#and Barnaby's like I don't know what's going on
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letmetellyouaboutmyfeels · 1 month ago
Two very important facts have just hit me like a sack of bricks dropped on my head:
Jones can land any date he wants. That's not his problem. His problem is he keeps standing them up for work.
Winter manages to somehow go on several dates with a gorgeous woman without realizing, at any point, that they are dates.
You see the vision.
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thewildlorelei · 2 years ago
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I saw your last post and saw barnaby's eating a chicken fowl... THAT WAS? THAT WAS? TELL ME IS NOT HER, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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citrineaura · 1 year ago
The Homewarming audio reveals and exposes a lot about the neighbors characters. [ANALYSIS]
1.) First things first; The neighbors can interact with the narrator. But considering puppet shows usually involve the puppets interacting with the narrator, (like Sesame Street for example) I don't know if that's a big deal or not.
2.) BARNABY: (Barnaby pipes up at the Narrator.) Hey, keep it down up there! Some of us are tryin’ to do some serious cerebratin’ down here!
^As above, so below reference again.
3.) JULIE: (Whispered.) Frank’s right… Homewarming is about making sure your house is nice, cozy, and toasty. Right before I go to sleep for a very long time, I make a big nest from my bed just like I used to do back home when I was small- A lot of pillows and blankets and leaves and sticks…
^Her background when she used to live in a cave.
4.) HOWDY: Advice?! …You know I don’t got any’a that for sale, Barn! Not unless it’s to buy, buy, buy-!
^Hmmm, consumerism is what he's advocating.
5.) HOWDY: Frank?! (Howdy Scoffs loudly)
^So far, Frank is wary of Wally, Sally is blatantly disrespectful to Eddie, and now we see Howdy possibly doesn't think of Frank as a close neighbor. What's with all the animosity?
6.) HOWDY: That’s right! Trinkets even! It’s about what you give to other folks! The bigger, the shinier, and the more expensive the better! It’s about the razzle and dazzle! Go on, Barn, tell ‘em!
^We see here that Howdy is materialistic- which is odd considering he only asks for a joke in exhange for his services but then we get...this side of him.
7.) Frank said Homewarming is just a home that's warm, Howdy said it was gifts for Home. Sally says Homewarming is about the ambience, decor, and experience. Poppy says it's for dishes.
^Frank is logical- too literal, Howdy is materialistic, Sally enjoys the spotlight, and Poppy is a foodie.
8.) Wally even tossed the slice of poppy-seed ham into the flames and listened for a sound of approval
^Although it's revealed Home preferred the company of Wally and Barnaby instead of all the gifts in the end, this one specific action Wally did seemed oddly...sacrifical. Like offering food to a higher being.
I still don't think Home is an antagonist, personally. My money is still on Playfellow Workshop.
9.) WALLY: (He sounds frustrated and confused.) ��How can that be.
^Apparently, Barnaby couldn't hear it but Wally's voice gets distorted when overwhelmed, just like it did when he tried speaking to YOU or...the Question-Answerer.
10.) AND! Eddie was never mentioned, not once, in this audio- which makes me think this is in correlation to the Wishbook audio recording where "Santa Claus" fails to talk about Eddie, and only Eddie.
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witchthewriter · 1 year ago
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Poly141! | Mission Pixie Dust
Okay so... I was making up scenarios in my head as I was falling asleep last night and I made myself cry ... so I obviously had to share...
Poly141; the four men are your husbands and all deployed at the same time, leaving you home with your three kids at the beginning of the school holidays.
This turned out longer than I thought it would but I just had to write it out. I love Poly141 AND them being dads :')
Da = Johnny
Papa = John P.
Dad= Simon
Daddy = Kyle
School holidays had just started, and your three pups were buzzing as soon as they came home. Bags were thrown on the floor, school shoes unlaced and scattered around the shoe stand. They knew the rules, but first day of school holidays meant they were allowed to get a little wild.
Your oldest, Paesha, had just turned eight and her father was obvious. Thick curls, dark skin and warm brown eyes made it plain to see. But all your husbands loved her the same. In fact, she had a special bond with her Da (Johnny).
Malachai, your second, could have been any of the three other men's. Light brown hair, fair complection, and utterly/overly protective of his sisters. He had been born a year after Pae.
And your youngest, Felicity (known as Flick), had started her first year in big school. She was known for having exceptional blue eyes.
None of your husbands wanted a DNA test, they thought it useless because everyone treats the children with the same love, compassion and warmth.
Throwing your keys on the counter (Paesha picked them up and placed them on the hook). You rubbed the bridge of your nose and tried to quell the longing in your soul. You didn't know if it was worse when the kids were gone or with you. Being completely alone let the terrible thoughts attack but you didn't want your kids to miss out on having their fathers'.
Calming the oncoming tears, you turned around and asked, "who wants pizza for dinner?"
"YES!" Yelled Mal, a fist punched in the air. Paesha nodded her head enthusiastically while Flick did a little happy dance.
Paesha halted and squinted at you, "Not homemade right?"
After dinner arrived, the four of you sat on the large dark green couch. Your two ex-military dogs, Moth and Teddy, sat on either end of the lounge.
Turning onto the streaming service, you found the exact movie you were looking for. The 2003 version of Peter Pan.
With the lights off (except for the kitchen, the kids were still scared of too much darkness), you watched as one of your cats jumped into Pae's lap. Barnaby started purring instantly. His fluffy white tail settled around his body.
The seven of you settled in. Your four human babies snuggled up to their mama, smiles already on their faces.
When the movie had finished, your kids still wouldn't go to bed.
"Oh wait, I know why it isn't working - we don't have the pixie dust!" Flick pulled on your sleeve with a huge gap-toothed smile.
You had been watching as they jumped around the room. Lights flicked on, bodies flinging from one couch to another.
"I know! But ... we don't have any in the house..." You grumbled.
Paesha was staring dreamily at Peter Pan, a cheek resting against her face. "Where do we get some?" Her head turned slightly to look at you, her eyes nearly heart-shaped.
"Ugh-" god trying to keep childlike wonder alive was bloody difficult. Like a sign from the Universe, your phone started to ring.
All three kids ran over to it, knowing exactly who was calling at this time of night. Swiping the screen, four familiar faces popped up.
"Da! Papa! Dad! Daddy!" Smiling through the screen, the men had been just as eager to see their kids as their kids were to see them.
"Hello little munchkins, ya been good for mum?" Simon greeted first. His mask was off and no black could be found around his eyes. He never showed that side to the children.
"We're going to fly!" Flick chirped, her arms outstretched and running around.
"You're - what?" Price said with a slightly panicked face.
"But we need pixie dust," Malachai explained. Shaking his head like this was obvious information.
"I introduced them to the ... live action Peter Pan," you explained and a smile of regret grew on your tired face.
"Oh honey," Kyle replied, understanding the situation. He was the first of the men to.
"But we don't have any and we have to go buy more!" Pae said while leaning against you.
"Eh, pixie dust ...?" you heard Johnny mumble in the background.
"Oh! I have an idea!" You said with a faked expression, "why don't the Dada's get us the pixie dust!"
The chorus of cheers was heard throughout the house. Alerting the the tired Moth and Teddy.
Kyle shook his head. And Price's nose flared. Mum: 1 - Dads: 0.
"We'll bring back the goddamns finest," Simon said. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
"See! You heard Dad! Now get your butts' upstairs and in bed."
"Yes ma'am!" They said in unison (a nickname they'd heard their father's use one too many times.)
Once the kids were upstairs, your face dropped.
"I miss you guys," you whispered into the phone. The tears welling and spilling down your cheeks.
"We miss you too," John said, his words strangled with his feelings.
It was always hard to hang up.
It hurt.
But tonight's farewell felt like the hardest. You could just imagine how the scenario would've played out if their father's were there with them. With you.
'Can't always get what we want,' you thought bitterly.
"Not long now," Kyle said. You stared at his eyes and then his lips. God how much you wanted to kiss him.
"You better make sure you bring back some fucking pixie dust or there'll be a riot."
"Aye, Laswell definitely knows someone-" Johnny replied, giving you a wink. "Miss you gorgeous." He always tried to uplift the mood. And it nearly always worked.
You fought out of your misery, knowing the four soldiers couldn't bear to see you upset. And as they said their goodbyes, you said so in return.
"We love you, our precious wife. We'll all be together soon."
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flonkertainment · 7 months ago
Something to chew, better for you
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Here we finally have Barnaby, our trusted Hierophant! Actually, I struggled quite a bit with finding a fitting card for this guy. Until I read that an alternative name for the Hierophant is also "The teacher". My thoughts instantly went to how Barn seems to stick to Wally's side for most of the time and teach him to make social connections! As well as taking a role of a caretaker and teacher for Wally, he also seems to know a little more than your average neighbor since he is often found talking to home for example. Just like the Hierophant who seems to posess an aura of some sort of spiritual power. When the card is reversed, it also points at personal belief, and Barnaby is an individual with a tentendy to strong willpower.
Something that is coming to my mind just as I am writing this: I kept thinking about one of Clown's Artworks, the one where Barnaby is found headless with Wally standing in front of him, seemingly controlling him. When the Hanging Man, Wally's card, and the Hierophant appear together, it indicates some kind of transformation. While the Hierophant turns to tradition, the Hanging Man represents letting go of those beliefs, almost "taking over" the Hierophant...you see where I'm going there, right??
So yeah, making those was a blast! Time for me to actually get them printed out now lol, who wants a tarot reading?
Also I apologize for being less active, I am a busy man with a lot happening in my life, also I will probably expand my choices of what I draw a bit more again, so there might not only be Welcome Home related posts in the future, I hope you guys are still interested to see them though!!
Again, we all know and love my disclaimer: I am not experienced with the usage of tarot cards, so please don't expect me to know more than their basic meaning. Also, if you think that I should've chosen a different card for Barnaby, don't come at me, I just picked what I thought fit best!
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catghoststories · 5 months ago
Frank, Eddie, and the Tell-Tale Heart
So, I know the main focus of this update was Poppy, which I was happy to see (though I'm not happy to see what happened to her).  I do have a theory cooking about her, Sally, and the Commedia Dell'arte, but Frank n' Eddie are my favorite pair, and I've been stewing over this particular theory since the July '23 update.  This tiny line from the Looky-Loo storybook is what cinched it for me.
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Source: Merchandise Page, Looky-Loo Storybook
This line isn't read out loud, but we can see it at around the 9 minute in the video, above Eddie, looking so polite.  It reads,
"Villains!" I shrieked, "I can deny it no longer! I admit the deed!—tear up my flower bed!—here, here!—it is the ticking of my beloved alarm clock!"
This isn't the actual line from The Tell-Tale Heart.  The original line reads "Villains!" I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed!—tear up the planks!—here, here!—it is the beating of his hideous heart!"
Source: The Tell-Tale Heart
The Tell-Tale Heart is about someone murdering their roommate, cutting him into pieces, and hiding the evidence under the floorboards of their house. 
And I think this is what Frank is going to do to Eddie, in an attempt to protect him in a perverse, misguided way.
This rewritten lines seems very specific to Frank and Eddie.  We know Frank loves his garden.  And who's the only character in the Neighborhood who owns a clock?  Eddie.
At the end of the Homewarming video, Frank sees how distressed Eddie is.  As many have theorized, Frank seems to be somewhat aware of what's happening, although we don't know to what extent.  But he sees that Eddie is now in the line of fire of The Powers That Be, and he becomes worried for him.  
I think Frank will dismantle Eddie and hide him in his garden until he deems it 'safe' for Eddie to come back, once the 'eyes' are off him.  (Kind of reminds me of the Eye of Sauron from Lord of the Rings).  An unintentional—or perhaps intentional—side effect of being dismantled and put back together, with new parts, is that Eddie doesn't remember things well. 
Including, possibly, his and Frank's relationship.
This goes along with the theme we've seen several times in WH now, including this new Halloween update.  The puppets unintentionally—yet seriously—harm their loved ones in order to protect them from something they deem far worse—whatever that may be.
As these posts by kykudos, oniongrass, and nikkiiiscute discuss, there is an image from one of the hidden bug clips of Frank's garden with 9 clothespins—one buried in the dirt.
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Source: Welcome Home Hidden Audio ('til it's back on the official site :3)
And there's the references to burial in Bug-a-Bye and Goodnight, too.  This post by the-nosy-neighbor goes quite a lot into this song very well, especially how it might indicate Frank could put Eddie into a suspended state!
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Source: Transcript Page, Bug-a-Bye and Goodnight
Now I have been thinking about this dismantling/reassembling thing for a long time, especially since the last Halloween update.  Eddie is one of the puppets with a new costume, and he is Frank(enstein)'s monster.  And he has a big yellow band-aid on the back—Frank's color.  If Eddie is taken apart, Frank will patch him up again.
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Source: Clown's Tumblr
(Also, I'm curious about the blue hand and face in Eddie's costume design. That's Barnaby's color. Does Frank use Barnaby's spare parts to put Eddie back together?! 😳 Especially since I feel like Barnaby's time on Mister Bone's Wild Ride is fast approaching—but that's yet another post 😅)
But based on the Tell-Tale Heart line, Frank may have been the one to do the dismantling in the first place, which is quite dark.  Based on the below picture from the former staff member page—clearer image here from Clown's Tumblr—Frank may be aware they're puppets and made up of various parts.
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Source: Welcome Home Wiki until it's back on the official site :3
There is also an intense piece on Clown's Ko-Fi here (please support Clown if you can!) that shows butterflies doing SOMETHING to Eddie. Are they putting him together? Or taking him apart to join them in their hibernation? 🤔
Frank also likes gelatin. As he tells Poppy in their hidden audio, 'it holds perfectly sliced fruit beautifully'.  Perfectly sliced, cut up fruit, eh?  Gelatin is a preservative that we also see in the cookbook recipe, and we all know Eddie has an unholy encounter with his single pea.  So yet another symbol of suspended animation that is related to Frank and Eddie.
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Source: Merchandise Page, Cookbook
So it seems like Frank has some experience in preservation, hibernation, etc. and knows how to use it, if it comes to it.
The next big update will likely be spring-themed.  A long time ago, Clown posted that Frank has a holiday in spring. Of course this isn't canon until it's on the website, but either way, I think Frank will have an important role in the spring update, which I believe will also focus on Julie.  We may see him wake up Julie from hibernation...and Eddie from his dirt nap.  
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Source: Clown's Tumblr
(I've been so curious about that shadow behind the flower.  At first I thought 'OMG, it's Eddie's hand!', but I don't think so. 😅 I dunno what it is, but it doesn't quite seem flower like to me...🤔)
This Ko-Fi post (again, please support Clown if you have the means!) was posted around Easter this year and had a bunny/Easter theme.  Clown says "What is there to say though... Well! We know what the next holiday is in our Home Sweet Home, I'd say."  A huge theme of Easter/Spring are Rebirth and Resurrection.
As this post by serene-hatterene so beautifully details, Frank may feel pressured to kiss Julie to wake her up to prove his heteronormativity.  Maybe to further protect Eddie, too, to prove they aren't a thing.  Seems like Julie's family may show up this update, too, and we know family can cause a lot of pressure for couples during holidays. 😬
My last item isn't that strong, but I have been thinking of since the July '23 update.  In Eddie's Big Lift, Frank says the following line:
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Source: Transcript Page, Eddie's Big Lift
The tense of "You always did work too hard" always bothered me.  Why doesn't Frank just say, "You always work too hard!"  And Eddie doesn't seem to know what he's talking about. Frank sounds almost wistful here.  It's like he's talking about his ex—a former version of Eddie, pre-dismantling, perhaps?
(Also, 'Enjoy the ground, Mr. Dear'? Dude, if this theory is right, that line is even more screwed up than it already was. 😳)
Here is my order of how I feel these events actually happened:
Secret Bug Audios (Eddie and Frank flirting) -> 1st Halloween Audio (Eddie still seems like his chipper, knowledgeable self) -> Homewarming -> Springtime (and Eddie's Resurrection)? -> Eddie's Big Lift
Not quite sure where this last Halloween update lands, but I feel like it's later.  Eddie seems ignorant of the potential adverse effects The Brickening (TM) could have on Poppy.  I feel like he's been more sensitive to Poppy and others in the past (but maybe I'm wrong, I'm biased towards him, heh).  Perhaps after his Reconstruction, his memory has now been reset, and he has "fallen into line" with the other Neighbors and their weird, pile-onto-one-person ways.
Anyway, what do you all think? 😬😬 I do hope I'm wrong, since Frank is my favorite, and this would make me feel very differently about him. 😬😬😬 Please tell me your own WH theories, too! I find them so interesting!
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chez-cinnamon · 2 years ago
(I have chronic fear of talking to super cool people, excuse the anonymous-ness pretty please :)
If you don't mind me asking, what did Home do to Wally? I know you drew like 3 panels hinting at it but I have 2 braincells and they were unable to compute what those 3 panels of hinting meant :'D
Let’s say it’s not just Wally, but everyone:
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Home was very desperate for the puppets to remain on script, so they don’t become too aware, eventually resorting to using their biggest fears against them:
Barnaby is horrified of humiliation - he can handle it from friends if it’s strictly banter, but not if it’s a whole crowd of people throwing the biggest, smelliest tomatoes at him for getting one joke wrong…
Julie suffers from some self doubt, her only friends up until going to the neighbourhood being Frank and her siblings, and has received bad comments from schoolmates on her loud jolly nature, so as a consequence she hates having too many eyes on her…
Frank takes pride in his butterflies and his smarts, but he’s terrified of messing up in any way, and of his dear butterflies to turn on him, like so many people did because of him…
Eddie has always felt so self conscious of his blanking memory, he doesn’t want to forget who he is, what he loves to do, his favourite stamp collection, his dearest post office, his closest friends… and especially his darling husband Frank…
Howdy adores his job, he absolutely loves working in his beautiful bodega; but even the most jolly salesman can feel his passion grinding on him, almost consuming and drowning him if one piece of stock is wrong…
Sally too is scared of humiliation, but unlike Barnaby who has experienced it first hand and has things thrown at him, she has yet to experience it and the mere thought of it freezes her within the spotlight…
Poppy has always been terrified of appliances, but they’re a necessity for life, so she gets her friends to help her. She’s scared that they might catch fire, leak all over her floorboards or they will come to life….
And as for Wally….
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According to Home, he was to blame…
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pastelalleycat · 2 years ago
"It's-For-You!" Talking Telephone Toy
Ring... ring... ring... it's for you!
Transcripts below!
[The phone rings once before it is picked up.]
Whether letter or parcel, whether rain, snow, or shine, we weather the weather and never decline! This is Eddie Dear of Eddie’s Post office speaking! How can I help you today?
...Hello? Is anybody there? ...Should I say the jingle again? Okay-
[Eddie clears his throat.]
Whether letter or parcel, whether rain, snow, or shine, we weather the weather and never decline! This is Eddie Dear of Eddie’s Post office speaking! Do you need stamps? I got ‘em! Envelopes and paper? You bet! Markers, crayons, glue, glitter, tape, staples- [Takes a deep inhale to catch his breath.] I got that too!
[Mumbling] ...I’m starting to think nobody’s there… Wait… I can’t remember if the phone was ringing… Maybe I was going to make a phone call... But who would I call? Well, if you’re there… Uh… Have a good day!
[The phone rings three times. Then it picks up.]
Hello? Hellooo?
Is this a prank call, kid? Listen, I got a better joke for you- What did the bee say to the flower? I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t there! What do I look like, a BEE’s-dropper?
[Rimshot and horn honk. Barnaby laughs. Silence follows.]
….Not even a chuckle? Boy, tough crowd! Hey, you can’t blame a guy for phoning it in! How about you call me back when you got something funny to say too, little buddy! Buh bye!
[The phone is answered in the middle of the first ring.]
You’re calling Howdy’s Place! The home of everything you need and everything you don't! Howdy Pillar at your service!
...Hello? Hello! Listen, pal, time is jokes and if I’m not laughing then I don’t have time! ...Actually, I do have plenty of time in stock, it’s in aisle two next to the bananas. But …I call ‘em cuckoo clocks!
[Howdy laughs at his own joke, but it becomes softer and more embarrassed as the silence follows.]
...Alright, alright! You’re giving me nothing to work with, buddy! I only deal in funny business and it looks like you’re runnin’ low, pal! So long! You get it? Like a caterpillar! Haha!
[The phone rings twice before it is abruptly picked up.]
Hello, this is the Partridge nest- Or I mean, this is Poppy!
…Hello? Dear? Are you there? I can’t hear you if you’re speaking! Maybe it is my connection- Oh my feathers, a telephone is so difficult to work with- So many buttons!
[The sounds of shuffling, squawks and noises of tutting can be heard.]
Oh my goodness! I- Oh no, I’ve dropped the telephone on the ground I- Gracious me, there’s birdseed everywhere! I- I will call you back, whoever this is! Oh- My feathers are full at the moment! Don’t worry about me! Have a pleasant day deary-
[A panicked squawk is heard followed by a loud thud. The phone call abruptly ends.]
[The phone rings once before it’s answered.]
Hello, this is Frank Frankly speaking.
...Hello? … Are you there?
...Is this Julie? This had better not be another game you’re playing! …Oh no, is this a prank call? Is this Barnaby!? Well, I have a prank for you too, you jokester! A lesson!
[Frank clears his throat.]
Did you know butterflies have their own way of sleeping? It’s not so much sleeping as it is having a rest ! It is always done with their eyes open, too! They also like to rest under leaves as a means of protection from dew or rain drops! Better yet, to hide from larger creatures with an appetite! A bit like you and those horrible hot dogs you love so much.
[Silence. Frank huffs loudly in annoyance.]
Well, whoever this is, I’ll have you know I have better things to do than wait for you to respond! Good bye!
[The phone barely has a chance to ring once before it is picked up.]
Hellooo! You’re talking to the brightest and most stupendous superstar this side of the neighborhood! Sally Starlet!
[A triumphant 'ta-da!' jingle, followed by silence. Sally whispers her next sentence.]
…I said ‘Hellooo!’ That’s your cue!
…What’s wrong, do you have stage fright? I know, I know, having a star for a neighbor can be so intimidating! She’s so terrific, you’re probably thinking! Phenomenal, staggering, breathtaking- I’m taking the words right out of your mouth, I bet!
[Silence. Sally sighs softly.]
Well, parting is such sweet sorrows, but I must shine my brilliance elsewhere! Why don’t you call me back when you don’t have such cold feet, hm? Farewell!
[The phone rings once, but in the middle of its second ring the phone is answered.]
Hello? [LOUDER] Hello!!
...Hey, are you playing some kind of game? Well- I want to play too! Okay, let’s go on the count of three! One… Two… Three!
…I don’t know how to play this game. ...Oh, I know what to do! We’ll make a new game! [Frantically spoken] We’ll need a jump rope, some chalk, a dice, a sandwich- I’ll call it… quiet sandwich jump rope! I better get everything ready, Frank’s going to love this game! Okay, bye bye!
[A long period of silence follows before three rings are heard. A pause follows even as the phone is answered before the sound of a heart beat can be heard below the ambient noise. This audio track constantly raises and lowers as it proceeds.]
Hello? Hello? Helloooo? … Ha Ha Ha...I’m only kidding. I know you’re there.
Did you like my joke? ...I think you were going to say... Yes! …Ha Ha Ha… You know… It is hard to hear you think through this funny phone of mine. It is as though you aren’t speaking at all. Maybe it is just a little fuzzy… Like me. Speaking of…
[The heart beat and ambience stop abruptly.]
...Do you know who I am?
[The heart beat and ambience resume.]
[Gasp.] Oh no. Well that’s not neighborly at all. We’ve never met before. But don’t worry. Even though you and I haven’t spoken before, I’ve seen you... Every time you have looked into my eyes. I want to know… What did you see?
I hope you saw a friend, but I’m not sure you saw a name... Stand still. Let’s start over. Ring ring ring. Click. Hi, I’m Wally. I’m so happy to finally meet you, I think you’re the absolute most.
Uh oh, I have to go now. Everyone is probably thinking about that strange phone call. It is funny to think about. …Ha ha ha… Don’t worry though, neighbor, it will be a little joke between you and me. You have to go too. You have work to do. Remember, until you hear me again, keep your smile merry and always know that I love you very much.
Good bye.
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koifsssh · 2 years ago
The Greaser Au!
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(oh goodie! it's here!)
bwah, where to start?
long, long, long rambles below! (Beware!)
Wally! I'll start with Wally!
As you can imagine, Wally is the little leader of the group! Promptly dubbed after his last name, "The Darlings"! (how darling they are indeed!)
Wally had grown a fascination with the trend, though he didn't quite understand the need to act so tough and mean, so he decided to make his own group! (with the help of Barnaby!)
Motorcycles, catchy tunes, being free on the road is something everyone should enjoy! So who cares if you're big or small, or if you like the color pink? Anyone can be a greaser as long as they got a jacket and a bike to go along with it!
At least, that what he believes anyway!
Speaking of a certain beagle...
Barnaby of course wanted to join in on the fun, and he very publicly advertised Wally's gang at his little comedy nights! (It did catch a certain blonde's attention!)
it did garner attention, with the way the beagle so affectionately told of Wally's endearingly comedic actions from their day to day life. Barnaby also helped Wally organize the entire set up, helping him get paint and base jackets for the painter to personalize! (He also suggested Poppy's diner as a hangout spot! He had it all thought out!)
Plus, it made his best friend happy! Who could ask for more? Well... maybe Barnaby would ask for a hotdog or two.
Julie is a seasoned hair stylist! She owns her own hair salon! She's excellent at her job, however more often than not she gets a unpleasant customer.
Stress can pile up unfortunately, and when she attended a comedy show one evening she couldn't help but be ecstatic at such an idea of being free on the road. It felt like the perfect destresser!
Talking on the phone with Frank was great and all, but nothing compares to feeling the rush of wind in her hair... So she jumped at such an opportunity! And of course, Julie doesn't go anywhere without a certain frowny bookworm!
Frank is an entomologist! (and a part-time librarian during the summertime!) A dream job really, but every dream comes with its hurdles! Similar to Julie, Frank found themself stressed. Usually books were able to decompress them, but lately they've been growing frustrated, the one thing they hate the most is incompetent writing!
It took a lot of convincing to get Frank to even consider the idea of being a greaser, let alone get on a motorcycle... but Julie can be very insistent when she wishes to be! Not even a week passed before they begged Julie to stop her nagging, but in exchange they had to at least go with her once on a motorcycle...
how mortifying.
However! the thrill of being on the open road at a high speed was something they never knew they needed! Needless to say, after that, they were hooked!
Sally was the last member to join! and she took her spot quite quickly!
Sally had been in Poppy's diner when she saw The Darling's walk in, she was in awe! Colorful motorcycles? Matching jackets? They all looked marvelous! The star couldn't help herself when she walked up to them, simply starstruck at such a group!
They all looked to be having such fun... she wanted to take part!
When Sally asked if there was a spot left for her, Wally softly smiled at her and stated, "Anyone and everyone can join!"
She was content that day, and from then on, it really was the best group of friends she could ever ask for!
whew! im done!
(this is my second time typing this... i had lost it all the first time. bwah. but it's here!!!)
im quite happy how everything turned out! I think i'll use this as a master post of sorts, just so you don't have to dig through my stuff just to find anything specific!
I'll leave Poppy's & Howdy's explanations here! (Just know those designs are old! All the designs in this post are the ones i will be using!)
Poppy's Diner!
additionally! I will give you everyone's closeups!
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frillsand · 2 years ago
just wondering, I can always make headcanons but what would your Wally be like if he had a crush and/or was in a relationship? I was thinking about making a fanfic but I don't know how wally would act.
I wrote a whole page just now and it didn’t save so I might be missing something’s. Also including some facts about him.
🍎Before relationship🍎
Wally has a very hot-and-cold personality. He can be charming one second, get embarrassed, then go cold and distant the next.
He can’t handle being flirted with, it gets him flustered.Romance related things make him nervous
So having a crush would probably make him a wreck.
Wally has a tendency to be distant to anyone that isn’t his group of friends
He still likes apples and is a big animal lover, cats being his favorite. Puns are also funny to him (but he won’t tell Barnaby that)
He loves getting hugs and would still go limp if he was getting one
The mole under his eye is actually an ink spot that was stained into his skin when he used to work as a secretary.
He can still eat with his eyes but won’t do it often because it might scare the kids if they saw.
PDA makes him flustered. Literally holding hands makes him red.
To his friends, he’s laidback and soft spoken. Usually with his droopy sleepy eyes.
He doesn’t like being looked down at which is hard because he’s like 3ft
Wally would dance around feelings because he wouldn’t know what to do with them
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🌸In relationship 🌸
It takes a while to figure out what the feelings are cause he kinda has no emotional intelligence
He needs time to get comfortable but once he does, he’s the sweetest cutest thing ever.
He still can’t handle pda but now initiates it.
Wally can be very generous with material possessions. There’s no such thing as too much for the people he loves.
He can try to act smooth but will ultimately crumple
He can be annoying sometimes but that’s part of his charm
Wally can start to be a bit protective
There’s more that I’ll add when I remember. I also don’t mind if you change some stuff to fit the story line better, headcanons welcomed
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i-like-eyes · 2 years ago
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Trying to figure out how they'd work as puppets
More in depth analysis below the break
For those that don't know, typically the three most common variants of foam puppet are know as rod hand, live hand, and walk around. Examples would be Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Big Bird respectively. Rod hands are smaller in size and held up by, well, rods. Live hands have the puppeteer (or two!) insert their hand in a sleeve connected to the puppet for more interaction. Walk around puppets are full costumes the puppeteer wears, but what makes them puppets and not like, fursuits, is that there is still puppet mechanisms like moving the mouth or blinking.
Here is what comes from the website/Clown's tumblr:
Julie is a rod hand
Eddie is a live hand
Poppy is a walk around
Barnaby has a walk around and live hand
Howdy has a walk around and live hand
Sally is a live hand but "required an additional hand to help move her head, as it was much larger than other puppets"
Frank is said to have a fixed expression but his head could spin, rather he was rod or live or magic third thing I cannot figure out
Wally doesn't have any details regarding his puppet anatomy because he is special like that
Of note:
Julie likely has smth holding up all that hair (please be a fucked up skull please be a fucked up skull)
Poppy is a pretty standard walk-around puppet (she's just Big Bird), but I'm having trouble understanding how a human could fit into Barnaby or Howdy. Then again, 2d artwork of puppets tend to take liberties for the sake of stylization. So if someone were to make them IRL they'd either look really different or utilize tech I don't think was available in the early 70's
Howdy's legs could work on Squidward Spongebob Musical logic. Arms I have no clue, as a live hand he could have multiple people filling up those arms, but as a walk around idk cheap spider costume logic were the lower arms are attached to the upper arms ala a string?
I do not know what to make of Sally needing extra help to hold up other than that's so specific it might become a plot point
Okay Frank lacking details or having weird details that stand out is a running theme for him. He has no listed backstory whereas everyone else can say where there were from and who their family is. Every character's first name ends with a long "e" sound whereas Frank is. Frank. (His last name "Frankly" does cover that though). The fact that WHRP lacks any concrete detail on his creation is a story reason, what's the story no clue we are 5% in dudes
Regarding his puppet, he obviously had a fixed frown because puppet but also could spin his head. Now I have absolutely zero clue how you can have the head spin and also have room for the hand for the mouth, unless this is a rod puppet (Rizzo the Rat) where the mouth is moved by some other mechanism. All I can say is I'd suspect Frank to have a very stiff (read: not majority foam) head and body in order to hold up such a feature. If his head can detach, I can imagine a metal ring of sorts that his collar covers up
His arms are a different story. The website not clarifying how his arms work doesn't really mean there is anything particular about them, but I am going to over analyze is anyway dammit
Points for rod hand: arms/hands are slim, inspirations Bert and Mr.Robinson are rod hands, lack of other rod hands/variety reasons
Points for live hand: Sally also has slim hands but is live hand, not all live hands have thick arms (looks at how small Ernie's upper arms are compared to his fore arms), Beaker hasn't been listed as an exact inspiration for Frank but look at him, and most importantly is Poppy. Poppy is noteworthy for being the only walk around puppet without a live hand counter part. As a result of having wings for hands the puppeteer cannot realistically perform any of the baking tasks in her segment. As a result she gets help from Sally, Howdy, Eddie, and Frank. The former 3 are all live hands, and one can assume that because of this Frank could be a live hand as well
And finally I know he's said to not super expressive but my heart says that he would look great with the eyebrow mechanism Bert and other puppets have.
I should point out that puppets from the 90's (Dinosaurs and TMNT come to mind) used more robotics in order to achieve more expression with the characters, but I don't think that kind of tech was common place in the 70's and would apply here.
The big take away is that this post was made for practical reasons; I am just Quite Fond of researching this kind of thing. This will probably not get you any lore, but it could provide context for the characters. I personally suspect that Poppy not being able to fly or perform tasks she swore she could will play a big of her character. In general I think that what other puppets can and cannot accomplish will play into the theme of figuring out who you are. That's the real fun.
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chokiechips · 2 months ago
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Yandere Head Canons: Wally Darling
For some reason, yandere and obsessive Wally (ahhh pookie <3) seems so obvious, and i can't help but see it! It's so in his nature. Hope you enjoy!
Themes: yandere a smidge, lil fluff, delusional yandere, obsessive traits
I would think when he first meets you, it would probably be much later after the first episode of the Welcome to the Neighborhood series is aired.
He would probably know you as one of the new characters there, just a simple minded little person who has no clue what's going on behind the scenes and is just happy to be there.
He would be pretty alright with you at first like the other neighbors, maybe joining the other neighbors in their day-to-day activities, picking up mail at the post office, or having fun with Frank and Julie.
You start to notice him more often, and of course, being a great neighbor, you JUST have to get to know him. oh if only you knew how bad a decision this must be.
You feel excited at first, standing in front of the front door of Home, an apple pie in your hand, just to make peace with your neighbor and make a possible friend! Just in case, you talked with Julie and Frank and got his likes and dislikes, afraid of not wanting to upset this person you haven't talked to yet.
After a few light raps to the front door of Home, you'd wait there patiently, hoping that Wally Darling is in. Immediately he opened the door, and lo and behold, it's Wally!
He lets you in, and can't help but notice the delicious fragrance of apple wafting from your hands into his nostrils. An apple pie? How absolutely lovely of you!
After several hours of talking and conversing about the Neigborhood itself, and the puppets that live here, you can notice how Wally slowly lets himself get comfortable with you, allowing you to switch with him to sit on his iconic yellow chair.
But oh, the way you sat propped up happily in it, your thighs crossed just right , your bright smiling eyes looking up at him, Wally can't help but think you're just made for this. Nothing bizarre of course, maybe Julie or Barnaby could fare just as well, but there's something just so special about you, he can't seem to put his finger on it!
Over the coming days, the rest of the neighbors grow suspicious of the lengthy hours you'd spend at Home, the way Wally would casually let you sit next to him at his front yard and paint Home with him. His brush sitting primly in your hand as you make an attempt at painting Home, creating some sort of mess. But Wally can't help but find it endearing. Look how Home responds to your painting, to your splash of colors! Home may be a little friendly, but Wally can't help but feel his heart feel gooey and warm at the way Home interacts with you. Would you like to live in Home with him? Home would love that!
Soon, Wally and you become practically inseperable, best friends even! Wherever you go, he's always sure to follow. The way his eyes dilate at the sight of you, the paintings of you he'd paint without fail, the little accidents you'd cause (definitely not by Home) that Wally would come to help fix, a large smile on his face. Of course he would help! You're his darling neighbor! or maybe the future Darling?
On a particular night, Wally and you chat over the episode that occured that day, smiling ear to ear about the silly things that happened, and the lessons learned that day. As you talk, you don't seem to notice the way Wally would lean onto every word you said, the way Home would ensure nothing, no furniture made a single noise, as you spoke.
Your word was key.
Friendliest neighbor he may be to everyone, but to you he would be more than friendly. He would do anything for you.
Until the name Howdy Pillar slipped from your mouth as you spoke.
Wally hands trembled at the thought of it, a smile plastered on his face as the thought echoed through his mind, your rambles continuing to echo throughout the living room.
A strand or two fell from his hairdo, eyes widening at the thought.
Howdy? Why him? You, Wally and Home were practically soulmates at this point!
Maybe it was time for some proving. Of how friendly Wally Darling truly could be.
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koreanthroughfiction · 1 month ago
허무주의 뱀, 슬링키 선생 - Slinky the Nihilist Snake
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바나비는 안락의자에 편안히 감긴 뱀 슬링키를 응시했다. 슬링키는 차가운 파충류의 눈으로 그를 바라보았다.
[Barnaby stared at the snake, Slinky, coiled comfortably on the armchair. Slinky regarded him with a cold, reptilian stare.]
"정말 확실해, 슬링키?" 바나비가 말했다.
["Are you quite sure about this, Slinky?" Barnaby said.]
"존재의 본질적인 무의미함에 대해서 말이야?" 슬링키가 건조한 목소리로 말했다. "바나비, 내 사랑하는 소년아, 그건 내가 확신하는 유일한 것이지."
["About the inherent meaninglessness of existence?" Slinky said, his voice a dry rustle. "Barnaby, my dear boy, it's the only thing I'm sure of."]
바나비는 머리를 긁적였다. 그는 항상 슬링키가 꽤 똑똑한 뱀이라고 생각했지만, 이건 그가 상상할 수 있는 그 어떤 것보다도 대단했다. 지난주만 해도 슬링키는 자기 꼬리를 쫓고 가끔 허물을 벗는 것에 만족했었다. 이제 그는 니체를 인용하고 있었다.
[Barnaby ran a hand through his hair. He'd always thought Slinky was a rather intelligent snake, but this was beyond anything he could have imagined. Just last week, Slinky had been content with chasing his tail and occasionally shedding his skin. Now, he was quoting Nietzsche.]
"하지만 분명," 바나비가 말했다, "삶에는 그저… 공허함 이상의 무언가가 있어야 해, 그렇지 않아?"
["But surely," Barnaby said, "there must be something more to life than just…nothingness?"]
"말해봐, 바나비," 슬링키가 약간 몸을 풀며 말했다, "네 삶에 의미를 주는 게 뭐지? 네 직업? 네 우표 수집?"
["Tell me, Barnaby," Slinky said, uncoiling slightly, "what is it that gives your life meaning? Your job? Your stamp collection?"]
"음, 나는…" 바나비가 더듬거렸다. 그는 최근에 연필깎이 시험관 일자리에서 해고되었고, 그의 우표 수집은 거의 영감을 주지 못했다. "채소 정원을 시작하려고 했어."
["Well, I…" Barnaby stammered. He'd recently been laid off from his job as a pencil sharpener tester, and his stamp collection was hardly inspiring. "I was going to start a vegetable garden."]
"고귀한 추구야," 슬링키가 말했다, "하지만 결국 헛된 일이지. 채소는 자랄 거고, 너는 그것들을 먹을 거고, 그리고 너는 죽을 거야. 그 안에 무슨 의미가 있겠어?"
["A noble pursuit," Slinky said, "but ultimately futile. The vegetables will grow, you will eat them, and then you will die. Where is the meaning in that?"]
바나비는 한숨을 쉬었다. 슬링키의 말이 꽤 우울하긴 했지만 일리가 있었다. 그는 갑작스러운 실존적 공포를 느끼며 소파에 털썩 주저앉았다.
[Barnaby sighed. Slinky had a point, even if it was a rather depressing one. He slumped onto the sofa, feeling a sudden existential dread.]
"절망하지 마, 바나비," 슬링키가 안락의자에서 미끄러져 내려와 소파로 올라오며 말했다. "이 모든 것의 부조리함 속에는 어떤 아름다움이 있어."
["Don't despair, Barnaby," Slinky said, slithering off the armchair and onto the sofa. "There is a certain beauty in the absurdity of it all."]
"아름다움이라고?" 바나비가 말했다. "우리가 하는 모든 것이 결국 무의미하다는 걸 아는 데서?"
["Beauty?" Barnaby said. "In knowing that everything we do is ultimately pointless?"]
"정확해," 슬링키가 말했다. "그것이 우리를 기대의 부담에서 해방시켜주지. 우리는 그저 존재하면서, 특별히 즙이 많은 쥐나 따뜻한 햇살 같은 작은 것들을 감상할 수 있어."
["Precisely," Slinky said. "It frees us from the burden of expectation. We can simply exist, appreciate the small things, like a particularly juicy mouse or a warm sunbeam."]
바나비는 이를 곰곰이 생각해보았다. 어쩌면 슬링키의 말이 맞을지도 모른다. 어쩌면 인생의 의미는 거창한 의미를 찾는 것이 아니라 그저 여정을 즐기는 것일 수도 있다.
[Barnaby considered this. Maybe Slinky was right. Maybe the point of life wasn't to find some grand meaning, but to simply enjoy the ride.]
"그래서," 바나비가 말했다, "이제 우리가 뭘 하면 좋을까?"
["So," Barnaby said, "what do you suggest we do now?"]
"음," 슬링키가 말했다, "난 우유 한 그릇이 나쁘지 않겠어. 그리고 어쩌면 우리가 흔한 정원 달팽이의 교미 습성에 대한 다큐멘터리를 볼 수도 있을 거야? 놀랍게도 철학적이거든."
["Well," Slinky said, "I wouldn't mind a nice bowl of milk. And perhaps we could watch that documentary about the mating habits of the common garden slug? It's surprisingly philosophical."]
바나비는 킥킥 웃었다. 그는 여전히 슬링키의 갑작스러운 실존적 위기를 어떻게 받아들여야 할지 확실치 않았지만, 앞으로 일들이 훨씬 더 흥미로워질 것 같은 느낌이 들었다. 그는 슬링키를 위해 우유 한 그릇을 가져와 소파에 자리를 잡고, 이 모든 부조리함을 받아들일 준비를 했다.
[Barnaby chuckled. He still wasn't entirely sure what to make of Slinky's sudden existential crisis, but he had a feeling things were about to get a lot more interesting. He fetched a bowl of milk for Slinky and settled down on the sofa, ready to embrace the absurdity of it all.]
다큐멘터리가 시작되자, 바나비는 슬링키가 항상 이렇게 철학적이었는지, 아니면 단순히 자신의 심오한 통찰력을 세상과 공유할 적절한 순간을 기다리고 있었는지 궁금해졌다. 어느 쪽이든, 바나비는 자신의 삶이 다시는 예전과 같지 않을 것임을 알았다. 그에겐 말하는 뱀이 애완동물로 있었고, 그 말하는 뱀은 인생이 무의미하다고 확신하고 있었다. 이는 그가 겪어본 가장 기이하고 우스꽝스러운 상황이었지만, 그는 이 상황을 달리 바꾸고 싶지 않았다.
[As the documentary began, Barnaby couldn't help but wonder if Slinky had always been this philosophical, or if he'd simply been waiting for the right moment to share his profound insights with the world. Either way, Barnaby knew that his life would never be the same. He had a talking snake for a pet, and that talking snake was convinced that life was meaningless. It was the most bizarre and hilarious situation he'd ever found himself in, and he wouldn't have it any other way.]
다음 날 아침, 바나비는 슬링키가 실존주의 책을 읽고 있는 것을 발견했다.
[The next morning, Barnaby woke up to find Slinky reading a book on existentialism.]
“좋은 아침, 바나비," 슬링키가 고개를 들지 않고 말했다. "사르트르의 불성실 개념의 함의에 대해 생각해 봤어?"
["Good morning, Barnaby," Slinky said, without looking up. "Have you considered the implications of Sartre's concept of bad faith?"]
바나비는 눈을 비볐다. "아니, 별로 안 해봤어, 슬링키. 실존적 불안을 느끼기엔 아직 이른 아침이야."
[Barnaby rubbed his eyes. "Not really, Slinky. It's a bit early for existential angst."]
"말도 안 돼," 슬링키가 말했다. "실존적 불안은 시대를 초월한 추구야. 어쩌면 그것만이 진정으로 중요한 유일한 추구라고 할 수 있지."
["Nonsense," Slinky said. "Existential angst is a timeless pursuit. One might even say it's the only pursuit that truly matters."]
바나비는 한숨을 쉬었다. 이 논쟁에서 이길 수 없다는 걸 알았다. 그는 시리얼을 한 그릇 부어 주방 테이블에 앉았다. 슬링키는 미끄러지듯 다가와 그와 함께 앉았고, 여전히 책을 감고 있었다.
[Barnaby sighed. He knew he wasn't going to win this argument. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the kitchen table. Slinky slithered over and joined him, the book still in his coils.]
"있잖아, 바나비," 슬링키가 말했다. "생각해봤는데, 만약 인생이 정말로 무의미하다면, 우리는 혼돈을 받아들여야 해. 그저 무슨 일이 일어날지 보기 위해 전혀 말이 안 되는 일들을 해야 해."
["You know, Barnaby," Slinky said, "I've been thinking. If life is truly meaningless, then perhaps we should embrace chaos. We should do things that make absolutely no sense, just to see what happens."]
바나비는 눈썹을 치켜올렸다. "예를 들면?"
[Barnaby raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"]
"예를 들어 슈퍼마켓에 투투를 입고 가는 거야," 슬링키가 말했다. "아니면 다람쥐에게 밴조 연주를 가르치려고 시도하는 거지. 아니면 실내 화초를 위한 철학 운동을 시작할 수도 있어."
["Like wearing a tutu to the grocery store," Slinky said. "Or trying to teach a squirrel how to play the banjo. Or maybe we could start a philosophical movement for houseplants."]
바나비는 웃음을 참을 수 없었다. "슬링키, 넌 천재야."
[Barnaby couldn't help but laugh. "Slinky, you're a genius."]
"알아," 슬링키가 득의양양하게 혀를 날름거리며 말했다.
["I know," Slinky said, with a smug flick of his tongue.]
그리하여 바나비와 슬링키는 일련의 터무니없는 모험을 시작했다. 그들은 다른 쇼핑객들의 즐거움 속에서 슈퍼마켓에 투투를 입고 갔다. 다람쥐에게 밴조 연주를 가르치려고 시도했지만, 다람쥐는 밴조 줄을 먹는 데 더 관심이 있었다. 심지어 실내 화초를 위한 철학 운동을 시작했는데, 놀랍게도 작지만 헌신적인 추종자들을 얻었다.
[And so, Barnaby and Slinky embarked on a series of absurd adventures. They wore tutus to the grocery store, much to the amusement of the other shoppers. They attempted to teach a squirrel how to play the banjo, but the squirrel was more interested in eating the banjo strings. They even started a philosophical movement for houseplants, which surprisingly gained a small but dedicated following.]
그들의 기행은 지역 언론의 주목을 받았고, 곧 바나비와 슬링키는 소소한 유명인사가 되었다. 그들은 텔레비전에서 인터뷰를 하고, 신문에 실리고, 심지어 명문 대학에서 강연을 해달라는 초청을 받았다.
[Their antics attracted the attention of the local media, and soon Barnaby and Slinky were minor celebrities. They were interviewed on television, featured in newspapers, and even invited to give a talk at a prestigious university.]
"이 모든 게 좀 터무니없지 않아?" 바나비가 대학 강연을 준비하면서 슬링키에게 말했다.
["This is all rather absurd, isn't it?" Barnaby said to Slinky, as they were preparing for their university lecture.]
"물론이지," 슬링키가 말했다. "하지만 그게 핵심이야. 우리는 이 모든 것의 무의미함을 받아들이고 그 과정에서 약간의 재미를 즐기고 있는 거야."
["Of course it is," Slinky said. "But that's the point. We're embracing the meaninglessness of it all and having a bit of fun along the way."]
바나비는 미소를 지었다. 그는 슬링키의 말이 일리가 있다는 걸 인정해야 했다. 그들이 터무니없는 ��을 받아들인 이후로 그들의 삶은 훨씬 더 흥미로워졌다. 그리고 누가 알겠는가, 어쩌면 그들은 단지 사람들을 웃게 만드는 것만으로도 실제로 세상에 변화를 주고 있을지도 모른다.
[Barnaby smiled. He had to admit, Slinky had a point. Their lives had become a lot more interesting since they'd embraced the absurd. And who knew, maybe they were actually making a difference in the world, even if it was just by making people laugh.]
그들이 가득 찬 강당을 마주하고 무대에 섰을 때, 바나비는 깊은 숨을 들이쉬었다. "신사 숙녀 여러분," 그가 말했다, "오늘 우리는 여러분께 인생의 의미에 대해 이야기하려고 합니다. 아니, 정확히 말하면 의미의 부재에 대해서요."
[As they stood on the stage, facing a packed auditorium, Barnaby took a deep breath. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "we're here today to talk to you about the meaning of life. Or rather, the lack thereof."]
슬링키가 연단 위로 미끄러져 올라와 청중들에게 매력적인 미소를 지었다. "제 존경하는 동료가 지적했듯이, 인생은 본질적으로 무의미합니다. 하지만 그게 꼭 나쁜 것은 아니에요. 사실, 그것은 꽤 해방감을 줄 수 있죠."
[Slinky slithered onto the podium and gave the audience a charming smile. "As my esteemed colleague has pointed out, life is inherently meaningless. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it can be quite liberating."]
바나비와 슬링키는 다음 한 시간 동안 실존주의의 세부 사항들을 논의하며, 그들의 터무니없는 모험에 대한 농담과 일화들로 강연을 풍성하게 했다. 청중들은 매료되었다. 그들은 웃고 울었으며, 강당을 떠날 때는 정말 독특한 경험을 한 것 같은 기분이 들었다.
[Barnaby and Slinky spent the next hour discussing the finer points of existentialism, peppering their lecture with jokes and anecdotes about their absurd adventures. The audience was captivated. They laughed, they cried, and they left the auditorium feeling like they had just experienced something truly unique.]
강연이 끝난 후, 바나비와 슬링키는 그들이 발표한 아이디어들을 논의하고 싶어 하는 학생들과 교수진들에게 둘러싸였다.
[After the lecture, Barnaby and Slinky were surrounded by students and faculty, eager to discuss the ideas they had presented.]
"제 인생을 바꾸셨어요," 한 학생이 바나비에게 말했다. "전에는 이런 식으로 인생을 생각해 본 적이 없었어요."
["You've changed my life," one student said to Barnaby. "I've never thought about life this way before."]
"이 모든 건 슬링키 덕분이야," 바나비가 그의 철학적인 뱀 동료를 가리키며 말했다.
["It's all thanks to Slinky," Barnaby said, gesturing towards his philosophical snake companion.]
슬링키는 겸손하게 고개를 숙였다. "제게는 영광이었습니다," 그가 말했다.
[Slinky bowed his head modestly. "It was my pleasure," he said.]
바나비와 슬링키는 앞으로 수년 동안 그들의 철학적 모험을 계속했다. 그들은 세계를 여행하며 부조리의 메시지를 전파하고 사람들이 존재의 혼돈을 받아들이도록 격려했다. 그리고 비록 그들은 인생의 의미를 찾지는 못했지만, 그들은 훨씬 더 가치 있는 무언가를 발견했다: 무의미함의 아름다움에 대한 깊은 감사.
[Barnaby and Slinky continued their philosophical adventures for many years to come. They traveled the world, spreading their message of absurdity and encouraging people to embrace the chaos of existence. And though they never found the meaning of life, they did find something far more valuable: a deep appreciation for the beauty of the meaningless.]
[The End]
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alittlefanatic · 2 years ago
🍎 Midnight Whispers 🍎 Wally Darling x Reader Oneshot!
Tags: Fluff, Romantic, Established Crush and Friendship! Summary: You and Wally have been close friends for some time now! But when you fall asleep early at a sleepover, who knows what you might hear...
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(Lovely Art done by karoochui on Twitter!)
Laughter surrounds you, as Barnaby and Julie are cracking up at their own jokes as everyone around them rolled their eyes and groaned. It was a Friday evening, which meant the neighborhood had their weekly get-togethers to catch up and overall have a joyous time, which Julie hosted, of course!
The scent of warm vanilla and sugar filled the air as Poppy was baking her signature cookies while everyone hung out in the living room. Howdy was helping Poppy in the kitchen, Sally, Julie, and Barnaby were sitting in some beanbags, Eddie and Frank were on the love seat, and where were you? Sitting on the couch with no other than Wally Darling himself. You couldn't help but steal a glance in his direction every once in a while. Whether he had his signature smile or laughing at all the commotion.
You were very close with all the neighbors, being in the neighborhood for months, everyone was so welcoming! But Wally always seemed to catch your eye. No matter where or who you were with, Wally would eventually come along on your adventures and tasks with the other neighbors. You two became close because of it! Most of the neighbors would even say you're best friends. You were that close!
You couldn't help but admit, though, that he does make you feel butterflies. Maybe it was his caring disposition or the way you would catch him staring, but it made your heart soar. But Wally? Liking you? You couldn't even entertain the thought. He's known everyone for so long that him liking you seemed farfetched. It was still a nice thought, though nonetheless.
Barnaby's laugh distracted you from your thoughts. "Ok, ok! I have another," he chuckled. "What should you do when you want to try something different with your baking?"
"Oh, oh! I think I know this one!" Julie spoke, with the biggest grin on her face. You couldn't help but smile along with her, even if you knew what was coming.
"Take a whisk!"
"Ha ha ha... that's a good one, Bud." Wally spoke, as you couldn't help but smile warmly. Seeing Wally smile brought you so much joy.
Poppy couldn't help but sigh, a chuckle escaping her as Barnaby and Julie burst out laughing more. "Oh my, you can't find dad jokes that funny, do you?"
"What's wrong with a good ol' dad joke?
"Everything!" Frank chimed in as Eddie chuckled.
"Oh, Frank, lighten up once in a while!" You spoke, causing Frank to roll his eyes in frustration.
"Says you! If anything came from Mr. Darling over there, you'd be a having a laughing fit. Don't try to deny it!"
A faint blush rose to your cheeks as you flashed an angry glare toward him. "Of course I would. He's actually funny, unlike you spoilsport!" You huffed, crossing your arms. Frank, despite his disposition, was smart. He probably knew about your crush on Wally before you even did! Meaning Julie knew as well since they were best buds.
Julie looked over, a playful smirk on her face as you tried to avoid her gaze. "Oh, what's wrong, neighbor? You look a little red~" She teased, getting up from her bean bag to slide next to you on the couch, or, more so slide into you, causing you to close more of the gap with Wally. You gave her a death glare but couldn't help but notice that Wally was staring at you, which caused that blush to fester more.
"Don't you have a shooting star to wish upon?" You teased back, causing Julie to huff, turning a light shade of pink herself. You knew she had a crush on Sally, so two could play at this game. Sally, though, was oblivious, reading through her scripts to memorize her lines for the next play she was going to produce. Julie was lucky... this time.
"Frank, you're not being very neighborly," Wally spoke up with a soft laugh. "Our dear neighbor is just the absolute most! Not my fault they think I'm funny, I do tell good jokes."
Before Frank could retort, Howdy interjected. "The cookies are done, everyone! Come grab yourselves some!"
With an excuse to remove yourself, you quickly got up from the couch, dusting yourself off before running into the kitchen. The scent of vanilla infects your nose as you let yourself relax. "Poppy, these smell delicious!"
"Why, thank you hon! Howdy here was a big help, don't forget to thank him too." She spoke, as you looked, seeing an embarrassed Howdy rubbing the back of his neck.
"Aw gee, I didn't do that much -"
"You did plenty! Don't sell yourself short!"
The two playfully argued back and forth as you grabbed a warm cookie, taking a small bite into its ooey-gooeyness, not noticing Wally walking up beside you.
"Is it good neighbor?"
You almost choked, startled by the voice, as you swallowed. You tried to give a thumbs-up as you attempted to stop coughing. "Yes, it's great -" you coughed, as Julie walked up next, patting your back. God, you felt like a fool.
"Well don't choke now! How else are you going to enjoy more cookies?" She spoke happily, grabbing two cookies as Sally, Eddie, Frank, and Barnaby walked up.
Sally glanced outside, stifling a yawn. "It is starting to get pretty late though, should we start to head back to our homes?"
Eddie nodded, "I was thinking the same, I have a busy day of delivering plenty of packages tomorrow!"
Julie took a bite of her cookie and nodded, as did Howdy and Poppy.
"That might be the best..but! I know you're trying to practice for your play, if you'd like Sally I wouldn't mind if you wanted to stay over...I could help of course!" Julie spoke, and Sally nodded happily with a smile.
Everyone seemed to mutually agree that it might be best to head home for the night, and after everyone grabbed their cookies, everyone started to make their way out. Eddie and Frank left first, then Barnaby, then Poppy and Howdy, til all that was left was you and Wally, cleaning up the remnants of the cookies, and picking up the mess before you left, it's what good neighbors do after all!
"You're so kind neighbor, thank you for helping me clean up! But I think Sally and I got it covered from here.." Julie spoke sheepishly, and I smirked back, about to speak but Wally did first.
"Julie you can just say you want alone time with Sally!~" Wally teased, causing Julie to get redder, and Sally to raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"Out out out!" Julie retorted, grabbing both Wally and I and practically shoving us out, slamming the door behind us.
Wally and I looked at each other, and we couldn't help but laugh. It was all so silly!
"You would think with how outgoing Julie is, she'd be brave or even bold in telling someone she likes them!"
Wally just laughed, dusting himself off. He seemed more relaxed now that it was just the two of us. I couldn't blame him, sometimes I get overwhelmed in groups too.
"Julie is an absolute sweetheart, but you'd be surprised. She's as stubborn as can be, especially with her feelings! Though, she loves to tease others about theirs."
'Don't I know it...' I thought to myself, as I looked, noticing the sun was starting to set, and my home was unfortunately the farthest one away. "Well, shall we get going Mr. Darling?"
Wally held his arm out for me to hold. "Whenever you are!"
I shyly took his arm, he was such a gentleman. 'It didn't mean anything! He's just being nice!' I thought, shaking my head, as we made our way towards Home. Though, I could have sworn his smile growing wider, wishful thinking I guess.
"I don't know how people can handle long gatherings, my poor social battery is trying its best." I chuckled, starting up a conversation.
Wally glanced over, looking a little concerned that quickly turned to mischief. "Well neighbor, I was going to invite you over for a sleepover, but if you're too tired then I can be all by my lonesome~" He spoke, being rather coy and dramatic, putting his hand to his head as I rolled my eyes.
"I would love to have one! Just because social gatherings get me tired, doesn't mean I'm ever tired of you specifically." I grumbled, glancing over with a smile. Wally looked a little pink, though it was probably the sunset...definitely the sunset.
"Well, I'm glad you think of me in that way neighbor."
It was comfortable silence walking Home, as we saw the familiar red house in the center of town. Making our way up to the door, it creaked as its shutters move.
"Yes home, Neighbor is staying with us tonight! We're having a sleepover!"
Home creaked again, sounding happy as it opened the door for Wally and I. Wally glanced toward me, motioning inside, to which I obliged, letting go of his arm and heading in.
It was quite a bright and colorful home. The walls were bright red, with yellow couches in the living room and colorful portraits of the neighbors all along the wall. Despite its bright colors, home felt cozy. I've been inside before to chat with Wally or to relax with him on days I felt like talking to anyone else would be too much. It was a nice friendship we had.
Friendship...man, those words stung.
The shutting of the door took me out of my thoughts as Wally put his hand to his chin.
"Ok, so what do you think of getting on some pajamas and watching a movie to finish the night off neighbor?"
"I don't have pajamas on me-"
"Silly. Silly. You can borrow mine. That's what neighbors do! Let me go grab some" He cut me off, speaking matter-of-factly as he went down the hallway. Moments later he returned with a blue shirt and some stripped pants, offering them to me.
"That works then, I'll take the couch too, to be polite! Until then, I'll go get changed, and you choose a movie. Thank you again!" I grabbed the clothes, walking down the hallway to the bathroom to get changed and freshen up.
Putting on the clothes, I looked at myself in the mirror, running my hands through my hair to smooth it out and get some of it out of my eyes. The clothes fit somehow, as I folded my other clothes neatly and held them in my hands.
Stepping out, I walk back into the living room with an already-changed Wally. How did he change so fast? He had his stripped pajamas on as well as a blue robe and red house slippers on.
"Oh, neighbor! I found a movie, come and get comfortable, I'll get a blanket!"
Smiling, I went and sat down on the couch, as the movie began to play.
"Is this the Aristocats? I haven't seen this movie in ages I feel." I looked at the familiar animated cats that began to play on the screen. Wally smiled and sat down next to me shortly after, grabbing a blanket and putting it on the both of us.
"Yes! I figured an animated movie might be good to unwind to. As an artist I'm always enthralled with how they animate, it truly is a wonder."
I smiled, watching his eyes seem to dilate at the movie on the screen, as he seemed to absorb every little bit of information he could.
As we watched the movie, I could feel myself getting tired, my eyelids feeling heavy as I leaned my head on Wally's shoulder unapologetically. I yawned, as I felt Wally adjust, as the cats danced and sang on screen, until the tiredness took over, and I shut my eyes.
I heard the TV shut off and the room fade to quiet as my eyes were shut. I was too comfortable, I didn't want to move, or open my eyes, this was nice. I could feel Wally shuffle, and I groaned, him moving softly as he gently lifted my head off his shoulder, before putting it back down.
I opened my eyes slightly, I was...horizontal now? I moved my head, only to realize I was laying on Wally's chest, as he laid back on the couch, resting his head on the armrest. My heart began to beat faster before I felt a hand on my head, rubbing it, which calmed me down. I shut my eyes again, feeling comfort at that moment as I heard a soft sigh.
"You're so cute when your sleepy neighbor..." Wally spoke softly, and I could feel him staring at me, rubbing my head. I felt more awake, but I acted like I was asleep, what more could he say?
"I hope your resting well...and having sweet dreams... I'm glad you're here, even if you are sleeping. At least you're sleeping soundly." Another sigh escaped him, he seemed to be deep in thought.
"You always make my days better, from the moment you came into the neighborhood, I knew you were going to be special to me. You had such a kind smile, despite being nervous about meeting us. It..was sweet. You took notice to me immediately it seems, and introduced yourself so quickly."
I couldn't help but smile in my sleep as I listened to him speak, he really thought that way about me?
"I wish I could be braver around you...I guess that's why I'm saying this while you sleep... that makes me a coward huh? But, that's ok. I don't mind watching your beauty from afar. You always seem to brighten up my days, even if you aren't directly in them. Though, I'd always want you to be in them.."
I adjusted myself slightly to get comfortable, Wally halting his words until he could tell I was 'asleep' again. He covered me up more with the blanket before rubbing my head again as he continued.
"I guess you could say...I like you...but I'd want to tell you in a cordial way! You deserve the best..not something bland. Maybe I could get you flowers, or maybe I could paint you...you are one of my biggest muses. Maybe a picnic? I'm unsure...maybe I need to ask Julie.."
Wally yawned, getting more tired by the minute, while I was trying my hardest to hide my smile and act asleep.
"Even tonight you were just, divine...I could feel myself getting nervous. Thankfully everyone was joking, or you might have noticed. You were all I could focus on..."
Silence hung in the air for a moment, as I hung onto every word. It was sweet, he made me feel safe.
"You feel different from the rest of the world, you had...this spark, that no one else did. Something like that can't be ignored...so I..I fell in love with you. I fell in love with the spark you gave me. I fell in love with the way you made me believe that I could feel this way about someone.." I could slowly start to feel my mind slipping again, his loving words making me relaxed and my heart fluttered. I wasn't going to interrupt him, especially now. His voice was becoming softer and softer, as were his head patting motions, as he seemed to become more relaxed. This would be a talk for the morning, for now?
This moment was all I needed.
After some deep breaths, the cozy warmth finally overtook me, as I slipped off into dreamland, the biggest smile on my face. ...
The morning came, almost too quickly, as I yawned, stretching to wake myself up. "Good morning neighbor, did you sleep well?" Wally spoke softly. Did he even sleep? I looked up at him, with a soft smile.
"The best sleep I've had in a long time."
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This was honestly SO cute that I thought about making a second part to this where the reader reveals they heard everything…what do you think?
Also this is my first oneshot ever...I hope you enjoyed!! I tried my best!!
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ten-shi-fandoms · 2 years ago
"Don't worry your safe now, I promise."
CW: Wally Darling x Platonic!Child Reader, gender neutral reader, minor mentions of neglect, parent issues, parental arguing, reader gets called names, Wally breaking the fourth wall, first person pov, angst to fluff
It was happening all over again, not like it was unusual for you to hear.
There was yelling, and lots of it between your mother and father. It was normal for you to hear and for a young child's mind you didn't have much attention to give to the pointless screaming match that raged on outside your room. All you cared about were the pretty colors and lovely music that filled your room as a popular show called "Welcome Home" was about to start on the TV.
Your mother had sat you in your room not long before starting the argument with your father over something simple. She turned on the TV, switching it to whatever seemed colorful and childish enough to keep you occupied as she readied herself to yell before she left you locking the room from the outside to keep you from leaving.
This happened more times than not, being locked in the room while your mother did whatever she wanted leaving you alone with your toys, crayons and the tv. This time she placed it on "Welcome Home" a show that had become popular and you were immediately interested in the moment the colors shined on the screen.
You sat patiently as the title card appeared signalling the show was about to start. The screen soon bloomed into a beautiful colorful neighborhood with a guy painting beside a house. As the camera panned in the guy turned, acknowledging the presence of the viewer. Half lidded eyes turned to the camera with a small smile. "Hello there Neighbor, I was wondering when you would show up." he teased, his voice soft, a voice you never really heard from your parents.
"How are you today Neighbor?" he questioned, silence following after aside from the light music that played behind him. Only after a bit did you realize he was waiting for you, a large smile graced your face as you happily responded unaware of the generic question. "I'm good!" After a bit Wally smiled once more, "That's good." he responded placing his paintbrush down beside him, completely turning to face the viewer. "How about we go talk to Barnaby today? I'm sure he would like that." Quickly nodding your head agreeing to the idea as he stood from his seat. "Alright then Neighbor, let's go."
Who knows how long that argument lasted, the only way you could tell it was over was the loud slam of the front door and walking around the house, but you didn't really care you were more interested in talking to Wally who happily spent his time with you playing with friends, bothering others and talking to you. Even though it was generic how Wally would speak to you, asking easy questions and pointing things out it was the most attention you had in a while. Before you knew it the episode was ending. Wally sat infront of his house, a place you now knew as Home holding his hands in his lap.
"It seems that's it for today. It was really fun wasn't it Neighbor? I can't wait to see what we do tomorrow, goodbye Neighbor." slowly the camera panned out, the ending song playing as Wally waved goodbye to the viewer. Sadness laced your face as the screen changed to something else, waving goodbye to your new friend.
This soon became a daily routine. Everyday around the same time one of your parents would put Welcome Home on for you as they went to do what they wanted or needed to do. Your mother would go off to go with friends or hang out with others while your father worked living you alone with Wally. Wally was always so happy to see you, and you felt the same. He would ask you about your day, offer to see his friends, play games and hang out with the residents of the neighborhood before saying some kind words then waving goodbye before the next episode played. It was the normal generic stuff for children cartoons but it felt so directed at you, like he saw you and was talking with you.
Things were fine for a few months until your parents got into a large about you. Your mother was upset with you for bothering her while on the way home and called you dramatic when you had begun go cry. This lead to your father screaming at your mother causing her to scream back. All of it was to much even for a child. Large tears filled your (e/c) eyes as you ran to your room. The tv was already on when you got there; due to you forgetting to turn it off earlier, the title card of Welcome Home was playing showing you that show was a about to start. Grabbing your favorite blanket you curled into it, before walking over to the brightly colored screen.
The screen changed showing Wally sitting on the floor by a window, drawing something on a piece of paper. As the camera got closer he perked up, his head turning to acknowledge the viewer about to say something before he paused no words leaving him as he stared. It felt as if he was staring at you, no words being said making you worried something was wrong.
"Wally?" you mumbled gently, soft sniffles leaving you as the tears that filled your eyes rolled down your cheeks in large globs staining your cheeks with wet streaks. Even with your voice calling out to him he didn't say a word only standing up walking closer to the camera as if he was trying to get closer to you.
"You seem sad, what's wrong Neighbor?" he asked, his voice soft, even gentle as he spoke his head tilting to the side as he waited for a answer. You nodded, your (h/c) hair bouncing a bit with each nod. "I'm fine, don't worry Wally!" your voice wavering at the ends as you said his name as happily as you could. Though Wally didn't look convinced. "Are you sure Neighbor? You seem to be crying-" before he could finish the tv begun to glitch suddenly placing the camera in a scene with Julie and Sally peforming a play with Wally sitting beside Barnaby smiling at the two peforming some line.
Confused as you were, you smiled happy to see the characters you loved so much having fun and including you in their games. You had fun bouncing around reading lines from a script Sally held up for the viewer as they played a part in her play. Julie played jump rope with you. Frank let you watch the butterflies. Eddie gave you some mail. Howdy let you take some crayons. And so much more. The happy episode made you feel better after what happened with your mother earlier that day. At the end of the episode it was just you, Wally and Home just like before. Wally seemed to be in thought before he begun to speak.
"Are you sure your okay Neighbor? You seemed so sad earlier, I hope you at least had some fun with us." he said, the words making you tilt your head before moving closer to the tv. "I'm better now Wally! Thanks to you and and everyone else! I'm so happy!" you cheered, your tears having cleared up for the most part and your mood alot better too. Wally nodded, a sweet smile on his face. "Thats good Neighbor. As long as your happy, I'm happy. Goodbye Neighbor, I love you." happiness filled your face as your placed your hands against the tv screen after hearing Wally's words. "I love you too Wally! Bye bye!" you could hear him let out a odd, broken monotone laugh as he waved goodbye to you.
You let out a soft yawn, your body slumping against the tv, your body slowly sliding onto the floor in front of it as your curled further into your blanket, tired from all the crying you had done. When you closed your eyes you heard Wally's voice call out to you one more time, this time is voice was lower than before like he was whispering to you.
"Don't worry your safe now, I promise."
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𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ♡
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See my other Welcome Home work here!
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Requested by @mugmaya19
Request: If you are taking in requests could you do one where we just randomly grab their face and kiss them around their face’s before we just walk away like nothing happened? Again if you aren’t doing that then feel free to use this as a way of creative thinking! Have a good day
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Omg I had so much fun the writing of this!! I love them so much! 😭❤
I think the chosed scenario was adorable and I absolutely loved it!
I hope you'll have the same fun with the reading of this!
Btw sorry for the picture of Sally :")
(You don't know how much I loved writing Poppy's part- 😭❤)
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×❢ About my work ❢×
no proofread, it can have spelling mistakes, look, idk if they can blush or even have a heart, but now they do, okay? lol, no smut, just sweet fluff, no pronouns used for the reader, petnames like darling, love, hon.
Fandom: Welcome Home horror project by Clown
Character(s): Wally Darling, Barnaby B. Beagle, Eddie Dear, Julie Joyful, Frank Frankly, Howdy Pillar, Sally Starlet, Poppy Partridge, The Reader|You| (Y/N) |Neighbour
Ship(s): The characters x The Reader|You| (Y/N) |Neighbour
Form: Headcanons
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Wally Darling
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"Wally, come here, I want to show you something!" 
• after you placed his face into your hands 
• You started kissing him around
• cheeks, lips, nose
• gosh he felt like heaven between your kisses
• he just sat there still as he accepted his fate
• not like he would want to disagree :D
• after some time, he even leaned forward a bit to have more
• he decided that it was his turn to give you kisses
• he was planning to give a "mwah" to you
• but you turned away and left him
• (a.n: *dramatic gasp* how dare you?! >:c) 
• he was just sitting there and confusedly watched as you left
• "Where are you going, neighbour?"
• dw, if you're not getting his smooch now, you'll get it later, I can promise that! 😌✨
Sally Starlet
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"Sally, can you come here for a minute?"
• she was practicing, so at first she wasn't too happy that you disturbed her
• "Yeah, yeah, I'm almost finished (Y/N)!" 
• after a few minutes she were already in front of you with a furious look
• (a.n: how dare you disturb her? >:( /jk) 
• "What do you want, (Y/N)?" she asked impatiently. 
• but you just stood up and gave a small kiss on her lips without an answer
• she was too surprised to react anything, so you continued
• her face was between your soft hands, while you gave an another kiss on her forehead
• she didn't fight too much about it
• she even leaned into your touch
• after you were done, you thought that you can just simply walk away
• well, *chuckle* no. 
• you DISTURBED her practice, then made her heart skip a beat and fall in love with you AGAIN, and after all this, you wanna just WALK AWAY like nothing happened?! 
• she quickly catched you by your wrist with a unsatisfied look and a smirk on her face
• "No, I think not, (Y/N). We need to talk."
Frank Frankly
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"Frank, can you come here?"
• first he just approached you innocently, but he could feel that you were planning something
• he didn't know what specifically, but the aura around you could tell that you're on something
• but he still walked up to you and asked 
• "What do you need, darling?"
• you gently put your hands on his face 
• and give one kiss to his forehead 
• an another to his lips
• and an another one to his right cheek
• "What are you doing, darling?" he asked as he softly pulled you closer to him by your hips. 
• you just kept kissing him, didn't bring yourself to answer
• you didn't let him to give back the kisses, but he could catch one and return it
• he even hummed from the enjoyment of your affection
• he could stay like this forever and ever
• but you let go from him
• the moment that he realised that you're planning to go away, he quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him
• "Where do you think you're going, love?" 
Barnaby B. Beagle
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"Come here, Barnaby!" 
• he feels like heaven between your hands
• he immediately leaned into the touch as you started kissing him around his face
• gosh your rubs feels so good! 
• I can imagine that he gently starts biting your hands in an affectionately way
• he even closed his eyes from your sweet kisses
• but as soon as he stopped feeling your touch, he quickly opened his eyes confusedly
• in the last minutes, he still hoped that you'll turn back
• but you didn't :(
• "Uhh... (Y/N)? Buddy? Where are you going?" 
Howdy Pillar
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"Howdy, can you help me, please?" 
• he came up to you obliviously
• "What is it, hon?" 
• he's always ready to help you, when you need him
• you asked him to come closer and he did as you requested from him
• you softly grabbed his face and started placing sweet kisses on his face
• he softly chuckled at the first ones
• he's more like a kiss giver than receiver, but although he enjoys it
• when you wanted to leave, he just simply whined
• "No, don't go, (Y/N)!" 
Poppy Partridge
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• Today Poppy seemed like she was pretty frustrated. Her wings were shaking, making the binding more difficult to her. You decided to check on her and give her a little comfort. 
"Wa- Wait, Poppy, let me help you!" 
• you made her to let go the sweater that she was working on and after her attention was on you, you've finally could help
• you gently started to caress her wings, attend to not to crease her feathers
• and gave soft kisses around her beak
• but she's just got more frustrated and flushed
• when you were about to leave, you actually changed your mind
• she didn't say anything 'cause she was too nervous and shy to say it out loud, but her eyes were literally begged for your affection
• please give her more, she deserves it! ♡
• (btw the sweater which was she working on, it's actually for)
Julie Joyful
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"Hey, Julie, come here!" 
• she approached you happily and smiley, like she always does
• what she didn't know that you were planning to make her heart jump out of her chest
• ( i mean, in a metaphoric way)
• "What is it, (Y/N)?" 
• you didn't pay attention to answer, instead you just grabbed her face and started kissing her around
• i can imagine that she giggles while you kissing her 
• she actually leans forward to make your work easier
• when you walked away, Julie just simply started to follow you with a disappointed look
• "Aww, where are you going, (Y/N)?" "Don't leave me here!" "But (Y/N)!" 
• she will keep ask more until you actually give the kisses to her
Eddie Dear
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"Eddie, can you come here for a second?"
• I can assure that you kept kissing him much longer than just a second lol
• he was there in seconds
• just like always, he's ready to help you in anything
• "Is there something wrong, hon?" 
• at first, he wanted to return the kisses when you started to give them to him
• but later he finally catch up that it was you what will give the kisses
• so he just leaned into your touch and enjoyed your soft kisses
• as he got more comfortable in your touch eventually he closed his eyes
• he was just about to get too comfy, when you stood up and walked away
• He calls after you worriedly. 
"(Y/N)? Did I do something wrong?"
• he's more worried than confused, 'cause he's afraid that he did something wrong to you
• please give him more kisses to make sure that he's loved and he did nothing wrong (and that he doesn't cry) 
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