#and I accidentally switched povs and then it didn't make sense to fix
Worth the Risk
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(Seokmin isn’t in this, Woozi is just too dang cute in this gif)
Enemies to friendsish
Lee Jihoon loathed you, and he knew exactly why he did so.
It was an odd thing to say- He wasn’t generally a resentful person but nonetheless he had to admit it was true.
He hated that you were so loud. It was like whenever you were with the rest of his friends you had to be the loudest person in the room- and the most erratic. You countered that of Seungkwan for your spontaneity, both of you always battling to be the funniest in a room.
He hated that you were always apologizing. Even when it wasn’t your fault that something had happened you were apologizing. You apologized for opening a door for someone to early, or for being late to eat with people. You apologized when someone bumped into you- Jihoon had even seen you apologize to a broom before it was frankly just annoying.
He also hated that you always made yourself out to be a confident person. Even if you were wrong, and you knew you had to be wrong, you would loudly tell whoever you were arguing with that they ought to google what you two were arguing about because they were inncorrect. And almost every time you were the one who didn’t know what you were talking about.
But mostly he hated that you were nice to literally everyone around you. Except for him. You went out of your way to walk with Seokmin to his next class after theatre. You tutored Junhui in English during you two’s shared free period. You ate lunch with Seungcheol every single day so that he had someone to talk to.
Hell, Jihoon had even heard you changed work shifts just so that you could help Hansol with a project he was working on one day.
You were one of the nicest people in your school when it came to literally anyone, but when it came to Jihoon at first you would barely look him in the eye.
He wasn’t sure what it was about him.
Was it because he wasn’t attractive? Or because he had a cold expression?
You were known in general to hang out with people no matter how conventionally attractive they were, and you were the person who had managed to befriend the Russian exchange student last semester that people were starting to think actually worked for the Soviet’s they had such a cold look on their face at first. So those threw out Jihoon’s biggest working theories.
He had asked around, and it didn’t seem like Jihoon had done anything to you. Apparently you never talked about him.
Never not even once. How could you never talk about him? You two had like every class two people could even possibly have together together and yet here you were, acting like he didn’t even exist.
Maybe things would have ended differently for you two if Jihoon had just asked you why you hated him. You two were old enough to talk through your differences- it was a probably a misunderstanding anyways. But instead of doing that, Jihoon let the tension boil between you.
He didn’t keep it a secret when he was glaring at you, and complained loudly when you said hello to everyone in a room but him, and before Jihoon knew it. Without any real cause you two were at one another’s throats.
You squinted at Jihoon, your eyebrows furrowing as he stared at you. He was mad, he knew you could tell- worse even was that he was about ready to murder you.He knew that you had a decision to make- go out of your way to maybe make him hate you a little less or fuel the glame even more.
You hummed, your deceision made as you placed a hand on your hip, cocking it with a roll of your eyes.
“Yeah? Really?”
For a moment, your cocky expression dissipated. You seemed to be thinking of what to say next. Then your stoic expression returned, and you crossed your arms.
“Don’t challenge me, Lee Jihoon,” you snapped. “I could tear you down with a single word.”
Jihoon scoffed.
“God, you’re so full of yourself. You couldn’t break me down even if you tried.”
“No, you’re right. Not a single word,” you corrected. “Six. I could tear you down in six words.”
Jihoon didn’t respond to that. He just scoffed and looked away from you. You didn’t seem bothered by that. You just rolled your eyes and looked away from him, placing your hand on the shoulder of the nearest boy.
You leaned in close to him, your eyes holding Jihoon’s gaze as you murmured something into Lee Chan’s ear. Lee Chan seemed surprised by the words and looked between you and Jihoon with a strained expression. You didn’t say anything in addition, just gave Jihoon a side glare as you began to walk away.
Jihoon couldn’t help but take the bait.
“What did she say?” He asked Chan quickly. Chan didn’t respond, he just looked between you and him helplessly. Jihoon’s eyebrows furrowed and he stepped forward. “What did you say?”
You didn’t say a word to him. Instead you paused at the door, glancing back at him over your shoulder.
“See ya Chan,” you said in farewell. You gave Jihoon a last glare before leaving the room.
Whatever you said, Chan wouldn’t tell Jihoon and honestly, as much as he hated to admit it, your stupid, manipulative tactic worked. Jihoon was obsessed with what you had said to him. He couldn’t stop thinking about what six words you could possibly think would break him.
Which of course, only broke him more.
The possibilities of what you had said were infinite and whenever he asked stupid Chan about it- the boy just looked away from him uncomfortably.
“I hate to say it, but she’s right.”
Right about what?
Jihoon didn’t know and it was driving him crazy.
It wasn’t until he saw you in the cafeteria, eating lunch with Joshua (Seungcheol had lunch in an hour- yeah you ate two lunches everyday) that he was able to confront you about it. Apparently when you didn’t want to see him, you could very easily do so without going out of your way. 
But when he saw you, head rested on your hand, lazily forking around some rice in a to-go container while you spoke to Joshua, he knew exactly what he was going to say to you. He was going to really give you a piece of his mind. Not hold back for once just because everyone insisted that Jihoon simply wasn’t seeing clearly and didn’t understand the situation. He didn’t care if everyone else thought you were nice. He didn’t care if everyone else thought you just cared about him in a different way than he was used to. He wanted to ruin you the same way that you ruined him-
“I don’t know Shua, I feel like I took it too far this time,” you muttered. “I mean, he’s really mad at me.”
Joshua rolled his eyes.
“Like, that’s a surprise. He always gets over it.”
You didn’t respond, and Jihoon couldn’t see what face you were making but whatever it was made Joshua frown.
“What did you do?” He asked softly. You groaned.
“He was being irrational. He won’t sleep he just stays up all the time working himself to death! I just wanted him to get some rest, but I couldn’t just say that so…” You trailed off.
“So…?” Joshua pried.
“So, I Doctor Who’d him.”
Joshua let out a groan, clearly understanding what you were referencing. You sighed.
“I know! I know, I went all Doctor on him, and I treated him like Harriet. I grabbed the nearest boy to him and I just… I just-”
“Six words?” Joshua interrupted.
Jihoon watched as you leaned forward, placing your hand on Joshua’s shoulder, clearly mimicking the expression that you had been making at the time.
“Don’t you think he looks tired?”
“I can’t believe you,” Joshua scoffed. He laughed a little as you pulled away. “I mean really- playing mind tricks like that on him? It will”-
“Drive him crazy?” You provided. Jihoon could hear you rolling your eyes. “Yeah I know. I’m an idiot.”
“Why don’t you just tell him you like him?” Joshua asked. You sighed, turning your head to the side, officially dropping your fork in your container. As you did, Joshua’s eyes wandered away from you, falling on Jihoon. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of Jihoon and he opened his mouth.
“I can’t he hates me,” you mumbled. “I ask him how he’s doing; he accuses me of bragging. I offer him help on homework assignments; he says I think he’s stupid. I tell him to get some sleep in a normal way and I find out later he stayed up for like 36 straight hours just to spite me.”
You threw your hands in the air in frustration, clearly not caring that Joshua wasn’t really paying attention to you anymore.
“I mean, even if I did confess to him- he’d probably just accuse me of trying to like emotionally manipulate him or something, I don’t know what I did to him that makes him advocate against me so much, but the guy has never given me a chance, and he won’t start now.”
“Uh… Y/n,” he mumbled, but you didn’t stop then.
“This is what I get for falling in love with a Sagittarius- Scorpio cusp,” you stated firmly. “I mean really, Jihoon’s moon is in Aries and I’m surprised he’s stubborn? He’s probably one of the most stubborn, hard-headed people I will ever meet in my life.”
You sounded truly frustrated, and the way that you buried your face in your hands as you spoke pulled at Jihoon’s heart strings in a way that Jihoon didn’t quite understand.
He had never realized that you did all of the things you did to him because you cared about him, but suddenly it was all falling into place. The reason that you were so aggressive that he eat or sleep or not work. The way you worded all of your questions and spoke about him when you thought he couldn’t hear. You just cared about him.
“Is it bad that the more I think about it, the more that I think about how totally useless all my efforts are… The more I love him. He’s never gonna like me. He’s never even going to tolerate me. And Jesus I love him anyways,” you mumbled.
“He’s right behind you,” Joshua replied. Your body froze immediately, and Jihoon couldn’t see your face, but boy did he wish that you did.
“He’s…. What?” You mumbled.
“Behind you,” Joshua replied with a shrug. “I tried to stop you buddy.”
You laughed for a second, surely assuming that Joshua was joking- but when Joshua didn’t laugh you stopped and glanced over your shoulder.
“Oh god,” you mumbled softly, your face constricting somewhat like you were in pain. The expression disappeared after a brief second, in which your expression turned to that of a constrained smile. “Hey Jihoon, how’s it going?”
“I...” He mumbled, his nose scrunching slightly. “I came here to yell at you.”
You chuckled.
“Of course, you did,” you mumbled. For once, Jihoon realized just how wrecked you sound when you said that. Your voice when you spoke to Joshua was higher then Jihoon was used to hearing it. Very airy and light-hearted. But when you spoke to Jihoon it was lower, more hesitant and curter.
You were different with other people then you were with him. How dim did he have to be to not notice that until just now?
You turned around in your chair to face Jihoon, straddling the back of the chair with your legs, and resting your head on your arms that you folded over the back of it.
“Alright then Jihoon, go for it.” You stated. “Tear me apart, make fun of me, make me feel completely and totally stupid.”
Jihoon stared at you uncomfortably.
“Well, I don’t really want to anymore,” he admitted. He looked down at his hands, and back up at you. “You really.... Love me? Even after I was so mean to you? For so long?”
“Well, yeah,” you mumbled back, your cheeks turning a little red. Jihoon had never really thought about your attractive points before, but now he couldn’t help but notice. “I mean… God, I hate to cater to you like this.”
Jihoon’s eyebrows furrowed.
“You are only asking me this stuff and pausing inbetween certain words because you want me to confess!
You want me to tell you that I like you because of your passion for music, and the adorable way that your face scrunches when one of the guys annoys you.
You want me to go on, and on about how cute it is when you get annoyed and start treating people- or when you get really excited and your eyes disappear, and your little dimples show up.
You want me to talk about how entranced I get by your lyrics, how your music makes me sit there and listen to every single little sound and it’s all perfect, and you’re perfect, and I am not going to tell you all of that. I just won’t.”
Jihoon’s eyebrow raised slightly in amusement. You groaned at that expression.
“See, see, this is exactly what I was talking about all that did, was boost your ego and-”
Jihoon reached forward suddenly, his fingers wrapping around your wrist. The action made you stop talking immediately, surprised by him touching you.
You didn’t think that he had ever touched you. Not in all the time that you two had known one another and if he had it, it certainly wasn’t in a comforting way at all. Your eyebrows furrowed at the touch, and you were afraid to raise your eyes back up to Jihoon.
He noticed that but didn’t force you to look at you- and you even noticed in a glance- that he was a bit afraid to look at you too.
“I mean... After all this time maybe, it is time for us to set aside our differences,” he suggested, his words leaving his mouth oh so carefully. “I guess I don’t really know a lot about you.”
“We could go out to eat sometime,” you suggested. Your face blazed red at the suggestion, and it made Jihoon’s fingers leave your hands in surprise. “I mean- just to get to know one another! It doesn’t have to be like-”
“A date?” Jihoon asked, a nervous chuckle bubbling to the surface. “We could do that.”
You looked up at Jihoon.
“We don’t have-”
“No, I want to,” Jihoon assured softly. “I think... It’s a bit fast but worth the risk.”
The phrase made you smile a little bit, your heart skipping a beat.
“Okay then. It’s a date.”
Sure, you knew that you two wouldn’t be making out by the end of the week or anything crazy like that but that was okay. What mattered was that instead of breaking your heart, Jihoon had taken a step back, thought over his options and decided to give you a chance.
And you weren’t going to let him regret that decision in the least.
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