#and BY GOD they are gonna sing SHOWTUNES FROM SHOW BOAT
bonjourxrenae · 6 years
FANDOM: Hetalia
PAIRING: America/Lithuania
SUMMARY: Missisippi, 1928. Alfred receives a new record for his Victrola. Upon trying to serenade his houseguest Toris with showtunes, he winds up being serenaded instead.
Toris never thought of Alfred as an awful singer, exactly – he had a warble in his voice that shook him a little, and he went off-key a little… okay, he went off-key a lot. But at the very least, the man knew how to entertain.
He felt Alfred’s breath on his ear as he leaned in and sang, almost at a whisper: “I even loves him when his kisses got gin…”
Toris felt himself overheating, felt the corners of his lips twitch into a smile.
Oh yes. The man could entertain.
Special shoutout to @apollon-hyakinthios for the headcanon that inspired this little drabble! :3 !!
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