#and 'Leonidas' is Greek for lion
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starriinightii · 6 months ago
You know how everyone of the 11 (seven + Nico, Will, Reyna and Thalia) has names that means something really deep except for three.
Sources : Google
The name Perseus is of Greek origin and means "destroyer". It may come from the Ancient Greek word pertho, which means "to destroy".
The name Annabeth is a combination of the names Anna and Elizabeth, and has multiple meanings: Favor, Full of grace, and My God is an oath.
From the Greek word iaomai, which means "to heal" or "cure", Jason means "healer".
The name Leonidas has its origins in ancient Greece, where it is derived from the Greek words leon, meaning lion, and idas, meaning like.
The Italian male name Niccolò means "victor of people" or "people's champion". It comes from the Greek name Nikolaos.
The name William means "resolute protector" or "strong-willed warrior".
The name Thalia is of Greek origin and means "to blossom," "blooming," "flourishing," and "festivity". It may also be derived from the Greek word thallein, which means "to flourish".
Reyna is a Spanish girl's name that means "queen" and has roots in Latin, German, and Yiddish.
And then, there's Piper, Frank and Hazel -
Piper is an English name that means someone who plays the musical pipe, flute, or bagpipes.
The name Frank has multiple meanings, including "free", "Frenchman", and "a diminutive of Francis and Franklin".
The name Hazel is a feminine name that means "hazel" and is derived from the Old English word hæsel. It can refer to the hazel tree or the color hazel, which is a greenish-brown.
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roguerambles · 1 year ago
Make Love, Not War
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Record of Ragnarök - Leonidas x Reader x Apollo
Warnings - 18+ Only. Adult Situations.
This is just pure silliness based on an anon from @rukia-writes
(...but seriously, I'll be disappointed if we lose them both now--)
Enjoy the rambles!
"You invited him?!"
Leonidas was strong. Very strong. You very much liked how very strong he was, especially when he directed that strength into extremely pleasurable pursuits.
But right now you were throwing your entire body against his delightfully broad chest in a futile attempt to stop him from launching himself at Apollo.
Apollo sipped from his chalice, peering thoughtfully at you as Leonidas snarled wordless insults under his breath. "I wasn't aware you were inviting the brute, either."
"Will you both listen to me?" Your feet slipped against the floor as Leonidas pushed with the strength of a colossus, and you grasped at his shoulders in a bid to get his attention. "I want to--"
You were cut off by Leonidas's arm sweeping under you, yanking you roughly into the air. You yelped and grabbed at his shoulders as he practically tossed you onto the nearby bed, before continuing his warpath towards the Sun God. "You shouldn't have come here, Apollo."
The Spartan spat his name like a curse, and Apollo tossed his chalice aside carelessly, rising to his feet with a sharp sneer on his flawless face. "And why not? What will you do about--"
They were both angry and terrifying and hot and you were impatient. "By the Fates!" You yelled, pushing yourself onto your knees. "Will you both knock it off and fuck me already?!"
Both men's heads snapped in your direction simultaneously.
"Have you lost your damn mind--?"
You were determined, however. You stood up on the bed - the soft, wide, unjustifiably unused bed you intended to do many, many things on with the two glorious specimens of manhood in front of you - and grabbed at the helm of your tunic. "Take off your clothes." You ordered, yanking the fabric over your head.
Apollo and Leonidas stared at you, expressions blank. You wriggled out of your bottoms, smiling smugly to yourself as you caught their gazes wandering, a telling darkening in their eyes. You dropped down onto the bed, glaring up at them challengingly as quiet hung over the room.
Leonidas broke the silence first. "I'm not sharing you with him--"
"Your clothes are still on." You interrupted. Leonidas scoffed, shaking his head, his eyes flickering towards Apollo. The Sun God looked between you and Leonidas, and you were pleased to notice the way his eyes trailed over your form, before running over Leonidas with an unmistakable spark of appreciation.
Leonidas clearly noticed too, and bristled somewhat. "You aren't serious--"
Apollo shrugged, then began to slip from his clothes. He had a more slender build than Leonidas, but his body was sculpted to perfection, like one of those ancient statues made flesh. "I know two gods at once might be...intimidating for a mortal..."
Leonidas growled, and for a moment you feared he would swing at his rival. Instead he grabbed the helm of his shirt and tugged it roughly over his head, tossing it aside. The exquisite musculature of his body on display as he tugged at his belt, the powerful muscle of his arms and abdomen flexing and contracting with every movement. Both you and Apollo were staring. "Just try to keep up."
Both men turned to you then, their expressions reminiscent of hungry lions eyeing a particularly delectable gazelle.
You were pleased with their progress.
"Apollo? Apollo, open up!"
Ares banged his large fist against the door, while Hermes watched from behind him, frowning thoughtfully.
"I cannot believe it!" Ares growled under his breath, pausing in his actions to turn to Hermes with an indignant look. "He's going to miss the fight!"
Apollo was always a bit...flighty, but Hermes highly doubted he would simply skip out on something to deeply important. The pride of the entire Greek Pantheon was on the line, after all. "Perhaps he--"
The door swung open, and a very grumpy, very naked King Leonidas of Sparta stood in the doorway, his expression thunderous. "What?" He demanded, as though he were not addressing two sons of Zeus himself.
...Hermes could not think of what to say, while Ares spluttered in shocked confusion. Clearing his throat, Hermes tried to regain his bearings. Had they somehow come to the wrong room? But why was Leonidas not ready either--?
A familiar pair of arms slid around Leonidas's waist, along with a familiar head of golden hair coming to rest on his shoulder. "What are you doing?" Apollo mumbled, leaning in to press his lips against Leonidas's neck. "Come back to bed...they're quite eager for more...oh, hello Hermes. Ares."
....whatever Hermes had been expecting, it wasn't this. "Apollo...?" He began slowly, watching Leonidas's frown deepen, but he made no attempt to move himself from Apollo's embrace. "We...the Round will begin soon--"
"Oh, that's off." Apollo said cheerfully, reaching around Leonidas to grasp the doorframe. "Find someone to take our places. The three of us would rather not be disturbed."
"Three of you--Apollo--!"
"Thank you!"
The door swung shut once more. Hermes stared at it blankly, while Ares appeared to have been genuinely struck dumb, gawking at the empty space in front of him.
Hermes had no idea how he was going to explain this to Zeus.
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sentient-stove · 1 year ago
Fuck it,
A non-comprehensive- and better- list of names containing the root word Leo that are better than what the wiki says for Leo Valdez. Because Leonidas is stupid. (no offense[full offense]) (my credentials: i have over 56 percy jackson/heroes of olympus wips and am chronically allergic to using the same name for leo more than a few times. plus leo is my oc)
-Leonidas. The og, the one that everyone seems to think is the canon name. If it was, why didn't Hera or a monster or Gaea never call him it? Anyway, the first Leonidas was a king of Sparta and claimed to be related to Hercules. The modern Leonidas is a chocolate brand.
-Leoni. Just means lioness. It's a female name (a few on this list are) but it still gets the job done of being a longer Leo name but still unique.
-Leocadius. Bright, shining. If you're looking for something vaguely greek-y, this is usually what I go for ngl. Sounds cooler than Leonidas anyway.
-Galileo. Famous inventor/astronomer. Also the only name on this list that doesn't start with Leo, but instead has the name at the end. Does this ruin the lion motif? Maybe! Do I care? No!
-Leora. Compassion, light. Also a more female leaning name, but look me in the eyes and tell me you won't write trans Leo with him just making his birth name more masc, you won't. Or transfemme Leo lengthening her name to Leora.
-León. Meaning lion. Spanish/French/Italian origins. There's a guy on TikTok that calls Leo León exclusively instead of Leonidas. I've had him blocked for months cause I don't like his content but he did have a valid point not calling Leo Leonidas.
-Leota. 'Of the people.' German roots and origins. (I'm actually using this for an au rn where Leo's an oracle/seer lol. Cause, cause... get it? Nevermind.)
-Leonardo. Another famous inventor/astronomer. Need I say more? Also don't tell me Esperanza wouldn't name her baby after an inventor.
-Leonora. Another name meaning light/brightness. You'll notice that Leo can either mean lion/lioness or light. Which I think is fitting for someone who burns so brightly as Leo Valdez.
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snowmantita · 6 months ago
Nike is the Greek Goddess of Victory but wasn’t always, as just like Hercules, she too was once human, but she was the older sister to Leonidas of Sparta.
When Nike died, she became a god and had her name wiped from history, though she watches over her little brother from heaven with a sisterly love.
Nike is a warrior wielding two great swords and wears Spartan inspired armor and has spiky red hair resembling a lion mane.
Nike is one of the kinder gods who wishes for humanity to survive, despite being a fighter in the god side.
Nike is also by far the most powerful of the gods being that she has thought of every possible outcome in battles and knows what to do to win.
While Nike wishes for humanity to survive and thrive, she as a warrior feet’s a duty to fight other strong warriors as a sign of respect,
I think that Nike would have a good relationship with Persephone as well as most other gods and goddesses.
(Basically think of Radahn from Elden Ring, she is kind of that but a lot kinder than Radahn)
From what you're telling me about Nike, all I can say is it's great!
I love that she is Leonidas' older sister, that gives her a unique touch and at the same time makes me have some questions about their relationship.
I already want to see her design, I feel she would look beautiful and powerful with that armor, I can only imagine her as the character Blood of Zeus, Alexia. With a strong sense of justice and kindness, but calculating when it comes to fighting.
Come to think of it, Nike is like Rhadamanthys: Both are on the side of the gods but want humanity to survive, both were humans and are now deities. While on Persephone's side, because Nike would help the gods during the Titanomachy (In myth), the Queen of the Underworld would be grateful for her help, but after the defeat of Hades, Persephone would hate all gods who support humanity, so we can work on their relationship before and after the seventh battle and the battle of our beloved Regent of Helheim.
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lovelylostminds · 2 years ago
Muse; Kassandra of Sparta, The Eagle Bearer
Faceclaim: Gal Gadot
Exclusively shipped with @sah1x1s Brasidas/Muses
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Kassandra (Greek: Κασσανδρα; 458 BCE -) renowned as the Eagle Bearer, was a Spartan mercenary who operated in Greece during the Peloponnesian War.
During her travels as a mercenary, Kassandra came into conflict with the secretive Cult of Kosmos, an organization intent on controlling the entire Greek world.
She was the older half-sister of Alexios and, through her mother, Myrrine, the granddaughter of King Leonidas I of Sparta. Although raised by her step-father Nikolaos, Kassandra was the biological daughter of Pythagoras.
When Kassandra was seven, the Pythia Praxithea at Sanctuary of Delphi prophesied at the decree of the Cult of Kosmos that Kassandra's younger brother, the baby Alexios, would bring about the fall of Sparta. In order to prevent this, Alexios was to be sacrificed at Mount Taygetos, despite Myrrine's pleas for Nikolaos to stop it. As a priest was about to drop Alexios, Kassandra attempted to stop the sacrifice but instead pushed the priest and Alexios to their apparent deaths. Kassandra was condemned as a traitor to Sparta by the ephors, who urged Nikolaos to execute her immediately.
Nikolaos, being adherent to Spartan law, reluctantly complied and held Kassandra by her hand and dropped her down the mountain despite pleas from Myrrine. However, Kassandra survived the fall and escaped to the beach with the spear. Refusing to be found by the Spartans, Kassandra fled out to the open sea in a boat, with the eagle Ikaros following her. A storm later turned Kassandra's boat overboard and she woke up on the beaches of Kephallonia. There, she was found by the merchant Markos, who took her under his wing.
Personality and traits
Kassandra had a soft spot for children, particularly Phoibe, a young orphaned Athenian girl. She also possessed a scar on her right upper lip and heavy scarring down her arm from falling from Mount Taygetos as a child. According to both Phoibe and herself, she was rather immune to illness.
Kassandra shared a symbiotic relationship with her eagle, Ikaros, which aided her in reconnaissance thanks to her Eagle Vision. Unlike later generations who possessed the skill, her Eagle Vision was far more literal in the sense that activating the ability allowed her to see through the eyes of Ikaros. Like the Daughters of Artemis, Kassandra could also tame a variety of wild animals to fight with her.
Trained from a young age to fight as a Spartan, Kassandra was a highly skilled warrior capable of defeating multiple opponents simultaneously. Kassandra was able to competently wield a variety of weapon types, including swords, bows, spears, and axes. Unlike most Spartan warriors, however, Kassandra did not rely on a shield for protection, instead being able to easily deflect enemy attacks.
A master of stealth, Kassandra was able to silently assassinate her targets undetected and was also able to utilize the foliage of bushes to remain hidden from her enemies. She also proved proficient in the use of the Spear of Leonidas which aided her in silent assassinations. The Spear also gifts Kassandra with Superhuman powers which includes enabling her to know what, when and how her enemies are going to attack, giving her a major edge over her enemies in combat. It greatly enhances her physical strength to the point where she can send normal and giant-sized men to animals as large as grizzly bears flying through the air dozens of feet away from her in a single blow with sufficient force. Her blows could even stagger Legendary beasts like the Nemean Lion and a Cyclops with significant effort.
She could also briefly enhance her speed and reflexes to the point where she can move faster then a human eye can see or react to and can also regenerate her injuries that would normally be fatal. If necessary, the Spear can also turn her invisible for a short while, allow minor control over poison and fire, produce concussive shockwaves, charge arrows with raw explosive energy, phase arrows through solid objects, and very minor control over time, only allowing for time to be stopped for five seconds.
A skilled freerunner, Kassandra was able to scale the statue of Athena in Athens as well as natural elements with relative ease. She also proved to be a strong swimmer whilst searching the ruins of underwater shipwrecks and was capable of holding her breath for a relatively long period of time.
With the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus, which was passed on to her by her father Pythagoras, Kassandra was rendered immortal and remained unchanged for far longer than two thousand years. With the staff, she no longer required food or water as the staff sustained her needs.
Modern Verse
She was born and raised in Greece, by Myrrine and Nikolaos a diplomat. She grew up to be a happy child, even more so when her baby brother Alexios was born.
Being a diplomat’s daughter, she was taught to defend herself if harm came to her. When she was ten, her family was murdered and Kassandra managed to escape through her window. Due to the fall she now wears scars on her right bicep, and across the bridge of her nose.
Alone and orphan Kassandra was found by local thief Markos and raised her to be his beck and call, he taught her the art of stealing, charming people out of their money, it’s not long until she became better than Markos.
When she reached adulthood, Kassandra became an Assassin, honed her skills, specializing melee weapons, special guns, and the bow and arrow. Her skill made her well known in the black market and occasionally she accepted jobs from people that allow her to travel, she didn’t care where the coin came from- although she isn’t keen to liking contacts that involve hurting innocent people.
Kassandra has no home and do no have ties to anyone but a little orphan girl Phoebe, who is the reason why she pick up on contracts to keep her fed. Although much like her family, Phoebe is murdered and Kassandra now hunts the ones who hurt Phoebe.
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epyros-sacel-vanid · 3 years ago
Gotta love Leo (yes, the one OC that is a pet lion is called Leo,don't @ me) in a Pyroar get up. I was thinking hard of what to do for a Halloween icon and I was like... Why the heck not? Let's dress up the lion as another lion.
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Here, so you can appreciate him better
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balaclava-marks · 2 years ago
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Leonidas || Fineliner and acrylic marker / text under the readmore / click for better res
Leonidas of Rhodes (Ancient Greek: Λεωνίδας ὁ Ῥόδιος; born 188 BC) was one of the most famous ancient Olympic runners. For four consecutive Olympiads (164–152 BC), he was champion of three foot races.
Leonidas is acclaimed by some to be the greatest sprinter of all time. Competing in the Olympic Games of the 154th Olympiad in 164 BC, the last of the "golden age" of the ancient Games, Leonidas captured the crown in three separate foot races: the stadion, the diaulos, and the hoplitodromos. He repeated this feat in the next three subsequent Olympics, in 160 BC, in 156 BC, and finally in 152 BC. Leonidas's lifetime record of twelve individual Olympic victory wreaths was unmatched in the ancient world.
There is very little biographical information about Leonidas, and no images of him survive. But his name - derived from the Greek word for lion - suggests he was a man of distinction. After his death, Leonidas was worshipped as a local deity in Rhodes. There, a statue of him displays the legend: "He had the speed of a God."
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Took You Long Enough (Remus Lupin x Male!Reader)
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A/N:   So in this fic, Reader is Lucius Malfoy's brother but you are not a death eater, you are part of the order.
Reader was a marauder so you will be referred to as your nickname.
Also Sirius is alive. Don't have the heart to keep him dead.
Also Leonidas mean Son of a Lion in Greek since that is your animagus. 
Let’s begin....
12 Grimmauld place was shrouded in a tense atmosphere as Harry found out the person who has been helping the order from the shadows is in fact (Y/N) Malfoy. Sirius and Remus were tense in posture, waiting to leap to (Y/N)'s defence if he needed it. Harry, however, did something unexpected of him...he sat down, stared at him, and said "explain."
Remus started off the explanation, "He was one of our closest friends in school Harry. He is a Marauder just like us."
Sirius jumps in next, "He is fiercely protective of us and fiercely loyal. He’s just like me, disowned from our horrible families."
(Y/N) finished the speech off by saying, "I know you have problems with the Malfoy family and you probably won't accept me but I will still protect you, even then. As we promised James that we would if anything happened to him and Lily."
Harry stared long and hard at (Y/N) to the point that Sirius and Remus were rigid. Then he saw the truth in his (E/C) eyes, walked up to him and gripped him tight in a welcoming hug. "I believe you....Leonidas."
"How do you know that name?" (Y/N) breathed, relieved yet shocked at hearing the endearing name.
"It was on the map...Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs, & Leonidas."
"Haha, so that's how you sneak around Hogwarts after curfew. I should have known, just like your father." (Y/N) praises.
After many stories being told to Harry of the many adventures of the Marauders time in school, (Y/N) excused himself and moved outside in the back garden to get some fresh air. The remaining people watching him go. "How close was (Y/N) to my parents?" Harry asked, turning to face Sirius and Remus. "He was made your other Godfather if that's what you’re asking?" Sirius replied.
"My OTHER Godfather?"
"Of course, did you really think Lily would trust Sirius to be a Godfather without having some back up." Remus replied heartily, covering a snicker when Sirius threw him a dirty look.
"So (Y/N) and Sirius weren't together?"
"Are you kidding, (Y/N) and the notorious man-whore? Together? Nope, never happened." Remus admitted to which Sirius looked affronted.
"Man-whore?! How dare you! I just had a lot of love to go around is all. Besides, you were the one with the massive crush on him. Still do actually."
"Wha-What? I do not have a crush!"
"Yes you do."
"No I don't."
"Yes you do!"
"No I-"
"Maybe you should just tell him Moony. After all, it’s obvious you do like him." Harry interrupted the playful argument.
"Pup's got a point Moony. Go. Go tell him, what's the worst that could happen?"
"Laugh in my face." Remus replied moodily.
"You know he would never do that because he’s not like that. Just go and tell him."
"Fine." Remus finally relents and raises from his seat in the living room to head to the back garden.
"Do you think he will notice that he loves him too?" Harry asks.
"Yes, if he doesn't bottle it and cowers out like a chicken." Laughs Sirius.
Five Minutes. Five minutes Remus has been stood in the back doorway just watching (Y/N) in the light of the half-moon. He was the only person he admitted to being a werewolf to. The others just figured it out. But he... (Y/N) he wanted to save from himself. How stupid he was to think that he would ever run away from or fear him. He was beautiful inside and out. His pale blonde hair streaked with (H/C) (If you are blonde then favourite colour). His big (E/C) eyes that sparkle in the moonlight. He was stunning, how could he ever love a monster like him. "Stop it!" Surprised Remus looked up. He hadn't even realised he looked away, to find the object of his affection right in front of him with an angry expression on his face. "What?" He replied dumbfounded.
"Do you really think after all these years that I don't know when you are thinking self-loathing thoughts! That you’re thinking you are a monster when you’re not!" (Y/N) shouted at Remus, tears in his eyes.
"Hey, why are you crying?" Remus asked soothingly, bringing him into an embrace.
"I just want you to realise that you’re not a monster. You are a smart, kind gentleman. Why can't you see the good in you that I do."
"Maybe...you can show me the good in me that you so obviously see..."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean...I love you (Y/N)" Remus hesitantly admits, to which you smirk.
"Took you long enough."
"Remus, I fell in love with you when we were in third year and you pranked Sirius after he got me detention."
"Then I should prank Sirius more often..."
"Haha, no. Maybe WE should"
"I Love you" you say together.
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nightslain · 5 years ago
RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !   good  luck  !
Tagged by: @notte-la-lagna​ 💕💕💕
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FULL  NAME: Leon Belmont
NICKNAME/S: Lion of France, Cherub, Kitten, Sunflower--
AGE: 22
BIRTHDAY: 22nd June
ETHNIC  GROUP: Celtic French 
LANGUAGE/S: French, Breton, Gaelic, Romanian
RELATIONSHIP  STATUS: Verse dependent (usually taken)
CLASS: Upper class
HOME TOWN / AREA: Carnac, Brittany. 
CURRENT  HOME: Wallachia.
PROFESSION: Knight / Vampire Hunter
HAIR: Jaw length, honey blonde and soft in texture; very thick and falls smooth nearer the crown of his head before it unravels into a halo of unruly curls around his cheeks and ears
EYES: Pale icy blue, almost silver in bright daylight.
NOSE:  Straight and petite, rather slim with a high bridge.
FACE:  Heart shaped and very soft; he lacks a lot of angular bone structure and has a very gentle, feminine appearance as a result.
LIPS:  Average; paler pink in tone, pronounced cupid’s bow.
COMPLEXION: Fair, but he tans to a more olive complexion in the summer. Gains a lot of freckles across his face and body when exposed to the sun.
BLEMISHES: A prominent dark cluster of freckles above his right ankle that are comparative to a birth mark.
SCARS: Many littering his torso, shoulders and back, most acquired from battle and from his training regime as a child.
TATTOOS:   A scar-like tattoo in the inside of his left wrist in the shape of the Gebo rune.
HEIGHT:   5′11′’
BUILD:  Broad, muscular frame, toned and has a sculpted appearance out of dress.
FEATURES: Long, full eyelashes and a slender high-arching brow, very rounded and youthful face
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE:  Loose about his face, combed despite its wavy texture often making it appear windswept and a touch unkempt. Sometimes worn tied back and twisted up when he needs his hair out of his eyes and face when battling or working.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK:  Either quietly stern when in a position of commanding authority from his men, or traditionally adorned with a more tender and thoughtful expression. Most often seen with a fond smile.
USUAL  CLOTHING: His knightly garb consisting of his armour, chainmail and tunic when he is out on duty, or otherwise his more casual clothes for inside the home and attending get-togethers, consisting of flowing high-collared robes, sashes, cloaks and ornamental jewellery.
FEAR/S: Abandonment, loss, failure, the rejection of his family, the inability to protect his loved ones
ASPIRATION/S: To sire a family of his own to carry on his legacy of keeping the world safe from monsters is, naturally, his biggest goal. Being a good father has always been his goal from the very beginning of his knighthood, albeit.
POSITIVE  TRAITS: Patient, compassionate, thoughtful, generous, approachable, nurturing, strong-willed, resilient
NEGATIVE  TRAITS:  Stubborn, impulsive, hot-headed, emotional, gullible, overbearing
ZODIAC:  Cancer
TEMPERAMENT:   Phlegmatic
SOUL  TYPE / S:   Artisan
ANIMALS: Lion, saker, stag
VICE  HABIT/S: Among his worst habit is undertaking too many tasks or burdens that aren’t necessarily his to care about; he often stretches himself thin and sometimes creates more problems than he began with. He doesn’t have many vices when it comes to food, drink or other physically manifesting habits.
FAITH: Christian
AFTERLIFE?:  Definitely.
ALIENS?:   Possibly!
ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE:  Though he was born into wealth and flourished in it for much of his life, he has no qualms about abandoning it all when push came to shove. He is equally happy living as a noble as he is a common man, but he was glad to have gathered sufficient wealth upon putting down roots in Wallachia to provide for his growing family.
EDUCATION  LEVEL: Trained from age six in all facets of knighthood which covers an incredibly broad number of subjects and skills. He was given a privileged education given the standards of the time.
FATHER:  Raoul Alaine Belmont (Deceased), Demetre Cariveau (foster father, living)
MOTHER:  Emeline Belmont (Deceased), Rosamonde Cariveau (foster mother, living)
EXTENDED  FAMILY:   None that he has met
NAME  MEANING/S:  Leon is a name that is Greek in origin, but also comes from the French word “Lyon” and translates, evidently, to Lion; however, the earliest recorded usage of the name “Leon” by a historical figure was that of Leon of Sparta in the 5th century. The name is also thought to have diverged from the Greek name Leonidas, which was also the name of a famous Spartan King, meaning “son of a Lion.”
HISTORICAL  CONNECTION?: Leon’s history is very muddied and uncertain due to the absence of any living relatives. He is not highly aware of his lineage outside of the fact his family have served as knights to feudal lords for several generations, and they have been rooted in French soil for as many of them as are recorded.
BOOK:  Many.
MOVIE:  Can’t say he’s seen any, haha!
5 SONGS: Ailein Duinn - Meav, The Night We Met - Lord Huron, The Valley - The Oh Hellos, Light - Sleeping At Last, So Far - Olafur Arnalds
DEITY: Helios
MONTH:  August
SEASON:  Summer
PLACE:  Mountains, forests, cliffs, the shoreline and the sea, his lavender fields
WEATHER: He enjoys bright summer sunshine and warm afternoon storms
SOUND: The sound of the sea tumbling over the beaches
SCENT/S: Lavender, florals, spice, leather, rain
TASTE/S:  Enjoys sweet things the most
FEEL/S:   Hands through his hair, silk on his skin, brushing lips, whispers in his ear, warm sand under his feet
ANIMAL/S: Birds, deer, snakes, rabbits, dogs
COLOUR:  Red, orange, white, yellow, gold, brown, blue
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lordofmyland · 5 years ago
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🤴🏻 The LORD Leonidas I ("son of the lion"; died 11 August 480 BC) was a warrior king of the Greek city-state of Sparta, and the 17th of the Agiad line; a dynasty which claimed descent from the mythological demigod Heracles and Cadmus. He was the husband of Gorgo, the daughter of Cleomenes I of Sparta. Leonidas had a notable participation in the Second Persian War, where he led the allied Greek forces to a last stand at the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) while attempting to defend the pass from the invading Persian army; he entered myth as the so-called leader of the 300 Spartans. . Plutarch has recorded the following: "When someone said to him: 'Except for being king you are not at all superior to us,' Leonidas son of Anaxandridas and brother of Cleomenes replied: 'But were I not better than you, I should not be king.'" As the product of the agoge, Leonidas is unlikely to have been referring to his royal blood alone but rather suggesting that he had, like his brother Dorieus, proven superior capability in the competitive environment of Spartan training and society, and that he believed this made him qualified to rule. . Leonidas was chosen to lead the combined Greek forces determined to resist the Second Persian invasion of Greece in 481 BC. This was not simply a tribute to Sparta's military prowess: The probability that the coalition wanted Leonidas personally for his capability as a military leader is underlined by the fact that just two years after his death, the coalition preferred Athenian leadership to the leadership of either Leotychidas or Leonidas' successor (as regent for his still under-aged son) Pausanias. The rejection of Leotychidas and Pausanias was not a reflection on Spartan arms. Sparta's military reputation had never stood in higher regard, nor was Sparta less powerful in 478 BC than it had been in 481 BC. . This selection of Leonidas to lead the defense of Greece against Xerxes' invasion led to Leonidas' death in the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. - #lordofmyland https://www.instagram.com/p/B5K2m4xn7gTCA3kTlHaT9afdh3BegziALB2j7c0/?igshid=10ccz4qe9hxul
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filamentzine · 4 years ago
Vagelis - The Model Spy
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Α piece of music that needs to be played loud
Domenique Dumont -  L' Esprit de L' Escalier
A piece of music that moves you forward
Broken Social Scene - Pacific Theme
A piece of music that gets stuck in your head
My Wet Calvin - What Do You Say?
A piece of music that makes you want to dance
Keysha - Stop It!
A piece of music that makes you feel badass
New Model Army - The Hunt
A piece of music that you remember from your childhood
Giorgos Dalaras, Akis Panou - Harokopou 1942-1953 (Stis Paragkes)
A piece of music that reminds you your hometown
Slowdive - Souvlaki Space Station
The piece of music you’ve listened to the most
The Cure - This Twilight Garden
Hi. My name is Vagelis and as far as I can remember my self I always felt irresistibly attracted to pop culture. Collecting glossy stickers in the 80s as a child, watching MTV and sometime later feeling enchanted by the emerging indie/alternative scene it was something like a natural evolution to buy my first electric guitar at 14 years old, a time when (for good, for bad or for worse) the brit pop scene was dominating the indie universe. I tried to teach my own self by trying to play impromptu chords, by badly perform riffs, by getting hold of some books on first level guitar playing and that’s how I kind of learned to strum the guitar. The truth is that I never considered myself as a guitarist, rather than someone who plays a bit of guitar. And I think that this was the main reason I started writing my own songs. It was way easier to perform the things I had written based on my own guitar skills rather than playing other people’s compositions.
The first band that I was involved in should be around 1998 and it was called “Snowing Summer” (a wordy variation of “Snow In Summer” which was a b-side by the Cure). We never played live, we just recorded a live demo of our own songs, but to be honest I do not even know where that tape is.
Moving forward to 2000, some friends and I started playing for fun as a band called “Mad! Panic! Yes!” which was a line a read in a comic book hanging at the studio lobby table during a rehearsal break. We played mostly punk staff, or poppier staff in a punkish way. When we saw that this could go somewhere further, a couple of members of the band and I decided to pull out of “Mad! Panic! Yes!” and create the core of “Paraffin” (the band was named after the single Paraffin by Ruby). By adding a new bassist, a new guitarist and a keyboardist to the band we recorded a demo EP including three songs, “Watch Me Falling”, “No Love Lost” and “Paraffin”. Around that time I also started spinning music as a “two days a week resident DJ” in the beloved POP bar downtown Athens. I deejayed and spent most of my personal time in POP from its (almost) day one in summer of 2001 up to its last day in summer of 2012. 11 sweet years in a row that this bar was way more than just a place with drinks and music. A meeting place for people who loved all kinds of art, a place where special human bonding, deep love and true friendship was founded. So, looking back to 2001-2004 life was music, listening to music, playing cds and records for people, playing the guitar, writing songs, throwing live gigs with Paraffin and somewhere in between a bit of studying economics.
So, it was the spring of 2004 when we substantially broke Paraffin apart. Almost instantly a couple of members, once again, and I created “the Model Spy” (we actually got the name from the track “Model Spy” by Cinerama). Konstantinos joined the group as our bassist and that was it. We were rehearsing and writing songs like crazy, however the band was essentially introduced to the outside small-town world around 2006-2007, with a couple of DIY self-released EPs and singles that were available at selected record stores (like the legendary Vinyl Microstore and the, now, 50 years old Record House) and our live performances in Athens.
Moving amongst the underground indie environment that Athens and My Space explosion were creating at that moment, we were putting together new material, hence the idea of leaving the DIY process for an official recording was more than a goal. It was still back in summer of 2008 when, during a rehearsal break at Sonic Playground studios, Nikos Triantafyllou (long time promoter, producer and sound engineer) stated that he was willing to take over the production and release Model Spy's full-length album.  From that time onwards and for months to follow, we would take meetings after rehearsing at the studio on almost every weekend and on as many weekday afternoons and evenings as possible, recording, erasing, recording again. A year or so later, we had recorded fourteen (instrumental) tracks. Even though, the production team was always by our side, however (and unhappily) some of the band members failed at fulfilling their commitment.  Sadly enough, long-term friendships were violently terminated and left a half-broken up band and an unfinished record.
Within a couple of years down the road, there was a feeling of unfulfillment for Konstantinos Vavousis (bass) and me. By that time we were leading the project as sole members of the Model Spy while we already had this “morning ‘real’ job” thing going on in our lives, Konstantinos was musically active with various Athenian indie acts (such as My Wet Calvin, Zebra Tracks, Monika, Leon of Athens, etc.) and I was still a part-time local indie DJ (still am). So, essentially the band was led to a hiatus.
Entering 2015 reunion era: There was still a feeling of unfulfillment. By that time, it was as if the band was a “has been” while the few people that had a connection to the band felt like we were another local indie pop act of the Greek My Space generation whose traces were lost. Nonetheless and weirdly enough time was not an issue. We had already waited for too long and it was 2017 by the time we revisited already recorded sessions, and finally decided to follow contemporary indie pop standards. We went back to Nikos Triantafyllou as the man behind the desk, kept the spirit of the album alive, but also started the whole thing from scratch.  Adding, the genius of Chris Bekiris (Bhukurah, Devamp Javu, Chickn, the Callas etc. etc.) in coproduction, sound design, additional arrangements and soon were some kind of a new band back together. 
Bekiris and Triantafyllou performed their productive magic while Leonidas Oikonomou & Aris Nikolopoulos from My Wet Calvin, Kat (Tango with Lions), Evangelia a.k.a. Miss Trichromi, Leon Veremis a.k.a. Leon of Athens and Jef Maarawi accepted their guest features and gave new life to the songs by endowing their voices. And there you go. Our never-ending debut was finally ready to go, with a little help from our friends. “Serenest (A Long Play On Truth, Deceit And Souvenirs)” was finally released on November 8, 2019. Needless to say that the whole covid 19 thing did not allow our summer 2020 plans to evolve. However we have already been preparing new material within the Model Spy, a solo project (called “Ntentenis” -?-) involving dance music is in the works, my weekly live broadcast through Avopolis Radio is still on for the fourth season, while I keep (part-timely) deejaying non stop since summer of 2000 and the love for music keeps growing like the sea.
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italian-malmostoso · 8 years ago
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Marcantonio Bragadìn (Mark Antony Bragadìn) (1523-1571)
If this story was happened in some English-speaking Country, there are hundreds of books and movies to tell it, but it's almost unknown to Italian themselves, so by way of example I’ll take some famous Hollywood blockbusters.
On this day, August 17, 1571, Marcantonio Bragadìn, governor of the island of Cyprus, was horribly martyred.
Since 1473, the Republic of Venice ruled the island of Cyprus. The Ottoman Empire, that both traded and conflicted with the so-called Italian sea-republics (at that time Venezia/Venice and Genova/Genoa), was spreading across the Aegean Sea and the Balkans; of course it couldn't allow a Western domain so close to the end of the “silk-route”, so the Sublime Porte (another name for the Ottoman Empire) planned an invasion of the island.
The siege of Famagusta
Meanwhile, the Cyprus new governor, Marcantonio Bragadìn, appointed just in 1569, built new walls in Famagusta, capital of the island, to withstand the new artilleries, that was changing the way of waging war.
Just one year later, on 1 July 1570, a massive army of about 70,000-100,000 men and 200 cannons tried to disembark at Limassol, but it was repelled. A few days later, on 18 July, the main force managed landing attempt was successful in Nicosia.
The city fell in just two months; the local commander's head was sent to Bragadìn; the siege began on next September 1570, and it lasted until July 1571.
More reinforcements had reached the Turkish army, up to a total of 250,000 men, 1,500 cannons and 150 ships, the latter to stop any possible supply of men, food and ammo.
The Venetian garrison of about 6,000 men, more the locals, bravely resisted beyond imagination, by refusing the capitulation, with just two small supplies of Venetian ships, that broke the naval blockade.
Anyway, on the following July 1571, the Turks opened a breach in the walls, and the besieged, with just 700 men able to fight, out of supplies and ammo, surrendered to the Turks, with the promise to be able to leave towards Candia (now Crete, at the time also ruled by Venetians), and that the civilians would have been spared.
Just as in the book and movie “The Last of the Mohicans”, when Colonel Munro and his retiring column of soldiers and civilians was attacked, despite agreements with the French Commander, Mustafa Pasha, Turks' commander, failed to honor the agreement: as soon it is signed, he had the Venetian military commander and a coloned killed. And they were lucky, very lucky.
The city of Famagusta was plundered by the Ottoman troops, and most of the civilians were slaughtered.
The governor Bragadìn was taken alive: his nose and ears were cut off, then he was locked in a cage for twelve days, with little food and water, exposed to Turks' mockery.
On August 17, 1571, he was forced to walk twice around the outer perimeter of the walls, while he was whipped, hang to a mast on a ship, to show to the sailors and slaved survivors their commander's fate. Finally, he was led in Famagusta's main square, where he was skinned alive, after he refused to renounce his faith and to convert to Islam.
His stuffed skin was brought to Istambul, capital of the Ottoman empire. It was later eventfully taken by a Venetian Christian slave (yes, the Turks made several raids to get slaves in the Mediterranean Sea until the 19th century), and brought back to Venice, where it lies since then in the Church of St. John and Paul in Venice.
Is this the end of the story? No, just as on another movie (and the real history), 300, with the sacrifice of Leonidas and his 300 Spartans, and the following Greek paybacks of Salamis and Plataea battles, less than two months later a powerful Christian fleet, involving the Republics of Venice and Genoa, the Spanish Empire, the Papal States, and some Italian states, inflicted a severe defeat to the Turkish fleet in the waters of Lepanto (Nafpaktos-Ναύπακτος, now a Greek town), freeing many slaves oarsmen from the Turkish galleys, by preventing a possible invasion of Europe. Two of the Venetian galleys were in command of two Bragadin’s relatives.
Bust of Marcantonio Bragadin
The island of Cyprus in the 16th century
The city of Famagusta, ruled by Venice
The Lion of St. Mark, Venetian symbol, still on the Famagusta’s walls
Venetian domains in the Mediterranean Sea, 16th century
The soege of Famagusta, Cyprus
The torture of Marcantonio Bragadin
The torture of Marcantonio Bragadin 
Lala Mustafa Pasha, Turks’ Commander in Cyprus
The tomb of Marcantonio Bragadin, Venezia (Venice)
Google Maps, Famagusta Stronghold, Cyprus
Google Maps, Church of St. John and Paul, Venezia (Venice)
Google Maps, Battle of Lepanto
All the links to Wikipedia and Google Maps.
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version103 · 6 years ago
Latin Names - Male: L
LADISLAUS: Latin form of Slavic Vladislav, meaning "rules with glory." LÆLIANUS: A derivative of the Roman family name Lælius, possibly meaning "lunar." The name is listed among the Thirty Tyrants in the Historia Augusta. He may have been a member of the noble Spanish family called the Ulpii. LÆLIUS: Roman family name, possibly meaning "lunar." LATINUS: Latin form of Greek Latinos, meaning "belonging to Latium." In Roman mythology, this is the name of a king of the Latins. LAURENS: Short form of Latin Laurentinus, meaning "of Laurentum." In use by the Dutch, Danish and Swedish. LAURENTINUS: From Roman Latin Laurentius, meaning "of Laurentum." LAURENTIUS: Roman Latin name meaning "of Laurentum," a maritime town in Latium which means "town of laurel (bay) trees." LAURUS: Late Latin name derived from the word laurus, meaning "laurel." LAZARUS: Latin form of Greek Lazaros, meaning "my God has helped." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of many characters, including a man Jesus raised from the dead. LEANDER: Latin form of Greek Leandros, meaning "lion-man." In mythology, this is the name of the lover of Hero. LEBBAEUS: Latin form of Greek Lebbaios, meaning "man of heart." In the bible, this is another name for Jude, one of the twelve apostles. LEBUIN: Short form of Latin Lebuinus, meaning "dear friend." LEBUINUS: Latin form of Anglo-Saxon Leofwine, meaning "dear friend." LEO: Latin form of Greek Leon, meaning "lion." Compare with another form of Leo. LEONIDES: Latin form of Greek Leonidas, meaning "lion's son." LEONIUS: Roman family name derived from Latin leo (gen. leonis), meaning "lion." LEONTINUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Leontius, meaning "lion-like." LEONTIUS: Late Latin name meaning "lion-like." LEXUS: Short form of Latin unisex Alexus, meaning "defender." LIBER:  Roman name meaning "to be free or liberal." In mythology, this is the name of a god of revelry and the intoxicating effect of wine. His Greek name is Dionysos. Compare with another form of Liber. LIBERIUS: Ancient Roman name derived from the Latin word liber, meaning "free." LINUS: Latin form of Greek Linos, meaning either "a cry of grief" or "flax, linen." In the bible, this is the name of one of Paul's Christian associates. In mythology, this is the name of a musician, the personification of lamentation. He was killed by Apollo who was his rival in music. Another version of the story says he was killed by Hercules. LIVIANUS: From Roman Latin Livius, possibly meaning "bluish." LIVIUS: Roman family name, possibly derived from Latin lividus, meaning "bluish." LONGINUS: Roman name derived from the Latin word longus, meaning "long." Christian legend gave this name to the Roman soldier who pierced the side of Jesus and then became a Christian, but the name is not actually found in the bible. LOTHARIUS: Latin form of German Lothar, meaning "loud warrior." LUCAN: Short form of Latin Lucanus, meaning "from Lucania," a region of southern Italy. Lucania probably comes from the word lux, meaning "light." In Arthurian legend, this is the name of a  Knight of the Round Table. He was brother to Sir Bedivere, the son of Duke Corneus, and a cousin to Sir Griflet. He was known as Lucan the Butler, for he was a servant to Arthur before being knighted. In those days, however, being a butler meant being in charge of the royal court; and so he was, along with Bedivere the Marshal, and Kay the Seneschal. He remained one of Arthur's most loyal companions throughout his life. He was one of the last knights at Arthur's side at the Battle of Camlann. LUCANUS: Latin name meaning "from Lucania," a region of southern Italy. Lucania probably comes from the word lux, meaning "light." LUCAS: Contracted form of Latin Lucanus, meaning "from Lucania," a region of southern Italy. Lucania probably comes from the word lux, meaning "light." In the bible, this is the name of a Gentile Christian who was a companion of Paul. Luke is the Anglicized form. LUCIANUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Lucius, meaning "light." LUCIFER: This is the Latin translation of Hebrew Heylel (Greek Eosphoros), a name used by Jerome in the Vulgate Bible; for example, in Isaiah 14:12, it is an honorific title of a Babylonian king. It is composed of the elements lux (gen. lucis) "light" and ferre "to bring," hence "dawn-bringer" or "light-bringer." It became the Old English name for Satan and a name for the morning star Venus. LUCIFERUS: Extended form of Latin Lucifer, meaning "dawn-bringer" or "light-bringer." LUCIUS: Old Roman name derived from Latin lux (gen. lucis), meaning "light." In Arthurian legend, Lucius Tiberius was the name of a Roman Emperor who demanded that Arthur pay him tribute and recognize him as his sovereign. When Arthur refused, a battle ensued. Arthur defeated Lucius. LUCRETIUS: Roman family name, possibly meaning "wealthy." LUDO: Short form of Latin Ludovic, meaning "famous warrior." LUDOVIC: Short form of Latin Ludovicus, meaning "famous warrior." LUDOVICUS: Middle Latin form of German Hludwig, meaning "famous warrior." LUGOVALIO: Latin form of Celtic Lugovalos, meaning "strong as Lug." LUPUS: Latin name derived from the word lupus, meaning "wolf." LYCAON: Latin form of Greek Lykaon, possibly meaning "wolf." In mythology, this is the name of an early king of Arkadia. LYCURGUS: Latin form of Greek Lykourgos, meaning "wolf-work." In mythology, this is the name of a lawgiver of Sparta who banned the cult of Dionysus and paid dearly for it. His political opponent Alcander put out one of his eyes. LYSANDER: Latin form of Greek Lysandros, meaning "freer; liberator." This was the name of the main character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. In use by the English. LYSIMACHUS: Latin form of Greek Lysimachos, meaning "free battle" or "freedom fighter."
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prettygoodnames · 4 years ago
long names
Adalwin Meaning: noble friend Origin: Germanic
Aphrodite Meaning: ? Origin: Phoenician
Benvenuto Meaning: welcome Origin: Italian
Catharina Meaning: pure Origin: Greek
Dionysos Meaning: of Zeus Origin: Greek Alternate spelling: Dionysus
Donatello Meaning: given Origin: Latin
Elizabeth Meaning: God is my oath Origin: Hebrew
Enyinnaya Meaning: his father’s friend Origin: Igbo
Felicity Meaning: happiness Origin: English
Hieronymus Meaning: sacred name Origin: Greek Alternate spelling: Jheronimus
Infinity meaning: infinity Origin: English
Isabella Meaning: God is my oath Origin: Hebrew
Isingoma Meaning: first of twins Origin: Luganda
Kahurangi Meaning: sky blue Origin: Maori
Kimimela Meaning: butterfly Origin: Lakota
Leonardo Meaning: brave lion Origin: Germanic Related names: Leonidas
Michelangelo Meaning: who is like God? Origin: Hebrew
Octavia Meaning: eighth Origin: Latin Related names: Octavius
Oleander Meaning: oleander Origin: Greek
Ophelia Meaning: help, advantage Origin: Greek
Penelope Meaning: ? Origin: Greek
Philomena Meaning: friend, lover + mind, strength, force Origin: Greek
Philotheos Meaning: friend of god Origin: Greek
Theophilus Meaning: friend of god Origin: Greek
Zephaniah Meaning: God has hidden Origin: Hebrew
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prettygoodnames · 4 years ago
(updated) favourite l names
Lars Meaning: laurel Origin: Latin
Laszlo Meaning: rule, glory Origin: Slavic
Leander Meaning: lion man Origin: Greek
Leo Meaning: lion Origin: Latin Related names: Leonard, Leonas, Leonidas, Leonie
Lila Meaning: night Origin: Arabic Alternate spelling: Leila
Lisa Meaning: God is my oath Origin: Hebrew
Llewelyn Meaning: lion Origin: Welsh
Lobke Meaning: ? Origin: Frisian
Loke Meaning: knot, lock Origin: Norse Related names: Loki
Lore Meaning: lore Origin: English
Lorin Meaning: laurel Origin: Latin
Lucius Meaning: light Origin: Roman Related names: Lucy
Luna Meaning: moon Origin: Latin Alternate spelling: Loena
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prettygoodnames · 4 years ago
lion names
Meaning: sublime lion
Origin: Arabic, Persian
Related names: Sherali
Meaning: lion of God, hero
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: lion
Origin: Turkic
Meaning: cat-like
Origin: Latin
Related names: Felinus, Felina
Meaning: lion cub
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: lion
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: lion, man
Origin: Greek
Meaning: lion
Origin: Latin
Related names: Leonard, Leonas, Leonidas, Leonie
Meaning: lion
Origin: Welsh
Meaning: lion
Origin: Persian
Related names: Alisher, Sherali, Sherzod
Meaning: lion
Origin: Swahili
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