#and Draco is like ❤️ MY HARRY IS SAFE♥️
oh-my-bindery · 20 days
After Draco lied to his family and the snatchers about Harry being Harry - The Malfoy Manor
Lucius: So it was Harry Potter we just let escape…Draco you do realise that we are going to get punished for your stupidity?
Draco: …
Lucius: Why would you lie to us if you clearly knew what Potter looked like? Don’t you want Potter dead and us being alive and back to power?
Draco: …
After Harry risked his, Ron’s and Hermione’s lives to save Draco from FiendFyre in Room of Requirements
Ron: So we almost just bloody died because you decided to save that git - Malfoy?
Hermione: Harry, seriously, what was that about?
Harry: …
Ron: I swear to Merlin if you’re going to make us save his sorry arse once again I’m going to lose it!
Harry: …
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