Version 103
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version103 · 4 years ago
Lovecraftian Words - F
Fabulous - extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large Faceless - remote and impersonal; anonymous; characterless and dull Fantastic - extraordinarily good or attractive; imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality Fearful - feeling afraid; showing fear or anxiety Fecund - producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or new growth; fertile Fester - become septic; suppurate; become rotten and offensive to the senses; become worse or more intense, especially through long-term neglect or indifference Fetid - smelling extremely unpleasant Fibrous - consisting of or characterized by fibers Fiendish - extremely cruel or unpleasant; devilish Fiery - consisting of fire or burning strongly and brightly; having a passionate, quick-tempered nature Filthy - disgustingly dirty; obscene and offensive Flabby - soft, loose, and fleshy Flail - wave or swing or cause to wave or swing wildly; beat; flog Flatulent - suffering from or marked by an accumulation of gas in the alimentary canal; inflated or pretentious in speech or writing Flow - move along or out steadily and continuously in a current or stream; proceed or be produced smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly Fluctuate - rise and fall irregularly in number or amount Fluid - not settled or stable; likely or able to change Foaming - producing a mass of small bubbles; frothing Foul - offensive to the senses, especially through having a disgusting smell or taste or being unpleasantly soiled; wicked or immoral Fractured - broken; cracked Fragrant - having a pleasant or sweet smell Frantic - wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion Fungous - resembling, caused by, or having the nature of a fungus Furfuraceous - covered with or characterized by scales that resemble bran Furious - full of anger or energy; violent or intense
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version103 · 5 years ago
Lovecraftian Words - E
Effervescent - vivacious and enthusiastic Effulgent - shining brightly; radiant Effusive - expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner Elastic - able to resume its normal shape spontaneously after contraction, dilatation, or distortion; able to encompass variety and change; flexible and adaptable Elephantine - of, resembling, or characteristic of an elephant or elephants, especially in being large, clumsy, or awkward Elongated - unusually long in relation to its width Emaciated - abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food Endless - having or seeming to have no end or limit Enlarged - having become or been made larger Enormous - very large in size, quantity, or extent Envelop - wrap up, cover, or surround completely Evasive - tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially by responding only indirectly Exaggerated - regarded or represented as larger, better, or worse than in reality Excruciating - intensely painful Extended - made larger; enlarged; lasting longer than is usual or expected; prolonged
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version103 · 5 years ago
Lovecraftian Words - D
Dank - disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold Dark - with little or no light Dazzling - extremely bright, especially so as to blind the eyes temporarily; extremely impressive, beautiful, or skillful Deafening - so loud as to make it impossible to hear anything else Deathless - immortal Debased - reduced in quality or value Debauch - destroy or debase the moral purity of; corrupt Decompose - make or become rotten; decay or cause to decay Deformed - not having the normal or natural shape or form; misshapen Degenerate - decline or deteriorate physically, mentally, or morally; an immoral or corrupt person Degraded - treated or regarded with contempt or disrespect; reduced in quality; inferior Delirious - in an acutely disturbed state of mind resulting from illness or intoxication and characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech Demonic - of, resembling, or characteristic of demons or evil spirits Depraved - morally corrupt; wicked Deranged - mad; insane Detestable - deserving intense dislike Deviant - departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior Devilish - like or appropriate to a devil in evil and cruelty; mischievous and rakish Diabolical - characteristic of the Devil, or so evil as to be suggestive of the Devil; disgracefully bad or unpleasant Diffuse - spread or cause to spread over a wide area or among a large number of people Dire - extremely serious or urgent Discordant - disagreeing or incongruous Diseased - suffering from disease Disfigured - spoil the attractiveness of Disgusting - arousing revulsion or strong indignation Dislocated - disturb the normal arrangement or position of Disorder - disrupt the systematic functioning or neat arrangement of Dissolved - become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution; disappear; subside uncontrollably into Distorted - pulled or twisted out of shape; contorted; giving a misleading or false account or impression; misrepresented Dreadful - causing or involving great suffering, fear, or unhappiness; extremely bad or serious Dripping - very wet; wax, fat, or other liquid produced from something by the effect of heat
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version103 · 5 years ago
Lovecraftian Words - C
Cacaphonous - involving or producing a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds Cackling - laughing in a loud, harsh way Cadaverous - resembling a corpse in being very pale, thin, or bony Cancerous - affected by or showing abnormalities characteristic of cancer Chaotic - in a state of complete confusion and disorder Chattering - talk rapidly or incessantly about trivial matters Chelonian - a reptile of the order Testudines (formerly Chelonia ); a turtle, terrapin, or tortoise Chitin - a fibrous substance consisting of polysaccharides and forming the major constituent in the exoskeleton of arthropods and the cell walls of fungi Chthonic - concerning, belonging to, or inhabiting the underworld Clawed - having a curved pointed horny nail on each digit Coarse - rough or loose in texture or grain; rude, crude, or vulgar Colossal - extremely large Congealed - solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling Conical - having the shape of a cone Convoluted - extremely complex and difficult to follow Corpulent - fat Corrupt - having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain Croaking - make a characteristic deep hoarse sound; die; prophesy evil or misfortune, especially unjustifiably and to the irritation of others Crustaceous - relating to or denoting crustaceans; having a hard shell Crystalline - having the structure and form of a crystal; composed of crystals; very clear Cunning - having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion Cyclopean - denoting a type of ancient masonry made with massive irregular blocks; of or resembling a Cyclops Cylindrical - having straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross-section; in the shape or form of a cylinder
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version103 · 5 years ago
colour of orbs
clear - a sign an entity is trying to communicate with you. white or silver - a sign that a spirit is trapped on this plane. may also be a sign of an offer of protection from the spirit, as white energy is usually positive. black or brown - a sign that an area may be unsafe or negative, as darker colours are associated with heavy and negative energy red or orange - usually a colour associated with anger or passion, its not the case with ghost orbs. with the spirits, its associated with safety, security, and belonging. green - associated with the heart and nature. tend to indicate a human spirit rather than one never having been human while on Earth. blue - as a calming colour, most associate it with guidance. grey or smoky - sign of depression, fear, or ambivalence. could also possibly mean trouble. pink - usually brings the message of encouragement, hope, peace, and love.
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version103 · 6 years ago
Lovecraftian Words - B
Baleful - threatening harm; menacing Baneful - harmful or destructive Barbarous - savagely cruel; exceedingly brutal Batrachian - a tailless amphibian of the order Anura; a frog or a toad Beastly - very unpleasant Bellowing - emit a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger Bestial - of or like an animal or animals. savagely cruel or depraved Bilious - affected by or associated with nausea or vomiting. spiteful; bad-tempered Bizarre - very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement Blasphemous - sacrilegious against God or sacred things; profane Bleating - the weak wavering crying of a sheep, goat, or calf. a weak, querulous, or foolish complaint Bloated - excessive in size or amount Bloodshot - inflamed or tinged with blood, typically as a result of tiredness Blubbery - having or characterized by blubber. puffed our; thick Boiling - the action of bringing a liquid to the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapor Bombilate - make a buzzing sound Brutish - resembling or characteristic of a brute Bulbous - fat, round, or bulging
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version103 · 6 years ago
Flowers That Double As Names
Alyssum Angelica Angelonia Aster Aubrieta Azalea Buttercup Celosia Clary Daffodil Dahlia Daisy Glory Holly Hyacinth Iris Jack Jacob Lavender Lily Lobelia Malva Marigold Mazus Mirabilis Pansy Petunia Poppy Primrose Rose Rue Scarlet Snow Susan Tansy Thistle Tulip Valerian Verbena Violet Zinnia
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version103 · 6 years ago
Lovecraftian Words - A
Aberrant - departing from an accepted standard Abominable - causing moral revulsion; very bad or unpleasant Absurd - wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate; arousing amusement or derision; ridiculous Abysmal - extremely bad; appalling; very deep Acidic - sharp-tasting or sour; bitter or cutting; intense or bright Acrocephalic - a person suffering from a pointed skull Adhesive - able to stick fast to a surface or object; sticky Adipose - used for the storage of fat Airy - spacious, well lit, and well ventilated; delicate, as though filled with or made of air Alien - belonging to a foreign country or nation; unfamiliar and disturbing or distasteful Ambiguous - open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning; unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made Amoebic - relating to, or caused by an amoeba Amorphous - without a clearly defined shape or form; lacking a clear structure or focus Anarchic - with no controlling rules or principles to give order Ancient - belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence Angular - having angles or sharp corners Animalistic - characteristic of animals, particularly in being physical and instinctive; relating to or practicing the religious worship of animals Animated - full of life of excitement; lively Anomalous - deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected Antediluvian - of or belonging to the time before the before the biblical flood Anthropophagous - a cannibal, especially in legends or fables Appalling - causing shock or dismay; horrific Appendaged - a thing that is added or attached to something larger or more important Aquatic - relating to water Ashen - of the pale grey colour of ash Askew - not in a straight or level position; wrong; awry Astounding - surprisingly impressive or notable Atrocious - horrifyingly wicked Awry - away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; amiss; out of the normal or correct position; askew
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version103 · 6 years ago
Latin Names - Male: Z
ZACCHAEUS: Latin form of Greek Zakchaios, meaning "clean, innocent." In the bible, this is the name of a tax collector. ZENO: Latin form of Greek Zenon, possibly meaning "of Zeus." ZEPHYRINUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Zephyrus, meaning "west wind." ZEPHYRUS: Latin form of Greek Zephyros, meaning "west wind." In mythology, this is the name of a god of the west wind. ZOROASTER: Variant spelling of Latin Zoroastres, meaning "pure as the stars." ZOROASTRES: Latin form of Greek Zōroástrēs, meaning "pure as the stars." ZOSIMUS: Latin form of Greek Zosimos, meaning "likely to survive; survivor." ZOTICUS: Latin form of Greek Zotikos, meaning "full of life."
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version103 · 6 years ago
Latin Names - Male: X
XANTHUS: Latin form of Greek Xanthos, meaning "yellow" or "blonde." In mythology, this is the name of one of two immortal horses (the other named Balios) belonging to Achilles. They were the offspring of the harpy Podarge and the west wind Zephyrus.
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version103 · 6 years ago
Latin Names - Male: W
WENCESLAS: Contracted form of Latin Wenceslaus, meaning "more glory." WENCESLAUS: Latin form of Bulgarian Ventsislav, meaning "more glory." WIDO: Medieval Latin name derived from the Germanic word wīt, meaning "wide." WILHELMUS: Latin form of Old High German Wilhelm, meaning "will-helmet."
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version103 · 6 years ago
Latin Names - Male: V
VALENTINUS: Latin name derived from the element valens, meaning "healthy, strong." VALERIAN: Short form of Roman Latin Valerianus, from Roman Valerius, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." VALERIANUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Valerius, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." VALERIUS: Roman name, derived from Latin valere, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong." VARINIUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Varius, meaning "versatile." VARIUS: Roman Latin name meaning "versatile." VELIUS: Roman family name, meaning "concealed." VENCESLAUS: Variant spelling of Latin Wenceslaus, meaning "more glory." VERGILIUS: Latin name, possibly meaning "flourishing." VERISSIMUS: Roman Latin name meaning "very true." VERUS: Latin name meaning "true." VESPER: Short form of Roman Latin Vesperus, meaning "evening." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Eos, the masculine personification of the evening star Venus. VESPERUS: Roman Latin form of Greek Hesperos, meaning "evening."  In mythology, this is the name of a son of Eos, the masculine personification of the evening star Venus. VIATOR: Latin name meaning "voyager (through life)." VICTOR: Roman Latin name meaning "conqueror." VICTORINUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Victorius, meaning "conqueror." VICTORIUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Victor, meaning "conqueror." VIGGO: Latin form of Icelandic Viggó, a short form of Nordic names beginning with Vig-, meaning "lightning." VINCENTIUS: Latin name derived from the word vincens, meaning "conquering." VINICIUS: Roman name derived from the Latin word vinum, meaning "vine." VIRGILIUS: Variant spelling of Latin Vergilius, possibly meaning "flourishing." VIRGINIUS: Roman family name, possibly derived from Latin virgo, meaning "virgin." VITALIS: Late Latin name derived from the word vitalis, meaning "of life; vital." VITUS: Roman name derived from Latin vita, meaning "life." VIVIANUS: Roman name derived from Latin vivus, meaning "alive; animated; lively." VORTIGERNUS: Latinized form of English Vortigern, meaning "high lord" or "overlord." VULCAN: Roman name meaning "flash." In mythology, this is the name of a god of fire.
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version103 · 6 years ago
Latin Names - Male: U
ULIXES: Latin form of Greek Oulixes, probably meaning "to be angry, to hate." ULRICUS: Latin form of Old High German Ulrich, meaning "prosperity and power." ULYSSES: Latin form of Greek Oulixes, probably meaning "to be angry, to hate." URANUS: Latin form of Greek Ouranos, meaning "the heavens." In mythology, this is the name of the husband of Gaia and father of the Titans. URBANE: Latin form of Greek Ourbanos, meaning "of the city." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a certain Christian. URBANUS: Extended form of Latin Urbane, meaning "of the city." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a certain Christian. URBGENIUS: Latin form of Old Welsh Urbgen, meaning "privileged birth." URIANUS: Latin form of Middle Welsh Urien, meaning "privileged birth." This was the name of a legendary king of the Britons. URIAS: Latin form of Greek Ourias, meaning "flame of Jehovah" or "God is my light." URSINUS: Roman name derived from Latin ursus ("bear"), meaning "bear-like." URSUS: Roman name derived from Latin ursus, meaning "bear."
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version103 · 6 years ago
Latin Names - Male: T
TACITUS: Roman name meaning "mute, silent." TATIANUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Tatius, probably meaning "father." TATIUS: Roman legend name of a king of the Sabine people of Italy. Of obscure origin, but probably related to Latin tata, meaning "father." TELESPHORUS: Latin form of Greek Telesphoros, meaning "bearing fruit." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Asclepius. TERENTIUS: Latin name of uncertain origin, but possibly from the word terere, from PIE *t(e)r- "rub, turn, twist." TERMINUS: Roman myth name of a god of boundaries, meaning "boundary." TERTIUS: Roman name meaning "third." THADDAEUS: Latin form of Greek Thaddaios, possibly meaning "courageous, large-hearted." In the bible, this is the surname of the apostle Jude who was also called Lebbaeus. THELONIUS: Latinized form of Low German Tielo, a pet form of names beginning with Diet-, meaning "people, race." THEMISTOCLES: Latin form of Greek Themistokles, meaning "glorious law." THEOBALDUS: Middle Latin form of Old High German Theudobald, meaning "people bold." THEOCLES: Latin form of Greek Theoklés, meaning "glory of God." In mythology, this is the name of a Lacedaemonian who made the Hesperides. THEOCRITUS: Latin form of Greek Theokritos, meaning "God-judge." THEODORUS: Latin form of Greek Theodoros, meaning "gift of God." THEODOSIUS: Latin form of Greek Theodosios, meaning "god-giving." THEODOTUS: Latin form of Greek Theodotos, meaning "god-given." THEODULUS: Latin form of Greek Theodoulos, meaning "God-slave." THEOPHILUS: Latin form of Greek Theophilos, meaning "friend of God." In the bible, this is the name of the man to whom Luke addressed his gospel in the New Testament. THEOPHYLACT: Short form of Latin Theophylactus, meaning "God-guard." THEOPHYLACTUS: Latin form of Greek Theophylaktos, meaning "God-guard." THEUDORICUS: Latinized form of Visigothic Theodereiks, meaning "first of the people; king of nations." THIUDORICUS: Latin form of Teutonic Thiudereiks, meaning "first of the people; king of nations." THORBERNUS: Latin form of Old Norse Þorbiorn, meaning "Thor's bear." THRACIUS: Roman name meaning "of Thracia." THUCYDIDES: Latin form of Greek Thoukydides, meaning "glory of God." TIBERIUS: Roman name meaning "of the Tiber (river)." Occasionally used by the English. TIBURTIUS: Roman name meaning "of the Tiber (river)." TIMÆUS: Latin form of Greek Timaios, meaning "honor." A crater in the northern part of the moon was given this name. TIMEUS: Variant spelling of Latin Timæus, meaning "honor." TIMOTEUS: Variant spelling of Latin Timotheus, meaning "to honor God." TIMOTHEUS: Latin form of Greek Timotheos, meaning "to honor God." TITANIUS: A derivative of Latin Titanus, meaning "of the Titans." TITANUS: Latin form of Greek Titanos, meaning "of the Titans." TITUS: Latin form of Greek Titos, meaning "fire; to burn" or "straining." In the bible, this is the name of a companion of Paul. TOBIJAH: Latin form of Hebrew Towbiyah, meaning "God is good." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a Babylonian exile returnee. TORBERNUS: Variant spelling of Latin Thorbernus, meaning Thor's bear." TORQUATUS: Latin name meaning "adorned with the collar or neck-chain," like a slave. TYCHO: Latin form of Greek Tychon, meaning "hitting the mark."
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version103 · 6 years ago
Latin Names - Male: S
SABINUS: Roman Latin name meaning "Sabine; a follower of another religion." SALOMON: Medieval Latin form of Greek Solomōn, meaning "peaceable." In use by the French. SALVATOR: Late Latin name meaning "savior." SANCTIUS: Late Latin name derived from the word sanctus, meaning "holy." SANDALIUS: Latin form of Gothic Sandulf, meaning "true wolf." SATURN: Roman name derived from Latin Saturnus, possibly meaning "to sow." In mythology, this is the name of a god of agriculture, after whom a planet in the solar system was named. SATURNINUS: Roman name derived from Latin Saturnus, possibly meaning "to sow." SATURNUS: Latin name derived from the word satus, meaning "to sow." SAUL: Latin form of Greek Saoul/Saulos and Hebrew Shauwl, meaning "asked for, desired." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Kish, and the Jewish name of the apostle Paul. SCÆVOLA: Roman name derived from the Latin word scævus, meaning "left-handed." SEBASTIANUS: Latin form of Greek Sebastianos, meaning "from Sebaste," a town in Asia Minor. SECUNDINUS: Roman family name derived from Latin Secundus, meaning "second." SECUNDUS: Roman Latin name meaning "second." SELEUCUS: Latin form of Greek Seleukos, possibly meaning "to be bright or white." This was the name one of Alexander the Great's generals. His surname was Nicator, meaning "the conqueror." SENECA: Roman name derived from the Latin word senectus, meaning "old." SEPTIMUS: Roman Latin name meaning "seventh." SERAPHINUS: Late Latin form of Hebrew Saraph, meaning "burning one" or "serpent." In the bible, this is the name of an order of six-winged angels mentioned in Isaiah 6:2. SERGIUS: Roman Latin family name, possibly sharing the same etymology as "sergeant." Originally, a sergeant was a military servant whose duty it was to enforce judgments of a tribunal. SERVIUS: Roman name derived from the Latin word servo, meaning "to preserve." SEVERIANUS: Derived from Roman Latin Severus, meaning "stern." SEVERINUS: Derived from Roman Latin Severus, meaning "stern." SEVERUS: Roman name derived from the Latin word severus, meaning "stern." SEXTILIUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Sextus, meaning "sixth." SEXTUS: Roman name derived from Latin sextus, meaning "sixth." SIDONIUS: Roman family name meaning "of Sidon." SILENUS: Latin form of Greek Silenos, meaning "moving to-and-fro in the wine trough." In mythology, this was the name of one of the Ipotanes/Sileni, a race of beings having the ears, tail, and legs of a horse. They were followers of the wine god Dionysos and were said to have been ugly drunkards. Silenus was the oldest and wisest of the Ipotanes, possessing the knowledge and power of prophecy. SILVANUS: Latin form of Greek Silouanos, meaning "from the forest." In Roman mythology, this is the name of a god of forests. In the bible, this is the name of a companion of Saint Paul. SILVESTER: Latin name derived from the word silvester, from silva, meaning "forest, wood," hence "from the forest." SILVIUS: Roman name derived from Latin silva, meaning "forest, wood," hence "from the forest." SISERA: Latin form of Hebrew Ciycera, meaning "field of battle." In the bible, this is the name of a Canaanite general and enemy of the Israelites. SOCRATES: Latin form of Greek Sokrates, meaning "whole power." SOPHOCLES: Latin form of Greek Sophokles, meaning "skilled-glory." SOPHRONIUS: Latin form of Greek Sophronios, meaning "self-controlled." SOPHUS: Latin form of Greek Sophos, meaning "clever, skilled." SOSTRATUS: Latin form of Greek Sostratos, meaning "safe army." SPARTACUS: Latin form of Greek Spartakos, meaning "from Sparta." This is the name of a Greek slave who lead an uprising against the Roman Republic. SPURIUS: Roman name meaning "of illegitimate birth." STAMATIUS: Latin form of Greek Stamatios, meaning "stop." STANISLAS: Latin form of Slavic Stanislav, meaning "glorious government." Compare with another form of Stanislas. STANISLAUS: Latin form of Slavic Stanislav, meaning "glorious government." STASIUS: Short form of Latin Anastasius, meaning "resurrection." STEFANUS: Variant spelling of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown." In use by the Dutch. STEPHANUS: Latin form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown." In the bible, this is the name of one of the seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem who was stoned to death by the Jews. STYLIANUS: Latin form of Greek Stylianos, meaning "pillar." SUMMANUS: Roman myth name of a god of nocturnal lightning and thunder, meaning "nighttime."
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version103 · 6 years ago
Latin Names - Male: R
RABANUS: Variant spelling of Latin Hrabanus, meaning "raven." RAGUEL: Latin form of Hebrew Rəuwel, meaning "friend of God." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a son of Esau. In the Book of Enoch, this name is included as one of the seven archangels. He is known as the archangel of fairness, harmony, and justice; he oversees the other angels to make sure that they are all working peacefully together with mankind. All angels and archangels who transgress must face this angel who passes judgment and issues punishment. He belongs to the choir of Principalities and is mainly focused on keeping heaven pure of corruption. He is the angel who carried Enoch to heaven and back to earth. He is identified with the angel of the 5th Seal in Revelation 6:9-11, and is believed to be the angel who opens the bottomless pit. He is also sometimes identified with Abaddon, an angel believed by some to be the devil. There are references to a similar figure in Babylonian texts which refer to him as Rag or Ragumu, and in Sumerian texts as Rig. RAMIRUS: Latin form of Visigothic Raginmar, meaning "wise and famous." RANNULFUS: Latinized form of Frankish German Rannulf, meaning "plundering wolf." RASMUS: Short form of Latin Erasmus, meaning "beloved." In use by the Scandinavians. RASTUS: Short form of Latin Erastus, meaning "beloved." REGINALDUS: Latin form of Frankish German Raginwald, meaning "wise ruler." REGULUS: Roman Latin name meaning "ruler." REMIGIUS: Roman name derived from Latin remigis, meaning "oarsman." REMUS: Roman name derived from Latin remus, meaning "oar," but sometimes translated as "swift." In mythology, this is the name of the brother of Romulus. According to legend, Romulus and Remus were the founders of Rome. RENATUS: Late Latin name meaning "reborn." REYNALDUS: Latin form of Norman French Reynold, meaning "wise ruler." RICARDUS: Latin form of Old High German Ricohard, meaning "powerful ruler." RIOTHAMUS: Latin name, possibly meaning "highest leader." This was the name of a military leader who took part in the Roman campaign against Euric, king of the Visigoths, and was defeated. ROBERTUS: Variant spelling of Latin Rodbertus, meaning "bright fame." RODBERTUS: Latin form of German Hrodebert, meaning "bright fame." ROGATUS: Latin name meaning "prayed for, wished for." ROGELIUS: Late Latin name, possibly a diminutive form of Latin Rogatus, meaning "prayed for, wished for." ROGELLUS: Variant spelling of Latin Rogelius, possibly meaning "prayed for, wished for." ROGERIUS: Latin form of Old Norse Hróðgeirr, meaning "famous spear." ROLLO: Latin form of Old French Roul, meaning "famous wolf." Compare with another form of Rollo. ROMANUS: Latin name meaning "Roman." ROMULUS: Roman Latin name meaning "from Rome." In mythology, this is the name of the brother of Remus. According to legend, Romulus and Remus were the founders of Rome. RUDOLPHUS: Latin form of Old High German Hrodwulf, meaning "famous wolf." RUFINUS: Roman derivative of Latin Rufus, meaning "red-haired." RUFUS: Latin name meaning "red-haired."
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version103 · 6 years ago
Latin Names - Male: Q
QUINTINUS: Roman family name derived from Latin Quintus, meaning "fifth." QUINTUS: Roman Latin name meaning "fifth." Sometimes given to the fifth born child. QUIQUE: Pet form of Roman Latin Quirinus, meaning "men together." Compare with another form of Quique. QUIRINUS: Roman name derived from the Latin element co-viri, meaning "men together." In mythology, this is the name of a mysterious sea god, probably originally a Sabine god.
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