#and I have. ZERO clue when they'll get here
bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
are there any wizards available for commission to cast spell of arrive on the packages I ordered? i can pay in. love
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valsdelulucorner · 4 months
Heya! How's ya doing?
Just wanted to drop in and ask if ya had any ideas or concepts or even fandom thoughts you have bouncing around. I personally don't really have much to come up with but that's what cause my brain is a bit slow right now and moving on auto-pilot so it takes a bit for me to think up stuff lol.
Just curious about any thoughts and concepts and such. Anything at all! (Au's, OC's, headcanons or just anything really)
I love this question! here is a few i like with a little description of each<3 I have three fandoms here, obey me, twst and Stardew
Obey me<3
Self aware normal - In this Au they know they are in a game and have managed to access your camera, actually managing to make contact with the pretty human behind the screen. They actually love talking with you and come with you everywhere thanks to your phone, sometimes you get a call and its just them so you can talk to them. They know your boundaries and know when to turn the camera and microphone off but if something happens or if they find something that excites them, they'll send you a message. Really sweet overall, they don't try to leave the game.
Self aware yandere - This is like the previous Au but instead of it being wholesome, its really sinister. They manage to escape the game and become 7 sentient beings on the internet, tracking your every move online and tracking your location in real life. They have a unhealthy obsession with you to the point they torment you at every turn if you try and get rid of them, they love you too much. They get rid of your friends by either pretending to be you and sending nasty messages to them, or they will make fake accounts to black mail them to make sure they wont try and contact you, They'll know when you talk to you irl.
Mermaid Au - Mc gets caught in a bad storm which causes their cruise ship to crash and sink, causing them to plumet into the cold water. Lucifer sees that your still alive and decides to save you by bringing you to the island close by their home. One the situation with belphie happens, the brothers warm up to you and make a large cove on the island your home, taking you on little adventures in the ocean while trying to keep you from leaving the island.
Werewolf Mc Au - While MC is visiting the human world, they get bitten by a werewolf, mistaking the guy for just a crazy homeless guy so they think nothing of it. After heading back to devildom that night, they start to shift during dinner time at the house of lamentation. The brothers freak out and try and found out what happened to you, all while they try and grab a panicked werewolf MC
Dimension hop Au - In this Au, Obey me is simply just a game until a bad electrical storm comes over your Neiborhood. You were playing Obey me when a large lightning bolt hit your house, and before you could drop your phone you were somehow transported inside the game. Your already past lesson 20 when you wake up in the house of lamentation, you apparently passed out on your birthday celebration when a birthday present shot you with something. (I dont know, im making this up as i go). You try and get back to your own world with the help of the others, including the royals and angels
Dimension hop Alt scenario Au- This is basically the same as the previous AU but instead of MC coming to obey me, obey me comes to them
Twisted wonderland<3
Dimension hop Au - While your playing Twisted wonderland on your ipad, you fall asleep during the middle of a chapter with autoplay on, your Ipad plugged into the wall for charging. During the night, a powerline falters after a tree falls down on it, the sparks causing a glitch on your Ipad that was still plugged into the wall. In the morning you felt something heavy on your chest, opening your eyes only to find the whole cast of twst in your house, teachers and all. They all knew who you were and were good friends with you, but they had zero clue about where they were
Dimension hop alt senario Au - Basically the same as the AU above but Yuu goes down to twisted wonderland instead
Body swap Au - Self explanatory
Overblot yuu Au - Yuu gets pushed to far, everything was to much. Yuu had to deal with all the overblots, they got hated on for not having any magic, they missed their home, they barley could afford to live, and Crowley was being a absolute fucker about money and their living conditions. One day Yuu just snapped, full on screaming at crowley as the black ink started to cover their body, only to come out as the worst of all of the overblots yet
Stardew Valley<3
Yandere Au - Instead of one of the bachelors/bachelorettes being yandere, its one big brawl for your affection. There is blackmail, blood, violence as all 12 bachelors/bachelorettes fight it out for you. Couples may form a truce and share you, some might just steal you for themselves, its up to you how things turn out
Cryptid farmer Au - You took the spot of the old farmers grandchild, it was the only way you were able to have a normal life. After making friends with all of the villagers and all the bachelors/bachelorettes, the fear of people finding out got higher and higher as more and more of the villagers want to speak and hang out with you. One night it got too much for you and your human form started to painfully slip away, panicking in your own home as the group of bachelors or bachelorettes come to see if your ok, only to walk in on you having multiple panicked eyes growing from your arms and neck.
Werewolf farmer Au - The residents of Stardew valley started hearing noises coming from the forest and the farmers place, sounds that were alot worse than the slimes living in the secret forest. Each villager got more and more suspicious of the farmer when they started to observe their behaviour, they always ran home quickly before the sun set, they refused to touch anything silver, and they always seemed to have different hair lengths. One night you were in the saloon for too long and forgot about the time, no one had ever seen you more panicked. One of them tried to hold your arm and calm you down but you swiped at them, not realizing your fingernails have grown to claws. You sprint back to the farm and collapse on the hard rock paths, shifting painfully into a werewolf as the town people followed you from the saloon, but you are conscious the entire time
This is not proof read lmao, things may be abit scuffed but please dont mind that
If any of you want to use this as insperation for a fic or some art, please @ me! I dont want credit because they have probably been done before, I would just love to see your creations<3
What should I do next?
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radiance1 · 9 months
I’ve been thinking about this a lot and basically Danny is Beelzebub from Hellva boss with his own casino performs and the entrance defies reality and all his ghost rouges come in and go as they please and some humans and or mortals stumble in and think it’s just some place where metas party their fucking asses off which wouldn’t be that bad if this wasn’t FUCKING GOTHAM. Danny doesn’t know how they got in Gotham but they just want to party but unfortunately for him the bats hear a rumor some meta trafficking ring has been planning a big raid on a certain casino that’s new ish and they have to stop it so they go in disguise and they get to witness Danny and his rouges beat the every loving snot out of some traffickers
maybe Danny is a clone, maybes he’s reincarnated, maybe he lost a bet, maybe he moved to Gotham for fun, maybe he got tossed across the universe into Gotham
who knows certainly not Danny
I have zero clue if I want Danny to look somewhat like Beelzebub or not, but we won't be dwelling on that right now.
How Danny got to Gotham? I got zero blood clue, but he's there and is about to party.
Maybe this could even be set after TUE bad ending, where the explosion wasn't reversed, and he parties to forget the pain and just focus on the good vibes. Maybe stops using his human form, using his ghost form more and it subtly changing without him noticing into a different form or something due to his habits.
Maybe that some of his ghost form's new features leak over to his human form.
Maybe the casino isn't even in Gotham, like physically. Instead, it's the doors leading into the casino that're in Gotham City, and stepping through him just yoinks them into Danny's Dimension and into his casino.
So, Danny's casino is located smack dab in his own dimension, but somehow the doors pop up in Gotham for whatever reason and a few residents stumble through and see Danny and his rogues (who didn't want to kick a pup while he's down and indulges him) partying up to the high heavens and the lowest hells.
You could even say that, like Beelzebub, Danny is eating up all of the good vibes that comes from other people while partying. How and why does Danny own a casino?
Vlad is indulging him because they both lost something that day, and then Danny was placed into his care, and they were both two disturbed to really continue their entire good vs evil thing and they kinda just, chilled out with each other. Danny asks for a casino one day on a whim, Vlad indulges him, then Danny starts partying up to get away from his own grief while Vlad buries himself in work to avoid his.
So, when the meta trafficking ring tries to capture everyone at the casino and the bats are there to stop them. Every rogue there silently agree to beat them up because one, they have dignity as ghosts and can't just let themselves be captured by humans.
Two, this is the playground of Danny and one of the few things people unanimously agree to never fight in (one of the others is the Christmas truce).
Three, this place is also owned by Vlad Masters. If the man is anything like how he was before the whole kicked pup thing (everyone thinks this applies to both Danny and Vlad) then they don't really want to tick him off and they're basically doing these humans a favor anyways.
Anything they could do to them physically; Vlad could do worse to them in the human world.
The batfamily sees this, and decides that nobody here actually needs their help and can take care of themselves. But also, given the track record of metas becoming rogues in this city, they can't just leave it alone either.
They would make a file about them at the most for the case they decide to run rampant through the city. But they'll leave them alone for the most part.
(Danny doesn't know who or what Batman is, as he doesn't exist in their dimension, yes even the comics don't exist. Neither does the batfamily know Danny Phantom, because he doesn't exist in their universe either.)
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alex-rambles · 1 year
Could you please do some Bill X reader headcannons with a reader who helps Bill at no cost, which Bill likes at first, but he slowly grows attached to the reader as they'll listen to him vent and help him feel better and are there to listen to him, making him close to the reader. However, Bill grows concerned for the reader with how far they'll go, and when he sees that the reader has nothing to lose and wants to see the world burn, Bill puts his plans on hold asking the reader if everything was ok, to which the reader cries
Reader is gender neutral
-Honestly his "HMMMMM" detectors were going off from the start. He just wasn't sure why.
-Were you gonna pop up later and try to trip him with "I helped you sooo much for free, now it's your turn?"
-Weeks go by. Nope nothing.
-Months. Zilch.
-One year, and you're still just helping for no reason.
-Around the two month mark is when he starts enjoying your company and starts actively seeking you out when he didn't need help
-But Bill is a prideful being and doesn't admit he wants to see a mErE hUmAn
-"No, no, I was just looking for another idiot to swindle. This is YOUR mindscape? Oopsies well since I'm here let's chat! "
-His excuses fool no one
-At first venting might be around trivial matters, such as humans being pricks when he's trying to use them
-Eventually he opens up more, and you might hear small rants about the people of the Second Dimension, and maybe, just maybe, you'll catch a few glimpses into the life he had before Bill Cipher was Bill Cipher
-And you listen. You feel sympathy
-So, he grows to care for you, which actually pisses him off a bit
-You're human, you don't deserve him and all his glory
-Attempts to talk himself out of emotions
-Truth be told, Bill is just upset because you're human. You will be dead long, long before him (...unfortunately an incorrect assumption due to his death after Weirdmaggedon)
-And eventually, when the tasks he assigns begin to get more and more absurd and impossible to complete, he watches you accept and try your best again and again
-And then,
-"The brown-haired boy? With the hat? He's figuring things out he shouldn't, and it's messing up my plans. He somehow managed to... never mind. I couldn't get rid of him. Are you comfortable-"
-"Sure, why not?"
-You said it with a smile
-This disturbs Bill on a level he didn't think possible, and he attempts to backtrack.
-"Hey, hey, I was just kidding there, kiddo... Can't have you going to the bighouse, can we?"
-After that, Bill doesn't return for a few days
-When he does come back, he seems off
-"What do you have against your world? What is wrong with you?"
-Probably came off more accusatory than necessary, but he doesn't really care until you burst into tears
-Obviously, he knows what crying is, and why it happens, but he's still incredibly uncomfortable now and has zero clue how to comfort someone in a genuine way
-"Uh... I think your eyes are leaking."
-Which only makes you cry harder.
-Honestly, whatever the reason for your grudge against the world, Bill does his best to sympathize, just as you did for him
-Were you abused or bullied? He probably was once as well
-Are you a sadistic freak? Okay, so is he
-Passion for death, chaos, and destruction? Yas, twinsies
-Either way, he'll be quiet and listen to your story
-Maybe holding your hand
-You best believe you get front row seats to Weirdmaggedon
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ansbobcar · 7 months
I'm ready to become a part-time lore builder of a fandom if I can't get any answers.
Seriously. Time to do some mental gymnastics again because, I LOVE TALKING ABOUT LORE (well worldbuilding lore) AND MAKING LORE IF THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT IT!!
We're back to looking at the Divine Visionaries again because, what the hell are these administration/department/subdivisions man.
Here are my rankings of most straightforward to least straightforward (in terms of what they govern) and my reasoning, questions, headcanons AND MANGA SPOILERS. Feel free to discuss!
It's basically quality control check of any magical tool and also acts like a museum. Very straightforward to guess. It's managing, checking the quality of new, old, or powerful magical items. We also know the most about it I think because Rayne currently manages it (idk why i trust the fandom wiki)
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This is also straightforward. They manage forbidden magical texts from being accessed to the public. But I'd like to think that this department has to ensure that any texts which use magic, such as newspapers and maybe even children's books, abide by their printing laws and don't enter into that forbidden valley. Prevention of more forbidden magical texts is probably one of their main goals. I mean, confiscation of books and materials or clues regarding them will either be stored or burned possibly. Censorship is a possibility.
Every time I hear security I think of that random post from twitter I think about how the US' whole military like thing is called the defense something or something. AND I THINK ABOUT IT. But you know atleast security makes more sense.
Current headcanon is that the magic police is under their jurisdiction but being called a magic security officer is diff from a magic police officer. The main difference is that magic police focus solely on internal and surface level, local scale magic (and lack-magic) crimes.
Magic Security is a more national/international scale, or something that involves the Bureau directly. Like a war between other magical races or those type of conflicts. The bar to being a magic security officer is much higher than a magic police officer too.
The management of deceased magic users/wizards is pretty straight forward BUT what I'm tryna figure out is:
a) How many official cemeteries are under their jurisdiction? If so is it illegal to bury a deceased wizard's body on your own?
b) Do they only manage the cemeteries? If they don't does that mean that it's a law to contact their department while preparing for a funeral and burial? How early do they have to get involved?
c) Whoever was managing this division when Adam Jobs died was not good at their job. Nvm this guy's body was gone to bits. Still bad management on their part to not scavenge for that bit of flesh left over. Burn the area to the ground if you have to. Fucking Innocent Zero got his body.
The only reason I have this much lower than I initially intended is because there are so many fucking magical creatures in this fucking world that it should be one of the biggest ass divisions of the Bureau alongside Magical Items.
a) You need research/encyclopedias on these creatures. What their weakness is and so on, research on magical creatures (probably in conjunction with magical research).
b) Is animal cruelty a thing in this world? It probably is. It better be then there has to be a governing body for that.
c) I feel like for magical magical creatures like Dragons, they have to manage/hand out yearly licenses towards educational institutes to allow those dragons to be used. Otherwise, I think they'll be released to the wild and will be blacklisted from ever owning a dragon. (Animal cruelty act or something)
d) They probably have a national zoo which is used for both research and conservation purposes. Bet there's a bunch of endangered species.
Just like the previous department/administration... this is also pretty broad. (You'll realise a pattern as we go down the list). The way I see it is that every year, they gather statistics and feedback from the people, and come up with 4-6 projects of varying scales to help. These can range from new technology for pre-existing magical tools or making new innovations and tools.
They also do research on animals, plants and probably somewhat manage the welfare of the country slightly.
What I wonder is if it's illegal to do research outside of their department? Or do they allow exceptions, like some company can pitch their idea to the magical research department who then greenlight their thing or not like Dragon's Den.
Orter and Rinka, idk how y'all even do this. Magical Power Admin according to the fandom wiki (which I think took info from the fanbook, but cannot confirm), looks into shit related to power basically (abuse, lack ofs, very magical power creatures).
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My problem is that kind of overlaps with magic security just slightlyyy. I also headcanon that the magic police are governed by magic security and magical power.
So far for my fanfic (big spoilers lol):
a) Their main goal is to reduce/prevent the abuse of magic within the kingdom/country.
b) They can make and enforce laws/policies/the legal rules surrounding the use of magic which include giving penalties/punishments.
What the fuck is Kaldo's job. I get he looks at Divine Visionary candidates before they even get to the final exam but seriously. I would like to think that part of his job is to take note of what kind of personal magic has ever fucking existed other than tryna analyse people. If his department was more like HR, I think it'd make more sense.
His department probably has the least amount of people/staff.
_ _ _
There's probably other departments as well that aren't governed by a Divine Visionary for now. My ted talk is finished. For now.
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gaywatch · 8 months
So I started watching the first episode of The Sign, right? I'd had it on my computer for a couple/few days and couldn't immediately remember what it was actually about, but I knew it was a new Thai BL genre mashup thing I'd seen on my dash and that's good enough for me.
A team of special agents infiltrate a big warehouse/facility place at night. Okay. Cool. There are bombs and a hostage? Sure. One guy tells other guys what to do, so he must be the leader, and he tells a few guys to focus on the bombs and the others to find the hostage. They encounter bad guys when they get inside, and some of the fight choreo is cool and some of it is absurd, but I'm just happy to be seeing an action-oriented BL series and I've seen worse crimes committed by a low budget, no big deal.
But it's been a few minutes into the first episode now, and I'm starting to wonder a few things. We have stakes, technically: there are bombs and a hostage--it would be bad if the bombs went off while the team was inside because they would get hurt or killed, and by default we don't want to see a hostage harmed.
But we have no context. At all. I'm five minutes in and I know nothing. Who's the hostage? Who are the bad guys? What do the bad guys want? Why do I care? I'm assuming this is like some quick action-y beginning and we'll cut to a main character at some point to see the "real" first scene of the show, but now it's been like seven minutes and we're still here in this warehouse place. If the special ops team are supposed to be the cast, I haven't heard a single scrap of dialogue that wasn't about the task at hand. I haven't even seen anyone's face yet.
Tagging @bengiyo, @lurkingshan 'cause they were interested in a side comment I made about this in some tags.
Even when they finally start to pull up their masks and talk, it's all immediate business (which is somewhat understandable given they're in danger but we're still lacking important context). Who am I rooting for? Who are these dudes? Why is this one sequence taking over ten minutes without giving me anything or anyone to latch onto? Are they assuming I read a blurb on the premise of the show and then immediately hit play? Because that's a cardinal sin--you never assume that everyone who watches your show or reads your book will know the premise, even in this day and age. You always lay in the necessary exposition/context to immediately anchor the audience into the premise and main character (or cast). (The only time you can assume everyone already knows at least the broad strokes of a concept is in fanfiction, but even then there could still be changes you made that you need to clue people in on from the get go. )
Then Tharn got his first premonition about Phaya, and I was like 'ohhhh, this is a story about a guy with some form of precognition who's in some sort of special forces. I wish they could have brought this up ten minutes ago, but okay.'
And finally, the big reveal: it's all a test! They're trainees, not officers! Well, that certainly explains why we got zero context all this time, because they didn't want to give away The Trick. Except it didn't feel like a clever rug pull at all. Worrying that the audience will clue in to what's going on doesn't mean you get to just Not Tell Them. You mislead them instead. The team could have easily rattled off the necessary details and context about the mission--after the training reveal, we would have chalked it up to practice mission prep. And with no context or reason to care about anything, I sat there for fifteen minutes only to be told that I didn't have to care anyway because it was all staged.
I would have taken any context, even something super cliche and ham fisted. "Okay boys, remember: our old mission commander is being held hostage in there and they'll kill him unless we hand over their psychotic leader. It took us weeks to track them down to this warehouse, and if they escape again it's game over. Don't let me down!" or something, anything for me to latch onto besides Dudes Doing Things. It's okay to mislead the audience, in fact you pretty much have to in order to pull the well worn "it was all an exercise" trick in the first place.
And fifteen minutes to pull all that off was a rather astonishing waste of screen time. The opening scene in the 2009 reboot of Star Trek establishes a handful of characters, makes you care about them, takes them through an amazing high stakes action sequence, and has you in tears at the end as we watch a guy we've only known for a few minutes sacrifice himself to save what's left of the crew as the film's protagonist--his son--is literally born, and it does all of that in almost half the time.
Compare that to The Sign, where in fifteen minutes we know: dudes in black fight things, one guy has premonitions, and actually they're trainees. No complexity, emotional stakes, or context beyond that. I was floored.
But what really made my jaw drop came after that.
A first episode has a lot of heavy lifting to do. You're introducing a world, a cast, promising the type of fun that's to be had, kickstarting the central relationships, etc etc. One of the most fundamental aspects to all this set up is to let us know why the main character/cast is here, what they're trying to do, and why it matters if they fail. And the entire first episode of the sign doesn't have that. At all. Period.
Oh, we're introduced to characters, the harsh training, Tharn's gift, Tharn and Phaya's initial dynamic, but once again we're given no context or emotionally relevant exposition. Who are these dudes? Why are they training? Why do they care about becoming special ops? What's their motivation? Goals? Obstacles in the way of that goal? Motive/Goal/Obstacle is the engine of story, and we're not given a single one until--and this is what blew my mind--almost halfway through the second episode.
In episode two we finally get a line from Tharn's bff about how if Tharn doesn't get onto the special ops team he won't be able to investigate his dad's (parents? can't remember) mysterious death.
A goal! A reason to care about Tharn's training! Emotional investment! Except it's coming way, way, wayyyyyyyyyyy too late. We should have known about this in the first five minutes of episode one. They should've found another fake hostage, Tharn should've lifted his mask and said "shit, if we fail this I'll never have what I need to find out how dad died." THANK YOU, now I have a reason to care.
I was shocked at such a massive oversight, like I'm gonna remember it as a cautionary example for a long time 'cause that's just wild to me.
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yakuzacanons · 10 months
Hello! How about some fluff? Neko cafe date h/c with the boys! 🐱
As someone who has a pet cat, hell to the yea we can do this. I visited a lot of cat cafes in college too before I got my cat and I love them! I even live near a bookstore with live in cats hehe, so yes you may have cat headcanons. Thanks for ur patience, mwah.
Kazuma Kiryu
Pretty reverant when it comes to animals and kind of lets the cats come to him. Can't get enough of seeing how happy you are to be here though. More than content to just sit back and smile as he watches you play with the kittens.
Majima Goro
Zero clue what to do around pets, ever. Doesn't matter what kind of pet. He's not scared of animals but he just doesn't know what they like or dislike. Gets pretty giddy when an animal responds positively, saying something like "Ah, ya like chin scratches do ya?" when a cat starts to purr, looking at you proudly.
Saejima Taiga
Very gentle and respectful of animals and pretty decent at reading their body language. Nothing is as cute as seeing Saejima sit gently holding the tiniest kitten in the whole cafe in his lap, lightly petting its head and smiling.
Akiyama Shun
Fond of fluffy cats in particular and will coo at them about how beautiful their long fur is. Kittens are iffy for him, he's kind of worried he'd step on them? For some reason? Loves watching you play with them though.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Loves animals, especially the kittens. Engages with the string or stick toys a lot and makes little mews back at the kittens when they talk to him. Would even get down on the ground just to be at the cat's level.
Ryuji Goda
More of a dog person but the ice starts to break once a kitten tries to clumsily climb its way over his broad shoulders. He's annoyed for a split second before seeing how happy the moment makes you. From then on, he's steady as a mountain as the kitten fumbles its way from his right shoulder to his left. Maybe he can get into this cat thing after all?
Nishikiyama Akira
Kind of follows your lead, although he does love to give the cats treats. He does this cute thing where he'll pick out two cats that are most like the two of you.
Daigo Dojima
Didn't have pets growing up so he's pretty unfamiliar with what to do around cats. It's quite adorable to see the sixth chairman of the Tojo Clan gingerly hold his hand out for a curious cat to sniff, eventually gently scratching behind the cat's ears and gently smiling to himself.
Mine Yoshitaka
Not much of an animal person but he does love to admire the elegant appearance of a cat. Doesn't really go for kittens much and won't do much playing but does like to find a nice spot to sit next to a calmer adult cat, especially one that's sleeping, and just gently stroking its fur in silence.
Tatsuo Shinada
Something about this man just attracts kittens. They'll just kind of swarm him the second he sits down. Maybe it's his jovial attitude but they just want to play with him from the moment he walks in. He kind of just laughs through it, amused by their little meows.
Ichiban Kasuga
Literally love at first sight with every cat he sees. Adores animals and thinks each one is a precious angel. Would forgive a cat for biting him on the face, actually. Out of all the boys, he's the most likely to suggest a neko cafe date himself.
Tianyou Zhao
Likes to just sit and bap a ball around on the floor for the cats to chase. All smiles throughout the date, just has a grand time in general. Would give each cat a little kiss on the head if he could.
Joon-Gi Han
Has known about cat cafes for a while but never really got to go to one, mostly due to his line of work. Just kind of takes it all in, watching the cats play and enjoying a warm drink all while smiling a little to himself. This is nice. He could get used to doing things like this with you more often.
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missbrunettebarbie · 5 months
Starting watching* The 100 with 4×10 sure is interesting. I have no clue who half these people are or what are the relationships between them. But anyway, here are some hightlights:
-I literally only tried this show for Octavia and God, I love her! She has all the makings of a blorbo. Every single moment she was onscreen I was fascinated. Unsurprisingly, the dynamics that most interest me all are centered around her.
-Octavia-Bellamy thugs at my heartstrings. And yet I still can't help but feel they could have been more. In an alternate universe where the show started with O as the protagonist, Bellamy would be a whole other character. I have a feeling he would be more like comics!Batman, a controlling asshole whose entire world centered around his sister and his ~presence would feel smothering everytime he was onscreen.
-No clue who Ilian was and what was his deal, but I was getting Peeta vibes from him LOL
-Octavia-Indra-Gaia! I hope this is a dynamic that is/has been brought up and delved into in other episode cause the potential is there. (When Gaia realizes their clan is doomed and goes to cry on her mom's shoulder, only for Indra to later be like 'Octavia is doing well.' Oh she knew very well what she was doing. I'm convinced Indra had zero faith in her clan's champion so she took advantage of Octavia's already shaky loyalty to make sure they'll survive.)
-How could Luna have THAT backstory and yet she has no interaction with Bellamy nor is Bellamy-Octavia brought up vis a vis her? Wasted potential smh. In another world, she would be O's dark mirror who'll probably haunt her past her death.
-I'm shipping Linctavia and 1. K know they have already been doomed by the narrative and 2. I haven't even properly seen them interact.
-Is...is Kane Octavia's father? (It would make so much sense since they named him Marcus: a Roman name to fit right in with Octavia and Aurora) Or father figure or something? I'm so confused by their interactions.
-Everyone else: if you didn't interact with Octavia, you don't exist for me.
*I'll finish s4 but I don't know if I'll properly watch the show afterwards. I'm here for Octavia and Octavia only and idk if it's worth it.
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
If you are still taking requests can u do wooyoung 96 + 104 misc please!!! (Thank you so much!!!)
Mafia!Wooyoung(ish) + Crack? -aka Wooyoung causing trouble-
(I don't know where I am. Help me. + Sometimes you need to make your sarcasm a little more clear.)
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If you could spew out any more curse words, you would, but you're about 99% sure that you've used all of them already. Multiple times. A branch snaps you in the arm and you let out a scream of frustration. If you ever see Jung Wooyoung again, you're going to kill him with your bare hands.
Pushing through the dense trees, you end up nearly face-planting into an open field. As if this stupid day couldn't get any worse. When you catch your balance, you observe your surroundings and see nothing but fields and more trees.
Something in you snaps and you want to break down and cry right on the spot. You're so freaking lost and have no clue how to get back to the city. You're probably going to die out in the middle of nowhere, and it'll be all your fault for listening to that idiot. 
You pull your phone out - even though you've had zero signal since you stepped into the woods - and nearly weep with relief. A signal! A sweet, beautiful, precious bar! 
Punching in Wooyoung's number, you don't know whether to cry or cuss him out when he answers. Why on earth did you listen to him when he told you your rivals probably had a cabin out here and that you should go check to be sure? Especially after you pissed him off earlier today. Of course, he couldn't remain professional and set you off on a wild goose chase for payback. 
"Where the hell are you?" He immediately answers.
"Jung Wooyoung, I swear on everything I'm going to stab you."
When you hear the rest of the guys asking Wooyoung what he did, you realize you're on speaker and that everyone is wondering what the heck happened to you.
"Threaten me later," he ignores the guys and asks again, "Tell me where you are."
"I don't know where I am," your voice cracks. "I've been walking around for hours and it's getting dark. Help me."
When Wooyoung makes a sound of pain, you hope that someone hit him hard.
"What do you see?" Seonghwa suddenly asks.
"Trees and fields, and more trees and more fields!" You want to scream, but you know that's not going to help at all. "I haven't seen another person or building in hours."
"Are you in the forest?" Seonghwa asks in confusion. "How the heck did you end up there?"
Plopping down on the ground in hopes that they'll be able to track your signal, you tell them about the job you and Wooyoung were working on and how Wooyoung suggested you search for any outer buildings. A moment later, Wooyoung yells in pain, and this time, you hear the smack.
"That was sarcasm!" Wooyoung yells. "I thought you'd figure that out and meet me at the safehouse!"
"Well, sometimes you need to make your sarcasm a little more clear!"
Wooyoung starts to argue back when he suddenly goes silent. Hongjoong's voice soon reaches your ears and you smile. "Are you telling me that you fucked around on a job?"
Wooyoung responds with no at the same time that you answer yes. Before you can start arguing again, Yeosang's sweet, angelic voice reaches your ears.
"I found you. We'll be there soon."
You let out a cheer of happiness and lay back on the grass. The only thing to do now is plan Wooyoung's demise and wait.
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Thankfully I got to Wembley and back without running into any issues with the trains. Even just getting on at the station, I saw four other people wearing wrestling shirts and that number gradually increased the closer it got to London. The whole day had a similar atmosphere to when I attended WrestleMania 31. Wrestling. Fans. Everywhere.
I was up in the nosebleeds so not the best of views, having to rely on the screen above the ring for most of the night. The atmosphere more than made up for it. Although I am jealous of my work mate who also attended, had floor seats, and can be seen multiple times in the crowd throughout the show.
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Ticketmaster told me the doors opened at 3:30, that Zero Hour would start at 5, and the main show would start at 6. Thank goodness I was in my seat by 4:15 because otherwise I would have missed Powerhouse Hobbs and Miro who were in the ring at 4:30. Imagine still being in line at the merch stand instead. Side note - I thought WWE replica titles were pricey going for £300 to £450. AEW replicas start at £650 and go up to £850.
From where I was sat, I had no clue it was Anthony Ogogo with Paul Wight and Grado. Genuinely thought it was Wardlow at first. Mercedes got a good reaction the first time she was shown but got a better pop the second time once more fans had filled in and the main show was underway.
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I saw Aussie Open compete at NJPW Royal Quest in August 2019 and I didn't think much of them at the time. Fair play to the lads, they've had a hell of a few years since. Would have hoped for them to hold onto the ROH tag titles for longer. Don't think they'll be complaining about opening All In against the hottest act in the company though.
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Not much reaction to this match in my section, although people were glad to see HOOK get the win. Jack Perry doing Rolling Thunder on top of the limo was also impressive. I do wonder how a casual fan checking out the show would react to Perry's comment about the limo having real glass.
"Well, duh, what else would it be?"
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Every time I have seen Samoa Joe live, he's gotten a positive reaction whether playing face or heel. CM Punk was met with a mixed response, although I couldn't see anyone that didn't sing along with Cult of Personality. I understand the logic of "I'm gonna take your Real World Championship simply so you can't have it." I don't understand the logic of AEW promoting matches for a fake title. Will Thunder Rosa declare herself the Real Women's Champion when she returns? If this does end up being Punk's swansong, there are worse ways to go. From an on-screen perspective at least.
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Omega, Ibushi, and Page losing was not popular with the live crowd, getting some "bull plop" chants. I wasn't that fussed personally, think it makes sense for Takeshita to keep building momentum ahead of the singles with Kenny. The six-man tag was fine for what it was but I wouldn't say there was anything particularly memorable here either.
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Ahead of their usual Superkick Party theme, the Young Bucks had a short "Another One Bites The Dust" parody "A Superkick Knocks You Out". It wouldn't be the last time an act on the show would shoehorn in a Queen song. Both teams put on a solid match as you'd expected, definitely picking up the pace as it went on. Surprised that FTR retained given Cash's recent issues. Wembley was most respectful of the manner, singing "Wheeler's Got a Gun" to the tune of "Give It Up".
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I like Eddie Kingston. I like Orange Cassidy and the Best Friends. I like the Blackpool Combat Club. It's a shame I was limited as to how much I got to see of them. And that's not because of the cheap seats. Stadium Stampede was always going to be a hard watch live with ten different guys in four or five different places at once. It felt like Eddie was gone for most of the match. Penta's transformation from El Zero Miedo to Oscuro did not come across well live either. Was mostly met by confusion and laughter. Massive reactions for Orange and of course SUE! Great to see Cassidy, Trent and Chuck get the win on such a big stage.
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Remember the band Queen? Saraya sure does. Remember Queen Elizabeth II? Toni Storm sure does. Remember great women's wrestling? Tony Khan might be forgetting it. This match suffered from its placement on the card and there wasn't much crowd noise for it, at least where I was sat. Toni Storm accidentally decking Saraya's mum drew an "ooooooo" and Saraya got a good pop for the win.
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I've now seen Sting wrestle for four different promotions - WWA, TNA, WWE, and AEW. It's amazing that he's still going at 64 and having such a great run to boot. Massive reaction for his old WCW theme Seek and Destroy too.
I saw a Casket match between Mr. Anderson and Bully Ray at a TNA show in 2014. Except they had a cheap wooden casket that looked like it would fall apart any second. I think the four guys in this would have preferred it, given how often each did a spot directly onto the coffin itself. Everyone delivered in this one.
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Before making his proper entrance, Chris Jericho decided to mimic Freddie Mercury. Can't think why. Judas is a catchy song and having 80,000+ singing it all at once was immense. I know people wanted to see Will Ospreay against someone else, such as a third match with Kenny Omega, but I was hyped for this one. Always been a Jericho fan, one of the first wrestlers I remember seeing when I started watching in 2001. Ospreay is tremendous and I had only seen him live in a throwaway tag match previously. These two knocked it out of the park and this was probably my match of the night.
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As soon as I got to Wembley Stadium and found my spot in the massive queue, there were already people singing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands". There were tributes to Bray Wyatt throughout the night and it reached its most poignant during House of Black's entrance.
Quite a contrast then when The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn won, leading to the World's Largest Scissoring.
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Oh boy, this was a divisive one live. Some people around me loved it and were thrilled that friendship won out the night, some people thought the match had too much comedy and needed one guy betraying the other. One guy in my section would not stop shouting for Adam Cole to take his shirt off and take it seriously. I liked it for the most part. Wasn't a fan of the false double pin, even with the immediate restart. Glad that Better Than You Bay Bay is still going. Hope All Out doesn't undo it immediately.
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Overall, I had a great time at All In and very much hope I can go again in 2024. Would have liked to attend with someone rather than be on my own, but did get to meet up with my work mate for a burger after the show. I also got to see Cash Wheeler, Sonjay Dutt, Wheeler Yuta and SUE! in passing too. Fun times all round... was absolutely exhausted after. Luckily, there's no more London shows this year...
At least, I'm not currently planning to go to Royal Quest III anyhow.
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
The thing that stands out to me about Shauna's impending childbirth is how ill prepared that entire group is for bringing a baby into that cabin. Akilah has a bit of medical knowledge and Misty is not squeamish about doing what needs to be done, but none of them have prepared or reasoned about what childbirth actually entails or how to take care of a baby. They cobble together a baby shower based on what they remember they were like, but no one seems to have a clue as to what they'll use for diapers, how Shauna is going to nurse, where they're going to get extra food for a nursing mother, etc.
And here Lottie is talking to the baby like it's a god, and Shauna is half in denial and half terrified about what is going to happen and how she has zero practical help of any kind whatsoever. And she knows that if Lottie guides them, Misty will hack into her abdomen to get the baby out and then they'll do God knows what with an infant they can't even feed if Shauna is dead.
If you remember the early days of The Walking Dead, it plays out very similarly. Lori was terrified of giving birth with no help and of people finding out who the father was, so she attempted to terminate the pregnancy, and then couldn't go through with it. Her relationship with her partner is basically nonexistent by the time she's ready to give birth and they have a hard time finding food and shelter. Carol starts digging up zombie bodies and practicing C sections on them if it comes to that...none of the people surrounding Shauna seem to have thought this far ahead. Of course, when Judith is born Carol is missing and Maggie has to hack into Lori to get the baby out, and she dies. It's the fact of the situation that are horrifying, not so much its depiction, but the parallels are certainly there. It works out OK in the end, because Judith is cared for and adopted by her community, which works out well for her when her brother, dad, and adopted mama eventually exit the narrative.
I see a reversal of the situation here: Shauna survives, the baby does not. But I suspect all the bloody details that Walking Dead skimped on will be fully present in this show
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patchesproblem · 1 year
Hi.. I have come to talk about my Half-Life Einsla AU again. I went on a rant about it last night but I think that it's nonsensical enough but interesting enough to be shared here.
*Usual disclaimer for people finding this out of context: Tesla and Einstein are anime girls from HI3rd. I'm not writing fanfic / aus of real-life dead men please have mercy on me-
I've mentioned some of this before I think, but not the full scope of it.
For the most part, it follows during the same exact time as the HL 1 games, with Gordon Freeman still running around and doing his thing. The main difference is that they're in a different part of the facility than him and are actively trying to escape. They also don't have the luxury of being in HEV suits, nor do they have any knowledge of what was going on in the other areas of the facilities. Gordon plays a semi-important part in the background but it isn't until WAY later that they actually come face to face (that being before he jumps into Xen, but that's for later.)
They've worked in the facilities for a while, and they specialized in creating experimental technology essentially. Tesla occasionally helped with weapons however that wasn't her official role. They did not like their jobs in the slightest. They hated how things were run, and they felt like they were being suffocated in a way. It did not help that the pay was not worth the effort. The irony is that when the Resonance Cascade began they were actually about to leave for another base.
Now for some information that doesn't TECHNICALLY matter but it's hilarious to ME and I wanted to share.
Tesla DOES NOT like Gordon Freeman AT ALL. Einstein doesn't particularly like him, but Tesla has gone on full rants about how she doesn't even understand how he's working there. In her defense, though, she has reasons for it. She doesn't find him professional At All (which is ironic considering how she is), and doesn't understand how he's still hired. He's probably ruined her lunch before. Why? I don't know I just think it'd be funny lmao. Also they've heard the stories of him running through the vents. They don't understand what Kleiner see's in him.
She does have some respect for him, though. He is good at what he does and she'll begrudgingly admit it.
Einstein just finds him slightly annoying tbh.
They were relatively young when they started working at Blak Mesa. They met through Planck, and she helped them get their jobs. However Planck doesn't work there anymore. She's either at a different facility or retired, I'm not sure yet.
100% Would threaten the GMan and beat his ass just by pure audacity alone. They just want to go home they don't care that he's some god-like being. He will let them go home whether he likes it or not.
Now for the actually important stuff. When the Resonance Cascade first began they actually weren't supposed to be there. They had just finished packing their desks and were about to leave when it happened. Einstein was left relatively unscathed (minus some minor bruising/scratches (they would've been worse but Tesla threw herself over her to protect her)) and Tesla made it out with a few cuts/bruises and maybe fewer brain cells. However, some of the others in the room weren't so lucky.
They meet a security guard and help him gather everyone together, and the three go to the nearby guard room to try and call for help. They're unable to contact the surface, or anyone for that matter, and without warning a headcrab teleports into the room. The guard has zero clue what they are and it's at this point they realize something is seriously wrong. After talking to the other few survivors they ultimately decide that they'll be the ones to try to find help while the guard stayed behind to help the others.
Before they leave he gives them the key to one of the guard rooms where they find a map of the facility and guns/ammo. At that point, they start making their way through the facilities. However, their approach is different from Gordons'. Specifically, they avoid conflict as much as humanly possible, and they have to be extremely careful due to not having HEV suits. They do eventually have a run-in with the military however it's a one-time thing and their way of handling it is. Something to say the least.
Going through the facilities was easy at first. They were familiar with most hallways, and they really only encountered the occasional headcrab. I think it would be around this point that Einstein just picks on up and says 'We're adopting this thing' just to annoy Tesla. Yes, it ends up traveling with them on a leash. Yes, it wasn't happy about it. They bond though so it's fine.
They occasionally hear updates through the radios scattered around the base and through other scientists they find, however, it isn't until the military arrives that things get worse. They very quickly realize that the military is not on their side, and at that point on they have to start hiding and using their own skills to survive. Tesla makes hand-made grenades to deal with them in case they can't avoid them, which is effective for the most part.
Occasionally they hear things about Gordon and are amazed by the fact he's survived so long, and are amazed that he's managed to piss off the military so badly. They also learn through scientists that the Lambda team is trying to find a way to fix the disaster so they try to make their way there.
An accident occurs at some point where Einstein is in danger and nearly falls into a bunch of nuclear waste because the floor collapsed in, but Tesla managed to get her and pull her up. The headcrab somehow helps her by the sheer power of I think it'd be funny.
Once they make it up to the surface things get even more difficult. The places to hide are few and far between, and it was only by sheer luck that they managed to get far enough to get to the Lambda lab. This is where they get a glance of Gordon Freeman, but they don't even try to get to him. They figure he'll be fine and go on with their days trying to avoid the alien and military combat.
They end up making it there and they help the other scientists try to get it under control, and eventually Gordon arrives. They help get the portal open and just pray for the best.
I also had ideas for HL2, but I haven't fully finished watching a play through on it so I can't say anything for sure.
TLDR; All of this is stupid and is essentially me giving two insane scientists a gun and sending them on their merry way. They adopt a pet that could kill them and bicker like an old married couple, you know the usual.
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morganas-pendragons · 2 years
TWD 11.17 and 18 
These are going to be brutally honest thoughts. I haven't done one of these in a while, and I haven't seen any generally good thoughts about these two episodes so here we go!
I don't have the slightest clue what happened at the beginning of Episode 17 but I am 100% here for Sleezy Hornsby getting shot by Daryl
Also, speaking of Sleezy -- His actor is A List, he's done a phenomenal job!
For any of you who keep repeatedly saying that Negan doesn't deserve a redemption arc... very kindly? You're wrong. He's had it, it was executed well, and I'm glad he's gotten a decent arc from Season 9 and 10 (I need to rewatch S11 in entirety before I can say it for this season too)
MERCER *insert drooling emoji here*
I kid you not I went "MOM" as soon as carol appeared on screen
Judith is so big it makes me want to die
I love that little character detail about Carol where she's always thinking three steps ahead of the antagonist for that particular season. It really speaks to her life experience how she's always prepared.
JDM is so good at the comedic aspect of Negan
I remember years ago that I desperately wanted to see JDM and MMB on screen together because of the dynamic between Carol and Negan -- and how drastically different they are from one another. THIS ONE DOESN'T DISAPPOINT EITHER
Episode 17 definitely gives me the vibes of if Woodbury had gone wrong, how would it have happened?
there's alot of nice callbacks to previous seasons/characters in this episode, which is really nice. I hope the series finale has this same kind of nostalgia.
also. Melissa? blue. her color. I will now associate every shade of blue with Melissa McBride, no questions asked.
I really, really hope Sebastian gets the crap kicked out of him by everyone
I love the candle light vigil and what it means because it makes sense. All these people find out that the Governor's son is responsible for the deaths of multiple civilians from the community, and they're enraged. They're furious and want blood and I don't blame them.
here's the really ironic part of this episode: it once again showed us that not even a community of 50k is safe inside of these walls because the walkers can still get through
oh lord all the Caryl scenes are in episode 18 I guess I'm staying up to watch both
This got a solid 7/10 and would've been lower if Judith and Carol weren't in it LOL
Episode 18
Also first impressions: I find it hilariously stupid that Daryl is questioning Carol playing both sides when she's clearly done this like a million other times????
go off my guy Hornsby absolutely deserved getting stabbed through the hand with your MASSIVE knife
I really have an issue with the regression of Carol and Daryl's relationship. That opinion might get its own post.
"You take happiness wherever you can get it, and don't ever be sorry for it." Carol honey I love you but please take your own advice
I love how the camera pans directly to Daryl and Judith as SOON as she walks away from Lydia after saying this
catch me crying at the ''here it's yours'' BYE I MISS RICK SO MUCH
I think it's interesting how some of the side characters are beginning to find themselves again at Commonwealth and that molds their decision as to whether or not they'll stay or return to the Safe Zone.
Also for you guys who are vehemently against CZ: This scene isn't romantic and has zero romantic implications. After all that happened in S9, I cannot see a world where they'd make an effort to go through this again.
You can really tell Cailey Fleming has grown up from where we saw her in S9 to now. She's been a PHENOMENAL little Judith.
And speaking of Judith -- she really is the embodiment of everything Rick and Michonne stood for, and if she doesn't appear in his spin off to reunite with her father I WILL RIOT
uncle daryl and his little niece makes me weep
uhm.... okay this wrestling scene is.. uh... extremely corny
okay but highkey mercer might be the most attractive man in the commonwealth
okay but imo his death might be the most gruesome/tragic one we've had in.. quite a while
this one was alot better then 17 because it again proves that not even a civilization of fifty thousand people is safe inside of these fortified walls where they get to pretend like the world didn't end and try to live the way they did before. I enjoyed this one much more thoroughly, but not enough Carol. 8/10!
bonus: why does episode 19 look better then 18 and 17 combined
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theadventurerslog · 2 years
King’s Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder | Part 4
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The Adventurer’s Log
King’s Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder Part 4
Sailing, sailing out to open sea. And islands! And deadly sea serpents! We left off on the shores last time with Graham, Cedric, a lack of cloak thanks to the birds snatching it while the eagle saved Graham, and a boat in the distance.
I went to the boat after a bit of poking around and not finding much, although Cedric was more willing than to go than usual.
Time to set sail!
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Time to! Sink... This is a little bullshit. There's a hole in the boat but zero indication of such even if you look at it. At least Cedric got away.
Back on shore after that reload now with the knowledge there is a hole in the boat, it's time to put that bees wax to use to repair it. Then set sail again.
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Mmm munch munch.
I got eaten by these sea monsters multiple times before I found an island. It's not Mordack's island, but must explore everywhere for clues and items.
Unfortunately as soon as we landed, harpies swooped down to attack and snatched Graham. I was brought to a different part of the island where the harpies started arguing over and generally being catty at each other.
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There was a small area to walk around in, but if you try to get away they grab you and you die, and if you take too long they'll grab you and you die. This happened a couple times netting me the narrator's remark: "Hate to harp on the subject, but Graham was no match for the harpies." There was a fish hook lying on the ground I was able to grab safely.
So, it was just me and my inventory. I wasn't sure what to do and tried the harp thinking I was just playing around but that was the solution. One of the harpies wants the harp for herself and snatches it. The others chase after leaving Graham. Harp...harpies...
Free to go back down the path to find my way back to the shore, I found poor wounded Cedric lying in the grass. You can actually leave him there, which would be a terribly cruel thing to do and will result in you not being able to finish the game.
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I scooped him up, but now we still need to find Mordack's castle and need to get Cedric taken care of.
On the beach where I landed I found a conch shell and then took my boat back out to sea.
I got eaten some more before I gave up and started mapping the ocean. I didn't fill in ever tile but it seems to be a case of an area of freedom surrounded by sea serpents as a way to keep you from sailing too far out. Who needs invisible walls when you can use sea monsters!
I did find my way to more shoreline where a home had been made from the bow of an old ship. I probably could have found that sooner if I'd just gone south right away at the start, but there wouldn't have been much I could do yet, so it worked out. There was a bell to ring--obviously I did so--and an old man comes out.
He's hard of hearing and you can't really talk to him effectively until you give him the conch shell. Then Graham tells him Cedric needs help and that they're trying to find a way to Mordack's castle.
The old man lets them in and has some stuff to help Cedric--gifts of the sea. It works fast!
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Up you pop, Cedric.
Cedric's feeling much and the old man is able to help us with a way to Mordack's castle. He knows a mermaid named Pearl and calls her. She is able to guide us.
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Time to go again!
Pearl guides them and so we come to Mordack's island castle...
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Not ominous at all.
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Of course we ship wrecked. Stuck here now!
Graham and Cedric are both okay. That's a dead fish there and what else is there to do but pick it up too? Graham: "Ugh, a dead fish… Weeell, maybe I can use it." A true adventurer indeed.
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And so at last it's time to go to Mordack's castle, find Graham's family and face the wizard himself.
Points: 186/260
Deaths: 54
Time: 4:10
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
They're all saying bad things about me they send it to her and they do it too much and there's too many of them doing it and they're infighting and that's 1 reason why the max plan to do it and it's to their own detriment their bunkers will soon be breached they'll start to lose them and we have a very large safety underneath them I will say that you idiots here have given us a zero solution or zero sum game and there's only one solution to that and that is your destruction and it's because you're harassing me and threatening my life constantly and you have a war going on nearby which is illegal and forces the issue and it's massive massive violations of all sorts of grievance as a precursor for very ugly time for your people it sets a precedent that we will of course you use we're much better at it we don't fail at it if we don't want you in an area you're not there. You people here do not want to have a plan most of you and you're ridiculous all day long you want to bother one person and people have their knives well into your backs and you can see what's going to happen to you because of your idiotic behavior you can make fun of me but I have a lot more things to make fun of you about I have a lot of things to harass you about and we haven't really done that and we should you're poor you smell you're old you're sick you have tons of money you don't know what to do with it or how to use it you had all the businesses and you lost them and keep repeating the same stupid mistakes over and over and over you say you have a mega computer and you can't even have the mega computer do anything and it's not yours it's a very huge taboo and who cares armies are against you and computers fall very quickly. Your leaders are sicker than hell they can't hard to get you food or h....u're coming to us the people that you abuse re3questing aide as if we are a charity or are your momma. and we arent. I have massive value for just being in a place people used to use me for advertising and would take over industries and now you don't value it because you're running some sort of **** plan that you exposed by treating me bad it's not very complex what you're doing wrong and you refuse to rectify it and you will all be gone morlock shortly in the Mac Proper have decided to try and pull up and then find it to be too heavy and then having us do a lot of the work and it's because they are incapable of doing it they too are dwindling a lot of their bunkers are plugged or blocked really not plugged and you're a total failures just as I thought and knew you were so you sit here making fun of me when your situation is rapidly deteriorating your financial situation is dire you're losing control over the finance centers as if you never had them and you're losing businesses rapidly as if you don't care and you don't even have a clue as to what you're up against at all you don't understand what's happening on Saturn or within you don't know what's below the continental caverns. further your behvior is so bad most forgeiens kill youi on site as does your father andwe see it all day long al the time now. He refused to shut up you don't have a parallel with me at all 'cause you won't go down into the caverns to make sure your father doesn't procure ships that he can go to Saturn with and you sit here threatening me thinking you're gonna get stuff because you're **** me off you don't have a game here anymore it's because of this trump guy now BJA is getting pushed off the big stashes and caches what I suggest to him is to stay on the ones that are in his areas and focus on them and don't back off them and look at how other people are doing it'cause I don't wanna put up with another whiny Jew until they're out
Zues Hera oh my God this is nnoying this shit trump has to go
So he says and that's Trump I have a hang nail helped me chris and my nephew says I cut your hand off yesterday how do you have a damn hang now. And that's what's happening this guy's Stefan van normally and is so clueless and he still got a lot of money and people should be taking advantage of it this is such a **** for a show because of him I mean you can save her how bad he is and stuff let's say you should start doing that see 12 step program so people are saying it finally he's like a lozenge but we really have to get going and if he's right if we give up on one of these stashes and cashes at least one we have to have we're doomed and we should get the ones where we are in Australia that's one in the West Coast he says and that's two and we're going to go ahead with it now and we want we know which ones that Tommy F is not at so we're going to focus and it's kind of an agreement we'll make and we won't get pushed around and yeah we have to stand on it 'cause she's right you turn into this mushy **** **** **** he's got all this stuff and he turned into it. But they're gonna be having a big war and it is with the max so getting going right now
and the pussy says shove it so what we hit y8ou now you lazy dead shit
Hera yeh f off loser lol you moron. got mroe territory lol Zues
0 notes
jagervitdefonnyhat · 5 months
17, 18, 19 lilya
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Certainly depends on the person. A local townie might notice the more distinct traits first, to know which jäger it is since some of them looks kinda similar. The blueish skin, the horns, maybe the hat, and the long red hair might got first. An outsider townie, might notice the accent first. Then the skin, horns, and think 'construct', then process the ears, teeth, claws, then rapidly fill in everything else screaming jäger and fill in how to respond once thats processed. Another jäger will probably notice smellfirst, depending on if their sense of smell is bad or not. If it is, hat, distinct traits (the horns vs tusks vs weird eyes vs color) will clue them in quick for who it is. They'll notice a lack of hat, or a new one, more likely than just the same hat in general.
For herself, she'll zero in on her hat and hair before anything.
None of them, surprisingly, will likely notice the tail too quickly. In her tail's defense, present!canon lilya's horns are rather tall and dramatic.
Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
I mean, (most of) the pack and the Heterodynes are obvious answers here. There's nothing either of them could do to make her not love them, even if she disagreed with something. And verylittle the Heterodynes could do that she'd actively disagree with rather than accept as being what this heterodyne is gonna do.
Her not-husband significant other tfrom the late 1600s/early 1700s, he'd be on that list, while he lived. And he adoptive mother, of course.
It might be more effective, really, to say who managed to stay on that list despite maybe they shouldn't have. Namely two friends growing up- from elementary, and from when she joined on as a minion to the mechanics at the castle. The first who, unexpectedly and with no stated reason, decided to end the friendship and cut her off. She thought they'd been close. And if that friend ever came back, she'd have questions, but still love them. The second was less severe. Just, lost contact when they split ways, lilya to join the army, and the friend to travel merchantry. Lily ahad tried reaching out, sending some dictated letters, with no response for decades to follow. But she thought they'd been close, and if they came back, she'd still love them.
She did at least see them breifly around town post becoming a jäger, and decided not to interact because they'd made their decisions to stop contact. Lilya had worke don herself since and decided she just didn't care. She still loved them.
She went to their respective funerals, when they were announced. Met some family and descendants. Asked about how they'd been in life. She was glad they'd at least been happy, even if she didn't know why they just... stopped talking to her.
Her birth parents, well they fell off the love category a few years after ditching her alone. She just didn't really remember them anymore.
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Huff and get to trying to fix the problem. Answer questions if asked. It might depend on why she'd been avoiding them. Like for casual just not liking them reasons, versus them being a superior officer who's been trying to track her down for a punishment detail since yesterday. The latter of which, well, less huffing more slightly mopey resignation. Still some huffing though. Then back to problem solving after getting told off/chastised/whatever.
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