#ana vilenica
dare-g · 2 years
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Accidental Luxuriance of the Translucent Watery Rebus (2020)
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maddalenafragnito · 4 years
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Learning From Disobedience
In the framework of Dopolavoro flagship of the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture project, the exhibition Pirate Care: Learning From Disobedience will open on Thursday, October 8 at 8 p.m. at Exportdrvo (Grobnička riva bb, Rijeka), presenting the international network of activists and researchers who oppose the criminalisation of solidarity and work to build common systems of care for people.
The authors of the project are researchers Valeria Graziano, Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak, with the contribution of Laura Benítez Valero, Emina Bužinkić, Rasmus Fleischer, Maddalena Fragnito, Mary Maggic, Iva Marčetić, Paula Pin (Biotranslab/ Pechblenda), Power Makes Us Sick (PMS), Zoe Romano, Chris Gorodtzki & Morana Miljanović (Sea-Watch), Cassie Thornton, Ivory Tuesday, Ana Vilenica and Women on Waves.
We live in a world where captains get arrested for saving people’s lives on the sea; where a person downloading scientific articles faces 35 years in jail; where people risk charges for bringing contraceptives to those who otherwise couldn’t get them. Folks are getting in trouble for giving food to the poor, medicine to the sick, water to the thirsty, shelter to the homeless. And yet our heroines care and disobey. They are pirates.
An example of pirate care: German NGO Sea-Watch, which conducts “illegal” rescue operations in the Mediterranean (photo Chris Grodotzki / Sea-Watch)
The exhibition Pirate Care is an introduction to the increasingly present forms of activism at the intersection of “care” and “piracy”, which in new and interesting ways are trying to intervene in one of the most important challenges of our time, that is, the “crisis of care”. The exhibition primarily considers the assumption that we live in a time in which care, as a political and collective capacity of societies to attend to the most fundamental needs of humans and their environment, is becoming more difficult or criminalised. Crucially, the practices of pirate care share a willingness to openly disobey laws and legal regimes, whenever these stand in the way of solidarity, and politicise that disobedience to contest the status quo. That disobedience and that politicisation are what defines these practices as pirate care.
An example of pirate care: Swedish network of organizations Planka.nu, which promotes free public transport, whose members pay into a monthly fund from which fines are paid for those caught without a ticket (screenshot from the film Hackitat)
The exhibition builds on the Pirate Care Syllabus. The Syllabus is an expanding work-in-progress created with activists and artists engaged in pirate care with the aim of activating collective learning from their practices. The syllabus lives on an online publishing platform developed in house by Marcell Mars, Sandpoints, allowing collaborative writing, remixing and maintaining of a catalogue of learning resources. The first version of the Syllabus was created in November 2019 during a writing retreat organised by Drugo More (HR) within Rijeka 2020 and launched on March 8th for the opening of the exhibition “…of bread, wine, cars, security and peace” at Kunsthalle Wien (AT).
With the Covid-19 outbreak in Europe in March, Pirate Care was one of the few activities supported by Rijeka 2020 that didn’t come to a halt. The work on the Syllabus transformed into a collective note-taking effort to document a wave of organising of mutual aid, solidarity and care in response to the pandemic, titled “Flatten the Curve, Grow the Care”. An expanded Pirate Care network of contributors collected and created notes, instructions and how-tos coming from grassroots initiatives in Croatia, Italy, the UK and beyond. That timely work has found resonance in scholarly and public media, with interviews, references and features in venues such as Artforum, Wired, Art Monthly, The Care Manifesto, MoneyLab #8, Venice Climate Camp, Institute of Networks Cultures and many others.
Presenting a selection of topics and examples from the Pirate Care Syllabus, the exhibition is an invitation to learn from the disobedient practices: resisting criminalisation of migration and solidarity, helping women where abortion is not available, commoning care-work where childcare is scarce, countering housing and debt crisis, supporting psycho-social health in vulnerable communities, politicising feminist health through bio and technical hacking and politicising digital piracy.
Book scanners built by Memory of the World project, “a network of interconnected shadow libraries” which stands for the free access to books for every member of society (photo Ivan Kuharić)
The Pirate Care project was initiated at Coventry University’s Centre for Postdigital Cultures and developed with the support of Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture and Kunsthalle Wien. Produced by Drugo More.
Project Website: https://pirate.care/ Pirate Care Syllabus: https://syllabus.pirate.care/
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somnaboolist · 7 years
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So proud to be a producer on a beautiful theatre production of Duet for one by genius Tom Kempinski directed by my friend Iva Srnec. Ana Vilenica as Stephanie Abrahams rocks!
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pixelsniper · 4 years
WEDNESDAY 08.07.2020. at 7PM CET
Collectivity beyond Art Collectives
Cassie Thornton (USA/CA) and *Tomislav Medak (HR/UK)
Moderator: Ana Vilenica
The conversation series /Vectors of Collective Imagination in Arts/will be conducted through the /Zoom platform/, within which the audience will have the opportunity to actively participate through a chat discussion.
Join Zoom Webinar:
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New Post has been published on Kinematografija
New Post has been published on http://www.kinematografija.net/hrvatski-crtic-miso-robin-finalu-medunarodnog-festivala-torinu-1699/
Hrvatski crtić "Mišo i Robin" u finalu međunarodnog festivala u Torinu
ScreenShot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKu4xauNkdw
Cartoons On The Bay – Pulcinella Awards 2017 naziv je festivala koji se proteklog vikenda održao u Torinu, a ove godine održan je po 21. put u organizaciji RAI-a. Među više od dvjesto prijavljenih radova iz cijelog svijeta, dobra vijest stigla je za Hrvatski i nezavisu zagrebačku produkcijsku kuću Recircle, čiji je crtić “Mišo i Robin” ušao u finale i tako se našao u konkurenciji s najboljima. Hrvatski crtić “Mišo i Robin” se tako našao u konkurenciji jakih snaga svjetskih animiranih filmova te je ušao u veliko finale kategorije Best Preschool TV Series/najbolja TV serija za predškolsku dob.
“Mišo i Robin” već uspješno uveseljavaju najmlađe generacije na Drugom programu HTV-a.
Animiranu seriju “Mišo i Robin” stvorio je tim kreativaca okupljen u produkcijskoj kući Recircle, preko natječaja za dječji program Hrvatske radiotelevizije, a prema predlošku iOS aplikacije za djecu ‘Adventures of Choro and Robin’. Tvorci “Miše i Robina” dizajneri su i animatori Vjekoslav Živković, Marija Ivšić te Denis Alenti. Njihovom kreativnom timu pridružili su se i  koscenaristica Martina Čip Škulić, dječja psihologinja Ana Nukić, autor uvodne pjesmice Srđan Gulić Gul, londonska skladateljica Ana Roman i nevelika ekipa sjajnih mladih animatora. Glasove junacima posudili su Ana Vilenica, Krsto Bošnjak i Marko Jelić, a pripovjedačica je Jelena Buljan. Producentica serije je Miljana Dragičević.
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dare-g · 2 years
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Accidental Luxuriance of the Translucent Watery Rebus (2020)
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maddalenafragnito · 3 years
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Behind the Mask online workshop: Pirate Care: Politicising Care, Piracy and Biopolitics
Part of the conference BEHIND THE MASK: Whistleblowing During the Pandemic (18-20 March 2021)
With: Valeria Graziano, Maddalena Fragnito, Ana Vilenica
In this workshop we are starting from the collective work on the Pirate Care Syllabus to present and delve deeper with participants into a variety of disobedient practices of care in light of their political and technological character. We will, specificially, focus on piracy, division of care labour, and civil biodisobedience.
Valeria Graziano - When care needs piracy In this short presentation and collective discussion that will follow, Valeria will focus on the case for disobedience in struggles against imperial property regimes. Reclaiming the idea of piracy when thinking of care foregrounds the need for radical collective action to challenge contemporary global systems of property and power.
Maddalena Fragnito - Care is a battleground Talk of care is currently everywhere. However, carelessness continues to reign. The paradoxes, ambiguities and hierarchies of care, as well as historical conflict between different care models, have become more explicit during the pandemic. On the one hand, capitalist care for profits of financial capital; on the other hand, necessary forms of refusal growing through the redistribution of care provisions and the commoning of care tasks among people. Can a conflictual collective care practice redesign democratic processes and public institutions?
Ana Vilenica will go into the care crises in housing and how the pandemic augmented issues we have been struggling with for decades. Her main focus will be on the politicisation of care in housing and tenants' struggles and the use of illegal/pirate gestures such as anti-eviction direct action, rent strike and militant aid. In connection to this, she will tackle the criminalisation of solidarity on a systemic level that has nested in legislation and getting tougher as an answer to growing housing and tenants movements.
Pirate Care network
Pirate Care is a transnational research project and a network of activists, practitioners and scholars who stand against the criminalization of solidarity & for a common care infrastructure. Convened in 2018 by Valeria Graziano, Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak, the project wishes to map and connect collective practices that are emerging in response to the neoliberal "crisis of care" — a convergence of processes that include austerity, welfare cuts, rollback of reproductive rights and criminalisation of migration. In response to that denial of care, imposed by the states and the markets, practices we have called pirate care are organising to help migrants survive at sea and on land, provide pregnancy terminations where those are illegal, offer health support where institutions fail, self-organise childcare where public provision does not extend to everyone, liberate knowledge where access is denied. Crucially, they share a willingness to openly disobey laws and executive orders, and politicise that disobedience to contest the institutional status quo.
Our aim is to foster collective learning processes from the situated knowledges of these practices and together with the practitioners of pirate care we have been working on a collaboratively-written Pirate Care Syllabus and in the early period of the pandemic on a set of notes documenting organising of care titled "Flatten the Curve, Grow the Care".
Workshop leaders
Valeria Graziano is a critical theorist and educator, currently based at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University. Her research focuses on cultural practices that foster the refusal of work, the creative redistribution of social reproduction and the politicization of pleasure. Over the years, she has been involved in several initiatives of militant research across the cultural sector and social movements. She is one of the convenors of Pirate Care. Her latest publication is 'Rivoluzioni domestiche contro domesticazioni tecnologiche' (*La natura dell'economia*, Rome: DeriveApprodi, 2020).
Maddalena Fragnito (https://www.maddalenafragnito.com) is a cultural activist exploring the intersections between art, transfeminisms and technologies by focusing on practices of commoning care. At present she is a doctoral candidate at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University. She cofounded  MACAO (2012), an autonomous cultural centre in Milan and SopraSotto (2013), a kindergarten self-managed by parents. She is part of research group/projects Rebelling with Care (2019), Pirate Care (2019) and Biofriction (2020).
Ana Vilenica is an urban and cultural researcher and housing activist with research interest in cultural and political action against dominant housing regimes and other urban regeneration schemes, housing of the migrants, issues related to social reproduction, care and housing, culture-led urban regeneration, developer-led art and radical housing art. Her recent work focuses on housing struggles in the UK and in the post-Yugoslav space. She is the Editor of the Radical Housing Journal and the Editor for Central and East Europe at Interface-journal for and about social movements. She (co)edited books: On the ruins of the creative city (kuda.org, 2012), Becoming a mother in neoliberal capitalism (2013, uz)bu))na)))), Fragments for the study of art organisation in Yugoslavia (kuda.org, 2020) and The art of housing struggles (forthcoming).
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superbmakerzombie · 6 years
Ana Vilenica: 'Nisam se udala jer bi to moglo sve promijeniti'
Imam osjećaj da bi nešto naopako krenulo kad bismo se vjenčali. Malo sam atipična žena, s jedne strane sam izuzetno tradicionalna, a s druge ne poštujem neka pravila, rekla je glumica Ana Vilenica (40), koja se još nije vjenčala za dugogodišnjeg dečka Edija. Dodala je kako je dosad prihvaćala većinu uloga, ali sad ipak gleda što joj odgovara, a što ne.
– Nije to biranje, nego jednostavno osjetim…
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jos-jedna-prica · 11 years
Koji je Enis kralj!
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dare-g · 2 years
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Accidental Luxuriance of the Translucent Watery Rebus (2020)
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dare-g · 2 years
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Accidental Luxuriance of the Translucent Watery Rebus (2020)
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maddalenafragnito · 5 years
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Pirate Care: Conference
The Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University, UK invites you to its second annual conference, which will explore the phenomenon of 'Pirate Care'. The term Pirate Care condenses two processes that are particularly visible at present. On the one hand, basic care provisions that were previously considered cornerstones of social life are now being pushed towards illegality, as a consequence of geopolitical reordering and the marketisation of social services. At the same time new, technologically-enabled care networks are emerging in opposition to this drive toward illegality.The conference will feature projects providing various forms of pirate care ranging from refugee assistence, healthcare, reproductive care, childcare, access to public transport, access to knowledge, a number of reflections from and on such practices, and a film programme.
Docs Not Cops + #PatientsNotPassports | The Four Thieves Vinegar Collective | Memory of the World | Planka | Power Makes Us Sick | Sea-Watch | SottoSopra pirate kindergarten | WeMake Milan + Opencare.cc | Conflict, Memory, Displacement project.
Agustina Andreoletti (Academy of Media Arts Cologne) | Mijke van der Drift (Goldsmiths / Royal Academy of Art, The Hague) | Taraneh Fazeli (curatorial fellow, Red Bull Art Detroit, Canaries collective) | Kirsten Forkert (BCU) + Janna Graham (Goldsmiths) + Victoria Mponda (Conflict, Memory, Displacement project) | Maddalena Fragnito (SottoSopra) | Chris Grodotzki + Jelka Kretzschmar (Sea-Watch) | Toufic Haddad (Kenyon Institute) | Erik Kamenjašević (University of Haague) | Andrea Liu | Power Makes Us Sick | Gilbert B. Rodman (University of Minnesota) | Zoe Romano (WeMake Milan / Opencare.cc) + Serena Cangiano (SUPSI) | Deborah Streahle (Yale) | Nick Titus (Four Thieves Vinegar Collective) | Kim Trogal (UCA) | Ana Vilenica | Kandis Williams (Cassandra Press) | John Willbanks (Sage Bionetworks).Films by Kelly Gallagher (Syracuse University)
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superbmakerzombie · 6 years
VIDEO: 'BAŠ SMO TI SE NASMIJALI K'O TELCI!' Miljenik publike Drele u sebi otkrio gorostasnu gracioznost Ljupke Dimitrovske i oduševio žiri
VIDEO: 'BAŠ SMO TI SE NASMIJALI K'O TELCI!' Miljenik publike Drele u sebi otkrio gorostasnu gracioznost Ljupke Dimitrovske i oduševio žiri
Pobjednica četvrte epizode showa “Tvoje lice zvuči poznato” je Ana Vilenica, koja je maestralno izvela hit “Smells Like Teen Spirit” benda Nirvana. Utjelovila je Kurta Cobaina, a transformacijom u legendarnog buntovnika osvojila je glasove žirija, ali i kolega. Vilenica je poslije nastupa dobila puno poruka i čestitki, no nisu baš svi bili oduševljeni – naime, njezin sin Dujam imao je zanimljivu…
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superbmakerzombie · 6 years
Nakon sjajnog nastupa Ane Vilenice 'poletjele' su stolice
Nakon sjajnog nastupa Ane Vilenice 'poletjele' su stolice
Pobjednica četvrte epizode glazbeno-zabavnog showa ‘Tvoje lice zvuči poznato’ je Ana Vilenica koja je oduševila gledatelje i žiri izvevši veliki hit ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ kao Kurt Cobain iz grupe Nirvana. Sjajnim rokerskim nastupom i transformacijom u legendarnog buntovnog glazbenika i umjetnika osvojila je žiri i dobila same pohvale. Štoviše, u emisiji su letjele i stolice koje su nakon…
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superbmakerzombie · 7 years
Pobijedit će strah od štikli, brijanja nogu, plesanja...
Pobijedit će strah od štikli, brijanja nogu, plesanja…
‘Gljiva’ je već dodijelila novim kandidatima pete sezone ‘Tvoje lice zvuči poznato’ prve transformacije. Tako će Davor Dretar Drele postati Mile Kekin, Matko Knešaurek zaplesat će kao Beyonce, Paola Valić Bekić ‘skinut’ će Bebeka, Katarina Baban probat će zanjihati bokovima poput Shakire, Amel Ćurić postaje Massimo, Ana Vilenica transformirat će se u Lady GaGu, Damir Poljičak u Amii Stewart, a…
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superbmakerzombie · 7 years
'TKO JE UBIO ZVONKA BUŠIĆA?' U prepunoj dvorani pri kraju predstave velik dio publike i glavna glumica zaplakali...
'TKO JE UBIO ZVONKA BUŠIĆA?' U prepunoj dvorani pri kraju predstave velik dio publike i glavna glumica zaplakali…
U prepunoj dvorani Centra za kulturu Trešnjevka u Zagrebu održana je premijera kazališne predstave ‘Tko je ubio Zvonka Bušića?’ u kojoj su nastupili dramski umjetnici Robert Kurbaša i Ana Vilenica. Ova predstava, koja svjedoči kako o velikoj ljubavi prema domovini tako i o nevjerojatnoj ljubavi dvoje ljudi, dirnula je u srce sve prisutne, a posebnu emociju izazvala je kada se na pozornici…
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