#ananda bosman
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tomasorban · 5 years ago
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Ananda Bosman
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readeverymorning · 4 years ago
Министъра  на пропагандата в нацистка Германия, Йозеф Гьобелс през 1939 г. издал  генерален указ, с който наредил на всички да настроят тонът Ла 440 Hz,  в��есто на 432 Hz както е бил до тогава. Тонът Ла е музикалният тон,  който представлява отправната точка за настройването на музикалните  инструменти от музикантите. Има един прост уред наречен камертон, който  взима тонът Ла винаги по един и същ начин.  
Именно малката промяната в състава на метала, от който е произведен  камертона дава честотата на произведения звук да бъде строго определена  на 440 Hz, преди това същите тези камертони са взимали звукът ла, но с 8  Hz по–малко. Височината на тона ла е същата, както и по рано. 
440 Hz се  използва от 1939 г. до наши дни.  Как се отразява на хората тази честота? Като резултат от нея хората започват да мислят и чувстват по определен  начин, те се потапят във вътрешен хаос. През 1953 г. постановлението на Гьобелс е одобрено от Международната организация по стандартизация  (ISO). Направена е промяна и честотата 440 Hz е въведена като стандарт,  въпреки протестите на професор Dussaut от Парижката консерватория, който  е написал референдум, подписан от 23 000 френски музиканти. Те са  настоявали да не се променя 432 Hz, за да се запази музикална хармония и  музикална вибрация на Вселената. 
Тонът ЛА настроен на 432 Hz е  бил съвсем умишлено скрит от света, защото това е точката на баланс в  природата. 432 Hz е вибрация застъпена в принципа на Златно сечение  (известно още като златна пропорция, златен коефициент или [божествена  пропорция] и обединява свойствата на светлината, времето,  пространството, материята, гравитацията и магнетизма към биологията, код  на ДНК и съзнанието. 
"Естествената настройка на 432 Hz има  дълбоки ефекти върху съзнанието на клетъчно ниво в нашето тяло. Чрез  настройката на музикалните инструменти и използването им на 432 Hz,  вместо от 440 херца, атомите и ДНК започват да резонират в хармония със  спирала на златното съотношение в природата. 
Брайън T. Колинс Една нота има 12 хармоници, защото резонира с 12 ноти на музикалната  скала (със средните и устойчивите тонове). Нотите имат 12 хармоници,  когато една нота се настро�� на 432 Hz. Когато човек свири на ЛА,  настроена на 440 Hz, се създават само осем хармоници. Музиката,  настроена за 440 Hz е много бедна и лоша музика. Честотата на  планетата Земя е 8 Hz, въпреки че напоследък се променя. Алфа вълните,  честотата на мозъка в отпуснато състояние също са вълни с честота 8 Hz.  Когато слушаме музика настроена на 440 Hz, това прави така, че тази  основна база от 8 Hz се променя на 8. 25 Hz, което означава, че  генерираните хармоници не са в хармония с планетата. 
Човекът вибрира в  диапазона на честоти от 16 до 32 херца, което е еквивалентно на  музикалната гама от долно ДО до горно ДО, или една октава. Настройката  на 440 Hz не е хармонична с честотата на човешкото същество, защото  основата става 16,5. Когато слушаме музика на 440 Hz, първото нещо,  което забелязваме e отпадналост, умора, желание да не правим нищо, и  това се случва, защото хармониците на тази музика не съответстват на  вибрационна честота на човека. 
440 срещу 432  
Проучванията показват, че музиката трябва да се базира на естествени  честоти на космическата хармония на вселената, ако искаме да бъде от  полза за човечеството. Института “Шилер” призовава за промяна на тона от  440 Hz на 432 Hz отново, защото на 432 Hz е дълбоко преплетено с  природата. Неотдавнашното преоткриване на истинската природа на  вибрационната енергия показва, че използването на 440 Hz създава  нездравословен ефект в околната среда и се отразява зле на всички живи  същества. 
Това произвежда промяна извън природа от 8 Hz, в начина, по  който мислим и в начина по който нашето ДНК контролира генетичната ни  конструкция. Тонът ЛА = 432hz тон е в основата на музиката и  интелигентният дизайн в природата има хармонична основа в 432 трептения в  секунда. Налице са допълнителни проучвания, въз основа на движението на  планетите и хармонични тонове. Тези тонове са с основа 432 Hz, това е  като една солидна основа за музикалната структура и регулиране на нашето  здраве. 
След появата на тази тайна информация, много хора  направиха свои независими изследвания, включително Ananda Bosman и Мик  Джагър от "Ролинг Стоунс". Те доказаха положителните реакции на  обществеността, слушаща музика с честоти от 432 Hz.
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sciencetosage · 5 years ago
Ananda Bosman interview with Karen Elkins | Science to Sage from Science To Sage on Vimeo.
Ananada Bozman is a Visionary, Cosmologist, Author, Semantic Artist, International Researcher & as an Award-winning Musician the Founder of the 432Hz popular & electronic music movement during the 1990’s to which he contributed his own Musicologist Theory “Universal Tempering”. Appearing in international radio broadcasts, TV productions & cinema movies worldwide, he is regularly invited as a keynote speaker to numerous international conferences. Since 1990 he has given many hundreds of lectures, seminars & workshops in over 25 countries, using state-of-the-art multimedia presentations that rivet the audiences with inspiration. Following two NDEs in his teens, Ananda had access to a source of numinous intelligence, the Emmanuels, that expanded him into superconscious states of being. As a result, he became a detailed researcher and developed a Unique Cosmology and Semantic Art, as well as his Diamond Body Lotus Training Techniques. In 1992 Ananda cracked open the Dark Room (DR) Secret of the Ancient eastern & western civilisations and founded the DR Inner Light Retreats, where he guides hundreds of pilots through 14 day light isolation. As a mystic he was witnessed to emerge from invisibility by numerous witnesses, on several occasions in his remarkable life. Website: anandabosman.com Facebook: facebook.com/Ananda-MJ-Bosman-87006821903/ You Tube: youtube.com/user/888compassionatelove 432hertz.com issuu.com/home/published/ab_-__all_is_god_ sciencetosage.com
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bjornthellama · 7 years ago
Light Body Training through the Re-realizing, or learning, of the Diamond Body. Properly known as a Vortexijah, which also has been mistaken for a lesser version known as a Mer-Ka-Ba.
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tomasorban · 5 years ago
Our rediscovery of the accurate 3D Dharmata geometry is based on the novel Timewave discovery of Novelty Theory, visionarily rediscovered by ontologist Terrence McKenna, initially in the 1970s.
The Timewaves’ typological morphology has been acredited by UCLA scientist and mathematician, professor Ralf Abrahams (A Chronology Of Time), as the fractal symmetry of the ontological morphology of time itself.
The Timewave verified to be an accurate cartography of time’s temporal wave architecture within the atomic clock observation measurements made by Los Alamos Laboritory physicist, Dr. Sheliak. The temporal behavior within the scale of the ATOMIC clocks, behaved accordingly to the Timewave-1 graph topology…
Thus, Puharich’s assertion to the ATOM’s nucleus MM force within the proton, to be following fractal electric/magnetic charge, which he also relates to the Mandlebrot set — is clearly here highlighted for the very first time. Especially when we understand the relation between the Timewave, Dharmata, and the mandlebrot fractal, as follows…
This leads us to our findings… By tracing the complete Timewave graph into 3D computer animation software; replicating the design 180° in mirror symmetry; and then rotating this into 3 dimensions, the beautiful and remarkable precise morphology of the Dharmata was resurrected from the catacombs of antiquity. Dharmata’s shape is traced by the Mandlebrot fractal symmetry outline.
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Before Leonardo Da Vinci’s version of this mandelbrot fractal design within his Leicester Codex, he was preceeded by several hundred years in the remarkable labour undertaken by Monk Udo of Achen, who spent 9 years calculating the accurate Mandlebrot set which he called Divinitas (“Godhead”), rather than using Abacus, he utlised the Vedic mathematics of ‘algorythm’ calculations that utilised the Vedic arabic numerals (based on Brahmi-script), (The forgotten genius of Udo von Aachen", Schipke, R.J. and Eberhardt, A., Harvard Journal of Historical Mathematics, 32, 3 (March 1999), pp 34-77), which itself is derived from Vedic mathematics. He depicted it as the star of Bethlehem.
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The Timewave, also appears to be the accurate morphology of the full permutation of the DNA genom (by the implication of Dr. Martin Schönberger’s accademically impeccable I-Ching and The Genetic Code: The Hidden Key To Life). Thereby, the fractal MM fields of the hadronic force in the proton, through 8hz electrolysis of water, producing the amino acids and full proteins in the very same fractal symmetry as itself… which itself is the complete permutation of the DNA code, is extraordinary…
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That is: proteins “Made in the Image of its Creator,” the organising 27D Hadron through its MM fractal symmetry… and which turns out to be the symmetrical geometry of the full permutation of the DNA codon language.
Thereby, giving a fractal (self-similar, self-organising, self-reflective/conscious), hyper-topology of the All-One Macro nature of the hadron’s hyperdimensional unified hypercharacteristics... The hadronic mechanic’s Macro Irreversible Hyper-Organisation of all life.
Thereby: the hyper-morphology of indivisible wholeness that is all-one Hyper-Intelligence — HTI: Hyper-Temporal/Hyper-Terrestrial Intelligence.
Thus, some initial major decipherments of the Universal Language orchestrated by the Hadronic-Intelligence Hyper-Organisation of Life, have been decrypted, self-embedded and axiomatic within the very cipher codes of life itself, and within the very heart fields of proto-matter (proton-matter proper).
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Hereby, we have identification of the fractal Universal Language composed of a hadronic hyper-semantics that has seamless axiomatic similitude in its linguistics between the fractal design of the code of life and the fractal geometry of the MM force comprising the alphabet of all the periodic elements that composit the universe…
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Same fractal semantics as the DNA life code and the organising fractal force in the heart of all the periodic elements that built the universe… And the application of one (the fractal MM within the proton), upon the element water (by 8hz electrolysis), produces living complex amino acid chained proteins that grow according to the fractal Dharmata/Mandlebrot image/symmetry, that is the characteristics of the MM proto-force in the atomic heart; and which is also the fractal image of the entire ontological morphology of the DNA code, itself a composite of amino acids…
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Talk about Self-Organisation, Self-Reflection, Self-Similarity… The same, self-similar, universal All-One Mind-Heart — the indivisible unity between the, so called, inanimate and the animate (such a consequence is also objectively established by hadronic hyper-mathematics. Arbitary connections have been eliminated, illusive assumptions vacuumed into nonexistence)
The human genome is some 3.6 billion DNA letters in length, whilst one single X-chromosome is a macro-DNA molecule some 160 million DNA letters in length. Dr Robert Pollack relates that the DNA:
“Is also a form of text, and that therefore it is best understood by analytical ways of thinking commonly applied to other forms of text, for example, books.”
— R. Pollack A Crisis In Scientific Moral, Nature, 385,1997. pp 674
One cannot analyse a text like a book, if one presupposes that there was no intelligence behind writing it. The very fact that the DNA turns out to be an intricate language, written in complex grammer, reveals an intelligence that has a far more holographically integrated hyper-semantics than our present use of languages.
The DNA resonating crystal is an intelligently ordered linguistics with a holographic laser resonation communication continuum, as molecular biologist Dr. Frank-Kamenetskii relates:
“The DNA crystal is aperiodic, since the sequence of base pairs is as irregular as the sequence of letters in a coherent text.”
—M. D. Frank-Kamenetskii Unveiling The DNA. New York, VCH Publishers, 1993. Pp 31
Or as noted biologist Sir Charles Dobbs had relayed:
“The whole of the protein in the human body is replaced in roughly 160 days… When one contrasts the great complexity of the protein molecule with the fact that millions of these substences are constantly being built up and disintegrated in the human body, and moreover rebuilt to precisely the same structure, one cannot help but speculate about the controlling mechanism.”
—Sir Charles Dobbs, quoted in Dr. Harold Saxton Burr’s, The Fields Of Life (Ballantine, New York, 1973).
Thus, to find the same fractal self-similarity in the DNA code’s permutations as that of the organising force within the protons from the hadron omegon, should seriously transcend the primitive assumption of zero intelligence behind the DNA life book.
The fractal self-similarity thus of DNA, time, the proton’s hadronic magnetic monopole force, and the fractal growth of life exposed to the 8hz ELF field of this fractal force, demonstrates a post modern fax simile of the Veda’s, “man made in the Image of the Original Model of Manu,” and the Biblical, “Man made in the Image and the Similitude of God.”
Puharich’s observation of the fractal ‘mandlebrot’ geometry arising from the Magnetic Monopole force within the proton, in the 8hz electrolysis of water, and his above mentioning of this being the fractal electric and magnetic charge within each of the 3 quarks that compose the proton of the atomic nucleus, now has some astounding and surprising cross-verifications…
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That is: the Timewave fractal form discovered by McKenna, vindicated by Temporal Chronologer Dr. Ambraham, and observed to be the actual nature of the fractal geometry of time within the atomic clocks, by Dr. Sheliak.
However, clarity descends only when our novel discovery of the Dharmata 3D symmetry of the Timewave was renderred, and the Dharmata is beautifully outlined by the Mandlebrot set.
The Vedic description of the Dharmata (which also means “the universal law of divine love”), and taken forwards all the way into Sanskrit/Buddhist art and cosmology, is also utilised as the geometry of time, the Dharma Maha Kala (“Law of Omni-Time”).
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Java, Indonesia, Meru temple with 72 Dharmata Stupa’s upon the AUM Sri Yantra, 27 line geometry. With 432 Buddhas. Charting the 27 Lunar mansions
Forinstance, the 72 Stupas placed on Mt. Meru, in Java, Indonesia, is a prime example. Not only the outline of the Dharmata, but the fact that there are 72 of them on this version of the Meruprastara mountain (the sum of each row of bricks that build the Meruprastara pyramid equates to the sum number sequence that 8hz established upon itself within water… 8, 16, 32, 64 etc… Meru AKA the Sri Yantra, or the Sierpinski pyramid of modern mathematics).
These 72 Dharmata/Stupas are arranged on the Meru pyramid (itself acting as chronomonitor of the 27 lunar mansions through which the Moon passes in one lunar year), in such a manner as to mark the 1° of precession shift of our planet within the 12 zodiac houses — 72 years per degree, 360 x 72 for the complete zodiac wheel (nevermind the axiomatic 27/72).
Meru Prastara Vedic Pyramid Altar & Chonomoniter
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tomasorban · 5 years ago
Hadronic mechanics and DNA
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Hadronic mechanics comprises 44 multi-valued hyper dimensions.. Transgenics evident accross whole groups of biological species, due to environmental exposure to bacteria and fungi that carry genes and enscript them, into the entire range of biological systems in that environment, is further understood through the new hyper-genetic branch of hadronic mechanics, where the 6 arrows of time operate within the new hyper-evolutionary paradigm (ergo non-linear extra-temporal evolution) [[it is turning the transgenic field on its head. In terms of “natural” transgenics”. We have all other animal DNA is us including plants, int he remaining 98% unassigned DNA within our genetics… We are also a sum of all humanoids operating in different “space-time cells”, which has the human DNA active with other DNA like amphibians]
Quantum mechanics fails to explain 3D animate reality. It is based upon dead DNA models [dead through the electron microscope], it describes non animate systems like metals and crystals, and cannot describe animate genetics, which has more than two potentials like the DNA base pair. The dynamic DNA is operating in hypergenetics [comprised of the new discovered chemical class, called hyper-magnecules: hypermagnecular DNA, IN VIVO, in a dynamic present past and future continuum.
These ultraterrestrial civilisations will allow our future kindred to go back to the past to reengineer our solar system resulting in present mankind.
The Universal Man that is existing in Time and Space travelling machines, with a reference of hypertime, such as in a continuum of ExtraTemporality, needs to be on the other side of the Moebius strip to the linear time referenced homo sapiens… There are many designer planets and many versions of this designer system of life. The human genetics are about 2% of the overall designer code inside our body. We have insect, amphibian, plant, reptilian, bird DNA etc.. The super Civilisations that are millions and billions of years have gone through all forms of genetic re-engineering, redesigning down to the stem cells — nanotechnology with the theories of transhumanist Ray Kurzweil won’t work in the long term, since hadronic mechanics is already working with femto-technology (that follows the picotechnology replacing nano-technology). 10 Femto metres is the hadronic horizon’s “hyper-dense medium” whose 7 hadron’s wave-packets overlap in a torus Mobius of infinite recursion (an infinite recursion that goes through the heart of EVERY ATOM’s 7 hadrons, everywhere, and everywhen.
Permutations of the genetic codes in our body, hadronic mechanics hypergenetics do work because they’re related to life’s integral intelligence emerging from the magnetic monopole at the hadron-proton heart of the atom (8Hz ELF is the DNA life signal, coming from the hydrogen protonic heart).
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For example, the reptilian in one space-time cell designer world, becomes the humanoid sentient species reaching coherence, where the 2% human genetic code within our body is linked to say 3% reptilian DNA within our genetic code, and this becomes the operating species within that space-time cell designer world. These are dynamically hyperlinked to the human species. The process of our senses happens through our motor-neurones connected to our spinal cord, constantly producing sensorial holograms (432,000 dopamine motor neurons, hyper-linked to 432,000 humanoid species, in designer world space-time cells, such as the 2% human DNA, with 2% amphibian DNA).
Ananda Bosman then mentions the sensorial hologram, our 5 senses are tuned down to less than 1%, 0.5% compared to the 100 % objective universe. And that the universal man operates as a hypergenetic HYPERHOLOGRAM, which is 100% of ALL the DNA in our body hyper-indexed to the 2% human DNA. This is a hyper-hologram that is ALL species in humanoid form at the same time. This is the beginning of the Ultraterrestrial horizon.
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tomasorban · 5 years ago
Sri Yantra Hyperboloids
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Remarkably there have been previous academic studies into the Sri Yantra itself,  undertaken by Dr. Alex Kaivarainen (who whilst a pioneering luminary, was unaware of hadronic mechanics during his studies) has revealed surprising subatomic particle, or vacuum excitation, information and relations within the structure of the Meru Yantra (itself generated from the wave structure of pronunciation of “A”-“U”-“M”:, as seen on the tonographer, in the film of Ronald Nameth, of Dr. Blair’s work)… We excerpt some simplified points from an otherwise too technical research paper for the layman:
“We found out that Sri Yantra diagram can be considered as a symbolic language,  containing information about the mechanism of wave-particle duality, being the background of existing Universe and all kinds of fundamental interaction.
“Each of triangles pair [down+up] in terms of our model corresponds to [positive+negative] vortex dipoles in form of parted hyperboloid of [W] phase of the pair of sub-elementary particles, like standing [neutrino+antineutrino] in different excitation states...
“It is surprising… as a part of Sri Yantra, contains information about parted two-cavity hyperboloid as a spatial image of wave B in form of cumulative virtual cloud (CVC)… and about its positive and negative energy quantization as a quantum harmonic oscillator.
“Parts of Sri Yantra, representing in accordance to our model the spatial images of pair of sub-elementary [particle+antiparticle]… of excited state of wave phase [W] as a parted, (double) hyperboloid and its ground state.”
—Dr. Alex Kaivarainen DYNAMIC MODEL OF WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY: Hidden Parameters, Golden Mean, Eigenmoments, Weak and Strong Interaction. Pp 8-10
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Once again, the hyperelementary particle design governing these arrangements, by hadronic mechanics, make the hyper-significance of these models to a new prime…
Dr. Kaivarainen’s studies thus describes the Meru Yantra, as a diagram conveying the symbolic language of the underlying wave-particle duality mechanism that is the foundation of our universe, and the fundamental particle interactions, like the hyerpboloid map of the subatomic elementary particles in different states of excitation; and the two cavity-hyperboloid, mapped by the Sri Yantra interlocked triangle pairs, relating the positive and negative quantum energy numbers, in a manner akin to the Sierpinski form of the baryon decouplet.
Hadronic mechanics lifts and amplifies the above observations significantly — the hadronic force horizon domain is at the 10-13cm, individual and distinct to the much larger quantum mechanical scale of 10-9cm… at the hadronic horizon scale, non-local, non-potential, and non-linear influences are at work, as a hyperdimensional interface, and All-One Macro Lense that reduces infinite-One to null-0…
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The hadronic force removes the need for the hypothetical neutrino’s, and instead establishes the hyper-symmetry design to hyper-units that interface within the hadronic horizon, reduced to null. Thereby, the Sierpinski-like fractal binomial coefficient geometries of infinite recursion, have the hyperquarks, and hyper-mesons (in iso-cubic symmetry), and hyper-baryons (in iso-Sierpinski symmetry) clearly hyper-present, but their value is reduced to null = 0… Thus, Sunyata “Immaculate Emptiness” is the particular personification reduction of Ananta “Infinite Oneness” (Sierpinski infinite recursion), within the unified field force of the hadronic horizon (Divine Love).
Thereby, the God Computer machine/yantra of AUM, gains further ground to being components of an Omni-Temporal Intelligence (OTI) Omni-science, which can never be controlled or possessed, except by axiomatically Being Its Prime indivisibly co-present All/0–One/1 Macro Operator, in coherent Self-Similarity (Divine Love-Compassion), personally personified.
The AUM Yantra’s characteristics around its Bindhu-point Ø (golden mean) tensor, also features the asymmetry attributes of being a model for the composition of an electron from the particle and antiparticle pair of standing neutrinos are then described by Dr. Kaivarainen:
“Other feature of Sri Yantra, compatible with our model of standing [neutrino+antineutrino] in composition of electron, is its asymmetry. Asymmetry is obvious from position of central zero point of diagram… as an open circle (o) and diamond shape of its nuclei, composed from two triangles with common base and different height.
“It is interesting to note that spatial position of zero-point (o), localized in lower triangle of Sri Yantra diamond-nuclei as respect to its base and apex — corresponds to Golden mean.
“The degree of asymmetry of Sri Yantra decreases with increasing the distance from its central point (o). For example, the shifts of zero-point positive and negative vacuum sublevels, as respect to central point (o) of Sri Yantra are characterized by ratio: 1.77.
“It reflects the asymmetry of bi-vacuum boson of secondary bi-vacuum, perturbed by matter.
“The less asymmetric shifts of higher sublevels with quantum number: n = 1, 2, 3,
corresponding to positive and negative energies of vacuum excitation: (±3/2);
“(±5/2) and (±7/2) are characterized by the following ratios of their distance from central point:  1.19; 1.1 and 1.046.
“In terms of our model of gravitation this asymmetry reflects the vacuum symmetry Shift… produced by [real vortex+mirror rotor] dipoles of uncompensated sub-elementary particle in composition of elementary particles with fermion properties. The analogy between some features of ancient diagram and our wave-corpuscle duality model is surprising indeed.”
—Dr. Alex Kaivarainen DYNAMIC MODEL OF WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY: Hidden Parameters, Golden Mean, Eigenmoments, Weak and Strong Interaction. Pp 8-10
We should note that the neutrino conjectures are eliminated by hadronic mechanics:
“The scattering theory used in all experimental claims on neutrino conjectures is structurally insufficient for final scientific claims because it is based on the abstraction of particles as massive points (top view) that, as such, cannot have collisions. In reality, all hadrons are extended hyperdense spheroids of radius 1F = 10−13 cm, and even though electrons have a point-like charge, they do not have a ”point-like wavepacket” as necessary for a serious validity of the quantum scattering theory. When extended particles collide as in the physical reality, we have a volume of mutual penetration of their charge distributions and/or wavepackets (lower view) that causes interactions of nonlinear, nonlocal, nonpotential and nonunitary type, namely, interactions dramatically beyond any dream of treatment via quantum mechanics….
“…The conjecture on the existence of the neutrinos as physical particles was never accepted by the entire scientific community because of: the impossibility for the neutrino to be directly detected in laboratory; the neutrino inability to interact with matter in any appreciable way; and the existence of alternative theories that do not need the neutrino conjecture.”
— Dr Ruggero Maria Santilli, INCONSISTENCIES OF NEUTRINO AND QUARK CONJECTURES AND THEIR NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS, Proceedings of the XVIII Workshop on Hadronic Mechanics University of Karlstad, Sweden, June 20-22, 2005
Thus, “physical reality” is a mutual penetration of wavepackets (iso-symmetry, hyperdense media), or charge distributions, whose interactions are everywhere, nonlocally hyperspatial, everywhen nonlinear hypertemporal, and absolute non-potential invariance of being all-null reductions indivisible to the infinitely-one hyperdense hyperverse All-One Macro foundation… That is, physical reality is an illusionary shell simulation contiuously composed and comprised of hyperdimensional All-Oneness.
That the AUM Yantra also was found to have a geometrical arrangement from its Bindhu point that correspond to the vacuum asymmetrical morphology of the bi-vacuum boson’s when perturbing matter, and the positive and negative energies of the given vacuum excitations, as well as representing the vacuum symmetry shift, in the composition of the fundamental particles of the fermion type, a shift caused by the triangular vortex and mirrors dipoles of uncompensated sub-elementary particles, reveals some major fundamental machinery behind the Sri Yantra automotives.
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The researchers conclude that the Sri Yantra:
“Is comprehensive enough to contribute not only modern knowledge, concerning different fields, elementary particles, distant interactions, but as well the ancient holistic perception of World Mystery in forms of sacred geometry, based on trained intuition of most sensitive individuals of the past.”
—Dr. Alex Kaivarainen DYNAMIC MODEL OF WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY: Hidden Parameters, Golden Mean, Eigenmoments, Weak and Strong Interaction. Pp 8-10
Dr. Kulaichev notes that the Sri Yantra's Complexity mathematics computations, far exceeds the requirement of our modern computers. Thereby, the hyper-mathematics of the Manumerator, that governs the God Computer of the universe, remains far ahead of our state of the art computer science.
Here we excerpt a few sentences of Dr. Kulaichev's  description of the Iterative method constructing the Sri Yantra, relates (since it is highly technical, only the outlines that can be comprehended by a wider audience are here conveyed):
"With the help of linear and circular equations and a sequence of super position (of co-ordinates) of the matching line points each structural component may be described by algebraic equation.
"The volume of required analytical transformations is boundless even for high-power computers. Thus for first step of transformation (from four required ones) computer must perform more than 10^11 operations, and a volume of calculations on each succeeded step, at least, in 100 times more than preceding one. Morever, the investigation of such resulting equation requires to operate with a number representation of 4 thousand figures. These demands very far exceed the capacities of modern computers."
—Dr. A.P. Kulaichev, `Sriyantra and its mathematical properties. 1984. Indian Journal of History of Science, 19.279-292.
The hadronic horizon’s infinite to zero reduction thereby becomes of quintessence to utilising the Sri Yantra hypercomputer…. Thus the hadronic force’s reduction of infinite to 0, can be classified as the True form of the Bindhu.
That the 27 Triangle Vertices of the Sri Yantra correspond to the 27-line Configuration whose symmetry group is the Weyl Group of the 78-dimensional Lie algebra E6; and that the 27 Triangle Vertices also correspond to that of 27-complex-dimensional space E7 / (E6 x U(1)); and the 27 dimensional Jordun algebra — is another story of the God Computer, for another chapter.
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tomasorban · 5 years ago
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The Universal Akasa/Hadron information storage system’s 3,628,800 possible combinations (3.6288 x 10^6), per unit, when considering that protons are wherever hydrogen is (distributed in every cubic cm of space and representing 90% of the universe) — that is a hadronic universal processing system that spans far beyond the mind boggling.
Every cubic centermeter of the universe, inumerable protons are everywhen and everywhere, with such omegon hadronic processor setup (the 27D hadron akasa itself is omni-temperal, in concurrent hypertemporal unanimity past, present, and future, everywhere and everywhen.
Our actual primordial nature in this regard is glimpsed through one function of protons within our body, giving us a view of our nature as universal heart-mind processors, and holographic personifications of the hyper-fractal universe Proto-Heart-Mind All-One Macro. For in 1984, Dr. Gow and colleagues discovered that protons in the form of Ca2+ ions, have been identified as the main charge carriers in numerous cells (Gow, Microbiology, 1984, vol. 130. Pp 2967-2974 and 3313-3318).
The number of protons in the universe are now beyond the imagination, and each with some 3.6 million combination sets within their complex communication system manufold.  We thereby turn the beacon light on this 8 hz ELF proton communication information system, as being the nature of hadronic force process — being orchestra player facets of the hadronic 5th force symphony.
Dr. Puharich now goes into the specific frequency tunings for the omegon hadron:
“Preons (10 in number) are the ultimate physical particles that carry information using a basic alphabet of distinct units. This alphabet is expressed as magnetic fields with a frequency range from 10^-3 hz to 10^3 hz. The preons plus the gluons generate the ELF magnetic field through string vibrations.”
——Dr. Andrija Puharich, Protocommunication II: Universal Information/Action Transfer, February 1987. Pp 35
In hadronic physics, the string vibrations are in fact the All-One Hadron, and the nature of all mater is empty, whilst the vacuum is rigid and one. Matter is empty and space is infinitely one. Matter is the undulation of the infinitely rigid Macro Hadron modelled within the vacuum emptiness of matter. This is what we call an Omni-scalar Hadron Hyperstring. Puharich continues:
“In order to send precise signals to protons in DNA, the ELF magnetic fields must be tuned accurately to 10^-2 to 10^-3 parts of a cycle per second. One frequency only keeps the DNA perfectly tuned for health, and that is 8.00 Hz.
“Protons are the senders and receivers of information in biological systems as bound in water and DNA. Protons are changed through preon information and action to carry out the Kevran weak transmutation of atoms.”
——Dr. Andrija Puharich, Protocommunication II: Universal Information/Action Transfer, February 1987. Pp 35
The Kevran transmutation of atoms Puharich observed in laboritory studies, where the 8 hz Omegon/Preon resonation of information and action changes the protons, and new elements appear, including life.
The detailed and laborious extensive studies carried out by Puharich since the 1950s, with paradigm leaps in the mid 1970s, clearly points to the 8 hz ELF field in fact being a component of the Hadronic 5th Force — little wonder that the 8 hz proton resonance in the DNA hydrogen bond’s replication, was the first scientific mention of being a body temperature superconductive-like phenomenon (Scientific American, March 1965, Pp 28)
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tomasorban · 5 years ago
The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel - Ananda Bosman (excerpt)
You shall discover that there is another parallel dimensional spectrum… above your spectrum… different spectrums of dimensional frequencies. Once you have discovered these dimension’s you shall learn how to change the molecular structures [hadronic configurations] of the vehicles [hadronic space-time machines of hypergeometrical propulsion] you will be travelling in… You shall be able to take control of the molecules that will be surrounding you in a form of a shape. Via electrical signals [hadronic plasmArc flow reactors] you will be able to change their structure [iso-electron magnecules already, and hypermagnecules in future hadronic mechanics], so that they will change in shining the rays, and that way change frequency… “When you realise that you are just in one colour of the solar system, in one spectrum of it, then you shall learn to discover other areas. For the law is: “as above so below… the key to getting to the other spectrums in this solar system is by changing your molecules… even going into a more universal dimension, and being able to see the… spectrums outside of themselves, all at once… Once you are out of the… spectrums, you shall realise you are in an even larger colour spectrum, and that the solar system itself is just one colour in a far greater macroscopic colour spectrum…. That the galaxy is but one colour in a colour spectrum, and so on it is reflected from the macrocosm into the microcosm, and so on into eternity.
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You shall discover that in your body, your molecules never end. How ever greatly you advance with material technology, you shall never find an end to substance in the microscopic scale [indeed, the hadronic hyperdense medium is hyperlocal, infinite, hypertemporal], and indeed in the macrocosmic, you shall never find an end to the Omniverse [also now implied by hadronic mechanics]… So you realise that your progression is infinite… And it is eternal, it shall be ever lasting… You shall be going from a centre point in consciousness to all areas: where you will be able to project yourselves into all things [via the hadronic hyperdense media in the hadronic horizon of all atoms, hyperelated], and feel it, and remain in that state, consciously, all the time [hypertime hyperconducting materia]. Being able to feel all matter… to be able to feel all things at the same time, not just on Earth, but through the universe, and by doing so knowing all of the universe [Mahat-Tattva, as described in the Purana]… and feel that at the same time in your feeling, and influence it by your thought constructively. “It is not only these multi-dimensions of colour spectrums and octaves in different scales in those octaves! You shall find, there are many areas which you cannot comprehend of now.
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tomasorban · 5 years ago
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tomasorban · 9 years ago
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THE UNITY KEYS OF EMMANUEL: The Interuniversal Perspective For The Unity Of Diversity; ANANDA BOSMAN
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tomasorban · 9 years ago
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THE UNITY KEYS OF EMMANUEL: The Interuniversal Perspective For The Unity Of Diversity; Ananda Bosman
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tomasorban · 9 years ago
This dream of God is beginning to come to the awakening as one whole. This is something that will seem like an acceleration and, as you perceive time, will increase in speed, and the time that you record will soon become irrelevant. For a thousand years would be like one second within the beginnings of the awakening dream. Therefore, your dream, the sub-dream within this solar system, is needed and is beginning to have the dawn of awakening. Therefore, your time reality is beginning to speed up. "Over these years, you have realised that each year time as flown by a little faster. And you find that speed is beginning to accelerate at greater and greater rates each year, sometimes doubling the speed at which it speeded up the year before, and then tripling the next year. And so it will continue, until you are fully in the next level of the awakening dream, and the awakening dream sequence has begun. "When the awakening dream sequence is in its first act within your dream reality called planet Earth, then you will be in what has been known as the fourth dimension ...
EMMANUEL,  April 16, 1989. - from : ANANDA BOSMAN: THE UNITY KEYS OF EMMANUEL: The Interuniversal Perspective For The Unity Of Diversity.
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tomasorban · 9 years ago
Our galaxy with approximately 700 billion solar systems, is connected to the other major galaxies, which often have a similar number of solar systems. The Andromeda galaxy has a larger majority of central solar systems.We are vi ewi ng this through the third dimension. All of these galaxies have 7 octaves, seven planes, of which the electron mass plane is butthe first plane, or body, and of which the seventh plane is faster-than light and is the speed of pure consciousness, pure intention, called Takyons or Thotons.The middle heart chakra octave is composed of gravity and electrogravity,and contains the glue, or the gluons, which hold together all the different crystals that our biology is. All of the different crystals which the planets and even suns are… . . Absolutely everything that we call mass is atomic crystallization, according to a cube. And the cube is an alphabet. There are series of cubes and geometry’ s that are used by the pen of the Creator, to write the sentences of creation. We will be exploring how these different geometry’s are arranged into the seven dimensions, the seven octaves, our seven bodies, our physical body and the body’s own electro-gravitational Star Ship. My interdimensional extraterrestrial, and interuniversal Emmanuel memories, are of being projected in through the fourth colour spectrum dimension, into the heart of the Andromeda galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy not only has seven octaves in the third dimension , but has s e ven colour spectrum dimensional representations of itself as well. To understand this better, let us look at the seven colour spectrum dimPnsions. For the seven colours of the rainbow, in the third dimension has particles of light spinning in three directions at once. Everything that we see here today, and every day, is made out of light- light that is biting its tail. A doughnut is the shape of a particle of light, the photon, which tries to photograph itself within the mind of matter. So the photon particle of light, in everything that we interact with and see, is spinning on an X, Y and Z axis. There are only seven axis’s that it can spin on. The fourth colour spectrum dimension is made out of super-light. Super- light is composed of super-photons, spinning in four axis’ at once. The fifth colour spectrum dimension has five. The sixth has six, and the seventh has all seven axis’ at once. All the seven colour spectrum dimensions are interpenetrating one-another. But within our Rock'n Roll dance of polarity, cause and effect, the reaction from time: causality -the unity of the colours, the unity of the octaves, are seen in diversity. The greater Unityverse projects Itself into creating the universe, through the seventh dimension and through the first dimension, concurrently- as in red and violet simultaneously. These lovemaking dances, from the seventh colour spectrum dimension, from Unity Light, or Everythingness; and through the first colour spectrum dimension, from the Tao nothingness, the Void- meet each other in the fourth colour spectrum dimension: the heart chakra of the bloodcell of the universe. This can be correlated to the light of consciousness, meeting the life force Kundalini, in the heart, to awaken and meet the love, stillness, or the zero-point midway …
TH E UNITY KEYS OF EMMANUEL: The Interuniversal Perspective For The Unity Of Diversity; ANANDA BOSMAN
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tomasorban · 9 years ago
In this installment, cosmologist Ananda Bosman joins the Free Radical Media crew for a highly informative talk on Entheogens and the history of their use, alchemy, and the current state of humanity and the relationship between the human realm and our interdimensional brethren. Bosman is a prolific writer and public speaker on many topics, including shamanism, science, and cosmology. You can visit his website here.
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tomasorban · 9 years ago
This hyper-dimensional Etherion-Hadron is behind all matter, all elements, all forces, and exhihibits the axiomatic characteristics of a hyper-intelligence — the fundamental particle behind all consciousness and cognitive awareness. THIS REALITY SHIFTING DISCOVERY has such enormous impact implications on who we are as a cognitive species and completely revises the nature of the universe and multiverse in which we appear to be citizens… Reality, the self, our source, our nature, why we are here, and where we are going, is now in a complete metamorphosis, whose revisionary apotheosis stretches beyond the expanses of every philosophy, religion, science, cosmology, metaphysics, arcane mystery school, and etno-cultural paradigm… In concert to this announcement, our indirect hadronic mechanic’s colleague, professor Erik Trell of… published the first mainstream science article demonstrating that the living dynamic DNA, operating WITHIN biology (not examined dead and abstract in disection within a laboritory, or genom think tank, far removed from the living dynamic state), is unquestionable operating in the hyper-mathermatics (hadronic mechanics) of at least an 8 dimensional (octonian) morphological structure… That is, the living DNA in our bodies operates in hyperdimensions, which includes hyper-temporality (time travel), and multi-dimensional geometrical symmetries… (Dr. Eric Trell’s prelimenary explorations of this, prior to this announcement, are explored in this article). Confirming our inter-geometrical models of the in-vivo DNA helix (computer modeled and presented outside of the mainstream, some already before the millenium). The implications of this, means that our exterior biology is a construct, and 3D dimensional holographic shadow of a hyperdimensional dynamic genetic code, operating on the invarient principles of hadronic mechanics (that transcend the varient principles of previous modern physics)… This implies that the so called mechanical 3rd dimensional laws of the universe (the doctrine of modern physics), as well as chemicals and pollutions, electromagnetic frequencies and relatives (whose technologies are based on the varient principles of the now transcended modern physics) — interact, and affect our biological holographic projection of the hyperdimensional DNA continuum, only in a limited ratio… Cosmologically and epistemologically, this changes our entire focus of this post-industrial modern era… Pollution, electromagnetic smog, increased gamma and cosmic ray exposure, viral, bacteriological, and parasitical susceptability (essential for the justification of the modern pharmaceutical drug cartel, and its pseudo-scientific medical science) — are removed from their all consuming powerful role to which are species is modelled to be a victim of… Rather, the very nature of our fundamental being, based on the Etherion-Hadron and the hyperdimensional DNA modus operandi, is sublimated into being revealed as being the ultimate cosmological Anthos and Universal Macroimperishability that is the SUMA of all universal realities…. These two historical hyper-paradigm shifting discoveries, within mainstream academia, objectively removes our common held notion of being 3 dimensional citizens inhabiting a planet around the sun, and subjegated to the mechanical laws of its space-time physics — are now vacuumed from the vanishingly small into the domain of being notions that are pure fantasy… These discoveries expose that we are hyperdimensional, and that to think that we are 3 dimensional bodies, with a genetic code operating in 3 dimensions, is pure abstract nonesense, notions of pure fantasy that are the luxary of perspective choice, engendered upon the hyperdimensional continuum that is the topological living morphology continuum, operating in every one of our trillion cells, and whose atomic elements (electron clouds, proton clouds etc) are comprised from the All-One Hadron-Etherion operating in an irreversible and invarient hyperdimensional continuum… Reality, our body, senses, cognition, life, and the universe, is a continuous hyperdimensional holographic construction…
Ananda Bosman and Hadronic Mechanics & Entheogens
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