#and I don't care I've never cared I'd let you lead me to corruption in every life after this if it means I could stay
kacievvbbbb · 4 days
The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself
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They both have a very; let's have another go, yeah? maybe we'll be better at this, this go-round, vibe that they bring to the workplace that I really appreciate.
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cicimunson · 2 years
Ruin Me Part 4
Series Summary: Eddie is obsessed with you, but tries to hide it because he knows you’re a virgin and he doesn’t want to corrupt you or risk your friendship.
Chapter Summary: You and Eddie almost get caught. When you lie to get out of trouble, Eddie realizes just how much he's changed you.
Characters: Eddie Munson x Virgin Female Reader, Y/N's father (unnamed for now)
Warnings: Sexual situations in a church (don't judge me), angst (I'm sorry, I'm gonna fix it!)
Word Count: 1.7k
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
"Eddie, stop. We're supposed to be studying." You giggle as he nuzzles into your neck.
"I am studying, sweet girl. You're my favorite subject." He murmurs, kissing your jaw.
"That's so corny." You tease.
"Mhm, but it's true. I could pass a quiz about you any day." He flicks his tongue over your earlobe, earning him a low whine.
“You think so?”
“Oh baby, I know so. Your body sings to me. Tell me all its secrets. Can’t you hear it?”
He nips your collarbone and you gasp, your fingers tangling into his hair.
You make out a little longer, lingering touches and soft kisses and breathy little sighs. Eddie takes his time, taking extra care to be gentle with you. He’d never forgive himself if he accidentally bruised up your perfect skin.
"I gotta leave soon. I promised my dad I'd clean the congregation area at the church before services tomorrow."
Eddie sighs. "Leaving so soon, hmm?"
"You could come with me."
"I think I'd burst into flames the minute I darkened the doorway." He quips.
You giggle. "Come on, it won't take long. I could use the company."
"Your dad won't mind?'
"He won't be there. He's at home preparing for his sermon."
"Fine, but if I catch on fire-"
"I'll put you out." You kiss his nose. "Promise."
Eddie drives you, his hand resting on your thigh the entire drive. You arrive at the church and pull out your keys, unlocking the front door and leading Eddie inside.
He helps you take a box of cleaning supplies from the closet. You start to work, dusting the pews, polishing the podium. Eddie watches as you move around the room, wiping down various paintings and crucifix statues.
You run a vacuum across the floor, Eddie lifting his feet when you pass by him. He grabs your waist and pulls you into his lap, making you shriek and giggle.
He presses a kiss behind your ear. "So domestic, sweet girl. You look so cute doing your little chores."
"I'm almost done." You promise, hurrying through the rest of your tasks. Eddie continues to watch you, feeling his cock twitch when you bend over in your short skirt to pick up the vacuum cord.
You put up all the cleaning supplies and Eddie stands up, more than ready to go.
To his surprise, you kneel at the altar.
"What are you doing?"
"I always pray before I leave." You explain, crossing your fingers and placing your hands in your lap.
Eddie's eyes widen. You look so angelic like this, on your knees, your head tucked to your chin. So submissive.
He kneels behind you, brushing your hair off your shoulder as he kisses your temple.
"What are you praying for, angel?" He asks softly.
"Different things. Health and happiness for my family and friends, forgiveness for any sins I've committed."
"My baby, a sinner? Perish the thought."
"We all sin, Eddie."
He runs a hand down your back, making you shiver.
"Is that right, sweet girl? You've sinned this week?" His hand slips lower, squeezing your ass cheek. You let out a little moan.
"Answer me, baby. Did you sin?"
"I did." You whisper, your cheeks turning red. 
"What did you do? Did you tell a lie?"
"No, nothing like that."
"Then what?" His hand drifts under the back of your skirt, caressing your ass through your panties.
"I had…I had impure thoughts." You whisper.
You blush even more. "You."
"Is that so?"
"Mhm." You gasp as he tugs your panties down slightly.
"I'm flattered, angel. Go on, finish your prayers."
You close your eyes and resume praying in your head.
Eddie pushes your lower back gently, and you topple forward, catching yourself on your elbows. "Eddie, what are you doing?"
"Worshiping, angel."
"I don't think-"
"Shh, keep praying." He admonishes you. "You need to finish."
His hand slides between your legs and he runs a finger down your slit before plunging it inside you. You gasp, your hips rocking backwards.
Eddie strokes your clit with his thumb, his finger pumping into and out of you.
You clench around his finger, a low whine escaping your lips.
"Keep praying, sweet girl." He encourages, his breathing becoming ragged as he watches you struggle to keep your composure. His other hand undoes his jeans, pulling out his cock and stroking it.
He runs it through your folds, biting his fist at the feeling of your warm wetness on his cock. He can't fuck you, not just yet, not here.
"I'm done praying." You whisper.
"I'm not done worshiping though." He murmurs. "Can I finish?"
You nod. "Of course."
He rubs the tip of his cock over your clit, grinning when you moan and spread your legs further for him.
"Good girl." He praises, working his cock against your little nub as he strokes himself faster.
Your breathy little signs become loud gasps and groans, the sound filling the room as you start to cum. You cry out, your wetness seeping from your cunt and coating his dick.
Eddie jerks himself a few more times before angling his dick downward and cumming into your panties.
He kisses your ass, one cheek and then the other, then pulls your panties back up.
The thought of his cum rubbing against you is beyond arousing, and he jerks you back against him, giving you a bruising kiss.
You cup his cheek, kissing him deeply.
Eddie breaks the kiss after a few minutes, feeling his cock start to stir again.
"Are you ready to go, angel?"
You nod. "I'm ready."
You two stroll hand-in-hand out the door. Eddie is helping you into his van when your father pulls up, looking furious.
He gets out of his car and strolls over, his face red with rage.
"Young lady, is there a reason you had this boy in the church with you? Mrs. Wilder from across the street thought it her Godly duty to call and let me know you were fraternizing with a boy in the parking lot!"
Eddie clenches his fists at his sides, his eyes narrowing.
You quickly step in-between them.
"Daddy, you're being rude! I've been tutoring Eddie and he offered to help me clean today as a thank you! That's all. He's been a big help, and a complete gentleman!"
He frowns, looking unconvinced. "If you're lying to me, young lady-"
"You think I would dishonor you by lying?" Your bottom lip quivers. "Is that really what you think of me, Daddy?"
Eddie is slightly shocked by the performance you’re putting on. He hadn’t realized his sweet angel was capable of lying like this, of being manipulative. Have you learned this from him?
Your father takes one look at your sad expression and immediately backtracks. "No, no, of course not. I know I'm raising a good girl. You can understand my alarm, though, when I got a phone call that you were with a strange man."
"Eddie is my friend, Daddy."
Your father gives him an up-and-down lookover. "I see. Well, come on now, it's almost time for supper."
"I left my books at Eddie's."
"I'm sure he can bring them to school for you on Monday."
"I need them to study, Daddy."
"We can go get her books and I'll bring her straight home after, sir." Eddie offers.
Your dad frowns, thinking it over, and finally nods. "You'll bring her straight home, understood?"
"Yes, sir."
He looks hesitant but gets into his car and leaves.
You breathe a sigh of relief. 
Eddie helps you into the van then gets in the driver's seat. He's quiet the entire ride to his house. You can't tell if he's thinking or mad or something else entirely, and you stay silent too, because deep down you don't wanna know.
Eddie pulls into his drive. "Go get your books."
You go inside and collect your stuff, disappointed that he didn't want to come in and fool around some more. Maybe he thinks you don't have enough time.
You get back in the van and Eddie drives you home, still not saying anything. When you pull up in your driveway, you unbuckle and lean over to kiss him. He turns his head away and you feel your heart snap.
"If your dad had gotten there five minutes earlier, he'd have caught us."
"So we won't do stuff like that anymore where we can get caught. Private places only."
"It's not just that."
"What is it? Did I do something wrong?"
He sighs. "Yes, and no. You were trying to calm your dad down, I get it, but…"
"But, what?"
He turns in his seat to face you. "You lied to him so easily, Y/N. You didn't ever hesitate."
"And you're judging me for that? For a lie I told to keep my dad from attacking you?"
"You wouldn't have had to lie if it wasn't for me."
"It wasn't even a lie, not really! I do help you study, and you did come to help out."
"Bending the truth is still a lie."
He won’t meet your eyes, looking down at the steering wheel and avoiding your gaze. It makes your heart hurt.
"So now that I'm not a perfect little saint, you don't want me?" You ask softly, terrified of the answer.
He sighs. "It's not like that. I don't like the person you're turning into because of me. It's my fault."
Your temper flares. "We always come back to this! You are not some wicked person corrupting me! I'm so sick of this conversation."
"Have you ever lied to your dad before?" Eddie asks. "Tell me. When have you ever lied to him before now?"
You don't respond.
"That's what I thought."
"I can't do this anymore. I can't."
You blink back tears. "You're serious?"
He nods slowly. "I'm doing this for you. I know you don't see it that way, but I swear I'm just trying to do what's right."
You don't have the energy to argue with him. You're so tired of having the same argument. He's always gonna see himself as your corruptor. And maybe he is.
"Fine, Eddie, whatever. I gotta get inside."
"I'm sorry." He mumbles.
"You sure are." You get out and slam his door.
Eddie watches you stomp up the walk and go inside. Part of him wants to chase after you, to tell you he didn't mean it, that he takes it all back.
The other part of him knows that letting you go is the best thing he could ever do for you. And that's the part he chooses to listen to as he drives away.
Tag List: @e0509 @maddieluvseddie @micheledawn1975 @halialex1119 @neewtmas @harrystylesandthegoobs @cancankiki
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holybibly · 6 months
Hey, how are you feeling? I hope you're better after the other day. I've been writing fics for 10 years, so I wanted to say that building a blog/community is very hard and can often lead to burn out, so take care of yourself. I once deleted my blog one day out of the blue because of this, and lost a lot of friends (and fics). So, I'd say, just don't listen to people asking for more, humans are little greedy gremlins and they'll never stop asking (I meant, UNLESS you really want to write a sequel). About AUs... it's difficult because sometimes fics are like a lawless land where everything's fair, but it's nice when they at least credit that they're actually writing a version of your AU. Just, don't give up, do your thing and focus on those fans that are actually appreciative of what you do! You're doing two very soul consuming things, creating and interacting with people, but in the end it'll be worth it! Don't answer if you don't want, just wanted to cheer you up and show some appreciation and understanding of your situation. Lots of love.
Hello dear, yes I am feeling much better and back to my normal self. I do understand your point, in fact the thought of deleting the blog did cross my mind but that was just a moment of weakness. The main thing is that I don't like to feel under pressure. I'm a gentle but rather feisty person. I guess that is just my Aries nature 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sweet but devilish - that is what I am all about.
Now that I have recovered, I have done all my business and I am ready to corrupt and spoil my bunnies even more than before. Every time you read my work, I want you to say: Damn it, I didn't think it could get any hotter than this.
I want to be your favourite forever.
I have big plans for April. I'm full of new ideas and ready to create and, of course, flirt shamelessly with my bunnies.
Thanks so much for taking care of me bunny, I really appreciate it. I love taking care of you and showing you my love. I love driving you crazy and making you squirm, but sometimes I want the bunnies to take care of me, so let's treat each other with great tenderness.
My love to you, my darlings.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'The day Christopher Nolan called Cillian Murphy about his new film, " Oppenheimer," Murphy hung up the phone in disbelief.
The Irish actor, though a regular presence in Nolan films going back almost two decades, had always been a supporting player. This time Nolan wanted him to lead.
"He's so understated and self-deprecating and, in his very English manner, just said, 'Listen, I've written this script, it's about Oppenheimer. I'd like you to be my Oppenheimer,'" Murphy, 46, told The Associated Press recently. "It was a great day."
For Murphy, it is never not exciting to get a call from Nolan. It's just hard to predict if he's going to. He knows there are some movies he's right for and some movies he isn't.
"I have always said publicly and privately, to Chris, that if I'm available and you want me to be in a movie, I'm there. I don't really care about the size of the part," he said. "But deep down, secretly, I was desperate to play a lead for him."
Murphy first met Nolan in 2003. He was brought in to screen test for Batman —not just the movie, the character. Murphy knew he wasn't right for the Dark Knight, but he wanted to meet the man who'd directed "Insomnia" and "Memento." They hit it off and Murphy got to tap into a sinister intensity to play the corrupt psychiatrist Dr. Crane/Scarecrow, who would go on to appear in all three films. Nolan would also call on Murphy to be the conflicted heir to a business empire in "Inception" and a traumatized soldier in "Dunkirk."
"We have this long-standing understanding and trust and shorthand and respect," Murphy said. "It felt like the right time to take on a bigger responsibility. And it just so happened that it was a (expletive) huge one."
Soon after the phone call, Nolan flew to Dublin to meet Murphy to hand him a physical copy of the script, which he devoured right there in Nolan's hotel room in September 2020. It was, he said, the best he'd ever read.
Then the scale of it started to sink in.
This would be a film about the charismatic and controversial theoretical physicist who helped create the atomic bomb. Oppenheimer and his peers at Los Alamos would test it on July 16, 1945, not knowing what was going to happen. Then several weeks later the United States would drop those bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing tens of thousands of people and leaving many with lifelong injuries.
As Nolan said last week in Las Vegas, "Like it or not J. Robert Oppenheimer is the most important person who ever lived."
"Oppenheimer," which opens in theaters on July 21, features a starry cast including Emily Blunt as Oppenheimer's wife Kitty, Matt Damon as Leslie Groves Jr., Robert Downey Jr. as Lewis Strauss, Gary Oldman as Harry S. Truman, and many more rounding out the pivotal players in and around this tense moment in history.
"You realize this is a huge responsibility. He was complicated and contradictory and so iconic," Murphy said. "But you know you're with one of the great directors of all time. I felt confident going into it with Chris. He's had a profound impact on my life, creatively and professionally. He's offered me very interesting roles over and I've found all of them really challenging. And I just love being on his sets."
Murphy continued: "Any actor would want to be on a Chris Nolan set, just to see how it works and to witness his command of the language of film and the mechanics of film and how he's able to use that broad canvas within the mainstream studio system to make these very challenging human stories."
Over the years, Murphy has come to appreciate that with Nolan there's always something deeper to discover than what's literally on the page. "Dunkirk," he recalled, was only 70 pages and there wasn't much to his character, not even a name.
"He said, 'Look, let's figure it out together and you and me can find an emotional journey for the character. And we did it. We did it out in the water on that boat. That comes from trust and respect," Murphy said. "I'm really proud of that performance."
As with all Nolan endeavors, secrecy around "Oppenheimer" is vitally important. Murphy loves the "old-fashioned approach" that builds interest and anticipation.
The difference with "Oppenheimer" and other Nolan originals, though, is that this is rooted in historical fact. You can read the book it's based on, Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin's Pulitzer Prize-winning "American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer." You can watch the 1981 documentary "The Day After Trinity" on The Criterion Channel.
And you can try to parse Nolan's words for clues. He's talked about recreating the Trinity Test, the fascinating paradoxes, the twists, turns, and ethical dilemmas, and that the story is cinematic and both dream and nightmare. But ultimately, it's something that just needs to be seen.
"The question will be how Chris presents it," Murphy said. "I think people will be very surprised and wowed by what he does. Anything I say will just seem a bit lame as compared to seeing this in an IMAX theater."
The time for discussions will be after the movie comes out.
"There's an awful lot to talk about when we can talk freely," Murphy said with a smile.
He did offer up that they worked hard to get Oppenheimer's look right, from the silhouette to the pipe to the porkpie hat. The man, he said, "seemed aware of his own potential mythology." But, again, those conversations will have to wait.
"I'm really proud of the movie and I'm really proud of what Chris has achieved. This was, for sure, a special one, certainly because of the history with me and Chris. We were not walking around the set high fiving, but it did feel special." Murphy said. "It's an event every time he releases a film, and rightly so. Whether I'm in them or not, I always go to see his movies."'
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astraldrake · 2 years
12 and 14 for destiny ?👀
had to put this under a readmore it got way too long lmao
12. A ship I'd like to blow to smithereens with canon cannonballs aside from the easy picks (incest and shit) i don't truly care enough about shipping to have any pairings i personally resent or heavily dislike. sure there's a few that are common enough to be a little annoying, but also like. i get why those are popular (they're usually canonxoc pairings) and some iterations are actually kinda neat! imo most ships can be cool if the storyteller can give me a compelling enough reason to care. It's not so much the ship as it is the execution. that's dependent on skill though, something honed with time and practice, where derision is a poor substitute for critique.
14. The character/story arc I find the most compelling
character arcs i don't know about ( i could give a small unsourced rant on how d2's method of storytelling makes character arcs feel messy and inconsistent but for the sake of brevity i won't) as for story arcs i think i'll break it down a bit by type
Expansion - Forsaken, and Red War (ik ik controversial pick please let me explain before you get the pitchforks) Forsaken's the obvious choice, its events have far reaching repercussions, and the story itself is solid. A tale of vengeance for a fallen ally, the resulting manhunt leading into a cursed city full of secrets. Some of the scorned barons are a little forgettable as antagonists but there's also plenty that still stick. Uldren's corruption growing steadily more visible, and Riven!Mara being creepy as all hell is a fun thing to cut back to in between baron fights. I remember freaking the fuck out at the "O Brother Mine" line on my first playthrough. It's just really good. We have a solid reason to be there and to do what we do. Red War is.. well I'm sure it's partially nostalgia talking so take my feelings with a big heap of salt but! I liked Red War, and I think it worked well as an introductory point to the series (or at least it did for me). You start off by showing up to the tower right after it's come under attack by the red legion, then get kicked off a ship and lose your light, then have to flee the city (while one of the most heart-wrenching tracks in the series plays in the background). The traveler's dream sequence is cool, hawthorne is really neat (and im kinda sad she's lost relevance) the mission to destroy the almighty is maybe a liiitle star wars but well, i had a star wars phase, i loved that shit. Sure, sure, ghaul wasn't really the most complicated villain (or a very hard final boss) the speaker wasn't really elaborated on until late in the story ( i had no clue who he was or why he was important the first time i played, until like, right before he died.) But. Red War wasn't that bad from a story perspective. (hot take i know) now you might be wondering, "but what about witch queen? or beyond light? surely those were better??" and i mean?? they were good but i didn't really latch onto them in the same way. with regards to beyond light it was a mix of things. the reason we took on stasis just felt kinda iffy. like it should have been a choice, (or a stronger reason should have been given for us taking it on) but for gameplay reasons it couldn't be, and so the game and the narrative grated against eachother in a way that felt very obvious. Also, that one really cheesy cutscene right towards the end kinda ruined the tone of the whole climax. All the stuff with braytech (fucked up experimence) and the eliksni (hi eramis) was cool though. and like, the mother freakin DEEP STONE CRYPT as a raid is still a super sick concept. (i ran it once and was basically carried through so unfortunately i don't remember much of it. but it was cool) most of my sliding off of witch queen just has to do with me never really getting all that invested in the hive. I've tried, believe me. I've read their lore and stuff, my brain just doesn't latch on to them the way it did with some other factions. (the vex and scorn are kinda in the same boat, it's not that i dont see the appeal, it's just that they don't appeal to me as much as say, the eliksni.) witch queen was good, it just wasn't my personal fave. (there is after all, a difference between things that are good and things i like. i have trash taste sometimes and i'm willing to own it.)
i was gonna do a section on seasons as well but this is already a mile long and there's so many of them
bonus round - looser more nonspecific arc that's more like a theme or trend: As much as its execution has had holes, i've really been a fan of the trend of us turning previous enemy factions into allies. the three way alliance is really cool, and it's a lot of what i've been wanting from canon for a while, as well as something i sort of thought would never actually happen. like, the three factions each using their unique talents in concert with one another to fight back a greater threat is just kinda awesome. It's nice to see the theme of "we are stronger together" applied to more than just humanity. Also it feels right that since the traveler is big on forgiveness and letting things live, we have to take on some of that philosophy ourselves, or risk becoming no different from the servants of darkness.
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murderless-crows · 2 years
I've just read Laura Bailey's comments on the songs in Imogen's playlist and honestly? I'm even more hooked to this lavender haired witch if that's even possible.
Before she developed the tools to shut out the noise, she was flooded with the thoughts and desires of those around her. She understands the innate selfishness of humanity and had almost lost hope for everything before running into the beautiful soul that is Laudna.
Hearing the thoughts of Laudna’s acceptance of her – knowing her spoken words were true – Imogen began to see the good again.
It's clear that Imogen is sceptic about the good will of people, and we can see that this goes a long way back. I imagine that hearing every little thought in a small town would erode your faith in humanity quickly, even more if you started to hear everything in a delicate time (like your teens).
While I don't think she's evil and, in fact, I believe she leans towards good, she's not unfamiliar with the kind of despair that would make you burn the world to ashes and not look back.
The nightmares. They haunt her even when she’s awake – always making the moment of giving in to sleep one of anxiety.
Apart from being tired by the buzzing thoughts of everyone around her and the need to keep her mental walls up ALL DAY, Imogen has to deal with nightmares so bad that make her afraid of sleeping. Y'know, that thing that everyone needs to do AT NIGHT unless they want to be insomnia-drunk/exhausted/die.
Piling in with her (understandable) social anxiety, we have restless sleep and horrible, reoccurring nightmares. If you've ever slept bad for a few days, you know the kind of homicidal mood that you can have by the end of the week and that you'd do many things for some quiet. To top it off, she knows that they're going to be even more frequent, so the clock is ticking for her.
In short, let this poor girl sleep.
Between the fear of sleep and the constant buzz of everyone around her, she’s always a few steps away from losing herself. A thin mask of control is what keeps her together sometimes, and when she can feel the ties of that mask begin to slip, Imogen doesn’t know what to do.
We have canonical proof that our resident magical horse girl is this close (THIS CLOSE ><) of going apeshit! It's clear through the campaign that she's an anxious mess and I for one want to see her completely unhinged. Will she undergo a corruption arc?
But the recent realization that maybe this storm could lead to something else has her second guessing everything. Could there be strength in the storm?
Sometimes Imogen just wants to give in to it all. Let the rain fall, let the mental walls come down – what’s the worst that could happen? Maybe this storm will lead to a power she never knew was possible.
What's the worst that could happen? Oh, idk, maybe you going insane or cursing your soul for all eternity (we have proof that souls do exist in DND so I wouldn't fuck with that, but you do you) or destroying everything you hold dear. Small fry, yeah.
I have no doubt that the storm is strong. Thing is, is Imogen strong enough to not be swayed by possibly malevolent forces? Will she say 'fuck it, as long as I can take a nap afterwards, you can use me to burn the whole bitch down, idc'?
Or maybe if she lets go her tight reins of control, she’ll become a nightmare herself.
Yeah, Laura Bailey is not beating around the bush. This girl screams corruption arc and I'm here for it. Whether it's a complete arc or something that will be stopped before she goes too far, I don't care.
In short:
I think Imogen is two out-of-control incidents away from doing something regrettable. She's burning from both ends and hanging from a hair-thin thread. And it's been something a long time coming, tbh
I'd love to see her go feral for a few episodes and see the Hells Bells reaction to this (especially Fearne and Laudna, bc I'm sure that Fearne wouldn't care if Imogen goes dark and bc I'm NOT sure what Laudna's thoughts are on this).
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twatshag · 3 years
Warnings: SMUT, DADDY KINK, edging, established relationship with !TIMESKIP! Suna rintaro
[11:30 PM]
You sighed while rolling your eyes as you put your phone down by the night stand. "Stupid fucking bet." You hissed.
If you were going to see another glimpse of a half assed 'good luck 🤭" message from your groupchat you might as well just throw your phone out your window.
I mean why were you doing it anyway? paying up to 360¥ per person Just because your best friends all made love with their boyfriends and you don't, doesn't make your sex life with Suna any less intimate and loving.
He knew what you liked and what you didn't like and that was enough proof right ?
No you wanted to shut their faces up and shock your boyfriend by just letting him relax and show you his love physically.
As funny as it is to say but Suna isn't the one who keeps fucking you shitless because, god does he try to take it slow with you. To show you his love through physical intimacy but you 'always want to be a damn brat' as he always says.
Always telling him that you need more of him, you beg him to go faster, to show you stars. For him to have his way with you. But sometimes he wishes to just kiss you deeply while giving you slow strokes for hours, appreciating your beautiful face and the way it shifts when he glides against your g-spot. He wants to be the only one who sees you like this.
But he didn't mind he was grateful for your beautiful fucked out face. The way you moaned his name was enough to make your wishes his command.
He'd always describe it as "bribing" or "straight up black magic" with the way you had him wrapped around your little finger.
Sometimes he would huff and pout after sex and tell you how he was excited to make love to you but you had to use "your black magic/bribing" mechanisms and ruin a sappy loving moment.
What a dork you smiled as you thought about him. Speaking of the devil there he was. The man responsible for you limping to your idiotic best friends when you all agreed to hang out, going to his games, going out of his games. The man responsible for you limping in general really.
Everyone thought he was the mean dom who just won't accept to fuck you less rough because he wants to have you corrupted but you both knew who really was the one responsible for your limping.
Suna smiled as he walked into your shared room locking eyes with you as his own laced with worry. Drying his hair from his shower. Abs on full display only wearing boxers.
Thank the gods for such a sexy boyfriend you thought.
"You wanted to talk princess ?" The bed dipped down as he sat next to your figure and he opened his arms for you so that he got a head start that you wanting to talk wasn't you breaking up with him.
Humming in response you snuggled closer to the 193 cm man and kissed his neck burying your face against his chest.
"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something." His hand now in your hair scratching your scalp and kissing the top of your head responding with a small "Hm?" Against your soft hair.
You looked up at him pulling away softly while biting your lip. he looked down at you, love and adoration lacing his eyes as he stared in yours smiling while still scratching your scalp softly. "Do you want to..well, make love to me?"
With that said his movement comes to a halt with wide eyes. last time you said something like this it ended up with him breaking the bed with you and he gave you the silent treatment for 5 hours because "you were a damn brat and had to fuck it up last minute." As he stated.
He rolled his eyes and flicked your forehead and pushed you off him softly. "Not falling for this again y/n."
As he got up and decided to finish getting dressed or he might just give in to your little games again.
"Rinnnnn I'm serious! I really want you to make love to me !!" You pouted following him like a lost puppy into the open closet.
He sighed as he searched for his sweats. "No, I am not going to do this again." Brushing past you to look in the other collection. You groaned mentally cursing yourself for always ruining a beautiful moment.
You whined as you hugged his bare back "But daddy-" oh at that ? He was listening he turned his head and body to face you faster than the speed of light. Because last time you did this you didn't call him daddy and you totally didn't sound as whiney as you do now.
He smirked at you "mm?" He leaned forward a bit just so you were at kissing height. "Daddy what? Princess?" You gulped already wet at the way his eyes sparkled with lust.
"I..want you to make love to me..daddy." suna loved seeing you like this. He loved seeing you beg for him. But there was something about fucking you so painfully slow for your own pace and stopping just when you finally feel that you're cumming made him harder than iron.
Smirking smugly he closed the 2 cm gap between the two of you, kissing you softly. Resting his forehead against yours.
"Okay, I'll play with you bunny. But are you sure you can take it?" You nodded against him "Yeah, I've taken worse before" he chuckled yeah that was your causing though he thought.
"Alright then lead the way pretty girl." Smiling sheepishly you grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers with his and pushed him in the bed as you stripped.
He smirked at the sight of your skin becoming exposed by the mili-second. Wow you really wanted him to do it huh? He thought.
You got on top of him as he grabbed your waist settling you nicely on his hard member.
You moaned at the contact and kissed him hungrily as he smiled against your devouring.
Pulling away just as you were enjoying yourself, whimpering at the loss of his warmth. "You know that, when you want to attempt to make love you're supposed to kiss slowly and not try to eat my face up right?" He chuckled flipping you as you're now under him as he kissed you slowly and lovingly shutting you up from any comeback you had to throw at his statement.
You moaned as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth letting it explore the oh so familiar wetness and warmth.
His hand rested on your thighs squeezing it , moving his hand up slowly to the hem of your knickers letting it slide under the fabric where it rested on your hips.
He groaned against you as you grabbed his hand to show him your wet core through the fabric. Silently begging him to do something about your gushing cunt. But suna had no interest in rushing things.
Pulling away slightly to breathe and hearing you pant under him to move to your neck and give it the appreciation it deserves.
He moved his hand to knead your breast in between his beautiful strong veiny hands softly appreciating its warmth and softness sliding your bra down to pinch and play with your nipples while his tongue dragged against your neck.
You bucked your hips up at his hard member allowing the male ontop of you to groan as he pushed your hips down into the mattress so that you don't ruin his moment of pure body worship.
"Ahgnn- Rinnn" you whined as you desperately clung to his wet hair for grounding. As he sucked and nibbled on your neck making every shade against it.
Leaning in to kiss your earlobe as he whispered against it "shh let me love you pretty girl, I'll give you what you want, greedy baby." He cooed.
His hand reached to unclapse your bra and toss it to the side of the room. He buried his face in to your breast as he sucked and ran his tongue on it. Nibbling on your nipple to ignite the fire in you even more.
At that point you could've sworn you're a burning hungry for more-bonfire.
Moaning at the sudden contact your grip on his hair tightened throwing your head back a bit as he glided his tongue all the way to your earlobe biting softly at the skin and kissing it.
"Tell me what to do bunny hm? Where do you want me ?" His voice so raspy like that you wanted to scream for him to just fuck you right now but that meant losing the promise you made to yourself and your friends or rather the bet. You wanted to do something for him just like he always gives in to your greedy slut needs.
"Whatever you want to do to me daddy I'd accept it I just want to feel loved by you." was suna dreaming ? No he can't be right?
Just how long are you willing to keep this act up? But he didnt care even if it was an act he wants to enjoy it as much as he can while it lasts.
He pulled away as he stared wide eyed at your flushed face and panting figure. "Is that what you want bunny?" You nodded "Are you sure ?" You giggled at his concern as you wrapped your arms around his neck "mhm, one-hundred percent positive" he smirked kissing your lips innocently one last time before he decided to play along.
Oh how you wished it was as innocent as it seemed.
Suna dipped his head as he began to kiss your body down to the upper hem of your knickers biting it down to reveal your wet cunt and let it go as he kissed your clit through the fabric.
Moaning at the warmth against your throbbing core he looked up at you.
Savouring this memory of you in his head forever he decided that it's time to give you what you want.
He is making love to you after all.
He pulled your knickers off you slowly kissing each and every inch of your thighs, inner and outer, your knees, your ankles all the way until you were completely bare under him.
He smiled at your figure silently appreciating it.
"Hey, stop staring its embarrassing." You pouted at him deep shade of pink on the apples of your cheek the sight of you leaving the brunette chuckling as he lowered himself to kiss your lips as he hummed against your lips.
"You know this isn't the first time I see you naked right? And I sure hope it'll never be the last" he smiled as he leaned against you placing a sloppy kiss against your lips. The way he explored your mouth was hungry and full of lust.
He reached to pull your leg up so he had better access to your folds. Playing with your wet core as you let out a whimper against his lips.
"So wet for me, and I barely touched you bunny." Without warning he slipped a finger inside your throbbing hole allowing you to moan at the sudden contact.
It's been so long since you've seen Rintaro, with him on away games all the time your hole shrunk without his thick, long cock stretching you out.
And boy did he love the tightness of your small cunt against his finger. His cock swelled so badly at the feel of your hole clenching on his finger.
But of course suna was in no rush he pumped his finger into you slowly staring at the way your cunt kept swallowing and spitting out his finger.
Lewd sounds coming from your cunt at the action. You grinded against his hand wanting him to do more as he smirked.
"Will you ever let me enjoy one moment of appreciating your sexy body bunny? Why are you so greedy?" Pouting at you he leaned into your cunt as his hot breathe hit your clit.
You wanted to kick him. He was trying to break you so bad he wanted you to beg for him. But you wanted him to enjoy this. Oh boy was he enjoying this. Maybe too much even.
Silently begging for him to do something as if he could read your mind he licked your slit as he fingered you, hitting your spot flat with his finger tip.
Oh did he love tasting you, after all suna is human and even he is greedy sometimes. He wants to always, always taste more of you.
That's exactly what he did. Sucking and licking your clit leaving you a whimpering mess under him.
It boosted his ego so bad. "R-ahhgn-Rin please, god ye-s." You moaned against your orally gifted boyfriend.
Curling your toes as you felt you could literally die from the way he was hungrily handling you right now. He looked up at you, his snake like eyes staring you down enjoying the way your face would shift to various emotions pulling away to harshly spit against your clit perfectly.
As you jolted at the sudden wet 'slap' on your clit he attacked you hungrily adding another finger and curling them both so that they hit your spot perfectly as his tongue swirled onto your throbbing core. He moved your clit around and sucked on it while his fingers stretched you.
Feeling your high already approaching from the over stimulation of his actions you buckled your hips upwards moaning loudly.
"G-ah f-fuck i-m gonna cum Rin d-dont st-op." He was now aggressively thrusting his fingers into you and licking harder against your clit as you felt the knot in your stomach began to loosen the brunette decided to play a little game.
What was it? Oh to edge you. He pulled away as you moaned loudly in irration. "RINNNN.." you whined clearly annoyed at this. He chuckled as he shoved his fingers back into your wet cunt and curled them hitting your spot just like he was doing earlier.
"Shh bunny, be a good girl. Let me play with you." He smirked as you groaned at his statement. continuing to reach your high as he licked your pussy hungrily searching for something. God knows what exactly was he looking for with his tongue attached to your gushing cunt like that.
"Aaahgnn- y-es o-h god y-es Rin y-ehes ahh fuck mhmm, please let me cum ah!" You felt your high approaching once again as if your body was upset too that it didn't release its arousal, this time your body demanded to cum.
You felt yourself shake under suna. He knew what that mean. You were going to squirt and he loved watching you squirt for him but not when he's like this. Not when hes trying to break you first. Just as your wetness interrupted the cream on his fingers he pulled away immediately and looked up at you with his hungry eyes to see your reaction.
[12:10 AM]
Suna edged you as if you were his little pocket pussy for the next forty minutes. You cringed at yet another sign of yet another edge as suna decided to keep playing this dangerous no cumming game.
You let out a whimper and a sob. "F-for fuck's sake st-op edging m-me !" You spat at him as he smirked and got on top of you now face to face with the professional athlete.
"Then tell me what you want, bunny." Suna could do this for hours breaking your walls one by one because he was a sadist. He loved not letting you cum, edging you and frustrating you to point of begging.
You stared into his dark eyes they were gushing out lust. He wanted to fuck you, slow strokes and neck kisses maybe pick up his pace and let you cum on his cock but not today. Nootttttt todayyyyy he thought he wanted you to beg for him. To beg him to ruin you. Just like you always do.
You shifted your gaze blushing deeply at his gaze. "To make love to me suna." You rolled your eyes at him trying to hide your desire for him to just rail you.
He smirked at you "oh yeah? Okay I guess I'll keep eating you out then." He lowered himself but was deemed unsuccessful as you grabbed his face making him look up at you.
"N-no i want you to be inside me.." he smirked at you happy he broke two walls by now. One more to go he thought.
He lowered himself to give you a sloppy kiss, his tongue already on your lips and then your own as he rubbed your swollen clit. Harshly pulling out all the air your lungs saved with his kiss he decided to finally let you breathe again.
"I'll give you what you want bunny." He smirked, sitting up straight, grabbing you by the thighs to pull you closer to him or his swollen cock really.
You whimpered while biting your lip as he brought his cock along side your slit teasing you as if it was asking for entrance.
"Pl-ease j-just put it in- AHGN!" Suna decided to surprise you and push it deep into you without waiting.
Arching your back as his cock hit your cervix perfectly. He always filled you up to the brim.
As you finally thanked the gods for getting the thrusting you deserved suna had other plans.
He was in no rush so he began to kiss you. The lewd sounds of the way he groaned against your lips and tongue swirling aimlessly.
You clenched so roughly around him begging to be fucked and he knew that. But he wanted to hear it from you.
He wanted to edge and tease you as long as it took for you to beg for friction.
"R-in please.." he hummed in response as he sucked on your neck and massaged your breast and adjusted himself so he was in the perfect position to cockwarm you.
"Stop teasing m-ah-Me." He smiled against your breast "hmm? if i recall correctly you said you wanted me to do anything i wanted to do to you bunny. Isn't that right?" he said between kisses and licks you whimpered as he bit your nipples and tugged the sensitive bud between his teeth rolling his hips to tease your spot.
"P-please j-just f-ah f-uck me." you whisper moaned. Ah there it is, suna thought.
truth is you gave up trying to make love with suna along time ago because it never worked out suna was an edger and a teaser. only giving in when you begged him to. And well, you were like putty in his hands and you hated not finishing.
"hmm? i can't hear you princess." he smirked as he contiued rolling his hips sitting up as he stared at your flushed frustrated face. this was gonna end in two ways he told himself.
one> you were going to keep this act up for another 15 minutes until breaking
two> you were going to break right about...
he widened his eyes at the desperation lacing your tone but he smirked because that's exactly where he wanted you. he lowered his face staring intensely into your eyes "I thought you'd never ask." and at that he was thrusting sharply into you.
you yelped at the sudden rush of adrenaline his dick had runting into you. Pain mixing in with pleasure.
Suna was big..Bigger than the average person and if it was possible for him to rip you apart he was doing just that.
you moaned loudly as he grabbed your hips roughly, thrusting into you as if he wanted to kill you with his dick.
"F-fuck you're so tight-ah shit. You damn brat, Always begging me to fuck you like a whore." he knew just how slutty you were for him, for his cock.
he loved to break you, salvoured every moment he got as he broke you. you moaned at his pace and the way his cock was banging against your cervix making you roll your eyes backwards, mouth drooling from the overstimulation.
"God look at your whore face so fucked out already. I love it, No I'm obsessed with it." he leaned in to kiss you deeply. Even though suna's thrusts were the exact opposite of loving his kiss was truly something else.
you panted trying to escape his runting and sharp circles being drawn on the sensitive bundle of nerves by attempting to push him as your hand weakly rested on his toned stomach.
"Sl-ow D-down R-Rin." you whined against his hips.
Suna loves when you tell him to slow down because that is his green card. He had you exactly where he wanted you . He now has full access to fuck you into oblivion.
And that's excatly what he did. He runted into you hungerly making you scream and cling onto him for balance.
nails digging deeply into his back as you threw your head back and he sucked and bit harshly at your neck.
"You take my cock so well princess mhm, you're so good for me. you like that huh ? you like when i fuck you like this huh ? Such a dirty whore for me bunny." sitting up straight to have better access to your spot to thrust into as he wrapped his defined hand around your throat.
"A-h a- oh my - god Ye-s D-daddy Y-es pLea-se yES!" You moaned loudly as he kept his bone crushing pace up. His stamina was insane. For such a lazy person he'd always have enough energy to fuck the hell out of you.
Feeling your hole clench hardly around him he smirked knowing you were going to be cumming soon so he grabbed both of your thighs pushing them against your chest and keeping you in that position.
you laid perfectly for his eyes to see the way your cunt swallowed him whole. "I-m g-on-naaahh- mhhmm - I'm cumming daddy P-lease." your legs were shaking violenty because of the position you were in and the easy access he got to hit your gspot and the spot to allow you to squirt in one go. groaning at the way you clenched and how your walls were like heaven against his cock.
"F-fuck, agnh- You're clenching so hard around me, bunny. Let daddy see you squirt. I wanna see you cum and squirt for me baby." he sucked his bottom lip in as he felt his high approaching the harder you clenched.
he reached to your clit letting your throat go and he began to rub circles as fast as he could and pounded faster in you.
throwing your head back. You saw stars, eyes crossed completely fucked out of your brain moaning loudly as you unraveled and dug your nails deeper into his skin. the knot in your stomach finally broken. as his thrusts got sloppier pulling out to cum on your stomach.
As Suna pulled out once you both came, he shoved two of his fingers inside you curling them and thrusting into your sweet spot mercilessly giving you no room for coming down off your high.
making you shake and try to escape from his fingers he grabbed your hip with one hand silently telling you to take it.
"R-IN AAA-hhhhh P--l-e-aseee S-s-st-AAAAAHHHH" you shaked as you squirted all over his body. he kept shoving his fingers into you trying to rob every little drop of water inside of you.
"Thaaaaat's it baby, that's it let me see you squirt." he finally pulled his fingers out of your poor weak hole after the bed sheets were drenched and so was he.
you panted as your legs were shaking violently bringing your hands to your face to try to come off your high and to process what you just felt.
Suna moved your hands out of the way as your eyes shot open and he smiled at you. "Well? Have we learned our lesson?" you rolled your eyes at him and hit his chest "Shut up, it was your fault that i was so needy!" he chuckled kissing your lips as he said in between kisses "I wasn't the one who said ruin me." "I said shut up".
He pulled your blushing figure into his chest as he cuddled you and lifted your chin up to look at him.
"I love you, pretty baby." making you blush even more he decided that teasing you can be done at anytime just not now. Kissing you deeply as he enjoyed the warmth you raidiated for him.
cuddling you closer as you drifted off to sleep in his arms, vowing to himself that he'll always be the one to make you moan like you did.
[ 12:30 PM]
you groaned at the sharp pain in your legs as you tried to drag yourself out of your bed to the kitchen.
Suna thought you needed all the rest you could take because he knew this would happen.
he smiled at your grumpy figure walking around mumbling curses under your breath as you literally dragged your self around clutching any surface for support as you entered the kitchen.
You felt Suna's gaze on you ignoring his smug stupid smirk that you saw from the corner of your eyes.
"Wow and what happened to you there bunny?" you had about enough of his shit you were limping because of HIM and he had the nerve to ask you about it!
"I really don't want to talk to you right now Suna. You broke my hip."
He chuckled standing up and walking over to your leaning figure against the counter and wrapped his hands around your waist kissing your shoulder and pulling your ass towards his hard cock as your breath hitched.
he brought his lips to your ears letting his breath shiver down your spine. "You know..i think i can readjust your broken hip for you bunny.."
Suna Rintarō was going to be the death of you. But you didn't mind. at least you had him even though each of your friends were now 360¥ richer.
It still didn't matter because he was here and that is all you needed.
A/N: Heyyy sorry yall i've been so busy with exams :( this was inspired by my irl friends LMFAOOO they aint shit i do be freaky but they ain't have to say it like dat..💔 hope you guys enjoyed!!-kira
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Hello! I recently started following you and started up one piece once again. I just finished the Sky Island. Had to start over cuz mom wanted to watch (she likes zoro). I adore all the straw hats even some of the other characters. Buggy is hilarious. Though I was wondering if I could get a match up with some characters. My personality type is ENFJ-T. I am loyal to a fault, sensitive to emotions and others emotions and I'm able to pick up on it before they've even noticed. I do speak my mind and it sometimes gets me in trouble. I love being able to help others and I'll even go as far as do the thing for them or even help them as much as possible. I listen mostly to what they have to say and I'll offer advice but I don't ever force it on them. I find myself getting leadership roles or people just end up following me for whatever reason it may be, it could be something like a small project to larger project. I don't mind it though it does make me nervous since I know they are relying on me. I am very protective of my family and friends and will even fight them if necessary. I am the type of person who will literally give you the shirt off my back, even if that person has hurt me so deeply. I'll still wish them well and hopes that they've learned a lesson as much as I have. I am out here to have a good time and live a happy life and if I can share that with other people than that's fine by me. I know that if I loss some of my happiness it's going to someone who needs it. If I find out someone has been messing with my friend of family member I'll get angry and cause some trouble for that person, whether it's dumping horse crap on their front porch (which I have done). Though I don't think I'd physically hurt someone ever. That's just not in me. I've been told I'm too nice. I am 5"0, I have short dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I am tiny but I have some chub on me (around my thighs, ass, and my stomach) which is fine because organs and what not. I have freckles across my nose, and a scar on my right cheek going from my ear to the center of my cheek. I do wear glasses (always) and contacts from time to time. And I love sharing my food and anything I have on me, being money, snacks, change or whatever. (If this is too much I'm sorry I am not using to doing asks).
Hiya!! I am glad to hear you got back into it! I will definitely say One Piece has been a great show to keep me going with my own mental state, so I hope you decide to continue it! 😊🤗 (I also got my mom in OP, though she hasn't picked a favorite yet haha)
But you most definitely can, love!! We are actually quite similar! I just struggle talking to people so tend to fall into the INFJ category haha! I hope it’s okay I added characters who have been introduced later on after Sky Island, I won’t state any spoilers, mostly just their personalities. (Also never apologize! I love how you described yourself, it was perfect!)
Babe is your dream woman! She’s an ISFP, which is your ideal type based off the MBTI and I also feel she would radiate well with you! She’s also extremely loyal, despite her introverted nature, you will still see her stand up for the things she believes in and the people she loves.
She admires your ability to want to be there for others and taking on a leading role, she will definitely be your right hand woman in any project you do and will not let you down! She also admires your ability to want to help, though she worries people might take advantage of you, so she is deeply protected of you!
I believe she would also worry about you getting hurt or caught in something dangerous when your emotions get the best of you, so she will do her best to be your logic in your time of need! Reminding you there are other ways to get people back from hurting you or your loved ones.
This beautiful woman is 9′5ft! So she is a giant compared to your 5ft self! But she doesn’t mind the height difference and won’t tease you of it, it makes her feel like your protector in a way and just loves that even though you are so small compared to her, you pack a punch!
All around this woman loves you, for you well, being you! She knows everyone has flaws in the world, but she still loves yours and wouldn’t trade you in for anything! She will do everything in her power to bring you happiness and love, and she knows you would do the same for her with your caring heart!
This lovely admiral is an INFJ (go team!), out of all the admirals he is regarded as being the most morally just one. He believes in right and wrong and has no problems admitting when marines have done wrong and pirates have done right. 
He shares similar view points of you, and would do the same for his friends and loved ones, however, he will also be the logic you need to not get yourself caught in something dangerous and unsightly. He admires your dedication and love for the people around you, and believes you are worth fighting for and protecting.
He’s another one who will worry over your kind heart, he’s no full to the corruption of man and will stir those away he knows only mean harm to you. If needed he will be the knight you need when cruel hearted people try to steal your light.
Quite tall himself, a staggering 8′10ft (like why is everyone in OP tall?), he feels even more protective of you and considers you small and innocent in nature. He’s also older in age (54) so he even finds you to be more innocent and a representation of the world he hopes to see one day.
Despite his gambling nature, he will not take your heart as a gamble. He values you and your humane ways and never wants anyone to taint that. He will always take your words at value and do his best to see your side of things, he only hope when the time comes, you will share that dedication in tenfold.
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medicinemane · 3 years
No joke but Russia never should have been allowed to host the Olympics with all the shit they were doing, all the anti gay legislation they were passing at that time
I'm not saying that it directly lead to the invasion of Ukraine and the war crimes Putin's government are committing, but what I am saying is when you legitimized governments like that by doing things like allowing them to host major world events it certainly emboldens them and makes them think the world will look the other way
So Putin didn't decide to do this because he managed to host the Olympics, but I do think it made him more confident that he could do whatever horrible things he wanted and get away with it
Many many people at the time were saying this, many people at the time were warning that it was dangerous, but the Olympics is corrupt as FIFA so they didn't care
Never should have given him a platform, shouldn't be giving the Chinese government a platform either. You know they're watching this and deciding what to do with Taiwan, and this after what they did in Hong Kong
Though once again I will state what I hope you all find obvious, the Russian people are not to blame for this and do not deserve hate. People are not their governments (I'd hope people can separate me from the many heinous things I hate that America does), and in totalitarian governments it the actions of the government becomes even more detached from the will of the people (who as demonstrated by what's happening to the protestors, are just as much of victims of Putin's regime)
Anyway, like I've said I tend not to mention this stuff cause I know you're all hearing about it and I'd rather just have landscapes and animals and stuff so at least you're not hearing about it everywhere, but my thoughts are just kind of spoiling over for tonight (and will probably go back to normal tomorrow)
That said, to Ukrainians in particular... I don't think I have words to express my sorrow and horror at the sheer evil you're facing simply because you live next to a... a man with such delusions of grandeur who doesn't live in this reality and is refusing to back down from his insane and destructive unprovoked attack
I'm sorry to the people of Ukraine and of Russia most of all, and if it was unclear where I fall on this issue because I've been trying to leave a quiet space now you know
I'm always hoping for everyone's safety, and this is the one time I've been glued to a news story because I'm just hoping for it to somehow end each and every day, even though I don't know how with Putin on top. I don't see how he'll let it when he clearly insists on doubling down
But that's still what I hope for very much. Ukraine has done an amazing job in a way they never should have. I doubt I have any eastern European followers, but here's blanket permission to just dump whatever you need to get off your chest into my inbox, it's the least I can offer
So that... that's my thoughts I've been having since this all began
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