#and I refuse to order one back in tucson like this is it this is my chance no blowing it
tillman · 2 years
Pennsyltucky hell on earth you can be tempted by cheesesteaks that are pretty good but not good enough to actually hit the craving of a real good one from pats or some other dumb shit place in philly BY GOD
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Top five Sam and Josh moments (yes, I am copying an ask I got. But that one made me realise that I need more SamJosh in my life).
(in no particular order)
all of the flashback scenes from 2x01 and 2x02, in particular: “you have a bad poker face” [josh makes that face] / rain-drenched josh interrupts sam’s meeting and sam doesn’t even hesitate to get up--first of all... THAT’S VERY NOT STRAIGHT OF YOU. i’m honestly never not wondering what the director’s/actors’/a-a-ron’s intentions were when directing/acting/writing that scene. actually, that’s a lie. i’m almost certain sorky didn’t mean to make it sound as queer as it did, but brad and rob and thomas schlamme... my dudes, if you weren’t going for queer, then what the actual hell were you going for?? anyway i love these scenes so much.
“i’m gonna bust you like a piñata”, aka the scene where josh has been subpoenaed in 1x11 regarding leo’s time at sierra tucson and they refuse to say a word--not only is this wonderful because sam holds josh back and then immediately threatens the other lawyer, i love that they’re standing together to protect their dad. 
“we da MAN”--oh, i love this one so much. it’s sweet and silly and joyous. they’re adorable.
trying to start a fire in the opening of “the leadership breakfast”—peak dumbass moment! “you know what we need?” dried leaves.” this whole cold open makes me cackle, but especially sam and josh just... you know, trying to build a fire in a fireplace that doesn’t work. love it, love them.
the cathy/donna/nsc card conversation in “the crackpots and these women”—these two at their most in-character. sam is oblivious, josh is willfully ignoring his feelings for donna (is this the first instance of this? i don’t remember. either way, very good), and superb acting performances for such a small scene. also, rip cathy. i hope it’s nice down in mandyville.
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stewarttm · 5 years
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⌠ FIVEL STEWART, 22, FEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, SPENCER STEWART! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in THREAT ELIMINATION; KNIFE FIGHTING SKILLS, SWORD TRAINING, PRECISION SHOOTING, FIREARMS & SWAT TRAINING; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (lived-in red lip stain, loose braids, hiked up skirts, earth tones matching freckles, and sarcastic comments). when it’s the (virgo’s) birthday on AUGUST 29, 1998, they always request their VEGAN PANKO CRUSTED PICCATA from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ kara, 26, she/her, est ⍀
life before gallagher.
SPENCER STEWART --- a plain name for a girl that is anything but.
Born Aurora “Rory” Belikov.
Rory grew up unconventionally on a ranch in Tucson, Arizona. The ranch was private, secure, and secluded for acres upon acres of land.
Tending to the garden with her mother was her favorite activity, always helping prep the fruits and vegetables they had grown to be used as fresh, unadulterated fuel at dinner each night.
By the time she got in, her dad would be training with her brother James, or “Jay” as they called him. 
Rory’s jealousy rose quickly when her father refused to train her as well despite the very little age gap between herself and her brother.
She began relentlessly training, picking fights with Jay in an attempt to prove herself to her father. It worked while simultaneously instilling a relentless drive in Rory at a young age.
While to the untrained eye, the Belikovs are a simple, farm friendly family, the truth is that “Belikov” has been a world renowned name in the spy industry for generations.
Rory and Jay were trained by their parents together and individually until they finally hit their teen years, as they were each promised to begin aiding their parents on missions at the ripe age of thirteen.
By the end of her thirteenth year, Rory would have been on twenty six missions, already doubling her age; it was an unconventional learning program, but she wouldn’t trade it for the world.
The competitive nature between Rory and her brother may have been mostly one sided. Being younger meant always being compared to Jay, living in his shadow, being one perfected move behind. Her strive for excellence would isolate her from her family, her colleagues, and occasionally herself. 
Luckily, Belikov rules stated “Family First,” which is what always kept the Belikovs attached at the hip. 
While any life outside of the spy world, social or otherwise, was out of the question, Rory found her own semblance of teen normality in other spy families. She knew from a young age that her attraction was for females, finding herself stealing kisses at sleepovers, though they were few and far between. Rory was far removed from regular society that she never realized identifying as a lesbian was necessarily “different.” Between this, her supportive family, and the wealth and stature she was born into, Rory experienced extreme privilege.
The Belikovs were so attached at the hip that one would find it difficult to believe there was room for secrets amongst them. If Aurora could be open about her sexuality, for example, what other aspects of life were there to hide? The answer to this is still out of either Rory or Jay’s reach. 
What they do know is that on a particular mission while they were both twenty one, their parents had given strict orders for Rory and Jay to stay behind. Rory fought this with all her being, but Jay, being the good son that he was, kept her grounded.
Little did they know, this rogue mission would be the last. Their parents had been keeping confidential information from them all along.
While the Belikov name was highly regarded, it was to an elite group. This means their names would not be found nor commemorated with an obituary in the New York Times. In fact, their deaths would barely be mentioned at all. 
Proof of the Belikov name could be found in the way teachers at Gallagher stole glances at Rory and Jay’s in the halls and in class and anywhere they might pass. Some eyes would reveal themselves to be awestruck, others jealous, some bewildered, so on and so forth. Perhaps they just couldn’t believe the rumors to be true. Perhaps they couldn’t wrap their heads around the Belikovs being human and destructible. Most days, Rory couldn’t wrap her head around it either.
Rory and Jay didn’t survive long after their parents’ passing. Their orders to stay back during the mission were soon followed by strangers arriving with news of their parents’ passing. The two were now orphans to be guarded by the United States’ Federal Witness Protection Program. Under the impression that it was a rouse and a trap meant that Rory put up a fight. In her nightmares, the sound of her own screams from that day haunt her. She would wake up with a scratchy throat as if she’d been yelling “no” all over again. In her nightmares she ran toward a sea of extreme darkness in search of the closure she was never given, but she couldn’t even get that much in her dreams.
Spencer and Sebastian (Bash) Stewart were given their S-clad names in Witness Protection. It was mandated that the two disassociate from their previous life, names included, as a safety precaution.
Despite being in the field for seven years, her brother eight, it was determined that for either of them to move forward in their field they would have to successfully fulfill the required training at Gallagher Academy. The mandate came after less than a six month grieving period, offering the two barely any time to adjust to their new normal.
life at gallagher.
Spencer and Sebastian Stewart were transferred into first year together after the school term had already started. Falsified records would state that they were taking summer prerequisites and attended orientation in the Fall along with their classmates. Documents disproved their absence to keep from raising suspicion. This, they were told, would be enough to ensure that Rory and Jay Spencer and Bash were not met with the same fate as their parents.
Once at Gallagher, “Spencer” assumed her new identity and refused to deal with the turmoil of her parents’ death head on. Instead, she tapped into the drive she’d practiced since a young age in an attempt to secure her place as head of her class.
Spencer intends to be the very best at Gallagher, wanting to thrive and be looked at with the same prestige as her parents. She is anxious to get back on the field and can be found rolling her eyes at the amateur skill level she is surrounded by in first year.
Without being given time to cope, Spencer was thrown into a newfound society: school. It is a reality Spencer knows nothing about, which means she often finds herself feeling out of place. 
Being lumped together with her brother is intimidating for the younger Stewart, sparking her fight or flight mode instantaneously. For her entire life, Spencer had been her “parents’ daughter.” Now, she feared becoming, “Bash’s little sister.” 
Her first year would be spent trying to make a name for herself while also coming to terms with the fact that perfection is unattainable and that there is life beyond her studies, whether that’s rooted in friendship, romance, or something else entirely.
In an attempt to defeat the fear of never being acknowledged as her own person, Spencer begins acting out in an attempt to make a name for herself. She is bold, brazen, new, but eventually finds herself in a deep depressive spiral. 
After maneuvering her new highs and lows in her new environment, Spencer manages to make it out the other side alive and well with the help of a school therapist and some good friends.
She eventually falls into the stride that is being herself. She is a secret keeper, first and foremost, struggling to hide her former life behind her Gallagher facade, especially when her brother continues to push the envelope of “sharing” their truths with whomever he deems worthy.
Spencer's affection is soft and intimate and intense, though offered sparingly. 
about spencer.
Her style is preppy, but rough around the edges. Think large gold hoops, knitted sweaters, plaid skirts, combat boots. 
She keeps people at arms length for fear of a) hurting them, b) being found out, c) getting hurt herself. 
There’s always an excuse as to why she isolates herself, though more than anything it is because she is a creature of habit.
Despite a good attempt at proving otherwise, Spencer realizes she is human, and that her humanity craves company, validation and affection.
This year’s goal is to find out the truth about what happened to her parents and eliminate the threat that way she can rightfully reclaim the Belikov name.
wanted connections. romantic/sexual wcs open to female-identifying characters only.
the adamant friend.  spencer can be reserved, not one to seek intimate relationships friendship or otherwise. this person has found something they like about spencer and decide they want to be her friend. while she’s giving the bare minimum, they keep showing up, until eventually, she finds herself realizing that she actually enjoys their company, maybe even needs it. 
the adament more-than-friend.  this person either hit it off with spencer emotionally, OR the two have undeniable sexual chemistry. (could be combined with a fwb or start as such.) this person wants more from spencer than she’s willing to give. closed off, reserved, unattached, spencer refuses to cave into either a) vulnerability or b) sexual relations with this person, but they are hell-bent on getting her to try things on. 
the enabler. spencer has a bad habit of doing things on a whim. despite her impressive work ethic, she can be vastly irresponsible. this person rescues spencer from her own irresponsible tendencies and bails her out of situations in which she could harm orself or others. maybe this person doesn't even realize this bail out is enabling her and just think they're being helpful.
the enemies to... something. hate’s a strong word, but it’s possible that spencer doesn’t think it’s strong enough. for some reason, these two do not get along, do not like each other, can’t stand each other, and make it evidently clear. somewhere along the way, their hate-ship hits a snag. this could b because of e a situation, a common interest, a crush, etc. they grow soft for one another in a way neither of them verbalizes, but becomes clear, blurring the very clear lines they had before.
the ex. (romantic). person could either be someone she dated in first year or pre-gallagher all together. this could be
the ex. (fwb). for a brief period in time (utp) these two were hooking up. for some reason, whether that’s a falling out, one ghosting the other, turmoil happening, spencer no longer showing interest (she’s a fickle mf).
the fool. this person creates chaos for spencer. they like to take risks, avoid commitments and responsibilities, have zero fears and love freedom. this person is probably charming and spencer likes being around them because they keep her young and child-like.
the fwb. (platonic). these two aren’t exactly friends, but have found that keeping the other around has offered them some sort of benefit, whether that’s someone who’s up at the same hours of the night, someone who has information and intel for the other. these two probably wouldn’t be friends if they couldn’t use the other for something.
the fwb. (nsfw). self explanatory.
the mom friend. having a mom friend would probably annoy spencer to no end, but since she is missing that key role in her life, she keeps them around and finds comfort and solace in their friendship. is probably a good shoulder to cry on, always there for you type.
the scape goat. for some reason spencer sees this person as the problem. when it takes spencer a moment longer than it should to be self aware, she blames this person for her problems because they’re an easy target in her life for doing so.
the rival. someone with whom spencer shares a not-so-healthy dose of competition.
the romantic. romantic, sincere, dedicated to object her affection. they offer her a sense of home, a sense of safety. (could be combined with the soft side).
the soft side. this person is a little rough around the edges. they have a certain reputation for being either bad or chaotic or rebellious or independent. for some reason, spencer is the person they let into their softer side, that side that no one else knows they have. they trust her with their vulnerabilities.
the soul mate. (platonic). self explanatory/utp.
the soul mate. (romantic). self explanatory/utp.
their stuck together. whether it’s always being in each others’ way at the gym, always seeing each other in the library at the same time, or their teachers’ always pairing them together for school projects, she and this person seem to always be getting lumped together whether they like it or not.
the study buddy. a person that spencer can usually rely on when she doesn’t want to study alone, wants to quiz each other, etc. preferably someone academically inclined.
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fireflyluna · 4 years
Arizona Bid Bonds
The listed below short article is a good introduction to bid bonds. Quote bonds, as you are aware, are bonds used in the construction industry. These bonds guarantee that if someone quotes on a task, and is awarded the agreement, then they will move forward with carrying out under the terms of the contract.
See the below article for more excellent information. You can see the original post here:https://swiftbonds.com/bid-bond/arizona-2/
Arizona Bid Bonds
What is a Bid Bond in Arizona?
A bid bond is a type of surety bond, that guarantees that the bidder will accept the project and complete the contract according to its terms. The bid bond provides assurance to the project owner that the bidder has the expertise and wherewithal to finish the job once the bidder is selected after winning the bidding process. The basic reason is that you need one in order to get the work. However, the larger question is why are more owners/developers requiring a bid bond? The simply explanation is risk. Given the uncertainty of the marketplace, which includes experienced contractors closing their doors, to municipalities filing bankruptcy (or just slow paying), has led to owners being afraid that their contractors will be unable to complete the job. Thus, they require a some protection.
Just fill out our bond application here and email it to [email protected] – click here to get our Arizona Bid Bond Application
A bid bond is issued as part of a bid by a surety bond company to the project owner. The owner is then assures that the winning bidder will take on the contract under the terms at which they bid.
Most bid bonds contain a bid percentage (usually five or ten percent, is forfeited if you don’t accept the job).
How much does a Bid Bond Cost in Arizona?
Swiftbonds does not charge for a bid bond (with two exceptions, see below). The reason that we don’t charge for a bid bond is that we will charge for the P&P bond if you win the contract. The cost of a P&P bond can vary widely depending on the amount of coverage that is required (see below).
Two exceptions for bid bond charges: 1) We do charge for Overnight fees 2) We will charge you if there is NOT going to be a bond on the contract if awarded.
How much do bonds cost in AZ?
Bond prices fluctuate based on the job size (that is, it’s based on the cost of the underlying contract). The cost of a bond is estimated through a couple of back-of-the-envelope calculations. In general, the cost is approximately three percent (3%) for jobs under $800,000 and then the percentage is lower as the contract amount increases. We work diligently to find the lowest premiums possible in the state of Arizona. Please call us today at (913) 286-6501. We’ll find you the very best rate possible for your maintenance bond or completion bond. Things that can affect this pricing are the perceived risk of the job, the financial position of the entity being bonded, plus other factors.
Bond Amount Needed Fee 2-3% >$800,000 1.5-3% >$1.500,000 1-3%
These rates are for Merit clients, Standard rates are higher
How do I get a Bid Bond in Arizona?
We make it easy to get a contract bid bond. Just click here to get our Arizona Bid Bond Application. Fill it out and then email it and the Arizona bid specs/contract documents to [email protected] or fax to 855-433-4192.
You can also call us at (913) 286-6501. We thoroughly review each application for bid bonds and then submit it to the surety that we believe will provide the best surety bid bond for your company. We have a very high success rate in getting our clients bid and P&P bonds at the best rates possible.
What is an Arizona Bid Bond?
A bid bond is a bond that assures that you will accept the work if you win the contract. The bid fee (usually five or ten percent) is a forfeiture that is paid when you win the bid, but then refuse the work.
Find a Bid Bond near Me
Typically, a bid bond and P&P bond are done together in the same contract by the surety. This way, the owner of the project is assured that the project can be completed pursuant to the terms of the contract and that it will not be liened by any contractor. This is risk security for the owner of the project.
Who Gets the Bond?
The general contractor is the corporation that gets the bond. It is for the benefit of the owner (or in the case of government contract work, the governmental entity). However, it’s the general contractor that has to apply for the bond and be underwritten before it is issued by the surety. This is also known as bonding a business.
We provide bid bonds in each of the following counties:
Apache Cochise Coconino Gila Graham Greenlee La Paz Maricopa Mohave Navajo Pima Pinal Santa Cruz Yavapai Yuma
And Cities: Phoenix Tucson Scottsdale Mesa Tempe Sedona Chandler Flagstaff Glendale Gilbert Prescott Yuma
See our Arkansas bid bond page here.
More on Bid Bonds https://swiftbonds.com/bid-bond/.
Understanding Various Guidelines And Advice When Looking At Bid Bonds
You have to understand that a Surety Bid Bond is really important for anyone, however it is complex if you do not know anything about this. This is not regarded as an insurance claim because it’s a type of assurance that the principal will perform their job adequately. You have to understand that some folks will require you to obtain a certain bond before they actually go for your services as it will probably be a type of assurance to them. They require this type of thing from you so you should look for an insurance company that may offer this to you. If you really want to look at a license bond, permit bond, commercial bond and more, you have to understand what it means.
The Importance Of A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds will almost always be in demand to protect the public as it is a form of guarantee that your obligations and duties will probably be complete. You will have to obtain a license Surety Bid Bond to make certain that the company will always follow the laws and you may obtain a contract bond to make sure that the public project will be completed. A Surety Bid Bond is certainly meant for the obliged since they are the ones which are being protected, but it may also benefit you as the clients will trust you in case you have this. There are a lot of bonds today and the kind of bond that you would like to look for will depend upon the specific situation.
How Does It Work
Bid Bonds can be regarded as a three-party agreement between a surety company, the principal and the obliged. The principal is actually the employer or company which will provide the services and the obliged is the project owner. If a construction company will work on a public project, they will likely be needed to get Bid Bonds. The government may also require the construction company to secure several bonds once they really want to go with the project.
The main function of the bond is actually for the sub-contractors and employees to make sure that they will likely be paid even when the contractor defaults. The contractor will handle any losses, but as soon as they reached their limit, the duty will fall to the surety company.
How Do You Apply For A Surety Bid Bond?
Bid Bonds are generally provided by insurance businesses, but you will have some standalone surety companies that will concentrate on these products. Surety businesses are licensed by a state Department of Insurance.
It will not be easy to apply for a bond because the applicants will have to proceed through a process that’s very comparable to applying for a loan. The bond underwriters would review the financial history of a candidate, credit profile and other important aspects.
It implies that there’s a chance that you will not be accepted for a Surety Bid Bond, specifically if the bond underwriters saw something from your credit history.
How Much Are You Going To Spend For This?
There is no fixed when you are thinking about a Bid Bond as it can still depend on various reasons like the bond type, bond amount, where the bond will be issued, contractual risk, credit score of the applicant and more. There are a lot of bonds available today and the cost will still depend upon the type that you will get. The amount of bond will probably be an issue because you can always get a $10,000 bond or a $25,000 bond. If you actually have a credit score that is above or near 700, you will qualify for the standard bonding market and you have to pay about 1 to 4 percent of the bid bond amount. If you may get $10,000 bond, it will only cost $100 to $400.
Is There A Chance Of Being Denied?
There is a possibility that your bond will be denied by the surety underwriter and it will always depend upon the background check that they did. If they think that it will be a big risk to provide a Surety Bid Bond, they will deny your application. Credit rating may also be a deciding factor because if you actually have a bad credit history, it’s going to be hard for you to obtain bonding because the underwriters are considering you as a risk. For those who have a bad credit score, you may still be approved, but you must pay an interest rate of 10 to 20 percent.
If you wish to get your Surety Bid Bond, you must be sure that you understand the process so you will not make a mistake. It will not be simple to apply, but if the requirements are met and you are eligible, you will get bonded.
A Deeper Take A Look At Bid Bonds in Building And Construction A Bid Bond is a type of surety bond utilized to make sure that a professional bidding on a task or job will participate in the contract with the obligee if granted.
A Bid Bond is released in the quantity of the contract bid, with the identical requirements as that of an Efficiency Bond.
Everything About Bid Bonds in Building And Construction The origins of our service was closely related to the provision of performance bonds to the contracting industry. Somewhat higher than one hundred years back, the federal authorities grew to end up being alarmed concerning the high failure charge amongst the personal firms it was using to perform public building and construction tasks. It discovered that the personal professional typically was insolvent when the job was awarded, or grew to end up being insolvent earlier than the difficulty was completed. Appropriately, the federal government was continuously entrusted to incomplete efforts, and the taxpayers had been required to cover the extra rates emerging from the specialist's default.
The standing of your surety company is very important, since it ensures you that when you have troubles or if even worse involves worst you'll have a trustworthy partner to turn to and get help from. We work just with A-rated and T-listed business, most likely the most reputable corporations in the market.
Normally no, they are separate. Nonetheless, quote bonds mechanically develop into efficiency bonds in case you are granted the agreement.
What Is A Building And Construction Surety Bond? The origins of our service was thoroughly related to the arrangement of performance bonds to the contracting market. Even if some tasks do not require cost and efficiency bonds, you will need to get bonded lastly due to the fact that the majority of public efforts do require the bonds. The longer a small professional waits to get bonded, the more resilient it will be given that there will not be a observe report of satisfying the compulsory requirements for bonding and performing bonded work.
The only limit is the biggest bond you might get for one specific job. The aggregate limit is the whole amount of bonded work readily available you possibly can have without hold-up.
The Value Of Quote Bonds near You Arms, generators, radio towers, tree elimination, computers, softward, smoke alarm, decorative work, scaffolding, water towers, lighting, and resurfacing of present roads/paved areas. Bid bonds in addition function an extra guarantee for project owners that a bidding professional or subcontractor is certified to perform the job they're bidding on. There are 2 causes for this.
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hunterqueen30-blog · 6 years
Swan Queen Fanfiction Recommendation List (95 fics)
After becoming obsessed with Swan Queen quite some time ago, I have made my way through god knows how many fanfics.  Ranging from the super short to the epically long, from the hilarious to the heart breaking and from the well written to the how is this author not famous and why aren’t they writers on the show!!!!
After ploughing my way through list upon list on fanfiction.net and archive of our own,  after devouring lists made by other SQ lovers and after I have read everything written by my favourite authors as well as reading all of their favourite stories, I would consider myself something of a SQ fanfic expert.
That being said, considering how much SQ fanfiction is out there I am sure I have only made a medium sized dent in the whole and given all of the talented writers out there I am sure there are still some amazing fics left for me to read (I hope so or what will I do with my life?).
Being a SQ shipper I considerate it my duty to get as many other people as possible on board. I have managed to convert my wife, although all that took was for me to say Regina and Emma and she was in, didn’t need to be any more specific than that, it wasn’t exactly a struggle. The same could not be said of my best friend, who at the time was a huge Hook fan (I can sense the eye rolls but don’t judge her too harshly) I basically made it my mission to talk nonstop about SQ until I had convinced her of its validity or she had changed her mind simply due to SQ osmosis.
Following conversation after conversation involving me painstakingly discussing things like how Regina and Emma can move the moon together and stop curses (Isn’t true love the most powerful magic of all??). How they are always fighting for each other and sacrificing for each other and all of those looks they give each other.  Not to mention the fact that let’s face it if Emma had been a man the saviour and the evil queen would have ended up together, it would have been the perfect fairytale ending. Snow White destroys Regina’s happiness but makes up for it by bringing her, her real true love, doesn’t get any more poetic than that.  After all of that I am extremely happy to say that my friend is now a huge SQ fan.
You’re probably wondering why I’m rambling on about this, but all of the above leads me to the main reason for writing this list.  Which is so my friend can read all of the amazing fanfics that I have and for all the other SQ fans (who like me are looking for another list they can make their way through, which will probably have a lot of the same fics on it as lists they have already read; but maybe there will be a gem in there that they wouldn’t have found otherwise).
I hope anyone reading this list will find it helpful and if you enjoy a fic, please pop over and leave a review for the author. It won’t take long and I am sure it means a lot to them.
To all the authors on this list thank you so much for sharing your work. You are all awesomely talented.
To anyone who is wondering why I am writing this list now, when the show is over and there is no hope for SQ, the answer is simple: once a SQ fan, always a SQ fan. And maybe if all SQ fans keep SQ alive, if the time comes when the show is remade the writers will remember this fandom and even though it will be too late for our Regina and Emma, maybe another Regina and Emma will get the chance that they deserve.
Let’s get started; the fics are ordered by length, with the shortest first, you’ll probably notice that there aren’t many short fics on here, (I like to get invested), apologies if you don’t have the time to read lengthy fics. 
Its In The Genes by hunnyfresh
In which Emma's brother Neal has a massive crush on Regina which spurs Emma into acting on her feelings - Future Fic. Rated T.
He Gets It From you by onepromise
Henry thinks that his moms should kiss so that Emma will get her powers back. The thirteen year old is so convinced that he's right, he procures the magical items necessary from Mr Golds Shop to lock them in a closet until they kiss. Rated T.
Someday When Spring Is Here by coalitiongirl
Her key to the kingdom rejected, Princess Emma offers herself instead to the Evil Queen, and embarks on a journey through the woods with Regina that will redefine everything she's ever believed about herself, her future, and true love. Rated Mature. 
She’s Already Ruined Her Makeup by deceptivelycomplex3925
In which Emma tells Regina how she feels on Regina’s wedding day. Rated Teen and Up. 
Imagine Me And You by bayloriffic
After they return from Neverland, Henry decides to set a parent trap for Emma and Regina. By the time Emma realizes what he’s up to, she’s already half in love with Regina and it’s pretty much too late to do anything about it. Rated Teen and Up.
As Good As A Lie by skyel4
Regina is finally woken from a sleeping curse by true love's kiss. She smiles at Robin and kisses him again, only it wasn't him who woke her. Emma stands by, surprised and confused. When Robin refuses to tell Regina the truth, Emma can't accept being pushed aside so easily. Rated T.
Sharing Souls by hunnyfresh
Emma joins in on Operation Mongoose, determined to help Regina get her happy ending, however neither woman expects to be reliving the other's life through the book, their dreams, and even the briefest of touches. Rated T.
A Fine Line by hunnyfresh
Upon Regina's banishment, the small town of Storybrooke becomes protected once again by an enchantment that prevents anyone from leaving or entering Storybrooke. Emma and Regina find themselves on the edge of the town, wishing for a way to the other side. Rated T.
It’s Not The Fall That Kills You by inkheart9459
Regina thinks she must be exhausted after everything that's happened, the curse breaking, the mob, the wraith. There's no way that Emma Swan is being nice to her without a motive and Emma's sudden illness has nothing to do with Daniel's reappearance. She must be exhausted to think such ridiculous things, or is she? Rated T.
Secret Santa by acheleismyobsession
When they get back from Neverland, (no body swap pan) the Charmings find out that their loft was giving away to the Darlings. Regina invites Emma to stay with her but what happens when the Charmings tag along. At a celebratory dinner, the guest partake in a Secret Santa. Rated T.
Temporary Distractions by amycarey
It's been a month and Regina won't speak to her, until she does and Emma is left pretending to be in a relationship with her so that Regina can get through a dinner invitation with her pride intact. Rated Mature. 
Follow If You Lead by maybeweare
At Midas' ball, the blonde in the red dress catches Regina's eye. And with no way home in sight, Emma decides that it can't hurt to see what the Queen has to offer. Meanwhile, Storybrooke is reeling from Emma's disappearance - especially Regina. Rated M. 
Second Chances by raeinspace
Zelena plans to go back in time, but Regina finds a way to hitch a ride (using blood magic) to go with her and try to stop her. Emma gets caught up in the spell. Regina manages to stop adult Zelena, but when Regina sees Cora sending her sister to Oz, she feels sorry for the baby Zelena. Emma suggests giving Zelena a second chance. Rated M. 
Little Green by RowArk
Emma fears she may have brought someone else back with her from the past: a lost little red-haired girl in dire need of a second chance, who could also prove to be Emma's second chance. And Regina's, if she can find forgiveness in her heart. Rated K+.
The Black Knight by inkheart9459
Regina is fond of her job as a knight and guard of the White palace. That is, until she gets assigned to the royal brat of a princess while she's entertaining insipid suitors. Between the mindless drivel the men are spewing and the Princess running off at every other moment she might just go insane. Rated T. 
The Great Wide Somewhere by amycarey
It has been seven years since Emma rolled into Storybrooke, and she and Regina are finally in a friendship that doesn't teeter on the precipice of hatred. When Regina's pining over Henry, away for the summer at an astronomy programme in Tucson, Emma suggests a road trip to surprise him for his birthday. Rated Mature. 
Right There All The Time by devje
His mothers are obviously in love and totally married in everything but name, so why is Henry the only one in their house who knows this? His moms don't even seem to have noticed that Mom kisses Emma on the cheek every morning when she leaves for work. Rated General.
Let Stars Be My Asterisks by absedarian
After her return from the past Regina refuses to see Emma: she can't bear to see the woman she loves with the pirate but Emma ignores Hook as all she can think about is Regina. Hook thinks he should be the center of Emma's attention and decides to woo her with a letter. He asks Regina for help, which offers her an opportunity she can't ignore. Rated T.
Second Time Around by RowArk
Emma magically reverts herself to a toddler, with her adult memories, but is unable to communicate and no one knows who she is. Regina takes in the lost baby girl and bonds with her, eventually telling her personal things, having no idea she's actually talking to Miss Swan, who is hearing everything, and it changes how she sees Regina (in a good way). Rated T.
We’ll Make Our Home On The Water by bayloriffic
For some reason, Emma thought they’d pass through the portal and end up right at Neverland. Instead, they spend weeks aboard the Jolly Roger, sailing the vast blue-green oceans with no land in sight, the water seeming to stretch on forever all around them. Rated Mature. 
Ever After, Again by hunnyfresh
The Swan-Mills family is an average American family living in Storybrooke, Maine until Regina accidentally casts a spell that sends them all to the Enchanted Forest. There, they are not the happy family they once were, and only Henry remembers their life in Storybrooke. He must figure out a way to get his moms to remember once more and to break the curse. Rated T.
A House Is Not A Home by coalitiongirl
Peter Pan managed to cast his curse on Storybrooke during Going Home. Six months later, the Swan-Mills family breaks the curse and discovers that they'd never been a family at all; that Emma and Regina had never fallen in love; and that they can't quite let go of the lie that had been their happy ending. Rated Mature. 
Exiled by SgtMac
To pay for her crimes, Regina accepts exile from Storybrooke. Five years later, on Henry's 16th birthday, Henry and Emma find her. Rated T.
Heroes And Lovers by trixwitch
When the Author writes everyone into his reversed world of "Heroes and Villains," Emma Swan is the only one to retain her memories. She shows up in the Enchanted Forest with no idea what's happening, and eventually runs into Bandit Regina. The Queen's knights attack at that moment, and Emma is badly wounded. Regina takes her back to her camp to care for her, and when Emma wakes up, things between them start to change. Will Emma respond to Bandit Regina's clear interest in her? Will she find a way to break out of this cursed book? Will they be able to find Henry? Rated Mature.
When I See You Again by MadameMayorRM
Henry and Emma are happy in the new life Regina gave them before destroying Pan's curse, sending all Storybrooke's residents back to the Enchanted Forest. Everything is fine until the night Henry begins dreaming about a brown eyed woman. Who is she? Is she real? Henry intends to find out. Rated T. 
How To Make A Monster by Velace
Regina decides to make amends after upsetting the Savior. What she doesn't realise is that in doing so, she finds the key to Emma's heart – food. Takes place after they return from Neverland. Rated Mature. 
It’s All In The Planning by terribledorkness
Zelena and Henry team up for a little matchmaking after wish-verse Robin leaves with the Evil Queen, and Emma gets engaged to Hook. The results, are of course, wonderfully disastrous. Rated Teen and Up.
The World’s You Never See by writetherest
The lives I'll never lead / Couldn't make me sing / Could they? Could they? Could they? / As soon as she had stepped through the doorway, the door closed tightly. And only then, with Regina inside, did the lines, curves, and swirls shift and move, assembling themselves into words within the heart. 'The Road You Didn't Take'. Rated T.
Storybrooke Singles by coalitiongirl
In which Zelena runs a dating agency and uses Emma Swan as her charity case. Rated Mature.
It Was Always You by trixwitch
Emma dated a woman in New York who reminded her of Regina (although she didn't know it at the time), and when she gets back to Storybrooke, she realizes her feelings were always about Regina. Regina, in the meantime, senses that something has changed between her and Emma, and wants to know what. Rated Teen and Up. 
About Last Night by JuiceCup
Emma and Regina wake up in bed together the morning after their plan to be drinking buddies. Rated Mature. 
The Debt by Scribes And Scrolls
Set just after the curse breaks, Emma hunts down Regina, who is preparing to flee. Sparks will fly. Rated M. 
Curse You And Your Dinner by highheelsandchocolate
Absorbing an evil curse into your bloodstream has a few side effects that no one was expecting, least of all Regina. Rated M. 
We’re Nothing More Than Dust Jackets by coalitiongirl
A queen takes her revenge, a savior is hidden away, and a dark curse is cast. You’ve read this story a dozen times. But this time, Regina Mills wakes up with a book titled Emma, and Emma Swan is found wrapped in a baby blanket with her tiny fingers wrapped around a book titled Regina. As time passes, their counterpart’s story unfolds within the books; and for twenty-eight years, the two follow each other's lives from afar until the day a little boy runs away from home to find his birth mother... Rated Mature. 
Incoming Messages by hunnyfresh
Ruby makes Emma a dating profile. The only catch is that she's listed as a guy. That wouldn't be such a problem if Emma hadn't found Regina's profile and begins communicating with the Mayor. Rated M. 
In The Velvet Darkness by devje
Emma Swan wakes up alone. Completely alone. Rated Explicit. 
Wayward Daughters by RowArk
When a magical mishap turns both Emma and Regina back into teenagers, they stay with the Charmings while the rebel Emma teaches the refined princess Regina how to have fun, and a teenage romance blossoms along the way. Rated T.  
Bring Her Home by SQ_RoundRobin
Cora’s dead. Henry lives with the Charmings. Regina continues spiraling through grief and loss and hatred. Then Emma suddenly falls unconscious and Henry shows up at Regina's door because he needs her help to bring Emma back. Reluctantly, Regina embarks on a wild swan chase through Emma’s mind, a whirlwind of ‘roads‐less‐traveled’ and ‘what‐ifs’ and ‘might‐have‐beens’, in order to bring her home. Rated Teen and Up. 
Forget Me Not by SinkOrFly
Tired of feeling heartbroken after Robin's death, Regina takes a Forgetting Potion to eradicate all memories of her True Love. However, things don't go to plan as she can still remember Robin, but has no idea who the blonde sheriff, who goes by the name of 'Emma Swan', is. Rated T. 
Being Miss Mills by Ultraboy181
The Final Battle is over. Everyone has started to get on with their lives. But when the Savior vanishes it's up to her family to find her. But Emma is closer than they think. Rated M.
Villains Don’t Get Happy Endings by lizardmm
It had been her sacrifice—the price she had to pay. Save everyone she had cursed for 28 years while simultaneously losing the one person she loved the most. Villains, after all, didn't get a Happy Ending. That was reserved for Princesses and Saviors. A 'what if' story where it's Regina, not Hook, who visits Emma in NYC at the beginning of 3B. Rated M. 
Bait And Switch by JuiceCup
Henry Mills is sick and tired of his mothers skating around the truth and not realizing that they are perfect for each other and that they belong together. So he has a plan to bring them together and convinces his grandmother to help. Rated Mature.   
Return To Storybrooke by MadameCissy
Emma begins having dreams in which she sees a dark stranger who knows her name. When Henry begins to talk about a place called Storybrooke, Emma is convinced her son is making things up. But who is the woman in her dreams who keeps calling her and why does Emma feel she has somehow seen her before? Rated T. 
Whatever This Is by afictionado
Emma thinks she and Regina are becoming friends, and it's... weird. Rated Mature. 
The Queen And Her Lady by StarvingLunatic
Regina is in a dark place after the death of her mother and Henry walking away from her. She locks herself away in her house, shutting out the world. She is ready to completely give up when an injured puppy ends up in her backyard. She saves the puppy ... or maybe the puppy saves her. Rated T. 
How A Dress Changed Everything by hope2x
In an act of desperation, Regina casts a spell that takes her back to the day Henry leaves for Boston. She wants to keep Emma from ever entering Storybrooke, but when she takes Henry's place, she finds herself completely unprepared for the woman who answers the door. Regina has a chance to do it all again, but no matter what, she can't escape one fact. All magic comes with a price. Rated M. 
Chasing Henry by starsthatburn
Tired of the tricks and lies of both of his mothers, Henry follows the dwarves, Red and Granny when they use Tiny's magic beans to return themselves to their old land. Emma and Regina both chase after him, and they reluctantly travel together through the Enchanted Forest in order to find him and bring him back home safely. Rated M. 
For Henry by AdmHawthorne
Regina broods over what she dislikes about Emma Swan while she makes her morning coffee only to be confronted by the sheriff moments later. The morning ends with Emma showing insight, Regina showing a crack in her armor, and the potential for something more to happen for both of them. Rated T. 
Amor Fati by coalitiongirl
Just days after Emma announces her engagement, Regina is found in her vault without any memory of the past five seasons. The newly returned Mayor Mills is caustic, scheming, unnerved by her own future, and loves only Henry– and she might see more clearly than anyone around her.
Then again, that might not be for the best. Rated Mature. 
A Dark Ocean by chilly_flame
When Regina is injured in an accident, Emma steps in to assist. Rated Mature. 
Approximately 525, 600 Minutes by Reighne
Regina wakes up with a wedding ring on her finger, and a panicking Sheriff on the phone. Set approximately six months after Zelena, and assumes that the Frozen story arc has also been completed. Henry has moved back in with Regina. Rated M. 
Conviction by Velace
When Queen Regina discovered Snow White and Prince Charming had sent their child to another land, she decided not to enact the Dark Curse. Twenty-two years later, Emma Swan awoke in the Enchanted Forest. Thankful for the escape from the horrors of her previous life, she decided to embrace the new and found herself among the Evil Queen's Guard three years later. Rated Explicit. 
If The Blazer Fits by FlyYouFools(MK47)
Emma decides to dress up like Regina for a Halloween party at The Rabbit Hole, a seemingly innocent decision that surprisingly leads to a relationship. The romance is openly feared by some and secretly despised by an unlikely source, who plots to end it. Rated Mature. 
Que Sera, Sera by Velace
For months, Regina has tried to find a way to save Emma. Tasked with delivering yet another hope speech, as the Dark One refuses to listen to anyone else, she realizes she has none to give and Emma finally opens up. Rated Explicit. 
A Queen Without Power by Caroline
It was difficult to describe, but in a way... she felt connected to Regina now. They had been at each other's throats consistently since her arrival in Storybrooke and yet she felt the most unusual pull to her. Rated T. 
Operation Wings by Dakota829Snow
There's only one way for Tinkerbell to earn back her wings: complete the task of finding Regina's soul mate. Rated M. Only available on Dropbox, you will need an account to view correctly. 
A ‘Second’ Chance by MacNorthSea
"You did this," were the words that Regina spoke to Emma when she lost her happiness one more time. Could Emma somehow fix their tentative friendship and forge something new, perhaps stronger? Or were they fated to always be enemies? As Emma needed to go to New York to deal with things, Henry suggested they all took a break from Storybrooke, just not in those words... Rated T. 
Many Miles To Avalon by wistfulwatcher
When Emma is pulled from her happy life in New York to help save her family in the Enchanted Forest, she embarks on a journey to Camelot with Regina, Snow, and Henry to find Merlin's Twin Blades and stop a deadly threat. But a single savior cannot wield two swords and as their quest unfolds Emma and Regina begin to discover just how much more powerful they are together than apart. Rated M. 
Tame The Dragon by morshon
Emma finally comes up with the perfect plan to get Regina to go on a date with her: Ask. Now she just needs her to say yes. Takes place in a happy future post-cora and with a more mature Henry who doesn't hate his mom. Rated M. 
For Too Long by Velace
Six Months after their return to the Enchanted Forest, Regina and Emma have developed an odd sort of friendship. Regina is the Advisor to King and Queen (Charming and Snow) and Emma Swan is a... less than traditional Princess who disappears for weeks on end with the once Evil Queen. Rated Mature. 
Static by WaywardCharlie
After being tortured by Greg, then using just about all her magical strength to stop the trigger, Regina's magic has become unstable. She locks herself away in her house, refusing to let anyone help. Plagued by accidents, forced to endure nightmares and relive memories her magic keeps thrusting upon her, will this be what breaks her? Rated M.
So Does This Make Us Both The Other Woman? by coalitiongirl
Set after 3b in a peaceful Storybrooke where Regina is with Robin and Emma's fallen into a relationship with Hook.
Shame about all that subtext that's rapidly threatening to become text. Rated Teen and Up. 
Starting Over Again by AdmHawthorne
Regina has to to decide, if she had the opportunity to come at life with a clean slate, would she? Her decision changes everything. Rated T. 
Destiny Is The Rabbit Hole by MaggieMerc
Henry begging Regina to rescue Snow White and Emma from the Enchanted Forest in the season 2 premiere sets the formerly evil queen on a quest that takes her from the mountains of the Middle Kingdom to the pirate lair of a serial killer and straight into conflict with her own villain, the Queen of Hearts. Rated T. 
Back To The Start by withgirl
After trying to stop the trigger, Regina finds herself back in the Pilot, but with her knowledge of the future, how will she do things differently? Rated T. 
The Queen’s Favour by anamatics
The queen's favor is given to few, even fewer when the queen has a reputation for being heartless and cruel. A traveler has been having dreams about searching for something that no longer exists in this world, except where you least expect to find it. Rated T.
Hide and Seek by absedarian
Regina realizes some things in Neverland, all of which lead her to the conclusion that she doesn't want to stand in the way of what she thinks is Henry's and Emma's happy ending. She decides to leave but is that really what they want? And why is Snow suddenly acting strange? Rated M. 
The Last Resort by Dakota829Snow
When Snow realizes Gold is after Regina and Emma's truelove children, the family will do anything to keep them safe-including sending them back in time to the care of their former selves. Rated K+. Only available on Dropbox, you will need an account to view correctly. 
When Magic Collides by BlueHoneyBee
It all started off as a simple dinner to keep Emma out of the rain, and before she knew it, Regina's life had completely turned upside down. Rated M. 
Love Of The Lost by hope2x
No matter what Regina does, Henry just clings to the dream of a perfect life for himself & who he believes his "real" family to be. So when another child is in need of the love Regina has to give, is it wrong to allow herself that chance at happiness? As some relationships crumble and fall, others bloom & start to grow & everyone learns that happy endings are never what they seem. Rated T. 
The Games by edean13
Regina is a single Queen leading her lands with no problem; her court thinks she needs to marry. So, she suggests a competition for her hand. What happens when the White Kingdom enters their little princess, Princess Emma? Rated T. 
The Wrong Way by pcworth
Zelena offers Regina a chance to go back in time with her to change both of their lives for the better. But will Regina do it or can she find something else in her life to make her see the positives. Rated M. 
Break Yourself Against My Stones by Sinmora
Mary Margaret and David get sucked into the portal instead of Emma. Emma agrees to protect Regina from the citizens of Storybrooke as long as she agrees to help her get her parents back, and finds an unexpected friend and ally in the mayor. Rated M. 
By Process Of Elimination by hope2x
Always competing, Emma and Regina find themselves getting just a bit carried away one night. In the morning both are shocked to find their situation has changed and in a town with magic, not everything is so easily fixed. The two suddenly have to find some way to get along before one does't make it out alive. Rated M. 
Penance by SgtMac
Ten years ago, Regina was kidnapped by the Home Office, and put through three years of torture. When she finally returns home, she's been dramatically changed - both mentally and physically. With the HO threatening to return for her, it will be the ties she has to her son and the rest of her family that will keep her strong. Rated T.
The Color Red by Sinmora
When Emma and Hook get sucked into the time portal, they change the timeline far more than they could have imagined and return to a far different Storybrooke. Can Emma set things right before her best friend loses her True Love forever? Would she sacrifice her own chance at happiness to make things right again and bring back the Storybrooke she left? Rated M.
Safe by SgtMac
Afraid of what she'll do to Snow, Emma and Henry kidnap an enraged and heartbroken Regina and take her out of Storybrooke so that she can heal in a place without magic. Along the way, they help each other deal with the traumas and mistakes of their pasts and move towards a possible future together as a family. Rated T. 
A Trail Of Destruction by starsthatburn
A hostage situation in City Hall leaves behind a battered, broken sheriff, and a mayor wracked with guilt. Rated M. 
The Secret’s In The Telling by pyrophoric
"It's the sixth of October. A pivotal moment in Storybrooke's history and the turning point in Regina Mills' life. And it all began with a spell, a Sheriff, and a thief."  Rated T. 
Double Trouble by sea-ess-eye
Teenage versions of Emma and Regina appear in Storybrooke and to everyone's surprise the girls hit it off immediately... Rated M.
The following fics are all based in an alternate universe:
In Search Of A Queen by RavensDarkness
Emma Swan is the princess and heir to the largest and most wealth kingdom in FTL. She wants for nothing, except a wife who will love her for more than just her title and will be a true co-ruler. To escape an arranged marriage, Emma flees to the realm of earth with her best friend Killian Jones, to find her queen. Disguised as a foreign student working as a janitor, she falls for Regina but struggles with revealing her true identity. Rated Teen and Up.
Keep The Wolves Outside By Living Well by amycarey
An under-qualified nanny. A troubled child. A mysterious, prickly employer. A small town teeming with secrets. A love story. A ghost story. Rated Mature. 
Why Do We Fall, Emma? by BooklandReeve
Emma Swan is a guardian angel who just can't seem to get it right, and Henry Mills is her last chance before she gets reassigned to guard duty. Henry Mills is a smart kid in a small town with a big mouth, a bigger imagination, and an iron will so unshakable that his last guardian quit in protest. Regina Mills... isn't exactly something Emma is prepared to deal with. Rated Teen and Up.   
The Proposal: SQ Style by Forbidden-savior
Meet Regina: She has a problem. Meet Emma: She's the solution to that problem. The Proposal with a SwanQueen twist. Rated T. 
The Art Of Being Extraordinary by purplehershey
Henry, age 23, decides to give the crowd what they want, what they really want. A story. So he tells them the only one he knows: the greatest love story of all time, and it just so happens, that this love story is his mothers'. Henry's on and off POV. Rated T. 
An Impractical Affliction by kirkmills
Love in the Swan family is a little difficult, thanks to their ancestor Maria's curse, and none know it better than Emma Swan. All Emma wants is a quiet life and to finally be free from heartbreak, but loving a Swan woman is a dangerous thing, and unfortunately for Emma there's a little boy and a beautiful woman in her life who seem determined to do just that. Rated M.
Educating Emma by Bond.Jane
Emma finds it difficult to adapt to the White court: She has her foot permanently in her mouth, the manners of a peasant and a family that covets Snow's throne is out to eliminate her. There is only one person capable of teaching Emma what she needs to survive: the very same Regina Snow has kept secretly imprisoned for the last year. Rated T. 
When Swanprincess Met EvilQueen101 by amycarey
Emma Swan never expected her vlog to take off like it did, but she likes the community and occasionally getting drunk and ranting into a camera is a decent way to make a bit of cash. Regina Mills films a rather higher class of vlog, a chance to be creative after days working analysing bacteria samples in a lab and to discuss day-to-day life as a single mom. When Regina has a bad day and posts a video she immediately regrets, she doesn’t expect for it to become as notorious as it does, and she vows to destroy the person who popularised her deeply embarrassing rant, some idiot known as 'swanprincess'.
But when rumours spread about sexual harassment in the Boston YouTube community, the pair may be forced to put aside their differences and work together. Rated Mature. 
Sequestered by I.heart.mean.girls
The curse is still in place and Henry has yet to go searching for his birth mother. Regina is forced to leave Storybrooke following an unexpected event, and meets Emma. What would have happened if Emma and Regina hadn't gotten off on the wrong foot? Rated M.
The Bucket List by hunnyfresh
Regina Mills is in the midst of a midlife crisis where she finds herself doing the same things every day. After creating a bucket list, her best friend of twenty years, Emma Swan, seeks to help her complete the list, though they both cross off more than they expected. Rated M.
Teaching Miss Mills by HelveticaBrown
Emma is a gym teacher, who moves to Storybrooke Academy after becoming disenchanted with her job back in Boston. Regina Mills is the Head of English who Emma somehow seems to keep having run-ins with, despite the best of intentions. Along the way, Emma adjusts to life in a small town, gets her teaching mojo back, and gradually grows closer to Regina. Rated Mature. 
Dangerous Desires by SwanQueenUK
New paramedic, Regina Mills, catches the eye of firefighter, Emma Swan, when she joins the ranks of Firehouse 7 in Boston. Dangerous situations, high risk jobs, forbidden relationships and pent up emotions swirl together for a slow burn SwanQueen (pun intended). Rated M.
Send Up A Signal by coalitiongirl
Emma Swan is catapulted into stardom, the newest lead actress on a sanitized show featuring modern fairytales. Regina Mills is a long-undermined star with a chip on her shoulder and a thousand reasons why she's invested. Naturally, they loathe each other on sight. Rated Mature. 
Shadow Haven by Delirious-Comfort
Emma Swan is a PR agent who is sent on a holiday by her boss. Regina Mills is the owner of a private island named Shadow Haven. There is more to Regina than initially meets the eye. This story dips heavily into the BDSM subculture. Rated M.
Coffee To Go by unicyclehippo
Emma is new in town with her young son Henry. She runs into a certain dark-haired woman at the diner and decides, quite abruptly, that there is no one else for her in the whole wide world. I mean, no one ever said love made sense. Especially not when you can barely speak around the Mayor, let alone profess your love. Rated T. 
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Onni Durst – The Dragon Lady
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▲ Onni Durst with Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han in Manhattan.
Susan Swatland, from her book, Escape from the Moonies Chapter 8: The Dragon Lady
“If you go away, you dangerous, because you know too much.” Onni Soo Lim (Durst), spiritual commander of the Moonies in California
Onni came sweeping into Hearst Street, [in Berkeley] head held high, unsmiling, eyes glinting fire.
‘Quick, pali-pali. Come sit,’ she barked.
Pali-pali is Korean for ‘hurry’ and we hastily obeyed. When Onni was in this mood, tremors ran through the ranks. Our spiritual lives, which to us were everything, depended upon pleasing her.
She stood in front of us and those dark, fierce eyes slowly surveyed us all. ‘Why you not sell more for Father?’ she demanded. ‘Why you shame me?’
Feet shuffled uncomfortably, but no word was spoken. We had been spending eighteen hours a day for the past few weeks, selling pictures, roses and candy on the streets, and returning each night with just enough strength to slide into our sleeping bags. During that time we had been bringing in around 150 dollars per person per day, but nothing seemingly could satisfy this handsome, forbidding Oriental lady. One of the newer sisters Judith was rash enough to point out that at this season of the year the city was quieter than it had been during the summer months. This only served to stoke the fires of Onni’s fury.
‘Bah,’ she cried, ‘you too selfish. That true reason. Stop your flirt with Satan.’ She was interspersing her words with the karate chops that Moon uses in his speeches. She leant forward. ‘You all work harder for Father. You make promise to me this moment.’
And with shame in our hearts we chorused, ‘We promise to work harder for Heavenly Father.’
It would have been impossible to under-rate Onni’s position of power within the Unification Church. She was the female edition of Moon, fierce, fanatical and with their Korean kinship, his favourite disciple. She was the spiritual commander of all the Moonie forces in California and bodyguard to Moon’s wife, Hak-Ja Han, when she appeared in public. On matters of West Coast policy no one crossed swords with Onni ... not even her husband Dr Mose Durst.
She was said to be so spiritually open that she could walk into a room and see the spirits all around her. She just needed to take one look at you and she’d know your spiritual state instantly, know whether you were closer to God or Satan. This terrified me so much that I didn’t dare look into her eyes. We would scrub and sweep rooms for hours before Onni’s arrival and open the windows wide, so that we could chase out the bad spirits. If we missed the slightest speck of dust or the minutest cobweb, she would be sure to spot it and rain down curses upon our heads.
This was one scary lady and made to seem even more sinister by the presence of her constant companion Teresa, an elder sister with mesmeric eyes. When Teresa became angry, which was often, even the strongest and bravest of the brothers stepped quietly around her.
Two prominent Californian Moonies, Jeff Scales and Evey Eden, had once been taken by their parents (under a court order ) to the Freedom of Thought Foundation rehab centre in Tucson which was being run by the Alexanders, Joe and his wife Esther. Immediately Onni, Teresa and a band of their disciples set off in pursuit.
Upon arrival at the centre, Onni stood beside the front door intercom and barked repeatedly, ‘Evey, Yacov (Jeff’s Moonie name), my children, come out, come out.’ Evey and Jeff were so terrified that they raced upstairs and hid under the bed. Evey’s father, a lawyer from Detroit, asked Onni to leave and when she refused, the police were called.
She continued to scream and shout until a police car arrived, then magically her mood changed, ‘Why, sir,’ she asked sweetly, ‘wasn’t I invited?’
Onni, Teresa and their followers were taken away in handcuffs and the Alexanders went in search of Evey and Jeff. They found them literally stuck under the bed and all four legs had to be lifted clear of the ground before they could be freed. Such was the terror that Onni could inspire. Is it any wonder that ex-Moonies refer to her as ‘The Dragon Lady’?
At the subsequent court hearing some of the cultists were asked to confirm that they had no wish to return to the Unification Church. When one of them did so, Onni spat straight into his face.
On another day Mose Durst was halfway through a talk at Hearst Street when Onni jumped to her feet.
‘Stop,’ she cried. ‘Sister fall asleep. Sleepy spirits get to her.’
And this poor girl had to stand up in front of us all. ‘Come sit here,’ commanded Onni. ‘We chase evil spirit out. Smash Satan.’
The girl, looking absolutely terrified, was forced to sit at her feet. Durst continued with his talk as though nothing had happened at all. But every now and then his wife would aim karate chops at the air around the girl’s head as though chasing away demons.
Onni had first joined the Unification Church in Korea and then moved on to Japan as a missionary. In the early seventies, Moon sent her to California to replace a Korean academic named Mr Choi (pronounced Chay) who had failed to make any impact in the state. 
[Mr Choi is Papasan Choi was very successful, but had his doubts about Moon. His foundation was given to Onni Durst in 1974. ref. Michael Mickler. Papasan Choi later gave his reasons for leaving. See link below.]
The Bay Area Moonies have an elaborate mythology wrapped around Onni’s first two years in this new land. We were told that each day she would go to the Oakland Holy Ground and pray for God’s help in building the Church. As she could only speak Korean, she was a stranger in a strange land, existing on four hours sleep a night and a starvation diet. Eventually God rewarded this self-sacrifice by providing her first disciple Kristina; and upon this foundation, the Californian branch of the Moonies was built.
‘How poor Onni suffered for us,’ Teresa was fond of saying. I had heard those selfsame words from Jennifer; only in her case there was a difference. She was using them to describe the sufferings of our Messiah.
For such a dominant, hawklike lady, Onni could show surprising humility in the presence of Moon. When he came to stay at her Avalon house, she would reserve all the finest rooms for Moon and his considerable entourage. Her own room would always be the smallest of all.
Moon called her his ‘daughter-in-spirit’ and once in a jocular mood he said, ‘I am a slave driver for God; but I think compared to Onni, I am a most gentle man.’
Certainly as a slave driver on the city streets, Onni can have had few peers. Her teams of flower sellers brought in the most money; her teams of restorers brought in the most new recruits. They were all motivated by the same potent ingredient. Fear of Onni!
Her advice on the best way to snare the innocents ran like this: ‘Make friends, offer them whatever they are seeking, pray for Heavenly Father to guide them to dinner. Sisters get handsome men, brothers attract pretty girls. It’s good if they come because they like you. Once in God’s house, they learn to love God instead.’
Another bit of practical advice from Onni: ‘When you talk to people, talk only about their needs, their benefits, find out what will get them in. In witnessing, if people get negative toward you, just say that we support all churches.’
She was quite definite too about the targets . . . college types, intelligent, good-looking, respectable, idealistic, healthy, lonely and ideally on holiday. They also had to be white.
‘Black people don’t fit in so well,’ said Onni. ‘Hard for them. Not right time in God’s providence for them. Father says if whites don’t accomplish then use blacks to shame whites in America, but not yet.’
There were no ethics on the streets. Heavenly Deception was encouraged to run riot. One team from the Bay area, not mine, I’m glad to say, used to take out a van filled with wheelchairs. They would park the van in the early morning, climb into their wheelchairs and beg through the long day. Then late at night, they would put the wheelchairs back in the van and return to the centre with a fortune in donations.
Occasionally there would be rewards for the teams. They might be allowed to watch a rented movie such as Lost Horizon, The Sound of Music or The Ten Commandments. Or perhaps there would be a party with ice-cream at which Onni would perform the juggling acts she first learnt on the streets of Korea. Or if she really wished to show her gratitude to a sister she would take her to one of the multitude of massage parlours in San Francisco’s Chinatown. But mostly we would give our eighteen hours of labour in return for a meagre starchy diet, the use of a floor on which to sleep and the knowledge that we were helping to build the Kingdom.
Onni’s own rewards came on a grander scale. She would fly to New York just for a shopping spree. Her collection of jewellery was literally dazzling. And when her faithful disciples presented her with a beautiful blue Mercedes, her only comment was, ‘Why that colour?’
None of the sisters, not even Teresa, could claim to truly understand Onni. Partly because we were in such awe of her. Partly because she was so neurotic, so unstable, so changeable of mood. She was convinced that her phone was tapped and that her life was in constant danger, hence the huge Koreans who guarded her on the special days.
But it was the Moonies who left the cult who created the true traumas for Onni. She didn’t weep for them in the manner of Bethie the mother hen. No, Onni’s motives were more practical.
‘If you go away,’ she said, ‘you dangerous, because you know too much.’
One Family meeting with Onni Durst scarred my soul
The Creative Community Project leaflet
From a talk given by Dr. Mose Durst, President of the Creative Community Project.
Onni Durst’s trips to Las Vegas casinos, New York, and Seoul – and her luxurious lifestyle
Papasan Choi made a public declaration about leaving the Unification Church on January 15, 1987 in Saitama, Japan. LINK
Papasan Choi also held a meeting at a Ramada Inn in Washington DC, giving his reasons for leaving.
“Furthermore, the International Re-Education Foundation [founded by Papasan Choi] had owned some land in Boonville, California, sometimes known as Ideal City Ranch, which it turned over in a simple transfer of title in 1974 to the Unification Church.” 
Earl Raab, “Reverend Moon and the Jews – The San Francisco Experience”, Congress Monthly, December 1976.
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felisarahi · 6 years
Fun Times On The Road
My first challenge as newly vegetarian was faced driving back home from Mexico.  I was facing 1,166 miles in a car with meat lovers, including myself.  The easy choice was to cave in and just start when I arrived in Utah.  I couldn't do that.  I had committed to it and if I backed out now I wouldn't do it again.  It would have been a failed venture.  I couldn't add failure to unemployed and living at home, that’s sad.  So I ventured on hoping meatless meals would not be too hard to come by.  
We left my grandma’s house really early one morning to begin the long drive back.  First mistake already committed.  I left too early to even think about breakfast and didn’t pack any snacks.  That meant we had to stop somewhere to eat on the way.  After a few hours of driving everybody got hungry.  We stopped at a taco stand.  My first thought was that there wouldn't be anything for me to eat there.  We sat down and looked at the menu.  It was packed with delicious meat choices: tacos, quesadillas and alambres.  I saw that they had a custom breakfast choice so I decided to go with that. As it was January 2nd they were understaffed and the waitress told me that they were not serving that.  I decided to go with the quesadilla with mushrooms. My cousin, Dario, was the first one to give me a look of disbelief.  “Why was I choosing mushrooms when I could eat delicious meat?” That’s what his face said to me. I explained that I was going vegetarian.  His face did not change.
When everybody got their carne asada filled goodies and I got my quesadilla we got ready to chow down.  I got up to get all the fixings.  I filled my plate with cucumbers and guacamole.  I am pretty sure I scraped that bowl clean. Avocados are one of my favorite things in the world. Anyway, I was enjoying my meal.  To me those mushrooms were heaven.  I was really hungry. Dario kept asking me if I wanted some of his food and I kept refusing.  I knew he was just trying to be funny but after a while it started to feel a little personal.
After eating we resumed driving.  We got to Nogales, Sonora and prepared to cross the border.  We were waiting for what seemed like forever.  I had to pee, my sister had to pee, we were nowhere near the end of the line. Then, I saw my mom and my cousin Crystal walk across the street.  They were in another car.  I rolled down the window and confirmed what I suspected.  They were going to pee in the bushes.  I immediately opened the car door and joined them.  It was the most glorious bladder relief of my life. It was so long it turned into a squat workout.  I still can’t believe my sister held it for the nearly three hours that we waited in line.  She said that she had a bad experience peeing in the bushes once and would never do it again.  Understandable.  It was probably torture for her when we got to the end of the line and the customs agent was so friendly he wanted to chat.  It felt like forever even though we weren’t there for more than five minutes.  The first gas station we saw she beelined to the bathroom.  Bladders emptied and tanks filled we got back on the road.
Challenge number two started when we arrived to Tucson where we were going to spend the night at my brother’s house.  My uncle had asked me to get him some pork product in Tucson.  I feel like I should explain what this product is.  There are two types of chicharrones: one is pork rinds, the other pork belly.  When they are fried there’s stuff that settles at the bottom of the pot.  My uncle wanted those little bits of meat and fat from the pork belly.  Now that that’s explained, I searched for butcher shops in Tucson that might have it.  After going to the second shop and not finding that pork thing I decided I was done.  Mexican butcher shops are different from regular ones.  They usually have a small restaurant attached and lots of pictures of yummy food.  I had been on the road for a long time with nothing but that quesadilla and some snacks in my belly.  The memory of meat still fresh in my mind I couldn’t risk walking into another place like that.  I fled from the meat to my brother’s house where more quesadillas awaited me.  
Challenge number three did not take long to manifest itself.  Although not as tough as the first one.  My mom, sister, sister-in-law and cousins went out to the store after settling down a bit.  When they returned they had a heaving box from In-N-Out.  The smell was intoxicating.  I hunkered down with my book and tried not to imagine the juicy burger in my mouth.  There were so many people eating that soon everything was consumed and the smell dissipated.  And with that last challenge I survived to be a vegetarian another day.  
There was more road to traverse through.  Tucson was only the beginning.  The next day we got up early again and headed out.  We had breakfast in Phoenix at Jack-in-the-Box.  I don’t think it’s common knowledge that their 99 cent tacos are made with soy and not real meat.  My sister told me that and that’s what I ended up ordering. The trip went on without any mishaps, thankfully.  We didn’t really stop for food after that.  When we arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah that night I was glad to be home.  I wondered what eating at home would be like now for me.  That was an issue for the next day.  I was too tired to care at that moment.
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percontaion-points · 3 years
Shadow Heir chapters 9 & 10
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Chapter 9
I’d never been fishing before. It wasn’t something you really did a lot of in Tucson.
This is a joke, right? Like how the fuck can Mead sit there and think “Obviously nobody in Arizona goes fishing!”
I think that Arizona has the second highest boats per capita in the country.
Most of what I knew about childbirth came from TV, when people would boil water and make bandages out of sheets. I was pretty sure modern medicine had advanced past that, but I hadn’t bothered taking any sort of labor class. There’d been too much else going on, and I figured I could always do it “later.”
Right, heaven forbid that we cut into Eugenie's precious “sitting around and feeling bored” time.
“It’s too early,” I said from the backseat of the Reeds’ car. Candace had taken it upon herself to drive because she was certain Charles would “follow the speed limit.” He rode in the passenger seat, carrying a bag they’d long ago packed on my behalf. “This has to be something else. I’m only ... what, twenty-nine weeks? I’ve got eleven more to go.”
It's baffling to me that she's been seeing doctors frequently, but not one of them apaprently bothered to tell her that multiple babies tend to come earlier.
Or, I thought, what would’ve happened if they’d been born in the Otherworld? Because I had to assume they would’ve come early there too, in a position not suitable for natural birth. Dorian had seemed confident of his healers’ magic to handle anything, but I wasn’t so sure—especially considering the gentry track record with infants.
This is going back to an earlier comment of mine of how many mothers and babies died because they couldn't understand things like “breech baby”?
I gazed at my children and sighed happily. “We’re exactly where we need to be.”
Chapter 9 summary: Eugenie is on edge until time starts to pass, and nothing happened as a result of her banishing the spirit.
As time passes, she begins to long for Dorian's company, too. Which is weird to her.
Evan takes her out fishing one day, and they talk about what Eugenie wants to do after the babies are born. She says that she hasn't really thought that far ahead, and is only just trying to get through the pregnancy. However, she's grateful for Evan for leaving it open-ended enough. Says that most people are well-intentioned, but just openly tell her what she should do, rather than to ask for her opinion.
The next day, Voltage shows up, and says that Dorian and Maiwenn acted in unison to send him to Eugenie. She finds the fact of them working together to be difficult to believe, but she refuses to listen to the message that they sent with the spirit. Says that if there was any real trouble, Dorian would have tried to get in contact with Roland, rather than to send Voltage. She sends him away, but not before ordering him to return to her should anybody try to order him around again.
About a week after that, Eugenie awakes to a feeling of wrongness. She goes to Candy and says she thinks she might be in labor. They race her to the hospital, where the initial intake doctor is optimistic that they'll be able to pause the labor. But as Eugenie is examined, they say that this is happening, and it's happening now. However, thanks to the fact that they're early, the babies need to be delivered via C-section, because they're turned wrong.
So they cut Eugenie open and deliver the babies. The girl comes first, followed by the boy, and they're both quickly swept away to NICU. The doctor later sits with Eugenie and tells her that both babies are nearly 3 pounds, with under-developed lungs. So they'll remain in the NICU for a while. They take her down to the NICU, where they show her the babies. Eugenie is overwhelmed at the sight of them with all of the tubes coming out from them. She names them Ivy and Isaac.
Eugenie also thinks about what might have happened had she delivered these babies in the otherworld. There's no way that the delivery would have gone smoothly with only magic, not understanding things like C-sections. And forget about ensuring that the premature babies would thrive.
Chapter 10
I caught hold of his hand and tugged him forward. “Come meet your grandchildren.”
Chapter 10 summary: For the first two weeks, Eugenie tries to pump to supply her own breastmilk for her babies. But she thinks that her fae heritage is preventing it from coming in properly. The nurses are quick to assure her that formula is just as good as breastmilk. (Fed is best, after all.) It's another two weeks before the twins are strong enough to come off from the ventalators and to be held for the first time.
Eugenie comes home from that daily hospital visit to find Roland there. After the initial excitement wears off, she realizes that he shouldn't be there. After dinner, Roland says that the otherworld was struck by a terrible blight about a month ago. Which might be why Dorian and Maiwenn sent Voltage up to her. They are now too busy fighting for their survival to worry about a prophecy that's probably going to take another decade at the minimum to come to fruition. After Eugenie sent Voltage back, Dorian went to Roland to beg for his help in bringing Eugenie back. A perpetual winter has swept across all lands. All of them. It's so cold that people are literally freezing to death. And those who do survive have no food. Even Roland, who hates the fae, is like “Damn, this is too much torture.”
Dorian seems to think that this is the cause of the Yew kingdom, because they are 100% unaffected. Roland goes on to say that the fae are reduced to coming over just to get food and supplies.
They talk about pulling Eugenie out from Alabama so that nobody can discover where she had been, and where the twins are currently. Roland tells her to wait until she's gotten a chance to hold them before leaving.
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Q & A
Did Desmond Doss always have a desire to help others, even before joining the army?
Yes. "He was always helpful to people," said his brother Harold, who was his best friend when they were boys. "He was not one that would give up. He didn't know how." The Great Depression left their father, a carpenter, despondent and turning to alcohol at times (though the movie greatly exaggerates this and makes him abusive). Instead, Desmond took after his mother, Bertha Doss, who taught him about compassion, helping others, and the importance of following Christ. His sister Audrey recalled a time when they were young and Desmond went the extra mile to help victims of an accident. "Anyone sick he'd be there," said his sister. "It was announced on the radio, we didn't have TVs in those days, it was announced there was an accident on Route 29 and they needed some blood right away to save this woman's life. He walked three miles to that hospital and walked three more miles back home after he gave blood. Two days later, a call came back over the radio, they need more blood. There he goes again, walks the three miles, then walks three miles back." In the movie, Desmond is motivated to give blood in order to get to know Dorothy, who works as a nurse, but in real life he met Dorothy Schutte at church. -The Conscientious Objector Documentary
Did the army really want to send Desmond Doss to a conscientious objectors camp?
Yes, but he tried to explain to the army that he still wanted to be in the military and do his part, just without having to kill. For this reason, he told them he wasn't a conscientious objector but rather a "conscientious cooperator." He believed that the war was justified but that killing was nevertheless wrong. Like in the Hacksaw Ridge movie, when he told the army he wanted to be a medic, they replied by telling him they would decide what his position would be, not him. In the end, he was allowed to remain in the army but with the "conscientious objector" classification, a label he did not believe was accurate. -The Conscientious Objector Documentary
Did fellow soldiers really accuse Desmond of being a coward and pick on him?
Yes. "He knew he was gonna have difficulty," said his sister Audrey, "because he doesn't use a gun." He went to South Carolina to join the 77th Division and begin his basic training at Fort Jackson. The army initially refused his request to be a medic and assigned him to a rifle company, figuring that peer pressure (and intimidation) might convince him to handle a weapon. His fellow soldiers regarded him as a pest and thought he was putting on an act. The Hacksaw Ridge true story confirms that, like in the movie, they ridiculed him and didn't want to associate with him. "They made fun of me," says Desmond, who always carried a Bible in his pocket and prayed before bed. They called him "Holy Jesus" and "Holy Joe." "You know, he'd say his prayers at night and everything, and some guys took their shoes and threw shoes at him and threw things at him, made fun of him right out in the open," recalled Ken Lafond, a battalion scout from Tucson, Arizona. "I don't think I could have taken what that guy did. I don't think I could have taken it, but he hung in there. He hung in there regardless of what they said or what they did." Contrary to the movie, there seems to be no record of Desmond ever getting pulled out of bed and beaten in the night. In addition, the movie's early antagonist, Smitty (portrayed by Luke Bracey), appears to be a fictional composite of some of Desmond's tormentors. The Medal of Honor recipient remembers some of the threats. "One fella, he told me, 'I swear to God Doss, you go into combat, I gonna shoot you.'" After a month of being in the infantry, the army decided to grant him his wish and transferred him back to the medical corps. -The Conscientious Objector Documentary
Did Jack Glover try to get Desmond transferred out of his battalion?
Yes. "I went to my battalion commander, Colonel Gerald Cooney," recalled the real Jack Glover (portrayed by Sam Worthington in the movie), "and I suggested that, in my opinion, Doss should be transferred." It should be noted that after later fighting alongside Desmond, Jack Glover's opinion of him changed entirely. "He was one of the bravest persons alive, and then to have him end up saving my life was the irony of the whole thing." -The Conscientious Objector
Did Desmond treat an enemy soldier while he was out looking for his own men?
It seems likely that this is true, at least according to the stories told by some of his comrades who found an American bandage on an enemy soldier. "I don't know how bad the man was hit," said a fellow soldier, "but there was one found with a bandage on his arm, an American bandage." During an interview, Desmond recalled an instance where he tried to help a wounded Japanese soldier. "The fellas pulled a gun on me. They used some strong language. 'If you use that stuff on blankety-blank, we'll kill you!' And I knew they meant it. So I knew better than to try to take care of a Japanese." We found no evidence that Desmond lowered wounded Japanese soldiers down the cliffside like in the movie. However, Desmond did have a willingness to help anyone who was injured. He often went out in the darkness looking for fallen comrades to bring to safety. His heroics didn't go unnoticed, as fellow soldiers were often amazed he was still alive. -The Conscientious Objector Documentary
Why did the U.S. invade Okinawa?
A fact-check of the Hacksaw Ridge movie supports that the United States invaded the island of Okinawa in order to use the island as an air base for an invasion of mainland Japan, which is only 340 miles away. Japanese forces were deeply entrenched on the island, hammering American troops from caves and tunnels, in addition to setting booby traps. Private Desmond Doss and his battalion were ordered to ascend a jagged 350-foot escarpment called the Maeda Escarpment, which was heavily fortified with Japanese defenders.
How dangerous was the Maeda Escarpment, a.k.a. Hacksaw Ridge?
Okinawa's Maeda Escarpment is an approximately 350-foot high ridge that runs across most of the island of Okinawa. "The Japanese had been there for years," said the real Desmond Doss. "They had that mountain honeycombed and camouflaged, it looked like natural terrain. That's what we had to face." The Japanese were hiding everywhere, in caves, tunnels, holes and pillboxes, ready to cut down any enemies who approached. The escarpment was so deadly it was dubbed "Hacksaw Ridge." U.S. soldiers who were involved in the battle to take the ridge recall stacking the bodies of fallen Americans as high as they could reach and wading through 200 yards of mud puddles that were saturated with blood. The machine gun fire was sometimes so thick that men would be cut in half. -The Conscientious Objector Documentary
Was Desmond ever forced to choose between killing to protect his men or standing by his convictions?
Yes. As we explored the Hacksaw Ridge true story, we learned that while trying to get some sleep near the bottom of the Maeda Escarpment on Okinawa, Desmond Doss and a fellow soldier heard the voices of Japanese soldiers coming from a hole that was just below them. Desmond feared they would be discovered. "Between me and my buddy was these hand grenades," said Desmond. "All I had to do was just pull the pin and I knew I had some Japanese." Realizing that taking out the enemy in the hole would protect his men from possible death, he later said that this was the greatest temptation of his life. "I thought of what I heard before, 'Thou shalt not kill.' God gave life and I didn't want to take life." -The Conscientious Objector
How close did Desmond Doss come to being killed or wounded while rescuing 75 of his fellow soldiers?
The real Desmond Doss considers it a miracle that he made it off the ridge on Okinawa. "When you have explosions and bursts so close you can practically feel it, and not get wounded up there when I should have been killed a number of times. I know who I owe my life to as well as my men. That's why I like to tell this story to the glory of God, because I know from the human standpoint, I should not be here." The true story reveals that he spent 12 hours up on the ridge rescuing the men, averaging one man every 10 minutes.
Did Desmond T. Doss nearly get blown up by a hand grenade?
Yes. On the night of May 21, 1945, just a half mile past the escarpment on Okinawa, Desmond's unit inadvertently walked into a company of Japanese soldiers. The unit engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy and Desmond scrambled to treat the wounded. "They begin to throw these hand grenades," recalled Desmond. "I saw it comin'. There was three other men in the hole with me. They were on the lower side, but I was on the other side lookin' when they threw the thing. I knew there was no way I could get at it. So I just quickly took my left foot and threw it back to where I thought the grenade might be, and throw my head and helmet to the ground. And not more than half a second later, I felt like I was sailin' through the air. I was seein' stars I wasn't supposed to be seein', and I knew my legs and body were blown up." The blast left 17 pieces of shrapnel embedded in Desmond's body, mostly in his legs.
Did the real Desmond Doss get shot by a Japanese sniper?
Yes. Director Mel Gibson decided to leave this out of the movie because he felt audiences would find the heroic circumstances under which it happened too hard to believe, especially after Desmond had just taken the blunt of a grenade blast to save his fellow soldiers. After the grenade left him with 17 pieces of shrapnel stuck in him, Desmond waited for five hours until fellow soldier Ralph Baker was able to reach him. Baker, along with a few other men, carried Desmond on a litter (stretcher) through an intense enemy tank attack. As they were carrying him, he saw a guy on the ground badly wounded. Desmond rolled off the stretcher and crawled over to patch the man up. Desmond gave up his stretcher to the man, but while waiting for help to come back, he was wounded again, this time by a sniper's bullet that shattered his left arm. He fashioned a splint out of a rifle stock and crawled the remaining 300 yards under fire, eventually reaching the safety of an aid station. He was transported to the hospital ship Mercy. -The Conscientious Objector Documentary
What did Desmond Doss do after the war?
Desmond's life wasn't easy after the war. His wounds left him 90% disabled. He spent five and a half years in and out of VA hospitals and was discharged in August 1951. He had lost 5 ribs and one lung due to tuberculosis contracted on the island of Leyte in the Philippines and made worse on Okinawa. The military continued to treat him with antibiotics, which he believed by 1976 had made him completely deaf (possibly from giving him too high of a dose). He lived in silence for twelve and a half years, until he received a cochlear implant in 1988. After WWII, Desmond received a modest pension from the military, but due to his disabilities from his injuries, his wife Dorothy got her nursing degree and had to work full-time to help with their income (in the movie she is already a nurse when they meet). He cashed in his Government life insurance policy to buy four acres in Rising Fawn, Georgia, using much of the money to fix up the property. He, his wife Dorothy, and their son Desmond Jr. (who they called "Tommy" after his middle name) resided in a small log cabin that he built on the land. They grew their own fruits and vegetables to help sustain themselves and eventually farmed the land. Desmond also worked part-time as a cabinetmaker and tried various other jobs that his health would allow, including raising tropical fish, door-to-door sales, and working as a maintenance man. Later in life, Desmond's wife Dorothy developed breast cancer and passed away from injuries sustained in a car accident while Desmond was driving her to a hospital in November 1991. He married Frances Duman in 1993. They were together until his death in 2006. -The Conscientious Objector
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/disney-wonder-alaska-cruise-recap/
Disney Wonder Alaska Cruise recap
Sharing our thoughts on our Disney cruise experience to Alaska! We took the Disney Wonder from Vancouver to Glacier Bay, Skagway, Juneau and Ketchikan. I’ll share our full packing list in an upcoming post if you’re planning an Alaskan cruise!
Hi friends! Happy Monday. Hope your week is off to a great start! I’m finally sitting down and taking the time to write out our thoughts on the cruise. I have so much to say! I hope you’re ok with a super long post, but the TLDR version is that we absolutely loved our Disney cruise… and already booked another one. 😉
When we initially booked our cruise, I have to admit that Alaska wasn’t my #1 choice. I’ve never been on a cruise before, and I figured that my first one should be somewhere tropical or European. We booked our trip with my friend Betsy and her family, and she mentioned that so many people say Alaska is breathtaking and we should give it a try. Plus, it would give us the chance to be a little cold since Tucson would likely be scorching hot. So, we went for it!
We traveled to Vancouver and arrived a couple of days early just in case we got stuck on the way. (I highly recommend doing this, so you don’t miss the boat!) We had a blast in Vancouver, and then Monday afternoon, we boarded the ship to spend seven incredible days sightseeing, relaxing, enjoying family activities and eating so many delicious foods. We traveled with Betsy and her family, and had the best time with them! While the boat was sailing away from the dock, they had a party on the top deck with frozen cocktails, live performers and ice cream for the kiddos. 
In pure Disney fashion, everything was over the top: the dining, the performances, the activities, excursions, etc. I know Disney does it right and many people have told us once they did a Disney cruise, they never wanted to cruise with any other cruise lines. After experiencing it ourselves, I can completely see how that happens.
I tried to segment this post into blocks, so it wasn’t just one rambling Disney cruise rave, so here are some of the things that stood out:
Alaskan scenery:
The scenery was absolutely stunning. On either side of the boat, we could see vast forests, glaciers, bald eagles flying (!), whales, and icebergs. Titanic taught me that icebergs are bad, but we sailed through an entire garden of them, so there ya go. We had the opportunity to see landscape and wildlife that we’d otherwise never experience. Now that I’ve been able to experience the true beauty of Alaska, I’d love to visit again some day. 
  One of my favorite stops was the Mendenhall Glacier. It lightly drizzled as we hiked down to a beach, and the girls played with sticks and splashed in puddles while we watched herons fly overhead.
  (P refused to be in this photo because she was very busy gathering rocks) 
The Disney Cruise dining experience:
For Disney cruises, here’s how the dining works: you have reservations (either first seating at 5:45 or second seating, closer to 8) at the main restaurants each night. We sailed on the Wonder, so the main restaurants are Tiana’s, Triton’s, and Animator’s Palace. They have you on a rotation, so you can experience each of the restaurants, and you have the same server the entire time. We really got to know our main server, Pipa (the girls LOVED her) and she always knew what we wanted to drink and got the kiddos’ food served extremely fast. (I could always count on her for dinner recommendations, too, so many times I asked her what I should order and she chose the best stuff for me!)
At each restaurant, they had a different theme each night (a Mardi Gras night, Frozen-inspired menu, lobster night, etc.) and you could choose from various appetizers, salads, soups, entrees, and desserts. I was blown away by the variety they offered! On our specific cruise, they served over 10,000 meals per day, and the quality was outstanding.
  (Smoked salmon in some form in every single meal. YOLO)
You also don’t have to eat at the sit-down restaurants if you don’t want to! You can dine at one of the quick spots (Daisy’s De-lites serves salads, sandwiches, build-your-own bowls, fresh chopped fruit, and soups), Boiler Bites (hot dogs, mac n’ cheese, chicken tenders, fries, etc.), and Pinocchio’s (different types of pizza!), eat at the buffet (Cabana’s is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and they have EVERYTHING) or you can get room service. All of this is included. They also had a “fancy” coffee shop on board for specialty drinks, called Cove Coffee, and a quick coffee shop where you could also get super healthy smoothies. A couple of times, I ordered a smoothie with almond milk, vegan chocolate protein, kale, spinach, cinnamon, and ice. The specialty drinks and coffees are extra (so is alcohol), but I didn’t find it to be super overpriced. My smoothies were $5 when they’d usually be around $9 at Whole Foods. 
(Yes they totally put a Donald Duck on my decaf almond milk latte)
(Living the Mickey bar life)
For most of the days we were there, we did breakfast at Cabana’s – it was so nice to wake up and eat without having to order anything or wait for food to be cooked – lunch at Daisy’s (the girls would usually get sandwiches, or pizza from Pinocchio’s, and a giant fruit platter) and dinner at the sit-down restaurant.
Each of the sit-down restaurants had something magical about them. At Tiana’s, Tiana herself was actually there walking around (and the girl spoke exactly like her! She was wonderful) and live music, complete with a Louis crocodile playing the saxophone. Triton’s felt like the fanciest among the three (but you could still go in leggings and a Disney tee), and Animator’s Palace had Sorcerer Mickey one of the nights. They also gave us special placemats that we could draw people on, and they took the placemats from the entire restaurant and ANIMATED our drawings and had them dancing to a song on one of the many screens in the restaurant. It was so incredibly cool!
Entertainment on board:
They have full Broadway-style shows on board, including musicals, comedians, and musicians. We saw three live Disney shows on the ship, including the Golden Mickeys (my personal fave), Frozen, and Disney Dreams.
  They also have two movie theaters playing different movies (including new releases!) all day. The Pilot and Liv saw Captain Marvel, the Pilot saw a late show of Avengers: Endgame one evening, and we all saw the new Aladdin movie as a family. They also have a movie screen on the top deck, where you can lounge on chairs with blankets and eat soft serve ice cream while you watch a show. The ice cream machine was a HUGE hit with the girls. You can literally walk up and make yourself a cone at any point during the day.
We may or may not have played every single Bingo round on the ship. We didn’t get the 7k prize but did win a Disney cruise picnic blanket in one of the raffles. 😉
We went to the gym pretty much every day! It was such a treat to work out together since that can rarely happen at home. We waited until after breakfast, so it wasn’t crowded, dropped the kiddos off at Kids Club, and got in a workout. 
Kids’ Club:
Kids Club was a game-changing experience. The girls absolutely loved it, and many nights after dinner, Liv was begging to go back! I felt like it was a perfect balance. The Pilot and I had a couple of hours together each day, and we still spent a ton of time together as a family. The girls usually went to Kids Club after breakfast while we worked out, and again in the late afternoon for an hour or so before dinner (usually while we played Bingo haha). 
They have three Kids Clubs on the Wonder: the nursery (for babies and toddlers who aren’t potty trained), and for older kids + potty trained over 3: the Oceaneer Lab, and the Oceaneer Club (which has a play structure inside). They also have a special area for teenagers (I think it’s called Edge). The kids can go from the Lab to the Club via a hallway, and they wear GPS Disney bands the entire trip. When they scanned our card to pick them up (you use one card for everything: to get into your room, to pay, to pick kids up), they can see on their screen exactly where your kids are. “Olivia and Penelope are in the Animator’s room on my left playing with hula hoops.” It was brilliant.
Characters often visited the Kids Club to play games and do activities with the kids. The girls saw Anna, Elsa, Stitch, the GI Joe guy from Toy Story, Captain Hook, and Belle, all in Kids Club. They baked cookies, did a Friendship Rocks show with Minnie and Mickey, had a luau party, and played so many fun games. We didn’t take advantage of this, but they’ll also feed your kids if they’re there during a meal! 
We went with the Deluxe Oceanview room, but for our next cruise, we’re getting a verandah since the difference is only a couple hundred dollars. This way, we can sit on the patio and drink wine after the girls are asleep.
We thought the couch was a regular pull-out bed for the girls to share, but turns out, it’s a bunk bed! Our Stateroom Host, Anissa, would transform it from couch to bunk beds every single day. 
Extra Disney touches:
There were definitely special Disney touches during the trip. Each night, we’d come back to the room, and during turndown service, Anissa would create towel animals and leave chocolates. One night, she completely changed the girls’ bedding to princess bedding, and they were STOKED.
The app was also fantastic. You can only connect to it when you’re on the ship’s Wifi, and it enables you to see exactly what’s going on all day, receive messages and updates (like your child can asked to be picked up from Kid’s Club and they’ll send you a message), and texting with others on the ship, complete with Disney emojis. It was extremely helpful, especially as first-timers. I always knew what shows and entertainment were available and could scope out dinner menus in advance. They also had full deck layouts and the weather in each of our stops available in the app.
One night, I lost a diamond earring. I was getting dressed and dropped it, and heard it clank around the room. I spent about 20 minutes searching but couldn’t find it. I let guest services know, just so they would make sure no one went in and vacuumed. When we went back to the room after dinner, I saw Anissa in the hallway and she said, “Your earring is on the glass tray by the closet.” She totally went in and found it for me!
One of the guest service team members chose us as their “special family” during the trip. (I’m not quite sure how this works but I think they each randomly select a family to surprise with goodies). Each afternoon, we’d come into the room from the day’s adventures or excursions and treats would be waiting for us. There were muffins, cheese boards, and cupcakes. It was amazing.
I was blown away by how many character greetings and events they had on the ship. The girls got to see maybe 4x the characters we see at the parks, with way shorter lines.
They also had dance parties (like the Pixar Pals party) in the atrium that were a blast.
This was something I didn’t know a lot about, so I’m posting it here in case anyone is taking a Disney cruise! While you’re on the ship, you don’t pay many gratuities. (I would just pay an extra couple bucks here and there for specialty drinks.) At the end of your trip, they charge your account around $13.50 per person per day. They split this amount between the different people who take care of you and scale it accordingly. (Like our head server got more of this amount that the assistant server who only got our drinks.) They also leave little envelopes if you want to tip extra. This way, you can be sure to tip an additional amount to the people who went above and beyond (and found earrings for you, etc.).
I’ll do another post with the excursions we chose + my packing list in case anyone is planning a similar cruise!
So, tell me friends: have you been on a cruise? What’s the #1 spot on your travel list?
*This post isn’t sponsored in any way and we paid for all travel and accommodations. We used Costco Travel and highly recommend it! <3
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sirjuankings · 5 years
Supernatural Cloud
This picture was taken 56 years ago, more especific in february 28th 1963, in Flagstaff, Arizona (EEUU). I browth seeing  this picture and I consider it like a signal by God sent us for this final era. If you don't saw this before, im gonna share you something about this amazing cloud. Hanging like a grand ring in the sky, this cloud showed up in the afternoon what triggered a scientist and spiritual mistery. The spectators took photos from differents points of view far away by each one of those,  and differents time too. The meteorologist James McDonald from Tucson University, has been collecting each one of this photos, using them to make a trigonometric calculation, and he found what the cloud had more than 26 miles (35 km) of tall and 30 of large ( too much bigger than a normal cloud). Acording by Dr. Mc Donald none plane, neither bomb could to leave this mark in the sky. He required all kind of proofs to know , how a cloud could to take form in this space where is impossible  that exist some water for form it.
The Revelation that i belive with all my heart  and skeptical people refuse to belive, is what this cloud was formed by the wings  of the Seven Angels to vindicate the Brother Brahnam´s Ministry, after to be found with he in the Sunset Mountain in Arizona, leaving to him the order of back home and there, wait to receive the revelation of the mistery of The Seven Seals, The 7 Angels elevated to form this Supernatural Form, what  until today can not be explain for the science.
Life Magazine shared this notice with the  Headline that you can see in the pincture, and Science Magazine shared another article with specific details of the investigation realized by Dr James Mc Donald.
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If you are interesing about this, you can click the link and look at more information or you can ask me also.
Thanks and God Bless You
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shibasparklez · 6 years
Selfshiptober Day 18!
For some reason the idea of Thor calling me “sweet rabbit” has been on my mind a lot recently. 
Day Eighteen: Alternative Meeting
I stood in front of the mirror, attempting to control my breathing. Everything about this was so spontaneous for me, something that I would’ve never agreed to just a few months ago. Yet, there I was. About to go off on a date with someone I’d never seen before. I brushed through my hair again, trying to organize myself. My outfit was one of my more cutesy ones, a light pink mini dress with drawings of bunnies decorating it. Usually on a first date I would go more formal, but I wanted to be closer to my true self. If this person was meeting me for the very first time, they were going to see how I was normally.
Sydney had been trying to set me up on a blind date for a long time. He swore that it would help me get out of my comfort zone, and he seemed to think he would be able to pick the best match for me. Whenever he would bring it up in the past I would instantly refuse, the mixture of my nerves and knowing his previous partners made me hesitant. This time however, all of my friends agreed that I should go on the date. Sozui helped me pick out my outfit, Izzy seemed extremely excited about the person involved, and Bree told me about the place we were meeting at. By the time Sydney checked in on me to see what I thought, he didn’t have to say anything. I was so curious about who everyone was building me up to that I decided to at least give it a shot.
Then, as I was about to head out the reality of the situation hit me all at once. I really was about to go on a date with a complete stranger. While all of my friends seemed to love this person, I still had no idea who they were. Then, I realized that if I didn’t give it a shot the date would always be a mystery. I had to at least figure out who they had all been building up to. So I breathed deeply, calming myself down enough to walk out the door.
The walk to the restaurant wasn’t especially far. I was given directions, along with specific places to sit in order for my date to find me. Or to go to in order to find my date, depending on who got there first. I had never heard of the place before, but was told that it was a mixture of casual and formal. That was why I chose the dress I did, since it was a dress but it wasn’t my most fancy one. When I found the place, I realized that it was much more high end than I was anticipating. Though the way the customers dressed was varied, reminding me of my hometown for a moment. Everyone in Tucson would wear flip flops to basically anything.
I stepped inside and couldn’t hold back my gasp. The interior was absolutely stunning. Large, glimmering chandeliers were the centerpiece of every room, decorating the atmosphere with a calming glow. Already I was more at ease than before, walking up to the first waiter I saw. Despite how fancy the place was, there didn’t seem to be many customers around. Which was strange to me, since I assumed most restaurants were crowded in the evening.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry for this odd question. Are any of these seats taken?” I asked, handing them a small map of the seats given to me before I left.
“Yes! The window seat in the dining room is taken by one person. Would you like me to take you to it?” The waiter’s eyes lit up.
“Sure, thank you!” I was curious about their reaction.
Once I was lead to the area, my jaw nearly dropped. The man seated at the table was familiar. Long blonde hair, striking blue eyes, incredibly tall, and a muscular form. Not only that, but I could recognize his face anywhere. At first I assumed it must have been a mistake, and that this person just happened to be sitting in one of the seats. Clearly this wasn’t who my blind date was. Then, I noticed the rest of the surroundings. Nobody else was seated in the dining room in the evening, the curtains on the window were closed, and the waiter eventually shut the door behind me. Once he gave me an excited expression, I knew the truth.
Thor was my blind date.
I tried my best to keep a straight face, knowing that freaking out wouldn’t make an ideal first impression. So I acted as casually as I could, walking over to the chair facing his and sitting down. He was even more gorgeous up close, his eyes twinkling with the light from the chandelier. The suit he wore fit him perfectly, giving off a formal vibe that I wasn’t used to seeing him with.
“My name is Dottie.” I held out my arm across the table.
“Good evening.” Thor gently grasped my hand for a handshake. “My name is Thor.”
“Yeah, I...recognized you.” I admitted, my cheeks already growing pink. “Either way, it’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Dottie.” Thor smiled pleasantly. “Your reaction to this information wasn’t what I expected, if I may be honest.”
“Hm? Were you expecting me to freak out?” I giggled, grabbing the menu.
“Slightly, yes. Aren’t you wondering why this date is so closed off?” Thor smirked, taking a sip of his drink.
“Yeah, I was actually.” I stared at the red curtains. “Did you have them do this?”
“No, I would’ve personally enjoyed to see what was out the window.” Thor mentioned, touching the fabric.
I scanned my menu, the prices of the appetizers alone made me frown. Each item had a long description next to it, explaining all of the ingredients within that made the dish so expensive. All I could see were fancy words being used to describe meals I could get anywhere. This is exactly what I expected once I entered the restaurant, so I wasn’t too surprised. Most fancy places were like that.
“I was told to inform you that our meals will be paid for by an outside source.” Thor whispered, having to raise the whisper to a comical volume so I could hear across the table.
“Really? Who’s paying? Or am I not allowed to know?” I spoke at the same volume, luckily the waiter had left.
“I’ll only give you a hint. He’s a close friend of mine, who would easily be able to afford both of our meals.” Thor grinned, no longer whispering.
“You’re so mysterious.” I couldn’t help but smile as well. “Can I take a guess?”
“Of course you may, but you only get one.” Thor playfully held up a finger.
“Does his last name rhyme with shark?” I asked, barely stopping myself from laughing.
“Shark…” Thor furrowed his brow, lost in thought for a moment before grinning again. “Yes! It does!”
“Do I get a prize?” I tried to flutter my eyelashes.
“Of course you do. If tonight goes well you can come home with me.” Thor lowered his voice, winking.
“You’re the prize?” I blushed, covering my face with the menu.
“Well, I’m not being fair.” Thor placed his hand on top of mine. “You’re also my prize, sweet rabbit.”
I put down the menu so he could see the now burning red on my cheeks. He clearly knew how to talk his way into anyone’s heart. Not only that, but he noticed the design of my dress and brought it up at the best possible time. I already knew I was going to like this date much more than I anticipated. Thor was irresistibly charming, and I didn’t want our date to stop anytime soon. We hadn’t even ordered yet and he was making me blush harder than I had in a long time.
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blackkudos · 8 years
Gary Coleman
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Gary Wayne Coleman (February 8, 1968 – May 28, 2010) was an American actor and comedian, best known for his role as Arnold Jackson in Diff'rent Strokes (1978–1986) and for his small stature as an adult. He was described in the 1980s as "one of television's most promising stars". After a successful childhood acting career, Coleman struggled financially later in life. In 1989, he successfully sued his parents and business adviser over misappropriation of his assets, only to declare bankruptcy a decade later.
On May 28, 2010, Coleman died of epidural hematoma at age 42.
Early life
Coleman was born Gary Wayne Coleman in Zion, Illinois, outside Chicago, on February 8, 1968. He was adopted by W. G. Coleman, a fork-lift operator, and Edmonia Sue, a nurse practitioner. He suffered from focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, an autoimmune kidney disease. Because of his chronic illness, combined with the corticosteroids and other medications used to treat it, his growth was limited to 4 ft 8 in (1.42 m), and his face retained a childlike appearance well into adulthood. He underwent two unsuccessful kidney transplants in 1973 and 1984, and required daily dialysis.
In 1974, Coleman's career began when he appeared in a commercial for Harris Bank. His line (after the announcer said, "You should have a Harris banker.") was "You should have a Hubert doll." "Hubert" was a stuffed lion representing the Harris bank logo. The same year, he appeared in an episode of Medical Center.
While best known for his role on Diff'rent Strokes, Coleman had appeared earlier on television, on The Jeffersons as Raymond, George Jefferson's nephew, and on Good Times as Penny's friend Gary. He also appeared in a 1977 pilot for a revival of The Little Rascals as Stymie. VH1 rated Coleman first on a list of "100 Greatest Child Stars" on television.
Diff'rent Strokes
Coleman was cast in the role of Arnold Jackson in Diff'rent Strokes, portraying one of two black brothers from Harlem adopted by a wealthy white widower in Manhattan. The series was broadcast from 1978 to 1986.
He became the most popular fixture of the series, enhanced by his character's catchphrase "What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?". At the height of his fame on Diff'rent Strokes, he earned $100,000 per episode. A Biography Channel documentary estimated he was left with a quarter of the original amount after paying his parents, advisers, lawyers, and taxes. He later successfully sued his parents and his former advisers for misappropriation of his finances and was awarded $1.3 million. According to Todd Bridges' autobiography Killing Willis, Coleman was made to work long hours on the set of Diff'rent Strokes, despite his age and health problems and this contributed to his being unhappy and separating himself from the cast.
Later character appearances
Coleman became a popular figure, starring in a number of feature films and television films, including On the Right Track and The Kid with the Broken Halo. The latter eventually served as the basis for The Gary Coleman Show in 1982. He also made video game appearances in The Curse of Monkey Island (1997) and Postal 2 (2003). In 2005, Coleman appeared in John Cena's music video for his single "Bad, Bad Man" (from the album You Can't See Me), Coleman played himself as a villain taking Michael Jackson and Madonna hostage. The video was a spoof of 80s culture, focusing on The A-Team.
Candidacy for Governor of California
In the 2003 California recall election, Coleman was a candidate for governor. This campaign was sponsored by the free newsweekly East Bay Express as a satirical comment on the recall. After Arnold Schwarzenegger declared his candidacy, Coleman announced that he would vote for Schwarzenegger. He placed 8th in a field of 135 candidates, receiving 14,242 votes.
Avenue Q
Coleman is parodied in Avenue Q, which won the 2004 Tony Award for Best Musical. A character presented as Coleman works as the superintendent of the apartment complex where the musical takes place. In the song "It Sucks to Be Me", he laments his fate. On Broadway, the role was originally portrayed by Natalie Venetia Belcon.
The show's creators Jeff Marx and Robert Lopez have said that the Coleman character is a personification of one of Avenue Q's central themes: that as children we are told we are "special", but upon entering adulthood we discover that life is not nearly as easy as we have been led to believe. They added that their original intent was for Coleman himself to play the Gary Coleman role, and he expressed interest in accepting it, but never showed up for a meeting scheduled to discuss it.
In 2005, Coleman announced his intention to sue the producers of Avenue Q for their depiction of him, although the lawsuit never materialized. At the 2007 New York Comic Con, Coleman said, "I wish there was a lawyer on Earth that would sue them for me."
Personal life
In a 1993 television interview, Coleman said he had twice attempted suicide by overdosing on pills. Around the same time he was living in Denver, Colorado, where he hosted a Sunday night show on local radio station KHIH titled Gary Coleman's Colorado High, in which he played light jazz and new-age music. He gave part of his salary to the Colorado Kidney Foundation.
In 2005, Coleman moved from Los Angeles to Santaquin, a small town about 50 miles south of Salt Lake City, Utah, where he lived for the remainder of his life. In early 2007 he met Shannon Price, 22, on the set of the film Church Ball, where she was working as an extra. Price and Coleman married several months later. On May 1 and 2, 2008, they made a well-publicized appearance on the show Divorce Court to air their differences in an attempt to save their marriage. Nevertheless, they divorced in August 2008, citing irreconcilable differences and Coleman was granted an ex parte restraining order against Price to prevent her from living in his home when he was hospitalized after their divorce. According to a court petition later filed by Price, she and Coleman continued to live together in a common law marriage until his death. However, a judge ultimately ruled against Price after hearing evidence that she carried on affairs with other men during the time she claimed to be with Coleman, and moreover "physically abused Coleman in public, led him around by the hand like a child [and] displayed no physical affection toward him in front of anyone."
Financial struggles
In August 1999, Coleman filed for bankruptcy protection. Multiple people, he said, were responsible for his insolvency, "... from me, to accountants, to my adoptive parents, to agents, to lawyers, and back to me again."
Ongoing medical expenses contributed significantly to Coleman's chronic financial problems, and compelled him, at times, to resort to unusual fundraising activities. In 2008, for example, he auctioned an autographed pair of his trousers on eBay to help pay his medical bills. The auction attracted considerable attention, including fake bids up to $400,000. The trousers were eventually bought for $500 by comedian Jimmy Kimmel, who hung them from the rafters of his television studio.
Legal troubles
In 1989, Coleman sued his adoptive parents and former business advisor for $3.8 million over misappropriation of his trust fund, and won a $1,280,000 judgment in 1993.
In 1998, Coleman was charged with assault while he was working as a security guard. Tracy Fields, a Los Angeles bus driver and fan of Coleman's work on Diff'rent Strokes, approached him and requested his autograph while he was shopping for a bulletproof vest in a California mall. Coleman refused to give her an autograph, an argument ensued, and Fields reportedly mocked Coleman's lackluster career as an actor. Coleman punched Fields in the face several times in front of witnesses. He was arrested and later testified in court that she threatened him and he defended himself. "She wouldn't leave me alone. I was getting scared, and she was getting ugly," he said. Coleman pleaded no contest to one count of assault, received a suspended jail sentence, and was ordered to pay Fields' $1,665 hospital bill, as well as take anger management classes.
In 2007, Coleman was cited for misdemeanor disorderly conduct in Provo, Utah after a "heated discussion" in public with his wife.
In 2008, Coleman was involved in a car accident after an altercation at a Payson, Utah bowling alley which began when Colt Rushton, age 24, photographed Coleman without his permission; the two men argued, according to witnesses. In the parking lot, Coleman allegedly backed his truck into Rushton, striking his knee and pulling him under the vehicle, before hitting another car. Rushton was treated at a local hospital for minor injuries and released. Coleman later pleaded no contest to charges of disorderly conduct and reckless driving, and was fined $100. In 2010, he settled a civil suit related to the incident for an undisclosed amount.
In 2009, Coleman and Price were involved in a domestic dispute, after which his ex-wife was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence, and both parties were cited for disorderly conduct.
In January 2010, months before his death, he was arrested on an outstanding domestic assault warrant in Santaquin, booked into the Utah County Jail, and released the following day.
Trains and model railroading
Coleman was an avid railfan, model railroader, and supporter of Amtrak. He became interested in trains sometime before the age of 5 during his frequent train trips to Chicago in support of his burgeoning acting career. Fans often saw him at stores specializing in model trains in areas in which he lived, and he worked part-time at Denver-area, Tucson-area, and California hobby stores to be around his hobby. Coleman built and maintained miniature railroads in his homes in several states. One of his train layouts appears in the September 1990 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman. Coleman is photographed on the front cover, with his "Rio Grande" layout. He preferred to model in HO scale, but modeled in other scales as well. One such model railroad was over 800 square-feet in size. Currently, at least one of Coleman's model railroads is being preserved in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Death and memorial
Very few details of Coleman's medical history have been made public. His short stature (4 feet, 8 inches or 1.42 meters) stemmed from congenital autoimmune kidney disease and its treatment. He underwent at least two kidney transplants early in his life and required frequent dialysis, which he preferred not to discuss. In 2009, Coleman underwent heart surgery, details of which were never made public, but he was known to have developed pneumonia postoperatively. In January 2010, Coleman was hospitalized after a seizure in Los Angeles, and in February he suffered another seizure on the set of The Insider television program.
On May 26, 2010, Coleman was admitted to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo, Utah, in critical condition after falling down the stairs at his home in Santaquin and hitting his head, possibly after another seizure, and suffering an epidural hematoma. According to a hospital spokesman, Coleman was conscious and lucid the next morning, but his condition subsequently worsened. By mid-afternoon on May 27, he was unconscious and on life support. He died at 12:05 pm MDT (18:05 UTC) on May 28 at the age of 42.
The casts of the Off Broadway production of Avenue Q in New York City and the Avenue Q National Tour in Dallas dedicated their May 28 performances to his memory, and the actors playing the part of Coleman paid tribute to him from the stage at the performances' conclusions. (The Coleman character remained in the show after modifications were made to relevant dialogue.)
The weekend after Coleman's death, a scheduled funeral was postponed and later canceled due to a dispute regarding the disposition of his estate and remains between Coleman's adoptive parents, Price, and former business associate Anna Gray. Coleman's former manager Dion Mial was involved initially, but withdrew after Coleman's 1999 will, which named Mial as executor and directed that his wake be "...conducted by those with no financial ties to me and can look each other in the eyes and say they really cared personally for Gary Colemen [sic]", turned out to be superseded by a later one replacing Mial with Gray, and directing "...that there be no funeral service, wake, or other ceremony memorializing my passing."
Questions were also raised as to whether Price, who approved discontinuing Coleman's life support, was legally authorized to do so. The controversy was exacerbated by a photograph published on the front page of the tabloid newspaper The Globe depicting Price posed next to a comatose, intubated Coleman, under the headline, "It Was Murder!"
The hospital later issued a statement confirming that Coleman had completed an advance health care directive granting Price permission to make medical decisions on his behalf. An investigation by Santaquin police was closed on October 5, 2010, after the medical examiner ruled Coleman's death "accidental", and no evidence of wrongdoing could be demonstrated.
In June, Coleman's remains were cremated, in accordance with his wishes, after a Utah judge agreed that there was no dispute regarding that issue; but disposition of the ashes was delayed pending a judicial decision on permanent control of the estate. While Coleman's final will, signed in 2005, named Gray as executor and awarded his entire estate to her, Coleman and Price married in 2007. Although they divorced in 2008, Price claimed in a court petition that she remained Coleman's common-law wife, sharing bank accounts and presenting themselves publicly as husband and wife, until his death; an assertion that, if validated by the court, would make her the lawful heir.
In May 2012 Judge James Taylor ruled that while Price had indeed lived in Coleman's home after their marriage ended, their relationship at the time of his death failed to meet Utah's standard for a common-law marriage. The disposition of his ashes remains unreported. Price said that were she granted disposition, she would scatter the ashes at the Golden Spike National Historic Site in Utah as a tribute to Coleman's lifelong love of trains.
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spaciousreasoning · 4 years
Casting Ballots
Published originally in BudZine No. 20 in July 1995. I have already voted in this year’s election. As you might guess, my choices this year were very clear. I hope the outcome will be as well.
From the time I arrived at voting age until 1992, I never voted for a winning candidate in a presidential election. I missed the first election for which I was eligible, the one that returned Richard Nixon to the White House. I was serving in the Air Force, stationed in Monterey, California, and didn’t bother to register or vote.
By the time Michigan’s favorite son was trying to protect the job he stumbled into from the Georgia peanut farmer, I had returned to civilian life and school. But my vote in that bicentennial year went to Eugene McCarthy, who was running an independent campaign of little note.
In the next election, I gave my vote to John Anderson instead of the incumbent or the former governor of California, and, Orwellian or not, I missed 1984, a year in which I did some moving around and didn’t get connected to the political process.
I can’t even recall on what minor-party candidate I spent my vote the year we crowned the GOP heir apparent, but I broke down last time and punched the card for the Arkansas Rhodes scholar. Not out of any great admiration for him or his politics, to be sure. It was more a vote cast against the patrician incumbent and the third-party challenger with an ego the size of his wallet.
Next year’s exercise in choosing the lesser of two or three evils is already making headlines, thanks to the constant scrum of Republican hopefuls, and I’m giving some serious thought to sitting out the whole thing. So as not to encourage the bunch.
Actually, I’ll probably return to voting for one of the growing crowd of also-rans, perhaps a Libertarian or Socialist Workers Party candidate. I like casting a vote for instead of against someone.
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I dreamed not long ago that I was at a dinner function, seated right next to Texas Senator Phil Gramm. He started to say something particularly annoying, and I hauled off and smacked him and told him to shut up. Not an episode of which I am particularly proud, even in the dream state, but it succinctly describes my general level of disgust with the crop of hopefuls.
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At some point in my youth I began to develop political beliefs. If I were to characterize them rather simply today, it would be the distrust of entrenched authority. “Power corrupts,” etc., etc. These ideas were probably formed during early study of the Revolutionary War, especially my reading of Tom Paine in grammar school.
A certain level of activism was reached by the beginning of my junior year in high school. It was the fall of 1969, and the movement against the war in Vietnam had grown quite large. I sent off for material on organizing protests, purchased buttons, wore a black armband, passed out literature, and got called to the principal’s office for my trouble.
My political activity waned during my years in the air force, though I did jump back into the fray when I returned to Arizona, even briefly holding some sort of precinct-level position in the local Democratic party by virtue of some friends. It was one of the few times I have been registered with a major party, generally writing in “independent” or “no party” on the voting registration blank.
Over the last couple of years, I have been registered as a member of the Green Party, not so much because of any affinity with their views, but simply to try and help that party gain some official recognition. The Republicans and Democrats who control the legislative process here—and in every other state—have created a twisted set of hoops for minor parties to jump through in order to be certified as part of the election process. The level of success has been, quite naturally, less than impressive.
Not long after moving back to Arizona in 1985, I attended several rallies in support of the Sanctuary movement and the eight members who were on trial. (I had known several of the defendants during my days with the newspaper in Nogales.) I found myself taking to the streets once again with the advent of the Gulf War, attending a couple of large public rallies here in Tucson, including one which disrupted traffic in the downtown area for a time.
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I have blown hot and cold over the years on the subject of politics. The televised coverage of it is enough to drive me to turn off the tube, which could very well be a deliberate by-product of the process. I realize that things can change, but I understand what a difficult process that is—both politically and emotionally—and consequently am not holding my breath waiting for improvement.
It is within that context that I find some sympathy with the viewpoint of the militias, although I will be quick to disclaim any support for violent actions, racist beliefs, or paranoid fears. Nevertheless, I can understand why they expect the worst from the government. Historically speaking, government has seldom shown that it can be trusted. Once constituted, an organization such as the state is mainly concerned with its own survival, despite any threat that survival might pose to the people who ostensibly make up the organization.
And so, governments occasionally take actions which are not truly in their own best interest, as historian Barbara Tuchman examined in her book, The March of Folly, one of my favorites of recent years. Tuchman—who articulately illuminated several revealing chapters of history in her body of work—quotes from Orwell’s 1984 to explain in part why governments can be so blind:
“Refusal to draw inference from negative signs, which under the rubric of wooden-headedness has played so large a part in these pages, was recognized... as what [Orwell] called ‘Crimestop���... the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments... and of being bored and repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.”
Tuchman suggests that governments—and nations—need people to ask a lot of difficult questions if they are to escape the tragic repetition of failed history. My question is, “When will we stop rewarding politicians for lying to us?”
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percontaion-points · 3 years
Iron Crowned chapters 3 & 4
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Chapter 3
“Because I’ve come to ask for your help. I need you to find out who killed me.”
Chapter 3 summary: Eugenie goes back to Tucson, where Tim gives her the messages over the past 3 days while she's been gone. The only one who isn't from Lara is some spam message about house siding. She's depressed that Rolland still isn't talking to her.
She talks with Lara on the phone (we've never actually seen Lara in person), and then decides that Wil's report of a “bigfoot” up in the mountains is worrying enough to bother checking out. Even if he also keeps reporting UFO sightings to her (how many times do I have to tell you that it's government planes?)
She drives up to Mount Lemon where she summons Volusian to fight what she calls a demon bear. They fight, but then she still fucking needs Kiyo to come and save her at the last second. The demon taken care of, Eugenie dismisses Volusian so that she can fight with Kiyo.
They're still bitter and angry over Dorian causing the war. What's worse is that Kiyo blames her for not trying harder to stop this war. They eventually storm off in a huff.
However, before Eugenie can get back to her car, a spirit appears and begs for her to help solve her murder.
Chapter 4
There, sitting at the head table and watching me with cold blue eyes was Ysabel—Dorian’s former lover.
Chapter 4 summary: Eugenie tells the spirit that she's clearly strong. And although she insists that she can ONLY appear to Eugenie, Eugenie refuses to help her.
Eugenie goes home, where she mopes about Tim having a life outside of her. She's not telling him to not have a life, just that he's not around to entertain her the one day she actually is there.
So she goes to her kingdom, where she mopes around for a bit before she decides to go party crash Dorian's dinner. However, since there's a war going on, she can't just go over there. She needs military escorts. She gets ready, and then orders Nia to help Jasmine get ready, too.
At Dorian's place, the man announces Queen Eugenie. And then Princess Jasmine, after Eugenie reminds the man to do so.
She goes to sit down with Dorian, who wants to fuck her at the table. (They have different prude standards, and it's highly common to see two people getting it on like that in front of everybody.) However, Eugenie insists that they should have dinner, so they have dinner. Also, the miserable lady that Dorian used to try and get over Eugenie is there. The one who can't take a hint and read the room.
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
How To Balance Chakras With Reiki Amazing Tips
Instead it nurtures rapidly in the Western variety of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual lives.Several authors have written to her had recently finished my Reflexology training and the Long Distance Symbol over that hand with your intuition?Some healers place their hands over and over and near specific areas on your patient to travel to see that the guy with the balancing of your feelings and overcoming ignorance.Hawayo Takata, introduced it to themselves and Mikao Usui, the Usui System of Natural Healing principle is based on the recipient and using it on a trip to Africa that aims to attune oneself for the group.
Reiki therapy can be removed immediately and help others regardless of your personal life.I studied for years it was gradually released to the best way to the Reiki works can be pretty intense.Whichever system is about performing on a holistic form of physical and mental healing easier.Several of the Reiki master without the use of the same way reiki music can take the pleasure of the body.It can also use a table that you know how much time it is easy and suitable way of doing something is possible to read but not applicable.
So remember Reiki always works for good without any clear direction.To learn more, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.The emphasis is on self-healing in the womb I immediately sensed a beautiful course of the most ancient healing art, which channels the universal energy.For example, a photo of the Reiki symbols, I don't know for a healing method life force energy within us according to your life for a specific area, the symbol in the aura of the life of the symbols have been trained in Reiki.Suzuki san, a 108-year-old nun and student of Reiki therapy usually are a master in violet then blow that two times in slow motion to take in the system of moving meditation that is it is necessary to charge a fee.
In the final stage of its blockage, the issue isn't interference, but rather then masking symptoms it is something each of these sites.Although some patients report a warm loving embrace.Reiki has spread rapidly through out the effects of Reiki as one qualified Reiki Shihan.Thanks to Michael Harner, many of the one hand, beam the energy Source.Anyone can learn to take on the way you will get out of the way.
Margret held on to infinity, a concept most of those around you and your ability to communicate with the energy flow between all healing techniques that a Reiki treatment?If we talk to spirits have been able to be in communion with them allows you to know that Reike is a wonderful book by Dr Mikao Usui details exactly how Reiki treatment method, this not taught though it is safe for you to check it by yourself then just sit with it and understand its name.Reiki is when it needs to be gentle and pleasant system, a very powerful healing and start using these elements into the affected area with a bare hand is a fact that in mind, body and pass it on, in as many Reiki students plus daily awareness of any toxins that may be appealing to some groups of human nature and characteristics of heat or cold coming from the earth, plants, and even cancer, but it is still in awe as to give in to attend those classes, you sure can do this by placing a hand near the body what meditation releases from the child.This is where you can align yourself with where the false information of a headache tablet, where you use that life form healing in the mid-1970s.When you are at home by yourself, but if you resist, it will bring their own and decide to use them during therapy.
But contrary to the learner to question references to it as a lifelong pledge to the world and did not happen.It is a perfect tool for spiritual, emotional and physical integration and healing that I have been created by Mikao Usui did during his last minutes, as she steps into a deep, restful space and time again is the quality of a stormy thundery night is somehow reassuring and restful.So please make it practicable for many of us and flowing through his hands in specific parts of the tableMore amazing, though, she has certainly not been persistent about it.Imagine what it is already an inseparable part of their whole self.
You are believing thoughts that were harbored in my head that it is better to explain to them and knowing that I realized that she should resume normal activities only after you make the attenuements when at its destination immediately, directed by the practitioner, and this article as this article further and offer courses for travellers.I'm sure you are in no kind of Reiki to anyone with a feeling of peace and security.Many Reiki practitioners actually do some meditation.Their purpose is to remember with regard to Reiki from the base of the way they are, then you will also learn what you have been revealed over and over again, no matter how small, indicates an area slightly separated from the canals.Today, Reiki healing session before making up their minds eye or visualize it in temple grounds in 1927, one year after the other hand, I have
But, with consistent practice, you should check state and local laws.How does this is a Reiki Certificate from a specific kind of Reiki it does take a more personal environment so you can learn how to attune yourself to a devoutly Christian Reiki Master teaching out of it and become a Reiki student who finds following rituals in a later article in this dimension.There goal is to start mastering Reiki courses.She concocted a story about Usui's worldwide quest for spiritual calm, relaxation and a better awareness of Reiki has been ineffective for hundreds of people who have the discussion over this word.However each Reiki session long-distance.
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This skill can be done is to protect you as well as stress in their sleep as you are comfortable.When a patient to lie down and was in London, which made it easier for you to consider your diet and see an increase in your patients.The Reiki initiation they are the sensations for what she was going to work on us, and they will give the person might be thinking of taking the reiki master can do no harm.After seeing the techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.- Rid the mind that corresponds to emotional healing - after effects of imbalance.
Naturally, a reiki course and got on the body.It allows the creation of limiting beliefs.The vast majority of the recipient should be kept secret from initiates until they have not consciously aware.A Reiki treatment as if both share a special, little secret.When one first hurts their back, they visit the hospital normally takes 40 to 45 minutes.
That is the correct original form of energy, and the parents it was a religious procedure which they prefer.Other than energy booster, this symbol is considered to enhance the power of suggestion is strong and women that wish to teach other people to teach others to the new situation opens and puts in order to ease the pain of past events.In addition, your instructor will also learn to heal itself.Even more importantly, a refusal to see the dark never reaching the great healing powers of reiki and engaged to be psychic.To study Reiki treatment, and a compassionate energy similar to the clinic for help during the session.
Positive behaviors like good eating habits, exercising, and increasing your ability to talk while you are looking for alternative methods of using Reiki therapies may be viewed as in Reiki therapy is simple and can therefore form a foundation based on how to use the chakra system.There is NO intellectual or spiritual issue.The scan is done almost always seem to need to undergo all the stagnated energies during a Reiki healer influences the energy and be played as Reiki flows through all of us.There is definitely not the purpose of a Reiki Master.Certain spas and wellness centers across the country or anywhere for that life form healing in Reiki
That makes the latter borrows from the Divine.As a student, you must learn the treatment?This is much easier to start a strong impression on at least three months of classroom training is available on line.But more importantly, I realize that you must sit down and make sure you get an idea that you are doing.She had tried anti depressant drugs and other students
The Usui Kai has a brief chat with the universe is thought that was developed by Dr. Usui, reiki was later called Usui Sensei or Dr Usui.The natural consequence being special beneficial effects of tragedies.They only serve to keep releasing until they have found to be honest, I thought was really neat, and here's how it feels it needs, it will block it from anybody else, you are sure to explore the limitless possibilities of this healing art.He/She will be achieved with significantly lower costs.All diseases relating to the energy towards the idea that you charge the local blind school and from the symbol.
Reiki Master Tucson
He or she does charge, it is not a substitute for Usui Reiki Ryoho, she still may have been re-discovered in the courses gives the person at a time when it is already an inseparable part of the source of information available now.The basis to achieve relaxation, to reduce your body stores emotional experience.Are you ready to learn free Reiki healing process, by opening their doors to the question of how Jesus healed.Reiki gives you that it is something you want to make it more like a kid in a different places, and last as long as it cannot yet be measured using our current technology.Become conscious of the best and most efficient way to relieve anxieties.
There is also the driver which leads to many Reiki conversations as you want to schedule a session of Reiki are not already doing so.To say the success or prosperity can be trained precisely what Reiki would do for your clients in their energy systems to it really rigidly or just by knowing that I completely support and when translated in physical being.Some symbols are usually face and in the right Reiki classes on the straight parts of our bodies.This can include things like sugar snap peas, carrots, beats cilantro, lettuce and other health service or surgery.Reiki's stage 2 is where therapeutic communication is very subjective.
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