#and @darkandtwistedasmr’s YouTube
asmrbrainrot · 4 months
Heyo~! I don’t think I’ve done any content for @darkandtwistedasmr’s universe yet, but I’ve had this Oc for awhile and I’m so excited to share her with the world! Everyone, meet Candela Everbright! The first ever human student to attend the Blue Rose Academy, Candela (Much like her name suggests) is a bright young lady and fast learner. Her family owns a well renowned candle shop in her hometown and as such she is very proficient with candle magic~
(I included her casual outfit and school uniform)
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cannedf0wer · 9 months
Just realized i can upload video here!!!
Kyougen edit !!
Kyougen from @darkandtwistedasmr
Art and edit by Me @cannedf0wer
Song- 人マニア by 原口沙輔
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Warning post about DarkandTwistedWhisper
TW/CW: (glorification and fetishization of) r.ape, be.stiality, somnophi.lia, phys.ical abu.se, apho.bia / asex.ual erasure (sorry about the dots, i don’t want tumblr to flag me)
Sorry this post is so short. Everything’s in the document, along with archives and whatnot.
I’d appreciate if this can be shared around, especially on other websites / forms of social media.
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asmrbrainrot · 4 months
So, I was gonna gush about this video and then analyze the deeper meanings of the story elements. (And I’ll probably do that tomorrow) But like… look at this dumbass! I love him so much! He doesn’t know a lot about humans, but that’s okay.
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asmrbrainrot · 4 months
What a lovely way to finish off another amazing week of Magic Academy! No over the top explanations this time, I just wanted to show my love for @darkandtwistedasmr and direct you all to his fenomenal work!
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asmrbrainrot · 4 months
Oh to be surprise adopted into a theater club by a 55 year old (I think) centaur man~! Anyways, time to overanalyze @darkandtwistedasmr’s storytelling again!
Spoilers under the cut:
So I had a LOT of feelings about this audio being a theater kid myself, but largely, when I analyzed this facet of Academy life (or more accurately Professor Bairon specifically) I see an aging thespian held back by his fear of change.
Profesor Bairon is, at first glance, the stereotypical comedically dramatic theater teacher wash-up who’s waiting for a big break that’s never gonna happen, however; I do believe he does have potential as an actor, but he’s holding himself (and by proxy his students) back by sticking to what he knows. Bairon clearly knows what he’s doing, it’s even implied he used to have at least some notoriety as an actor. The problem is, he hasn’t changed with the times. Don’t get me wrong, respecting and holding onto traditions can be great but theater is a living art form, always changing. After all, all “old ways” were once new at some point.
Take Shakespeare for example, when we learn about his writings in history and english they’re revered as some amazing eloquent masterpieces reminding us of a more civilized and “high-brow” point in entertainment history. But that’s completely bogus! Shakespeare’s writings were vulgar, crass, lewd, and full of potty humor! Not to mention the reason it sounds “elegant” is because that’s just how old English sounded. To the people of the time it would’ve just been a crass comedy or (equally crass) dramatic tragedy.
Bairon believes he is safe in these supposed “traditional” methods, but fails to realize why they became so popular in the first place. At the time they were new, exiting, and funny! But now everyone has heard those stories, and moved on from such methods. Not to say that they’re bad or shouldn’t be implemented, but at some point you have to try something new. That’s what theater is about, getting up on stage and telling a story despite the risk that it may not be absorbed in the way you intended.
And that is what Bairon is afraid of. Heck! Even in his original stage play he’s telling the story of Queen Mila, (who I have some theories on btw) but everyone already knows about her. They’ve heard the stories and songs and tales. He dips his toes (or hooves rather) into prospect of the new by including the listener as Queen Mila’s admirer, but he’s solely leaning into the exoticism of having a human onstage rather than listening to the ideas of his students. (As demonstrated by him completely highjacking Heather’s theater club)
He’s desperate to find the spotlight again but is unwilling will to risk controversy. What makes his situation even sadder is that since the academy has opened up to all sorts of creative creatures now, the theater department has the potential to combine the stories and culture of other races with the resources and influence of the academy!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, here’s a cookie for your troubles 🍪
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asmrbrainrot · 4 months
OKAY OKAY OKAY! So this audio was FIRE! 🔥
But as per usual, I noticed this deviant was up to something and felt the need to share. Spoiler below so watch the video if you haven’t already:
So pretty early on in the vid he said that PEWTER was an acceptable cauldron material; HOWEVER, if you know anything about anything, you’ll see how this can be problematic. Seeing as pewter contains LEAD that is especially easy to leach out via acidic ingredients like THE NIGHTSHADE FAMILY! (Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, belladonna, etc.)
Now I hear you guys in the comments saying “But asmrbrainrot, pewter doesn’t contain lead anymore!” To which I would say dear reader, your correct. EXCEPT, modern non-lead pewter wasn’t developed until the 1970s. WAY later than than any magical-time period this could be set in. Now another counter argument, “Oh but what if he didn’t know it was bad?” To which I do concede that as a possibility. But I HIGHLY, doubt that after years of magical trial and error, it wouldn’t be common knowledge that lead was harmful to most creatures. (Even if they didn’t have the means to make a non-leaded version of pewter)
All this to reiterate the already know fact that Atropa is probably trying to poison us.
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asmrbrainrot · 4 months
But genuinely, I was not expecting Professor Vipe to be such a genuinely sweet guy. Like, he really does care about his kiddos!
(Even if he does use some unorthodox methods;)
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