#and Gordon just appears after 20 years of being MIA
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tooruluv · 5 years ago
Tooru Oikawa x F!Reader ( part 9 )
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❝ my love for him is much like winter, a skeleton for the world to see. too bad he never liked the cold. ❞
description: being the neighbor and lifelong best friend of tooru oikawa definitely had it’s perks. you were never an outcast, always had a seat at lunch, got into volleyball games for free. the problem was, however, that being in love with him outweighed those perks. you would never tell him that, though, even if it hurt like hell.
genre: best friends to lovers, angst, unrequited love, fluff if you squint hard enough
word count: 1,442
warnings/notes: i was able to be online for a bit so i wanted to release this (rather short) filler chapter for you guys! <3
tag list: @afuckingunicornn​​​​​​ @maii-flowers​​​​​​ @clandestinerays​​​​​​ @brownandchill​​​​​​ @readeretal​​​​​​ @wedojustbevibin​​​​​​ @shigarakiskitten​​​​​​ @shittykawaa​​​​​​ @saeranoppa​​​​​ @srirachibi​​​​​ @tpwkatsumu​​​​ @sempiternal-amour​​​​ @bokutos-h0e​​​​ @pinknugget​​​​ @intheawks​​​​ @tori218​ @seikamuzu​ @alexthe80swhore​
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You skipped school for a week. It was a full week of heartache; most of which included the following: watching new shows (and finishing them), being brought food by your very understanding mother, crying, taking very long baths, wallowing in self-pity (which is something you tried not to do, but ended up doing anyway), crying until you were dehydrated, and ignoring texts and calls.
A new week was starting when your mom walked into your room, interrupting your daily “stare at the ceiling in sadness”. She sat on the end of your bed by your feet when she said, “It’s time for you to return to life.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“Sweetheart, I get it.” She placed a hand on your ankle, trying to pull your attention to her. You kept your eyes on the ceiling. “Trust me, I do. But you can’t continue to isolate yourself from life. You have a beautiful, bright future in front of you. Exams are coming up, and your friends miss you.”
You sighed. “I guess I’ll go.”
“Good! Quite frankly, I’m tired of lying to your friends. Did you know that Iwaizumi resorted to texting me every day?” Your mom stood up, sending you a smile when you followed suit. “Clean your room. I’ll drive you to school tomorrow.”
You agreed, staring at the empty water bottles next to your bed.
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Out of the hundreds of texts and missed calls, you decided to text Iwaizumi back first. He was the one who you’ve known the longest (other than the other boy you shall not name) and had helped you through your Love Problems.
you: hey. i’m ok. pls tell me that you’ll be at school tomorrow
iwa <3: fuck dude
iwa <3: you scared the shit out of me i deadass texted your fucking mom
iwa <3: i will be at school tomorrow the question is will you
you: yeah i’m coming. didn’t wanna be alone
iwa <3: you’ll never be alone darling
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Despite everything telling you not to, you got up that Monday morning for school. You cleaned your room, you showered, you got a good night’s rest. You even ate breakfast. Yet, you still felt like… well, shit.
Your mother drove you to school, sending you a small smile and wave of encouragement like it was your first day of kindergarten and you were scared to go in. Truth was, you wanted to throw up all over the front doors and go straight back into your bedroom and watch another Gordon Ramsay compilation on youtube.
You sighed and went into Hell (hell being school). You tried to act as normal as possible but it was evident that everyone in the entire school hadn’t moved on from the whole thing, eyes staring at you and inaudible whispers.
“Great.” You mumbled to yourself, whipping your locker open.
It was at that moment that Tooru Oikawa made his appearance. He was walking next to Hanamaki, talking among themselves, when Oikawa stopped dead in his tracks. Hanamaki gave him a small pat on his back before leaving (and effectively leaving the awkward situation that would inevitably happen).
He opened his locker beside you.
“Hi!” He greeted, as though it was the most normal and casual thing ever. “You’re feeling better? Your mom said that…”
You didn’t acknowledge him, closing your locker and walking to class. Maybe you’ll find Iwaizumi before class…
“Whoa. Wait!” Oikawa was walking beside you then, easily catching up to you. “Did you get any of my texts?”
You spun on your heels, finally facing him after a week of being MIA and trying to forget your love for him. He swallowed and stared back at you.
“I don’t know what you want me to do.” You shrugged. “I told you that I needed time. And by that, I mean I need time away from you specifically. I’m not going to entertain the idea of pretending that nothing happened between us because it did.”
Oikawa blinked, nodding. “Okay, okay. Yes.” He purposefully took a step back, literally giving you space. “But can I ask one thing? Just one?”
“Go ahead.”
“For how long?” He asked. “How long do you think it’ll take for you to talk to me again?”
“I don’t know. Maybe when the school stops staring at me like a wounded puppy.”
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“I’ve missed you!” Sana brought you into a hug, her boobs straight into your face. “I seriously thought that you dropped off of the face of the earth.”
You let a small smile creep onto your lips. The first smile in a while. “Sorry.”
“Don’t you dare apologize. What even happened?”
“That’s a story for later.”
She linked her arm with yours before walking with you to the library. Iwaizumi and Matsukawa sat at the usual table, heads in books like their life depended on it. It wasn’t until you were nearly next to them that they realized you were there. You hadn’t been able to see Iwaizumi all day.
“Oh my god, she’s really here.” Matsukawa exclaimed, a bit too loud for a library. 
Iwaizumi got up from his seat (also very loudly, a squeak from the chair on the floor). He immediately pulled you into a hug, picking you up and putting his head into your shoulder.
“Shittykawa told me what happened.” He mumbled into your neck. You bit the inside of your lip and wrapped your arms around his waist. “I’m not going to ask if you’re okay, but I do want you to know that I know.”
“You always know.” You mumbled back.
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Hajime Iwaizumi was walking with Issei Matsukawa when he caught Oikawa leaving your house. He knew immediately that something had happened, that something wasn’t quite right, because Oikawa had his head down. He never had his head down.
Iwaizumi turned to his boyfriend, telling him “I’ll be right back.” Matsukawa gave him a kiss on the wrist before letting him run off.
“Hey man,” Iwaizumi jogged to his best friend. Oikawa stopped, head still at his feet. “Hey. What’s up?”
“Oikawa.” Iwaizumi stood in front of him, cutting him off. “Don’t bullshit me. What’s going on? What happened?”
When Oikawa didn’t answer, Iwaizumi put his arms on his shoulders to bring his head up. Oikawa was red-faced, tears running down his cheeks. He was in pain.
“I, um.” Oikawa looked back and forth, never really meeting Iwaizumi’s eyes. “I told her that I’m in love with her. We kissed and I told her that I love her.”
“Oh?” That’s a good thing… right?
“She shut the door in my face. She said that she “thought that she was in love with me too”. And just shut the door.”
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“What if we got married?” Oikawa once asked you, a giggling child in the morning sun.
You both laid in your backyard, the grass long and bugs flew along your heads. You didn’t care. You giggled back to him.
“That’s gross! You have cooties!”
“Not if we’re married I don’t!” Oikawa stuck his tongue out at you.
“We’re too young to get married! We have to at least be old… like 20 years old!”
You laid like that, giggling and laughing as kids, until your mom called you in for lunch. Oikawa ran to the door (“last one there is a rotten egg!”).
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tetsurou kuroo :P: i heard that you’ve finally left the darkness and stepped back into regular life
tetsurou kuroo :P: hajime texted me sorry if that sounded like i’m stalking you.
tetsurou kuroo :P: unless you’re into that... then i’m totally stalking you...
tetsurou kuroo :P: PLS IM KIDDING anyway can i come over today. i have another hoodie for you.
you: you’re cute. i miss you too.
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You walked home alone that night. After a while of isolation, human interaction actually seemed like a chore. You just wanted to be alone, even if it was just for a few minutes as you walk.
You heard walking behind you.
“You can walk next to me.” You said, knowing exactly who it was. “I know you don’t have practice on Mondays.”
Tooru Oikawa appeared next to you in only a few seconds, jumping at the offer. The roles were reversed now.
“I don’t want to overstep boundaries.” He said.
“I know.”
“I’m sorry, again. For kissing you.”
“I know.”
He stared at you instead of the sidewalk ahead. You kept your eyes on the sky.
“I’m sorry for telling you that I love you, too.”
“Don’t be sorry about that.” You stepped onto your porch where Kuroo stood, waiting for you. “That was the one thing you did right.”
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kiragecko · 4 years ago
DC Sidekick Age References
Here’s a dump of all the references I’ve found. Know I’m missing a lot, and quite a few were found on other sites that didn’t give me the most precise info.
If you know of anything else, can correct a mistake you see, or want to discuss comic book aging - please send me an ask, message, or reblog!
?? - means I don’t know where the info is from, “quotes” are direct copies of the wording in the comic
?? Parents died when Bruce was 8
Detective Comics #27 (May 1939) – Batman introduced
Detective Comics #38 (Apr 1940)  – Dick is (8 when parents killed/9 when Robin) 12 when he becomes Robin, it's Bruce's 3rd year as Batman
More Fun Comics 73 (Nov 1941) – Green Arrow Introduced
1962 - JLA formed
1964 – Dick teams up with Wally and Garth
Teen Titans 1 (Jan-Feb 1966) – Teen Titans form, Donna is introduced (all 5 are 14ish?)
Detective 359 (Jan 1967) – Babs introduced, has PhD, has graduated
Batman #217 (Dec 1969) – Dick graduates high school, enrolls in University (starts 3 months later)
1971 - Roy discovered using drugs by Ollie and Hal in a drug den (he was trading arrows for drugs), retcon has Wally and Dick discovering him at tower and making him promise to get help
Justice League 116 (Mar-Apr 1975) Charley Parker is 16
Batman Family 10 (Mar-Apr 1977) – Dick is teenager, Babs is 25
Teen Titans 53 (Feb 1978) – Dick, Wally, Donna, Vic all started college at same time
DC Special Series: The Flash Spectacular (May 1978) – Wally graduates high school
New Teen Titans 1 (Nov 1980) – Raven forms New Titans, Gar is 16 during run
New Teen Titans 2 (Dec 1980) – Slade meets team, Grant dies
1981 - Dick drops out of university after 1 semester, he never really was interested
New Teen Titans 20 (June 1982) – Vic turns 19, Donna already is
Tales of the New Teen Titans 2 (July 1982) – Raven turned 18 just before forming Titans
Batman #357 (Mar 1983) – Jason’s first appearance
Detective Comics #526 (May 1983) – Bruce adopts Jason, Dick is there and approving
New Teen Titans 34 (Aug 1983) – Terra turns 16
Batman #368 (Feb 1984) – Dick gives Jason the Robin costume, Jason becomes Robin
Blue Devil(84) – Eddie is 11/12
Tales of the Teen Titans (May 1984) – Joey introduced, Author describes him as 17?
New Teen Titans #39 (Feb 1984) – Dick stops being Robin, Wally quits being a superhero/the team
Tales of the Teen Titans 50 (Feb 1985) – Terry and Donna's wedding (she got married while 19)
New Teen Titans 10 (July 1985) – Kole says she's at least 18
Crisis on Infinite Earths 7 (Oct 1985) – Supergirl dies in Superman’s arms after mostly destroying the Anti-Monitor, who has to flee reality
New Teen Titans 18 (Mar 1986) – Dick turns 20 (“Dick Grayson celebrates his birthday away from home with a traditional Tamaranean feast.” (While sulking because Kory got space-married))
New Teen Titans 20 (May 1986) – Roy locates baby Lian, Terry Long is 29
?? Roy is 22(when he gets Lian)
Batman #404 - Batman Year One (Feb 1987) – Bruce is 25, spent 12 years training, became Batman at 26, Barbara Gordon is pregnant, her and Jim move to Gotham
Detective Comics #571 (Feb 1987) – we see Bruce’s fear gas induced vision of Jason’s tombstone (birth: 1974 – death: 1986, so he’d be 12)
Secret Origins 13 (April 87) – 15 years ago, it was Dick’s 5th birthday. Soon after tenth birthday, parents are killed. [Set during New TT 18])
Batman #409 (July 1987) – Jason becomes Robin (In Detective Comics, Jason has been Robin the whole time, but is still being wwritten with Pre-Crisis personality)
Flash 1 (June 1987) – Wally turns 20
New Teen Titans Ann 3 (Nov 1987) – Danny Chase is 13 and introduced
Batman #416 (Feb 1988) – Dick in Gotham, meets the new Robin on patrol. Confronts Bruce later, says he was ‘fired’ less than a year ago (since then he was briefly in college), makes Bruce admit he missed him. Dick finds Jason again, expose the drug dealers, and Dick gives Jason his old costume (symbolically, since Jason already has one) and a phone number, Dick was Robin for 6 years
Batman #427 (Winter 1988) – Jason dies
Batman #436, Batman: Year Three (Aug 1989) – 2 years since Dick stopped being Bruce’s sidekick (When he became Nightwing? Or when he quit?), parents died 10 years earlier
Batman #441, A Lonely Place of Dying (Nov 1989) – Tim 13, was 7 when Dick’s parents died
Robin #1 (Jan 1991) – Tim debuts as Robin
New Titans 84 (March 1992) – Joey dies
Deathstroke, the Terminator #15 (Oct 1992) – Rose introduced
Team Titans 3 (Nov 1992) – Robert Long is born
Adventures of Superman 500 (June 1993) – Kon appears and escapes from Cadmus with Newboy Legion, John Henry Irons first appearance, Eradicator and Cyborg Superman also appear for first time
Batman: BTAS: Robin’s Reckoning (1993) - 'Richard 'Dick' Grayson: Age 10'
Detective Comics 668 (Nov 1993) – Tim gets license (because dad is disabled) even though he hasn’t turned 16 yet, gets beat up by Jean-Paul
Flash 92 (July 1994) – Bart aged to 14
?? Shortly after Knight’s End – Tim is 15 and in the 10th grade
Flash 0 (Oct 1994) – Wally is 23
Damage 1(94) – Grant is 16
Deathstroke, The Terminator Annual 4 (Aug 1995) – Rose is 14, “What would that do to a kid? A fourteen-year-old girl whose father is an assassin she’s never met?”
Wonder Woman 105(95) – Cassie is 14
Tempest 1(96) – Garth spends many months in other dimension
Aquaman 20 (May 1996) – Garth aged 3-4 years in other dimension, now older than other Titans
Teen Titans 1 (Oct 1996) – Argent, Risk, Joto, Prysm all turn 16(they were conceived by seed things on same day)
Superboy Annual 2 – to Kon: “Happy birthday, Kid - - number one in a long successful series, we hope.” “He will effectively remain sixteen years old - - forever!”
Green Lantern 82(97) – Robert Long is 3
Wonder Woman 121(97) – Terry and Robert die
Secret Origins Giant 1(98) – Bart is “Three. Fifteen. Depends.”, “you’re almost 15, Tim.”
Titans 5(99) – Donna is 23
Titans(99) – Lian is 4
Sins of Youth(99) – Kon 16, aging normally again
Aquaman 63 (Jan 2000) – Future Garth tells granddaughter Donna about Cerdian being born (think this is his weird birth issue)
Wonder Woman Secret Files (2002) – „Wonder Girl is a precocious outgoing 15-year-old named Cassandra „Cassie“ Sandsmark.“
Bruce Wayne: Murderer (2002) – Oracle says Tim is 15
Batgirl #37 (April 2003) – “Cain said ... today was ... my birthday.”
Batgirl #39 (June 2003) – “I see an eighteen-year-old girl, who’s out of her depth.” (Babs about Cass)
Robin #116 (Sept 2003) – Dana: “Oh, I’m so glad we’ll all be together on Thursday ... !” Tim: “Why? What’s Thursday?” Jack: “Yeah. What’s Thursday?” Dana: “Wait a minute – seriously? Tim: “Yeah. Tell. Us.” Dana: “It’s nothing – never mind. Just leave your schedules open for a nice family dinner.”| Jack: “Dana, what’s – “ Dana: “Shh! Thursday ...  the 19th of July ... ?” Jack: “Um ... oh! Right!” | Steph: “So – Thursday!! Are you excited? Got any ideas for it, yet? ... Tim ... ?” [Tim is asleep.] | [Ives and Steph come over, with pizza that says “Happy B-Day Tim.”] Ives: “Sixteen spankings – get that boy up!!” | Dana says: “I remember when I was in 11th grade.” | he also gets the first ‘clue’ for Bruce’s ‘birthday present.’
Teen Titans 1 (Nov 2003) – Gar is 19, Is this Joey’s return?? (He’s puppeting Slade)
Teen Titans ½ (2004) – Rose’s early years, with a ‘6 years ago’ flashback, she was raised in a brothel her mom ran, tutored, never allowed the outside world, but had relationships with kids her age
Detective Comics #790 (Mar 2004) – Jason’s 18th birthday “he would have been 18 today”
Teen Titans 8 (April 2004) – Raven looks 'barely older' than Cassie
TEEN TITANS #1/2 [2004]: The flashback panels totally sync up with my age theories; Flash to 10 years ago: Dick Grayson’s parents die. Flash to 6 years ago: Rose Wilson is schooled at home by her mother, Lili. Flash to 5 years ago: Ravager I is killed. Flash to 3 years ago: Slade is forced to kill Jericho. Flash to 2 years ago: Cadmus attempts to clone Superman. Flash to 18 months ago: Rose deals with the death of her mother. Flash to one week ago: Bart Allen is shot by Slade.
Identity Crisis 4 (Dec 2004) –(Tim still 16)
Green Arrow 47(05) – Mia is 17
Return of Donna Troy 3(05) – Cassie barely 16
Nightwing: Year One(05) – Dick is 26
Batgirl #65 (Aug 2005) – Cass decides to figure out if Shiva is her mom, Jason and Cass roughly the same age
Flash(05/06) – Wally is 26
?? Robin #136 – Tim still 16 ???
Detective Comics #868 (Oct 2010)– Kate is 32 years old??
One Year Later(Mar 06)
Flash 1(06) – Bart 4 years older(20?)
Blue Beetle 2 (June 2006) – Find out Jaime was in space/a pocket dimension for One Year Later
?? Just prior to 52 (July 2006-July 2007)– told Tim is 17 (long before he’s also  17 in Red Robin, 52 is 1 year long)
Teen Titans 42 (Feb 2007) – Eddie is 17
Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds 3-4 (Apr-June 2009) – Bart and Kon back, same as when died
Batman 677 (July 2008) – Batman over 30
Batman: Battle for the Cowl (May-July 2009) – Damian is 10, Ends with Dick and Damian becoming Batman and Robin
Brave & The Bold 2 (May 2007) – Kara is 17, “You have food in the refrigerator older than her, Hal. Who are you, Ollie? No bad thoughts. She’s seventeen.”
Batgirl #1 (Oct 2009) – Steph starting college
Batgirl #7 (Apr 2010) - Damian is "what happens when you work with a 10-year-old."
Red Robin #12 (July 2010) – Tim spent “a few months” looking for evidence before returning to Gotham, becomes emancipated minor
Detective Comics #871 (Jan 2011)– Mention that Dick and Babs went to prom together
Red Robin #25 (Sept 2011) – Tim “and you are only 17”
The Batman Files (Oct 2014) – Jason was 15 at death (seen on death certificate)
?? Rebirth Young Justice series – Cassie: “didn’t mean to end up back in high school feeling - - like I did back when I went to high school.” Later, she says she’s in Metropolis “Working. Going to school in the fall.” So she’s probably starting college.
?? Bart in some Rebirth comic: “Am I six? Am I nineteen? That’s a really freaky thing, right?”
?? At some point: Donna says shes a little older than Kyle
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justanoutlawfic · 7 years ago
If they had a kid meme....All of Snowing's brood from Scrabble?
Haha, I figured I may get this. So, as I said in the epilogue, they ended up having a total of 6 kids. I just think that Snowing breeds like rabbits and would probably end up with such a large number.
Name: Emma Ruth Nolan (20 years old)
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Blonde hair, green eyes. When she was a baby, Mary Margaret never understood why she kept spitting up all over her dresses…then Emma got older and refused to wear anything with a skirt, pink or sparkly. She tends to wear flannel shirts, jeans or tank tops and leggings. When she was 16, she got a red leather jacket for her birthday and she has barely taken it off since.
Personality: A firecracker that loves to get into trouble. She learned how to pick locks at 15 and has had a few minor run-ins with the law. However, deep down, she really does just want to help people. Sometimes, she just doesn’t end up doing it in the best way.
Special talents: She’s an incredible artist, though she doesn’t really want to do anything with it. She’s currently in college for criminal justice, just like her dad originally studied.
Who they like better: She loves both of her parents the same, though she is definitely a Daddy’s Girl. He gets her the most and they spend a lot of time together. However, she ends up going to Snow for things like dating or really serious topics, since her dad is so protective. 
Who they take after more: She’s a mixture of both of her parents in terms of looks and personality.
Personal head canon: When she’s 6 years old, she asks her parents if she has to marry a boy when she grows up and they tell her “Of course not”. She comes out as bisexual at 13 and is currently dating her childhood best friend, Ming Lucas, the daughter of Ruby and Dorothy. (For those wondering, yes, Ming is meant to be a modernized version of Mulan.)
Face claim: Obvious Jennifer Morrison when she’s a little older, but for right now…Britt Robertson (a face claim invented by @loboselinaistrash)
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Name: Neal Robert Nolan (17 years old)
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Dark brown hair and blue eyes. Unlike his big sister, he loves dressing up and is typically seen in polo shirts and khakis. He’s the only one of his siblings to go to a private school about 15 minutes outside of Storybrooke, so he also wears a uniform.
Personality: A pretty serious, quiet kid. He likes to stay out of trouble, though he will help out a friend in time of need. He really loves reading and you can normally find him with his nose in a book.
Special talents: He’s super smart, at about genius level, which can be a bit much for him. He’s already gotten a full scholarship to Yale University in Connecticut and can’t wait to go. He wants to major in journalism.
Who they like better: He’s really close with Mary Margaret, since they both have a love for books. He doesn’t have a favorite, though. 
Who they take aftermore: He mostly looks and acts like Mary Margaret, though he has his father’s eyes.
Personal head canon: When Emma came out at 13, he realized that he really never had any interest with girls. However, he didn’t end up coming out of the closet until he was 16. He hasn’t met anyone really worth getting serious with yet, though, as college is his main priority.
Face claim: Logan Lerman
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Name: Charles James “Charlie” Nolan (16 years old)
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Blonde hair with one blue eye and one green. He doesn’t really have a set style.
Personality: Really kind to everyone, like his other siblings, just wants to help out. He’s not very outgoing nor is he really shy. He has a set group of friends and is okay with that.
Special talents: At 14, Mary Margaret taught him, her old favorite past time of shooting a bow and arrow. He’s since started an archery club at school and is quite good.
Who they like better: He’s definitely closer to Mary Margaret. He and David are going through a bit of a rough patch in his teen years, because he thinks he’s just too protective. They’ll get over it, though.
Who they take aftermore: He mostly looks like his dad, despite having one eye that matches his mom’s.
Personal head canon: He was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, which is why Mary Margaret decided to teach him archery.
Face claim: Dominic Sherwood
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Name: Finn Cole Nolan (13 years old)
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Dark hair and hazel eyes. Also doesn’t really have a set style, his parents pick out most of his clothes when they go shopping, because he could honestly care less.
Personality: Take the title of class clown and bump it up a few notches. He’s not that great in school and covers up for it by constantly trying to joke around. More often than not, it lands him in detention, which drives his parents crazy.
Special talents: He’s really good at video games and if it were up to him, he’d play them all day.
Who they like better:  He loves both of his parents equally, but tends to get along better with David. As now the vice principal of the junior high/high school, she doesn’t understand why he keeps landing himself in trouble.
Who they take aftermore: He looks like his mom for the most part, doesn’t really act how either of them ever did.
Personal head canon: Despite his parents’ disapproval in his behavior at school, they tend to be protective to how others perceive him. The first time Mary Margaret nearly bit the head off a teacher for calling him “unfixable”, he was really shocked. She explained that even if she doesn’t agree with his actions, no one talks bad about her kids and that there’s a way to help and ways to just make things worse.
Face claim: Zachary Gordon
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Name: Genevieve Rose & Hannah Rachel Nolan (6 years old)
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Blonde hair and blue eyes. Mary Margaret finally got her little girls that she could dress up in whatever she pleased, they really love dresses and the like. They’re also in ballet, so that was a whole production. Emma isn’t even jealous, they just find it cute.
Personality: After Finn, they are the surprised good girls that normally stay out of trouble for the most part. Though, Emma claims that their cuteness probably masquerades what they’re really up to.
Special talents: None, really. They’re only 6. They show to be really smart like Neal, but it’s too soon to tell if they’ll end up being geniuses.
Who they like better: They cling to both of their parents at all times. Though, they really look up to their big sister Emma most of the time.
Who they take aftermore: They look exactly like David, with Mary Margaret’s personality and smiles.
Personal head canon: They were the surprise babies. After Finn, they thought they were done, but then Mary Margaret got pregnant. It was an even bigger shock that she ended up pregnant with twins at 42 years old. Her pregnancy was high risk and they were born 2 months early, but are now completely healthy. Since then, Mary Margaret has gotten her tubes tied. David had honestly thought the twin gene had skipped them, since their other babies were singletons, but it turns out that life worked out differently than they planned.
Face claim: Mia and Ella Allen
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nldradio · 6 years ago
Great indie record labels don’t appear overnight. Time is needed to cultivate industry relationships. Passion from the team is necessary to develop and guide the label throughout its setbacks and successes. And tenacity must be ingrained in the leader for the label’s success to maintain longevity and sustainability in an eve changing, technologically advancing, music industry.
It’s founder, Corey “COBaby” Coleman, has been in the game since the early 1990s as the first road manager for Cash Money, bearing witness to their growth from an underground label, to the original sketch of Cash Money’s logo, to their first major deal with Universal. Since then, COBaby found that he had a real passion, and the skills for managing new talent. With his industry connections in New Orleans, Detroit and Houston, COBaby achieved local success with the DoughBoys in Detroit and Piece of Mind Productions in Texas. Gaining momentum in his drive to connect his influential industry contacts with his tenacity for a successful legacy, COBaby set his sight and ambition towards the bigger picture, owning a label of his own.
Phreedom Records transformed from an idea 20 years in the making, into reality in 2010. COBaby had recently relocated back to New Orleans and found that his daughter, Deshantrel had been rapping under the name Flo’Rescent, recording and rhyming at home, uploading her raw videos onto YouTube. COBaby recognized that she has a flow and originality that wasn’t a part of the current music scene. Dad and daughter met for lunch at Deanie’s Restaurant in the French Quarter and walked out as manager and first artist of Phreedom Records.
COBaby came home from the meeting already on his grind. He asked his wife, Amy, to be partner to his dream and build Phreedom Records LLC from the ground up. When asked about her decision to build a record label, she said, "In the beginning, you're excited to start a label. Your focus is to get your artist in the studio and make a banging track...the reality is it's a lot of paperwork...and learning about what drives the business behind the music is a daily initiative."
November 16, 2011, Phreedom Records LLC came into existence and from the jump, Flo’Rescent opened for Dee-1, Lil Chuckee, and Travis Porter. Performing locally and gaining attention from DJs like Wild Wayne of Q93, collaborating with legends like Skip of UTP. Her success and COBaby's professionalism drew the attention of other talent that led to the signing of three more artists; Ruk22, Hollygrove Tigga and Mic Price.
A lack of female rap groups influenced the decision to combine the strengths and talent of Flo’Rescent and Ruk22, creating the female powerhouse, Double Trouble. Their hits “Stackn Paper” and “Hustler’s Ambition” opened shows for Mia X, LEVEL, N.O.4, Ghetto Twiinz and Mystikal. Success was on the horizon.
But every backstory has their share of successes, as well as trials and tribulations. Phreedom wasn’t spared.
Since 2015, Phreedom Records has been revitalized through new talent and influential business partnerships, beginning with the signing of Lucki Lew. Lucki Lew delivers a mix of musical influences from club rap to bounce and jig, fusing inventive lyrics in his songs “My Lil Yeah Remix feat. Tweeday” and “HotSpot Remix feat. Level” delivered through energetic live performances. He currently has a roster of success in opening for Juvenile, Mannie Fresh, Jacquees, Freeway, LEVEL, Kevin Gates, 5th Ward Weebie, K Styles and Colonel Loud.
In 2017, COBaby added two additional artists to our phamily; Aaron “Butta Bezzy” Anderson, a creative hook master, who expresses himself through a raw and gritty voice, layered with lyrics heavy on sex, twisted with is comedic take on hood life and relationships. 
His latest tracks, “All My Life” and “All On You” are fire club bangers.
Travlon “Murderman” Johnson, a gifted storyteller who delivers unapologetic rhymes blended with an effortless style of delivery. On his latest project, Murderman has collaborated with legends such as Jay Da Menace of Kangol Slim on fire tracks such as “I’m Gone” and “Fuckin Right.” His debut album titled “No Contradiction” is concurrently being developed through genius producers such as KC Tha Producer, Nave Monjo, Kangol Slim and Jay Da Menace to solidify the success of his next release.
Our team has opened individually or collectively for the artists listed above, with 2016-2017 building in momentum as our team continued to make successful moves, opening for Scarface, LEVEL, ZRo at The Ayva Center in Houston, Jacquees at the House of Blues in New Orleans, and recognition of an artistic win of first place at the National Entertainment Expo 2016 in Savannah, GA. Invaluable industry and phan attention was gained at SXSW 2017 in Austin, TX. Including a happenstance, reacquaintance with Mr. Mitchell, President of Urban Network Digital.
And this indie label can’t stop riding the wave...
2018 has brought many changes to our label that generated new life and longevity to our team. We signed 2 major acts to the label, Ghaazi Ali and Tha Team, and from the jump the love from phans has been tremendous.
Ghaazi Ali is a native New Orleanian with a love of music spanning all the way back to his days at Jean Gordon Elementary where he learned to play the snare drum. He has a humble spirit and drive for success that not only impressed CO’Baby but brought a meaningful message to his attention. Ghaazi expressed his feeling of being “stuck at the bottom…and not having anybody really stop and listen to what kind of talent comes from here is a constant struggle.” 
CO’Baby listened. A couple tracks were exchanged between artist and record label owner that led to the eventual signing of Ghaazi Ali to Phreedom Records LLC.
Since then, Ghaazi Ali is no longer “unknown.” He has opened for artists such as; Trina, Just Queen Brittany, Webbie, ShortyWorld, Whop Bezzy, Yung Bleu and Jim Jones. He was also given a chance to perform at a community event for Smother’s Academy, an all-boys school in Metairie, LA, where a small concert that included artists from around the city like ShortyWorld, demonstrated their craft and created a positive vibe and message for the young men. 
Success is imminent as Ghaazi Ali recently dropped his first single, “Facts” and recently released his second single, “For Me," off his debut album “Now or Never.” The official video release for “Facts,” produced by Son_Production, dropped October 16, 2018 with his follow-up smash single "For Me," also produced by Son_Production, official video released December 4, 2018. Both songs have been released under The Orchard/Sony Red distribution umbrella with the release of "Facts" and "For Me" soon to take place in Korea beginning December 12, 2018.
Tha Team (K.g, G.o and Mastamynd) have a vocal mixture of talent just oozing with lyrical style and ability. Their originality as a team is enhanced by their ability to stand alone as a force of one, or as a team forging their own path, primed for greatness with hard-line bass tracks, combined with clever and masterly laid out verses, produced by KC Da Producer; one of the most sought-after and skillful engineers’ in New Orleans.
Their entrance to the music industry is as dynamic as their singles "Wave" “In My Zone” and “Benz” is to their growing fan base. Within 6 months of signing to Phreedom Records LLC, "Wave" was released on November 23, 2018 under The Orchard/Sony Red distribution umbrella, with an impressive follow-up release scheduled in Korea on December 26, 2018. The views and likes on their video "Wave;" produced in Detroit by videographer Christian Nelson, continues to climb, amplifying the idea that a new "Wave" is about to impact the current music scene.
In 2019 COBaby solidified a new business relationship with an artist he had been following for a minute, Tony Merc. A self-proclaimed “animal” to the mic, Tony Merc already came with significant accomplishments under his belt. He opened for artists like The Game, Bone Thugs N Harmony, and Nutt the Kid at high-profile venues around New Orleans such as The House of Blues, Club Lyve, The Howling Wolf, The Republic, and The Metropolitan with songs “Off Safety” and “I’m The Man.” Tony Merc’s videos for “Off Safety” and “I’m The Man” add fire visual depth to what he brings to the table that will make phans and haters sit up and take notice.
The combination of these three powerhouse acts have set Phreedom Records on the cusp of stardom, but we aren’t there yet.
The internet is continuing to dominate the breaking of new artist into mainstream artists, making new marketing and promotional relationships a must. Including our solid phamily of artists, our current professional partnerships include:
Corey “COBaby” Coleman; CEO and Founder of Phreedom Records LLC
Amy “Mrs C” Coleman; COO and Co-Owner of Phreedom Records LLC, responsible for efficient and effective daily operations.
BM White; Vice President
Arlene HeatMag Culpepper; VP/Asst Editor in Chief at Heat Magazine, PR/Publicist at MIKODreamz, and PR and Reporter at The Examiner.
Ike Numberz of VirDiko; a global online music promotions company with a reach in over 150 countries and a professional list of thousands of DJs worldwide. He’s the Mid-South Region Sales Director for www.VirDiko.com and the Programming Director of www.VirDikoGlobalRadio.com.
Lajoan Williams; CEO of Dream Management; a consultant firm for new talent and businesses, offering cutting edge and relevant approaches to business and marketing challenges, focusing on alternate market and multi-platform distribution.
DJ RO of WQUE 93.3; He’s the ear to the streets in the South. He played a key role in changing WQUE 93.3 to an urban station, creating and maintaining the only live mix show “Club 93” for the past 22 years.
Hustle God Booking; Sess 4-5 in New Orleans,
Promoter; Lady Shack in Atlanta, GA
Producers; Jay Da Menace of Black Menace, KC Tha Producer and Nave Monjo
Corey Banks; Founder of $on Productions, videographer and 2015 Hip Hop NOLA Award nominee, 2016 Hip Hop NOLA Award winner.
Devarian Menyweather; videographer from the Westbank of New Orleans.
Matthew Brown; Founder of Feonix Digital and website developer.
Donte Campbell “Tay Cam”; new artist and Cover Art Designer, Visual Graphics Engineer.
New industry partnerships will arise and increase our expansion into mainstream markets. These opened doors, combined with the dedication, passion and tenacity, that our phamily is filled with, will continue to propel Phreedom Records to worldwide success.
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shervonfakhimi · 7 years ago
The Nerdtastic Blog Boy Unscientific NBA Mock Draft 1.0.
The NBA Draft takes place a little more than a week from now, where craziness and madness will surely ensue. Trades and draft picks will be made in hopes to catch the Golden State Warriors. No one knows what will happen and no one knows who is going to be great or who will bust. It is the ultimate guessing game, and I’m going to do my best at guessing it all.
1. PHX - DeAndre Ayton C Arizona: Chill, Devin Booker. It’s going to be a while before you become the next Shaq and Kobe, but you alongside DeAndre Ayton will be a killer duo that will finally bring Phoenix alive from the dead. Ayton is a 7 footer who runs like a gazelle and can score potently from anywhere on the floor. Protecting the rim could be a potential issue, as he dumbfoundedly spent the majority of his season in Arizona not playing his primary position as center (we call this the Sean Miller special), but showed some skill guarding on the perimeter. The hometown kid should be a homerun for Phoenix.
2. SAC - Luka Doncic PG/SF Real Madrid/Slovenia: It would be very Kings-y to pass on who I believe to be the best player in the draft, but there are reports he can possibly slip and that Sacramento is willing to trade back. Nevertheless, I’m willing to give Sacramento and Vlade Divac the benefit of the doubt of not messing this up, even though they’ve lost almost all credibility for me to do so. Luka is averaging over 20 points per 36 minutes in the 2nd best professional league in the world along with over 6 assists and 7 rebounds, per basketball reference. He is capable of creating a shot from anywhere on the floor for himself or others and can guard multiple perimeter positions with his size. He’s a steal even at 2, let alone anywhere below this spot. Don’t mess it up Sacramento!
3. ATL - Mo Bamba C Texas - Take care people. This man is over 7 feet tall with a 7’10” (an NBA record!) wingspan, is faster than Russell Westbrook and is equipped with a now smooth 3 point shot. Granted, everyone looks like Steph in an open gym, but not many are rim protecting extraterrestrials like this man is. If his appearance on ESPN’s ‘The Jump’ is any indication, Mo Bamba’s an extremely bright, hard-working, interesting person who seems more likely to improve than bust at the next level. He needs to get stronger, and I wish he played with a little more nasty at Texas, but if he keeps improving, Rudy Gobert with a legit 3 point shot seems nowhere near out the question with Mo Bamba.
4. MEM - Marvin Bagley III C Duke - Ahh Mike Krzyzewski. You had many to believe Jayson Tatum was not a good defender and made all us look silly. This year, you raised the stakes and forced Duke to run a zone all season long after getting shredded repeatedly defensively. Bagley is a streaky shooter (39% but in the 60s% from the free throw line) who should theoretically be able to guard about anybody in the now-positionless NBA, but did not showcase that as often. He is a menace finishing around the rim and would make a perfect fit alongside Marc Gasol in hi-low sets being set up for easy dunks.
5. DAL - Jaren Jackson Jr. PF Michigan State - Defense is not the question with Jackson, who showed potential of being able to guard everybody on the floor defensively and stretch the floor offensively from 3 (39.6% on 2.3 attempts per game, 79.7% from the Free Throw Line). Jackson struggled making the correct reads on the move and finishing in the lane, but should benefit from boosted spacing in the NBA instead of inexplicably playing with one or even two centers at Michigan State (this, we call, the Tom Izzo special), where he might be the nominal center on the floor. Jaren Jackson is exactly the personification of the positionless game the NBA has trended towards and should be able to fit in any situation from the jump. Keep in mind he’s one of the youngest players in the draft as well (born 9-15-1999). Maybe that’s why teams are trying to trade up to be able to draft him.
6. ORL - Trae Young PG Oklahoma - Trae Young was every NBA2K player’s dream, controlling the ball at all times and continuously jacking Curry-esque 3s from anywhere on the floor. Orlando is desperate for excitement and Young should bring that. Certainly his defense will need work and Orlando must create a scheme to fully maximize his skill set, but Orlando is in dire need of a point guard capable of creating offense from anywhere on the floor, and Young can certainly do that.
7. CHI - Wendell Carter Jr. C Duke - Contrary to popular belief, Wendell Carter Jr. is actually younger than fellow Devil teammate Marvin Bagley III, who reclassified to become eligible for this upcoming draft. Carter’s game is more complete than Bagley’s, perhaps without as high an upside. Like Bagley, Duke’s zone, limited spacing and, for some reason, excess in centers didn’t let Carter unleash his full repertoire, which he should do in the NBA. He and Lauri Markkanen would make a lethal big man duo.
8. CLE - Collin Sexton PG Alabama - Ok, who the hell knows what is going to happen here. Cleveland could trade for help now, maybe they could trade back to get more picks since LeBron excised almost all of them. Collin Sexton is the happy medium. The Young Bull can help right away with rugged defense (if Cleveland’s red carpet defense in the Finals was any indication, they need help there) and another ball handler who can create and give LeBron some rest.
9. NYK - Michael Porter Jr. SF Missouri - Michael Porter Jr. was supposed to be a lock inside the Top 5, but then injured his back and played all but two minutes in the regular season. He returned in the SEC and NCAA Tournaments, but looked more like a fullback rumbling into the end zone than the fluid scoring machine he is. Perhaps it is risky to draft another player with injury concerns after Kristaps Porzingis tore his ACL while baptizing Giannis Antetokounmpo, but this type of talent normally doesn’t come around with the 9th overall pick. Maybe redshirt him too?
10. PHI (via LAL) - Mikal Bridges SG Villanova - Mikal Bridges is probably my favorite player in this draft. He’s smart, plays hard, defends the best playmaker on the opposing team and can really stroke it from deep. He’s the perfect player for today’s NBA and would fit seamlessly as a guy who doesn’t need the ball on a team trying to win now.
11. CHA - Kevin Knox II SF UK - Get this: another player was hurt by the lack of spacing in the college. Surprising, I know. This hurt as Knox struggled a bit in traffic, but he has a smooth shot and game overall, as he became a maven running off screens and hitting spot up shots at Kentucky. Knox should be able to kill bigger defenders as a shot making stretch 4, though will have to add muscle to defend some of them.
12. LAC (via DET) - Lonnie Walker IV PG/SG Miami (FL) - This might end up being the steal of the draft. Lonnie Walker’s fit in Miami wasn’t the cleanest with a like-minded player in Bruce Brown running the show with him, but was still able to showcase an ability to hit spot up shots on the perimeter, get after it defensively and play make out of pick and rolls. Pair him next to a pass first point guard, and Lonnie could be this year’s Donovan Mitchell. Which leads to the next pick...
13. LAC - Shai Gilgeous-Alexander PG Kentucky - Shai came on in Kentucky’s postseason run, controlling the tempo of games the opposite way you’d imagine freshman point guards would. He’s a skinny Kyle Anderson with a better ability to make shots. He could easily end up being the best point guard in this draft, and the Laker fan in me hates the idea of Shai Gilgeous-Alexander and Lonnie Walker IV running together in the same backcourt.
14. DEN - Miles Bridges SF Michigan State - If you were taking drinks for each time it was mentioned a player was used improperly, well get ready for another one. Tom Izzo stuck Bridges as a small forward and go to optio in the half-court offensively when that isn’t his strong suit. Picture him as an Aaron Gordon-Julius Randle hybrid running down the floor slamming outlet passes from Nikola Jokic. Pretty lethal if you ask me.
15. WSH - Robert Williams C Texas A&M - Get ready for another drink! Robert Williams is a Capela-esque rim running lob threat who amazingly was used in 16 pick and rolls all season! Only 9 (yes, 9!) of those possessions did Williams roll to the rim, per Mike Schmitz of ESPN. John Wall is one of the better pick and roll facilitators in the NBA, meaning Williams could feast on more of these in the NBA with spacing surrounding him.
16. PHX (via MIA) - Aaron Holiday PG UCLA - This dude is a baller. Similar to his brother Jrue, Aaron is a hound defensively who can also play both on or off the ball offensively. He’d make for a perfect fit alongside DeAndre Ayton, Devin Booker and Josh Jackson.
17. MIL - Zhaire Smith SF Texas Tech - With reports Jabari Parker may not get re-signed, it would be prudent for Milwaukee to draft his replacement. He only shot 1 3 a game, making 45% of those, but can switch seamlessly across the floor. He’s a great complement alongside Giannis Antetokounmpo.
18. SA - Kevin Huerter SG Maryland - Doesn’t he just seem like the ultimate Spur? Huerter showed at the combine some sneaky athleticism and playmaking along with his lethal jumper. He just had thumb surgery, but should not drop Huerter’s stock much, if at all.
19. ATL (via MIN) - Troy Brown SF Oregon - Troy Brown is one of the youngest players in the draft as well, turning 19 in over a month from now. He’s a little raw as a creator with the ball, but fits the bill of a wing in today’s NBA. There’s a lot to work with him for Atlanta.
20. MIN (via OKC) - Jacob Evans III SF Cincinnati - Evans is a tough, quintessential ‘3-&-D’ wing the NBA is starved for. I just hope Tom Thibodeau doesn’t run his knees to the ground so Jacob Evans sustains a long, fruitful career.
21. Utah - Keita Bates-Diop SF Ohio State - Bates-Diop is a mismatch nightmare as a long 6’7” wing who can score from either forward position and switch across the floor. Utah is a team that needs scoring from anywhere they can find it to help ease the load off Donovan Mitchell, and Keita should fit like a glove and contribute on both ends immediately.
22. CHI (via NOLA) - Chandler Hutchison SF Boise State - Chicago has reportedly promised Hutchison they’d take him at 22. Yes, I somehow took the time to watch Boise State basketball (no, the court isn’t blue too) and he resembled Tobias Harris; Hutchison showed he can score in isolation situations and play off the ball as well. Him rounding out a Dunn-LaVine-Hutchison-Lauri-Carter lineup could go a long way in Chicago.
23. IND - Bruce Brown PG/SG Miami (FL) - In the playoff series against the Cleveland Cavaliers this last April, Indiana was held back by a lack of competent offensive creators outside of Victor Oladipo and Darren Collison. Enter Bruce Brown, who didn’t mesh alongside Lonnie Walker due to the similar games those two possess. Brown can slash and hit spot-up shots and gets after it defensively. He can play now and help Indiana immediately.
24. POR - Jerome Robinson PG/SF Boston College - Portland is desperate for wings who can playmake and stretch the floor to give Damian Lillard and CJ McCollum room to operate. They could’ve gotten one last year (Kyle Kuzma) but took Caleb Swanigan instead after previously taking another big man in Zach Collins (thanks Portland!) Robinson could be exactly what Portland hoped to get out of Evan Turner and can play now to help get the Blazers into the Western Conference Finals.
25. LAL (via CLE) - Mitchell Robinson C Western Kentucky - The Lakers don’t have the 10th pick in this draft because of the botched Steve Nash trade, but got Cleveland’s pick back for Larry Nance Jr. and Jordan Clarkson’s suit shorts (thanks Cleveland!). The Lakers lone centers on their rosters are Ivica Zubac and Thomas Bryant, and that doesn’t even include the fact that Julius Randle might end up becoming a roster casualty in their pursuit for 2 max free agents. Mitchell Robinson did not play college basketball in a rather befuddling saga involving him, but is a prototypical rim-running, rim-protecting center the NBA values from their centers these days. He’d fit perfectly along the Lakers’ young, roast heavy core.
26. PHI - Khyri Thomas PG Creighton - You want Patrick Beverley? You got it. Khyri is a hound defensively and would instantly bring a defensive skill set they lack at the guard position. He can play alongside both Markelle Fultz (if his shot is revived this summer) and Ben Simmons. Both Thomas and Mikal Bridges would do all the dirty work for Philly.
27. BOS - De’Anthony Melton PG USC - Marcus Smart might become too pricey for Boston to keep this summer. Should that be the case, why not prepare for that scenario and draft his replacement, a near carbon copy with a better shot? That’s what De’Anthony Melton needs, though he needs more seasoning after being ineligible for the FBI investigation that loomed over NCAA Basketball.
28. GS - Donte DiVincenzo SG Villanova - On April 2, 2018, the basketball world was introduced to a hot, rising star: Donte DiVincenzo’s twitter acc- uh, oh shit, no, I meant Donte DiVincenzo! Yes, the Villanova guard torched Michigan in the NCAA Championship game, securing me a win in our bracket pool. (*someone yells from the crowd: ‘No one gives a damn!’*) Ok fine, I’ll get to Donte DiVincenzo. He is very similar to fellow champion Mikal Bridges; he competes extremely hard, is very smart defensively, can hit tough shots from 3 and even create with the ball in his hands. As Golden State looks to trim the 6 million centers off their roster, they should search for more two-dimensional wings, which is what DiVincenzo is. He can play now and look for a repeat of championships of his own.
29. BKN (via TOR) - Josh Okogie SF Georgia Tech - Okogie took off at the NBA Combine. He’s big and feisty as a wing, able to guard anyone in his path. He’s raw with the ball in his hands, but still just 19 and could learn the ropes from DeMarre Carroll, who Brooklyn took on to extort this pick from Toronto. This would be a great pick for the Nets.
30. ATL (via HOU) - Anfernee Simons PG IMG - To close out the first round, we go to someone who was not even in college last season. Simons is sort of like a baby Markelle Fultz with less seasoning. His feel is not quite Fultz’, but possesses similar scoring ability from all levels of the court. Should Simons have gone to college, he likely would’ve gone higher next year. But nothing wrong with getting your money now. Atlanta is the perfect type of situation for him to enter to go through the growing pains of the NBA on a team right in the middle of their rebuild.
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thechasefiles · 7 years ago
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 5/8/2018
Good Morning #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Tuesday 8th May 2018. Remember that you can read full articles via subscribing to Nation News Government Information Services (BGIS).
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MIA NOT FIT! – Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler last night depicted Opposition Leader Mia Mottley as an abysmal career failure and warned Barbadians of the dangers of entrusting the reins of Government into her hands. Speaking at the launch of the Democratic Labour Party’s 2018 general election campaign at Waterford, St Michael, Sinckler advised voters not to be fooled by a politician for whom perception and impressions were more important than facts. He said that if Barbadians had to plot the coordinates of Mottley’s 20-plus years as a politician, the facts of her tenure would speak for themselves. Sinckler said in her quest for political power Mottley was now making impossible promises to Barbadians. He dismissed as “absolute rubbish” Mottley’s promise to raise non-contributory pensions from $75 to $225 every fortnight. He said such a move would collapse the National Insurance Scheme. He explained that Government currently spent $23 million annually on non-contributory pensions and Mottley’s plan would mean a $300 to $400 million burden on an already struggling economy. In explaining the potential impact of Mottley’s pledge, Sinckler said non-contributory and contributory pensions were linked and if non-contributory pensions were raised, contributory pensions would also have to be raised. Sinckler stated that along with the pension promise, Mottley was also promising Barbadians to return Value Added Tax to 15 per cent and to get rid of the National Social Responsibility Levy. “Barbadians need to keep Mia Mottley as far away from Bay Street as humanly possible,” Sinckler advised. He said the BLP leader had failed with Edutech as Minister of Education, and had failed as Attorney General and Deputy Prime Minister with respect to both Her Majesty’s Prisons at Glendairy, St Michael and Dodds, St Philip. He said Mottley had failed when then Prime Minister Owen Arthur placed her in charge of the 2007 Cricket World Cup. “And you would want to take a whole country – Barbados  – and give to Mia Mottley . . . to do what with?” Sinckler charged that the late evangelist Gordon Matthews who had interacted professionally with inmates at Glendairy Prison had warned Mottley of the likelihood of insurrection at that institution and she did nothing. He added Barbadians were now saddled with an annual $30 million debt to repay for the construction of the Dodds facility because of her negligence. The incumbent representative for St Michael North West said during the 2007 World Cup, Mottley oversaw a situation where taxpayers spent significantly to charter a plane from India to Barbados which never came. He noted the island spent a great deal of money on a ship that was to bring persons to Barbados for the World Cup but sailed into local waters without passengers. Sinckler charged that rather than take advice on the building of a new cricket oval at a price tag of $40 million, the Cabinet of the day of which Mottley was a member, rebuilt Kensington Oval at a cost $150 million. He said Mottley’s trail continued to the new Supreme Court complex on Whitepark Road, St Michael, which was built and subsequently occupied without industrial cleaning being done and that had now led to environmental issues. “He who comes to equity must come with clean hands and Mottley cannot present clean hands, clean clothes, clean face, clean nothing, when it comes to governance in Barbados because her management, her governance, her thoughts, her deeds, have all been short and come short of the glory of God in Barbados. That is an unmatchable fact,” Sinckler said, adding that Barbadians had to determine the quality of leader they wanted. He explained that leadership was about trust and values and noted the Democratic Labour Party had a leader in Freundel Stuart who all of Barbados could trust.(BT)
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MIA: MY BACK IS BROAD – "My back is broad." That was Opposition Leader Mia Mottley's simple response moments ago when asked about the collective tongue lashing she had received from the Democratic Labour Party's campaign launch Sunday night. Just after completing her nomination process at the St Matthews Primary School, the Barbados Labour Party leader said she was in no way surprised by the attack on her character by the Dems. "I am not worried about it. I will stay focused on the job at hand. The truth is that the Democratic Labour Party has not been attracting a lot of people to their meetings and they are doing this to bring a level of excitement to their campaign. But I will not be distracted. I will stay focused for the Barbadian people," she told reporters before leaving the school. Mottley, who arrived with an entourage of around 100 supporters, said she had found extreme gratification over the last 48 hours, based on the traction from the party's campaign lift-off Saturday evening at Weymouth, and another meeting held in Wildey last night.  She said the party would reach another level when their manifesto is launched Thursday.  (DN)
STUART DEFENDS LAST NIGHT’S DLP ASSAULT ON MOTTLEY – Prime Minister Freundel Stuart today dismissed any suggestions that last night’s Democratic Labour Party (DLP) campaign launch was focused too much on Opposition Barbados Labour Party (BLP) leader Mia Mottley. “We were in the constituency of the Leader of the Opposition last night and we were there for a very good reason, and she had to be the focus of last night’s meeting,” Stuart said, adding that “we’re not going to be there every night so she will not be the focus of the campaign every night, although I’m sure she will come in for mention as we move around the country because she is campaigning to be the next Prime Minister of Barbados”. He was reacting to widespread concerns raised on social media that last night’s launch amounted to nothing more than a sustained onslaught on the BLP leader with little to no account given by the party of its stewardship over the past ten years. However, following his nomination at the Graydon Sealy Secondary School, the Prime Minister, who had himself charged that Mottley was approaching the office of Prime Minister with a sense of entitlement, while he felt passionately that leadership had absolutely nothing to do with bloodlines, pointed out that “we have until the night of the 23rd [of May] to tell the people of Barbados what we plan to do about solving their problems, and of course we’ve been at this for the last ten years”. Stuart also dismissed suggestions that the DLP’s 2018 campaign was low-key saying the party intended to start its poster distribution in earnest shortly. However, he said, “we do not regard an election campaign as a parade of shirts and posters . . . . The issues in this campaign are not going to be about how many posters you have up on poles or how many people have on this or that colour shirt. “There are some critical issues that have to be discussed about the future of Barbados, and that is where the focus of the Democratic Labour Party is.” Turning his attention to the BLP, he warned that the main Opposition was now at risk of being regarded as stale because it had been campaigning since the first month of the year. “I am aware that we’ve been having posters around since January in this constituency as in so many others, so far as our adversaries are concerned. Voters now find themselves in a position where they have to choose between the faded candidate and the fresh one because posters were out so long,” said Stuart, who arrived by car, hugged and greeted supporters today in contrasting style to his main challenger Kirk Humphrey, who made a grand entrance in the company of several t-shirt clad BLP supporters.  (BT)
MIA: I CAN TAKE MY LICKS – After coming in for a severe tongue-lashing from several Democratic Labour Party DLP) candidates last night, Opposition Barbados Labour Party (BLP) Leader Mia Mottley today made it clear that her back was broad enough to take her “lashes”. However, as she filed in her nomination papers today at the St Matthew’s Primary School, a very confident looking Mottley told reporters that she would not be sidetracked by the DLP, while stating that her focus was to hold the Freundel Stuart led administration accountable to the people of Barbados. “If you have no record to run on, that is the kind of thing that will cause you to feel that you can excite your base. The Democratic Labour Party has not been getting people to their meetings, they have no way of exciting their base and quite frankly if that is what they think will do it for the people of Barbados for them, so be it, they are big men and women. “I know it reflects more on them than me, and therefore I stand focused and remain ready to deliver the promises to the people that we know can be delivered to make a difference in people’s lives. And if taking lashes from them is what it is going to take to get rid of the DLP, measure the back,” she said, to loud cheers and chants of “Mia! Mia” from the large group of supporters who accompanied her to the nomination centre. It was on Sunday night that Mottley came in for approximately six hours of political attack from candidates of the incumbent DLP as they officially kicked off their campaign for the May 24 general election in Mottley’s St Michael North East constituency. Most vicious among her critics was Minister of Social Care Steve Blackett who suggested that there was nothing special about Mottley, who he described as an “imposter”, while suggesting that she was “shallow as Brandons Beach at low tide” and was yet to clearly articulate her views to Barbadians on domestic violence and other social issues. He also poked fun at her appearance comparing her to the vindictive character Madea, created and portrayed by the American film director Tyler Perry. While accusing her of all manner of political failures, Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler also joined in the onslaught during which he dismissed Mottley’s economic recovery plan for Barbados, which includes pay increases for public servants, a repeal of the National Social Responsibility Levy, a hike in old age pensions and the restoration of free tertiary education at the University of the West Indies as financially unsound. He also warned that the BLP’s pension plan could cause the National Insurance Scheme to collapse. Sinckler however suggested that the BLP leader was getting funding from African billionaire Benedict Peters and he sought to make a link with Boko Haram, the militant organization based on northeastern Nigeria. However, asked to respond to the allegations today, following her nomination at the St Matthew’s Primary School, Mottley said it was a mere distraction, which she was not about to entertain. “I am not going to be distracted in this campaign by any such thing. The reality is that this campaign is not about who I met with. This campaign is about what the Government is doing,” Mottley asserted. “Have they told you what they are doing? Have they told you where they have gotten their money from? Have they told you why they haven’t spent the money on collecting garbage, buying buses and doing the other things for people, or have they told you why they have approved the adjustments down at the Town Planning for [Rock Hard] Cement next to a flour factory? What did we use to kill rats with when we were children?” she asked. In response to a claim by Prime Minister Freundel Stuart that she was approaching the office of Prime Minister with a sense of entitlement, while he felt passionately that leadership had absolutely nothing to do with bloodlines, Mottley said anyone who believed that should “come and meet me”. “But as I told you, I am not going to be distracted. Come and meet me. Bajans know me. Bajans are not now hearing about me,” she added. Stressing that she would remain focused on a number of crises facing the country, Mottley, who will be launching her manifesto on Thursday, said the country had been “hurled from crisis to crisis”, insisting that the issues affecting Barbadians from all walks of life should be the focus of the campaign. Mottley’s main opponent, DLP candidate for St Michael North East Patrick Todd, who also shared in the attack on Sunday night, warned that “politics is no Sunday school”, as he made no apologies for his party’s attack on the Opposition leader. In fact, with 17 days to do before D-day, Todd suggested that discussing the leadership of the BLP was far from over. “We can expect that all participants in this democratic process will be leaving no stone unturned to present their case. So the Democratic Labour Party makes no apologies in engaging in frank discussion with the electorate to encourage one and all to reflect deeply on the implications of making a mistake and electing the wrong persons to chart their destiny over the next five years,” said Todd, who expressed confidence in booting out Mottley as MP for St Michael North East constituency. Todd said he had been getting positive feedback from constituents as he worked “night and day” in his canvassing, adding that residents were especially pleased with the level of commitment and enthusiasm that he brought to the table. Referring to his opponent as the “outgoing Member of Parliament [MP]”, Todd said Mottley had over 20 years to prove her worth in the constituency “but the verdict is that she has been found guilty of not really addressing the immediate concerns of the constituents in a timely manner”. “She is not a first time MP. She served for over 20 years and time is up. The people have given her more than ample opportunity to prove herself and you just have to look at what is the current state of play in the constituency,” he said, while stating that he was “not hearing any great enthusiasm in terms of the residents’ level of satisfaction in the quality of representation of the outgoing MP”. Also seeking to unseat Mottley in St Michael North East and filing nomination papers today was newcomer from Solutions Barbados Kemar Stuart.  (BT)
36 WOMEN IN THE RUNNING – A record 132 people will be going after the 30 seats in Parliament on May 24. This was the unofficial count following yesterday’s Nomination Day for the upcoming General Election, which will also be contested by a record 36 female candidates. The numbers were a significant increase over the 68 candidates in both the February 2013 and January 2008 general elections. Up to late last night, officials of the Electoral and Boundaries Commission (EBC) could not give the official tally from yesterday’s process, which went from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. for the actual presentation and verification of nomination papers. But what was clear was that both the major parties, the incumbent Democratic Labour Party (DLP) and the Barbados Labour Party, had each filed a full slate of 30 candidates. The Bees brought out placard-waving supporters adorned in red, while for the Dems it was a more subdued affair, even though in many instances its candidates had their band of supporters. For newcomers Solutions Barbados, it would only be missing the poll in St Michael North West and St Peter, while the United Progressive Party was able to field 23 candidates. On this occasion, voters will also have a choice of a number of minor parties on the ballot. In four ridings, there will be six candidates facing off – St Michael North, St James Central, City of Bridgetown and St John – while a number of Independent candidates are in the mix, with Natalie Harewood in The City capturing much attention. Randall Rouse, who has unsuccessfully contested the St Joseph seat under the banner of the DLP and the now defunct National Democratic Party, is trying once again, this time as an Independent, while Dr Leroy McClean, a long-standing DLP stalwart, is also running as an Independent in St John. Yesterday’s filing of papers went without any major incident, although some candidates experienced a few hiccups, ranging from forgetting their receipts to discovering that some of their intended backers were not registered in the constituency. But these minor matters were quickly rectified as candidates found the required number of official backers, while returning officers and election clerks were accommodating. In Christ Church South, there was some mystery surrounding well known social activist Aaron “Buddy” Larrier, who turned up at the centre in Maxwell. He indicated he would be entering the race and was leaving to go and get his official backers. Up to press time, it was unclear whether he ever made it back to complete the process.  (DN)
LASHLEY FORGETS HIS RECEIPT – It might have been a case of Nomination Day jitters for Christ Church West Central incumbent Stephen Lashley, who turned up at the Deighton Griffith School just after 1 p.m. for his nomination, only to realize he had forgotten his receipt. However, after a rush to his Haggatt Hall, St Michael office, a relieved Lashley returned with the vital document. “All I had to do was to retrieve the very critical receipt which I had in another folder,” a smiling Lashley told the media. “But I retrieved it and got it to the centre.” After completing the process he said he was quite confident heading into the May 24 general election. “I feel quite confident. This is my third election . . . and I am very confident I will be retaining this seat because the support is there.” Kenneth Lewis of Solutions Barbados was the first candidate to start the process rolling, arriving just after 10 a.m. Despite being a first-timer, Lewis said he was unfazed. “Today was a very smooth process . . . and I am happy. I have no kind of fear right now and it is now the official first step going forward now and I am here to do my best for the constituency,” he said. Barbados Labour Party candidate Adrian Medic Forde was in a party mood after completing the nomination process. With his theme song blazing from the speakers on a truck, Forde was joined by several supporters decked in red shirts in a ‘mini cavalcade’ from the school to Silver Hill. “Democracy is going to be at its best when May 24th comes because the people will finally have a voice in this country, something that was fought for in the thirsty 30’s and that enfranchisement must not be taken for granted,” he said. While she admitted to having jitters, Ria Riley of the United Progressive Party said she was up to the task at hand. “I feel good . . . . Of course I have some jitters, but I know at the end of the day I have a job to do and I have a team behind me which is backing me 100 per cent so I am very confident in my duties,” Riley said. (BT)
KELLMAN FORCED TO RESUBMIT NOMINATION PAPERS – Despite having contested five previous general elections, the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) incumbent in St Lucy Denis Kellman somehow failed to get it right today during the nomination process. Kellman had to return to the nomination centre at the Darryl Jordan Secondary School just after midday to resubmit his papers after an error was made this morning. However, he took it all in stride and quickly put it behind him, concentrating instead on trying to retain the seat. “I am very confident based on my track record. All these problems that have been highlighted in the constituency, I have been able to deal with them. I have dealt with the roads, I’ve dealt with the housing, agriculture and renewable energy,” he told Barbados TODAY. Kellman is one of five candidates vying for the seat in the May 24 general election, with Barbados Labour Party (BLP) candidate Peter Phillips, Wayne Griffith the United Progressive Party, Solutions Barbados’ Reverend John Carter and Richard Roachford of Barbados Integrity Movement all securing their nomination today. Phillips has lost to Kellman twice before, first in 2008 when he went down by 1,411 votes before closing the gap to just 422 votes in 2013. Kellman said that was an aberration and he expects to reverse those losses come May 24. “I’m not worried about him because I understood the reason why that occurred. The world had gone into an economic slump and there are certain things the people were looking for that they did not see. It was more a bit of frustration, so now I don’t see anything at this point to be worried about,” he said. However, Phillips was equally confident of unseating one of the island’s longest serving parliamentarians.
“I’m feeling absolutely great. It has been a long journey and I am quietly confident,” he told Barbados TODAY as he showed up at the school flanked by supporters in a celebratory mood. As he made his way to the nomination centre loud cheers erupted from students and some members of the ancillary staff. “The response from the people of St Lucy has been beyond my imagination at this point in time. I would have worked really hard and interactive for the last five year in 2013. I am very comfortable and confident,” the BLP candidate said. The remaining candidates all projected an air of confidence, with each stressing that voters in the constituency had made it clear they wanted a change, and each presenting himself as the best person to effect that change. However, Kellman said despite the competition for the seat he has held since 1994, he intended to run a clean campaign. “I have 40 churches in St. Lucy so I have to respect those churches. I have to worry about the campaign in St Lucy and I can assure you that over the years I have always dealt with issues and I will continue to deal with the issues that will improve the lives of people. “You don’t need to worry about a dirty campaign coming from my side, if there is a dirty campaign then it has to be the others. I do not know how to deal with that type of campaign,” he said.   (BT)
SNAG SLOWS HENNIS – United Progressive Party candidate for St Philip South Bruce Hennis was first out the gates at the Rices Pavilion to get the nomination process under way. He arrived just before 11 with a party of seven. Hennis hit a minor snag returned to the Rices Pavilion to inform returning officer Deryck Springer he would be exercising his right not to have an election agent. His was able to complete his process.  (DN)
WE’RE NOT DEAD! – The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) is promising to ramp up its general election campaign now that the nomination process is out of the way. Minister of Agriculture Dr David Estwick today said the DLP had been taking its time before turning up the volume because it wished to be in compliance with the law. “It is after this nomination event that we are going to be able to act within the laws of Barbados. We therefore would be able to function with posters and billboards and that type of activity. I have heard the statements before that it is custom and practice to put up posters before nomination day but you are not a candidate before nomination day. So therefore it should not be up there. That is the law,” Estwick told reporters after completing his nomination at Princess Margaret School this afternoon as his party’s candidate for St Philip West. Estwick, who along with proposer Brenda Reid and seconder Cleopatra Doughty submitted the requisite documents to Returning Officer Pauline Morgan and Election Clerk Roger Padmore, said lawmakers had a duty to ensure that they were always in step with the law. “We are lawmakers so we can’t be law breakers too. So now that we have gone through that we will be going full flight as of tonight. The full machinery of the Democratic Labour Party machine will be seen. There are persons out there saying that the DLP is very quiet but we are not in Westbury cemetery, we knew exactly what we were doing and we wanted to do it within the confines of the law,” he stressed. Estwick said he was confident of retaining the seat he has held since 2003, sweeping aside in the process, challengers John King of the Barbados Labour Party and Leighton Greenidge of Solutions Barbados. Greenidge, who showed up an hour before the scheduled 10 a.m. start of nomination, was proposed by Anne Sealy and seconded by Derrick Carrington, with Frankie Best and Edwin Beckles. He told reporters he was undaunted by the prospects facing the man nicknamed Pit Bull due to his political aggression. “I feel pretty good about our chances because our policies and our message is far superior to everybody else’s,” Greenidge said. “Barbadians realize that dramatic change is needed to get the country back on track. Over the next few days it would be all about campaigning to make sure that everybody knows who we are,” he added. Meantime, King, who turned up for nomination at 11 a.m., along with proposer Vede De Bellotte and seconder Tonya Sargeant, was equally confident about his chances of toppling the three-term incumbent. “The plan now is to get out there and keep pounding the pavement. As a new candidate we have a lot of work to do going down to Election Day but I know it is going to pay off and St Philip West will finally get the representation that it deserves,” King said.  (BT)
FIVE DOWN TO CONTEST ST PHILIP SOUTH SEAT – Solutions Barbados candidate Ronald Lorde and Bajan Free Party's John Wayne Scantlebury arrived at the Rices Pavillion within minutes of each other today to be nominated to contest the seat for St Philip South. Lorde, who was accompanied by four supporters, was sitting before returning officer Deryck Springer when Scantlebury and his four-member contingent arrived. Both candidates have high hopes of reaping success in the May 24 General Election. Five of the expected six candidates completed the process: Indar Weir of the Barbados Labour Party, Democratic Labour Party incumbent Adriel Brathwaite and United Progressive Party’s Bruce Hennis. Charleston Taylor, who was scheduled for 10:30 a.m., never arrived. (DN)
SCANTLEBURY: BEES, DEMS MUST GO – It is time for the Barbados Labour Party and the Democratic Labour Party to be dissolved. So said independent candidate for St Peter Lynroy Scantlebury after he had finished his nomination process at the Roland Edwards Primary School today.  “I personally believe that this should be the end of the DLP and BLP. St Peter has been neglected for the last 32 years and I don’t think either one of these two governments have realised what they have done to the citizens.  “If the constituents are serious about doing something to better themselves the time is now. They can’t wait another five years,” he said.  Scantlebury who was surrounded by his wife, father and siblings who came out to support him said today was their opportunity to make a change. He mentioned that if elected he would love to provide better roads, as well as systems which would ensure the elderly and differently abled were comfortable as well as educated.  An issue which he also held dear was that of unemployment among youth in the parish of St Peter.  “We are looking at youth development strategies for entrepreneurship. We have lots of young women and men here in St Peter who are currently unemployed and are on the roads on a daily basis,” he said.  He also listed health care as a priority stating that he would be looking at making the Maurice Byer Polyclinic a 24-hour medical facility. Other candidates contesting the St Peter constituency are Colin Jordan from the BLP, and Dave Cumberbatch from the DLP.  (DN)
UPP LOOKING TO NEW ERA OF POLITICS – The United Progressive Party has released a statement following today’s nomination process. 
Below is the full text of the release: 
“Today marks the beginning of something different, something exciting, and something that will have a profound impact on the future of our country.  The United Progressive Party has had twenty-three members duly nominated as candidates to contest the May 24 General Elections.  We are running in this election for the purpose of providing a voice for change from the status quo. The people of Barbados cried out from the depths of their frustration and despair that they are tired of switching from one major party to the next every few election cycles but seeing no real change. Labour party politics has failed us; previous politicians have failed us; the levels of corruption are rising, our productive sectors are contracting, and our debt levels are unacceptable. The UPP’s message is simple, let us build the best possible Barbados. To this end we will focus on:
• Investment in STEAM industries to build capacity and increase our revenue;
• Leverage technology to improve governance and commerce
• Reform our justice system to endure access to justice for every Barbadian
• Empower communities so they can have a real voice in decisions that affect them
• Revitalise the City of Bridgetown as our financial and cultural centre 
• Improve social services
This is the first that the UPP will be contesting an election although some of our members have participated before. The official campaign website is: UPPBarbados.org We encourage people to go to the website and see our philosophy, manifestos and candidates.”  (DN)
UPP SHARES ITS VISION FOR ST MICHAEL SOUTH – United Progressive Party candidate for St Michael South Sandra Corbin wants to place information technology and production centres in the constituency and is confident things can start soon after elections. She shared this vision with the media today after emerging from the Graydon Sealy Secondary School nomination centre where she was nominated as a candidate after an early hiccup when the first-time politician was unable to locate the legally required proposer and seconder to make her candidacy valid. “I am sure that the UPP will make a brilliant impact and will surprise everyone,” she nonetheless asserted. Corbin said that she will be aided in making a reality of her vision through, “contacts that I have overseas”. Corbin plans, “to create an area in St Michael South which is going to be a technological hub”. “I have identified the premises which we will use. The project is called Silicon Beach, and it is a technological centre whereby youth can develop apps . . . and they will be able to even put their cultural industries products online for sale”. Additionally, the UPP candidate said, “I’ve also identified a building . . . that we will be able to put plant and equipment there for people that have Barbadian products to be able to produce their products in one spot. It also will help them with marketing and so on”.  (BT)
THREE CHALLENGE TOPPIN FOR ST MICHAEL NORTH – Nomination day at the Eden Lodge Primary School in the St Michael North constituency was dotted with excitement and jubilation today as candidates contesting the May 24 general election filed their nomination papers. While United Progressive Party (UPP) candidate Maria Phillips and People’s Democratic Congress (PDC) candidate Mark Adamson had just the required number of nominees and witnesses to complete the approximately half-an-hour process, it was the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) and Barbados Labour Party (BLP) candidates, who came with their crowds of supporters. Scores of people dressed in red turned up at the location minutes ahead of the BLP incumbent Ronald Toppin’s 11:15 arrival. Toppin, who is contesting his seventh general election, was greeted with loud cheers, hugs and kisses from party faithful. Following his nomination, the incumbent told reporters he had mixed emotions going into the election, including a “tinge” of nervousness and excitement. However, he said he was pleased with the response from supporters today, adding that his plan for the constituency was to “continue to do what I am doing, just with a bit more intensity”. A cautiously confident Toppin said he would ensure no stone was left unturned as he continued to garner support from his constituents. He pointed out that despite being the sitting MP, his requests for help in his constituency had gone “unnoticed” over the years by the DLP administration. “Your request just falls on deaf ears and I guess that is the price you pay for having a red constituency in a DLP Government,” he said. First time contender Kim Tudor, who had dozens of supporters accompanying her to file her nomination papers just after 1:30 p.m., told Barbados TODAY she was feeling excited.  (BT)
HINDS READY TO WORK IN COMMUNITY – All known candidates for the St Thomas constituency have now completed the nominated process at Lester Vaughan Secondary School. Democratic Labour Party candidate Dr Rolerick Hinds finished the process around 12:45 p.m. He arrived with a small group of supporters including St James South candidate Donville Inniss and St James North candidate Harry Husbands.  Hinds’ candidacy was proposed by Earlyne Walrond and seconded by Avion Jordan. Agent Mitchell Holder and campaign manager Winston Gibbs acted as witnesses. Hinds said street lights, play areas, a dedicated “food area” and a revamped Rock Hall Freedom Village were among his plans. Earlier in the day, St Thomas incumbent Cynthia Forde of the Barbados Labour Party and first-timer Susan Corbin of Solutions Barbados were officially nominated.  (DN)
FORMER HOUSE SPEAKER SAYS HE HAS NO THOUGHTS OF LOSING – Incumbent Member of Parliament for St Michael West Michael Carrington is confident that on May 24 he will once again get the nod from the people of that urban constituency to represent them in Parliament. Carrington was joined by a modest entourage of placard bearing, yellow and blue t-shirt clad Democratic Labour Party (DLP) supporters today, as he arrived at the St Leonard’s Boys’ school to complete his nomination exercise. “I expect it will be three straight [terms],” he later said, while suggesting that his incumbent DLP had done a lot with very few resources. “We have done very well with very little in my view. In St Michael West we have a record obviously and we have made some headway with roads. We have made headway with housing and we are also uplifting communities,” he added. When asked by reporters if he would consider retiring on election night if he loses his seat, the outgoing Speaker of the House of Assembly said that thought had not even crossed his mind. “That has not crossed my mind but if you want me to go further, it will decide if Joe’s party continues or Mia Mottley’s continues,” he said in reference to his main political opponent Bishop Joseph Atherley of the Opposition Barbados Labour Party (BLP) who appeared confident today as he entered the Richmond Gap institution with a crowd of BLP supporters, decked out in red t-shirts and armed with placards. “I was very confident in 2013 and if it is possible I am absolutely very much more confident in 2018,” Atherley told reporters, while suggesting that the BLP was well prepared and ready to take the country’s reins. “What is different is that we have a 2018 team that is very well prepared and ready to serve. The people of Barbados have given the Dems [DLP] a chance again in 2013. We have had a culture in Barbados of giving a party at least two terms and so they did not take the opportunity in 2013 to remove them and now in the last five years they have seen that these guys are never going to be ready to do the job and they are ready to make a change and certainly they are ready to make the change in St Michael North West,” he said. Meanwhile former DLP candidate Patsie Nurse, who is now contesting the May 24 election under a United Progressive Party banner, also fancies her chances. “I feel good. I feel great. It is not the first time, but I am ready. I know that I can get in there and get the votes. I am confident enough. I am getting good support from the constituency of St Michael West,” she said.  (BT)
PILGRIM NOT BOTHERED BY MCCLEAN’S CHALLENGE – Democratic Labour Party (DLP) candidate for St John George Pilgrim is dismissing a bid by fellow party member Leroy McClean for the traditionally safe DLP seat. Pilgrim, who this morning was nominated by Gloria Boxill and seconded by Robin Greenidge, with Claire Padmore and Randolph Bascombe as witnesses, is facing an unexpected challenge from McClean, over whom he was chosen as the DLP’s replacement for the outgoing Mara Thompson, who has represented the constituency since January 2011, following the death of her husband, then Prime Minister David Thompson, in 2010. A confident Pilgrim told reporters this morning he was focused on his own race and was not about to be distracted by what others were doing. “My dad once told me that what a man worries about is what worries a man. My focus in St John is not on those who are opposing me, my focus is on meeting the needs of the people of St John,” Pilgrim said. McClean announced last Friday that he would contest the DLP stronghold as an independent, although he told Barbados TODAY he would remain a member of the DLP and did not intend to relinquish his membership. Downplaying the development this morning Pilgrim, the DLP’s general secretary, said he was no stranger to opposition, arguing that it was par for the course when vying for leadership positions. “Like any other activity one can expect opposition. When I ran for game’s captain I had opposition, when I ran for my church council and when I ran for general secretary I had opposition. In the 100-metre race there are eight lanes and because this is a race to see who would be the Member of Parliament for St John there must be contestants and I am part of that race,” he stressed. Also in the race for St John are Charles Griffith of the Barbados Labour Party (BLP), the United Progressive Party’s  Hudson Griffith, who ran on a BLP ticket in 2010 and 2013, and Cherone Martindale of Solutions Barbados, all of whom were nominated today.    The DLP has held the St John seat since 1958 when Errol Barrow – who would later become the island’s first Prime Minister – won 50 per cent of the votes in a by election on May 21, 1958 over Owen Allder of the BLP and independent candidate John Chenery. The DLP’s Mara Thompson did even better when she contested the 2011 by election, sweeping through with 89 per cent on the votes, before holding on to the seat with a comfortable 79 per cent in 2013. However, she recently announced she was bowing out of active politics with Pilgrim subsequently hand picked by the DLP hierarchy as her replacement. (BT)
SOLUTIONS BARBADOS PLEDGES TO ERASE DEFICIT – Solutions Barbados’ St Michael South candidate Paul Gibson said today that his party will take the island out of a budgetary deficit within the first year of his party taking government. Gibson gave this assurance to the media moments after registering his nomination at the Graydon Sealy Secondary School that will enable him to lead the party’s charge for the parliamentary constituency seat. “We would have in the first year of leading this country a surplus,” he said, adding, “then we will work on lowering that heavy debt that was given to us by both the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) and the Democratic Labour Party (DLP)”. Gibson contended that debt arose because Barbadians ten years ago ‘dislodged’ the BLP from office because of mismanagement ‘leaving $9.5 billion in expenses’. But he said things did not get better because “at that time the Democratic Labour Party was very popular and they racked up $9 billion in debt”. He said, “this is of great concern to Solutions Barbados,” but conceded that with a likely Barbados Labour Party victory at the poll, the country could find itself back in debt. “Unfortunately, they don’t know how to manage the economy. They don’t know how to lower that debt. What the Barbados Labour party is good at is borrowing money and spending it. “It takes no special intelligence to spend borrowed money, but they don’t have the solutions to fix Barbados.” Gibson said that those solutions are to be found on his party’s website. (BT)
ALLEYNE-WORRELL HOPING TO EFFECT CHANGE FOR THE BETTER – Class was in session as usual at West Terrace Primary School in the St. James South constituency, seemingly almost in oblivion of the major national event that took place today, nomination day, for the May 24 general election. But while Jacqueline Alleyne-Worrell of Solutions Barbados, the first candidate to hand in her paper was completing the process, break was called, and scores of curious children converged on the classroom where the activities were taking place. They were eager to find out why police community officer constable 1987 Roger Williams was standing outside the school and why reporters and cameras were at the ready. The candidate arrived at 9:53 a.m. accompanied by four supporters including her proposer Linda Webster and seconder Dr. Ronald Webster who said she did not have an agent. And exactly at 10:00 a.m. as returning officer Charles Phillips read the notice officially declaring the polling station open, Alleyne-Worrell and her team proceeded to make official her bid to rest the seat from incumbent Donville Inniss of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP). Emerging from the room 25 minutes later Alleyne-Worrell told reporters that she was “excited” about her prospects. She highlighted as her reason for entering the race being “deeply concerned about what has transpired over the years in the country and was here to effect change for the better.” Alleyne-Worrell noted that constituents have made “huge investments in St James South and they want to be sure they did not lose them due to the faults in the way the economy was being run.” Alleyne-Worrell said that even if she wins the seat but Solutions Barbados does not secure the government she will still be a voice for the people of constituency St. James South. (DN)
I’M IN EXCELLENT HEALTH, SAYS LOWE – Far from “ailing and dying”, the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) representative for Christ Church East Dr Denis Lowe is insisting he is in “excellent” health. Lowe made the declaration today at the St Christopher Primary School, just moments after completing the nomination process for the May 24 general election. While he walked with a visible limp, Lowe, who was flanked by the DLP’s campaign manager Robert Bobby Morris, told the media he was willing to serve his constituents for as long as his services were required. “I had a very serious fall that resulted in serious damage to my knee. I had to go through two surgeries on my left knee and it is unrealistic to believe you can just jump back up and run around as you would wish to. “I am on the mend and other than my knee my health is very good . . . so the report is that my health is excellent and the prognosis for my knee is very, very good. As a matter of fact, I am way ahead of the process because the external wound is completely healed and it is just some soreness in the joint I am working through,” he revealed. However, his Barbados Labour Party (BLP) rival Wilfred Abrahams, who lost to Lowe by 768 votes in 2013, was confident of a different outcome this time round.    Accompanied by his parents and his wife, Natalie, a self-assured Abrahams said he was eager to “get down to business”. “I feel wonderful. It’s good to get the formal part out of the way. It’s been a long campaign and this is the last official thing we have to do. Now it’s down to the work to secure the victory,” the BLP hopeful, who was mobbed by party supporters, said shortly after leaving the school. “I know what it felt like in 2013, but this is an entirely different situation. I just want to get in, get the whole election pass and get down to doing the work of the people as the parliamentary representative for Christ Church East.” Abrahams vowed to run a clean campaign, stating he did not intend to “kick a sick man while he was down”. Meantime, the United Progressive Party’s candidate Victor Knight said his chances were as good as any. The first-time candidate said: “No votes have been counted and the returning officer hasn’t declared anyone the incumbent as yet. Until that day, then we will see.” The fourth candidate vying for the seat is Anne Marie Weatherhead of Solutions Barbados who said she was looking forward to the election, describing it as one the “biggest and most exciting elections that we have ever seen”. She said she hoped voters would not only look at candidates, but also at policies. (BT)
FIRST WIFI GAZEBO IN SILVER SANDS – After years of waiting, Silver Sands, Christ Church finally has a gazebo of its own. National Conservation Commission (NCC) general manager Keith Neblett and Minister of the Environment Dr Denis Lowe recently unveiled the island’s first WiFi-equipped gazebo at the popular South Coast beach. “This is the first and right now we are working to ensure that 16 others will have free WiFi,” Neblett told those gathered at the official opening ceremony. “What we want to do is to try to get the Barbadian public to come to these parts . . . and they can have full use,” he added. Neblett said the WiFi step was done with the help of Digicel. Lowe said the gazebo would also be outfitted in short dispatch with solar panels, which would power most of the electricity needs of the park. He added the Ministry of Energy agreed to install solar lights along the driveway of the park.   (DN)
PUBLIC SERVICE DECLINE A CONCERN – Former Central Bank governor Dr DeLisle Worrell says the quality of Barbados’ Public Service has “declined alarmingly” and the problem needs to be fixed. In his May economic letter, the veteran economist said the island first needed to “institute a functioning system of reporting by every Government agency, department, ministry or state corporation”. He said regular reporting would not only “have an immediate effect on transparency and public appreciation of Government’s budgetary limitations”, but could also “kickstart a more comprehensive programme of public sector renewal”. “The reporting should be done at two levels: annually, published reports to inform the Parliament and the people of Barbados on their stewardship; and monthly, to the Treasury, for every entity that receives financial support from the Government budget,” Worrell recommended. “The annual reports of all entities should be released to the public within three months of the end of their financial year, without fail.” He added: “Timely publication of the annual report should be a key performance indicator for permanent secretaries, heads of departments and agencies, and CEOs of state-funded corporations. This straightforward measure would have an immediate effect on transparency and public appreciation of Government’s budgetary limitations.” He also advised the authorities to implement an internal layer of reporting to the Accountant General, who headed the Treasury. “Every quarter the Accountant General authorises expenditure for that quarter only, for all spending approved by Parliament. The quarterly allocations are made with a view to ensuring that spending is kept within the budgetary limit,” Worrell noted.  (DN)
RESLIFE 11-PLUS GIFTS FOR ST LAWRENCE PRIMARY – Class Four Students of the St Lawrence Primary School are better prepared to take on the Barbados Secondary Schools Entrance Examination (BSSEE) thanks to Resolution Life Assurance Company Ltd (ResLife).
The Worthing, Christ Church-based insurance company today presented 25 Class Four students of the nearby primary school with 11-Plus Exam Kits containing among other things, essentials for the big day tomorrow. Thousands of primary school students across the island will write the BSEE, the results of which will determine which public secondary school they will attend. In her comments to students chief executive officer of ResLife  Cheryl Senhouse reminded the students that while importance is to be given to the Common Entrance Exam and the results they achieved in this test, it was a stepping stone with many more achievements in life to come. Senhouse urged the 18 girls and seven boys not to be daunted by fear of the BSSEE. “We at Resolution Life Assurance want you students of St Lawrence Primary to walk with confidence tomorrow - with conviction, with belief, with faith, with certainty, with trust and with assurance that you will do your very best,” she stressed. Meanwhile, Principal of St Lawrence Primary Andrea Cheltenham thanked ResLife for the gesture, noting that the gifts to the children were timely and welcomed.  Class Four teachers Suzanne Browne and Danisha Herbert-Dyall said the students were prepared for the examination and they expected them to perform well.  (DN)
For daily or breaking news reports follow us on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook. That’s all for today folks. There are 237 days left in the year. Shalom! #thechasefilesdailynewscap #thechasefiles  #dailynewscapsbythechasefiles
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usatrendingsports · 7 years ago
2018 Fantasy Baseball Draft Prep: 12-team Head-to-Head factors public sale outcomes
Our current 12-team Head-to-Head factors public sale ended up being far more than that.
It grew to become a research of diametrically opposed approaches and a 3rd that tried to search out center floor. And since the three house owners on the middle are those you could know from the Fantasy Baseball Immediately podcast, that makes it all of the extra enjoyable.
During the last couple years, focusing on beginning pitching early has turn out to be much less of a no-no in Fantasy Baseball, and that is very true on this format, the place there are fewer hitter spots to fill and no must stability quite a lot of classes, some scarcer than others. General manufacturing is all that issues, which significantly reduces the margin for error when choosing a hitter.
And in a power-laden surroundings the place everyone who’s anyone hits 20-plus dwelling runs, that margin for error is even smaller. How small? You might argue it is nearly nil, and I’ve theorized such. This public sale put it to the take a look at, although.
Straight away, it grew to become clear Heath Cummings and I entered with the identical technique: go laborious after the 4 tremendous aces (which, for the uninitiated, are Clayton Kershaw, Max Scherzer, Corey Kluber and Chris Sale). When the bidding reached $40, the 2 of us went forwards and backwards, and I blinked first in every occasion, not desirous to blow out my prescribed funds. Heath wound up with three of the 4 (all however Sale). I wound up with none.
Undeterred, I made a decision to seize as most of the second-tier beginning pitchers — all aces in their very own proper — as I might, understanding I might nonetheless avoid the shortage at that place whereas additionally leaving myself with extra money to fill out the remainder of my beginning lineup. Collectively, Heath and I bought eight of the consensus high 17 beginning pitchers, giving us a giant benefit on the place the place there’s arguably the largest benefit available. It is simply that Heath’s 4 (Kershaw, Scherzer, Kluber and Justin Verlander) ate up $180 of his $260 funds whereas my 4 (Madison Bumgarner, Zack Greinke, Noah Syndergaard and Dallas Keuchel) consumed solely $124.
On the opposite facet of the coin was Chris Towers, who forsook pitching for high-end hitting, investing 75 % of his funds in Jose Altuve, Nolan Arenado, Charlie Blackmon, Gary Sanchez and Aaron Choose. He needed to go the thrifty route at beginning pitcher, and it exhibits, along with his two costliest each presenting main danger and the remainder of his employees providing little to no chance of high-end manufacturing. That is to not say Tanner Roark and Dinelson Lamet aren’t helpful or intriguing, but when they’re among the many greatest he has, his drawback is just about locked in.
I spent considerably much less on hitting than Chris, however what? I feel mine is fairly good. I nonetheless acquired top-two gamers at two of the scarcest positions, catcher and second base, and 6 hitters in all who would go off the board within the first eight rounds of any draft. My outfield is weak, nevertheless it’s aggressive sufficient. 
After which there’s Heath, who left himself subsequent to nothing to spend on hitting, and as you may count on, the hitter portion of his lineup is … wait, what? 
H-how did he do this?
Do not get me incorrect: It is the worst assortment of hitters among the many three groups, however extra due to draw back than upside. Each one in every of his beginning 9 belongs in a beginning 9 on this league, and solely two value him double-digit . Not a one value him as a lot as $15.
Positive, there are potential pitfalls, particularly given the age of among the hitters. However the 2018 season will not go incorrect for all of them, and the place it does go incorrect, he has loads of different locations to show. Shoot, I acquired Ryan Zimmerman and Mike Moustakas on my bench for a buck every simply because it appeared loopy no one needed them after the numbers they only put up. Nevertheless it’s not like I’ve a spot to play them. Might Heath make me a gorgeous supply if it got here to that? Yeah, he in all probability might. And I am in all probability not the one one with that type of hitter extra, a few of which (by the way in which) is bound to wind up on the waiver wire.
Backside line is it will take considerably much less for his lineup to measure as much as mine than my pitching to measure as much as his — and I say that even understanding my pitching is clearly the second greatest. And whereas Heath might have taken it a bit too far with the $15 he spent on Jon Lester, I got here away pondering I personally ought to have gone farther.
There’s simply an excessive amount of interchangeability amongst all however the highest-end hitters to shrug off the large benefits that may be gained from high-end beginning pitchers. 
So who all had a front-row seat to this insanity?
Brant Chesser, Baseball HQ
Heath Cummings, CBS Sports activities
Kevin Jebens, Baseball Prospectus
malamoney, Razzball
Mike Kuchera, The Fantasy Man
Ralph Lifshitz, Razzball
George Maselli, CBS Sports activities
John Russell, Pals with Fantasy Advantages
Stan Son, Razzball
Jeff Tobin, CBS Sports activities
Chris Towers, CBS Sports activities
Scott White, CBS Sports activities
And the scoring, in the event you want the reminder, is as follows:
Hitter Stats
Pitcher Stats
1 pt
7 pts
2 pts
-5 pts
Three pts
7 pts
Dwelling run
four pts
High quality begin
Three pts
1 pt
Three pts
1 pt
Zero.5 pts
1 pt
-1 pt
-Zero.5 pt
Earned run
-1 pt
Hit by pitch
1 pt
-1 pt
Stolen base
2 pts
Hit batter
-1 pt
Caught stealing
-1 pt
Place By Place Workforce By Workforce Catcher Brant Chesser NOM PLAYER PRICE POS NAME PRICE 44 Gary Sanchez, NYY $34 C Evan Gattis, HOU $6 42 Buster Posey, SF $20 1B Wil Myers, SD $11 65 Willson Contreras, CHC $14 1B Freddie Freeman, ATL $38 108 Evan Gattis, HOU $6 2B Ozzie Albies, ATL $10 160 J.T. Realmuto, MIA $four 3B Nicholas Castellanos, DET $7 131 Salvador Perez, KC $Three SS Francisco Lindor, CLE $35 120 Yadier Molina, STL $Three OF Michael Conforto, NYM $2 202 Brian McCann, HOU $1 OF Gregory Polanco, PIT $5 197 Welington Castillo, CHW $1 OF Adam Jones, BAL $6 193 Wilson Ramos, TB $1 OF Christian Yelich, MIL $26 177 Jonathan Lucroy, TEX $1 SP Jake Faria, TB $Three 172 Austin Barnes, LAD $1 SP Jack Flaherty, STL $1 First Base SP Alex Reyes, STL $Three NOM PLAYER PRICE SP Patrick Corbin, ARI $four 24 Joey Votto, CIN $39 SP Luiz Gohara, ATL $2 30 Freddie Freeman, ATL $38 SP Luis Castillo, CIN $20 39 Anthony Rizzo, CHC $36 SP Aaron Nola, PHI $23 eight Paul Goldschmidt, ARI $35 SP Jacob deGrom, NYM $33 58 Cody Bellinger, LAD $32 RP Mike Minor, TEX $2 63 Jose Abreu, CHW $30 RP Blake Treinen, OAK $6 32 Carlos Santana, PHI $15 RP Cody Allen, CLE $10 107 Eric Hosmer, SD $13 Chris Towers 155 Wil Myers, SD $11 POS NAME PRICE 53 Matt Olson, OAK $9 C Gary Sanchez, NYY $34 163 Miguel Cabrera, DET $7 1B Brandon Belt, SF $1 115 Matt Carpenter, STL $6 2B Jose Altuve, HOU $48 168 Justin Smoak, TOR $5 3B Nolan Arenado, COL $45 110 Eric Thames, MIL $four SS Gleyber Torres, NYY $1 187 Greg Fowl, NYY $2 SS Xander Bogaerts, BOS $12 245 Brandon Belt, SF $1 OF David Dahl, COL $1 213 Justin Bour, MIA $1 OF Kyle Schwarber, CHC $1 206 Ryan Zimmerman, WAS $1 OF Michael Brantley, CLE $1 191 Yonder Alonso, CLE $1 OF Charlie Blackmon, COL $36 179 Josh Bell, PIT $1 OF Aaron Choose, NYY $32 Second Base SP Sean Manaea, OAK $2 NOM PLAYER PRICE SP Dinelson Lamet, SD $2 16 Jose Altuve, HOU $48 SP Jimmy Nelson, MIL $2 22 Brian Dozier, MIN $29 SP Michael Wacha, STL $2 17 Jonathan Schoop, BAL $19 SP Tanner Roark, WAS $6 23 Robinson Cano, SEA $18 SP Charlie Morton, HOU $Three 48 Daniel Murphy, WAS $17 SP Jake Arrieta, CHC $7 90 Whit Merrifield, KC $13 SP Masahiro Tanaka, NYY $22 121 Ozzie Albies, ATL $10 RP Joe Musgrove, PIT $1 106 Dee Gordon, SEA $10 RP Brad Brach, BAL $1 153 Javier Baez, CHC $2 George Maselli 230 Yoan Moncada, CHW $1 POS NAME PRICE 229 Ian Kinsler, LAA $1 C Brian McCann, HOU $1 218 DJ LeMahieu, COL $1 1B Yonder Alonso, CLE $1 211 Scooter Gennett, CIN $1 2B Yoan Moncada, CHW $1 180 Yangervis Solarte, TOR $1 2B Yangervis Solarte, TOR $1 Third Base 3B Evan Longoria, SF $1 NOM PLAYER PRICE 3B Kris Bryant, CHC $37 21 Nolan Arenado, COL $45 SS Corey Seager, LAD $32 49 Manny Machado, BAL $37 OF Jackie Bradley, BOS $1 37 Kris Bryant, CHC $37 OF Corey Dickerson, PIT $1 41 Jose Ramirez, CLE $35 OF Odubel Herrera, PHI $Three 61 Alex Bregman, HOU $29 OF Lorenzo Cain, MIL $14 47 Josh Donaldson, TOR $29 OF J.D. Martinez, BOS $43 46 Anthony Rendon, WAS $27 SP Brad Peacock, HOU $1 124 Miguel Sano, MIN $17 SP Collin McHugh, HOU $1 118 Rafael Devers, BOS $14 SP Rick Porcello, BOS $9 88 Justin Turner, LAD $14 SP Tyler Glasnow, PIT $2 103 Travis Shaw, MIL $12 SP Sonny Grey, NYY $14 167 Joey Gallo, TEX $10 SP Gerrit Cole, HOU $22 127 Kyle Seager, SEA $eight SP Chris Sale, BOS $49 145 Nicholas Castellanos, DET $7 RP Brandon Morrow, CHC $Three 166 Adrian Beltre, TEX $Three RP Craig Kimbrel, BOS $23 142 Eduardo Nunez, BOS $Three Heath Cummings 247 Evan Longoria, SF $1 POS NAME PRICE 239 Mike Moustakas, KC $1 C Willson Contreras, CHC $14 231 Matt Chapman, OAK $1 1B Miguel Cabrera, DET $7 Shortstop 1B Matt Carpenter, STL $6 NOM PLAYER PRICE 2B DJ LeMahieu, COL $1 11 Trea Turner, WAS $42 3B Adrian Beltre, TEX $Three 45 Francisco Lindor, CLE $35 SS Paul DeJong, STL $2 10 Carlos Correa, HOU $35 SS Trevor Story, COL $2 7 Corey Seager, LAD $32 OF Ronald Acuna, ATL $Three 70 Elvis Andrus, TEX $14 OF Ian Happ, CHC $four 76 Jean Segura, SEA $12 OF Starling Marte, PIT $10 74 Xander Bogaerts, BOS $12 OF Jay Bruce, NYM $6 119 Didi Gregorius, NYY $11 SP Sean Newcomb, ATL $1 221 Paul DeJong, STL $2 SP Jordan Montgomery, NYY $1 165 Trevor Story, COL $2 SP Jon Lester, CHC $15 249 Gleyber Torres, NYY $1 SP Justin Verlander, HOU $33 189 Andrelton Simmons, LAA $1 SP Clayton Kershaw, LAD $50 102 Zack Cozart, LAA $1 SP Corey Kluber, CLE $49 Outfield SP Max Scherzer, WAS $48 NOM PLAYER PRICE RP Greg Holland, COL $1 1 Mike Trout, LAA $65 RP Mark Melancon, SF $2 13 Giancarlo Stanton, NYY $48 RP Kelvin Herrera, KC $2 6 Mookie Betts, BOS $48 Jeff Tobin 20 Bryce Harper, WAS $46 POS NAME PRICE 28 J.D. Martinez, BOS $43 C Yadier Molina, STL $Three 12 Charlie Blackmon, COL $36 1B Matt Olson, OAK $9 34 George Springer, HOU $35 1B Paul Goldschmidt, ARI $35 9 Aaron Choose, NYY $32 2B Ian Kinsler, LAA $1 33 Andrew Benintendi, BOS $29 2B Scooter Gennett, CIN $1 64 Rhys Hoskins, PHI $28 2B Robinson Cano, SEA $18 52 Christian Yelich, MIL $26 3B Eduardo Nunez, BOS $Three 18 Tommy Pham, STL $25 3B Manny Machado, BAL $37 73 Marcell Ozuna, STL $24 SS Carlos Correa, HOU $35 72 Andrew McCutchen, SF $17 OF Kevin Kiermaier, TB $2 138 Byron Buxton, MIN $15 OF Adam Duvall, CIN $Three 97 Khris Davis, OAK $15 OF Justin Upton, LAA $15 82 Justin Upton, LAA $15 OF Domingo Santana, MIL $7 19 A.J. Pollock, ARI $15 SP Lance McCullers, HOU $9 93 Lorenzo Cain, MIL $14 SP Zack Godley, ARI $17 158 Starling Marte, PIT $10 SP Michael Fulmer, DET $four 84 Chris Taylor, LAD $10 SP Alex Wooden, LAD $9 71 Yoenis Cespedes, NYM $10 SP Robbie Ray, ARI $29 130 Marwin Gonzalez, HOU $9 SP Gio Gonzalez, WAS $12 55 Domingo Santana, MIL $7 RP Luke Gregerson, STL $1 156 Jay Bruce, NYM $6 RP Roberto Osuna, TOR $10 114 Adam Jones, BAL $6 John Russell 100 Ryan Braun, MIL $6 POS NAME PRICE 96 Eddie Rosario, MIN $6 C Wilson Ramos, TB $1 162 Gregory Polanco, PIT $5 1B Jose Abreu, CHW $30 112 Yasiel Puig, LAD $5 1B Cody Bellinger, LAD $32 194 Ian Happ, CHC $four 3B Joey Gallo, TEX $10 209 Ronald Acuna, ATL $Three 3B Kyle Seager, SEA $eight 190 Adam Eaton, WAS $Three SS Jean Segura, SEA $12 152 Kole Calhoun, LAA $Three OF Nomar Mazara, TEX $2 151 Odubel Herrera, PHI $Three OF Billy Hamilton, CIN $2 147 Adam Duvall, CIN $Three OF Marwin Gonzalez, HOU $9 91 Steven Souza, ARI $Three OF Khris Davis, OAK $15 224 Kevin Kiermaier, TB $2 OF George Springer, HOU $35 216 Willie Calhoun, TEX $2 U Edwin Encarnacion, CLE $24 215 Ender Inciarte, ATL $2 SP Garrett Richards, LAA $2 203 Nomar Mazara, TEX $2 SP Jake Odorizzi, MIN $1 185 Michael Conforto, NYM $2 SP Lucas Giolito, CHW $1 164 Billy Hamilton, CIN $2 SP Blake Snell, TB $9 252 David Dahl, COL $1 SP Danny Duffy, KC $10 248 Bradley Zimmer, CLE $1 SP Chase Anderson, MIL $6 240 Kyle Schwarber, CHC $1 SP Johnny Cueto, SF $12 237 Jackie Bradley, BOS $1 RP Ken Giles, HOU $10 234 Michael Brantley, CLE $1 RP Kenley Jansen, LAD $29 233 Dexter Fowler, STL $1 Kevin Jebens 225 Trey Mancini, BAL $1 POS NAME PRICE 222 Ian Desmond, COL $1 C Welington Castillo, CHW $1 212 Corey Dickerson, PIT $1 1B Greg Fowl, NYY $2 204 Brett Gardner, NYY $1 1B Joey Votto, CIN $39 Designated Hitter 2B Whit Merrifield, KC $13 NOM PLAYER PRICE 3B Anthony Rendon, WAS $27 79 Edwin Encarnacion, CLE $24 SS Zack Cozart, LAA $1 67 Nelson Cruz, SEA $19 OF Trey Mancini, BAL $1 Beginning Pitcher OF Willie Calhoun, TEX $2 NOM PLAYER PRICE OF Kole Calhoun, LAA $Three 5 Clayton Kershaw, LAD $50 OF Byron Buxton, MIN $15 four Chris Sale, BOS $49 OF Mookie Betts, BOS $48 Three Corey Kluber, CLE $49 SP Miles Mikolas, STL $1 2 Max Scherzer, WAS $48 SP Tyler Chatwood, CHC $1 27 Luis Severino, NYY $36 SP Taijuan Walker, ARI $four 38 Madison Bumgarner, SF $35 SP Wealthy Hill, LAD $9 14 Stephen Strasburg, WAS $35 SP Kenta Maeda, LAD $7 35 Jacob deGrom, NYM $33 SP Kyle Hendricks, CHC $10 29 Zack Greinke, ARI $33 SP Chris Archer, TB $26 15 Justin Verlander, HOU $33 SP Carlos Carrasco, CLE $32 51 Yu Darvish, CHC $32 RP Corey Knebel, MIL $9 40 Carlos Carrasco, CLE $32 RP Raisel Iglesias, CIN $9 25 Noah Syndergaard, NYM $32 malamoney 36 Carlos Martinez, STL $30 POS NAME PRICE 56 Robbie Ray, ARI $29 C Salvador Perez, KC $Three 50 Chris Archer, TB $26 1B Josh Bell, PIT $1 68 Jose Quintana, CHC $24 1B Eric Hosmer, SD $13 62 Dallas Keuchel, HOU $24 2B Javier Baez, CHC $2 92 Aaron Nola, PHI $23 2B Brian Dozier, MIN $29 129 Shohei Ohtani, LAA $22 3B Travis Shaw, MIL $12 75 Gerrit Cole, HOU $22 SS Didi Gregorius, NYY $11 69 Masahiro Tanaka, NYY $22 OF Ryan Braun, MIL $6 57 James Paxton, SEA $21 OF Eddie Rosario, MIN $6 128 Luis Castillo, CIN $20 OF Marcell Ozuna, STL $24 94 Zack Godley, ARI $17 OF Andrew McCutchen, SF $17 60 Jon Lester, CHC $15 SP Jameson Taillon, PIT $eight 143 Luke Weaver, STL $14 SP Kevin Gausman, BAL $9 83 Sonny Grey, NYY $14 SP Luke Weaver, STL $14 77 Jose Berrios, MIN $14 SP Jon Grey, COL $13 66 Jeff Samardzija, SF $14 SP Dylan Bundy, BAL $12 26 David Worth, BOS $14 SP Jose Quintana, CHC $24 123 Jon Grey, COL $13 SP Marcus Stroman, TOR $9 104 Johnny Cueto, SF $12 SP Carlos Martinez, STL $30 87 Dylan Bundy, BAL $12 RP Brad Hand, SD $9 85 Trevor Bauer, CLE $12 RP Felipe Rivero, PIT $eight 54 Gio Gonzalez, WAS $12 Mike Kuchera 144 Danny Duffy, KC $10 POS NAME PRICE 78 Kyle Hendricks, CHC $10 C J.T. Realmuto, MIA $four 159 Rick Porcello, BOS $9 1B Justin Bour, MIA $1 157 Blake Snell, TB $9 1B Justin Smoak, TOR $5 150 Kevin Gausman, BAL $9 2B Daniel Murphy, WAS $17 146 Wealthy Hill, LAD $9 3B Matt Chapman, OAK $1 105 Lance McCullers, HOU $9 3B Josh Donaldson, TOR $29 81 Alex Wooden, LAD $9 SS Trea Turner, WAS $42 43 Marcus Stroman, TOR $9 OF Bradley Zimmer, CLE $1 169 Jameson Taillon, PIT $eight OF Ian Desmond, COL $1 101 Kenta Maeda, LAD $7 OF Brett Gardner, NYY $1 98 Jake Arrieta, CHC $7 OF Rhys Hoskins, PHI $28 117 Tanner Roark, WAS $6 OF Andrew Benintendi, BOS $29 111 Chase Anderson, MIL $6 OF A.J. Pollock, ARI $15 134 Mike Clevinger, CLE $5 SP Daniel Mengden, OAK $1 176 Patrick Corbin, ARI $four SP Zach Davies, MIL $1 174 Taijuan Walker, ARI $four SP Steven Matz, NYM $1 133 J.A. Happ, TOR $four SP Mike Leake, SEA $1 99 Aaron Sanchez, TOR $four SP Luis Severino, NYY $36 89 Michael Fulmer, DET $four SP Stephen Strasburg, WAS $35 196 Jake Faria, TB $Three RP Edwin Diaz, SEA $5 181 Alex Reyes, STL $Three RP Sean Doolittle, WAS $6 113 Ervin Santana, MIN $Three Ralph Lifshitz 109 Charlie Morton, HOU $Three POS NAME PRICE 199 Sean Manaea, OAK $2 C Jonathan Lucroy, TEX $1 195 Garrett Richards, LAA $2 1B Eric Thames, MIL $four 184 Dinelson Lamet, SD $2 2B Dee Gordon, SEA $10 173 Luiz Gohara, ATL $2 3B Rafael Devers, BOS $14 154 Cole Hamels, TEX $2 SS Andrelton Simmons, LAA $1 149 Jimmy Nelson, MIL $2 OF Yoenis Cespedes, NYM $10 148 Michael Wacha, STL $2 OF Bryce Harper, WAS $46 139 Marco Estrada, TOR $2 OF Tommy Pham, STL $25 135 Drew Pomeranz, BOS $2 OF Mike Trout, LAA $65 125 Tyler Glasnow, PIT $2 SP Carlos Rodon, CHW $1 251 Daniel Mengden, OAK $1 SP Julio Teheran, ATL $1 250 Brad Peacock, HOU $1 SP Ty Blach, SF $1 244 Zach Davies, MIL $1 SP Shohei Ohtani, LAA $22 243 Collin McHugh, HOU $1 SP Ervin Santana, MIN $Three 242 Carlos Rodon, CHW $1 SP Aaron Sanchez, TOR $four 241 Sean Newcomb, ATL $1 SP Jose Berrios, MIN $14 238 Steven Matz, NYM $1 SP James Paxton, SEA $21 235 Jordan Montgomery, NYY $1 SP David Worth, BOS $14 232 Nick Pivetta, PHI $1 RP Shane Greene, DET $1 228 Julio Teheran, ATL $1 RP Arodys Vizcaino, ATL $1 214 Dan Straily, MIA $1 RP Alex Claudio, TEX $1 207 Miles Mikolas, STL $1 Scott White 205 Chris Stratton, SF $1 POS NAME PRICE 200 Ty Blach, SF $1 C Buster Posey, SF $20 192 Jack Flaherty, STL $1 1B Ryan Zimmerman, WAS $1 186 Tyler Chatwood, CHC $1 1B Carlos Santana, PHI $15 183 Mike Leake, SEA $1 3B Mike Moustakas, KC $1 182 Jake Odorizzi, MIN $1 3B Justin Turner, LAD $14 170 Lucas Giolito, CHW $1 3B Jose Ramirez, CLE $35 137 Matt Harvey, NYM $1 SS Elvis Andrus, TEX $14 Aid Pitcher OF Dexter Fowler, STL $1 NOM PLAYER PRICE OF Ender Inciarte, ATL $2 31 Kenley Jansen, LAD $29 OF Adam Eaton, WAS $Three 59 Craig Kimbrel, BOS $23 U Nelson Cruz, SEA $19 80 Aroldis Chapman, NYY $15 SP Cole Hamels, TEX $2 116 Ken Giles, HOU $10 SP Marco Estrada, TOR $2 95 Cody Allen, CLE $10 SP Matt Harvey, NYM $1 86 Roberto Osuna, TOR $10 SP Drew Pomeranz, BOS $2 140 Brad Hand, SD $9 SP Dallas Keuchel, HOU $24 126 Corey Knebel, MIL $9 SP Madison Bumgarner, SF $35 122 Raisel Iglesias, CIN $9 SP Zack Greinke, ARI $33 136 Felipe Rivero, PIT $eight SP Noah Syndergaard, NYM $32 141 Blake Treinen, OAK $6 RP Jeurys Familia, NYM $2 132 Sean Doolittle, WAS $6 RP Alex Colome, TB $2 171 Edwin Diaz, SEA $5 Stan Son 198 Wade Davis, COL $Three POS NAME PRICE 178 Brandon Morrow, CHC $Three C Austin Barnes, LAD $1 223 Archie Bradley, ARI $2 1B Anthony Rizzo, CHC $36 219 Jeurys Familia, NYM $2 2B Jonathan Schoop, BAL $19 208 Hector Neris, PHI $2 3B Miguel Sano, MIN $17 201 Mark Melancon, SF $2 3B Alex Bregman, HOU $29 188 Alex Colome, TB $2 OF Yasiel Puig, LAD $5 175 Kelvin Herrera, KC $2 OF Steven Souza, ARI $Three 161 Mike Minor, TEX $2 OF Chris Taylor, LAD $10 246 Shane Greene, DET $1 OF Giancarlo Stanton, NYY $48 236 Arodys Vizcaino, ATL $1 SP Nick Pivetta, PHI $1 227 Greg Holland, COL $1 SP Dan Straily, MIA $1 226 Joe Musgrove, PIT $1 SP Chris Stratton, SF $1 220 Luke Gregerson, STL $1 SP Mike Clevinger, CLE $5 217 Brad Brach, BAL $1 SP J.A. Happ, TOR $four 210 Alex Claudio, TEX $1 SP Trevor Bauer, CLE $12 ,  SP Jeff Samardzija, SF $14 SP Yu Darvish, CHC $32 RP Archie Bradley, ARI $2 RP Hector Neris, PHI $2 RP Wade Davis, COL $Three RP Aroldis Chapman, NYY $15
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