#and I just got GTA V three games ago??
rad-puppeteer · 7 years
capn-beeb said: heads up: there is no button to pet the kitties. I found this out the hard way :(
NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!!! Game is now a 9/10 - no kitten petting.
But as an artist, I can always draw that :]
pathfinderlittleduck said: Omffggg
My GTA experiences is always like that lol
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donovansyxu599 · 3 years
10 Apps to Help You Manage Your GTA Online Generator No Human Verification
The Unique Carbine is a reputable weapon, with a decent rate of fire, damage, range and affordability. Costing about as considerably as a really good jacket in GTA Online, the Specific Carbine is an absolute steal and a should-have for each player in the game. The 1st weapon that players must get their hands on is the Particular Carbine, which is simply a single of the most valuable weapons in the game. Players will most likely have some quantity of cash in their Maze Bank Account in GTA Online immediately after playing via some Make contact with Missions and other game modes.
All they have to have to do is open the Interaction Menu and choose VIP Autos.
The very good element is that the entire process is quickly, you can finish it in just a couple of minutes.
So exactly where do you begin and how do you get the most of all this further content?
Not too long ago got GTA 5 and began online mode, designed a character as you do and went via the tutorial.
You can either decide on stealth or a head-on method.
Afterwards, go to the Warstock Money & Carry internet site to buy it for $2.85 million. Mission #three – A single group of players must steal a police car, infiltrate the precinct, and get the prison transfer schedule back to the apartment. The other group must take and drop off Rashkovsky’s Casco. This guide covers the GTA Online heists series starting with The Fleeca Job and cumulating with The Pacific Common Job.
What Way Of Life Solutions Need To I Pick In The Character Creator?
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When you start out GTA Online, it can take some adjustment to the new status quo. There is so a great deal to do on the map and you happen to be continuously pinged with new activities on your telephone. Not almost everything in the game is wonderful, but you do not have to play all of it to have a superior time. In the end, though, buying digital currency is unlikely to improve your experience with the game unless you happen to be playing it all the time.
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Obtaining enhanced abilities will not only make your survival rate in GTA V Online larger, it will also make it much easier for you to recruit other players to join your crew. Having a lot of close friends online is a certain way of driving away enemies. Online players that have their eyes on you will have second thoughts targeting you if they find out that you have a lot of mates and that you can retaliate straight away if they make a decision to touch you.
Games You May Possibly Like
Recently got GTA 5 and started online mode, produced a character as you do and went via the tutorial. You can also invite players to missions on the mission lobby screen. The other player will need to accept the invite from his in-game mobile telephone. Make certain to get started the game as a lobby host by going to Lamar on the map, and temporarily set matchmaking as closed. Invite your buddies, and then you can open it up if you want other individuals to join. There is no doubt that it can be intimidating Try GTA V Online Generator No Verification to head into GTA Online as a new player, but never be concerned as with the proper guidance you can catch up swiftly, so it is never as well late to give it a attempt. With updates and expansions spanning almost seven years, you now have a big assortment of selections for how you want to generate your criminal enterprise, which can be a daunting prospect for newcomers.
To get the Hydra jet, you need to finish the third mission, in which you retrieve the EMP. This mission is only out there if either you have hosted both The Fleeca Job and The Prison Break, or if you’re playing with a host who has. Afterwards, go to the in-game internet site for Warstock Money & Carry to acquire a Hydra for $three million. Mission #1 – Two players, one particular as the buyer and one particular as a bodyguard, have to get the keycards from your make contact with. If you are getting problems with this Mission #two – You ought to steal two Insurgent LAPVs from Merryweather. Because the vehicles are armed, obtaining a gunner in each and every one will help your escape.
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anthearose · 4 years
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NAME: anthea rose thomas
AGE: 25
DATE OF BIRTH: 26 april 1995
GENDER: genderfluid
PRONOUNS: she/her but doesn’t mind they/them
MOTHER: dawn eddwards
FATHER: richard thomas
SIBLING(S): unknown
FACE CLAIM: cara delevingne
RACE/ETHNICITY: english, welsh, 
NATIONALITY: english, has american citizenship
HEIGHT: 5 feet and six inches (5′6)
WEIGHT: 112 lbs
BUILD: slender, toned
SCARS: inside of arms from drug taking
HAIR: dirty blonde, medium length
ACCENT: english
FASHION: wears mostly black, has a ‘grunge’ style
NERVOUS TICS: lip biting 
HOME ADDRESS: evergreen dock, somerton, maine
RESIDES: small two bedroom apartment with roommate layla ferguson
BORN: london, england
RAISED: london, england
VEHICLE: chevy silverado, black
PHONE: iphone 11
LAPTOP/COMPUTER: macbook pro
PET(S): none
HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: dropped out at 16, sat ged aged 20
MAJOR: none
MINOR: none
CAREER: exotic dancer
EMPLOYER: dark sensations strip club
DIET: vegan
LANGUAGES: english
PHOBIAS: isolation, enclosed spaces
HOBBIES: video games, guitar, reading
SOCIAL MEDIA: uses twitter and onlyfans mostly
LOCATION: the beach
VIDEO GAME: call of duty, left 4 dead, gta v, mario kart (she will fight dirty)
MUSIC: varying, listens to a lot of rock music 
SONG: rebel rebel - david bowie
TV SHOWS: friends, stranger things, how to get away with murder
MOVIES: labyrinth, the shining
FOOD: everything
COLOR: she’ll swear its black but it’s actually pink
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good
MBTI: enfp-a, the campaigner
tw for non-con & underage sex, prostitution, drugs and violence
Born and raised in the bustling city of London, Anthea, or Thea as she preferred, never really had it easy. Her father had left her mother long ago, only keeping in contact with his daughter through the occasional letter and birthday card. He lived in America and as Thea understood, he had some big fancy job with a large company. Thea always daydreamed about the day her father would burst through the door, scoop her up and rescue her from her miserable life. She dreamed of what it’d be like to live with him in his home and not have to worry about where her next meal was coming from. Of course, that never happened. Her mother was barely home, always out looking for ways to fuel her various addictions. It usually meant prostituting herself and for a long as Thea could remember, her mother would bring strange men home and be locked in her bedroom for hours at a time. 
It didn’t take long for her to work out what was going on - by the time she was seven, Thea understood, especially when the men made advances towards her. But she knew how to look after herself, even at that age and every time they tried, she either replied with a biting comment or, more often than not, a sharp slap to the face. It was usually enough to get rid of them and send them sulking back to her mother so they could pay what she was owed before taking their leave. 
Despite her unconventional home life, Thea got by. She often stole from local supermarkets to get the things she needed, but she cooked her own meals and appreciated the roof over her head. She wouldn’t say she was happy but she survived. Her mother spent her days sleeping with people for money or getting high in their tiny apartment. 
When she was fourteen, her life changed. Her mother pulled her from school and gave her an outfit to change into before taking her to an apartment block she’d never been to. Thea was frightened, told her mother she wanted to go home but she was only led into a grimy apartment by a group of unfamiliar men while her mother waited outside. She heard her daughter’s pleas and cries for help but did nothing to stop what was happening. It was only when there was a fat wad of money in her hands that she took Thea out of the apartment and brought her home, telling her this was her life now. She told her Thea would have to get used to it or starve because she was leaving. 
And just like that Thea was left alone, fourteen years old, no money and no job. 
She was able to contact her father after several weeks. He immediately flew her to America, had her sign some forms she didn’t really understand, and told her she’d be living with him from now on. She was enrolled at a local high school and told to keep quiet about what happened in England. She didn’t understand why, not really, but made sure not to tell anyone. She kept her head down as much as she could. Life with her father wasn’t quite what she’d expected either. His job was different to what she’d imagined when she was younger. He didn’t work in a fancy office, he worked from home and had several people coming and going, purchasing things from him for a large amount of money at a time. It only took her a few weeks to realise her father, the man she’d always imagined would be her hero, a knight in shining armour, was a drug dealer. And an addict himself. 
Thea stopped paying attention in school and in just two years since she moved to America, she was more depressed than ever. She dropped out of high school, even started taking drugs herself and fell in with what could be considered the wrong crowd. Maybe this was what she was destined to be. Maybe this was all there was for her. When her father was arrested for dealing drugs, she was placed in foster care. That had only lasted a couple of weeks before she ran away. Selling her body wasn’t really something she ever intended on doing but it was the only way she could get by. She had no education, no money and needed to do something. It was all she had left, the only thing she had any experience in. Granted, she hadn’t exactly been a willing participant back then and her mother had gotten the money, but it had happened. Thea had nothing left to lose. 
She began to sell her body for sex. Thea hated every minute of it, but it paid. She had enough to rent a tiny apartment in an unpleasant neighbourhood, but it was hers. Sure, she still was hooked on drugs but she got by. It continued like that for several months when she was approached by a different sort of man. The people she usually slept with were often older, other addicts she was sure, and just looking for five minutes of fun. But this one was different - younger, kinder.  
Thea didn’t trust him immediately. She had been looking after herself for as long as she could remember and her previous experiences told her men only wanted one thing. But she went back to his hotel room, unable to turn down the amount of money he was offering her. Thea was even more surprised when the young man didn’t immediately want her body and offered her food and a glass of wine. 
She learned his name was Anthony and he told her he was planning on opening up a new business, a brothel of sorts. It was going to be legitimate, according to him, although not entirely legal and all of “his girls” would be well looked after. At first, Thea refused. She wasn’t stupid and she wasn’t prepared to put her life in danger for some fantasy that sounded far too good to be true. If she accepted she had no doubt she’d be trafficked and sold on the black market for unspeakable things. 
As time went on, the man continued to visit Thea and slowly gained her trust. She met with someone who already worked for Anthony several times too and in a matter of weeks, she accepted his offer. Without a glance back, Thea left and moved across the country to work. Anthony helped her get off the drugs, showed her what there was to actually live for, and her life changed. Her every need was catered for - her new home was the brothel itself and rent came straight from her earnings. All her groceries were provided for her and she was able to decorate her personal quarters however she pleased. 
Usually Thea was fine when working. Most men just wanted a quick fuck and they didn’t care about anything else. Some of her clients wanted more unconventional things but Thea didn’t shy away from these, knowing they earned her more money. She didn’t care though - sex was just sex to her, and it paid. For the next three years, Thea lived and worked in Anthony’s brothel. Her regular clients bought expensive gifts, the brothel itself had armed security for the safety of the workers. It was the perfect job. 
Well, almost.
Thea had one problem, and that was in the three years she’d been there, she’d fallen in love with Anthony. It was an unspoken rule in the business - don’t fall for the boss. He had a girlfriend, Courtney, but she rarely visited the brothel. She didn’t like to associate herself with the girls who worked there, which was just fine with Thea. She kept her feelings to herself and thought everything would be fine. She was usually the one who brought Anthony his morning coffee but on one particular morning, things were different. She noticed he seemed tense and was pacing back and forth in his office. There was something about his expression that had Thea stopping in her tracks. She was almost frightened. But then he’d stopped and grabbed her, holding her against the closest wall to kiss her. 
This was everything she’d ever wanted and Thea gave herself to him easily. She wasn’t naive and didn’t really believe in happy endings but there had always been a part of her that had hoped Anthony would somehow realise her feelings for him and return them. Thea had fallen head-over-heels in love with him and had hoped he would get her out of the prostitution game for good. She didn’t want to sell her body anymore, not now she knew Anthony wanted her. Maybe she could help him run the brothel. She was nineteen and she knew the business well enough, right?
That night it was like it’d never even happened. Anthony didn’t look at her when he told Thea her clients were arriving. She was still in his bed and here he was, telling her to return to her room so she could work. Thea was confused but she assumed maybe it was due to Anthony’s relationship with Courtney. He couldn’t let anything be too obvious, right? Not if he was still in it, and maybe he was looking for a way of ending things with her before he swept Thea off her feet. She’d just have to wait. 
What Thea didn’t know was that Anthony had been filming for weeks. He filmed the two of them in bed together, filmed Thea with her various clients and posted the entire thing on the internet. It wasn’t until one night, while she was with a client, that she found out. Courtney had burst in, grabbed Thea’s hair and pulled her straight off the bed, uncaring that she was naked. Thea was thrown against the wall and Courtney screamed at her. It was like she was throwing every insult under the sun at her. 
Thea couldn’t remember much of the attack. Only that her client had left quickly and that when she woke, everything ached. Thea was still in her room, still naked, and beaten black and blue. She’d pulled on her robe and staggered to Anthony’s office to seek help. The sight that greeted her when she got there nearly made her throw up - Anthony taking Courtney on his couch, much like he had with Thea just the day before. They were celebrating something and when they saw Thea, both started laughing at the sight of her. 
Thea learned of the videos Anthony had secretly taken and that the whole thing had been a set up. Courtney had learned of Thea’s feelings for him and together they had hatched a plan of revenge. Anthony had seduced her, recorded everything and uploaded it to the internet. The second attack was worse than the first. Thea wasn’t sure if it was because she was already so injured or whether it was because Anthony joined in. She’d blacked out at some point and this time when she woke up, she was in an unfamiliar alleyway, her belongings in a battered box beside her. 
She was in hospital for several weeks recovering. Unemployed and now homeless, Thea knew she had to do something. She wouldn’t go back to that life. She wasn’t sure she’d survive a second time. So she left, moving from town to town, doing odd jobs here and there, stealing food to survive once again. She reached the small town of Somerton in Maine just before her 20th birthday and got a job at the local strip club. Although how she got the job, she wasn’t quite sure. In her interview she had been exhausted, fed up with rejection after rejection and when she was asked the typical “Why do you want to work here?” she had been a little too honest. She told the interviewer she had worked as a prostitute since she was sixteen and knew what it was like to be at rock bottom so if she could just serve drinks to the customers here, she’d be thankful because at least she wouldn’t feel disgusted with herself. 
Somehow, it had landed her the job. For the first couple of months she served drinks behind the bar but she got to know everyone who worked at the club well. It wasn’t until one of the dancers told her that they were in complete control she began to think about what it’d be like to be one of them. She had been exploited for years and some may say this job was no different. But Thea saw it a different way - she was safe here, she knew that. And if these random men wanted to give her hundreds of dollars just for showing her body and dancing in skimpy outfits, then she’d argue they were really the ones being exploited. Not her. 
That was how she got to where she was now. Five years had passed since she arrived in Somerton and she was settled. She had an apartment right on the coast, a roommate that she liked hanging out with and a job where she was in complete control. No one pulled the strings behind the scenes, no one was controlling her or took a cut of her money. She was safe, she was happy and Thea could only look forwards. 
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donaeis · 5 years
simmer - get to know
by @cupcakegnome​
i was tagged by the amazing @whyhellosims​ and couldn’t pass up on this awesome opportunity to allow yall to get to know me a bit better! 💖
your name: I went on discord a few years ago for some sims help and just named my account Figaro after my favorite horse without really thinking about it... then I actually got hooked on discord and my friends started calling me Fig, so... fig it is! here’s the real fig, though, for those who are interested:
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hes more amazing than i could ever dream to be.
languages you speak: dutch, english, german (i'm gonna go as far as to say dutch and german are mutually intelligible, and tho this gives a bit less of an incentive to actually learn german when germans will understand ur dutch just fine, it also makes learning german significantly easier). I tried to learn greek but even after years and years i just couldnt get past the alphabet LOL. the only greek I know are the bits and pieces I learned from my time spent there, but id have 0 idea how to actually spell that stuff out.
are you a mermaid: if only!! i do feel a very strong connection to water, though—my dad built his own sailing boat and traveled the world with it, and during his travels me and my sis been visiting a lot, living on his boat with him while we did
your play style: so, so story-driven... even when I tell myself I just wanna play the game without a story for once I end up with one by the end of my play session anyway.
your selfsim picture:
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stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: I do stories most of all, but also like regular gameplay, my stories will for a very large part be game-driven, and from time to time ill post some builds. ive done a lookbook too. basically the only thing that wont have too much of a focus on my blog, despite my using it, is cc
your favorite age state: YA
your favorite season: winter
your favorite holiday: talk like a pirate day!
how was your day: actually absolutely terrible LOL. hungover, lost my temper on both a customer as well as a coworker... at least i got through it. 😂
your favorite career: admittedly, I rarely actually play careers cause my sims are way too busy or too dumb to actually be able to go there. if I had to choose any, though... I might actually go with the military
your favorite aspiration: the one that the most of my sims have completed is Friend of the World, cause I like for my sims to be sociable so it doesnt take too much effort to complete it anyway, and the reward of relationships never decaying is great
your favorite EP, SP or GP: vampires will always hold a special place in my heart, but I also absolutely love strangerville! if I had to choose any one favorite, id go with that one.
how old is your simblr: I posted some stuff in march last year but havent been active since, like, november? december? something like that
have you woohooed: yes
your favorite skill: charisma, cause theyll develop it automatically as I play
the size of your mods folder: 2.77 GB
your 3 favorite mods: mc command center, npc control, and personality please (links) are the three mods i absolutely couldn’t play without
your interests (other than sims): writing, dancing, creating (i love things like character creation), horse riding & anything involving animals, really.
your favorite sim (picture if possible): this is actually incredibly difficult for me cause im not sure i have 1 favorite. a lot of sims of mine will always hold a special place in my heart. my favorite sim to play fluctuates a lot... but god, if i had to choose any favorite sim whom i really completely made through sims and who was not a non-sims character already precious to me turned into a sims character.... itd probably be tika. hes an asshole but man, do i just love him and especially his story.
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which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): the sims 1, 2 and 4
propose a crazy scheme: the sims community actually coming up with some GOOD sims 4 qualities for once 
best part of simblr: the amazing people I got to meet on here!
worst part of simblr: hmm... though i feel its much much less toxic than places like youtube or even the official forums, there is still some negativity here sometimes
what other games you play: im kind of a noob with other games, honestly. I used to play a whooole bunch of horse-related games (am a total horse girl), and I played the battle for middle earth (also looove me some LOTR). used to go to my childhood best friend's house to steal her brother's xbox and play gta iv on it, and I bought gta v for myself but sadly, I suck too bad at games to actually progress any with it
other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): im on wordpress (here). i also mod a sims-based, lgbtq+ discord server called simsclub 
are you single: very happily so, yes.
im tagging @wesunnysimmer​, @nyteroseshadowthorn​, @amuhav​, @chaosxsims​, @silverspringsimmer​, @polishsimmersblog​ and well, uh... basically anyone that wants to do this! feel absolutely free to ignore this if you dont want to. 
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Game Journal 05/14/20: Waycrest Manor Is The Ideal WoW Haunted Mansion.
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I’m a huge fan of the classical “Haunted Mansion” archetype (catch me at Disneyland when all this pandemic stuff is over).  Ghosts, spooky monsters, flying books, skeletons, it’s all good, and all things I think the ideal “Haunted Mansion” has.  So Waycrest Manor up in Kul-Tiras’ Drustvar zone is one hell of an instance in my books!  Coming at the end of the Drustvar storyline, which is just filled to the brim with the spookiest crap you can imagine, Waycrest Manor is one hell of a culmination to a zone story line that’s already been filled with witches, zombies and ghosts.
The mansion itself is classical “spooky” all the way through,  Grand wings, always raining, eternal night, filled with witches and wicker monsters.  All this and more goes a long way to making Waycrest Manor a modernized version of my personal favorite instance in the Entirety of WoW, Shadowfang Keep.  The bosses run a wide gamut, everything from giant pig men, giant soul beasts, even a weird take on the three fates from Hercules.  Every one of their battles is cleverly designed and brings a lot of fun along with them!  
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The Courtyard, where you fight a giant wickerbeast, is a refreshing change of pace for an instance like this.  Many of BfA instances felt like running down hallways, so it’s at least nice to get some “fresh air” as it were.
Most importantly though, at least in my book, the atmosphere on display is ridiculously strong.  If there’s one thing the zones in Battle For Azeroth were great at, it’s building their own little worlds in the far corners of the separate new continents.  Drustvar is already one of the best designed zones in WoW, so it’s only natural that it’s capper be such a powerhouse as well.  Among all the zones of Kul-Tiras I feel extremely confident that Drustvar, and Waycrest Manor by extension, got the most love and attention of all the zones in this entire expansion.  If you’ve somehow made it through BfA without ever making it into a group for this instance, I implore you to give it a try.  You may have outleveled the loot, but you sure aren’t going to outlevel this good of a time!
Random Screenshot Of The Day:
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You find me one haunted mansion that doesn’t have a giant pipe organ somewhere on the grounds, one!
Stray Notes:
-  Y’all see that absurd Epic Games Store sale?  Free GTA V?  $10 Coupon that just keeps refreshing every time you buy something new?  If they want all of my money they could have easily just robbed me, but now here we are with me buying too many video games again.
- Speaking of buying too many video games, I have a Hatsune Miku game downloading right now, I swear I’m not a weeb!  I bully weebs!  How could this have happened!?
- I also resolved to finally go back and finish The Outer Worlds, which I stalled out on quite awhile ago.  I don’t think I could really be all that far from the end of the game....right?
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love-laika · 7 years
It’s game of the year season seemingly wherever I go now, so I thought it might be interesting to think about what my personal GOTYs would be for every year of my life that I’ve had them.
1996-2002: family did not own any video games, except maybe my dad had Tony Hawk 2 for his old computer at some point? It was a long time ago
2003: the year I got my Gameboy advance (silver). I had one game that I played all year and it was Super Mario World still love that game its probably my most played game of all time
2004: would you believe that Half-Life 2, Katamari Damacy, Burnout 3, and Metroid Prime 2 all came out this year? Anyways I didn't own any of those consoles. I had Pokemon fire red on a GBA SP and that backlight saved my childhood. Honorable mention: Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
2005: it's Pokemon back-2-back baby. I asked my grandma for Leaf Green and instead she bought a different green (Emerald) game. Which like, thanks grandma and probably guy at target for that one. Over the next 2 years or so, I had two different save files, each with about 250 hours
2006: the year of the DS and I am at the point in my life where I have more than one non-Pokemon game a year to play. I basically lived in animal crossing wild world for that part of my life. I have distinct memories of me and my friends all piled into a minivan with that one. Honorable mention: RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
2007: I was lucky enough to somehow get a Wii from my parents despite the fact that people were getting into fist fights over them. I could say Mario Galaxy or Zelda or Pokemon but nah, Need for Speed Carbon. My first racing game that for a short time made me obsessed with cars
2008: ok I'm going to cheat on this one because there are two games I can't not mention. Pre-PS3 acquiring GOTY is Guitar Hero 3 it's not even the best GH but it was the one I had and I played the shit out of it. Post-PS3 has to go to LittleBigPlanet because I was equally obsessed
2009: honestly tbh two of my favorite came out this year but I'm picking one. While Skate 2 is my second favorite skating game of all time (behind THPS2), Uncharted 2 wins this year. I'm now 13 and "plugged in" to the gaming scene and buy games as they come out!
2010: the year my parents got divorced!! I spent a lot of time avoiding things with video games. I now have my own PC that can kind of game. The first indie contender is Super Meat Boy! I also poured hours into Battlefield Bad Company 2 but the winner absolutely has to be a game from 2008. Fallout 3, while I acknowledge that New Vegas is superior in almost every way, is a game that sucked me in for over 200 hours that year. I was ready for the biggest disappointment in my whole life 5 years later (thanks Todd)
2011: I love LittleBigPlanet 2 and Minecraft to death but Portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 po
2012: honestly, I don't remember fucking any of the major games released this year. I guess I played Borderlands 2? so fuck it, Team Fortress 2 is my GOTY for 2012
2013: it ain't Bioshock Infinite or GTA V that's for sure! My three faves from 2013 are, from bottom to top: Gone Home (everybody's favorite gay walking sim), Saints Row 4 (when SR5???), and The Last of Us (shocker right, who didn't pick that)
2014: as much as I loved Titanfall, I already feel a bit bad about shorting Brawl and Melee in the past. I put way more time into Smash for Wii U (and 3DS) than any fighting/party game. Still praying for that switch port because then it would be literally perfect
2015: my GOTY is Fuck Fallout 4 lmao. No but actually its Undertale because it’s fucking amazing, just sort of everywhere. Sorry Life is Strange, sorry Super Mario Maker, I'm still a Homestuck in my heart
2016: I've been so bad at playing games this year, I actually still have games from last year I want to finish (VA-11 Hall-A whoops). but god Titanfall 2 is so good, it’s a shame Respawn has had so much trouble finding financial success
2017: AND FINALLY, THIS YEAR will have to wait because im busy
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Download And Install Gta 5 For Android
Uptodown Pc Games Gta 5
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How properly can you run Grand Theft Auto V on a GTX 1050-Ti (Mobile) @ 720p, 1080p or 1440p on low, medium, Gta 5 Android higher or max settings? Extract the Grand Theft Auto 5 Information file by utilizing any zip extractor. Following the GTA 5 apk file is installed in your Android device, open the file explorer and go to Internal Storage > Android > obb > GTA five. Gameplay. On-screen controls, it does support some USB controllers though. Touch-modified GTA3 UI, with improvements. You swipe across the weapons icon to change weapons, you swipe the radio station name to transform stations, and you swipe the map to access it.
Right after you finish installing the GTA five APK file, Go back to the Privacy
What could have been an opportunity to produce the ultimate, definitive version of GTA: San Andreas comes across as anything of a missed chance. There's debate on GTA fan sites about the extent to which the mobile version is better than the Computer original in terms of components such as draw distance and asset high-quality - the Xbox 360 version occupies 2GB of space vs the 4GB of the original PS2 and Computer versions. Undoubtedly the mobile release on which the 360 game is based appears to lack effects, such as the screen distortion designed to emulate heat haze, even though radio station music is pared back, presumably since of licensing problems. This 360 port also suffers from glaringly clear bugs, like audio cutting out totally in the course of some cut-scenes.
1. If you have already GTA:SA, dont download the Obb file beneath. If not, then download the three files. Ever the due to the fact the release of very first GTA game back in 1997 lots of us have fallen in like with the game In current time GTA five download for Android (GTA five for Android APK Data) was released and you can now get it for your telephone. GTA BOOM is the original supply for all factors Grand Theft Auto. We are the only web-site dedicated to posting every day GTA news and have the biggest collection of game guides available anywhere. Never overlook our complete GTA 5 cheats list as well.
The following post will show you a bit information and facts concerning the game itself. There, we will overview every single single element that seems in the most recent portion of GTA. When we do that, we will take a short moment for listing the most essential alterations that occurred in Grand Theft Auto V. Of course in order to show you why our web page is the most effective provider of GTA five mobile, it is also crucial for you to recognize what are the essential attributes of this software program. Only then will you be in a position to fully comprehend what awaits you.
Using GTA five cheats is a great way to improve your encounter and maximize the enjoyable you're guaranteed to have in the game. No matter whether you want to mess with physics (slidey cars, super jump, and so on), augment your combat skills with many distinctive ammo kinds or explosive punches, or just carry out an impromptu base jump, these cheats have got you covered. We've verified every single 1 as functioning individually, too. To understand additional about how to activate GTA 5's cell-telephone cheats on the PS4, Xbox One and Pc versions of the game (in addition to button combinations or the in-game console , respectively), read on! We've got the guidelines as nicely as a comprehensive list of codes to use.
The story of the game, which is playable only in single player, follows 3 criminals and their efforts to commit heists all while below the scrutiny of a government agency in the story. GTA 5's narrative is additional sophisticated and complex than these of its predecessors. It could even be said the game's story reflects the true world, most especially the socio-economic realities in America.
I stopped into Rockstar's New York offices this week to take a peek at how the tablet and smartphone ports of GTA3 are progressing. The game was playable in tablet form at New York Comic Con a couple of weekends ago, but that's not normally an excellent place for a media preview. This was just me in a quiet area with some Rockstar reps on hand to demo 3 versions of the game, operating on NVIDIA's as-yet-unreleased Project Kal-El” tablet, an iPad two and an iPhone 4S.
Grand Theft Auto known as GTA, this is the most well known and most loved game in the world. Considering the fact that childhood, we ware played quite a few GTA game like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Vice City and a lot of extra. In 2013 Rockstar Games launched GTA five that has been called the greatest game ever created. It was accessible for the PlayStation three and Xbox 360 at the time. But a year later it was also released on the PS4 and Xbox A single. And a single more year later the developers released the Pc version and filled the market place. But it is been so lots of years and now GTA five beta launch for mobile.
0 notes
evenifyoudontfic · 7 years
Even If You Don’t: Chapter 25
Previous chapter
Mari’s POV; 9am
I woke up the next morning the sun shining directly on my face. I groaned quietly, rolling onto my other side, opening my eyes to find Kaylynn watching TV.
“Morning, sunshine,” she giggled at my less-than-amused expression.
“Tell the sunshine to go away,” I whined, burying half of my face in the pillow.
“I don’t think I can do that, sorry,” she smiled, getting up and going to the window, “But I can close the curtain.”
“I’m already awake,” I sighed, “I might as well just pack.”
“Already done,” Kaylynn informed me, “Your sweats are on the bathroom counter with your toiletry bag, so all you have to pack is that and your pajamas.” I smiled slightly.
“Thanks, Kay,” I murmured, dragging myself out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready for the day.
I brushed my teeth, changed into my other clothes, and went back into the room. Kaylynn had turned the TV off and made both of our beds, ready to go get Kenzie and Vanessa to go to the boys’ house.
“You sure you still want to go?” Kaylynn asked, “We can just hang around here until we have to head to the airport.
“I’m sure,” I nodded, “I still have to kick Mikey’s ass in GTA one more time.”
“That���s my girl,” she beamed, holding her hand up for a high-five.
I grinned lightly again and we met the other two girls in the hallway after making sure we had everything we’d brought with us. Kaylynn had called Bryan after I went into the bathroom, so he was already waiting for us when we got outside.
Once we made it to the boys’ house, we didn’t even get to knock on the door before Ashton was pulling it open.
“Hey, guys!” he smiled brightly – way too chipper for 9:30am in my opinion, but hey, that was Ashton for you. “Come in!” he ushered us inside, “Guys! They’re here!”
“Wow,” Kaylynn nodded as she looked around, “It’s cleaner this time around.”
“Yeah, well, Ash made us clean when we got back from shows all week,” Luke said, coming into the room with Calum following behind him like a lost puppy. We made eye contact for a brief moment, but quickly looked away when the blonde started talking again. “Mike’s waiting for you downstairs, Mari,” he looked at me, “Said he’s looking forward to kicking your ass in GTA.”
“In his dreams,” I rolled my eyes. I tightly gripped the hoodie in my hands, holding it out to Calum. “Here, Cal...” I said softly, “Figured you’d want this back.” He barely nodded, taking it from me before I hurried downstairs.
I trotted to the main room of the basement where Michael was sitting on the floor in front of the TV, already playing Grand Theft Auto V. He had propped himself up against the couch, a second controller sitting beside him.
“Hi, Mikey,” I said softly, going around the back of the couch so I didn’t walk in front of him.
“Mari!” he beamed, pausing the game and waiting for me to sit down so he could hug me tightly. Michael ended his current game and switched to multiplayer so I could join in.
About 30 minutes of in-game horseplay and Michael's terrible jokes later, he apparently decided to get serious.
“We know what happened last night, kitten,” Michael told me as we continued playing the game. I let out a breathy laugh.
“I should have known Kay was gonna tell you,” I replied.
“How do you know Cal didn’t?”
“Because I know him,” I murmured.
“It’s okay to be upset about it, you know?” he said thoughtfully, “It was a really shitty reason to end it.”
“I know, but if he couldn’t handle the distance, I don’t want to make him stay with me,” I shrugged, “Maybe we just weren’t meant to be.”
“Like you believe that,” he nudged me. I laughed lightly again, laying my head on his shoulder.
“I don’t,” I confirmed, “But I’ll get over it. I don’t want to talk about that anyway. I’d rather talk about how many times I’m gonna kick your ass in the next six hours.”
“Oh, I love talking about dreams!” he sighed dramatically. I elbowed his side, picking my head up to look at him.
“Alright then, what do you say we make this a little more interesting, Clifford?” I proposed.
“How so, Duncan?” he returned with a small smirk.
“We turn away from the TV and try to kill each other without looking,” I said, “Whoever loses buys pizza for everyone for lunch.”
“Oh, you are so on,” he snickered. We put our characters in the same room and switched weapons to only our fists, then spun around so we were no longer facing the TV just as everyone else was coming down the stairs.
“What are you guys doing?” Kenzie asked with a small giggle.
“Mari’s buying lunch!” Michael chirped.
“Loser’s buying lunch,” I reminded him, rolling my eyes.
“Isn’t that what I said?” he smirked again, earning himself a shove.
“Here’s how it’s gonna work, Mikey,” I announced, “This is gonna be a clean game – that means no one will tell us where our characters are, no weapons except for hands, and if you put any one of your fingers near my controller, I’m gonna snap it in half.”
Michael gasped dramatically, “I can’t believe you don’t trust me, kitten.”
“I’d trust you with my life, Mikey,” I stated, “I just don’t trust you when we’re playing video games.”
He paused for a moment before nodding, “Fair enough. You ready for this, Duncan?”
“Born ready, Clifford,” I grinned slyly, “Okay, someone count us down.” Vanessa happily took initiative.
“3... 2... 1... Go!” she squeaked.
It was only about 7 minutes later that a winner was declared. Everyone started cheering as Michael and I snapped our heads back to the TV, finding the ‘WASTED’ screen over his character.
“Yeah!” I shouted happily, throwing my arms up.
Michael threw his arms around my waist and tackled me to the ground, lying on top of me. He started tickling my sides to make me laugh, but I didn’t mind, honestly; I knew I needed a good laugh after what had happened yesterday.
Calum’s POV
Since I was standing behind everyone, I got lucky in that no one noticed how tight my jaw was getting. Mari and Michael had been best friends pretty much since the moment we all met, but the way her face scrunched up in the same way that it did when she was with me made me jealous beyond all reason.
I knew it was my fault – and boy, did I hate myself for it – but that was the thing about me; No matter how badly I wanted to fix things, I was incredibly stubborn. And no matter how jealous I was now was going to make me admit to anyone else that I was wrong.
Mari’s POV; 10:30pm
Calum wouldn’t stop staring at me the entire time we were waiting in the airport terminal and I found myself desperate for our plane to start boarding so I didn’t have to deal with it anymore. His gaze made me feel so self-conscious and small that I just wanted to curl into a ball and disappear.
Finally, like God was speaking down from the heavens himself, the woman over the airport intercom announced that our flight to London was finally boarding.
I let out a small sigh of relief, quickly grabbing the peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks that Michael insisted to buy for me off the table as we all stood up. After making sure we all had our carry-ons, the boys followed us to the gate entrance, all of them except for Calum having prominent pouts on their faces.
“Don’t be strangers, okay?” Michael hugged the other girls, “If you’re ever back in Sydney, we’ll take care of you.”
“My mum’s dog would take better care of me than you would,” Kaylynn shot him a glare, shoving his shoulder. I let out a breath as I giggled softly, keeping my head down but still knowing everyone had looked at me.
“I think I could out-care a dog, Kaylynn,” he scoffed, turning his attention back to the bassist.
“Don’t be so sure, Mike,” Vanessa chirped, “Cal was a search and rescue dog for half of her life.”
“Cal?” he raised his eyebrows.
“Cal,” Kaylynn interrupted, her tone menacing, “Short for Callie. I would argue it really is a great nickname for a bitch though, wouldn’t you?” Calum swallowed thickly when she looked at him. “Oh, right!” she exclaimed plainly, “Cal is your nickname too! I totally forgot! What are the cha-“
“Kay,” I whispered, making everyone look at me again, “It’s not worth it; Let’s just forget it and go home.” The girls agreed and began walking toward the gate while I remained in my spot. Luke and Ashton hugged me tightly before Michael took his turn.
“Stay in touch, okay?” he mumbled into my ear, “I’m gonna miss playing video games and causing trouble with you.” I let out a genuine laugh that time.
“You've got my gamer tag, Mikey – just text me whenever you wanna play,” I squeezed him lightly before letting go, “And if you’re ever back in London, I don’t mind sharing a bed with you.” I stole a glance at Calum, taking note of how his jaw had tightened, before looking at the other boys. “Thanks for bringing us on tour, guys. It’s a shame it had to come to an end,” I said, my eyes trained on Calum. I stood there for a moment before bending down to pick up my carry-on bag and turning around, walking toward the gate.
“Duncan!” I heard Michael call out. I turned, now walking backwards slowly. “Call me when you get back, yeah?” he told me, “Wanna know you got home safe.” The corner of my mouth twitched into a half-smile.
“Anything for my favorite person, Clifford,” I told him, noticing Calum shift uncomfortably.
“Hey!” Luke pouted, “I was your favorite person three hours ago!”
“Better start being more careful about talking with your hands then, Hemmo,” I shot back, pulling on the bottom of the shirt he had given me to replace mine when he spilled his drink on me at dinner.
He sighed, “I’m not getting that back, am I?”
“Nope,” I smirked, winking at him before turning around again and hurrying to the gate before I missed my flight.
Next chapter
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chefgeofframsay · 7 years
Title: Revelations Pairing: Trevor Collins/Reader Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 6,514 Summary: GTA V AU: “Reader and Trevor are in rival crews but they keep that from each other as they start a relationship and find out about the others criminal life while doing a heist and the crews meet?” Commission for @karlitaburrito Warnings: Guns, canon-typical mentions of violence, fights, angst
Rooftops were a quiet place for you to sit and consider things more often than not. Admittedly, you were mostly there to shoot people, which wasn’t the greatest thing that you could be doing but one, if you weren’t up there with a sniper rifle, someone else would be and the whole chain of events would happen regardless and two, at least it gave you time to clear your head. Los Santos looked the way most things did: better from a distance and up on the fifty-story skyscraper, it looked magnificent. It was far quieter than down on the sidewalks where there was constant screaming, car horns, and people who played their (shitty) music too loud. Paired with the smell of garbage and exhausted fumes, it made living in the city far less appealing.
But the view?
The view more than made up for it in the end. You dealt with everything else just to have the ability to jump in a helicopter and sit on a rooftop and stop for a minute, and enjoy. You just wish it’d stay quiet longer than it seemed to.
“Earth to [Y/N] up there!” A woman’s voice coming from the earpiece in your left ear shook you back to reality. “We need you to focus up on the target. We’ve got a minute, maybe a minute and a half tops before that door closes.”
“Have I ever let you down before?” you asked, taking the moment left of calm to screw the silencer onto your sniper.
“There’s a first time for everything,” another voice, male this time, chimed in.
“Adam?” you sighed, squinting to look into your scope properly. You aimed your shot at the fuse box just beyond the cargo bay door that had opened a few minutes ago, waiting until the truck pulled out to pull the trigger. There was a loud bang as the bullet made contact with the target and a shower of electrical sparks before total darkness. “Go fuck yourself.”
Adam’s chuckles buzzed through your earpiece and you smirked as you watched him and Elyse rush through the cargo bay, under the door that was permanently open now that the power was cut. You’d remain up there until they exited the same way they came, or until they told you otherwise. Then there’d be a jump, a parachute to the top of a parking garage, where there’d be a car waiting for you to drive away. Everything was planned perfectly.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Adam whispered quickly.
“What’s wrong?”
Adam’s reply was harder to hear over the sound of gunshots. “You’ll never guess who came in the front door.”
About ten seconds later, you saw three men rush out the cargo bay door and you didn’t have to think about it to figure out who they were. Two were more than familiar to you, and the third you could guess who it was.
“How the fuck did they get here before us?” you grumbled, tracking them as they ran for the alleyway next to the building. “Do you want me to take them out?”
“As much as I want to say yes, it’ll end up damaging the score and it’ll be useless,” Elyse sighed. “We’re bailing before the cops show up and you should do the same.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you grumbled, watching as three members of the Fake AH Crew, your immediate rival in Los Santos (all gangs were rivals but the shit they pulled? Another level of personal) speed out of the alleyway on bikes. In spite of what Elyse told you, out of anger, you aimed for the back tire of the bike holding two people and pulled the trigger. The bike skittered and slid out from under them once the tire popped. You chuckled as you watched them scramble, and as the other bike returned, you lined up a shot and pulled the trigger again, popping the front tire of the other bike. You could have shot those sitting ducks then and there, but deciding to let the LSPD deal with them (you noticed the lights coming) you decided to bail. The parachuting to the garage and getting to the car that’d drive you away worked flawlessly and as you drove down the street, away from the scene of the crime, you could see the cars surrounding them. If nothing else, that certainly made you feel better.
Unfortunately, not everyone was as pleased as you were with yourself about the fact you had shot out the usurpers’ tires.
“You did what?” asked Bruce, giving you a look as if you were absolutely insane.
“Tires. Shot them,” you repeated. “Makes the bikes useless. They got the score but they didn’t get away.”
“And you guys are sure it was Geoff’s lot?” he asked, glancing from you to Adam and then to Elyse.
“Yeah,” sighed Elyse, nodding.
“It was the angry one with glasses, the short one, and the one with the nose,” Adam explained. “Came in the front door and by the time we got to the vault, they were already in there cackling. Thanked us for turning off the lights and rushed out the way we came in.”
“Fuck!” Bruce exclaimed, slamming his fist on the table. “First, they beat us there and then we piss them off. You know we don’t have the numbers if they come for us, [Y/N]. And you got three of their guys arrested.”
“But I didn’t kill them, did I?” you asked. “I could have just as easily put those bullets in their head.”
“[Y/N] has a point,” came another voice from another of the men in the room. The source of the voice, Lawrence, was standing near the door, his glasses in one hand while the other rubbed his face. “Maybe not the smartest way to go about it, but they’ve been laughing in our faces and we’re just taking it.”
“Not your decision,” Bruce said slowly. “Though since you two are so bent on bringing a crew twice our size to their knees, you two can figure out how to get us out of this mess before the come knocking on our door.”
You and Lawrence looked at each other, and just shrugged. It wasn’t something that was a suggestion so much as a demand, and you’d already upset Bruce enough for one night. The group more or less dispersed after that, and you made your way over to where Lawrence was standing.
“Do you actually want to help?” he asked you, shoving his glasses back onto his face.
“Do you actually need my help?” you questioned, raising your eyebrows and when he shook his head, you snorted. “Then I guess we’ve got this figured out. I’m going to go home before Trevor gets off from work.”
“Do you want a ride?” Elyse asked as she approached, James close behind.
“Yeah, I’d appreciate it,” you told her, smiling. “I let him borrow my bike because his car got messed up at work.”
“How?” asked James, “doesn’t he work as overnight security?”
“I think his car got hit in the parking lot,” you explained, looking over at him, but it suddenly hit you that Trevor hadn’t actually explained what’d happened to his car. He’d just told you it wasn’t usable for a few days while it got fixed, and asked if he could borrow your Akuma. In the back of the car, while James and Elyse prattled away about a heist the two of them were planning, you pulled your phone out of your jacket pocket to text him.
 [To: Trevor]
 Sorry you might beat me home! I ended up staying at my friend’s later than I meant to. How was work tonight?
You always felt a little guilty about lying to Trevor. It was more of a preservation thing than anything else, and not even preserving yourself. He was safer not knowing the kind of things you got into, or how good you were with a gun. The Fake AH Crew were a predictable bunch, but they always seemed to change the game when you got comfortable. It also didn’t help that you felt as if Trevor was the one normal thing in your life. Your relationship with him was the one thing you never felt dirty about; there wasn’t anything shady about it. You were just two people who loved each other. It was nice (hell, it was necessary) to have one not criminal part of your life.
He didn’t take long to reply, and the buzzing of your phone in your hand shook you from your inner guilt trip.
 [From: Trevor]
Don’t worry, I haven’t left work yet. It’s been a bad night. Boss is unhappy.
[To: Trevor]
I’m sorry, babe :( I’ll be up with whiskey and kisses when you get home.
“How is he, anyway?” Elyse asked, causing you to look up from your phone. She was looking expectantly at you from the rearview mirror.
“What?” you asked confusedly.
“Trevor,” she explained. “I’m assuming that’s who you’re texting.”
“It is,” you chuckled. “He’s had a rough night at work, apparently.”
“He’s not the only one,” she sighed. The two of you seemed to deflate a bit as you remembered the night’s events. How had they gotten there before you? You still couldn’t figure that out.
After a few more minutes of silence, James spoke, turning in the passenger’s seat to look at you.
“Have you told him yet?”
You grimaced. “No.”
“How much longer do you think you’ll get away with not telling him?” he pressed. You shrugged, really not wanting to have this conversation yet again. As much as you loved James and Elyse, they weren’t exactly proponents of how you chose to conduct your life. At least, not when it came to keeping Trevor in the dark.
“Hopefully forever,” you said shortly. “I don’t see the need to involve him in any of it. He’s got enough stress with work, and…”
“And he deserves to know there’s a real possibility that one day, his girlfriend might not come home,” James pointed out, giving you a look. The thought made your stomach churn. You knew how dangerous your chosen lifestyle was, and when you were alone, it didn’t matter much that you continuously put yourself in harm’s way to make money. Trevor hadn’t exactly been in the plans, but he’d appeared and you couldn’t let him get away and now you had to keep both facets of your life separate. It was what kept you sane.
“Just don’t,” you grumbled. “It’s not your business.” Thankfully, he couldn’t get another word in edgewise because Elyse was pulling into an empty spot near the front door of your building. You thanked her for the ride and quickly jumped out, slamming the car door behind you. After punching in the right code to get in the door, and pushing the button on the elevator to get you to the nineteenth floor. While the elevator rambled its way upward, you dug around your pockets for your keys, finally finding them in an inside pocket of your jacket, and as the doors slid open, you headed for the third door on the left. Shoving the key into the lock, you opened your front door and sighed with relief to see you’d still beaten Trevor home.
It didn’t help the guilt thing when he was sitting on the couch waiting for you.
You meandered into your kitchen, pulling two of the nice glasses from the drying rack next to the sink (they never seemed to make it back to their proper home with the rest of your nice drinkware because they were in constant use) and grabbed the bottle of whiskey from the cabinet that the two of you left for alcohol. You found your way back into the living room, putting the glasses and bottle onto the coffee table before flopping down onto the couch.
You told yourself you were only going to lay there for a second, and just close your eyes because you were looking right up at the light…
The next thing you knew, an exhausted looking Trevor was sitting on the floor next to where your head was with his back against the couch.
“Hey,” you greeted groggily (you’d definitely fallen asleep), rolling over to face him and reaching a hand out to run it through his hair. “How long have you been home?”
“About five minutes,” he told you, raising his glass to his mouth. “You looked much too cute to wake up.” He smirked, looking over at you before taking a sip of his whiskey. You pulled your hand away from his head and went to sit up to give him space to sit on the couch, but reached back, putting his hand on your hip to stop you.
“Don’t bother,” he said, “I’m comfortable down here. Besides, I don’t think I could get up right now if I tried.”
“If you say so, Trev,” you sighed, settling back in and beginning to play with his hair again; he let his eyes shut and a small smile appeared on his face. “Do you want to talk about work?”
“Not much to talk about,” he explained after a moment. Trevor sighed heavily and leaned back into your hand, giving you a better angle. “Three people didn’t exactly do their jobs right and now the boss isn’t thrilled with any of us.”
Well, that was something you could relate to.
“Sorry you had a bad night,” you said quietly.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, turning to look at you, causing your hand to fall from his head again. He smiled at you, and you could tell how tired he was. You’d been with Trevor long enough to notice the way that his tired smile pulled at the corners of his lips and how his eyes just didn’t have that sparkle they usually did.
“One bad night’s not the end of the world,” Trevor pointed out. “It’ll be fine.” He leaned over towards you, giving you a quick kiss. “What about you? How was Elyse’s?”
“It was good,” you lied, groaning internally. You hated these conversations and having to make stuff up, but it beat the alternatives of scaring him away and having two areas of your life you needed to keep secret colliding. “The three of us had dinner out at that place in Vinewood and then we came back and watched some movie and I might have fallen asleep.”
“It’s probably a good thing I had your bike then,” Trevor chuckled. “Or else you might not have made it home.”
“Maybe not,” you agreed. You let out a loud yawn as Trevor emptied his glass of whiskey.
“We should probably both get some sleep,” he suggested and with a bit of effort, he managed to push himself off the floor, stretching out and making various joints crack as he did. “Come on,” he said, holding his hand out for you to take. You grabbed it and went to sit up, but the nap seemed to turn your body to lead and instead of moving, you just groaned. Trevor laughed lazily, tightening his grip on your hand and pulling you up off the couch. He held your hand as he led you on the familiar path through the apartment and into your bedroom. The two of you fell into your usual routine of him changing while you brushed your teeth and washed your face and then switching out (and him kissing your head as you passed each other in the bathroom door way) and then you changed into your pajamas while he brushed his teeth and washed his face. You were waiting in bed, trying to hold off from falling asleep again until Trevor climbed into bed with you.
“Hey,” Trevor said suddenly, popping out of the bathroom as he dried his face. “You know where we haven’t been in a while?”
“Anywhere that doesn’t smell like exhaust fumes and garbage?” you replied, smirking. He rolled his eyes at you, shaking his head.
“I was thinking the Del Perro Pier,” he told you. “Which smells like fish and garbage, so I guess you’re right.” You both laughed at that, and Trevor tossed his towel back into the bathroom and headed for the light-switch. Not long after the room went dark, the bed dipped and an arm snaked its way around your middle. He buried his face in your neck, sighing happily.
“Do you want to go ride the ferris wheel and get stuck at the top for an hour again?” you asked him, chuckling. “Relive our first date?” You felt him smile against your neck.
“Why not?” His voice was muffled but so close to your ear that you had no problem making out the words. “It worked so well for me the first time.” He pressed a kiss to your neck. You couldn’t help but smile at that.
“I don’t see why we can’t,” you told him. “Saturday?”
“Yeah, I think Saturday will work,” he stated. “I think I’m off.”
“We can figure it out tomorrow,” you yawned. “Right now I can’t keep my eyes open.”
“Night,” he muttered into your neck, squeezing you a little bit as he shuffled closer.
You were asleep before you could say anything.
You were awoken rudely at noon by your phone ringing loudly on the night stand next to you. You were at a total loss of what was going on for a second, and then you were sure your phone was right there (but you hadn’t plugged it in last night?) and then you recognized the ringtone: Bruce was calling. You reached out and managed to accept the call right before it went to voicemail.
“Hello?” you answered, trying to stifle a yawn.
“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. We figured out how you’re going to fix this.” Bruce sounded to be in a better mood than he had been last night.
“Be ready in an hour, we’re coming to get you. We’ll explain then,” Bruce told you, and then the line went dead. You rolled your eyes, but accepted the fact you had to get up and go take a shower before he got to your apartment. Stopping to check your notifications, you noticed the most recent one was a text from Trevor.
[From: Trevor]
Sorry I’m not home :( Boss called and I had to go in early. I plugged your phone in before I left though!
You shot him a quick sad face in response, and then thanked him for plugging your phone in. You then threw yourself out of bed and within fifteen minutes, you were standing in front of your mirror, dripping wet, trying to decide what to do with your hair. In the end, you blow-dried it the best you could, pulled a beanie (definitely Trevor’s) on as you got dressed, and called it a day. Grabbing your phone, you headed out of your bedroom, grabbed a quick snack, and headed down to the front door of your building. You had barely finished your snack when you saw James pulling up in Bruce’s car with Bruce in the passenger’s seat. Wordlessly, you slid into the back seat, waiting for Bruce to explain.
After a few minutes of driving in silence, Bruce finally spoke. “We’re going to meet with Geoff and one of his boys,” Bruce said simply. “You’re coming with me. We’ll see if we can’t hash things out. You’re going to apologize for your outburst and the unfortunate consequences, and that’ll be that.”
You desperately wanted to roll your eyes at the mention of an “outburst” because your actions were perfectly reasonable; if nothing else, they weren’t severe enough. Still, you held your tongue and waited to see if Bruce would go on. When he did, you just continued to listen.
“They might demand we surrender you to them,” he sighed, “and don’t worry, we won’t. Just keep your mouth shut besides the apology. Okay?”
“Fine,” you said quietly. You decided to just go along with it, at least for the time being. You had a terrible habit of not being able to bite your tongue and a burning desire to be snarky at any possible opportunity. But you’d agreed to (maybe) keep your mouth shut (for once) and that was what you’d do. As James pulled the car to the curb and brought it to a stop, you saw that you were meeting at an abandoned warehouse, which seemed cliché (read: lame) but you kept your mouth shut.
“I’ll be here waiting for you guys,” James informed as Bruce opened the door to get out. James turned back to face you and gave you a reassuring thumbs up, making you roll your eyes but nevertheless smile and return it. You slid out of the car, shutting the car door behind you and following after Bruce. The warehouse itself smelled like dust and rust and a bit of gunpowder, and it certainly made your nose crinkle, but you were just glad it didn’t smell like decomp. You hated the fucking smell of decomp. You weren’t surprised to see two other people lurking in the shadows by the staircase and you could just feel the words, the comment about what an obvious (read: lame) power move it was but you bit your tongue once more. You stopped right behind Bruce, crossing your arms while you waited for the others to join you in the middle of the room. After a minute of them talking to each other, they came to meet you, and the first into view was a man you were all too familiar with. Geoff Ramsey, while you’d never actually seen him out on a heist, you recognized his face from the posters. Someone in the crew had rounded up wanted posters of Ramsey a year back and tacked them to the wall for knife target practice. Your attention turned to the other man as he fully came into view. He was…
There was absolutely no doubt in your mind that that was your boyfriend. You squinted because it couldn’t be but the harder you looked the more you realized that yes, it was. The air seemed to leave your lungs and everything suddenly seemed so far away as you stared at him, unable to comprehend anything else that was going on. He was staring back at you like a deer caught in the headlights of a bus. You wanted to run. You wanted to throw up. You wanted to do anything that wasn’t see your boyfriend standing next to Geoff fucking Ramsey, representing your crew’s main rival.
Bruce nudging you in the arm was what brought you back to your senses. “Don’t you have something to say, kid?” he led, giving you a ‘don’t fucking embarrass me’ look.
“Right,” you said breathlessly, looking from Bruce back over to Geoff and Trevor and not really seeing anything. You couldn’t focus; all you saw was two people shaped blurs. “Sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” snapped Geoff. “Sorry for ruining our score or getting my guys arrested?”
You could hear your normal self in the back of your mind, saying something along the lines of ‘sorry I didn’t kill them when I had the chance’ but the rest of you was just freaking out about the face Trevor was there, and now Trevor knew what you did.
In the end, it was Bruce that answered.
“You know it wasn’t a big deal,” Bruce sighed. “Your guys are already out and she could have easily aimed those bullets somewhere else but she didn’t. I think we can let it go.”
“I think we’ll let it go when our boy over here has had a chance to show her his knife collection,” Geoff stated, looking over at Trevor with a smug face. Trevor looked panicked as he looked back at Geoff. He shook his head slightly, causing Geoff to roll his eyes.
“What? Are you not going to consider it because she’s a girl?” he groaned. Trevor looked from Geoff to you and back, mouth opening and closing it repeatedly. Geoff glared at him for a moment, and then turned back to you and Bruce.
“Fine,” he said through gritted teeth. “You guys will bring us the money you lost us when the cops confiscated everything we took, and we’ll call it even.” Bruce looked at you, and then back at Geoff.
“We can do that,” he told him. There was a silence, which Bruce took to mean everything was done. Without another word, he turned and headed back towards the door you came in. You looked at Trevor once more, shaking your head before running after Bruce, who was already at the door. You both got into the car and you couldn’t even hear what Bruce was saying in response to James asking how it went.
You had barely made it back into the crew’s planning room before Bruce was asking what the fuck had just happened and you had burst into tears.
“Trevor,” you sobbed, barely registering James pulling you into a hug.
“Do they have him or something?” Lawrence asked. “[Y/N] I can plan a rescue mission and we can get him back before anything happens.” You shook your head as best you could as James had smushed you to him, still crying.
That’s when it seemed to hit Bruce, judging by the noise of comprehension he made from somewhere near you.
“You know that lanky fuck who likes using knives for fucking everything?” Bruce asked. “I take it that’s Trevor.” You nodded wordlessly.
“Oh fuck,” James groaned. “And you didn’t know, did you?” You shook your head.
“The same way he didn’t know about her,” Elyse pointed out as she entered the mix, shoving a tissue into your hand. You detached yourself from James and wiped your eyes the best you could.
“What do we do now?” asked Lawrence, looking at you with the closest thing to pity you’d ever seen from him.
“First thing’s first,” Bruce sighed, “someone takes [Y/N] home.” When you opened your mouth to protest, he held his hand up to stop you. “You’re feisty and unpredictable at the best of times. You’d be absolutely volatile if we let you out now, and we really can’t afford that. Plus, possibly attacking your long-term boyfriend shouldn’t be high on your list.”
You definitely had no response to that.
“I’ll take her home,” Elyse declared, looping her arm with yours and beginning to tug you towards the door. “I’ll be back soon.” For once in your life, you had no fight in you, you let yourself be led out to Elyse’s car and get shoved into the passenger’s seat. You sat there in silence, still trying to dry your eyes before you realized you weren’t heading toward your home.
“Why are you bringing me to your place?” you asked Elyse, looking over at her. Her eyebrows knitted together and she glanced over at you with a confused look on her face.
“Because you can’t go home,” she told you as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. When you still seemed confused, she pressed on. “They know where you live and that you’re one of us. There’s nothing to stop them from killing you then and there.”
“I don’t want to talk about that,” you told her, glaring as your stomach churned at the reality of the situation. You knew she was right; the Fake AH Crew was definitely mad at you specifically, and they’d have easy access to the apartment, but Trevor wouldn’t let him in. You were sure of that. “Either take me home or I’ll walk there.”
“Are you ever not stubborn?” Elyse asked as she turned down the road that would take you home.
“It’s my best quality,” you told her, chuckling slightly. “It’s endearing most of the time.”
Elyse, once she had pulled up to your building, insisted on coming up to your apartment with you, but you talked her down. You wanted to crawl into bed and not deal with the world, and her tearing through your rooms with a gun would impede that. Besides, you seriously doubted they’d think you’d come back to your apartment. Once you were upstairs, you were sure it was okay. The apartment was fairly dark, which made sense considering you hadn’t left any lights on, and you closed the door behind you, sighing with relief.
You went to turn the light on, and once you’d flipped the switch, you found yourself being pushed up against the wall and face to face with Trevor. You gasped in surprise, but didn’t immediately go to throw him off. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it; it was, however, the first time he did it while looking so angry. In fact, you were almost positive you’d never seen him mad before but the way his face was contorted, you were sure he was now.
“How long?” Trevor growled, staring you down. You did your best to keep yourself looking perfectly at ease.
“How long what?”
“How long have you been running with Fakehaus?” he added quickly. “What did they tell you to get you to join? Have they been spying on me using you?”
Your heart fell right into your stomach and for the second time today, you felt your eyes sting with tears, but you’d be damned if you were going to let yourself cry then. “Like two years? Maybe three?” you offered, voice wavering slightly. “I’ve been with them before I even met you, Trevor. And before you ask, I wasn’t ever spying on you. I didn’t know, Trev.”
“When were you going to tell me?”
“I don’t know,” you said before you could stop yourself. “When were you going to tell me?”
Immediately, you knew that was the wrong thing to say. If it was even possible, his face contorted into an even angrier look. His hand met wall, nowhere near you, but the sudden noise was enough to make you jump. Trevor twitched and quickly stepped back from you, as if he’d gotten burned. He rubbed at his face, breathing heavily. You stood there, watching him.
“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I was never in this for any other reason than that I love you,” you told him, voice almost too quiet to hear. He stared at you for a long moment, an indescribable look in his eyes and then he shook his head.
“I need to go,” he told you and without another word, he opened the front door and slammed it on his way out. You felt like you had just gotten the wind knocked out of you again and without much thought, you slid down the wall to sit on the floor. Pulling your knees to your chest and resting your head on it, you finally let yourself cry. Things felt far too permanent. Considering all the talks of the future the two of you had had, for things to end like that broke your heart in two. You legitimately couldn’t imagine a life without him anymore.
You had no idea how long you were sitting there before the explosions started. At first, they seemed close by sound and the way the lamps in your apartment rattled. They seemed to go on for hours before slowly fading away, but not disappearing. They were just getting further away. It was entirely dark out before you couldn’t hear them anymore, and then James was opening your door with Elyse quick on his heels.
“There you are!” James exclaimed loudly. “Fuck, [Y/N], learn to use a phone.” You looked up at him, tilting your head like a confused puppy.
“The bombs have been going off for hours,” sighed Elyse, bending down to be at face level with you. “We were afraid they’d started here…with you.” You shook your head.
“Nope,” you said weakly. “Trevor was here when I got home and he thought I was only with him to spy for the crew and…” you trailed off, sniffling. “He stormed out. The explosions started not long after.”
“One guess who it is, then,” James said. “There are reports that the Fake AH Crew are out in force tonight, but I don’t think it’s all of them doing this.”
“You think it’s Trevor,” you guessed. “I honestly…don’t know anymore.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Elyse told you, “what matters is that you’re alright.”
“Physically? Yeah, I’m fine,” you explained. “Mentally and emotionally? Not so sure about that.”
“No one blames you for that,” James responded. “But we’re worried about you.”
“Come on,” Elyse said, standing up and grabbing your arm to bring you with her. “We’ll grab you some clothes and your phone charger, and you can hole up with us for a while.” Seeing as you didn’t have it in you to argue anymore, you led her to the bedroom, pulled a bag from the closet (being incredibly careful not to touch anything of Trevor’s) and dropping it on the bed. Elyse busied herself with grabbing you changes of clothes, and climbing around your nightstand to unplug your charger while you sat on the bed, shaking your head. You let her lead you out, bag in your hands, and followed James out of the apartment, locking the door behind you guys.
The blasts around Los Santos went on for a couple days before they stopped entirely. All the time, you laid on the couch in an apartment that wasn’t yours, watching the news reports. By all accounts, it was the Fake AH Crew setting them off, but Lawrence told you one night (he had come to check up on you considering the crew didn’t seem to trust you alone anymore) that they were trying to track Trevor down to stop him. Hell, even your crew were out trying to find him before he blew up the entire city.
You’d gotten to go back to the operations base when the bombs finally stopped. You sat in your usual spot at the table, looking at each of your fellow crew members in turn and seeing just how tired they looked. What confused you was when Bruce entered the room, shoving his phone back into his pocket and declaring he’d just been talking to Geoff Ramsey.
“[Y/N],” he addressed you as he sat down. “Do you think you’d be up to doing something for me?”
“I don’t see why not,” you sighed. “Sitting around is kind of bumming me out more than I should be.”
“Good,” he said, nodding. “We have some restitution shit to deal with, but there’s something else that needs to be taken care of. I need you to go down to the ferris wheel on Del Perro Pier and wait for a guy.”
You waited for him to continue explaining; when he didn’t, you spoke: “You want me to wait for a guy? What guy? And then what am I supposed to be doing?”
“He’ll be looking for you,” Bruce explained, waving it off. “And you’ll know what to do when it happens. Just…get down there as fast as you can.”
“Without my bike?”
At that, a pair of keys were thrown on the table in front of you. Bruce motioned at them and told you he’d made arrangements to get you a new bike until you got your old one back. Finding no other reason to argue, you grabbed the keys and stood up from the table. You waved at everyone as you headed out the door, and out to the outside world. A click on the lock sounded a horn and brought your attention to a black Akuma not far from the front door. Shrugging, you got on it and kicked the bike to life and zoomed off for Del Perro Pier. You weaved through traffic, hopping onto the curb once or twice to avoid a truck and narrowly avoiding a pedestrian, but before long, you were parking the bike on the pier. You were planning on parking yourself on a bench but as you approached, you saw someone was already sitting there.
“Trevor,” you said breathlessly, causing him to look up at you. At first, there was a look of incredible relief on his face but then he looked ashamed of himself. As you got closer, he stood up and as soon as you were close enough, you threw your arms around him. He hugged you back tightly, burying his face in your hair.
“Fuck, [Y/N],” he breathed, “I’m so fucking sorry.” He pulled away, arms still around you but he was looking at you square in the face. “I shouldn’t have ever yelled at you but I was freaked and I didn’t know what else to do…” he trailed off, “that’s not an excuse but you need to know how fucking sorry I am.”
“I know,” you said quietly. “I’m…sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“Don’t be,” he told you. “I didn’t tell you either. We’re both in the wrong there…cancels it out.” You chuckled at the suggestion.
“Yeah?” you asked, “does that mean we can just forget this ever happened and go make out on the ferris wheel like we planned to today?” That made him laugh too.
“I don’t think we can forget this,” he sighed, “but we can figure it out. But right now, I want nothing more in the world than to go make out on the ferris wheel.” The two of you looked over to it, still holding onto each other. You remembered the ferris wheel fondly as it was there the two of you had gotten stuck on your first date and with the nerves of not getting down from the top until they fixed it, you forgot about being nervous about the date itself. It had worked out in your favor in the end, and after you finally got down, Trevor convinced the guy to let you guys go up again to have more alone time.
“I can’t imagine my life without you, [Y/N]” Trevor said seriously. “I spent three days trying to, and I lost my fucking mind,” he added, shaking his head. “I don’t care what it takes, what the crew wants…I’m not letting us go.”
Your heart soared and you couldn’t help but beam. “We’ll figure it out, Trevor,” you told him, “but that doesn’t have to be tonight. I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while, even before all of this. Let’s just enjoy some alone time.” You let your arms fall from his torso to instead grab his face and pull him into a kiss, which he reciprocated excitedly. “The world can wait for a bit,” you told him, panting slightly once you’d pulled away. “Right now, let’s go ride the ferris wheel.”
“I wonder if I can pay the guy to get us stuck on top like I did last time,” Trevor mentioned, smirking as he pulled you towards the ride.
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purplesurveys · 7 years
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terryblount · 5 years
GRID – Review
Picture this: It is January 2009, and there’s me in a sweltering office playing a game I just picked up with some Christmas cash. I had seen a friend play this the year before, but the highly-detailed yet almost creamy graphics still captivate me as I finally fire it up on my own PC. That game was Racedriver: GRID, and I was coming up fast to my first turn gunning a sexy black Dodge Viper.
I tense up, press right on my keyboard, and something totally unexpected happens – the Viper ACTUALLY TURNS! Now wait just one second, this did not say sim-racer on the box! How can extremely responsive controls and realistic physics coexist with action-packed and enjoyable racing in the same game!? Gosh, you can even rewind the time a la Prince of Persia if you make an accident.
The opening of the game takes you through a brief montage of the racing disciplines. This is the first time I ever played a Nascar game!
As a then hardcore Need for Speed fanboy, this was like nothing I had ever played before. Codemasters had stumbled upon an incredible marriage between sim and arcade racer with Racedriver: GRID that totally changed my perception of what this genre can do. Now this union has reached its eleventh anniversary in the form of 2019’s GRID, and the relationship is still going very strong in my opinion.
Turbo flutter
Like any marriage there have been some rough patches. While by no means a bad game, GRID 2 blipped on the radar and then simply drowned amidst the releases of other heavyweights like Bioshock Infinite and GTA V. Then there was Grid Autosport which tried to introduce complexity in an effort to match the gameplay modes of modern racing games, but sacrificed its own identity in the process.
To make the series relevant again, Codemasters brought 2019’s GRID back to the roots of what drew gamers more than a decade ago. In this way, GRID is defined by an overall design that just wants to get the player behind the steering wheel as quickly as possible so that they can get down to what really matters: damn fine auto sport. It is what I wanted from this game, and GRID certainly delivered.
Cockpit view without the steering wheel is also an option. Sim-racers should be happy. Also, have you ever noticed what utter imbeciles spectators next to the road can be.
From a gameplay point of view, the physics once again straddle that elusive middle territory between realism and arcade gameplay. The responsive steering and they way the cars stick to the road gives control to the player, and make the cars predictable in how they will handle. This consistency allows skilled virtual drivers to own their talents, but also avoids an overly steep learning curve.
Moreover, I really liked how each of the cars feel so different that they could practically be turned into their own separate games. The F1000 cars drive like a bar of soap on a prison floor in that they whizz around the twisty, closed circuits like lightning.
The Minis, on the other hand, have only four gears and drive a slower and more sluggish race around the track. They turn pretty fast, but building up speed to pass your opponents is a little harder. Then there are the touring cars which allow for blistering speeds on the straights in street races, but those hairpin turns will force you to come all the way down to 2nd gear if you don’t feather the throttle properly.
Why don’t more racing games have replay options!?
GRID’s arcade heritage comes out in the forgiving perks of the gameplay. The acceleration of the cars is perhaps a little exaggerated, particularly in the NPC drivers, but at least players have the option to catch up after an rendezvous with the tire barrier. As mentioned, the ability to rewind time returns here, and players will only have a limited number of these which helped me not to abuse this feature like I tend to do when playing Forza Horizon.
Speaking of which, GRID’s nemesis system was one of the key features mentioned in the game’s marketing campaigns. Theoretically, whenever you give another NPC (including your team mate strangely enough) a particularly hard knock, they will mark you as a ‘nemesis’. Woe betide you if you get within striking distance of their car once you put a sizable dent in their Camaro.
In practice, I barely noticed anything at all even after evoking bloodlust from more than one driver during a race. I don’t insist on the inclusion of this feature per se since an NPC trying to play demolition derby while you are just trying to race could become infuriating. Yet, it could have been a cool addition if it was actually noticeable, or worked properly.
Auto detailing
Aaah yes, the graphics. Whether off-road or on the track, Codemasters has always created outstanding visual fidelity in their racing games regardless of other shortcomings. I will never forget those DirectX 11 tessellated puddles in Dirt 2 since it was one of the first, useful implementations of this tech. GRID has no intention of breaking this tradition.
This game is a beauty. Aside from a blurry road texture here, and a flat-looking building there that snuck into view, the cars and tracks have been beautifully recreated in lightly stylised visuals. All the lines, curves and reflections on cars have been rendered in sharp detail, and the tracks are highly reactive to light and the refractions of sunlight from the surface of the tarmac.
A basic livery editor is always nice
GRID is sure to compliment these visuals with bone-rattling audio so you can really feel those pops and roars from the exhaust pipe as you gear down on the straight for an upcoming turn. The game even comes with support for Dolby Atmos, which I can only imagine to be an utter eargasm if you have the gear.
Do some people actually have access to this for their PC’s these days, or is this just a feature carried over from consoles? Anyway, you can tell Codemasters wanted to make something that looks good and that keeps within their tradition of running well on PC. Such a shame that my entire Dirt collection has now been nullified because Games For Windows Live. There’s a place in Hell for you Microsoft.
Lumps with the gravy
Rather than prattling on about the small little nit-picks which are cancelled out by the positives anyway, there is one unavoidable issue with this game, namely the scaling of the difficulty. When set to medium, even with manual sequential transmission starting right at the back of the grid, I could make utter mincemeat out to the competition.
I miss the the thing from the first game where the commentator could read my name. What’s the point otherwise of having a generic name like Pieter!? At least I get to fly my home colours.
I actually got a little bored with how efficiently I was feeding other drivers lungfuls of my dust, so I cranked the AI up to ‘Hard’. Suddenly everyone turned pro, and I felt like that driving school student who accidentally turned onto highway.
The gap was between medium and hard is simply too harsh, and the proof is in the hot laps before each race. For the unfamiliar, this is essentially a single lap against the clock where your time determines your position in the starting grid. The difference between medium and hard difficulty is nearly THREE SECONDS in the hot laps (for the front spot). If you know racing, this is practically an eternity.
Seeing the checkered flag
I know that some yobs on the internet are throwing around phrases like ‘bare-boned’ when describing GRID, but I actually appreciate the removal of all the pink fluff. I play this stuff all the time and I have watched too many racers plunge headlong into the muck because they tried to shoe-horn a ridiculous narrative into the game, or force the player into a convoluted progression system.
GRID gracefully sidesteps all of that by offering beautiful aesthetics and a simple roster of races for the player to complete. The focus here is on the actual driving and giving the player the opportunity to hone their skills within a consistent gameplay structure. The variety is built into the different tracks and skills required to drive all the different cars. This is not about what happens off the track.
I would insist that all gaming developers should play GRID because THIS is how you do a reboot of a series. Nearly every single strength of the first game has been replicated here, and the upgrades available through modern technology have been used to enhance the experience, and not as crutch to cash in on fans’ nostalgia.
Nice graphics
Great controls
Enjoyment in simplicity
Variety in cars and tracks
Harsh difficulty adjustments
Useless in-ear chatter
          PC Specs: Windows 10 64-bit computer using Nvidia GTX 1070, i5 4690K CPU, 16GB RAM – Played using an Xbox One Controller
The post GRID – Review appeared first on DSOGaming.
GRID – Review published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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Top 10 Xbox 360 Games (IMO)
So Microsoft gave up on the Xbox 360 consoles a little while ago, but they’ll always have a place in my heart. I’ve spent hours upon hours playing games with it, and it was a big part of my childhood. So, today I’ve chosen my Top 10 favorite Xbox 360 games. Be aware that I’ve played all of them till the end, and that this is my opinion.
This post will be covered with spoilers that may take away some of the fun parts of playing a brand new game. Without further ado, let’s begin.
10 - Terraria
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Terraria is a great game, everyone knows that. You can explore infinite worlds that are never the same, you can fight 12+ bosses, and it even has an event that you can trigger that is actually a crossover with another one of my favorite games: Dungeon Defenders 2.
I recommend you to check it out.
9 - Project Gotham Racing 3
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That’s a really cool one. PGR 3 is a racing game, where you can compete online if you have an Xbox Live Gold account, or you can play in campaign mode, where you race some of the hardest bots I’ve found out there, I must say.
If you don’t fancy a solo game you can play in local CO-OP, and design your own races. That’s really cool, right?
You can buy tons of different cars, and even have them displayed in some fancy garages! It’s definitely worth a try.
8 - Dragon Ball Z - Battle Of Z
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I really like Dragon Ball, and the only reason I’ve not included Dragon Ball Xenoverse is that I don’t own it, and I haven’t actually played it. So I can’t give an opinion.
But that doesn’t mean that I don’t own any Dragon Ball games! DBZ - BOZ tells the whole DBZ story, back from Sayans Saga up to Battle Of Gods. You can even play as Vegetto if you buy him!
As the game progresses you’ll start to get some cards that can be equipped to increase a hero’s power.
When you get to a certain point of the game (after defeating Beerus, I guess) you’ll be able to use any hero at any stage, to the point of fighting Nappa with Goku SSJG. Mindblowing.
7 - Dungeon Defenders
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If you like a good strategy game, that’s definitely a must play. Dungeon Defenders is an Action, Strategy, Tower Defence game where you can play as one of the multiple characters of different classes with different powers.
You can play as an Apprentice, which is kinda like a mage of some sort, you can play as a Monk, a Squire, a Hunter and others too.
On Dungeon Defenders you must defend Eternia Crystals, which are (warning - oversimplified content) magical crystals that monsters wanna destroy. Basically.
As you kill monsters, they drop weapons and equipment that you can use to make your character insanely stronger. The weapons vary for each class. If you’re playing with the apprentice you’ll get wands, staffs, and rods. Squire, swords, and so on and so forth.
It also has an online multiplayer option and supports local CO-OP up to four players too.
6 - Perfect Dark Zero
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This is a game that I wasn’t able to finish (lack of time, and, you know, X360′s problems). But it’s a rather wonderful and rainbow-ish game. Or no. You play as a secret agent that has to take down, well, I can say, super-criminals that have amazingly a lot of high tech stuff.
Again, if you don’t fancy a solo game you can also play Deathmatch mode, which even has bots for the case that you don’t have a friend available.
Now, it’s an FPS game. And I’m not that into FPS games. That’s the only reason that this is as below as it is in the list. But it is an amazing game. Rare (or Rareware) makes amazing games and I like most of their work. Most of it. (I’m referring to Kinect Sports here).
5 - Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
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God, I love this game. I’ve beaten it many times, and I still find the time to do so. Who doesn’t like at least one Lego game? On Lego... I’m just gonna abbreviate it, it’s a rather long name, you know. On LSW: TCS you play through the whole story of Star Wars characters, from the 1st to the 6th movie.
You can also play the game as Indiana Jones, for that matter. I’ve played this game a lot as a kid, and I play it till today.
4 - Viva Piñata
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You can kill me because I’d rather play this one than play Tomb Raider Legends, which I also own, but it’s just that Tomb Raider isn’t my kind of game, you know.
On Viva Piñata you must grow a garden in a given area that increases as you progress the game, with the objective of becoming the best gardener in the land. Right on the beginning, you’ll know Leafos, the girl that’ll help you know the game’s controls and tell you the objectives.
The game has a whole city, you can say. It has a pinãta hunter, a doc and even a shaman.
You have side objectives too, such as finding the great Dragonache, the rarest piñata in the game. You can only have one of them per garden.
This is another game made by Rare. There are a few more in this list.
3 - Minecraft
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C’mon, Minecraft! I know this game since... Since I can remember! And don’t tell me it’s a kid’s game! I know that’s the focus, but it’s still fun. Minecraft is a game that you can play with friends, online or offline, or alone if you’re fancy doing so.
Do I need to say anything else about Minecraft or does everyone know about it?
2 - Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts
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I know, the Banjo-Kazooie community doesn’t like this game as a Banjo-Kazooie game, because Rare transformed what used to be a platformer game in a racing game. But I do like this game, and it was through it that I’ve known the Banjo-Kazooie franchise. And, while I like every single game, this one holds a special place in my heart.
Plus, I don’t know any other game that lets you build your car from scratch with the freedom that Banjo-Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts offers. 
1 - Kameo - Elements of Power
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The number one in this list. This is literally the first game I ever played in an Xbox 360. In any console, for that matter. It’s a 360′s exclusive game, but you can play it on Rare’s game compilation released to the Xbox One console, Rare Replay.
You control Kameo, an elf that can transform into twelve different Elemental Warriors, where each one has unique skills. She can transform into a boxer plant (Pummel Weed), a dragon that creates fire tornadoes or even a yeti!
The objective is to end the war between elves and trolls and to defeat the strongest monsters, such as the Shadow Trolls, creatures that have imprisoned the Elemental Warriors, or Thorn, the king of all trolls.
Its graphics were amazing at its time, and it was one of the first Xbox 360′s games.
That’s my favorite game by far, and in my opinion the best game Rare ever made. Unfortunately, they’ve canceled its sequel because Microsoft wanted them to make Kinect Sports. The world is funny, isn’t it?
A Few Honorable Mentions (IMO as well)
Tomb Raider Legends
Castle Crashers
Battleblock Theater
Burnout: Revenge
Banjo-Kazooie (Remake)
Banjo-Tooie (Remake)
Rare Replay
Dragon Ball Xenoverse (1 and 2)
But Igor, why didn’t you put as number one the Rare Replay game if you like Rare so much?!
Well, that’s simple. That’s because Rare Replay is not a game. It is a game collection, a compilation.
What about GTA V then?
You know, the best part is that now you can use almost any Xbox 360 game in an Xbox One. That’s amazing. If you don’t agree at some point or believe that I forgot something, please, let me know your opinion in the comments below!
Also, if you’ve got some time, check my game; it’s really cool. Its name is Land Of Enchantments. Visit my Twitter too, @igorvasiak_mgs!
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Grand Theft Auto four Free Obtain 2017
Grand Theft Auto four Free Obtain 2017
Extra intriguingly, Rockstar assures us this would be the week we discover out about the new Heists, which are set to deliver more in-depth cooperative missions to the net offering. Sterne Agee monetary analyst group predicts that GTA V will arrive in early 2013 to allow Rockstar extra time to shine the game. Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Video games for the Windows Computer platform in May 2003. Initially designed as a console title, the Pc port retains all of the elements of the unique recreation however is optimized for the Pc platform. BAWSAQ, then again, depends on all the Rockstar Social Club, so its whims are a bit extra unpredictable. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has 125th beginning anniversary of Bhimrao Ambedkar as the main target of the its tableau. Rajasthan's tableau shows grandeur of Jaipur and the state. The charge for filing a mechanic's lien is regulated by state laws.
Playing games might be more exciting when it's continuous and you are not running out of choices. RP when playing Extraction or save 50% on the Buzzard Attack Chopper. We're at all times looking for brand spanking new methods to avoid wasting and earn cash in Grand Theft Auto 5. In case you have any ideas share them with us in the comments under or email us at [email protected]. Grand Theft Auto On-line, a limiteless multiplayer part, was propelled two weeks after GTA 5's underlying discharge, on October first. Utilising the 3 major consequence in Grand Theft Auto V, you can be discovering several pursuits. He will love his console more you then at all times. This might be the issue that when you account has been deleted then it has been deleted without end meaning that you won't ever get it back again. Nevertheless it should be noted, that worse candidates will develop their ability with each robbery however, concurrently, they keep their low financial demands.
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So there are women that additionally love Call of Duty, Left 4 Lifeless and Fable which proves the purpose that everyone can love every sport! Oct. Additionally in contrast to Grand Theft Auto V, Some call it the very least, it’s no surprise that the police cruisers and helicopters can't be held until November 2nd at 5PM GMT. Grand Theft Auto V' Cover Artwork Revealed! Grand Theft Auto V 2015 Computer Game is an action and adventure sport. Xbox 360 (Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheats). We hope you enjoyed checking out these cheats and use them to wreak complete mayhem in your Gand Theft Auto sport. It isn't just the weapons that you just carry but additionally the automobile that you use which has an incredible affect in the way the sport turns in your favor. The sport has great music, sounds and graphics as effectively. Courting a Married Man - Make Him Yours or Get out of this Addiction Fast! In this game, you will play as the character ‘Niko Bellic’ who got here to Liberty City to reside the American dream however will get stopped by mob bosses and has many tasks and corners to get through.
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darkarm66 · 7 years
This is (not) a GTA V review
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Grand Theft Auto V is one of the best selling games ever. After nearly 4 years and one upgraded port, its success cannot be denied. There's no point reviewing it after all the awards, scores, and money that came its way. Also, I haven't gotten a chance to try GTA Online, which actually looks like a lot of fun to play. I've always hated reviews that spend a lot of words talking about one component and barely glancing at the others. So I won't say whether or not if GTA V is an all-timer based on incomplete play time. That said, and it seems pointless to say this after all the success it has had but......GTA V's campaign is some hot garbage.
The only thing GTA V nailed is the look and size of its game world. This is a really huge game world and as an LA native, I was astonished by the look of some of the streets and buildings that Rockstar got perfect. And when you're actually traveling throughout the game, there are some beautiful sights to behold, which is something I never said about any GTA game previously. Then, when it's time to do something....the whole thing reminds you not only is it a game, it's 15 games at once and they hate each other. The driving is a chore, the combat is lacking, the movement is tedious, the collision detection is wonky, and worst of all, the game design is super restrictive.  This is an open world that is actively trying to punish the player for doing something the creators didn't tell you to do.  Much of the campaign is built around heists, which are actually quite fun when you get to execute them, and like 'real' heists, this requires a lot of planning and staking out. So, get ready for a bunch of fetch quests, pixel hunts, and following! Do you like driving after a a target but staying at a arbitrary distance? Of course you don't! Like trekking across map for what seems like ages to pick up an item that you most likely could've acquired hours ago? Hell naw! Does all this busy work to set up a heist lead to your characters successfully completing a heist that leads to now further action? Absolutely not! Nearly every mission done is always a set up for something more exciting as the payoff. The structure of this would be fine enough if all the preceding quests didn't feel so tedious, but the probably isn't the tedium, it's the restrictiveness. For all the ballyhoo about its open setting, the gameplay is too gated and strict. There's only one way to do anything and the player is never given any real freedom to tackle anything the way they want to. You have to get in that car and go to that dot and god help you if you ever plan to use items you already have. And these punishing time wasters are the only way to unlock anything useful or interesting. Even exploring the city becomes a waste. For all of its beauty as a city, nothing really sparks a player's curiosity to explore it because a beautiful building is just...that. So much scenery and no payoff for the player to discover it (unless you spend money on property to unlock a more pointless sidequest). 
Worst of all is how everything doesn't flow into each other. Beefing up your driving doesn't make driving a car any easier or more fun or unlock something else to test your skills. Buying property doesn't allow for the user to earn more money. And all you can buy with money is interchangeable weapons and cars and clothing that has minimal gameplay effect. There's no true gameplay loops, you don't really enjoy the gameplay as much as you merely put up with it. Nearly every player choice comes with a dose of cynicism about making that choice. What's weird is that all the shooting and carnage you can cause fulfills the reptilian urge to play up to the title's namesake but its more of stress reliever for having to put up with such awful missions earlier. But the game doesn't really care for that because everything is about the story.
Rockstar loves skewering Hollywood, pop culture and modern society but they love stroking their 'we can make better stories than movies and tv!' boner and now it being stroked on gameplay's face. As exciting as it is to complete and mission and hear about your deeds on the radio, its a waste that no plot or story development can come from emergent gameplay. Everything is a carefully curated and guided experience to some truly rank dialogue and delivery. It's always funny to see other skewer the Hollywood process and yet, want to be part of it so bad and can never see their own awfulness. Every third word is a slur or f-bomb, leading to a stupid mission. And for all the talky bits, there's nothing ever actually worth listening to. Barely any exposition but a bunch of cusswords as a 'joke'. For all its attempt at satire, all it does is just attack people for liking things, which isn't satire or parody. It's being a dick. Considering Rockstar is gleeful about be 'inspired' by better movies and shows like Heat, Breaking Bad, and the Wire, it takes from better sources without ever understanding what made those movies and shows great in the first place. But all of those works had at least two characters who didn't sound like uneducated knobs and actually conveyed an emotion that went beyond 'I'll solve everything through crime because I'm crazy!'. So the misogynistic dialogue and outlook isn't a big drag, (but nonetheless troubing), it's just misogynistic and immature coming from people who haven't hit puberty yet. And worst of all, no character seems to exhibit an emotion outside of rage. 
Franklin seems to get the worse of this deal. They had a good chance to show a character who was roped into a lifestyle he hated but his only way out was to....become a better criminal. The pathos and ethos of all the characters are wildly mismatched as its hard to sit through a story about betrayal, loss and bordeom when the game has all three characters do the same repetitive tasks and chores in a game. So, the whole 'three characters in one story' gimmick is a way that padded out an already huge game.
THAT SAID: there are elements that do come together as a whole in certain segments. Actually pulling off a heist and escaping is exhilarating and there are moments of bliss when you're actually exploring a huge city without concerns of way points and map markers.
The biggest problem: how the hell did it earn any of these stellar reviews? None of this gameplay is worth a ten or a perfect score! These components aren't just flawed, they're down right awful and even when combined, this is a really piss poor game. Online may be revolutionary in its own right but that campaign is just a soggy waffle. There was nothing in that story or plot that is close to being passable as something to enjoy. I'm utterly confused on what made the story so great because it wasn't the voice acting, plot, dialogue, jokes, character development. 
Those are my thoughts on GTA V, one of the best-selling games ever and a highly overrated game.
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Rick and Morty's New VR Game Is Rick-diculously Fun
I'm dismantling a satellite in Earth's orbit in order to fix my asshole genius grandpa's supercomputer. I need to fix it so I can order a part for one of his stupid, brilliant inventions. Why he can't just order it himself is beyond me, but I've never had the chance to question his orders before. After all, I'm just a clone of his grandson, born five minutes ago, and I can't even really talk yet. I bash the outer panel of the satellite with a mace, pull out the part Grandpa Rick needs, stop for a moment to take in the view, then step through a swirling acid-green portal that brings me here back inside my family's garage. Sigh.
That's what it's like to play Rick and Morty Virtual Rick-Ality, the new game from Owlchemy Labs and Adult Swim Games that is set in the absurd sci-fi world created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland. This is not an effort of Roiland's independent VR studio, Squanchtendo, but it does harbor some similarities to its debut title, Accounting, when it comes to absurdity. Aside from vandalizing satellites and hopping through interdimensional portals, you can also shoot Rick's laser gun, search for hidden Justin Roiland improv moments, get endlessly berated by your grandfather even when he's giving you a compliment, and try to figure out what the hell a plumbus does. 
There's one thing the folks at Owlchemy Lab—also responsible for VR hit Job Simulator—want to make clear: "Making this game delayed season three none, literally zero," producer Andrew Eiche and community and events wrangler Cy Wise tell Creators. We spoke to the duo and Adult Swim Games' Jeff Olson following our demo. "I can speak to this from a very personal perspective," Eiche continues. "There were countless times when we asked if Justin would be somewhere, and the answer was always, 'No! He's working on Season 3.'"
The game actually started as a casual Twitter exchange of compliments between Rick and Morty co-creators Roiland and Harmon, and Owlchemy CEO Alex Schwartz and CTO Devin Reimer. "Justin Roiland was talking about how much he loved Job Simulator, and we tweeted back, 'If you like that so much we'll fly out to LA and show you new jobs!' And they were like, 'Ok!'" says Eiche. "The group got drunk and had Indian food and all at the same time came to this conclusion, 'We should put Rick and Morty and Job Simulator together!'" They pitched the idea to Adult Swim Games, who, fresh off the success of the depraved Pokémon clone, Pocket Mortys, quickly approved it. That's when they began working on the game.
Owlchemy Labs wrote the brunt of the storyline, with Roiland riffing on their scripts inside a personal recording studio in his garage. At one point they discussed "burp tech—to dynamically insert burps," but the project failed, likely resulting in Roiland reverting to his painful, beer-based process. In the process of making Virtual Rick-Ality, they become so immersed in the Rickstaverse that they had to recuse themselves of a Rick and Morty trivia contest in Austin. "Most of the studio has an encyclopedic knowledge of Seasons 1 and 2," says Eiche. "In the game, there's a reference to every single episode."
Wise adds, "If you walked through the studio during the studio during the development process at any time, at least a full third of the studio had at least one episode up on their monitor as they were working."
Owlchemy takes its development process as seriously as its lore. Every team member has access to a VR headset and must test each new element in a fully-loaded immersive environment before it can be integrated into the design. In the venture capital-driven world of VR, some studios must share their units between developers, forcing them to design heavily on a flatscreen, then see how many parts hold together once they're in VR. 
This is a detailed way of saying that Owlchemy takes their shit seriously when it comes to giving artists the tools they need to make good work. Half the game's charm is in being able to throw beakers agains the wall and have them break, or pick up a medieval weapon and bash in a celestial body in high orbit. The mundane pleasure of exploring and destroying their interactive world isn't quite possible in traditional video games, and the freedom to blow shit up doesn't exist in reality.
The game is ideal for fans who have memorized the steps of creating a plumbus and think the first episode of Interdimensional Cable was way better than the second. Rick and Morty Virtual Rick-Ality gives fans the opportunity to break stuff without consequences and look your favorite late night animated sci-fi sitcom characters right in the eye. I can't think of a better way to spend 4/20.
Rick and Morty Virtual Rick-Ality is available today on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. New episodes of Rick and Morty begin this summer, if we're lucky.
Rick and Morty's Surprise Episode Inspired a Petition Aimed at McDonald's
Rick and Morty 'GTA V' Mod Gets Dangerously Schwifty
'Rick and Morty' Creator Justin Roiland Just Squanched a VR Studio
from creators http://ift.tt/2oY5LCj via IFTTT
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{ When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy. Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity! 🌼 }
thank u bb
this got pretty long so i’m putting it under the cut
1. video games. they’re just as valid forms of storytelling as anything else is and i love love love being able to immerse myself in the vast worlds that they make and feeling like i’m part of the story myself (not to mention most of them have kickass music also). my all time fave games being portal 2, red dead redemption, gta v, and monkey island. (i have a thing for puzzle solving but also for simulated violence apparently bahaha)
2. music! i started out playing the clarinet in 4th grade because it allowed me to get away from my crazy teacher for an hour a week, so i did that and i would just hide, but then in middle and high school i had band every day and it really allowed me to grow as a person and discover that i could make something beautiful by putting time and effort into it.
3. science. i’m not actually very good at science myself as there was a stunning lack of it in my school district, but i love reading about psychology and animal biology.
4. uhhh i’m running low on things that make me happy but uuuh, this blog makes me happy! i started literally 2 days ago and i feel 100% included in things. also probably just geekenders in general for being so cool and putting together such an awesome production that it has it’s own little community. plus all the other shows they’ve done that i haven’t seen yet.
5. tumblr in general actually makes me pretty happy. well, sometimes the content doesn’t, but my blogs and the friendships i’ve made on them in the 6 years i’ve been here are invaluable to me and i wouldn’t trade them for anything.
i’d send this on to everyone in my activity feed, but on this blog that’s three people who all already got this message at least once, so i think instead i’ll go give some love to people from my personal. ;)
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