? This thing is worth more money that I’ve made in my entire life.” She held her left out to him as she tipped the bottle back with her right.
Max barely glanced at it. “You could break the contract….”
She drew in a shuddering breath as she fought back tears, “No, Max, I can’t. There are penalties for that. I don’t have money for the fees-“
“I do, you know you don’t ever have to worry about that. My family has more money than God.”
“I know and I appreciate that, but it’s not just that. I could be deported; your family could be stripped of their lands and titles-“
Max shook his head, “Liam wouldn’t do that.”
“I don’t know, Max, he might.”
“No. I’ve known him my whole life. There’s no way, he just not that-“
“You didn’t see the look in his eyes. I’ve never seen him like that. He was frantic, desperate. He’s going to do whatever it takes to get me back.” The hell of it was, if he’d been truly apologetic, she might have found a way to forgive him. But he was still steadfastly dug in that he had done the right thing. She sighed as she tipped the bottle back again.
“Hey.” He said as he brushed her hair away from her face, “We’ll figure it out. There has to be a way. You don’t have to have all the answers tonight.”
“You’re right!” She wiped her cheeks, thunked the bottle down on the ground next to the blanket then turned back to him with a smile. “I can think of better things to do.”
Max’s eyes widened at the expression on her face. “What? Now? Here?”
“Why not?” She asked as she crawled across the blanket to him. It was pitch dark and somewhere near four in the morning, there would be no more planes for hours. No one would see them. She wasn’t sure she’d care if they did.
Max froze as she climbed onto his lap and straddled him. “I can’t think of a single reason why not. In fact, I suddenly can’t seem to think at all.” His hands landed on her hips then moved under her shirt and traced up her back.
Her hand sank into his hair and tugged him forward into a kiss. He leaned up into it, biting into her bottom lip, sliding his tongue between her lips, savoring the taste of champagne mingling with her natural sweetness.
He had some vague notion that he should object, that maybe she wasn’t in the right headspace for sex, but she stripped away all his hesitance, all his reticence along with his clothes. His shirt unbuttoned, the sides fluttering in the gentle breeze, his pants unfastened, she placed a palm on his chest and pushed him back onto the blanket.
“Good.” She giggled, reaching for the bottle of champagne.
“Riley, what are you-aaahhhh!” His back arched up off the ground as the cold champagne splashed across his bare skin. “That’s going to be sticky.”
“Don’t worry, I can fix that. Hold still.” She lowered her head and lapped the sweet, tangy liquid off his body, her tongue running from just below his navel to the hollow of his neck; her lips sucking and tasting every inch of him.
His head pushed back against the ground, low, soft moans spilling out of him. He pulled short, sharp gasps of air in and out of his lungs as his body began to tremble. Heat surged through him, belying the coolness of the night. “Can I touch you now?”
She stared down into his eyes as if considering the request then shook her head, “Not yet.” The longer she made him wait, the longer she denied him, the higher the anticipation climbed, the bigger the payoff would be.
She moved off him to slide her panties down her legs. She leaned back, propping herself up on her elbows and spread her legs apart with a seductive grin.
Crooking a finger at him she told him, “Come here.”
Max flipped himself over and positioned himself between her legs.
Riley picked up the champagne bottle again, “Want a drink?” She titled the bottle over herself and let it dribble down the crevice between her legs, the cold liquid a sharp shock against the warmth pulsating there.
Max caught it on his tongue as it dripped from her, lapping and licking up her folds, swallowing it, the taste of champagne mixed with her juices sending him into a frenzy of activity as he followed the trickle up to her swollen, rock hard nub.
Pleasure jolted through her as his tongue made contact with her clit. She tossed the bottle to the side. It made a soft thud as it hit the ground, contents sloshing as it rolled down the hill, forgotten. Both hands sank into his hair as she bucked her body up into his mouth with soft groans and gasps that built in intensity. “Fuck yes, Max! Make me scream.”
He sucked her into his mouth as his tongue flicked and pushed at her, until the universe burst open and she screamed out his name. Her legs wrapped around his neck and she held him to her while the orgasm finished pulsing through her.
He licked her one last time then pulled away, grinning, “I’m never going to look at a bottle of champagne the same way again.”
“Best use I’ve ever found for it.” She laughed as she sat up and leaned into him for a kiss. Lips still locked on his, she pushed him back onto the ground with the weight of her body.
“Pull your pants down.” She told him.
He quickly lifted his hips and shoved his pants down to tangle around his ankles, then lowered his body back onto the blanket and looked to her for further instructions. He craved her attention, her commands, he only desired to please her, his goddess. Obeying her was the most erotic thing he could imagine.
She rewarded him with a smile, “Good boy.” His compliance, his immediate response to her demands, his complete submission ramped up her desire to the point that she was already teetering on the edge again.
The deep velvety darkness enveloped them as she slid herself onto him. The music of frog song impossibly loud in the stillness of the night, the dark penetrated by the stars, bright pinpricks of light above them.
“I’m yours, Riley.” He whispered as she moved on top of him.
She ground herself against him then pitched forward to sink her teeth into his chest in an attempt to muffle her screams, to keep them from floating down to airport security below them. The strength of the second orgasm slammed through her and she whimpered into his chest.
She squirted, the hot liquid coating his dick as he felt her clench around him. He thrust himself up into her, fingers digging into her ass, as he exploded inside her. He couldn’t suppress the cry of ecstasy that escaped him.
Riley pulled back to look into his face, flushed, breathing heavy, eyes closed, lips parted and she didn’t care if it was a word usually reserved for women, she thought he was beautiful. She loved the way his face looked right after he came. It was pure bliss. She sighed contentedly as she rolled off him and collapsed on the ground next to him.
He turned his head to her, “I wonder if anyone heard us.”
She giggled, “What are they going to do about it, if they did?”
“I don’t know, but we probably aren’t supposed to be out here so late.”
“They literally can’t do anything to me, I’m the queen in waiting now, remember? Don’t worry, Max, I’ll protect you!” She laughed at her own joke.
His laughter joined her own, she felt it vibrating against her cheek as she rested her head on his chest and his arms went around her. Her fingers traced soft lines up and down his body.
They lay there, watching the stars for a while, then he kissed the top of her head with a sigh and said, “We should probably get back before we fall asleep out here.”
“Let’s just sleep out here.”
“I mean, I would, but you’re shivering, Ri.”
He was right, she was. Mid-September in Cordonia brought warm days and chilly nights. Besides that, the sun would come up soon and someone was bound to come along and find them. There was a playground just downhill from them and park maintenance made their rounds early.
“Fine. But I’m staying in your room.”
“You know I don’t have a problem with that. But aren’t you worried Liam will come looking for you?”
“I think he knows better right now. He said he’d give me a few days to, and I quote, calm the fuck down.”
Max shook his head, “I still can’t believe he did that, Ri, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Max.” She sat up with a sigh, “Just, thank you, for always being here for me, ok?”
He sat up and rubbed her shoulders, “You don’t have to thank me for that, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than by your side.”
“I should have just married you, Max. Or Drake, even. I should have gotten married to someone else so that he couldn’t have filed that damn contract!”
“But you aren’t ready to get married, Riley. You barely believe in marriage.” He didn’t care if she married him, or someone else, or no one at all. He just wanted her to be happy.
“That’s true. I was doing it for him, because he needed to be married to ascend the throne and I loved him. I didn’t want him to marry anyone else, so I signed that stupid ass contract and now look. It’s true, what they say. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Max stood, stretched, then turned and took her hands, pulling her to her feet. “We’ll figure it out, and I’ll be here for you, no matter what.”
“Even if I’m married to one of your best friends? Even if I’m your fucking queen?” She asked as they gathered up the empty bottles and the blanket.
“No matter what means no matter what. I’d think you’d understand that by now. Besides, most royal marriages aren’t based on love. Affairs, taking lovers on the side is so commonplace among royalty that it’s pretty much considered a given. Hell, we even have an amendment to the marriage contract to formalize the agreement, that’s how accepted it is.” He answered her as they walked back down the hill, bodies bumping gently into each other as they went.
“What?” She laughed as the car came into view.
“Yeah, it’s called a Cordonian Arrangment.” He told her as he popped open the trunk and they deposited everything into it.
“Really?” She asked as she climbed into the passenger seat, “Tell me all about it.”
He did. He talked as he drove and an idea began to form in her head.
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wearywinchester · 3 years ago
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Amidst the chaos of hunting, some things remain the same even when a hunt gone wrong tries to get in the way.
Requested by Anonymous: “Hi! I love your writing and it’s honestly become such a go to for me at the end of the night to read a one shot before bed. I was wondering if you could write something about dean and the reader going to bed and how they get ready, lie down, talk for a bit etc etc. just super fluffy and soooooooo many dean cuddles! Thank you!!”
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: angst, protective Dean, alcohol, injuries, blood, fluff, kissing
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Every day as a hunter is different than the last. There’s no two days that are the same, no two nights, not even when the three of you have a few days to give it a rest before getting back out there and hunting monster’s most people don’t even think twice about until they’ve come face to face with them. Every hunting day is different, every night is different. Some are riddled with nightmares, some are interrupted with a miscellaneous intrusion of a spider on the wall that refuses to let you rest until one of you takes care of it with a tissue or the nearest boot, and it’s preferably Dean.
The spiders are preferable to nightmares, a close second but easily better than facing the discomfort and hurt the love of your life goes through after one of those. Most often they’re not childish nightmares and most often it’s Dean that gets them, and though he never really specifies just what it is that they’re about, you have a pretty good idea.
But, that being said, there’s still a routine amongst chaos that you and the older Winchester have got going on for yourselves.
You sighed as you passed through the bunker halls, dressed down in more comfortable clothes now that the hunt was over and done with. Some leggings were much more desirable than that pair of jeans you’ve got in the laundry room, having given it your best shot at getting those blood stains out.
Dean went MIA and you can’t say you weren’t expecting him to the moment he put Baby in park in the garage. He’d been brooding the whole way home, his jaw tense as ever and he didn’t touch the radio, didn’t say more than a sentence or two. He wasn’t happy with how the hunt had gone, and you can see that with certainty. He didn’t need to say anything for you to know he wished that would’ve gone differently. A million ways differently.
There was a casualty, of course there was, it’s what brought you two states over to hunt down a nasty spirit that’d been terrorizing the residents of a larger than large home every thirty-something years.
The three of you got there in time before there could be any more, and there weren’t any, but the next one would have been you. There was a very big opportunity for that to have been you given the risks you took, given the way you put yourself up as bait all for the sake of keeping the average civilian safe. That was all well and good at the end of the day, it was ideal that it worked out and everyone had gotten to live that day.
But that’s a victory that didn’t come across so celebratory to Dean. He was much too busy thinking about all the ways he could’ve lost you that day with the way you went out and put yourself in harm’s way. Losing you was a thought that made him feel the worst of ways, and he wishes he didn’t have to worry about it so he could push it out of his mind.
You sighed as you poked your head in the kitchen, eyeing the green eyed hunter sitting at the table, the one you’ve been looking for but coming up short in every other room you looked in. You see the empty beer bottle sitting beside the fresh bottle of whiskey, a glass to go with it in his hand.
He’s got a habit of doing that, of gravitating towards that very drink when he’s stressed and it’s a habit you wished he’d break but you knew it’s not that easy.
“There’s Mr. Tough guy,” you say, watching as his gaze lifts to you. His lazy, half smile is evident, the soft chuckle leaving his lips not quite humorous. “Knew I’d find you in here.”
“S’late, sweetheart. Head to bed, it’s been a long week,” he says, swirling his drink in his glass.
“It’s funny that you still think I’d go without you, you know,” you say, nudging his shoulder. Your amused tone does little to brighten his ever clear somber mood, and you knew that. “Especially not with those bumps and bruises you got to clean up.”
“I’m fine, Y/n/n,” he says, dismissing the fact that he really did need patched up. But Dean Winchester wasn’t one to fuss over his own injuries, in fact, they never mattered to him unless they were absolutely life threatening and even then he’d try to play it off, try to act like he wasn’t as important as other things.
“No, you’re not,” you argue, but that insistence on your tone was just as soft as your words.
“I can live with a damn scratch or two on my face. I said I’m fine, Y/n,” he counters, his voice a little louder to accompany the edge to his tone that you most certainly didn’t miss.
You see his jaw tense as he huffs through his nose, downing half of the small glass in one sip. You sigh as you raise a brow, leaning against the table as his shoulders slump a fraction. It takes all of a couple seconds for him to soften up a bit, his anger still remaining.
“Sorry,” he says, and his sincerity is clear just as much as every other emotion he’s feeling.
He watches as you walk away, rolls his eyes as he sees you walking towards that ever familiar cabinet that houses that first aid kit that’s used more often than not. He knew you’d do this, he knew you’d be set on patching him up because that’s how you always are. You looked after him just as much as he looked after you even though he felt like he really didn’t deserve to be fussed over.
He never had that growing up, and he certainly never took it upon himself to practice some self care.
You see those dimples by the corners of his mouth the moment you turn around, the moment you caught his gaze and you returned that very same look. He’s not too thrilled when you snag his whiskey from him in favor of putting it back on its cart, you can see it by his furrowed brows and narrowed stare. In fact, he’s unhappy about the entirety of the day, about what you’re about to do.
“It’s gonna take a whole lot more than some huffing and puffing to get me to stop patchin’ you up, De. You should know that by now,” you say.
You don’t fail to see the way he eyes that scrape along your cheek, or the one to match it along your arm just under your elbow. Or even the cut along your forehead dipping into your eyebrow, especially that one. The same one he wouldn’t leave the motel without cleaning up first.
“You know, I’m so glad you don’t care about what happened out there today,” he says, sarcasm woven around every word.
You exhale a heavy sigh as you pour some antiseptic on a cotton pad, your eyes flickering back to him and the displeasure on his face.
“I was doing what I had to do,” you say, and you can practically hear the scoff before it falls from his lips.
“Bull,” he says, almost immediately after you’d given your reasoning. “Going out and nearing getting yourself killed isn’t ‘doing what you have to do’. Don’t give me that crap, Y/n.”
“Everyone lived, Dean, to me that’s a win,” you say, your annoyance in your tone as you begin to wipe away the blood he’s got dried on his cheek, some more on his chin from a smaller cut there. You can see the way he reacts to it, but it’s quickly hidden by the impact of your words, words he finds ridiculous.
“Almost losing you ain’t a win in my book,” he grumbles.
Your sigh is quiet as you prep another cotton pad, lips pursed as you do and you can feel his gaze as you let the words settle in.
“This would be easier if you hold still,” you say softly, your mild frustration evident as you gloss over his words and try not to think of the emotion within them. If you did, you just might crumble under the weight of your own.
You grab his jaw gently, the scratch of his stubble under your palm. It made it that much easier for you to feel the tension there, but you were just as gentle as you always were. Dean Winchester’s got a side that’s gruffer than gruff, he’s got that protective nature that can feel borderline like a pain sometimes, his anger only sparking yours each time this conversation arises when there’s a hunt that doesn’t quite go ideally.
But you’re quiet as you work, as you feel his gaze linger on you while you clean away all of the dirt and crimson around the couple of cuts he’s got along his freckled cheek and chin.
You know he’d never change how worried he gets over you, that’s something that’ll always remain true regardless of whether or not you’re hunting anymore. He’s spent all his time knowing you being on the edge of his seat, getting hotheaded and frustrated each and every time you get hurt. That fear that bubbles away within him will be there until the end of time and he knows he’s got to be better at expressing it. But anger and sarcastic wit are what he knows.
The pad of your thumb brushes over his cheek, featherlight as it traces down along the edge of his stubble before it dips down to graze over that simple in his chin. It lingers there for a moment, your gaze lingers on him for a little while longer before it drops with your hand to grab a couple of closure strips, those bandages you use most often on him.
You take notice of the way his eyes fall closed momentarily, opening once more when you crinkle the paper of the packaging in your palm, tossing it in the trash.
He’s still got his shoulder slumped a little, still got that look on his face he has when he’s not happy. When he’s got that conflict within himself.
You sigh as you walk back over, an action that’s not quite so annoyed as you run a hand over his head. It’s something he finds himself leaning into ever so slightly, his hand running down his face. He’s tired, beyond tired and there’s not a chance you’d leave that kitchen without him.
“C’mon tough guy, it’s late,” you say, pinching his chin softly as he looks up at you.
You’re only half surprised when he stands up, when he doesn’t argue it this time. You can hear the thud of his boots as he walks behind you, but you don’t make it more than a few steps before his hand envelopes yours, tugging you back gently.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” he says, seeing the way you roll your eyes but it’s not nearly as annoyed as before, not even a little bit.
You turn back down the hall with a lighthearted shake of the head, making your way towards the room with that gold eleven on the front of the door as he makes his way to the laundry to discard his dirtied clothes.
That was part of his routine when he came back from hunts. He’d go to the laundry room to take care of the clothes in his duffel, the clothes on his back. He’d treat all the stains with minimal effort on his own, but he puts a whole lot more into yours because that’s just how he is even if he refuses to admit it. Even when you question how that deeper than deep blood stain got out of your jacket, or how that hole got fixed in your flannel. He’s no seamstress and it might not always look pretty, but damn does he try.
He discards the clothes of his that get too badly ripped, and sometimes he even finds them out back in the wash and stuffed in your dresser drawer for safekeeping, and that’s how he realizes the shirts of his that are your favorite.
He went through his laundry routine, went and checked all the locks once or twice. Gave the rooms a once over for any unwanted visitors, only settling a little more when the coast was clear.
He’d gone and dimmed the lights, returned to the kitchen to put his empty beer bottle in the recycling, to put his empty whisky glass in the sink to wash the next day. He snagged a bottle of water from the fridge to bring back to you, a habit he’s never let go ever since he was a teen leaving glasses of water on your nightstand whenever you stayed at Bobby’s after hearing you stub your toe in the middle of the night from where he slept on the couch.
He always gave you the spare room.
He’d left his muddied boots in the laundry room, padding down the hall in his socks, underwear and t-shirt as he made a quick stop to the bathroom to brush his teeth, grabbing that water bottle once more before heading to the place he wanted to be most. He saw that bandage job you did on his face, he saw it in the mirror but it only reminded him of your own injuries.
“Y’know, I’m starting to think our idea of a minute is not the same thing,” you say, your smile in your words the moment you see him.
“Oh, shut it, sweetheart,” he says, his chuckle soft as he closes the door behind him.
You’ve got the bed set up the way you always do, the blankets folded back and the bedside lamp on. The tv’s got that reality show you roped him into watching even though he swears he hates it. But you’ve always got it on even if it’s reruns, because you know Dean Winchester like the back of your hand and most times he can’t fall asleep right away. Not when he’s got a million and one things running through his mind.
He sets your water down on the nightstand, switches off the lamp. He wastes no time in settling down right next to you, tucking you right into his side.
You feel his kiss against your temple, lingering and soft and it has you sighing softly. That guilt courses through you though, the guilt of the way he worries over you. You know it’s something that’ll never change, of course you knew that, but putting your life on the line surely doesn’t help. You know he’s not over it, not even a little. He might not be talking about it but you know it’s still fresh on his mind and sitting heavy on the forefront of it.
You look up at him after a while, the glow of the tv glimmering across his face and you see the way his eyelids grew heavier with every other blink. You can see the toothpaste he’s still got in the corner of his mouth.
He can feel you staring, of course he can.
You only smile softly when you look up at him, beaming regardless of whether or not he can see it. He can. It’s a smile he’ll never quite get used to seeing from you because he’ll never feel like he deserves that kind of a look, not Dean Winchester, not from you.
You lean up and kiss him, toothpaste and all and his tension loosens a bit, the frenzy of thoughts in his mind lessening just a little more. He knows to expect a bad dream or two, especially after hunts like this, but he tries not to think about that for the time being. Not when his sweetheart kisses him and makes everything better even when it’s not.
But it’s a little better as he tugs you close, your head resting in the crook of his neck as you tangle your legs with his, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. He’s got this way of cuddling that you miss every time you don’t get the chance to, this big Dean Winchester embrace that’s got you never wanting to leave it. He’s warm, he’s solid, he’s safe.
“Night, Dean.”
“Night, sweetheart.”
It’s the little things, the routines that mean the most, it was steady.
Tags: @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @elegantbutedgy @humanmistakes @agalliasi @campingmonkey @deandaydreaming @lanea-1 @vv1nch3st3r @akshi8278 @kidd3ath @happyt0exist @awkward-and-indecisive @ajreturnstocringeyaccount @malindacath @deanswaywardgirl @drownthewitch
245 notes · View notes
lalka-laski · 2 years ago
Do you believe you’ve met your soulmate or one of them?: I can confidently say I have.
When did you last have grape juice?: Last weekend I made a delicious batch of "faux champagne" with ginger ale, club soda, white grape juice, and grenadine. It was a hit!
Have you learned anything today?: Every day's a learning opportunity, isn't it?
Have you been to any parties here recently?: Well, it wasn't "here" but I went to a Galentine's day party last weekend. It was a blast!
Are you good at reading body language?: Honestly, not really. I see what I want to see. Or rather, what my anxiety wants me to see.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?: 7ish maybe?
What were the last 3 emojis you used?: Pink heart, heart eyes face, and a donut. Boy, if that doesn't sum me up entirely...
Is it currently warm where you live?: It's been much warmer than a typical February. Or at least it was 'til today.
Do you use Facebook?: Yeah, kind of obsessively.
Do you like the smell of coconut?: I went through a major coconut lotion & perfume phase but I overdid it (go figure) and now I have a hard time stomaching it.
Do you prefer longer or short socks?: Short, if any at all.
What size shoe do you wear?: 9
Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream?: Twist!
Do you or anyone you know have sleep apnea?: I know a few people
Where is your favorite place to be?: These days it's my bed with the lights turned off and some sort of "ambient" scene playing on my TV while I read my Kindle. Bonus pints if a candle's lit. It's bliss.
How many times have you fallen in the past year?: Too many.
Do you like to leave your window open at night or do you use a fan?: I love leaving the windows open when we can. But I still use a fan for white noise.
Is there a celebrity you dislike for no reason other than they annoy you?: Selena Gomez. I can't stand her but I can't provide any justification.
If you find a spider in your home, do you set it free or kill it?: I let 'em hang out and sometimes even name them.
Would you say you’re addicted to social media?: Yep.
How many pets have you had in your lifetime?: 3 bunnies.
Do you sunburned easy?: Within seconds!
Of all the houses you’ve lived in, which was your favorite?: I guess my current apartment.
Do you or would you ever use online dating?: I had a few brief stints on OkCupid and Tinder. It was a bad idea every time...
What do you wish you could get paid for?: Sleeping? Shopping? Eating pizza?
What did you get into trouble for as a kid?: Not much, honestly. I got up to typical mischief once in a while but I was a rule-follower for the most part.
What’s something good that has happened here recently?: I got a promotion!
Do you remember the first time you’ve ever driven a car? How did that go?: Yeah.
Who did you last say “I love you” to?: Glenn.
When did you last feel beautiful?: Yesterday I had a little "moment."
Are you currently frustrated over something?: Yeah. Our wedding photographer hasn't gotten back to me regarding the status of our photos and I'm livid. And panicked.
Would you ever like to travel to Ireland? Or have you ever been?: I'd love to someday.
Have you ever had a yard sale?: I don't think so.
Do you enjoy going to yard sales or garage sales?: Not particularly.
Do you know someone with a big ego?: Yeah.
What color is your most used blanket?: It *was* white once upon a time but it's much more gray these days.
Does it annoy you when people type in all caps?: I guess so?
Do you like gummy bears?: Love 'em.
Where is your favorite place to grocery shop?: Wegmans or Aldi.
Have any plans for the day?: It's Friday! Kathleen's picking me up in a little bit and then we're gonna go grab food and have a sleepover.
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etoileholland · 4 years ago
Yours truly
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Word count: 5.1k
Summary: a letter box shaped bag prompts Tom to tell you just how much you mean to him
Warnings: none; it’s just my usual fluff :)
A/N: surprise, I’m back! It’s been a very long time since I’ve written something, and although the break was nice, I missed you all :( and since I don’t really know who to tag, I’m going to tag my old taglist + mutuals, but if you want to be added to my taglist please let me know!
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While you and Tom were out spending the day going window shopping, you passed by the front window of a Kate Spade boutique, and a blur of red made you turn your head to see what was in the window. What you saw was so beautiful, it made you stop suddenly in your tracks.
Tom, who was holding your hand, was not expecting you to stop so suddenly. “Babe, you’re going to pull my arm out of its socket.” He joked, and was expecting you to reply, but instead you were silent. When he turned to see what you were looking at, your hand was pressed to the glass of the display, eyes wide and lips agape. A smile erupted on his lips as he watched how mesmerized you were by a handbag, and how awestruck you were by it.
It was as if you were a kid in a candy store, or maybe it was more like love at first sight. In fact, the way you were looking at the bag is the same way that he looks at you—full of love and adoration.
He knew he had to surprise you with it.
As he stood there with you, your gaze still fixed to the bag, he waited a minute longer until he decided to speak up. “It is a beautiful bag, huh?” At first you didn’t respond, nor did you show any sign of even hearing what he had said. “C’mon,” he said, giving your hand a squeeze and pulling you towards the entrance. “Let’s go take a look at it.”
That sentence snapped you out of your trance, and without skipping a beat, you stopped walking and stood in place. “Oh no, no, no, let’s not do that.” Your voice got a little louder with every no. “I don’t want to be disappointed by how expensive it is. It must cost at least £200 pounds.”
“I doubt-”
“It’s a Kate Spade,” you interrupted, “her bags are ridiculously expensive.” As you spoke, you continuously shook your head no. “I know it’s far too expensive, and I don’t want to be disappointed when I see the exorbitant price tag.” Your eyes became fixed to the pavement, and your eyebrows furrowed downwards, as well as your lips turning into a small frown. “Can we please leave?”
It pained Tom to see you so sad, especially since he could easily buy you the bag—hell, he could buy you a hundred of them, or even purchase everything in the store for you. It was no problem to him, but he knew that him buying you things made you feel uncomfortable, so he decided not to press the issue any further.
“Okay love, let’s go.” He took a step forward, but instead of following him, you stood there still, staring at the bag. A few seconds passed before you slowly took a step forward, and then walked with Tom away from the window display.
“Maybe one day I’ll see it in a consignment shop, and then I’ll be able to afford it.” You uttered under your breath, but it was just loud enough for Tom to hear it.
A week had passed, and Tom didn’t once stop thinking about the bag, and how much you pined over it. Just the night before, he had a dream where he was in his Spider-Man costume, and had broken into the store to get it for you. Of course, he wasn’t going to do that, but it was all he could think about, even in his dreams.
He knew he had to get it for you, because even though you tried to say you were okay without it, he knew it would make you beyond happy if you had it. Yet, he was aware that he couldn’t get it when you were with him, which seemed to be most of the time. He cherished spending time with you, but he just needed some time alone so he could get it.
While he was thinking of a plan, the opportunity arose on its own, no planning on his end needed.
“Your mum wants me to go shopping with her tomorrow to buy a gift for Paddy.” You announced as you walked into the room, and leaned against the door frame.
“Wait, she wants you to go with her, and not me?” He asked, hoping to feign some sadness, even though he was secretly relieved. He loved his mum, but shopping with her could easily become extremely stressful.
You shrugged your shoulders slightly, “I thought the same thing, but apparently she wants me to go with her. She said something about me being a ‘more attentive shopper’.” You said with air quotes, and a slight frown on your face.
Tom, who was sprawled out in his bed, positioned himself so that he could tilt his head up to see you. “Well, that’s odd. I can see she’s playing favourites.” He remarked, trying to not sound too relieved.
“That’s okay with you, right?” You questioned, eyes wide.
“Of course love, just don’t have too much fun without me.”
“I won’t, but let me just text her back and tell her that’s okay.” You bounded out of the room quickly, and when you left, he let out a small squeal. His plan was falling into place, and it seemed that the universe was on his side. He took a minute to think about his schedule tomorrow, and luckily he had the day off.
He was bound and determined to get the bag for you.
Almost immediately after you left the house to go shopping with his mum, Tom bolted out of the house and ran out to his car, quickly and messily trying to unlock the car door. When he situated himself inside the car, he pulled out of the driveway to head towards the Kate Spade boutique.
The way he was driving was downright terrible, and borderline reckless, but all he could think about was getting the bag for you. On his drive there, the thought of accidentally running into you crossed his mind, but he shook the thought away.
About twenty minutes later, he pulled into the parking garage, stopped the car, got out and locked it. He hurried up towards the entrance of the store, and rushed inside, tunnel vision consuming him. As he looked around frantically looking for the bag, he couldn’t seem to see it, but before he could have a chance to inquire about it, a store clerk came up to him.
“May I help you with something?” The assistant inquired, snapping Tom out of his tunnel vision.
“Actually, yes. My girlfriend saw a small purse in the window display last week, and I was wondering if you still happen to have it.”
“By any chance, did it look like a little post box with a letter inside?” She asked with a slightly sad grin, one that caught Tom’s attention.
“Um yes, precisely. Do you still have any?”
Judging by the assistant’s look, he already knew the answer—he was too late. “I’m so sorry, but there was only one left, and that kind woman at the register is about to purchase the last one.” She stated with sad eyes, and it took everything in Tom to not be equally as upset. “They sold so quickly that we had to request a few more shipments, but there were no more left to order yesterday.”
He looked over to see who the woman who was purchasing the last handbag was, and the woman looked back at him with apologetic eyes. It was a woman about the age of 80, and was a very spiffy dresser at that.
“Love, I am so sorry that I’m buying the last one, but I too have had my eye on it for quite a while.” She spoke just loud enough for Tom to hear her from the other side of the boutique, but just quiet enough for him to walk over closer to where she stood at the register. “Do you mind me asking why you wanted this bag? By the way you ran in here, it seemed like it was clearly an important thing to buy.”
“It was.” Tom answered back as he took a second to think about what he wanted to say. He felt so dejected that there weren’t any words to describe his situation, even though it was a very easy situation to understand. “Last week, I was window shopping with my girlfriend, and she saw this bag and immediately stopped in her tracks. She spent 10 minutes staring at it, or at least it felt that long.” He walked over closer to where the register was and leaned one arm against the counter. “She was so awe struck by it, but at the time she couldn’t afford it, and she refused to allow me to buy it.”
“That’s the mark of a remarkable young woman, you know. Most women would expect her man to buy her what she wanted, but the fact that she didn’t want to buy it really says a lot.” She carefully placed her hand on top of Tom’s in a reassuring way. “Cherish her forever.”
Tom’s vision became a bit blurry as he blinked away tears that were trying to form in his eyes. “I will, I promise.” He lightly sighed, allowing himself to take a second to think. “Although it’s a pretty new relationship, so I hope it works out.” His watery eyes cleared up, and he took one more audible breath. Just then, the kind woman gently placed her hand on top of his, and gave it a gentle pat. When he looked up at her, she was giving him a sympathetic smile.
“Trust me, love. I’ve been around long enough to know if a relationship will work out or not. I thought the same when I met my now husband when he and I were both 17. I was so worried thinking that it may not work out, but he had the faith to know that it would. And he was right, he usually always is, but I try not to tell him too much so that it doesn’t go to his head.” She laughed lightly, and Tom did as well. “All it takes is love, patience and perseverance. That’s the key to a lasting relationship.”
The assistant was moved by the woman’s touching story, and wiped away a tear off her cheek. The woman looked at her and smiled tearfully too. “How new is your relationship?” She asked.
“It’s felt like ages, but in a good way.” Tom answered with a smile forming on his lips. “But in all actuality, it’s been almost three months, but we met a month prior to dating.”
“So that is pretty new.” The kind old woman answered. “What do you love most about her?”
Love, Tom thought. He would be lying if he said that he didn’t think about all the things he loves about you, but to be honest, he hasn’t told you he loved you yet. He hasn’t wanted to rush anything, even though he’s sure he loves you. The idea of telling you that has scared him, because it always seems that when he tells someone he loves them, they disappear from his life forever, just like his previous relationships before. “Well, she’s so patient with me, and beyond understanding of my hectic life.”
“Go on,” the kind woman prodded, already knowing that he hadn’t told you he loved you yet, but wanting to help coax the feelings out of him.
“I have a stressful job, to put it lightly, and not once has she made me feel bad about having to reschedule a date. She’s also ridiculously intelligent, caring, and beautiful, and I wouldn’t know what to do without her, nor would I want to think about that.”
“Well, I can tell that you love her,” she answered, “and I hope I’m not prodding too much, but may I ask why you haven’t told her yet?”
Tom took a second to compose himself. “I’ve wanted to, but I didn’t want to rush anything. I don’t know if this is going to sound dumb, but I wanted to write her a letter telling her how I feel, and I was going to stick the letter into the letter box, which is super dumb I know but-”
“That’s not.” The woman choked out, dabbing at her eyes where they were starting to well up with tears. “That’s one of the sweetest things I have ever heard, and I am beyond happy to know that the younger generations are still just as sweet and chivalrous as the past ones were. At the time when I was dating my husband, he also wrote me a letter telling me he loved me as he went to fight in the war.” She took out a handkerchief from her coat pocket and dabbed at her eyes. “I wasn’t sure if I would ever see him again, but luckily he came home safely.”
“I’m happy he did.” Tom responded with tears in his eyes as well. “Thank you for sharing that with me.”
“You’re welcome.” She wiped her eyes once more, and motioned for the assistant, who was in the back of the store, to come over to where she and Tom were standing. “Letters are a great way to tell someone something, and I’m glad they haven’t died off with the younger generation.” The assistant came over to the woman, and looked to see what she may need.
“Can I please return this bag back to the store so that this young man can buy it instead?” The assistant hesitantly reached her arm out to take the bag, wanting to make sure that the woman really wanted to do so.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to take it from you.” Tom responded hesitantly, his voice upturning at the end of the sentence.
The woman waved her hand in front of Tom. “I’m positively sure. This will be the item that will make you cherish your relationship forever, and will even be your lucky charm.”
As the assistant returned the bag back to the store, Tom quickly reached out his arms and gave the woman a quick hug. “Thank you so much, I can’t thank you enough.” When he pulled away, she placed her hand on his forearm.
“You’re very welcome, and I wish you two a long and beautiful relationship.”
“Thank you again.” He responded quickly, and then a wave of realisation washed over him. “I just realised that I didn’t get your name, how awful of me.”
“Beth.” She answered, “and I already know your name, Mr. Tom Holland.” A look of confusion washed over Tom’s face, and before he could ask how she knew his name, she answered, “My granddaughter is a huge fan. I’ve seen all the Spider-Man movies with her in the cinema, and I must admit that you are a wonderful actor.”
Tom grinned his million dollar smile, and began to blush. “Why thank you Beth, I truly appreciate everything.”
The assistant rung up the bag for Tom, and after he paid for it, she wrapped it up nicely and put it in a colourful bag.
“Good luck with everything Mr. Holland, and when you and this girl get married, you better invite me to your wedding.” She rummaged through her bag, pulling out a pen and a piece of paper. “I mean it, you know. I better be there for the wedding.” As she said this, she wrote her name, address and phone number on it. “Promise me I’ll be the first person you call after you pop the question to her?” She slid the paper over to Tom and watched as he read it once before folding it nicely and placing it carefully in his wallet. “I promise I will Beth, I swear on it.”
Tom knew what he had to do, or rather, what to say. After his conversation with Beth in the boutique, it seemed as though the words were spilling out of his mouth, and the letter was practically writing itself in his mind. All he had to do now was actually buy something to write on.
He thought about buying some cute stationary to match the aesthetic of the bag, but he knew that the words were so loud in his head, that by the time that it would take for him to buy stationary, the words would be gone.
Jogging back out to his car, he began to rummage through the glove compartment in hopes of finding something, anything to write on.
The only acceptable piece of paper was actually a flyer from a chippy, and the only pencil he could find was a tiny one that’s used to keep the score in golf, but it’ll have to do. The words suddenly came to him, and he scribbled them down so he wouldn’t forget.
A fair amount of time must have passed, because it was now beginning to rain outside. The pattering of the light raindrops that were hitting the roof of the car made the small space feel more comfortable, and added the perfect amount of ambiance to continue writing. In fact, tear stains had made their way onto the paper, which surprised Tom, considering that he didn't even know he was crying. The emotions must’ve got the best of him, but he didn’t mind one bit.
At least now he had a physical reminder of how much he loved you.
Wiping the tears off his face, he took a sigh of relief. Writing that somehow felt liberating, and made him almost want to jump out of the car and start dancing in the rain. He felt on top of the world.
As he drove away from his parking spot, about a block and a half later, he looked up to see a stationary store and parked the car in front of the store, and ran inside.
Half an hour later, he made it back home, bag and letter in hand. You were still out with his mum, which to be honest wasn’t shocking. I bet she’ll get home well past midnight, knowing my mum, he thought.
Harry, Tuwaine and Harrison went out to go golfing, so Tom had the whole house to himself. He plopped down on the sofa and pulled out the new stationary and pens that he bought specifically for this.
While at the shop, he found a set of letters that looked almost identical to the letter keychain on the purse, and picked out a black pen. He carefully wrote the new letter with penmanship so precise, it made him feel as though he was back in primary school.
About twenty minutes had passed, but the letter was finally done. He had embellished the envelope by adding a couple hearts in different colours, and then carefully slipping the letter inside. Lastly, he wrote your name in cursive on the envelope, and then placed the completed letter inside the bag, right where the letter compartment was.
After neatly reassembling the bag back in its original wrapping, Tom placed the bag inside his closet and thought of a good time to give it to you. The best time, he thought, was to give it to you next week, right before he was set to fly back to Atlanta to finish filming.
“I wish you didn’t have to go.” You whined, which was slightly muffled by Tom’s pillows. Tom was sprawled out on the floor, stuffing different articles of clothing into his luggage.
“I wish I didn’t either darling.” He sighed, “but I promise I’ll be home before you know it.” He answered, knowing that he wasn’t entirely telling the truth. He would be gone for at least 3 months, which was going to feel like an eternity. The thought alone made him almost start crying, but he was trying to stay strong for you. He also couldn’t help thinking that you would leave him, since all of his past girlfriends left him due to the distance. It was just a matter of time before you did the same, but he tried not to dwell on that nagging thought. He knew you were patient, but he wasn’t sure how long that would last.
“Maybe I could come visit you, you know, when I have a chance?” You asked hesitantly, knowing full well that you were busy with work and school.
“I wish you could, but we both know that isn’t plausible right now.” It sounded harsher than he had intended to be, and he mentally grimaced. You, however, knew he was right. He had told you before that he doesn’t want you to sideline your own life because of his.
“I know.” You answered dejectedly, “but if and when I have a break, I’ll come out to see you.”
Tom finished folding his clothes, and stood up. Without saying a word, he looked over at you and noticed that your face was squeezed against his pillow, your eyes closed. And so; he went to his closet and moved the sheets that were covering your present. In one motion, he grabbed the bag and turned on his heels, and made his way back to his bed.
Without you noticing, he sat down and placed the bag in front of you, and poked your shoulder until you looked up at him.
“Hmm?” You inquired. Instead of responding, Tom scooted the bag closer to you, while sitting down on the corner of his bed. “What is it?”
“Sit up.” He instructed, and as you did so, you saw a gift bag placed in front of you. “Open it please.” He insisted, watching intently as you began to take the tissue paper out of the gift bag.
“Tom, this isn’t what I think it is, right?” You trailed off, and while Tom didn’t give you a verbal answer, it was written all over his face.
“The suspense is killing me,” he pleaded, “please open the bag.”
You did as you were told, and gasped when you pulled the purse out of the gift bag. It was even prettier in person, and somehow more breathtaking.
“Babe, I, what?” You choked out, unable to say anymore. A part of you was so happy that he gifted you with this, but another part of you knew how expensive the bag was.
“Now before you get mad, I know you said you didn’t want me to buy it for you, but I just knew that you wanted it, so I just had to treat you.” He stammered out, “please don’t hate me.”
Overcome with emotion, you threw your arms around Tom’s neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap. “I love it.” You whispered into his neck, and placed a kiss on his neck.
“Promise me you’ll keep it?” He asked, “I need you to promise me you won’t try to return it.”
“I promise I won’t. I’ll cherish it forever.”
Tom left the house at 2am, and was headed towards the airport. Leaving you was the hardest thing that he’s ever had to do, but he didn’t have much of a choice.
As you laid in his bed, bundled up in his sweatshirt, you clutched the bag to your chest. It was such a thoughtful gesture for him to buy it for you, but a piece of you did feel guilty that he spent the money on you.
The words he told you not to return the bag echoed in your head, and even though he made you swear not to do so, it did cross your mind. So, you thought, the only way you would be less tempted to return it is if you emptied out your old bag and put your belongings in that one instead. It took you a few minutes to do so, but now seeing your things in there made it feel more like yours.
Doing so tired you out, as it was now almost 3am. Clutching the bag as you settled into bed, you drifted off soundly, mentally preparing for your day tomorrow.
Waking up without Tom felt so strange, not having him there next to you. You checked your phone and saw a text from him, saying he loved you and landed safely, complete with a ton of heart emojis. It put a smile on your face, and quickly you typed back that you loved him more, and wished him luck on his day ahead.
About an hour later, you were off to your 9am philosophy class, one that you typically dreaded going to. Sometimes it was a heavy class to start the day off, especially when the coursework focused on the depressing aspects of life and hardship. It was a class that you always hoped to skip, but Tom always made sure you didn’t skip, no matter how badly you wanted to.
As you walked up to the door, you began to slow down. Was it worth going to class, knowing that you’re already pretty bummed out because Tom is away?
When the thought crossed your mind, you could hear Tom’s voice in your head convincing you to go. So, you drudged your way to the door and pulled the handle.
You walked to your seat and slumped into your chair, and placed your new bag on the empty seat next to you. When you went to grab your notebook and pencil, you looked up to see your friend Ella sitting in front of you, body turned to see you.
“Ooh, cute bag!” She exclaimed, eyes bright and cheerful.
“Thank you,” you answered, “it was a gift.” Your tone was a bit more curt than you had expected it to be, but you didn’t have enough energy to try to sound happier.
“Wow, I wish someone would gift me a present that nice.” Ella responded.
The girl sitting next to Ella, one that you didn’t personally know, turned around to see your bag.
“My sister has that same bag, and she loves it. It even has a secret compartment inside the letter keychain.” When she said that, your brows furrowed.
“Hmm, really? I didn’t know that.” You reached for your bag and placed it on your lap. When you pulled out the letter compartment, you noticed that, indeed, there was a hidden zipper. You slowly opened the zipper, and saw that there was an envelope inside. “Well that’s odd, there’s a letter inside, I didn’t know it came with one.” When you took a closer look, you saw that your name was written there, in what looked like Tom’s handwriting.
“It didn’t,” the girl replied, “or at least, it wasn’t supposed to.”
Ella gasped dramatically, “Maybe it’s from the person who gave you the gift—you should read it.”
Luckily, you didn’t have to tell her no, because at that moment, the professor began to start his lecture. You zipped the zipper shut and placed the bag next to you, although you noticed your heart was racing. The thought of Tom writing you a letter made you feel giddy, and in a way, saddening. It made you realise that he wasn’t here with you, but instead thousands of miles away. The class went by ridiculously slowly, but when the professor wrapped up his lecture, you bolted out the door. You sped walk to the nearest bench underneath a pine tree, and hurriedly sat down, reaching for the letter.
He had placed the envelope in there neatly, and even wrote your name in cursive. There were little hearts drawn all over the envelope, even going as far as addressing it from Atlanta, as if he really sent it through the post to you.
The attention to detail already made tears fall onto your cheeks, knowing that Tom really went out of his way to write you a letter. Carefully, you pulled the letter out of the envelope, straightening it a bit before reading it.
My eternal love,
I’m glad you found this letter, sealed and ready for you to read it. I had thought about giving it to you before I left, but I hope this makes it even more special.
When I went to get the bag for you, I had a long conversation with a woman who reminded me how important love is, and how I shouldn’t take it for granted. And, after talking to her, she knew that we had the kind of love that will last a thousand years, and span a million lifetimes.
I now just realised that of course, our relationship is still relatively new, but she just knew that what we have is special; and well, I hope so too.
All my thoughts are consumed by you and you alone; about how happy you make me feel, how safe and secure I feel in your arms, and with you, I feel that anything is possible. The world seems kinder and nicer with you in it, and I feel a sense of divine happiness that I’ve never felt before when we’re together.
I haven’t said this to you yet, or at least not out loud, but I love you. I really, truly, love you. I’ve never been more sure of anything, but this I know indefinitely.
I love all of the little things about you-how you are incredibly patient, loving, and caring. I love when you run your fingers through my hair after a long day, calming me down instantly. I love how you give me your million dollar smile when I kiss you on the cheek, and how you make me feel calm and safe in my extremely hectic life.
All I know is that I love you, through and through, and I hope you feel the same way too.
Forever yours- no matter how far away I am from you,
Tom x
By now, you could hardly read through the tears. You had no idea he was so poetic, and how open he was being with you right now, and the image of him writing this heartfelt letter brought happy tears to your eyes. He loved you so immensely, and it was so comforting to have him say it.
As you wiped the tears with the sleeve of your sweater, you knew you had to tell him you loved him back. And so, you opened up your text messages, found your guys conversation, and voice messaged back,
“I love you more.”
mes anges (taglist): @scarletxwidow @sinisterspidey @cali-holland @duskholland  @yourstrulyamour​ @determined-overthinker​
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frostedfaves · 4 years ago
All Too Well
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: A new year leads to a new argument.
Warnings: angst
A/N: this was supposed to be a super angsty breakup fic inspired by Taylor Swift’s All Too Well, but apparently idk how to write sad shit anymore so enjoy whatever this is 😔 (on the bright side, I found a nickname for Wanda to use in my upcoming series 👀)
“Those aren’t even the lyrics!” Wanda shouted over the radio, her laughter nearly covering her speech like a blanket.
“Of course it is!” You reached over to turn down the volume on the radio. “Take it from someone who sang this song every day for a year during every single shower.”
“Well, it’s a shame your shampoo bottles never told you that you were serenading them with the wrong words.”
A loud laugh escaped you as both of your heads turned in the same moment, yours to gaze out the passenger window and hers to watch you. The orange and brown leaves that dropped from the trees were only part of the lovely scene in front of you, and Wanda thought the colors provided a wonderful background for her own movie. She got lost in admiring your features, wishing to run her thumb along your lips as a smile formed there, or place a palm against your cheeks, warmed by the sun. Her attention turned back to the road just in time to stop herself from passing a red light, throwing an arm across your torso to keep you from lurching forward against the seatbelt.
“Sorry,” she apologized with flushed cheeks, and you couldn’t help but poke one as you assured her everything was fine. Turns out the sun can bring warmth to fingers, too.
As the two of you made your way to your shared apartment, Wanda wished for your heated touch now, instead of the cold glare you directed to the windshield. She was grateful it was pointed toward the street for now, and she was tempted to drive on forever with the heat blasting until you defrosted. Anything to avoid the confrontation she knew was coming.
“What the hell was that?”
“Baby, please,” she sighed. “The new year just started. Can’t we wait until the sun comes up again and we’ve had some sleep?”
“I’ve waited long enough, Wanda.”
Her shoulders tensed and a shiver ran down her spine because your stare was focused on her now, and the ice made its way to your vocal chords, leaving an especially thick layer around her name. You hadn’t called her anything aside from ‘honeydew’ since your first date, and she endured the teasing from her team because seeing the sparkle in your eyes was worth it. Hearing you say her name now felt like being cursed.
“Can we at least wait until we get home?” she pleaded as she faced you after stopping at the red light. “I want to be able to look you in the eye without putting you in danger.”
You broke away first to turn the radio volume up, turning your head to avoid her watery eyes. Her vulnerable gaze nearly melted away your resolve entirely, and you refused to let this go on any longer. Wanda forced herself to keep her own eyes on the road and the drive went on silently aside from the song pouring in through the speakers, neither of you bothering to fight over the correct lyrics. You were back at your building within a few minutes, and while you rode the elevator up from the parking garage, Wanda took the stairs. She had no idea what she was walking into, and she just needed to pretend everything was okay for a little bit longer.
When she opened the apartment door, your coat was already hung by the door and she could hear your bare feet padding along the wooden floor to the bedroom. She took her time hanging her own coat and slipping off her shoes, following you down the hall and nearly dropping them out of her hand when she saw you staring at her from the edge of the bed.
“What the hell was that?” you repeated, watching Wanda walk past to place her shoes in the closet.
“I’m going to need more than that, detka.” Her accent became more prominent as her nerves grew, a deep crease forming between her brows as she faced you and leaned against the opposite wall. “What are you asking about?”
“That woman asked about your girlfriend and you told her it was ‘nothing serious’.”
“I was just...saving face.” She kept her arms folded as she shrugged. “She’s friends with Tony and they talk all the time. If I would’ve been all obnoxious about our relationship, he would’ve made a big deal about it later.”
“You’ve been getting teased for ten months by Earth’s mightiest heroes over a nickname and expressing your love for your girlfriend is where you draw the line?!”
“Okay, I’m sorry! It was a mistake and it won’t happen again.” She pushed off the wall and walked forward to grab your hand, but you jumped off the bed and headed toward the kitchen before she could get close. “What--”
“You’ve stopped talking to me, too.”
“We’re literally talking now! We talked on Christmas Day--”
“Oh yeah, I really enjoyed that 30 second talk we had over pancake batter before the whole team stormed in and took over,” you huffed into the refrigerator while searching for something to drink.
“If you have a problem with the Avengers, just say it.”
“I love your team!” you cried out as you closed the refrigerator door. “I probably see more of them than I do you. Three weeks ago, I went to the tower because I hadn’t heard from you all day and I had to find out from the fucking spider kid that you volunteered to join some last minute mission. And you know what? We had dinner together and I talked to him for two hours, which is probably longer than I’ve talked to you since then.”
“I can’t help it if missions come up,” Wanda challenged as she took the glass of water you offered. “This is my job, just like you have yours.”
“I know, but you had your phone with you. At least send a text, let me know you’re okay.”
“I will. Is that it?” She watched your eyes avert from hers, sighing when you headed toward the couch in the living room instead of the bedroom. “It’s not, is it?”
“I just want to know why you haven’t been happy.” You finally met her gaze again when she stopped a few feet away.
“What? I’m happy.”
“Nothing’s been the same since that day you were driving and nearly ran the red light. That was in October, and it’s the beginning of January now.”
“You’re wrong,” Wanda insisted as she inched closer. “I’m happy.”
“I drove myself crazy here while you were gone on all these lengthy trips, trying to think of why you wanted to be so far away all the time. Maybe you weren’t feeling this anymore, or you’d found someone that made you feel more alive--”
“I told you I’m happy!”
In a split second, red filled her eyes and surrounded her hand as she sent her glass flying against the wall. You stared at the droplets of water running down the eggshell colored surface to the wooden floor, flinching when Wanda placed her hand on your thigh as she knelt in front of you and relaxing when you were met with her usual eye color.
“I’m sorry.” She squeezed gently as she sighed, never breaking eye contact. “I’ve just been worried. When we’re together, I tend to lose myself in your existence, and it isn’t safe. A few seconds more, and that day could’ve ended a lot differently.”
“I had my seatbelt on,” you reminded her as you placed your palm over her knuckles, and she shook her head. 
“There are a lot worse threats than a car accident, detka. I just fear that one day, I’ll be wrapped around you so tightly that I won’t have time to free myself and protect you from danger.”
“So your solution to protecting me more was to leave me totally alone with no warning?”
“Now that I’m hearing it with a clear head, it doesn’t sound like such a good plan,” she chuckled with a shake of her head.
“No, it doesn’t, honeydew.” You squeezed her hand with a smile that widened at the sight of Wanda’s. “What?”
“I just never thought I could miss a silly nickname so much.”
Tags: @littlegasps @peggycarter-steverogers @imnotasuperhero @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @creepingwolfberry @honeyvenable
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annab-nana · 4 years ago
Twitches & Stitches - Peter Parker
You are a worrywart and along with other problems in your life, Peter being Spider-Man doesn’t really help to keep you calm. One night when he gets hurt, your own body tells him you're stressed before you do.
Warnings: some curse words; blood and wounds
Word Count: 3.2k+
“Holy shit, Peter!” you exclaimed when you saw the battered and bruised boy through your window in the middle of the night. If you were not expecting him, the sight would’ve really scared you though seeing him in the state he was in wasn’t exactly calming. “Why are you here?”
He needed a hospital with a real doctor, not you with your Spider-Man band-aids and your little first aid kit. The left side of his abdomen was grazed with some kind of burn and his right thigh took a larger hit, looking similar to his side but much worse. Blood dripped from his nose, his busted lip, and the cut on his upper cheek near his eye. His eyes were clearly red and puffy, one of them starting to form a bruise around the socket. Scrapes, scratches, and small cuts littered his body everywhere else. You knew he was going to be sore and in pain for a little while even given his rapid healing abilities. As you ran to get a towel from the other side of your room, he held his wounded side with one hand and frantically pushed his sweaty curls back with the other.
“You always help clean me up. I thought you liked to do it. I can get May to help if you don’t want to right n-”
“No Pete, I do like that you come to me for help but this…” you trailed off as your finger pointed to the large cut on the side of his face before it faltered down towards his side and leg. “That needs stitches and extensive medical care. I don’t know how to do that. We need to get you to a hospital.”
“Actually, can you take me to the compound? Banner can help me there,” Peter asked when you pulled on your jacket and shoes and looped an arm around his waist to hold him up while he held the towel you got for him to his injured leg.
“Yeah, come on.” So, you got him into your car and began the drive upstate. It wasn’t too long especially since you were going a little over the speed limit—your boyfriend was bleeding so of course most laws were thrown out the window to get him some help—but a hospital would have been much closer. You understood why he wanted to go here: no one questioning how this happened, no coming up with a story to tell, people he was familiar with and comfortable around, so you took him.
“Y/n, calm down. It’ll be fine,” Peter whispered when his suited hand came to rest on your hand that you had been tapping anxiously against the steering wheel. You had not realized you were doing it, but you were scared for Peter. Of course, he was a superhuman with rapid healing abilities and super strength, but he looked awful and your mind began to wander to the worst. What if he did not make it back one night? What if he was kidnapped or tortured? What if he died? What would you do? You wanted to protect him but how could you when you were a measly human, no special abilities, just a big heart.
“I know. I just worry about you is all,” you muttered when you saw the compound come into view, the lush greenery of the tall trees behind it and the starry night sky about it appearing so beautiful.
“You’ve got nothing to worry about, sweetheart,” he reminded you before pecking your cheek. “I always come out okay.”
As much as you wanted to protest and explain that he might not always be fine and that his powers didn’t make him completely invincible, you pushed it down and pulled in front of the compound. You turned off the ignition and ran around to his side to help him out and walked him into the building.
“What’d you get into now Peter?” Dr. Bruce Banner inquired when you both walked in, taking in the boy’s limp and bloodied body.
“Some guys with alien tech. It’s different than the Chitauri stuff. It’s much more advanced,” he explained while you two followed Banner to an examination room. You helped him to get up on the bed—though he probably didn’t need your assistance—but it was the thought and the care that you put in that made him feel better.
While they discussed what happened as Bruce stitched him up, you hung back a bit and took in the room. Every room in the compound fascinated you. Each so simple yet so intricate, so sophisticated and sleek. Most of the rooms were white especially the exam rooms of the medical wing. Everything was just so crisp and you loved to look around at it all.
Then your eyes landed on the boy you fell in love with who was smiling up at Bruce Banner who had cracked a joke you did not hear. Peter Parker. Did you know you were signing up to be Spider-Man’s girlfriend when you started dating him? No, but you loved all of him, even the parts that scared you.
It wasn’t that him being Spider-Man scared you. You couldn’t think of anyone better to take this huge responsibility on and take it on as beautifully as he did too. What terrified you were the possibilities that the job could entail. Just tonight he had a run-in with some scumbags with alien technology and this obviously was not the first time this had happened. After what occurred with Liz’s dad, you hoped this would go smoother or maybe he could get more avengers to help him this time. You couldn’t handle another building being dropped on him like it was nothing or even something worse. But now there was more of this unknown tech and it was more advanced? With his stubborn self, he’d go after them as soon as possible and it’d probably end up worse than last time. You just could not handle that. You couldn’t handle losing him.
“So how long has your eye been twitching?” Bruce asked out loud, not directed at anyone in particular but Peter assumed it was for him as did you.
“My eye hasn’t been twitching, sir, unless I can’t feel it,” he told him in a confused tone. Banner chuckled a bit before turning towards you.
“I meant you. You’ve noticed that right?” You did not know whether to nod or shake your head. Had you noticed it? Yes, but were you also too busy to care? Also, yes.
“I mean a little, yeah. I didn’t think it was a big deal though and that it’d go away soon. I’m okay, right?” You asked beginning to get a little frantic, but he was quick to reassure you.
“Yeah, don’t worry too much about it. We don’t need another thing to stress you out,” he commented, and by your tilted head and furrowed brow, he could see you didn’t know what he meant. “Eye twitching commonly correlates to stress and fatigue. Would you say that’s true?”
Peter’s wide and concerned eyes met yours. He didn’t know of anything that would be stressing you and he figured you got enough sleep. You handled everything so well so he had no clue that you could be stressed or tired.
“I mean yeah maybe. I could see it,” you answered the scientist who finished up what he needed to with Peter.
“Okay Parker, you’re all good and as for you,” he stopped and turned to face you, “Just relax and get some rest. Nothing bad will happen but it’s clear you need a break.” You nodded at him when he exited the door and as soon as he left, Peter hopped off the exam bed and walked over to you.
“You never told me anything about being stressed or worn out. Are you okay?” he questioned, his hands cupping your face as his eyes danced between your own.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Now let’s go back before my mom freaks out when she sees I’m gone,” you urged but Peter’s hand gripping your wrist stopped you.
“Text her and tell her you’re staying with me. Let’s go to my room here so you can get as much sleep as you need and then we can spend the whole day here tomorrow just chilling, okay?” he told you while still cradling your face.
“Okay well we need to move my car from out front to the garage,” you reminded him, and he grabbed your keys from your back pocket before you could.
“I’ll do that. You head on up to my room and I’ll meet you there.” So, you did as you were told. You went to Peter’s room, took off your shoes and jacket, and slipped under the blankets, the soft scent of him filling your nose.
Had you really been that stressed and exhausted that your eye was starting to twitch? Yeah, you could not fall asleep until you knew Peter was okay after patrolling, and sometimes you didn’t get that confirmation until midnight or later. Yeah, your mom had to work more so she could provide for you both and she was too tired from working to do anything, so you had to take care of the both of you. Yeah, school was getting a little more intense as the semester progressed and being a sophomore at a school for genius teenagers came with a heftier workload. But you were handling it. You always handled what life had to throw at you and you handled it with ease from the outside looking in.
“Okay, your car has been moved,” he announced when he slipped into his room and placed your keys on the desk that was placed near the door. He pressed the spider emblem in the center of his chest causing the suit to expand and loosen off his body before it fell to the floor. That left him in his boxers which was exactly what he wore to bed, so he slid underneath the covers and opened his arms for you to snuggle next to him. A small smile crept onto your lips as you scooted over and laid your head on his chest before entangling your legs with his own.
“How are you feeling?” you whispered into the space around you, your thumb slowly rubbing over the edge of the bandage that covered his side. You remembered the image of seeing him in your window only a short while ago and your heart dropping at the sight.
“Better now. I’ll be okay,” he stated reassuringly as his hand trailed absentmindedly up and down your back. “We need to talk about you though. What’s got you all stressed? I didn’t even know you were struggling. You’d know I’d help and that you can talk to me, right?”
“Yes, Peter. I know that and even I didn’t know how bad it was until Banner pointed it out,” you muttered, sighing against his skin as you hid your face in the crook of his neck. You didn’t mean for it to get like this. You thought you could handle it. You thought you were handling it fine, but your body was telling you otherwise.
“What is it?” he asked again, his other hand reaching to grab yours. “What’s making you stressed? Talk to me.”
“For starters, school. This sophomore year workload is a lot to handle when I have other things to worry about.”
“Like what?” You had not told him about your mom taking on a second job to make ends meet, about how she worked from eleven at night to seven in the morning at a hotel then slept for a little then worked at the diner she had worked at for years for however long they had scheduled her, about how she barely took care of herself let alone you, how you had to take care of her and yourself. Your mom was your hero. She had taken all of this like a champ, and you felt like shit for letting it all get to you through your damn eye twitches. You didn’t need Peter to worry about you. That would have made things worse, and he has bigger things he needs to worry about anyway. Also, he would have told May and you could not take her big brown empathetic eyes looking at you in pity before she would hug you and you would definitely break down then.
“Y/n? Sweetheart? Are you crying?” Peter whispered as he pulled you from his chest to look at you and indeed, a tear had fallen from your beautiful face onto his shoulder. “Why are you crying, baby? What’s wrong?” He asked when he sat up with you and pulled you back into his arms for him to hold you.
“I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want you to worry,” you mumbled against his neck where you had hidden your face once again. You hated crying though you were comfortable doing so in front of Peter.
“Darling, you can always tell me anything. I care about you so much and I thought you were okay because that is what you have told me and shown me. It’s okay to break down. God knows how many times I’ve broken down and cried in front of you,” he stated with a laugh which had caused a watery chuckle to escape you. He leaned down to press his lips to your temple. “Talk to me, baby. Tell me what’s on your mind and maybe you’ll feel better.”
So, you did. You explained how your mom had to get another job, told him how you were worried for her because she was not caring for herself and how you were having to act as the mom of the house since she was trying to financially provide for you both. You unloaded everything you had in your head about the situation with your mom and the stress you had been feeling because of it.
He held you through it all. He had shifted you both back to laying positions as he held you against him with one arm and held your hand with his other. Every word he listened to intently and it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. He was the best thing that had ever happened to you and you loved him with every ounce of your being.
“Why didn’t you say something sooner? You know I’d help you anytime,” he reassured you as if you had forgotten that he would help you. You knew he would be there for you in an instant when you would call, but something else had stopped you.
“Because… you’re Spider-Man. Queens needs you and you have bigger things to deal with like guys with technology from outer space. You should put that first, not my problems that I can handle myself.”
“I am Spider-Man, but I am also Peter Parker, and you matter most to me. So, I can leave the alien tech to someone else now that they’ll actually listen to me when I say there’s a bad guy and I can help you,” he reminded you and you nodded.
“Okay,” was you muttered before a beat of silence passed you both and then Peter spoke up again.
“Do I stress you out?” he questioned and as you were about to decline it, you remembered that he wasn’t just Peter Parker, but also Spider-Man, and that part of him did stress you out a little bit.
“Umm…” you trailed off as you got worked up again, tears swimming in your vision as you let out a shaky breath to calm yourself.
“I do, don’t I?” he inquired once more. The way his voice sounded so defeated made your heart split in two.
“Yes,” you spoke before the tears were flowing again. “But it’s only because I’m worried for your safety. I mean you didn’t see what I saw when you came to my window tonight. Peter, you looked awful, and what if it had been worse? What if you hadn’t been able to get up from the fight and seek help? What if y-you died? I don’t know what I’d do. I stay awake every night waiting for you to either show up at my window or for you to call and tell me you’re safe at home. Peter, I love you, but you being Spider-Man and risking your life constantly, that terrifies me. You handle it well, but I just get worried that one day you won’t come back.”
His eyes softened as you spoke while he was quick to pull you into his embrace and shush you to calm you from your cries. You had to admit that it did feel good letting all this out and telling him the truth finally, but these were the things that were weighing heavy on your heart and to just speak of them to someone helped lift that weight some.
“Baby, you know I will always come back to you. I think you underestimate me,” he chuckled as his hand ran up and down your arm in a soothing manner.
“I know you’re strong, asshole,” you laughed along with him before getting back to your main point, “but I am scared that you think you’re invincible and you’ll run yourself into something you can’t handle, and then what happens? You get seriously hurt or worse, you die and then I’ll be alone. So will May. Ned will not have his best friend. MJ won’t have someone to bug all the time. What are we supposed to do when we don’t have you, Peter? I-I can’t handle that.”
“Y/n, you can’t keep thinking of the worst-case scenario in this situation. There will always be that possibility, but I am sure that won’t ever happen. I can sense when something bad is going to happen before it does so I know when to get out of the way before something could potentially kill me. I will always be okay in the end and so will you so don’t worry too much about it. You’re stressing yourself out more than you need to,” he whispered calmingly as his thumb rubbed soothing circles into your skin. You sighed before cuddling into the boy. He was right. You did tend to let your mind wander to the worst, and you were stressing yourself out more than you needed to. You had other more important things to worry about like your mother and getting schoolwork done.
“I love you, you know that right?” you spoke softly against the flesh of his chest before pressing a light kiss where your words landed.
“Yes, I do. You wouldn’t worry yourself sick if you didn’t love me. I love you so much sweetheart,” he muttered into your hair. “Now tomorrow, we aren’t going to do anything that counts as work. We’ll sleep in, watch some movies, we can bake some cookies or something if you’d like?”
“That sounds nice,” you told him while nodding your head.
“Then that’s what we will do,” he stated into the space above you, into the darkness of his room. “Good night, y/n.”
“Good night, Peter,” you sighed as you melted into his body, his strong arms very present around you and holding you close and safe next to him. You could feel him. He was right there. He always came back so there was no need to worry. Your sweet little Peter Parker was not going anywhere. You had him right there and that was all you needed to feel calm.
tag list: @rebelemilu @starrybrock @mxltifandoms06 @mendesblurb @dpaccione @msgorillagripcoochie @dpaccione @marjorie189 @sovereignparker @vintageobx @ilovejjmaybank @bibliophilewednesday @drewstarkeysbitchh @seventeen-reaction @tomsirishgirlx
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bibbawrites · 4 years ago
I Want Your Midnights - Owen Joyner x Female Reader (SMUT - 18+)
Tumblr media
Request: NONE 
Word Count: 2568 words
Summary: You bring your boyfriend Owen home for your family New Years party, which ends with you getting a little more than a New Years kiss 
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, oral s*x (both male and female receiving), squirting, slight overstimulation 
A/N: this is literally just 2.5k words of self indulgent babble lol so this idea came into my mind and I couldn’t get it out, i know i should be working on requests but i just had to write this, sorry!  as i said, this is very self indulgent, the way new years is described is exactly how my family and our neighbours (who are close friends at this point lol) celebrate each year so i couldn’t help myself  sorry for any typos, its 4am lol  hope you enjoy it! 
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added, removed or if you change your url): @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ @littlemissaddict @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @headheartbellarke @lovesanimals​ 
Every single year your family celebrated New Years Eve exactly the same way. 
Your neighbours across the road would set up a table and chairs on their driveway, and your family and your next door neighbours would head across the road for a barbeque and drinks under the stars, with the Christmas lights that covered the three houses shining in the darkness. 
And then after food the kids would always head inside to play a board game or battle it out on Just Dance, only stopping at midnight to watch the New Years fireworks go off and to run around with sparklers. 
That’s how New Years had been for as long as you could remember. Only this year, things were going to be slightly different. 
You were bringing Owen, your boyfriend of just over a year. You had celebrated New Years apart the year before, opting for a text to wish each other happy new year instead. 
But you’d been dating for over a year now, and you couldn’t wait for Owen to meet your friends and family, and have the chance to ring in the new year together. 
Owen pulled his truck into your parent’s driveway, parking before turning to you, his eyes full of anxiety. 
“You’ll be fine, they’re all gonna love you.” You assured him, grabbing onto his hand. He bit his lip. 
“There’s just so many people to remember.” He sighed slightly. “Give me a recap?” 
You nodded. 
“So you know my family’s names, right? Mum is Alice, Dad James, brothers Tom, Will and Lucas.” You said, and he nodded, so you continued. 
“Rose and Max own the house we’re going to, and their daughter is Sophie. Then our other neighbours, the ones next door, are Graham and Pam, and their daughters Violet and Bella. You’ve met Violet, she’s my best friend, remember?” Owen nodded again. 
“I think I’ll survive your family, it’s just everyone else I’m worried about.” He told you. You rubbed your thumb over the back of his hand. 
“It will be okay. I’ll make sure to introduce everyone when we get over there, okay?” You said, leaning across the car to press a soft kiss to his lips. “Now we should probably get inside and see if Mum needs help with anything.” 
You climbed out of his truck, walking around to his side of the car and waiting for him to hop out, grabbing onto his hand when he did. He locked his truck and with a last reassuring squeeze you were leading him around to the front of your house. 
“Do we knock?” He questioned as you reached the door. You giggled and shook your head. 
“Knock knock!” You called out, opening the front door. 
“It’s open.” Your mum’s voice called back from the kitchen. You led Owen down the hallway and into the kitchen, smiling widely when you saw your mum and dad stood behind the bench. 
“Look what the cat dragged in.” Your mum joked, and you dropped Owen’s hand to give her a quick hug, then your dad next. When you stepped back he grabbed onto you again. 
“Mum, Dad, this is my boyfriend Owen. Owen, this is my mum Alice, and my dad James.” You introduced. 
“It’s very nice to meet you sir and ma’am.” Owen smiled, and you squeezed his hand to reassure him. 
“Oh please, call us Alice and James dear. It’s so nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you I feel like I already know you.” Your mother laughed. “This one never shuts up about you.” 
You pouted. 
“Don’t expose me.” You said. Owen grinned. 
“It’s okay baby. if you asked my mum she’d say exactly the same thing.” He told you and you smiled up at him, before turning your attention back to your parents. 
“Is there anything you need taken across the road?” You asked and your dad nodded. 
“We were just about to take the chairs over, do you want to tell the boys and we’ll all head over now?” He suggested and you nodded, dragging Owen behind you as you went to find your three brothers. 
After introducing Owen to your brothers and collecting the chairs from your garage, the seven of you headed across the road to where your neighbours had already set up the table and barbeque. 
“Hello everyone!” Rose greeted from her spot next to the table with Sophie, as you made your way up the driveway. 
“Ooh we’ve got a ring in.” Max joked, coming over from his spot behind the barbeque. 
“This is my boyfriend Owen.” You introduced. “O, this is Rose and Max, and that’s Sophie.” You pointed to each one as you said their names. 
Owen waved shyly and Rose smiled. 
“Don’t be nervous, we’re all very nice.” She said and Owen smiled back. You placed your chairs down at the table, before turning to find your other neighbours heading up the driveway. 
Violet was the first to reach you, throwing her arms around you. 
“Hey friend!” She exclaimed as you hugged her back with one arm, your other hand linked tightly with Owen’s. She pulled away, grinning happily at your boyfriend. 
“Hey Owen it’s good to see you again.” She said, pulling him into a hug too. You giggled at the slightly shocked expression that covered his face for a few seconds before he hugged her back. 
“Nice seeing you too Violet.” He replied. She turned to her family. 
“This is Y/N’s boyfriend Owen. Owen this is my mum Pam, my dad Graham and my sister Bella.” She said. Owen smiled at them. 
“Howdy.” Graham greeted, while Pam and Bella just waved. 
“Now.” Your mum spoke up. “Should we get this party started?” 
Everyone settled in quickly, loud chatter filling the air as the sun went down. The three fathers headed over to the barbeque, Owen joining them tentatively, and you watched from your chair as your father handed him a beer and made sure to include him in the joking. You smiled, watching your boyfriend visibly relax which could have been because of the alcohol, but also could have been because of the fact that he could finally let go of the fear of being rejected by your friends and family. 
“So Y/N, how did you meet?” Rose questioned, drawing your attention back to the women who were sat around the table. 
“We met through a mutual friend, he was having a little halloween party and invited me and introduced me to Owen and we hit it off and started dating a few weeks later.” You explained. 
“When was that?” Pam asked. 
“Last year. We’ve been dating for a year and a month or so.” You told her. They all nodded. 
“He seems like a good one.” Your mother said and you smiled, looking over to where Owen was stood, laughing at a joke Max had made. 
“He is.” You agreed. “He’s a very good one.”  
The dinner part of the night went well, everyone loudly joking around. Owen had fitted in well, confidently adding to stories and asking questions, and you couldn’t help but smile at how perfect the situation was. 
After dinner, as per tradition, the kids of the three families headed inside, leaving the adults to sit and chat. You dragged Owen inside, sitting together on the couch as the younger kids decided what to play. 
“Why don’t we go back outside and play hide and seek?” Bella suggested and when everyone agreed you all headed back outside and down the driveway onto the road. 
“Oldest counts first.” Sophie said, and Violet groaned loudly before covering her eyes and beginning to count. You grabbed Owen’s hand, pulling him with you. 
“I have the perfect hiding spot.” You told him, dragging him up into your front yard and into a small space between your house and a large bushy tree that concealed the two of you perfectly. 
“You’re not scared of spiders, are you?” You questioned, and Owen’s eyes widened. 
“I’m scared of all bugs, you know this.” He exclaimed in a hushed voice. You pulled an apologetic face, before an idea popped into your head. 
“I know something that will keep your mind off it.” You said, before pulling his face down to kiss him passionately, slipping your tongue into his mouth. He groaned, pulling your body against his as he kissed you back, the two of you lost in your own little world. 
“Ew oh my god, get a room!” Violet’s voice came and you and Owen jumped apart quickly. 
“Shut up.” You replied and Violet laughed. 
“Whatever. Found you, go join the other losers in the street.” 
Midnight finally came around after hours of running around, playing Lego Rock Band on Xbox, and playing the family friendly version of Cards Against Humanity. 
Everyone regathered in the living room, watching as the timer on the tv counted down, and you all joined in noisily. 
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!” You all cheered, and you grinned as Owen pulled you in to a soft kiss. 
“Happy New Year O.” You mumbled against his lips. He smiled as he pulled away. 
“Happy New Year.” He replied. 
After exchanging well wishes with everyone you decided to head home, accepting your mother’s offer of staying the night in your childhood room. 
You watched as Owen pulled his clothes off, leaving him in just his boxer briefs. 
“Happy new year indeed.” You joked, your eyes raking his body. He blushed, stepping closer to you. 
“Your turn.” He whispered, pulling on your dress and helping you take it off, leaving the two of you stood in just your underwear. 
“Does your door lock?” Owen questioned softly, reaching out to run a hand down your side. You swallowed as you shook your head. He made a sound in disappointment. 
“Guess we’ll just have to be careful then.” He said, closing the gap between you and lifting you up to kiss you. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he spun around, placing you down onto your bed and climbing on top of you, reconnecting your lips. 
You ran your hands through his long hair, scratching slightly on his scalp, causing him to moan into your mouth. He grinded his hips down into yours, causing you both to gasp at the contact, your kiss getting steamier by the second.
Owen broke the kiss, panting slightly. 
“We don’t have a condom.”  He muttered.
“That’s okay.” You kissed him softly. “We can improvise.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Oh yeah?” He questioned. You nodded, pushing him off you and forcing him to lay back on your bed. You palmed his dick through his underwear and he groaned.
“Fuck Y/N.” He muttered. You shushed him.
“Don’t want to be caught, do we?” You said, before pulling at his underwear, letting his dick spring free.
Owen moaned as you lent down, licking a single line up his dick, swirling your tongue around the tip.
“Make sure you’re quiet for me baby.” You instructed, before taking his dick in your mouth, putting as much in as you could without choking and wrapping your hand around the remaining part. Owen’s hands tangled in your hair as you bobbed your head, licking and sucking on his dick and occasionally scraping your teeth gently along it to hear his shaky gasp.
“I’m close baby.” Owen warned eventually and you tapped on his thigh to let him know it was okay for him to cum, a signal you had been using since the first time you messed around with each other. You continued to bob your head, humming against his dick which was all he needed to tumble over the edge, his hot cum filling your mouth as he moaned into your pillow to stay quiet. After working him through his orgasm you pulled off his dick with a satisfying pop, before swallowing his cum and leaning down to kiss him.
“Your turn.” He instructed once you broke apart from the kiss, flipping you over so that you were laying on the bed. He quickly undid your bra, throwing it to the floor before kissing his way down your chest, pulling one of your nipples into his mouth. You bit your lip to hold back a moan as his tongue flicked at your sensitive nipple. He pulled away, before repeating the same actions with your other nipple, and once he was satisfied he began kissing his way down your abdomen, stopping only to pull your panties off.
He spread your legs before making himself comfortable between them. He lent down, sucking a hickie into both of your inner thighs.
“Owen.” You moaned quietly and he grinned up at you.
“That’s it baby, you ready?” He asked and you nodded.
“Please.” You said, your tone verging on begging.
He grinned again, before burying his face in your pussy, his tongue flicking at your clit as you bit into your pillow to stay quiet.
“Delicious.” He commented cheekily, before slipping his tongue inside you, his hand coming up to massage your clit as he tongue fucked you.
“If you keep doing that I won’t last.” You warned and he ignored you, his tongue flicking faster.
“Owen.” You groaned, as he moved his mouth back to your clit, sucking it into his mouth. “I’m gonna...”
You were cut off by your orgasm shaking your body, moaning quietly into the pillow.
Owen looked up at you, giving you a cheeky look before continuing his assault on your now extremely sensitive clit.
“Owen what are you doing?” You questioned shakily. He laughed, the vibrations sending shockwaves through your body.
“Helping you start the new year right.” He explained before returning his attention to your pussy, his tongue flicking at your clit once more.
It didn’t take long for the familiar feeling of your orgasm to reappear, and you warned Owen quickly, gasping when he sucked your clit back into his mouth as a response.
Your orgasm hit quickly, and to both of your shock you squirted all over Owen’s face. He pulled away, staring at you in shock.
“Holy fuck.” He said after a moment. Too exhausted to reply you just nodded.
“Fuck.” Was all you could get out. Owen grinned.
“I didn’t know I could make her squirt.” He muttered, mostly to himself, as he grabbed one of the towels your mother had left out for the two of you to use in the morning, wiping his face and chest with it, before heading back to you.
“You okay baby?” He questioned, wiping your thighs that were covered in liquid from when you squirted.
“Yeah just exhausted.” You said, letting Owen clean you up.
Once he was done he grabbed your underwear from the floor and helped you pull it back on before offering you his shirt he had been wearing, which you accepted sleepily. He pulled his boxer briefs on before pulling back the covers of your bed and helping you in, climbing in next to you.
You yawned, snuggling into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Happy new year O, I love you.” You whispered.
“Happy new year, I love you too.” He replied, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
You snuggled closer and not long after that you found yourself falling asleep, ready for another new year with your amazing boyfriend.
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