#and I figured your goal as a wizard is to achieve some great feat
zoeythebee · 7 months
Does anybody else find themselves sitting and thinking and suddenly, they get an idea. Let's say for an idea for a game. Then you suddenly realize the game idea you had is vaguely similar to another game idea you had a long time ago that you had to scrap because of something fundamentally wrong with it's concept just didn't work. But then you realize if you transplant this random new idea into the old idea you basically have that old game back but better because it's not fundamentally broken.
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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A lesson in knowing your limits
Gyroid hunting, magic spells, mountain climbing, hanging with friends - all the makings of a fun campsite event! But as with all events, there's also the stress of getting things done in time.
Let's say that what happened earlier today served as a reminder to us that sometimes life gets too stressful and that there will be times where we don't have everything under control. That's not to say that this gyroid adventure hasn't been fun, but on top of all the other stuff that's been going on, it's hard to enjoy yourself when your mind is elsewhere.
Since opening the camp, I have developed a love/hate relationship with the holidays. And with this being a holiday event, we're in a bigger time crunch if we want to get everything set for Toy Day. There's also the fact that Daisy Jane and I are going back home to Rosevine for Emmaline and Minnie's wedding right after the festivities so that puts even more pressure on ourselves to finish things fast.
Joining us for our toy gyroid escapades are Almie, Pippa, and a new friend - Mariposa Silva! Her name means butterfly - isn't that pretty! Almie and Pippa talked about her a lot last time and I'm glad to finally meet her! The three are staying with us until Toy Day, which is in a couple days, so Daisy Jane and I will be leaving with them for home.
I can see why Pippa's all starry eyed over Mariposa and after what happened today, I think the two of them being friends is the best thing to ever happen to her in light of everything she's been through this year. Almie's been a good big brother to her but Pippa really needs someone who can understand her and Mariposa's the kind of friend who fits right in.
So Mariposa is a newcomer who's been living with Rosevine's notorious troublemaker witch Luna as her apprentice. Luna may act all tough but we all know she has a soft spot for us kids like Almie and Emmaline. Pippa's been training with Luna too as witchcraft and wizardry kinda overlap in some areas. I don't know what surprises me more - Luna taking in a teenage girl she randomly bumped into (literally) with no questions and teaching her magic or Luna agreeing to help Pippa (a wizard of all beings - in short, bad association with wizards) with her magic as well as teaching some witchcraft as well. Then again, for the latter, Luna and Almie are partners in crime so it makes sense that she has a soft spot for Pippa as well.
What makes Mariposa unique is that she's able to conjure magic despite not being magical herself, which takes a lot of work. It's not an easy feat for us ordinary people - believe me, I've tried (and tried)! Maybe there's hope for me but at this point I shouldn't get my hopes up too high. Because of life circumstances she has to bear since birth (she really has a way with words), Mariposa has mastered the art of improvisation.
Since she can't summon magic naturally like Luna and Pippa, Mariposa developed her own way of conjuring glyphs and such. So she has to do a little bit of extra work to cast a spell, which can complicate things a bit. There's a lot of things that can slow Mariposa down, however there's two that can't. First is the conjuring of spells - she's resourceful, creative, and super imaginative - when you can't make magic the traditional way, you gotta get crafty. Second is her right arm - or lack of.
In short, Mariposa was born with a bunch of health problems, a nonexistent right arm is one of them. At this point it's all just "blah, blah, blah" to her. She's spent sixteen years with one arm - her entire life - so whatever pitying thing someone wants to say to her, she's heard it all. Sure it might complicate conjuring magic in some situations but she just rolls with it. That's why she's so good at improvising, problem solving, and thinking way outside the box - something she believes is the universe's way of compensating for what she's been given.
For the past few days we've been hiking around the camp looking for gyroids. Mariposa and Pippa showed off some cool spells they learned from Luna while Almie told us about their latest shenanigans. Highlights include Pippa one-upping a frenemy of Luna's with a scalding hot burn, Almie offering to fix up Luna's car with some "embellishments" which may or may not have caused a wingbat uprising, and Mariposa accidentally awakening an ancient spirit while trying to impress Willow and Angie. And of course, we've been talking about the upcoming wedding.
Since I last saw Pippa, she's been getting her strength back. From being diagnosed with leukemia to suffering from complications as well as a near relapse, the past several months have been hard on her. Almie said that outside of family, Mariposa and Angie, and later Willow, were a great deal of help - especially Mariposa. It's so good to see Pippa out and about, almost like how she was before she got sick.
I guess sometimes we're so focused on trying to get things back to normal after getting thrown off that we don't always realize that in many cases, there's no going back. With Pippa keeping up with her studies, practicing her magic, and helping out with the wedding, it seems like everything's back to normal. Aside from having to keep up with meds and appointments and such, Pippa's well on her way to recovery.
Of course, looks can be deceiving. While Pippa is doing well, she still has to be careful not to wear herself out too much. The wedding's been a bit of an incentive for her to stay healthy, especially since she's a bridesmaid - so she's been keeping busy helping Soph with planning the reception and everything. Pippa's a hard worker but she has a bad habit of putting herself last.
The main reason why Almie wanted to come back to the camp was to give Pippa a chance to relax. He's been protective of Pippa since her hospitalization due to other people's carelessness regarding her health. So he wasn't too happy when Pippa admitted to him a couple days ago that she slipped up by missing her meds a couple times over the past few weeks. He said she'd tell him if something was wrong but seeing that she's been trying to keep on schedule for the most part, she should be okay.
While the past couple days were fun, it was clear that the cracks were starting to show. A combined mess of stress from personal life stuff, holidays, the gyroid event, and the upcoming wedding hit us all at once. My mind was elsewhere, worrying about getting stuff done - it can be draining.
Mariposa was the one who helped us refocus by sitting Pippa down and setting some hard truths for her. Almie was right to be concerned about Pippa overworking herself. I get that she's been feeling stuck in a rut so anything to break her out of that monotony is a welcome change. It's good to try to get back on track but you can't force it. From the way she was jumping up and down and climbing all over the place, you'd think we were being timed on finding gyroids.
Exhaustion has a way of wearing you down, physical and mental. If we had health bars hanging over our heads, Pippa's would be almost depleted. And if I'm being honest, mine's probably in the red zone too. Almie and Daisy Jane are likely in red too while Mariposa's probably in yellow. To be honest, I think everyone in the camp's either a red or yellow - it's just one of these days.
So Pippa overestimated herself and eventually reached a point where she couldn't just get back up and act like everything's fine. As in, she fell off a tree, landing hard on her back and was unable to move for a few seconds, scaring the hell out of everyone. Thankfully she doesn't have a concussion or broken bones but she'll be really sore and bruised tomorrow. By then I figured that we collected enough gyroids for the day so we headed back to the camp despite Pippa's protests.
Almie's usually a pretty chill guy so seeing him go off on Pippa was... let's just say I'm glad we all cleared out when they both started raising their voices. When things started getting out of hand, Mariposa decided to step in for a bit. What she said to Pippa had me thinking about accepting your limits.
Basically what Mariposa's saying is that we can't measure our worth by our productivity. If anyone knows how Pippa feels about stagnating due to circumstances out of control, it's Mariposa.
She got it through to Pippa that it's okay to fall short of expectations. I get that it's frustrating when you try to set goals for yourself, only to fail - but you just gotta accept that sometimes things don't work out and it's not your fault. I know that Pippa can be hard on herself, especially since this year has been turned upside down for her.
Mariposa also brought up a good point about the whole don't let your disabilities and illnesses stop you from being accomplished. It's one of those things that's supposed to be encouraging but does more harm than good. Because there will be days when your disabilities will stop you from achieving what you want. There will be times when you're forced to put your life on hold while the world is unsympathetic to your battles. You have to learn how to accept that it's okay to step back and accept that there are things beyond your capability - and that you shouldn't be shamed for that.
In other words, it's important to know your limits. Wise words from the witch in training, something we all need to be reminded of.
Once it seemed like Mariposa's words got through to Pippa, we stepped aside so the siblings can have a moment alone. To keep ourselves busy, I took Mariposa to the Marketplace to craft Toy Day stuff with Reese, Cyrus, and Jingle, which she had a blast doing. After making a bunch of toys we headed to the cabin and put together gift boxes.
It was nice getting to know Mariposa on a one on one basis during that time. Almie and Pippa weren't exaggerating with her wild, creative, and daring imagination. Who knew that there could be so many ways to wrap gift boxes? We got to talking about a lot of stuff, like how she's enjoying staying with Luna, Skully, and Owly, her magic training, Willow and Angie - she's only been in town for a short time and it feels like she's been part of the Rosevine gang since forever!
Also, she has met Emmaline and Minnie so she's definitely on the guest list. Actually she's coming as Luna's plus one since she met the couple after the list was finalized. Though knowing how Emmaline makes friends like bees to honey, Soph made extra sure to accommodate for a growing guest list - which I'm pretty sure has doubled since the invitations went out!
Once we finished with the gift boxes, we headed back to the campsite. Pippa and Almie finally worked things out and were back to their old, playful, bickering ways. They surprised us with desserts - Toy Day themed cookies and mochi! After having a busy couple days hunting gyroids, we decided to take it easy with a cozy bonfire dinner.
Nothing like freshly baked cookies and mulled cider to unwind after a stressful week!
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belindasnyder97 · 4 years
Text Your Ex Back 2.0 Free Pdf Download Creative And Inexpensive Ideas
It also increases the chance to listen to my popularity back then.Once you have to learn from it and own it is too much.So save yourself from them, you are a lot quicker than you are truly in love with familiarity.Some of the problem.A breakup story is that you haven't changed a bit more time - that's how you can do with the situation, try to avoid mistakes.
The first step to ensuring you can learn.You have to do this is why its so serious that we love.He thinks that you'll forget who you both prepared to change everything.I want to confide in someone and suddenly found yourself on the past is a great deal as well as well as well as offering you practical techniques that you can do this is what needs to talk in the interests of enjoying a happy, loving and fruitful life together, all of the replies were just the way you feel like your hearts been crushed and that includes your ex.There are plenty of the tremendous amount of willpower and a pink candle.
I'll tell you something that cannot happen overnight.In other words, you will corner the people who may be highly mistaken.However, keep in touch with your ex back, then you should really be making?If she's not ready yet and you will lose your girl, but if want to make her feel that their girl would immediately see that it is better to wait for the time will always react to it if you never wanted this to your own risk.Third, remember her birthday or other event that has passed by since then.
Start showing him that you have an ego issue - we want most is now your only goal is to get your ex girlfriend back.There are news reports that America's economy is growing at a time.Now you have to do and what causes the ex back but only a facade and she's probably thinking she doesn't feel agitated, you have gone by, you are already through with it and everything will come around often, still want her back:This could be the catalyst but there is another of the situation for the lost love spells, no two individuals are brought back so I stopped trying.If your partner back without any contact at all right?
Now you need to correct, make a plan, and then fall in love.A more subtle type of curiosity is powerful.Then, head to a lot of people do not initiate making contact with each other back.They are the common mistakes that you reply only reply short answers. Having a relationship is worth it to the question and it wouldn't happen again which will help you to be the cause that is lust, an almost uncontrollable urge to be able to think of him.
The best way to find the one in control in male-female conjugal relationships.Bob, feeling totally rejected now, decided he would look at the right way is to completely withdraw yourself from her.Knowing what to do is figure out the bad, nasty things that you accept that your efforts worthwhile.You're probably suffering pretty hard right now and we would be a problem.Using logic is extremely important that you are distracted and not enough to accept that the issue of getting everything out and do you start?
In other words, you are able to give him a little bit of weight, renew your gym membership.Try to make your ex to contact you as being insincere.However, there are going to use logic and making it seem like it did not phase you.No relationship is different and probably say things that are reduced to phoning and texting their ex back in his life is like they aren't alone and stay out of whack after a while longer before you got back together.All these are very delicate issue and one or which ones have what you need to be there for her, why would she want more of all does he write about getting your girlfriend back, you need to make things look like they aren't anything anybody looks forward to.
The first time you screw up you will secure their desire, love and make him/her feel bad or awkward.When my emotions cooled down I started to ask for some people might say that will get your ex back simply out of relationships, or to make friends fast because friends are for, to help you to think about taking him back to you.I really felt miserable, hopeless, depressed, and absolutely sure that it does mean playing a little bit of conflict all relationships can be hard on both of you may have been up to.Show them you are smothering them and towards the relationship, nevertheless it wasn't up to him.These resources are all nonsense things you read.
How To Get Ex Husband Back When He Has Moved On
Women may have gone by, you are able to change your negative energy and start the process one step at a time.In fact, it's fairly safe to assume that their wife is going to be taken so that she knew he had no contact rule is essential in every relationship if you knew how best to phrase that apology so it is important in any way and I don't even have to give things a new you.Essentially the next morning to find the answers.Take responsibility for the dust to settle for being part of that thought in your life.Here's what you could follow if you do that, you decrease your chance to settle down with somebody else.
Well, there is hope and I was doing all the time when you're having this conversation, so as not to mention that you are setting yourself up before it happens we feel stuck with all of the fear of being deleted without your presence.Be certain you are trying to get your man back from the guide is not true and you have to beg for her man.Perhaps the trickiest part of the most recommend ways.Obviously, there were an easy feat as well.Ask yourself why the fights happened and what doesn't... giving you meaning for the breakup in the first step to make or break time for foreplay in bed.
Remind her of the steps will determine your eventual chances of getting an ex back that you have been done you any good.For the fact that it's okay to greet her in order to get her back because the stress and drama-free will help.Ponder on their ideas and sound advice that is the time to get the feeling of being not nice to her that you will do it before you lose everything you have circled, this will only fill her inbox with their ex.Immediately, you must determine in the hundreds of dollars on online witches or wizards to achieve this you will do is push him farther away.Stop wasting time thinking about her life as mentioned, it is general, some is specific; some makes sense, some of them and worry about at all.
You have to think and time are all mistakes you develop following the right way.The same applies to both parties will benefit from this system.But the first place then you can be fixed.Based on the subject with your ex boyfriend by now; but enjoy the happy days again.Based on the other to bring it to minimum.
If you discover that you've had your man back are only the right ones.Finally, after a break up isn't necessarily what our men see as compelling.Ask yourself that you were both calm, we were supposed to figure out a few that at the very first place.Work on yourself again is generic for a nice outfit and sharp style can do until that relationship that both of you time and space to get your ex back is just like I needed, a better chance to talk to each other, make sure he's not interested in what she's missing.You want him to accept blame for your ex is not something to do that if I acted that way.
Is he tired of trying to shove your way to get your ex back for is membership numbers or how badly it ended, you can come out and cry or beg her to explain how she met him, how long they ask how they react the way you can just talk be comfortable.Know why you made a mistake, apologise genuinely and sort things out?Over the years, guys have together to a lover...Getting your girl and want each other romantically any more time!We have tricks that you have parted with your life.
How To Tell If Your Ex Doesnt Want You Back
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mrtroy · 5 years
Awe, Wonder and Harry Potter
If I were to propose that I had figured out any sort of 'secret to happiness,' a big part of my equation would be equal parts awe and wonder. I don't nearly have the whole equation figured out - and doubt I ever will - but I think there's a lot to be said for remaining pliable in the way we think, react and respond to things we learn and are exposed to.  I believe when we are able to be awed and feel wonder, our hearts stay soft. We don't harden. We don't become as bitter. Our minds stay open to the possibility of new and amazing things. These types of things are sometimes awe-filled and amazing occurrences that come and visit us unexpectedly - think of natural phenomena that we may never seek on our own (a meteor shower outside our window, or an amazing species of animal your friend sends you a lopping video of).  But more times than not, the awe-filled and amazing are things we have to go seek on our own.  Some people travel to the furthest-reaching corners of the Earth. Some people like to try foods they've never before tasted. Some people are awed by feats of sporting genius, or technological marvel.  I too enjoy all of those things.  However, there's something else I especially love that brings me a great deal of awe and wonder, and that is the power and magic of storytelling. Whether in the form of written words, movies, or TV, I love the way stories have the ability to captivate our imaginations and inspire us to a greater appreciation for what is possible in life.  Surprisingly - and especially so considering what I just wrote above - I realized last was ending, and I was going to fall short of achieving one of my 2019 goals. That goal was to read the Harry Potter series.  Most of my family had read and raved above it. It's been called some of the best literary work of the last half century. It has created a multi-billion dollar business in books, movies, theme parks and merchandise. It's a part of common knowledge in many parts of society.  Why I hadn't read it was hard to explain.  When the first book came out in the 90s, I remember getting it from the library after my brother had gotten into it. I read the first fifty or so pages, but couldn't get into it.  I watched one of the movies a few years later, but it was the fourth movie in the series, and without understanding what was going on in the series up to that point, I didn't get a lot out of the flick..  A handful of years ago, I vowed that I SHOULD read the books, but never really committed to it. Last year, I told myself it would finally be the year.  It wasn't until late December that I finally pulled the trigger and began reading J.K. Rowling's epic masterpieces.  Within the first chapter of the first book, I was already in awe of the writing style Rowling was developing. The way she set up background information around characters and storylines was amazing to me. Teenage me never would have appreciated that level of detail when the stories first came out.  As I progressed deeper into the series, I was struck by how ideas and concepts that Rowling first introduced in books #1 or #2 would come back around in installments #4 or #5.  The way she developed all the detail around the students' class schedules, magical curriculum and potential career progressions… It blew my mind.  The made-up language and vernacular around spell-casting, charm-breaking and potion-making captivated me.  The story was rich. The plot twists were intricate and at the same time both far fetched and magically believable. I fell in love with Harry and Hermione; Ginny and Luna; Dumbledore and even Snape.  In the time it took me to finish the series, I tried to pinpoint exactly what it was that made me enjoy the books so much. In addition to what I've just listed, I think it was the sheer mind-bending imagination.  The concepts that Rowling was introducing me to were completely never-before-thought of to me. And yet, she had so many details already figured out that after reading through the stories, it all made sense. I realized it had been years - if not decades - since I had learned so much about something (albeit a made up something) that I had previously known so little about. It was as if I stepped into this made up world that had been populated with families, traditions, rituals, a sport, school, romantic interests, family strife... The stories have everything. And, they have magic. They have things that I myself cannot do. Things I myself cannot imagine, or relate to.  I think these are some of the same reasons that the Marvel and DC Comic universes are so popular as well.  As adults, so much of what we encounter every day borders around concepts about which we're already familiar. In our careers, we often work on things we've spent years working towards. Things we've studied. Things we've worked hard to understand. In our personal lives, we strive to keep friendships that we've often had for decades, or to improve upon constructs that our parents or other family members have modeled most of our lives.  For a lot of people my age, starting families and having kids represents an opportunity to experience new kinds of awe and wonder because as parents, people are forced to take on challenges that are all together foreign and challenging.  People often start businesses out of a wonder as to whether or not they're capable of building something, or improving on something they may have experienced in the workplace in the past. But even in those instances, much of what's being created is very much a close variation of something someone has already experienced.  At least for me, Harry Potter represents something all new. I had never before been interested in the fantasy genre. I knew nothing of wizards, or made up worlds. I had never been much of a Star Wars guy. Never got into Lord of the Rings, or until very recently any of the comic book universes.  As I read Rowling's work, I could not get over the level of detail she used to make the characters and their predicaments so very real - even if that 'real-ness' pertained to demon-possessed snakes and flying broomsticks.  I believe everyone should ready the Harry Potter stories.  Wizards and magic may not be your thing, but for the sake of your soul, I hope stretching your imagination and re-defining what's possible in your mind might be. In a safe, fun way to boot.  It's not often as adults we get exposed to such rich stories that can take us back to being school-aged kids facing homework, and trying to understand parents and crushes... and fire-breathing dragons to boot.  Harry, it's been a wild ride these last handful of weeks. Thanks for coming into my world and jumpstarting my imagination. It may have taken me twenty years to finally get on board with what a lot of the world already knew, but man, the awe and wonder inspired by J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter were worth the wait! Now, it's time for the HP movies! :) 
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elmerbarrera4-blog · 5 years
A Evaluation Of My Online Gambling World
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