#and I get so anxious wondering what’s going to happen next I have to walk away
lemonlinelights · 2 years
On the scale of blorbos what’s the one you are the most abnormal about?
Like the “I can’t normally talk about them because my chest gets all tight and I talk too fast and my smile is so big my words aren’t coherent and I stay up uber late just liking posts of them because I already used up all my reblogs that day on them.” Kind. I get so excited I don’t know where to put all the energy and I’m just jittering in place like an infinite bouncing ball.
I can’t look at any of the source material either or else I’ll combust even though I miss my blorbos so I burn through everything I can find and then I start taking filters off out of desperation only to have instant regret it’s call dead dove:do not eat for a reason. And when I finally get myself to absorb source material I quite literally melt and all my pent up energy makes me feel like shitty homade aspik being shaken out of its tin.
Next thing you know I am making fan work despite not even finishing canon. My phones at one percent and it’s 3 AM and I have written 2,000 words in my notes app and autocorrect knows the names of the blorbos and fills them in before I type them.
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ddiidi · 23 days
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bf!Bangchan x gn!reader (ot8 mentioned)
When he calls you clingy, so you distance yourself
Previous Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Next Pt. 3
!Warnings: angst, swearing, fun at the end bc reader needs fun in life (lmk if i missed anything)
Important!Side-Note!: Should I do a happy ending for them?
It has been 3 days since that incident. 3 days and still not a single message from Chan, not even an apology for yelling at you, nothing. You've been texting him every now and then, to ask if he's okay, eats and sleeps. He never replied to any of them, nor has he seen them, so you spend most of the time packing your stuff and working from home. You were glad you had a job you also could work from home for. Every now and then, you went over to the building, to check a few things, walking extra detours, to make sure, you won't bump into Chan.
A few of the other members texted you the past days, asking if everything is okay and why the haven't seen you around for a while, to which you just replied with "Busy with work and private stuff, dww:)". It made you happy they actually care that much about you, just because they haven't seen you in a few days, but also anxious and sad, since they care, but chan hasn't even shown any intress in you the past days. You weren't even able to tell him that you're moving.
More days pass, and a few days, turn into a week of no textes from Chan. At this point, you wondered if he even knew that you still exist.
So here you were, in your old apartment, stuffed with boxes, not being able to get your mind off chan and his well-being, even though, you're still deeply hurt from what he said, you couldn't just not not care about him....He pointed out two of your insecurities, just like that as if it was nothing and he doesn't even care...not about you not your feelings.
You let out a deep sigh. You should be getting ready for a day with your friends. Not think about some man, who happened to be the love of your life, who calls you his partner, but doesn't even know how to cherish you.
You let out another, heavy, sigh as you drop to the floor to put on your shoes, Let's just focus on having a great time today, you thought to yourself and left the apartment.
Well, maybe it was not the best decision to go out today...
Chan for his part, had to listen to a lectur from Felix, after you ran out, crying. "Chris..you really shouldn't have said all that to her. I understand that you were annoyed or whatever, but that was no reason to yell at her" "Really now? They were just being a fucking, clingy and annoying crybaby that couldn't take no for an answer, for whatever reason." chan sighed out, at the younger member. "That crybaby...was really uncalled for chris. They're your partner, not some random person on the street you can yell at. I wouldn't wonder if they took that "Leave me alone" to heart and actually leave you after that action." "But I-" chan starts, "I'm just saying chris. You better fix this before it's too late. After what you pulled, partners are faster gone than you could blink" with that, Felix leaves the room, leaving Chan alone, again.
Since that talk, Chan locked himself in his studio, thinking about the best way to apologize for what he said. But he couldn't find one. No matter how long he thought, days, a whole week, there was nothing but regret. He just had to apologize in person and beg for forgivness, hoping that you'd actually forgive him.
So there he was, with a giant bouquet of flowers, fresh clothes and hope.
He had the code to your apartment, so he opened the door, ready to be greeted by the warm, wide open hallway, but was greeted with the cold gray of bunch of boxes instead and the first thing he felt, was panic."Y/n? Y/n are you there?" he yelled, as he ran through your whole apartment, but as he saw that even all your date polaroid pictures where gone, he couldn't help but panic even more.
He let's the flowers fall on the floor, running to your room and nearly collapsed when he found..nothing. Where were you? Did you actually go? Did you actually leave him? All these questions consumed his head and that's when he broke, crying to the point he couldn't breath. He took out his phone and called the first number he saw in his recent calls. It peeped a few times, before someone took the call.
"Hey Chris everything alr-" "They're gone! Felix they're gone, they're not here i don't know what to do! I've never meant it I was just-" chan cried and gasped out at felix on the other line. "Woah there calm down, try to breath I don't understand a word. Relax, I'll be there okay? You know there is an explination for everything, that's what you always say, so try to relax it's okay" Felix tried to soothen the older man, while grabbing his keys and running out to his car. Chan didn't reply anything to that and continued soobing.
I have your location, I'll be there in 5." that's the last thing chan heared from felix, before he collapsed on the floor in your apartment.
And you? You were drinking coffee with your friends, while your bestie told you guys a story how she saw a horse that nearly drowned.
@finnbbl @wolfs-howling
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princessbrunette · 10 months
I love stepbro!jj, what about step sis asking jj to help her cum because she just can’t get the write angles :(
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tryin something new n decided to be less lazy with my writing and presentation. ♡
CW: step-cest, tiny bit of faux-cest if you blink i think ?? this is dark content technically, do not interact if that’s not ur thing. aside from that, usual warnings such as smut and mentions of past family issues. proceed with caution ❀
You loved when JJ came home.
It was simple, something he did everyday — well, most days atleast if he wasn’t off on some grand adventure you’d hear about a few days later, curled up to his side on the couch digging your toes into his thigh and begging him for details.
Anyway, JJ was different when he’d come home. Not like himself in the morning, running around frantically always half way out the door, still pulling up his pants holding the bagel you had put in the toaster between his teeth, ruffling your hair as he passes you as an apology for stealing your breakfast.
JJ when he came home was calmer. Not always super tired, just… done with the day, happy to be home, happy to see you. He was still warm from the sun, despite it having gone down hours ago, and always smelt like salt water still from being in and out the ocean all day. He’d wear a lazy dopey smile, dropping down on the worn leather of the couch beside you, spreading his arms along the back of it.
Today was different, and you wanted to be your usual silly and playful self with him, chatting until it gets late, your mother passed out asleep and his father taking a night shift up on the pier, a job JJ thinks he’s lucky to have talked himself into, yet pleasantly surprised he’s kept it up this long. Nights like these, your chatting would turn to playful wrestling, any excuse to get your hands on eachother and then a few guilty, chaste kisses once he’d inevitably pinned you. You weren’t in your usual mood however.
He hadn’t touched you in a while, not like that anyway. The glossy, pearl pink of your nail had been chipped off from your incessant nibbling, anxious thoughts swirling your mind regarding whether JJ had come to his senses, realising he shouldn’t be helping his little step-sister like this, and he’d rather just pretend it didn’t ever happen. God, had he spoken to someone about it? Been guided out of your needy hands? Your wondering had lead you to pull away slightly, not seek out his help like you so badly wanted to, trying to please yourself the way he did, attempting to remember the exact way he curved his fingers against your squelchy spot.
But your fingers weren’t long like his, and no matter how far you bent your wrist it just wouldn’t crook up to the angle you needed— and you didn’t even wanna get started on your lack of coordination in rubbing your clit at the same time, it was all too much for your hazy little head, and after pretty much working yourself to tears you’d resorted to huffing, pulling up your pyjama shorts and going to sulk on the couch in the dark, room lit up by old Spongebob re-runs.
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes when JJ came home, and you wasn’t sure why. Well, you were — you were in a foul mood, and him walking through the door all warm and smiley and devastatingly charming just made you throb harder, clenching hard enough that you could crush a fuckin’ walnut in there. His dumb little sleeveless shirts and shorts and backwards red cap smushed over an abundance of sun-bleached hair. He didn’t even try, he just woke up and looked like that. It was twisted. How dare he.
“No ‘hello’? Y’know, you’re too pretty for all that pouting. Wanna talk about it? Talk to Papa J?”
He’s already teasing you, it’s like he knew. He flops down onto the couch next to you, leather covered couch cushions hissing under his weight, stretching himself across the space like he usually did. You wanted to crawl into his lap and rock against his dick and have your tongues wrap around eachother, but he wasn’t your boyfriend. He was your step-brother, you both needed to resist for a painful amount of time before you gave in, to prove to yourselves you were good, normal people. You didn’t see the point, you’d said it once and you still thought it— JJ was just bein’ a good big brother, helping you out when you need him so desperately. However, the denial of your shared feelings had become routine, and if it’s what it took for JJ to give in and help you, you were happy to play ball.
“S’bad JJ, I shouldn’t say. Doesn’t matter anyway.” You all but huff, turning back to the TV. Your lashes flutter a little when he urgently shifts closer, tilting his head trying to gauge your expression. You kind of wanted to smile, you liked that he cared.
“Wh- yes it matters. Is someone bothering you?” Yes. You. A tidal wave of warmth brushes over your arms, stomach curling tightly in on itself at the thought of JJ being protective over you, teaching someone who was being mean to you a lesson. You bite your lip, and when you turn to look at him again he’s closer than he was before, brow creased waiting for you to speak.
You look at him, look at that little cut on his lip. The graze on his cheek. Wonder how it happened. You exhale slowly through your nose, brows furrowing and you blink a few times as you gather your thoughts. He thinks it’s cute when you do that.
“No one is bothering me. I just… I haven’t been able t’do what you did. As good as you did it.” You slowly spell it out, not wanting to say any of the crude terms, or even specifically have to own up to what you wanted. You said a millisecond-long prayer in hoping he would simply understand what you meant, but when you’d lifted your gaze back up to the blonde boy after shyly staring at your chipped nail polish, he was squinting one eye at you, mouth a little gaped.
“Yeah, uh— y’gonna have to be a touch more specific than that, honey. Know I’m a genius, but I ain’t a mind reader.” He leans back into the couch, relaxing once you told him no one was picking on you.
You clench your fist in your lap, looking up at the ceiling in despair as if the answer to your problems was up there. You drop your eyes back to JJ, the cause and true answer to your problem and brace yourself. “I haven’t been able to… touch myself as good as you did it to me. Tried all night Jayj, even started crying ‘cos I couldn’t do it right. Just feel all… empty since we last did it.” Your bottom lip pushes out and you curl your legs up so you could wrap your arms around them, physically making yourself as small as possible seeing as you’d wanted to disappear into the couch in that moment.
For once, JJ is lost for words.
You can’t handle the silence as he stares at you, contemplating his next action. So, you speak again. “Sorry Jayj… j’st need you to do everything for me.” You look so pitiful, it’s sweet in a kicked puppy kind of way. He’d like to consider himself a helpful kinda guy, infact he knew he was— he wouldn’t be in half the shit John B dragged him into every single day if he wasn’t constantly putting his ass on the line to help him. This was no different, this was risky. He could break up a happy family, ruin things for his dad if he got caught doing this. God, he’s such a troublemaker it made him want you more.
“Look,” He speaks, closing his eyes and fixing his hat on his head. He speaks your name softly and it just sounds better on his tongue than anyone else’s. You squish your thighs together, preparing to be shut down. Your face is all pained, and he realises you’ve come to him practically begging him to touch you because you’re hurting without him. His dick jumps in his shorts. “I’ve been tryin’ t’do the right thing. Y’know? S’not easy. When you walk around looking like that. Looking at me like that. You think I haven’t been thinking about the last time we—” He cuts himself off with a sigh, scrubbing a hand down his face. Was he mad? Your brow creases even more and he thinks you might cry, so he scoots back up to you, draping an arm round you like you’re just a kid who’s being comforted after a scolding. “It’s really that bad?” He tongues at the cut on his lip. You nod, feeling sorry for yourself and he exhales slowly out his nose. He thinks for a bit, and then just stares at you for a while. He think he might even kiss you, but then he speaks. “Lie back.”
You’re happy as a clam when you scoot back on the couch, happy you’re getting some special attention from your step brother. “Oh yeah, all smiles now huh.” He tsks playfully. You lean your back against the armrest, bringing your knees up and spreading your legs just a little. He rubs his hands over his face again in preparation before he turns his body to face you, immediately dropping down his gaze to see the wet patch in your shorts.
“Lord have mercy.” He shakes his head, a hand pressing thoughtlessly to the back of your thigh, spreading you wider. “Whyyyy do you do this to me?” He sighs under his breath, ever so casually pressing a thumb between your clothed folds, fat lips swallowing the fabric of your shorts. You suck in a breath, and release it with a whimper and his eyes leave your crotch to look at you analytically as you do so. “Jesus, alright. Take these off.” he taps the side of your hip, signalling to your shorts and you wriggle out of them, unsure what to do with them so you clutch them between your hands by your stomach. He swipes them from your hold and throws them over his shoulder, busying himself with slotting a couch cushion under your lower back. “Wont be needing those.”
“JJ, might need them incase someone comes in!” You whine, but he ignores you, stroking your thighs and squishing the dough of them, spreading your legs to witness your glossy, honeyed treasure between them.
“If someone comes in, we’re screwed as it is, shorts aren’t gonna save you.” He murmurs, adjusting himself in his pants, rock hard already. “Show me what you were doin’ and I’ll uh, I’ll try and teach you, yeah.” The blonde tried to keep his voice level, feeling better about himself if he kept this purely educational, just helping you learn your downstairs a little better.
You resist a whine, face already hot in embarrassment from asking. He watches your painted toes curl into the couch cushion, knees knocking together as you suck on your bottom lip shyly. “It’s okay, c’mon pop ‘em open again. Not like I haven’t seen it all before.” He cooes, coaxing you with a hand on your knee. You spread your legs, bringing your fingers to your lips and suckling on the tips, getting them nice and wet. You had to be doing it on purpose, this innocent act wasn’t gonna hold up much longer if you kept staring at him with those sweet doe eyes and pouty lips.
“Started like this…” You lower your fingers with a frustrated pout, dragging them down to your clit and jolting slightly when your fingers brush it, sensitive. JJ practically salivates at the reaction, watching you like a hawk, looming over you. He thinks back to the first time he touched you down there, and you got all choked up because it was too sensitive and you got all overwhelmed, clawing at his hand and saying it was too much. He recalls having to calm you down with kisses and tell you to just relax and let it happen. He’s been with quite a few ladies over time, whether it be at pogue parties, ex flings or FWB’s— none quite as sensitive as you though. None quite lovable as you either. He can’t believe he’s thinking that.
He watches you pant, his coarse fingers stroking your leg whilst you grind away at your clit, focused and letting out sweet little squeaks in response. “Pretty girl, aren’t you? Man, you’re so worth all the trouble.” He speaks quietly, intimately. You felt special when he spoke like this, never a time where JJ isn’t revelling in his bravado, loud and jokey, forever performing to deflect from his issues. You got calm JJ, intimate JJ, your very own.
You were already making a mess of yourself, so it didn’t take long until your fingers were curling down toward your hole, spreading your folds as you pushed them downward. You wasn’t too sure if that was for your pleasure, or for JJ’s view but it made you feel good regardless. You sink a finger in, eyes flitting up to watch your step-brothers reaction, clenching around your single digit when his eyes leave your pussy to look straight into yours. “There y’go.” He hums, and you get to work.
He see’s your frustration around 15 seconds in, when you just can’t get the right angle. You fidget, moving your wrist about, tilting your hips up a little— but after a while all you can do is let out a sad whine, looking to JJ for help. He gives in hilariously fast. “Okay, alright, lemme do it.” But he doesn’t start without gently taking your wrist and bringing your fingers to his mouth, briefly sucking off any remnants of you lingering on your wet fingers. “Real sweet, just like I remember.” He muses, making you trickle out more arousal from the way you clenched around nothing.
His breath catches in his throat when he slides his fingers up and down your folds, spreading them and taking the sight of you in. It wasn’t until you spoke up with a pained “Please!” that he swivelled his hand around, fingers pressing against your wanting hole.
“Lemme in, pretty. Thats it, g’nna need you to relax just a little, yeah?” He pushes a finger in and even then you feel the stretch, much bigger than your finger— and you still weren’t used to it. “Thats my girl.” He lets slip, and his eyes flicker to yours guiltily at the sentiment, only to see your brows pinched and jaw slightly agape, ruined cunt fluttering around his finger. “T’aww.” He cooes quietly, returning his eyes to the task at hand.
He lets the ball of his hand smush to your clit so you can grind on it, and at the feeling your knee jerks up a little, letting out a pleased yelp of surprise. “Shh, shh, shh.” His brow creases, a free hand holding your knee to keep you open. “Just take it baby, there you go.” He was really getting into it now, his pupil swallowing his eye, something darker about the way he stared at you in the dim light of the living room. He slides in another finger, and the coil in your stomach is already starting to tighten.
“A-already g’nna cum soon, Jayj!” You whine and he grins like an old happy dog, the brink of a laugh, wide lipped and toothy.
“Thats the point, right?” He teases, but you don’t take him in, eagerly humping your hips up into his hand, small and needy ‘please!’s spilling from your mouth. “What’ja need? I’m right here, babe.” His free hand strokes your waist now, thumb sliding along your skin to soothe you, possibly keep you quiet and calm.
“Closer.” Your lashes flutter, tears welling beneath them making the dark clusters kiss at the corners, bonded by the shimmering drops threatening to fall. “Want you closer.” You’re looking— no, staring at his mouth and he knows what you want specifically. He doesn’t care anymore, what’s a little kissing between step-siblings? Suppose it doesn’t matter when his fingers are buried into your cunt collecting a pearly ring around his knuckles.
“C’mere, sweetheart.” He grits his teeth, fingers going at your more vigorously once he leans over you, simply breathing hot air onto your lips for a moment before pushing his own against yours. You feel the cut on his bottom lip skim yours and instinctively your tongue lulls out to lick it, wanting to taste anything he had to offer. You felt depraved, your shame quickly fleeting as JJ drew you closer to your orgasm. You feel so dirty when you suck on his tongue, just the way he taught you last time, eliciting a groan from deep in his throat. God, you wanted him deep in your throat, wanted to taste him everywhere, devour everything he had to offer. How could you go from a naive young girl who knows nothing of intimacy to this little desperate slut all from a few kisses and JJ’s magic fingers (As he so charmingly named them) You were starting to think it was in you all this time.
“Good girl. Can feel it comin’, just gotta let it go n’relax. M’here now.” He groans into your mouth, fingers brushing that soft gooey spot deep in your core making you cry out. He had to pacify you with more kisses, wondering what it would take to get you over that finish line. He stalls, leaving gentle kisses across your jaw as you mewl, trying to find the right words to say. He knew it was words you needed, preening and practically folding in half for him anytime the blonde directed any praise towards you at all, even as simple as a “Good job!” in a day to day basis.
It was risky, but he thought he’d try something kind of sick. Test the waters a little.
“Gotta stay quiet, baby. Don’t wanna wake up your mom now do you? Probably better off no one sees your big brother helpin’ you get that pretty pussy off, huh?”
You’re clenching so hard it nearly pushes his fingers out. God, you’re both sick.
Just like that, you’re gushing, sweet moans and hiccups swallowed by JJ’s desperate mouth as he silences you by force, letting you ride out that orgasm you so desperately needed. “I know, I know, you’re alright.” He cooes as you do so, dropping kisses in where he can because he know the moment to do so will be gone soon enough, and the guilt will kick in. For now though, he enjoys the moment, enjoys the closeness, and for a second — he can pretend you’re all his, his girl — and not a step-relative. It makes his heart clench.
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Professor, I didn’t cheat.
Summary: reader is a top student at her university. always exceeding in her courses and even taking the liberty to do study groups with other students to help them. Professor Kennedy finds out that the reader and this other student have the same thesis for an upcoming paper. What happens when he confronts y/n after class?
Warning: fem reader. Professor Leon. make out. breast play. creampie. age gap. CONSENTED.
a/n: I HATE my political class. I don’t understand anything😭 I was put in a group full of of guys and I deadass felt so out of place
(pt.1) (pt.2)
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You always took notes during his lectures. You always made sure to jot down every single detail, even if it was something that you could search online. Your studies were important to you. You wanted to be the best so you strived for academic success. Many students valued your ambitious character but others were jealous.
Today’s lecture was more of an exam day. You always aced your tests, given that you studied the night before. You were one of the first students to finish their exam. You and the girl next to you finished at the same time and walked up to Leon’s desk to turn it in. You took your backpack with you as you laid the exam flat on his wooden desk. He gave you a curt nod, and then one to the other girl.
You both walked out of the classroom without any issues.
Until Leon emailed you that he wanted to have a private conference with you.
You panicked. What could have possibly have gone wrong? Or maybe he knew of an opportunity that you could take, like a job or a scholarship you should apply. Most professors did that, they helped their best students.
So when you walked to his office Monday morning, your gut feeling sank as you noticed the look on his face. It was a mixture of disappointment and disapproval. He motioned for you to step up to his desk, “Y/n, glad you’re here. Please, take a seat.” He sat down on his desk chair while you took one of the chair in front of his desk.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you here,” He began as he shuffled through some papers.
What could have possibly called you for? Nevertheless, you responded, “Yes, Professor, I am.”
He looked at you for a brief moment before laying a piece of paper in front of you. It was your exam, not graded yet, but it was yours. You furrowed your brows in confusion and then looked at him, “This is my exam…what’s wrong with it?”
He cleared his throat and rested his hands on his desk, “Look, I’m going to be straight with you. You’re an excellent student. The best student I’ve had so far.” He began slowly but you felt anxious, where was this going to?
“However, academic integrity is part of the student conduct every student must follow. I cannot grade your exam, y/n.”
It was as if time stopped. Your eyes widened, your heart was beating out of your chest. The silence was deafening, the pit in your stomach dropped heavy. “If you don’t grade this exam, I’ll fail the course,” you replied anxiously, “I can’t afford another class, I’ll have to wait for other scholarship opportunities to help me pay.”
He looked at you with sympathy but that didn’t mean he believed you, “Look, I know it’s stressful but that’s life. You don’t get an easy grade from cheating off a friend.”
“Cheating off a friend? Sir, with all due respect, I am not friends with anyone in the class,” you began to feel defensive. You didn’t know anyone, you only talked to them for projects. The professor raised his eyebrow as he stared at you.
“Someone told me that you copied from them. I won’t name the student since that’s between me and them,” he leaned forward onto the desk, “You’re an exemplary student, it hurts me to say this to you.”
All you could do was stare at him, someone actually wanted to ruin your grade and reputation. While you remained silent, he spoke, “Look, you have amazing grades and your participation has been outstanding. I’ll give you another chance. Retake the exam but it must be in my office.”
You furrowed your brows, “Why should I retake an exam if I didn’t cheat? I guarantee you, I would never lie on an exam. I am aware of the consequences that comes from cheating off of someone.”
Leon sighed and leaned back against his chair, “You’re stubborn, that’s good in a student.” He paused for a few moments, staring at you in silence, almost analyzing you. “Tell you what, I’ll investigate this further, however I still want you to take the exam again. If what you say is true then the retake of the exam will be extra credit for your grade.”
Extra credit? How can you say no to that? You sighed defeatedly and nodded along to his words, “Fine, I’ll retake the exam.”
He smiled softly and gave you a short single nod, “Good, come to my office on Wednesday at 12:30.”
You nod again and stood up to leave his office. His eyes trailed behind your back as you walked away from his office. Now all you had to do was wait for Wednesday so you can retake that exam, but first, should you find the person who accused you of cheating?
Wednesday came and you, lazily, made your way to his office. It was 12:25 as you were walking the halls of offices. The Dean’s office, some other professor’s office and then there was his. With his name plastered in the door in gold, Leon Scott Kennedy.
You knocked three times and heard a soft ‘Come in.’ You stepped into his office, immediately met with the smell of coffee, you forgot how much coffee this man consumed but honestly, who doesn’t consume coffee in college? “I’m here,” you spoke awkwardly as you looked at him. Your breath hitches in your throat as you scan him, he looked strangely hot. His tie was loose, his suit jacket hung on the back of his chair and his sleeves were rolled up. You were to see how toned and muscular his arms were, the watch on his left wrist made his hands look bigger for some reason. His hair was messy but it made him look godly.
“Ah, you’re here, good,” He motioned for you to sit down at the chair in front of his desk. “Take out your laptop, I published the exam for you. It should be there.”
You walked over to the chair and sat down in front of his desk, you pulled your laptop out of your school bag and began to scroll through your student account, “I see it.” You mumbled softly.
“Let me know when you’re ready, you have 90 minutes to complete the exam,” He replied politely. You could tell he was proud that you decided to retake it. With a soft sigh, you nodded and began to work on your exam. You leaned back against the chair as your laptop rested on your lap, you answered one question after another. It was an easy exam, you’ve taken it before.
Leon was watching you attentively, his eyes scanning over your relaxed figure. He noticed the way your hair seemed a little bit messy and how your brows scrunched up together in deep thought. He felt proud because he knew you were an ambitious student, you were everything he wanted in a student. Studious, hardworking, hot- wait a minute, hot?
He quickly looked away and focused on some miscellaneous files, he shouldn’t be thinking about his students. He kept stealing glances at you as you worked on your exam and he couldn’t help but feel hot. His eyes lingering on parts of your body, as if truly seeing you for the first time. He sees you as an attractive woman.
“I finished,” you mumbled softly as you looked up from your laptop, he quickly turned his gaze to his computer to check if you finished it. With a firm nod he responded, “Yeah, I see it. Good job, you got another perfect score.”
Of course you did, you were the smartest in his class. This was easy for you, light work. You closed your laptop and began to pack up but not before he tried to stop you, “Hey, wait- don’t leave yet.”
You looked up from your bag to look at him. He clears his throat and continues, “I still have to put in your grade and we need to talk about the cheating accusation.” You nodded and remained quiet as he kept speaking, “I decided to grade both your exams and use this attempt as your extra credit. You’re a great student and it would be a shame if anything bad were to happen to you that could affect your future.”
Your eyes widened, you couldn’t believe he was being this considerate. Most times when a student s caught cheating, a lawyer gets involved. But he was being nice, too nice even.
“What happened to the investigation?” You asked with furrowed brows. “I decided to drop it. I see that you scored the same on both tries so I guess that means you weren’t lying,” he replied as he maintained eye contact. His foggy blue eyes piercing into your soul. It didn’t help that his appearance made you feel butterflies.
“Actually, I also wanted to talk to you about this scholarship I found. It might be good for you,” His hand motioned for you to come up to him and his computer, you got up from the chair and walked to stand behind him. The screen showed a website of a scholarship due next semester. You heard him talk about the details but all you could focus on was the scent of his cologne. He smelled good albeit his messy look. He turned around in his chair to look at you and your faces were merely centimeters away from each other. You looked down at him and he looked up at you from his chair. It wasn’t on purpose but your gaze fell to his lips. Your gaze switched from his eyes to your lips and you didn’t notice how he slowly brought his hand to your cheek. He cupped your side of your face and brought you down to his face.
It wasn’t meant to happen but you felt your lips against his lips. The moment the two of you joined together as one in a kiss felt surreal. His lips tasted like coffee. His other hand traveled to your waist and pulled you down to his lap. You straddled his hips and gripped on his hair as you two emerged into a passionate and sensual kiss. His tongue brushing against your bottom lip, eliciting a gasp from you as he forced his tongue inside your mouth. The man was old but he knew how to kiss so good. You moaned into the kiss and felt his cock hardened against your clothed core. Causing your panties to grow a wet spot from the arousal. You shifted slightly against his hips, grinding up against his erection. Your kiss turned hot and messy, saliva dripping down as your chest is pressed up against his. His hands traveled down from your waist to your hips, fingers digging at your skin.
He put hind hands on the back of your thighs near your ass and picked you up. He gently laid your back down on his desk, not caring about the files falling to the floor right now. His mouth moved to your neck as he began to nibble and suck on your skin. Red marks terrorizing your sensitive skin as you moaned and gasped. Your hands gripped on the back of his hair as his hands began to travel to the inside of your shirt, touching your stomach and swiftly making their to your breasts. He growled against your skin as he pushed his hand inside your bra and felt the hardened nipple.
“Take it off,” I mumbled against your skin and pulled back. He helped you take off your shirt as you began to unclasp your bra, revealing those beautiful titties to him. Their color only making him water the mouth, he dropped down to one of your breast and began to suck hard on it while his hand manhandled the other. You arched your back as his tongue moved swiftly across areola of your breast. The salivating skin coating your breast as his teeth grazed your nipple. Your moans and whimpers escaping your mouth as he destroyed your breasts with his mouth and hand. You felt good.
He pulled back from your chest and looked down at the marvelous sight before him. He leaned down to kiss you again before softly whispering against your lips, “Let me know if you want to stop.”
You nodded your head and watched as his hands traveled down to his trousers and began to unbuckle his belt and buttons. He pulled his pants down to his thighs and pulled down on his boxers. His erection jumping from the enclosed space, hitting his abdomen with a thwack as precum had been leaking. He was large, the tip a rosy tone of pink with a vein protruding from the side, his cock leaned to his left and you could swear you saw it twitch. It was a spectacular sight. His hands quickly went down to take off your pants, pulling them to your ankles before taking them off completely. His noticed the wet spot in your panties from your presumably wet cunt.
His index finger pressed down against the fabric covering your clit, the slick of your folds seeping through the fabric as you shut your eyes tightly and moaned quietly. He smirked and began to circled your clit through your panties, he wasn’t aware you were into this but he obliged.
Just as you were near your orgasm, he pulled his finger back and pulled your panties down towards the floor along with your pants. He stood in between your legs and aligned his throbbing tip with your entrance, “I wish I had the time to prepare you but I’ve got a meeting after this,” he mumbled as he pushed himself into you, not giving you time to respond as your mouth became full of moans.
He made sure to fill up with his cock until his balls made contact with your ass, your jaw fell slack as you rolled your head back against his desk. Leon slowly began to thrust in and out, not fully pulling out, he was kind enough to let you adjust to his size.
Once he was sure you were doing good, he began to thrust into you. Pulling out and pushing back in with force, causing the desk to grind against the floor. He leaned down and put his hands on either side of your head. Your hands traveled to his hair and back, clawing your nails through his shirt.
The sound of skin clapping and the smell of sweat and sex covered the room. The air felt humid as both of your breaths became heavy and labored. You felt his tip touch your cervix, sending a wave of pleasure over you through a whimper. He kept thrusting, making sure to hit your g-spot and cervix. He may not have fingered you but he was still a gentleman, he wanted to make sure you enjoyed this just as much.
Your moans began to cut short as your breathing increasing, you arched your back and felt the band in your lower stomach stretching to a snap. And soon enough, your pussy clenched around his cock. Your orgasm milking and pulsating as he thrusted in you while you were experiencing your high. You closed your eyes and the darkness was clouded with stars.
His own thrusts faltered a little bit as he felt you clench and pulsate around his member and without a second thought he couldn’t contain his own cum from spilling inside you. His hot and thick juices shooting into your womb as he slammed his cock into your cunt for one last time. He kept himself buried inside you as he tried to catch his breath. Both of you panting and sweaty.
He slowly pulled out of you and watched as his cum dropped down from your cunt to his desk, the sight making his cock throb again but he couldn’t indulge himself for a second round as he had a meeting to attend. He helped you clean yourself up with some tissues he had and handed you your clothes from the floor. You both began to dress yourselves as the aftermath of what you two had done began to settle into your heads. He looked at you with a smirk and kissed your cheek, his stubble grazing your skin.
“I’ve got to now, sweetheart,” he whispered as his hand cupped your cheek like he did previously. “You should let me take you to dinner some time.”
You could only nod as you were still feeling dumb from the sex, “Yeah…”
He chuckled and pressed a light kiss on your lips before leaving you in his office.
Who knew a professor could fuck so good?
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kingkat12 · 1 month
icarus burning (roman godfrey x reader)
WARNINGS: stalking, obsession, upir!roman, Roman is a bit of a creep, toxic but sweet relationship?, mentions of sex
summary: sometimes, the deer doesn't know it's being hunted
word count: 2,514
a/n: this was originally supposed to be a requested piece someone asked for, and it was supposed to be a sweet story... but Roman is Roman and I want to do the request PROPERLY, so that's coming up later hihi
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It was hard to get a sweet moment out of a guy like Roman, but not impossible— I knew that long before we got involved. Long before that time I started running into him practically everywhere, before he paid for my lunch when I was holding up the queue in the cafeteria because my card didn't work, and before he suddenly started showing up everywhere I was at school. Coincidences. 
I first understood that he was into me the time we ran into each other on my Sunday stroll in the city and he offered to drive me home. It was during that drive that I was trapped with him, unable to run away from the notorious high school playboy my friends had warned me about numerous times. He had put his hand on my thigh, just for a few seconds, just to prove the point of some joke he was making— and I knew I was done for.
Roman eventually got a little weird when he realized his feelings were reciprocated, and it got even worse when he realized his infatuation was growing. He'd text me incessantly, as though he couldn't stay away from me for more than a few minutes at the time, and then proceeded to present as the human form of lukewarm tea whenever we met again in person. Maybe it was the fact that he was absolutely terrified of anything real, or maybe it was the fact that he had his playboy image to uphold— I have yet to ask him this, actually.
However, when I started giving him the cold shoulder, not answering his messages, not caring to put much work into our conversations in the hallway, Roman panicked. Completely. And it was during this time that I started to get a little suspicious about our run-ins— they got more frequent, his demeanour got more and more intense, and I could almost sense that he was spiralling. 
"Just... don't, like, ignore me," Roman mumbled as we strolled through the bread-section at the store, once again having met by coincidence— right? "I get that I've been a little weird recently, but I'm really trying here..."
"Trying what?" I turned to him, hoping for him to be clear about his thoughts for once. "What are you on about?"
Frustrated, lips pursed, Roman ran his fingers through his hair as his voice got lower. "I'm messing this up already, aren't I?"
There was something different about him today. He was fidgety, anxious—  what was happening? I wondered if he felt rejected by my rebellion against his weird habit of going hot and cold. "Messing what up, Roman?" If only he could just say that he liked me out loud. That would make me feel more at ease about liking him back despite everyone around me telling me not to.
Roman clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, nodding to himself, mind clearly racing. "Nothing. Forget it," Without even saying bye, he turned the other way and disappeared into the next aisle, leaving me even more confused than before. 
After having thought about our interaction at the store thoroughly, it dawned on me that I hadn't actually seen Roman with an actual girlfriend on his arm. Ever. He was either with a cheerleader he'd change out every few weeks, racing through the cheer-team as though it was a revolving door, or with some random freshman girl who had no idea what she was getting herself into. Now that I really thought about it, I hadn't seen him with either category during the past few weeks we had been talking. I had a feeling that Roman wasn't faking his cluelessness, and that he was genuinely walking around in the dark concerning how to address his feelings and act on them. 
Something told me I had to give him a nudge in the right direction.
The next day at school, I found him rummaging through his locker, possibly looking for a pack of cigarettes he had buried beneath all the books he never used. I leaned my back against the locker next to his, waiting for him to notice me. And when he did, I watched his usual serious face melt away and morph into a look of cocky surprise; "Oh my, look who it is," 
"Yours truly," I said, raising my hands in defeat as I suppressed a laugh. 
Roman shut his locker, his pupils dilating at a rather obnoxious rate. Was he relieved to see me after our conversation yesterday? "What's up?" he eventually said, his green eyes scanning me without even trying to hide it.
"Just wanted to say something," I had to steady my breathing— was I seriously about to do this? I could crash and burn, an event more damning than when Icarus flew too close to the sun. However, I knew I had to pull myself together, not wanting him to know how nervous this was making me; I wasn't exactly here to stroke his ego any further. 
Roman's eyes practically sparkled; "Yes?"
Fuck it. "Okay, so... I like you. And on top of that, I have a feeling you like me too. So I would like it if you stopped following me around and instead took some action," I held my breath, watching the horror wash over his face— did he really think that I'd believe our run-ins were coincidental at this rate? "There's a movie going at eight that I want to see, and it would be nice if you'd join... I'd like that very much."
Roman's lips parted in partial shock— this was definitely not what he had expected me to say. He cleared his throat, straightening up; "Pick you up at seven thirty?"
I had an inkling that I didn't need to give him my address. "Sure," I said, biting back a smirk. "Bring extra cash, by the way. Popcorn is on you."
Roman let out a laugh as he shook his head, clearly in denial. "As if I'd let you pay in the first place," He leaned against his locker, letting out a relieved sigh as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You look nice today."
I did my best to not blush. Later, I have learned from Roman that my attempt was unsuccessful. "I know," I said, trying to hide my growing grin as I kicked off the locker; "Well, I was waiting for you to say that... And now that you have, I'm off to class. See you later, Rome."
Unable to hold back, Roman chuckled as he watched me go, letting out the breath he had been holding. 
Surprisingly, my plan had worked. The cinema date was the first of several that ensued, and I rewarded his normal behaviour by texting him back a little more frequently. However, I wasn't completely sold on dating him further, because the weird situationship-phase was probably a little weirder than it would normally be. For instance, there were times where I wouldn't respond for a few hours because I was busy with friends or family, and feel... watched. 
There was also that one time where Roman just... didn't let me leave the car after a date. It was quite bad, actually, because it was right in that moment where I felt like I had gotten my period and needed to make a run for it to check. But the doors were locked and the windows shut; his voice dropped and his eyes were weirdly dark when he finally turned to me, suddenly not looking like his usual self. "Could you just stay here... a little longer?"
 I couldn't quite pinpoint what was happening, but I noted to myself that he probably hadn't blinked in about three minutes. "I sort of have a curfew," I tried, tapping my fingers against the door, hoping he'd get the point. "It was really nice today, Roman, I had a lot of fun—"
"A minute," he said, almost like a command, voice turning rather raspy. Roman closed his eyes, breathing heavily. 
I wasn't sure whether he thought this was romantic or if he had some weird plans for me. "... I think my parents are going to pissed if I don't go soon—"
And it was in this moment that he leaned over and kissed me, effectively stopping my trail of words. I froze, unsure what this whole ordeal had been about, but all my thoughts of reason and concern seeped out of my brain, melting into the kiss against his soft lips. Maybe he had just been nervous to kiss me, maybe that's what that was?
In retrospect, I try not to think about it too much.
And just like that, everything was suddenly sailing smoothly— I would sit with Roman and his friends in the cafeteria, his arm proudly draped around me. He had started to insist that he picked me up and drove me to school every day, which usually ended with us making out in the backseat of his car before class. And after class. And outside my house after the trip back, not letting me leave before he got a 'proper goodbye', as he called it.
However, at the end of the day, he was still Roman Godfrey. The same guy that had probably slept with the whole cheerleading team, along with half the school. That thought had me shuddering, and I did my best to shove it as far back into my mind as possible. Eventually, it started gnawing on me that he would probably be expecting something more of me soon, something more than just making out in the back of his car, and it made me go all Roman on him— also known as cold and distant. 
"What's wrong?" he said, staring at me from the driver's seat after he had parked at school. "You've been a little weird... Did I do something?"
The situation was starting to make me feel borderline bad. I didn't like having this conversation in his locked car. "No, Roman, it's nothing... I'm fine,"
This was seemingly not the right answer— later that day, I was cornered in an empty stairwell on my way to class. Roman's eyes were so incessant, so strikingly green, I couldn't help but feel nervous. "Stop saying everything's fine when I can feel that it isn't," he said, keeping his voice low in case anyone would hear. "It's driving me nuts, you know me."
I gulped, needing to look away to collect my thoughts. I hated that I had started to avoid being alone with him, just in case he'd ask or try to initiate anything. In reality, I simply wasn't ready, and the fear of him discarding me after we were done was enough for me to postpone it. I also had a weird feeling that if I gave myself to him in that way, that he'd just never... stop. Roman would never get enough— he had already claimed me in every other way possible. "I just... feel like you want more from me than I'm willing to give at the moment,"
"What?" Roman's brows drew together in confusion. "That's just downright cryptic. Care to explain like a normal person? Are you breaking up with me or something?"
"No, no!" I definitely didn't want that. Feeling the tension grow, I ground my teeth together. "It's just... Have you noticed that you try to take off my shirt every time we make out?"
It was clear that Roman disappeared deep into his mind for a moment, scouring his memories. "I'm... sorry? I'll stop, I guess,"
I let out a rather big sigh, feeling my anxiety rise. "I know you might be used to a certain linearity and timeline with a lot of things when you were with other girls, but that's... not how I work," Finally looking up to meet his gaze, I chewed on my lip, awaiting an answer.
However, Roman looked like a big question-mark. "I suppose?" It was clear that he was lost.
I wanted to shrink into a tiny bug and get stomped. That would probably feel better than whatever this feeling was. "I need us to wait with... that,"
"... What, sex?" The way he followed up his words with a laugh made me even more anxious.
"Yeah," I mumbled. "And if that's a deal-breaker for you, then you have to tell me right now. Because I'm honestly not too keen on getting my heart crushed—"
My nervous ramble was cut off when Roman leaned down, capturing my lips in a rather passionate kiss which probably shouldn't have taken place in a school. "It's fine," he whispered against my lips, running his cold, slender fingers through my hair. "I don't care. I just care that we're okay. Because... we're okay, right?"
Smiling, I snaked my arms around his neck, my nose nudging his. "Of course we are,"
"Good," Roman beamed, letting out a sigh of relief. However, his smile wasn't there for long— his eyes rounded out, getting serious, as though he was about to deliver some very, very bad news.  "But... just so you know, when a guy doesn't have sex for a very long time, his dick turns purple and falls off. So when you're ready for it, the chance might not be there... Just be aware of that."
I watched him crack up, giving in to a rather loud laugh which resulted in me giving his arm a playful smack— this guy, honestly. 
And we continued to be okay for a very, very long time. More than okay, actually; it was a continuous walk on cloud nine, and I was officially convinced that he was the man for me. Hence why I decided to put him through the most nerve-wracking situation a teenage boy could be thrown into— meeting the parents.
I was currently fluffing his hair on my front porch, watching his knuckles turn white around the flowers he had brought for my mother. My sweet, sweet boy. "Don't be nervous," I cooed, getting up on my toes to kiss his cheek. "It's just dinner."
"Sure," Roman breathed, clearly spooked. "Dinner. Just dinner. Food."
I couldn't help but chuckle— he was so damn cute sometimes, and he had no idea. "After this is over, we can go up to my room and cool off, okay?"
Immediately, Roman's pale face turned a little rosy. "That's a consolation,"
"Sure is," Before I turned to knock on my door, I pulled him in for a kiss, stroking through his hair. "You'll be fine, Rome, I promise. I adore you, and they will too."
Roman let out a shaky breath, smiling back at me. His eyes had rounded out at the words of affirmation; it was clear to me that he was absolutely smitten, and he didn't have to speak for me to know what he was thinking— you're everything.
I tried not to think about the fact that it was sort of concerning how much he was into me. That I was his actual everything. How he'd sometimes tighten his grip in my hair to the point where it sort of hurt, burying his nose against the top of my head as he held me closely... and how it only happened when I was on my period.
I didn't care. 
... For now.
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poisonlove · 6 months
Stay with me | t.c
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Pairing: Tara Carpenter X reader
Summary: Tara had a nightmare and the first person she thought of calling is y/n.
Words: 7.6 K
Warning: Post-traumatic trauma
"Tara! What the hell happened?" I tighten my grip on the phone, wondering why Tara was calling me at 4 in the morning. Sleep fades away as anxiety takes over.
I had met Tara Carpenter weeks ago almost by chance, arriving late to class. At that moment, I saw an empty seat next to a girl with brown hair and without a second thought, I headed in that direction
.Later on, we exchanged pleasantries, but over time those exchanges became more frequent, with added walks along the corridors and chats after school.
"Are you okay?" I ask quickly, feeling a deafening silence from the other end.
"Tara?" I inquire, feeling the worry growing inside me.
I was bitten by anxiety, my lower lip trapped between my teeth as a thousand thoughts, none of them encouraging, raced through my mind. Recently, Tara had told me about the horrible experience she had in Woodsboro with her friends and sister because of two psychopaths disguised as Ghostface. She literally went through hell... losing friends, suffering horrible injuries, and the growing anxiety of being pursued.At that moment,
I had hugged her to try to convey my support. Tara had buried her head in the crook of my neck, returning the gesture almost hesitantly. I knew she was scared, terrified of the idea of trusting someone again and reliving that horrible experience.
But despite everything, she trusted me.
"Y/n?" Tara's voice was broken, her nose sniffling as she sobbed. "Tara!" I say with my heart pounding, waiting for Carpenter's words.
"Can you come over?" Her voice becomes weak as she speaks, sobs threatening to escape any moment. "Are you hurt?" I ask, terrified, anxiety threatening to drive me insane.
Tara sniffs, the sound of her breath making me even more anxious. Should I run? Take the bus? Call an ambulance and rush to her apartment with a weapon? But would I be able to kill to defend her? A thousand questions assail me, and just the thought of having to kill sends shivers down my spine.
"No..." she says hoarsely, and a sense of relief washes over me.
"Has he... come back?" I timidly ask, biting my lower lip.
I didn't know what the term Ghostface would provoke in Tara, so I just asked if her fear had followed her to New York.
"No" Tara says timidly, her sobs threatening to escape from her lips.
I relax and look out the window, seeing the city shrouded in silence, the light from some lampposts illuminating bits of the street, and cars passing by occasionally.
"What's going on?" I ask calmly, knowing the brown-haired girl was safe."I need you..." she whispers weakly, her nose sniffling. "I had a horrible nightmare," she concludes with a faint voice, her voice still broken.
"Tara..." I respond gently, my heart squeezing at so much tenderness. "Is Sam not there?" I ask as I get out of bed, searching for my clothes.
"No... She'll be back from work at 7," she says timidly.
"Is it really that urgent?" I ask, biting my lower lip, sighing. "Yes..." Tara replies hoarsely, and I know the only way out of this situation is to go to the brown-haired girl's apartment.
"What did you dream about?" I ask timidly as I put on my pants, the phone between my ear and shoulder to keep it up. "I... I dreamt of him again... He was killing you in front of my eyes, laughing," she says with terror in her voice, sighing loudly. "I felt so powerless and scared," she sobs.
"I'm here," I say gently.
I put the phone on speaker as I put on the sweatshirt Tara had given me. "When I woke up, I was crying, and not seeing Sam panicked me," she confesses quickly, and I smile at her words.
I was glad she called me because she wanted my company.
"I'm coming, okay? Just give me 10 minutes," I say gently, wanting to reassure Tara, and the brown-haired girl mumbles in response. "10 minutes," she says timidly.
She had woken me up in the middle of the night, but when it came to Tara, I didn't mind.
"Hey! sorry for being late, I thought some chocolate might..." I start to apologize for being late, but Tara's arms around my neck freeze me in surprise.
A smile spreads across my face as I let myself be enveloped by her warm embrace, responding to her need for contact. Tara seemed to have developed a particular affection in the last few weeks, perhaps she was scared to be alone. It was entirely understandable considering what poor Carpenter had been through.
I sigh and leave a kiss on her forehead.
"You're here," Tara whispers against my neck, the sound of her voice muffled but full of meaning, and I can only smile in response.
Her arms tighten slightly around me
"always," I whisper timidly.
Tara pulls away from my neck but her arms remain around my waist. Her eyes look at me sweetly, chin up and a dazzling smile showing her dimples "you're my friend, that and more for you" I confess a bit bitterly for the word friend.
Why deny it? I liked Tara, a lot.
Tara continues to look at me without blinking, a shy smile on her lips. I could see the freckles dusted along her face. "So... Did you bring the chocolate?" Tara clears her throat, her eyes pointing to the chocolate in my hands.
"Oh yeah," I say and chuckle timidly, cheeks reddened with embarrassment."Thank you, you're adorable," Tara smiles widely and takes the chocolate.
The brunette puts the chocolate on the glass table.
Then her arms found purchase around my shoulders, her nose brushing against the weak point of my neck. "Why did you want me here?" I ask timidly, my voice just a whisper against Tara's ear.
Tara sighs loudly and presses her face more against my chest
"I feel safe with you" she murmurs weakly and my cheeks flush red.
Tara looks at me and her cheeks were flushed.
I raise an eyebrow seeing how Tara's eyes were slowly closing due to sleep. Tara mumbles and yawns."You're sleepy huh? I could keep you company on call until you fall asleep" I chuckle timidly and Tara yawns again.
"No," Tara whines with a cute pout, and I feel her body curl up even more against mine "I was really scared... I needed a hug."
I sigh deeply, feeling the weight of her vulnerability and without hesitation, I pull her into my arms, trying to convey all my support.
"I... felt like that night when I was attacked," Tara continues, shuddering against my body as her words pierce my heart. "Alone at home... vulnerable... but terrified because I knew there was someone who wanted to hurt me," she confesses, and my heart breaks for her.
"I'm here," I whisper gently, placing my lips on her forehead hoping that my gesture can somehow soothe her suffering.
Tara sighs against my chest.
"Come on... Let me take you to bed," I say timidly, my arms around her waist. "Sam is coming," I whisper, and Tara nods against my chest.
"Will you take me?" she asks weakly, yawning, and I smile when I notice her firm grip on my neck.
I bend down to gather her into my arms, and we head towards the bed where Tara emits a small sigh of satisfaction at the contact with the mattress.
"Goodnight," I say timidly, leaning down to give her a kiss on the cheek. "No... Stay with me," the brunette says determinedly, her hands clinging to my hoodie."But Sam..." I begin, trying to express my concerns about her sister's reaction, but Tara interrupts me with a pout.
"Sam won't say anything, stay with me please," Tara whispers sweetly, looking at me with eyes full of hope and vulnerability like a deer in need of comfort.
Faced with her tender request, I find myself unable to resist.
I sigh and settle down next to her, feeling the warmth of her body close to mine and a smile graces Tara's face. "When Sam arrives, I'll go home," I whisper gently, feeling her hands wrap around my arm as if I were a plush toy to cling to.
"Yeah..." Tara responds briefly, resting her head against my chest, and my heart skips a beat at her response.
I sigh with contentment, allowing myself to be completely enveloped by her embrace, smiling weakly as I reflect on the evening (or rather, morning) we've spent together.
In the end, Tara doesn't let me go, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
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4unnyr0se · 3 months
Hi love your writing!! I havent touched HQ in 3 years but Im starting to love old characters I use to fall in love with like Asahi, Oikawa, Bokuto etc,,, so as my first req, could you pls write fem! Reader x Bokuto fluff in HS?
Like Bokuto trying to court the reader. How would that go? And how did he finally ask us out?
Feel free to ignore this if you dont like the idea! Ty for ur time 🤍❤️🤍
❥ young love at fukurodani | kotaro bokuto
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warnings: none that i can think of. this is pure fluff
MDNI | No 18+ content, I just don't want minors interacting with my blog
word count -> 1.6k
okay so aaaa this didn't rlly follow the ask bc all he does is ask reader to tutor him and then cute stuff happens but i can make a hc of it probably tonight or tomorrow?? also i wrote this when i was having tummy issues so im very sorry if its horrible. i love u!
got a request? my asks are open!
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Bokuto wasn’t one to get embarrassed that easily. Sure, he did embarrassing things but didn’t know they were embarrassing. They were part of his boyish charm, which people loved about him…right? Of course, they did. He was Kotaro Bokuto. He was Fukurodani’s ace, and the people loved him for it. So why, if he was so confident, did he get awkward and embarrassed around you, his pretty classmate?
Saying you were gorgeous was an understatement. He couldn’t find the right words to describe you to his friends, mainly Akaashi. “She’s just like, y’know? And I’m like, oh damn! She’s cute as fuck!” Boktuo would make various gestures with his hands as he and Akaashi sat on the steps leading to the gym, sipping cola from the vending machine. “What do I do, Akaashi? She’s so pretty, and I’m pretty too! The only problem is that everyone else in our year thinks so, too…do I even have a shot?”
Akaashi would offer him a pitiful smile, rubbing his back in assurance. “Well, isn’t she one of the smartest in our year?”
“Yeah, smart and pretty. She’s so fucking perfect, I wish you could see her.” he pouted.
“Well, the answer is simple,” Akaashi said, standing up and stretching his arms above his head. Ask her for help with homework; god knows you need it.”
“Hey! I got a 41 on my chemistry test!” Bokuto yelled at Akaashi as the setter entered the gym. But he did have a point, like always. Bokuto decided then and there that he would ask you to tutor him tomorrow, no matter how anxious he was. Anxiety was for suckers anyway.
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“Hey, wait up!” Bokuto ran after you as you exited your classroom, papers flying out of his messy bookbag that was riddled with stains from only God knows what. “I gotta ask you a question!”
You stopped walking and turned your heel, raising an eyebrow as the Fukurodani captain barreled towards you. “Hey, what’s up, Bokuto? How’s volleyball going? Are we headed to nationals?” you asked, placing a hand on your hip. God, even the way you held yourself was perfect. Were you an actual goddess, or was Bokuto just lovestruck?
Bokuto finally caught up to you, leaning against the hallway walls in an attempt to appear suave and put-together. His messy uniform didn’t help his cause, but he forgot to look neat today. And every day after that. “Uh, I was wondering if you understood what we were assigned in English yesterday? I don’t understand any of it to save my skin, hah,” He rubbed the back of his neck, looking down at his shoes. “Did you get what our teacher was saying?”
“Yeah, it was really simple. Just basic grammar and syntax structures. Was it complicated for you?” you tilted your head to the side.
“I don’t really get it. Wanna tutor me at my house today? I can get you snacks!” he offered you a crooked smile, leaning forward so his golden eyes peered into yours. “C’mon, please? The coach will kick my ass if I don’t get my grades up, and I have a game next week! Pretty please?” he folded his hands in prayer, his bottom lip in a childish pout.
You smiled and nodded, grabbing him off the wall. Bokuto blushed at the sudden contact, noticing how neat you kept your fingernails compared to his own. Yours were neatly polished to perfection while he bit his nails almost constantly, and being a wing spiker didn’t come with having good-looking nails. 
“Where’s your house? Is it walking distance?” you let go of his hand, much to Bokuto’s dismay. 
“Yeah, it’s about five minutes from here. Wanna stop at a convenience store on the way? I’m really hungry.” he rubbed his stomach as you two walked out the nearest exit, your messenger bag dangling over your shoulder. 
“Only if you’re paying,” you joked, rubbing his shoulder. Bokuto could have sworn his heart stopped right then and there. Were you actually flirting with him, or were you just really touchy? Either way, it was a win in his book. 
“Sure, I don’t mind. Anything for a pretty girl like yo-” Bokuto stopped his sentence, smacking his hand over his mouth. “I-I mean, why wouldn’t I mind? I’m a captain, after all. It’s my job to provide for my teammates!”
“But I’m not on any sports teams. I’m not your teammate.” you deadpanned, 
“You know what I mean!” Bokuto whined, wiping his forehead of the sweat that was slowly starting to gather. “Damn, it’s a hot one today. Why won’t they let the guys wear shorts? Do they want us to die of heat stroke or something?”
“I honestly have no idea,” you sighed, walking under the shade of the convenience store roof. “Wait a minute,” you instructed, placing your messenger bag on the hot pavement. You shrugged off your school blazer and wrapped it around your waist tightly in an attempt to cool you off. You also rolled up the sleeves of your white blouse, loosening your collar. “Sorry, I’m just really warm. At least we get to wear skirts, right?” you offered him a lopsided smile.
Bokuto’s heart pounded in his chest. “Uh, yeah, you girls are so lucky. Wearing skirts must feel awesome.”
“It’s awesome until you catch someone trying to look it up,” you mumbled in annoyance, hoisting your bag over your shoulders. 
“What the actual fuck? Who was it? I’ll murder them! I'll text Konoha too; he’ll definitely want in on it,” Bokuto clenched his fists together, walking into the store with you. “I’m sorry that happened to you, honestly.
You shrugged your shoulder and rummaged through the ice cream pin, choosing a passionfruit-flavored ice bar. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. I barely know you, anyways.”
“That doesn’t mean that I can’t protect you from jerks like that guy,” Bokuto angrily shoved his hands in his pockets, tapping his foot on the tile. He fished about 400 yen out of his pocket and handed it to the cashier, ushering you out of the shop as quickly as possible. 
“What was that for?” you asked, unwrapping the popsicle. 
“I didn’t like how he looked at you, that’s all.” Bokuto huffed. He made grabby motions for your bookbag, which you handed to him with a confused look on your features. “Let me carry that, please. You’re too pretty to carry heavy stuff around like that all day.”
You paused your walk and stared at Bokuto, blushing softly. “You think I’m pretty?” 
Bokuto slowly nodded and gave you a crooked smile, blushing in turn. “Yeah, I really do. I was afraid to tell you before, but now I’m all fired up. I wanna protect you from creeps, y’know?”
You popped the ice treat out of your mouth and stepped forward, smiling softly. “We barely know each other, and you want to keep me safe? We haven’t even hung out once.”
“We’re heading to my house right now, aren’t we?” Bokuto shrugged, his blush not fading. 
You chuckled and took another step forward, the tips of your noses brushing against each other. “Yeah, I guess we are,” you whispered, your lips dangerously close to his own. “You know, I always thought you were kind of cute. In the athletic kind of way, I suppose.”
Bokuto dropped the bags he held onto the hot concrete beneath you, praying they wouldn’t roll down the hill you were standing on. You two were in a remote location, and the tension was thick. “You think I’m cute?” he tilted his head to the side, his eyelids dropping halfway. 
“Mhm,” you purred, your popsicle dripping from the intense heat. “Super cute.”
“Fuck,” Bokuto’s hands hovered above your waist, unsure of what you wanted him to do. “Uh, is it okay if I kiss you? Please, cutie?” he quietly pleaded, your lips basically touching at this point. 
You smiled and nodded, holding your melting popsicle behind your back. “Mhm, it’s okay.”
Bokuto smiled as his lips interlocked with yours for a minute, savoring the sweet passionfruit flavor that coated them. His hands squeezed your waist childishly, never wanting this moment between the two of you to end. This kiss was exactly how he dreamed it would be, soft and perfect. Just like you.
You pulled away after a bit and giggled, your popsicle having since fallen onto the heated pavement. Your sticky hands cupped his face, the pads of your thumbs running over his defined cheekbones. “You’re a good kisser,” you pecked his forehead bravely. “Like, a really good kisser.”
“Same to you, cutie,” his hands left your waist, choosing to instead secure your wrists. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that. So. Fucking. Long.”
 A chuckle escaped your lips as your hands fell to your waist again, intertwining your fingers with Bokuto’s. You had never notified it before, but he was much bigger than you. It made you feel safe and secure. Protected. “We should probably get to your house to study, shouldn’t we?” 
“Aw, I was having so much fun kissing you on the sidewalk!” Bokuto pretended to whine, kicking a loose pebble that was in his way. He easily picked up the bags with his spare hand and tossed them over his broad shoulder. 
“Tell you what,” you squeezed his hand. “For every question you get right, I’ll give you a kiss. Does that sound like a fair deal?”
“Hell yeah, it does!” Bokuto kissed you on the cheek in excitement. He practically skipped to his house with you in tow, excited for what the rest of the day would have in store.
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joonsmagicshop · 4 months
Stress Relief Part 6- KTH
 Summary: A couple weeks ago Taehyung asked a favor. For you to have sex with his bandmates to relieve some tension and stress. How can you say no to that.
Paring: Taehyung/Reader
Rating: M/18+
Word Count: 5k
Tags: smut, a tad bit of angst, soft dom taehyung, dirty talk, fingering, jealous/anxious taehyung, sex, spanking.
Authors Note: Taetae!!!! the boy that started this whole thing. I said I was going to give him a chapter of his own and here we are.
In case you missed it
Intro Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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Kim Taehyung was used to sharing.
He started his career cramped in a dorm with six other guys, so sharing stuff was a given.
He shared everything from clothes to socks, to food and recently he decided to share his friend with benefits.
The whole thing started innocently enough. He could see how stressed everyone was and how the tour prep affected them. Practice started to be less fun and everyone was high-strung and snapping at each other. Taehyung just wanted everything to be fun again.
So he asked you first and was happy you were on board.
He just wanted everyone to be happy and not so stressed.
He still remembers the first time Jimin reached out to you. Jimin was a nervous wreck and Taehyung helped him through it. Reminding Jimin that you were a wonderful caring person, and it was a favor, nothing to be afraid of.
Jungkook was next and Taehyung could almost see the stress melt off of him when he walked into the studio the next day, it was as if a dark raincloud had lifted and they spent the whole day giggling and goofing off, much to the older members dismay.
Next came Jin, who was a lot more subtle but Taehyung had a feeling something happened because he came in with a big smirk on his face after his night with you.
Taehyung of course knew something happened with you and Yoongi because Namjoon decided to schedule a meeting and scolded them all for “fraternizing” with you, Taehyung looked over at Yoongi who had his arms crossed over his chest and looked bored out of his mind but there was a slight smile on his lips.
Taehyung was happy all his members were so happy, but the thing about sharing is that other people have to be willing to share too.
And Taehyung was struggling with that.
Every time he reached out to you for the past two weeks you had been busy. You were always polite over text but he had a hard time scheduling alone time with you.
He chalked it up to coincidence the first couple of times, but now it was becoming a problem, a big problem as he had not seen you in almost two months.
And sure he could use his hand but it wasn’t the same as having a person do it for you, he missed your perfume and the breathy noises you made when you were about to cum, he especially missed the way your eyes sparkled after sex and how you would look at him in such a way it would make him feel giddiness bubble up in his chest
But he let it slide because he was sharing, he was the one to start this, he couldn’t stop it now, not when they were so close to the start of the tour, not when everyone was still stressed out.
However, that’s when the anxieties started to kick in.
What if you didn’t want him anymore?
What if you liked the other members better?
What if you used him to get to the other members and ditched him the second you could?
What if the whole thing was an elaborate plan to get to your bias (even though you told him time and time again you didn’t have one)
Taehyung was starting to make himself sick with worry, the whole thing got worse when he overheard Jimin and Jin talking about you.
Because now not only was it sex, but you were also casually hanging out with them.
You would play video games with Jin and have dance parties with Jimin. Even Jungkook took you on a ride on his motorcycle and said how good it felt to have your arms wrapped around his waist.
You never did those things with Taehyung.
You were moving on and leaving him behind.
Taehung felt like crying, he felt hollow and anxious and couldn’t shake the feeling.
One day he asked Namjoon if he could go home early because it was all too much, you had ignored his last message completely and he felt like he was going to be sick.
Namjoon nodded with a concerned look on his face as Taehyung called one of the drivers to come to pick him up from the studio.
He didn’t go home though, he needed answers once and for all, and if you weren’t going to answer him, he was going to come to you.
The bath had been a perfect way to help alleviate your cramps. You made the water extra hot and spent time with your eyes closed letting the steam and the lavender bath bomb ease your mind and body.
Once you step out of the shower you decide to wear your baggiest sweatpants and your biggest sweater.
You left the bathroom and went to your room to grab your heating pad, casually throwing it on the couch as you checked your phone for when the pizza would arrive.
You ordered it right when you got out of the bath so you were surprised to hear a persistent knock on your door. There was no way the pizza was done already.
Abandoning your phone on the table you opened the door to find yourself face-to-face with Taehyung and you gasped.
He looked as beautiful as as always with his messy brown hair and his pressed shirt and pants, but the look he was giving you was pure coldness and you knew right away something was wrong.
He entered your place without speaking a word to you and his eyes gazed around your apartment. His eyes stayed locked on your couch for a while, taking in the fact there was an RJ plush on it and you bit your lip.
“Taehyung what’s going on what are you doing here?” You asked as he finally turned around and stared at you.
“What? You were expecting someone else? Mabe Jimin? Or Yoongi?” He questioned, his voice laced with venom that made you nervous.
“I wasn’t expecting anyone I just got out of the bath. What’s going on?” You asked again.
“What’s going on is that you don’t like me anymore. You used to me to get to my members and ditched me the second you did. You are replacing me.” He accuses as he steps towards you, his eyes dark and his tongue darting out to lick at his lips.
“What! Tae you know that’s not true.” You say as he cages you against the wall and you cower under him.
“I started this whole thing Y/N. And you used me. So I’m going to fuck you so you remember who the hell you belong to.” He growls as his lips come to ghost at your ear.
“I’m going to bite you and mark you as mine so when you do fuck someone else they know you have been spoken for. I have been generous with my members but not anymore.” He says as his hands travel up your thigh.
You grab his wrist to stop him and his eyes snap to yours.
“Tae. I…we can’t.” You whisper feeling small under his gaze.
He stares at you with his mouth open in shock. Then he pulls away and steps back looking distraught.
“So I was right. You don’t want me anymore, you don’t like me anymore. I bet if I was Jungkook you’d have no issue huh?” He accuses looking sad.
“Tae that’s not it at all!” You plea as you stay frozen against the wall.
“Yeah, then what’s your grand excuse? You have been busy every time I reach out. I haven’t seen you in months, if you don’t want me just say it.” He says crossing his arms over his chest.
“Tae. Of course I want you. God I want you so bad. I’ve missed you.” You whisper feeling your heart break at how sad he looks.
Before he can open his mouth to argue you walk towards him.
“Tae I haven’t forgotten you or replaced you. I want to have sex with you badly, like holy fuck you pushing me up against the wall. Wow. But I’m on my period, day two of my period and it’s heavy. I just got out of the bath because my cramps were so bad.” You explain as his eyes soften.
“I-Shit.” He says and you giggle softly grabbing for his arms so you can uncross them and hold his hands.
“Taetae. Talk to me. What’s going on.” You say as you intertwine your fingers and he stares at you with an embarrassed look on his face.
“I reached out to you a bunch of times and you were always busy. I was happy to share but I never get to see you anymore! I miss you. I miss so many things about you and now you are too busy for me! And I hear the way Jin and Jimin talk. You don’t just have sex with them you hang out with them and have fun with them. I felt like I was being left behind because we never did those things. And now I barged in here like an ass hole and embarrassed myself.” He admits as you squeeze his hands and his face lifts to yours.
“And you replaced my Tata with a stupid RJ. He’s not as cool as Tata.” Taehyung pouts and you laugh and grab his hands as you take him through your apartment to your bedroom.
And Taehyung feels even more silly and embarrassed when he sees his Tata plush on your bed, surrounded by pillows.
“I keep him on my bed because he’s a good snuggler. I think Jin gave me RJ as a joke to rival your Tata. RJ has never spent the night with me though, he just hangs out on the couch.” You say softly as Taehyung's eyes well up with tears.
“I feel stupid and silly.” He admits as you pull him in for a hug and stroke his hair.
“Taehyung I could never replace you and I’d never want to. Things just got…busy. I didn’t mean to make you feel ignored or replaced. Sure I’ve had fun with the others but they aren’t you. Though if you need to remind me who I belong to when my period is over….I won’t complain.” You tease as he lets out a breathy laugh and pulls away from your hug.
You wipe the tears from his face as the doorbell rings.
“How about you set the table and I grab the pizza yeah?” You say as he nods and hurries to the kitchen as you pay the delivery person.
Taehyung has everything set up when you get back and you giggle at how excited he looks to be spending time with you.
You both make your plates and sit at the table. You make sure to scoot your chair extra close to him and he grins.
“I feel like an idiot.” He says after taking a bite and staring at the tablecloth.
“It’s okay.” You respond as he nudges his shoulder to yours.
“No, it’s not. I shouldn’t have shown up unannounced. I should not have barged in and acted like that. It’s just I got really anxious and felt like you didn’t like me anymore. I’m so sorry Y/N I acted like a dick.” He says as you turn to face him, letting your knees bump.
“It’s okay Tae. Really. Kinda hot with you all dominant like that.” You tease as he blushes and stares at you.
“Come on don’t say stuff like that. I haven’t seen you in ages and I’m going to get hard.” He whines as you laugh and pull him in for a kiss.
His mouth molds to yours instantly and you sigh when he tangles his hands in your hair. You get up from your seat, not bothering to disconnect your lips from his as you stand between his legs to get closer to him, to deepen the kiss as you run your hands up and down his strong thighs.
“Fuck baby what did I say about you getting me hard.” He grumbles against your mouth as you giggle and press a kiss to each of his cheeks and then to the tip of his nose.
“I can’t help it Tae. You are so kissable.” you coo as you run your hands through his hair to push it back from his forehead so you can kiss there too.
“I did miss you. Honest.” You admit as he nods and bites at his lip.
“I missed you so much.” He says as you kiss him again.
His hands rest on your waist as he kisses you, his thumbs digging into your skin as you both take your time with this kiss, savoring the way it makes you both feel.
You pull away once you feel breathless and Tae has a soft pink blush staining his cheeks, he looks so cute like this that you can’t help but grin.
“How about we have a movie night tonight with lots of cuddles? I want to make you feel appreciated Tae. Then when I am off my period you will be the first to know, and maybe we can pick up where we left off?” You tease as he groans and buries his face in your shoulder.
You look down and can see a sizeable bulge in his pants and when you reach down for it he swats your hand away.
“Please. I want to be able to do it the both of us. I can wait.” He says as you grin and clean up the kitchen before snuggling on the couch with the blankets and the cuddles you promised.
The text came three days later and Taehyung nearly ran over to your place once he checked his phone.
This time he knocked on the door with excitement and grinned when you flung it open nearly knocking it into the wall.
“Someone’s excited.” He teased as you grinned and let your eyes wander his body.
“Clearly you are too.” You teased back as you eyed the sizeable bulge in his pants and he palmed his erection as he grabbed the door to close it.
“I feel like I have been hard for the last three days. Fuck didn’t even touch myself because I wanted to save it all for you.” He admits which has your heart racing as you grab his hands to take him to your bedroom.
In an instant he has you pushed up against the wall and is attacking you with kisses. The kisses are needy and urgent and you melt into his touch as you wrap your arms around his shoulders to bring him closer as he nips and sucks at your lips.
Everything is heated and passionate and when he grinds his bulge into your core you whine at the delicious friction.
“Fuck Tae.” You moan as he grabs you and hoists you up in his arms to carry you to the bed. He throws you down and quickly climbs on top of you to kiss you all over again.
Your hands tangle in his messy hair and he leans over you supporting his weight on his arms as he continues to grind his cock into your clothed core making you moan and whine under him.
“God you feel so good.” He growls as his hands come to the hem of your shirt and he pulls it off.
His eyes widen when he realizes you aren’t wearing a bra.
“Fuck baby you spoil me.” He mutters as he straddles your lap, his large hands coming up to play with your tits. He rolls them in his palm before using his thumbs to swipe at your nipples making you arch into his hard cock which is trapped in his jeans.
He takes his time with your tits. He licks his thumbs before rubbing your nipples again, making your pussy throb and your head spin.
“Tae, please. Touch me.” You beg as you arch up into him trying to get friction on your pussy as the ache is starting to become unbearable.
“I am touching you.” He teases as he leans forward to press hot open-mouthed kisses to your collarbones and your bare skin.
You grab at his belt loops to pull his crotch closer to where you need it and he chuckles darkly against your skin as he chooses a spot and begins to suck and nip.
He promised to leave you marked up and Taehyung never breaks his promises.
You are a whining, moaning mess under his hands and body and he feels his cock throb and twitch in his jeans. The restriction is uncomfortable but he wants to focus on you. He wants to make you feel good because you deserve that.
Once he is satisfied with the hickey on your collarbone he moves down to suck your nipple into his mouth. He lightly grazes it with his teeth and you whine and shake under him as he sucks it, hard.
Your hands come to his hips as you push them forward and back trying to get him to grind against you.
Taehyung knows what you are trying to do and he lets you because it feels so damn good on his cock which is still trapped in his jeans.
“God baby you feel so good.” He moans against your skin as you continue to grind against him.
You make a needy noise in the back of your throat and Tae pushes off of you to roll to the other side of the bed. He can’t handle having these jeans on anymore and practically rips them off his body which has you grinning next to him.
“Fuck why do I wear tight jeans around you. Big mistake.”
Your eyes take in his appearance as he rips his shirt over his head. His hair is a mess and his eyes are blown wide. His body is lean and gorgeous and his cock is creating a bulge in his blue boxers that has your mouth watering.
You take action and rip off your pants before straddling him and placing your underwear-clad pussy over his cock which has him throwing his head back into the pillows and moaning.
You slowly grind against him as his hands come to grab at your hips and you place your own hands on his chest where you can feel his heart breathing erratically as his eyes are blown wide and staring at you.
“Fuck Tae I love grinding on your cock.” You whine as his hands forcefully move your hips so you are grinding harder and faster against him.
“Mmm god, I missed this. You don’t understand how much I missed this.” He admits as you press soft kisses to his neck and collarbones.
“I missed this too. You feel so good under me.”
He lets out a moan when you position your hips so you are grinding right on his cock head and he savors it for a moment or two before he flips you over and grabs at your underwear almost ripping them clean off before you can lift your hips.
“Gotta prep you to take my cock.” He explains as he brings his hand down to cup at your heat which makes you grip the sheets and arch into his touch.
“Please Tae. Your fingers.” You plead with him feeling your pussy throb around nothing as he smirks and holds his hand up to your face.
“These fingers?” He teases and without warning you take two of his fingers into your hot wet mouth and begin to suck on them.
Tae immediately moans and uses his free hand to palm at his cock to alleviate some of the ache. You are so hot and just the image of you sucking on his fingers makes his cock leak.
He pulls them out of your mouth with a satisfying pop and you open your legs wider when he brings them down to your soaked core.
He slowly plays with your pussy lips, gathering the wetness before bringing it up to your clit. Just one swipe of your clit has you arching off the bed and crying out his name as he circles it with slow wide circles.
“Please Tae. God, please fill me up.” You beg grinding your hips down trying to get him to fill the ache between your legs.
Taehyung complies and slips one finger inside you. He groans when he feels how tight and wet you are.
He adds another one and begins to scissor them, impatience getting the best of him. He wanted to take his time with you but the way his cock is steadily leaking he knows he has to prep you fast before he comes in his boxers.
You are so lost in pleasure you hardly notice that his other hand takes out his cock to stroke it, but when you finally crack open your eyes to see him, muscles taught in his forearm, veins popping as he pumps his finger in and out of you. And his other hand. God his other hand stroking his hard cock which is flushed and angry, a gorgeous red color and leaking everywhere you promptly lose it.
You clamp down on him and cry out his name as your orgasm takes you by surprise. You didn’t think you were that close but your walls were fluttering around his digits and soaking his hand as you rode out your high with him coaxing it out of you with those long skilled fingers
Once he pulls out you slump into the bed and stare at him stary-eyed as he lets go of his cock and it bounces against his stomach.
“Fuck Tae.” You breathe out as he grins and gets off the bed to grab a condom from his jeans.
You admire his naked body as you shift up the bed and adjust the pillows the way he likes.
He rolls the condom onto his cock and you shift over so he can lay down with his head propped up.
“Gonna take care of you now. Gonna ride you Tae.” You whisper as you see his cock twitch when you straddle him.
You grab his cockhead to run it through your soaked folds and he groans as he watches you do it with lust-blown eyes.
You let his cockhead slip in and you hiss at the stretch but you take your time sinking down until he is deeply nestled inside of you.
You lean forward to peck his lips and you see his eyebrows furrow.
“You okay?” You check in as he stares at you and bites at his lip.
“I- fuck it’s been a while and I’m trying not to cum.” He admits shyly as you stare at him in shock.
“You just entered me. I haven’t even moved yet?” You tease as he grips your hips to stop you from making a move.
“I know but god you are so tight and wet and it just feels so fucking good. Please have mercy and give me a second.” He almost begs as you lean down to lay your head on his chest and let both of your breathing slow.
You decide to tease him a bit so you clamp down on his cock and he hisses and tightens his grip on your hips.
“Y/N” he warns as you chuckle.
“Such a fucking brat.” He grits out as you slowly move your hips and Taehyung struggles under you.
“I’m serious I’m gonna cum too early if you keep doing that.” He warns, hands so tight on your hips you know you will have bruises tomorrow.
You decide to actually let him calm down this time so you begin to slowly kiss his neck and collarbones. You leave feather-light kisses as you work your way down his body. Tae shudders out a breath and his grip on your hips loosen.
“You good?” You check in and he takes several deep breaths before nodding.
You slowly begin to grind against him, loving the feeling of his cock filling you up and when you start to bounce on his cock Taehyung grabs your hips and helps you through it.
The air is filled with his grunts and your high moans as you feel your orgasm start to build again. You can hear how wet you are by the noises your pussy makes and you can’t help but ride him harder as he is a whining moaning mess under your body.
Without warning a hand comes to slap at your ass and you gasp as you feel your pussy gush around him.
“Fuck you feel so good. Who do you belong to?” He demands as he slaps your ass again causing you to ride him harder.
“Y-You fuck Tae.” You can’t help but cry out as you feel your orgasm start to build faster and the coil of pressure gets tighter.
“That’s right you belong to me. My girl. My fuck toy. No one else’s.” Tae growls as you whine and continue to ride him, your legs start to burn but you are too close to stop.
His hand smacks your ass again and you whine and bury your face in his shoulder as you feel your entire body start to tingle, you roll your hips, and when he hits that spot inside of you a broken moan leaves your lips.
Tae grabs your hips roughly and forces you to bounce on his cock. All you can do is moan and whine as you beg him to let your cum. You are so close right on the edge and you want him to fall over with you.
“Please. Tae please let me cum. P-l-please.” You cry out as he delivers another harsh smack to your ass and you clamp around him.
“That’s right baby. Cum around my cock.” He says and right when he smacks your ass again you lose it.
You cry out his name as your walls flutter around his cock. You close your eyes and shake above him as you ride out your high. He keeps thrusting into you, words leaving his mouth that only he can hear as he finally cums inside of you, panting and moaning as you both fall over the edge.
Once you finally come down you slump against him. His arms wrap around your middle to hold you there as you let his cock soften inside of you.
You aren’t sure how long you stay in his embrace but when goosebumps rise on your sweaty skin you look up to see him staring at you with fondness in his eyes.
“Fuck that was nice.” He says as you giggle and lift yourself off him so his now soft cock slides out of you.
The usual routine was that Tae would run a bath for you but today you want to switch it up so when you go to the bathroom to get cleaned up you start a bath for the both of you.
You are kneeling down testing the water when he finally comes in and his eyes soften when he sees your setup.
You decided to dim the lights and you lit a couple of your candles casting the room in shadows.
“I thought this was my job?” He jokes as you shake your head and push your body into his, reaching up to kiss him.
“I want this to be for both of us.” You admit as he blushes and you get into the tub first, holding out your hand so he can climb inside as well.
You both settle comfortably, your back up against his chest and he holds you against him and gives you soft kisses to your shoulders.
You sigh at the sensation and lean your head back against his shoulder.
“You’re the best you know. Like the absolute best.” He mutters as his kisses move from your shoulders up to your neck.
“And you're getting hard again.” You tease as you feel his cock harden against your back. This man was insatiable and you loved it.
“I have a very sexy, very wet, very naked girl in my arms what do you expect.” He jokes.
“Well after this how about round two?” You tease as he gasps and kisses your skin with a new fervor.
“I’d like that a lot. We have a lot of lost time to make up for. And I still think I have to remind you who you belong to.” He responds gleefully.
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jungwnies · 1 year
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syn ' he was having a bad day, and unfortunately takes it out on you. how does it end? pairing ' bf!taehyun x gn!reader
496 words
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you and taehyun never fight, and that’s not an understatement.
he is always level headed, and never tries to argue with you. there are never even any petty fights.
except for today, he just was not having it. he’s stressed, he’s preparing for the japanese comeback, and he’s just super worked up because he wants the fans to see the best of the best.
usually when he’s stressed out, you don’t really bother him, just simple questions like, “have you eaten,” “do you need anything,” and things like that.
so that’s what you did, when he walks into the house you ask, “did you eat yet?”
taehyun shakes his head and walks straight into the bathroom, which he never does.
you didn’t think much of it considering you know how anxious and stressed he’s been recently, but when he goes into the kitchen scavenging for food you can’t help but ask him what he wants to eat.
“god y/n, i don’t fucking know, stop asking so many questions.” he didn’t yell it, he didn’t shout it, he didn’t even raise his voice, but he said it extremely stern.
you were taken aback and sat back down on the couch ignoring him, he continued to look for food while you sat on the couch watching tv, a bit awkwardly.
you didn’t want to confront him, and you decided to let him have a few minutes to himself to calm down.
eventually he walks into the bedroom with a snack, you didn’t really want to follow him into bed, so you grabbed an extra pillow and blanket from the closet and set up the couch.
taehyun sat in the room alone wondering where you were, and he regretted what he said to you. he was hungry, he was upset, and he was stressed, but that was no excuse for how he acted.
when he walked out the bedroom to go apologize, he saw you sleeping soundly on the couch. 
his heart couldn’t help but ache at the sight of you cramped up on the couch, he sat in front of you on the floor and brushed the hairs from your face. he accidentally wakes you up, and you grumble.
 “y/n, i’m sorry, will you come to bed with me?” he whispers slowly, taking the blanket off you.
the cold air hitting your skin woke you up slightly, “next time, will you talk to me about your stressors, instead of snapping?” you ask, very quietly.
taehyun kisses the top of your head, “of course, i’m so sorry y/n.”
you smile and stand up and taehyun walks with you to the bedroom, “i can’t sleep without you next to me.” he whispers as you get into bed comfortably. taehyun lays beside you and wraps you in his warmth, “it’ll never happen again, i promise.”
you nod and fall quickly back sleep in his arms.
taehyun admires your feature as you sleep and whispers, i’m such a fool.
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2022 © jungwnies
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worldofkuro · 3 months
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XXIX
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Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: Hoho dear... This chapter might be hard for some of you, I'm sorry. I enjoyed this chapter and I'm even more excited for next chapter. TW: Killing, gore, forced cannabalism, cannabalism, smut, death, Alastor being his creepy self. I hope you will enjoy this chapter, tell me your thoughts.
You walked with Alastor, gripping his forearms. The sun was now low in the sky but the air around you was still warm. You didn’t know where you were walking to, but you trusted Alastor. Tonight, you would get rid of those catholic freaks who dared disturb your peaceful life.
Your heels were hitting the ground but you couldn’t hear the noise, all you could hear was your heart beating. You weren’t calm, not at all. You tried to convince yourself, you killed so many times, it was going to be easy, just like your previous victims. But you couldn’t shake a bad feeling. You felt like something was going to turn badly tonight. 
You looked at Alastor who was looking at you. He must have sensed you were beginning to feel anxious. Even more after seeing him being possessed last night. Seeing Alastor controlled by something else was scary. He wasn’t someone who could not be taken down, he was the hunter, the killer, the star of the show. He wasn’t the prey, the victim… He was Alastor Sanglar, your husband in every realm that existed.
“ My love, talk to me.”
You looked at his eyes, so full of fondness for you. You didn’t want to bother him with your questions, with your anxiety and yet… You knew he would rather hear your thoughts than letting you handle yourself. Before every murders, he would ask you to tell you how you were feeling.
“ I’m… I have a bad feeling, Alastor.” you whispered, leaning your head against his shoulder. You felt his body tensed at your words. He knew to never take your feelings lightly, even more the one that was connected to the spirits’s realm. You didn’t know how you could sense if something was going to turn badly but you could just… feel it. You wondered if it was a gift from Papa Legba..?
“ How so?”
“ It’s the first time we are going to fight against opponents that have… powers, like us. We don’t know how we are supposed to fight. How are you supposed to take them down?” You close your eyes, gripping his jacket harder. How could he be so calm about all this? 
“ Darling. They are using the power of a failed angel.” He sneered at the sky. “ What could have happened?”
“ The power of the failed angel possessed you…” You opened your eyes and looked at him. You saw his body tense before he let out a sigh. He turned his head toward you, his smile a bit smaller than usual as he stared at you with a warm glint. “ How are you so calm..?” you whispered shakily.
“ I know you are scared. This might be the hardest fight we have to win… But Darling, when we first killed my father, we were powerless and yet we fought against this man. No demons, devils, angels could be… stronger than my father. He made me live through Hell.” He looked at your hand, taking them into his hands. “ We won’t lose. Not when we are together. Remember the three rules..?”
You nodded with a shaky smile. He stared at you and you opened your mouth.
“ Rule number one: Never drop your guard.” You closed your eyes when you felt him kiss your lips, encouraging you to continue. “ Rule number two: No one is stronger than you.” You smiled against his lips as he kissed you once again. “ Rule number three: Give up…”
“ That’s right, my love. Give up your fears, I’ll be there.”
You turned your head when you felt something poking your waist. You smiled when you saw Alastor’s shadow grinning at you, tugging at your shadow, showing themselves. It seemed like it was trying to tell you you weren’t alone because they were here too. You giggled when your own shadow poked at your belly with his hideous smile.
Yes, you weren’t alone.
You took a deep breath and looked at Alastor with a new found confidence which made Alastor smile immediately.
“ Perfect, then, how are we going to do it?”
“ Well, darling ! They are hiding in an abandoned church not too far from here. How subtil. There is a cave, which isn’t even locked. We will send our shadows first so they can see what is happening downstairs, and then we’ll attack. We won’t be greedy tonight, let’s not play and just go straight into killing. Don’t play with your prey, my dear.” He pocked your nose with a mocking smile which made you frown. He was the one playing with his victim!
“ You didn’t bring any weapons..?” you tilted your head.
“ Oh, dear, do you think me a fool? My shadow holds the weapon, I couldn’t be walking in New Orleans with a rifle and a knife, could I?” He laughed as you looked at his shadow and gasped when you saw his shadow having the shadow of a rifle and a knife in his hand. You rolled your eyes with a smile, how impressive. Once more, Alastor was amazinging you with his limitless talents.
You walked until you saw the abandoned church. Nobody was around which made the task easier. The doors were opened, mostly because one of them was missing. Alastor was already checking around the building, taking mental notes about the exit of the building. 
You were dressed in your hunting outfit, which made it easier to move and of course, to kill. You stretched yourself, moaning in bliss when you felt Alastor’s shadow massage your stiff shoulder. You turned toward your husband who was motioning you to come closer. You both looked at each other before sending your shadows inside the church. 
You looked at your husband who was waiting patiently before nodding to you. He entered the house of prayer without looking back. You inhaled deeply before following him. 
Once inside, you looked at the beautiful architecture. You always loved going inside religious buildings, it was always beautiful to see. Who would have thought this beautiful abandoned building would be so deceitful, hiding your prey like this… Your shadow was happily running around, looking at everything with childish curiosity.  You walked toward Alastor who was kneeling toward the altar. He was looking at a door on the ground. You didn’t make any noises, you knew Alastor was trying to hear any sounds from underneath that door. His eyes turned red and he sank his hand into his own shadow before taking out a rifle and a knife.
‘ Which one do you want, my love?’
I’m still not good with a rifle, give me the knife. I’m an expert with that.
You took the knife from his hands but before you could step back he tugged you against his chest and kissed you with hunger. You sighed against his lips, as you ran your hand into his dark curls. 
‘ This isn’t the last time I hug you, you hear me ?’
You nodded at him with warm eyes. He nodded before gesturing to his shadow to go check what was under the door. You did the same with your shadow which followed Alastors. You both stayed quiet, waiting for your shadows to return. You were gripping on your knife, your memories of your shadow being trapped and almost burned alive was still fresh in your memories. You didn’t want it to live this painful experience once more.
You felt relief when your shadow came back, gesturing to you that it was safe to enter. Alastor went first and then waited for you and the end of the stairs. You looked around, everything was dark, the only light you could see was far away, from a room on the other side of this dark corridor.
Should we separate? 
‘Check each room on the right. I’ll check the one on the left side, don’t enter the room at the end of the corridor before I’m here, okay?.’
Yes, sir.
You could see him roll his red eyes at you which made you grin. You nodded at each other before you walked quietly toward the first room. You sended your shadow inside it and when it came back with you, making an O with its finger you went inside. You looked around, you could see broken mirrors, burned books… You made a grimace of disgust. The foul odor was making you gag and leave the room hurriedly.
You did the same for the four other rooms, sending your shadow then going inside to see if you could find anything useful. The last room seemed to be an old office, you walked toward a desk in a pitiful state. You looked at the paper on it, some seemed more recent than others. You took a letter already opened but unfortunately you couldn’t read its content. The letter seemed to have been left in water, making the ink drip into unrecognized words.  You looked at the bottom of the letter and froze when you saw the signature.
You grasped the letter harder in your hand, feeling fury swirling inside your body. It was the Felleur seal. Your shadow was fuzzing behind you, seeming to share your hatred. 
Was John the one who sended those lunatics at you? Why was he still obsessed with you and Alastor? And when did he decide to work with the church? What was going on?
Darling, John might be the one behind all this.
‘ Please, do explain.’
After explaining what you just found, Alastor joined you into the small office and looked at the letter with an angry smile.
‘ We really need to get rid of him.’
You nodded,putting the letter away, in your pocket. Alastor walked toward the corridor once more and looked at the enlightened room in front of you. You could hear noise, were they talking..? It meant they didn’t notice you inside the church, that was perfect.  
Alastor went inside the room as quietly as possible and hid behind a wall, almost completely broken. You followed him, trying to be as quiet as him. He tilted his head, leaning where the wall was broken and he smirked. You did the same and there they were.
The man and woman who made your life a different kind of hell was smiling at each other while talking about their daily life. You frowned when you felt something wasn’t right… You watched as Alastor took his rifle, as quietly as possible, and aimed at their head. You looked around, feeling your heartbeat way too fast…
You sat on the ground and looked in front of you. It was going to end. You were going to be free of this torment soon enough… 
You looked at the ceiling and froze when you saw a big eye staring at you and Alastor. The  eye’s sclera was reddish, like it had been watching you without blinking for too long, but the pupils of the eyes were yellow, almost gold like. You didn’t know what to do, you couldn't move your body, you were petrified. 
You felt your shadow grab your arm, making you flinch before jumping on Alastor when you heard a loud noise. You opened your eyes and felt dread in your body. The place where you have been standing not a seconds ago was now under a big rock that seemed to have fallen from the ceilings.
“ Did it get them?” You heard the woman say.
You looked at Alastor who was staring at you, his smile no longer on his lips. He gestured you toward the rock.
‘ Can you lift it?’
You stared at him before looking at the rock and tried to lift it with your telekinesis. It was so difficult but you needed to do it quickly. You felt your shadow trying to help you as it could, making you smile a little. You could feel the rock’s weight on your body, but you managed to lift it and throw it toward the couple’s direction. You fell on your knees as you heard them panicking. 
You missed, damn it.
You looked as Alastor wiped a liquid from your nose. Were you already bleeding ? Did you already use too much of your power? 
“ A reminder to you all. Not to mess with my wife’s life.” Said Alastor with a big smile on his lips, his shadow taking more place in the room.
You looked at him as he aimed toward the couple. You stood up quickly at your husband's side. You watched as the couple were standing in front of you. The man was standing in front of the girl in a protective manner while she was opening her Bible, if it was really a bible..
“ You’ve made a mistake by coming here.” said the girl, her voice shaking but her form was ready to fight. The man was gripping at an ax, staring at Alastor.
“ You’ve made a mistake by threatening our life.” You said as power began to swirled inside you, your eyes turning red. “ No God or Devil is going to save you tonight.” You spat while Alastor was grinning ears to ears, his aim still trained on the couple.
“ I wondered how you could think you could take us down.” asked Alastor with a mocking voice. 
“ We managed to possess you, didn't we? Mickeal and I know you both are the serial killer that haunts New Orleans!” Shouted the girl, her hands gripping her book harder. “ We need to clear this city from evil!”
“ And yet, you killed an innocent woman, didn't you?” spat Alastor, his smile never leaving his face. You looked at the man, Mickeal, who was gripping his ax harder. You focused on the weapon and tried to make it move away from Mickeal. You knew, as soon as you would succeed, it would be time to fight.
You concentrated on the ax but you freezed when Mickeal’s eyes fell on you. He must have realized what you were trying to do because he pushed the woman behind him.
“ Don’t bother, Louise. Those are demons, Voodoo’s hippies. We must kill them.”
Why was he protecting the lady so much? Was she the one holding the spiritual power? Were they lovers? Well, you didn’t have time for this. 
You smirked when your shadow jumped on the man who, surprised, tried to get it off him. You telekinesised your knife to plug it into his thighs. Mickeal stared at you, not flinching once.
‘ Good shot,dear.’
You couldn't respond to your husband as Louise managed to free the man who rushed toward Alastor, blocking a bullet from your husband’s rifle with his ax. Alastor pushed you out of the way, avoiding a slash from the deadly weapon.
You turned your head toward Louise who was flipping pages from her book. You focused on the grimoire she was keeping and made it fly up in the ceiling. She looked at you with fury as you smirked at her. 
“ What? You can’t do anything without it? Just so you know, I’m more of a street smart than a book smart.” You smiled before running toward her. She tried to step back but you caught her hair and threw her on the floor. She gasped as you sat on her belly and began to strangle her. You have to be quick.
She was moving underneath you, trying to escape your hands but she couldn’t do anything. You were stronger, you have taken dozens of lives, you knew where to kill. You were–
“ Darling!”
You turned your head toward your husband's voice and managed to stop your own knife that had been thrown by the man. If you hadn't stopped it, the blade would have stabbed your throat…
You winced in pain when you felt Louise kick you off from her. She was like a little mouse, she wasn’t very dangerous… You watched as she ran away toward the other side of the room. What a coward…
You turned your head toward Alastor who was avoiding every slash of ax with an annoying smile which seemed to anger Mickeal more and more. You focused once more on the ax, making it way heavier than it was supposed to be. The man looked at his weapon with a look of disbelief before looking at you with pure hate. You winked at him before Alastor punched him so hard the man had to take a couple steps back. 
You screamed when you felt yourself being lifted up from the ground. You looked as Alastor’s shadow rushed toward you. You glanced behind you and scrutinized at Louise who was studying you with a mocking grin, with a book in her hands.
“ Just so you know, I’m more of a book smart than a street smart.” she spat at you, wiggling the book in her hand. “ Did you really think you had the right grimoire?”
That bitch.
Alastor’s shadow was banging against the shield that seemed to have formed around you. It snarled in furry before rushing toward the girl who began chanting, protecting herself with a goldish light. You inspected the shield around you, how could you get out of this. You knew Alastor was already thinking about saving you more than his own battle. 
Louise was busy with Alastor’s shadow, Mickeal was still fighting Alastor… Which meant… You searched for your shadow and found it on the ground underneath you. It was making big gestures toward you that you couldn’t understand. It frowned before showing itself then yourself…
Oh, yes !
You closed your eyes, calming your senses before sending your soul into your shadow. Your shadow rushed toward the woman, going behind her. It seemed like she didn’t sense you. Well, being weaker was more useful sometimes. You ordered your shadow to claw at her legs which made her scream in pain and drop to her knees. You went back into your body as the shield around you vanished, surely because the woman lost focus. 
You screamed as you fell toward the ground but Alastor’s shadow caught you before you hit the ground and put you on the floor. You touched it, it seemed like it had been burned by the goldish light that was emanating from Louise while she was chanting.
Damn that woman.
You were already ready to throw your knife toward her but then you saw Alastor being slashed by Mickeal’s ax. You felt like the world stopped spinning. You didn't know you could make such a scream with your voice. You projected Mickeal off from Alastor and ran toward your husband.
“ Alastor !”
You looked as his torso was cut deeply, the blood already dirtying his jacket. You pulled him behind a wall that wasn’t even one meter tall. You took off his top quickly, tearing off his clothes. Alastor took his rifle, put bullets inside it and aimed at the couple, as he sat up to aim. You didn’t even stop him as you began to lick the cut. You felt his body tense but never stopped. You had blood all over your lips and chin but you didn’t care. Alastor kept shooting at the couple even if you couldn’t see if he was touching them.
And then you felt it.
You freezed as you felt an anguish of pain going from your collarbones to the end of your belly. You weren’t moving as the pain was making you lightheaded. It was like you were being cut open, it was so painful you bit your hand to not bite your tongue off.
“ Darling, are you still with me ?”
You couldn’t answer, you were in so much pain and you were also afraid this injury would cost your baby’s life. But you couldn’t let Alastor with his pain, you couldn’t…!
You opened your eyes as the pain lessened and looked at Alastor who was looking at you with worried eyes, his rifle against him. You nodded at him, your body still twitching from the previous pain you had just felt. Your husband’s body was still tense but he accepted your answer nonetheless.
Alastor vanished inside his own shadow while you tried to calm yourself.  You could do it. Alastor was okay. Your baby was okay. You were okay…
You stood up slowly from your hiding place and looked at the couple in front of you. Mickeal was playing with his ax, staring at you. 
“ How do you wish to die?” he asked you as he walked toward you. “ Like your husband?”
Did he think Alastor was dead..?
You walked toward him, your hands in the air. Louise was looking at you with a mocking smile, closing her books. You looked at the man who was looking you up and down, like he was trying to see if you had any hidden weapons on you. 
“ Why did you do this?” you asked, your voice a mere whisper.
“ We need to clear this city. We were hired to watch people that needed to die. But you don’t need to know more, you life ends here, Mrs. Sanglar.” He lifted his ax up.
You raised your shield. You didn’t know if it could take such a blow, but you needed to try. Your shield was invisible, so even yourself, you weren’t sure if it was tougher than the other times. You would have to try your luck. 
You stared at the man as his ax clashed against your shield, the weapon leaving his hand and before you knew it you heard a scream so loud you wondered if someone else was here.
But no, Alastor had apparead from the man’s shadow and had taken the ax as it flew from Mickeal's hand and dug it into the woman's chest. You blinked as Louise was staring at the ax inside her body, before her legs gave out and she fell at Alastor’s feet.
“ Louise!” Mickeal cried as he ran toward her. You raised your hand and created a shield around Mickeal, squeezing it around him until he couldn’t move a single muscle, he couldn’t even speak.
Alastor smiled at Mickeal as he crouched in front of Louise who was breathing hard. She would die soon enough… You tilted your head before gasping as you watched your husband act.
He was cutting open Louise’s torso, not caring about her cries for mercy. He then took out her heart from her body, showing it to Louise who was already on the verge of death.
“ Thank you for the gift.”
You watched as Louise died, her body not moving anymore. You walked toward Alastor, making sure the shield that was trapping Mickeal was still keeping him in place. You peeked as tears were streaming down his face.  Alastor stood up with Louise’s heart in his hand and walked toward the man.
“ Make it so he can move his head, dear.”
You did as he asked and watched with curiosity what Alastor was doing. He took Mickeal’s chin and forced him to open his mouth before putting the bloody heart against the man’s lips. Alastor managed to put some of the heart inside the man's mouth and forced him to munch and swallow it. He then asked, with a mad expression.
“ How does your beloved’s heart taste?” he asked with genuine curiosity. “ I’m the one who killed her, I’m the one who took her from you. How does it feel? Do you hate me ? Do you wish to join her in death? Did you appreciate her heart wholly?” he sneered at the man who looked at Alastor with pure fear.
Yes, they might have worked with the devil, but Alastor was something of another kind.
You took your knife and walked toward the man, spinning the blade between your fingers. The man was looking at you with fear and confusion. Was he afraid because you were in love with a monster like Alastor? What did that make you? You didn’t care for those questions, but you could understand that other people would wonder about it.
“ If you don’t mind, I like to take souvenirs.” You smiled at him before taking his right eye from him. You didn’t care about his screams, you just looked at the eye with a satisfied smile. Now everything was over, they wouldn’t touch you anymore. They wouldn’t be a threat anymore. “ Do what you want Alastor, I’m done.”
Your husband chuckled as he looked at you fondly but then he looked at the dead woman’s heart, still inside his hand. You tilted your head, what was he thinking…? You watched as he brought the heart toward his lips and he bit into it, chuckling.
He bit it.
He bit the heart.
He bit a human organs.
He bit something that wasn’t you.
Maybe you were crazy, but you were more upset that he decided to bite someone that wasn’t you. He munched on the heart in front of a horrified Mickeal. He turned his head toward you with an innocent face.
“ Do you want to taste it?”
You stared at the heart and shook your head. You pouted as Alastor stared at the heart with a new form of fascination. You didn't want him to forget you because he found a new hobby !
“ You are crazy…!”
You looked at Mickeal who was shaking even inside of your shield. Alastor stared at him with a horrifying smile. You scoffed as you saw the front of Mickeal’s pants getting wet. 
“ Well, well, are you that scared of a mere human when you worked with the devil?” Alastor asked, chuckling darkly at the man. He walked toward you but you turned your back toward him, you were mad at him ! “ Darling ?”
You gave him a dark glare but he only giggled before hugging you from behind. 
“ Why are you upset ?”
“ You bit into someone else's flesh.”
You flushed as you realized you told the reason you were upset out loud. You were jealous? In this situation, were you jealous? He just bit a human being's heart and you were being jealous? You felt Alastor squeezed you harder, whispering darkly near your ear.
“ Do you want me to eat you?”
You shivered, looking into his red eyes. Being eaten.. By Alastor..? You turned your head to the side, not ready to have this discussion and not ready to understand why you felt hot. You moaned when you felt Alastor’s teeth dig into your neck, making you cling to him. This sensation after a murder was so… elating. 
Alastor kissed the place he bit you before going to Mickeal after taking your knife, throwing the heart away. He carved his usual smile into the man's flesh before killing him by slicing his throat.  He turned his head toward you with a small smirk.
“ Well, we should clean ourselves.”
“ And where should we do that, young man?” you asked, crossing your arms on your chest. Alastor guided you into the corridor and took you into a room and you gasped when you saw a bucket with water inside.
“ This is where they took their bath I guess.” He smirked at you as his hands began to undress you. You still were angry with him so as soon as you were naked you walked away from him. “ My Love?”
“ Why should I clean with you? You bite someone else? Maybe next time you should carve runes into it, would you like that Mr.Sanglar?” you said, batting your eyes at him. You knew you were being petty but you couldn’t help yourself. You didn’t understand why you were angry at him for biting into a heart when you should be… Afraid? Disgust? You didn’t know, but you never felt such a feeling when you were with Alastor.
“ Still jealous, I see.” He said with a knowing smile. “ I would love to dig my teeth inside your heart my dear, feeling your heart beating against my lips, feeling your life inside my hands, being the one who can decide whether you live or die. I want to be the one who takes your life but at the same time… I don’t want you to leave me.” 
You sat on a chair, still naked with bloody decorations on your body. You held your hand toward him, staring at him. Was it normal for you to feel this way? Why was he so attractive right now…? You looked at him as he took your hand in his and kissed it. He wanted to play, alright.
You fell to your knees in front of him and hid your smirk when you saw his pupils getting bigger. You gently took off his pants without breaking eye contact with him.
You never gave oral to Alastor, most of the time he always wanted to be the one to give you pleasure. To control what you were feeling, when you were feeling it. And you enjoyed every time. But this time, you wanted to take revenge for making you jealous of this scandalous act he did.
You licked your lips as you saw his member getting hard. You looked at him, wanting to see if he was okay with what was going on. Alastor gently stroked your cheek before running his fingers in your hair, inviting you to suck his penis by pressing your head toward it.
“ Are you trying to take control, my love?” he asked, teasingly.
"Um, huh." You grunted in frustration, but you kept going. You let the tip of Alastor land on your tongue. You could sense Alastor hardening up immediately. When your mouth started to tease your husband, it didn't take much for him to harden and become aroused. Just as a few beads of precum welled out of his slit, you flicked his tongue over it, maintaining your mouth around the entire head of his penis. 
“You’re really quite a natural at this. Have you been fantasizing about this, dearling?” Alastor sighed in bliss. You flushed, sucking on his penis, trying to give him as much pleasure as you could. Of course, you wanted to punish him so you were trying to edge him. 
Periodically, he would demonstrate his dominance by rolling his hips and forcefully pushing his penis into your mouth. You had to fight each time to keep from choking. You became further hotter and more agitated at his violent gesture. You always loved when he was showing how much stronger he was than you, even if you wanted to control the situation, you knew Alastor would easily take control. But you could sense he was teasing you, letting you take control even if he knew you wanted him to take charge.
"Mmm hmm." Alastor groaned sleazy, giving you all control. You rocked back and forth on your knees, sucking him off, giving it your all to blow him off. You licked your way up the shaft, savoring every last shred of skin and relishing in the flavor of Alastor. You didn't give your growing arousal any thought because you were too busy trying to get Alastor off. As if your life relied on Alastor's penis, you wanted to worship and show it affection. Every groan that left his mouth was a victory in your mind. You could feel his finger grabbing your hair, forcing you into a rhythm that made your eyes roll back.
You opened your eyes when you felt him stroke your cheek with a smirk, his breathing echoing into the empty room. You could see the madness in his eyes, you wondered what he was thinking. 
You, you were loving this moment. You never thought about giving oral to anyone, but right now, you felt like you needed it. Alastor was yours, no matter what could happen. You gagged as Alastor’s shaft hit the back of your throat, your eyes tearing up but you never stop looking at him. You could feel his penis throb against your tongue, was he close?
“ Darling… If you look at me like this…” he whispered in his deep voice, the one that he would never use for the radio. The one that was for you. And only you. 
You opened your mouth wider, staring at him, silently telling him to use you as he fit. He grabbed your hair and rolled his hips against you, his rhythm breaking as you felt him getting close.
“ Where do you want it?” he asked, panting.
Inside. I want to swallow everything.
Alastor groaned and not a minute after he came inside your mouth. You closed your eyes as you took everything your husband had to offer. You gulped everything and opened your eyes when you felt him let go of your hair. You licked his slit one more time before leaning back, looking at him with a smirk.
“ Did you enjoy it?”
Alastor was looking at you before taking your knife and pressing it against your throat. You giggled as he smiled down at you.
Noises could be heard from the abandoned church, but most of them were happy laughter.
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora @gasiacos @charlottemorningstarsdarling
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alessiasfreckles · 5 months
amnesia - part 12 (ona batlle x alexia putellas x reader)
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part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11
a/n: sorry for the long wait, not much left now!
The next morning, when you looked on your doorstep, you half expected to find Alexia or Ona stood there waiting. Instead, you found the usual pastry and drink, and couldn’t help but feel the smallest tinge of disappointment. 
You’d been messaging both girls late into the night, about everything and anything, except for what had happened between the three of you. You knew you’d need to talk about it at some point, but for now, you just wanted things to be good. And so did they, by the looks of things. Accompanying the pastry and drink was a handwritten note from Ona, reading ‘Good morning chiqui! We hope you have a wonderful day today. Dinner is on us tonight x’. Interesting.
As you headed to your physio session, you tried to ignore the rising anticipation in your belly, the soft feeling of hope working its way through your body, eager to see the two women, but nervous as well. You didn’t even know if you would see them - there was a good chance they’d be outside for training, or in the gym, and so far all of your sessions had been in the smaller physiotherapy rooms.
When you arrived, the physiotherapist greeted you with an amused smile. 
“You have some admirers,” she noted, nodding towards a beautiful bouquet of flowers that was resting in a vase. You couldn’t help but blush, rolling your eyes fondly at the gesture, already knowing who was behind it. “Today we’re in the gym, but you can leave your things here and we can get them when we’re done.”
“The gym?” you asked, surprised.
The physiotherapist nodded. “Yes. You’re making very good progress - you really only have minimal injuries considering what you went through, and we can move you to the real gym now. You should be able to go back to training with the others soon, maybe in a month or so. The biggest problem is the muscle atrophy from being in the coma, but once we get your body back to where it was before, you’ll be good to go.”
Your mouth hung open in shock, and your face suddenly felt very warm as you realised that tears were gathering in the corners of your eyes. You hadn’t expected to be back so soon, and you couldn’t wait to be able to train with the others again, to get out there and play football, the thing you loved more than anything else in the world. 
As you walked to the gym, you wondered whether the rest of the team would also be in the gym or if they’d be outside. As you got closer, your question was answered - you could hear various sounds coming from the gym, shoes against treadmills, the thud of weights hitting the ground, but also the soft murmur of your teammates chatting, the occasional peal of laughter. That meant Ona and Alexia were probably there, too. 
You took a deep breath before pushing open the door, trying to steel your nerves. At first, when you walked through, no one batted an eyelid, all preoccupied with their own routines. But then Mapi looked up, and yelled out your name.
“You’re back!” she grinned, running over to you. You felt a twinge of guilt, remembering that the two of you had been good friends before the accident, and that you’d been so caught up in everything going on with Ona and Alexia that you’d forgotten about your friendships with the other players. Soon enough you were surrounded by your teammates, including the two you were most nervous about seeing. 
“I’m not back properly yet, but I’ve been promoted to physio in the gym, and I should be able to start training with you guys again in a month or so,” you told your teammates, blushing slightly at the attention you were getting. For some reason you couldn’t meet the two women’s eyes, too anxious about what you’d find there. The team let out cheers and whoops at your statement, people leaning over to ruffle your hair or give you hugs.
After a few minutes, the physiotherapist clapped her hands together. “Okay, okay, in order for her to be able to train with you again, she needs to get fit enough first, which she can only do if you all let her get on with her physio session in peace, okay?”
Your teammates chuckled and backed away. Only then did you look up at Ona and Alexia, who were watching you intently. Ona was biting her lip, a nervous frown etched into her forehead, whilst Alexia looked more stoic, trying hard not to let anyone see how desperate she had been to see you and how worried she was about you. When you met their eyes, you instantly felt calmer, the bundle of nerves in your stomach washed away and replaced by a soft pang of familiarity.
When you smiled at them, they both relaxed instantly, the line between Ona’s eyebrows melting away, Alexia’s eyes softening as she met yours. They smiled back, and you couldn’t help but think about how beautiful they both were, each in their own way.
As the physiotherapist went through your exercises your mind kept wandering, and you kept catching yourself looking over to where they were going through their workout, Alexia jogging on one of the treadmills, Ona over by the weights. Every so often they would look over at you and your eyes would meet, and you’d smile, blushing, and look away again quickly. It felt like having a crush for the first time.
You lingered when your session was over, reluctant to go so soon.
“Don’t forget, your things are in my office,” the physiotherapist reminded you with a knowing smile. “And don’t worry, we’ll be back tomorrow.”
At home, you put the bouquet in a vase, admiring the flowers. One looked slightly different to the others, but you couldn’t quite figure out what it was. Regardless, the bouquet was beautiful, and your stomach fluttered at the thought of the women buying you flowers. 
By the time evening rolled around, you were starting to get hungry, and you wondered what Ona had meant by her note this morning. Just as you thought about messaging her to ask, the doorbell rang, and you opened it to find a delivery person holding a paper bag emblazoned with the logo of a nearby restaurant. 
As you headed back inside your apartment, you took a quick picture of the bag and sent Ona a text.
[Y/N]: so this is what you meant with your note this morning :)
[Ona]: Yes!! 
Along with her message was a picture. You recognised the background as her kitchen, and on the counter was a paper bag just like yours, the restaurant logo on the side.
[Ona]: Ale got food too, so we’re all eating together but apart :) 
Warmth spread throughout your body, and you sent Alexia a quick message, sending her the same picture you’d sent Ona. As you opened the bag, your kitchen filled with the smell of food, and your stomach growled. You kept messaging both women as you ate, unable to deny the way your heart skipped a beat every time you received a new message from them, a smile glued to your face. By the time you fell into bed a few hours later, you’d exchanged hundreds of messages, and your cheeks hurt from smiling.
When you checked the front door the next morning, you were surprised to find a sweater next to the usual drink and pastry. Picking it up, you instantly recognised it as Ona’s, the one you would always borrow when you were at her place, the fabric soft between your fingers. You brought it up to your face and inhaled deeply, your lungs filling with the familiar scent of her perfume, and your mind filled with memories of the two of you.
You wore the sweater to your physio session, reluctant to take it off. When you arrived, the physio nodded over to the table again with a grin. “Another present for you.”
On the table was a protein shaker adorned with stickers of your teammates, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. Everyone had their own drinks tailored to their needs, and when you picked the shaker up you smiled as you realised they’d already filled it for you, a sticky note on the back telling you what was in it. You took the shaker into the gym with you, and when your teammates sidled in slowly, your eyes were on the door, waiting for Ona and Alexia to come through and see you using their gift.
When they did, their eyes scanned the gym, looking for you, and they immediately smiled when their eyes landed on you. You felt a rush at the sight of them and internally rolled your eyes at your behaviour - you were acting like a teenager with a crush rather than a grown woman. Still, you gave them a quick grin before going back to focusing on your therapy, and tried to ignore the way your heart had skipped a beat when they’d smiled at you.
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yournightmary · 3 months
you should write something where reader is a primary teacher, and ellie is a volunteer/fill in music teacher :D they meet and romance happens or something (i’m bad with words 😀) <3
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Play Date | E.W.
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content warning:: fem!reader, I guess dealer!Ellie but not really?, bad writing
AN:: not proofread because i’d rather shoot myself than read my own writing. I’m so sorry if it’s bad but i’ve tried my best😔 also no idea hot to tittle things
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Whoever told you that being a daycare volunteer is a good idea was wrong- on many, many levels may I add.
You always thought that kids were just cute tiny humans but that changed with your first day at the daycare in Jackson. Most of the kids were boys, there were maybe three girls total. And you never even took into consideration that fall just started, so did every kind of colds and sicknesses possible.
What’s worse than a snotty, nasty seven year old boy tugging on your shirt with his grimy hands? A whole room of them. You only took this job because Maria asked you to. She said something about you ‘wasting your potential by going on patrols’. And by potential she meant the fact that you can read, write and do basic math… sometimes.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
You pushed the door of the daycare building open, furrowing your brows softly at the scratchy sound they’d made. It was almost winter, thankfully. Maria said you wouldn’t have to work once the snow falls, something about patrols not going out as often in bad weather. You shrugged off your jacket, hanging it on the wooden coat rack.
Before you could do anything else you’ve heard a knock on the door, immediately rolling your eyes in annoyance. You took your sweet time getting to it, muttering profanities under your breath.
“Daycare isn’t open until 7:30, sorry.” You opened the door with a sigh, your tone as cold as the outside air.
“Uh- Maria asked me to help you? She said to come here after 6:00 but- I uh, overslept.” Your eyes widened slightly, seeing the girl before you.
Ellie Williams. What the actual fuck?
You stared at her in disbelief, finally noticing the guitar in her hands. She scratched her neck nervously, awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other.
“You gonna let me in?” You slapped yourself mentally, stepping away from the door. She walked in, muttering a quiet ‘thanks’.
Ellie placed her guitar against one of the many chairs, curiously looking around the daycare. She traced all of the drawings on the walls, wondering about the stories behind each of them.
“Why did Maria want you to help me?” You asked her after a while, sorting through all of the pencils and sharpening dull ones.
“That’s a funny story… I did something she didn’t like and this is my punishment, I guess- not that I don’t like you! I’m just… bad with kids.” Ellie stumbled over her words a little, looking everywhere but at you.
“Well, what did you do?” You raised your eyebrow, even if she wasn’t facing your way. You sighed softly before adding. “And don’t worry- this feels like a punishment to me too… and I volunteered.”
Ellie snickered before circling around some tables and sitting down next to you, grouping all the pencils by color and placing them in their assigned little boxes.
“She found out I was dealing.” She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, though you could hear the nervousness in her tone. “Weed, you know? Said ‘I’m corrupting Jackson’”
“Shit, you’ve been dealing?” You unintentionally raised your voice, turning your head to look at her with furrowed brows. She raised her head slowly, nodding with an anxious expression. “Why didn’t you tell me anything? I felt bad for nagging Dina and she didn’t want to tell where she gets it from.”
Ellie’s jaw dropped as she looked at you baffled, the pencil she was holding almost falling out of her hand.
“I didn’t know you smoked, sorry.” She muttered, not expecting the way you reacted.
“I don’t look the part, huh?” You looked down at your clothes, the white collar peeking out of your beige sweater and your brown pants cuffed nicely, even if it exposed your ankles to the cold winter air.
Ellie shook her head to the sides with a chuckle, taking the opportunity and looking you up and down. After a moment in awkward silence she spoke up, fiddling with her fingers nervously.
“So why don’t you go on patrols? I mean, you’re really smart and stuff. You could be useful.” The way she said it sounded almost like an invitation, raising her brows slightly while glancing at you.
“Well, Maria said that I’m too smart for patrols. That I’ll be more useful as a teacher.” You giggled, rolling your eyes at the memory.
“That’s a shame… There’s this spot on one of the routes, you can see whole Jackson from there.” Ellie frowned softly, smacking her lips in disappointment.
You hummed in agreement, understanding what she was getting at. Maybe once winter comes Maria will let you go on a patrol with Ellie, just maybe. You placed a few sheets of paper in front of her, handing her a black pen.
“You can draw, right? Make some coloring pages, I gotta clean up before the kids come.” You said with a smile while standing up from the little table you were sitting at, not waiting for her answer.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
The kids came in earlier than usual, the room filling up an hour after you opened. After some discussing Ellie decided to take care of the arts&crafts corner, playing a song on her guitar whenever she got a request while you taught the older kids how to multiply. You couldn’t help but steal glances at Ellie, looking away quickly when her eyes meet yours.
“Miss, why are looking at Ellie like that? Do you like like her?” You hushed the girl with furrowed brows, your cheeks burning slightly.
“Keep your eyes on your paper, Maya.” You muttered, tapping your finger against the worksheet you prepared for her. Why were kids so nosy?
You glanced at Ellie only to find her already looking at you, rolling her eyes annoyed. You giggled quietly, nodding your head in agreement. You quickly made sure everyone understood their assignments and walked over to Ellie, a smile appearing on her lips once she noticed you.
“How’s it going? Any troublemakers?” You asked jokingly, looking suspiciously at every kid with a smirk. Almost every one of them shook their head, letting you know they were on their best behavior.
“They’re all good, don’t worry.” Ellie said with a smile, admiring the way you quietly praised the boy who showed you the drawing he made today.
“That’s good to hear.” You nodded your head, stepping away with Ellie to a more secluded place. “They’re usually so much worse, maybe you’re a good influence.”
“Tell that to Maria.” Ellie snickered, tucking her short hair behind her ears. She scrunched her nose, glancing at the kids a little disgusted. “One of them sneezed into his hand and then grabbed mine though, have you ever thought about teaching manners?”
“Thank you so much for that idea, I’ve never thought about that!” You said sarcastically, pointing your finger at her while nodding your head. “But seriously, I’ve tried. They just don’t care.”
You sighed in defeat, dropping your hands to your sides. Ellie hummed in acknowledgment, looking at the kids coloring the drawings she made for them earlier.
“You play beautifully, by the way.” You nodded your head awkwardly, the words leaving your mouth before you could even think about them.
Ellie blushed lightly, biting back a grin that was threading to spread across her lips. “Thanks” She muttered quietly, looking away from you sheepishly.
She opened her mouth to add something but was cut off by some kid calling your name, asking you to help them with something. You shot her an apologetic smile before getting back to your space, leaving her with a bunch of prepubescent boy that already had teasing smirks on their faces, ready to poke fun at Ellie.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
You waved goodbye to the last kid, their parent giving you a grateful smile. You closed the door with a sigh, turning around to face Ellie. She was ready to leave, guitar in one hand and the kids’ drawings she received in the other.
“Can I walk you home?” She asked quickly, looking at you with a hopeful expression. You nodded your head with a smile, putting on your jacket.
“So, how would you rate your first day here?” You locked up the daycare building, stuffing the keys into your pocket.
“Well… it wasn’t bad. I thought it would be much worse.” Ellie hummed, walking right beside you. You bumped your shoulder into hers, smirking softly.
“I gotta say- you being there made it a lot better than usual… and I’m not talking just about the help.” She looked away sheepishly, unable to stop her lips from curling into a smile.
You walked in comfortable silence, stealing sneaky glances at each other when the other one wasn’t looking. Your hand brushed up against Ellie’s, making her gasp softly.
“Wow, you’re freezing.” She grabbed both of your hands into hers, standing in place. She rubbed her palms against the back of your hands, trying to warm you up.
“Yeah, it’s really cold today.” You giggled nervously, your cheeks heating up at her touch. She kept her grasp on one of your hands, swinging them softly between you as you walked. Smooth.
After a few minutes you finally got to your house, a little bummed out that your little trip is over. You stood before your front door, looking at Ellie shift from one foot to the other. She sighed, fiddling with her fingers nervously.
“How about I pick you up tomorrow? We could walk together.” Ellie suggested, taking a deep breath between her words. She rocked on the balls of her feet slightly, waiting for your answer impatiently.
“Okay.” You nodded your head with a grin, your hand resting on the doorknob. Ellie’s shoulders relaxed almost immediately, her own lips curling into a smile.
“Alright, cool… does 6 sound good?” You hummed in agreement, your eyes locked onto Ellie’s.
You stood there for a moment, in awkward- but not negative- silence. Ellie tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, breaking the eye contact by looking around nervously. You took your chance, standing on your tip toes and pecking Ellie’s cheek. She froze up, her eyes widening. Fuck, did you read it wrong?
“I’m sorry- I dunno why I did that.” You started apologizing, waving your hands around. Ellie grabbed both of them, shaking her head to the sides.
“It’s okay! You surprised me, that’s all.” She tried to hold back her smile but failed miserably, her ears and cheeks turning beet red. “I’ll uh- I should head back.”
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You nodded your head, sighing in relief at Ellie’s words. You gave her one last smile before walking into your home, closing the door softly.
You really hope the snow won’t come soon.
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teyamsgrl · 1 year
fruit picking ✧ neteyam
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anywho, here is my first fluffy fic! i normally stick to smut but figured i should throw some fluff (and a lil angst) into the mix so here we are! plus i love neteyam and the thought of him as a perfect mate 🫠
°˖➴ warnings: fem omatikaya reader, pregnant!reader, agedup!neteyam, l-bombs, a little angst, fainting mentions, worried teyam, happy ending dw - yawne: beloved
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being three quarters of the way through your pregnancy was crazy to you and neteyam, wondering where the time had went. your stomach had quite the swell and neither of you could wait to meet your little one. despite being very pregnant, you didn't let it hold you back from doing what you loved. you had only taken a pause on your tsahik practices just recently, much to your dismay but mo'at insisted that you take a break from your duties and cherish the last bit of your first pregnancy. you still traveled through the village, picking fruit and even hunting.
today was just like any other day, out for a stroll while neteyam was doing his own duties throughout the day. you came across some fruits, deciding they would be a perfect snack for neteyam's arrival home later on. you pick a few, putting them into a woven basket that kiri had made you. you hummed as you continued on, suddenly feeling a sharp pain shoot through your head. "ah.." you wince at the sensation, placing your free hand upon your forehead. you move to lean against a nearby tree, pain becoming worse by the second. you search your surroundings, noticing that your vision has now become blurry. your eyes begin fluttering, and next thing you know you are seeing black.
"grandmother!" kiri announced as she barged into the tsahik tent, holding you up with the help of lo'ak. "what happened here?" mo'at questions, helping kiri lie your currently unconscious body down onto a woven mat. "go get neteyam" she gestures to lo'ak, urging him out the door. "i just found her in the forest, slumped down against a tree like this, i don't know how long she was like this before i got to her" kiri rambles as she grabs your hand, praying to eywa as her other hand rests atop your baby bump. mo'at collects items before she gets to work on you. neteyam bursts into the tent with lo'ak on his tail, breathing coming to halt when he spots you on the floor, his grandmother moving around you as kiri still remains at your side. "my brother, come" kiri motions for neteyam to take a seat beside her, "kiri, what happened?" he questions frantically, intently watching mo'at's actions. "i don't know, she passed out i guess? i was just walking and saw her like this, looked like she was picking some fruit.." she gestures to the basket that lo'ak had placed near the doorway. "fuck..." he mumbles and pulls on his braids, feeling angry and anxious all at once. "she will be okay, and so will the baby. grandmother is an amazing tsahik.." she hugs him from the side, his eyes filling with tears and dropping onto his crossed legs. "she has to be okay, they both have to be" he whispers, leaning more into his sister's touch. mo'at says one final sentence before leaning back on her knees, hand pressed against your forehead.
as if on cue, you take a sudden sharp breath and shoot up slightly, eyes flickering open. "stay down, my child, relax" mo'at says as she lays you back down onto your back. "yawne!" neteyam exclaims, moving to come into your view. "you're okay, i'm so glad you're okay" he exhales, placing his forehead on yours, some tears dripping onto your cheeks from his own. "i'm here, ma'teyam, don't cry" you move one hand up slowly to wipe away his tears, stroking his cheek after. he smiles softly and pulls away to kiss your forehead, looking to his grandmother, "grandmother, is the baby alright?" your breath hitches as you await an answer, that being your next question as well. "yes, healthy and well, as are you, y/n. your great health allowed your baby to be protected in this moment" she smiles and begins to clean up her items, kiri gives your hand a squeeze before getting up to help her. "both okay..." neteyam whispers, kissing your forehead again. "i don't even really know what happened" you sigh, bringing a hand to rub over your bump, "all of a sudden i got this pain, then everything was blurry... now i'm here" neteyam places his hand on top of yours, nodding as he listens to you. "i'm sure it was scary, luckily kiri stumbled across you" you smile and grab kiri's hand just as she goes to collect the last of mo'at's items, "thank you, kiri. you literally saved my life," you nod down to your stomach "and theirs". she smiles back, "you do not need to thank me, i would do anything for you and the baby". you allow her to grab the items, looking back to neteyam.
"can you help me sit up? i'm feeling a bit more steady" he holds one arm out for you to hold while the other helps you up from your back. you get a better look around the room, spotting your basket of fruit by the doorway. "my fruit!" you giggle, spotting lo'ak against the wall beside it. "lo'ak, did you save my fruit?" he nods and chuckles a bit, "i did, kiri was a bit ahead of me and found you first, then she called for me and demanded i bring the fruit as well", "well thank you, i'm going to enjoy that later after all this" you giggle a bit more and look to neteyam as he shakes his head. "what?! it was mainly for you, by the way" you smile and kiss his cheek. he laughs quietly, "are we okay to head home?", "yes, but be careful for the next few days, stay close to home and rested" you nod and stand up slowly with neteyam right beside you, "thank you, mo'at. you are not only my mate's grandmother and my teacher, but a wonderful tsahik. thank you" she places her hand on your cheek, smiling softly before gesturing you two to head out.
once you arrive home, neteyam hugs you as tightly as he can with your bump in the middle, hands rubbing along your back. "scared me back there, yawne" you nod and hug around his neck, toying with his braids. "i know, i was scared too, when i fainted... had no clue what was going on. and i worried about the baby... first thing i thought of when it all went black, same with when i woke up" you sniffle a bit and nuzzle into his neck. "well you're both healthy and both here, which is what matters most" he whispers as he continues rubbing your back, pure love and relief surrounding your bodies. you nod into his neck, relaxing instantaneously under his touch. "i love you, ma'teyam, thank you for being the best mate and best soon to be dad" you move out of his neck to stare into his eyes, sparkling with adoration, "i love you too, so much.. you're the best mate, honestly, and i know you'll be the best mother" he leans in, lips interlocking with yours in a devoted kiss.
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ellieslittlewh0re · 1 year
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Temptations part 2 - stepsister! ellie x fem reader
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
*pictures used are not meant to represent reader
wk- 2.5k
additional tags: reader is Joel’s bio daughter (no race is described), sarah doesn’t exists in this bc I said so, ellie is adopted, rocker! ellie, band! ellie, loser! ellie, perv! ellie, weed! mention, ellie is kinda awful in this, like typical f*ck boy beat, reader and ellie are polar opposites so they kinda don’t get along, reader is a overachiever, ellie is a deadbeat, nothing too crazy happens in this part (yet), clothes are described (both what reader and e! are wearing)LOTS of s*xual tension, mutual pinning and gay longing etc…
*sorry for the pov change I wanted this to read like a typical x reader
It was the next day, and Ellie had no idea that you heard everything... down to the breathy moans and whimpers that exited her mouth while she fucked herself raw.
It was almost 2 in the afternoon, and Ellie hadn't come downstairs yet, and you weren't complaining because how the fuck are you supposed to face her after that?
You sat on the couch, scrolling through Tiktok but not really watching them, your mind too busy thinking about how your name sounded coming from Ellie's lips.
At first, you didn't want to believe it- you wanted to be appalled, but you weren't- in fact, you felt quite the opposite. It was alluring, inviting almost.
While listening to her curses of your name, your hand slipped down to your panties, teasing your clothed cunt as your forehead rested on the wall that separated the two of you, but you stopped yourself, snapping out of it like it was an evil curse.
"This is wrongThis is wrongThis is wrong" You repeated to yourself over and over as you crawled under the sheets, squeezing your eyes shut and pretending it was a weird dream.
"You're not watching that show without me, are you?"
Ellie said as she reached the bottom of the stairs, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a glass from the cupboard.
"Hu-? No, of course not." Your head flicks from your phone as you jump, too busy in your thoughts to notice the squeak of the stairs as Ellie came down them.
"Am I interrupting something?"
Ellie sits next to you,  bringing the glass to her lips as she chugs the water until it was almost empty.
"What? No-?" You scoff, getting defensive because you know your lying.
Ellie sat the glass down on the coffee table, leaning her back into the cushion, throwing her hands up that suggests she comes in peace and doesn't want a fight.
"Where are you going? You got plans today or-?" Ellie asks, motioning her hand at my outfit.
Truthfully, you didn't have plans, but you woke up early, and nerves on high alert didn't allow you to sleep much last night. You were anxious and couldn't sit still hence why you did your makeup and put on real clothes this morning.
"Oh, no. Jus' felt like getting ready." You shrug.
Ellie's eyes go wide with a dramatic expression of shock on her face.
"Done up all pretty with nowhere to go?"
She asked rhetorically, teasing you, but she meant every word.
Pretty. She called you pretty... but she only met it in a friendly way, nothing weird, right? That didn't stop the way your clit began to throb in your panties- or how your thighs instinctively squeeze together.
"It's criminal, right?" You laugh, dipping your head down to avoid eye contact.
You wondered how Ellie could face you after last night and how confidently she spoke to you- is she not ashamed of it? Or maybe you heard it wrong, and it wasn't your name she cried out in pleasure.
"If you want- my band is playing at Owls tonight if you wanna come."
"Owls the bar? Didn't someone get killed there last summer?"
A chuckle reverberated in her throat as she nods.
"Yeah- that's the one."
She leans back, manspreading as she interlocks her fingers, twisting her knuckles between them.
She was still wearing her black wifebeater and sweats, and you can't help notice she's not wearing a bra. The vague shape of her breasts through the thin fabric made your head spin.
You quickly look away, not wanting to get caught.
"Look- I know it's not really your scene or whatever, but you should come..,might help you loosen up a bit." Ellie said, the corner of her lips tugging into a grin.
You tilt your head at her, squinting your eyes before widening them.
"What? Do you think I need loosening up?"
You ask offendedly, but not in a serious way.
Ellie's tongue glides over her top of row of teeth, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of crimson.
"I dunno, do you?"
Ellie tilts her head to the side as she spoke, a cockiness to her tone that contrasted her freckled flushed cheeks.
You held your breath as your stomach erupted into butterflies. Even with her hair all messy, bags under her eyes and chapped lips- she was dangerously attractive.
Ellie thought the same thing about you. You were dangerous. "Eye candy" is how she would often describe you to her friends, conveniently leaving out the part where she was talking about her innocent little step sister.
Ellie's eyes fixated on your lips, trailing down to the top of your breasts that spilled over your low-cut lacy tank, eyes continuing to your short skirt that bunched higher from your crossed-legged position, leaving the tops of your thighs visible.
Ellie had to tear her eyes away, a shaky breath- more like a growl- passing her lips as she did so.
"You don't have to come if you don't-"
"I'll go." You cut her off, a sense of excitement taking over your tone as you lean closer.
Ellie's eyes go wide with shock, not expecting you to be so eager.
"Are you sure?"
"I mean.. I'm kinda curious. I've never seen you play for real before." You shrug, sounding enthusiastic about the idea.
Ellie clears her throat, biting the tissue on her inner cheek to stop herself from erupting into a toothy smile.
"Okay- cool..cool... uh- it's in downtown so we have to leave around 10."
"Els! What should I wear? I didn't bring anything for this kind of occasion." You yell from your room, sounding frantic as you rummaged through your options.
It was 20 till you knew the rest of Ellie's band would be showing up. You thought you gave yourself plenty of time to get ready, but time slipped you both, too preoccupied with Ellie insisting on teaching you how to play video games.
It was a pitiful attempt really. Your aim sucked, and you could never remember the controls- but Ellie enjoyed watching you struggle anyways, cracking jokes like "pretty sure Helen Keller would be better at this than you, doll." and "good thing you're pretty."
You ignored the nicknames in that moment, but now you felt a pressure to look your best for tonight.
Ellie opened the door to your bedroom, lifting her head to look at you, but she froze.
You were only wearing a bra and a skirt you couldn't decide if you wanted to wear it or switch it out for something else.
Ellie swallowed hard, knowing she should look away, but she couldn't. A soft pink, lacy bra that was definitely see through, framing your soft skin with its ruffled pattern.
"Uh- that seems pretty good." Ellie teased, pointing a finger at your half-dressed body.
You roll your eyes, a frustrated huff leaving your mouth as you turn back towards the closet.
"M' serious, El. I dunno what to wear. Can you help?"
Ellie clicked her tongue behind her teeth, pretending to think when really she was just buying time- enjoying herself as you stood half naked, whining and pouting for her help.
Ellie finally musters the common sense to peel her eyes away, looking to your bed that had miscellaneous pieces of your wardrobe scattered on top.
"Wear this."
She holds up a simple, y2k style slip dress, candy apple green that had little pink bows at the base of the thin straps.
Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion, taking the dress from her before holding it to your front, looking down at it before looking back up to her.
Ellie observes, her eyes taking their time as they scan your body. Her bottom lip tucked between her teeth.
"I dunno, Els... you don't think it's too short?" You ask innocently, turning to get a better look in your floor length mirror.
Definitely. That's why she picked it.
"No. Plus we don't have time, everyone is on their way over." Ellie said, adding a tinge of annoyance in her voice to make it more believable.
"Y/n! We have to go." Ellie yells from the bottom of the stairs, checking the time on her phone.
"Coming!" You ring back, stumbling down the stairs in a pair of kitten heels, throwing a small purse over your shoulder.
You used your few spare minutes to top off your makeup, adding small silver hoop earrings and a dainty heart pendant necklace to finish off the look.
"Sorry! I'm ready." You say out of breath as you meet her at the bottom of the stairs, smiling wide at her.
Standing there in front of Ellie- she immediately forgets- no... she doesn't care about the time or if she's late or not because holy shit, you look like something out of a xxx magazine in Ellie's mind.
The dress stops just below your ass, but if you bend down, that would be a different story. The fabric cinched below your breasts, making them full and spill over the top. Your hair is perfectly messy, stray baby hairs framing your face.
"Is something wrong?"
Your question snaps Ellie out of the trance that you put her in, her head lifting to your face.
"No- nothings wrong- you just look..."
She hums, looking over your body one last time.
Your head tilts in confusion, worried what she might say next.
"You clean up nice, is all." Ellie said more quietly, like saying it too loud would be like admitting all her sinful desires.
You smile are her warmly, eyeing her over and poking a finger in her chest.
"I can say the same for you."
She chucked, looking down so that you wouldn't see how bright her cheeks burned from your compliment.
Ellie wore a loose muscle tee- black and hand torn by Ellie herself, the logo of a band you didn't recognize in faded letters across the front, cropped just enough to where her lower stomach poked through along with the waistband of her branded boxers.
"Are they here?"
You ask, pointing a finger over your shoulder to the front door.
"Oh- uh.. not yet- got pulled over for speeding or something, but they should be here soon."
Ellie scratches the back of her neck- a nervous tick of hers.
You hum in acknowledgment, walking past her to sit on the couch, crossing your ankles with your hands tucked between your thighs.
Your hands were clammy, and your stomach started to twist- your nerves were starting to get the better of you. It was all very out of your comfort zone- the crowd, the music, hell.. even hanging out and getting along with Ellie felt alien.
"You want a shot?" Ellie asked, noticing the way you were starting to get cold feet and wanted to do everything in her power to keep you in her grasp.
Your face lights up, visibly delighted at the suggestion.
"Oh my god- yes please." You exhaust dramatically.
You move to the kitchen, taking a seat on a barstool.
You watch Ellie open a cupboard, reaching for a couple of shot glasses. Your lips part as you watch her shirt rise up, leaving her toned stomach on display. Her slim waist contracting, making the muscles even more visible.
Your stomach tightens, biting your lip as she walks over to you, blissfully unaware of how you were staring her down like she was a meal, and you were starved.
"Titos or fireball?"
Ellie holds up the two bottles for you, looking up and based on her reaction (a scoff and a grin tugging the corner of her lips) your stupid stare did not go unnoticed.
"Keep it in your pants, would ya?" Ellie asked rhetorically, teasing you where she knows it would make you burn the hottest.
Your jaw drops- shocked and embarrassed, your face grows warm.
"Oh my god- YOU'RE unbelievable." You exasperated, yanking the clear liquor from her hands and started to pour it yourself into one of the glasses.
She watches as you toss your head back while simultaneously filling a glass for herself, the cocky grin on her face never faltering.
The vodka burned as it went down, leaving your throat tingly as you tried your best to not make a face.
"Wow- didn't know my baby sis was a pro."
Ellie teased before doing the same, tilting her head back and downing it in one go, not flinching like she'd done it hundreds of times.
"What do you mean by that?" You questioned the sarcasm in her words, furrowing your brows as you leaned in, your breasts plunging out further as they rested on the countertop.
"Nothin' angel. Jus' can't imagine you partying it up at that shiny college of yours."
Your tongue pokes the inside of your cheek, wanting to prove her wrong- your grab the handle of liquor and pour another shot, swallowing it with more determination this time.
Ellie closes in, resting her elbows on the other side of the countertop dangerously close to you.
You felt warm, not just because of the alcohol, but because of how close proximity she was. All her features- scars and freckles, were crystal clear. Her lips were chapped and full, her eyes a darker shade of green than you remember them being.
You lean closer, leaving only a few inches between your lips and hers- enough to feel her breath mix with yours.
"You don't know me as much as you think you do."
It came out like a whisper, soft and dripping with need. Your back straightened as you widened your knees- allowing the surface of the seat to be pressed against your thinly clothed cunt, chasing friction that you desperately needed.
Ellie's eyes widened in surprise before they narrowed in, growing frustrated and hungry. It's like you were toying with her- punishing her, using her own fucked up fantasies to your advantage. You simply wanted to gave her a taste and see if she'd bite.
She bit her lip before wetting it with her tongue, leaning in to ghost over your lips.
"Guess I have a lot to learn."
You practically whimper into her, restraining yourself from closing in fully to feel her lips on yours, when a knock at the door interrupted.
taglist:@unstablefemme @97cityy @eddiemunsonsgroupie @girlfr1endism @perrzs 6. @kenz-ee @imahallucination11 @ellieseattle69
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 10 months
To Call You Mine, Drabble #2: Trauma
Authors note: Takes place after Drabble #1, but before Ch 10
Summary: Nat has a hard day after you're called into work on your day off by Tony. And you are reminded of the hurt and pain Bruce inflicted upon your beautiful Omega.
Warnings: talk of past domestic violence/assault, ptsd
Word count: 3776
Nat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist TCYM Masterlist
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   Natasha jolts awake to the sound of your phone ringing and not realizing that it has already awoken her, you quickly toss the covers aside and walk a fair distance away before groggily answering.
   “Hello?.....Okay…..Yeah, I can be there…..See you soon”
   You turn around with the intent to wake your mate and explain what was going on only to find her already starting to sit up with her sleep filled eyes staring at you. You sigh, regretting that your pregnant Omega was now awake so early due to your phone.
   “I’m sorry, my love” you apologize, sitting down on her nest again
   She does her best to steady her heart rate and breathing before speaking, “What- what's going on?”
   “That was Tony. Unfortunately one of the security guards that was scheduled to be in today has had a major family emergency, and I’m the only one that answered his call, so it looks like I’ll be heading into work today”
  You immediately pick up on her unease, which was likely due to the fact that you hadn’t had to go into Stark Industries for a full day of work since her pregnancy. And even before that you’d never had to go in on such a short notice, which gave her time to make plans with the likes of: Yelena, Clint, Wanda or Carol.
   “Omega, are you okay?” you ask, worried she’ll be upset at your departure
   “Yes, I just…I’m not used to being alone. I’m sorry.”
   “Hey, it's ok love.” you soothe, cupping her face, “I'm sorry I have to go in, you know I’d rather be here with you. But we can video chat on my lunch break, ok?”
   “Okay, thank you Alpha”
   “Of course” you say with a nod before leaning in to kiss her temple, “Now I need to get ready. I’ll wake you to say goodbye if you fall back asleep”
   “Okay” she answers, though she knows the likelihood of that happening is low as she’ll be too anxious thinking about the possibilities of what she’ll do without you and any friends for the day
   Sure enough, when you get out of your very fast shower ten minutes later she is still wide awake and staring at the ceiling. Your heart aches at the scene, but unfortunately you don’t have the time to dwell on it as you need to get dressed. You head to the closet and get your black suit, white dress shirt and black tie out. You grab a pair of boxers and slide them on before putting the rest of your attire on.
   As you take a seat on the side of your bed to  slide on your shoes she gets up from the nest and makes her way over to sit next to you. She leans her head against your shoulder and lets out a sigh, as she's not quite ready to without your presence. You pause what you're doing and wrap an arm around her waist to hold her even closer. She takes this gesture a step farther by wrapping her arms around your neck as she buries her face against your collarbone.
   Your hold on her tightens a bit as you rub soothing circles into her back, “Do you want me to try calling anyone? That way you don’t have to be alone?”
   She shakes her head, “No, don’t wanna bother anyone. I’ll be ok, I’ll just miss you.”
   “I’ll miss you too, detka(baby)” you assure her, kissing the top of her head
   She kisses your neck in return before pulling away to kiss you properly. She smiles against your lips when she feels your hand reach down to caress her belly, and she wonders if you even realize you do that now. Maybe it’s something you do due to a subconscious protective instinct, or maybe you actively do it as a form of comfort for the both of you. Whatever the cause, she enjoys the extra bit of affection.
   “I love you” 
   “I love you too, Y/n” she responds, tightening her hold on you for a bit before finally letting go, “Drive safe”
   “I will. Try and head back to bed for a bit, okay? It's still early”
   She nods and watches you head out of the bedroom before she climbs back into her nest. She waits to hear the door that leads to the garage close before allowing herself to curl up under the covers once more. She's unsure how much rest she’ll manage to get without you beside her, but the knowledge that the sun hasn’t even begun to peak over the horizon tells her that she at least needs to try.
   At some point she had been able to drift back asleep, as she's now awoken to see the sunlight spilling through the gaps in the blinds accompanied by the gentle coos of her pup coming through the monitor.
   Gently rubbing the swell of her belly she speaks softly to her unborn pup, “We better get up, your brother must be hungry”
   She lazily stretches before getting out of her nest to head up to Dimas room. But as she starts to walk up the stairs, she becomes aware of the familiar feeling of anxiety bubbling in her chest. She feels a bit silly, because there wasn’t a reason for it. This is her home, and she was safe here, as are her pups. And she's a grown Omega, therefore she's capable of being without her Alpha for a few hours. Besides, Bruce didn’t want pups to raise them, but as a form of control so she was usually left to her own devices anyway. So what was the difference? She's used to this, she’ll be fine.
   As she enters her pups room a soft smile takes over her features and his excited noises momentarily take her mind off of her anxious thoughts. She heads over to his nest and picks him up and places a kiss on one of his chubby little cheeks as takes him over to his changing table.
   “Good morning malen'kiy(little one)” she coos as she undresses him and begins to change his diaper, “Mama had to work, so it’s just the two of us today”
   A soft little meow from the doorway reminds Nat that her statement is actually wrong, and she looks over apologetically to the kitten that is strutting into the room
   “Sorry Liho. It's the three of us”
    After changing her pups diaper and putting him in a suitable outfit, she takes him downstairs for breakfast. She doesn't plan on making anything too extravagant, just some scrambled eggs with ham chunks for Dima and an omelet for herself. 
   Normally when cooking she lets him play in the living room, in his bouncer or playpen while the tv plays one of his shows. But today, for some strange reason, she just doesn’t feel good about that. So instead she sets him up in his highchair at the table instead and sets up her phone so he can watch something while she cooks.
   After she's fed him, and herself, she heads into the living room where she settles down on the sofa. She scrolls through the guide until she finds a show to watch and then she leans back and allows her boy to suckle. Once he's gotten his fill of her milk she sets him down in his playpen with a few of his toys with the intent to let herself relax, but she just can’t seem to. 
   She feels a bit restless, and there's a nagging in the back of her mind that just keeps repeating that she needs to keep an eye on Dima. So, being one to not ignore any of her instincts, she listens. She settles down on the floor next to the pups playpen to ensure she's within arms reach should anything occur, and she allows her show to become mere background noise as she starts to play with him.
   After a while Dimas interest shifts from playing with his toys to the tv, so Nat reluctantly stands and moves back over to the couch to grab the remote. She switches the channel to some cartoons for him, not like she’d been paying attention to what she’d put on for herself anyway, and decides to try and relax a bit. She's not usually so on guard, and she's wondering if it might be something new her pregnancy hormones have brought on. She knows its normal to be more protective and possessive while with pup, but-  THUMP
   Her head immediately swivels in the direction of the sudden noise, and she's almost certain she can feel her heart beating through her ribcage. She waits a moment, straining her ears to pick up any other sounds that could be perceived as out of the norm, but she doesn’t hear anything more. She quickly grabs her phone and opens up Carol's contact before she rises to her feet and quietly makes her way in the direction she believes the noise came from.
   When she gets closer to your home office she spots the perpetrator, Liho, who is perched atop your large bookshelf. Undoubtedly it hitting the wall as she jumped up there is what caused the earlier sound. But this fact does little to calm the Omega. Her pulse is still racing as she turns to head back to the living room, and when she realizes she can no longer hear her pup from her current location, she practically sprints back.
  She pockets her phone and rushes to him, carefully picking him up to assess him. He smiles wide and excitedly kicks his feet upon seeing his Mama, and she lets out a sigh of relief. She keeps him in her arms as she sits back down on the sofa, and tries her best to become calm again. Or at least, as calm as she had been before Liho made her mind and heart race.
   He’s okay. She internally assures herself, cupping his chubby little cheek in her hand. She then moves that same hand to her bump and gently caresses it. We’re okay. She takes a deep breath in an attempt to help herself calm down and after a while it seems to have worked. True she's still on edge, but the feeling of dread is back to the level it had been earlier when she awoke.
    Despite having to take care of and entertain Dima, the next few hours had gone by incredibly slowly for your mate. She's sure this had to do with how much she missed your presence along with the anxiety that's still simmering in the back of her brain, and she finds herself wishing that you’d only had to work half a day today. Still, she's at least thankful that you’ll be able to call her on your lunch break. Which should be any second now.
   As if on queue her phone rings and the quickly mutes the tv before answering, “Hi, my love”
   “Hi detka(baby)” you greet, smiling as her face takes up your phone screen, you missed her more than you expected to. But you had a feeling she was feeling the same, “Everything going alright at home?”
   She had debated on telling you the truth of how poorly she was handling her anxiety today, but as soon as she saw your face on her screen she decided against it. She could already see you were stressed, the furrow between your brows and the tightness of the muscles in your neck showed her that much. And the last thing she wanted to do was add to that by causing you to worry about her.
   “Lihos been a bit mischievous today, but were doing good”
   “I’m glad to hear that” you admit, and Natasha watches as your shoulders relax, in turn causing her to relax a bit. “You had something for breakfast, right?”
   She nods, “Yes, of course. I made an omelet for myself while I mad Dimas eggs and ham”
   “Good. You'll be happy to know that I grabbed myself a breakfast sandwich from the corner bakery on the way into work”
   She smiles, knowing how hard it was for you to remember to eat something when you were up so early, “Did you get sausage or bacon on it?”
   “Both” you answer, causing her to chuckle, “Any plans for lunch?”
   She's about to respond, but she is cut off by a rather incessant knocking that she can only assume is coming from your office door. Your jaw tightens as you look over in the direction of your door and she can clearly tell this interruption has frustrated you.
   “One second love” you tell her, setting the phone down to go and deal with whoever it was. She can’t help but fidget while you're away, her mind busy with thoughts of how to help soothe you once you return home to her. She's so lost in these thoughts that you had to call her name a few times to regain your attention.
   “Are you sure you're alright, my Omega?” you ask, a hint of worry evident in your tone
   She swallows the lump of truth in her throat that's threatening to surface, “Yes Alpha, just got distracted checking on Dima, that's all.”
   You nod, “Well, thankfully that was just Happy with my lunch. Tony ordered me my favorite since I had to come in today”
   “That was nice of him” she says, glad that you could at least enjoy that if nothing else today
  “Mhm” you agree, unwrapping your sandwich, “What will you two be having?”
  “I haven’t decided yet” she answers. Because truthfully shed been too excited to hear from you on your break to focus on anything else lunch related
   You smile at that, causing her to look at you quizzically, “Well, good. Because I ordered the two of you something. It should be there by the time we have to hang up”
   “Y/n, you didn’t have to do that”
   You wave her off, “Nat, baby, your at home taking care of our pup while with pup. The least I could do is provide you both with a meal so you don’t have to cook. Besides, Tony offered to buy”
   She smiles at both your bosses generosity and yours, “Well thank you Alpha, and be sure to thank Tony for me too”
   “I will. Now I should go so I don’t have to inhale everything before I’m back on shift” you joke, but she can tell by the slight downturn of your lips that you didn’t truly want to go
   “Alright, I love you”
  “I love you too, Natty.” you respond, blowing her a kiss in order to see her smile again, “I’ll see you in a few hours”
   She lets out a sigh after hanging up with you. In her current headspace, a few hours was likely to feel more like an eternity. But at least she didn’t have to worry about lunch now. And true to your word, a knock sounds at the door then. She answers it and retrieves the food, setting it at the table before bringing Dima into the dining room too. She opens the bags to find its all from her favorite Italian place and that you had gotten her several different dishes to ensure that she could have a bit of everything now and still have some for later cravings. If this didn’t improve her mood she didn’t know what would.
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    You sigh as you finally pull into the driveway, a bit more tired than usual due to last night's troublesome sleep and the emergency shift that you’d been called into this morning. It definitely took a toll on you that no cups of coffee had been able to fix, and you couldn’t wait to just get inside to see your pup and Omega. 
   You stretch after getting out of the car and then make your way into the house, doing your best to not trip over Liho as she excitedly circles your feet. You bend down to pet her a few times before gently shooing her further into the house. You were happy to see her, but you really wanted to see your Omega. And Dima too of course. 
   When you enter the kitchen, you see her. Her back is to you as she stands at the sink, apparently doing a few dishes while Dima sits in his bouncer that's been moved to the dining room so she can still keep an eye on him. Now that you're here with them again, you can finally feel yourself relax. Knowing they had been alone here today had your protective instincts going into overdrive at work. You’d nearly pelted the Beta that got too close to Pepper and Morgan as he walked past you all in the hallway, and they weren’t even yours
   “God I missed you” you breathe out, cutting through the peaceful silence with an innocent declaration of affection you hope will warm your mates heart
   But instead you only succeed in startling her. You watch her body jolt as she spins around to face you, sending the mug that had been in her hands spiraling down to the tile floor below. The sound of it shattering has her eyes widening even more than they had been and this was her anxieties final straw. She couldn’t upset you, she just couldn’t. You’d had such a long day full of stress and you had still managed to care for her and Dima. And here she was greeting you by causing a scene and a mess. She couldn’t bear it if you looked at her in disappointment, or worse if you verbally told her of your disdain for her actions. She had to make this right. 
   You feel immediate guilt wash over you upon realizing just how badly you must have startled her to cause such a reaction, but before you can even begin to apologize, and to your abject horror she immediately drops down to her knees in front of the debris 
   “I’m sorry Alpha, I’m so sorry!” she apologizes, not realizing you had been shouting because she was now picking the broken pieces up with her hands and not because she broke it in the first place, “Please don’t be mad!”
   Her pleading has your heart aching in you chest, and you try your best to approach her in a way that doesn’t further trigger her, “Omega- ”
   “Please!” she stresses, bottom lip trembling, “It was an accident, I promise it won’t happen again!”
   You kneel beside her and grab her wrists, forcing her to drop the broken pieces that are now stained with blood from fresh cuts that litter her hands. She prepares herself to be berated, but instead is met with your warm embrace as you pull her against you.
   “I didn't mean to, I'm sorry Alpha. I'm sorry”
   “Shhh, it's alright Natty. It was an accident. I'm not mad. You're not in trouble” you assure her, nuzzling into her scent gland
   “I- I’m not?”
   Her confusion pains you, and in that moment you want nothing more than to roast Bruce over a pit of hot coals, “No baby, you're not. You're not in trouble. You're safe here, remember?”
   Her brain finally begins to clear, and a guttural sob leaves her as she realizes the truth in your words. You weren’t like Bruce, and you never would be. You were Y/n, her amazingly kind Alpha.
   “I’m sorry” she whimpers, turning to bury her face against your chest “I didn’t mean to react like you were him. I know you're not. I know”
   You hold her even tighter, “It’s okay Omega. Sometimes, you can’t help these things. Certain things are going to cause this type of reaction, and though it saddens me to see you like this, I will never take it personally”
   You continue to hold her as she cries, offering her nothing but soothing touches and gentle words. Once she seems to have calmed down, you stand with her, and look over to see that despite everything Dima is still happy to be playing in his bouncer. Content with this you scoop your Omega up in your arms and carefully place her on the counter next to the sink.
  She watches as you turn on the water, letting it get warm as you find the bandages and antibacterial cream you keep out here in case of emergencies. You reach a finger in to feel the water, and content with it you take her hands in yours and help her clean the wounds. Satisfied with how they look now you apply a bit of cream to each of them before placing a bandaid over them and then you gently kiss her hands before helping her down
   “Go get comfortable in the living room baby. I’ll sweep this up and bring Dima in”
   She looks at you, guilt still evident on her features, “But- ” 
   “No buts” you tell her, leaning in to place a soft kiss against her lips, “Go on now, I’ll only be a moment”
   Sure enough, it hadn’t taken you long at all and she smiled as you and her pup entered the room. You kiss his cheeks a few times before placing him down in his playpen and then you sit down next to your mate.
  “Come here” you mumble as you wrap your arms around her, pulling her into your lap
   She practically melts into your embrace as your scent surrounds her, bringing her an easy sense of comfort and security, allowing her to finally begin to truly feel at ease. You place gentle kisses against her collarbone and cheek as you hold her, 
   “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was having a hard day. I just knew you were too, and I didn’t want to make things worse for you”
   “You could never make things worse for me, Omega” you tell her, cupping her face gently, “I’m just sorry I wasn’t here today to help you through it.”
   She shakes her head, “You were when I needed you most, and you took care of me. Thank you, Alpha”
   “I’ll always take care of you, you don’t ever have to thank me for that”
   “I know I don’t have to” she admits, nuzzling against your chest, “But you deserve to know how grateful I am for everything you do. I love you, Y/n.”
   “I love you too, Natty” you reply, squeezing her affectionately before moving one of your hands to her stomach, “Everything gonna be okay”
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mayu-otome · 28 days
Melted By Summer Lust - William Rex Chapter 1
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These translations are solely for entertainment and not profit. Accuracy is not 100% guaranteed. MDNI
(quick note that English and Japanese are not my native language and there might be some errors and mistakes in my grammar and wording in the translation)
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Looking at the crystal clear sea, I felt anxious
Kate: No one’s coming to pick us up…!
Next to me, he was smiling softly.
(How did this happen…?)
It all started a few days ago
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Victor: My friend, Viscount Morris, owns a villa there and asked me if I'd like to use it for the summer.
Victor: So I have a wonderful present for you guys! Go and enjoy your vacation with just the two of you.
—flashback ends
(I was happy to spend time with Will at a villa on an island where it was summer all year round, although…)
Just as I was thinking about what should I do, he lifted the luggage
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William: Let’s go back inside
Kate: Eh?
William: Waiting out in this heat isn’t the best idea. Besides, if someone comes to pick us up, they’ll come to the villa.
He somehow seemed to be enjoying himself as he turned on his heel and faced his back towards me…
Kate: You seem to be in a good mood, Will
William: Indeed, It feels good
He look back and smiled.
William: It's only natural that I’d feel better knowing I'm spending more time with you.
After returning to the villa and setting down my luggage, I looked out the window, but….
(I can't even see the shadow of the ship...)
William: Kate
He sits on the bed and his outstretched arms catch me as I sit down next to him and gently wrap them around me.
William: worried?
Kate: ….yes
(I was worried and thought of what we should do if we can’t return…)
Kate: I think something might have happened to the person operating the boat...
The uneasiness that I might be involved in some trouble was stronger.
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William: Worrying about others more than yourself? That’s typical of you.
When I looked up at the sound of his gentle voice, his hand slid down my cheek.
Kate: ….of course, I’ve thought about what I’d do if I couldn’t go home.
William: If we didn’t returned, Victor will come for us by any means necessary.
(I’m sure Victor would definitely help us…)
The hand stroking my head felt like it melted away a little bit of my anxiety
William: Besides, don’t you think about it this way?
William: …If we don’t leave here, we can make love to each other without anyone getting in our way.
I reflexively gulped at the sight of his lustful eyes
Kate: …It’s like paradise
The kiss that was given in response made a sound as they pulled away.
William: Fortunately, the villa is well-maintained and stocked with food, so we don’t have to worry about living here.
William: So don’t you think we should just enjoy this situation?
The lingering feelings of anxiety fade away from my gentle smile,
(On the contary, I’m starting to feel happy about this situation)
I felt happy to get more time to have him all to myself.
I pressed my head against his chest to hide the slack corners of my mouth, and he let out a soft chuckle.
William: So, what does my robin want to do now?
Kate: …I want to walk barefoot on the beach.
(I tried it on the first day, but the sand was too hot to walk on)
Kate: Is there anything you want to do, Will?
Suddenly, the fingers that stroked my thighs tickled me, and I instinctively twisted my body and heard a whisper in my ear.
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William: You know what I want to do, right?
Kate: …I also want to do what Will wants to do
William: Hmm?
The moment his fingertips rested on my underwear—
William: But not now
For some reason, I quickly pulled away
Kate: Oh…
William: Did you expect that?
His cheeky smile made my face burn
Kate: That was not fair…!
William: Hahaha, my bad. But I wanted to see that face of yours.
He grabs my reddened cheek and continues.
William: Besides, you won't be able to do what you want to do.
Kate: …Isn't it better to walk on the beach after the sun has gone down?
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William: Ah. It will be difficult to walk now.
Kate: Then why….
At that moment, he bit my lower lip sweetly.
Kate: Will…
William: That’s why
Kate: Huh?
Then, he gently lick my lips with the tip of his tongue.
William: If I hold you now, I won't be able to let you go until tomorrow morning.
Those blood red eyes capture my heart and set it on fire.
William: So, I’ll be patient until the evening.
I narrowed my eyes at the lips that fell on my forehead.
(What should I do? I can’t stand it)
I never knew that once a fire was lit, it would never went out.
Kate: Will, that….
William: Hmm?
The fingers that brushed against my ears and neck gave a slight stimulation. He has a cheerful smile on his face, and I am convinced
(I know what I’m doing….!)
But I'm still swept away, and couldn’t help but love Will. Wanted the pleasure he could give me, more than anything.
Kate: Will, Mmn
William: Hmm, it’s rare for you to kiss me first
The corners of his mouth rose as he changed the angle many times and pecked my lips.
Kate: Right now I want you more than a walk on the beach.
Kate: What I want to do…. can you make it happen?
William: My robin has become quite good at begging.
He pushed me down on the bed
William: We’ll reschedule our beach walk to early tomorrow morning.
Kate: Can you wake me up?
William: Yeah, I promise.
He kissed me so deeply that I couldn't breathe, depriving me of oxygen and drowning me in a sea of pleasure.
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