#and I really think this is smth cait wishes she could do
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I just really need her to know
#I love that they get the opportunity to heal now#and I really think this is smth cait wishes she could do#telling baby vi that one day she’s going to be loved unconditionally#and protected#and ENOUGH#or in the words of venomwrites:#‚i know this seems bad but one day you're gonna bag the baddest bitch who has her own prison‘#MINE#arcane#vi arcane#caitlyn kiramman#caitvi#piltover's finest#the fucking pain I inflicted myself drawing little vi in her prison outfit#and you!#fuck you in particular#ypu know who you are and what you did
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OU my god okay can you do each of the companions with sole sniping raiders or smth and the companion starts to just feel really hot and bothered (rlly hard/wet) and sole asks them if they’re ok bc they’re literally sweating and theyre like um yea?? (what’s going on w me??) and then the companion literally just comes in their pants and groAN (subconsciously bc of sole??) LMFAO SORRY THID IS SO WACK
I legit laughed for ages after reading this request XD
Cait:Sole cocked the something on their sniper rifle, ejecting the case and firinganother raider, blasting their head from their shoulders.
“Oh my god,” Caitmumbled from behind Sole’s shoulder, groaning in the process. She startledherself for a moment and Sole too as they turned around with a raised eyebrow,smirking slightly as their eyes studied Cait’s.
“Are you alright Cait?”They asked, trying not to laugh and Cait nodded with a flustered look on herface. Sole turned back around, scoping in and shooting another clueless raiderin the chest.
“On second thoughts. Ithink we should get outta here, you caused this, you can damn well fix it,” Shepulled Sole by the collar of their vault suit, yanking them into nearby coverto ‘fix her problem’.
Curie:Curie found herself being turned on by the strangest of things and watchingSole take out a hostile Deathclaw from a distance was no exception. Curiehummed in excitement as that horney feeling overwhelmed her to the point shewas a breathing mess. Only she didn’t quite know what was happening to her orwhy.
“Curie? You’re looking alittle red,” Sole said with a concerned tone of voice, Curie shook her head,trying to figure out what was wrong with herself.
“I’m fine, Madame/monsieur,” she insisted, trying to fan her burning cheeks with her hands. Shewas ok? Wasn’t she? Suddenly, she was shaking lighting, coming down from, whatfelt like pure bliss. Curie closed her eyes for a moment, wondering what thehell just happened to her.
Danse:He’d never found himself in such a compromising position before and he wasn’t equippedin power armour either, which made things ten times worse. He crouched next toSole who was behind cover, reloading after they’d hit a dozen beautiful shotson some Gen Two Synths. He groaned loudly making Sole stop dead in theirtracks, their eyes wide. Danse tried to distract them by coughing but Sole wasn’teasily swayed.
“What was that?” Soleasked, a grin stretching across their face. Danse’s face was all shades of redas he looked at Sole, standing up and then only wishing he hadn’t, “Oh,” Sole’seyes flicked from Danse’s crotch to his face, “Well this isn’t awkward,” Solejoked trying to hold back from bursting out with laughter. Danse didn’t knowwhat to say, instead he just excused himself, needing to ‘cool off’ and get achange of clothes.
Deacon:Deacon furrowed his eyebrows trying to focus on pointing out targets for Sole,he drew his lip between his teeth as Sole ripped another Synth to shreds withtheir excellent sniper skills. He shook his head, trying to clear it, he wasfeeling very strange and he couldn’t point out why.
Sole hit another shot,hitting a synth clean through the chest. Deacon let out a moan, covering hismouth immediately after he did. His eyes where hidden behind his shades,luckily for him. Sole tried to keep a straight face as they asked Deacon if hewas alright to which he relied with a nod, afraid that if he spoke he’d letsomething slip, maybe another moan and he couldn’t let that happen.
Deacon took off hisjacket, tying it around his waist in an attempt to cover his ‘situation’ but hewasn’t fooling anyone. Sole would never let him live this down, mentioning itwhenever and wherever they could, just to see him blush like crazy. It worked everytime.
Hancock:Let’s be honest, this has probably happened more than once, because you can’tkeep the horny Mayor down. Sole sniggered as they noticed Hancock’s situation,pretending they hadn’t.
“You alright there?”Sole said turning their attention back to the super mutants they were snipingout. Hancock raised a hairless eyebrow, taking another drag of his cigarette,slowly nodding at Sole in confusion. It was only when Sole hit a great shot onone mutant, making it stumble to its death that Hancock unintentionallygrowled. He looked down at himself in embarrassment.
“Oh, come on,” he saidto himself, unaware he’d been turned on, probably because he was as high as akite, “Soleeee….” He whined, absolutely blaming them and their perfect physicand skill for what was happening to him.
“Need some help withthat?” Sole mocked, clearly amused by the circumstances Hancock found himselfin. Sole put down their sniper and moved closer to where Hancock stood. Hegroaned as Sole moved closer to his ear, their breath tickling him, “I’d behappy to help you.”
MacCready:He hadn’t realised how much he liked watching Sole hit headshots on gunners. Infact, he loved watching Sole use his favourite type of weapon, the sniper, onhis least favourited people, the gunners. He watched, arms folded over hischest as Sole took out the enemy. Was it getting stuffy in here or was it justMacCready? He adjusted the collar of his jacket, trying to air himself out.Sole gave him a concerned look, but he assured them he was alright, at least hethought he was.
Suddenly, he groanedloudly as Sole hit another Headshot, hitting the bastard between the eyes. Soleturned, noticing the small wet patch on MacCready’s dark trousers. Sole coveredtheir mouth with their hand as they tried not to laugh. When MacCready noticedhe blushed a deep crimson, nearly cursing in the process. Both of them neverbrought it up again.
Piper:Usually something like this wouldn’t excite Piper in any way, she didn’t enjoykilling people but watching Sole shoot institute synths and coursers didsomething to her.
She handed Sole five .50calibre rounds, watching as Sole reloaded and emptied the bullets into theCoursers chest. Piper realised at that moment she was sweating and then camethe aching feeling in her core. She moaned, she hadn’t realised the effect Solehad on her.
Piper hid her face underher hat, avoiding Sole’s eyes completely, she’d never been more embarrassed inall her life. She felt the sudden urge to jump Sole then and there but insteadshe avoided them for the next couple of days.
Preston:Sole was busy sniping out Boomer, who had a fat man so Sole wasn’t taking anychances being seen by him. Preston stood back, looking intensely as Sole hitthe shot, killing the raider boss instantly. Preston secretly loved watchingSole fight in the name of the Minutemen, maybe a little too much.
Sole claimed thesettlement, finishing off the rest of the raiders, turning around in surprisewhen they heard Preston let out a strangled whine.
“You okay?” Sole askedas Preston tried to hide the fact he’d got ‘hard’, only he didn’t just get aboner he’d followed through with it and jizzed in his pants.
“I had something caughtin my throat,” he said pretending to cough and hit his chest, but who was hefooling? Sole shook their head with a smirk on their face, whatever you sayPreston…
X6-88:Being a cold-blooded killer, as he was intended to be by his creators, it’s nottoo surprising that he’d get turned on by watching Sole slaughter a group ofraiders from afar. The only thing is, it was unlike anything he’d everexperienced.
He scrunched up hisnose, something Sole would find is a trait of his, as he felt a twinge in hispants, good thing his coat hid his growing bulge, but he couldn’t hide theexpression on his face. He awkwardly grunted as Sole took down another raider.Sole looked at him.
“Something wrong?” theyasked and X6 didn’t quite know how to respond, he’d never been in thissituation before. Instead, he relayed away, he’d have to come up with an excuselater but right now he had to sort himself out.
#Fallout 4#Fallout#fallout 4 companions#Fallout 4 companions react#fallout 4 hancock#fo4#fo4 companions#cait#curie#danse#deacon#hancock#MacCready#preston garvey#piper#X6-88
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