#ana alvarez
sahaias · 3 months
Soy Luna Season 3 Episodes 1-30 Thoughts
Okay I've been zooming through these episodes fast while I have the longest break from work I've had since I started the job.
Giving us Lumon for 10 episodes except it's only one-sided on Luna's part and she goes back on it because Nina keeps saying "maybe you're just trying to forget Matteo" is annoying
Nina, no offense, but you have the worst relationship advice fam
Simon and Luna are actually cute together, and people often forget that those in relationships should be capable of being reliable and trusted friends. Relationships don't have to have constant conflict
Poor Luna throughout all of it though. She was about to confess to Simon, only for him to say he's in love with Ambar. I would be crushed
Ambar and Simon having sexual tension in almost every scene they share is crazy for a Disney show. I get why so many people love them together so much
I also like that Simon is the one person she's not scared of being vulnerable around even with their relationship ended, that hug for comfort was everything
Sharon looking like a Dollar Store Carrie-Anne Moss is making it hard for me to take her seriously lmao
Sharon is an awful parental figure to Ambar. "You have to stay with the Valente's because I have a plan to exact revenge against them" is the worst possible thing to say to her when she was the one constant in Ambar's life from the time she was adopted
Alfredo is so stubborn, it is realistic. Old people are like that
The end of Gastina is sad, but understandable. I feel like Gaston did see the video Delfina posted about Eric and Nina and didn't assume she cheated, get mad, or anything like that. However, he was probably thinking "it's unfair for her to be committed to me when I can barely even make time for her"
Eric kind of gives me weird vibes. He's not bad, but I feel like he's an inch away from doing something to get me to dislike him. From my experience, the whole shy guy thing starts seeming like a red flag once you exit high school unless they were homeschooled or escaped an abusive situation tbh
Delfina and Pedro are boring, but I can see them being a stable couple tbh
The scenes involving Lutteo feel forced, like they are telling more than they are showing
Matteo is actually somewhat bearable this season, and I attribute that to him having actual friends beyond just Gaston (who mostly gave him advice)
The Red Sharks are absolutely insufferable. Emilia and Benicio both deserve the worst
I understand Ramiro though. He saw skating as his CAREER more than anyone else. The Jam and Roller team had nothing except each other until their video while the Red Sharks had equipment, a financier, sponsors, a rink, etc. I kind of agree with Ramiro on not feeling too bad about recording them. The whole aspect of being shunned and then "please don't release the video, we're friends" after nobody really talking to him except Jim. I'd be annoyed too
The show makes such a big deal out of Emilia kissing Matteo without his consent (which is very messed up too, don't get me wrong), but it brushed over Matteo doing the same to Luna and somewhat less with Benicio doing the same to Ambar.. I'm not sure how to feel about that
Gary is a horrible person, and Ana deserves someone who is amazing tbh. I know if I was a single 40-ish year old man dating her, I would be obsessed with treating her right and making sure she was happy
It is nice to have a very clear antagonist with a big presence like Gary though. He is lowkey an idiot because if he did things with an ounce of tact and wasn't an asshole for no reason, things wouldn't suddenly start blowing up in his face like the big lack of a coach and his team's lack of discipline (why did he stop at 4 instead of 6 lmao)
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camyfilms · 3 months
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That's right, and who are you? Friend or foe?
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dxrkenedheights · 1 year
where: supply depot with: ryan cross and isla alvarez @waterfallswords
As his day takes him to the depot, Ryan quickly spots the small wolf that had all of them close to losing their minds trying to find. It still is a surprise to see Isla in the flesh, despite sharing a cabin Ryan has to do a double take that it's a real vision. Even now when he sees her with two crates piled ontop of one another, it doesn't feel real that he's moving to the other side and swiftly taking them from her. "I got 'em." he mentions simply, nodding in the direction she was walking. "Where they gotta go?" he asks as his eyes scan through the depot and land on Lia on the opposite side. He's ready to point out the redhead to Isla, shifting the crates in his hold before he remembers the rather obvious reason why Isla might want to keep her distance. "You don't gotta work yourself to the bone helpin' around here, Isla. We get it if you and El gotta focus on what you need to. No one's gonna say a thing."
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neoyorzapoteca · 2 years
Couplets is suffused with the terrifying implications of creative will. You can shape your life — either through language or through love. “Once in a while,” the narrator says, “there would flash before you an image of yourself from the outside — towards whom, for the briefest moment, you’d be able to feel something like indifference. Just a person. Just a pronoun. Just the form you saw the world through, / soft and warm and waiting to be used by you.” If subjectivity, the “I,” can be inhabited, then it can also be created. Queerness is, then, just one answer to the “formal concern” of how to live: “finding for one’s time on earth // a shape that feels more native than imposed — / a shape in which desire, having chosen // it, can multiply.” Here, Millner reminded me of the late trans activist Lou Sullivan, who desired to be “one of those people […] that has their own interpretation of happiness.” Millner continues: “[I]sn’t love itself a type // of rhyme? And don’t gender and genre share one root?” They do — the root gene- means “to give birth” or “to form.” To engender oneself. Or, in the words of French novelist Constance Debré: “[H]omosexuality isn’t about who [you’re] fucking, it’s about who [you] become.” Becoming yourself, as adolescence teaches us, comes with a cost. For Millner’s narrator, stepping “from the script” and into her desire releases a “reckoning” that she wishes “on no one and everyone.” Yes, there is wreckage, disappointment, folly, heartbreak. But there is also the priceless conviction of knowing what you are capable of, of recognizing that you are freer than you think: “For freedom, I have learned, I’d barter // virtue every time. For any fierce, untrammeled feeling, / now I know I’d give up almost anything.”
Ana Cecilia Alvarez, The Second First Love: On Maggie Millner’s “Couplets”
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soylunaoncrack · 2 years
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Can't you see?!
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abwwia · 11 months
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Cover Up ©Ana Álvarez-Errecalde (2018)
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isadomna · 1 year
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La princesa de Éboli es, sin duda, uno de los personajes más atractivos y controvertidos de la Corte de Felipe II. En parte por su inquietante belleza, que su famoso parche en el ojo derecho hacía más provocativa, pero sobre todo por ese vaivén de su fortuna de pasar de ser la principal dama de la Corte a la que muere, caída en desgracia, en la lóbrega prisión  de Pastrana.
Nos atraen sus intrigas cortesanas, sus amoríos, sus despilfarros y, sobre todo, sus odios y sus amores. ¿Fue la amante del Rey? Al menos todo apunta a un trato íntimo con el monarca, pues era la gran amiga española de la joven reina Isabel de Valois. ¿Tuvo algún devaneo con don Juan de Austria? ¿Estuvo implicada en el asesinato de Escobedo? ¿Por qué Felipe II la condenó a reclusión perpetua? ¿De qué tenía miedo el Rey? ¿Qué le preocupaba de lo que pudiera decir Ana de Mendoza en un juicio público?
¿Temía que su relación con Antonio Pérez pusiera en peligro importantes secretos de Estado? Todas preguntas con difícil respuesta, pero de una cosa no nos cabe duda: el soberano quería a toda costa el silencio de la Princesa, incluso con su prisión. Una vida apasionante que Manuel Fernández Álvarez recrea para sus lectores.
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De doña Ana Mendoza y de la Cerda, princesa de Éboli, dijo el artista contemporáneo español Alonso de Coloma (1532-1607) que fue la única mujer 'capaz de entretejer alrededor del cuello de todo un rey una soga hecha con pasiones que estuvo a punto de acabar con un gran imperio'. Protagonista clave en ese ambiguo y para muchos inexistente Renacimiento español de la segunda mitad del siglo XVI, doña Ana de Mendoza cubre con este libro biográfico el hueco que tenía pendiente con la historiografía moderna. Heredera única de una de las estirpes más importantes de su época, los Mendoza, en sus manos también llegó a poseer una de las fortunas más grandes de momento. Hermosa, cordial, cariñosa, amable, y al mismo tiempo intrigante ambiciosa, orgullosa, o codiciosa... son muchos los calificativos que se le pueden otorgar a la princesa de Éboli, la mejor prueba, quizá, de lo difícil que resulta definir a esta mujer a la que se le han atribuido amoríos con el propio monarca y, sobre todo, con uno de sus secretarios más importantes, Antonio Pérez.
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generaldavila · 1 year
LA DISUASIÓN NO ES LO NUCLEAR. Rafael Dávila Álvarez. General de División (R.)
Disuadir se resume en desistir. Mejor no hacerlo porque… La única manera de acabar con una guerra es acabar con los recursos del atacante. Es antigua la conocida filosofía guerrera de Sun Tzu: «A un general que no cuidó de asegurar los víveres se le destruye sin pelear […]. Es gran máxima la de un general que quiere más destruir al enemigo por el hambre que a fuerza de armas». ¿Cómo disuadir? La…
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nudesnoises · 6 months
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Ana Alvarez in "Enciende mi Pasion"
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moonteaa · 4 months
Imagine with me for a moment
Characters that were close to Zelda, (Link, Tulin, Teba, Sidon, Yunobo, Riju, Impa, etc.) visiting her in her dragon form just ..keeping her company. Talking to her. Telling her stories. Comforting her. Just being with her after she had been all alone in solitude for so long, they finally found her and they just refuse to let her be alone. Bye I’m gonna cry now. ☹️
(I imagine Teba flying alongside with her and telling her that this wasn’t what he had in mind when he said he would take her flying with him one day. Stoic bird dad is devastated and wants his daughter back pls. ALSKDKDJ I’m sorry ☹️)
(I may draw this out.. forgive me.)
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sapphicbookclub · 4 months
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How To Succeed in Witchcraft by Aislinn Brophy
Shay Johnson has all the makings of a successful witch. Now that she's a junior at T.K. Anderson Magical Magnet School, she's one step closerto winning the full-ride Brockton Scholarship--her ticket into the university of her dreams. Her main competition? Ana freaking Alvarez. The key to victory? Impressing Mr. B, drama teacher and head of the scholarship committee.
When Mr. B persuades Shay to star in this year's aggressively inclusive, racially diverse musical--at their not-quite-diverse school--she agrees, wearily, even though she'll have to put up with Ana playing the other lead. But with rehearsals underway, Shay realizes Ana is...not the despicable witch she'd thought. Perhaps she could even be a friend--or more. And Shay could use someone in her corner once she finds herself on the receiving end of Mr. B's unpleasant and unwanted attention. When Shay learns she's not the first witch to experience his inappropriate behavior, she must decide if she'll come forward. But how can she speak out when the scholarship--and her future--are on the line?
Genres: urban fantasy, romance
Order from Blackwell's and get free worldwide shipping!
Listen to the book on audiobooks.com here!
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sahaias · 7 months
Soy Luna Ep 32-51 Thoughts
Yeah, I really am getting through this show fast. I used the 4 days I had off this week to binge the show lol. I normally have 3 days off, but I took one day of vacation because I was exhausted. I don't have any normal hobbies because I work nights, so I'm stuck with media consumption and cooking for the most part.
WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT KISS, MATTEO? It's not even a good "surprise kiss". Luna looked traumatized and was clearly angry afterwards. Compare it to Violetta and Leon where she was very happy it happened, and it's insane how they want us to root for Matteo. I can tell they're trying to tone him down, but I still don't like him. The whole bravado aspect of his personality is tiresome and not cute or charming
Simon contradicted himself with the "you won't lose me, Luna" after seeing the kiss. But I'll cut him a break bc it's tough to be friends with people you have feelings for, especially when you're only like 18. His new GF, Daniella, doesn't seem like a good person though, sadly. I hope his future relationships are much better
Sharon Benson is a horrible person, and I genuinely feel bad for Ambar for the absence of any parental love or concern in her life. It's clear Ambar sabotages Luna because she envies her and sees her as someone who gets/has everything she (Ambar) wants. Ambar's schemes are way less ludicrous and more believable than Ludmilla's.
Gaston having a bunch of girls chase after him is honestly super believable and funny tbh. He actually reminds me of one dude I knew who was really well-liked for being handsome and smart in high school. Also, one of the few popular people I knew who didn't post everything on IG and judge others based on that
Tino and Cato's idiocy is annoying, I've said this already. But I want to see more of the side characters who are actually interesting. I will give Soy Luna credit that it gives the side characters more plotlines than Violetta seemingly
I do not have strong feelings on Jim and Nico, but I can kind of buy it. Jim still has more chemistry with Yam.
Yam, on the other hand, I cannot see as being into Ramiro. Sorry, but she gives off 100% lesbian vibes. No way she's into men lol. Jim I can see being bi, but no way I see that with Yam.
Ricardo and Tamara I just do not see working out, but it sucks that Tamara's ex won't respect their relationship and give them space. I can already tell they're trying to set him up with Mora for the future with them having the whole gaming interest in common
It's realistic but also kinda sad how Nina's whole relationship with Xavi fizzled out the moment they could only talk online, but it reminded me a lot of how many friendships I've had online fizzle out
And now I have to sleep and prep for work tomorrow night, it's going to be a long week.
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f-cat · 5 months
I just wanted to remind you all who are following up on requests that I genuinely can’t get to them all, only maybe a few at a time. I see them and am not responding because they get removed if I do.
I can’t do them all. :)
I’m not a full-time artist and have a regular career, so please excuse me if I can’t get to yours. Just to prove I’ve seen your requests, here is everything from my inbox so far in no particular order:
Ms. Marvel
Warcraft Elf Feet
Lara Croft
Ahsoka X
Rio Morales (Game)
Rio Morales (Movie)
Rogue X
She-Hulk X
Supergirl X
Powergirl X
Powergirl being tickled
Shanna the She-Devil
Jill Valentine X
Claire Redfield X
Atom Eve
Sif (God of War)
Elena Fisher
Chloe Frazer
Honey Lemon
Gogo Tomago
Aunt Cass X
Padme Amidala
Princess Leia
Myself / FCat X
Gwen Stacy (Comics)
Gwen Stacy (Movie)
Spider-Gwen (Movie)
Mary Jane (Game)
Mary Jane (Comics) X
Captain Marvel
Black Widow
Andi X
Ulf (OC) X
Shadowheart (again)
Karlach (again)
Panam Palmer
Judy Alvarez
Hera Syndulla X
Jinx X
Vi X
Rinoa (Final Fantasy)
Quistis (Final Fantasy)
D.Va (a lot of requests)
Kiriko (also a lot)
Mercy (3 of her)
Brigitte (A lot)
April O’Neill (Fortnite)
A bunch of other models from Fortnite (3)
Ellie (The Last of Us Part II)
Yotsuyu (FFXIV)
Random woman
Elsa X
Anna X
Nani (from Lilo and Stitch)
More Wonder Woman
5 different anime characters (I can’t do these)
Superhero OC (1)
OCs from friends (2)
Ysh’tola Rhul
Bayonetta or Samus Aran
Princess Zelda (Twilight Princess)
Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
Princess Zelda (Skyward Sword)
Princess Zelda (Tears of the Kingdom)
Princess Zelda (My choice, apparently)
Darth Talon
Scarlet Witch being tickled by Agatha Harkness
Tifa Lockhart being tickled
Smothering Room Shenanigans
Old Tickling Renders
Do you RP - No
Do you RP - No
You’ll likely recognize yours. Thank you for being patient with me.
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alldancersaretalented · 2 months
Duos/Trios 23/24
Here's a small collection of Duos/Trios sorted by dance studio!
4PM Dance:
Mila Madriles, Kennadie Wright - Hey Mickey
Avi's Dance Project:
Aubree Ginter, Coraline McClintock - Only Hope
Terryn Jackson, Sydney Williams - Let Me Think
Christine He, Nicole He - Home
Mariah Merrigan, Kaydence Thomas - Secret Symphony
Aubrey Avila, Alyssa Garay - Islands
Molly Croll, Ella Siders - Stand By Me
Evianna Granado, Ana Roman - We'll Be Fine
Alexa Estep, Caylin Garcia - Song For You
Bobbie's School of Performing Arts:
?? - Not A Mountain
?? - Don't Give Me Up
?? - Life's What You Make It
?? - LiourI
?? - Only Ever Loved Your Ghost
?? - I'm Through
Canadian Dance Company:
Ellianna Buck, Olivia Colozza, Delia Wu - Freeway
Emma Lee, Emma Phillippe, Stella Savage - On Broadway
Olivia Colozza, Filip Lipiec - Hard To Handle
Alexandra de Groot, Kadence Wright, Clara Zhao - Snowing
Callista Crowe, Damian Shillis - Every Little Thing
Jessica Battley, Kadence Wright - Swing Phenomenon
Jessie Alfaro Kazula, Sabrina Digings - Feet Don't Fail Me Now
Ryan Blackburn, Callista Crowe - Anything You Can Do
Damian Shillis, Sophia Van Haastrecht - Last Night
Cydnee Abbott, Chloe Greenfield, Sadie Wen - Mind-Link
David Blackburn, Arianna Frano - Moves Like Jagger
Therese Marie Adap, Sadie Wen, Avery Yoo - Aaab
Therese Marie Adap, Oliwia Lipiec, Avery Yoo- Contra
Aliyah Demone, Irene Rose Santos, Analia Theofilopoulos - Glitch
Ella Boughner, Lauren Gibbon, Anna Volkova - Drive
Lauren Gibbon, Olivia Granic, Gabriella Seixeiro- TBA
Lauren Gibbon, Brandon Yoo- Die Trying
Olivia Granic, Gabriella Seixeiro - On The Jazz Four
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio:
Addalyn Daley, Coco Gonzales, Ivy McEwan - Run The World
Kate Baker, Violet Schwarz, Anistyn Larsen - The Grudge (Shannon Mather)
Kylie Lawrence, Elliana Wilson - Say A Little Prayer
Tessa Ohran, Rory Frye, Hadlee Heriford - We Could Stay (Noelle Marsh)
?? - Evening Ceremony
?? - Inside
Club Dance Studio:
Ellary Day Szyndlar, Sylvie Win Szyndlar - Dreamscapes (Jenn Peterson)
Ellary Day Szyndlar, Sylvie Win Szyndlar - La Rapture (Brady Farrar)
Amelia Principe, Annalisa Francis, Mackenzie Hammer - Diamonds
?? - Big Love
?? - Party Girls
Penny Harris, Brody Schaffer - My Girl
?? - Nana's Flowers
Aspen Bloem, Annelise Hseih, Ryee Kameya - Funk Soul Brother
?? - Tres Chicas
?? - Tick Tick Boom
?? - Rhythm X 2
Dance Deluxe:
Haven Bryan, Adriana Houlihan, Adaline Louderback - You're Invited
Allie Aston, Livian Bailey, Lily Conaway - Hollywood
Jake Roberts, Stella Roberts - We Go Together
Emerson Mullan, Avery Stephens, Adelina Quintanilla - Hocus Pocus
Brighton Taylor, Briele Bailey, Remi Skidmore - Big Finish
Kamdyn Arnold, Haylie Birchman, Aracely Lee - Snap
Eva Gonzalez, Remi Skidmore - Snowing
Gage Davis, Vanessa Soto - Somebody
Gage Davis, Vanessa Soto - Falling Slowly
Dance Enthusiasm:
Liesl Dowdy, Margot Phelps - Shake Your Groove Thing
Kayleigh Stoler, Violet Werner - Sign Of The Times
Julia Visan, Olivia Visan - Optical Prism
Shelby Ellis, Kayleigh Stoler - Made For You
Olivia Visan, Violet Werner - Explosion
Jazmine Raine Werner, Violet Werner - Time
Amelia Gonzales, Kayleigh Stoler - Dream On
Malia Gazda, Paige Kim - Falling Leaves
Shelby Ellis, Janea Latimer - Let Me Follow
Taelyn Albrecht, Paige Kim - Refugees
Taelyn Albrecht, Jazmine Raine Werner - One Sec
Taelyn Albrecht, Alexa Lynn - Carry You
Christina Kalafatis, Emily Zolla - Hocus Pocus
Dance Precisions:
Aliyana Denham, Aniyia Ortega, Kennedy Wong - Think
Everly Park, Skylie Schreppel, Grecia Underwood - Like This Like That
Emma Orr, Xara Sakhrani, Charlotte Stirling - Shake Your Tailfeather
Elleyna Kadera, Raegan Wendell - I Feel Good
Sydney Ko, Londyn Nevois - Nowadays
Dance Town:
Belle Marie Arauz, Amanda Carpenter - My Dolphin And Me
Krystal Alvarez, Luna Santana, Arantza Sardinha - Con Altura
?? - Without You
Elektro Dance Academy:
Niah Corpeno, June Townley - Butterfly
Elite Dance Pro:
Peyton De La Cerda, Valynnita Mei, Alice Yan - Forget About That Boy
Alexa Schwarze, Summer Skousen, Chloe Tarwater - Fleur
Olivia Quintana, Ella Rempfer, Charlotte Woodside - Bang Bang
Carlin Ciocchetti, Lily Douglas, Sophia Schiano - To Falter
Elite Danceworx:
?? - Life Is Circles
?? - Make It Matter
?? - Cranes In The Sky
?? - Third Dream
?? - Free To Form
?? - All In The Same Breath
?? - The Beauty of Dissolving Portraits
Epic Dance Complex:
?? - Let You Know
Evolve Dance Company:
Olivia Bennett, Adeline Vogt - Wash That Man
George Grech, Jaydnn Mendez - Creeks
Alexa Kunishige, Ava Sparks - Thousand Eyes
George Grech, Vivian Grech - Groove Is In The Heart
Ava Banuelos, Sienna Thor - Don't
Trinity Hastings, Tanziana Contino, Viviana Contino - Iris
Evolve Dance Complex:
Dylann Sebes, Brynley Brett - It's Raining Men
Jossi Josephic, Hallie Oberhofer, Deanna Tierno - Bites The Dust
Ella Martindale, Natalie Vinton - Sweet Dreams
Kyleigh Harbarger, Lola Rodi - Adios To You
Andrew Spalvieri, Abby Spalvieri - Devil Went Down To Georgia
Cami Vorhees, Elyse Wingertsahn - Stay Away
Samuel Evans, Onna Williams - Implacable Hearts
Evoke Dance Movement:
?? - Boogie Shoes
?? - About Today
?? - Come Let Us
Imperial Dance:
Malia Gandy, Dayana Hernandez, Sophia Solano - Took The Night
Isabella Cruz, Eliyan Rall, Zarielle Trimmings - Call Me Mother
Myla Durand, Anaya MIchell, Sofia Velazquez - Run To You
Aria Edmond, Sarai Trimmings, Savannah Yard - Secure The Bag
Sophia Basso, Sophia Solano - Mini Me
Leyla Bedoya, Marley Cheron, Gabriella Cuadrado - This Woman's Work
Aryanna Anujar, Sophia Basso, Hannah Galantai - Amor
Marlon Cheron, Layla Hernandez, Arianna Velazquez - Love Me Or Leave Me
K2 Studios:
Emery Cordero, Rylai Orozco - Safe And Sound
Belle Anguiano, Sadie Anguiano - Beautiful Thing
Juniper Balatero, Rosalind Balatero - Stand By Me
Lilly Douglas, Penelope Lee - Breakin Dishes
Ella Cordero, Alani Hernandez, Jiselle Saavedra - Dem Girlz
Riley Fernandez, Nicholas Turner - I Follow
Jessica Sutton, Rebecca Sutton - Fix You
Adiyah Ayres, Kynzli Reece - Madness
Ariana Gomez, Neriah Karmann, Nicholas Turner - Unbreak
Neriah Karmann, Abby Viramontes - Save Me
Alex Almeida, Zoey Garcia - River
Love Acierto, Alex Almeida, Jordan Wallace - Be Alright
Tessa Andelkovic, Jade Castaneda - Monsters
Larkin Dance Studio:
Stella Ames, Jade Glyzinski, Harper Kill - How Long Will I Love You
Hallee Anderson, Gigi Shea, Sailor Stormoen - Bird On A Wire
Elia Cocchiarella, Eleanor Lamers - Checkerboard
Savannah Jackson, Maylin Munos, Neala Murphy - Dream
Matinly Conrad, Chase Lang - When I Was Your Man
Evie McCune-Barrett, Truett Ziemke - As Long As You Love Me
Lexie Charnstrom, Scarlett Manzel, Evie Mccune-Barrett - Change
Maddie Kulenkamp, Brody Lanoux - Mr. Postman
Mila Ayshford, Tillie Kuhl, Palmer Peltier - The Trumpet In My Head
Lilly Anderson, Bella Charnstrom, Malia Scott - Too Tightly
Jemma Eisenbrei, Mia Kostinovski, Hailey Turnbull - Gold
Finley Ashfield, Kelsie Jacobson, Savannah Manzel - Picture Perfect
Sienna Powers, Hazel Semans, Savannah Werner - A Noise I Once Heard
Belle Hughes, Maizie Hughes - Near Me
Erik Barker, Laci Bloss - To The Moon
Lola Boisen, Sarah St Cyr - Twilight
Matissa Conrad, Tahari Conrad, Ava Rothmund - Eternal Voice
Kate Monge, Giselle Mourad, Harlow Pike - To One's Perception
Laci Bloss, Daphnie Braun, Kira Riessner - Allure
Caleb Abea, Keira Redpath - Empty Apology
Isabella Jarvis, Claire Monge, Keira Redpath - Stuck In Pause
Miami Dance Company:
Varia Mari, Brooke Martin, Kylie Sanchez - Rise Together
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy:
Lindsey Gruidel, Tatum Jackson, Savanna Pitcher - Deeper Love
Lindsey Gruidel, Tatum Jackson, Savanna Pitcher - What It Means To Be Human
Murrieta Dance Project:
Rylan Ashley, Sierra Koops - That Beautiful Sound
Lily Dejoya, Carter Ruiz - Total Eclipse
Brooklyn Coronado, Jaclyn Coronado - Can't Let Go
Kailyn Nong, Emma Vianzon - When Doves Cry
Juliana Kang, Emmersyn Van - Little Fluffy Clouds
New Level Dance Company:
Gisele Alpendre, Haley Raines - Wherever You Will Go
Francesca Caputo, Harper Stein - Until We Bleed
Natalie Frantzen, Noelle Klug - Fix You
Charlotte Danford, Beata Polunin - Paint It Black
Brooklyn Bailey, Sabryn Stein - Tragedy
Marisa Bruno, Ainsley Rice - Black Car
Charlotte Dister, Taylor Lapointe - Selah
Elle Bonner, Myiah Brown - Awards Night
Noretta Dunworth School of Dance:
Ella Saad, Sophie Saad - Venus
Lily Marshall, Daisy Nuznov - Carry Me
Maria Carpenter, Camille Moore - ??
Stella Bennett, Sophia Cialkowski - ??
Isabella Jaczynski, Danica Lentz - Tumbling Lights
Lily Saad, Mila Saad - Ain't Nothing Wrong With That
?? - Last Goodbye
?? - Lucky Ladies
?? - Big Finish
Orange County Performing Arts Academy:
Bailey Chalmers, Kiera Simon - What's On The Menu
Everleigh Alonzo, Annabelle Bright, Camila Valdez - Emergency
Harper Bridge, Elle Dahl, Raegan Gold - Conga
Olivia Montano, Hayden Peterson, Parker Seymour - Space Jam
Elizabeth Leiter, Hannah Wright - Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better
PAVE School of the Arts:
Aniston Maurer, Lola Mesa, Sophia Smith - Mr. Postman
Claire Devine, Emma Wishart - Showtime
Ashlynn Fairfield, Rebecca Kessler - Dancing Machine
Annelise Chan, Kirsten Kim - Zero To Hero
Stella Fisk, Emi Hoang - Creep (Sasha Dee)
Stella Fisk, Emi Hoang - Tightrope
Kensington Arrendondo, Talia Donaldson, Kassidy Luong - Diamonds
Paisley Branch, Kira Guchko - Angels
Kaylee Baldwin, Kaylee Townsend - Women Be Wise
Hayden Calder, Wavy Hazen - Nowadays
Joah Moore, Bryn Zimmerman - Look
Charlotte Minhas, Phoebe Black - Gimme Gimme
Oliver Hincy, Olivia Battle - Moving Pictures
Adriana Krall, Alexa Krall - It's All Coming Back To Me
Emersyn Fee, Sienna Hardin - Everytime It Rains
Kailey Longshore, Peach MIller, Ella Smallwood - Bassline
Spree Hazen, Ava Kendall - Tell Him
Ava Zimmerman, Kate Allen - Silhouete
Project 21:
Kami Couch, Katie Couch - To Cross Paths
Renner Dance Company:
?? - End Of The Line
?? - Climb Every Mountain
?? - Pixies
Charlotte Bailey, Madeline Collier - I Enjoy Being A Girl
Charlotte Lewis, Olivia Siri - Sugar And Spice
?? - Dog Days
Leighton Crump, Seneca Hrdina - Found
Emily Fedirow, Presely Krohn - Surround You
Ella Garrett, Grace Snider - Girls Night Out
?? - Never Grow Up
Rose Mangan, Brantley Meador - Dancing On The Moon
?? - You Are My Sister
?? - In The Distance
Sophia January, Stella January - Inside
Sarah Martin Duncan, Ensley King - A Winter Story
Claire Naismith, Lauren Stubbs - Ends Of The Earth
?? - Pressure
?? - What Might Have Been Lost
?? - Still Life
Stars Dance Studio:
?? - Proserpina
?? - Rollin'
?? - Mirrors
?? - Here On This Hill
Studio 19 Dance Complex:
Frances Farone, Mackenzie Smith, Leira Wilbon - California Cuties
Brynleigh Kerestes, Kallie McKenna - Small Word
Nitalia Manilla, Alessia Price - Think
Landry Blosser, Brynleigh Kerestes - Sugar And Spice
Ashlynn Bickford, Iris Edwards, Charlotte Haas Itsy Bitsy Spider
Harper Miller, Sloane Sherrets - Opposites Attract
Scarlett Fornear, Olivia Fornear - Good Company
Maddie Maker, Sadie Vaccaro - If We Hold On Together
Maddie Chiplock, Maddie Maker, Addison Smith - Venus
Claire Osche, Grace Sypien - Holly Rock
Mila Jaymes, Brooklyn Schirripa, Evelyn Woodburn - Gonna Get Ya
Carina Lavella, ?? - Mr. Sandman
Sienna Arias, Atalia Spagnolo - State Of Shock
Tia Adams, Sienna Arias, Ella Laughlin - Meeting In The Ladies Room
Sofia Farone, Brooklyn Schirripa - Good Versus Evil
Avery Organ, Evelyn Woodburn - Sassy X's Two
Camia Adams, Kendall Nace - We're Gonna Party
Gianna Cugliari, Melanie Steed - Silent Night
Gianna Cugliari, Madison Makowski, Karsyn Schifino - Choose Your Path
Alexandra Bayles, Antonia Spagnolo, Haley Steed - Scarborough Fair
Kileigh Davison, Sophia Haas, Sophia Lapina - Bad Apples
Calista Herbst, Emma Schrock - Ashes
Haley Steed, Hannah Steed - Tappin With My Twin
Lexi Pompa, Taylor Williams - Troubled Waters
Gia Booker, Aliana Spagnolo - Running With The Wolves
Ella Barch, Keira McKenna - Carry You
Mia Jackson, Ava Means - Don't Stop The Groove
Ellie Rosenwasser, Mia Mirabile - In The Hold Of A Dream (Chelsea Jennings)
Soleil Herbst, Mia Jackson - Hold Me Down
Emily Holcomb, Becca Kohler, Allie Philips - Why
Millie Julius, Rowan Mansfield, Ciera Ragula - Islands
Haley Engelmore, Raelyn Rectemwald, Kyleigh Turner - She's Not Me (Talia Flavia)
Tessa Pagone, Madeline Schrock, Addison Vargo- Hold On Tight
Studio 702:
Grace Peralta, Kamea Solidum, Reese Tolentino - Balacobaco
Aalayah Perkins, Breanna Tenney - Belly of the Beast
Charley Lehman, Faith Letourneau - Cyber Surveillance
Redle Edler, Alysa Owen - Vulgar
Studio X Dance Complex:
Emery Bourne, Braxy Montana, Karter Strong - Proud Mary
Emma Acosta, Hannah Martinez - Free Me (Victoria Wootem)
Kambria Keegan, Berkeley McGrath - Dangerous
Berkeley McGrath, Abigail Weber - Rain
Summit Dance Shoppe:
Jemma Scates, Shayla Scates - Girls Night Out
Meadow Majkrzak, Brooklyn Peterson, Malia Reuter - Luminous
Monroe Johnson, Zoey Schelitzche,  Camryn Westrum - Best Of My Love
Katy Lawrence, Tova Thompson, Greta Wagner - Stop
Audrey Boro, Nora Turunen, Finley Weigelt - I Believe
Kinsley Fairchild, Annie Zechmeister - Carmen
Lily Buchholz, Calia McArdle, Emma Misuraco-Janish - Carry You
Temecula Dance Compancy:
Amara Fisher, Alana Kalahiki, Luke Noss - A Little Less Conversation
Bailey Dalton, Teaghan O'Reilly, Cece Radach - Calling All B.B.S.
Ava Aflague, Anaya Johnson, Ava Thammavong - Soy Yo
James Hetsko, Jocelyn Hetsko - Mr. Zoot Suit
Hudson Locke, Jake Pribyl, Vera Spencer - 3D
Audrey Fite, Piper Conway, Alyssa Vinskey - It's A Mood
Andrea Tylman, Ella Zhang - Forever Friends
Paige Caveney, Giada Gariffo, Brinleigh O'Reilly - F.U.N.
Scarlett Berroteran, Ta'ina Gonzalez, Princess Sanchez - Shake That
Kyrstin Duquid, Brooklyn Powell, Ava Radach - Scheibe
Carter Roa, Lacey Walker - I Love You But Don't Trust You
?? - Diamonds
?? - Chase
?? - Skinny
The NINE Dance Academy:
Abigail Mathias, Evelyn Rego, Ella Waltman - Material Girls
Charolette Baldassarra, Laurina Lin, Gia Traficante-Petrozzi - New York New York
Sienna Di Pietro, Mia Jorge, Alina Sedova - Statues
Molly Kravetz, London Mandell, Ashley Shultz - Piano Man
Nathaniel Chua, Tristan Redly, Ashley Shultz - Is There Somebody
Emily Bertola, Jessica Brettone, Lily Kravetz - What Lies In The Balance
Nathaniel Chua, Shaunaughsey Meagher - Bound To You
The Vision Dance Alliance:
Julia Amato, Violet McGuire - Void (Jess Malafronte)
Julia Amato, Emily Polis - Willow Bends (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Emily Polis - Two Organs (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Maddie Polis, Emily Polis - You Are Every Memory (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Hannah Beatty - Claim It (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Maddie Polis - Human Touch (Jess Malafronte)
Vlad's Dance Company:
?? - Without Hesitation
?? - Not To Be Forgotten
Westside Dance Project:
Isabella Kouznetsova, Diana Kouznetsova - Cells Divide (Timmy Blankenship)
Isabella Kouznetsova, Diana Kouznetsova - Sharp Dialogue (Alina Krasovskaya)
Esme Chou, Tegan Chou - Amaru
West Florida Dance Company:
Marlow Hess, Lola Bryant - All That Jazz (Jess Disalvo)
Macey Strickland, Stella Brogan - Shot Me Down (Struther White)
Scarlett Griffin, Sophia Griffin - If I Could
Lily Hackney, Reagan Hess, Desa Jankes - Movies (Jess Disalvo)
Ava Kim, Natalie Kim - Sunshine
Bella DiBenedetto, Aubrey Haugh - Swim Good
Stella Fowler, Caleb Monnell - Your Angel
Hudson Heath, Caleb Monnell, Indy Ray - Bad Romance
Woodbury Dance Center:
Ian Stegeman, Skylar Wong - Depth Over Distance
Wyatt Brisson, Klaire Simek - What Weighs Me Down
Caleigh Proulx, Samuel Sharp Jr. - Glacier
West Coast School of the Arts:
Isla Benedetti, Olivia Conner, Aubrey Minadeo - Werk
Kinsley Cooper, Larkin Low, Paige Perez - Jail House Rock
Genevieve Lee, Marlee Ninofranco - Eyes In The Back Of My Head
Lily Meghdadi, Mila Osgood - Young And Beautiful
Skylar Nixon, Dakotah Robinett - Play That Sax
Alexa Perez, Mackenzie Perez - Opening Up
McKinley Barragan, Kensie Lee, Ayla Mohtashami - In The Zone
Madison Fontanilla, Marlee Ninofranco - Journey Of You And I
Lyric Low, Camdyn Mitchell, Makayla Tran - Everybody Needs A Best Friend
Ally Cheung, Casey Cheung - How It Ends
Leyna Huynh, Sophia Thayer-Pham - Move
Ally Cheung, Gabi D'Ambra, Sophia Oppegard - Poison And Wine
Yoko's Dance and Performing Arts Academy:
Priscilla Huang, Isabelle Shi, Grace Yan - Firework
Arielle Konaris, Anaya Seals, Avery Yamaguchi - I'll Get You Home
Michelle C. Wang, Alexander Wang - Why Don't You
Kaelani Carlson, Isabel Dela Cruz - When The Party's Over
Fiona Wu, Raina Wu - Bitter And Sweet (Megan Ellis)
Avery Du, Grace Koo - Black Horse And A Cherry Tree
Samantha Tan, Isabelle Tang - How To Save A Life
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autumnrevisited · 7 months
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Thursday performing War All the Time in Santa Ana, CA. 02.20.2024
Photos by James Alvarez.
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mylifeincinema · 9 months
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My 15 Most Anticipated Films of 2024!!
These are far from definitive, and quickly thrown together just right now. I'm missing a bunch that I'm legitimately excited over as opposed to some of these that I'm just kinda looking forward to, but I'm blanking on them, right now, so y'all get these, instead. Enjoy!
Madame Web (S.J. Clarkson, 2024) – 2.14.24 Meh... kinda looks garbage, but Sydney Sweeney as Spider-Woman, so... yeah.
Dune: Part Two (Denis Villeneuve, 2024) – 3.1.24 Part One felt too incomplete to not be excited for this. Hopefully the pacing is better.
Mickey 17 (Bong Joon Ho, 2024) – 3.29.24 Thoroughly enjoyed the book and I love Bong Joon Ho.
Civil War (Alex Garland, 2024) – 4.26.24 The scope of the trailer sold me.
Challengers (Luca Guadagnino, 2024) – 4.26.24 Zendaya + Guadagnino has me sold.
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (George Miller, 2024) – 5.24.24 Haaave you seen Fury Road?!?
Ballerina (Len Wiseman, 2024) – 6.7.24 Ana de Armas in a John Wick spinoff... yes, please.
Inside Out 2 (Kelsey Mann, 2024) – 6.14.24 The first was so emotionally rich. I want Pixar to make me cry again.
The Bikeriders (Jeff Nichols, 2024) – 6.21.24 Love Nichols' previous films. Excited to see what he delivers with this cast.
Deadpool 3 (Shawn Levy, 2024) – 7.26.24 Wade + Logan Forever.
Alien: Romulus (Fede Alvarez, 2024) – 8.16.24 Huge fan of the franchise, won't ever not be excited for an Alien movie.
Beetlejuice 2 (Tim Burton, 2024) – 9.6.24 God, the first is just perfection, skeptical but excited to see what Burton has up his sleeves for this one.
Joker: Folie à Deux (Todd Phillips, 2024) – 10.4.24 First was meg, overall, but Phoenix was fantastic, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Lady Gaga does with Harley Quinn.
Gladiator 2 (Ridley Scott, 2024) – 11.22.24 Meh... this is here because of Ridley and Denzel.
Nosferatu (Robert Eggers, 2024) – 12.25.24 My actual most anticipated film of 2024. Hate that Anya isn't attached, but the promotional stills have killed any doubts I might've had.
There they are!
As for My Best of 2023, once again all of the major lists will not be getting posted until mid-January, but I’m going to try to get some of the early lists – such as Posters & TV – sorted and posted over the next week or two. Please Feel Free to Follow Along So You Don’t Miss Anything!
Stay Tuned!
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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