#and Hua Cheng is the ‘Hua’ the God-Pleasing Crown Prince held in one hand while fighting with the sword in his other hand
silverstark · 8 months
I love how both Xie Lian and Hua Cheng embody “a sword in one hand, a flower in the other.”
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crowning-art · 2 years
Whew! Feeling loads of mixed feelings (mainly good ones!) but wow
Lmao this is me and you guys celebrating reaching the end of book 3:
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Having been held onto like this, Hua Cheng’s eyes were twinkling, and a moment later, he smiled. “I suggest you both hold your tongue and just follow. I’m in a good mood, so I won’t fight you for now.”
This line really caught my attention because it really brings to light how Hua Cheng and White No Face are two parallels in so many ways, and like yes Hua Cheng would never kill Xie Lian and neither would White No Face.....but for very different reasons
Xie Lian shook his head. “It’s not that, San Lang, We’re not the same. He…won’t kill me, I can swear it.”
Only with his reminder did Xie Lian recall there was such a thing, and he quickly said, “Wait! The other things aside. San Lang, your…are your ashes properly hidden away?”
“A long time ago,” Hua Cheng replied.
Xie Lian nodded, but after a pause, he still couldn’t help but double check. “Are you sure it’s properly hidden? That place is secure enough? It won’t be found?”
Hua Cheng answered leisurely, “To me, it’s the safest place in the world.”
Xie Lian, however, didn’t think there was anything that was absolute in this world and pressed,
“You’re absolutely sure?”
Hua Cheng smiled cheerfully. “If its hiding place is destroyed, then there’s no need for me to exist either. Of course I’m sure.”
Oooohhhh OK BUT IMAGINE THIS? SO BEAUTIFUL YET HAUNTING and also WTFFFFF????? LANG YING????? NO WONDER HUA CHENG WAS SO APPREHENSIVE OF HIM And also what the hell it's so creepy that he had been with Xie Lian dressed as Lang Ying the whole time....like again back to how White No Face and Hua Cheng mirror each other in that both followed Xie Lian but one did it in such a disturbing and boundary breaking way while the other was so respectful
Under the white veil was a divine statue of him. This was a God-Pleasing Crown Prince statue, a sword in one hand, flower in the other, a smile hung on the face. Only, there was a trace of blood on that smile.
The source of that blood was the sword gripped in its hand. There was a youth pierced upon the blade, his head wrapped full of bandages, his body covered in blood. It was Lang Ying!
Ok but I love love love the imagery here and the underlying message cuz it's like yes White No Face was the one causing trouble, but it was Xie Lian's OWN sword that broke his statue and I feel like this is some heavy metaphor for what is to come....
Xie Lian’s face was instantly paled by a shade, the veins on the back of his hands popped and he slashed with his sword, shouting, “SHUT UP!”
White No-Face sidestepped and avoided the strike, but CLANG! The attack sliced through the sword gripped in the hands of his own divine statue. Now he’d done it; the God-Pleasing Crown Prince statue wielded a broken sword, and the statue itself thus became a ruined artefact. Xie Lian instantly snapped out of it, like he was suddenly drenched by a bucket of cold water.
One of my fave shades of Xie Lian is flustered Xie Lian!
Xie Lian “en, en, en”-ed randomly a couple times, and was just about to run away when Hua Cheng pulled him to a stop, pointing out, “Your Highness! Where are you running to? You’re going in the wrong direction.”
Only then did Xie Lian discover he was running back the way they came and immediately turned back around, even slipping on the ice once. He quickly pressed down on his bamboo hat.
“N-No. I, I’m just a little cold, thought I’d jog around a bit, warm up…”
See!! Again the similarities are so blazingly obvious and yet Hua Cheng and Xie Lian couldn't be more different. Like one came for safety and protection while one came for pain and distress, and I guess I didn't notice til now since we are finally getting to see White No Face interact and all
White No-Face easily dodged every single one of his strikes, and Xie Lian cried in rage, “Why haven’t you died? WHY DID YOU COME TO THE KILN?”
“Because of you!” White No-Face replied.
Xie Lian’s movement faltered, and he huffed a breath. “What do you mean?”
White No-Face answered languidly, “Because you’ve come. So, I’ve come too.”
Just had a sudden, rather freaky thought. What if White No Face had been with Xie Lian throughout the book (present day) the whole time the same way Hua Cheng had....
White No-Face lifted his face to look at his eyes, and he said warmly, “Your Highness, I think you might have misunderstood. There certainly will be a Supreme who will emerge from this Kiln, but, it won’t be me. It will be you.”
Then, without giving him a chance to protest, that tragically pale cry-smiling mask melted with the infinite darkness as it was heavily pressed onto Xie Lian’s face.
And with that book 3 = done!!! I'm so excited for book 4 and am ready for whatever comes my way! 😊✨️
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hua-lian · 6 years
Hello , so um I want to request something I hope its not too much , can you maybe translate some interesting parts of that chapter where MQ ,FX XL gets to HC cave and find the statues and HC gives(?)XL a red string on his finger , and can you tell me what chapter that is ? , thanks , anx sorry if its a bother
first of all, you have low standard if you’re asking me for translations HAHAHAHAHA
okay so the chapter that HC gives XL the red string is chapter 158, and only from chapter 173 onwards did XL, HC, MQ and FX get to HC’s cave, and I would argue the interesting parts is the whole thing but I can’t translate that without taking a year so I compromised and put summaries in between translations in [brackets]
warning, this is one hell of a long post because I don’t know how to use google docs
Red string part (Chapter 158)
Xie Lian was contemplating whether he should smash the stone wall to see what was behind, when he heard Hua Cheng: “Gege, give me your hand.”
Xie Lian: “???”
Even though he was confused, he still relented and gave his hand to Hua Cheng. Hua Cheng gently held his hand, putting his hand in his palm, his other hand covering, as if he was putting something on him. Xie Lian’s heart jumped faster, and he held his breath for a moment, at once, he raised his hand, and questioned: “This is?”
On his right hand’s third finger was a fine red string, which was what Hua Cheng put on him. Additionally, this red string continuously extended, connected to Hua Cheng’s own finger’s red string.
Hua Cheng raised his hand, showing the two’s identical butterfly knot, smiling as he said: “Tied together.”
Hearing this, Xie Lian’s face heated up, quickly he rubbed his face twice, afraid Hua Cheng could detect his unusually quick heartbeat, laughing as he said: “San Lang this is a form of magic?”
“En.” Hua Cheng slightly straightened his expression, putting down his hand, he said, “Even though we won’t leave each other on our own, we can’t guarantee there will be no outside forces. This string won’t snap, and won’t be short. Unless the other was gone, otherwise, we can definitely follow the string to find the other person.”
Xie Lian said: “Gone, meaning?”
Hua Cheng said: “Dying, or vanishing into thin air. If the string is unbroken, it means the other person is fine.”
Chapter 173
[HC and XL fall into HC’s Ten-Thousand Gods Cave, and as they continue walking XL sees a lot of different types of statues, all with their faces covered.]
Some was fully covered, extremely unusual. Xie Lian found it weird, wanting to pull down one statue’s gauze and see its face, but behind him Hua Cheng said: “Gege, I suggest you don’t.”
Xie Lian turned his head back, questioningly asked: “Why? I feel that these god statues are a little weird.”
Hua Cheng walked forward, and said: “Because it’s weird, it’s best if you don’t. Since these faces are covered, there must be a reason why. The head is where the spiritual energy assembles, if the cover is removed, allowing these weird god statues to assemble the spiritual energy, who knows what might happen. Gege, didn’t you want to find your two footmen? Since we haven’t found them, it’s best not to touch them (god statues) so as to avoid side issues.”
His words were mysterious and confusing, but it was not without reason, in the case of removing the face gauze, awakening whatever these god statues had, that would not be any fun at all. Xie Lian thought for a bit, deciding to put down his hand, and said: “I’m just a little curious as to who the god is.”
Hua Cheng, playing it down, said: “This place is Wu Yong’s national border, perhaps it’s Wu Yong’s crown prince’s god statue, not strange at all.”
Xie Lian: “I’m afraid it’s not.”
Hua Cheng said: “Eh? How can one be sure?”
Xie Lian faced him, and said: “From the murals we saw on the way here, Wu Yong’s crown prince and Wu Yong Nation’s people’s clothes, compared to these god statue’s dress style, it’s not the same. Therefore, I’m afraid that these god statues and Wu Yong’s crown prince are unrelated. Additionally, it’s possible they weren’t made by the hands of Wu Yong’s people.”
Hua Cheng laughed and said: “Really? Gege is really meticulous.”
Xie Lian also laughed, and said: “No, no. Only that the style of these god statues, whatever craft labor, clothes, or the streamline and details of the clothes, all seems to have a more modern style. For example……the style of Xian Le Nation.”
Hua Cheng raised a brow, and said: “It seems, gege has a rather deep knowledge of this aspect.”
Xie Lian said: “Where, where. It’s only that I’ve seen too many god statues, sooner or later I’ll be more perceptive.”
Even though he didn’t know why, but he kept feeling, from just now till now, Hua Cheng was a little off. After talking to this point, he seemed to be faintly nervous.
[XL decided to listen to HC, and not touch the statues, then they come across a path split into 2, and XL questions why HC immediately goes to the right if he claims he doesn’t know the place. HC makes up nonsense, saying he’s more lucky so he randomly picked the right side. XL then hears voices from the left path, and heads there despite HC calling him back. It’s MQ and FX, stuck in a hole. HC did not follow him.]
Chapter 174
[XL jumps into the hole, HC comes and brings him out, XL brings MQ and FX out of the hole. XL, MQ, and FX spend the whole chapter talking, generally about how XL knew MQ and FX were FY and NF all along.]
Chapter 175
[As they continue walking, MQ tries to touch one of the statues, and HC immediately holds a sword towards him, and reluctantly MQ relents after a standoff. Suddenly, MQ and FX grab XL and runs away from HC, and MQ mentions that the red bead XL had lost long ago was found again, and it’s the red bead in HC’s hair. XL is in disbelief, and MQ takes off a veil covering a statue’s face, and it’s XL’s face. All the statues are of him, made by HC. They then see some murals, and it’s all drawn by HC, one being Pleased God XL saving small HC, one being HC holding an umbrella over a white flower, and FX and MQ are horrified to realize that HC’s been watching XL all this time.]
Feng Xin was simply absolutely terrified, and said: “What kind of person is this? Staring at you from 800 years till now?! Still staying with you until today? Fuck me! This is too horrifying! Is he possessed?! What does he want? Ordinary believers completely would not do this kind of thing, what does he want?!”
Mu Qing said: “There’s a plot……There definitely must be a plot! Quickly continue looking, a clue can definitely be found here!”
Xie Lian was already shocked stupid, staring at the small red boy on the wall, he hadn’t reacted yet, he only felt that there was much he hadn’t forgotten, but he had not cared to remember all the messy and confusing things which were all fighting to appear first in Xie Lian’s head, when the two beside him starting making noise. He shivered once, and asked: “What happened now?”
Feng Xin and Mu Qing were standing in front of a stone wall, as if they had seen some kind of terrible thing. On seeing that he wanted to walk over, Feng Xin quickly turned and pushed him back, and said: “Don’t fucking look!”
Xie Lian: “? What is it? What thing? Why can’t I see it?”
Mu Qing’s face also darkened, and he said: “……Don’t see it. It’s nothing worth looking at, quickly run!”
The two of them grabbed an arm, once again rushing towards a path. Dragged by them, Xie Lian said: “What are you two doing? I still have not seen the entirety of the murals?!” 
Feng Xin ran and angrily said: “No use looking! You can’t see that kind of thing! Fuck, honestly! I really have never seen this kind of fucking thing before! This kind of person!!!”
Xie Lian was confused: “You have never see what before? What’s did San Lang do?”
Mu Qing scolded: “Still calling him San Lang, stop calling him that! It’s too late to run! From now on don’t approach him! He’s not normal, he’s sick, he’s a lunatic!!!”
Xie Lian couldn’t listen to it anymore, and said: “Why are you two scolding like that? Didn’t I say, not everyone who’s not normal is bad?”
Feng Xin said: “Stop asking! I don’t know! He’s entirely different from us! He’s sick! Towards you, he……he……”
Xie Lian said: “Towards me what?”
One wants to return, the other two want to pull, the three of them were locked in a stalemate, suddenly a cold voice came from their front, and said: “Didn’t I say before, once at other’s domain, don’t touch their things randomly? Otherwise, whatever happens next, it’s hard to say.”
The three of them stiffened, turning their heads. They could only see a red figure in front of them. Hua Cheng was leaning against a stone wall, blocking their way.
Chapter 176
[They run again, and XL says he wants to ask HC about the statues and murals instead, and MQ and FX, obviously, refuses, and they both think XL is too trusting of HC. MQ puts a tally (talisman?) on him which makes him obey and prevents him from being able to speak. HC appears again.]
Feng Xin and Mu Qing instantly backed a distance. Hua Cheng did not look at them, his eye moving to one side, taking a step towards Xie Lian. Feng Xin and Mu Qing reacted when they saw who he was heading towards, quickly putting Xie Lian behind them, and said in unison: “Don’t come over!”
Hua Cheng’s expression darkened.
If this was a normal day, whoever dared to tell Seeking Flowers in Blood Rain not to come over, he would completely not care about these words, it would be weird if he didn’t laughed and purposefully headed over, but this time, he instead seemed as if he was a little afraid, not daring to act rashly, halting his footsteps.
A while later, he then slowly said: “What is the meaning of this?”
This tone seemed calm. Feng Xin instead said directly: “There’s no need to act anymore, this place has always been your nest. We have already seen these god statues, and those drawings of yours, we have seen it all!”
Hua Cheng was blocking them, hearing this, the hand behind his back trembled, two finger unconsciously curled up.
“……” He slowly drooped, and weakly said, “His Highness, has also seen?”
This tone was very low, even though this manner of speaking was nothing exciting, it was a little hoarse, clearly unusual. Xie Lian thought: “I have not!”
Actually, he didn’t see a lot, however, at this moment he couldn’t speak nor move, honestly only able lean against the stone wall in the corner, as if he was hiding behind the two, afraid to come out to face Hua Cheng, and unwilling to talk to him. Feng Xin drew his bow, and said: “Correct. Whatever…thoughts you have, we are clear. With respect to you as a Ghost King, if you still have some respect and dignity, please do not come close to His Highness the Crown Prince anymore.”
[HC, angered, fights them, and traps them in cocoon silk, then MQ says he was the one who drove HC out of the military, and then HC tells them to admit if the thing they were talking about before was true or not. MQ shouts for XL to run away, XL runs and falls down pretty much immediately.]
Xie Lian’s hands and feet were tightly bound by white thread, lying on the ground, his black hair and white sleeves scattered, his bamboo hat having fallen aside. Hua Cheng slowly turned towards him, pausing for a long time, he headed towards him. Having walked only a few steps, Feng Xin couldn’t control himself and said: “Hua Cheng!”
Hua Cheng paused in his steps, slowly inclining his head.
Feng Xin summoned up his courage to say: “You…You let go of His Highness! He’s already so miserable. Towards him, don’t……” 
Hua Cheng didn’t say a thing, walking to Xie Lian’s side, bending his knees for a bit, he picked him up.
[HC carries him and leaves, and MQ bites the silk aggressively.]
Chapter 177 (Confession!!!)
[HC carries him away, his hands stiff, and HC then notices the tally MQ had put on XL, preventing him from speaking.]
Xie Lian’s organs were in disarray, the effect of the Obey Talisman on his back starting to fade away, he moved his leg with force, letting out a “Ah.” Even though it looked like a dying fish futilely fighting its last battle and letting out a protest without any deterrence, Hua Cheng still stiffened, instantly retracting his hand, and said: “I will not!”
Seeming as if he thought his voice was too loud, and was afraid to startle Xie Lian, Hua Cheng took a few steps back, lightening his tone, and said, lowly: “Your Highness, I will not do anything. You…don’t have to be afraid.”
[XL is injured, which he hadn’t realized until HC was taking off his clothes and helping him (?), MQ and FX come again, but it turns out they were fake, and Bai Wuxiang had been pretending to be them.]
here’s a link to a translation for the confession!!
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