#and 109 building from real life lmao
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akito-shinonome-daily · 3 months ago
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🎤 day 300! 🎵
➥ today’s akito is the post-3-year-anniversary (brand new world) casual outfit chibi!!
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➥ here we go!!
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➥ once again, send in some places you’d like to see chibi akito go, or check out the ‘chibi akitos adventures’ tag to see all of chibi akito’s adventures!
➥ repeats are allowed, but if i can't find enough images that I can use, there might not be as many
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ourmondobongo · 3 years ago
Was it ever explained how and/or why Ymir was "viewing the world through Mikasa's eyes" the entire time? How would she even have the time to livestream Mikasa's life while working on building titans? Is it the paths equivalent of leaving a video or podcast on as background noise?
Was it explained how Ymir stalked Mikasa?
As far as I remember, Nope.
The only thing we got was the "last minute" clarification that Ymir was picking into Mikasa's head in the 139 addition.
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But part of the fandom has hunches (or more like theories) that Mikasa's headaches were caused by Ymir intrusion (whatever was it that she was trying to do with Mika). Mikasa had them since childhood, whenever some tragedy was happening or about to happen - related with losing her second family (the Yeagers, at the beginning), and Eren (46, 109, 138).
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(Chapter 46, after Eren is taken by Berth and Reiner)
Eren uses these headaches against Mikasa to say it was her "true self" trying to manifest against the Acker-bomb but that was a lie.
The reason why Ymir stalked Mika?
Ymir chose Mikasa as her way to see how someone could love someone so deeply and still kill him when needed. Ymir should have chose to let Fritz die rather than die for him because sometimes to love is to know when to let it go. And Ymir yearned for freedom of her nightmarish love for 2k damned years.
And, lmao, the livestream / podcast Path was a great comparison 🤣
I would say, tho, as personal interpretation, that Ymir was Omniscient and Omnipotent in her Neverland. Time passed differently there. And since she knew past-present-future through her personal Yggdrasil, her work schedule was set up quite free from constraints of time of the real world.
I like to think time worked for her more or less like Dr. Manhattan in Watchmen:
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YES, it's a bit confusing at first, but the principle is like they all occur kinda simultaneously for Ymir, I imagine...
And anyone who might want to give their cents on the matter is welcome!
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ofstaffs · 7 years ago
rey: rey will be like 'ah..... so UR the one my best friend is fucking but like not right'
steve: or peggy
rey: rey will be like 'wait is that a mirror nope ur a different person ok hi'
steve: u know vision could pick up the mjolnir so why cant rey
steve: she got the force
rey: and then shes like 'hAH tricks on u ive got the force, bitches'
steve: can rey and ben join the avengers thx
rey: rey would ruin all the undercover stuff
steve: GUYS http://www.cinemablend.com/new/An-Avenge...
rey: she cant work the sweatshirt, sunglasses, and hat
rey: bYE
thor: the instant steve announced the challenge, thor tore his way through the ballpit and lunged after him, mere seconds behind. the very first tunnel proved to be a challenge in and of itself, however. huffing out a frustrated breath, thor awkwardly half-shimmied, half-crawled through. "these tunnels weren't made for asgardians, that much is clear." by the time he finally made it through the other side of his fifth tunnel, his chest was heaving with exertion and the sides of his arms were bright red from squeezing through the tunnel walls. "i surrender," he called out grudgingly. without warning, he collapsed onto his back in the middle of the tunnel, thankful that this one was at least made up of some type of rope rather than the hard plastic of the others.
thor: rip thor
steve: rey drag him with ur jakku junk dragger™
thor: LOL nah she can just climb over his corpse it's ok
steve: I WAS TRYING TO FIND A PIC OF THE JUNK DRAGGER AND I FOUND THIS http://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/...
rey: rey immediately got into competitive mode as soon as steve brought up the challenge. within moments, she was crawling through the holes and squeezing past crevices with ease. scavenging in small areas helped with that, along with her tiny body. unfortunately, an irregular diet helped with /that/. but finally she slipped through the last tunnel and came out victoriously, holding her arms up. "i win!" she grinned happily. then she laughed as she saw that thor was stuck, and moved quickly to him, placing her hands on her hips. "maybe if you weren't so strong, this wouldn't be happening," she teased.
steve: LIKE OMF
rey: no shell just go cuddle him
steve: steve took a seat in the cube area that connected two tunnels, letting rey pass him up. even for a super soldier it was really hard. he got a glimpse of thor laying in the center of a rope tunnel. as soon as rey announced her victory, steve found a slide by the next tunnel up. he even slid down it defeatedly. "i'm too old for this." the avenger mumbled as he got to the bottom of the slide, which ended a few feet from rey. if laser tag included narrow passages, then he would be on his way to the area where the parents sat earlier.
steve: cap is #done
steve: i love how thor and steve can beat the fuck out of huge robots and space dragons but fail at playgrounds
rey: ok i think kayla passed out and im about to too rip
rey: well def continue tomorrow tho omg
steve: same
steve: night!!
rey: night fam
steve joined the chat 21 hours ago
thor was timed out 19 hours ago
thor joined the chat 15 hours ago
thor left the chat 14 hours ago
steve joined the chat 12 hours ago
steve: im lowkey here
rey was timed out 9 hours ago
rey joined the chat 8 hours ago
rey: I'm low key here now omg
rey: i should be around for a little while
steve joined the chat 8 hours ago
steve joined the chat 8 hours ago
steve joined the chat 8 hours ago
steve: hello!!
rey: HELLO
steve joined the chat 7 hours ago
rey: HI
thor joined the chat 6 hours ago
thor: thankfully, thor recovered swiftly. he had no intention of navigating his way through the godforsaken tunnels to get out, however. "my strength is not the problem," he informed rey, eyes glinting as he realized exactly how he could escape this monstrosity. rolling over onto his stomach, he grabbed hold of the ropes directly below him and forcefully pulled them apart. they surrendered easily to his strength, the tunnel giving out underneath him in a matter of seconds. landing in a crouch, he shot rey a grin. "see? these fragile midgardian materials cannot hold the mighty thor."
thor: thor has no chill tbh
steve: im dying
thor: don't die omg what will america do without u???
thor was timed out 3 hours ago
thor joined the chat 3 hours ago
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
rey rey giggled in admiration as she watched thor literally rip the ropes apart, and land in a crouching position. then she met up with steve and shook her head. "no..." she complained dejectedly, reaching her hands out to him. "we-we still have the trampolines. and-and laser tag!" she grinned, hoping to get his spirits up.
thor: i suggest a rey/thor laser tag team-up against steve
thor joined the chat 109 minutes ago
rey: YES PLS
rey joined the chat 93 minutes ago
thor joined the chat 90 minutes ago
thor: NICE 2 bad steeb's missing :////
rey: fml ik
rey: i messaged mia tho
thor: gosh does she have a life or something?? RUDE
thor joined the chat 87 minutes ago
thor: OH GR8
rey: brb dinner ayy
steve: steve hoisted himself up from the slide, joining rey and a crouching thor. he had no idea what a laser tag was or why they'd let children play it, but he proceeded to agree anyway. the laser tag facility was unlike anything he had ever seen. the room was pitch black, aside from the various neon obstacles and graffiti on the walls. there were staircases leading to ramps above the floor. there were guns, presumably 'lasers', lining the wall next to the entrance. steve grabbed a laser, before tossing two to rey and thor.
i watched this shit
thor: omfg i admire ur devotion sm
thor: thor caught the weapon effortlessly, though he held it slightly away from himself in wary consideration. it appeared to be of the same style as most other midgardian weapons, yet they were used for games? reminding himself that steve was the one handing them over – so it couldn't be /that/ harmful – he wrapped his hands more securely around the gun in preparation for battle. leaning close to rey, he murmured, "join forces with me?"
thor: rip steve
steve: https://49.media.tumblr.com/e0a9dce6eefe...
thor: LMFAO
thor: get out ben, this ain't ur battle
steve: if ben found out this was happening he would be like http://66.media.tumblr.com/a95daaf244c20...
rey: IM HERE
rey: IM H ER EE
rey: FCK
thor: FIN ALLY
rey: HUSH
thor: NO
steve: HI
rey rey followed steve up the stairs, making sure thor was there behind her, then giggled excitedly at the pitch black play area. she carefully caught the laser gun he tossed her, grunting slightly at the force, then looked up as thor leaned down beside her. she giggled silently, hand going over her mouth, and nodded her head swiftly. "let's do it," she whispered back, then winked and moved to steve. "okay, let's spread out first. i'll start our guns with the panel on the wall. then we go. agreed?"
rey: HI BABE
steve: steve caught a glimpse of the two whispering out of the corner of his eye. he was too busy trying to scope out the area to realize what was going on. "okay." cap spoke as he zeroed in on the perfect spot. as soon as their guns were activated, the avenger was bolting up the stairs to the first hanger. the ramp was dark so soon enough he lost sight of the two. he kept his gun on the rail in true assassin fashion, ready to shoot at the friends.
steve: steve learned his moves from bucky ))
steve: wtF IS THAT THING
rey: thE EMOJI OMF
steve: steve, finding out his friends are t8rs:
steve: tr8s***
rey: t8r tots
thor: "agreed." thor slid his finger over the trigger, readying himself. it didn't surprise him when steve was the first to take off as soon as rey gave the signal. considering his history as a soldier, thor had opted to take on an ally against him for that very reason. with one last nod at rey, he began navigating his way after steve as quietly as a man of his build could manage. it was much too dark, however, and thor soon found himself using one of the several odd glowing pillars for cover as his gaze scanned the area for signs of movement.
thor: T8R TOTS
thor: delish
rey "okay, ready? go!" rey shouted to them once they were all dispersed, using the force to start up the panel that gave their guns power. she began running along, mainly for cover at first, and ducked expertly behind walls using her stealthy silence. soon, she saw steve on the second floor and grinned to herself, running up the back stairs. she stayed ducked behind a wall, but stuck her gun out just enough to zero in on her target, and shoot rapidly at him, the sound effects going off.
rey: LOL
rey: if ben and rey ever played laser tag, shed get v emotional bc she tried to go after him with a gun on takodana rip
thor: sudden feels
steve: steve caught a glimpse of someone shuffling behind a pillar below. his finger snuck down to the trigger, slowly but surely ready to shoot the target. alas, his grand moment was ruined when laser beams sounded off behind him. he expected thor to be the one behind the shots, but he was faced with rey crouching behind a wall below. "rey, you traitor!" the super soldier exclaimed, surprisingly offended by her actions. he took off down the stairs determined to take her down.
rey: feel trip
steve: pft ben wouldn't go into the laser tag room, the darkness is too ~tempting~
rey: 'Does Rey call you Daddy ' riP
rey: the darkness works with his aesthetic tho
steve: wtF
steve: i don gettit
thor: the commotion from nearby, quickly followed by steve's shout, brought a grin to thor's face. remaining in place, he cocked his head and listened closely for the careless series of telltale stomps down the stairs as steve searched for his victim. alas, thor fully intended to protect his ally. as soon as he heard the other man moving passed his pillar, thor lunged out from behind it, sound effects deafening the quiet as he unloaded a series of shots directly at steve. "hide, rey!"
thor: oMG i saw that ask & i screamed
rey rey couldn't stop laughing as she ran as fast as she could away from steve, tripping over her own feet every now and then, though she allowed herself a break as she heard thor's gun go off, meaning he found steve. now was her chance. she ran up the stairs steve had been on earlier and crouched behind a wall again, then fired her gun... at thor. she fired shot after shot, right when he least expected it, then turned her gun on steve as well, continuing to laugh as she nailed them both. "sorry, i had to trick ya!"
steve: the confusion on his face was absolutely priceless as rey shot at them both. he was unbelievably aggrieved that the two had teamed up against him, but then this? steve didn't spare the laughing girl a look before lifting his laser and shooting it at her. "number one rule of war, skywalker: never get distracted on the battlefield."
steve rn
rey: OMFG
thor: his own ally had turned on him. when steve turned his own weapon on her in return, thor used it as cover, swiftly moving to circle around rey. it would have been a prime opportunity to shoot her again, but she deserved far worse than that. throwing an arm around her waist, he lifted her off her feet and draped her over his shoulder. "no more fun," he announced in a cheerful tone as he casually made his way back to the captain. "rogers, how do you punish traitors on this planet?"
rey "hey!" rey gasped as steve shot her, moving to run away again, then shrieked and laughed hard as thor picked her up and laid her across his shoulder, kicking her feet playfully. her gun slipped out of her hands in the midst of all the fighting, and she was laughing even harder as they approached steve, crossing her arms stubbornly. "not fair!"
rey: i shouldve had her say 'spank me, daddy'
steve: NO
thor: oMF G
rey: o ya
thor joined the chat 20 hours ago
thor: http://images.idakoos.com/B0220000BL0000...
rey: oh my og od
rey: oh my og od
steve: "well, it usually goes something like.." steve pretended to stroke his chin in thought, before deciding on a torture method. "tickling. lots of it. it worked on the nazis every time." the captain joked lightly, letting his gun clatter to the floor beside him. "tickling on a trampoline seems pretty brutal to me."
steve: pcE
steve: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236...
rey: stop
rey: SOTP*
steve: can u imagine derek walking in one two burly blonde dudes tickling tf out of his gf
steve: can u imagine thor and cap on a trampoline like girl
rey: yum
rey: ive gotta go yeet to the shower after i do this next reply
thor: "tickling it is." tossing his weapon onto the floor as well, thor then turned on his heel and began making his way for wherever the 'trampolines' were. eventually, he managed to find them – and stepped onto the closest one without even hesitating. instantly the unstable, bouncy terrain threw him off-balance, and his grasp on rey loosened as he fell onto his back. as soon as his head stopped spinning, he spoke dryly, "/this/ is supposed to be fun?"
thor: prepare 4 me 2 randomly pass out again as soon as u shower xoxo
rey: omg ill try 2 hurry rip
rey "no, no, no!" rey protested and shook her head swiftly, knowing how ticklish she was, and laughed again as thor carried her to the trampolines, though she gasped as well as he fell, allowing her to break free from his hold. "yeah, it's so much fun! look!" she giggled and began jumping up and down, reaching her hands out to steve.
thor: if u guys would just move to the superior east coast this wouldn't be a probLEM
rey: OK BRB
steve: ive never been to the east coast i am down
steve joined the chat 19 hours ago
rey: I AM BACK
rey: OR NO
rey: WHAT
steve joined the chat 19 hours ago
steve: im heeree
rey: friEND
steve: steve's left angle gave out beneath him on the canvas of the trampoline. he stumbled a bit before finding his footing. as soon as rey approached him, he reached his hands out to attack her ribs. he began to tickle her, seizing her jumping movements
rey: i tolD U WEHRE I WAS GO ING
rey: GDI
thor joined the chat 12 hours ago
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thor joined the chat 5 hours ago
rey joined the chat 4 hours ago
thor joined the chat 4 hours ago
rey: ayyyy
thor: ayyy hello ur fav sleepaholic is here
rey: LOL
thor: upon carefully finding his footing (which proved immensely more difficult when rey was bouncing all over the place) thor stepped over to join the pair engaged in a one-sided tickle fight. bending his knees a couple of times in a test bounce, he glanced down at rey with undeniable smugness. "i would help you, but this is your rightful fate after betraying me." and if asgardians were good at anything, it was holding grudges.
thor: i love how we're all rarely on at the same time lmao
rey: thats so tru
rey "no!" rey shrieked as steve began tickling her, causing her to completely lose her footing. his hands were the only things holding her up now, and she was laughing so hard it was almost silent. and thor wasn't helping. time to pull the guilt card. "ow, steve. /ow/," she winced, hand going to her ribs, where he had bruised her from hugging her too hard. "it hurts, stop..."
rey: rey u bitch
rey: I K NOW
steve joined the chat 3 hours ago
steve: WAS GOOD
steve: steve withdrawled his hands with a mortified look on his face. how could he forget? that bruise was bound to be there, and worse than it was before. "i'm so sorry," the avenger gushed. his apology was a little humorous due to the way he swayed back and forth on the trampoline.
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
thor: thor's earlier amusement quickly turned into a whirlwind of confusion and concern. while steve withdrew, the asgardian lowered himself to a crouch beside rey, his hand tentatively enveloping her shoulder. "what happened?" his eyes scanned the girl for injuries before snapping to his fellow avenger accusingly. "did his tickles harm you?"
steve: im here
thor: SUP
thor joined the chat 41 minutes ago
rey: riP
thor joined the chat 13 minutes ago
rey: IM SRY
rey rey bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. the bruise was already almost gone, and she wasn't hurt at all. she just liked to mess with her boys. as thor asked his question, the smile finally spread across her cheeks as she shook her head, easily rising to her feet and bouncing up and down a bit. "actually, i'm feeling a lot better," she giggled and winked before bouncing away as she laughed even harder, knowing they'd want to get their revenge. "gotcha!"
thor: thor picked himself up off the ground, reaching up and patting the back of his head in the process. the bun still held. huh. it really did hold better thanks to rey's superior method. "if anyone attempts to arrest us, i'll stop them," he replied with confidence. narrowing his eyes in rey's direction, he added, "besides, i don't wish to ever come back here again. it will only remind me of betrayal."
rey at the mention of getting arrested again, rey's smile immediately disappeared as she stopped her bouncing, fidgeting with her fingers nervously. she felt slightly more relieved at thor's promise of keeping them out of jail, nodding her head. then she moved to thor and couldn't help but wrap her arms around him, still overall grateful that he would even think about stopping people from arresting them. she couldn't do that again. "thank you..." she whispered, then reached a hand out to steve.
thor: thor picked himself up off the ground, reaching up and patting the back of his head in the process. the bun still held. huh. it really did hold better thanks to rey's superior method. "if anyone attempts to arrest us, i'll stop them," he replied with confidence. narrowing his eyes in rey's direction, he added, "besides, i don't wish to ever come back here again. it will only remind me of betrayal."
rey at the mention of getting arrested again, rey's smile immediately disappeared as she stopped her bouncing, fidgeting with her fingers nervously. she felt slightly more relieved at thor's promise of keeping them out of jail, nodding her head. then she moved to thor and couldn't help but wrap her arms around him, still overall grateful that he would even think about stopping people from arresting them. she couldn't do that again. "thank you..." she whispered, then reached a hand out to steve.
steve: "don't worry about getting arrested." the captain shot a smile to rey. "rey has the force. she can get us out of everything." he spoke highly of the girl, grasping her palm in his.
thor: though thor was supposed to be annoyed with her, he couldn't help but soften as her small arms wrapped around him. he enveloped her in one of his own in return, rubbing one of her shoulders. "the force?" he repeated, brows furrowing. "she is tiny. what force could she have?"
rey "...if snoke doesn't get in my way..." rey replied quietly in a pessimistic manner, glancing shyly up at steve. then she clasped onto his hand before looking up at thor, smiling softly. "the force surrounds us all. it controls... basically everything. watch," she whispered then turned to the ball pit, lifting her free hand up. but nothing was happening. "...no," she breathed out, shaking her head as she tried again and again to at least make one of the small, colored balls levitate. "no, no, no..." she could feel its absence in her mind, in her heart. with snoke so strong now, it was hard to keep in touch with it. "steve, i-i can't- it's gone..."
steve: snoke. he had heard that name before.. it was the sith lord who invaded rey's brain. the captain moved closer to her, bending down slightly to get a better look at her. "are you alright?" he pressed. at times like this, he wished wanda was here to help.
thor: if the force surrounded them all, thor had no idea how he'd never sensed it before. he watched, captivated, as rey seemed to be attempting to do something –– but failed. "what's gone? the force?" thor looked back and forth between steve and rey, faintly irritated over his lack of understanding. instinctively, his arm tightened around her shoulders, pulling her in closer. "we will help you find it."
rey rey looked into steve's eyes nervously as he ducked his head down to look at her, much like derek did when she was upset about something. "it-it doesn't hurt yet, but i can't... i can't focus on doing it," she whispered, wrapping her arms around thor again as he hugged her. then she nodded her head and stepped back as she took a deep breath, thinking about the hope that both steve and her new friend, thor, had for her. she closed her eyes and held her hand up again, focusing as hard as she could. when she opened her eyes, only one ball had popped out of the pit, and rolled a few inches on the ground, then stopped. she sighed heavily and buried her face in her hands, hoping she wasn't losing touch with the force for good.
rey joined the chat 2 days ago
ur favorite grandpa joined the chat 2 days ago
ur favorite grandpa changed name to thor
thor joined the chat 2 days ago
thor joined the chat 2 days ago
steve joined the chat 2 days ago
thor joined the chat 2 days ago
thor joined the chat 2 days ago
thor joined the chat 2 days ago
thor was timed out 2 days ago
thor joined the chat 2 days ago
rey was timed out 2 days ago
rey joined the chat 2 days ago
thor joined the chat 2 days ago
thor joined the chat 46 hours ago
steve joined the chat 45 hours ago
steve: steve smiled gently as the ball rolled forward. he knew it must have took a lot to persevere with snoke inside of her mind. "don't get upset." the avenger chastised the girl. "you just need to.. find the force again. is there anyone who can help you?" he knew that rey had multiple family members in magnolia. they had to be able to help her, someway or somehow. "could we help you?"
thor: a ball levitated in midair, seemingly doing so as a result of rey's concentration. thor barely heard steve as the man spoke, too busy gaping at the ball in newfound fascination. an amazed laugh escaped him. "did you move that with your mind?" he turned to face rey, eyes dancing with enthusiasm over what he had just witnessed. "is this the force? i did not realize you were capable of something so incredible." after a pause in which the solemn mood washed over him, he added, "if you could do that, then the force is still within you. you haven't lost it."
rey rey turned sheepishly towards the two again, nodding her head to steve. but then, noting thor's reaction, her own expression lightened slightly, her shoulders straightening. "r-really...?" she whispered, feeling more reassured by the way he was so interested in her force skills. "as-as long as snoke's here, i don't think i can get any better..." she mumbled to steve and stepped back. in fact, she could feel him coming now. she opened her mouth to explain it to them, but just turned and moved off the trampolines onto the floor, rubbing her temples with her fingers.
thor was timed out 43 hours ago
thor joined the chat 43 hours ago
steve: "don't say that." steve called after rey as jumped off the trampoline. he looked at thor before following after her. surely this snoke guy could be stopped. they've dealt with aliens before, what made this one so different? "what can we do to help?"
steve joined the chat 43 hours ago
thor: the mention of snoke nearly drew a low growl from thor's throat. the idea of an unseen opponent harming someone like rey right beside him while he was powerless to do anything to stop it was beyond upsetting, to say the least. "there must be a way to track him," thor added as he trailed after steve, worried gaze on rey's back. "if i know where he is, i can put a stop to this. even if he has armies, they will not stop me."
rey rey buried her face in her hands now and sniffed, trying to push him out of her mind as much as possible. but it wasn't necessarily simple. at the first small pain, she winced and jumped slightly, hands dropping to her mouth. "no, no, no, no..." she murmured under her breath as she began to tremble, pleading for him to leave her mind. then there was another, sharper pain and rey tucked her knees to her chest, beginning to rock back and forth.
steve: steve dove to his knees as soon as rey fell. "hey, hey," he cooed, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. he knew whatever she was feeling or seeing was much like what they went through when wanda brainwashed them. if not worse. he felt a intense need to protect his best friend. "it's gonna be okay, rey. i love you. stay with us," he cooed, rubbing her back as his heart hammered in his chest.
thor: it appeared steve and rey were even closer than thor originally suspected. the revelation did little to ease the tension in his muscles as he began circling restlessly around the pair, hands curling into fists as he itched to summon his prized weapon and smash something, anything. "we must help her," he finally said, stopping to glare at steve. "there must be a way. think of something."
rey rey clasped her hands over her ears and began to cry as she buried her face in his chest, but managed to murmur, "i-i love y-you too..." through her sobs. just so he knew how appreciative she really was of his kind, caring heart. her hands moved about until they landed on thor's chest, curling her fingers into his shirt and holding it tightly, tugging him closer. another sharp pain caused her to shriek and weep even harder, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.
steve: "you're the one from space." steve gritted his teeth, trying to focus on the girl falling apart before him. she was in excruciating pain by the looks of it, and it killed him not being able to stop it. "rey, listen to me. is there anything we can do? what makes it hurt less?" the usual put together soldier was now stumbling over his words in an attempt to help his friend.
thor: thor allowed himself to be pulled closer, teeth grinding together as he fought to keep his rage against an invisible foe in check. his temper wouldn't help, especially not when the likes of even steve rogers was losing his cool. "i could take her to asgard," he said slowly. "our healers may lessen her pain while we search for answers." assuming everyone on asgard cooperated and sought to help her as much as he did.
rey "d-derek..." was the first thing rey choked out. he usually helped her after a snoke episode. by... doing exactly what steve and thor were doing now. holding her. talking to her. maybe things would be okay. she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus on clearing her mind, like anakin and ben taught her, attempting to push out all thoughts of anything dark. instead she focused on memories of derek. of ben, of steve, of thor, everyone. and slowly, gradually, she calmed down, eyes finally fluttering open. he was leaving. he was smart enough to pick his battles, rey was sure, and probably couldn't fight this one.
thor joined the chat 41 hours ago
steve joined the chat 41 hours ago
steve: steve's jaw clenched at the mention of derek, but he quickly shook his rage off to focus on rey. her body noticeably let up moments later. he retracted his arms once he knew she was alright. "how often does this happen?"
thor: the unfamiliar name made thor frown, glancing at steve for answers – only to find an odd expression awaiting on the man's face for a split second. dislike? mentally tucking it away, he refocused on rey. where steve moved back, the asgardian leaned forward, slipping his arms beneath rey and lifting her effortlessly into his arms. steve already asked the question on his mind, so he remained quiet, merely looking down at her with expectance.
rey rey's arms slid easily around thor's neck, noticing how he didn't even flinch when lifting her small body. she really was curious to know how strong they both were. "it's-it's been happening more often than not lately..." she admitted in a whisper, rubbing at her eyes with her fists then returning her arms around thor's neck as she looked into steve's eyes. "i-i'm okay, though... please don't tell derek, i don't want him to worry. please."
steve: "do you know how to get to this snoke person?" his tone was firm and assertive, much like the one he reserved for the avengers. he ignored her question about derek and continued with the questions. "can your family help you at all?"
steve: "do you know how to get to this snoke person?" his tone was firm and assertive, much like the one he reserved for the avengers. he ignored her question about derek and continued with the questions. "can your family help you at all?"
thor: there was that name again. derek. thor's eyes narrowed in annoyance over not knowing yet another piece of information in the rapidly developing mystery of rey. at least the captain was back in action, a small silver lining. "if she knew where snoke was or if her family could help, i'd wager she would have already said as much by now." looking back and forth between the pair, he added, "who is this 'derek'?"
rey "/no/," rey snapped in frustration, mostly at herself for not being able to rid of the sith lord. "just-just forget it, he's gone now..." she mumbled, then closed her eyes again at the mention of derek. now she really missed him. she took a few deep breaths to keep the tears from filling her eyes, then rose to her feet shakily, one hand still in thor's, and the other in steve's. "i-i don't wanna dwell on snoke anymore... not tonight... please? i need a break...'
steve: "her boyfriend." steve answered curtly as rey let out her frustration. he couldn't understand how she could try to move on from something like that. his grip on her palm was loose. "what do you want to do?" he looked around, mentally checking off everything they had done. ball pit, check. playground, check. laser tag, check. trampoline, check. "i saw a game room near the front?"
thor: for a long moment, thor didn't move, only staring hard at the captain. if derek was rey's lover, why was steve so visibly displeased by the very mention of him? thor had only ever seen one reason for that type of behavior. as a fresh understanding dawned, thor wordlessly tightened his grasp of rey's hand and began leading her in the direction of the game room. when they arrived, he stepped passed several brightly colored loud machines until one in particular caught his eye. "captain america and the avengers?" he read aloud, amused in spite of himself.
rey "yeah, can we do that?" rey whispered as she took out her pigtails, trying to let the smile appear on her face again, though it was still shaky for now. she let go of steve's hand, knowing the reason behind his sudden closure, and instead held thor's with both of her own, stumbling along behind him. "whoa..." she whispered in amazement at all the machines, her eyes widening. once at the machine thor stopped it, she began giggling and moved to sit down on the floor in front of the game, knowing from experience to not be on her feet for too long after a snoke episode.
steve: "sounds about right." steve laughed under his breath, leaning against the side of the arcade game. he stared at the giant, cartoon version of himself for a few beats before moving around again. he wandered off toward a skeeball machine where he grabbed one of the basketballs. the avenger stood there, absentmindedly dribbling the basketball. the first time he shot, it went in effortlessly even though he hardly paying attention.
thor joined the chat 32 hours ago
steve joined the chat 32 hours ago
rey joined the chat 29 hours ago
thor joined the chat 26 hours ago
thor: thor watched rey settle down onto the ground before glancing once more at the machine. uninterested in trying (and likely failing) to figure out how to toy with it, he shifted his attention to steve and the ease with which he tossed a ball through a hoop. "how long have you known each other?" he finally asked, looking back and forth between them. he could have asked more about derek, but keeping the peace felt like a better idea right then.
steve joined the chat 25 hours ago
thor joined the chat 25 hours ago
rey: \
rey rey watched steve as he moved to go shoot a basketball, still staying where she hd sat on the ground. then she glanced up at thor and shrugged a shoulder. "i-i don't know... a month or so...? maybe longer?" she asked steve, smiling shyly to herself and resting her chin on her knees. "i used to have the biggest crush on him."
thor joined the chat 22 hours ago
rey was timed out 21 hours ago
steve joined the chat 18 hours ago
steve: steve nearly choked on his tongue at rey's confession. instead of replying, he merely shot the basketball into the 100 point section. "you might not want to tell derek that." the soldier muttered as he collected the tickets that spewed out of the machine. he handed them over to rey, seeing that he had no use for them. "go get a prize."
steve joined the chat 17 hours ago
rey joined the chat 17 hours ago
steve joined the chat 16 hours ago
rey was timed out 12 hours ago
thor joined the chat 10 hours ago
thor joined the chat 9 hours ago
thor: "yes, go get your prize," thor agreed, pushing at rey with gentle but insistent nudges toward the area with several objects scattered along the wall that he assumed were prizes. as soon as she was out of earshot, he turned to steve, arms folding over his broad chest. "where i come from, we settle these situations with duels. have you considered fighting derek for her heart?" he kept his voice low, lips curving to betray his amusement. then, just like that, his features turned solemn. "if not, you must let go of her, friend. this pining is not easy to watch."
thor was timed out 5 hours ago
rey joined the chat 5 hours ago
rey rey looked up hesitantly as steve handed her the tickets, collecting them all into her arms and rising to her feet slowly. she didn't move immediately, but at thor's gentle persistence, she finally made her way to the counter, oblivious as to why they sent her away. she was too excited about her prizes. the worker there, the only one left, seemed less than thrilled about accepting the tickets, and told her to pick out three things. she looked over her shoulder at steve and thor, seeing them still talking, then glanced at the shelves to pick her prizes.
steve: steve scowled at thor's proposal. he wasn't entirely subtle about his dislike for derek, but he didn't think it was that obvious. "i'm not fighting derek." his gaze followed rey, who was eagerly awaiting her prizes. "i'll get over it. i always do." he shook his head, eyes falling down to his fidgeting fingers. it was a total lie. he wasn't even over peggy yet — and that was seventy years ago. he couldn't even close his eyes at night without thinking of her or bucky.
thor joined the chat 5 hours ago
thor: "no, you will not." thor knew an overly-attached lovestruck fool when he saw one. he himself had been on the opposite end of that sort of infatuation more than once, in fact. "these things do not simply fade away. they grow stronger, along with resentment, until you find yourself saying something you will regret." throwing rey a glance, he then dropped a hand on steve's shoulder, squeezing more tightly than truly necessary. "do not destroy your friendship with her. take some time away, if you must –– but let go of this before it harms both of you." thor released him and, without awaiting a response, strode over to join rey.
rey "thank you," rey gasped as the worker handed her her three items, hugging them close to her chest. then she turned towards her friends as thor made his way over to her, showing them the three bears she'd picked out. ( http://www.buildabear.com/ProductImages/... , http://www.buildabear.com/public/images/... , http://www.buildabear.com/ProductImages/... ) "aren't they so cute?" she giggled then moved to steve, wrapping her arms around him the best she could with her new toys. "thank you so much, steve."
steve: the crease between steve's brows tightened following his words. he knew thor was right, but the thought of distancing himself from the girl brought a sharp pain to his chest. he knew he would have to get over his schoolboy crush or else it'd cause damage. the soldier managed to muster a smile at rey as she approached. the stuffed animals tucked under her arm were cute, indeed. the cap and thor bears coaxed a laugh out of him. there was another one that strangely resembled darth vader. "you're welcome." his voice was distant, but the smile gracing his lips still remained. "where to now?"
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
thor: thor cast a disapproving eye at rey as she embraced steve, but resigned himself to trusting that the captain would take his advice and move on. if not, thor would do his best to help pick up the pieces when things made a turn for the worse. "is this supposed to be me?" he took hold of his lookalike bear's paw, feeling the soft plushness of it. "hm. we should get ice cream." his eyes met rey's with a wink. in his experience, mortals loved their ice cream.
steve joined the chat 113 minutes ago
thor joined the chat 92 minutes ago
rey rey grinned softly at steve's laugh, wishing he would do so more often, then looked between him and thor. "of course it is," she giggled, holding up the thor-themed teddy bear she'd chosen. then she gasped before nodding swiftly. "yes, yes, yes!" she begged, and didn't even wait for an answer before moving to the exit, but not before scooping up her captain america figurine that steve gave her, and holding it with her three teddy bears. "c'mon, you two are so slow!"
4 notes · View notes
idontlikesummer · 8 years ago
Japan 2017 Trip 1.2 (?)
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Yeah, it’s fast, haha. But I had to rush back to Japan because of a family event at the tail-end of July. Buying a plane ticket for a trip the next day is literally the most spontaneous thing I’ve done in my life. This 6-day trip is a lot less exciting than the previous one because we’re not technically there on holiday, but it was still somewhat of an experience. I traveled with my family this time—mainly my brother and mom, since my dad couldn’t make it to Tokyo with us. I won’t be including as much details here as my previous trip, since it really was a rushed trip! But if you’re still interested in some undiscovered parts of Tokyo and my ramblings on childhood, feel free to read on!
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This is my first time taking a transit flight! We went on Thai airways for the first time! Stopped at the Bangkok for an hour, hehe.
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We sat near the window seat! I was really nervous at first since I’m really bad at enduring turbulence, but this was hands down the BEST ride I ever had. Forget about the turbulence, the plane didn’t even SHAKE. Regardless, my anxiety just wouldn’t allow me a night’s rest, so I didn’t sleep for one night! 
I also ate garlic pork rice in the morning! It was really good! The first time I ate in a plane for ten years, I think. After touching down, we rushed to Ueno to take the shinkansen to Sakudaira station, where my paternal family lives.
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We always take Asama line to my family’s hometown. It used to be a white bullet train with blue and red lines, but now they changed it to gold and blue ;w;. My brother and I were lamenting since the colours we associated with our childhood is gone.
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To those interested, this is how the old train looks!
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Chicken bentou at the Ueno station! It seems to be a very child friendly bentou.
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View of the countryside where my paternal family stays! It rained a lot the few days we were there, so in spite of it being summer, the weather was very cool and pleasant. There was also a lot of fog! We used to play by a river near this area as kids, but it seems that there are a lot of plants creeping around the area this time and it’s hard to reach the river, so I couldn’t really get a picture of it. I feel a bit wistful and poignant staring at this scenery, since I haven’t been here for years. I hope I can come back more often from now on. It really is a very lovely village.
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More pictures! I was fascinated by this signpost because it seems that a lot of people living in this village have the same surname as the words on the post.
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Apparently, my aunt told me I was named after this flower! It was in full bloom when we arrived
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Some really NICE dinner at the event. Most of the food here was sashimi! We ate sashimi for three straight days
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There was a slug in the bathroom HAHA. It didn’t really move so I didn’t mind it much.
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We went back to Sakudaira station soon after three days. These boxes of tomatoes were relevant to my interests! One whole box only costs 80 yen which is REALLY cheap!! They are really big too, just in case you’re wondering!
So we took the train all the way back to Tokyo again! And we docked at Shimo-Ochiai station, where we rented AirBnB! THIS PLACE IS SO GOOD. Would highly recommend if you’re staying in Tokyo! It’s a two-storey house with really homey décor! And the host (who is really friendly and professional!) lets you pick one of three rooms. We decided to pick the Japanese style room on the third floor! You can find the link to the AirBnB here!
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This is how it looks! You can exit the doors on the right to go to the balcony!
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The kitchen and dining area! We sat here to have supper every day while we were in Tokyo!
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I caught a sticker of Yayoi Kusama’s pumpkin on the door!!
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Naturally, since Shimo-ochiai was a stop away from Takadanobaba, I decided to drag my family to the polar bear’s café!! They are having a different sale right now. It seems that they are having a panda fair atm!
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Now they have calendar coasters!
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When I found out that they were selling a limited edition cappuccino with coffee art of panda disguising himself as polar bear, of course, I had to go get it
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I had the salmon stew that Polar Bear made Grizzly in episode 25!! It was REALLY good!! My mom got the same thing, and my brother took the katsu dish!
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Now they placed hats on the life sized penguin and panda HAHA
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We went to eat at a sukiyaki restaurant with Belle!! (and no we didn’t order what was in the picture because we couldn’t finish that). It's called 木曽路 (Kisoji) and to anyone interested I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT because of the quality of its meat and its generous portions!
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In sukiyaki, after cooking the meat, you’re supposed to dip it in raw egg. It sounds intimidating but it’s really delicious!!
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VEGETABLES (that my brother refused to eat because he doesn’t eat his veges)
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Lok at all the vegetables sizzling in the pan. The onions were my favourite!
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And they served the udon last before the dessert! It’s really quite a lot of food! But it’s all delicious so thank God that we could finish everything
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I didn’t manage to get a picture of the sizzling meat in the pan so have a look at it on the restaurant menu.
THE FOOD IS REALLY GOOD. Literally everything here, especially the beef, was melt in your mouth heaven.
NEXT DAY (Harajuku and Shibuya)
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We headed straight to Harajuku to eat since we left the house later than planned today. The first vegetable juice I drank in my life is Pokemon vegetable juice!
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YUZU RAMEN. This is the craziest ramen I’ve ever eaten! It was not bad!! Apparently, it’s one of the more popular ramen joints in Harajuku. It was already jam packed by the time we arrived!
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If you ever get the chance to eat Kakuni (braised pork) in Japan, DO IT. I promise you a slice of heaven
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We went to Meiji Jingu just like last time, and we shopped a bit in GAP! Before long, we were hungry, and since my brother and mother couldn’t walk so much, we decided to go to Doutour coffee soon after shopping at GAP.
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Don’t let the cheap prices of this joint fool you. Doutor coffee is everywhere in Japan and for GOOD REASON. Honestly this was the best BLACK COFFEE I’ve ever had. I think they roast their beans really well!
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We went to Marion crepes after that! It's in the middle of takeshita street, so we had to walk a bit to get there. I also managed to shop at this place called good day! It sells the best clothes in the entire street in my opinion!
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Life is good. A toast to marion crepes
We walked quite a bit after that! My brother went to do some shopping in Adidas, and we walked to Shibuya from there. Once again, on the way, I stopped by Alice on Wednesday, a quaint little shop which sells Alice in Wonderland merchandise! My family was really tired from the walk, so I decided to bring them to eat cow tongue rice.
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It is as GOOD as ever. By the time we finished, everything in Shibuya was closing, so we had to go home after that. But the adventures of the day don’t end there!
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It turns out there was a mini supermarket at the place we were staying. I got really carried away looking at their meat! I MEAN LOOK. All these are perfectly red and they only range from 200 to 800 yen!!
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Their bacon and ham are to DIE for. But that’s enough excitement for the day. I bought some roasted pork to eat for breakfast the next day (but sadly I didn’t take a picture of it)!
NEXT DAY (Shibuya)
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There was a melon bread shop near the shimochiai station! Apparently they specialize in melon bread with CREAM
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This is a mini model of the melon bread. I’m excited already
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The REAL THING. This is the best melon bread I have ever eaten HANDS DOWN. I love how you could just randomly walk around in Japan and go to a random shop, and everything you try is delicious.
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I want this vending machine in my house
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We decided to look around in the Tokyu Shibuya supermarket since my mom always talks about what nice food these supermarkets have. True enough, look at these omg
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They didn’t have a price tag on these watermelons so I assume they’re not for sale. Pity!!
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I am literally screeching at how fresh these prawns look
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From the roof top of Tokyu!
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We went to a Tempura restaurant at the top floor! I was really carried away looking at this thing while we were waiting for the food
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IT WAS SO GOOD. I ate the set at the bottom! It was really refreshing and thirst quenching, since it’s cold noodles! They also used wild vegetables for the tempura (they didn’t have the typical stuff like sweet potato and pumpkins), so it was a really pleasant surprise! I didn’t know what I ate I just ate them all
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I decided to eat kakuni again! I really want to try making this back at home. It’s such a good dish I’m obsessed
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Immediately after we went back to the basement to have dumplings. Travelling with family is always about eating
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Kimi no na wa posters outside the Tokyu building! It seems that the bluray just got released! We walked around a bit after that and visited the shops my family wanted to go. Including Loft
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In the meantime I got carried away taking pictures of graffiti outside the shops lmao. Halfway through, my family decided to take a rest at Starbucks, while I went to Shibuya 109 in the meantime. They had clearance sales all throughout the building so I managed to snag some really good deals from this shop called Ingni!
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Before long it was time to eat (AGAIN). If you’re ever in Shibuya Tokyu please eat at this restaurant! It’s called Maisen, and it serves tonkatsu (Fried pork cutlet). I think this is the best tonkatsu I’ve eaten all my life. Usually I only get the air-flown version of the food here, so eating it at the restaurant itself was a GREAT experience!
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TOPS cake! It’s a chocolate brand in Japan that my entire family adores! I’m not one for chcocolate but even I loved this! It’s really worth a try if you’re in Tokyo! We ate this with our host, and we had a great chat!
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Of course I’m a glutton so I ate extra things for dessert.
NEXT DAY (Shinjuku and Shibuya (Don’t we always go back to Shibuya?))
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Arrived in Shinjuku! Apparently this shop is a Singaporean brand! Fancy seeing you here!
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SHINJUKUUUUUUUU. I came through this exit about five years ago with my father! It really brings me back to the good old days tbh
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Remember this guy from my previous trip? I saw this whole stash of Totoros at tokyu hands in takashimaya, so naturally I put my own totoro in the middle of them to snap a shot HAHA.
After this we went to meet up with my cousin who was in Tokyo! We travelled the day with her after that! First, we needed to eat, so we had to take the big lift up to the highest levels in Takashimaya. I had a bad experience with lifts before, so I excused myself and decided to take the escalator.
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We ate tempura again! The last tempura was ice cream, if you’re interested! It wasn’t bad! But I did prefer the tempura from yesterday.
After this, we decided to look around in Shinjuku! We went to Tower Records, Don Quijote and Gap! And after a while we decided to go back to Shibuya again (lol)
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Now I actually managed to get a proper shot of the Shibuya cityscape! I love this place so much.
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We went to the basement of seibu to try out some food! Most of the shops close at 8pm, but the restaurants close later. We went to this Western buffet restaurant, and I took pictures of some of my more presentable salad plates. Lmao. Everything else after these three plates was just chaos.
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Some of our mini-main courses!
After this we had to go back home ;w;. We said goodbye to our cousin and went back to Shimo-Ochiai! She was very nice to send us off at the platform despite holding so many things in her hands. I haven’t seen her for 8 years prior to this, so I hope we can see her soon again!
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But the day hasn’t ended yet! Our host was very kind to buy us tarts on our last day! These cheese tarts are from a company called BAKE—which is apparently one of the most famous producers of cheese tarts in Japan. The quality of the tarts are REALLY good!!
FINAL DAY Departure
Nothing much to say other than us going back to Singapore! We left the house before peak hours so we didn’t manage to say goodbye to our host for that one last time ;w; The trip to Narita was mostly uneventful and I slept a little on the train..
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Last meal in Japan at Narita airport! Porridge is great because I get quite airsick easily, so I can’t swallow too much oily food before a flight!
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LOOK AT THE DECORATION. I love all the attention to detail tbh
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Half an hour before the flight, I decided to swallow this down. It’s not bad! I wanted to save it for when I touched down in Singapore, but it seems that they don’t allow water on planes
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This is just a little tidbit! But my grandma used to make us this thing called Matsutake gohan (it’s basically mushroom rice, but the mushroom they use is a special kind that only grows on mountains in autumn)! My aunt made this for us to bring back to Singapore so I was really happy and touched. She gave us enough to feed my family for three meals!
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Also, I managed to eat the cup noodles I got from the cup noodle museum in my previous trip! Look at all the Hiyoko-chan narutos!!! I really hope they sell the original cup noodles in Singapore soon. It is my favourite flavour of Nissin cup noodles!
But yeah, that’s about it for now! This trip was really rushed so there were lots of things I didn’t take pictures of. But thanks for reading all the same!
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okwilliamson · 8 years ago
should be doing homework but im sexting my boy and answering survey questions
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? - ummm i really dont know, syd, seany, evie, luke or bae at home lol 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? - mostly shy but when something i want is in the sights i might as well be outgoing to get what i want 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? - BAE 
4. Are you easy to get along with? - I think i am easy to get along with, i look mean at first i think and i have trouble controlling my facial expressions lmfao 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? - yeah i think so 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? -  fucked up sad boys who will crush my heart / boys in general im straight af to clarify/ but boys with big lips and nice eyes / someone whos funny / someone who will watch shitty movies w me/ BUT if this is just about people in general im attracted to shit lords like myself 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - um actually maybe? 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - my bab 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - no i love talking about sex 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - umm i have deep convos with everyone lol so probs today with syd and clayton 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? - ‘omw’ 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - oh sheesh idk ive been listening to throwback shit from middle school and also hamilton 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?- honestly the thing i like most in the world 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? - luck yes, miracles not really bc i feel like that has a religious connotation 
15. What good thing happened this summer? -  i slept with someone new 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - would i? yes...should i? not at all lol 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? - there has to be right 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? - bro what how would that even be possible 
19. Do you like bubble baths?- yeaaaa but never have the chance i dont have bathtubs in my dorm room 
20. Do you like your neighbors? - i dont even know my neighbors at all i know the girl next to me is named jackie and shes nice 
21. What are you bad habits? -  im a mess all the time like i dont clean up after myself, i dont even care if im living in trash ill just keep adding more trash to the pile. i dont shower enough lol, and im obsessive 
22. Where would you like to travel? -  anywhere!! i wanna go west 
23. Do you have trust issues? - yes kinda, i have a hard time being vulnerable with people bc i build up this wall to keep myself hard and safe away from potential sadness x d 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - umm makeup probably :) 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - probs my double chin lmfao but i can take selfies and look good anyways 
26. What do you do when you wake up? - i like have to pee as soon as i wake up 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? -  im good with my skin tone tbh but it would be nice to be able to tan vs burn 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? - syd, evie, luke, mik, bella, my sister 4 sure, 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? -  no lol 
30. Do you ever want to get married? - ummm idk im not really like super hype to the idea but it could be cool 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? -  ya girl has a buzz cut lol 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? - wowwie idk 
33. Spell your name with your chin. - miss me w that 
34. Do you play sports? What sports? - literally no sports are like the least interesting thing in my opinion 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? - shit idk thats so hard bc i use tv as like back ground noise a lot of the time but music helps me with everything else i cant choose 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - ummmm yes 
37. What do you say during awkward silences? - depends on why its awkward 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? -  xd i dont need this 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? - lovesick, xxi?? thats about it oh and thrift stores!!!!! 
40. What do you want to do after high school? - bitc im doin it im in art school 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?- yes for sure i give everyone a lot of chances 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - im sick/sad/angry lol
43. Do you smile at strangers? - i try to 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? - outer space 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? - classes bb 
46. What are you paranoid about?- money all the time 
47. Have you ever been high? - yes lol 
48. Have you ever been drunk? - also yes 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - ummmmmm yikes idk no not really 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? - green 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? - i used to but not recently 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? - work ethic 
53. Favourite makeup brand? - sheesh i think jeffree star cosmetics & lime crime 
54. Favourite store? - not sure 
55. Favourite blog? - probs claudias 
56. Favourite colour?- pink 
57. Favourite food? - pizza i think 
58. Last thing you ate? - pizza lol
59. First thing you ate this morning?- i didnt eat this morning 
60. Ever won a competition? For what? - no i dony think so 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?- nah 
62. Been arrested? For what?- nope 
63. Ever been in love? - i believe so! i fall in love with people all the time lol 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?- i was in 8th grade and his name was garrett and he was my first bf ever and we kissed on my front porch it was very cliche 
65. Are you hungry right now? - for the first time in a while actually yes 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - literally no i dont really have tumblr friends 
67. Facebook or Twitter? - twitter 68. Twitter or Tumblr? - this is tough bc i frequent both but probs tumblr 
69. Are you watching tv right now? - nope
70. Names of your bestfriends? - claudia, syd, evie, luke, mik, bella 
71. Craving something? What? - HUMMUS 
72. What colour are your towels? - one is like peachy and the other one is purple but i never use that one bc i cleaned up fruit juice off the floor w it and never cleaned it lol 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? - a lot like 3 pillows and i use blankets as like body pillows for that snuggly vibe 
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? - just one hello kitty lol 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - total i have quite a few but i dont bring them to school with me 
75. Favourite animal? - ummm i really dont know tbh 
76. What colour is your underwear? - black 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla for ice cream / chocolate for like cupcakes or cake 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? - tbh mint choco chip or phish food by ben and jerrys 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? - currently just chilling in my bra fam 
80. What colour pants? - black leggings lol 
81. Favourite tv show? - right now the office for sure / but also my 600 lb life 
82. Favourite movie? -  i have so many , django unchained, perks of being a wallflower, across the universe, i lowkey love the twilight series?? idk im not well versed in classic film just shitty films that have a special place in my heart 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? - this is an ugly quest but the original mean girls 4 sure 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? - mean girls lmao 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? -janice lol 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - bro idk finding nemo is not something i think about a lot lolol but probs the badass fish jawn w his ripped up fin 
87. First person you talked to today?- my sister 
88. Last person you talked to today?- just now syd 
89. Name a person you hate? - donald trump 
90. Name a person you love? - claudia <3 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - um not currently except maybe if my illness was personified then i would punch that bitch 
92. In a fight with someone? - i dont fight w people lol 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? - literally 1 pair i think 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - SO many lol 
95. Last movie you watched? - twilight last night lol 
96. Favourite actress? - hmmm, i love charlize theron, kristen stewart but not bc of twilight her other movies are fire 
  97. Favourite actor? i love tom hardy, eddie redmayne, john boyega 
98. Do you tan a lot?- not at all 
99. Have any pets?  - one cat named Bo 
100. How are you feeling? - kinda shit but ok 
101. Do you type fast? - pretty fast, working in call centers get ur typing skills on fleek lol 
102. Do you regret anything from your past? - a few things of course but at the same time whats the point in regretting things you know, it just gives you more baggage to carry around and that shit sucks 
103. Can you spell well? - for the most part i think but sometimes shits questionable lol 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - ummm no not really 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? - yes i have it was a strange experience 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - no way bruh people break my heart all the time tho it seems lol 
107. Have you ever been on a horse? - yes but i was like 8 i think i was sooo young 
108. What should you be doing? - im chillin 
109. Is something irritating you right now? - BEING SICK  
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - yessssss 
111. Do you have trust issues? - not so much trust issues but i have a hard time putting my walls down for people 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - ummm syd and luke hahah 
113. What was your childhood nickname? - liv, livy, liver, livy loo ( my mom calls me this when shes salty at me) my dad has always called me scooter crunch i have no idea what thats from, or any variation sometimes its just scooter and recently he called me scooter mc crunchy and that was even a lot for me lol , oh and olive!! 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - yes ive been out of ohio but not to anywhere very exciting 
115. Do you play the Wii? - i did once upon a time 
116. Are you listening to music right now? - yes frank ocean’s blond album 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?- i mean its fine 
118. Do you like Chinese food? - i love it but only from like select places bc mediocre chinese is always kinda a let down 
119. Favourite book? - harry potter series, perks, sula, 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?- sadly yes 
121. Are you mean? - i am sometimes lol i cant even lie 
122. Is cheating ever okay? - i dont think so 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? - dude no 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? - this is always a question in these 
125. Do you believe in true love? - ofc 
126. Are you currently bored? - nah im cool 
127. What makes you happy? - makeup, photography, my friends, my sister 
128. Would you change your name? - no ive never thought of something that suits me more than olivia, which is why im cool with my nicknames 
129. What your zodiac sign? - scorpio 
130. Do you like subway? - as in sandwhiches yes lol 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? - i would be shocked lmfao 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - ummm idk ive been kind of mia recently from being sick but probs syd 
133. Favourite lyrics right now? - the whole wiped out album by the neighbourhood 
134. Can you count to one million? - ive never tried and i probably never will but on principal yes i can count 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? umm idk that im ok? i try not to lie about trivial things but if im sad or something and someone im not comfy w asks me about it ill just be like yeh im good 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - closed i live in a dorm room lol 
137. How tall are you? -5′6 
138. Curly or Straight hair?- i have a buzz cut so neither 
139. Brunette or Blonde? - is this an opinion question bc i have blue hair so like 
140. Summer or Winter? - man im more of a fall/spring type 
141. Night or Day? - day i think 
142. Favourite month? - november but im really tired of my friends trying to kill themselves in my birthday month tbh LOL 
143. Are you a vegetarian? - no but maybe i should be so i wouldnt be so fucking sick all the time 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk 
145. Tea or Coffee? - i really like both 
146. Was today a good day? - my day hasnt even really started 
147. Mars or Snickers? - snickers i guess  148. What’s your favourite quote? - i dont really have one tbh 
149. Do you believe in ghosts? - yuh 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? -  the only book i have with me is my science book and thats not interesting at all so lol imma skip this one 
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ashleysalanitri · 8 years ago
1: My name? Ashley 2: Do I have any nicknames? Ashknee 3: Zodiac sign? Pisces 4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? Grand Theft Auto 5 5: Book/series I reread? Dear John 6: Aliens or ghosts? Ghosts 7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? Nicholas Sparks 8: Favourite radio station? God I haven't listened to the radio in years 9: Favourite flavour of anything? Caramel 10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? Amazing 11: Favourite song? Right now it's Shape of You by Ed Sheeran 12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? I don't have a specific question I go around asking new people 13: Favourite word? Fuck 14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? Eh 15: Last song I listened to? Go to question 11 16: TV show I always recommend? Scream Tv Series but right now I'm telling everyone about Riverdale 17: Pirates or ninjas? Pirates 18: Movie I watch when I'm feeling down? Annie or The Wizard of Oz 19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? That's The Way It Is by Celine Dion 20: Favourite video games? Grand Theft Auto 21: What am I most afraid of? Death 22: A good quality of mine? I'm reliable 23: A bad quality of mine? I'm very honest 24: Cats or dogs? I have 5000 cats so I'm obligated to say cats but I'd be down for a dog too 25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in? Leo DiCaprio or Tom Hanks 26: Favourite season? Spring 27: Am I in a relationship? Yeah right 28: Something I miss? Not being an adult 29: My best friend? Rebecca 30: Eye colour? Brown 31: Hair colour? Naturally it's brown but right now I have a ombré going on 32: Someone I love? My grandma 33: Someone I trust? Colleen 34: Someone I always think about? James 35: Am I excited about anything? Going to Mexico next year 36: My current obsession? Parenthood (the show) 37: Favourite TV shows as a child? Fresh Prince 38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? Michael 39: Am I superstitious? Eh 40: What do I think about most? Life 41: Do I have any strange phobias? Eyes 42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? In front of lmao 43: Favourite hobbies? Reading 44: Last book I read? Milk and Honey 45: Last film I watched? Big Daddy 46: Do I play any instruments? I can kinda play the piano 47: Favourite animal? Koalas, turtles or elephants 48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? None 49: Superpower I wish I could have? Time travel 50: How do I destress? Sleep 51: Do I like confrontation? Not really 52: When do I feel most at peace? When I'm relaxing in my room listening to music 53: What makes me smile? Willow 54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? Off 55: Play any sports? Lol 56: What is my song of the week? Shape of you 57: Favourite drink? Lemonade 58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? Probably the second grade 59: Afraid of heights? Depends how high 60: Pet peeve? Slow walkers 61: What was the last concert I went to see? Backstreet Boys 62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? No 63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? A writer or a dancer 64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? Yes many 65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? Oz 66: Something I worry about? My future 67: Scared of the dark? No 68: Who are my best friends? Rebecca and Colleen 69: What do I admire most about others? Their passions 70: Can I sing? Sometimes 71: Something I wish I could do? Travel 72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? Buy my mom a new car 73: Have I ever skipped school? Yes 74: Favourite place on the planet? Beaches or anything that has to do with nature 75: Where do I want to live? Ireland 76: Do I have any pets? I have an army of cats 77: What is my current desktop picture? There's a heart of it 78: Early bird or night owl? Both 79: Sunsets or sunrise? Sunrise 80: Can I drive? Yes 81: Story behind my last kiss? We were chilling and it happened like it naturally does 82: Earphones or headphones? Earphones 83: Have I ever had braces? No 84: Story behind one of my scars? I fell on glass and a bunch of it got into my hand 85: Favourite genre of music? Rock 86: Who is my hero? My mom and grandma 87: Favourite comic book character? Archie 88: What makes me really angry? Men 89: Kindle or real book? Real book 90: Favourite sporty activity? I guess baseball 91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? Bullying 92: What was my favourite subject at school? Art and Music 93: Siblings? I have a step brother named Joe and a brother named Michael 94: What was the last thing I bought? Candy at the movie theatre 95: How tall am I? 5'7'' 96: Can I cook? Yes 97: Can I bake? Yes 98: 3 things I love? Chocolate Netflix My cat 99: 3 things I hate? Men Liars Donald Trump 100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? Yes 101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? Boys 102: Where was I born? Long Island 103: Sexual orientation? Straight 104: Where do I currently live? Long Island 105: Last person I texted? Steven 106: Last time I cried? The movie theatre when I was watching Newsies 107: Guilty pleasure? Netflix 108: Favourite Youtuber? Ellie and Jared Mecham, also Bonnie and Joel Hollein 109: A photo of myself. Nah b 110: Do I like selfies? Yeah 111: Favourite game app? Right now I'm obsessed with Cooking Dash 112: My relationship with my parents? My moms my bff 113: Favourite accents? Brooklyn accents and Spanish accents 114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? Ireland 115: Favourite number? 8 116: Can I juggle? No 117: Am I religious? Somewhat 118: Do I like space? Yes 119: Do I like the deep ocean? Yes 120: Am I much of a daredevil? Depends on my mood 121: Am I allergic to anything? People 122: Can I curl my tongue? Yes 123: Can I wiggle my ears? Ye 124: Do I like clowns? No 125: The Beatles or Elvis? The Beatles 126: My current project? Get my life together 127: Am I a bad loser? No a good loser 128: Do I admit when I wrong? Sometimes 129: Forest or beach? Depends 130: Favourite piece of advice? Be who you thought you'd be when you were younger 131: Am I a good liar? Oh yeah 132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? Gryffindor, Amity, whatever District Effie is in cause this girl is not about to go into the Hunger Games 133: Do I talk to myself? Yeah I'm my best friend 134: Am I very social? I can be 135: Do I like gossip? Yes xoxo gossip girl 136: Do I keep a journal/diary? I used to 137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? Yes 138: Do I believe in second chances? Yes 139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? Return it to the nearest store or building 140: Do I believe people are capable of change? Yes 141: Have I ever been underweight? No 142: Am I ticklish? Yes 143: Have I ever been in a submarine? No 144: Have I ever been on a plane? Yes 145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? Oh man honestly I have no clue no one would make a movie about my life all it would be is me watching show after show on Netflix 146: Have I ever been overweight? Yes 147: Do I have any piercings? 14 148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? Lorelei Gilmore 149: Do I have any tattoos? 6 150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? To be myself 151: Do I believe in Karma? Ye 152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? Both 153: What was my first car? :)))) 154: Do I want children? Yes 155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? So many people I know are smart 156: My most embarrassing memory? The other day at work I called a guys daughter a he 157: What makes me nostalgic? Music 158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? Yes 159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? Brains 160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? I actually have a lot of creme and blues 161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? Yes 162: What do I hate most about myself? My anxiety 163: What do I love most about myself? My willingness to help others 164: Do I like adventure? Yes 165: Do I believe in fate? Yes 166: Favourite animal? Koala 167: Have I ever been on radio? No 168: Have I ever been on TV? Yes 169: How old am I? I'll be 21 in a week #hellaold 170: One of my favourite quotes? Shadows bring the starlight You just gotta give hope a chance to float up 171: Do I hold grudges? I can 172: Do I trust easily? Yes 173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? Probably not 174: Best gift I’ve ever received? My mom surprised me with a camera two Christmas ago 175: Do I dream? Yes 176: Have I ever had a night terror? Yes 177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? Last night I dreamt that I was the new Michael Jackson 178: An experience that has made me stronger? So many 179: If I were immortal, what would I do? Travel 180: Do I like shopping? Yes 181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? @ Donald Trump 182: What does “family” mean to me? Ohana 183: What is my spirit animal? A sloth 184: How do I want to be remembered? As king, caring and, loving 185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? How to play the guitar 186: What is my greatest failure? My whole life lol 187: What is my greatest achievement? Being a sister, daughter, cat mom 188: Love or money? Love 189: Love or career? Love 190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? Omg Ireland for the hundredth time 191: What makes me the happiest? Movies 192: What is “home” to me? My room 193: What motivates me? The people surrounding me 194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? See you all in hell 195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? No 196: A movie that scared me as a child? Nightmare on Elm Street 197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? Broccoli 198: Zombies or vampires? Vampires 199: Live in the city or suburbs? City 200: Dragons or wizards? Wizards 201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? My life 202: How do I define love? When you can look at the other and just see happiness 203: Do I judge a book by its cover? Sometimes honestly 204: Have I ever had my heart broken? Oh yeah 205: Do I like my handwriting? Yes 206: Sweet or savoury? Sweet 207: Worst job I’ve had? Swirls and twirls 208: Do I collect anything? Playbills 209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? My grandmas earrings 210: What is on my bucket list? Travel 211: How do I handle anger? Breathe 212: Was I named after anyone? No 213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? My first language 214: What TV character am I most like? Carrie Heffernan 215: What is the weirdest talent I have? Having the attention span to focus 216: Favourite fictional character? Dory
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