#and Annabeth and Astrid would sympathize with each other over their stupid boyfriends
the-moonprophet · 3 months
i have this headcanon that Annabeth is a distant relative of Astrid Hofferson. like think about it; the Chase family has connections with Nordic culture (i.e. Magnus being the son of Frey, Randolf being a Viking enthusiast, etc), so it’s perfectly believable that they might also have Viking ancestors somewhere down the line. and while rewatching HTTYD recently, i noticed so many similarities between Astrid and Annabeth, and not just their appearances. their personalities are super alike: they both play the role of strategist, they’re fierce in battle, they’re both the main character’s right hand—even their type is similar (Hiccup and Percy). idk it makes sense in my head and i love it sm
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