#anand polyclinic
whattheabcxyz · 1 year
District 10 freehold condo offers discounts to offload stock before ABSD deadline
Those with chronic illness can sign up earlier for Healthier SG programme
LTA finally completes street lamp replacement project
Recent long bout of rainy weather sees laundromats get more business - dryers in demand
Prison Service to study effectiveness of imprisonment & community-based corrections
“Home staging” is a thing here now - for property ads
21-year-old man arrested after midnight high-speed car chase from Kranji to CCK
New sports centre, polyclinic, library & town park in Toa Payoh to be ready by 2030
Singapore: Chang Ling peanuts recalled by SFA after cyclamate detected
Despite claims made by this paper, I tried oil pulling, & found it to be complete rubbish... it may even cause lipoid pneumonia if you’re not careful while doing it!!!
50 startup ideas - the brainfarts of Anand Sanwal, free for you to peruse & steal
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^ Exceptionally low tide leaves Venice canals almost empty - Venice’s mayor blames climate change
Japanese inn’s onsen water found to contain bacteria 3700 times above legal limit - inn’s owners admitted to changing the water only 2x a year when it should be changed once a week!
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thebhaskarpant · 3 years
Anand Polyclinic started Endoscopy service in Mahendranagar
Anand Polyclinic started Endoscopy service in Mahendranagar
Mahendranagar: Endoscopy of the abdomen will now be done in Mahendranagar in Bhimdatta Municipality of Kanchanpur. Anand Polyclinic Pvt. Ltd., located at Street No. 3, Mahendranagar, now came up with abdominal endoscopy services. Owner of Ananda Polyclinic Pvt. Ltd., Bhakta Raj Bhatta, said that the endoscopy service of the stomach was brought into operation for the first time in Mahendranagar…
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askindiab2 · 3 years
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