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joel-lynch · 2 months ago
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Theon Boltar and the Legacy of Stormvein (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/384037323-theon-boltar-and-the-legacy-of-stormvein?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=ShortWatpadStorys Theon Stormvein and the Legacy of Stormvein follows young mage Theon Stormvein as he uncovers a hidden and dangerous family legacy at Ambrosia Academy. Once praised as a hero, Theon's ancestor, Thaldrin Stormvein, was actually a ruthless sorcerer whose dark powers were sealed away-until now. Drawn to a set of cursed, spiked chains that carry Thaldrin's magic, Theon struggles to control the deadly power within them without losing himself. As secrets unravel and enemies close in, Theon faces an impossible choice: redeem his bloodline or embrace its shadowed past.
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normally0 · 8 months ago
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Echoes of the Sphinx: Contemplating the Mysteries of Existence
The Great Sphinx of Giza stands as a sentinel of time, bridging ancient mysteries with modern contemplations. Its enigmatic gaze invites us to ponder not only the secrets of the past but also our place within the vast tapestry of existence.
As an architectural marvel, the Sphinx transcends mere stone and mortar. It embodies the synthesis of human ingenuity and natural grandeur, evoking a sense of awe and reverence. Through its stoic presence, it reminds us of the enduring legacy of ancient civilizations and their profound understanding of art, science, and spirituality.
But beyond its physical form lies a deeper symbolism, one that resonates with the timeless essence of the feline. Just as cats commandeer our affection with their regal demeanor, the Sphinx commands our contemplation with its cryptic allure. In the feline's sphinx-like pose, we find echoes of serenity, resilience, and wisdom—a testament to the enduring bond between humanity and nature.
In contemplating the Sphinx, we confront not only the mysteries of the cosmos but also the mysteries of our own consciousness. It beckons us to unravel the riddles of existence, to delve into the depths of our collective psyche, and to seek harmony amidst the chaos of the universe.
As we stand in awe of the Sphinx's majesty, we are reminded of our capacity to create, to imagine, and to transcend. It serves as a timeless beacon, guiding humanity towards a new awareness—a synthesis of tradition and innovation, of myth and science, of the earthly and the divine.
In essence, the Sphinx is more than a monument; it is a symbol of our enduring quest for knowledge, meaning, and enlightenment. And in its silent vigil, it continues to inspire generations to come, beckoning us to ponder the eternal mysteries that lie beyond the horizon of human understanding.
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sardegnapradio · 5 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @valentinoselis tomba dei giganti di "Is Concias" . . .La tomba nuragica di  Is Concias  si trova nel territorio del comune di Quartucciu alle pendici del Monte dei Sette Fratelli  a  350 metri di altitudine in un magnifico scenario boschivo  incontaminato . . . .#isconcias#archaicknowledge #archaicsardinia #ancientmonuments #giants #trueorigins #history #ancientworld #ancientlegacy #lostcivilization #megalithicmarvels #megaliths #sardinia #lanuovasardegna #focusardegna #igerscagliari #ilikeitaly #sardegnageographic (presso Tombe dei Giganti - Is Concias) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5lErmnqVG2/?igshid=1c43sbx6uye85
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pandamiaw-05 · 8 years ago
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Mapas Antiguos 😍😍 #History #ancientlegacy (at La Piedra Pintada En El Valle De Anton)
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hightopsxheels · 10 years ago
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Egypt is in AFRICA... Many thAnkhs to those passionate scholarly Kings and Queens (particularly in Brooklyn) who know the truth and DEMAND it. If you know who you are no one can steal your legacy! #EgyptisinAfrica #Kemetic #BrooklynMuseum #truth #ancientlegacy #Africa #Egyptian (at Brooklyn Museum)
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sardegnapradio · 5 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @valentinoselis 🌜millenni di notti trascorse🌛 . . .#orolio è un #nuraghe  complesso costruito prevalentemente in granito. Rimane quasi intatta la torre centrale alta circa 12 metri originariamente affiancata da altri due o tre corpi. Il nuraghe presenta due #tholos sovrapposte, collegate da una scala principale e da una scala secondaria occulta dotata di un mezzanino. Queste particolarità costruttive rendono Orolìo uno dei nuraghi più interessanti e suggestivi. . . #archaicknowledge #unionesarda #archaicsardinia #ancientmonuments #giants #trueorigins #history #ancientworld #ancientlegacy #visitsardinia #megalithicmarvels #megaliths #sardinia #lanuovasardegna #focusardegna #igersardegna #ilikeitaly #sardegnageographic #mysilanus (presso Silanus) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5DOoyiizdr/?igshid=uhbvklpbrqok
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sardegnapradio · 5 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @valentinoselis tomba dei giganti di "Is Concias" . . .La tomba nuragica di  Is Concias  si trova nel territorio del comune di Quartucciu alle pendici del Monte dei Sette Fratelli  a  350 metri di altitudine in un magnifico scenario boschivo  incontaminato . . . .#isconcias#archaicknowledge #archaicsardinia #ancientmonuments #giants #trueorigins #history #ancientworld #ancientlegacy #lostcivilization #megalithicmarvels #megaliths #sardinia #lanuovasardegna #focusardegna #igerscagliari #ilikeitaly #sardegnageographic (presso Tombe dei Giganti - Is Concias) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5yc6erirYI/?igshid=xmwupm9m5qin
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sardegnapradio · 5 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @valentinoselis .un saluto da Ghilarza🙋🏻‍♂️ . .con @ericacuscusa 👫 . .Il #nuragheorgono di #ghilarza è un singolare monumento che con lo sviluppo delle sue strutture racconta l’evoluzione dell’architettura nuragica: dal nuraghe #arcaico con camera allungata a forma di barca rovesciata alla torre troncoconica con camera circolare a falsa cupola. Oltre ai segni dei diversi momenti di ristrutturazione, anche i depositi stratificati delle due camere raccontano le vicende di utilizzo del monumento dall’ #etànuragica alla tarda età romana. . . attenzione! Questa foto è modificata🌛 . . #amodomio . #archaicknowledge #unionesarda #archaicsardinia #ancientmonuments #giants #trueorigins #history #ancientworld #ancientlegacy #visitsardinia #megalithicmarvels #megaliths #sardinia #lanuovasardegna #focusardegna #igersardegna #ilikeitaly #sardegnageographic #alluring_sardegna (presso Ghilarza) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5MibjTq2mC/?igshid=vqw8lpl2g3cw
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sardegnapradio · 5 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @valentinoselis Il complesso monumentale di s’Urachi, per la sua complessità e dimensioni, si configura come località centrale di un cantone nuragico sede, verosimilmente del potere politico, religioso ed economico di una tribù. Elemento centrale è la massiccia struttura di un nuraghe complesso costituito da una torre centrale e quattro torri laterali racchiuso all’interno di un grande antemurale dotato di dieci torri, per un complessivo di almeno 15 torri. Il complesso nuragico, secondo per dimensioni nell’isola, venne messo in opera in varie fasi nell’età del bronzo, seconda metà  II millennio a.C. Del #nuraghe sono visibili, attualmente, sette delle torri dell'antemurale, mentre le altre tre sono ancora sepolte sotto l'ampia coltre di terra che si è depositata nel corso dei secoli. Fonte: comune.sanveromilis.or.it . . #sanveromilis #sardegnaterraemare . #archaicknowledge #archaicsardinia #ancientmonuments #giants #trueorigins #history #ancientworld #ancientlegacy #lostcivilization #megalithicmarvels #megaliths #sardinia #lanuovasardegna #focusardegna #igersoristano #ilikeitaly #sardegnageographic (presso San Vero Milis) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5fR_yFqdyn/?igshid=1jq5v8zvkro7j
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sardegnapradio · 5 years ago
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Posted @_simonetrip Basilica di Saccargia #focusardegna #sardinia #lanuovasardegna #ioscelgolasardegna #unionesarda #visitsardinia #igersardegna #volgosardegna #sardegnaofficial #ilikeitaly #archaicsardinia #megalithicmarvels #sardiniantales #sardegna #italy #italiainunoscatto #Sardegna #sardaigne #thehub_sardegna #italia #sardinie #ancientmonuments #Cerde #sardegnaterraemare #sardegnapuntoradio #instasardegna #lauralaccabadora #sardegnaisoladaimillevolti #sardinian_history #ancientlegacy (presso Basilica di Saccargia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBDlN5sqTM0/?igshid=1cnxim58vbvoq
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